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This is my second story. Hope you like it, and hope it is an improvement over the first. CHAPTER ONE - MEETING Ralph Schuman sat in the back row at Jiggles strip club, nursing a $7.5 domestic beer. He knew he shouldn't be here. He should be home, with his wife Laura and their two kids. Laura was showing two houses today, and hopeful that she would make a sale... and Ralph knew that dinner time conversation would center around nothing else. That's why he was in no rush. But that only explains why he was in no hurry to get home. The reason he was at Giggles, for the fourth time in the last two weeks, was because he just liked to look at these girls with big tits bounce around the stage. Was it that his sex life with Laura was virtually non-existent for the last six years (since the birth of Timmy, their second child)? Or was it that even when they did have sex, he had always hated that Laura was so small chested? Or was it something else? The fact is, Ralph knew that all his life he could never get the "pretty" girls to pay any attention to him. Here, they had to. They had to pretend he was interesting. They had to laugh at his jokes. And in some ways, he took a perverse pleasure in that. Whatever the reason, however, he knew this much - despite starting to become a frequent customer of the club, he didn't really take any pleasure in it. Each time he left he said he wouldn't come back again, but this time he seemed to mean it. He took the last pull on his beer, tossed a dollar on the table, and walked towards the stage. He figured he might as well get a last look before heading home to talk of the wonders of real estate. The girl on the stage had become something of his favorite. Angie, or Annie... something with an A. He didn't remember her name, but he loved her body. She was a little plump, but her tits were enormous. She had long curly blond hair, and a bit of a weathered look. As she writhed around the pole, she could completely envelope it with her massive boobs, and Ralph couldn't help but be a bit mesmerized as they wobbled and jiggled as she moved on the stage. He beckoned her over, and she bent towards him, her boobs inches from his face, and not that far from the ground for that matter. He took out a ten dollar bill and held it forward, she nodded, smiled a fake, vacant smile, and took the bill by squeezing her tits together to take it. Ralph was turned on, no doubt, but he was enjoying the fact that this girl HAD to do this... serves her, and all the pretty girls, right for ignoring him for so many years. But there was something else to it too. Ralph couldn't place it, but it was there. For the first time in his visits here, he felt really aroused. Amber (not Angie or Annie) caught the look in Ralph's eyes. It was brief, but it was there. She wanted to grin from ear to ear, but instead just stood up, let her boobs hang towards him, and tossed a quick glance towards the opposite end of the club. Curious, Ralph looked over, and saw a man sitting at a table, who raised up his glass to Ralph, as if to say "nice to meet you, come on over." Ralph just shrugged his shoulders, looked back up at the girl's tits, and turned to leave. Whatever scam this was, he wasn't buying. He had to get home anyway. "Oh come on, stay for one more drink," said the man, startling Ralph as he turned around. "How did you get from there to here so fast," asked Ralph, confused. "I don't know what you're talking about friend," said the man. "My name's Davis. Come on, let me buy you a beer while Amber finishes her set. We can chat a bit." Ralph shook Davis' hand, and nodded. Another 30 minutes without real estate talk wouldn't hurt. The two sat back down at an empty table, and Davis beckoned over one of the topless waitresses and ordered two more beers. "Here's to excitement, here's to great sex!" laughed Davis, as he raised his beer towards Ralph. "Let me take a wild guess, you are NOT married," laughed Ralph, as he clicked his beer against Davis'. "No, I'm not," smiled Davis. "Would put a crimp in my lifestyle, if you get what I mean. Be tough on my job, too." Before Ralph could even ask, Davis explained that he worked with the dancers in this club, and many others on what he called "placement." "You mean getting them into certain clubs, out of others, moving to different states, that sort of stuff?" asked Ralph. "In some cases yes," said Davis. "Moving them from one situation to another is my specialty. And I'm paid very well for it." Ralph smiled. This guy was full of shit. He could tell. How much money can be made doing that kind of work, he wondered. Don't these girls pretty much sell themselves? He noticed that Amber had finished her set, and was scooping up the stray bills and her clothes from the stage, and working her way over to their table. He was ready for whatever scam was coming. "Sit down my dear," said Davis, "standing up to pull out a chair for Amber. You were wonderful up there." Amber thanked him with a kiss on the cheek, and sat down. She didn't even bother to get dressed at all, her huge boobs flopping on the small table, leaving little room for the two beers. "Sorry about that, hun" giggled Amber, as Ralph caught his beer just as it was sliding off the table from a collision with boobflesh. "Now Amber," said Davis. "This is my new friend Ralph. Ralph is married, has two children, and works as an assistant vice president of a small internet company. Isn't that interesting?" "Ohhh, wow. That is super," she said, smiling at Ralph. Ralph knew bullshit when he saw it. No matter what Davis had said about him, she would have ooohed and aahhed. But then it hit him, had he told Davis all that stuff? "Hey, I don't remember telling you..." Davis cut him off. "As I was telling Ralph, I help you girls with placement. And I think Ralph here might be very interested in what we have to propose, don't you? "Look," interrupted Ralph. "I don't know what scam you're pulling. I don't know how you knew all that stuff about me. But if what you're talking about is blackmail, it won't work. So I'm at a strip club. Tell my wife for all I care. She'll be pissed, but it's not like I'm cheating on her. So you can save your pitch, I'm out of here." "Please stay." The jovial look was gone from Davis' face, as he grabbed Ralph's arm and effortlessly pulled him back down. "We are not interested in blackmail, or anything else. We aren't asking you for anything. We are offering. Now, if you wish to go back to Laura and your kids and listen to her prattle on about real estate, feel free to leave. We will not stop you." He had done it again. How did he know this, Ralph thought. And clearly, he couldn't remember the last time his heart was racing like this. You take excitement where you get it, he thought, and just looked straight at Davis. "Ok, I'm listening." CHAPTER TWO - THE DEAL "Let me ask you a question Ralph - what brings you into this club?" Davis asked. Ralph hoped the look of surprised didn't register on his face. How did Davis know he'd just been thinking about that? But to prevent a long pause, he simply said "I love looking at big tits, what do you think brought me here?" "What I think," Davis said. "Is that you are a sexually frustrated man. And what brought you here was excitement. Something a bit dangerous. A bit new. Something erotic. Being around these girls, in this club. I bet it excites you so much thinking about things like that, yes?" Ralph had to admit it, Davis may have been onto something. He just nodded. "What would you say if I could offer you that... and more," said Davis. "Oh, so here's the pitch, eh?" laughed Ralph. But his laugh was muted somewhat. He did want to hear what this man had to say. "Look at Amber over there. Lovely, isn't she?" said Davis, stroking her hair and then massaging her right breast with his hand, rolling her nipple between his fingers while she let out a soft moan. "Don't you think her life must be so erotic and exciting?" said Davis. Ralph turned to look at Amber again, he watched her huge tits wobble with each inhale and exhale, he saw the men in the club staring at her. His heart was racing. As he was about to say something, he was startled by a man screaming Amber's name. She quickly got up and bounced to the man, who looked to Ralph to be some sort of club manager. They had a discussion that seemed somewhat animated. "Ralph," said Davis, regaining Ralph's attention. "How would you like to live Amber's life... for a time. How would you like to know what it like to BE Amber?" Ralph looked at Davis with a look of anger and surprise. "What? Why would I... what the hell are you talking about?" Davis leaned in, whispering for the first time. "I know other things about you, Ralph. I know you've dreamt it before. Wondering what it would be like to be a woman. All those times you tried to have sex with your wife, and she rejected you. You thought... now if I was the woman, we'd be having sex all the time. You fantasized about it, didn't you. Haven't you?" Davis leaned back, and smiled. Ralph was blushing. He tried to rouse up anger, but it wasn't there. It wasn't like some huge fantasy of his, but yes he had thought that if he were the wife and Laura the husband... their sex life might be better. "Well, just because I maybe have thought that...doesn't mean I'd want to be... that," he said, acknowledging Amber as she sat back down. "Plus, what difference does it make? What are we even talking about?" Davis smiled. "I'm not talking about some fantasy, Ralph. Nor am I talking about having you undergo some surgical procedure. I know that wouldn't interest you. But what I'm asking is... would you be curious to live as Amber... for a time. If you had the chance to?" Ralph tried to think of the "right" answer. With Amber there now, the question was a bit more uncomfortable. "Well, what person wouldn't want to experience something from another side, for a week. Just to see what it was like. It's just showing a sense of adventure. It doesn't mean that .... You know." Davis and Amber both laughed. "Oh honey, we know you're straight if that's what you mean," laughed Amber. She moved her chair closer to him, and gently rubbed her boobs against his chest, her hand rubbing against his crotch, as his erection quickly was pushing against her touch. "See?" she laughed. "So, what do you think?" Davis asked. "About what?" asked Ralph. "Who are you and what are saying?" "What I am saying," he said, "Is that I can allow you to live as Amber for a time, if you wish it." "Well even if I did," said Ralph, "And even if it were possible... even then, I can't just disappear for a week. I have responsibilities." "Oh, and you'll continue to fulfill them. Or, should I say that Amber will," said Davis. "You see, Amber would become you and live your life." Amber bounced on her seat with joy at these words. "You guys have both been eating the giggle fruit from the ha ha tree, haven't you" said Ralph. "Because I know I'm not important enough to be on Punk'd. I think you've wasted enough of my time. I'm going to go." Ralph got up to leave, and this time, Davis didn't try to grab him. He just said, matter of factly, "I can prove it to you, if you sit back down." Ralph could not resist this, and sat. "Prove it to me how," he said. "Pick someone in this place, Ralph, anyone you'd like. Point him or her out to me," said Davis. Ralph scanned the room, and settled on a man sitting in the back corner. He'd seen him here before. This man must have weighed 400 pounds." "Him. Chubbs over there," said Ralph. Davis nodded and stared at the man, his index fingers pushed together and below his chin as he did so. "Done" said Davis, simply. "Done... what?" said Ralph. "See that young waitress over there, the one who served us our drinks? Watch her and your chubby friend for a moment. Beginning now." Ralph watched as the waitress suddenly put her tray down and walked right over to the table of the fat man, and sat down beside him. She stared off into space. The fat man, on the other hand, seemed quite excited by his guest, and turned to speak with her... when suddenly... he stopped. Ralph could see him shrinking... his body becoming smaller and smaller, even as the waitresses grew larger and larger. The rest of the patrons were not watching, but Ralph stared in amazement as the shimmering ended... and where once sat a fat man, now sat a man of maybe 175 pounds. And where the waitress once sat, sat a woman of nearly 300 pounds. Neither said a word, nor seemed to notice a change. "What the hell?" said Ralph. But Davis was not responding, instead he continued to stare at the couple, as they again began to shimmer, and their flesh returned to normal. When this was done the waitress stood up and returned to her duties, while the fat man again leered at the stage. "How..." "How is unimportant, Ralph," said Davis. But you have seen a small glimpse of what I can do. So I ask you now, do you wish to live as Amber for a time, while she lives as you? If not... I will make you forget this offer was ever mentioned, and you may return home." Davis reached into his pocket, and placed a red pill and a blue pill on the table. "Ralph pointed to them and a quizzical look in his eyes. "Those aren't..." "The red one is ibuprofen, the blue one for my allergies," interrupted Davis. "The pollen count is quite high this week," Ralph looked at them both. He hated himself for being suckered into this, but he had to admit, it did feel real for some reason. And even on the odd chance that it was real... how could he not be curious? How could he not take an adventure, in a life that has been so devoid of any. "Yes," said Ralph. "I don't still know what I believe... but if you asking if I would do this if it were possible, my answer is yes." Amber squealed with delight, her boobs knocking both beers off the table and sending them crashing to the ground, while Davis simply reached into his suitcoat and pulled out a contract. "Let's begin," Davis said. "Shall we?" CHAPTER THREE - THE AGREEMENT Ralph couldn't really believe what he was doing. He still considered it to be a joke, but here he sat, signing what appeared to be a basic contract. He agreed to take on the life of Amber Hughes, and in return she would take on his. Both agreed not to commit any criminal acts during their time in the other's life, nor to do anything to otherwise make the situation for the returning "host" appreciably worst. Ralph just kept signing where indicated, and shaking his head. "Ok, so how is she supposed to live my life?" Ralph asked. "I mean, she doesn't know me. How can she do my job, have conversations with my friends and family, all that stuff?" Davis pulled out a manila folder and handed it to Amber. "You saw how much information I had about you, didn't you Ralph?" said Davis. "I've just given Amber a quick synopsis. But honestly, in her business she's pretty good at lying her way through any interpersonal situation, aren't you hun?" Amber nodded, giggling. "You will also find, that the longer you spend in your new life, the more comfortable you'll become. You'll find that many memories are still stored in the body, muscle memory, for instance. You won't all of a sudden be unable to walk with those big tits hanging off your chest, if you're worried about that," Davis laughed. "And my life is pretty simple, honey," Amber said. "Come to work, get paid, go home. You can handle it! You'll have sooo much fun!" Ralph shook his head again. Davis collected the signed documents, and after seeing that they were all in order, put them back in his case. "I know you're still skeptical Ralph," he said. "And if my show of power didn't fully convince you, I don't think you will be convinced until the real thing. So let me explain how this works. For you to change places, you will need an exchange of sexual fluids. It must be a consensual act. When that is done, the changes will begin... quite rapidly, actually." "So what you're saying...."Ralph started. "What I am saying," Davis interrupted, is that sweet Amber here will give you the best blowjob you've ever had. And probably the first one you've had in years, yes? And when that is over... well, you'll see." Ralph got aroused at the thought of this sexual creature giving him a blow job, but still showed his hesitancy. "Look, Ralph," said Davis. "Let me put it this way. Two things are possible now. Either I'm telling the truth, and you are about to embark on quite an adventure, or I'm full of shit and all that is going to happen is you get the best blow job of your life. What have you got to lose?" Ralph looked over to Amber again. She was sucking seductively on one index finger, while the other was tweaking her nipples, making them grow hard and big. "You make a good point," said Ralph. Amber smiled, and stood up. After kissing Davis on the cheek again, she grabbed Ralph by the arm and pulled him towards the girls' dressing room. CHAPTER FOUR - TRANSFORMATION Amber pulled Ralph through a door into the girls' dressing room. It was nothing like he'd seen on movies and the like. He expected three walls of mirrors with big round light bulbs around them, and racks of skimpy outfits. Instead, it was a table with one mirror hanging on the wall over it, and a few curtained off changing areas. "Not watcha thought, huh?" giggled Amber. "I had the same reaction my first time too!" Ralph watched her disappear behind one of the changing curtains, and though he was just a second behind her, by the time he pulled back the curtain she was already on her knees, waiting for him. She was quite a sight. Her huge boobs bouncing and swaying with each breath. Despite his unhappiness, Ralph had never cheated on his wife, and even as Amber was unbuckling his belt and pulling down his pants, he was trying to convince himself that getting a blow job isn't cheating. But his thoughts suddenly snapped back to the situation at hand when he felt Amber's soft, plump lips surround his raging hard cock, and begin to suck on it. It had been years since his wife had done this, and he could not believe how good it felt. As she continued sucking him gently, Ralph staggered back a bit, and he felt his cock leave her mouth with a loud "pop". "It's ok, honey," Amber cooed. "You should probably sit down anyone so you don't bang your head." Ralph nodded and sat on a small bench, while Amber edged towards him. Instead of sucking him this time, she flopped her huge tits on his lap, and rubbed them on each side of his cock. He never considered himself small before, but all of his cock that he could see between the massive orbs was the very tip. Amber smiled, as she heard him moaning with pleasure. She pulled her boobs off his lap and pulled him again inside her mouth. Ralph was overcome with pleasure. All thoughts of his wife, and cheating, and the agreement... everything... flew from his mind. All he could think of was the pleasure. Amber began sucking him more rapidly, her hands now reaching up and cupping his balls, scratching them lightly with her painted nails. She increased her pace, and Ralph's head fell back against the wall with a slight thud. He barely noticed. As he drew closer and closer to climax, he lay there, mouth agape, awash in pleasure, as he let out small moans. He knew he was about to blow inside her mouth, he continued to moan as she sucked him deeper and harder, his mouth open, he could do little more than mutter "ohgod ohgod ohgod" as his orgasm drew near. And then... it happened. The wave of pleasure was amazing, he hadn't felt it in years. He started to scream in pleasure but found he couldn't. He tried to gasp for breath but struggled as his mouth was filling with a warm salty liquid. He opened his eyes to see his own face staring at him with a smile, as he suddenly realized he had his now- female lips wrapped around his own cock, and his mouth now full of his own cum. "Oh you bitch!" he screamed, spitting out the salty fluids on the ground. "Why didn't you tell me that was going to happen!" "You didn't believe it was going to work anyway, did you honey.. I mean Amber," his old body laughed. "What would the point have been of telling you? Ralph barely heard the answer. He just rested on all fours, trying to get the vile taste from his mouth... and began to notice such odd sensations. For one, his new, huge breasts were scrapping against the ground as he moved, and his overly sensitive nipples hurt as they did. He brushed the long blonde curls from his face and sat up, his hands roaming over a body he thought it was impossible for him to have just 30 seconds earlier. "Holy fuck," he said in a soft, unfamiliar voice. "This is for real." CHAPTER FIVE - A NEW LIFE Ralph just sat there on the floor of the dressing room, his hands squeezing and kneading the gigantic boobs that now sat on his chest. "This is just...." He said. "I know, I know" said Amber, who had gotten dressed and was just tightening his tie when Ralph looked up at him. "You need to get used to being called Amber now, honey" said the new Ralph. "And you should call me Ralph, ok? Try it." "Ok... Ralph," said the new Amber. But the whole situation just seemed so funny to him, that he started giggling, setting off his new boobs in every direction, which just made him laugh harder. "Oh you'll have fun with those, no question, dear," the new Amber said. "But I've got to get home, my "wife" will have dinner waiting I'm sure." The new Amber pulled herself to her feet, not realizing before that she was a good eight inches shorter than her old body. "You're about 5-2, if you're wondering" said the new Ralph. "Just grab your purse and check out your new driver's license. Well, I have to go, bye bye and have fun!" With that, the new Ralph kissed the new Amber on the cheek, and left. "Wait, what do I do now?" said the new Amber. But it was too late, she was alone, topless in the dressing room. He just walked back out onto the club floor, looking for Davis. But with each step he couldn't believe just how different, yet wonderful, his borrowed body felt. Before he could find Davis, however, the man who had been talking loudly to Amber early approached him, his eyes wild. "Where were you, Amber?" said the man that Ralph somehow knew was named Curt. "You're up for your second set! You can't go up topless you silly little thing. It's called strippING ... not stippED." Ralph nodded, unsure. He wasn't sure what this man wanted him to do. But before he could say anything, the waitress (Becky, he suddenly knew) ran up holding a gold bikini top. "Here you go, here you go!" said Becky breathlessly! Ralph just stood there in a slight stupor. The sensations were just overwhelming. Curt and Becky put the bikini top on him... doing so in a way that made it seem they'd done it before. Ralph felt the sensation of his new, huge boobs even more strongly with the top. It was if they were being tugged on. It was erotic. "Now get up there!" said Curt, giving Ralph a little slap on his butt. That served not only to get Ralph on the stage, but to further raise his arousal. Ralph had seen this stage a bunch of times, but never from this angle. When he was here in his own body, the place made you feel anonymous. No one looked at him, he could just blend in. But now, even in the dark, he could see every set of eyes in the place squarely on him. And... he loved it. He felt a wetness between his legs, and he felt his body start to dance. He'd seen Amber do it before, but it was more than that. Just like Davis had said, this body knew what to do. Ralph couldn't believe how hot he was getting. He was fondling his big tits, jiggling them in the faces of the men who surrounded the stage. The money kept being tossed at him. It made him feel a little dirty, but so much more aroused. The pole was wonderful. He took off the bikini top, and cuddled the pole between his massive juggs. It at once felt so cold, and so hot, and he could see that the crowd was loving it. One guy in particular was clearly loving everything Ralph was doing, so he walked over to him and bent over, his huge tits right in the guy's face. The guy pulled out a $20 bill and reached up towards Ralph's tits, brushing them slightly with his finger as he did so. Ralph gave him a little smile, and used his tits to squeeze the bill and take it. The power Ralph felt at that moment overwhelmed him. He could swear that every man in the place must be noticing the wetness dripping down his smooth thighs, but he didn't care. He locked eyes with his now favorite customer, and just started to smile a little more broadly, moving his shoulders slightly to cause his big tits to sway hypnotically in his face. Ralph saw the man reach into his wallet and pull out a $50 bill. As he held it towards Ralph, Ralph just let the smile start to fade from his face, and looked towards the other side of the bar. Before he knew it, his mark had reached back in and pulled out a second $50 bill. Ralph smiled, and took the bills with his delicate hands and put them in the man's mouth. Then he leaned forward, and snatched the bills back with his huge boobs, brushing against the man's cheeks. Ralph thought he was going to have an orgasm right then and there. The man didn't have a beard, and looked clean shaven, but just the end-of-the day stubble was enough to cause his cheeks to be rough, and that texture against his sensitive boobflesh was enough to elicit a small "oooh" from Ralph... the sexiest noise he'd ever heard from a female... and it came from his own mouth. The music stopped a moment later, and Ralph walked around the stage collecting the money. It was mostly $1 bills, but there were a few $5's and $10's, plus the $120 he took from his favorite. All told, he figured he made about $250 for five minutes of work. He walked off the stage smiling and almost giddy, heading right over to the table where Davis was sitting. Davis was applauding Ralph as he reached the table, causing him to blush. "Sit, sit," said Davis. "Are you pleased with my work?" "Oh my gawd" said Ralph. "This ... all of this, is so awesome." "I've taken the liberty of collecting your things," said Davis, while handing Ralph a bright blue tote bag. "You've danced your last dance for the night, you should probably go home and get some rest." "Home..." said Ralph with a melancholy tone, even with his new lilting voice. "Yes, Amber," Davis said. "Your home. Our friend Ralph went home a while ago, and is enjoying a nice evening with his family. You need to get to your home and get some rest. You agreed to work lunchtime here tomorrow, remember?" Ralph nodded. Davis pulled a light green sweater out of the tote, and handed it to Ralph, who pulled it over his head and felt it strain to contain his new tits. He also put on the tight pair of jeans Davis gave him. Davis helped Ralph up, and walked him to the door. The cool night air caused his curly hair to blow and billow around his head, another stimulation he had yet experienced. "That Toyota is yours, dear" said Davis. Before Ralph could say anything, Davis kissed him on the cheek and gave him a little pat on the butt. "Your friend Ralph said you should look in your top bedside table drawer when you get home. Now off with you, and remember you're due back here at 11:30." Ralph opened the car door, and looked inside. The seat was so much further back than in his explore, and the ride was lower. But when he sat in the car he realized while the seat was so far back... as even at distance, his tits pressed up against the wheel. Ralph giggled to himself, waved to Davis, and drove towards his temporary home. Although Davis had handed him written directions, Ralph just let himself drive and felt that he knew where he was going. The smile on his face, and wetness between his legs did not fade one bit during the drive. Ralph pulled up to a small condo complex. He parked in space #12, which he knew belonged to Amber, and pulled out his keys from the tote bag. He giggled to himself at her Fall Out Boy keychain. Entering the apartment for the first time, Ralph was a bit put off that it did not seem that neat. He had expectations for what this kind of a girl's place would look like, and this wasn't it. Still it was nice enough, and all he could think about was getting into bed and exploring his new body. He undressed as he walked toward what he knew was the bedroom, and was naked by the time he reached the king sized bed covered in pillows. Tossing the pillows on the f loor, Ralph let his hands roam over his new body, cooing and moaning as he did so. He could not believe how sexual this body was. It had been years since he felt anything like this... in fact, he may never have been so aroused in his life. And whether it was the giant tits he was playing with, or the fact that his arousal was not accompanied by the normal throbbing erection he expected... he was on the edge of orgasm just as he laid on the bed. He then remembered what Davis had said, and opened the nightstand drawer with shaking hands. He reached in and pulled out a large, blue dildo. He'd seen photos of dildos before, but never seen on in person... nor of course held one. He was surprised how big it was. He was surprised how slick and rubbery it felt. And just as he thought about how amazing it would feel to put it in his new pussy, he was overcome with a crashing wave of orgasm. His body bucked again and again on the bed, as he felt his tits flop and slap about his face, and the dildo wiggle in his hand. "Damn," he giggled between gasps of breath, "I'll have to save you for tomorrow." With that, Ralph hugged his huge tits and felt sleep overwhelm him. CHAPTER SIX - DAY TWO When Ralph awoke the next morning, he reached down to scratch his balls as he always did first-thing in the morning, and instead found his new pussy... a wonderful reminder that last night was not a dream. He immediately rolled over, pulled out the blue dildo and proceeded to fuck himself for the next hour. At times he wondered if his screams of pleasure might cause the neighbors to call the cops, but he didn't care. After his third or fourth orgasm of the morning, Ralph noticed it was nearly 10:45. He begrudgingly stopped stimulating himself and took a quick shower. As the water rained down on his huge sensitive tits, and he got his new pussy all soapy and wet, he made a mental note to bring his new blue friend into tomorrow morning's shower. Luckily for Ralph, Amber was apparently a bit compulsive. On top of the dresser were small stacks of clothing, which apparently were her outfits for the week. He took the one on the furthest left - a black bra / panty set, a short blue denim skirt, and a bright pink scoopneck top. It was nearly 11:15, and while he was now dressed, his hair was still quite wet. Unaccustomed to long hair, Ralph had tried drying it with his shower towel, but that wasn't too effective. His hair was quite a mess, but since he knew most everyone would be spending so much time looking at his tits, he didn't think it was too big a deal and headed to the car so as to not be late. During the short drive, Ralph wondered how much money he'd make today, while absently rubbing his pussy with one hand and driving with another. He half hoped to get pulled over for speeding, just so he could see the look on a cop's face. When Ralph walked into Jiggles right at 11:30, his good mood was quickly broken. First of all, the place was empty. He'd never been here during lunch, and apparently most people did likewise. He saw maybe two or three young guys hanging around the stage, and that was it. He was pleased to see Becky was working the day shift as well. "Not much of a crowd, huh?" Ralph asked. Becky nodded in agreement, but Ralph could see something was on her mind. "Something bothering you, Becky?" Ralph tried not to have a smile on his face as he asked, but he still hadn't gotten used to the lilting voice coming from him. "Well," Becky said. "It's just that... you left last night, and none of us got our cut." Ralph stared at her, but somewhere in her mind she knew that the dancers were in the habit of sharing part of their tips with the wait staff each shift. And by walking out without doing that the night before, she'd become a pretty unpopular person. "Oh, I'm soooo sorry," Ralph stammered. "I... I... don't know where my head was. How much... I mean, how many were working with you, do you know?" Becky told him that there were six on the shift, and Ralph reached into his purse and pulled out $120 and gave it to Becky. He wasn't sure how he knew $20 per person was the going rate, but he did. Becky told him she'd get everyone paid. Suddenly last night's $250 haul was cut in half, Ralph grimaced. Still, he could make some more today. But as he began to head to the dressing room, he was grabbed roughly by Curt. "Get in my office - now" he said. Ralph followed, or more accurately was dragged there, as Curt pushed her down into a chair. Being handled roughly like this made Ralph uncomfortable, and reminded him of who and what he now was. "First off," Curt bellowed "Where do you get off NOT getting here 15 minutes before your shift like everyone else. I'm taking your first $100 today as punishment, you get me?" Before Ralph could say anything, Curt continued. "I don't know what the hell's gotten into you the last few weeks, but it stops now or you're out on your ass. No one is worth that." Ralph hated when girls "play dumb" but in this case... he was. "What do you mean?" he asked. I hired you for the same reason I hire all the girls here, I liked the way you suck my cock. The last few weeks you've got a cold, you've got a hair appointment, you're fucking some guy behind the dumpster, I don't know what the fuck you're doing. But I know you've been avoiding me, and that ends now." Curt stood up and dropped his pants, pointing to his cock. "You get over here and suck me now, or you're out. Don't fucking talk, just suck." Ralph remembered what he'd promised. He didn't want Amber to lose her job. Still, she hadn't obviously been doing this for a few weeks... so she must have had a reason. Curt moved closer, putting his dick just a few inches from Ralph's face. "Suck or go," he demanded. "Then... I'm going," Ralph said, standing up. As he did so, Curt grabbed his arm, and twisted hard, causing Ralph to welp. "You listen to me you cunt, if you go... you ain't coming back. You get me?" Ralph nodded as Curt pushed him back in the chair and snatched the purse he was clutching. Curt rooted around and pulled out a pair of $50 bills, stuffing them in his pocked. He then found and envelope with what looked like another few hundred dollars and took that too. "This is the hundred you owe me," he laughed. "And the rest is for my pain and suffering. Now get the fuck out of here!" Ralph grabbed his purse and made for the door. He felt himself starting to cry a bit. Was he scared? He wasn't sure what was brining the tears, but he wanted out as fast as he could. As he was moving through the club, he had to slow down a bit, as moving too quickly caused his boobs to flail around, even in the bra, and it was an uncomfortable feeling. He breezed past Becky, who tried to speak with him, and out into the parking lot. When he got there, he saw Curt standing next to his car, with a baseball bat in his hand and a smile on his face. Ralph saw the broken red pieces of plastic behind the trunk, and knew that Curt had smashed out his break lights. "Get the fuck off my property," he demanded, and Ralph did as he was told. He cried all the way home. He knew that he had a few days to try to make things right for Amber, and that the first step was probably getting away from Curt. CHAPTER SEVEN - A VISITOR When Ralph got back home, he sat on the couch and turned on the television. He put on SportsCenter and just tried to relax. For the first time in this body he didn't feel aroused. He just felt a bit shaken, and knew the rest would do him good. He wasn't sure how long he'd been asleep, but Ralph was awoken suddenly by what sounded like a key in the door. Before he could react in any way, the door flung open and in strode a large man. He looked like the linebackers on his high school football team, Ralph though. Thick and strong. His shaved head and goatee gave him that kind of menacing look. A look that was... familiar? "Mike," Ralph thought. "Is this guy named Mike?" "What's up, sugar lumps?" said the man, laughing as he ran over to Ralph and picked him up like a rag doll and squeezed him in a hug. Before Ralph knew what hit him, this man planted a kiss on his lips, and Ralph could feel tongue. He didn't know how to react. "Um....hi," Ralph said, after being put back on the ground. "'Um... hi' yourself," laughed the man. "That's all you got for me? Get back here." The man... Mike... pulled Ralph too him and began kissing him passionately. He was so strong, and it clearly felt like this was something familiar... so Ralph just let it happen. But the next thing he knew, Mike had picked Ralph up and carried him into the bedroom. Ralph felt weak, but the way his boobs slapped against this man's face as he carried him made Ralph in some ways a bit aroused too. But not wet. That didn't seem to matter to Mike. Within a matter of 30 seconds, Mike had pulled off Ralph's panties and had entered his pussy. Holding Ralph's wrists down, Mike thrusted faster and faster while laying on top of Ralph. Ralph winced silently in discomfort, as his pussy was too dry to take this kind of sex. As if he realized this, Mike leaned his head down and began sucking at Ralph's tits. Ralph's head arched back and pushed into the pillow beneath his head as feelings of pleasure began to envelope him. He wasn't even bothered being fucked by a man. It felt natural in this body, and so did the pleasure that was mounting with each passing second. Ralph bucked his hips in rhythm with Mike's thrusts, and felt himself getting wetter and wetter. Mike suddenly took Ralph's left nipple between his teeth and began nibbling on it. At first it felt good, but as he did so a bit harder it caused more pleasure than pain. Still Ralph was so wet now, and didn't want the sensations to stop. And then, in a second it was over. Ralph felt Mike's final thrust, and could feel his pussy being filled up with cum. It dawned on Ralph that Mike didn't have a condom on, but that was less important than the fact that just as he was nearing climax, Mike seemed to have "gotten his" and was done. Mike rolled off Ralph, but leaned back and absently rolled Ralph's nipples between his fingers, while beads of sweat ran down Ralph's tits and disappeared into the deep crevice between them. Ralph tried to push Mike's hand down to his pussy, hoping he give him the sexual release Mike had just enjoyed, but Mike just pulled his hands away, and clasped them behind his head as he lay on the bed, a satisfied smile on his face. "How about getting me a sandwich, Amber," said Mike. "I got to get back to the office soon, so move that cute butt of yours." Ralph wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say. Somehow this man held sway over Amber, and Ralph could feel the remnants of those feelings in him. So he got out of bed and walked to the kitchen, where he stood naked, making a sandwich, even as he felt fluids drip from his pussy down his thigh. Ralph tried to focus on what he was doing, but just as he was finishing, he felt Mike reach around him and squeeze his tits, hard. Mike pulled him close, and began kissing Ralph's neck as he continued to squeeze his tits. "You got my rent, hun?" Mike said between kisses. "I'm going to the track with my boys tonight and I need it." Ralph didn't answer .... This Mike was Amber's landlord? And just let him fuck her? There were memories in his mind, but he couldn't make sense of them. There was too many stimulations at once. Meanwhile Mike was rooting through Ralph's purse, and came up only with $17. "Where the fuck is my money, Amber?" said Mike, he voice now a bit colder. "You not been working? " "I kind of... you know... quit today," said Ralph sheepishly. "You know that guy Curt at the club? He's a real ass and..." "I don't care about that stuff," said Mike. "You want to live here, I need the rent. Just get me $500 by the morning and you can work off the rest in... other ways. So get that ass back to work and get your job back today, understand?" Ralph nodded. He had this stinking feeling that he was messing up Amber's life, and a tear came to his eye. "Oh, don't think that shit works on me... you're not my wife." Mike said. "Speaking of that, she and my kid are coming to town for a week, so you got to get out of here for a few days. In fact, you got no rent, just get out today. I'll track you down when she's gone, and we can talk about a new arrangement." Now the tears came hard and fast. Ralph couldn't stop them, and that just made him cry more. Mike was, as he said, unaffected, as he went into the bedroom, threw the last few things into Ralph's suitcase and brought it to the front door. "Oh don't be such a drama queen," Mike said, tossing Ralph his shirt and skirt. "You'll be back here in a week or so, and I'll be ready to fuck the shit out of you after a week with my wife." Ralph barely had a chance to get his shirt over his massive tits between Mike was pushing him out the door. "Damn, this whole place smells like your pussy. I got to air it out before she gets here," said Mike. And with that, Ralph found himself standing outside, suitcase in hand, and no where to go. CHAPTER EIGHT - ON HIS KNEES Ralph briefly thought of contacting Davis to see about ending the deal early, but realized he had no way to do so. The only place he knew to look for him was the club. It suddenly dawned on Ralph that there was only one place he could go. As he pulled into the Jiggles parking lot, Ralph felt sick to his stomach. He knew how humiliating it would be to walk back into this place, but he also knew that he'd messed up Amber's life in just about 24 hours, and he needed to fix it. As he sat in the car, he briefly considered going to a temp agency. Maybe he could get Amber some real job. But then he looked at how he was dressed. The low cut top, the giant tits, and the distinct smell of sex still upon his thighs. No, he knew this was the only way. Curt was near the entrance when Ralph walked in, and just started laughing. "Oh you have to be fuckin' kidding me," Curt said. "Don't you know what ?fired' means, you cunt?" Ralph walked up to him and said in a whisper, "Please... can we just talk? I ... need my job back." The smile on Curt's face made Ralph sick, but he followed him back to his office without a word. Curt reached over to Ralph and grabbed at his shirt with two hands, ripping it down the middle. Ralph hadn't bothered to put his bra back on when Mike threw him out, so his huge tits just flopped and jiggled on his check. Ralph felt humiliated, and also a bit afraid because he knew that shirt was one of Amber's favorites. Curt pushed Ralph's head down hard, forcing him to his knees, and seconds later had thrust his cock right in front of Ralph's face. "Suck it good if you want to come back. NOW." Ralph nodded, took a deep breath, and pulled Curt's cock into his mouth. He had his eyes closed, trying not to see what he was doing. But the feeling of the cock rolling against his tongue and pushing towards the back of his throat, the musky smell from Curt's crotch, and the feeling of his own giant tits bouncing with each thrust made quite sure that Ralph knew exactly what he was doing. The thing was, Ralph started to notice that it wasn't that bad. It felt familiar, no doubt about it. He knew it had to be done, so just increased his pace. As he did, the violent thrashing of his boobs started to feel uncomfortable, so he cupped them in his hands and pressed them against the underside of Curt's balls. This seemed to feel a bit better, and also caused Curt's cock to feel even bigger and stiffer in his mouth. Ralph was surprised by the violence of the cumshot. It seemed to come all of a sudden, accompanied by a low guttural grunt from Curt. Ralph swallowed instinctively, but the load was too big and too quick, so he felt some dribble out of the corners of his mouth and down his chin. The taste was just as disagreeable as it was when he transformed, but he didn't dare spit anything out. Curt dragged Ralph to his feet and stared straight into his eyes. "Every day, "he said. "You got me? Twice a day if I want it. Any way I want it. Why I let you get away with things before I don't know. But that's over. You want your job, this is the deal." Ralph nodded, and grabbed an opened Diet Coke can from Curt's desk and took a drink. The mix of cum and soda in his mouth made him want to throw up, but by the second sip most of the taste was gone. "Now get out there and dance," Curt said. Ralph nodded. He walked out into the club and then into the girl's dressing room to get ready for his set. CHAPTER NINE - THE WAITING The rest of the week was a bit of a blur for Ralph. Curt let him sleep at the club, but it meant an extra $50 per night for his take. Ralph danced as much as he could to make money, and found it less and less erotic with each dance. Occasionally a patron would come in who Ralph would recognize, and instinctively know what he liked. It helped bring in some extra cash. He got used to giving Curt his blow jobs each day, and occasional was ordered to let Curt fuck him. Twice, Curt had Ralph follow a friend to his car and give him a blow job. Once, the guy gave him $5, and the other time he gave him nothing. Curt set him up for one bachelor party on his fourth night, and the pay was good. He got $300 and all he had to do was strip for about 15 horny guys, and then let the groom to be fuck him in the ass. As he was being taken that way, he seemed to remember that Amber didn't mind it as much as other girls. Ralph found that little bits of Amber's life memories would pop into his head when he needed them, but overall found his focus on things fading. He was just going from dance to dance, patron to patron, blow job to blow job. On the afternoon of the seventh day, he was on his knees in Curt's office sucking him off, when, at the last second, Curt pulled out and shot his hot come all over Ralph's face and in his hair. He had done this another time during the week, and Ralph said nothing, for fear of losing his job. But as he sat in the dressing room, trying to get the dried cum out of his hair before his next time on stage, he was ready to get back to his old life. Fortunately, when he stepped out on stage, he looked into the crowd and saw Davis sitting at a table in the back of the club. A huge smile crept over Ralph's weary face, but he also felt a bolt of renewed energy. His dance was the most erotic of the week, basically making love to the pole. When he bent over to take a $20 with his big tits from a patron, he knew the guy could smell how wet he was. In fact, as he lingered there, the guy pulled out another $10 and held it forward. Ralph bent down and took it with his teeth. When his song ended, he circled the stage as usual, picking up the stray cash. He barely noticed how his huge tits bobbled and wobbled as he bent down, and instead just focused on the cash. Rolling the bills up with his discarded bikini top, he ambled over to Davis' table, and surprised himself by planting a nice kiss on Davis' check as he sat down. "Oh am I glad to see you!" Ralph cooed. "I'm glad the week is over." "It was quite an adventure, though," Davis said. "Wasn't it Amber? Tell me more about what happened." Ralph went into some details about Mike, and Curt... about living at the club, about dancing, and generally tried to gloss over the details of how many times, and in how many ways, he was fucked. He was a bit embarrassed about it. Not because he thought it made him seem gay, but for some reason because he thought it made him seem cheap. "It's ok sweetie," Davis said, stroking Ralph's hair. "A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do." "Well, either way... I'm excited to get my life back, my body back," Ralph said. "Where is Amber?" "My dear," Davis said simply. "You ARE Amber now. This is your life. There is nothing to get back." CHAPTER TEN - THE FINE PRINT Ralph stared at Davis. Half in anger, half in confusion. His first instinct was to rise up and hit him, but for some reason he did not. "Good girl," Davis said. "Violence will get you nowhere. Now, come out to my car with me and I will explain." Davis reached out his hand, and Ralph half-heartedly took it. As the two stood and headed towards the door, Curt intercepted them. "Where the fuck you taking her?" he demanded. "She ain't done dancing tonight." Davis reached into his wallet, and handed a $100 bill to Curt, and a $20 to Amber. "I just need her...um... services for a few minutes," Davis said. "You don't mind, do you?" "Fuck her in the ass for all I care," Curt laughed. "Just get her back in here in 20 minutes. She goes back on." Ralph tried to glare at Curt, but it just came out as a pout. When they reached his car, Davis walked around and opened the door for Ralph. But before Ralph could sit, Davis reached down and pulled the passenger seat as far back as it could go, obviously in response to the size of Ralph's tits. This action made Ralph blush with embarrassment. "Sit down, dear" Davis said, "and I will explain." Ralph wanted to hit him, he wanted to scream out in anger, but instead he just sat in the car, his huge boobs bouncing uncomfortably on his chest as he adjusted himself into the seat. Davis walked back to the driver's side, entered the car, and shut his door. He then turned towards Ralph and put his hand on his thigh, gently stroking and massaging it. "You will find, my dear, that you are unable to move right now. I just think it makes it easier. Otherwise you won't listen. But you're free to talk." "What do you mean I can't go back," Ralph said. "We had a deal, we signed a contract." "That's right honey, there is a contract, very good." Ralph didn't like the way Davis' tone was now more patronizing than anything. "The contract was signed by Ralph Schuman, giving him the right to return to your body anytime he wants after one week. But I've spoken with him, and he doesn't want to go back." "But I'm ..." Ralph demanded. "I signed the contract!" "I don't think so, Amber." Your name is Amber Hughes. Isn't it? If not, tell me what your name is." Ralph started to answer, but felt Davis' hands moving up his thigh, and felt his arousal rising, despite his resistance. "My name... well my name is Amber in this body, yeah," Ralph said. "But you know what I mean. When I was in his body, I signed it... as him." Ralph found his brain more scrambled than it had been even earlier today. He looked at Davis with a pleading look in his eyes. In response, Davis moved his hand up to Ralph's now moist pussy, and being slowly inserting two fingers in and out in a rhythm, causing Ralph to close his eyes with pleasure. "I know it's tough to think straight, Amber," Davis said. "That's natural, isn't it? You remember what I told you... don't you? As time passes, you'd reach into this brain and pull what memories and skills you need from it. You saw that happening, didn't you?" Ralph nodded, his eyes still closed and his breathing deeper as his pleasure grew. He remembered how he knew about Mike, how to dance, how to dress... his relationship with Becky... and even as he thought of these things, more memories started flooding his mind. "Yes, very good... think harder, dear." Davis said. "You see... memories cannot be shared. What you remember, Ralph now forgets. And what he has come to remember this week.. you have begun to forget. I gave him a book of really challenging crossword puzzles as a little gift the other day, I can see from the glazed look in your eyes tonight that he's been doing quite well with it." Davis increased the pace of his stimulation, and Ralph felt his own wetness betraying his anger and confusion. "That's it, Amber," Davis cooed. "Just enjoy it. And while you do, try to remember how much money you spent on those huge tits a few years ago.. can you? Remember? You were already big, but since you started to do a few adult films, and you wanted to feature dance, you knew they needed to be bigger." These memories did return to Ralph, he could see them. He could remember the discussions. The costs. The procedures. "Some of this is tricky, Amber," as you're trying to get memories from the body's original inhabitant, as well as from the time the previous man... who is now our good friend Ralph Schuman... was in it." Ralph's eyes opened with a start, giving Davis a confused look. "Yes, dear... that's right. I believe his name was Reggie. Some sort of hot shot internet executive. Oh the original Amber was so excited to change places with him. And he with her, I might add. He had your body for nearly 10 years... some of the best years of your life, I must say. What you are getting has a few more... shall we say, miles on it? You'll still remember you were a male, you might have some vague memories of family, of a job... but over time, that's all you'll have remaining." Ralph started to speak, but the growing pleasure prevented him from doing anything but sucking air... feeling his huge tits heave with each inhale. "You remember me saying I was in placement, don't you? Is your brain so fuzzy that you can't recall that? No matter... we'll discuss that in a minute... Now, you want to come, don't you?" Ralph nodded, he wanted nothing else. "How badly do you want it?" "So badly," Ralph cooed. "Then tell me your name, dear... tell me your name." His mind a whirl of emotion... her mind a whirl of emotion, Amber opened her mouth slightly and said "Amber" just as a huge wave of pleasure over came her. She barely noticed that Davis had reclined her seat fully, and was now on top of her, his fingers replaced by his hard cock, his hands both roughly massaging her sweaty tits. "Say it again for me, tell me again," Davis demanded. "And think of all the times, all the places, and all the ways you've been fucked in your life." "I'm Amber, I'm Amber," Amber cried. "I'm Amber." Amber felt Davis thrust one last time, and felt her pussy fill with his cum, as her mind filled with horrifying, yet comforting images. As Davis rolled back into his seat, Amber laid motionless... her body quivering with tiny crashing orgasm aftershocks. "Sit up," Davis said. "And you'll want to fix your hair. You go on stage in five minutes." Amber nodded, pulling her seat back up, and pulling the mirror down to check her hair. "I don't want to stay like this," Amber said. "I don't want to be Amber. Please." "Well what else could you do, dear.?" Davis said. "What was your name when you were a man, do you remember?" Amber nodded her head, in defeat. "But I do know," Amber said. "That I want to be a man again. Please... you can do that, right?" Davis smiled. "Of course I can, dear. For $1 million dollars. You come up with the cash, and I'll help you find the man. Of course, it might be a bit harder for you to come up with the money at your age... so you better be very aggressive about it." Amber remembered when she... or whomever was in this body before was similarly challenged. That's why she lived with Mike. That's why she did films on the side. Posed for internet porn, whatever she could do. She was all about making money." "I can't do it," Amber cried. "I can't come up with that... it will take years. It will take... forever." "Yes, yes it might, Amber," Davis said. "And if it takes you another 10 years, those boobs of yours will be to your knees. And you'd certainly be too old to dance. Not sure we'd find someone to take that body. Hmmmm, I need to think about this. But for now, you go dance. You don't want to get fired, do you?" Amber's eyes got wide. She was on in a few minutes. She pulled a tissue from Davis' glove box and tried to sop up the juices running out of her pussy as she put her g-string back on. She ran back towards the club, trying to fasten her bikini top as she did. .. but eventually had to stop for a few seconds so she could make it clasp. CHAPTER ELEVEN - LIFE CHOICES Her set was the same it had been the last few days, but now her attitude towards the patrons was even more jaded. All she saw were dollar signs. If someone caught her eye, she sized them up. Is he worth $20? $50? That's all that mattered. She saw her favorite patron in the corner, and danced his way. He was usually good for at least $50. As she shook her tits in his face, she wondered how much she could get from him for a hand job? Or a blow job? These thoughts made her scream inside, but she knew she had to keep her eye on the goal. Money. When her set was over, she collected about $215 from the floor, and headed over Davis' table. "Well, that's a good start, Amber," Davis said. "You must have a couple of hundred dollars there, right?" Amber was pretty sure it was a few hundred. But then she tried to figure out how many times she'd have to do that to get to a million dollars... but she couldn't. She knew she went to college as a man. She knew it. But she also knew that part of her brain was now with someone else. Davis laughed as he could see her scrunching up her face trying to do the calculations. "Don't worry your head about it, hun." He laughed. "If you make $200 per stage dance, you'd have to do that 5,000 times. So, if you danced twice each day... let's see... let's say 350 days out of the year... it would take you roughly eight years," Davis said. "Eight years?" Amber said. "I mean... how old am I now?" "Think about it," said Davis. "You know." Amber closed her eyes. She would be 31 in two weeks. "I'll be nearly 40," Amber sobbed. "I can't do this for eight more years. Please... please...Plus... I don't want to. I might not be so good at math any more, but I know I could never do that. Never pay you. And I might be stuck in this body, but I'm not doing this for a living." Davis, for the first time, looked surprised. He hadn't considered that Amber wouldn't come up with his money, some way some how. "I'll... I'll... go get some real job. I'll get married, or whatever. But I'm not doing this no more," said Amber. She was proud of her resolve, even if it scared her to think about leaving and having nowhere to go. Davis leaned over, and grabbed a handful of Amber's tit, squeezing hard. She felt a chill go down her spine as she remembered how much she enjoys rough sex. "This body is made for this, Amber" he said. "Just do what you were meant to do... get me my money, and you can go back to being a man someday." Amber just shook her head. She'd dance for a few more days, save up a bit of money and then try to find a cheap place to live while she looked for a job. Maybe she could sell her car. Maybe she could crash with her favorite patron. Letting him fuck her for a few weeks might be worth getting on her feet. The thought of needing to lay on her back to get back on her feet made her giggle. Davis, seeing a good earning opportunity slipping through his hands, was not done yet. He knew that Amber's diminished brain power would make her easy to manipulate. "Amber, what if I offered you $500,000 for a blow job?" Davis asked. "Really," said Amber. "Really?" Davis nodded, and Amber immediately got on her knees and started to unbuckle his pants. Curt saw this, and started to walk over. But as he got near, he saw that Davis was holding up $500 in his hands. Curt nodded and went back towards the front of the club, making sure no cops were around. Amber sucked like there was no tomorrow. She knew her math wasn't good any more, but she knew that $500,000 was half of what she needed, and if she could just do this twice... Before she could finish her thought, she felt Davis tense and cum. It seemed a huge load, and Amber was amazed how she was able to swallow it all. The taste wasn't even so bad now, and she felt herself getting aroused, with her hand finding her pussy to confirm it. She sat up into her chair, and wiped the cum from the corner of her mouth. "Wow, ok," said Amber. "So now I'm like half way there!" "No, no," Davis said. "All I asked you was what would you do if I offered you $500,000 for a blow job. I never made you the offer." Amber felt tears well up in her eyes. "Don't you see sweetie," Davis said, his hand on her shoulder. "You're pretty gullible now. I can't see you making it in another job. But here, you at least kind of know what you're doing. And I bet Curt would be happy to pimp you out to help you earn even more money. Don't you think that's the best way?" Amber nodded. This Davis guy was smart, that much was true. And she wouldn't be good on her own. Plus, Curt wasn't so so bad. "I guess...." she said. "But I mean, is there no other way? I can't live this life. Please, I'll take anything." Davis relented. This girl wasn't going to be the earner he needed, but he did have another way to get his money. He explained it to Amber, and she agreed that it was better than nothing. He pulled out the paperwork, she signed "Amber Hughes" and then felt herself black out. CHAPTER TWELVE - A NEW LIFE It had been only three weeks, but Consuelo Martinez had settled in as the new housekeeper for Ralph Schuman and his family. She was 23 years old, a native of Cuba, and spoke little English, and was very very appreciative of Mr Schuman for giving her this job. "I am muy happy," said Consuelo, as she bent over Ralph's home office desk, her mind filled with images of the many times in the past few weeks that she had let her employer fuck her from behind. Her small cola colored tits shook violently as she was entered, and she orgasmed just as her boss did every time. The former Consuelo had paid Davis the nearly $15,000 she had saved since coming to America to become the new Amber Hughes, and agreed to pay Davis 50% of her earnings at Jiggles. She lived with Curt and loved having sex with him. She loved her job desperately, and loved being a powerful white woman... her life long dream. Davis figured he might not get his million, but he enjoyed the end results very much. Consuelo was on her hands and knees, scrubbing the bathroom floor of the Schuman house, trying to make sense of things. Her mind was a jumble of memories that did not make a lot of sense. She knew that her boss told her in no uncertain terms that if she disappointed him in any way, she'd be sent back to Cuba. She didn't want that. The Schumans seemed a nice family, though. She felt some attachment to the children, and thought Mrs Schuman to be very nice. And Mr Schuman's cock was very nice too. She loved to please him. He seemed to be disappointed in the size of her tits, though, and she began saving up money to get them enlarged. She hoped it would please him very much. But even as these thoughts entered

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The Seachange

Jack and Dianne had lived a comfortable life in Melbourne..... the capital city of Victoria, Australia. Jack, the senior accountant of a major corporation had worked 30 years. Dianne, a housewife who loved entertaining. But, after 30 years of work, Jack and Dianne wanted to retire....to enjoy their remaining days in comfort and peace. Fresh air beckoned.....a country lifestyle. Jack and Dianne packed up, and bought a lovely house in Toolern Vale, Victoria. The air was clean, the horses were...

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Pounding by Daddy in the Changerooms

I was single, bored and masturbating way to often. I was young, innocent, and i was in my last year of high school. I had done everything with a previous girlfriend, from kissing to sex and I was straight of course, but had a pure obsession with older men. I spent a lot of my time, stripping, rubbing my hard cock, fingering myself at the sight of and older man fucking a younger boy. I went on websites, playing with them over webcam and still do to this day. But I was still a virgin, wanting...

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Wild Sex In The Pool8217s Changeroom

Hi, everybody! This is my third story here and the reactions and steamy emails I have received for my previous story have been overwhelming. I particularly have a thing for women older than me and I have been to their service of all those who have contacted me. I welcome all suggestions and emails especially from women and girls in Bangalore. I’m 26 years old now and this story is about a year old with my then girlfriends who was of my age. I’m 5.10 with an athletic physique with a well-endowed...

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The Role Exchanger

Just a heads up, this story is a bit odd and the TG elements in it are fairly light, but I do hope you enjoy it. And I wrote this story for my own amusement while playing around, so if you don't like it... too bad. The Role Exchanger By Morpheus The college courtyard provided a scene much like every other morning, being filled with a throng of students. Several dozen young men and women were scattered about, going about their normal routines as they awaited the start of...

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The Changeover

Note: the author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. THE CHANGEOVER By Wyrdey There are many scholarly theories about the Changeover - why it happened, how it happened. They talk about 'social forces' or 'chemical pollutants' or 'historical inevitability'. None of them are even remotely true. The lunatic fringe have their theories as well - They prefer 'the wrath of god' or 'alien intervention'. They're closer, but still...

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Copyright© 2004 by Kien Reti He pressed the blinking red button on the cube. A luminous three-dimensional display popped up in mid-air. There were blocks of text in easy-to-read glowing green letters, and what looked like a side panel of multi-colored push-buttons. This had to be some kind of fancy hologram. Mark XXIV GenderChanger® Choose an Option: [1] PARTIAL CHANGE (genitalia only, secondary sex characteristics unaffected) [2] COMPLETE CHANGE (down to the...

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Reality Changers

The strip club's base beat in time with the feelings of guilt and fear that pulsed through Max's heart. His wife, Amber, as going to kill him. Todd Farnsworth he cursed in his mind. Todd always thought a strip club was the perfect place to seal a business deal. "They create a bond among the players," he'd said when Max had complained about it. Max looked up at the female associate on the other side. Janice looked at her watch then at the exit. Max agreed with her. The sooner they were out...

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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Prelude Part 7 XChange

5004, Year Isegrim stood at the bar in the Xchange cafe, watching through the large windows into the large warehouse, as his men unloaded the last crates of Flicker fish and Fangsnapper meat. The door opened and along with a flurry of snow flakes and a gush of cold wind Leif Elhir stomped in, cleaning his heavy boots over the snow grate. He looked around to see who was there and then he noticed Isegrim. “I see the winds also dragged in the steward of the Ragnarsson riches, running errands...

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Game Changer

I’m in my seventies now and only discovered my bi side when I was in my thirties. We weren’t swingers but my ex-wife Barbara and I were very sexually active and uninhibited. We were engaging in oral sex a good ten years before it was socially acceptable. In the mid-sixties when she came home from giving birth to our first child with her pussy shaved. She liked the way it felt when I went down on her, so Barbara kept it shaved. Again that was almost fifteen years before bald pussies came in...

Gay Male
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Game Changer

I'm in my seventies now and only discovered my bi side when I was in my thirties. We weren't swingers, but my ex-wife Barbara and I were very sexually active and uninhibited. We were engaging in oral sex a good ten years before it was socially acceptable. In the mid-sixties when she came home from giving birth to our first child with her pussy shaved she liked the way it felt when I went down on her, so she kept it shaved. Again, that was almost fifteen years before bald pussies became in...

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Blackmailing Turned Out To Be Life Changer

Hi. This is Aakash Gandhi from Chandigarh. Basically I’m an engineering student and 20 years old. I’m a regular reader of ISS and thought of sharing my recent experience too! It’s very long story but I’m sure you’ll enjoy till the end. Coming to the story, this story is about me and my cousin sister sneha whom I can fuck whenever i want due to beautiful incident that happened in my life. We have a joint family and live under same house. In my family, i have an elder sister and mom. Both are out...

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The Fairest of Exchanges

One good turn deserves another. In the bedroom that might translate as ‘one good sucking deserves a muffing’. I enjoyed this fairest of exchanges again just this morning. Let me share my experience with you… I woke early and looked at my girlfriend as she lay sleeping beside me. She was turned towards me and her beautiful face was partly covered by her long blonde hair. Her lips are the most sensual I have ever seen. Just looking at them makes me want to cum in her mouth. I have told her this...

1 year ago
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IrreFutable Changes

In the medical world, it got called the Hormone-Oriented Sexual Transmutative Disease. The disease was transmittable through sexual activity and, as its symptoms and causes became more well-known, it got classified as an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) very quickly. Many people were fearful of the disease. They were never sure if they'd catch it, nor how severe its effects would be, except that they could catch it through unprotected sex. They'd avoid any irresponsible activity whatsoever,...

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SRU Going Through Some Changes

This is a bit of a strange one. I had originally planned on it being rather short, but somehow it grew just a little bigger than I had intended. Still, I hope you enjoy. Any one who wishes to archive this story may do so, under the provisions that they notify me of doing so and that there is no charge for it. SRU: Going Through Some Changes By Morpheus Sitting around my dorm room was getting old real fast. Lately I'd been feeling a mixture of stress and boredom, both broken...

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I don’t know where Ceridwen came from. I think she’s a melange of the tired city girls you see every day on the London commute. Our city is hard and jagged, and those of us lucky enough to have someone should be glad, too many people here are alone. — I was tired and cold. The Victoria line platform at Vauxhall was busy and I clasped my violin case to me as I dodged around other people and made my way towards the train station. It was a windy evening, with drizzle and low clouds scudding...

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The Change

Anna had started her day at the store in a funk; not quite depressed, but certainly not excited to be there. She usually enjoyed her job and liked to help customers. Finally by mid-morning, she hit a brighter spot. Anna giggled lightly as the slim man looked over the display of matching soft-cup bras and panties. He looked slightly out of place, even with his long hair braided and tied off with a bright pink bow, the tight sleeveless shift dress in a gaudy pink-themed print, and...

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A Plague of Changes

A Plague of Changes By Morpheus Chaos exploded around me and the horrendous noise rolled over me like thunder, threatening to deafen me from the raw force of it. Everywhere I looked, there were wild and ferocious creatures that could end my life... or worse. I shuddered slightly as I looked around the complete madhouse that I was trapped within. The zoo known as high school. I took another look around and shook my head, glancing back to the drivers ed pamphlet in my hands. I was...

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SRU The Ring of Change

SRU: The Ring of Change By Allen W. "Spells R Us? When did this open?" Mark thought. Hesitating for a moment in the doorway he decided to step inside. "Hi Mark." Said an old man wearing a bathrobe. "Uh...Hi." "I know exactly what you need." The man said reaching behind the counter. "I... uh... don't really need anything... I was just looking..." "Nonsense Mark!" Said the old man pulling out a little ornate ivory box covered in dust. "This is exactly what you need...

3 years ago
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The Change

The Change By ZeDD My name is Teddy. I occasionally go out with friends and have something of a steady girlfriend, though we both see others whenever we feel like it. I'm in my 20's and living the easy free life of a bacholer. At least I was before I changed into a sexy bombshell named Penelope Benton! Now I'm living the easy free life of a unemployed woman! And it all began with a stupid text number someone scrawled on a piece of paper! I couldn't really explain why I did it....

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Eddies Change

This story is inspired by the many authors of TG fiction out there that I have read, I hope you like it. This story contains an Adult Content and has scenes of Forced Feminization/Humiliation, so if you are under 21 or are offended go and watch Barney or something. Eddie's Change By Serena Lawhead Chapter 1 : A change for the better "Dammit Eddie, will you get off your back side and do some work around here" shouted Suzi, Eddie's wife of nearly 5 years. Eddie looked up...

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DMGC The Department of Magical Gender Change

When magic spells are cast, some are very specific, but others are vague on the details. If a wizard changes a man into a lovely maiden, he might decide what the new woman looks like and how she's dressed. But what happens if the change is triggered by a magical object, or an ambiguously worded wish? Who determines what standard of beauty to use? Who determines what clothes she's wearing after the transformation and makes sure that it's color-coordinated? Who decides on her hair...

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A TechnoChange

A TECHNO-CHANGE by greyguy (Original submission) X-rated - Synopsis: Ken Grantham is disillusioned with his lot in life and convinced that he should have been someone else. While searching for his favourite downloads on the Internet one night, he comes across a life-changing computer program. Categories: Sci-Fi, magical transformations Author's note: This is my first attempt at a TG story, but I have been a fan of this style of writing for a very long time. I got the idea...

4 years ago
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PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 7A Wendy's Changes Hours and days of feeling the vibrations through your clit, the soaking of your panties and the pool of juices that had formed on the blanket of the bed you finally hear your release commanded from the other room and you are all too happy to comply with her wishes. "Cum for me now!" Wendy demands. You scream out into the ball gag as loud as you can. The explosion that happens inside of you is as physical as the mental...

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The Wind of Change

The Wind of Change Connie and I had been married for a little over 18 months when the news broadcasts first warned of the impending collision of two asteroids which were both projected to miss Earth by something around a million miles. There was allegedly little to no danger projected to be present according to the so-called expert astronomers but they did say we would be able to see the collisions aftermath in the evening skies a few days after the collision. Okay, so why should we...

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Ch...Ch...Ch...Changes (Part 1) Hey everyone, the Island man is back! At the request (encouragement they would tell you) of my employer I went back to school to complete an additional degree so I had to take a little hiatus from writing - but I'm done (at least for now). It's been quite a while since I have contributed to the community and felt it was time to give back again. It's been a very busy time - I'm sure you all understand how it goes ... family, career and life happens....

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A game that changes

This is an inspired project that I think can be fun. The following links are what inspired my direction, but please feel free to own your own direction for this story. The Game that Changes is fluid, and the game master can change play of the game on a whim i.e. if a master feels the player needs a Sims like game then the mode will feel like the Sims, but this player needs a fighting game, an adventure game, sports game, etc then the game shifts to manipulate the player, so the player will...

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Ring on the Changes

This story was custom written to Circe's specifications as a prize for my fourth story contest. Ring on the Changes By Morpheus The Dragon's Trove was located in an old, red brick building, with a large window in the front that had a carefully painted picture of a dragon wrapped around a large pile of books on it. Within the used bookstore, only half of it was filled with the books that the sign represented and more than half of these were of the science fiction or fantasy genre,...

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The Change

The Change By Erica Wright Started: 08/28/09 I'm a huge Sci-Fi and Fantasy fan, but I've never really had the desire to blend my love of Sci-Fi with my love of adult fiction. This story is the result of the first time I felt that desire and what happened. Originally the story was going to use some kind of nano-technology to allow the growth and absorption of sexual organs, (i.e. my 'wife' in the story could 'grow' a ten inch penis, and I could 'grow' breasts and a vagina...) Once I...

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The Big Change

Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The Big Change I had been dressing up since I was about seven, always very careful not to get caught, and I had always been successful... until I turned 14. Then he saw me. My best friend in the whole world had simply walked in the house, opened my bedroom door, and saw me standing there, completely decked out, from makeup to dress, pantyhose and low heels. My hair was tied up in a high ponytail, which exposed my clip on earrings. You...

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Pills Pink pills change males to females. Blue pills change females to males. Purple pills (X-Trans) change males or females into transgenders, can be combined with pink or blue. X-Change (Formula subject to change) Acquired from unlicensed "street" vendors. Changed (defective/in testing) formula. Cheapest. High pregnancy risk. Can lead to mental and/or continuing physical changes. Pregnancy results in permanence. More potential effects...(increased hormones/estrogen/testosterone, missing...

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Face the Strange Chapter 711 How Many Special People Change

FACE THE STRANGE by Crazy Baron Chapter 7: How Many Special People Change Mom's words instantly swept away all of my thoughts and feelings and plans for the immediate future, together with the remnants of my inebriation. Their place was taken by one single overwhelming emotion, anxiety. I had feared precisely this moment ever since I had been told my transformation was probably irreversible, and hoped that I might somehow be able to avoid it; but now there was nothing I could...

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Loving Change

Loving Change Are you sure this will work?" the young woman asked quizzically. "Money back guarantee," the elderly clerk replied as he folded a long silk pink slip with a bottle of unmarked lotion and put both in the bag. "I hope he likes it," the women said as she took the bag and headed back into the mall. "I know she will," the clerk stated out of earshot of the young woman. *** *clink* The touch of wine glasses signaled more than six lunar cycles. "That was a...

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Tokens Spare Change

This story was written over a period of about 4 months as a serial story for another group. When I first started writing this story, I had no idea where it would go. Tokens: Spare Change By Morpheus Prologue A slender man quickly made his way along the sidewalk, intent on his destination and not brooking any delays. Every several minutes the man glanced down at his watch, frowning just a little more deeply and quickening his step that much more. At that rate it might not be...

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Winds of Change

Winds of Change By: Light Clark Synopsis: Ian hated the life that he'd been given. School, home, and everything in between was just unbearable. Then one day, he took a different path during that inbetween and discovered something that could change it all, but it was a gamble. Would it be worth the risk? Warning: This story is 'technically' set in the Whateley universe. It uses no characters or places from that universe; just borrows a few terms and general thematics. It is...

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Salto Vorto The Dance of Change

Casey and his mother had eagerly anticipated the event for months, perhaps years, subconsciously - The Annual Autumn Mother/Son - Son/Mother Dance, held by their secluded little town's high school. During the Spring school recess, the town's elders assembled and issued its list of this year's "Selected", the high school seniors and their mothers, who were to eligible to participate in the dance. And while the thought of being one of The Selected surprised him, he never really had any...

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Winds In Change

WINDS IN CHANGE by Spanky de Bautumn I was in a rut, spinning my wheels, I needed a change. I'm not a singer, I'm not a performer, I'm not even a good musician, but people have told me that I have a knack for writing. So, I've learned enough guitar to give my poetry some melody and for the past six months have been playing at open mikes and coffee houses in Hollywood and the Valley. I am currently between jobs and doing some telemarketing selling ink cartridges for printers and...

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Some things never change

Some things never change By Trainmaster Synopsis: A geeky tenacious boy, leading a Boy Scout troop on a 50-mile hike, turns into a beautiful poised young lady when the Genderwave overtakes them on the trail. Her (former) father becomes the emotional lightning rod for everyone on the hike, and finds out that changes of sex aren't as important as the things that don't change. My son Stuart was a lanky kid with a heart of gold and a determination to be successful at all he did. The...

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Change by parker Anxious, I checked my watch for the fifth time in as many minutes. How long could it possibly take her to change? Women! The dinner started in half an hour, and the election was tight enough without me being late for my own fundraising events. I looked around the clothing store, hoping to find a female attendant to check the changing rooms, but the store seemed empty. I walked over to where a hung curtain separated the changing area from the rest of the store....

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Personality Change

A work of fiction.Lillian Maynard was a sixty year old widow, her husband had left her f******n years earlier. Her son Jeff who Lillian had late in life was only two when his father left and so never knew him. The boy was now sixteen, a bright boy who worked for a small IT company close to where he lived. His relationship with his mother was fairly formal.After her divorce from her husband Lillian turned to religion and became a devout Christian, didn’t drink, a non smoker and wouldn’t have...

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Altered Fates Changes

Altered Fates: Changes By Morpheus My toolbox felt heavy in my hand as I examined the room. It was a real mess. The walls were scorched, even badly burned in spots, the obvious marks of a fire. However, to my expert eye, the damage was only skin deep, fairly easy to repair. Still, it would several days to replace the sheet-rock and repair the walls, not to mention redoing the carpeting and paint. But it would give me a nice hefty paycheck. Apparently the fire had been caused by...

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Changes in Paradise Chapter 14 Choosing Change

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is definitely adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 13," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on which this story appeared, or...

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Changes By Julie O Edited By Itinerant Chapter 1 "How did I do?" asked sixteen-year-old Scott Helms as he took a long drink of water. "You were perfect," replied Jack Roberts. "I couldn't be prouder of you and the way you stood up to the defense today." "How long was I in there today?" asked Scott. "I sort of lost...

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Seasons Change

No Time No time left for you On my way to better things No time left for you I'll find myself some wings No time left for you Distant roads are calling me No time left for you. No time for a summer friend No time for the love you send Seasons change and so did I You need not wonder why You need not wonder why There's no time left for you No time left for you. No time left for you On my way to better things No time left for you I'll find myself some wings No time left for you Distant roads...

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SRU The Whistle of Change

SRU: Whistle of Change By Larahose Jimmy Davey was 5'9 1/2" tall and weighed about 175 lbs. He was a 24-year-old college graduate finally on his own after working the last couple years to save money while living at home with his parents. Jimmy was finally enjoying the freedom of wearing female clothing while relaxing at home. You see he has been a life-long crossdresser. Jimmy was very dissatisfied with the drudgery of his male life. He often dreamed of going out in...

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Sometimes the More Things Change

Sometimes the More Things Change ... by Bill Hart A year had passed since Dr. Tomlin had convinced the powers that be of the potential implied by her radical theories on the nature of time and the possibility of time travel. She'd often wondered during the months of negotiations with the government if the time taken would have been substantially reduced if she'd been a man. Now, Dr. Marlene Tomlin, lost in thoughts of past events, stood and stared at the newly-constructed...

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An Unexpected Change

An Unexpected Change Al little more than two years ago, I was faced with what many men would have considered a difficult decision, which turned out to have been a blessing in disguise. Several non-malignant tumors had been found in my testicles and prostate, while they were not life threatening my Doctor assured me that they could very easily become cancerous if left unchecked. In addition, they were causing pain so ignoring them was rapidly not becoming an option. The doctor wanted...

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Love in the Verge of Changes

Love in the Verge of Changes Synopsis: After strange balls fell on Earth, the World goes through a massive change. Could the love of our two protagonist survive such turn in their live? Author's note: this is a work of fiction, so is completely fictitious, any resemblances both in the content or in the character is purely by chance. It is my first story that I post and I hope people will like it. I plan to write it as a three chapters story, and I hope to finish the other...

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Price of Power 4Britneys Big change

Price of Power 4 Britney's Big change Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others...

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Rons Change

Ron's Change By Margaret Jeanette Sue and Ron Horn had a good marriage. Ron was an all-state baseball player in high school and had dated Sue since his junior year. They just celebrated their fifth wedding anniversary. Ron has a good job in customer relations with a construction company. They are attending the company picnic. Sue is talking to Karen who is Ron's secretary. "Well, Karen, how do you like working with Ron?" Sue asked. "I like the job. It is very...

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Melissas Change

Melissa's Change by Ron L. Miss Sarah Lawrence stood at the bottom of the stairs leading to the entrance to the local museum. She was counting heads as a troop of girls, aged 15 and 16, traipsed up to the museum. As head mistress of the `Holly Preparatory School for Girls', it was one of her functions to keep track of all girls in her charge. She took her job seriously. The Holly school was a very exclusive school for girls from wealthy parents. The parents of these sweet...

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The Change By Margaret Jeanette Toni Weber was very happy. She was just promoted to vice-president of human resources. She moved into her large well-appointed office and sat there thinking about how lucky she was. She was a strong motivator and was known for a no-nonsense approach. She used whatever tools were available. Now she reported directly to the president of the corporation. That night at supper she told Fred her husband of seven years about her promotion. She was...

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Small Changes

Small Changes by X_Zero_23 Alfonso Dukamon hated A. Franky Midgill with a passion. He had only known of his existence for five short months, but during those months he had looked at the young man with nothing but loathing. Both were trumpeters in the Weldon City orchestra. An inconsequential little assemblage to be sure, but it played very large in the life of Mr. Dukamon. It was in fact the most important thing in his life. Al had started out in life with such promise, and an I.Q....

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Maid to Change

Maid To Change By Margaret Jeanette Tammy Meyer was busy giving one of her salesgirls hints on how to get customers to buy more. She owned the most upscale women's wear store in town. She was a no-nonsense woman who knew how to direct people to do as she wanted. She finished with the salesgirl and went to her office. She had the bookkeeping to do and wanted to get it done before she went home. She finished it just before it was closing time. Her last quarter figures were...

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Lasting Impressions The Change

Lasting Impressions By: ASTRO Many people used to wonder what it would be like to experience life from the opposite sex's point of view. I, like many people have their own story to tell about how new technology changed my life. My name is AJ. I am married and a father of two little girls. I am a 25 year old Caucasian male with an athletic body. My life has been pretty normal. I am a mechanical engineer and live in a nice home near the city of South Bend,...

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