Shipwrecked 3, Finale free porn video

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1. THE PROPOSAL ".... Will you marry me?" I was stunned! I wasn't expecting this at all! Here I was, a transgendered woman nearing my 50th birthday, at my boyfriend's 60th birthday celebration meal and he has gone down on bended knee and declared his love for me in front of a packed restaurant and held out the most beautiful diamond engagement ring! What is a girl to do? Accept of course! Although I had only been living as a woman for about 6 years, I had stopped thinking of myself as a man some time ago and thought of myself only as a woman. I loved Henry so very much and with tears flowing I smiled, nodded, said 'yes' and standing up, took his hands in mine and helped him to his feet and threw my arms around his broad shoulders and neck and kissed him passionately! The people in the restaurant applauded and cheered until with a little embarrassment, we turned round and accepted their good wishes. We sat down again and Henry took my left hand in his. He lifted the ring from its jewel box and slipped it onto my wedding finger. Tears streamed down my face again as I looked at this huge diamond ring resting on my finger. I couldn't resist lifting my hand and wiggling my fingers. I 'mouthed' "I love you" to Henry and leant over for another kiss. We enjoyed our liqueur but when Henry asked if I wanted another drink, I whisphered sweetly, in case we were being watched, "no darling, I want you to take me home right now and fuck my brains out!" and then smiled. He was a bit shocked. After all, I was a Sunday School teacher, but he wasted no time asking for the bill and ringing for a taxi! 2. HURRIEDLY BACK TO THE APARTMENT The taxi arrived and Henry and I walked to the rear door, hand in hand. I slid in and settled down for the journey home. I rested my coat on my lap and took Henry's hand and slipped it between my legs. Cool as a cucumber, Henry continued to chat to the taxi driver about golf or football or some other sport, while his hand inched up my dress until it reached my silk panties. I opened my legs slightly so it wasn't obvious and let Henry just rub the tip of my sensitive clit through my panties until we arrived at my apartment. I'm just glad that the taxi driver didn't talk to me because I would have been incapable of answering coherently! It took all my willpower not to moan. I was so on heat! We thanked the taxi driver and I practically dragged Henry into the building! Once in the lift we were in each other's arms, kissing passionately and fondling our bodies. My hand went straight to Henry's groin and rubbed his manhood through his trousers. Henry squeezed and kneaded my tits through my satin dress. Just then the lift stopped at my floor and we managed to disentangle ourselves just before the door opened. Just as well as Mr. And Mrs. Brown, my elderly neighbours were standing waiting to get in! I'm sure I looked flushed but nodded and smiled, while Henry bade them a 'good evening' and we walked across the corridor to my apartment door. Of course, Henry's hands were all over me while I tried to get the key in to open the door! Finally the door opened and whether I pulled Henry in or he pushed me in, I don't know but we continued where we left off in the lift, even before the door was closed behind us! Immediately I felt Henry unzip my dress at the back and eased the straps off my shoulders. That is such a turn on for me, having a man unzip me that I nearly came there and then. However, I managed to control myself and instead, wiggled my hips and let my beautiful dress slide elegantly to the floor. 3. LUST I stepped out of my dress, standing in only black silk panties, bra, suspender belt, stockings and 4" heels, and immediately my hands went to Henry's trousers. I deftly unbuckled his belt, undid the button and unzipped him. He kicked his shoes off while I yanked down his trousers and pants, freeing his wondrous cock. He was so hard already, his cock bobbing up and down excitedly. I reached down just as he kicked his last shoe off and grabbed the hot, strong rigid pole and led him by the cock to the living room, ignoring the fact that he was still wearing socks! I pushed him down onto the sofa and immediately fell to my knees in front of him, and bent down and took his cock in my wanton mouth. He groaned with pleasure as I sucked him deep into my mouth, the cock head hitting the back of my throat, while gently squeezing his full balls. I bobbed my head up and down for ages savouring the taste of my man. He smelt and tasted so manly. Henry then put his hands on my head and eased my mouth away from his cock. "My turn now darling" he said gruffly and sitting me in the sofa, he knelt down and pulling my panties to one side, freed my tiny girlie clit. It was semi stiff. He pulled the little hood back to expose the soft pink head, glistening with girlie cream and kissed the tip. It quivered to the touch of his lips. Soon he had my clit in his mouth. I held his head in my hands gently as he moved up and down, easily taking the whole 3" into his warm mouth. I was moaning and panting as I felt him slip a finger into my moistened pussy and lying back on the sofa, my legs splayed wide apart, I allowed the delicious feelings to flood through my body. Henry continued to suck on my clit while fingering my pussy until I knew I was approaching orgasm. "Oh my god, Henry .... I am going to cum" I screamed and suddenly my body shook and convulsed as I climaxed, leaking streams of girlie juice into my fiance's mouth! I thrashed my hips in time to his sucking as wave upon wave of pleasure flooded through my entire body, from the tips of my toes to my head. I felt so alive! I had never had an orgasm like that before! I was just coming down from having this earth shattering orgasm when I felt Henry's hands in the waistband of my panties. Instinctively, I lifted my bottom off the sofa long enough for him to ease my panties down, off my hips and down my smooth legs. I was still weak from my orgasm but could feel Henry opening my legs and pulling me over towards him so my bottom was resting over the front of the sofa. I was in heaven! My fianc? had just given me a crashing orgasm and now he was going to make love to me. I closed my eyes and purred happily as he moistened my pussy hole before positioning his hard prick against my rosebud. He eased himself in, inch by glorious inch until I could feel his large hairy balls nestled against the cheeks of my smooth peachy bottom. I opened my eyes and looked at Henry's handsome face. He smiled and croaked, "I love you Penny but you are going to get your brains fucked out now!" and smiled. I bit my bottom lip and purred, "Ooh yes hunni, fuck me so hard!" and giggled. Henry began his movements, slowly at first as he knew I hadn't had sex for quite a while but soon he picked up the pace and was thrusting forcefully into me. I was helpless as I was forced against the seat of the sofa with my bottom exposed and Henry on top of me. He pumped in and out of me, keeping a steady pace. My legs were over his shoulders, my pussy clenching in his hard cock at each thrust until I felt him twitch, harden more and then explode his hot seed deep into my soft body. Miraculously, more girlie juice leaked from my clit wetting our tummies as Henry's breathing became more controlled and I felt him softening inside me. He kissed me gently as his cock slipped out of my pussy and somehow, regaining his strength, helped me to my feet. I wobbled on my legs until my handsome knight swept me up in his arms and carried me to my bedroom. In the bedroom he set me down and followed me into the ensuite. We both quickly brushed our teeth and I stayed behind to touch up my makeup and clean myself a little down below as Henry's semen was beginning to seep out of me. There was so much of it that I knew I would be sleeping in a 'wet patch' again but I didn't mind. I was the happiest woman in the world. I decided to keep my makeup on, thinking I could get up and take it off once Henry had fallen asleep so I slipped on a silk red nightie and returned to the bedroom where Henry had already got himself into bed. He simply pulled the quilt back to let me slide in beside him. As usual, he was naked and it felt wonderful to be lying next to the man I was going to marry! He held me in his arms and kissed me, gently caressing me and before long I could feel his manhood hardening against my thigh. I reach down and slowly stroked it back to life and then lay on my back and opened my legs. Henry climbed on top of me and entered my hole. I winced a bit as my bottom was a bit tender but the pain was soon replaced by tremendous feelings as Henry gently made love to me bringing me to a climax, but not ejaculating, just as he released his sperm into my accepting body. He cradled me in his arms as we drifted asleep. 4. WEDDING PLANS The next days and weeks were taken up with telling our friends and colleagues of our forthcoming wedding. The first person I told was Marie and asked if she would me my Matron of Honour, which she excitedly accepted. I wanted to get married in my local church so Henry and I arranged to speak to the minister. The law had been recently changed regarding 'same sex' marriages and he was delighted that we were getting married. He also said, I would be the first transgender woman he would perform the marriage ceremony for. Planning for the wedding took a lot of time. Photographers, flowers, cars, the reception all had to be organised. I asked a couple of the young teenage girls in my Sunday school class to be young bridesmaids and both they and their parents agreed. The only thing Henry said that he wanted to organise without any help from me was the honeymoon. I was happy with this as it would be a nice surprise to see where we would honeymoon. The most exciting thing I had to organise was my wedding dress and dresses for the bridesmaids. I visited several wedding gown shops with Marie first of all. I had an idea of the style I wanted but was getting frustrated that I couldn't find what I really wanted. It was practically the final shop on my list and on the verge of giving up for the day when I spotted the dress of my dreams. It was an ivory, A-line dress with straps resting just off the shoulder, with a laced bodice that tied up the back and a taffeta skirt and train. It was beautiful, fit for a princess which I wanted to be on my wedding day. Marie and I went into the shop and excitedly told the lady in charge that I would like to try on the dress. She smiled and went to get it, returning with a beautiful white corset, petticoat and veil. She also brought a pair of 3" heeled court shoes to wear with it to make sure the dress was the correct length. I was in heaven as I followed her to the changing room. As soon as I had stripped off, keeping my panties on, the woman came in with the corset. Whether she noticed the tiny bulge in my panties, I don't know but she was too professional to allow a little thing like that to distract her. She tied me into the corset. Gosh, what a difference it made to my cleavage! 'Henry will be pleased when he sees this', I thought to myself. Gillian, the manageress of the store then told me to put on the shoes and then she got me to stand inside the petticoat which she pulled up to around my waist. Next on the dress, which really was beautiful and finally, the veil. All complete, Gillian took my hand and led me out to the main shop where Marie was waiting. The look on her face said everything! "My God Penny, you are so beautiful" she exclaimed, "that dress was made for you!" It was only then that I saw it properly in the large full length mirrors and the image took my breath away and I started to weep! "Don't worry pet", Gillian said, handing me a tissue, "a lot of new brides cry the first time they see themselves in a bridal gown. I have to say you are one of the prettiest I have seen though!" I twirled around in front of the mirror admiring myself while Gillian and Marie fussed over the dress, pulling it into place and checking it was sitting right. Well, I was convinced that this was the dress I wanted for my wedding day and told Gillian. She was happy for me and said that there were places where it would need taken in and that she could do it during the next number of weeks so it would be perfect for my 'big day'! Sadly I had to go and change out of the dress but happy that I had found the dress for me! After all that excitement, Marie and I decided to have dinner together in a lovely winebar. It was great just having a 'girlie' night out, gossiping about people we knew, chatting about our day's shopping and eyeing up the guys who we thought were hunks! It was a really good night and I was so glad I had such a wonderful friend. Her husband did the gallant thing and picked us up from the winebar. We were both a little tipsy and giggly but he didn't mind, bless him and dropped me off home. With a kiss and a hug for both Marie and Dan, I waved and walked into the apartment. The next few months were taken up organising the wedding. Henry had gone away on business a few times in the lead up to the wedding which allowed me time to think about all that had happened to me. I thought of my first wedding as 'Peter' to my wife Sally. What would she think if she could see me now? I was a woman getting so excited, as her wedding day approached. At least I could appreciate how she felt when marrying me all those years ago. Looking back, I just went with the flow, happy to be getting married, but not overly excited about the actual ceremony and day. This time was so different. This was my day and I wanted it to be perfect. The time apart from Henry, when he was on business, made me appreciate him all the more. I missed him so much and couldn't wait until he returned. He wouldn't tell me where he was going or what he was doing, other than I would like the result! Although some might find it strange given how he tricked me, I trusted him and just told him not to stay a day too long. The wedding was now upon us. The bridesmaids and I had our dresses bought and altered to size. The groom and his best man had their morning suits. One of the Elders in the church had kindly accepted my request to 'give me away' during the ceremony. Everything was organised and the wedding was the following Saturday. The only thing left to do was to have our Stag and Hen parties! 5. PENNY'S 'HEN NIGHT' Henry went away for a golfing weekend with his brother and some friends while Marie and one of our friends organised my Hen party. We all dressed up in 1950s style in flowing full skirts and simple bodice tops, went for a lovely meal, of course checking out the waiters, and then onto a few clubs and bars. We were having such a laugh until suddenly two policemen came into the bar we were in and approached our table. We were all a bit raucous but not intimidating. However, as they approached, the volume of the music seemed to lower a little and the whole bar could clearly hear the taller of the two officers say in a booming voice, "Excuse me, are you Penelope Diamond?" I was a bit tipsy by this time and dumbly nodded. "Well, I'm afraid we have had a complaint about your party." I was shocked and Marie beside me said, "don't worry Pen, it can't be serious" The officer continued, "I don't want to have to charge you with being drunk and disorderly so if you prove you aren't and carry out a few tasks, we won't have to take you down to the police station..." I was beginning to get upset and felt Marie holding my hand, reassuring me. I didn't notice the giggles around the table as the police officer took my hand and lifted me to my feet before saying, "you need to prove you aren't drunk by standing on this chair". I was confused and just looked at Marie who nodded to me to do it, so I stood on the chair. Then all of a sudden music started and the two policeman began dancing and removing their jackets! Oh my God, I had been totally taken in as the girls started squealing in delight! The two policemen were strip-o-grams and I was the focus of their act! I had to undo their ties and unbutton their shirts, all from standing on the chair in full view of the revellers in the bar! Next the younger of the two officers helped me down from the chair and both danced around me. Then they motioned me to kneel down on a cushion they had placed on the floor, and unzip their trousers, with the oversized zip, with my teeth! Whoops and hollers echoed around the bar egging me on as my face slowly inched towards their groins and taking the zip between my teeth, pulled it down to cheers from the audience! Marie and our friends were laughing so much and cheering as first one 'officer', then the next, lost their trousers and paraded around in the tiniest pants leaving very little to the imagination. Soon, the show ended and both of the guys bent down and kissed me, and lifted me to my feet and allowing me to escape back to the sanctuary of my chair! I was so embarrassed but delighted too! I thanked them, and they wished me a happy marriage before leaving. I playfully scolded Marie before breaking out into a large smile! The rest of the night was fairly uneventful. We ended up in a club where we danced the night away before taxis arrived to take us all home! The week leading up to the wedding ceremony dragged. Why couldn't it be Saturday already? However, Friday night arrived and after a quiet meal out with Henry, Marie and Dan I went back to my apartment on my own, slipped on a silk nightie and tried to get some sleep as I knew tomorrow would be a busy day! 6. THE WEDDING MORNING I woke up early, a smile already on my face as I knew this was my wedding day. I had slept fitfully during the night as I had thought and dreamt of my life up to this time. I thought of my wife Sally, who tragically died during the storm before the yacht crashed onto the rocks. How different my life would have been had she survived. I would not be a woman now! Or would I? I didn't think so, as I hadn't shown any tendancy to crossdress or act like a woman prior to Henry tricking me into wearing women's clothing and feeding me female hormones without my knowledge. The rest of my dream was about Henry and all the good and the bad times we had. Happily, I woke up dreaming about the wonderful times we had together so I knew that he was the man for me! Another example of how I changed since that fateful day! Before being feminised, I had no interest sexually in men. Now, I think of women only as friends and men are the ones I am attracted to sexually. Of course, as it was my wedding day, I was saying to the male population that I was taken! I adored Henry. He really made me feel so feminine when I was with him. Anyway, that morning, I woke up, stretched and got out of bed. I wandered over to the window and looked out, smiled because it looked like it would be a nice day and went downstairs to get some breakfast. After breakfast, I ran myself a hot perfumed bubble bath and delighted in the tingly feelings as I submerged myself into the deep coloured bubbly water. As I had been waxed everywhere, including my bikini line and bottom a few days earlier, I didn't need to shave thankfully, electrolysis having long taken care of my facial hair. Time was ticking on though, and I knew Marie and the two younger bridesmaids would be arriving soon to get dressed and to help me dress. The doorbell sounded and I excitedly ran to open it, hugging Marie and the two young bridesmaids. We all went upstairs and the two girls disappeared into one bedroom to get changed into their dressing gowns, while Marie came into my room with me. The door bell went soon after and Marie answered it and came upstairs with Claire the makeup artist. She called the two girls in from the next room and the next hour or so was taken up with Claire busily making the four of us a gorgeous as we could possibly be, the two younger bridesmaids, especially enjoying the experience as they didn't get to wear much makeup too often. Makeup finished, we thanked Claire and the two girls returned to thei room to put on their bridesmaid dresses while Marie and I stayed in my room. I had put on my wedding lingerie just before Marie had arrived so when I slipped off my silk dressing gown, I was wearing my ivory thong panties, and corset with the attached suspender straps holding up the most exquisite pair of white silk stockings. Marie 'wolf whistled' playfully at me and commented how Henry was in for a treat later, when the doorbell rang again. Marie left the room to see who it was and returned with Karen, the photographer. I blushed a bit as I was still standing in my underwear! "Oh good, I'm just in time" Karen said. I looked puzzled so she said, "Penny, darling, Henry will want some nice sexy photos of you in your wedding lingerie, don't you think?" and of course I had to shyly agree. So, the next 15 minutes or so were taken up with Karen directing me into many sexy poses in my lingerie, pouting sexily at the camera. Marie was acting as cheerleader, encouraging me, "stick those tits out more Penny" or "get a photo of that peachy bum Karen". Karen knew I was transgendered so she wasn't shocked when she saw my 'little bulge' at times, particularly during a few of the 'open leg' shots that she wanted to take! Eventually, Karen was satisfied and soon we were joined by the other two girls who helped Marie get me into my wedding dress as Karen took lots more photos of all of us together. Soon we were all ready and William, who was 'giving me away' arrived and told us all that we looked beautiful. The two girls were having a great time all glammed up and wearing pretty bridesmaid dresses. 7. WEDDING SERVICE Soon the cars arrived and we all got in, me with William, and we were taken to the church. The wedding ceremony was wonderful. My heart jumped when I saw Henry waiting for me, beside the minister, looking so distinguished and handsome as I took William's arm and was escorted up the aisle of the church as the organist blared out the 'Wedding March'. We said our vows, exchanged rings and then the minister said to Henry, "you may kiss the bride". Henry, took my veil and gently lifted it away from my face, smiling at me, and quietly said, "you are beautiful". Then he lent into me and kissed me on the lips. I returned his kiss, my hand holding onto his shoulder as I heard our friends applaud. We broke our kiss and accepted their good wishes. Then we went with the minister to sign the wedding register. We were now legally 'man and wife' and I was the happiest woman in the world! I was now Mrs. Penelope James! The rest of the day was a whirlwind of emotions as our friends congratulated us. I had never kissed and hugged so many people. I was the centre of attention and for once, was loving it! Karen took so many photographs, bossing us all around but always with a smile so we didn't mind. After all, I wanted a lovely set of photos to look back on this perfect day. The reception was wonderful. The speeches from friends were funny, poignant and heartfelt. Thankfully I was a woman so didn't have to make a speech but was thrilled as person after person stood up and volunteered to say 'a few words'. The time flew and before we knew it, the dinner and speeches was over and Henry took my hand and escorted me through the applauding throng of guests to take me to our 'Bridal Suite' so we could freshen up before the evening reception when we could all enjoy dancing to a live band. 8. CONSUMMATION We reached the Bridal Suite, went inside and closed the door. Henry smiled and took me in his arms and kissed me passionately. I responded and wrapped my arms around his neck and soon felt his tongue forcing itself into my mouth. Henry looked so suave dressed in his 'morning suit' and his kisses and caresses were having an effect on me! I felt so confined within all the layers of my corset and wedding dress and although I knew Henry was fondling my bottom as we kissed, I barely felt his hand. I wasn't able to dwell on that though as in one swift motion, Henry gathered me up in his arms and carried me to the enormous 'four poster bed' and laid me on my back, my dress hiding him from my view. I felt him pulling me towards the edge of the bed and fiddling with my dress. Giggling, I said, "I'm glad you made an honest woman of me sir" as I felt his hands ease my silk panties off my hips and down my stockinged legs. I couldn't see a thing as I was lying on my back, my dress pulled up over my hips but I could feel Henry opening my legs and moving in between them. "It's time I made you my wife properly" he said throatily as I felt his hard cock press against my womanly pussy. "Oh yes, my darling husband, I would like that very much!" my giggles turning to moans as I felt the head of his cock push into me. Oh, it was so nice feeling my husband inch his cock into me until I knew he was fully in. Then, gasping at the rhythm of his movements, in and out, of my tight hot pussy. I held onto the bed as he held onto my thighs as he ravaged me for the first time as his new wife. Soon he was thrusting forcibly into me and with a guttural cry, released his seed deep into my body. I climaxed almost immediately, my lady juice leaking out onto my silk stockings. as I moaned in passion. As our passion subsided, Henry leant down and kissed me before taking his cock out of my love hole. I had to wear the dress again for the evening reception and was worried about smelling of sex but Henry, said not to worry, a little perfume on my thighs would mask any smell of semen. "And, anyway, I'm sure 99% of brides get fucked by their husbands in their wedding dress between receptions so I'm sure no one will raise an eyebrow!" I had to agree with him and I wouldn't have missed our first lovemaking session for the world! However, I did try to clean myself up as best I could, inserting a tampon to stop the seepage from my bottom during the evening reception. The evening reception was magical. Henry and I led the dancing and I felt like a princess waltzing around the dance floor! William asked for a dance and then nearly every man, it seemed wanted to dance with me. It was a heavenly night. However, we both began to tire, so bidding all of our friends goodnight, we went back up to the Bridal Suite once more. This time I asked Henry to unfasten all the laces in my wedding dress and stepping out of the dress as it fell to the floor I sexily wiggled my way over to the bathroom wearing only my corset, stockings, thong and high heels. Once I closed the door, I took off the corset, glad to relax after being trussed in for so long and cleaned myself 'down below' removing the saturated tampon. I then prepared myself for Henry once more, making sure I was moist enough for him. I then slipped on a sexy see-through white babydoll nightie leaving the panties off. After all,I didn't expect them to stay on long anyway! After checking and touching up my lipstick, I opened the bathroom door and sashayed over to the enormous bed, my tiny girlie clit swaying gently from side to side as I did. Henry was standing by the bed, naked, his long cock semi stiff from anticipation, He took my hands in his, kissed me and declared his love for me once more and helped me into bed. Then we made love, gently, romantically and passionately so that we both orgasmed together and holding each other, we drifted off to sleep, me smiling as I recounted the wondrous day, that was my wedding day as a woman and now, a wife! 9. THE MORNING AFTER THE WEDDING NIGHT I woke the next morning to the soft snoring of my husband, his strong arms still wrapped around me, protecting me. I wriggled around so I was facing him and kissed him gently on the lips. He woke slowly and then smiled and returned my kiss. We kissed for a few minutes just enjoying the moment and then he said, "Darling, it is going to be a busy day. We have to get ready to go on our honeymoon!" "Oh, do please tell me where we are going Henry" I pleaded but he just smiled and said he wanted to keep it a surprise. We had to get to a private airport within a few hours so we called room service for breakfast while we both had a shower together. I tried to entice him to make love to me in the shower but he resisted, saying there wasn't time but not before he had kissed me all over, including my breasts, making me so horny and excited. "You'll have to wait until we arrive at our honeymoon destination Penny," he teased, "we will have all the time in the world to make love then!" and laughed as he got out of the showered and put on a robe to answer the room service knock at the door. The waiter came in with a huge trolley of food just as I appeared form the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. I'm sure he had seen many half naked women before and he didn't flinch or look embarrassed and merely left the breakfast and bid us a 'good morning' and enjoy your breakfast', which we did! 10. THE MYSTERY HONEYMOON After breakfast, we dressed quickly and left for the airfield where Henry said we had to catch a private jet. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat, so smug and happy of his plans for our honeymoon. I was just so happy that he was pleased and did quite enjoy the mystery of where I would end up. The airplane has only two seats situated behind the pilot. I wasn't an expert but it looked like a plane that could land and take off on water. We had our passports checked, our luggage was stowed away and we boarded the plane. On board, after the pilot had taken off, Henry produced a bottle of vintage champagne, popped it and giving me a glass, made a toast to "a wonderfully happy honeymoon and marriage with the most beautiful woman in the world". I wondered if he had been drinking the champagne beforehand but accepted his toast with a loving kiss. However, still he wouldn't tell me where we were going and with the champagne and the exhausting wedding day previously, I drifted asleep. The next thing I remembered was Henry gently shaking me. I woke up and saw his excited face. "Penny, we are here!" he exclaimed unable to contain his excitement. I looked out my window and saw only acres of blue sea. "What do you mean, we are here?" I asked, still a little groggy from my sleep. He motioned for me to look out his window ... and climbing over him somewhat, I did ... and exclaimed in shock, "Oh my God, I never thought I would see that again!" There down below was 'our island'! It was so lovely to see it again, and especially from this vantage point. Henry held me tight as we both marvelled at seeing the little island. "Oh, Henry, that is such a lovely idea, letting me see our island, where we fell in love, one last time". He grinned and then said I had better sit down. I was puzzled as I wanted to keep looking at the island, my thoughts going back 10 years when we were first stranded there, However, it didn't take long to understand why I had to sit down again. The pilot turned to me and said to put my seatbelt on, we were going to land! I squealed in excitement as the plane descended and now I knew why the plane looked like it would be able land on water ... it could! With a slight bump we landed on the sea and after a few minutes of gliding towards the island, the plane came to a stop. The pilot turned off the engine and opened the door and stepped out telling us to wait a moment. Soon he was back and said we could get off now. He had released an inflatable boat which was tied to the plane and Henry got off first, turning to help me disembark. Helping me settle, he took the oars and bidding the pilot 'goodbye', he began rowing the short distance to the shore. I was of course puzzled! What was happening? I looked back to the plane as we reached the water's edge and saw the plane begin to take off, leaving us behind! "Henry, what is happening? He is leaving!" I said, alarm in my voice. "Don't worry honey, he will be back tomorrow, for us, but now you and I have a full day and one night all to ourselves on the island where we 'met' and fell in love!" 11. HEAVENLY HONEYMOON I smiled and squealed in delight as Henry jumped out of the dinghy and the warm sea lapping around his feet, bent over and lifted me out and carried me to the shore, so my feet wouldn't get wet. Once on the shore, I wasted no time kicking off my 4" heels and, grabbing Henry's hand, went to explore! We both went straight over to where our shelter was and I was awe struck that it was more or less as we had left it. The only thing I could see was that there was fresh linen on the bed, that henry had made all those years ago and a few 'mod cons' like a well-stocked refrigerator! I was so happy and turned to Henry, "so this is where you've been going to, on your 'business' trips?" to which he smiled and nodded! Then hand in hand, we walked around all the old haunts on the island, the waterfall, the 'loveseat' and the field that Henry had sown with crops, some which remained. It was so magical! I couldn't wish for a more romantic place to spend the first night on my honeymoon! Excitedly, we went back to the dingy and took our cases back to the shelter. Henry explained that he had had a small generator installed which was powering the fridge and some basic lighting. Everything else was as we had left behind us, even my old wardrobe of our wive's clothes and the medicine box with the packets of hormones were there! I turned to my husband and thanked him with the longest and smoochiest kiss I had ever given him! I felt him stir but teased him that I would take care of 'that' later! After we had unpacked some of our things, I lifted up some toiletries and grabbing Henry by the hand, said, "come on lover, it's time we get clean before we get dirty!" and giggled! We walked I the hot sunshine, down to the waterfall, where we had showered and bathed for nearly three years. I quickly undressed and ran naked to the fall of water and screamed! It was so cold! I looked run and saw Henry roaring with laughter. "Oh, you!" I scolded as he continued to laugh, "you knew it was cold!" All he could do was nod while almost bent double with laughter. I saw the funny side and actually warming up under the cool water said threateningly, but with a smile, "you get your clothes off now and join me under here or this will be the shortest marriage in history!" Of course, Henry did as he was told, and soon it was him screaming form the cold water while I laughed, until he warmed up and then things got very steamy while we soaped, kissed, cuddled and caressed each other. The cold water did not affect Henry's manhood and I knew I was in for wonderful honeymoon night under the stars as I stroked it gently while we kissed under the cascading water. However, we both began to shiver at the same time, so drying ourselves quickly, we walked, naked, back to the camp, enjoying the evening sunshine on our bodies. Once there, Henry lit the barbeque, which had been installed, while I went inside to make myself beautiful for my husband. Henry popped in while I was doing my makeup to get dressed before leaving me in peace. About an hour later, I emerged from the shelter, in a gorgeous red strapless dress, as the sun was going down, the steaks grilling on the barbeque and my husband standing waiting, looking dashing and handsome, with a glass of red wine for me. We kissed and had a sip of wine. Then Henry led me to the beautifully decorated table and proceeded to serve me dinner. It was wonderful, delicious food, lovely wine and all with the man of my dreams, my husband! We held hands, laughed and giggled during our meal. I didn't want it to end, except I knew there was going to be an equally wonderful dessert! 12. HONEYMOON PASSION Sure enough, once I had finished my wine after our meal, Henry took my hand and led me over to the swinging seat where all those years ago, we had 'made out' before returning to the shelter to make love for the first time. With a twinkle in his eye, he leant in for a kiss and at the same time, I felt his hand on my breast! I smiled and returned the kiss and let my hand fall onto his lap and began stroking his manhood through his trousers! Like two teenagers, we kissed and petted, hugged and caressed, unbuttoning shirts, unzipping trousers, unclipping bra straps and slipping panties off! Of course, I wasn't as scared or apprehensive of sucking Henry's cock as I was that first time, but I still found it exciting as I bent down to take it in my mouth, letting it push past my glossy red lips. I bobbed my head up and down as Henry used one hand to stroke my hair while using the other to caress my bottom, searching for my puckered rosebud! I sighed with delight as he found my opening and slipped a finger inside. In and out he finger fucked me as I sucked his meaty cock! The temperature was rising. My little clit was twitching, my nipples were stiff, a combination of the cool evening breeze and the sexual excitement of my husband fondling me. As I did all those years ago, I stopped, took my mouth off Henry's cock and said, "Darling, I think our bed is awaiting us!" I got up, aware that I was naked and knew Henry was following me looking at my hips swaying and bottom wiggling. We reached the shelter and immediately Henry took me in his arms again. We kissed and held each other close until I slipped down onto the bed and held my arms out for Henry to join me. He wasted no time and soon he was lying on top of me, my legs open. His cock was hard and insistent... I felt it against my thighs almost straight away. I was very moist and wanted it so badly, so took his cock in my tiny hand and postioned it against my pussy hole. I gasped as Henry pushed it in forcefully all the way until I felt his balls slap against my bottom! Lustfully, we fucked for what seemed like hours, both of us moaning, swearing, encouraging and perspiring from the effort, until with a primitive cry, Henry exploded his hot cum deep inside my feminised body! I 'came' just as I felt his hot seed enter me, leaking my girlie juice between our satisfied bodies. He pumped his seed into me, forcefully, until he was dry and then collapsed in exhaustion on top of my receptive body. I clung onto him, my legs still wrapped round him, my pussy muscles clenching around his softening cock, not wanting to let him go. We kissed and rested as I felt his cock eventually slip out of my bottom. My eyes were wide open with delight and my face was glowing after our lovemaking. Henry slowly eased himself onto his side and held me close as his sperm began to seep from my pussy. I didn't care. I had just made love to my husband in the same bed, as we had made love for the first time! 13. LEAVING THE ISLAND AS A MARRIED COUPLE The next day, we relaxed on the beach and had sex in the sea before the plane returned. We both looked back on the island, as we flew away to our proper honeymoon destination and the rest of our married life, and then wistfully at ourselves. We both had our own emotions and memories, but both also knew that it would be unlikely, that we would ever see the island again! THE END

Same as Shipwrecked 3, Finale Videos

3 years ago
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Shipwrecked lezzies

The beautiful shipwrecked captain Rene held her first mate, Maggie close. " don't worry, we're going to be rescued soon." Maggie cried on Rene's shoulder. " I sure hope so." " it's going to be okay, calm down honey." Maggie's sorrow was blown away by a kiss from Rene

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Shipwrecked By Drusila Chapter 1 For the second time nature's power had changed his life. This time it may have ended it. Andrew laid at the edge of the mass of fallen palm trees, his ankle throbbing. He thought back to that first storm and wept. He alone had survived the freak storm. It had started out well enough, an entire summer at sea with his family. His father had grown up racing sailing boats on the Great Lakes and when his business had taken off with the tech boom, he had...

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Shipwrecked on Lust Island Part 2

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Shipwrecked 2 Rescued

1. WAITING TO BE RESCUED! As the boat came towards our island to rescue us, I gathered a few items quickly that I thought I might need. I had no idea what the ship was that we were going to be taken to. I rushed around the shelter and threw some underwear, panties and bras, a few skirts and tops and a couple of pairs of shoes quickly into a bag. I put some makeup into a hand bag and then at the last moment, I grabbed a packet of the contraceptive pills I had been taking for so long and...

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Shipwrecked Temptation part 1

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Shipwrecked 7 and final

My second problem was that there was no Macy's in sight. Hell, there wasn't even a Seven-Eleven. There was a limit to the island's resources that all three of us hadn't already shared. I found my solace to contemplate my dilemma at the top of a coconut tree on the north side of the island. When you get to the top of one of those things you really feel alone. How was I going to get a whole day alone with Jessica without annoying JoanI? One thing I knew, JoanI had no use for traipsing...

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Shipwrecked 6

So I'm laying here wondering exactly why it is that my wrists and ankles are shackled to all four corners of the bed I also was thinking about how vulnerable this position was. Any time a guy has his legs spread apart like this, it makes him think. About the time I started thinking about escape, I caught the distinct smell of coffee, eggs, and fresh smoked ham on it's way into the house. The door opened and the girls walked in with a big tray that also included juice and fruit. They both...

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Shipwrecked 5

As I was getting up, JoanI and Jessica walked into the hut and announced that they wanted to go fishing. I looked at the two of them, blinked, and shrugged my shoulders. They picked up the tackle gear and poles and headed out to the south beach where we had found good fishing before. I walked out to the beach for a quick rinse and then made a little breakfast. I had found some coffee bushes during a walkabout and picked enough beans to keep me in coffee for a bit. I put some on the fire and...

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Shipwrecked 4

Four days had passed since our little dance in the rain. There had been similar showers but we were definitely getting that cast-away look and I decided that it was time for a well deserved bath. More exploration of the island discovered both a fresh water spring and a collection of hot mineral springs that I had not yet shown the women. The had been bugging me to take them on one of my walk-abouts and as well as the soap root that I had mentioned. The girls had another concern, especially...

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Shipwrecked 3

"How many more do you think we need?", Jessie asked. "Well, when you think you really don't want to pick anymore, you might be about a third done," I replied. "We got at least two more rooms to do, and what you got done so far might be enough for one wall. Don't worry. I'll come get you for lunch and we can go for another swim". "You really think you can handle a swim after all that extra activity you had last night?" JoanI stuck in as she rolled her eyes. " you...

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Shipwrecked 2

There was a tree that was squatted out in four directions about ten feet up. I sent the women out to pick reeds and elephant leaves and I started hauling the lumber over. The ropes on the ship were pretty much gone but there were plenty of pulleys on board. A few vines and I was set. Before long I had a good floor to walk across and I was setting up walls with bamboo poles. I went to check the roasting pig and put the clams around the rocks lining the fire pit. Having all the framework done...

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Shipwrecked 1

It wasn't supposed to be like this. it was just supposed to be a nice simple outing on a friend's sailboat with Jesse and Joani. The idea of being alone all day with two beautiful women did not bother me at all. The weather was supposed to be good, so I let the sails out and took off for open ocean. Funny how things can change out on the water. We weren't more then an hour off Manele Bay when things started to get dark in a hurry and I started to turn in, but the girls insisted that it was...

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She couldn’t walk another step. She was soaked to the bone and the salt from the seawater was making her itch. The cold water was also responsible for her stiff muscles that were screaming for her to stop and rest. But she knew she couldn’t, if she stopped she might not get going again. She’d read all the books about survival, if she stopped she would probably fall asleep, if she fell asleep she might never wake up again. Someone has to live around here! I saw the dock earlier. She would have...

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Shipwrecked Ch 02

The bedroom was just beginning to fill with the watery light of dawn. Tints of rose, gold and lavender began to spread across the quilted covers on the bed. Arianna’s internal alarm clock was beginning to nudge her awake but she kept her eyes closed in an attempt to prolong her dreamy sleep. She stirred in silent protest when her stomach lurched from nausea. In an effort to control it she concentrated on the memories of Mark loving her the night before. He had been exquisitely tender, taking...

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Shipwrecked Part 1

This story has a fairly long lead in before you get to the action, so be patient, and I hope you think it is worth it. Part 2 will be up shortly as well, which will raise the temperature a lot of degrees more. We’d been away from home now for nearly 3 weeks, and were getting close to our goal. Our boat had conquered 30 foot waves, and horrendous hurricane force winds, and the 6 person crew (four men and two women) had become a slick team, any rough edges having been long since knocked off. ...

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Shipwrecked Part 2

“Wow”, was all I could say as we collapsed together. “Wow indeed”, she responded, “Maybe getting marooned won’t be so bad after all”. And she kissed me, long and languorously, our tongues tasting and sliding gently, over and over, until the sheer sensuality of this stoked the fires again, and turning her over, I slid my hard again cock into her dripping pussy. Once more our passion built, and my cock pistoned into her belly, until her body shivered and pulsated in orgasm after orgasm, and...

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Shipwrecked Part 3

“Have I much catching up to do?”, asked Terry. “You certainly have”, replied Angie, and turned back to Terry, to strip off her dried clothes. “Look, Ted, just look at her breasts. Don’t you just want to suck them right now?” “They are lovely”, I admired, and moved across to sandwich Terry between Angie and me, and bent over to kiss her breast, cupping it in my hand. I was delighted when Angie also bent over and our heads touched as we each worked on a breast. In a while, as Terry started...

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Shipwrecked On Mermaid Isle Part 3

The sailor’s eyes fluttered open and he found his senses assaulted by a cacophony of sex sounds. His momentary disorientation was chased away by the hedonistic scenes about him; he was inside a wooden hut, his body surrounded by a circle of approximately ten women, and he lost count of exactly how many formed the daisy chain because it was difficult to separate one entangled body from another.No matter if they were on their backs nor their knees, each sex-crazed seaside fae pleasured another’s...

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Shipwrecked on Mermaid Isle Part 2

The weak light of dawn streamed in from a small opening in the thatched roof and danced golden streaks across the soft, dried grasses that padded the floor of a small beach side hut. The warm rays danced their heated caress over the sailor’s spent body. The man emitted muffled cries and tossed upon the floor, the sound and movement rousing him from sleep.The sailor rubbed his eyes as the twisted reality of the past days came upon him, striking him as hard as the waves had crashed upon his...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Shipwrecked on Mermaid Isle Part 1

The roiling sky was rent by a wicked, forked lance of white-hot lightning as the full fury of the storm slammed into the merchant vessel, Abundant Horizons. Across its rain-slicked deck scurried harried, valiant men, near exhaustion as they battled to keep their frigate above the clutching, malevolent waves.A castle-high wall of frothing water battered the beleaguered vessel as cries of “Man overboard!” rose again and again above the panicked wails of the shaken crew. Louder than all was the...

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Your name is Malexos, a simple Athenian captain sent to scout beyond the Pillars of Heracles for viable ports for Athenian goods, badly needed after the decade-long war with the Trojans. It is the mythic era of ancient Greece, a time of blood, wine, and bronze. You yourself are a veteran of the Trojan war and have the scars to prove it. You feel the gentle rocking of your ship, even beneath the free-swaying hammock that supports your muscled frame. Your hair is black and cropped short to your...

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Shipwrecked Part 3

“Have I much catching up to do?”, asked Terry. “You certainly have”, replied Angie, and turned back to Terry, to strip off her dried clothes. “Look, Ted, just look at her breasts. Don’t you just want to suck them right now?” “They are lovely”, I admired, and moved across to sandwich Terry between Angie and me, and bent over to kiss her breast, cupping it in my hand. I was delighted when Angie also bent over and our heads touched as we each worked on a breast. In a while, as Terry started to...

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Shipwrecked Part 2

“Wow”, was all I could say as we collapsed together. “Wow indeed”, she responded, “Maybe getting marooned won’t be so bad after all”. And she kissed me, long and languorously, our tongues tasting and sliding gently, over and over, until the sheer sensuality of this stoked the fires again, and turning her over, I slid my hard again cock into her dripping pussy. Once more our passion built, and my cock pistoned into her belly, until her body shivered and pulsated in orgasm after orgasm, and...

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Shipwrecked Part 1

This story has a fairly long lead in before you get to the action, so be patient, and I hope you think it is worth it. Part 2 will be up shortly as well, which will raise the temperature a lot of degrees more. We’d been away from home now for nearly 3 weeks, and were getting close to our goal. Our boat had conquered 30 foot waves, and horrendous hurricane force winds, and the 6 person crew (four men and two women) had become a slick team, any rough edges having been long since knocked off. ...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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ShipwreckedChapter 2

The next few hours aboard the man-o-war were a blur. Orders were shouted only to have them countermanded and then finally discarded soon to be followed with new orders. Several ferocious hand to hand fights were in progress while total chaos reigned throughout the ship. For a time it appeared the first mate's ship might actually be victorious; however, eventually it was becoming clear the sheer tenancy of the pirates verses the ship's crew was starting to move the fight in favor of the...

1 year ago
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ShipwreckedChapter 3

Captain Pierre Destand This time as the first mate slowly awoke he could tell by the position of the shadows on the walls of the hut it was later in the day. The sailor carefully pushed himself up to a sitting position, not surprised his body was still sore; but what surprised him was how little his gunshot wound hurt. The young sailor sat on his mat considering if he possessed the strength to try to go outside when three men entered the hut. Two of the men were the natives who had brought...

4 years ago
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ShipwreckedChapter 4

H.M.S. Elizabeth Lying in the hut on his mat the next morning, Zack's mind slowly cleared from the clouds of sleep. Looking around the bamboo hut Zack slowly became aware he was not alone on the bed; somebody was still next to him. He vaguely recalled the events from the night before just as he was falling asleep. Nani had shared his bed, but since he'd been so exhausted from the day, the memory was rather dim. As carefully as possible, he turned on his left side, and looked over at the...

3 years ago
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ShipwreckedChapter 5

Salvage The next morning before returning to the ship to continue the salvage work the two sailors met with Kekoa. The old French Captain and Zack felt the need to do something to help protect the villages from the marauding pirates when they returned. During that time with Kekoa they also discussed what to do, and where to hide, when the pirates came back to the island. All three men felt it was not a question of if, but rather one of when the pirates would revisit the island. Eventually...

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ShipwreckedChapter 6 The Pirates

Zack was still cradling Nani in his arms in their cabin when he heard the Captain holler from up on deck. "Hey, were you coming back up here sometime today?" Zack could hear the amusement in the Captain's voice. Zack intended to just give Nani one last big hug, but she quickly reached out, grabbed his hand and pulled him to her. Taking his face in both of her hands she pulled his face to hers and placed her lips on his. The kiss that ensued curled Zack's toes and with great reluctance he...

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ShipwreckedChapter 7 The Forbidden Island

If anyone had asked Zack, he would have told them he couldn't recall ever being happier with his life. Life on the island was interesting and exciting, as well as relaxing. After their defeat of the pirates, the native men now viewed the two sailors as something between a deity and their chieftain of war. However, best of all was his relationship with Nani whom he found to be an excellent companion while his friendship with Destand continued to grow. Overall, life was treating the two...

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ShipwreckedChapter 8 H MS Elizabeth Ships Crew

Zack quickly stepped back into the passageway and leaned against the wall, his heart pounding in his chest. Seeing Merick so unexpectedly tied to the chair had been more of a shock to Zack than he would have imagined. The man he had just seen had bruises over his body; his hair was long, filthy and tangled and his face was covered with a scraggly beard. When Zack first saw Merick he hardly recognized him. It was obvious the man had been treated badly; but try as hard as he could, Beecher felt...

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ShipwreckedChapter 9 The Countess

Carefully Zack started to meander through the ship with the goal in mind to discover if there were any other pirates still aboard besides the one he had rendered unconscious, and if so, how many. Eventually Zack ended up back where he'd started without coming across any more pirates. He headed towards the stern where he'd found the Countess along with all the treasure during his last visit hoping to see if he could help the poor woman. Finally Beecher was standing in the aft passageway...

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ShipwreckedChapter 10 The Death Plant

Zack glanced over the ship's sideboards and stared at the beach. From what he could see, there wasn't anyone stirring around the fires. It appeared everyone had gotten drunk and then passed out. As he prepared to leave the ship he turned to Ben and remarked, "I'll see you back at the clearing. Good luck." Ben stood there for a moment looking at Zack. He was obviously trying to decide if he wanted to share with the young first mate what was on his mind. Finally, he shrugged his shoulders...

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ShipwreckedChapter 11 The Natives Unite

When Zack and Captain Destand stepped into the small clearing below the caves, three heavily armed crew members from the first mate's old ship greeted them with drawn sabers and menacing looks on their faces. The crew members from The Elizabeth didn't know who this new stranger was and they viewed Destand with suspicion. Zack quickly explained to the crewmen who Destand was and where he came from. Zack started by telling them about the old ship Destand had once skippered and how his crew...

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ShipwreckedChapter 12 Chasing the Pirates

The first ship the two Captains swam around had several lines, and wreckage hanging over the side. As the two swam around the vessel, in addition to what was hanging over the sides, they could also see lots of debris hanging down from the masts and yardarms. Looking up through all the wreckage, they were not encouraged by what they could see. Finally they picked what they felt would be the two easiest ropes for them to climb, and then started the long crawl up to the deck. Once they climbed...

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ShipwreckedChapter 13 In Pursuit

For the rest of the day the ship's crew, along with all the natives, stayed glued to the ship's railing watching the distance between the two ships with great interest. By late afternoon it was obvious to Zack, his ship was slowly gaining ground on the pirate ship; however, it was not going to be possible for them to catch up to the pirates before nightfall. Destand and Beecher at one time considered trying to a fire cannon shot at fleeing the pirate ship, but both men realized the distance...

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Before the ship's tender with the three sailors on board touched shore, Nani and Loni were already standing knee deep in the water, waiting to help pull the boat up on the beach. As many times as Zack had seen the two ladies he was still amazed with their beauty and grace. If there wasn't so much to do, Zack mused how much he would like to go off with Nani and spend some time alone with her. He felt pleased to note that he never felt he was growing tired of her. Instead he found his desire...

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Reversal Rings V Finale

I know that some of you have been waiting for the return of Kevin and Susan from the first story. Well, here it is. This will probably be the last Reverse Rings story, so I hope you enjoy. This story has adult content in it. If you are under 18 or dislike such material, please go no further. If anyone who wishes to archive, please contact me first. SRU: Reverse Rings V: Finale By Morpheus Kevin stared into the mirror at the reflection of a beautiful woman looking back. The...

3 years ago
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Sisselixer Free Refill Finale

(Hey there, TerinasTiger the author here. If you've read to this point, I appreciate your attention immensely! This project was a whole lot of fun to work on, and I'm glad someone commissioned me to write a part-2 after Sisselixer was finished! If you like this, I will let you know there's a potential teaser for a "Part 3" (one of many directions I'm considering) on the furrier corners of the internet, waiting for you to find. Really, you're missing half the fun things I've put online if...

2 years ago
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The Nerd Hits Back 8211 Part 8 The Grand Finale

Greetings everyone! Welcome to the final part of the series ‘The Nerd Hits Back!’ I know we don’t like ending but as it is rightly said – “All good things come to an end.” So gear yourself up for a roller coaster ride and enjoy the finale of the series! Avi called his eldest sister to their home after a very long time. She reached after a while and Avi welcomed her with a spank on the ass, “Welcome home! my hottie big sister!” Radhika was wearing a maroon kurti and leggings and heels, so she...

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Durga Puja Celebration 8211 Part 7 The Unforseen Finale

Hello, lovely readers to the finale of the celebration. This party ends with a bombshell of events. Don’t forget to pleasure yourself to the fullest. The clock hit 9:00 pm. There was a light drizzle outside. Both the delivery guys have left. The guys got extremely excited, and we’re masturbating and holding their cum. The boys came out from the other room with hard dicks and cummed all over Rimi and Ani. Both of them got covered in cum and sweat. Then they all went to have a bath and got...

1 year ago
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Bukkake Finale

I was studying in my dorm room late into my freshman year at USC. My jeep was in the shop and even my part-time job had cut my hours in honor of my request. I was in need of some money and my parents would help me when they could but just didn't have much extra, after paying my tuition and living expenses. That was the deal, they would pay for those two things while it was my responsibility to pay for the rest. While in pre-pharmacy, I was trying to keep my grades very high so I spent much of...

2 years ago
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The Story of My Wife The Finale

“In my last story, my wife Vicki, Ginny, and I met a young couple at Light’s Out who wanted us to watch them fuck in the coatroom. We did, and then they watched us fuck. Since the young girl was amazed at how Vicki and Ginny could squirt, they taught her how outside behind a tree. Then, when the police came, Vicki seduced the cop in Dan’s parking lot. After that we rented a sexy hotel room, showered, and headed to Bi-Standers.” The Finale: Lets get started… When we arrived at Bi-Standers it...

1 year ago
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Over Fifties Fun Finale

Jane arrived in the middle of the afternoon, full of excitement, wanting to tell Vera of the wonderful night she’d had with Lee.“He’s so sweet V,” she said, as soon as they had poured some wine. They were walking through to the lounge when Jane stopped. “Why don’t we take these drinks up to bed, we can get ourselves worked up ready for tonight.”Vera was quite happy with the suggestion, she had been horny all day, dreaming of Barry. Once in the bedroom, they quickly undressed and got into bed....

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Freaky Fantastic Fourth part 4 the finale

(The Fantastic Four are owned by Marvel Comics.) (The 'Fourth Of July' villains (a.k.a. the Telekinetic Trio)are created and owned by the author.) A Freaky Fantastic Fourth A Fantastic Four adventure told in four parts! Written, Directed and Edited by Caleb Jones Part Four The Fantastic Finale! Previously, in Freaky Fantastic Four... The Fantastic Four were called into action once again! While fighting their latest foes, one of the 'Fourth of July'...

3 years ago
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A Reasonable Deal Pt 8Finale

Introduction: John makes a decision about Jamie, and stuffs his…viewpoint…down her throat. He helps get Mark what he wants, and finds out what he wants himself. A Reasonable Deal (Pt. 8 Finale) Note from author: To all my readers, I hope I dont disappoint with this close to the story. Ive been using this series to explore my own desires and fantasies, and to think about what place they have in my life. So, the last chapter contains some musings from John that reflect my ownhopefully they arent...

1 year ago
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Fling with co worker part 3 Finale

Feel free to read part 1 and 2 from my profile. Before read this. I know it's been awhile since I wrote but hey life gets you but I'm back to finish it up. For part 3 and finale. I was driving around for a bit before I actually started to head to my place. Truth be told I didn't know if I could do a "main course" performance after the last 2 times. So I had a small mental debate in my head before I said to self that the drive home would be plenty of time for me to have self refueled and be...

3 years ago
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Prem Paradise 8211 Episode 57 8211 Season 1 Finale

Written by: AMIT (To read all the previously published episodes, ) Everyone in Prem Nivas was getting ready for the party that evening in celebration of Sowmya’s modelling success. Although they didn’t know what exactly she was doing, but everyone, including her mother and sister, were happy for her. While people were getting ready for the party, Gautam was hurrying out of his house. “Urgent work”, he explained to his wife, “Client seems to have attempted suicide, I’ll be back before midnight...

1 year ago
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Games of the Children Finale

Games of the Children - Finale Brad's flight back to the sane world of the Porter's front porch was instantly shot down, much to his horror. Walking up the driveway toward him were two very pretty girls, one of them being Sarah Little. The other was not immediately recognized, but between the sick suspicion and the sisterly resemblance, he knew the other was his friend and teammate Craig. Assuming that Craig's age was unchanged at thirteen, Brad could see that this teenage girl before...

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