Fortunate Man 0
- 3 years ago
- 66
- 0
In my suddenly darkened bedroom, Kelsea nuzzled my ear and whispered, “Neat trick,” just as I had started kissing along the nape of her neck. But it was not of my doing. And soon I heard a cry of alarm and then faint thud from down the hallway. Zoey’s voice rose up, laced with a bit of pain - “Hey! What happened to zee lights!?”
I broke enough away from Kelsea to make a better survey of what was happening. Not the easiest thing to do when I had a beautiful woman in my arms and her hand down my pants, stroking my rapidly rising erection.
There was little more than inky blackness in my room, and the hallway outside was in deep shadows. But at the far end of the corridor, where the stairway led downward, grayish light came from below. All the lights were out on the top floor. I knew what had happened. An all too common event in this old house with its antiqued wiring.
“A fuse blew.”
In the shadowy dark, Kelsea’s lips found mine. “No big deal then,” she murmured.
Nicole’s voice filtered up from the floor below. She sounded irritated and angry. “Hey! What’s hell is going on!? A bunch of lights went off down here.”
Zoey joined in, “I still can’t zee anything!”
Our upstairs bathroom had no windows. With the door closed, it would be in utter blackness. As much as I didn’t want to stop with Kelsea, I let go of her. Pulling my hands away from her delightfully shaped ass.
“We blew a fuse! Knocked most of the lights!” I shouted loud enough for everyone in the house to hear. “Give me a few minutes and I can swap it out!”
My eyes had adjusted some to the very dim light still streaming from downstairs. Even so, as Kelsea clung to me, I could only faintly make her out. But I clearly heard the pouting in her voice as she whispered, “Aw, I can think of something else to blow.”
Her hand gave my shaft a playful squeeze, and I let out a soft groan. “Zoey can wait a bit,” she whispered seductively in my ear. That was all it took to convince me. My hands returned to stroking her backside when my luck took another turn for the worse. The phone rang.
The ring of multiple cordless phones chiming together, echoing throughout the house. Power might be down in part of the old farmhouse. However, clearly, the central base station was still working, and the battery-powered cordless receivers functioned flawlessly.
“Ignore it,” commanded Kelsea as she began pulling my pants down.
But then more bad news came. Nicole’s still aggravated voice rose up in urgency, she sounded close to the bottom of the stairs. “Josh! The caller ID says it’s Ben Olson! Your dad, right?”
Indeed Ben Olson was my father. He was calling to check up on me.
“Shit!” I hissed.
The phone rang again. A loud, insistent noise. I tried to remove Kelsea’s hand from my underwear and pull up my pants, but she was making it difficult. She tickled my thigh and giggled like a schoolgirl. “Oh, come on, Josh,” she silkily breathed into my ear. “You can call him back.”
Tempting as Kelsea’s suggestion was, not answering my dad’s call would cause my parents to worry about their baby boy. In turn, they would then make calls to neighbors and relatives. Kicking off a wave of attention that I didn’t want to deal with. Sometimes it sucked to be the youngest.
“Trust me on this, let me take the call.” I managed to extract myself from Kelsea and give her a quick kiss. “I’ll make it up to you.”
In the dim darkness, Kelsea sat down on the edge of my bed, folded her arms, and offered a pouty reply, “You’d better.”
Another ring reverberated around the house. One more and it would head off to voice mail. Buttoning my jeans, I hustled out of my room. The nearest receiver was in my parent’s bedroom. I navigated the shadowy hallway to my folks’ room with relative ease. Growing up, power outages from the old house’s wiring was all too common. I knew how to get around without light. Nonetheless, I still stubbed my toe into my parent’s bed as I rushed in to grab the phone.
“Ow, damn it,” I grunted as I pressed the call button just as the fourth ring began.
From the speaker, I heard the tinny voice of my dad echo out, “Josh? Josh, are you alright?” He sounded worried.
“No, no,” I gasped as I put the receiver up to my ear. “I just banged my foot as I ran to get the phone.”
“We tried calling your cell, but couldn’t get through,” came my dad’s still concerned voice. “Is everything alright up there?”
With the pain in my big toe aching along and a still fading hard-on, I forced myself to take a moment to calm down. “Um ... Well ... The storm is hitting pretty hard; the nearest cell tower is probably down.”
“Ah,” replied my dad in understanding. “We’d heard that the weather was getting worse. I wanted to make sure you were doing alright. You just stayed at home today?”
“Nowhere for me to go,” I answered.
Abruptly, a rectangle of white light flared into existence in the hallway outside. To my light-starved eyes, it was a brilliant beacon, forcing the darkness away. Zoey was revealed as the source of the light. She was holding up a cell phone, it’s screen facing away from her, providing the illumination. Giving me a questioning look, she was about to speak when I silently shook my head and pointed to the phone. Trying to explain about Nicole, her friends, and what I was about ready to do with one of those said friends was not something I wanted to get into with my father.
From the receiver, my dad joked, “Your mom was worried you’d try to take her car to get out of the house.”
“Not in this weather. Nobody is going anywhere. Even the highway is shut down,” I replied as Zoey entered the room. She lowered the cell phone, and it’s beam lit up the floor. Moving nearly silently, she came up to me as my dad recalled a similar storm when he was my age. Stopping before me, Zoey began to snicker as she pointed at my crotch.
“I think you were having zome fun with Kelsea,” she whispered with a light laugh.
I looked down and saw my fly was open. In my rush to get here, I had not zipped up. With the zipper open, a view of my boxers twisted about from Kelsea’s handiwork was more than enough to let Zoey figure out what we’d been up to.
“What was that?” asked my dad.
“Nothing, nothing,” I hurriedly replied as I fixed my mistake with the zipper. This only encouraged further laughter from Zoey. I retreated to keep the sound of her amusement away from the phone and get a little bit of my dignity back. Changing topics, hopefully, to distract my father, I asked how things were going with Chet’s family.
There was a pause on the other end of the line, and I began to worry my dad was growing suspicious. But then he said, “They’re ... fine.”
It seemed to me there was a lot of weight in those two words. I sought a bit of enlightenment in a one-word question. “Problems?”
Now it was my dad’s voice that lowered, becoming almost a whisper. “Between you and me, Chet’s parents are two of the most prissy assholes I’ve ever met. Do nothing but talk down to your mom and me. Think you had it right to stay home.”
“Sorry,” I offered apologetically. Not that I was even remotely surprised. “You still planning to be back Sunday?”
“Yes,” sighed my father. Obviously not pleased with spending another day with Chet’s stuck up family.
A length of silence stretched out between my dad and me. I deiced it was best to wrap the phone call up before something else went wrong, or Zoey decided she wanted to cause me further embarrassment. “Hey, dad, a fuse blew out just before you called. I was going to take care of it.”
“Oh, is it bad?”
“Just the lights in some of the rooms, no big deal.”
“Well, I’ll let you go then,” my dad replied. “Remember if you run into problems, there’s old Joe down the road. He can help you out.”
“Right, right,” I said quickly. Desperately wanting to get this call finished.
“Okay, take care, Josh.”
“Bye, Dad,” I offered, and the line dropped to dial tone.
Returning the phone to its charging station, Zoey came over to me. With only the cell phone for light, she was just a shadowy silhouette in the room.
“You’re family es gone till Sunday?” she asked.
“Umm, yeah, down in Chicago with my sister’s fiancé’s family.”
“Ah,” breathed Zoey as she stood mere inches from me. Her flora perfume tickled my nose. “That ez nice of them. You didn’t want to go?”
“It’s a long story. What it comes down to, I don’t think much of Lisa’s fiancé. His name is Chet.” I paused for a moment, thinking of how my sister’s life might sound to someone outside my family and from another country. “My sister hasn’t had the best luck with men. She’s had her heartbroken. All through high school, she had a boyfriend. Tom and she were inseparable. Everyone figured they were going to get married. Then Lisa went off to college, and Tom decided to stay here. They were doing the whole long-distance thing and seemed like it was working for them. But then when she came home for spring break, she caught him cheating on her. Lisa was utterly devastated. I was just a freshman in high school, and I never saw her so upset.”
“It took time, but Lisa moved on. She had a few relationships in college, but nothing stuck. After graduation, Lisa threw herself into her job. That’s how she met Chet. He’s the big advertising exec at her firm. He swooped in and has been all suave and romantic. It’s like a dream come true for Lisa. But to me, Chet is a...” I stopped and asked Zoey, “My French isn’t all that great. What’s the word for douche-bag in your country?”
“Connard,” answered Zoey with a firm nod.
“Yeah, he’s a real connard.”
In the dim light, Zoey’s face grew pensive. “Have you talked to your sister about et? Tried to help her zee the truth? Or your parents?”
“I’ve tried. But Lisa doesn’t want to listen. I think my dad also sees Chet in the same way. But he just wants Lisa to be happy, and unfortunately, Chet makes her happy.”
“Sad,” replied Zoey with a shake of her head. “I’m sorry, Josh. All I can zay is don’t give up. Keep trying to zell Lisa who Chet really ez.”
She gave me a gentle squeeze on my arm. It was not flirtatious, merely comforting. Appreciating the gesture, I lightly touched Zoey’s hand in return. It wasn’t lost on me that I was once again in a darkened room with a beautiful and charming woman on my arm. But talking to my dad and then Zoey about Chet had left me feeling a little deflated. My luck seemed to keep flip-flopping back and forth. One moment I’m with Kelsea, ready to jump into bed, the next I’m on the phone listening to my dad complain about the future in-laws.
“I should probably take care of the lights.” I hesitated. “Umm, Kelsea is in my room. I’ll be back here in just a few minutes,” I added, a bit lamely.
Yet Zoey was back to the all too friendly smiles that made me blush. “Don’t worry about et, Josh. We’ll be waiting.”
I headed out, making my way towards the stairs. I was nearly down the first flight when Zoey’s words finally settled in mind - ‘We’ll be waiting.’ What did she exactly mean by that? Kelsea and Zoey together. In my bedroom. Was she really suggesting they would both be there waiting for me? As in a threesome? Stuff like that didn’t really happen. At least not to me.
Racing to the end of the steps, I headed towards the basement. The main fuse box for the house was located there. The old cellar was split into two halves, one half was full of junk from years and years of storage. My dad always claimed he was going to clean it up one day. So far, it had never happened. The storage half full of aging furniture, dusty camping gear, some yellowing old newspapers, and toys that Lisa and I hadn’t touched in over a decade. The other half was the furnace. A massive tomb of pipes and duct-works laced into a huge boiler.
My destination was next to the furnace. I had to weave my way around the rumbling behemoth to get to it. As I went, I considered Kelsea and Zoey. Kelsea was fun and carefree, and she already made it abundantly clear she wanted me. And Zoey was french, exotic and beautiful. A hook up with her would be more than pleasant.
I popped open the cover to the fuse box. Power outage due to the house’s antiquated wiring was a common occurrence. We had a stockpile of fuses here for replacement. Everyone in the family knew the routine. I could practically do it in my sleep. A quick survey of the round metal and glass fuses revealed the offending circuit. Removing it, I screwed the new fuse into the socket, I heard an audible click from floorboards above me. Confirming the lights were back on. I closed the fuse box, and the lid snapped shut.
Fantasies of both Kelsea and Zoey - either entwined together on my bed or separate as they waited to take turns with me, filled my head. I realized I was getting ahead of myself, but I didn’t really care. In a hurry, I quickly retraced the path around the noisy furnace as I made my way back towards the basement door. I climbed the steps two at time. I couldn’t help but wonder how my luck would turn out.
As it were, my luck was fated to take a bit of a detour. Back on the main floor, I headed towards the stairway up to my bedroom, up to Zoey and Kelsea. As I did, I passed the living room and caught sight of Nicole sitting on the couch. It was her face that drew my attention. She was so sad. And then I noticed her eyes, and that stopped me cold. She was near tears, and I knew Nicole Booker was not one to cry so easily. I had seen she had been upset over the prospect of calling her parents. Just how bad had it been?
Thoughts of the two ladies upstairs warred with my concern for Nicole. From the couch, Nicole looked up and saw me standing in the hallway. She made a quick motion with the back of the hand at her eyes to hide the tears. But I had seen them, and I found I couldn’t ignore it. Kelsea and Zoey would have to wait.
“You okay?” I asked as I entered the living room.
“Yeah...” began Nicole with a fake cheery smile, but she could not commit to the lie. Her face fell back into downcast misery. “No,” she finished faintly.
I sat down beside her, not entirely sure what to say. I decided to go with a more direct path. “You want to talk about it?”
Nicole let out a long breath, which came almost out like a groan. “Oh, not much to talk about, you know. Just my parents are probably going to get divorced.”
Her admission nearly floored me. I had assumed Nicole was upset from getting chewed out by her father over wreaking her car. Not that her parents’ marriage was ending. Not able to keep the surprise out of my voice, I blurted out, “Just because you crashed into a ditch?”
She looked at me for a moment with a puzzled frown. Shaking her head, Nicole explained. “No, not that. Of course, my dad was mad, but that’s nothing new. He did a lot of screaming about how I should have known better, and the cost of repairs would be coming out of my savings. Honestly, I think he was more concerned about the car than me. His own daughter!” She spat out the last two words with a particular amount of venom. Then letting out another sigh, she bit back some of her anger. “It’s just while he was yelling at me on the phone, I can hear my mom screaming at him in background. Pretty soon, it’s the two of them shouting at each other, they’re completely ignoring me. I hung up, and I don’t think they’ll be calling me back.”
“Damn, Nicole, I’m really sorry,” I offered a bit lamely, uncertain of what else to say. “Is it ... I don’t know ... maybe just stress from the holidays?”
Nicole made a little shrug of her shoulders. “It’s been going on for a while now. Really ever since I went off to college. Every time I would come home, it would get a little bit worse. More fighting. Longer uncomfortable silences when they wouldn’t speak to each other. Then last month, they flew me home for Thanksgiving. Their way of making it up to me. My mom giving lots of promises about how they had patched things up. It didn’t take long for me to realize that was all bullshit.”
“I’m surprised you’d want to come back for winter break.”
“I didn’t,” replied Nicole in a small voice. “But dad insisted. Cause he always has to be right.” She let out another plaintive sigh. “I dreaded the idea of being home alone with them. That’s why I talked Kelsea and Zoey into coming home with me.” She let out a bitter laugh, “Misery loves company.”
I still really didn’t know what to say to Nicole. I had no idea her family life had gotten so bad. But then again, I had not made much effort to stay in contact since graduation. As we sat there, both silent with our thoughts, I started to come to a conclusion there likely was not much I could say. Not sure if it was the right thing to do, I put my arm around Nicole and held her close. At first, she stiffened in surprise, but then when she realized I wasn’t doing anything more than giving her a comforting hug, she relaxed and leaned against me, pressing the side of her face into my shoulder,
“This supposed to be big strong Josh taking care of pathetic little Nicole?” she asked into my shirt. There wasn’t any irritation in her voice. If anything, she sounded curious about my action.
“I don’t know,” I admitted. “Truthfully, I figured it was better than saying sorry a bunch of times. Or blubbering about how it will all work out in the end.”
“It is,” she confirmed, and in turn, she snaked her arm behind my back to hold on to me. We sat there on the couch, hugging each other for a while. Neither one of us speaking at all. A small part of me still wanted to go upstairs and check in on Kelsea and Zoey, but mostly I just wanted to comfort Nicole. Yet, even as I was playing mister-nice-guy, I could help but notice the pressure of one of Nicole’s big boobs against my arm. So soft and warm.
With her face still partially obscured by my t-shirt, I felt a little hint of laughter come from Nicole. “What?” I asked.
“Jimmy Brenner,” she chuckled lightly. “All this started because I wanted to get out of my house and away from my parents.” Lifting her head up from my shoulder, she fixed me with a more serious gaze. “Yeah, I know he’s a prick. And his party would just be the losers he now hangs out with. But I wanted to feel like I was back in high school. Back when things were happy and normal.”
“We’re only two years out, already feeling nostalgic?”
Her eyes searched my face, seemingly seeking if I was serious as she was. “Don’t you miss it?”
“Yeah, somethings,” I agreed. “My friends and family stuff. Things were easier when we were there. But at the same time, I’m kinda glad it’s over. There’s...” I hesitated, trying to get the right words. Nothing really came to me. “ ... Just so much more to the world, you know, than high school.”
Nicole’s face fell. “Figures, I guess. You got the more hellish version. You were glad when it was over. I mean, you had to go through four years of trying to find your place in a bunch of cliché cliques all the while putting up with stupid jocks like Jimmy or pretentious bitches like me.”
Surprised by Nicole’s account of our time in school, I pulled away from her to directly face her. “You weren’t like that.”
“Yes, I was,” she insisted. “I was the elite of our little social pyramid. I landed at the top without any real effort. Parents’ had money, and I had my looks, and everything fell into place for me. I didn’t realize how easy I had it until it had gone away.” Her eyes cast downward, and she began staring a hole into the living room floor. “I looked down on everyone else. Even you.”
“Hey,” I started a bit awkwardly, “You were never that mean to me.”
“No, I was worse. I ignored you. I’ve been thinking about it tonight since I told everyone about you helping me find Buster. When we were kids, you were my friend.” She sniffed miserably. “Then, we got older, and I pushed you away.” Sniffling again, Nicole managed to look up, and I could see the tears were beginning to form anew. “Remember when you tried to ask me out when we were freshmen? How awful I was to you? And I only did it because my so-called friends were telling me to.”
Old wounds can open so easily. Memories flooded back of me standing before Nicole at lunchtime back at our high school’s cafeteria. My awkward stammering request for Nicole to go with me for the homecoming dance. Her cruel smile. The mockery of the other girls at her table. “Okay, fine, that wasn’t exactly the highlight of my first year,” I snapped.
Nicole nodded sadly, “See? Stuck up, bitch.”
Perhaps I was still buzzed from the wine and the schnapps. Maybe I was irritated with myself for stopping to try to comfort Nicole when I could be upstairs with either Zoey or Kelsea. Or – and much more likely – I didn’t want to hear any more of Nicole’s bullshit. Irritated, I jumped up the from the couch, spun around to face her, and spread my arms wide in exasperation. “Are you done with this little pity party of yours? Look, Nicole, I’m genuinely sorry your parents are headed towards a divorce. I’m sorry you’re missing our old school. And I’m sorry you crashed and couldn’t go to Jimmy’s party. But I’m not going to sit here and listen to you cut yourself up about how you treated me when I was fourteen. That was six years ago. We’ve all grown up. Let it go.”
Nicole gaped at me; her mouth open in near shock. She blinked once, then twice, and finally closed her mouth. With a slow shake of her head, she said, “Well, look at you, Josh Olson. All grown up and being assertive. Back in school, you were so...” She was probably going to say meek or something like that, but she stopped herself and blew out a puff of air. “You know, you’re right. No need to keep rehashing the past.”
Getting up from the couch, Nicole came to me and then taking me by surprise, wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. She held me close, pressing her whole body against mine. “I think I needed to hear that. Thank you.”
With Nicole’s head against my chest, I could smell the scent of her hair as it tickled my nose. It was a pleasant smell. Like strawberries and honey. Gradually I brought my arms up to return her embrace. I’m not sure how long we remained like that, holding each other. Eventually, Nicole stirred and pulled her head back so she could directly look at me. A small smile curled her lips. “Keep in mind, I was trying to apologize how I treated you all those years ago.” Her smile grew, and she added playfully, “Jackass.”
“Alright, I’ll take that,” I agreed amicably as I let my hurt from years ago melt away. “And apology accepted.”
Something changed in Nicole. I couldn’t quite place it. A twinkle in her eye, the way she shifted her hips as she pulled out of our mutual embrace. Not letting go of my hand. “Com’ on,” she said as she led me back to the couch. “Let’s sit awhile.”
We dropped into the sofa, but it was different from before. Then I had held Nicole in a friendly hug, trying to give some comfort. Now Nicole nearly draped herself over me. Letting her legs lay across mine, causing the hem of her dress to ride up. Reveling her shapely nylon clad thighs. Nicole did nothing to pull her clothing back down. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she laid her head on my shoulder. With her mouth so close to my ear, she only had to whisper, “Tell me something happy. Was your Christmas good?”
“It was,” I answered. I went on to tell her about Chet’s unexpected proposal to Lisa. I left out the parts on how I thought it was a mistake. Nicole wanted something to cheer herself up. I told her about my relatives who had come in for the big dinner my parent’s made. As I spoke, she let out a contented sigh and wiggled closer to me.
With Nicole laying completely curled against me, I couldn’t help but noticed her position created a lovely view of her cleavage. She wore no bra, just letting the bodice’s fabric hold in the swell of ample bosom.
She noticed my stare and gave a lightly exasperated shake of her head. “You boys, always wanting to look down my tops.”
“Sorry,” I kidded, “sort of hard not to when you’ve got the ‘girls’ so prominently on display.”
Nicole leaned closer, bringing her lips right next to my ear. “Well,” she said in a silky smooth whisper, “I didn’t wear my come-fuck-me dress tonight for no reason.”
“Really?” I asked with a pleasantly surprised grin. I let my left hand slowly wander up Nicole’s leg. Feeling the thin layer of nylon covering her warm skin.
Her breath tickled my skin. “Really,” she confirmed.
I shifted about on the couch and leaned in, putting only an inch or two between our faces. Nicole’s gently curly hair weaved around her head, a few stray locks hung down, partially concealing her right eye. I brushed them away. “Well ... we could try...” she began, but I interrupted as I went in for a kiss.
Our lips brushed together. A gentle caress of flesh against flesh. Despite my growing elation of being with Nicole, I took it slow, soft kisses as we let our hands start to explore. Gradually our touches and caress began to deepen. Nicole’s tongue slid forward, darting in quickly to trace the edge of my mouth. Like she was daring herself to try. But it soon returned and began to tease against my lips. I opened my mouth, and my tongue slipped into her warm mouth.
Putting my arms around Nicole’s waist, I helped steady her as she swung a leg around to straddle me. As she turned about, she let her hands wander through my hair. I always liked it when a girl ran her hands through the short stubble on the very back of my head. As Nicole and I kissed, our hands roamed over each other. A little groan made its way out of the back of my throat.
Between our dueling tongues, I felt Nicole’s lips twist into a smile at the effect she was having on me. “You like that?” she whispered to me as she ran her hands lower and drew herself even closer to me.
“Sure do.”
I switched up the location of my lips and began kissing down her jaw and then lower. By accident, I found a ticklish spot on the nape of Nicole’s neck, and I felt her shiver against me as she let out a short burst of giggles.
Deciding to try and take things a little further, I continued up her leg and pulled against the hem of the dress. The edge of her skirt had already ridden a good way up Nicole’s thigh, and with my handiwork, it was soon up to her hip. I felt the silky softness of her pantyhose as my hands continued their exploration, moving from her leg, to hip, to squeeze the firm softness of her rear.
“Oh...” Nicole half-whispered, half-moaned into my mouth, “we should have been doing this sooner...”
“We were busy with other things,” I whispered back as my earlier erection from Kelsea’s touch was rapidly returning.
Nicole pulled back a few inches from me. “Zoey or Kelsea?” she asked with a critical eye studying my reaction.
Thrown off by her question, I stammered, “Um ... well...”
Her eyebrows raised up. “Both?”
Nicole had one of those penetrating stares that were hard to break away. The answer-me-right-now look. And she was boring it into me. “Kelsea and possibly Zoey are waiting in my bedroom,” I confirmed. “Kinda had a brief make out with Kelsea before the fuse blew out.” I felt like hanging my head in shame. I was ruining my chances with Nicole.
Yet my high school crush surprised me again. Nicole took a moment to consider and then shrugged, “They’ll get over it. I’m here now, and I’m blowing off some steam from a shitty day. I’m with somebody I really like and who likes me. Is that okay with you?”
“More than okay.”
We went back to kissing, and it wasn’t long before Nicole began tugging on my clothes. I stopped fondling her pert ass and lifted my arms up, letting her finish removing my t-shirt. She tossed it to the side and scooted back into my arms
I started working on her clothes. Finding the little zipper in the backside of the dress proved difficult. Nicole had to stop her exploration of my body and help me locate it. But soon I was unwrapping my new present. The material of her dress slid down her body, and Nicole’s beautiful bare breasts were right in front of me. I had fantasied about her lovely well-rounded double Ds more than a few times, even after high school. But the reality was even better than anything I could dream up. Even without a bra, there was only a little sag to them. Soft and round, they stood out from Nicole’s body with small dark oval areola and perfectly shaped nipples.
I must have been staring longer than I meant to, for I could hear a definite pout in her voice. “Josh, while I don’t mind the appreciative looks from men at my chest, I don’t like to be kept waiting.”
“Sorry,” I muttered absently as I dragged my eyes away from her tits and back to her face. “They’re really quite nice. I’d love to touch them.”
Nicole’s demure and inviting smile alone conveyed everything I wanted to hear. I moved in and kissed her while my hands went directly for the ample swell of her chest. They were so much better to touch than to gawk at. Her skin was smooth and warm as I stroked her breasts, one for each hand. I started lightly at first, just a gentle caress, but soon she was pressing her boobs into my hands, forcing a snug connection. Happily obliging her, I rubbed and fondled them, paying close attention to her nipples. By now, they were rock hard, extending out from her surrounding areola like thick eraser heads.
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Unfortunate Circumstances By Christie Brown This is a work of fiction nothing here is true or has happened in real life. "Come on let's get some, this shit doesn't show up every day." Which was true thought Taci, PCP was getting tougher to find all the time. "I can't I don't have the dough" At the sexy little things reply, the handsome youth rolled his eyes. Seeing this, Taci knew what he meant. Picking up her purse and coat she headed for the door of the underage club....
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 9 While Paul was dreaming of being the first woman to become World Rally champion, his parents were also visiting dreamland. Before going to bed, they decided to talk about Paul. "I think he's letting his hair go a bit," said Alex. "No kidding but he's got hair that most girls would die for." "You are right, but it is his choice. It is becoming fashionable for boys to grow their hair out again. Remember the 60's and 70's?" said Laura. "I...
Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 57 Laura and Paula felt slightly bad that this fashion contest had been fated for them to win. They felt that some of the other contestants deserved to win too. "That's how things are. You always get more than one worthy winner amongst the competitors," said Joanne. "But only one can be named the winner." "But we have won," said Laura. "Not that I'm complaining, but it would have felt better if this wasn't fated." For Paula, getting this contract...
The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 1 It was November and already Paul was getting a little tired of school. He had been back just 2 months and the homework was already piling up. It owed much to the fact that in May, Paul would be taking his GCSE exams. The school was eager for all students to get good results and bombarding them with homework seemed the best way of ensuring it. It was Friday, the weekend ahead and what should have been time for putting feet up and going out with...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 42 Joanne decided to continue using her bus pass when ever possible, leaving her new car outside the house. "Are you ever going to use it?" asked Paula. "Yes, I will," replied Joanne. "My bus pass expires next month. But with the price of petrol too, I'll be using it sparingly." The matter ended there. Joanne finished college in July for the summer. She had some exams of her own to think about, which included creating several hairstyles. Her own...
The Fortune Cookie 2 Chapter 1: "Another day studying? Why don't you take time out to check out some girls? That's if you really are into them," asked Phil. He was speaking to his college roommate, Casey. It was the weekend and Casey, as always, was sitting on his bed with his face buried in a book. He was a bookworm and studyholic: Something that long-term friend Phil found hard to understand. He peered over the edge of his book and turned slightly to meet the glance of...
Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 56 Joanne was not pleased at the news that Paula brought her. She thought at first that Paula was winding her up and refused to believe her. "I'm telling you the truth, you idiot!" said Paula. "I overheard him telling the others that he is celebrating one year of engagement to his girlfriend! If you hadn't been so stupid and asked him rather than waiting for him to respond, I wouldn't have to be telling you this!" Joanne slumped to her bed and shook...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 18 It was nearly 9:00am when Paul awoke next morning. Kelly was snuggled up beside him. He started to stroke her hair when she stirred. "Morning beautiful," he said. "What time is it?" she replied, yawning. "Nearly nine," he replied. "I've got to get ready, my dad is picking me up at ten." "Can't you stop a bit longer?" she asked, kissing him. "I've got to leave before your parents show up," he said. "Ok then," she sighed. He...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 34 Paula and Kelly made their way out of the school for their respective lunches. They had just reached the gates when they were stopped. They noticed Kevin and Linda behind them. "Kevin, what do you want?" asked Paula. "What are you doing for dinner?" he asked. "I'm off home. Why?" said Paula. "I'm heading for town," said Kelly. "Debbie and her friends have good memories," said Linda. "I saw one of her gang pointing at you." "So, what...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 3 Sunday arrived and Paul dressed up as smart as he could, without going overboard. Alex was going to take him round to Kelly's house and would pick him up later. He picked up his school bag and prepared to go. "Just be yourself, and you should be fine," said Laura as he left. "Nervous?" asked Alex as he got in the car. "A bit. Not of Kelly, just her parents," he answered. "Well, don't be. As mom told you, just be yourself. You shouldn't...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 10 It was Sunday and the last day of the holiday. Paul awoke knowing that the latest meeting with Paula (as he now refered to her) would have to be discussed with his family. His mother was in the same predicament. He checked to see whether his breasts had grown more or if anything else was different. Nothing had changed as far as he could tell. He washed and for the first time, decided not to use his shaving kit. Since it was now known that he...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 13 Paul arrived home and explained about his reformed friendship with Mike and how his parents had influenced his decision making. "Not really surprising to be fair." said Laura. "Homosexuality was illegal many years ago and is still shunned by many religions to this day. Despite much support for it since, the world in general still hates it." "But do people have to agree with other people? We have our independence." said Paul. "You do, but...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 25 Friday. The last day of term and as a result, just a half day at that. Paula knew that she would have some spare time on her hands today and she was wondering whether or not she could get some unplanned extra time with Kelly. But first there was still a first period to recover from. In fact, she felt worse. She got up and slowly made her way to the bathroom and took the tampon out. It was soaked in blood and this only made her feel worse still....
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 27 Kelly awoke Tuesday morning wondering what her dad had got to say about her. She went down to breakfast and found him quickly sifting through the morning paper. He quickly glanced at her over the top of it and then retreated behind it again. Her mom just gave her a sympathetic shake of the head. In fact, not a word of the heated conversation was mentioned that morning. "Have a good day at work," said Miriam to her husband. "How long before...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 21 Paul arrived home with dinner almost ready. "Did you have a good time?" asked Laura. "Yes, met Kelly and her parents didn't know a thing," said Paul. "Thats good. Did you do anything apart from kissing Kelly?" "Watched Lord of the Rings part one," said Paul. "Watching part two next time?" asked Laura. "Probably. Alicia says there are loads of differences between the books and the films. I might try reading it again," said Paul. "By...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 22 Laura's shopping trip was nothing more than a trip to the local supermarket, to pick up some much needed groceries. With Paul's voice very much non existant, Laura spoke to him in a way that merely required him to shake or nod his head. However, he had an idea to make communication easier. They were taking a break from shopping and having a drink in a cafe. "It is awkward when you've lost your voice," said Laura. "I lost it for a while before you...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 26 Paula and Kelly decided to go just after 5:00pm. Seeing that they were both making their own way home, they left together. "I'm sorry about earlier Kelly," said Paula. "I really do want to make love to you, but that was not the right moment." "We wanted to do it at her birthday party but that was when you were still Paul," she replied. "I know. If your parents weren't such cows, we may have done it by now," said Paula. They hadn't gone...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 55 Dear Diary It is almost 1 year to the day that I lost the last vestiges of my masculinity. To think that months before then, such an event seemed like the ultimate nightmare. But that morning, when I woke up after having my final dream, to find my journey to becoming a girl complete, I couldn't have been happier. I may have lost my birth sex, but I didn't lose my passion for sports cars, and most importantly, I retained my undying love for...
Tom and his wife Sharon were shopping and Tom was wishing he could die. He was the only man in the lingerie department of the department store. Sharon was buying panties to replenish her dwindling supply. She mumbled to herself as she browsed rack after rack, dropping the names of various men at the warehouse where she was a shipping clerk. Such-and-such a guy liked yellow, such-and-such liked lacy panties. Tom noticed other women looking at Sharon and at him. He sidled over and murmured,...
You sit in the expansive study of your late uncle Jonathan, awaiting the reading of his will. While you had barely ever met him, and this is only the second time you had been inside his large mansion, you have a slight hope of getting some portion of your elderly uncle's fortune. He was an odd man who kept to himself and without any direct descendants you had as much of a chance as anyone else. To your right sits your uncle's "Spiritual adviser," Madame Laurent. Coy, busty, and with long dark...
BDSMFirst of all, you must pick your character. The following is a list of characters to choose from. Maggie; A young, thin girl of 19, maggie is a woman set in the modern day. Known to be a girl to keep to herself and not have many friends, she has no-one to rely on to keep her from making silly mistakes. As a result, she finds herself in situations that are very perilous to her health and virtue. Ciara; A curvacious girl of 18, Ciara is living in the age of the western world. She lives on a farm...
Hi guys This is prakash again this is my first encounter with my mami who came to celebrate new year and gave me a gift which I can not forget Any unsatisfied girls or aunties from bangalore want to have sex or sex chat mail me the relationship will be kept full secret Coming to story my mami her name is neha and her age is 35 and her figure is 36-28-34 she maintained her body very well at this age also she came to bangalore for new year celebration as she was close to me she came to my room...
IncestHi all sexy ISS readers. I am reading sex stories in ISS from my college days. This ISS had given me ideas that made me fuck lots of woman. Sorry as this is my first story if any mistakes there please excuse me. About me Rocky, age 26, Andhra Pradesh. I am normal guy with 5’7 height, brown in color, with 6 inch long dick with huge thickness. I am working as a consultant, Bangalore. I had lots of fun with many matured ladies and less with girls. I am greatly attracted with matured ladies; they...
IncestBy : Nas0789 Hi All this is khan from chennai near sowcarpet, am 30yrs old married this is my first story so please excuse.I am slim 5.9 height fair and with 6.5 inch prick with 3” diameter i love the beauty of girls by seeing their boobs i go wild. I have been reading lot of stories and finally could get courage to write my own exp. I never had any discreet relationship with others it happened 2 weeks back when I was travelling from Chennai to Bangalore I met a girl who boarded the train with...
Vanessa is a normal girl. She is average height, long black hair tied back into a ponytail, not ugly but not attractive. She also just isn’t into sex, not even touching herself. The only problem is that she has quite the curvy figure, with large breasts. This is not ideal for her because it draws a lot of unwanted attention. She tries to show as little skin as possible but no matter what she wears her breasts are always on display, their form distinct underneath the fabric of her tops. She...
FetishThe Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 2 Paul awoke next morning hoping that his dream was just that and nothing else. He didn't want to be a girl at all. He noticed the fortune paper still on his desk and tried again to tear it in two, but the paper was still as untearable as before. For now, he was just going to go about the day as though that dream had not happened. He was going to go to school, get more homework and enjoy the taste of Kelly's lips again. He waited as usual to get...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 5 Paul awoke next morning having not had a dream with his female self in it. He had just dreamt of Kelly and the thought of having her in bed with him. It was of course Sunday, and due to the day out with Kelly, he had a day of homework to look forward to. He found that Joanne seemed more cheerful than usual. Her hair was chocolate brown now, having dyed it for the umpteenth time. She seemed to be growing it out too. Her roots were showing her...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 14 Paul spent the remainder of Saturday and all Sunday as Paula. By the time Sunday night came, everyone was having the same thoughts. "He doesn't want to be a boy again," said Laura. "The changes are definitely mental as well as physical." "He still knows who he is, but he sees himself as a girl," said Alex. "But he seems so much happier. It was a wrench to remove the varnish from his nails," said Joanne. Of the three, Joanne had most enjoyed...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 20 For the Smith family, it was clear that their 16 year old son was disappearing, physically anyway. In his place was appearing a 16 year old girl with all the usual girl interests and a keen interest in motor cars. Paul had acquired a set of hairbands from a hair accessory shop plus some ponytail loops. Though his hair was still too short to use them, he still wanted some. He arrived home pleased with his new items, which included a black dress...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 23 Paula went to town with Laura and Joanne looking for new school clothes. They took the bus, and on the way, the days events thus far dominated their conversation. "I don't get one thing," said Joanne. "How come the receptionist didn't question Paula's gender?" "I don't know. I'm sure it was the same one I spoke to on Wednesday," said Laura. "It makes no sense. We know about Paula, but she didn't," said Joanne. "We'll have to wait till Monday...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 24 Paula awoke next morning ready for her second day at school, and it was going to be an interesting one. First PE lesson as a girl plus seeing exactly what that girl who had spoken to her had meant. "Morning sweetheart," said Laura as she came down to breakfast. "Morning mom. Got my PE kit ready?" she replied. "Yes, I've put you a bottle of shampoo in as you requested," said Laura. "It's gonna feel strange being among loads of naked girls....
Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 32 Thursday afternoon came and Paula certainly had plenty on her mind. She checked her pocket diary once more, checking to see if an error had been made. She had recently bought it to make notes of her periods and once again, the calculations were correct: her next one was due this weekend. "I'll just have to hope it isn't a bad one," she thought to herself. She turned away from the subject and moved onto something less depressing: choosing make-up...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 36 Paula went to bed Friday night still reeling from the fact that her parents had had sex in a college classroom. But since that bit of skulduggery, they had obviously cleaned up their act. The following morning, Paula prepared for her day at Alicia's. Without a set of earplugs available, she was trying to think of other ways to worm her way out of listening to hours of pop music. "Oh don't try to worm your way out," said Laura. "You may well...
The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 38 Friday came and Paula was given the chance to have a few extra hours in bed. Having eventually got up, she washed and dressed before heading down for breakfast. "Morning," said Laura. "You have slept in." "I know," yawned Paula. "What're we doing today?" "Have some more mother-daughter time if you like," she replied. "That would be great. Just wish there was more I could do with my hair," said Paula. "In time. It is near to shoulder...
With this being late in the off season of travel, and it snowing up a storm! This was the first time I have seen or even touched snow in my life! I got stuck there at the motel for several days, and struck up a friendship with one of the workers, a lady by the name of Hopakaia. Hopakaia lives at the motel, working in the gift shop and doing the various odd jobs of cleaning, laundry, and the like about the place. She also does some fortune telling for the guests who are interested in that...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 8 Paul went to bed wondering what to put inside his shoes, allowing him to regain his lost height. He was becoming concerned about a lot of things - when would his parents be informed by the mysterious stranger and whether they would they accept him. He felt as though he was gradually accepting his fate at any rate. He just wasn't ready to face it. His future self had left him alone for a few days now. He didn't know whether this was good or bad....
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 11 Paul awoke next morning to find that his breasts had started to get bigger. Not much growth, but enough to show change. Having washed, he applied some more cream to his nipples and put on the sports bra. "More development, but not much," he said to Laura as he arrived for breakfast. "Morning sis," said Joanne, munching on some toast and marmalade. "Morning," said Paul. "Remember that your "sister" is still a boy," said Laura. "It's ok....
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 15 Paul arrived home and took his bag upstairs. "Come down here. Need you to try these on," called Laura. Paul quickly came back down and went into the living room. Laura was sitting down and she was holding two pairs of trousers. From first glance, they didn't look like girls trousers. "They're plain enough so that no one will tell unless they stare long enough," said Laura. "Unless girls notice," said Joanne. "Never mind that," said...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 16 "You don't trust me?!" shouted Kelly. "How could you dad?!" "You've said you like girls, so its only natural you'll be attracted to them," he replied. "Has it escaped you that I only have eyes for Paul?" she replied angrily. "No one else, boy or girl, matters to me!" Kelly had discovered that her father's homophobia was near to paranoia. He seemed convinced that she would still try it with a girl, despite her strong relationship with Paul...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 28 Despite a growing interest in clothes, hair and make-up, Paula Smith was still showing no sign in giving up the love of motor sport that she had developed when she was still Paul. This was a real benefit to the rest of her family who still missed Paul. They could see that Paul, though gone, was still present within the new girl. The days leading up to Easter were quiet in comparison to those preceding them. Paula had phoned Alicia up the next day...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 35 Travelling into town had it's reasons other than to give Paula and Kelly something to do. Kelly was to meet her mom at around 3:00pm as normal. But in the time that remained, Laura followed the girls and let them decide where to go. "Paula, have you tried tying your hair back yet?" asked Kelly. "Not really. I still think it's too short," she replied. They were taking a break from window shopping and sitting on a bench. Laura was at a...
Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 40 For Kelly, the remainder of Tuesday was boring. After having Paula and Linda visit, the day saw no more visitors. She was eager to go home, or to what would be her home for the next few weeks. She eagerly ate her dinner that evening before finally going to sleep hours later. The next day arrived, she had breakfast and a nurse came with her wheelchair. It was fitted with a support for her leg. Another nurse came up to help her out of bed. "Steady...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 41 Friday came and that posed a question. This was the day that they ate out. They were more than willing to take Kelly with them, but in her condition, could they find a place which would cater for someone in a wheelchair. They had posed the question to her Thursday evening and she said she was more than prepared to go out. "Don't let me stop you going out. I'll go with you," she said defiantly. So, on Friday, it was decided that she should go...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 46 After another brief spell of window shopping, Laura took the girls home. As soon as they did, Paula went upstairs and turned on her phone. She knew that there were people who would be interested to learn that she and Kelly had finally made out. "Hi Linda. Just calling to see how you are," said Paula. "I'm ok. Been quiet actually since the party, I mean since Kev and I got intimate. What about you?" replied Linda. "Nothing much here either,...
Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 48 Friday proved to be a day for Paula to put aside her success in the go- karting and look to two weeks without Kelly. For Kelly was going away with her parents the next day and when they came back the following Saturday, Paula and her family would be going away. So, for now, Kelly's now routine visit had an extra bit of importance to it. It was just well that Kelly had got over her period and was feeling much more in the mood for kissing. "Two...
Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 49 Tuesday came and Paula prepared for what would be her first ever visit to Linda's house. After being told to present herself as "girly", she did just that, going for a just above knee height skirt and a sleeveless top. She then put on her "face" and touched up her nails. "You do know where her house is?" asked Laura over breakfast. "I think so, though I've never been there. I think Kelly mentioned where she lived once." replied Paula. "I should have...
Fortune Cookie (Revised) - Part 58 It had been nearly 2 years since Joanne had helped win the National Hairdressing Championship. She had gone on to help them achieve 3rd place in the World Championships the following year. But for now, Joanne had other things on her mind. "Wake up lazy bones! You don't want to be late for your own wedding!" she said, waking Paula from her sleep. "What time is it?" yawned Paula. "8:00 in the morning. We've got a lot to do, including your hair,"...
The dark haired actress sat quietly at a corner table, enjoying her anonymity as she watched the coming and goings of the other patrons of the roadside diner. It had been a long time since she’d been able to enjoy such a simple pleasure and she wanted to make the most of it. While not a major box office draw, she had been a familiar figure on the silver screen for almost a decade, but despite that the thirty-four year old had little fear that she’d be recognized. The face that movie goers...
Packed earth crunched beneath her hands and knees. Her torn and ravaged body shuddered and continued to leak the cumulative essences of hers and the horse’s sexual organs. She stayed quite still, head hanging down and reeling, waiting for recovery; the strength to return enough so that she could once again stand, once again look up and study the faces of the crowd. Her lover was being led away by his halter. The animal had no more interest in her now that he had fulfilled his need. All...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 4 Paul went to bed that night wondering what was going to happen about him and Kelly. Kelly was aware that his days as a boy were numbered and wanted him to experience making love before it was too late. It was one thing he was looking forward to, and he knew she felt likewise. But with both sets of parents trying to dictate when they could, it was not going to be easy. He managed to get through the night without meeting his female self. He felt...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 6 Paul arrived home and headed upstairs as usual to put his bag in his room. Whilst he was up there, he headed for the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He noticed that his face was softer, though not enough to look feminine. His eyebrows hadn't been touched since he had found Joanne's tweezers, so they helped keeping him looking masculine. The question that bothered him was how long this state of affairs would remain. How long before the face he...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 7 Paul was seething after his sister's actions. He remained in his room for the remainder of the night and eventually turned in. He started to dream uneasily, and his female self entered. "You seem troubled?" she asked. "Yes, my sister, that spoilt bitch, has ruined my relationship with the girl I love." "Is the relationship off?" she added. "It's got to be! Her parents will bar her from seeing me now," he replied. "Don't give up just...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 12 Paul spent Saturday trying to watch the practice and qualifying sessions for the Malaysian Grand Prix. Kevin would be coming for to watch the race and have dinner too. His viewing pleasure on Saturday however, was disturbed by Laura, who had decided that there was a programme she wanted to watch. "Mom! You know I like to watch every aspect of a Grand Prix!" he complained. "We like to watch the television too," was her answer. Paul knew...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 17 Paul awoke Friday morning having slept happily all night. The experience of going out last night as Paula had been enjoyable to say the least. But the best was to come, for Paula was going to a birthday party/sleepover tonight. The thought of which seemed to settle him for the day. His parents feared he may refuse to dress in his boys clothes as was the case last time, but not this time. "Morning mom," he said as he arrived in the kitchen to...
The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 19 Paul returned home and went upstairs to change. He had a small number of womens clothes to choose from, something he was keen to improve on. Still, he had some clothes to wear. "Thats better," he sighed, as he came downstairs and accepted Laura's offer of a drink. "How was your day at school, Paula?" asked Laura. "Fine, no jokes, and Alicia is ok with the plan," he replied. "Thats good. How're you going to arrange visits?" she...