2014: A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 4: No Worries ... We're Good To Go, I Think free porn video

So I'm at the Dinner table, taking in everything my Mom is saying ... and though I am nodding in agreement, my mind is still downstairs in that Basement. I had just been with a Girl for the first time – I didn't know that at 15, whether I was running behind, or getting in there about average age ... but if the stories all my Guys told in the school yard were true, I knew I couldn't be ahead of anybody in the Sex Department.
No, I didn't Fuck her, but I still felt GREAT ... I saw her beautiful naked body for the first time (okay, she did keep her tennis shoes on), those shapely legs, felt her round butt a little, and completely loved on her tits and pussy with maxed out passion. Beverly was a very pretty girl before, but not as pretty and sexy as NOW. And, there was so much more for us to explore together. OK, I gave her absolutely no chance to touch my Dick – so I was curious to see if and when that might happen.
I jumped into this new stage of my life, thinking that sure ... makes sense that a guy can be so damn attracted to the body of a beautiful girl, and (after seeing my training film) that two beautiful sexy girls could want to be all over each other, but never had I given much thought to a girl actually wanting (craving??) a guy's Dick ... but what a PLUS it would be if SHE DID! YO'!
( Again, HOW did that damn film & that little projector get in that Closet?)
Bev's approach to being with me was such a great surprise ... Hell, SHE talked about it openly; when it was time she lost her clothes without hesitation; and she put up no stop signs when it came time for me to take hold of her. The kissing was incredible and the hugs were long and warm. She let me eat her out completely, and showed that she Loved it. So what's not to like here? (whoops, another 21st century phrase, in telling an early 60's tale) ... But God, that 100+ minutes got away so fast.
It was two more days before we talked, but I was on such a high, the time flew by. When I was mowing the back yard late Saturday afternoon, she apparently slipped outside and snuck down her side of the fence. She had already been standing there watching for a few seconds when I wheeled the mower to the right, to go North-South again ... and I saw her. I flashed a huge grin, she smiled politely. I turned the mower off so we could talk. I said "are you OK?" then "how do you feel about Thursday?". She said she was just fine, and was wondering when we could move forward. (damn!) There was no reason for me to be shy, so I said "how about Monday afternoon?" She countered with Wednesday, saying she had to get something done, first. I glossed right over that, and we made small talk. In a little bit, her Dad poked his head out the back door and barked out orders for her to get inside and start chores. I'd always figured him as a shoot first / take no prisoners guy. It must have been true, for Bev obediently tucked her tail and turned for HIS house.
It was Sunday mid-morning when I got marching orders to get down to the basement and pick up some plastic dishes & and a mug my stepfather had left down there, after a little tool work and a snack. As I was moping down the steps, I turned to the right, cast a quick glance next door, and there was Barb sitting on the porch. We made eye contact, then I looked down ... I think that up to then, we had said maybe 10 words to each other in 5 years. That was fine – but I smiled to myself as I thought back to checking her out several days ago, and seeing what she was doing with herself. When I came out of the basement with the dishes, she was waiting at the corner of the fence. I stiffened, said hello and just stood there, awkwardly. I had a flashback, to the last time I was at one of those damn dinners at her parents house ... I had called her "Barb", but she had glared back at me and barked out, " ... it's Barbara " – so now you know why on this day, I cut it off at "hello".
I had no idea why she was standing at the edge of our back yard. I gave her an "uhhh?" look, and she asked if we could talk. Of course I gave the standard response "about what?"... "we just need to" was all she said. "How about tomorrow afternoon, when you get home from school?". I nodded yes, but walked away puzzled over this surprise exchange. I figured she'd always had disdain for me – there had been no reason for me to think otherwise. The more I thought of it that day, the more uneasy I got – I couldn't think of anything that "we" should be talking about, out of the clear blue ... unless...
Monday was an easy school day, and one to just kick back and listen to my friends brag about their weekends – I knew that I had "my weekend" last Thursday, and the feeling was still with me. But also all day I couldn't shake the thought of going home in a few hours and "talking" with Barb – I mean "Barbara". I got a little unsure as I made the turn uphill to walk the rest of the distance to the house. When I went around the bend to get to the back door, I was hoping to look down and see Bev sitting on the porch, but instead, there was her older sister. I pointed to the back door, then went inside, went blank, and hurried back outside. She waved me down to where she was sitting. Now THAT was a first ... As I closed the gap between the two houses, she motioned for me to sit down with her. I must have had a dubious look on my face, for she scooted over tight against the back wall, to give me more room to sit as far away from her as I could.
Her first words were, "You don't like me very much, do you... ?" I came back with "I thought it was the other way around" ... she laughed a little ... about that time, I looked over her shoulder and started with "Where's B--", but she held up her hand like a stop sign, saying "homework" ... Then Barbara said, "Tell you what, let me talk" ... so after I sat back, she started. She wanted to know how close I was with my parents. I took a second before I said "I don't know" ( now there's a typical punk, cop out answer). She said "I'm getting farther and farther away from mine. I'm here now, but my plans are to go just about as far away as I can, as soon as I can.". I figured this had nothing to do with me, so I breathed a little relief. I said my typical "uhhh", so she picked it up and said, "I'm really getting distant from both of them ... I'm finished with high school, I'm 19, and I go to a business class three mornings every week " ... I just want to get an office job, make some money, and get the hell out of here".

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