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I glanced around the room and saw nothing. It was too dark. Even though I couldn't see, I could still feel and the sensations slowly engulfing my dick were wonderful. Almost wonderful enough to make me forget my splitting headache. As I turned my head to the left I caught the faint but musky odor of an aroused woman. I thought my head would fall off of its stalk but I forced myself to feel for her. Then I knew that I'd done something awful because the soft ass I was feeling was way too small to be Mabel's.

"Who!..."I began. But just that syllable was enough to start the explosion in my head again.

"Just relax, Baby," she said. I recognized that voice instantly. That sexy cigarettes and gravel voice could only belong to one woman in town and things just went from bad to worse for me. Try as I might I really couldn't remember any of the past 24 hours or any reason why my wife's sister should be in bed with me sucking my dick.

"Janet, as good as that feels, can you stop it please?" I said.

My dick actually felt cold as her warm mouth lifted off of it, leaving it exposed to the early morning air. Suddenly light pierced the darkness. It was like another explosion in my overly sensitized cranium.

"Oops, I probably shouldn't have done that, "she said softly. "But I guess you're wondering what's going on aren't you?"

"Uhm yeah!" I said. "That is one of the questions going through my mind."

"So you don't remember any of what happened last night?" she asked.

"Not a bit of it," I said. "But from the way my head feels, I'm sure alcohol was a big part of it."

"You deserved and needed to just get out of your head for a while sweetie," she said. "In fact from now on I'm going to make sure that every once in a while we just get nuts."

"What do you mean, we?" I asked. "Mabel is already going to kill me."

"Mabel is gone, honey, don't you remember that either?" she asked.

"Did somebody give me Tequila?" I asked. "Whenever I drink Tequila, I lose a lot of my short term memory. I also do really stupid things. Please tell me I didn't have more than a shot or two."

She shook her head vigorously. Just watching the side to side motion of her pretty face was enough to start my stomach churning. I quickly jumped off the bed and headed for the bathroom. I slammed right into a wall where the bathroom should have been.

I looked to Janet and she pointed out the door. I ran through the doorway with her hot on my heels. I turned to the left and saw the toilet. It had a soft cushy pink seat. I barely had enough time to lift it before the entire contents of my digestive tract erupted out of me and into the bowl.

"Feel better?" she asked. She helped me to stand and gave me a bottle of mouthwash and a brand new tooth brush.

I noticed that the toothbrush was blue, my favorite color. Another thing that I found puzzling was the fact that Janet never took her eyes off of me and in fact wrapped her arms around me from behind as I brushed my teeth. Janet's breasts weren't huge but they were a lot bigger and a lot firmer than Mabel's.

"That's a good sign," she smiled as she lightly squeezed my rapidly inflating penis. The thought that we were both naked suddenly seemed important to me.

When I finished brushing and rinsing my mouth, she turned me around and looked at me. "Let me check," she said. That hurt me a little bit. Her sister, my wife, had often said the same thing to me early in our marriage. I guess their mother must have done the same thing to them when they were younger. Mabel expected me to smile and show her my teeth so I tried to flash my ivories for Janet.

"Not that way Honey," she said. She came over to me and kissed me. She molded her naked body to mine and swabbed the inside of my mouth with her tongue. The reaction was instantaneous. Hangover or not I was at full staff and straining.

"So, even after last night, you still want more huh?" she asked.

"Janet what I really want is some answers," I said.

"Okay Honey, you go get dressed, we still have to go to the bank when they open in about an hour, but we'll have some coffee and some breakfast while I fill you in."

# # # # # # # # # #

My name is Mabel Forrester. I'd been walking along the road for the entire night. I'd been chased by dogs several times. My feet were cut and bleeding. I'd worn some very expensive high heeled pumps yesterday and their tattered remains had been discarded several hours back. The CFMs were great for a night out but worthless for walking on rural roads.

Thank God it was finally light out. I was still four or five miles from town and even farther from home. That was if I even had a home any more. If my fucking sister had her way I probably didn't.

I couldn't believe that little bitch. After all I'd done for her. She still went and stabbed me in the back. It was true she'd always been jealous of me, but I couldn't believe that she would stab me in the back like this. Whoever said that blood was thicker than water had never met Janet.

Finally lights appeared on the road behind me. A truck with two teenagers in it slowed down as they approached me. I turned and saw that it was the Miller boy with Sarah Winslow seated next to him. There were a couple of other kids in the back of the truck. They were probably driving out to the lake for a day of summer fun. I waved my hand as they got near. For some reason though as soon as they recognized me they sped up and drove past.

My legs ached, my feet hurt and I was hungry. I kept on walking because I knew that if I stopped I wouldn't get back up and start again for a long time. I thought about the reaction on the kids' faces as they recognized me. I'd known it was going to be bad. Small towns are known for being unforgiving in certain situations, but their reaction went way beyond what I was expecting. Had I really stepped so far over the line that I was beyond Christian forgiveness and charity?

Just 24 hours ago I'd awakened in my big sleigh bed. I was the undisputed queen of theses two interconnected small Iowa farming towns that made up our community. I was the queen not because of anything I'd done, though I would probably never have admitted to that, but because of my husband. The funny thing about it was that he wasn't even from here. He hadn't grown up in Harriston or Dellaville. He was only here for me.

I'd met David Forrester while I was visiting my parents who now lived in Chicago. They'd moved away to be closer to state of the art medical facilities. My mother had a condition that resulted in chronic pain and there was a clinic in Chicago that specialized in a handful of diseases that were all offshoots of the same condition. Anyway Dave had followed me home to spend more time with me and had never left. We'd married and decided to stay here. That was twenty-three years ago.

The two towns Harriston and Dellaville each had their own Mayors, Sheriffs and all other government offices. They each had their own schools as well. The two towns had been founded by brothers who couldn't get along. In the early days the towns had been competitive but nowadays because of the economy were co dependent.

Enter my good old Chicago boy Mark. Since both towns were minuscule farming towns there were a number of things that they both needed. That first weekend when Dave arrived a friend of mine was in dire straights because he couldn't get his tractor fixed. He was running all over town trying to find someone who'd let him borrow or rent theirs.

Dave had a degree in mechanical engineering and offered to look at the tractor. The part he needed for the tractor would have to be ordered but he was able to go over to a local machine shop and fabricate a part that would work until the original part could be sent from the factory. Once word of that got around Dave was adopted by both towns. Normally the farmers had to call the nearest big city to get a factory rep out. They had to pay travel expenses and a huge mark up on both repair parts, labor etc.

Before he knew it, Dave had his own thriving business that both towns needed. At first he only fixed tractors and farm equipment but then he branched out into appliances and then electronics. Now he even services computers. My fucking sister decided to go to school for computers and I begged Dave to hire her to repair computers for him. If I had known what the little bitch planned I'd have made sure she shipped out to some bigger city as soon as she graduated.

Janet was my parent's miracle baby. They'd always thought that I would be their only child. Then when I was fifteen my forty-five year old mother found herself pregnant. When I met Dave I was twenty-one and Janet was six. Now I'm forty-four years old and Janet is twenty-nine. Janet has always loved Dave. She'd pretty much grown up around him. Over the years I'd known she had what I'd considered a schoolgirl crush on him but I guess I never saw it for what it was.

For the past few years my love for Dave had grown complacent. It wasn't that I didn't love him any more, just that I wasn't excited by him any more. Over the years Dave had become comfortable like an old pair of shoes to me. He let his hair get kind of shaggy like the farm boys around here and was sporting a little bit of a tummy as well.

We did pretty well financially but you couldn't tell it by the way Dave lived. Sure I drove a Mercedes E class but Dave had a seven year old 2005 Mustang that was rusting out. The body panels weren't rusty but the springs, shocks and most of the mechanical components on the car were. I guess that car was a lot like my husband, proud, powerful and in need of a make over.

I guess over time I grew self important. As Dave and his business got bigger and more important, I did too. Soon I wore only designer clothes, and drove my Mercedes everywhere I went. Somehow over time it was as if Mark and I flipped personalities. I became the woman who belonged in a big city, and Dave who was from Chicago became a small town boy.

The community was becoming tired of my big city antics and simply loved Dave when all of this came to a head anyway. Dave was just like them. He gave credit to farmers who weren't able to get it anywhere else. He also deferred payments on equipment repairs until the harvest came in since he knew that was when they could most afford to pay them.

Another thing he did that galled me to no end was with the schools. The combined school district decided to buy a few computers for labs in each school. The total number of computers in the whole district was only about fifty machines but still a fairly large number. The district had to get quotes from three companies to handle maintaining and upgrading the machines. Two of the companies were of course out of town vendors. Both of them came up with yearly figures that were far more than the towns thought they could handle. It was decided to host a town meeting to talk about a tax to raise money for maintaining the computers.

I was as shocked as anyone else when Dave stood up at the meeting and told the assembly which included the Mayors and city councils of both towns that he'd do it for free. He'd also do upgrades for only the cost of the software. I couldn't believe he'd thrown that amount of money away. But that was Dave. He figured that we had enough money to live very comfortably on and that was enough.

Of course that only made me even more important around town and eventually that led me to where I am now. I don't exactly remember when I first thought I was tired of or bored with Dave only that it did happen. I started dressing even better and spending more and more time away from home. I also started flirting more openly. At first the guys in town flirted back with me, but after a while they stopped. They'd just look at me kind of funny. I told myself that it was because they were from a small town and therefore small minded, but during this walk after my embarrassment yesterday I've realized that I was wrong.

Then of course there's Jeff. Jeffery Rossberg, attorney at law. He blew into to town like a breath of fresh air. He has an E class too. Only I found out last night that the car wasn't actually his. It belonged to his wife that he'd conveniently neglected to tell me about. In fact most of the things that Jeffery had told me during the four months that he was fucking me weren't really true.

Anyway Jeff responded to my flirting and took it to another level. He was always complementing me and telling me how pretty I was. The funny thing about it was that Jeff was actually supposed to be dating Janet. The thing was she went out with him for a few days after he first got to town and then she didn't want to have anything to do with him. She just laughed any time his name was mentioned. I guess in this one case my little sister was smarter than I was.

I wish someone would have told me what made her dump him. Maybe I wouldn't be walking my ass down this lonely country road right now. I guess it was the Dave scale all over again. Ever since she met him, my sister had always compared every boy she met to my husband. And I guess in her mind most of them had failed. I needed to get to town so I could find someone to take me home. Failing that I needed to get some money out of one of our accounts so I could get home.

# # # # # # # # #

"David Forrester, are you dressed yet?" somehow despite how bad I felt, hearing Janet yelling for me seemed right. "Get your ass in here if you want some coffee."

"Janet, please stop yelling," I said as I walked into her spotless kitchen. Janet was standing in front of her coffee maker, as naked as the day she was born. She turned around and kissed me again. She pressed her naked body against me and threw everything she had into the kiss.

"Shouldn't you have some clothes on?" I asked.

"Nope this is the way I want you to remember me," she smiled. Then she kissed me again.

"Why are you constantly doing that?" I asked her.

"Because I don't know how this is going to end," she said. "And just in case it doesn't go the way it should, I'll know that I put everything I had into trying to get what I want." She just smiled at me.

"What was the last thing you remember before you woke up this morning?" she asked. "Think hard."

We sat down at her kitchen table and she grabbed my hand.

"Yesterday in the early evening I got a call to come out and look at the big Gauss projectors they use out in the drive in." I said. "They were having some trouble getting the video feeds from those small wireless cameras they use to show up on the screen. It turned out it wasn't a hardware issue, it was software. So I started working on it. I didn't have very much time since they needed to use the wireless cams between the movies in a double feature," I said. It was all coming back now. She saw that I was beginning to remember things and squeezed my hand.

"I needed to test the system so I sent a couple of their guys out to get some footage; you know joke stuff like couples kissing in cars. They put that stuff up on the big screen between the features. It's always hilarious. I'd intended to just show it on the monitors in the projection room, but somehow I got the feed mixed up and broadcast the footage on the big screen so everyone in the audience saw it. I remember how my heart nearly stopped beating as I saw your sister, my wife, having her breasts fondled by that snake in the grass lawyer. While he was doing that she was licking his dick like it was an ice cream cone."

I couldn't go on any further. I almost started crying like a baby.

Janet started stroking my hand. "Do you remember anything after that?" she asked.

"I ran down to his car," I said. "I dragged him out of his car and punched him in the mouth. I only hit him once time, but he folded up like an accordion. A lot of people came over after that. You were there Janet. I was in shock. Mrs. Daniels that old lady who volunteers at the library on Tuesdays came up and asked me if I had kicked him in the crotch. I shook my head, so she did it. She kicked him hard too."

Janet winced and then smiled remembering it. "What happened after that?" she asked.

"I remember the Sheriff coming over and trying to wake Jeff up. Jeff came to and told the Sheriff that he wanted to file assault charges against me, because I had punched him and probably kicked him because his nuts were aching badly."

"Five or six people came up and all said that Jeff had been staggering around and had fallen and struck his mouth on the side of his car. They thought he was drunk. So the Sheriff took them at their word and gave Jeff a citation for public drunkenness, and one for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. Then he gave him one for filing a false crime report for his allegation against me."

"I remember him screaming that he was being railroaded. And the Sheriff took both him and Mabel away. But they didn't go towards the jail. They went to the movie office. You and I were there too. The Judge was there Janet, how did he know?"

"I'll tell you later Hon, go on," she smiled.

"The Judge just looked at Mabel and shook his head. He was talking to her and I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying to her but he pulled out some papers and had her sign them. She kept saying she didn't want to sign them that it was all a mistake. He said yeah and she'd been the one who made the mistake, but the town protected its own." Janet nodded her head.

"Then they took the two of them outside and I don't remember what happened to them but I do remember sitting down with the Judge, the Sheriff, the Mayor and a bunch of other guys. We were drinking and having a good time. There were a few women there too. I remember meat cooking, was it a barbecue?" Janet nodded again.

"Then I remember waking up this morning with you uhm..."

"Giving you a blowjob?" she asked smiling. "Or trying to anyway." Now it was my turn to nod.

"Okay let me fill in some of the blanks for you, then," she said. "This all started about a week ago. But really I guess the seeds were sown much longer ago than that."

I could tell she was about to tell me some things that were painful because she took my coffee cup and led us into the living room where we sat down on her sofa. I sat upright on the sofa. I was afraid that any position where I had to lean or recline would result in my still aching head falling off of my neck. Janet on the other hand sat down next to me as close as she could get. She draped her legs over me and still held onto my hands. "Comfy," she asked. I nodded and she looked at her watch. It was nearly nine. There was no way we'd make it to town in twelve minutes. I didn't care because I didn't know why we were going to the bank anyway.

"Alright, I'm sure you know that from the time I knew what boys were, I've been in love with you. What you don't know is that it wasn't some schoolgirl crush. Over the years Mabel and I have had numerous arguments about you. The most recent one was only a week ago. We'll get back to that in a little bit. Anyway I've had a boyfriend here and there, because I am human, but none of them measured up to you." she smiled at me and kissed my hand.

"About six weeks ago I started dating Jeff Rossberg. We went out a couple of times and as usual he just wasn't you. I don't get rid of guys just because they aren't you but he just seemed rather creepy to me. I got the feeling that he was just another pussy hound and I didn't intend to be just another conquest for him. Then when I checked him out on the internet, it got even more interesting. He's probably one of the world's biggest liars. The car he drives isn't his. It's his wife's. The law firm he works at isn't his. He isn't a lawyer, he's a paralegal. He just files court documents for the lawyers at the firm. The firm is owned by his wife's father, and his last name isn't Rossberg. That's his wife's family name and they just allowed him to switch to it when he married her. So any way I dumped him." She smiled at me again. I was beginning to enjoy being with her.

"So after the parting of the ways I began hearing from people that we'd slept together, which wasn't true. I didn't care as long as he didn't say it in my presence. But then people started asking me really weird questions like "Have I ever done my sister?" It turned out he was going all over town telling people that he'd fucked Mabel too. And I figured that it was just like it had been with me, pure horseshit. Then last week I saw them out behind the restaurant on Fourth Street. He had his hand under her skirt and she was just standing there letting him. So I walked up to them and slapped the shit out of him, and asked her how she could be so fucking stupid?"

Janet had gotten really worked up so I hugged her a little bit for what she'd done. That got a little moan out of her.

"Anyway she just looked at me real stupidly with her eyes all big," she said. "Then she told me that I didn't understand. That you were always at work and she was bored. She needed a little distraction sometimes and that I'd understand it when I grew up. Jeff started getting upset when she called him a distraction. So she said that she didn't mean that he was a distraction. Then she said that he had more in common with her than you ever did. She was tired of you practically giving the business away. She was talking about how you could have been making a lot more money and living in a much bigger house. You two could be way richer."

Janet got up and went to the phone then. She pointed a finger at me as if to say hang on we'll finish this in a minute. She punched in a number and then waited. Then she started talking to someone on the line. I heard her mention my name a couple of times and tell them that I was fine. Then she put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello" I said.

"Hey Dave, I'm sorry for your loss. But in the end you're going to be a lot better off and probably happier too. I just spoke to Janet and I just need for you to Okay the temporary changes in your personal accounts."

"Okay," I said."

"So you do authorize a temporary hold on all of your personal accounts and any access to those same accounts?" she asked.

"Uhm yes," I said. "But what about my business accounts I still want my people to be able to order supplies and buy things."

"None of your business accounts will be affected," she said.

"Okay, thanks," I said then I handed the phone back to Janet.

Janet spoke to the woman for several more minutes. I heard her laugh a couple of times and her asking the woman to call her if that happened. Then she turned back to me. She took my hand and led me back to her couch.

"Lie down, Dave," she said. I did and she took my shoes off. Then she lay down next to me on her big soft old couch. She scooted her butt up next to me until we were spooned together and she started her story again.

"She begged me not to tell you that I'd seen her," said Janet. "But then Jeff as usual started running his mouth off. He told her that it didn't matter because you were going to have to find out about them sooner or later anyway when she filed for the divorce. I saw red then. My stupid sister thought that Jeff was a rich lawyer, but like I already told you he doesn't have a pot to piss in on his own. He just saw this as a chance to hook up with a stupider woman and have you support the both of them with the divorce settlement." I was shocked by what Janet had just told me.

"But ... I loved her," I said. Janet pushed her ass against me closer.

"I know you did baby, but you can and will get over her. I'll make sure of it," she said. "Anyway I went to see the Judge then and told him everything I knew. We drew up the divorce papers then. The problem was that we needed a reason to force her to sign them. All of the divorce laws in this country were written to protect the woman's interests in the case of a divorce, even when she's a lying, cheating, heart-breaking guttersnipe like my sister.

So we thought about it and decided that the best way would be to come up with what we thought was a fair settlement either lump sum or in monthly payments and force her to sign it. In order to force her to sign it we needed some kind of leverage. Believe it or not the incident at the drive-in just happened. We didn't plan it. But there were a few people around town who knew what was going on with Mabel and Jeff and were supposed to be taking pictures and gathering evidence for us to use.

Our plan was that we'd call Mabel in one day and confront her with all of the evidence of her cheating on you and force her to sign the papers. Then we'd get her to write you a "Dear John letter," and leave town. And after she left, I'd help you to get over her.

Anyway after seeing her in front of half of both towns on that huge screen, we have an even stronger case. The Judge and the Sherriff threw Jeff into jail last night. His wife and her family posted his bond this morning and dragged him home by his dick. From what Bonnie at the bank told me he'll be divorced and cut off very soon. They turned Mabel loose outside of the drive in, but since they confiscated Jeff's car she had to try to walk home."

"But that's nearly thirty miles," I said.

"Serves her right," smirked Janet. "Anyway Honey, you were in shock. I guess seeing the woman you love twenty feet tall on that giant screen sucking some other guy off, with the whole town watching will probably do that. The judge figured the best thing for you would be to take you out and get you drunk. So they did. The Sherriff remembered from his brother's divorce that the only thing that snapped his brother out of it was getting with another woman at some sleazy strip club. I wouldn't stand for that so as soon as you were drunk, I took over."

I looked at Janet then. I wondered why she was doing all of this. "I don't usually drink much," I said. "I discovered back in college that I don't have a high tolerance for liquor. If I drink Tequila it's really bad."

"Honey," she said. "You must have been in bad shape then because you not only finished the bottle, you ate the fucking worm."

I didn't know what to say to that so I just tried to look anywhere but at her.

"Then I brought you home," she said. "I brought you to my house because I'm comfortable here and it was closer. Do you remember the rest," She looked at me with one of her eyebrows arched and a big smile on her face.

"Nope," I said. "Did I make a fool out of myself while I was drunk? You know..."

"You mean did you try to have sex with me?" she smirked.

I nodded nervously. She pushed herself closer still into my hardening crotch.

"Nope, you didn't try," she began. And I was relieved.

"I stripped you naked as soon as we got in the door and you fucked me three times last night. The first time was on the floor right there," she said pointing to a spot right in the doorway.

"For the second one we made it upstairs into my bedroom. That was really nice. You told me you loved me then. And you said that if you weren't already married you'd marry me. Then we fell asleep. I woke up at about three in the morning and went into the bathroom to pee and to clean all of the "Dave," out of me. I felt really good. When I got back into bed and snuggled up against you, it started all over again."

I was beyond embarrassed. "I'm sorry Janet," I told her. "This must have been at least as bad for you as it was for me. I really don't know what to say or anything. I guess I just feel numb right now. I can't believe that Mabel would cheat on me. I guess I'm clueless. And to tell you the truth I don't blame her. I've kind of let myself go. I guess I'm kind of like that rusty old Mustang out there. You can look at me and tell that I used to be something, but now I'm just a joke."

I tried to sit up and get away from her, but she just pushed herself closer against me.

"Janet I'm back in my right mind now," I told her. "I just wish you hadn't had to be the sacrificial lamb to put up with me last night."

"Dave, are you out of your fucking mind?" she snapped, sitting up and glaring at me.

"Ooh sometimes you just piss me off so badly," she said.

"Why the fuck do you think I'm here?" she asked me.

"Do you know why you woke up here and not in some whorehouse?" she asked. I shook my head dumbly.

"You're all embarrassed about everything and feeling like a charity case. You're just not seeing things because one stupid woman who really doesn't see things straight herself chose to try and shit on you," Janet was clearly pissed off.

"David, do I seem like I couldn't handle one drunk man?" she snapped. "Another thing, you aren't a violent drunk, and you aren't aggressive either. Everything that happened to you last night was because people care about you. The Sherriff and the Judge love you. All of the people in these two small towns love you. We wouldn't be able to get along without you. Your business serves both of these towns and in most cases you charge far less than anyone else would. The way you give credit to small farmers and small business owners and the things you do for the school even. Dave we all love you," she said.

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Blonded ? by: Josie Girly Here I am putting on my shopping outfit and I know where my wife is going to take me. She had made the appointment 2 weeks earlier at a bridal shop. After taking me for bridesmaid's gowns she thought it would be a good humiliation to have to go through the process of being a bride so that I can fully understand what females go through. I 'm wearing a black and white check shift dress, it is sleeveless and has buttons down the front with a v -neck front....

4 years ago
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When my mistress informed me that she would be going away on a business trip for several months I was secretly quite pleased at first, until she informed me that I would be staying with a friend of hers; Mrs Chappell. The dread set in, I knew any friend of hers would not bode well for me. My thoughts turned to my recent dealings with another friend of hers, Miss Allison and I inwardly shuddered. I was not told when she would be going, but about three weeks later, on the appointed day,...

3 years ago
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This story is the result of a series of challenges I received over e-mail. My partner would imagine a bondage situation and I would then describe how the heroine managed to free herself. The project was that her bondage would get stricter and stricter, and more dangerous with each new challenge. Until she found herself in am inescapable bondage that would kill her. I like to write this kind of things. So, if you can imagine a cruel bondage situation, feel free to send it to me over e-mail, and...

2 years ago
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When Alex walked into the apartment he knew right away that Kendra was nowhere to be found. Not within the four walls at least. He knew he’d find her outside on the beach; it’s where she always went when she was feeling restless, no matter the time of day and after fighting Deveraux last night she was bound to be for the next few days. Sasha romped to the door, demanding attention and Alex leaned over, scratching the pup behind his left ear before motioning him to his basket in the corner of...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Hallo,diese Geschichte beinhaltet Themen im Bereich S/M. Wenn Sie dieses Themen nicht m?gen, dann lesen Sie nicht weiter. Eine vervielf?tligung dieser Geschichte ist nur unter Angabe meiner Person statthaft. Ansonsten darf und soll diese Geschichte allen frei zug?nglich sein!Ich bitte, auf jeden Fall, um einen Kommentar, wie euch die Story gefallen hat. Ich ziehe daraus meine Lust und Freude weiter zuschreiben. Es ist mir daher sehr wichtig, das aufjeden Fall Kommentiert wird, auch Kritik ist OK. W...

2 years ago
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This is a story about a girl named Catsondra. But she's not your ordinary girl she is in fact what you would call a cat girl. She has no memory of her family or where she came from. Now this is her story as the way she told it to me about the biggest struggle of her life. My name is Bart Purret and I met Catsondra at her tavern called the Cat's Paw, I saw her working behind the bar with one of her employee's that I later learned her name was Sue. When I saw Catsondra, in my eyes I saw the...

1 year ago
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I love reading and writing dialogue, from Jack London and Ernest Hemmingway, to William Faulkner, Elmore Leonard and Eudora Welty. To me, dialogue places one IN the scene. Often times, when dialogue is extremely well written, I can HEAR the characters talking to me. And so, I've tried to emulate these writers by attempting a special piece consisting of almost all dialogue about a black pimp being interviewed by a young lady from the local newspaper. I wuz hangin' out over at Silvey's Pool...

2 years ago
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Glancing at the clock, I realize that I have plenty of time to finish powdering, primping and perfuming before Henry will be at my front door. I've allowed more time for my toilette than usual: a warm scented bath instead of the customary shower (which has the added benefit of perfuming the air), massaging my legs and arms with a generous amount of perfumed creme, a light dusting of scented talcum here and there along my skin (and over the cotton bed sheets), and a final spritz of Sung into...

1 year ago
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If you’re looking for Bondage Comixxx, I’ve got some good news for you. Not because I’ve started taking drawing lessons or anything, as I’ve usually got my hands full and lubed up here at ThePornDude. Nah, I ain’t drawing these artistic BDSM bangs, femdom adventures and futanari fetishism, but I’ve got a line on some really good shit. In fact, maybe you’ve heard of this place already. They’ve been around since 2008, get thousands of visitors a day, and have an insane library of bondage porn...

Porn Comics Sites
1 year ago
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Bondage Valley has a funny name. Half of the equation makes it sound like a nice, relaxing place to take a vacation or even retire if you’ve managed to save anything by the time you’re old. Then again, you may end up tied up, gagged ad getting fucked in the mouth by a machine. Whether that’s your idea of a chill time or not probably depends on who you are and which side of the bondage you’re on. You know, maybe this would be a good place to spend a few sick days, after all…As you may have...

Fetish Porn Sites
4 years ago
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CONDEMNED Alas, here I sit in the condemned cell. Tomorrow morning at 8:00 am ********* ceases to exist. This is truly the end. Of course I deserved it. Unlike most criminals, I won't lie. I won't pretend that I hadn't done all those things to so many women. Just as the judge had said. In fact there was so much more that the judge didn't know about. I had tried to get help in the only way I could find. But it didn't happen. So now I was to pay the most extreme price...

1 year ago
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Reddit Bondage, aka r/Bondage! Does bondage excite you? Well, did you know hat Reddit basically has it all? Whether you are into bondage or you prefer some different type of porno, you have everything you want here. Of course, I shall mostly be talking about the subreddit called /r/Bondage/; so if that is something that interests, you are more than welcome to browse or read whatever the fuck I have to say.Lots of bondage content.The reason I am sure that everyone will love what /r/Bondage/ has...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Psychological conditioning is an interesting aspect of individual evolution. As we learn and grow certain patterns emerge that control your actions and reactions a great deal. Many of these are introduced by family, friends and those positions of power and control through experience and words. The strongest of those are always attached to emotion. Fear, pleasure, love and hate control what you do in life, and this brings me to my tale of pleasure, fear, humiliation and hate. My husband and I...

3 years ago
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I was due to spend a week in London visiting the head offices of thecompany to present my ultimatum to the board. From Heathrow I took thecompany limo to my hotel in central London and settled in. I was a bit jetlagged from the trip so I enjoyed a quiet dinner in the hotel and an earlynight. The next morning, following an early breakfast and a jog in HydePark, I dressed carefully and conservatively for the first meeting. I tooka taxi, arriving at the company's City office building just after...

2 years ago
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My parents in Iowa went to London for two weeks and sent for me on 9/26/13 to see the Minnesota Vikings play at Wembley stadium. They had a package deal where I arrive Thursday and go back on Tuesday. The only problem was I was at a different Hotel. After flying all night I got the Heathrow Thursday around noon and got my ride to the hotel. I checked in, contacted my parents and agreed to meet for dinner later. The nice thing about central London was it didn’t take me long to figure out the...

3 years ago
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IN THE OFFICE In the afternoon I dressed, as a girl. Tucking my penis into panties, stockings, heels. Knowing, I guess, what might well happen in the evening but still unsure of myself. It was both expected and unexpected. When I took the job, it was just as a computer nerd. Andrew was a great boss, if that's the word when two people work together, in the office that's just the ground floor of his three storey terrace in Swiss Cottage. In his late 30s, reserved and polite, no...

4 years ago
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Nicki Minaj is a famous ebony rap artist. She has a big ass, huge titties and a cute face. But could there be something else than just a pink clit underneath her skirt. Only one way to find out ;) Please feel free to continue on the story and wright your own chapters.

2 years ago
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"Look, man. I already promised the song to Iggy Azalea. I'd look like a complete fool if I reneged on the deal. Plus it's bad for business!"There I was. In my studio, on the phone with Nicki Minajs' manager. The guy was very persistent to say the least. Calling me at least 5 times a day, begging me to let Nicki use this amazing beat I produced. It was a guaranteed hit record no matter what lyrics you put to it."Yeah yeah yeah, I get that. But this is Nicki Minaj! You're seriously going to let...

4 years ago
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No one would believe me if I didn't have proof to show them and even then most people would think it was some kind of special effect. I had stumbled onto something that plainly could NOT exist, yet it did. Now to figure out some way to capture proof, if not for others at least to convince myself I hadn't been dreaming. I work as a Park Ranger for the National Parks Service. I'm not your typical Ranger Rick. I do sweeps of the meadows and woodlands far from where most tourist go to see if...

3 years ago
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Conditioning It was a gorgeous Saturday morning. Paul just got out of the shower and saw Amanda out on the deck laying in her bikini. His dick started to get hard again as he began  thinking back to last night. He cupped his hand over the crotch of his pants feeling his hard dick swell even more as he watched Amanda applying the suntan lotion over her gorgeous white thighs. Paul and Amanda met in college. She was a cheerleader for the football team. She grew up in a strict  Catholic family...

2 years ago
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Your name is Janet Alexandersson, you are twenty nine years old. All your life you had known that you liked girls, back in high school and college you would catch glimpses of your friends and found them much more attractive then boys. As you look in the mirror, you see a slim five feet six inch tall woman with short blond hair. Then you snap out of admiring your b cup tits and freshly shaven pussy because you remember that you're starting your new job as a make up artist for hire to any movie...

3 years ago
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There wasn't much point in telling my backstory. All I was focused on now is where I was, and that was being dragged through the halls of some unknown place by two men. I suppose I would try to fight them off, however my body was limp from the shocking nature of the collar they had strapped around my neck. As far as I could see, there was no way to remove it and even if I tried, well, you know. There was a lady quickly clacking behind us, her heels echoing off the bare walls. She walked...

2 years ago
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You awaken slowly from your sleep, enclosed in the warmth of your soft bed. You stretch languorously, before sitting up and taking stock of your surroundings. The aroma of a rich coffee piques your nose and it quests towards your your door, which you see lies slightly ajar. Your mind is still emerging from sleep, and through the fuzz you can't quite remember if the door should be open. You're fairly certain you shut it before retiring, as you always did. Dismissing thought of the door however,...

3 years ago
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Monday morning....i wake up with the usual morning erection, but something is different...my hands and getting are cuffed to the bed. as I take a look around I see a two women who must be 20 yrs older than me standing at the foot of my bed, one had on a mascarade mask with matching bras and thong and the other woman was naked with a determined look on her face, then it hit me she was the leasing agent Michelle at my complex!! I couldn't figure out who the other woman was...before I could say...

2 years ago
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A slight breeze blew through the garden, rustling the leaves in the trees and bending the stems of the tall flowers. A lamb lying down by the side of a small pond twitched its nostrils, but soon relaxed. This was about as rough as the weather ever got. The lamb returned to the flowers it was nibbling, unperturbed by the nearby presence of a lion on the other side of the pond. And why should it be bothered. The lion would no more wish it harm than he would himself. The sun stood high in the...

2 years ago
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As I sit on the train, I cant not help but think what this trip will bring. I have not seen my long term girlfriend in over a month so I have that funny feeling you get in your stomach before you have something important to do. We are meeting in London for a night out and staying overnight at quite a posh hotel five minutes walk to Oxford street. I am a student, studying sports science at university. I have always been involved in sports and over the last year, been hitting the gym hard at...

2 years ago
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We went to London for the weekend staying in a very nice hotel in Victoria. We had a lovely day Saturday sightseeing etc. We decided to check the nighlife out so got all dressed up and hit a few swanky bars, around midnight we were approached by a a tall black man at the bar exchanging pleasantries. I went to the toilet leaving Nat chatting away knowing the guy was staring at her titties. As i arrived back they wer laughing away and Nat saying she hads told him about some of our meets. He was...

1 year ago
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As I sit on the train, I cant not help but think what this trip will bring. I have not seen my long term girlfriend in over a month so I have that funny feeling you get in your stomach before you have something important to do. We are meeting in London for a night out and staying overnight at quite a posh hotel five minutes walk to Oxford street. I am a student, studying sports science at university. I have always been involved in sports and over the last year, been hitting the gym hard at...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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I had spent enough nights at home crying during short term breakups with Scott. I am going to enjoy it while I could just like he always does. My selfish thoughts interrupted by Ann tripping on the chair and stumbling into me. As she caught her self I looked up found myself staring at her perfect C cup tits in my face. Wow. Never noticed how nice they were before. "Congrats on those beauts." I said while leaning in trying to plant my face in her chest. Denied. She smacked me upside the head...

2 years ago
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‘I must admit, the mountains are lovely and I’ve been enjoying myself immensely!’ she exclaimed. Her voice was filled with laughter, her pleasure evident. Sarah had been in Edmonton for nearly a week and had the afternoon to herself in her Significant Other’s absence. She was delighted to find that her pen pal, John, had chosen the same week to visit home. They had met for the first time barely minutes ago and each had appraised the other, and found nothing wanting. Sarah was still a bit too...

3 years ago
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"I must admit, the mountains are lovely and I've been enjoying myself immensely!" she exclaimed. Her voice was filled with laughter, her pleasure evident. Sarah had been in Edmonton for nearly a week and had the afternoon to herself in her Significant Other's absence. She was delighted to find that her pen pal, John, had chosen the same week to visit home. They had met for the first time barely minutes ago and each had appraised the other, and found nothing wanting. Sarah was still a bit too...

1 year ago
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I was sitting in my living room, watching movies and playing video games that'd played so many times that I could do all the lines from the movies and make all the moves in the games in my sleep. If it hadn't been pouring down rain, I could have been at the local park, playing catch or riding my bike, but it was another of six straight days of rain and I had a bad cases of what my family called "Cabin Fever." "There's nothin' good on TV and I've played all of these games before," I...

2 years ago
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It was a gorgeous Saturday morning. Paul just got out of the shower and saw Amanda out on the deck laying in her bikini. His dick started to get hard again as he began thinking back to last night. He cupped his hand over the crotch of his pants feeling his hard dick swell even more as he watched Amanda applying the suntan lotion over her gorgeous white thighs. Paul and Amanda met in college. She was a cheerleader for the football team. She grew up in a strict Catholic family and was so...

1 year ago
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Reddit Blonde, aka r/Blonde! Blondes. They say blondes do it best. Are they correct with their assumption? I don’t know, but I’m here to find out and tell you exactly what I think about these babes. Of course, when you want to investigate blondes, you should find a community that’s all about them. Luckily, I know just the thing, and it comes in the form of a sub on Reddit.com. The subreddit is called /r/Blonde and it’s all about hot NSFW pics of cute blonde babes as well as hot blonde...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. Ruffling the short, soft spikes at the back. She was waiting for him but knew he’d come from nowhere and when she least expected it. She fiddled gingerly with her lip piercing and adjusted her sweater. She was nervous and she knew it. It had been so long since she had seen him but they had been texting constantly for the last few months and it was comfortable. She glanced around the museum again and then returned to gazing blindly, dead ahead. ...

2 years ago
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She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. Ruffling the short, soft spikes at the back. She was waiting for him but knew he’d come from nowhere and when she least expected it. She fiddled gingerly with her lip piercing and adjusted her sweater. She was nervous and she knew it. It had been so long since she had seen him but they had been texting constantly for the last few months and it was comfortable. She glanced around the museum again and then returned to gazing blindly, dead ahead....

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Bound by Fate Walking along Glebe road, I hunched my shoulders up, readjusting the strap to the day bag I carried. Once again, the 'car' was dead. Sitting 3 blocks away at the local Exxon station. It could have been worse, I thought to myself. Trudging my way along, kicking up an occasional spray from the puddles along the way, I thought how it's only a mile from my house. The light rain continued to fall, but undaunted I walked on. The rain isn't too bad, unless it's really cold out, or you...

3 years ago
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The Party You are left for nearly thirty minutes to recoup from your ordeal. Finally two male voices announce they are going to have you at the same time. One from the rear and one from the front. You are pulled up from the floor and hooked to the ceiling chain again and pulled upright so your feet just touch the floor. A spreader bar is placed between your ankles. You feel the warmth of a body press to your front, slowly the fingers tease tenderly, lovingly at your nipples, then pinch them...

2 years ago
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We chose my outfit together and he asked me to take more clothing. The evening is scheduled to last ...19h we here for ¾ hour drive. Sweaty palms, held breath. "You know it'll be a romantic evening between well-bred people whom you'll be the center of attention." Everything for your pleasure and sensations ... simply divine benefits without fear ... you know that I organize with your pleasures not care? "he smiled at me stroking my neck. "You'll see the house is superb." Indeed a nice house,...

4 years ago
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The Party You are left for nearly thirty minutes to recoup from your ordeal. Finally two male voices announce they are going to have you at the same time. One from the rear and one from the front. You are pulled up from the floor and hooked to the ceiling chain again and pulled upright so your feet just touch the floor. A spreader bar is placed between your ankles. You feel the warmth of a body press to your front, slowly the fingers tease tenderly, lovingly at your nipples, then pinch them...

2 years ago
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Bound by Fate Walking along Glebe road, I hunched my shoulders up, readjusting the strap to the daybag I carried. Once again, the 'car' was dead. Sitting 3 blocks away at the local Exxon station. It could have been worse, I thought to myself. Trudging my way along, kicking up an occasional spray from the puddles along the way, I thought how it's only a mile from my house. The light rain continued to fall, but undaunted I walked on. The rain isn't too bad, unless it's really cold out, or you...

2 years ago
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I felt like a grade school kid sitting in the school nurse's office with a cold, wet washcloth over my eyes when Mom arrived to take me to the doctor's office. I was suffering almost as much from embarrassment as from pain. I live on a farm in the middle of Nebraska and attend high school in a town of about two thousand. In these rural areas a lot of male students are going to be taking classes in welding at some point because it's considered an essential skill, what with all the machinery...

1 year ago
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Nicole just turned 18, and her mother told her that she needed to go to a new school. Nicole was force to accept, but have a bad feelings that this time she is going to have a big trouble with her classmates and teachers. Nicole was send to her new School, as it was the first day of School. When Nicole went into the School, she relise that everybody was asking her if she was a virgin. She was puzzled, as the School only have boys, she did not even see a female teacher! It was the Late Bell, and...

First Time
2 years ago
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Susan hid deep in the back of the closet, behind the shoes and the baskets filled with dirty laundry, burying her quivering self under piles of closet-things, breathing hard into her mother’s long dresses. She didn’t recognize the deep voice of the man who had entered their kitchen this morning, interrupting the cinnamon toast and Cocoa Puffs breakfast she was having while her mother, tired but smiling at the other end of the table, drank coffee from a jelly jar. She had school today and, for...

3 years ago
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A special thanks to Laura for helping me edit this and keeping it real… Today was one of those days when you keep hoping you’ll wake up and realize it was all a dream. Just in case, let me pinch myself. Nope, I’m awake. It all started out innocently enough for a Friday. The alarm went off at six and I proceeded to do the three ‘S’s’ of the morning, yelled up the steps for the kid to get up, and let my dog Jack out in the yard to do his one ‘S’. I watched the news as I drank my coffee and...

3 years ago
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We were in each others' arms and kissing hungrily before the engine stopped. We were parked at 'our spot', very secluded and private where we could let are passions for each other express themselves with abandon. His HOT lips covered my mouth and his silky tongue explored my mouth feverishly. My own mouth was open wide as if to swallow my man, I wanted him so. I moaned in pleasure against him as I felt the lithe warmth of his body held tightly against my own. "I need you, Petey" he said...

1 year ago
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Aarav arrived at the office early; a locked door greeted him. “Fantastic,” He thought. he proceeded back to his BMW and got his keys. Back at the door he continued to unlock to the door. ” I’m not early am I?” came a voice from behind him. Aarav turned around and saw a young girl, about 23 years old, pretty face and pleasant smile. “Umm, I’m not sure.” He replied.“I’m Nandini, the new IT person here for a couple of weeks then back to college.” She said while sticking out her hand.“I’m Aarav...

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