- 4 years ago
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Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me.
“I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan for me,” he said to the bartender. He spoke genial enough. Still, it was an order.
“Give him a double of Pappy. Nothing too good for our servicemen,” I told the bartender. Turning to the Marine, “Just my way of saying, thanks for your service.”
“Well, sir, thank you,” he said, looking at me. “Quite generous of you.”
I merely nodded to him, continued to sip my bourbon, lost in thoughts as I studied a picture of my wife. The warmth of the booze passed over me. I felt his eyes looking at me. I glanced over at him. The Captain studied me, scrutinizing my face. After a few moments, he turned his attention to the picture in my hand. I turned and looked at him. He had a smile on his lips, he pointed at my photograph.
“She’s a real looker, sir,” he said. The sir sounded different than before, it possessed somewhat of a sneering tone.
“Yes, she is,” I said hardly noticing his tone. I continued with pride in my voice adding, “We just got back from our honeymoon.”
He licked his thick lips, reached over and took the picture from my hand, looking at the image of my wife with obvious lust in his eyes. He studied her photo for a moment, handed me the picture back. Took the Pappy and sipped it.
“Let’s move to a booth and visit,” he said.
“I don’t see...” he broke in on me.
“I said let’s move to a booth,” he repeated. “It isn’t a request, mister.” He spoke with the self-assured confidence of a man that orders men about for a living. “Give us the bottle and put it on his tab,” he told the bartender. Joe handed him the bottle, not looking to me for permission.
This man familiarity with having his way was oblivious. The marine stood, walked to a booth, turned back to me, and pointed to one side of the booth. Standing like a statue, he locked his dark eyes on me. I just sat there, I guess trying to show him I didn’t take orders.
“Here, now,” he said as he snapped his fingers. He sat down and put my bottle in the middle of the table after he refilled his glass. He didn’t look at me, He looked where he ordered me to sit. I don’t know why I immediately moved there. But rather than sit, I stood next to the booth.
The Captain turned his head to me, snapped his fingers again, pointed to the seat across from him, the scowl on his face spoke volumes sending shiver down my back.
I sat in my designated spot, meekly following the order. Sitting down across from him, I picked up the bottle, started to pour myself more. He his grabbed my wrist, the grip was firm, he twisted and pushed downward forcing me to put down the bottle.
“You don’t need more right now,” he said. “Finish what you have first.” Letting go of my wrist, he looked at me with cold, dark eyes.
I let loose of the Pappy’s, placed both hands on the table. He put his dark hand over my pale white one. A sly grin passed over his face, and he said, “Your wife is a lot younger than you.”
“Twenty-five years,” I told him with some measure of pride.
“You’ll never hold on to her if you don’t let her have some real freedom. Women are strange creatures. I figure you have one failed marriage already, maybe more.”
“Two,” I admitted. The man talked about what a young woman needs. I realized he meant to let her have lovers. Anger flared in me, “This isn’t any of your concern.”
His clutched my hand again with a vice-like grasp, the cold smile faded from his face, replaced by stern glower.
“Making it my business,” he said, I could feel a threat in his words. He released my hand picked up his drink. “Mighty fine bourbon,” his voice and attitude returned to an icy, cold detachment.
“I’m going to fuck your wife,” he said, his confidence resonated in the tone and timbre of his announcement. “How’d you like it, if I let you watch?”
“What,” I said.
“You heard me,” he said. His voices deep tones resonated in my ears. “I’m going fuck your wife. I’m willing to let you watch while I do.”
He looked at me, his face emotionless, frozen in a stern gaze. His blue marine uniform, his dark russet skin, and that dominant face combined to make me feel less. Less of man than him, less important, as if my feelings were less meaningful.
“You aren’t going to fuck my wife,” I said, my voice broke as I spoke. This man shook me, his assurance and physical presence frightened me. “You can’t have her,” I said. I felt like a boy threatening a classmate that could beat my ass without breaking a sweat. No, that isn’t it, I felt a boy confronted by man.
“You don’t mean that,” he said. “You don’t want to get hurt.” No, he didn’t threaten me. I don’t know how to explain it, the words weren’t a threat, they were a promise. He poured my glass full of the expensive liquor. “Now drink that down, rethink your position.” Turning his head, he looked at the bartender. “Hey, Joe,” he said in a loud voice, “Can I use the back room for a few minutes?”
“Sure,” he said. “But, this time, you’ll need to clean it up after your finished.”
Images ran through my brain of this Marine beating the shit out of me in the backroom of this bar. His dress uniform had ribbons and medals adorning it. He was a combat soldier, I was just an accountant. The closest I’d ever come to a fight as an adult ended in disaster as guy 20 pounds lighter than me kicked my butt ... you guessed it, it was over a woman.
“So,” he said, “What’s your name?”
“Jeff, Jeff Richards,” I said.
“Well, what do you say? Want the back room or you going to just agree?”
“She’ll never let you,” I said.
“If that’s the case, no big deal,” he said. “But Jeff, ole boy, it’s her decision, not yours. You will tell her as much. Agreed?”
In my mind’s eye, I could see those big fists of his beating my face to a pulp, I nodded agreement. He told me to give him my wallet, I complied. He opened it up, went through it, taking my license out, he pulled a small notebook from his pocket, wrote down the information. Then he pulled his cell phone from his pocket. Swiping here and there, he took a pick of my driver licenses, sent to a some and then called them.
“Hey, Steven, Captain Andrews here. Can you tell me if the information on the license I just sent you is accurate?” he looked over at me. His face grew stern, “Naw, nothing big, just checking him out, he had a scrap with another driver. Just want to be sure he doesn’t back out of his commitment ... Oh, really, the usual then, line them up for me.”
He termintanated the connection. He returned the license to the proper folder, thumbed through my money, credit cards and the few other things in my wallet. Handing me my billfold back the man’s look softened. He reached into a pocket on the uniform and pulled out a golden cigarette case and lighter. He took a smoke out, tapped it down on the situation and then lit it. The cigarette sat between his thick lips, he sucked in the fumes and exhaled them.
“So, the first wife racking you over the coals financially?”
“No, no kids on that one and she remarried.”
“And the second one?”
“I have child support, but I can handle it,” I told him.
“What’s the new wife’s name?”
“Candy’s dandy,” he said lifting his glass. He put the cork back in the bottle. “Drink up Jeff,” He glanced at his watch. Swilled down the rest of his glass. Standing he ambled to the bar and handed the bottle to the bartender. “Put it in my stock okay, Joe.” He turned to me a big smile on his face. “Let’s go to your place. I’m ready to fuck your sweet Candy bitch.”
Everyone in the bar looked at me, I felt their pity, or disgust, not sure which. The humiliation washed over me a wave. He led me out of the bar and felt like his prisoner, I heard some hushed whispers, “Pore cuckold bastard, that nigger will ruin her.”
He had me get into his car. He looked at me as he started the car. That smirking smile on his face. He looked at me, his dark eyes burned into me and felt his contempt. I knew he believed he was superior to me. He reached over and put his big paw of hand on my shoulder, squeezed till I felt a hard twinge of pain.
“It isn’t that I don’t trust you, I can spot a cuckold wan-a-be a mile away, boy.” The boy burned in my ears. “You haven’t accepted your role yet, I’m not letting you chicken out, you’ll keep the bitch, I’ll be the one fucking, that’s just the way it is.”
I want to believe he was wrong, but I didn’t. I had this sinking feeling that he found a buried desire, I feared I had always wanted this terrible thing. Both my exes had other people in their lives now, I spent hours thinking about them fucking with each other, I had wondered what it would be like to see Candy getting fucked. But not like this, this was beyond embarrassing, it degraded me to have others know what was about to happen. He’d made that announcement in a loud, commanding, and clear voice.
I didn’t want to admit to myself that she’d give into him. I hoped she’d slap his face, cuss him out and tell him to hit the road. Inside my brain, a niggling voice said, “She’ll let him do what he wants, out of fear if nothing else.”
Vacuuming the hall, I barely heard the door open and close. Looking up, I saw my husband standing there, he looked sad, a sadness that gave him a forlorn, lost expression. Next to him stood a Marine in his navy-blue uniform. A striking, man with dark skin, the brownest eyes, and a muscled frame that his dress blues strained to contain. I figured he might be in his early thirties.
“This is Captain Andrews,” my husband said. Looking down at the floor he moved his toe in a strange circular motion on the tile. “I brought him here to meet you.”
The Captain tossed his hat on the table next to the door and walked toward me. A big toothy grin covered the man’s face. He walked right up to me, switched off my vacuum, and pulled me away from it. Taking my arm, he led me to the living room, right in front of our fireplace.
My husband closed the door standing there watching. It was as if, his feet were in cement. He just observed us from off in a distance as this stranger guided me away from him. I know my husband would never put me danger, he is a wimp, but he would never allow anything bad to happen to me.
His sweet disposition drew me to him. Well, that and his money. I remember when we first met. It took no time at all to get use to him sitting at the bar and talking me. Once he confided in me how terrible his marriage was and how he just needed a friend, how to say it? Things just happened, even in that, I had to be the aggressor.
At business, Jeffery is ruthless, in any other thing he is passive. In the decision at home, he yields to my wishes. In the bedroom, he is submissive. All that drew me to him, and yet, I have missed a man who wanted me and showed it.
The black visitor took me in his arms, his face descended toward mine, his lips pressed against me. I put my hands on his big chest, pushing, to no avail. He kissed me, his thick lips pressed against mine, heat jumped from him to me. I continued to resist trying to stop kissing him, not wishing for our embrace to end.
I glanced over at Jeff, he stood there with this odd look on his face. When he realized I saw him, he looked away, studying the painting on the wall.
I closed my eyes, still struggling, pushing on his chest his arms. He pressed his big tongue into mouth, relentless he continued his assault on me. His hand roamed my body, I flushed with excitement as his embrace engulfed me in emotions and passion. We broke apart for a moment.
“Oh please, sir, this is wrong,” I blurted turning I looked at my husband. “Dear?” it was a question.
“It’s okay,” he said. “If you want to, I’m fine with it. If you don’t then...”
Before he finished, I turned back to the man, wrapped my arms around him and pulled him to me. All I had needed was permission. This dark taboo had burned inside me since I was a small child, fascinated with the African-American people surrounding me growing up in my bigoted home and community. The supposed wrongness of it had tempted me, the fear of my father had kept me from acting. My father was nowhere near, and my husband gave me his blessing. I believed he wanted this to happen, I was not about to question him about him being fine with it.
The fire crackled and popped as the flames inside the fireplace burned. At the same time, our passion flared. I began to undress this massive, Nubian, god. All the while, his hands tugged and pulled on my clothing. When the dress didn’t slide off my body quickly, he ripped it from me with a savage, hungry desire. We sank to the floor. He bit me, licked body here and there, and I gave in to his craving yearnings.
The order of things became a blur, hands here, lips there, our bodies entwined on the living room floor. The room had yellow glow from the light of the setting sun flooding through the big picture window at the front of the house. I felt the hard muscles of this aggressive man, my own will evaporated. He lay on his back and guided my head to his crotch. I felt my insides convulsing in mixed emotions. I stole glances at Jeff, a despondent look on his face, his tiny dick poking straight out in lose fitting golf slacks.
He liked it, my husband liked what he saw, but I know he hated it as well. He stood powerless to stop this. He had the right to terminate this strange experiment, right up to the moment he told me he didn’t mind if I fucked this man. He lost his rights to the exclusivity of my body at that point. Even if he hadn’t given me permission, I’d have sought out this man behind his back. It was better this way.
I sucked on that big black cock for such a long time. I played with the Captains massive balls as I sucked the big black knob. In truth, that was all I could get in my mouth. When those balls raised away from me, retreating a bit, I knew it was about to happen. I felt the seamen ridding up his magnificent pecker. I felt the skin of his dick rippling as his load built, as it traveled toward my mouth. It shot from his dickhead with force, much of it spurting down my throat. It filled my mouth, so much so, it leaked out and dribbled down on his belly and ran down that mahogany shaft, covering my hands in the process.
To my surprise, the fucking thing didn’t grow limp. Captian Andrews laid me down and got between my legs. His big lips pressed against my labia and his long, fat tongue snaked out running over them, exploring every fold, flicking on my clit. I had rushes of emotions as body reacted to his expert stimulus. My hips ground into his face, my back arched, and twisted from one side to the other, and I moaned in a husky voice. I felt lifted out of my body, observing us in my minds eye and the contrast of our skins pleased me artistically.
The old man buckled the worn gunbelt around his thin waist with the ease of long decades of experience. He was dressed in a black broadcloth suit with a white silk shirt and worn, but shiny low heeled black boots. On his head was an old ten gallon hat it's crown circled by gold eagles. The gunbelt was old as well and shiny with age, the golden eagles inset into the belt and holsters had long ago been worn smooth from handling. The frontier Colts the old man wore had seen uncounted numbers of...
Through the darkness, Earl Tuepelo watched his headlights illuminate the oncoming country road. And he listened to the windshield wipers. With a quick glance at the lighted clock on the dash of the new, 1964, Cadillac convertible, Earl saw the time was 8:45 PM. It had been raining most of the day. Earl felt the car heater gently blow warmth against him as he drove, even though it was spring and not really that chilly outside. Earl was dressed in his drying boxer shorts and damp white socks....
As I got up and headed for the shower I felt the breast forms still stuck to my chest, oh shit. Kelli would have to hang around for at least until lunchtime as I would need to get Candy to remove them. I showered and had a light breakfast, I went back upstairs and sat down at the makeup table. I loved the look Candy had developed, the pixie cut was sexy and trendy. I went over a nice light daytime makeup. I stole one of Laurens favourite dresses, a beautiful pale green chiffon dress...
Thanks to Charlie for your guidance, advice and editing skills. They both disappeared into the shower together and by the sounds of the moans emanating from the shower there was more than washing going on in there. They both reappeared red faced and flushed. I laughed. "You girls need another shower, a cold one might be more appropriate though." I couldn't believe how easy it was, I was expecting jealousy and uncomfortable silence, but this was nice, Alecia seemed different,...
Thanks to Charlie for his editorial assistance and guidance. You are a star Charlie. Could I do it? Could I attend Karla's party? The more I thought about it the more I wanted to do it. I recalled some of the things Lauren used to say. Didn't I want others to see Kelli? The simple answer was yes. The more I dressed as Kelli the more I liked it and yes I wondered whether I could pull it off. Could I go out in public? Would I pass or would I be a laughing stock. It both scared and...
Thanks to Charlie for the guidance and editing. I hit the factory straight after work and continued with the office fit out. I had the framing finished and was running some cables through the walls when Siobhan came in. She needed me to get away from work in the morning she had organised a radio interview for the drive time show on local radio. "Shit Siobhan I'm not sure I can do it, will I have to be dressed as Kelli?" She smiled. "Yes of course unless you want to come out as...
Candy's Fashion House Chapter Ten Thanks to Charlie for all the editorial help and guidance. Charlie you are a star! The next day I got up early and went to the new factory to meet the contractors and catch up with the foreman and make sure we were on track. The initial ground work for the extension was going well, the machines and material had been delivered. I discovered a small storage facility nearby that we could use as a cutting and preparation room. So with everything...
Once we got home the girls started to put the pressure on. They wanted to go out on the town and celebrate. I on the other hand wanted to stay home and just luxuriate in what had been a super day for me personally. It wasn't to be though the girls hassled me until I gave in and agreed. I rummaged through my clothes but decided on one of Candy's new designs. It was a short nude shift style mini dress which was transparent mesh and trimmed with lace around the bodice. I paraded around in...
Chapter Seventeen Of course nothing runs smoothly in our home. Lauren and Alecia were determined to get Josh and I together. They kept on and on at me to call him. I ignored all their requests and filed him away in the history folder never to be reopened. Christmas was racing around and things were crazy at work. We were flat out trying to fill orders for the end of year orders. I was thrown a reprieve which allowed me to escape Alecia and Lauren. I had to fly out for three days to...
I held back the tears long enough until she was out of site and then I had to pull over and the tears flowed. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I sat for ages trying to get control. Fuck her she was such a bitch. I called my boss the next day and took the rest of the week off. I used the time to follow up on some of the equipment for the factory. The sewing machines were easy, and I got a good deal by shopping around and found some machines that were left over from an unused...
Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only c***d, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the character that Ewa Aulin portrayed, she was named because my maternal grandparents thought her sweet.She is. Think of the nicest and happiest and most giving gal you...
Chapter Nineteen As I walked into the office my phone rang. It was Alecia. "Hi Kelli." I was a bit stunned that's just all I needed right at that moment. "Hi Alecia." "Kelli I wanted to talk to you if you have a minute." "OK Alecia let's hear it." "Babes I wanted to apologise for stealing Maddy away. She wanted to come to see you in person before leaving but I asked her not to. She feels really bad about what happened." "Tell her that I am disappointed but I guess I...
Thanks to Charlie for the guidance help and wonderful editing skills. I dressed quickly and left for work, it was going to be a big day. We were getting close to completion and we had the big party to organise. Siobhan and I worked on the invite list and gift baskets for all who attended. I organised the band, security, lighting and caterers. I left Candy to organise the models. I worked with the construction team finishing the runway in the new area. I ended up driving the...
Thanks to Charlie for the guidance help and editing. As I raced home I realised I would need to pick up groceries. I stopped at the supermarket and picked up food. Those two had no idea about looking after themselves. I wanted to do something special for the girls. Lauren had been at me to give Alecia a massage before our big bust up so I decided to run with that. I set up the table in the bedroom and set the mood with candles and incense oil. I went with lemon grass one of my...
Chapter Eighteen The next morning I overslept and had to rush like crazy again. As I arrived at the office I saw Siobhan arriving at the same time. I gave her a hug and she apologised for being late. I laughed "Don't worry I'm late as well." She giggled and picked up my hand and we walked in together hand in hand. Bugger me there sitting outside my office talking to Maddy was Lauren. The moment she saw us together her face dropped. Siobhan disappeared as soon as she saw Lauren. I...
At nineteen you think you know it all! Well, I did anyway. I really thought I could manipulate anyone in trousers to get them on my side and make my progress through life as easy as possible. And it had worked, until now. I seemed to have reached my ‘nemesis’ in the form of Jock Gray the College Principal who had given me a stark choice to make. My name is Candice but my friends call me Candy and I really try to live up to my name, presenting myself as a sugar-sweet, all pink and white,...
Thanks to Charlie for the editing, encouragement and the advice. A story of a husband's feminisation and transition. Chapter One: So how does a scruffy heterosexual male construction worker become the head of a small fashion house? Read on people, read on. My Name Is Michael Curtiss and I grew up in a small town. A poor family, my dad worked long hard hours at the local steel mill to put a roof over our heads and keep us fed. He was a hard man who took no shit from...
Thanks to Charlie for his amazing help. So that was it, I was wearing her panties every day. Every morning without fail Lauren would be waiting for me with a big smile and the panties twirling on her finger, there was always a pink pair, but I wasn't giving her the pleasure of wearing the bloody pink ones. On Friday night after work I got all excited, recently while Lauren had been working late I had taken an online course on massage. The last part of the puzzle was to actually...
The transformation begins Thanks to Charlie for his assistance and editorial skill. That night I cried myself to sleep and I woke up late feeling worse than when I went to bed. I rang in sick for the next couple of days because I couldn't stop crying, out of the blue for no apparent reason it would hit me and then the waterworks would start all over again. By the third day I was starting to regain some control, I was able to go a couple of hours without having a breakdown. I was...
Thanks to Charlie again for his editorial skill, support and encouragement. Alecia, what the fuck was she doing here??? I turned to look at Lauren; she was talking to Maddison who was in turn pointing over at me! I got up and walked over. "Hi Lauren I was just wondering if you wanted to get lunch somewhere?" She hugged and kissed me. "Sorry baby I am flat out today, but I would love to take a rain check!" I mumbled hesitantly, "Yeah no worries Lauren, I will see you...
Thanks Charlie for the editing, advice and of course encouragement. You are a star! So there we were standing in the driveway admiring our new delivery. With all the drama lately I had forgotten it was my birthday today. The guys were smiling. "How you can be so lucky is beyond me, shit new bike and..... Well, you are just a bloody lucky bastard!" They packed up and disappeared as I was walking around the bike running my hands over it admiring its sexy lines and glossy paint I...
Thanks to Charlie for the editing, advice and support. After a couple of days Lauren still hadn't returned. I called Karla to see if Lauren was staying with her but she hadn't seen her. For the next few weeks the status quo remained. I was living at home by myself. For all intents and purposes Lauren was gone and I was now single. She refused to answer text messages. When I rang her at work it was impossible to get past Maddison. Every time I called she was either busy or out of the...
I love facebook, nothing has made fucking stupid little girls easier than social media. Brianna was a hot little 18 year old brunette that I stumbled across while I was looking for somebody else. She had over 3000 friends and her profile was open for anybody and everybody to see. After looking through hundreds of drunken pictures of her in various stages of undress I decided, what the hell, I'd add her as a friend and see what happens. It didn't take more than a day for her to accept and...
Thanks to Charlie for all the help and wonderful editing. Our relationship seemed to settle down and we slipped into a bit of a routine. As always it was short lived Lauren seemed to become more and more withdrawn. There didn't seem to be any one particular reason, she started to snap at both Alecia and myself. We ended up in arguments over the most trivial shit. Don't get me wrong life was still pretty good, the sex was out of this world and the love we shared was real. Alecia and...
Candy met Martha at a friend's party. She had noticed Martha moving around the room. Everyone else seemed to notice Martha too. It was, she mused, not only because of Martha's generous proportions -- but also because of her easy laugh, booming voice and the animated way she flung her arms and head when chatting. You could see Martha was accustomed to being noticed and she did nothing to make herself any less the centre of attention by her style of dress, which was a loud floral clingy number...
Introduction: Another threesome with Candy, per request of a friend. As you tilt your head back to finish the rest of your beer, you notice the dark sky above is scattered with stars. They are kind-of hard to see through the rising steam coming from the hot water bubbling around you. Candys giggle brings your head back down and you notice she is holding a fresh opened beer out to you. Smiling at her, you take the cold bottle, with beads of water dripping down the sides, and hand her the empty...
Candy Pink By Barbi Satin Chapter 1 Life pretty much sucked. I was the son of Ralph and Cindy Cassella. They named me Ralph Junior and my dad was thrilled to have a son he could raise to live out his past glory. My dad wasn't a bad guy and never abused me but I knew he was disappointed. He worked as a contractor in the present but he still lived in his glory days of High School. Dad was an all-state full back on the football team in the fall and the best hitter on the baseball...
I looked out the window at the freshly fallen snow. Up and down the street the houses were all decorated for the season. Santa's and reindeer on the roofs, Nativity scenes in front yards, outside trees strung with lights and inside trees shining through windows. Holiday spirit was everywhere, everywhere but in my house. I turned from the window and took in the scene. The tree lying on the floor, shards of glass from broken light bulbs and shattered Christmas ornaments. I suppose I should have...
When you get to be my age, birthdays come and go. Except when you live with a very sexy, wild, and much younger woman. I have been fortunate to be quite well off, and probably that's why my girlfriend, Candy, is even with me. That’s a story for another day. When one is rich, people flock to you. I love to spoil women and they like to spoil me. It's a win-win situation.I met up with Candy when I was at a convention in Atlantic City. I was staying at the Golden Nugget. Candy was at a blackjack...
MatureCandy’s giggle brings your head back down and you notice she is holding a fresh opened beer out to you. Smiling at her, you take the cold bottle, with beads of water dripping down the sides, and hand her the empty bottle. She swims back to the other side of the tub to throw it away. Her bare ass slips out of the water as she leans out, and you lean back and sip the ice cold Bud Light, watching the water sliding off her tight, tan ass. At of the corner of your eye, you notice Alison, Candy’s...
Candy for candy In her private moments, she referred to herself aloud, in the first person, as candy. She sashayed around her beachfront apartment adorned in a Rydell High cheerleader uniform, saddle shoes and of course, a color coordinated frilly apron, wrapped snuggly around her shrinking waist. Mistress was perched in a director's chair in the corner of the living room, out of sight from the sliding doors that opened up to the semi-private veranda. As she daintily feather...
Okay, I admit it. I am one of those guys who would like to see his wife with another man and to anyone else the reason I want to see it would probably make absolutely no sense. But what the hell, there are times it makes absolutely no sense to me either, but for twenty-two years I have wanted it, my wife knows I want it (but not why and I don't ever intend that she ever finds out) and for ten years now she has been saying "maybe some day." The story starts almost two years before I met...
Candy Finally, it was going to happen! For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations,… Candy Finally, it was going to happen! For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations, summer school, lack of friends, the weather; something. Now, however, everything seemed to be falling into place. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson had moved out near the desert in California...
Incest"Hi there young man, it has been so long since I have seen you. How are you doing after losing your parents so tragically? It must have been such an awful blow to you. I've been hoping you would stop by sometime so I could tell you how sorry I am. Your Mom and I were such great friends. She was like a daughter to me you know, and you dear man, are still my grandson." "Mrs. Henderson. It is good to see you too. I'm sorry I don't come to see you more often. I will stop next time I come...
I'm not talking that bullshit you read in porn mags where you just bring yourself as close to orgasm as you can then back off. I'm talking full-on ejaculations. There's something about my dick where it doesn't go all sensitive after I've cum. It stays hard. Rock hard. And so long as I keep on fucking or having it sucked or stroked or whatever, I can cum as many times as I want. You could say Candy's a cumslut. She loves it in her pussy, on her boobs, in her mouth, on...
I'm not talking that bullshit you read in porn mags where you just bring yourself as close to orgasm as you can then back off. I'm talking full-on ejaculations. There's something about my dick where it doesn't go all sensitive after I've cum. It stays hard. Rock hard. And so long as I keep on fucking or having it sucked or stroked or whatever, I can cum as many times as I want. You could say Candy's a cumslut. She loves it in her pussy, on her boobs, in her mouth, on...
I'm not talking that bullshit you read in porn mags where you just bring yourself as close to orgasm as you can then back off. I'm talking full-on ejaculations. There's something about my dick where it doesn't go all sensitive after I've cum. It stays hard. Rock hard. And so long as I keep on fucking or having it sucked or stroked or whatever, I can cum as many times as I want. You could say Candy's a cumslut. She loves it in her pussy, on her boobs, in her mouth, on...
Introduction:Four horny men, alcohol, a poker party, and a scantily clad teenage girl - what could possibly go wrong?I still can’t believe it happened. My buddies and me gangbanged my teen daughter and now I can’t decide what to do now. I guess it depends on how Candy, my daughter, reacts when she wakes up. Right now she’s still asleep in my bed on the cum soaked sheets, some of it still leaking out of her, while I’m nursing one of the worst hangovers of my life. I guess I should explain what...
Candy's Taste Test by dale10 ([email protected])***They were up in Candy's bedroom after school, while Candy's mom was at work. Jordon always liked it when Candy's mom was home, because he was a vain 18 year old jock stud who loved the way the horny divorced bitch stared at his bulging crotch.He would lean against the kitchen counter so his fucker pushed out, and he would watch the middle? aged cougar drool and wet her panties. But he had to be careful that Candy didn't get jealous....
I didn't want to be a cowboy, but I certainly wanted one to fuck me. So, to honor those sojourners of the dusty trails I wrote this.When settlers in the 1870's first used "dude," to refer to pasty-faced Easterners coming to The Rockies, they took notice of men with a distinguishable lilt (I have no doubt), of men with a different spring in their step, of men who had secrets settlers didn't know, and of men Rocky Mountain cowboys would never suspect.A 2K Easterner, I differed from my ancestors...
Gay MaleBeth's hands shook as she moved her hands upwards. Reaching the straps of Candys bra. As she unhooked it Candy raised her head and opened her mouth to say something. She was silenced by Beth's tongue pushing in. Her heart pounded as she slid the straps off her shoulders. Her head still swimming from the alcohol Candy stopped fighting Beth, and sucked on her tongue. Dragging her nails lightly down, Beth ground her pelvis against her friend.Candys eye widened as she felt Beth's thumbs slip under...
Candy started crying as she threw her phone. Candy broke up with her fiance started going around the office. As the gossip spread, word got to the office manager. Beth came over and asked if she could help. Wiping her tears Candy asked, does everyone know. Taking her hand Beth said come with me. I'm alright, she said. Pulling her up Beth said, let's get out of here for a while. Grabbing her coat Beth lead her to the elevator. Going down Candy leaned on Beth and started crying again. What you...
So I took a refreshing shower, put on some PJ bottoms, and padded downstairs to get something to eat. Before I even got to the kitchen, I could smell the bacon cooking. Candy was making breakfast? That’s another milestone, I thought to myself. “Smells good.” I said as I walked in to find her in front of the stove. She was wearing an old threadbare night shirt that was a couple of sizes too small for her. It barely covered her ass and on top hung from her tits like they were coat hooks. I...
Candi's story If you don't think this is a work of fiction you are crazy. "Thank you dear that was delightful." I smiled on a post orgasmic haze. Being married for 4 years out sex had become so routine. Its not that we didn't have sex often enough or that I no longer found my wife attractive. Its just the same positions always ending up in missionary position till we both came. "Yes I enjoyed it too." At breakfast the next day I struggled to formulate my wanting to...
Brandi saw her aunt on the street, ran past with a breathless “Hi,” ran up the walk to her cousin’s house, and entered without a knock. She took the stairs quickly, burst into her cousin’s room, and found Candi lying on her back, in bed, her face flushed, her dress pulled up her legs, and her nipples impudently poking peaks in the soft cloth of her top.“What are you doing?” Brandi asked, knowing full well what Candi had been doing.“Nothing,” Candi gasped, having difficulty coming back from the...
IncestIt was a gorgeous summer afternoon in Ann Arbor Michigan. The temperature was well into the mid 80’s. Candy was laying out on her padded lounge chair rubbing the tanning lotion into her legs. She wore her new bikini. David helped her pick it out at Macy’s. He loved seeing her wear sexy revealing clothes and the tiny little bikini was no exception. Cindy’s husband David worked in one of the laboratories for a small research company at the University of Michigan. Married for five years and...
When you get to be my age, birthdays come and go. Except when you live with a very sexy, wild, and much younger woman. I have been fortunate to be quite well off, and probably that’s why my girlfriend, Candy, is even with me. That’s a story for another day. When one is rich, people flock to you. I love to spoil women and they like to spoil me. It’s a win-win situation. I met up with Candy when I was at a convention in Atlantic City. I was staying at the Golden Nugget. Candy was at a blackjack...
Without a doubt, Candi has the biggest tits in the neighborhood. Even before she turned eighteen, everyone noticed her huge E cups. It would be a gross underestimation to say her huge tits are her best feature, but that’s what everyone says. In truth, her entire voluptuous body is her best feature.Standing at six feet tall, Candi towers over the other sluts. All that height comes from her long, thick legs, which perfectly match her big-titted body. However she stands, her thick hips and curvy...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHere I was, on a Super Constellation. Heading to NAS Atsugi, Japan. Me, a South Georgia farm boy that had never been away from home. I had completed Storekeeper’s School in San Diego, and my first duty station was an AF (refrigerator ship) out of San Francisco. My first duty was Mess Cooking. Army recruits would know this as KP, but the Navy was different. This was a full three-month duty, not completed on a daily basis. During this time, Mess Cooking, I had to see the integration of the...
I suppose it really started two years ago when I was working for a small community newspaper in Colorado. It was the holiday season and, as in a lot of places, when the holiday season arrived the offices take on a gay, festive air. Banners and posters appear, Christmas cards get pinned up on cork memo boards and desks suddenly sprout scented candles and candy dishes. It was a candy dish that did it, a candy dish and Dove dark chocolate individually wrapped squares. +++++ I love the ladies....
I suppose it really started two years ago when I was working for a small community newspaper in Colorado. It was the holiday season and, as in a lot of places, when the holiday season arrived the offices take on a gay, festive air. Banners and posters appear, Christmas cards get pinned up on cork memo boards and desks suddenly sprout scented candles and candy dishes. It was a candy dish that did it; a candy dish and Dove dark chocolate individually wrapped squares. I love the ladies. Can't...
I got my wife Candy to start reading sex stories. She was getting so hot and sloppy wet reading how women were getting fucked. I got my wife Candy to start reading sex stories. She would get so hot and sloppy wet from reading. Candy didn’t know that I had ordered some toys from an adult toy site. I planned a hot night of fucking for the weekend. My package of toys arrived on Friday. I waited until Saturday night to take our sex to a new level. Candy spent the afternoon reading stories and...
MarriedIntroduction: the candies are out in public Red, white and blue. The colours of the American dream had taken on a whole new meaning in a small corner of the sleepy seaside town of Heavens Cove. Once designed to be breakthroughs in virility, birth control and body toners they had become a chemical cocktail of debauchery. The first victim of this madness was Franny Chesterson. Loving wife and mother one day and devoted sexual servant the next to her two stepsons, James and Marshall. The twin...
The first “ victim” of this madness was Franny Chesterson. Loving wife and mother one day and devoted sexual servant the next to her two stepsons; James and Marshall. The twin boys themselves enhanced by those drug to increased physiques, stamina, penile size and recovery. Their father Ted, a victim of another combination of the drugs into submission and lethargy; a cuckold in his own home. The boys had caught onto the slippage of the drugs just in time, and planned that they would go no...
CANDY FOR BREAKFASTI have quite a few favorite hobbies or habits, depending on who you ask. Next to sex, traveling is my favorite hobby. I live for vacations, holidays, weekends, and any other opportunity to get away. There’s just so much to see and experience, that I can’t resist the temptation to pick up and go.Quite by accident, I ended up taking a trip to Virginia four years ago. My boss’ niece needed help moving, and since I was the most trusted employee Mike Kelly had, he elected me to...
"Here comes Candi!" Ritchie exclaimed. "Oh shit!" Mark jerked away from his locker, dropping a half-dozen notebooks to the floor. "Where?" Todd whipped his head left and then right. "Oh yeah!" All three of my best friends stood there in the school hallway, lined up like soldiers for inspection. Sucking in their guts and pushing out their chests, as if eighth grade boys had any. Well, Ritchie was sorta chubby, but you get the picture. They smiled and giggled like nervous little girls,...
I had this really good friend named Dave who also had a friend named Rusty. Well, Rusty had this really knockout girlfriend named Candy. Dave is a real bullshitter and I didn't believe half of the wild stories he told, so I just ignored his comments about how wild Candy got when she got drunk. He told me how Rusty was the type of guy that only wanted it about once or twice a week and Candy wanted it once or twice an hour. Since she was a "good little girl" she couldn't really cheat on Rusty,...
EroticI’m way too old to be doing this, Candy thought as she finished putting on her costume. The thought sent a thrill of naughty excitement through her sexy young body. Candy was a high school senior, 18 years old, with long black hair, full red lips and a body that wouldn’t quit. She was also probably the oldest person that would be out trick or treating tonight, not that she was worried about getting her fair share of candy. In this costume, she could have all the candy if she wanted it. White...