My Brothers Wedding, A Short Great Shift Story free porn video

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Part i Thomas Carter walked down the isle of the church, with Maria Garcia Miranda Estrada, everyone called her Maria Estrata though. Thomas was my brother, he was 16 years older than me. I am Alex Carter, I'm a bit on the short side for 13 years old, but it never bothered me. I have short red hair. I was a classic 'nerd', large thick glasses, and acne that could stop a train. Thomas was wearing a tuxedo, and he was the captain of the regional rugby team and kept in very good shape. Maria was a personal trainer, and was hot & sexy! Her natural 36DD breasts were perfectly positioned in her red strapless wedding gown. She had a classic goddess figure, perfect breasts, thin waist, great ass. She was originally from cuba, and had an exotic beauty about her. She had long, jet black hair. Thomas sure was one lucky guy. Lucky me, I had to stay up all night writing a speech about their marriage! But I really didn't know anything about Maria, so I asked her questions, got to know her. I was standing in the third row, watching the minister saying 'man and wife', Maria kissing thomas, long and hard, both of them pulling out, smiling... *** Chapter 1: 'I must have dozed off, wait' I thought, staring at the hands that were rubbing my eyes, 'Nail Polish? I don't wear...'. I stopped, two, huge mounds of flesh, breasts were pressing against a tight black bra, which was pressing against my red sleeveless gown. I raised one of my feminine hands and squeezed one of my breasts, it was real alright, they both were. I raised a hand to my face, and felt the smooth angelic form that I had seen Maria present to the world. At least it was an improvement, Geek to Goddess! I saw Thomas approached me quickly. "Are you still you?" he said, grabbing me at the shoulders. I had a split second to decide, go back to my old self, or stay like this, I could easily fake it because I had asked her so many questions, I looked down at my huge, perfect tits... "Yes," I answered, he sighed out of relief, and kissed me passionately. I replied with a little tongue action. I felt my nipples grow hard, and, what must've been my new female 'equipment' got very wet. We just stood there kissing, when I pulled out. "Are you, you?" I asked him, sounding a bit frightened. "Yes," ke said, leaning down for another tongue wrestling match. I realized that the bulge I felt pressing against me was my brother's erect penis. I giggled to myself. "Attention please," said my former grandmother, she was standing at a mic stand, "There seems to have been some kind of 'mind swap'. I for instance am, the host, Eddie Carter, but now I'm my wife's mother!" She began pointing to my original body, "And my wife has been placed in the body of our son! So I ask you to, calmly find _your_ former body, and, I don't know, start talking with that person or something!" I whispered in Thomas' ear, "We were the lucky ones, Tom." Maria had told me that he liked it when she called him that. "Didn't get swapped, did we? When this is all sorted out, let's get up to our honeymoon suit, celebrate our little miracle!" I licked his ear, he kissed me passionately. Yeah he was my brother, but I dont care, because I was his wife now! "I'll be right back, I want to see if I can help anyone, I also want to find out who is who!" I said,stepping away from him, I took a few shaky steps, and peered down at my feet to see that I was wearing 4-inch heels! After a few more steps, I got used to it. "Jeremy baby," I heard the body of my 7 year old cousin say to the body of my mother, "don't do that in public." My mom's body was removing her bra, her dress was a few feet away on the floor. "Whoa, I got boobies!" I heard her say, squeezing her breasts. Then I passed my friend's, Emma and Sam. It seemed that they had switched bodies, I didn't say anything because I 'didn't know them'. I ran into my grandfather, he was lying, dead, on a stretcher. I felt sad for him. I had been really close to my grandfather. "I feel sorry for the poor chap who got switched into that form," I heard a soft angelic voice say, to my left. It was my step-sister. She was hot, 16 years old, and now had the mind of a 62 year old man. "Give me my body back!" a voice yelled in my ear, 'Oh no' I thought, 'Maria found me.' But, my 3 year old cousin, Jeff, was yelling at my step sister. I privately giggled to myself, "My bitchy step-sister has ended up as a 3 year old!" I walked towards the bathroom, and almost turned towards the mens. I entered the ladies washroom, it was much nicer than the men's. I froze when I saw my self in the mirror, the beautiful, angelic face of Maria Estrata stared back at me. I raised my hand to my ruby red lips and blew myself a kiss. After fixing my hair, I walked back into the chaos. I came across the body of my Uncle Harry, or at least his body, Harry was a large guy, and only 38. He was a football linebacker in college, and a pretty big guy. "Nice Jugs," he said, as I walked past. I turned and slapped him across the face. After recovering, he grabbed my wrists, and kissed me, I kicked his dick and punched him in the face, he tried to slap me but I caught his hand and punched him again. He stumbled back, and then ran at me, I performed a Judo over-the-shoulder takedown, and he landed on his back. I knew Maria was a black-belt, but to be such a strong sexy babe, I just took down a guy that was twice my size. I knew that Harry wouldn't normally act like that, so it must have been someone else, in his body. 'I am so sexy,' I though to myself, walking back towards Thomas, I was attracting a lot of looks from people, "Yo," a voice from behind me said. I spun around, it was my cousin, Ashley, she was 34, and such a bitch. She inherited about 5 million dollars when her husband died suddenly, after mourning for a week or two, she paid a visit to beverly hills. Her measurements were 30"A - 60" - 82" before she went to LA, now, 38"F - 20" - 36", she got the full makeover. Behind her back she was often called 'the Plastic bitch'. She was always so full of herself. "What?" I asked placing my hands on my hips. "Look, I have no idea what just happened to me, one minute I was a 14 year old guy taking a math test, the next I'm a hot chick with a huge rack, and long blonde hair." "There has been some kind of mind-swap," I said taking my hands off of my hips. Then I heard a voice speaking over the mic. "Okay, so like, please leave the building in a like, orderly fashion, we like, need to clean up." It sounded like a ditzy teenage girl, it looked like a 52 year old man. Thomas found me, he kissed me, and we both fell to the ground, we locked lips, and our tongues met. He began to pull off my dress. "Wait until tonight," I said pulling out and standing up. *** Thomas held me in his arms as he carried me across the doorway of our honeymoon suite. The world switching bodies was not going to stop me and Thomas from having our honeymoon, and great, great sex! He sat on the bed and began to remove his clothes, I took off the dress and was standing there, in my bra and panties. I approached him, slowly and seductively, I began to remove my bra, very slowly. I threw it away. I spun around to face him. My huge tit's swinging freely now,'damn they really are huge' I thought raising up my hands and grabbing my breasts, they were very heavy without the support of a bra. I slowly removed my panties. We were both completely naked. He had a woody, and his dick must have been 11" long. I smiled. I kissed him, and our tongues met, I felt my breasts press against him. He stuck his penis into me. I pushed him deeper, deeper. I moaned in pleasure. I don't know how much time had past, but we must have stayed in that position for at least 4 hours. Then, Thomas finally cummed into me, and I had my first orgasm. I screamed in pleasure, it was the most wonderful sensation that I ever felt. I felt my tit's swell as I pressed his member deeper inside me, all the way. I had another orgasm. It was perfect. I loved it so much, I wished it would never end. But eventually it did, and we both went to sleep. Me, with a great smile on my face, this was going to be great. The next day I woke up, put a bra and panties on, then used the hotel's private internet service to check up on female hygiene, periods, that sort of thing.Thomas was still sleeping, at about noon, I walked over to the bed and I began to stroke his erect member. He woke up, kissed me, squeezed my tit, and then, walked into the bathroom, I heard water running. 'Men' I couldn't help myself from thinking. Women really did have control. I pulled my bra straps down over my shoulders, keeping my bra still on. 'I'm so sexy' I though to myself, staring in a full length mirror at the end of the room. I sat down on the bed. "Tom," I called, he walked out, holding a towel around his waist. I got up from the bed, and began to walk seductively towards him. I could see the towel beginning to bulge. I kissed him, and grabbed him. My bra was beginning to fall off. I pushed him back into the washroom. The large bathtub was full of steaming water. I pulled off my bra and panties, and entered the tub. Thomas followed, removing his towel. We grappled each other, right there in the tub, and we had sex. It was even better than before. We were both one, bonded by pleasure. I felt him cum into me, and I climaxed. I pulled out of our kiss for a moment, and howled with joy. Then, his large cock still penetrating me, I looked at him, and he looked at me, and I licked my lips... THE END? Plz give my comments, this is my first story.

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The Great Shift Teens

The Great Shift: Teens By Brad Miller Part 1 Ah The Great Shift. It was a great shift indeed. It totally changed my life, along with the rest of the world. So I'll start from the beginning. My name is Steve. I'm your average 15 year old kid. Not to popular, but not a loser. In fact I'm far from a loser, so lets move on. Many girls at school think I'm cute but I got my eye set on someone unparticular. Her name is Rachel. She's a cute latina about 5'7, brown hair with...

1 year ago
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Great Shift A New Day Dawns

The Great Shift: A New Day Dawns By The Rebel I swear to you that this story is true; it's a real life tale of good and evil, of shame and redemption. It's Jared's story. I will tell it to you as I heard it long ago on that long night under the stars. Jared at 24, a good-looking guy, tall and sandy haired, all the women for miles around near swooned when they see his bronze muscles. Jared was living with Linda Day his fianc?e and live-in girlfriend when all this took place. She w...

4 years ago
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Elise Plans a Wedding

Author's Note: Most of the characters in this story have been introduced in my other writings (sort of a story ecosystem). All of those stories are somewhat linked in that they all take place in the same locales in a progressive mid-American city even though the characters usually only have a peripheral relationship (eg hang out at the same bar, work at the same company, go to the same school). The main characters here, Elena and Zoe, were introduced in "Bianca" as two homeless kids...

2 years ago
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Masters Wedding

Master’s Weddingi am sure few brides, at least in this country, have had as little to do with the planning of their wedding as i.Master planned the entire event; the date, the time, the location, the guests, the food, the music and, of course, the bride’s apparel. Not only did i have little input, but i had little prior knowledge of the event. For sometime i have known the date, but almost nothing else. i had not been told where W/we would be married, who would be there, or what i would wear....

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Blushing Bride Part Five The Wedding Night

Blushing Bride - Part 5: The Wedding Night by Richard-to-Rachel I guess it's natural to be full of nerves and second thoughts on your wedding day but I'm not sure how many grooms have the sort of thoughts that I was having on the morning of my wedding. It wasn't that I wasn't very much in love with Gina, my beautiful fiancee, my dream woman with blonde hair and dark skin, a woman who had always been so loving and generous to me. It was just that between...

1 year ago
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The Best Stand at the Wedding Fair

THE BEST STAND AT THE WEDDING FAIR by Angela Dee North PROLOGUE "Listen, Bridie, I said I was sorry! What more can I do?" I was in the doghouse with my wife yet again. I'd completely forgotten to collect a parcel from the Post Office depot. Now it was too late. The depot had closed an hour ago, and Bridie had wanted the parcel today. "For god's sake, Terry!" she fumed. "You know perfectly well how much I needed that mannequin for the show tomorrow! It was going to be...

1 year ago
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Double Wedding

Fiction : I was about to marry my c***dhood sweetheart Paula Rother. I loved her and she loved me but it hadn't been straightforward. After school she went to Manchester University while I went to work at a local accountants as a lowly paid junior clerk. She said we where inseparable but during the two years she was away she met Graham. I was heart broken and knew I was beaten. He was incredibly bright, handsome, popular and with wealthy parents. Apparently everything he did was successful and...

2 years ago
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The Chauffeur 48 The Wedding

By PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2019 CHAPTER 1 As each day passed, I could see John getting more nervous about the upcoming nuptials. I took him to the Ralph Lauren store to buy him his tuxedo as well as mine and Fred’s. At first, John wanted this tuxedo that looked like he was getting ready to pull bunnies out of a hat. Fred and I just stood there watching him bounce from display to display before Fred offered, “John, why don’t you let David and me help you pick out your tuxedo?” John thought...

3 years ago
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The Wedding Dress Club

The Wedding Dress Club When I met Sean, I was convinced I'd found the perfect man. And as he recited his vows to me on our wedding day, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. I was marrying a man who was promising to care for me and love me unconditionally for the rest of our lives. He told me he adored more than any other woman in the whole world. Things were great for the first few years, I loved being married and we had a lot of fun together. Our friends would comment on how...

4 years ago
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Alterations In the Wedding Party

Author note - I know I've said in the past that I have moved away from a desire to write magic type stories, and I still am not fond of them, but many, if not most, of my stories arise from me seeing a picture - any picture actually that grabs my attention - and beginning to wonder what the back-story here is, how did this person or these people wind up like this and what will happen next. And even if it's from another story, I basically ignore that and start fantasizing my own version....

3 years ago
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Our Cuckold Wedding Part One

I had been dating Jen for just over a year when we decided to finally tie the knot and get married.Jen was twenty-eight-years-old and had one broken marriage behind her. She married when she was just eighteen and against her parent’s advice, she married the guy who turned out to be an abusive drunk.The marriage ended two years later and her previous experience did put her off trying to find the right guy; she didn’t believe that he was out there. Jen is slim build, smallish thirty-four B cup...

1 year ago
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GS A Wedding to Remember

GS: A Wedding to Remember By Julie Every girl dreams about what her wedding is going to be like. Who she will marry, what she will wear, what the church looks like, etc. Shelly was no different. She had dreamed of a small wedding with just family and very close friends in a chapel that had numerous stained glass windows. When Josh Anderson, the love of her life, asked her to marry him, she knew exactly what she wanted. She began looking for and found a small chapel in a...

2 years ago
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Flight 428 The Great Shift

Flight 428 : The great shift by Eric Flight 428 startled prosaic enough. The usual average group of passengers were finally struggling their way on board. The only exciting thing was the presence of Clint Eastwood and Sandra Bullock in First Class - . The passengers' gawked for a moment then filed on pass to fight for overhead space for the luggage they should have checked. An obvious honeymoon couple were laughing and holding hands. He was very large and she was endearingly...

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The Great Shift The Perfect Crime

The Great Shift: The Perfect Crime by DC I sometimes wonder how my life would have went if my wife had not been cheating on me. I would have still had a drinking problem, but I wouldn't have gone into the jealous rage that caused me to attack her lover. I honestly went there to talk, well okay yell, at him but he set me off and the next thing I knew, I snapped his neck and he died instantly. That wimp didn't stand a chance. I have military training in hand-to-hand combat...

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my aunts wedding true story

It was a Saturday morning my Aunts big day, I arrived at her house early looking dashing im my black tux. She was getting her make-up done while i was chatting with a few family members and friends. After a while i went to greet my aunt, congratulate her on her big day. She then introduced me to her bridesmaids and that's when i saw her, she was wearing a pink saree exposing her toned stomach, long black hair, big plum lips. "This is Hani" my aunt said to me "hi" I said to her nervously, "hi...

4 years ago
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An Uninvited Wedding Guest

Becky Hamilton was upset she had gotten stuck working a double shift on such a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon. She was a front desk attendant at the River Star Plaza hotel, and the person who was supposed to be working the desk tonight had called in "sick". Becky tried calling backups from the list, but oddly enough not one of the people on the list seemed to want to answer their phone on a beautiful summer's day. This had forced Becky to work a double. Of course, Becky had...

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Wedding Night Part One

As a tranny callboy/escort, I was always fulfilling the fantasies of lots of gay and bisexual men. But there was a fantasy of my own I had had for awhile that I wanted to fulfill with a handsome bisexual escort myself. I wanted to hire a handsome stud escort to pretend he was my hubby and have honeymoon sex with me like I was a bride on her wedding night.Every single girl fantasizes about having a big handsome man to please every night, to sleep with her and spoon together after sex, feeling...

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Darlenes Wedding

Darlene's Wedding By Ricky Don... Ah the lunchroom. The camaraderie, the pleasant conversation, the sophisticated repartee, the ever present smell of cutting fluid and hot metal that pervades any machine shop. And don't forget the misogyny, profanity, and homophobia. Really, it's not that bad, at least I don't have to put up with the smokers since the county banned smoking indoors. Actually, I kind of like the ambience of the lunchroom most of the time. ...

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