Hanna Part 3 free porn video

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Hanna part 3 It was morning, but not mourning. Hanna slowly awoke, this time in what she assumed to be the cold, harsh reality, save for one thing. The one thing that made her feel at ease was the fact that she had her arms around her lover. Strange dream-images of power and conquest filled her time between waking and sleep. What had it all been? A sign of better things to come? Or merely false hope? Feeling a bit confused, she moved a bit closer to her lover, pressing her breasts against the angel's back. How strange to feel something so soft and feminine, so close to her, when merely a few days ago this creature of sensuality had been a man, penetrating her. It seemed all too strange to be real, and yet it was. She stretched all of her body, with a pleasant yawn. The stirring caused Auryn to wake. Sleepily she mumbled, "Hmmm, last night was incredible, if it were any other place but here I would've wanted to stay there forever." Hanna's fingers traced soft lines on her lover's body as she replied, "I have a feeling that we're going to be all right, something in my dreams comforted me. I think I saved you from Zevorlin," she added, though doubting her own memory a bit. "I'm starting to believe that despite of all the doctor's confidence we can escape from this place." Auryn looked doubtful and hopeful at the same time. She looked into Hanna's eyes in a way that would melt even Margaret Thatcher's heart. She moved closer to her companion in troubled times. They sought warmt and comfort in each other's presence. If they closed their eyes, everything seemed almost perfect. Almost, for they were still in the castle. Still in the evil clutches of a deranged scientist, who'd transformed them and was trying to brainwash them. Hanna feared that the professor had implanted emotional responses into their minds, and that he was trying to make slaves out of them. In fact, she was quite sure of it. There had to be some way to find out the extent of the changes Zevorlin had made. For all his supposed genius, the doctor was pretty careless when it came to hiding his research data. He had papers full of notes and (often demented) scribblings lying all over his laboratory. Maybe he'd never figured Hank for the kind of person or octopus who would use the knowledge of science against him. In a way Zevorlin had been right. Hanna could've slapped her former self for not seeing the possibilities. "If the doctor keeps a record of almost everything, maybe there is a way to find out what changes he has made to our brains, and what kind of fail-safes he implanted." Someone like Zevorlin was sure to have a few tricks up his sleave. Hanna was determined to find out what those were. She needed a plan... Meanwhile, the 'good' doctor was busying himself with a new project: to become a man of might in all aspects. He wondered to himself why he hadn't thought of this before, while whistling the theme to Twin Peaks. He'd decided to start making the necessary alterations to the transformation device, in order to facilitate his impending bodily change. The harrowing dream he had the night before had left him quite shaken for a while. In the back of his mind, he remembered being humiliated by the creature he had created. With her fierce appearance in the dream, Hanna had stirred up old memories inside Zevorlin. He remembered the way his mother had always seemed to tower over him, even when he was already an adult. Her clear and dominating voice still rang through his ears, as he tried to stem the noise by making a lot of his own. He clanged and hammered away at the device, adding knobs and dials here and there. Then he went on to rewire wires and reprogram programming. The difficulty laid mostly in the problem of mass-distribution in the transformation process. After all, Zevorlin was a pretty weak specimen of manhood in aspects of physical appearance. He was not very tall and thin yet flabby in undesirable places. Through his many years of tending to mad science he'd developed a hunch, and a very weak constitution in general. How this body was to be transformed into that of a man with bulging muscles and top physical fitness without much mass to sculpt from was the biggest problem. The transformation of Auryn had been very easy. The mass that needed to be redistributed was already present, and the excess had been neatly poured (as a kind of jelly) into a small waste disposal basket. It looked a little like bodyfat, only it had an orange colour to it. Hank in his octopus form had been in general smaller than the average human, but the density of his body was such that redistribution was easy. The density of course had come from the fact that Hank then needed to be able to move around without the added benefit of water surrounding and supporting him. Zevorlin, on the other hand, had little excess mass to redistribute. In fact, if the only thing that the transformation device had to go on was his own body, the best body he could hope would be that of a midget bodybuilder. Dead mass was no good, he needed living cells. The body could not cope with an introduction of too many decaying or already decayed tissue. The prospect of using a live animal and coming out looking like a freakshow attraction didn't appeal that much to him either. In short, he seemed to be stuck. What could he use to create enough mass for redistribution without causing undesirable side-effects? The machine was ready to go, and yet the mad scientist found himself facing the limits of the very laws of physics. After a few minutes of fearless pondering, Zevorlin got an idea. If nature wasn't going to allow strange foreign or dead tissue to be beneficial, why not use his own? He still had an old cloning vat lying around somewhere, he could just use his own cells to create some living tissue! He began to search for a syringe, to take some of his DNA, thinking about how great it would be to actually become a Greek God. The power, the feeling! Once he'd found the syringe (in a sock drawer) and the cloning vat (below the sock drawer), he started working. The machine was dusty and a few decades old, and there were still some sheep-particles that had to be scraped off the inside, but it seemed to be operational. The nuclear energy that fueled it would last at least for another century, which was incidentally one of the many centuries Zevorlin now intended to live. Once he'd hooked up the machine to other very necessary computerized gizmos, and made a small preparate of his DNA, the machine was ready to go. In a few hours, the cells of his DNA would be combined to form new living tissue. Although Zevorlin found himself unwilling to wait for even so short a time, he considered some entertainment would be in order. And what better entertainment could there be than the company of two luscious young women? "Hanna, Auryn, come to the living den immediately! Oh, but dress for a nice occasion first," shouted the intercom, startling the two women. Hanna frowned as Auryn worriedly asked, "What do you think he wants from us?" "Probably nothing good," was the reply. "I think that mad old fart is up to something." Still, despite their worries, the ladies found themselves standing before the large, opened closet doors, trying to pick out the right attire. "This might look very nice on you," Hanna said, holding up a simple yet classy evening gown, low cut. Auryn sadly stated, "I can't believe how much I've changed, I'm actually liking the idea of wearing this, and wondering even what shoes to wear with it. This is crazy! I can't seem to help myself thinking these thoughts. I know I used to be a guy, but I'm actually thinking of him as a separate person now. It's been only a day, this can't be..." Hanna stopped her, "Look I know how you feel, but for the moment, I think it would be best not to let ourselves be dragged down. There is a way out of this I know, but you 've got to trust me when I say this isn't the right time to be weak. If anything, we have to be stronger than ever if we are to free ourselves." Auryn looked down despondantly, but quietly nodded after a few seconds. "You're probably right, but I'm scared of what that asshole is going to do to us." Hanna moved closer towards her lover, her hand moving to comfort her. As she softly stroked Auryn's arm, Hanna assured her that everything would be alright. "I know it, I've got a strange feeling it'll work out, call it female intuition." Auryn softly laughed, "I bet you'll tell me next all men are the same and chocolate is better than sex." Hanna, surprised, laughed as well, "That all depends on the author's love for clich? storytelling. But I doubt anything could be better than having sex with you." After a short but passionate kiss, the two donned their attire and found themselves walking down the stairs towards the castle's grand living room, holding hands. As they entered the den together, they found Zevorlin standing by the liquor cabinet, smiling smugly. "I see some female bonding has taken place. You two sure have taken a liking to one another." Auryn squeezed Hanna's hand a little more at this. "Come my two lovelies, join me, and we shall share a wine any frenchman would mudwrestle his own mother for." Without uttering a word, Hanna and Auryn moved towards the liquor cabinet. After each had taken a glass of wine and the two women had taken a revolting kiss on the mouth from Zevorlin, they sat down on the large sofa together. The doctor insisted that he be seated in the middle, between them. After a few quiet moments, he said, trying to act casually, "You can't seem to hide your disgust very well, ladies. But all that is soon to change. Once the chemical alterations have run their course, and once you see the new me, there will be no protesting, even in thought." Hanna was startled at the uttering of these words, but kept her demeanor indifferent for Auryn's sake. "I was wondering," she said, "how is it that a substance, for I assume it is liquid in form, works as well with humans as octopods? Isn't their physiology too different?" Zevorlin, grinning, replied, "Although it hardly classifies as casual conversation, I'll indulge you on this. Seeing as you two must surely be thinking about some method of escape, it can't hurt to remind you of the extent of your slavery. You see, the substance now in your brains, as you have rightly guessed, is a liquid one, it travels to the brain via the nerves in your spinal chord. Once there, it releases a steady stream of female hormones as well as my own patented nerve and braincell- altering invention, with which name I shan't bother you with. The substance takes about a week to fully remap and feminize your brains, so you have untill next week to say goodbye to your old genderpatterns. Furthermore, an added plus is that the voice-control I have over you will grow stronger untill the sound of my voice will be enough to cause physiological changes in your bodies. I could tell you to come, and you would come, internally..." Zevorlin took a sip from his wine and grinned devilishly. Auryn and Hanna remained silent as Zevorlin continued, "But for now, instead of talking about these things, why don't we try something more pleasant? Auryn, why don't you strip for Hanna and me?" Auryn slowly got up, but instead of giving Zevorlin the satisfaction of appearing shocked or sad, she just asked, "Stripping without music is a bit difficult wouldn't you think?" The doctor got up off the couch and started to peruse his very dusty record collection. While Zevorlin was trying to find the right kind of music, Hanna and Auryn made reassuring eye-contact, strengthening Auryn. Soon, the crackling of an record began and a voice proclaimed, "...Girl, you'll be a woman soon..." Auryn swayed her hips to the soft rhythm of the song, suddenly seeming the epitomy of sexy womanhood. Although the dress she had on wasn't really meant for a stripshow, she managed to make every move to undress exude feminine grace and sexiness. She slowly swayed across the room, trying always to maintain eye-contact with Hanna rather than looking at Zevorlin, who was rapidly becoming aroused. An unimpressive bulge could be seen through his fading grey pants. After a while, Auryn had dropped the dress casually on to the floor. With her petite, sexy appearance moving sexily in sync with the music, Auryn found Zevorlin enthralled with her every move. Zevorlin quickly told Hanna to sit on his lap, while he undid his zipper. Seeing this, Auryn turned her sexy dance up another notch, still her eyes locked firmly with Hanna's, who looked devoted to drinking in her lover's every move. Auryn removed her sexy lace panties slowly as she swayed. Before Zevorlin could try and enter Hanna sitting on his lap, the sight of Auryn finally removing her lacy bra proved too much and drove him to an untimely orgasm. His erection melting away, Zevorlin blushed furiously and became quite angry at the same time. After pushing Hanna aside, he put his small penis back in his pants before yelling at them both to get out. Hanna and Auryn did so, immediately, Auryn leaving the room still undressed save for the heels she wore. Once out of the doctor's range of hearing, they started giggling like two schoolgirls. Once they'd returned to their room, the laughter had subsided a bit, and the lingering heat that Auryn had instilled in Hanna began to resurface again. As she moved closer to her lover, Hanna whispered, "That was by far the best stripshow I've ever had the honor of watching, you were amazing." Auryn licked her lips and replied, "Would you be kind enough to return the favor?" Zevorlin was furously pacing back and forth in his laboratory while the cloning vat was humming in the background. His mother's voice was a plague in his ears, "You are the weakest excuse for a man, ever! One look at a woman and you cream your pants, how pathetic! How can you call yourself anything other than a weakling? If only you'd been a daughter to me, you would have known the fine art of magic, learned truth instead of that blasted science!" Zevorlin only had troubles with hearing his mother's voice when he was extremely emotional. Usually, he could divert his mind enough to drown out her scalding remarks. But the scene in the den had struck a sensitive nerve inside of him. It reminded him of his own failure as a man. And yet it only strengthened his resolve to gain through science what nature had failed togive him. Magic, Bah! Science would answer all, change all and make right what no amount of chanting, spell-binding or religious hogwash could alter. He would become that which Nature had withheld from him. As if to reply on his own thoughts, the cloning vat went, "PING!," and a mechanical voice spoke, "Cloning process complete, living tissue available for extraction." Zevorlin hurried towards the cloning vat and took a quivering mass of skin, nerves and bodyfat out of it. He then proceeded to put the mass inside a special container attached to the transformation device. Now hurrying, the professor made some final adjustment to the programming, twisted the right dials and pushed some generic button-like buttons. Once satisfied with the preparations, Zevorlin stepped inside the machine and used his voice to activate the transformation process, "Commence Morphing Procedure A25." Zevorlin turned blind, but only for a moment as the entire world seemed to disappear. He knew that to anyone looking at the machine, it would appear that he was shimmering in and out of existence. A tingling sensation washed over him, and he felt strange forces mold and stretch his entire body. Sometimes painful, sometimes tickling, it was as if a thousand different hands were shaping him. Once the program had run its course, the world reappeared and bombarded Zevorlin with new experiences. His senses were all enhanced, he could smell the peanut- butter and mustard sandwhich on the other side of the big laboratory, his eyes now registered every inch of the room, it was amazing! Although Zevorlin knew what his body would look like from the images in his head, he was still very curious to view the body he now inhabited in real life. He stepped away from the machine and started moving towards the large mirror. He noticed his long, confident stride, and started flexing his muscles. When he got to the mirror, he grinned a smile that spelled great trouble for our two heroines. He was at least two metres tall, rippling with muscles. He took on some bodybuilder poses for the mirror, suppressing the urge to start laughing insanely. His face was ruggedly handsome, though shaven clean. His entire body had a rich tan and not a single sign of flabbiness anywhere. He felt like he could benchpress the world. "I am GOD!," he loudly stated. The laughter he had failed to suppress escaped his lips and a rich booming voice echoed throughout the laboratory... Hanna shuddered, as if a cat had suddenly dragged its paws down her back. After having stripped for Auryn, they had made passionate love together. Hanna had driven Auryn to the point of exhaustion from orgasming, and she was sleeping. Hanna had stayed awake though, trying to come up with a plan of escape. Sitting naked on the side of the bed, she had racked her brain trying to find a loophole in the complex scheme Zevorlin had come up with. Voice-control, female hormones, DNA-sized coding, it seemed there was no way out. In the back of her mind Hana heard a tiny reassuring voice, "Although it seems hopeless, it never is." It was a voice she'd heard before. Maybe it had something to do with those weird dreams. Hanna was startled out of her pondering when she suddenly heard a loud booming voice travelling from the laboratory, "I am GOD! And now I come to claim my prize!!" Hanna quickly ran towards the door and closed it from the inside, leaving the key inside the lock. She moved a large table in front of it with all her might, and started stacking up things against the door in a hurry. Although she knew it wouldn't do any good she had to do something and a sudden fear had shaken her mind. Zevorlin had gone mad! He'd done something to himself, and God only knew what sick plans he'd come up with. Large, heavy steps began to climb the stairs. Hanna could hear the *Thud* *Thud* of very large feet. What had happened? What was happening? Hanna almost panicked, and tried furiously to collect herself. Auryn was still asleep, exhausted, they were alone and there was a mad man waiting outside! When the thuds had stopped, Hanna almost felt relief for a minute, until the voice, heavy and commanding boomed outside the door, "Two lovely ladies, I know you are in there. Open this door now! You are mine, and I will have you both!" ....to be continued...

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Message-ID: X-Original-To: [email protected]: [email protected]: From: Johnnie X-ASSTR-Original-Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 21:34:42 +0000 (GMT)Subject: {ASSM} Hannah - the whole story - (bbbbFF, MMMMMF, Slut, p**o, sex slave, voyeurism, exhibitionist, piercings, tattoos, b********y)Lines: 5435Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 08:10:08...

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It was a cold and blustery Thursday in January 2019. Burton’s daughter Annabel had a performance, so he had left early in the afternoon to attend. I was working on my own in my cubicle when Benson poked his head in and asked me if I could stop by his office and help him with some briefs.It really wasn’t my job, and he knew it. But he liked treating me like a research assistant and I’d helped him a few times just to keep the peace. He always used it as an excuse to trip me up and make me look...

1 year ago
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Johanna 12

Howard Fletcher had gotten me the leading breast cancer specialist in New York. His expertise and skill meant that my lumpectomy was minimally invasive. I went back to work on Wednesday, the very next day after the surgery and had a full workday.The small incision healed quickly and I began to feel better. Things returned to normal except that I had my apartment myself now that Jerry had moved out. I was surprised by how little I missed him. I was still tired all the time and after a long day...

1 year ago
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Johanna 9

The rest of the summer of 2017 passed quickly, and quietly. I talked to Roberta every day. I told her what Brigette said in our first call after I got back from Boston. I also talked to Brigette frequently, so I got details of their long-delayed get-together from both sides. Roberta was predisposed to be delighted with her daughter, but Brigette was skeptical of the mother that had given her up so many years before. Both of them told me of the unease of their conversation, Roberta treading on...

2 years ago
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Johanna 6

I returned from my semester abroad, determined to succeed at school. I followed Rudolf’s advice and switched my major to engineering physics. All the physics foundational courses I had done at Göttingen prepared me really well. I took a full load in both Summer I and Summer II, and then took an overload the following year. I was on track to graduate less than a year after I got back from Germany, in Spring 2013. All my professors, including Rudolf, encouraged me to consider graduate school in...

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Johanna 81

It was Fall 2016 in New York and I had nothing to do – I’d finished my law degree, but I had no job, no income, and had not taken the summer bar exam as I had spent it tending to Mom in her last days. The next sitting was in Spring 2017, and I had to pay for rent and groceries till then. Mom’s estate was still going through probate, so I could not access any funds from it. Mom had provided me with basic support through law school, but I could not have survived without the substantial...

3 years ago
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Johanna 52

I woke up and looked around confused for a moment before I realized where I was – at the Jagerhof Hotel in Zermatt, Switzerland. I rolled out of bed, went to the bathroom and rummaged in my bad to get dressed. I found that I had only packed one set of athletic underwear. I did not want to wear the sports bra and panties from the previous day’s hard skiing. So I had to put on a regular lace-and-silk bandeau bra and matching panties.I forgot about my underwear as soon as I was on the slopes. I...

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Johanna 10

My first full year as an associate at the firm was 2018. It was a challenging year, but on the whole, I had a very good time, mostly working with Burton. As we spent long hours, days, and even weekends working together, he rose even further in my estimation. He treated everyone with kindness, gentility, and respect, regardless of whether they were partners in the firm, important clients, or doormen and custodians.I more time I spent with him, the more I got to see his interactions with his...

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Johanna 4

My first college semester ended in Christmas break. It was a typical Wisconsin winter – cold, snowy, and dark, but filled with all the lights and colors of the festive season. Roberta arrived Christmas week with a surprise. She brought along Otto Muldenberg who she introduced to us as her fiancé. He was an assistant conductor with a major symphony orchestra and in his forties, about ten years older than her. He was smug and looked down his nose at me when we were introduced, as though he was...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

3 years ago
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Johanna 51

The fall semester of my sophomore year of college was just as lonely as the spring semester of my freshman year. I did well at school, got to know classmates as acquaintances, but still made no friends. The longer it went on, the more I was convinced that there was something wrong with me.Halfway through the semester I went to a presentation by the International Office on Study Abroad. I was really keen to leave campus, but the cost of program seemed prohibitive. I knew Mom didn’t have the...

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Johanna 82

The bar exams were hard, but I felt fairly confident after I finished them. The very next day I took a flight to San Fran for Roberta’s baby shower. I stayed within the feminine milieu of the shower to avoid Owen, and it worked surprisingly well. I barely saw him at all.The event itself was held at Owen’s parent’s sprawling house in Marin. The large sun parlor had been decorated with balloons and streamers. The bannisters were hung with lots of little baby booties. There were about thirty...

2 years ago
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Shanna is a Lesbian She is a sort of houseslave to Lisa a BBW

Hi I’m Shanna. Might as well say right here and now that I’m a Lesbian – and proud of it. Might as well say also that I’m a friend – a very loving friend – of Lisa and that I’m proud of that too. In fact where Lisa’s concerned it’s more than love with me. I worship her. To me she’s a Goddess in every way. She is everything a Big Beautiful Woman should be – and more! A Big Beautiful Woman yes and how I adore that superbly luscious...

1 year ago
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Shanna Does Manhattan

It was an all-too-familiar scene. I met with a handsome guy for a drink and some conversation Yes, you've read that story before. And you know how it ended. Twice, in fact. First with Kyle, and then with Matt.The flavor of this week was Sean. He had responded to a personal ad in which I clearly stated that I was a T-girl. So he knew when he sat down with me that I was not like other girls. Sean was a confirmed tranny-chaser.He was about five years older than me. Not too bad looking, but...

4 years ago
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Johanna 1 Addendum

I never thought of Dad as a thrill-seeker or a daredevil, for he always methodically planned every activity to minimize the risk. However, he was certainly drawn to the adrenalin that came from danger and the endorphins that came from effort. He took me on expeditions that I would have horrified Mom. After a particularly hazardous activity – scaling a cliff wall, a hair-raising ascent to a snowy ridgeline with our skis in our backpacks, a particularly difficult jump on horseback – he would wink...

2 years ago
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Shanna A Complete Woman

Shanna woke up. Delirious, she looked around and noticed lights, monitors, and other medical equipment that filled the intensive care unit where she lay. Then she saw Kyle’s face. He held her hand, faithfully keeping vigil by her side as she recovered. He took her hand and raised it to his mouth, giving her a kiss. ‘Hi Shanna,’ he said. Shanna was confused, having no memory of the events that led her to his place. All she remembered was being in that dark alley, turning a trick with a band...

3 years ago
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Hannahs Ultimate Fantasy

It had become a challenge both Hannah and her husband Gary looked forward too, every couple of weeks the two would sit down to a nice candlelit dinner and after a bottle of wine one of them would lay down the dare to try to come up with the ultimate sexual fantasy. Like most couples it was deemed fun and a little competitive, who could embarrass, shock and make the other horny enough to give in and ask the other to go to bed with them. They both knew it was about fantasy and their desires would...

1 year ago
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Hannahs Desire Ch 01

Ch. 1: How it all started Hannah Johnson is just the average woman in her early 20’s settling in her first apartment with her best friend, Gina Adams. Both women were gorgeous, but Hannah and particular was the one who always had all the men swoon. With her dark curly hair, green eyes, perfect smile, and perfect body, she normally got everything she wanted from whoever she wanted. For the past week, Gina has been bugging Hannah, begging her to let her boyfriend, Ian Patterson move in with...

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Hannahs Mum Spanks Nina

Hannah had left the office to go home and Nina tidied up her desk and read again the contract signed earlier and was happy all was in order. Nina sat in her chair and decided to finish the bottle of wine. There were a couple of glasses left. She was thinking about the day, how Mrs. Hopkins had spanked her, then Hannah, twice. Her bottom stung as she pressed down on to the chair and her hand went between her legs inside her knickers and as she drank her wine so she ran her fingers along her...

1 year ago
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Hannahs Desire Ch 02

Hannah couldn’t stop thinking about Ian’s cock all day. Because of her roommates alarm going off that morning, Ian had no choice but to leave her wanting more. As she was leaving her desk at work, Hannah left her mug on her desk. Stupid. After she parked her car and went inside, she threw her keys and purse on her couch. ‘Hello?’ She impatiently shouted. Nobody was home. What a sign of relief. Hannah carelessly threw her heels in her room, then headed towards her bathroom. A bath seemed nice,...

2 years ago
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Hannahs Desire Ch 03

As Ian walked in on Hannah thrusting her tongue into Gina’s tight pussy, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Suddenly, Gina’s moaning went mute, Hannah got up and wiped her mouth, and Ian left the room looking confused and with a boner. Gina, without any words, put her clothes back on and ran to the bathroom. Hannah plopped down on her bed and groaned. Well shit.. What is she supposed to do now. At that moment, she got a text from Ian. Ian: Han, what the fuck were you and Gina DOING?? ...

3 years ago
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Hannahs Story

The day seemed to be perfect — blue sky, white fluffy clouds, the dew glistening on the grass, the cool breeze of autumn making the leaves dance. It was the kind of weather that gave you a sense of peace but also filled your soul with energy. The trees were vibrant with colors and just seeing them gave your spirit a lift to know that God was providing beautiful scenery and all you had to do was look. Inside the house was a soul so low that all she could do was sit in her big chair covered in...

2 years ago
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Hannahs Dance

Sentenced to die by hanging, young Native American girl Hannah Ocuish didn’t cry when she heard her sentence. Town's sheriff Tomas Smith was moved by her courage, but had no problem sending this young and pretty 18 year old to her death. It was a cold winter day of 1786, and Hannah's execution would bring more excitement to this small Connecticut town. When the condemned girl was escorted by the sheriff's deputies into the prison house, sheriff met with judge Simpson, who offered him a...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

3 years ago
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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

2 years ago
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HannahChapter 2 Clubs and parties

I spent the weekend helping Mom around the house and thinking about Inge. My dad had told me when I was very young about consequences for my actions, and he'd brought the point home to the seat of my pants more than once. Life is about choices, and the wrong ones bring severe penalties. Masturbation was my only peace. I was keeping my obsession a secret from my parents as well as others, but I knew sooner or later that it would become known. My greatest fear was how to handle the...

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Johanna and the many men part 1

Johanna had long gone and imagined what it would be to be fucked by several men. Although she just turned 22 so she loved the idea that more men would take her, one by one, hard and long. She often fantasized about being a little sex slave who did everything she was told.And now she stood there, naked on his knees with his hands locked behind his back with handcuffs. Before her stood eight men who were all in their 50s and shaking their dicks. She was first a bit hesitant, wondering what to do...

3 years ago
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HannahThis was turning into a very awkward conversation. The girl in the next door apartment had as good as invited herself in for coffee. Normally that would have been fine, in fact more than fine. Hannah was single, in her mid twenties and good looking. She was slim with a nice figure and shoulder length brown hair. But as he was making the coffee, she’d seen a print out from a local mistress that he’d accidentally left on the coffee table. And to make it worse he’d annotated it with possible...

1 year ago
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Hannah Pt 2

Later that night they arrived at the restaurant and were shown to a table at the back. Tom had obviously been there before and seemed to know most of the waiting staff. Hannah looked at the attractive guy sitting opposite her. “Did you really like what I did earlier, I mean was I OK?” “It was great, you were great,” Tom smiled. “Wasn’t it a bit scary for you, you were completely helpless?” “Completely at your mercy, I know, that’s what made it so much fun,” he replied. Hannah looked a little...

2 years ago
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Hannah Pt 5 Final

The weekend away had been amazing. They had spent many hours talking and really exploring their relationship and where it was going. Some conversations had been had lying on the lawn under the warm sun. Some conversations had been had sitting on large beanbags in the cellar, next to each other, but either side of the locked iron bars.It was a week later and they had just returned from a Friday night out with friends. In the restaurant, they had sat at opposite ends of a table of eight, but had...

4 years ago
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Hannah Disciplines Marlene

Eighteen-year-old Hannah was walking back from the school athletics field where she had been training. She was on her way back to college where she was going to be holding a prefect’s detention, knowing that one of the sixteen-year-old girls, Lucy, had earned her second detention in two weeks so would need to be given a bare bottom spanking. Hannah saw enforcing the rules as an important role of hers and was thankful that she had attended so many of the discipline sessions at the Halfway house...


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