Lost in Space Kapitel 1 Fynlane in Flammen
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Die folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum der Autorin 'Janoko'. Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und ?hnlichkeiten mit realen Personen sind nicht beabsichtigt. Die Geschichte darf nur mit ausdr?cklicher (schriftlicher) Genehmigung auf einer anderen Seitever?ffentlicht werden. ©2008 - 2011 Janoko ---------- A different Way Kapitel 2: Begegnung Ich h?rte wie meine Mutter das Haus verlie?, da die Haust?re krachend ins Schloss flog. Meine G?te, musste die heute w...
Die folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum der Autorin 'Janoko'. Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und ?hnlichkeiten mit realen Personen sind nicht beabsichtigt. Die Geschichte darf nur mit ausdr?cklicher (schriftlicher) Genehmigung auf einer anderen Seitever?ffentlicht werden. ©2008 - 2011 Janoko ---------- A different Way Kapitel 3: Freunde Ich legte mich wieder ins Bett und dachte ?ber die Worte von Mutter nach. "W?re ich doch ein Junge", wiederholte ich ihre Wo...
Kapitel 9Die Nacht über schlief ich wie ein Toter. Die Ereignisse des vorigen Tages hatten mich ausgelaugt und waren anstrengend genug gewesen. Trotzdem erstaunte es mich doch. Ich hätte nicht damit gerechnet. Als ich dann morgens aufwachte, ließ ich meine Augen zu. Niemand sollte sehen, dass ich bereits wach war. Ich brauchte ein wenig Zeit für mich, musste mir endlich Gedanken darüber machen, wie ich dieser Situation entkommen konnte. Noch war zumindest für mich die Sache recht glimpflich...
Es war ein ganz normaler Mittwoch, ich gammelte nachmittags gemütlich am PC in meiner Studentenwohnung und zockte Battlefield mit Freunden, als ich eine Kurzmitteilung von Muriel erhielt. Zugegeben, seitdem ich sie auf der Studihausparty kennengelernt hatte ging alles drunter und drüber in meinem Leben, die unvergessliche Nacht mit ihr schwebte mir immer noch im Kopf rum und obwohl schon ein paar Tage vergangen waren und wir uns ständig SMS schickten, hatte ich weder eine Ahnung was das Ganze...
Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum der Autoren 'Janoko' und 'Ironhide' Die Geschichte ist frei erfunden und ?hnlichkeiten mit realen Personen/Orten sind nicht beabsichtigt und rein zuf?llig. Die Geschichte darf nur mit ausdr?cklicher (schriftlicher) Genehmigung auf einer anderen Seite ver?ffendlicht werden. Die Geschichte ist mit freundlicher Unterst?tzung der world-of-hentai.to-Community entstanden ©2010 Janoko und Ironhide ---------------- Lost in Sp...
Sarah war 20 und lag gerade nur mit T-Shirt und Slip bekleidet in ihrem provisorischen Bett auf dem Boden. Neben ihr in einem richtigen Bett schlief Nadine, ihre beste Freundin, bei der sie heute übernachtete. Sie wußte nicht wie spät es war aber sie beneidete Nadine, deren Atem sie gleichmäßig gehen hörte. Sarah konnte aber partout nicht einschlafen. Sie beschloß einen Streifzug durch das Haus zu machen, natürlich schön leise um niemanden zu wecken. Auf dieser Etage gab es noch zwei...
TeenOriginal Author: Uh-Oh / Derren Grathy Original Author's Literotica profile Original Author's blog Das Original heißt "Ashley's Dark Awakening" und ist bei Literotica zu finden Ashley wusste, sie sollte nicht hingehen, aber tief drinnen freute sie sich darauf. Ein Abiturientin, die noch nie zu einer Party gegangen war, geschweige denn allein so weit außerhalb der Stadt, kleinlaut versuchte Ashley es abzulehnen, als ihre beste Freundin Sandy es erwähnte und vorschlug. 'Mitten in der Nacht aus...
InterracialEr wurde von seiner Firma beauftragt, in Hangzhou in China, den Aufbau einer neuen Fabrik für seine Firma zu beaufsichtigen. Eine riesen Chance, auf welche Eric seit seinem Studium hinarbeitete. Mia war trotzdem totunglücklich - Flüge nach China waren lang und teuer. Aller drei Monate maximal könnte Eric nach hause fliegen, um ein paar Tage mit ihr zu verbringen. Sie hatten sich im Studium kennengelernt und waren seitdem ein Paar. Sie wollten auch zusammen bleiben, Kinder, Hausbau - aber erst...
Wir beide Claudine und ich Tom haben uns vor einem halben Jahr kennengelernt etwa drei Wochen vor Claudines neunzehnten Geburtstag. Wir trafen uns nach dem ersten Kennenlernen zufällig immer wieder auf Festivals oder in der Disko unseres ersten Zusammentreffen. Nach dem dritten oder vierten Mal fragte ich sie ob ich sie mal abholen dürfe was sie gleich bejahte. So war dann der nöchste Freitag als Termin ausgemacht. Pünktlich um sechs stand ich vor ihrem Haus und sie kam schon aus der Türe und...
"Stell dir ganz kurz einmal vor wie du dein Leben verlierst Und irgendwer der's gefunden hat trägt es her hinter dir Und er erreicht dich und dein Leben ist dir so dermaßen peinlich dass du einfach nicht bereit bist zuzugeben, dass es deins ist" _____________________________________________________ Donnerstag, 13:52 Uhr "Kann mir eine von euch erklären wo Raum 154 ist?" Es war die Pause vor der letzten Stunde und ich stand wieder in der Stufenecke. Und wieder war ich Mittelpunkt der...
Diese Geschichten gehen wahrscheinlich teilweise zu weit doch sie sind ein fiktive Story bei der IHR einfach eurer Phantasie freien lauf lassen könnt und auch sollt.Entdecket neue Ufer auf das euch neue Weisheiten zu teil wird! - A.P.ZINNOBER/PURPUREndlich 18! Die Woche vergang zum glück wegen der vielen Arbeit im Dom wie im Flug und zwischen durch konnte ich den Bischof immer wieder wuschig machen. indem ich ihm immer wieder einen Ausblick auf gewisse Körperteile von mir gab. Die Lage spannte...
Diese Geschichten gehen wahrscheinlich teilweise zu weit doch sie sind ein fiktive Story bei der IHR einfach eurer Phantasie freien lauf lassen könnt und auch sollt.Entdecket neue Ufer auf das euch neue Weisheiten zu teil wird! - A.P.ZINNOBER/PURPURHallo mein Name ist Vallerie, bin in einer Woche 18 Jahre alt und habe gerade meine Ausbildung als Orgelbauerin angefangen. Schon seit meiner Kindheit, in der Kirche, haben mich Orgeln massiv fasziniert und auch irgendwie angemacht. Die ganzen Rohre...
Diese Geschichten gehen wahrscheinlich teilweise zu weit doch sie sind ein fiktive Story bei der IHR einfach eurer Phantasie freien lauf lassen könnt und auch sollt.Entdecket neue Ufer auf das euch neue Weisheiten zu teil wird! - A.P.SCHWARZ/BLAURobin ist mein Name ich bin unanständige 28 Jahre alt und hab seit neuem eine 8 Jahre ältere Freundin. Wie das ganze zustande kam ist mir bis heute noch schleierhaft. Sie arbeitet in meiner Abteilung, heißt Marion und ist die Oberzicke vor dem Herrn!...
Nun arbeitet Manuel bereits seit einem halben Jahr in der Boutique Silky Heaven. Ein Modegeschäft spezialisiert auf Unterwäsche, Dessous, Lingerie, Strumpfmode, Kleider und Schuhe für Sie. Vor sechs Monaten hätte er nie daran geglaubt, in dieser Boutique anzufangen und eine Ausbildungsstelle zu bekommen. Kaum einer seiner Freunde und Bekannten konnte verstehen, warum er gerade in dieser Branche arbeiten möchte. Als junger Mann war das doch eher ungewöhnlich. Doch Manuel interessierte sich schon...
Ich trat unter die Dusche und stellte die Dusche erst mal auf br?hend hei?, gerade so, dass ich es aushalten konnte, um sie nach ein paar Minuten sp?ter auf eiskalt zu stellen. Das war ein ebenso guter Wachmacher wie Kaffee. Da ich meine neue Bekanntschaft nicht so lange warten lassen wollte, seifte ich mich entsprechend ein und begann mich zu rasieren. Ein paar Stellen waren tricky, aber ich hatte den Vorteil, genauso wie ich nicht die Statur von Dwayne 'the Rock' Johnson hatte, nicht be...
Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ??? ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...
My name is Dewayne Williams. I'm the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I've never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! My...
Oral SexMiss Emily Maitland and companion Jane Flanders were on their way to Derby. Miss Maitland a spirited and largely uneducated girl, daughter of a self made man from the lower orders had been to York to “See the Minster.” They had stopped at my parents house en route as Miss Flanders professed to know my sister from their time at the girls school though my dear sister could not place her at all. Father was delighted. Miss Maitland’s father was very wealthy by all accounts and had but three...
We woke the next morning all stiff and a bit sore, especially poor Angel. She complained that we were too rough on her the previous night and that her ass and pussy were sore and her nipples ached where Jack had pinched them as we all came. We laughed about it though - none of us would have changed a moment of it. Jack and I did feel a little bad about being so hard on our companion, but she assured us that it wasn't the first, nor would it be the last, time she woke up sore from the previous...
MoneyAnother Dwyne’s hot show on the screen.When I got to work on Tuesday morning I walked along the hall in our office and met Dwayne sitting at his desk.I knew exactly what he was thinking when he saw me; that he has fucked my sweet wife while I was gone. But he had no idea I knew what he had done or that I had actually watched him as he fucked and sodomized Ana.He stood up and slapped me in the back. "How was your trip, Victor?" I told him it was fine; an uneventful trip away from home. I then...
Black lover Dwayne on my laptopI had been away from home during three days on my “quick” business trip… but still I had two days more to come back to my sweet Ana.Sitting down on the hotel bed I opened my laptop and it took just few seconds to connect the signal with Ana at home.She had been sitting at our marital bed waiting for me and replied instantly. Ana told me she was ready to provide me a nice show to watch.She explained that had invited home one of my own co-workers, Dwayne, a huge...
I was on Interstate 80, maybe fifteen miles East of Fairfield, CA heading towards Sacramento. Up in the high, flat country with the golden grass in the summer. It was hot, very hot, but I had my windows open enjoying my new state. At 70 half the traffic seemed to be passing me. I was heading to my sister’s house for the weekend, and in no particular rush since I was three hours early. I was dying for something to drink, maybe a Snapple, when I saw the van on the shoulder up ahead. ...
All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. Erika's adventure part five: I slept like a baby that night, I mean mind you I didn't get to sleep until three in the morning, but I slept in until 11am. Last night felt like a dream, I was reliving everything in my head, and I still can't believe I had a date with Wayne, and even more so, I can't believe I blew him. I mean, I figure...
All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. Erika's adventure part five: I slept like a baby that night, I mean mind you I didn't get to sleep until three in the morning, but I slept in until 11am. Last night felt like a dream, I was reliving everything in my head, and I still can't believe I had a date with Wayne, and even more so, I can't believe I blew him. I mean, I figure...
A final show from DwayneA week later I was once again at work; that black bastard Dwayne was off.Towards the end of the afternoon I got a text from my sweet Anita, telling me Dwayne just had left and I had a video available when I got home. Once again I came back home almost after midnight and was really very tired; but Ana’s laptop was there in the living room, waiting for me.Ana and Dwayne were naked in bed. I knew my sweet wife was on her period; so, I watched as the black man fucked her in...
Dwayne again on my laptopI was still out and so far from home that long weekend.My business trip had been delayed another couple days; so I called my sweet Ana and told her I was very sorry, but I would come back home on Monday.She laughed and answered: “Do not worry, hun, tonight Dwayne will come again to warm you side of the bed… I will set my laptop on the night table… you can watch us”.I was a little bit mortified, after watching that huge black bastard enjoying Ana’s cunt and even...
Austin, TexasAges 29 and 33Married nine monthsAbigail: I never met men through my job (I’m a real estate investor). So instead I had the bad habit of reigniting old relationships, seeing if I could make them work the second time around. In May 2010, my three sisters, with whom I’m very close, and my brother-in-law Chris urged me to try someone new. When I demurred, they insisted on buying me a date at a local bachelor auction for charity. At first, I protested, but eventually I gave in. And...
This story is a fantasy I just had and like to share with you. As the story isn't finished yet, I would love to hear your comments, advice and additions to the story. Please contact me at [email protected] .If you've enjoyed this story, please write me too - then I might write more!Synopsis:Norway 1940: A female civilian seduces a military leader of the German occupation forces, eventually turning him into her tool to gain power. Bus as the soldier is too paralyzed by her charms, he let...
Angel S:1 E:14 "Dwayne's World" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover Liz sat on the couch with her wedding band in her hand. She sat staring at it while Ashley slept with her head on Liz's lap. It was a simple gold ring with a small hard to read inscription etched into the inside. She didn't need to read the words; they were etched in her heart. "Forever locked onto your heart." Ashley coughed and started to wake up. Liz put her...
Big Al and his younger brother Dwayne arrived as promised at half six for dinner and a little fun. I greeted them at the door in my black leather harness with a sheer off-the-shoulder black dress over, fishnets and heels too. The boys seemed to be extremely pleased with my appearance.I had a couple of bottles of Moretti waiting for them on the coffee table. We made our way to the sofa to await the delivery guy with our Italian meal, no way was I going to waste time preparing something. It...
ThreesomesLes Miserables is such a boring movie, but there are two saving graces; Amanda Seyfried and Anne Hathaway. I would fuck both of these fine ladies with my big juicy cock in a heart beat. Sadly, I doubt that this will ever become reality...I look around me and I'm not sure where I am. Then I remember Les Mis and realize that I'm in France in 1815. I'm in some shitty little room with a rickety old bed. The door creaks open behind me and I see Anne Hathaway standing there in her old timey dress...
by Philip Johnson As the category indicates, this is a non-erotic story, so don’t get mad at me when you don’t find much sex in the following story. Chapter One The name Paradise Found sounded somewhere between somewhat cheesy to plastic luxury. But the first thing a person noticed when they pulled up to the front entrance was true luxury. Not over the top luxury, but quality everywhere. The construction made it look like an old mansion that had survived the ravages of time in nearly...
The Hideaway was an old bar in Redwood City. It was located between the Mexican barrio and an industrial area of mostly small shops. The owner at the time was a friendly Latino, rumored to be a gangster of sorts.The Hideaway catered to a very diverse bunch. Mostly men, though there were usually some women there. About half the patrons were Mexicans, mostly legal and mostly employed in the area. The other half were mainly Caucasian small business owners, like myself, and their employees.There...
CuckoldThis is a translated story form my Norwegian story. It's a true story, but the names have been changed to protect the "innocent". I would like to hear from you who read this and welcome creative criticism. My main language is not English, so I apologies for my way of writing, but I hope it's not totally bad. Hope you like it ? Holiday.Sun is shining and the weather forecast looks good. The temperature steady at 77 Fahrenheit in my hometown. It's considered acceptable. Bergen is not exactly...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Bobbie Sue and I had had a content and fullfilling June. Sex between us was better than ever, and we both had relationships started with others. Bobbie was seeing a lot of Steven, a guy she met in college. I was seeing Mary, a friend of Bobbie's from high school, whom was also attending the same college. Mary had been very nervous the first few times we had sex, but now she has really loosened up, so to speak, and was really very comfortable to be...
IncestMorning came early the next day and we all really wanted to spend more time in bed. However we had a long day of driving ahead of us and we weren’t making a dent in it laying around the motel room. Plus, all three of us were starving – we had burned more than a few calories the night before! So we got up and got dressed then we decided to grab a bit to eat. Now Angel was still wearing the same clothes she had on from ‘work’ and the white micro skirt, tiny bikini top, and lack of underwear made...
We woke the next morning all stiff and a bit sore, especially poor Angel. She complained that we were too rough on her the previous night, and that her ass and pussy were sore and her nipples ached where Jack had pinched them as we all came. We laughed about it though – none of us would have changed a moment of it. Jack and I did feel a little bad about being so hard on our companion, but she assured us that it wasn’t the first, nor would it be the last, time she woke up sore from the previous...
Jack and I had been buddies for a number of years and we’d had many good times together. One day I was sitting at home enjoying a quiet day of football when I received a phone call. Normally, no one dared call me during a football game – that was a cardinal sin and all my friends knew it. So to get a phone call during a game it must be very important. I picked up the phone, wanting to know who I was going to have to kill for disturbing me. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hey Robert, it’s Jack. Hey I’m sorry to...
Morning came early the next day and we all really wanted to spend more time in bed. However, we had a long day of driving ahead of us and we weren't making a dent in it laying around the motel room. Plus, all three of us were starving - we had burned more than a few calories the night before! So we got up and got dressed then we decided to grab a bit to eat.Now Angel was still wearing the same clothes she had on from "work" and the white micro skirt, tiny bikini top, and lack of underwear made...
MoneyJack and I had been buddies for a number of years and we'd had many good times together. One day I was sitting at home enjoying a quiet day of football when I received a phone call. Normally, no one dared call me during a football game - that was a cardinal sin and all my friends knew it. So to get a phone call during a game it must be very important. I picked up the phone, wanting to know who I was going to have to kill for disturbing me."Hello?""Hey Robert, it's Jack. Hey, I'm sorry to...
MoneyRunaways Runaways By JensenDenmark 1. Holiday Amber met me at the park. We had left our High School separately so we could not be sighted. I rode my skateboard at the path toward the park. It was a shame that we had to keep it so secretly. Amber waited for me. She was 15 like me. ?Darling. I was afraid that your mother had picked you up.? ?No. I told her that I had to study extra for a project.? I kissed her. ?Lets go down to the creek, so we can have some undisturbed time.? The creek...
Huggs surprised Rascal with a nice picnic on the Blue Ridge Parkway after she got off of work one Saturday. While Rascal was at work, Huggs prepared a small array of finger foods that they could enjoy with some wine. Once Rascal got home, Huggs told her to take a nice long shower because they were going to have a picnic on the parkway. Rascal must have saw the gleam in his eyes, because Rascal quickly asked, “It will not just be us at this picnic?” Huggs had to confess that another gentleman...
My name is Dewayne Williams. I’m the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I’ve never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! ...
Tonko avoided me in the morning. In fact, Tonko avoided everyone that morning. Gogra came over to speak with me before I could even get into line to get some food. “You need to speak with Tonko,” Gogra awkwardly informed me, his voice hesitant, but filled with concern. “You must tell him that everything is all right. He is embarrassed and upset, and only you can speak to him.” I nodded my head in understanding. I’d been going to speak with Burton and the others about the day. Now that would...
Being a soldier means you are away from home at least a couple of times per year. My country has a close relationship with Norway, so there are some exchanges. The last time I went on exercise to Norway I met a lovely sexy female colleague. Dalia (not her real name) is the kind of girl you like immediately. She is pretty and has an aura of friendliness that makes you feel comfortable. During that exercise we had several conversations. Though we hit the sexual subject in a conversation I did not...
Quickie SexGateway is a sleepy Kansas town which is the site for some extraordinary events. I highly recommend you read part one of this story before starting on this one, as this one is a direct sequel. I can't believe it's been that long since I submitted the first part of my Gateway story, but here finally is the second. In this story we explore the universe a little bit more in detail, and establish the "ground rules" on how the setting works for future stories. It's also a more...
Monty came to see me in the morning. He’d flown the drone north yesterday, and he had video for me to look at. He’d taken the drone straight up our valley and through the pass, and then flown it about the plateau, looking for signs of Winslow and his men, and the Horse People. Then before turning the drone back around and flying it home, he’d taken it back down our original valley to see if he could spot any sign of the Hilltop people. I quickly found out that Monty had good news and bad....
“What do we do now?” Monty asked as the Gateway began to cycle down, and the portal between the device and wherever Jake had travelled to vanished before his eyes. “We watch and wait,” Kim stated slowly, looking a little uncertain about what had just happened, “and we hope for the best, and while we’re doing that we get back to work. Regardless of where Jake has gone and what he is up to there, we’ve got responsibilities that have to be attended to. So I suggest we put this out of our heads...
Episode 1: Wayne's Tale, Part I Wayne strolled across campus, bundled up in a warm winter coat. The wind whipped at his face and he pulled his shoulders up to try to block it. The scarf he wore helped some, but only the parts of his face which it covered. Snow crunched under his feet and he glanced up. The little suburban street was covered in snow, but occasionally a car would try and get through anyways making a few sets of gouges in the inches of fresh powder. Everything looked...
Hi friends apne meri story mummy ne gair mard se chudwaya ke 3 part aap sab pahle hi padh chuke hai jisme mummy ne gaon me apne dever jo hamre sibu chacha hai unse chudwaya. aur uske bad sibu chacha ne mummy ko 2 aur mardo se bhi chudwaya ab mai aap sabko aage ki kahani batane jaa raha hu.3rd part me maine aapko bataya tha ki kaise sibu chacha ne mummy ko choda aur agle din mummy ko bhang pila ke aslam chacha aur parvez chacha se chudwaya. sach kahu toh mujhe isme koi problem nahi thi ki mummy...
Castaway CuckoldMy wife and I are stranded on an island with five other men. When they started go become wrestles my wife did what she felt she had to do. I supported her of course, yet became very frustrated.Castaway cuckold.StaringRoy, Suzie, Arthur, Ernest, Robert, Samuel, JosephWe where flying out of the Caribbean heading for Columbia. I was on a business trip with my wife on our way to Columbia south America. The farming of soy and corn there is growing, and I was to see what future I...
The Castaway By Kasumi This is my third story posted to Fictionmania. If you enjoy it, I'd love to hear feedback in the comments, and please check out my previous efforts, CosPlay and the multi-part Just Another Day in Paradise! Even if you don't love it, constructive criticism to help me improve my writing or ideas is welcome too. This story contains themes of transgenderism. If this offends you, please stop reading now. February 26th 2012 So I found this journal in one of...
Arrived at Wayne’s around 10.15am. Wayne opened the door at my knock and gave me a big kiss. We moved into his front room. He was wearing a short sleeved blue shirt and dark blue casual trousers. I commented he looked very smart. A kiss from him and his fingers found the buttons of my blouse it was quickly discarded along with my bra. What a pleasant start to the weekend my hands were very soon unfastening his trousers and within five minutes of arriving at his house we were both naked on the...
Wish Shift: Chapter Eight Pathways Year 1 A.S. Day 46 Jenny heard the car pull into her lot in the dim glow of light just before dawn. She had been up until almost midnight the night before and had needed to rush to the toilet sometime in the early morning hours to deal with a bout of morning sickness. Those had been coming less frequently this last week and she was starting to hope that she may be close to parting ways with this particular aspect of being a woman soon. Leaning...
Wayne only had one objective with Janice and that was for her to end up in bed with him with her legs open. After a time Wayne found that he was more than sexually attracted to her she became a good friend. Wayne was sexually adventurous and enjoyed dominating women but he kept this side of his personality from Janice it was clear that had he tried to be too adventurous with her he could lose her, so he kept the sex simple. One weekend Wayne was approached by a friend called Mea who he knew...
Wayne only had one objective with Janice and that was for her to end up in bed with him with her legs open. Wayne had dark side that he was not revealing to Janice. Wayne was sexually adventurous and enjoyed dominating women but he kept this side of his personality from Janice it was clear that had he tried to be too adventurous with her he could lose her, so he kept the sex simple. One weekend Wayne was approached by a friend called Mea who he knew was involved in a big criminal gang. Mea...
Ten years ago when Jean and I were returning from the West Country she mentioned she was getting hot from the sun streaming through the windows. We had been on the motorway for a couple of hours, the air con was on and it still felt warm in the car. Jean was wearing a summer dress and to cool down she pulled the hem of the dress up to her waist, opened her legs and directed the passenger air vent down to her knickers.Jean sitting there with her legs apart and dress pulled up was a distraction...
She walked to Wayne’s office he had a friend called Mea that he wanted her to meet. When Janice entered Wayne’s office he was by himself, he smiled and gave Janice a quick kiss. “Mea is delayed but he is bringing a few friends with him, for you to meet" he said and continued “I am going to show you want I am really like" he smiled at Janice. He picked up his phone and called Ruth and asked her to come to his office, she was a friend of Janice’s who worked also worked at the office. Ruth...