Work LIfe- Chapter 2 Caroyln's Freedom free porn video

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David pulled her tighter to his chest, "Blow me."

She groaned, "You are such a pig. I can't wait for January." she pushed at his chest trying to remove his arms from her.

David frowned at her, "Do you really think I'll let you just up and quit?"

"You don't have a choice David. I'm married to your brother. what he wants goes."

"You are just a whore."

She pushed harder breaking his hold. she moved to get out of the bed. "Get over yourself. you know maybe find a new bitch to train before I leave the company." she moved toward the attached bathroom in their hotel room.

David sat up and moved to the bathroom door. She was stepping in to the shower. "What are you planning for dad's retirement party."

"The normal stuff." she answered not looking at him as she put her head under the water.

"Normal as in what a normal person would do or normal for a whore like you."

his words cut her. "Fuck you David."

"You do, regularly." he chuckled when her head snapped toward him. "I know Travis knows the game. I know he knows I use you to gain business when needed but does he know about us?"

"There is no us." she ignored him and shampooed her hair.

He watched her for a few moments as she washed her body, "hurry up. you have a client in 30 minutes."

"What!" she turned toward him Turning the water off and pushing open the shower door, "What do you mean I have a client in 30 minutes?"

"I want this account. So I'm leaving the room until about noon or I feel like coming back."

"What account? You told me we were here because we have to repair a server."


"Are you fucking kidding me! I'm not fucking that 50 year old perve!"

David grabbed the back of her wet hair and pulled her from the shower stall. "You will do whatever I tell you to do!" he shouted in her face. "I own you. you will fuck who I tell you when I tell you to." He tossed her to the floor, "Just because dad is retiring and leavening the company to Travis in December doesn't mean shit for you Carolyn."

She pushed herself from the floor and looked up at him, "D I quit. I'm not doing this anymore."

David growled, he grasped her arm and pulled her across the tile floor. "You are not quitting. this freedom you think you can achieve isn't shit." He drug her kicking through the hotel room to the bed. for his 6 foot 2 200 lbs of solid muscle she was nothing more than a rag doll. he lifted her up and threw her on the bed. She tried to scramble off the other side but he put his knee in her back.

"Get off me!" She screamed.

David's hand came down hard on her ass. "Shut the fuck up!" he grabbed her hair and pulled her face up. his knee still in her back, "Don’t fucking move or you will wish you never got involved with my family." he growled in her face.

Carolyn's weld up with tears a fear coursed through her. "David… Please don't…"

He moved to his luggage, "Shut the fuck up!" he shouted. he grabbed the bag and pulled it to the bed tossing it beside her. "Roll over."

She shook her head and moved to get off the bed again but he grasped her ankle and pulled her back to him. he pulled out a pair of cuffs and grasped her hands, he cuffed her hands behind her as she struggled, he tied her ankles tightly to the legs of the bed then after slapping her a few times to stop her crying, screaming, and wiggling to get free, he uncuffed her hands pulled them over her head and tied them off to the bed as well.

She looked up at him, "David… let me go. I never agreed to everything you make me do, I don't want to do this."

"I don’t give a shit what you want Carolyn." He pulled a ball gag out of his bag, "Open."

her eyes opened wide. she snapped her mouth shut tight and shook her head. Pinching her nose didn't work as she opened her lips but clenched her teeth harder than she ever had before. David raised his hand high, "Open up slut!" his hand crashed against the side of her face.

She screamed out as her head jerked to the side. her lip cut across her teeth. He forced the ball gag in to her mouth. "You make me do this Carolyn. If you would just give up and do as I say things would go much easier on you." He smiled at a knock on the door. "Now be a good girl and stay here."

She pulled hard on the ties that bound her as he moved to the door. Tears streamed from her eyes from the pain in her face and the fear.

"I am having a bit of trouble with her today so I hope you don't mind your sluts tied up, Mr. Calton."

The old man grinned, "No, not at all." For a 56 year old man he was in remarkable shape. Caroyln shook her head as he moved toward her.

"I wouldn't ungag her if I was you. she does tend to bite when she is in this kind of mood." David chuckled, "Do as you wish with her. I have my key I'll come back around noon."

Calton nodded. David left the room after grabbing his wallet, keys and shoes.

Caroyln's eyes watched as Calton moved toward the bed. he grinned down at her. "my my Mrs. Carolyn Oliver." His hands began to unbutton his dress shirt. "I never thought I would actually get a day with you."

His grin deepened as she struggled to get free of the restraints. His hand moved to her, letting his fingers caress the skin of her tone stomach. he admired the way she shook in fear and disgust. her abdominal muscles rippling as he touched her damp skin.

More tears flowed from her brown eyes as he leaned over her. his tongue moved over her cheeks taking her salty tears with it but leaving saliva along her face. His hand moved lower on her stomach, "I know you despise me." he told her. "I know I disgust you." he chuckled. roughly he forced two fingers in to her. her back arched as she tried to get away from his hand as he thrust his hand hard in to her. she groaned in pain as he continued. His lips found hers. he forced his tongue all over the rubber ball in her mouth leaving a slimy trail in it's wake. His fingers curled inside of her trying to find the right spot. when her body refused to give in to him he began to grow irritated. he moved his hand from her mound and pulled away. he watched her as he pulled his shirt from his arms and tossed it to the floor. next his shoes and slacks moved to the floor. he knelt on the bed between her legs his cock in hand. it was limp and soft but thick. he grinned down at her, "Is that hope in your eyes? you are hoping an old man like me can't get it up?" he laughed, "well my dear." he leaned over her, "I have never had a need but for you I took a little blue pill." He licked all over her face, "As I knocked on the door to this room I popped the little pill that will keep me hard for however long I need to fuck this sexy little body of yours."

She whimpered as he moved his fat cock head over her tender flesh. She was already sore from D's attentions all night and from Calton fingers moments before in her dry cunt. He forced the head of his cock agsint her lips pressing hard. her eyes opened wide he was growing hard quickly over her. the fat mushroom head was already forcing it's way in to her dry tunnel. she shook her head groaning. As he moved deeper she felt like she was tearing apart. The hard dick that invaded her pussy was as thick as a coke can. she couldn’t see how long it was but after a few moments of his fighting his way in and out of her the head stopped at her cervix. she shook her head again fresh tears pouring as he continued to push.

He groaned, "For a whore like you I'm surprised, Carolyn. You are so tight." his yellow teeth smiled down at her. "Don't worry I will have plenty dick left for your whore cunt." her head moved back in to the pillows as she felt more intense pressure on her cervix. His pelvis wasn't even touching her yet. He leaned back still planted inside of her his rough hands grabbed her hips and pulled her waist toward him. she tried to cry out as her arms straightened above her, the tight bonds digging in to her wrists. her fingers wrapped around the straps. her legs bending as her leg restraints slackened. He pushed her legs farther open.

She screamed out when he forced more of his dick in ot her. still not all the way inside of her tight tunnel he began to moan as he moved in and out. bouncing her thick posterier as he humped his dick in her snatch.

The feeling in her pussy was nothing even close to pleasure. his cock banged hard against her cervix, the thick meat pulling at her dry vaginal muscles. For nearly an hour he pumped at her his only lubrication was her own that gradually tried to make the friction cease and his own precum that began to drip from his cock head. finally he leaned his head back and began to cum inside of her his hog pressed tightly to the tiny hole in her depths. he pulled away huffing deeply.

Caroyln felt like her pussy was gapping as his still hard cock left her. she looked up at him hopeful that it was over.

Calton stood and moved to a small black bag that he had brought in with him. he leaned over and rummaged through it. "I had brought my own things to bind you but as David did that for me…" he chuckled, "I have other things for you as well." he pulled out a vial. "As you know my company is famous for pharmaceuticals." he pulled out a small black case and moved toward her. he set it down beside her. he enjoyed as her panicked eyes tried to see what the case was. he opened it slowly and pulled out a small bottle, "I brought a few samples with me." Next he took out a syringe, "This is a new aphrodisiac that we make, testing is going quite well on it. So well that our own employees have begun to steal bottles of the stuff. Can't say I blame them as we stole it from Harlton." He carefully filled the syringe. "Of course that is why I am looking in to OAI's security programs so that the formula is safely contained." He moved the syringe to her left tit. she shook her head and tried to pull on the straps with renewed vigor. "It not only heightens female arousal but has been found to increase fertility to a point that no contraceptives work. Not to say it is permanent but…" He grinned as she screamed in to the gag as he pressed the needle in to her nipple, "The affects have not been found to end as of our testing." He pressed down on the plunger and injected half of the solution. he withdrew and moved too her other tit. she screamed again when he repeated his actions. he laid the now empty syringe down and straddled her stomach. his hands moved to her tits and began to massage them hard and deep. the pain in her nipples began to spread to the rest of her large breasts as he groped at the flesh. what had started out as a stinging pain began to grow in to a burning heat. "I have been told that the first few injections can be mildly painful." he smiled down at her.

With in minutes Carolyn shook her head as her pussy began to moisten as the rest of her body began to burn. after 20 minutes her whole body was beginning to ease up on the burning but a fine sheen of sweat covered her as the aphrodisiac did its job. her clit demanded attention. her pussy desperate for a hard cock. even her anal ring began to loosen needing attentions. her hips moved on their own accord as he rested his fat cock meat between her breasts. "A few side effects my dear. Not only will your body need and demand to be pleasured all the time for the next few days, you will be fertile no matter where you are in your cycle." He moaned as her huge tits engulfed his cock. "It has been known to increase breast size, assist in weight loss and fat reduction." after a few moments of enjoying her tits around his dick he moved himself lower. he grabbed the syringe and refilled it with more than necessary of the solution. He dropped the bottle on the bed and moved his hand to her pussy, "Now, be a good girl and stay still. this will hurt." he grinned, "A lot." He opened her pussy lips to his eyes. her tiny clitoris stood out from its little hood. He hungrly licked his lips then pushed the needle in to the tiny nub.

Carlyon screamed, her eyes rolled back as her own fluids gushed from her still gaping pussy. the pain hardly registered as pain to her hyper sensitive body. She shook her head as her clit began to burn as he injected more of the powerful drug in to her unwilling body. She thought she'd pass out from the orgasm that painfully engulfed her senses.

Calton emptied the drug in to her then stood and moved everything back to his bag near the door. He stood silent as Caroyln's body humped at the air. It was interesting to watch. in all the tests women had immediately been so consumed by this undiluted aphrodisiac that after one small injection they had began to ignore social confines and beg anyone around them to help them pleasure themselves. he had just given her enough of the drug to have a small dose everyday for the next 6 months. he smiled as she was brought to orgasm just by closing her thighs. he moved to her and untied her legs. immediately her legs closed and she brought herself to a quick orgasm now able to provide herself with pressure. He knew even if he spoke she wouldn't hear him. she was too far gone to understand words. he smiled and moved to the door, "Right on time gentlemen." he motioned to Carolyn on the bed, "She is all yours."

Four men entered the room all beginning to strip immediately, "Think of this as your bonus this year. this horny slut won't put up any fight and if she does." he shrugged as he moved to his own clothes, "Do what you want to her. but be out before noon."

the men nodded and moved to the bed.

Caroyln barely felt the straps on her hands move. the ball gag in her mouth being pulled from her teeth. she tried to fight the feeling in her body but when hands touched her she cried out in pleasure.

She was moved from the bed over a hard dick. it wasn't nearly as big as the one that had raped her earlier but her body betrayed her and took it deep in to her depths. She immediately began to thrust her hips up and down the hard shaft. her clit pressing on to wiry hair. her head loled back as she closed her eyes in bliss. something cold and wet touched her ass. instinctively she leaned over the cock beneath her and opened her ass cheeks. The slimy appendage pressed in to her asshole. she gasped at the sensation. she'd always loved when her husband stuck his hard cock in her tight ass. drool dripped down from her lips as she was bounced between two hard dicks. as more orgasms coursed through her she lost sense of her surroundings. even once she was too tired to move her body as voices demanded she was still in such a state of arousal and bliss that when hard punches began to fall on her hyper sensitive tits she called out in orgasm.

David yawned as he moved to his hotel room door. he wondered how Caroyln had faired while he was gone. it was nearly 5 pm. Calton had texted him at noon and asked for more time with her which of course he obliged. then at 4 the old man had met him for a quick dinner and to sign the papers. David whistled a jaunty tune as he opened his hotel door.

Caroyln lay in the bed her body covered in sweat and cum. under thick splotches of splooge he could faintly see skin.

As David moved closer he frowned across her face he could see bruises. her one eye swollen shut. the rest of her body held more brusies. nearly covering all of her. he didn't dare touch her she was so covered. the room smelt of Piss and cum.

He chewed on his lip as he looked at the marker on her body, names of men to many to count. all as though autographed, Polaroid's along the floor and mattress of Carolyn in different stages of sexual and physical abuse. names already covering her body before the sign of bruises. he swore her tits looked bigger. her pussy was open, a vibrating dildo just barely inside of her gapping hole. the thing was massive. far larger than he had even seen before. her ass leaked jizz around a plug inside of it. her inner thighs held the words 'abuse me, fuck me.' her face where words like 'Cum dump. I swollow'. "hey!" he said sharply. "Wake up."

Caroyln didn't even move. when David used a towel to grab her face and turn it to the side ot look at him her mouth opened, cum poured from her parted lips. "Shit." he muttered. His hand reached to the phone. he dialed 911.

Nearly 24 hours after calling 911 David looked up as his older brother came out of the hospital room. "Well?"

"What did you do to her?" Travis demanded.

"I didn't do shit! I left her in the room she said she didn't feel well. I got the server done alone, went to dinner with a client I've been trying to get for a while and came back to her like that."

T shook his head. His hand ran over his face before he reached toward his brother and grasped the smaller man by the throat, "She's as good as dead." he growled in David's face. "They injected her with some illegal ass shit that was banned the beginning of this year. her internal organs are so battered that they can't function. her lungs and stomach are full of so much cum that they aren't even going to pump her because it's not like it would help!"


"Nothing. her kidneys are shutting down, her liver is pretty much gone. she had so much of that drug in her she's basically overdosed. They are 90% sure it was against her will as she has lacerations to her ankles and wrists that are far older than the bruises." he let go of his brother, "I'm saying good bye to my wife. get the fuck out of my life." Travis turned and moved in to the room. beside his wife who lay in the hospital bed slowly dying was Kandace. "hey."

Kandace wipped her face, "Travis…" her eyes met his, "What do we do? they said there isn't…. isn't…."

He pulled Kandace in to his arms. At 5 foot 5 Kandace was an inch shorter than Carolyn. her hips and breasts filler, her figure a bit more full than Carolyn's though as Kandace weighed about 150. where Carolyn had DD breasts Kandace held huge pillows of G size. He held her against him. Kandace was Carolyn's girlfriend. the two had been lovers since college. Kandace was 32, three years younger than his wife. Travis rested his head on Kandace's head. "We can't do anything." he sighed, "The only thing we are able to do is tell her goodbye."

Kandace pulled away from him. her body climbed in to the bed beside Carolyn. "Car…" She let herself cry hard as she rested her face against the side of Carolyn's, "Don't leave me." her arm moved over her lover of nearly 14 years. "I can't go on without you."


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Last Night of Freedom

I had been living with Tom for about a year when we decided to get married. Before I met Tom I was a bit on the wild side, sleeping with all sorts of men, and doing a lot of crazy things. When we moved in together, everything changed. We both began to settle down and live at a more relaxed pace. Not once did I think about being unfaithful, despite the way I had lived my life before. The marriage itself was pretty much a spur of the moment thing and we scheduled it for four weeks later. Tom's...

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Lifes What You Make It Robs Story Chapter Four

This novel is an experimental writing collaboration by TheGulfCoaster and runnergirl. This story has two perfect halves, a male and female side, which fit together as one. Runnergirl will reveal Emmy’s feelings and tell the tale through her perspective, whereas TheGulfCoaster writes from Robbie’s perspective. The two stories share mutual dialogue and action where the two characters intersect and thus this is unique venture. Only by reading Emmy’s and Robbie’s stories, will the reader get the...

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Swapped Life Chapters 16 18

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 16 - 18 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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Swapped Life Chapters 12 15

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 13 - 15 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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Lifeboat Introduction

This is not the story of how my mother, my sister, and I escaped that catastrophe, of how the starliner Pegasus II tried to escape the disaster into FTL only to be destroyed by debris, of our flight to and rendezvous at the lifeboats, of the 24-person lifeboat jettisoning with just the three of us aboard. There are at least a dozen such accounts from the 87 survivors from the Peg, and most, to be honest, are more compelling. This is not the story of the first tumultuous hours after the...

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PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Lifes Tales Intro Chapter 1

Introduction: I havent really named this yet but its a story Ive been working on for a while now. Let me know what you think…it starts off kinda slow but itll get there INTRO: I dunno why this female thinks shes gonna win this battle. She aint bout shit! She obviously thinks Im scared of her or somethin. She just dont realize the only reason Im not and havent beat her ass yet is cuz my boy wont let me. He says she aint worth my time, which she really aint, but shes pissin me off! I spent my...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 7 9

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 7 - 9 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 4 6

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 4 - 6 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 10 12

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 10 - 12 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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Lifes What You Make It Robs Story Chapter Two

This novella is an experimental writing collaboration by TheGulfCoaster and runnergirl. The story has two perfect halves, a male and female side, which fit together as one. Runnergirl will reveal Emmy’s feelings and tell the tale through her perspective, whereas TheGulfCoaster writes from Robbie’s perspective. The two stories share mutual dialogue and action where the two characters intersect and thus this is unique venture. Only by reading Emmy’s and Robbie’s stories, will the reader get the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 78 Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous Part II

May 15, 1992, Glencoe, Illinois “Join me in my study, if you would,” Noel Spurgeon said when we finished our dessert. It had been an interesting evening. Samantha and I had talked for a bit before we’d been summoned to dinner. The meal had been prepared by a chef and was served by a white-coated young man. Again, this was a far cry from Lois at the van Hoeks’ house. What wasn’t a far cry was the fact that I was having dinner with a man who knew I was going to be sleeping with his daughter...

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Patchwork People X The amoeba life

X. The amoeba life. In the stories of people she admired, there was always a defining moment, a dramatic event that summed up their lives to a critical point and provided the pivot for a new life to come. Marcia would like to have had a similar "defining moment" in her life, but it struck her that her life not only lacked a defining moment, but that it really didn't have any definition at all. It was a more amorphous thing, her life; if it advanced, and that was often in doubt, it...

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Celebrating American Freedom

Disaster Averted The change to the new order of things had begun with Monica Bushnell. With the support of the ACLU and NOW, she sued, citing the double standard of men being able to be bare chested in public and women not having that right. The case, Bushnell vs Cuomo, had gone to the Supreme Court after reversals and appeals at lower court levels. In a seven to two decision, for which the Chief Justice wrote the majority opinion, the law of the land was interpreted to mean that women had the...

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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 26 The Lifeguard Initiation

When Nina got home she realized that she barely had time to grab her gear if she wanted to have any time left for swimming. She stuffed her swimsuit and a towel into a gym bag and ran back out of the house, not even bothering to change out of her work clothes. She knew she'd be quite a sight for anyone in the locker room, but didn't think there would be anyone in the lifeguards' lockers anyway. At the aquatic centre she pushed through the door into the lifeguards' changing room, and as...

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A Cinderella Spell Chapter 2 Lifes a Witch

A Cinderella Spell - Chapter 2, Life's a Witch I was really worried now. How had I gone from about to put on a t-shirt and jeans, to wearing a full skirted dress, without even realising it? I must be losing my mind. And why is Monique all girly all of a sudden. I know she was wearing a ball gown last night but that was just to piss off the snobby crowd at school. I followed Monique into her front room where her Grandma was sat waiting. "Well Dean," she started. "Don't you...

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Who Are YouChapter 9 First Day of Freedom

Much later that Tuesday morning, I was awakened by the smell of eggs, coffee, and if I'm not mistaken, bacon. Sure-enough young Nurse Kirby was bringing my morning meal, and probably my last hospital meal. Wonder of wonders, I couldn't see the bottom of the coffee cup. No weak coffee today. The food, while not real hot, was very good, and I savored each bite, especially the two pieces of bacon that came with the meal. After breakfast, I dressed in some slacks and a button-down shirt, and...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 18 Impending Freedom

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Princess Ava – Echur, The Kivoneth Princedom, The Strifelands of Zeutch The stables smelled of horse, that earthy scent that always lingered on them. I stroked Delicate’s neck as I tightened the girths of her saddle. It was the first time I had done it, but I had watched the stable boys do it carefully over the last year. In the back of my mind, I always knew it might come down to me having to flee the castle. Flee my father. I pushed...

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Queen of JariloChapter 12 A Taste of Freedom

Walker slowly opened his eyes, disturbed by movement around him. He blinked as his vision adjusted to the light of the strange moss that clustered on the roof. The Repletes in his vicinity were stirring, their day was about to begin. He was reluctant to rise from the nest of soft, fluid-filled pouches that he had been sleeping on. It was the first time since he had left Charlie that he had gotten a decent night’s rest. He had eaten well too, and despite his lingering drowsiness, he felt...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 42 Inspirationrsquos Freedom

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal “We need to give you a proxy with big tits so you can do this, princess,” I purred as I wrapped my big breasts around Sven’s pussy soaked cock. He lay on his back again, a huge grin on his face as he savored the delight of my boobs engulfing his dick. “Yes, I need that proxy,” Ava groaned. “Enjoy,” Kora said and rolled off the bed. She made her way towards the aoi si. “Aingeal,” Sven moaned as I pumped my tits up and down my...

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Conquest of Paradise IslandChapter 5 Reflections and Endings to Freedom

It was the 4th of July 1943 and the Japanese were invading the West Coast of the U.S. and Canada as Germany landed on the East Coast of the U.S. The Italians were landing on the East Coast of Canada. The plans she heard on New Year's Eve came to pass. The Italian navy met the invasion fleet 50 miles out from Anzio as aircraft based in Africa and Italy bombed. Less than 10,000 troops reached the beach and the 250,000 defenders had them exterminated with 48 hours. Likewise the German navy and...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 9 Beginning of Freedom

Ted recovered first, as he looked at his baby sister, and said, "Lisa what are you doing here? What do you mean the ship has..." Lisa faded away, re-appeared in front of him, and replied, "That is what I meant big brother." Ted felt the blood drain from his face as he looked at his sister. His thoughts flashed to Amy, trapped in her capsule, and he lost his temper. He growled, "No! I won't have it!" Walking over to the com unit, he pressed an icon on the panel, and said, "This is...

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Goetic JusticeChapter 10 A Taste of Freedom

Becky mounted the steps of the apartment complex, muttering angrily to herself, tapping at her phone as she rounded the corner and made her way past the numbered doors towards Ryan’s apartment. How dare he ignore her calls. She had wanted to teach him a lesson, that was all. He was supposed to realize what he had been doing wrong and man up, start giving her the attention that she deserved instead of taking her for granted. Instead, he had gone dark, dropping off the face of the earth and...

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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 33 Freedom

When Sally and I arrived at the hotel, Sever was wide awake and fighting vigorously against her bonds. Charlotte and Chloe were anxious. Neither of them was happy having Sever there but they understood that we couldn't dump her just anywhere. I went over and picked her up. She fought against me, but I carried her over to the bed and dumped her on it with little fuss. She squirmed and rolled over to face me. Her look alone told me more than enough to know what she would do if she got...

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Deboras Sexlife Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - The DriverI often live rather dangerous and don't realize it until afterwards, but I still don't wanna change my way of living.I knew early on, that men always keep on looking at me because they like my body, and I always enjoyed the watching.My name is Debora and I can say that I'm addicted to Sex.I don't just look for hot dates when I'm going out in bars or clubs. I'm also often in chats or sites like these, and that might just be the dangerous thing about my way of living, since...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 53 Lifes Been Good

Medway High Cafeteria 12:10pm, Wednesday, March 14, 1979 “Who said you could snag any of my fries?” I asked in a faux, semi-annoyed tone at Sammy, after she failed at sneaking a couple of Medway’s finest delicacies from my tray. “Nobody,” Sammy replied with a grin as she munched on the two crispy potato strips. “Besides, who in their right mind eats French fries with P-B and J sandwiches?” “My good looking boyfriend, that’s who,” Lynette surprisingly said as she unexpectedly walked...

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Taming the Cougar Part 4 Submission And Freedom

After our session with Adriana, Pam seemed to be riding a high. Her whole demeanour changed; the stress and worry she had exhibited seemed to fade away. I think that her realization that she was bisexual and the fact that I did not take umbrage was part of it.We were scheduled to meet with Adriana and her friend Reinaldo the coming Saturday night. Pam seemed excited about experiencing her first experience with another couple.As Saturday approached, she started to become moody and distant. Our...

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Bartering for Freedom

Her eyes swung around the cell as she wrinkled her nose. It smelled damp, though it was made of stone, and urine. She was glad to see there were no other prisoners there beside her. Only a tall, long table. What the hell was that for? It was nearly as tall as she was. She picked out a dry area on the hard floor and sank down. She pulled her knees up under her chin. She was going to the gallows. Her uncle had warned it would happen if she were ever caught stealing vegetables from the King’s...

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This is a true story describing my awakening to an unhappy marriage, finding love and sexual freedom in the arms of a man who was able to love me as I am. Seventeen was TRULY too young to get married, but let’s face it – at seventeen, no one was going to tell me how to run my life. I’d met William at the grocery store where I worked. He was 22, lived on his own and had a really fast car. I had a hot-head mother who loved to degrade me, a school where I was considered a nobody because my...

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Space Colony Freedom

It has been ten years since the S.S. Freedom landed on the new planet that humanity would call home, this planet is called Sigma 60, a planet perfect for humans to live on. The only known "issue" about the planet is that there are trases of relaxative in the air, which is probably why the people of this colony enjoy having sex out in the open. Sex with each other, within the family, with the native people of the planet, almost anything goes. Ten years ago when the space ship arrived on the...

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Last night of freedom

I don’t know who first came up with the notion that a groom shouldn’t see his bride-to-be the night before the wedding, but it was a bloody stupid idea. It’s a nerve-racking experience knowing that in just a few short hours you’ll be dedicating your entire future to someone else.   What if you’re not worthy - or worse, what if they’re not?  It’s enough to keep a man awake the night before the biggest day of his life, worrying.  But still, my fiancée insisted on following tradition. “It won’t...

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Artistic Freedom

Hello! This one goes out to all the arts majors :) Enjoy!Tags: university student, exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbationArtistic Freedom"A private session? Private, as in--""One-on-one," Professor Williams said, leading the way into the university's atelier-and-drawing-studio multipurpose room. It was somewhat hidden in the back, behind many corridors and rooms full of workbenches, supply shelves and closets, arts projects, sculptures, busts, installations and paintings stacked upon paintings....

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