City Girls: Crazy/sexy free porn video

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Wow, that feels so good," I confessed to Jay as he applied a hot stone to my bare back, his hands guiding the dark formation gently down my spine toward to my ass. "You just enjoy the massage, " Jay assured soothingly, television news blabbing softly in the background... "As I said, this rock should turn you into a giant in a matter of a few minutes."

I got up to use the bathroom and spotted some stray clothes in the bathroom; a dark green Express Core Casual Short Short with a thick brown leather belt, a charcoal Venus Sequin Tank Top and some shiny silver sandals. I dashed out the back patio door, toward where the pool was, enough time for me to grab a pair of black designer sunglasses, the corner of my eye catching the Coach label. Jay followed closely behind, his hand on my shoulder, guiding me to the open air, before my head hit the ceiling.

"Here, lay on the grass." Jay suggested urgently. I could tell Jay was a little nervous, but excited to see me super-sized. I couldn't believe it! All the patio furniture and plants started looking like props in a doll house. My legs ran the length of the swimming pool and my arms and hands were starting to get tangled in the open windows of the house. sht! My sandaled feet just knocked over the brick fence separating the private yard from the sidewalk. The growth experience felt like riding in a speeding car. Oh, God!

Just lounging on the ground, I could see over the rooftops of the single-story ranch homes in this Tony neighborhood. The house appeared to me to be no more than the latest of the Barbie dream house collection. I was so excited to gauge my size; I lowered my face ground level and reached into the bedroom and pulled out the bed. I marveled at its puny-ness as I held it in my hand. "Goddamn, you're huge!" Jay shouted from the patio deck. I laughed. OMIGOD!

THIS IS AWESOME! I haven't giggled like this since right after my first kiss.

Sitting upright, my toes reached as far as the sidewalk ... across the street! As I felt the hot asphalt scald my ankle, I was startled when a car horn blasted as it squealed to a bone crunching stop as it slammed into a parked truck. With my hand to my wide-open mouth,

OH sht! SORRY. UM. SORRY 'BOUT THAT. I'LL ... YOU CAN CALL MY INSURANCE COMPANY. I was so overwhelmed with my long shiny legs; I forgot that they blocked the street. Silly me ... causing car accidents. Oopsy.

I rose to my feet as large chunks of grass and concrete that had stuck to my soft ebony skin fell to the ground, some pieces landing in the pool, sending gallons of water over its sides. I was so tall

I couldn't get over myself. Power lines, trees and houses just seemed so ... soo ... tiny ... wow! I scanned the ground and spotted my

Porsche parked in the driveway. It looked like a toy. I walked a couple of steps toward the street as curiosity seekers ran into their homes like mice when the lights come on, doors shutting, only the sound of an occasional scream breaking the horror movie-esque silence. The driver of the car that swerved to miss my legs; long gone. WHERE ARE ALL THE PEOPLE? I mused under my breath.

UH OH! Three police cars appeared on the scene as their sirens and skidding tires broke the silence like a church bell on a Sunday morning. I'M SOO OUTTA HERE, I said dismissively. I was blowing off the cops like I would ditch some boring party. It was kinda cool. I giggle some more as I blow a kiss down to Jay.

As I stepped onto the street, a painful pit in my stomach churned as

I anticipated what would happen next.


So there I was walking down the street, row after row of houses dotted the landscape at my feet. The roads and streets meandered for miles, my eyes fixed on the skyscrapers and highway overpasses that were my guiding post toward downtown, the first place I wanted to visit at my new gigantic height. I could go shopping anywhere now.

As I stopped to look behind me, I spotted people coming out of there homes, staring up at me as I headed off into the distance, probably relieved I spared their property and ... their lives. I was floored by the occasional footprint I left in the road and even more amazed to see a car that was parked along the side of the street, tipped on its side, slowly submerging into a sinkhole my left foot created.

So far, the whole giant experience has given me a whole new respect for people, life was so fragile. Wow! Now hold on! Hold that thought for one minute! Could that be my old boyfriend's condo over there? I squinted off into the distance a couple of blocks, OK so for me what seemed like a few yards. That jerk broke off with me over e-mail!

Time for a fun detour. I stepped over several people's houses and into a large backyard, where I scared the crap out of two teenage girls naked-sunbathing. OOPS!, SORRY GIRLS, I giggled as they scampered into the house.

Easy does it, easy ... I stepped into the parking lot of what's-his- name's place, a little clumsy since I could feel the ground rumble extra hard and two people screamed. I lowered my myself as I scanned all the windows of the complex, mostly I saw people screaming and holding a phone, sometimes they were sleeping or even doing ... never mind. OK, now I remember, there's his unit. I sat down in the parking lot and crossed my legs as I then proceeded to tap on his window. I got his attention all right ... and his new slutty girlfriend. HI YA, CHECK ME OUT. LET ALL YOUR NEIGHBORS KNOW YOU DATED A GIANT. BETTER HIDE, 'CAUSE I'M GONNA GET YA, I teased with wide eyes and a snarl. I was only kidding, but I couldn't help but turn his car over on its roof once I spotted it just at my toes.

What the hell, I turned over the car next to it, may be it was his girlfriend's.

I rose to my feet, the sound of police sirens getting closer was my cue to get the hell out of dodge. I set my eyes again downtown, but

I could see I had a rather wide, busy and congested freeway to pass. "The hell with it, I had to deal with mass amounts of people at some point. I had shopping to do," my mind conjured as I gathered the courage to be a careful giant. As I stepped over some small buildings, I found myself on the side of the highway, standing next to some trees that stood up to my belly button.

My impact was felt immediately. Several cars in the right lane that slowed down abruptly were rear-ended and a large chain reaction of crashes and crunches colored the roadway at my feet. People started getting out of their cars and running. One car steered to avoid the scene, overturning in front of my big toe. Poor me, I stood there, awe struck and totally, like a, dork, just watching the whole thing happen. "I must seem like Godzilla to these people," I thought. I knelt down to check to see if anyone was seriously injured. I couldn't tell because everyone was making a b-line away from me, a giant girl. A kinda cute one. Thank you.

I giggled at what a 9-1-1 call might sound like. "Yeah, 911? A giant girl just caused a pile-up. I think she's gonna destroy the city.

What does she look like? Well, she's got big huge feet, with fresh nail polish, silky long legs and..." I digress.

After I finished amusing myself with my thoughts, I began picking apart the tangles of cars, avoiding the people that crossed paths with my long fingers; they were as tall or taller than most people among the wreckage. I placed several vehicles on the side of the road and right-sided others. I sighed in relief as some people began cheering and clapping up to me. I think I earned their trust.

Several ambulances were screeching down toward me, so I stepped over the lanes of cars, placing my feet firmly in the grassy median between all eight lanes and pointed my body in the direction of downtown. SORRY FOR THE WRECK, PEOPLE. I HAVE TO LEAVE AND DO SOME SHOPPING.

BY THE WAY, MY NAME IS PRISHA. I blew a kiss down to the lines of cars as police helicopters gathered above my head.


I had one more overpass to step over and I was downtown. Oh, boy this one was pretty wide, four lanes jammed packed with cars and much more congested than I thought. As I made my way closer, it was apparent that people were not happy to see me; fleeing their cars and running on foot ... NO ONE HAS ANYTHING TO FEAR. I WILL NO HURT ANYONE, I comforted down to the lines of cars as I stood above them, my big brown eyes peering through my designer shades. Just then, I lifted my right leg and brought my foot over the slowly moving line of cars, trucks and other people on foot. "Whew!" I thought as my right foot landed firmly on the other side. Then came my left foot.

As I lifted, my right foot slipped on the grassy median on the other side. OOPSY! OH SH@!! My big toe clipped one car's open door, flipping it on it s side. I looked down and witnessed another smash into it and several other cars and a truck collide with a bone- crushing CRUNCH!. People were freaked ... and so was I. I'M REALLY

SORRY, I offered as I clumsily bent down to offer to help. OOH,

OUCH, SORRY, PEEPS, I nervously mumbled as I scanned the messy roadway, my long fingers just above all the cars, preparing to scoop them from destruction ... I turned over one car, but my fingers bumped it another and sent it careening against the concrete guardrail.

OMIGOD! I gasped as I girlishly placed a hand over my mouth. People screamed as they ran away. The place was a disaster. What was girl to do? I started crying; tears starting pouring. After all, I'd be pissed too if a giant woman caused me to get into an accident.

Wiping my eyes, I begged for forgiveness. PLEASE, PEOPLE, I DIDN'T

MEAN TO CAUSE SO MUCH DAMAGE, I pleaded as I pouted and cringed. I fanned my face, as embarrassment set in.

After a few more minutes of me standing over the overpass, apologizing and attempting to rescue people, I was again heading downtown. I just wondered what the news was saying about me. As I negotiated through increasingly heavy traffic and the gawking crowds, I located a humungous jumbo-tron just outside the city limits, its bright colors broadcasting my image as newscasters rambled...

Anchor: We have breaking news from our affiliate out of Port Town.

In a rather odd development, there has been sighting of an extremely tall woman ... well ... a giant woman for that matter in the Port Town vicinity. This is not a hoax. We're not joking, here. Let's turn to our affiliate reporter, Paige Jinson for more details on this breaking story. Paige, what is going on here?

Reporter: Well, Brenda, as you can see behind me. I'm standing on the roof a five story building. As you can see behind me, there she is, Prisha Patters, 21 year old, has somehow become, simply put, a giant. Authorities are estimating that she's somewhere between 75 and 80 feet tall. To put that into perspective, the top of her head would reach between 7 and 9 stories. That's very tall. Quite frankly, no one is sure how she got this way. Ms. Patters is from the Port Estates section of town, and she works as a media consultant.

Anchor: Wow! Indeed, she is very tall. I guess I should ask if anyone has gotten hurt. Do they know, for instance, if she will be careful around the population? In fact, why is she even walking around? Seems to me if I'm that tall and at that height very dangerous, I'd stay somewhere more remote. Why head towards the city's more populated areas, much less during a busy commuting time?

Reporter: Good question. We don't know if she is perhaps looking for someone or something. We do know that her ex-boyfriend works here downtown, so maybe that has something to do with her being in the wrong place at the wrong time. As far as injuries, we have reports that several motorists have been involved in collisions resulting from, well, how can I say this? Honestly, having a giant woman in your midst is very distracting. Several people have been taken to the hospital. Our Newscopter (clips shown on the screen) reporters have spotted large footprints along the approximately three mile path she has carved into lawns, streets and sidewalks so far. As you can see there (referring to the video on screen), as she's making her way, motorists are simply pulling over and fleeing their vehicles on foot. Large impressions, deep imprints appear in the road where you would expect cars to be driving. I'm about a mile from her location, and believe me you can feel the ground rumble something like in the movie Jurassic Park. Here, in another part of town, lampposts and mailboxes have toppled. Several parked cars appeared to be crushed. Ya know, it doesn't appear as though she's intentionally causing damage, but I'd imagine at that size, something as mundane as a misplaced toe can wreak havoc. It's all a rather surreal.

Anchor: Thank you, Paige. We can only hope Ms. Patters does not have some kind of violent streak in her. Now, we turn to our senior analysts for more discussion on this very, very strange and perplexing story.


"Ma'am, please stay put! You have no business here!" I heard blasting up from the street as I felt the scratching of a traffic signal swinging against my legs. I took a quick count and from what

I could tell there were some fifteen squad cars and armored vehicles scattered like toy as at the next intersection, the bright lights a pretty array of colors. Helicopters circled above me like bumble bees, the gentle patter of the spinning blades surprisingly soothing against the sounds of crashing cars and horrified people running like ants.

I was in deep trouble. I had managed to meander and tiptoe my way to the edge of downtown. Behind me was a trail of footprints and vehicles strewn on sidewalks as people pulled over as I approached.

I stood there in the street, stunned at the display of power the police had set up at no more than three strides of my gargantuan limbs. I gently rubbed my silky legs, which had chafed the side of a building, which had sent loose bricks tumbling onto the tops of my feet. My stomach growled as I recognized the inviting smell of a

McDonald's; quickly scanning the streets, the fast food joint was only two blocks away. It was tempting to pay it a visit. May be I could go through the drive-thru.

"Ma'am, do not even attempt to go any further. Please put your hands up!" a voice blasted more loudly. I looked down to see three more police cars among a plethora of abandoned cars no more than inches from my feet. Let's face it, there's no way I'd be anywhere near a woman of my height, let a lone attempting to arrest her. Who did these people think they were? Well, I guess the cops.

Luckily, I was in a cooperative mood and began slowly raising my arms as I spotted people on rooftops and news choppers recording the whole scene. Then I thought..."One minute, why am I giving up so easily? I need to put this newfound power to the test. I quickly swooped down and scooped up a police car from the street where I held it in my hand at my side. I had a renewed confidence, a swagger as I curved my hips, ready to address the remaining vehicles. The sound of clicking guns returned the gesture.


I couldn't believe what I just did. Never in a million years did I imagine I would wield so much power ... or be holding a cop car in my sweaty hands. Silence fell over the scene. I cringed. "Ms. Patters, what can we do for you?" a calm voice from a helicopter greeted my ears.

I placed the cop car on a nearby rooftop and took a deep breath as the smell of my body spray filled the air. WELL, TO GET ME OUT OF



Fire engines, squad cars and military vehicles lay strung out before me on the cramped city street, my feet landing gently, carefully behind them as the massive escort guided me toward the river. I'm not sure how fast they were going, may be five miles per hour, but to me, it seemed like I was standing in place. As I stepped over traffic lights and abandoned vehicles, I gazed at the people peering back at me from the safety of their windows. I could feel the earth tremble, windows vibrating and the roadway crackle as my feet covered more ground.

Almost there, I could smell the tussling river water that streamed just behind a couple of large buildings that separated me from a relaxing swim; a welcomed idea for me and thousands of other people,

I suppose. After all, what harm could I could I do in the river?

As I turned the corner, I noticed that a congested two-lane roadway sat adjacent to the river and as my stomach churned at the thought of having to step over yet another mass of occupied cars, the police escorting me had the foresight to warn over their PA system, "Attention motorists, please do not be alarmed, please remain in your vehicles." This was my cue to proceed as the escort of vehicles below me fanned out so that I could pass by them and negotiate over the line of traffic. As I approached, I kept saying to myself, "just a couple of more steps and I can relax, out of harm's way." While I found inner-peace with the circumstances, I could see that several, OK, lots of people who were running from their cars did not share my sentiments. I remained silent and calm, breathing through my nose and out my mouth as I lifted my right leg and planted my right foot squarely onto a thin patch of grass that separated the road from the river. People looked up at me in awe, some in horror as I straddled the roadway, seemingly ready to reach down and pluck from the road whatever I desired. I must have looked menacing. They were soo, 'Whatever' to me.

Having brought my entire body safely onto the grassy median, I sat at the river's edge and placed my feet in the warm water. "My god, that was fast!" I whispered under my breath as I spotted a tugboat towing an oversized pool raft in my direction. It must have run half the length of a football field, the shiny white float complete with a pillow headrest looked so luxurious. I smiled in anticipation as the tug approached. WOW, THANK YOU, I blurted out in girlish excitement.

The tug's crew removed the ropes of the line as it occurred to me I had on a really cool brown one-piece with pink trim under my shorts and shirt; Duh, I was supposed to go the to the beach today. Thank god I decided on a more modest piece. I almost wore that halter bikini with a low-rise bottom, but it was still in the hamper.

Having removed my shirt and shorts, and adjusted my bathing suit and sunglasses, I eased into the water. First, I lowered my legs to gauge the depth, and then lowered myself some more until my feet felt the rocky river bottom. AAHHH, I sighed. The water was so warm and soothing, gentle waves therapeutically kissing my skin in all the right places, the water's surface capping off just above my naval. I stood in place for a minute as the tug finished reeling in its rope. THANK YOU, I smiled down to the crew.

As the tug swam along, I needed take care of some business. Of all the stories I've ever read about giants, one important detail they seemed to have left out was the part about giant people going to the bathroom ... and I had to pee. "Finally!" I thought. Hey, when a girl's gotta go, she's gotta go. I lowered deeper into the water until my chin rested at the surface. As I waited for nature to take its course, I scanned the cityscape in the background and the line of traffic on the roadway just within arm's reach at the river's edge. I could hear people's car radios in a mix of talk and music that blended together like tiny radios in an appliance store. Then I heard it. I took one large stride toward the roadway as large waves amassed around me, kicking up wetness on the street. It was my favorite ... that BMW over there was playing Usher! One more step and I lowered my head to peek into the car, my chin just above the adjacent sidewalk. The woman driver screamed as my face filled her entire view. SORRY, LADY, I NEED TO BORROW YOUR CAR. I PROMISE I'LL GIVE IT BACK. The woman wasted no time exiting the car as I smiled cutely and plucked it form the roadway, Usher's crooning uninterrupted. Hmm, did I just commit carjacking or was that only car theft? I'll let my lawyer deal with it.

Now that I had a radio I could lay back and relax as people figured out how to make me normal again. I ambled over to the raft and placed the car on its surface. Then I remembered just how difficult it was to climb on a pool raft. People laughed at me at that last pool party when I took ten minutes to get on. I'll show them. I placed both hands shoulder length on the soft rubbery landscape and hoisted myself awkwardly. OOPS! I lost my grip and my butt plopped back into the water. OH, NO! I cried as a large wave kicked up and headed straight for shore. My jaw dropped as a wall of water greeted the roadway, paying an unsightly visit with a row of what looked like fifteen cars moving slowly toward a bridge's on-ramp. OH! ... UM!...

PEOPLE!, I stuttered and fidgeted WATCH OUT!

Too late, OUCH!. I was soo mortified. All fifteen cars were swept away like bowling pins down an adjacent street, where they came to a rest, bunched up like a pile of toys. OMIGOD! I'M LIKE, SOOO SORRY.

I'M SO EMBARASSED. I cupped my face and shook my head in disbelief.

CAN I HELP? IS ANYONE HURT?, I asked like a complete dork.

People on the street were staring up at me in disgust. I had to hide! I pinched my nose and submerged myself beneath the surface where I gathered my thoughts and frankly, the water down there was very calming. I resurfaced about a minute later and was able to make a more graceful landing onto the raft, where I settled in, primped my hair, adjusted my bathing suit as I listened on the car radio for more breaking news about yours truly. To my pleasant surprise, the company that made the raft included an industrial size container of sunscreen and moisturizer. Perfect! Now I could keep my beautiful ebony skin shiny and smooth even as all hell broke all around me.

Wow, a pile of fruit sat next to me too. I'm such a diva!

I laid back on the raft's pillow, taking in all the traffic on the nearby river-spanning bridge, passenger boats and ferries that dotted the river and the helicopters and planes that buzzed overhead. I cringed in embarrassment as I heard the sounds of ambulance rushing to clean up after the pile-up I created. What do they want form me? I said I was sorry.

The radio in my "new" car turned to a news bulletin, carrying live some breaking activity at a local residence...

Detective: C'mon, Jay. The FBI is on to you. We know that that line of beauty products your company is developing, when modified with female hormones can alter women's height. We know that you signed some of the material out from the lab. And let's face it; the trail of destruction from your lady friend begins here.

Jay: I swear, I had nothing to do with it. Prisha spent the night here, but I was out of town.

Detective: We're gonna continue to investigate and in the meantime, you are under house arrest.

The FBI and the police exited Jay's home with what they thought was the entirety of the suspect beauty products. As the door slammed shut, Jay gasped in relief as he sat on the couch.

Moments later, the doorbell rang. "Who is it?" Jay shouted nervously. "Who do you think it is?" an abrupt female voice boomed.

"Beth?" Jay asked in a shocked tone. "Yup! So open up, two-timer. I need to talk to you. I'm not in a good mood today and I'm completely pissed off at you!," Beth clamored, hair disheveled, wearing sweats and a t-shirt, pregnancy test in tow.


"You have no idea how hurt I was when heard on TV that you were fooling around with that ... that, Prisha." Beth wept as she sat on the bed next to Jay. "I swear the whole thing was a complete accident. I promise I'll make it up to you." Jay shamefully tried to explain. "What was an accident? Sleeping with Prisha or turning her into a giant freak of nature? I turn on the radio. It's about

Prisha. The TV ... duh ... guess who it is? It's the giant woman who slept with my long-time boyfriend." Beth whined sarcastically as she began collecting her things from Jay's house.

Jay tried in vein to further explain himself as Beth changed from warm sweats to khaki shorts and a pretty white tank top that she had left from a previous night. "Please, I know I really messed up, but

I love you and I need another chance," Jay pleaded to Beth, who was now packing a small suitcase and stuffing her shiny gold tote with various items, including bananas, grapes and other fruit from a basket in the kitchen. "Oh, and one more thing, you're gonna help me with this," Beth scolded as she held the pregnancy test up to Jay, her pretty blue eyes and thick blond locks just inches from his face. "Don't argue with me, I'm feeling crampy and I have a headache."

Over the next five minutes Jay talked his way into getting Beth to at least calm down and relax as he made her something to eat. "My god, your backyard is in complete ruins. Did she actually grow back there?" Beth inquired, wiping tears from her eyes, freshening up with some Bath & Body Works sprays and lotions as the television buzzed in the background, more coverage of the colossal story downtown. "Yeah, um, I guess. Hey, do you want anything to drink?"

Jay asked nervously, hoping to change the subject. "No, that's OK.

Geez, just look at the size of her. She's ginormous," Beth gawked as she watched the news coverage on the TV screen. "I bet it must be so much fun to be that size. I mean, you could do whatever you'd like.

I know I'd have a field day," Beth sighed as she rolled her eyes in amusement as her mood picked up.

"Hmm, just what would you do?" Jay asked. "Well, first, I think

Prisha 's being really boring. I'd be more menacing, in a really cute, girly kinda way, I s'pose. I'd act out some Godzilla-ish stuff, but toned down a bit, OK a lot, a real lot, I guess. But I'd still scare the crap out of people and I would think of some really cute and stupid things to say that would be, well, just be fun for a girl to say at that height. Things that would annoy people and make me laugh at the same time, and, ya know just inconvenience people, cause some light damage, some car wrecks may be, nothing major" Beth spewed, giggling as she took a bite of the sandwich Jay prepared. "I could also do some things to save the environment ... Just kidding. Too boring."

I guess it comes down to how I'd see my personality at that height.

If you think of what some famous people do, ya know, my giant me would be a cross between Angelina Jolie for her smarts, Gwen Stefani for her style and of course Sarah Silverman for her sense of humor and wit. Throw in a dash, just a dash, OK, each of Britney Spears,

Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan for my naughty side. OK, bad examples, but why not? There, that would just about cover it. Most people think our generation of 20-somethings is a bunch of spoiled brats, anyway. I would just be a much bigger version, someone our generation could look up to, literally " the 21-year-old Beth giggled, completely amused with herself.

Jay laughed at the silly scenario. "Thankfully, for all humanity's sake, that won't be happening." Jay assured, hoping Beth was over being pissed. "Hey, girl make yourself comfortable and stay awhile."

Jay offered, as Beth stood up, a full tote bag over her shoulders, ready to leave. "Hmmm ... OK ... I am in the mood for a hot bath, anyway." Beth sighed as she entered the bathroom, scavenging for a towel, opening drawers to find the bubble bath. Jay sat on the bed, flipping the channels, when Beth cried out, "What the hell is this?!

@?" Jay's face lost all color and a horrible pit welled up in his stomach as he rushed to the bathroom. "You look like you just saw a ghost." Beth quipped as she held the guilty beauty by-product that

Jay had managed to hide from the FBI. "What is this thing? What's the matter?"

Jay wasted no time as he grabbed Beth by the hand and brought her out the backyard, virtually yanking Beth's hand from the rest of her body. "Honey, I'm only gonna say this once, just please keep me out of trouble!" Beth's face went blank as stuttered for words. "Huh?

What? I feel really weird. Ouch, my body really aches." Beth moaned as she dropped the stone to the ground. The grassy lawn beneath

Beth's feet began to sink under her weight as she grew. Her expanding arms chipped the side of the house, sending siding and a section of gutter crashing on top of the patio furniture, what was left after Prisha had destroyed much of it.

"Help!!" Beth screamed as she grew to 25 feet, then 50, her head well above the house. She continued to grow, even taller than

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Felicity Ch 07

Chapter 7. Shawna To others Shawna seemed to have had a difficult life. Her mother died of a heart attack when Shawna was fourteen. She had been tall, strong, and a renowned collegiate athlete. Her mother was just thirty-four years old when she died. Her father never got over his wife’s death. He turned to alcohol and died of liver failure the summer after Shawna graduated from high school. She had understood that her father was committing suicide and counseled him throughout. She got him to...

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Felicity Ch 75

Thirty two years had passed since the The Bombardment of Earth. The Federation Council was meeting to set the succession to the Empress in motion as well as discuss other items of business including setting a time frame for the admittance of Earth to the Federation of Planets. The people of Earth had hoped they had made a good enough impression that it would happen in no more than a hundred years. Resorts were built for specific aliens including two for the aquatic people, the Cephalons and...

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Dolcett County Ponygirls

Dolcett County PonygirlsBy Sarah        Author’s Note:  I would like to thank P_Eric of the forum, for introducing us to the idea of the multi-zonal jurisdictions in his version of a Dolcett World.  I would also like to thank him for allowing me to use part of his transportation idea, to bring our main character out to the area.  If you haven’t read his work yet, I suggest you first read ?Air Dolcett?,14887.msg169673.html#msg169673  so you can bring...

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Pleasure Island Ponygirls

Pleasure Island Ponygirlsby Sarah        Sarah and Emily couldn't believe their luck in getting the invitation to Pleasure Island.  The two 18 year old teens had survived their first semester of college, with a D average, but it was enough to pass them into the spring semester.  Now as the pivotal moment for all new college girls arrived, spring break, the girls had each received in the mail an invitation to what was rumored to be the best party spot for all of spring break.  Of course they had...

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Felicity Ch 66

The Captives Twelve years after the Gulf event Cel still sent out crews looking for survivors. The few discovered were in poor shape. Shelters had been advised to keep sufficient supplies for ten years so most shelters would have run out of food and water by then. The ones in shelters that managed to leave them usually found supplies to carry them through until the Cel ships found them. The containers the supplies were in had been rigged with a silent pinger that alerted the searchers the...

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Felicity Ch 18

Chapter18: Mo and Marie It was a lazy Sunday morning almost a year after Marie announced she was moving to Felicity. Mo and Marie met with friends for an early breakfast then Marie took Mo to her new home. She led Mo to her bedroom and assisted her in undressing then made herself nude too. After a few minutes in which they tried to act normally between kisses Marie led Mo onto her bed. They had made love several times before but there had always been others present in Wendy’s hot tub or...

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Felicity Tom and Another Couple

Tom and Felicity had met Willy and Trish and after having dinner, the two couples had migrated back to Felicity's flat to spend time socializing and talking some more. She had arranged everything in advance with the thought that she and Tom might swap partners with Trish and Willy and enjoy a wild experiment of having sex with the other partner there in the same room. Everyone had gotten their clothes off, and Willy and Felicity had paired off over on one end of the couch while Tom and Trish...

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City of of Dreadful Night

Lo, thus, as prostrate, "In the dust I write My heart's deep languor and my soul's sad tears." Yet why evoke the spectres of black night To blot the sunshine of exultant years? Why disinter dead faith from mouldering hidden? 5 Why break the seals of mute despair unbidden, And wail life's discords into careless ears? Because a cold rage seizes one at whiles To show the bitter old and wrinkled truth Stripped naked of all vesture that beguiles, 10 ...

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City Lights

Copyright© 1998-2003 There was a young man of Bengal Who swore he had only one ball, But two little bitches Unbuttoned his britches, And found he had no balls at all. Far below, the city lived and thrived. It was a hungry beast, prepared to devour even the heartiest of souls. I looked upon it with hatred and trepidation, though I was now a part of the beast. I needed the beast to survive. The constant roar of noise lifted up to my penthouse, the lights causing even the darkest...

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City of Rivers

The city of Trin had been called Trinity many ages ago. Many small wars and battles had been fought over it. Now there was peace but it was not always an easy peace. The city was in the junction of three rivers and at the junction of three countries. There were three city lords, one from each country. The city had hundreds of man made stone canals instead of streets. On each side of a canal was a walk that bordered the houses, stores or shops. To the southeast between the river and one branch...

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City Analyst to Naked Property

City Analyst to Naked Property ( by [email protected] ) Chapter 1 I leant back on the soft pillow and closed my eyes.  She was a good fuck all right !  She had gone downstairs to get me an ashtray and a beer after I pounded her pussy well and proper.  As I looked around her apartment, I sighed in contentment and pushed the sheets down my body.  I ran my hand down my chest and looked down my chiselled body, running my hands over my abs and deflating cock.  Another one-night-conquest to...

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Felicity Ch 00

Felicity: A collection of stories by jjcole. Foreword: I am reposting many of my stories, I could not get back into my original jjcole members site after I changed my e-mail. I ended up in the nightmare of the ‘use confirmation word’ endless cycle so I started over. I am an old man living in Texas some forty years now but not born here. My first language was French, then Spanish, then English so you may see some Yoda like sentence structures here and there. With forgiveness please. I am...

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Felicity Fucks Old Taxi Driver

I was at uni on a night out with my housemates... heres what happened.We all went out on the Saturday night for a few drinks and then decided to head to the club. At this point we were all quite drunk except one girl Felicity who was wasted ! Felicity was 19 and dressed like a complete slut wearing a tiny white vest top with no bra and the shortest red kilt/skirt youve ever seen. She topped it off with a pair of red high heels to match the skirt and as she stumbled her way to the club you could...

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City Guardsman Chapter 4

________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER FOUR ----------------------------------------------- The city was just returning to normal. It has been two months since the king had come to the city. He stayed two weeks and the city celebrated for two months. I glanced at Sam crossing the square to join me for a lunch time tea. Adelia and Tim had taken a huge group of children to Baroness Terness to spend the day. I smiled as Sam sat down...

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City Guardsman Chapter 2

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction: The Killing of a merchant The last six weeks had seemed to fly by and Sam had her monthly bleeding. From the last day she had trembled in fear every night as she came to bed. I only held her and told her to face her fear. Two weeks later she had and I had been a gentle lover. From that first moment her fear had left her and she became my lover as well as my...

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Felicity Ch 67

New Felicity: The Azulians Life in Felicity had settled down and all were at ease with the presence of alien residents. It seemed those aliens knew everyone in town and had made love with a third of them. The aliens were preferred people. Felicity had seen hundreds of aliens come and go and all had been treated as new best friends. The decision to place the spaceport there had been an inspired one. Still alien races not in the Federation sometimes found themselves in the town. There was a...

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Felicity Ch 74

Cel had become a melting pot of alien races and at its surface there appeared to be harmony. But there were deep resentments among the population, jealousies, prejudices, hostility. To combat the growing animosity a ceremony to celebrate their unity was planned and it was decided to hold it in Felicity, the most diverse community in the Galaxy. The purpose of the ceremony was to be an official welcome to the nearly hundred beings that had just come to Earth from their frozen planet. The...

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Felicity Ch 19

Chapter 19. Melody/Ruthie Melody was one of just two acts Robby Chapman kept from the bankrupt company he bought. He did so on the recommendation of his cousin Edie and her husband Allen. Like many others Robby saw Melody as not worth the trouble. Allen saw her as a gifted musician and fine songwriter. Edie saw her as a potential idol to young ladies and girls. Edie and Allen were musicians of note themselves so when Robby bought the company he followed their advice and kept Melody but his...

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City LimitsChapter 12 Acts of Desperation

Gee arrived at the wedding tree just before the appointed time of nine-thirty Monday morning. He was showered, shaved, and dressed in the crisply pressed shaker shirt Karen had laid out for him. He wore his forest hat and carried his hickory stick. Jan and Zach Poltanys greeted Gee as soon as he arrived and escorted him to a gathering near where the podium had been during the festival. “Gee, I’d like to introduce you to some of the other Family heads,” Jan said. “I think you know Leah who...

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City of Lights

~~Paris, the City of Light, she muses, ironically, to herself, a soft frisson of cold dread and warm pleasure heating her veins. This city, of them all, is the only one to affect her thus. Despite the frequency of her trips to this magnificent city, it has been years since she has taken simple pleasure in its architecture or history, since she has seen the city by daylight. In fact, it s been years since Paris has held any simple pleasure for her at all. For her, Paris is the city of the...

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City Girl 11

Chapter 11 - Flying South "Well it's not my idea of a surprise party!" said Anne as we sat in the breakfast room and ate afternoon tea, "I mean, being fucked by two people you have never met before, tied-up, blindfolded, spanked, corseted, made to suck cock, what sort of party is that?" "The sort of parties I don't get invitations to!" said Alex, glumly. "Nor me either," I said, picking up on Alex's light hearted reply. "I think it's a bit greedy having three of them all to...

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Felicity Ch 63

Chapter 63: Clara and the Aliens Several years had passed since Clara’s return to Felicity and her marriage to Fiona. The years had been happy until recently. Clara found herself grieving for family members that had ceased to be. Clara was disconsolate from the death of her Aunt Martha and her Uncle Jim, she knew they should not have died. Clara had given them a large cup of her chicken soup and both should have remained healthy for another fifty years. The rapid deterioration of both her...

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City Girl 6

Chapter 6 - The Opera I took it easy for a few more days, hanging around the flat feeling down, but then one morning, feeling better, I decided to go in and see Cindy. I deliberately asked Anne to find me a baggy top to wear so that I could hide my new chest. To be honest, I was thinking that it was all a big, and I mean big, mistake. I was finding it difficult to come to terms with the change in the weight I had to carry on my chest, and, although I was used to wearing...

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City Guardsman Chapter 5

_________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER FIVE ------------------------------------------------------------------ I sat beside the salle as Sam began her practice, our son rested beside me in his basket. Several guards nearby had just finished and were trying to cool down. Lieutenant Belet poked his head out the back door of the guard building and then came out. He stopped to watch Sam and a very pregnant Mona before shaking his...

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City LimitsChapter 11 Return to the Fold

For the first time, Axel was happy with the new rule requiring reporter bylines, and that he had a new owner who would make the tough decisions. Unable to reach Karen all day, he had taken the call from Savage Sand and Gravel and had interviewed Pàl Savage. The story was much different than the one slipped through the mail slot in the mid-afternoon. “Do we go with the interview or the supposedly official press release?” Axel asked. The young man reading over the stories pushed back in his...

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City Guardsman

_________________________________________________________________________ I took another sip of coffee as I looked out over the square. I had been in or with one military unit or another most my life. I was twenty five and had finally decided to settle down. That meant finding a wife and a job I could expect to survive in. I was the youngest son of the youngest son of a minor noble so the only thing I got was a good education and weapons teachers that were more than willing to give me lumps...

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City Life 8211 Part 1

Let me first tell me about myself. I’m Niteesh, aged 19 and I’m from a village near Davangere. I’ve always dreamed of enjoying city life and when I got admission into a top college in Bengaluru, I knew my dreams would come true. I am what people would call pretty average. I’m 5’6, fair and not really the athletic guy that girls would swoon over. And I knew that. Anyway, coming to the story. My dad wanted to come with me to the city for admission to help me find a room. I convinced him, with...

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City Girls 2

“Bill we have to get dressed and go downstairs!” she protested, but he grinned again and shook his head. “You have to make me come first,” he told her, then pushed his cock into her mouth. Fellatio was foreplay for her, and something of a rarity for her, having only done it once before, years ago. “Suck it, Anne, make me come, and I'll let you go downstairs for a bit.” Fellatio was definitely not something that happened once intercourse had begun, in her mind. The very thought of what she...

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Citystates a Crime Report

It should be noted that the city-states were carefully chosen from small cities or towns with high crime or poverty, and in a number of cases both. While it has been widely assumed that the vampires would have the same difficulties as any human government, it seems they have taken a new approach to dealing with criminals in their society, and their social programs seem to be extensive. In the first days after the treaty was signed by all accounts the vampires went right to work. While I have...

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City Girl 3

Chapter 3 - House Warming "I hear you have big plans!" I said to Anne when I got back from Cindy's. "Big plans? Whatever do you mean, Victoria!" said Anne. "For the House Warming, that's what Cindy said anyway!" I replied. "She just exaggerates all the time," said Anne. "When I gave her an invitation, I told her that I had made all the plans and that's all!" "And she told me, that she had got to make sure that you looked your best for Friday! As for the other guests, I've...

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City Guardsman Chapter 3

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ I woke to Sam’s warm body pulling away from me. I turned to watch her cross the large room heading for the water closet, “You’re not sick again are you?” She looked back and grinned, “No.” When she came out she walked back to bed with a gentle sway. She slipped under the covers and snuggled up next to me. I caressed her round tummy and felt my daughter kick. Sam laughed every time I said it...

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City Lights Country Nights

Author’s Note: DG Hear, MistressLynn and myself are doing a mini writing invitational. We are each picking one song from Ray Price and using it as the basis for a story. I’ve picked ‘City Lights,’ DG Hear, ‘For the Good Times,’ and MistressLynn (aka MissLynn), ‘That’s All That Matters.’ I will also be doing ‘A Girl in the Night.’ We hope you enjoy the stories – Jake Rivers ‘City Lights’ has always been one of my favorite songs by Ray: A bright array of city lights as far as I can see.The...

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City for Rape

Welcome to Marison City, a glowing gem of a city with a thriving night life and infinite possiblities for a young woman out to advance her career and have fun in life. However, underneath this glimmering exterior, a dark problem infects an otherwise perfect place - the city is known to have the highest rape assaults in the country. Will you fall victim? Characters: Victoria - an up and coming 22 year old girl, shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, recently moved to the city to begin her new...

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City for Rape

Welcome to Marison City, a glowing gem of a city with a thriving night life and infinite possiblities for a young woman out to advance her career and have fun in life. However, underneath this glimmering exterior, a dark problem infects an otherwise perfect place - the city is known to have the highest rape assaults in the country. Will you fall victim? Characters: Victoria - an up and coming 22 year old girl, shoulder length brown hair, blue eyes, recently moved to the city to begin her new...

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City Lights Country Nights

Author's Note: DG Hear, MistressLynn and myself are doing a mini writing invitational. We are each picking one song from Ray Price and using it as the basis for a story. I've picked "City Lights," DG Hear, "For the Good Times," and MistressLynn (aka MissLynn), "That's All That Matters." I will also be doing "A Girl in the Night." We hope you enjoy the stories — Jake Rivers "City Lights" has always been one of my favorite songs by Ray: A bright array of city lights as far...

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City LimitsChapter 5 Becoming Somebody

“I don’t know what to think, Gee. Every time I leave town, you end up in jail. Is this going to be a habit?” “It was all a misunderstanding,” Gee said nervously. “I’m teasing, Gee,” Karen laughed. “I was just trying to discover if my leaving town related to you going to jail. I mean, I could stay closer if necessary. Much closer.” “Um ... How was your conference?” Gee asked. He had a vague discomfort when he thought of Karen being at the same conference in the city as Troy Cavanaugh. It...

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City Girl 5

Chapter 5 - The Doc "This meeting will come to order!" said Cindy, tapping on the desk with the end of her pen. "Wow, that sounded really official," she said as everyone went quiet, "I must try that again sometime!" and smiled. "OK then, everybody, this is Victoria's three month review pre-meeting. She will be here later, so now is our chance to get everything in place for the next three months, so, is everyone happy with progress?" There was a general murmuring of agreement in...

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City Boy Country Girl

There is no sex in this story. Please search elsewhere for that type of story. I want to thank my wife for her assistance, guidance, and patience with me while I was writing this story. As usual constructive comments and critiques are requested and welcome. Thanks for reading my story. Enjoy Sitting on a high bluff overlooking Lake Wappapello, I am amazed again at the natural beauty of this land. Lake Wappapello is the result of a dam built by the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers in 1941. All...

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Synchronicity Synchronicity: "The simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection" Author's note: This one is a little different. Rather than being inspired by one song, I got inspired by several at once ... Scene 1: Walking in your footsteps Amy: Whenever my friend Amber gets too stressed, we go to a local museum. I know, it's not a typical hangout for a couple of teens, but Amber just loves it, so we...

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Felicity Ch 21

Chapter 21. The Sisters Bond Nearly a month had passed since the late Angus MacDuff’s eightieth birthday party. He had been born on the Fourth of July and had always said the fireworks displays were in his honor. That Fourth of July they were. He had died on his seventy fourth birthday, right after the fireworks show that night. Rosa had been in bed with him when he died. Rosa died in her sleep a week after Angus’ eightieth birthday party. She was seventy-eight. All knew she was close...

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Felicity Ch 39

Chapter 38: Audrey I was then thirty-two. I had married at twenty-four and divorced at twenty-eight. My ex and I mistook lust for love. When the lust was satisfied we had nothing else so we went our separate ways as friends. We had talked about having a family but realized early neither of us wanted children, which turned out to be a blessing. Every once in a while my ex and I had fucked until she re-married. I had concentrated my efforts on my career and had risen in the company hierarchy...

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Felicity Finds Family 01

Felicity Finds Family By Sasha Zarya Nexus ************************************************** From Erin Halfelven's One April Morning Multiverse Thank you to Erin Halfelven for her creation of her 'One April Morning' Multiverse. Passages of description of 'One April Morning' are quoted from her 'One April Morning' multiverse premise. Thank you to Erin for her creation of the characters Mrs. Dumfries, Simon and Habib from her story 'The Starchild-1-.' Also thank you to Erin for...

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City Guardsman Chapter 6

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER SIX ---------------------------------------------------------------- We were sitting with Peter and Mona in front of the tavern. Mona was feeding the baby as Sam tried to get our son to eat. I turned at the approach of a woman, she looked like one of the poor but the look in her eyes was what drew me. I nodded as she bowed, “My lord Kristin, I came to beg your...

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City of Love

It was all an act, well; at least that’s what it started out as. Steven and I were in Paris as tourists, as twin brother and sister tourists. We were on a two week college graduation trip that we both wanted to take before we started our daily lives. Starting our jobs and leaving our youth behind. The problem with Paris is that everyone that you see is a couple. Everyone is holding hands or kissing. Paris is the City of Love and we were on the outside looking in. So what did we do? We decided...

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City Guard

I had been on the streets since I was little. The master that had taken me in was stern but fair, he was also a master thief. As I grew older I learned the art of a pick pocket and a sneak thief, I also learned to open locks. By the time I was fourteen I was a junior master but Master Eric saw the change coming to our city and we left before the purge began. I was surprised when he turned me over to the three mercenaries but he only smiled, "listen son, listen and learn everything they can...

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City LimitsChapter 7 The Nut

The week after Labor Day was stressful as Gee attempted to return to a normal relationship with his co-workers. Oddly, Rupert was easiest to work with. Clubbing Gee had been understandable and Rupert’s apology simple. “I’m just glad you care so much about your employees,” Gee said. “Get a slab of bacon and get it sliced,” Rupert responded. That was all that was needed for the two to be back to normal. Onyx flushed in embarrassment each time she saw him. She was the one who dialed 911 and...

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City LimitsChapter 9 Confrontation

Mead circulated copies of the sketch to all shakers, foremen, and teachers on Monday. Two whistles sounded in different parts of the forest as suspects were spotted by over-vigilant workers, but it took only a few moments for police to dismiss the men without even taking them to the station. One had been black and the other barely five feet tall and 200 pounds. People were on edge. It strained the limited resources of the police department. Off-duty sheriff’s deputies were stationed at the...

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Runners Make the Best Ponygirls

Runners Make the Best Ponygirls Chapter 1: Taken 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8 milliseconds. Her foot struck the pavement, the pain lancing up her nerves. The blister’s covering her left and right feet squished with each step. 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8 milliseconds, she repeated. Her mouth opened, with a great gasping inhale her chest expanded, oxygen filling her lungs. A half second later her nostrils flared as the air inside her chest rushed to escape. 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8...

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An Interest in Ponygirls

About East Coast Slavers Organization stories: My apologies for any confusion caused by the way I screwed up the numberingon the first story I posted from this series. As my draft approached sevenhundred pages, I realized that the single story I envisioned starting withwas too long and too complicated to remain a single story. Then, to my furtherhorror, I realized that A Caribbean Adventure was actually number two in theEast Coast Slavers Organization Series. Anyhow, I have reassigned A...

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When Good Schoolgirls Behave Badly They Are PaddledOn Guard

When Good Schoolgirls Behave Badly, They Are Paddled. Part 1, ?On Guard?Disclaimer:  Warner Brothers and their studio partners own the show and characters depicted in the show.   All similarities to persons living or dead are pure coincidence. .This story is a parody and the story begins with girls behaving badly.  Rory is accosted and pulled into an in prop meeting, coup held in preparation to remove Paris as editor of the school paper.  Her demands and constant re-writes have caused a mutiny...

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