Continental Divide free porn video

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Prologue: Of course we all know Infidelity is not the only reason couples get divorced. In fact, according to most studies, the number one reason for divorce in this country is money issues. Sometimes marriage problems are job related, and sometimes people simply grow apart.

The selfish bitch, Bret mumbled under his breath.

"More?" asked the cute waitress, emphasizing her question by lifting the coffee pot in her hand.

Bret checked his watch. "Nah, I have to get going."

He took one last sip of what was left in his cup, left two bucks on the table, paid the bill, and walked out. He had an appointment with Terry, his soon-to-be-ex-wife ... the selfish bitch.

He couldn't believe she thought she was entitled to the Continental. It took him over two years to rebuild that thing. Oh sure, she helped a little, but that car was his from the moment he saw it. It was his baby, his pride and joy, and now she wanted to take it away from him ... the selfish bitch!

As he pulled into his former drive he was a little surprised to see she hadn't put the place up for sale yet. They hadn't lived there long enough to have any real equity built up, maybe ten or fifteen grand that was about it, but neither wanted to continue living there so they decided to sell the house and split the profits. It was all very civilized.

In fact, as divorces go, Bret and Terry's was about as civilized as you could get ... all except for the car that is. It was a 1960 Continental Mark V Town Car. Bret saw it sitting in the back of an old farm house while driving through Indiana one day. It was just like the one his dad had when he was a kid. Normally he wasn't a classic car kind of guy, but there was something about it.

Bret stopped to talk to the farmer. He told the old gray haired man in bib overalls he'd be happy to remove that old car from the property at no cost but the farmer wasn't dumb. He knew damn well the car was worth a few thousand dollars, even in the shape it was in. They dickered back and forth and finally came to a number they could both agree on, but before Bret could spend that kind of money he'd have to talk to his wife.

"What do you know about restoring old cars?" she asked.

"Nothing, but I can learn," he replied.

For days they discussed it but Terry wasn't convinced. It was a lot of money, what if he lost interest in the old thing, then what; would they be able to sell it and get their money back, or would it just sit rusting away in their back yard instead of the farmer's?

Bret had already done some investigating and assured her there was no way they could lose money. Even if he didn't do anything to it he could sell the car in its current condition for more than they paid.

In the end it was her husband's enthusiasm that sealed the deal. With his wife's blessing, Bret made arrangements to have the car delivered. A week later, when Terry saw it being unloaded from the flatbed, she had second thoughts but it was too late; they were the proud owners of a rusty old pile of scrap metal.

"I know it doesn't look like much right now, honey, but I'm going to bring it back to life. I'm going to make her young again," he said with a big grin.

Terry always believed in her husband. As far as she was concerned there wasn't much he couldn't do if he put his mind to it, so she decided right then and there that she would support and assist him in any way she could.

Of course that was years ago. Now the Continental represented the proverbial line drawn in the sand of a failed marriage. Selfish bitch, he grumbled to himself as he got out of the car and headed to the house.

He felt a little strange, it was the first time he'd been back since leaving almost five months prior. He couldn't help but be a little saddened as he walked over the flat stone steps that led to the porch. He and Terry had worked so hard to get them laid out just right.

Oh, he knew divorce was the best thing for both of them, Terry felt the same way. Hell, it was the only thing they both had agreed on in ages. Still, they had a lot of great years together.

Bret was just raising his hand to knock when the front door opened. He'd almost forgotten how beautiful she was.

"Hi, Bret, come on in," she said stepping aside with a smile.

For a brief moment he forgot why he was there. A grin started to break free before he suddenly remembered the car.

He immediately took the offensive. "Terry, I can't believe you think you're entitled to the Continental. What the hell would you do with it if you had it? I..."

"Hold on, Bret," she interjected. "Let's talk about it over a cup of coffee; I just made a fresh pot."

Her pleasant smile and calm demeanor was disarming. What the hell, he thought; she always did make the best coffee in town ... why not.

He was starting to relax a little as Terry poured him a cup of brew. He felt good, comfortable to be in his own kitchen again. He couldn't help himself, he watched her from behind as she walked over to the counter and returned the pot to its home. He recalled how smooth and shapely her butt was under the short skirt she was wearing. A small smile emerged on his face as he took his first sip of the hot, black nectar.

She walked back to the table and sat down with her own cup of java. "Now," she said looking into his eyes, "why don't you think I'm entitled to the Continental?"

So far the conversation was not going as he had envisioned. He had himself all worked up. He came loaded for bear, ready for a fight, but there was absolutely no aggression in her voice at all. He thought they'd be yelling at each other by now, but then ... they never did really yell at one another. Even when they decided to get a divorce the conversations were well-mannered and considerate, but then she never said anything about taking his car before, either.

Bret studied her expression; she was always hard to read but it sounded as if she was willing to negotiate. Maybe she would listen to reason. Maybe there would be no fight. He'd simply lay his case out logically. When he was done she'd come to the only rational conclusion there was, the car was his.

"Terry, if you remember, I was the one who bought that car in the first place. I did all the work on it. I..."

"Wait a minute," she interjected again. "The money for that car came from our savings. I put just as much money in that account as you did. I'd say we shared in the cost of the car, wouldn't you?"

She had a point. They both put the same amount of money into the savings account every month. Still ... he did all the work.

"And what do you mean you did all the work?" she continued. "You did most of the physical stuff, yes; but who spent hour, after hour, after hour on the computer tracking down all the parts? That has to count for something."

Shit, he thought, another point for her. This really was not going the way he had anticipated ... she wasn't done yet, either.

"I even helped you with the car itself sometimes..."

"Not very often," he broke in figuring he'd scored one for himself.

"Maybe not; we both know I'm no mechanic and a lot of that stuff was too demanding for me. I just didn't have the strength to help, but even then I was right there by your side giving you moral support."

He had to admit, she did do that.

"How many times did I massage your neck and shoulders when you'd get frustrated, or kiss your boo, boo when a wrench slipped?"

Bret took another sip of his coffee. He couldn't help but smile while his mind wandered back in time. God, life was so much fun back then. It seemed all they did was laugh and have a good time together. He missed those days. Back then who would have guessed that they'd wind up in divorce court. Bret sighed, enough reminiscing he thought, back to the task at hand.

"Terry, come on, you've never even driven that car. The couple times I tried to get you behind the wheel, you said it'd be like driving a tank and you didn't want to take a chance of scratching it."

"There's a first time for everything, Bret; maybe you can come with me for the first time, just to make sure I'm driving it okay."

God, he thought, what fucking nerve. Not only does she want to take my car, but she wants me to teach her how to drive it.

"I'll tell you what," he countered, "how about if I come by on the weekends and give you a ride."

"Would you?" she asked with a smile.


"How many times?"

"I don't know, as many times as you want, I guess ... well, you know, as long as I don't have anything else planned."

"Hmmmm," Terry said indicating she was thinking about it.

"Does that mean I get the car?" Bret said a little impetuously.

"No, I was just asking," she teased.

"Come on, Terry, hell if I had known we were going to fight over it, I'd have listed it in the property settlement and let the judge decide. I just figured it was a forgone conclusion that I would keep the car. I never thought you'd want it. Wouldn't it bring back bad memories?"

"Bad memories?" she asked looking a little perplexed. "Like what?"

"Well we did a lot of screwing around in that car. Remember when we christened the back seat?"

"You mean the one I searched for, for three months before finding one that wasn't all torn and worn out?"

Shit, he thought, she's scoring points left and right. "Yeah, that one," he admitted.

"Of course I remember. You had it running by that time. We drove up by the lake. You said you wanted to demonstrate how much room there was in the back. And there was too," she said with a giggle. "Hell, we screwed in almost every position imaginable; but that's sure not a bad memory, why would you think it was?"

"Well, you know. I mean in lieu of the way you feel about me now, I just figure you probably wish none of that stuff ever happened."

"Is that the way you feel? Do you wish it never happened?"

Bret was surprised. He thought he detected a bit of sadness in her voice. She sure didn't sound sad a few months prior when they discussed the divorce. She sounded more like she couldn't wait to get rid of him.

"No. To be honest, those were some of the happiest days of my life, but..."

"Then I don't get it, Bret; why would they be happy memories for you and not me?" she asked.

"Well ... I don't know, I guess ... I guess it's because I know you feel differently about me ... different than I feel about you, I mean."

"I see. Maybe we should talk about this before the divorce is final. How DO you feel about me?"

Bret really didn't want to get into it. He was embarrassed. He didn't want to admit he still loved her, especially since he knew she didn't love him back anymore.

"Come on, Terry, I came over to talk about the car, let's stick with that."

Shit, she cursed to herself, he can be so frustrating sometimes.

"Fine," said Terry getting up to pour herself another cup of coffee, "it's in my garage; you know what they say about possession being nine-tenths of the law," she sneered.

"Damn it, Terry, you agreed to keep it here until I could find a place to store it. You know damn well I can't just let it sit out in the parking lot of my apartment building."

He was getting mad. She didn't want that. "I know," she relinquished. "I didn't mean that. It's just..."

"What," now it was Bret who was getting frustrated, "it's just what, Terry?"

"I want to know what you meant by that crack about my bad memories. Do you think I hate you?"

Bret gave out a little sigh. It didn't look like he was going to avoid this conversation.

"I don't know, maybe not hate but you made it very clear you don't love me anymore, so it just stands to reason that you might think of those memories with regret, that's all."

"Well I don't regret them. I don't regret anything about our time together..."

Should she say it? She was trying to draw him out; she had to know his true feelings but for that to happen it looked like she would have to commit first. She decided to go ahead and say it. "I don't hate you either, in fact the only thing I regret is breaking up."

Bret couldn't believe his ears. Did she just say she regretted breaking up? What the hell, she was the one who said they'd grown apart, that they had nothing in common anymore.

"Terry you were the one who said it was better if we divorced and went our separate ways, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember. I don't remember you disagreeing with me, though."

"Well I guess ... I don't know, we just didn't seem to be the same loving couple anymore."

"I know; we were both guilty of doing what so many others do after a while, we started taking each other for granted."

"Yeah, I suppose that's true, but it wasn't only that, Terry, we hardly ever made love anymore. Do you remember how we were in the beginning? God, we couldn't keep our hands off of one another, especially when we were working on the Continental. Damn we had fun working on that together."

He had to smile again, and this time he had to fight from tearing up as a tsunami of great memories flooded his mind.

"I have to agree," Terry replied. "We were a real team. Do you remember the first time we washed it?"

Bret chucked, "Yeah, but as I recall we didn't get much of the car washed. We were too busy spraying each other with the hose."

"Uh huh," confirmed his soon to be ex with a chuckle of her own. "I don't think I laughed that hard since I was a little girl."

"Yeah, we had some great times, that's for sure. But as soon as we were done with the car we started to drift apart."

"It wasn't right after we were done. We still had fun after that. I remember driving it up to your mothers place and seeing her face when she saw it."

"Yeah, she remembered right away. It was just like the Continental dad had when he died."

"She actually had tears in her eyes when we took her for a ride," reminisced Terry.

"You're right," admitted Bret, "we had a lot of fun in that car, even after it was finished." He took a moment to think back to that time with fondness.

"So where did it all go wrong?" asked Terry breaking his train of thought.

"You tell me, you seemed to have all the answers when you brought up the divorce," he responded sharply.

"Bret I only expressed what we were both thinking at the time. Come on, neither one of us was working on the marriage very much. It seemed like the reality of life just got in our way all the time. You became more interested in doing things with your buddies than you were with me."

"Terry I only spent so much time with them because you were going over Audrey's every chance you got. I was getting tired of being in the house alone so I started going out with the guys, what'd you expect?"

"I'm not sure," she answered. "I knew we were having problems but I didn't know what to do. I ... I started going over to Audrey's all the time so I wouldn't have to deal with our marriage being in trouble. It was my sanctuary."

"Well it seemed to me like you were losing interest in me, as well as the marriage. I always figured it was because you had fallen out of love with me. We started to make love less and less frequently, and when we did we didn't seem to have the same passion anymore."

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“Oh f.f.f.uck….”“Feels good, doesn’t it?”“Yes, yes, I’m gonna cum. Fill me, fill me with it.”A bead of sweat dropped on her skin, a momentary distraction from his full length penetrating her. Blunt heels pressed hard into the backs of his thighs were her signal. Their cries mixed with the sounds of wood creaking on wood as it drove hard into her.“Fucking fill me, I want it.”Moving as one, he looked down upon her stricken body. He gazed into eyes that were a mix of expectation and vulnerability....

1 year ago
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Faux RealmChapter 14

Liza bit her finger. She was busy punching, pushing and probing around her console. Drained. Emotionally uneven since months of searching brought them from one wall to the other. She was worried about them all. Liza felt it all, but most of it she had to be strong. For all of them. A noise behind her drew her back to reality. She was aware that one other person was feeling more than she was. Liza’s mind was focusing on the apparition sitting behind her; while she was absentmindedly pushing...

3 years ago
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My first naked swim

One summer, having just left school, I worked for the mother of the hottest girl at school doing odd jobs. In reality, I was trying to get closer to my boss's daughter, who I shall call Bev. Bev was the hottest girl in our year and had the best figure—like most of my friends, I wanted her as my girlfriend. Bev and I were just 16 years old. She was a curly headed brunette, 5'6 tall, and had a slim build with breasts that were about a D or DD cup. I was a skinny 5'9", 10 stone, but normally could...

First Time
2 years ago
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My Husband Shares Me with a Friend

“Gosh Sarah, whenever you get any liquor in you all you can think about is sex,” Ben said. I blushed. I wasn't a prude, but I didn't usually talk about things like that in front of Eric. Eric laughed. “What do you think about when you get drunk Ben?” Eric asked. “Bed,” said Ben. “A few drinks get me going too,” said Eric. “I get a little tipsy, I get relaxed, and I start feeling friendly.” “You and Sarah should just get it on then, and I can go to sleep,” Ben joked from his...

2 years ago
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AK meet C part 4

A & K Meet C For The First Time (Part 4)K moved around in front of A and unbuttoned his jeans, she pulled them down his legs, helping him step out of them, she turned to C, ready for some cock? Mmm yes let’s see it! K hooked her thumbs into the waist band of A’s Calvin Klein boxer shorts and pulled them forward and down, A’s cock instantly sprang out, finally released.K sank to her knees if front of A, she stroked his hard erection slowly kissing her way along his shaft, she teased him with...

3 years ago
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Car salesman Phil

Anne bought her first Mercedes in ’82 it was also the young sales guys first sale, Phil went out of his way with after car sales getting us invites to all Mercedes Benz sponsored events. The year after the sale we had invites to a Mercedes sponsored charity event in the Hyatt in Adelaide, knowing it would go on late we booked a room for the night. It was a black tie event so everyone was dressed to the nines including Anne who was wearing a low cut number that cost more than I cared to think...

4 years ago
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Tears of Joy

You were lying on the bed. I was only wearing a long t-shirt and panties. I walked into the room and stood on your side of the bed. I leaned down and started kissing you. Tasting your mouth, feeling your tongue in my mouth. I slid the covers down while kissing your mouth deeply. I moved my kisses down your neck, down your chest, and started licking and sucking your nipples. I started rubbing your dick through your underwear while still licking and sucking on your nipples. You reached under my...

1 year ago
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Mrs Robinson aka Mrs Simpson

Chapter 2 – Mr S opens upOh Bill that was wonderful she sighed … please don’t stop she pleaded … I’m nearly there again. I wasn’t thinking about stopping but it was great to hear I was hitting the spot. I wanted full access to her nether region so I yanked her panties down to her knees and she obligingly lifted one leg, reached back and slipped one foot out leaving her knickers dangling from her other ankle. I took a quick time out to bend down and bury my nose in the soaked gusset … boy was...

2 years ago
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Chanel And Ethan 36

All it takes is a rap on the door from his hand and my insides respond excitedly. The moment I open my front door, the sight soothes my erratic pulse, and I smile. My boyfriend is nearly an entire foot taller than me, his broad, muscular body contributing to his intimidating look, his dark hair just long enough to pull on, groomed facial hair, green eyes, and a cocky smile on his face. "Come here," Ethan growls, and grabs me, kissing me hard. Six days. The number echoes in my head as I taste...

3 years ago
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Sorcerer Deleted ScenesScene 7C

BOB (Saturday 4/) Apparently part of the shopping they'd done yesterday morning was for dresses for Elisa and Linda. The other ladies ensured they fit properly, their hair was done right and gave them both a quick manicure and pedicure. A bit later, I got some strong Irish cursing from Barbara and some sharp talk-talk from Sherry. For some reason, the dresses they had weren't fitting on top. Barbara said, "Bob, you (tirade deleted)! I had to go back home and get some nursing pads....

2 years ago
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Student Project

My roommate, Tracy, couldn't believe that I had signed up for the research project. "Behaviour modification through what?" she asked, with more than a little disbelief in her voice. "Through intense hypno-therapy," I answered. "It's right in my field of study. I've read a lot about it." "How the heck does that work?" "I've agreed to participate in the project for six weeks during our summer break By reviewing my initial psychological profile, Dr. Porter will target some...

2 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 26 Freds Settlement

Ben, the other solicitor and estate agent were left on the porch, the monkeys in the car. Tony was taken into the second bedroom and saw the cash. He did a rough check and counted the money. Happy there was $1.5 million he returned outside and signed the transfer. Paperwork complete the girls excluded the legal people and would deal with Tony direct from here. Tony agreed sending his legal and estate agent on their way. Bill departed as well smiling at the girls. Tony was taken back into the...

2 years ago
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End Of Her Hesitations

End Of Her Hesitations By: Londebaaz Chohan Cynthia put on some music CD that caused her to move in rhythm with the music, slow and decently coordinated and in sync with the tune. Brad could see that obviously. It was very much unexpected for Brad to be invited by Cynthia and now that he showed up, he was much more surprised by her. She wore a silky gown, showing some hint of her beautiful legs. Her calves were nicely wrapped in the stockings. After telling him to sit on the sofa, she bent a...

4 years ago
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Widow Bidhwa Aunty Ko Choda

Hello dosto mera naam aditya hai main meerut ka rahne wala hoon meri height 6 feet hai.Main dekhne main ek acchi persnality hoon.Mere lund ka size 5.8 inch hai jyada bda aur lamba nahi hai par ha kisi ko khus karne k liye bahut hai.Main sex ka bahut deewana hoon.Auntya aur bhabhiya chodna to meri aadat si ho gyi hai unhi main se ek aunty ki khaani btane ja rha hoon jiski adao se mujhe auntya chodne ka shok lga tha to jo log pani chorne k liye story padh rhe hai wo pls apna lund hath main le le...

2 years ago
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Daddy cleans Cori

I knew it was wrong, I mean who does that? I knew I should stop, especially at the age of 17 but I couldn't. It was like a drug, I was addicted. I sighed as I fought the urge to slip my fingers into my tight, dripping wet pussy. "Cori, stop." I said to myself. To distract myself I turned on my TV, one of my all time favourite movies was on. "Sweet..." I thought as I put it on. I rolled my eyes as it turned out to be a sex scene. I knew I should change the channel or look away but I couldn't. I...

3 years ago
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Our Own Private Eden

There she was on the side of the road. I had driven right by her in my 1969 V.W. Bug. I hurried over to the shoulder. I had to reverse back a little to get back to her. As I approached and got out of my car this beautiful woman was at the car. ‘Damn,’ I heard in the back of my head. Even better than I had thought. She was about 5’6′ short dark hair. Deep inviting eyes. Oh and the most shapely body. As if she was carved out of ivory. Smooth pale complexion. She wore a dark sweater and her...

4 years ago
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Super Powers

The Karitons, Ascikeans and Verxik where three distinct species who had mastered many exceptional technologies. They created an organization called the Ascension Collective. All three where like minded in their curiosity as well as there boredom. The Karitons seemed like the most responsible, they came from the distant future. Right before the end of the universe they traveled back in time to discover the first highly advanced species. The Ascikeans the most mischievous, they come...

2 years ago
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The Vampire the Wife and the CuckoldChapter 8

The following morning at breakfast Andre was the only person in the castle without a smile on his face. With a dour expression he silently ate his breakfast as the count and Margo chatted quietly and exchanged sly glances. Justine, Tamara and Cynthia sat at the other end of the table engaging in some surreptitious hand holding, touching and sensual smiles. Wilhelm was all smiles as well as they all enjoyed their meal and awaited the appearance of Raquel. They did not have long to wait. The...

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FUCKING MY FIRST TRANNYIn the early to mid 90's my wife and I were living in south central L.A. The wife wasn't necessarily a sexual creature nor was she very good at it. This lead me to a lot porn watching and going outside of the house for hot, kinky sex. She doesn't know I'm Bi and still doesn't to this day. I would frequent various adult bookstores to get/give blowjobs, handjobs and visit the occasional gloryhole to get my freak on. I would also travel up and down Figueroa or more commonly...

1 year ago
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BlackCocksMatter April Snow April Snow Has Dreamed Of Isiah8217s BBC

April Snow has fantasized about fucking Isiah Maxwells big black cock. Watching his porn she has wished to feel that cock deep in her pussy and deep down her throat. She gets her wish and Isiah treats her just how she wants; with her legs spread wide and his face deep in her wet pussy! She loves how his tongue flicks over her clit and just wants to feel that cock fucking her hard and rough. Isiah picks her up holding her legs wide while filling that pussy with his cock. April loves being...

3 years ago
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In Reflection of Earlier Times 5

Chapter 5   On the front verandah there were two lay back canvas chairs you could sit in and listen to the surf very relaxing and just snooze. One evening as the world went by something to my left caught my attention. It was Kate I didn’t hear her approach I asked her where she came from and she only shrugged offering out her open palms as a gesture. Kate and I were like two kids. We were our world. I christened her Bright Eyes it just seemed to suit her. The dress she was wearing was...

3 years ago
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My Ex Calls the Shots Pt 3 the Wedding

Me and my girlfriend's relationship is pretty much your average relationship except for one thing: my girlfriend fucks other men. I don't like it, but my girlfriend has repeatedly let me know that if I even try to tell her who she can or can't sleep with, she won't think twice about leaving me. I know she has fucked her exes as well as random guys, but I don't know many details besides that. She doesn't feel like telling me, she says. However, I've found used condoms, hickeys and on one...

1 year ago
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Online Friends Meet for Post Race Lust

Up way before daylight to go run another road race. This one is just a 5K so it should be fun. But the real reason that I am excited about this one is that I am going to meet Nathalie there. Nathalie is a woman that I “met” online on a website where people post erotic stories and chat. She has posted some really hot stories and we have been messaging each other back and forth for several months. She is a runner also and so we have decided to meet for real at this race. Neither of our spouses...

Quickie Sex
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Controlling Authority 02

He’d left Lorraine in the bedroom while she finished preparing, per the instructions. He waited in the den, dressed and pacing while mentally rebelling and anticipating the night. Despite his anger and resentment over the last days he’d begun to admit to himself that he wanted to show Lorraine and the agents that he was good enough to earn the approval of The Guild. He still bristled at their involvement, and his ego was still bruised by what he saw as Lorraine’s betrayal in reporting him. ...

2 years ago
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26 December 2006Chapter 2

Wendy’s body yielded to the gentle thrusts of being fucked by her man. She held him tight to her breasts and loved the feel of his strong arms caressing her. “I hate having to rush like this,” he mentioned. “I know but a quick fuck from you is better than no fuck at all.” Dan slipped his right hand between them and pulled the skin above her clit upwards. He rubbed his pubic bone against her exposed clit. “I can feel the difference on my clit,” she said, meeting his thrusts. Timmy was...

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Copyright 2002 Her heart was hammering, banging away against her chest. She unlocked the car and quickly got inside and slammed the door. She started the car and turned the AC on high and stuck her face in one of the vents. Still feeling flushed and warm, she unbuttoned the top four buttons of her dress, pulled it open, and directed another vent to her chest. "Jesus," she thought, as she tried to put the memory of the feel of his inner thigh into perspective. She'd been caught off guard....

1 year ago
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Trolling for Vengeance Ch 2

The next chapter in the series- again, a re-post from Literotica, and I retain copyright. Have fun!-------------------------------------------------------------------Trolling for Vengeance Ch. 2Four months. I couldn’t believe it, it happened again in only four damned months! My finger traced each line of the letter, my lips moving as I read, quickly, scanning it, my heart racing as I felt the old wound resurface. It was her again, I recognized the handwriting. This bitch was enjoying his...

3 years ago
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A story about a breast and nipple fetish that turns into swapping and orgies galore

The doorbell rang and Sheila answered it. “Oh, Mandy,” she said, “I’m so glad you stopped by! Come on back to the kitchen. What a coincidence. My husband was just saying that, since I’d mentioned you so often, he’d like to meet you. And here you are!” “Yes, here I am,” Mandy laughed. “Are you sure I haven’t met your husband some time?” “If you have, he doesn’t remember it. And I don’t think he’d...

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