Mack's ProgressChapter 9 free porn video

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It was a long way to Lyon, but Javier adamantly refused any payment for the trip when we eventually got there. I had no idea how the train timetable ran so I was taking potluck. I'd chosen to set off from Lyon because that way my starting point would be much further down the line than Cody's so I'd be well ahead of her; that way there was little chance of us running into each other during the journey.

Javier stayed at the station with me until the first train to Paris arrived and when it did, he wished me a safe journey the way only a Frenchman could another male. Somewhat embarrassing for my repressed English character to get accustomed to.

The express train took me directly to Paris, where I jumped on the Euro-Star to Waterloo. Then it was the underground system to the station closest to my parent's house where, I'm pleased to say, I was received like the prodigal son.

I noted that my father took a quick look up and down the road, as if he was expecting someone — I assumed Codi — to be with me; but if it was, he made no comment concerning her absence. It was embarrassingly obvious to me that all of my family avoided mentioning or asking questions about Codi at all though. At the time I assumed that there was something about my demeanour that told them that Codi was history; whatever she was not mentioned by anyone. It was to be sometime before I worked out the reason she was never mentioned, and I've chosen to never broach the subject with any of them.

Julia arrived at the house shortly after I had and I got the distinct impression that she'd turned up especially to see me. But that idea I had trouble understanding, because even if someone had called her the second I'd arrived at the house to tell her that I was home, she hadn't had the time to drive over from her own house.

All the family appeared to have assumed — correctly — that I'd stopped off to see them on my way back to the Willows.

"Have you called Bev to let her know that you're coming?" my mother asked.

The familiar name that my mother used for Beverley didn't really surprise me. I was well aware by then that the two women had been in regular contact with each other for years. Later I learnt that my parents had been up to stay with Bev and George for a few days, more than once, while I'd been away.

"No, I figured that I'd surprise everyone up there, like I did you lot," I replied. "Bev wrote me a letter last week and invited me back for the season so I planned on just turning up."

"You don't know then?" my father asked.

"Know what?" I replied, but before my father could say anything further my mother cut him off.

"No, father, it's Beverley's surprise; don't you dare go interfering!"

My dad clammed up after that and no matter how much I pushed him; he wouldn't elaborate on the comment he'd made. He just gave me the kind of smile that he had always reserved for my eldest brother in the past. I'm not sure how to describe it, but for once in my life I got the idea that my father was proud of me. Pride was something that I had never known him show where I was concerned before. Considering what a fuck up I'd made of just about everything in my life up to that point, I had some trouble understanding that smile.

That night as a family, we all went out for a meal together, after which some heavy drinking took place. It might sound odd - and I got a few strange looks from the family of beer drinkers - but I found myself drinking quite a bit of wine during the evening, a habit that I'd picked up in France. Although it was nice to get back to some decent beer for a change.

I know that I consumed a little more than I usually did and I'd been mixing my drinks a lot more than is prudent, but it was a family celebration after all. Anyway even in my inebriated state, I did feel that there was something not quite normal about the atmosphere and almost every one of my relatives' behaviour. They obviously asked me about my travels, but not one of them ever mentioned Codi by name. As a matter of fact not one of them mentioned her at all, unless I related a story to them.

Not that I was into any detail about what had happened in the last few days. I figured I'd let them assume I'd returned to the country because of the letter Beverley had sent me, asking me if I was returning to the pub for the season. After the way I'd fucked things up so completely with Lindsey and got everything all arse about face, I could just imagine what they'd make of me telling them that Codi had done the dirty on me. Can you imagine it? 'Mack's cried Wolf again!'

The other strange thing that for some time I was to have some difficulty understanding was that Lindsey's name didn't crop up in conversation either. For any of my relatives to talk to me for more than ten minutes without Lindsey's name being slipped into the conversation eventually had been very out of character for all of them for some years. In the end I figured that they were trying to keep the whole of my debacle with Lindsey and, possibly women in general, out of the conversation.

By coincidence later on some of my old mates turned up in the pub that we'd ensconced ourselves in, and they joined the party.

By an even greater coincidence, one of my mate's sisters worked in the same office building as Lindsey. Consequently later — and I never did understand why - when I found myself standing at the next urinal to his, I found myself dropping a question that I really didn't intend to; well, consciously anyway.

"Cathy still work with Lindsey?" I asked, wishing that I hadn't asked even as the words were coming out of my mouth.

"No, mate, as I heard it Lindsey threw the job in last year. About the time you went sailing, I believe."

"Oh, do you know what happened to her?" I still couldn't understand why I persisted in asking him about her.

"Ain't got the faintest idea, Mack; Meg and Lindsey never were too pally. I think Meg said that she went back down Bristol way, where her parents live, but I can't be sure. To be honest I never took much notice when Meg mentioned it; I know Lindsey hasn't got that flat of hers anymore though. A guy from my office lives there now. Why, what's up, you missing her?"

"No, not really Nick." I lied, "Just curious about what happened to her, that's all."

"I hear tell you shacked yourself up with a right little babe out in Spain," he commented. "American, weren't she?"

Just where Nick had heard about Codi from, I had no idea, but from his statement it was apparent that her existence was common knowledge. I wondered how the word had gotten around.

"Yeah, we had a good thing going there for a while. But how come you know about her?"

"Can't remember exactly who told me, Mack. Christ, you know how the rumour mill works, mate. Supposed to be American and a real looker, so the story went. But then, you always did manage to hook the good-looking birds. Never could understand why; it ain't like you're any oil painting or nothin'," he jibed.

"Codi could take your breath away when she put a bikini on, I can promise you that," I replied, trying as hard as I could to put a convincing smile on my face.

I really didn't want to discuss Codi with anyone, but I couldn't let on that she'd shit all over me to my friends, so I had to act casually about her; as if I didn't really care.

"What happened to her?" he enquired.

"Ah, she's gone back to the States. She was only over in Europe on a gap year from college."

Now that wasn't really an untruth. Codi had been intending to return to college, until we'd started talking about marriage. Now that I was out of the picture, I thought that it was safe to assume that she'd return to her original plan. It would also cover my arse quite nicely in the rumour mill.

"You going back to that Pub of yours up on the Broads, Mack?"

"Yeah, that's the basic plan."

"I heard that you were the manager there. How come you got the time off to go gallivanting around the Med?"

"Nah, I was just a barman, but I enjoyed myself working there."

"Well, if you can live on the money, that's what you really want; a job that you enjoy doing. Shit, I hate getting up most mornings when all I've got to look forward to is that fucking office. Wish I had the guts to do what you did and just chuck it all in and find a job I enjoyed doing; even if the money was crap. But I'm getting married come September, so I can't afford the indulgence. Fuck it, can't even afford to go sea fishing anymore!"

By that time we were re-entering the noisy bar, so the conversation abruptly ended. Much to my relief, if I'm being honest.

Two days later and after a very early start; I climbed off the mid-morning bus in the village. Several folks who saw me, gave me a cheery wave of acknowledgement as I began my walk towards the lane that leads to the Willows.

I could have gone by the towpath, that would have been a shorter walk, but I could easily have been spotted some distance off. I was planning on making a surprise appearance, so I went via the car park.

It was still reasonably early so I wasn't expecting that there would be any customers in the pub at that time on a cold March morning.

When I eventually entered the car park I got a disquieting shock; my car was missing and I at first thought that it had been stolen. But then I remembered that I'd left the keys with Bev and told her that, as it was taxed and insured (I hadn't had the time to cash either in before I left) and providing the driver was insured to drive it, then they could have use of the vehicle if it was required.

Beverley and George's cars were parked there and so was the old banger that Patricia drove around in. There was, however, a gap between two of them from which I assumed that my car had been removed.

The bar was very dark when I entered, far darker than it should have been. What light there was in the place was coming from a single light over the bar itself, the flames from the roaring fire in one of the grates and some light spilling out from the open cellar door.

Down in the cellar somewhere, I could hear someone moving crates and barrels around.

I went around behind the bar and looked down into the cellar, where I thought I could detect the noises that George makes when he's humping barrels about. I almost went down to join him but changed my mind.

Because my arrival had gone undetected so far, I thought that it might be fun, to pour myself a pint of keg and then settle in a seat by the fire to see how long it would take for anyone to discover me. It had to be keg because if I'd used one of the pumps, George would surely have heard the sound or noticed the slight movement in the plastic pipes.

Settling back, safely out of sight in one of the big club chairs, I stared into the flickering flames in the fire. I felt strangely content and relaxed to be back home again. All thoughts of Codi and what might have been banished from my mind.

I must have felt so warm and cosy sitting there after my long cold walk that pretty quickly I must have fallen asleep. That's when I suddenly found myself entering the Willow's for the first time again; but it was a dream of course.

Millie came walking in from the garden, straight over to me and kissed me on the lips. Then Pat, Michele, Bev, and finally (and completely inexplicably) Lindsey came in and did the same thing; they didn't speak to me, they just kissed me. The next thing I realised was that all of the girls were stood at the bar and had began to cut cards to see which one was going to be the first to take me to bed.

It was all very strange and confusing, but then dreams usually are. Then the dream got as crazy as most dreams eventually do. Mary, the three birds from Manchester and even Codi put in an appearance somewhere along the line as my subconscious mind played its game with me.

Then suddenly my cousin Billie was sitting on my lap kissing me. "See, he ain't dead!" she exclaimed as she broke the kiss. "Still kisses as good as he ever did anyway. You wanna go, Pat?"

"I'd love too, but I don't think John would appreciate the idea very much."

"Ah, don't be a spoil sport, snog the bugger while he still don't know what's going on." Billie laughed.

"Cut it out, Billie. Or we'll have a queue from here to kingdom come," Bev's voice said.

That's when I realised that I was awake again and not dreaming any more. I looked around to find a group of my friends standing around looking down at me. They all started laughing at the surprised expression on my face.

"We were hiding from you in the kitchen, Mack. We intended dashing out on you when you rang the bell. We were sure that you would do that. But you didn't, or come looking for us either; you just sat yourself down and fell asleep instead," Beverley informed me, smiling. "We thought that you must be tired and decided not to wake you. We were hoping that Millie might be back before you woke up, but she's got held up and ... well, can't creep about on tip toe in here all day waiting for her."

"Hi, folks!" I replied after I'd finally got myself orientated again. That dream had unsettled me some; but isn't that what dreams — when you can remember them — usually do.

"I was planning on creeping up on you all, but it looks like someone let you know that I was coming. Where is Millie by the way?" I asked, trying to act as casual as I could under the circumstances.

"She's gone over to the..." George began to say, but Bev cut him off.

"Millie's running an errand for me. She should be back before too long. They've taken your car. I hope you don't mind?"

"Millie's finally taken her driving test then, about bloody time too," I commented.

"Not exactly, Mack, only she is taking driving lessons now. No, the new barmaid's driving her. That's all right, isn't it? You did say that providing the driver's insured to drive the car then we could use it when we needed to."

"If she's insured, then there's no problem; better that it's used than sitting out there rotting in the car park."

"Oh, yeah, she's insured all right. Some people are very lax about their paperwork," Billie, who was still sitting on my lap, commented with a giggle; for some reason, everyone else found her comment funny as well.

Whatever the joke had been, it went completely over my head. I was about to ask what was so funny when Bev suddenly decided that it was time for me to see the refitted kitchen; it had had a full makeover whilst I'd been away.

The kitchen had never been my domain, so at the time I did wonder why Bev thought it was so important that I saw it at that particular time; but I had to admit that it was impressive. Bev is very proud of her pub.

Mille still hadn't returned by the time we got back into the bar, but a good few of the locals had started to turn up and an impromptu celebration of my return ensued. Well, I suppose it was impromptu, although someone might have done some planning or put the word out locally. After all, it was obvious that my arrival had been expected.

Almost everyone insisted on welcoming me back personally and usually with a pint or a short. After an hour or so I was feeling the effect a little, and Bev decided that steak and chips was called for, to soak up some of the booze; I was instructed to sit at one of the tables and eat it.

Bev and George sat themselves down opposite me and almost everyone else in the pub suddenly moved away from the chosen table tucked away in a corner, to the other side of the bar.

I'm not really as daft as I sometimes behave. It was clear to me that Bev and George had something they wanted to talk to me about. Well, let's be honest Bev obviously had a bone or two to pick with me.

"There've been some changes around here whilst you've been gone, Mack," Beverley began as I ate. "George and me started thinking about the future; not that we intend to retire in any hurry or anything. But Sammy Grave wanted to call it a day; so George cashed in his pension and I liquidated some of my shares and ... well, Mack, to cut a long story short, George and I have bought the Wherry off him and we were hoping that you'd go in there as manager."

The village had two waterside pubs, one at each end of the village beside the river: Beverley's pub, The Willow's Ferry, and The Wherry, about a mile or so away as the river goes at the other end of the village. Sammy Grave had been in friendly competition with Beverley for years, but he was getting on in years and the place had gone downhill some. Beverley's offer took me completely by surprise.

"I don't know what to say, Bev," was all that I could think to say in reply.

"Only for a few years, Mack, until we get the place sorted, that is. Then eventually and before George and I retire, we thought that you might like to take the place on as a tenancy, and even with a view to buy in the long term, if you'd like."

"What about Michelle and Pat? Surely they might want to..."

"Michelle's got her eye on running this place eventually. Patricia enjoys serving behind the bar but she has never wanted the hassle of running a pub herself. I think the plan is that the two girls will keep the place on but Michelle will take over as publican. But that's all in the future, Mack; George and I have plenty of life left in us yet. Anyway how'd you fancy the idea of being the publican at the Wherry?"

"I'll need some decent staff. Those buggers Sammy had working for him were bleeding useless."

"No problems there, Mack. Millie and Phil's house is nearer to the Wherry than here, so she'll be working for you. And then this new barmaid we've got, she will most likely live in the Wherry with you; that should be right up your street!" Bev giggled and got an expression that I was extremely familiar with on her face.

I think I might have blushed a little myself as I smiled back at her, enjoying her sly joke. I don't think George picked up on the inference, but he might have. George, when he wanted to, could be very poker faced.

"Who is this new girl?" I asked. I figured it must be one of the young girls from the village who'd only just left school. It wasn't that big a village and I knew most of them by sight if nothing else.

"Oh, she's a nice girl. I'm sure you'll get along like a house on fire," Bev replied.

"It's going to be a real balls-up if you don't!" George commented rather quietly, almost under his breath. So quietly in fact that I wasn't at all sure that I'd heard him correctly.

"She hasn't been in the business very long, Mack," Bev quickly went on, ignoring George's interruption, "but she's picked it up almost as quickly as you did. Mind, you'll have to have a long talk with her first; perhaps you can sit down for a chat with her later when they get back. The Wherry's closed for the time being, whilst the builders tidy the place up a bit. Millie and the new barmaid are watching that the workmen aren't pilfering all the stock and seeing what needs to be done in the staff quarters."

"Yeah, I'll do that. The sooner the better I suppose, if we are going to work together."

"Mack, you're not exactly going to be working together. We hope she's going to be working for you as an employee remember; you're going to be the publican."

George muttered something again. I think he said, "For the minute anyway!" Which confused me at the time, but I couldn't be sure.

Bev did give him one hell of a dig in the ribs with her elbow though, before she continued.

"And because that will be the situation, you have to realise that it's your choice whether to take her on or not. She can always stay here and work for us, if you think it'll be awkward having her at the Wherry with you."

I did wonder why Beverley seemed to think that I might not get on with the girl. I was an easygoing bloke when it came to working with people, providing they had some common sense and got on with the job. I'd never clashed with any of the part-time staff she'd hired at the Willow's.

"If she can do the job all right, and she's pretty," I added with a smile, to lighten the air a little; Bev was sounding very serious. "Then I can't foresee any problems, Beverley."

"Oh, I'm sure you'll think she's pretty," George commented.

Bev gave him a look that would have scared the pants off of any lesser man. But George just grinned back at her.

"Look, what's going on between you two?" I asked. They were behaving very strangely to my way of thinking.

"Nothing, Mack, we're just all very happy to have you back, that's all," Bev replied.

George by then had developed a stupid smile on his face, like he was feeling very smug about something and being silly at the same time. For some reason it reminded me of the expression that Stan Laurel was famous for making when things went wrong in their films.

After I'd finished eating, I returned to the bar area where several more old friends had arrived. One of them was Craig who now seemed to enjoy referring to me as Super Stud and revelled in telling all and sundry about the hot American chick that I'd picked up on the Tameron. It very soon became apparent that everyone in the village was already aware that the beautiful Codi and I had become an item, and eventually one of the guys asked what had become of her.

For some reason, possibly because my mind was still on the fact that I was about to become the manager of the Wherry and that was a big responsibility for a young man, I didn't immediately come back with an answer.

"Codi has gone back to college in America," Billie blurted out before I could get my act together.

This shocked me some because I couldn't figure out how Billie could possibly know that Codi had returned to the US. She could well have heard that Codi and I weren't together anymore from Julia, who - I suspected - had warned the Willow's that I was on my way up. But I'd said nothing at all to any of my family about Codi. Billie quickly realised that she'd said too much and very smartly disappeared amongst the crowd. And I began to wonder what the hell had been going on.

A little later I was still waiting for the chance to get Billie alone and ask her how she knew about Codi going back to the States, when two arms sneaked around my waist from behind and I felt the familiar sensation of those big knockers pressing into my lower back.

I spun around to say hello, only to have Millie pull my head down and clamp her mouth over mine, then she tried to suck my tonsils out. I wouldn't say that I was as over-enamoured about that as I could have been. Millie's husband, Phil, was standing at the bar, not six feet away.

"Welcome back, luvver! I've missed you," Millie said when she finally let me breathe again.

"Take it easy, Millie. Your old man's around here somewhere; he might get jealous and get that shotgun of his out," I said, trying to make light of the over-enthusiastic welcome Millie had just given me.

"I have his permission, Luvver, don't you worry!" Millie replied, still grinning and then she kissed me again.

Whilst she was trying to asphyxiate me this second time, I glanced in Phil's direction, intent on gauging his reaction to Millie's welcome. It was with some surprise that I saw the big grin on his face. Then I realised that all was not as kosher as it should be and I was being set-up for something. Phillip, although apparently watching his wife kiss me, was actually looking at something going on behind me. What's more a quick look at Millie's eyes told me that she was trying to watch the same thing.

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Oral Ecstasy ndash Son Writes Alphabets On Momrsquos Pussy

This was a first time in my lifetime that we had face this issue, there was a major blackout in our area. The electricity had been out for an entire day and now night had started to fall.Readers, the story you are about to read happened in the month of May 2018. My name is Abdul Mirza. I am 19-year-old. I live in Panvel city near Mumbai. My family consists of my dad, mom, and two elder sisters.My dad is 51 years old. He has been working in Saudi for 15 years now. He went so that he can get both...

2 years ago
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Marathi Aaichi Vaasana 8211 Part II

Kaka ajun paper vaachatach basle hote.Sakalche 11 vaajle astil.October aslyaane khupach garam hot hota.Kakanchi boat gele 5-6 mahine Italy la aslyaane kakanna garmi sahan hot naavhti.Kaka garamine agdi trasta zaale hote. Aai kakanna mhanali “Bhaoji , Ja jara thanda panyane aanghol karun yaa mhanje bare vaatel.!!” Maavshi ne Aai la dujora dila. Kaka kantalle hote pan shevti aanghol karayla gele. Amhi hall madhech tv pahat baslo. Akkha ek taas manasokta aanghol karun kaka baher aale. Parat ekda...

2 years ago
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amazing mom

you will have read about my mom and me in my last story, about how we walked around the park, and the things we talked about, but we were now back at home, the useless bastard I called dad, who was actually my step dad, was guzzling down cans of beer my mother was supplying him from the fridge, he didn't even have to open them, every time she got one, she sprung the little tab on the top to pop it open for him, and as she handed the can to him, she looked over at me and winked, and she had a...

3 years ago
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A Cousinrsquos Misery

By Dunchad©Sometimes it is really good having such a large family. After my recent accident on my motorcycle my family had been taking care of me. Especially my cousin Tabitha, she was one of the last cousins to come over and keep me company. But when she did, well things happened that I would have never thought to have happened before. Tabitha wasn’t the only cousin to make a late appearance. My cousin Stephanie just had her baby about two months before my accident. The baby was beautiful and...

4 years ago
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Killing Me Softly

The baby lay on her side, her thumb firmly plugged in her tiny rosebud mouth. Her breathing was slow and rhythmic, although her eyelids fluttered from time to time. Erica knelt beside the cot, resting her forehead on the painted wooden side, exhaustion stroking her head with cool fingers. It was hard to believe that the angelic child lying fast asleep amidst the pink fleecy blankets had been screaming for endless hours all evening. Only now, after what felt like an eternity of pacing the...

3 years ago
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Hot Wife Makes Good On A Bet

I was fast asleep in bed when my phone vibrated on my bedside table. I thought about ignoring it but noticed in my half sleep that I was the only one in the bed I share with my lovely wife. Leaning to my phone, I saw that my clock was saying 3:05 and that it was the middle of the night. My phone blinked ‘KELLY MESSAGE’ and wondered a: Why my wife would be texting me so late, and b: Where on earth was she at this time of the night. Fumbling the buttons, I opened the message and blinked to...

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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 12 Zombies and Pizza

One minute Jared Reznik was waving goodbye to Vanessa in her white Hungry Jack’s uniform then the next minute he was calling her out from under the hedge his neighbor had called her out from under just over two years ago now. That particular day had been very cold, wet and stormy when Vanessa along with her mother had been rescued by Jared and old Mrs Clusky from next door. Tragically, this 85 year old neighbor of Jared’s had suffered a debilitating stroke several months ago and was now...

4 years ago
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Sals Lover

Brrrrb. Brrrrrb. Sal picked up the wall phone on the second ring and tucked it under her chin. “Hello.” Her hands were covered in flour and a stray lock of hair got pushed back with her wrist. “I know what you did last summer.” The heavily disguised voice announced through the earpiece. “Josh! Hi how are you? Where are you?” Her pleasure at hearing his voice was evident in the immediate flush to her cheeks and breathlessness he always caused. “Hi-ya Sal; I’m downtown and around...

3 years ago
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A Gangbang For Our Anniversary

She was excited as she sat on the passenger side of his SUV. He had opened the door for her, given her a bouquet of flowers and commented on her hair. That was three points for him already. She wasn’t sure which fancy restaurant he was taking her to. For once, it wasn’t her making the decision. Wherever he took her, she already planned to reward him with the best sex ever on this surprise first-anniversary date.So, when he said, “Christine?” she turned to him nervously and smiled, wanting to be...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Intimate Diaries 8211 Part 3 The Long Night

Recap: Part 2 saw Karan and his cousin Vani finally getting together and going at it in Karan’s bedroom. After some passionate foreplay and boob-sucking, topless Karan takes topless Vani to their guest room. It is going to be the night of their lives. It is 2 am in the night. Everyone is asleep and loins are burning in these cousins’ bodies. As soon as they closed the door, Vani pushed Karan on the bed. She came on top of – her pussy directly over his crotch. She could feel it was hardening,...

1 year ago
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Me and My Hot Aunt

Fiction! I have a natural hottie aunt.She's got those big boobs, nice body and etc. Everytime i see her, i feel horny. I always tried to sneak at her whle taking a bath but this was the best. One night She and i was left in the house. she went to her room and grab a towel. She went for a shower. I sneaked her with a video cam whle she's taking a bath. how amazing? i finally saw her big tits, sexy body and yummy ass. My dick got hard. I did not knw that she was cmpletely aware of my presence....

First Time
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Kaise Meri Babhi Choodi Mujh Se

Hello Friend mera naam ajju hai. Mene iss site ki lagbhag sabhi khani padhi hai.Or mera bhi man kya apni kahani likhu isliye me ek kahani likh raha bilkul sachi ghatna hai ki kaise mari babhi choodi mujh se. me apne privaar ke bare me kuch bata do ki mere ghar me five sadsay hai mei, Mera bada bhai, babhi ,meri chooti bhen,or maa.mere pitaji ka swargwaas hoye 3 saal ho gaye padta ho.mera bada bhai job karta hai. .meri babhi ke umr lagbag 23 year hai.unki figre hai 36-30-40 hai. Ek...

3 years ago
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The Show

I loved to boogie and mostly on Friday and Saturday evenings, I would frequent a gay club that I really loved. The DJ was amazing and the music mixes he did were spectacular.Although the club was open on Sunday evenings I never visited, because after two hectic nights I always needed to recuperate on ‘the day of rest.’I had a wide circle of friends and we generally got together for lunch on Sundays, on a rotational basis. Thankfully, everyone pitched in and helped to clean afterward, at...

Gay Male
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Transformation From Lesbian To Straight ndash Part 3

Let’s get into the story without wasting much time.Paru became more comfortable with me after sharing her Lesbian encounter, My aunt was also relived by the fact that Paru was comfortable with a guy. As per my aunts instruction I took things slowly. Each day after my uncle leaves for his office, I would visit my aunt. She would be busy with her morning household work. She might be in the kitchen, washing dishes and I’ll go behind her grope her boobs with both my hands and kiss her on the neck....

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 302 Hollywood Makes Better Exoskeletons

Thursday, May 4 to Friday, May 5, 2006 I'd been on the job as a mechanic's helper for a week now, and was getting pretty good at it. You wouldn't want me to repair your car unsupervised, but BB was increasingly often giving me a job, telling me what to do, and leaving me to it. It was a pity for the boss that I didn't intend to hang around for long; Vanessa's garden needed me more and being a gardener paid better. The fringe benefits were better too, as the company of grease covered...

2 years ago
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A Real TeacherChapter 5

The first Saturday in May, I went down to the school to shoot some baskets with some of the guys and walked home in the late evening. I cut through Carver City Park mostly just to vary my routine, since it was a little longer than the most direct route. It was a pleasant walk with the temperature just right, all the trees and grass very green from April rains, and birds and squirrels wandering around. There were people all around but none that I recognized. However when I passed the swing...

2 years ago
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TV Game Show Winter JenningsChapter 12 Vitaliy Auolas

Vanessa brought the subject back to guns. “So the NRA ... won’t be so powerful? Someday?” “Yeah someday. But look at Florida. That state is an NRA wet dream. But even the Republicans in Tallahassee passed some new gun restrictions. It’s only a gesture, a small one, but it flies in the face of the NRA.” Vanessa said, “Too little, too late.” Gertie nodded and stirred her drink with her index finger, “There are around a hundred twenty thousand, a hundred thirty thousand elementary and high...

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The Ritual

I can't believe what I have been thinking. After all she is my best friend's sister. I have been staying with him during the first part of our summer after graduation. I lie here every night and watch her do the most amazing things, sort of a ritual, before she goes to bed. But I am getting a bit ahead of myself. As I said, I am staying for part of the summer with the family of my best friend from college. His name is Dave, mine is Sebastian, Sebastian Robin, call me Bash. Having just...

First Time
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Sharabi Bhai

Hello, my name is Raman, thiss my first story and i hope you will like the experience of my friend soni, in my words in the first person. i would better tell the story in hindi. Mra naam Sonihai. meri umar 28 saal ki hai aur mai 12th class tak padi huyi hun. mere parents ki maut aj se 2 saal pehle car accident mein ho gayi thi. thabhi se mere bhai aur bhabhi ne mujhe pala posa hai. mere bhai ka naam ashu hai jo ki 32 saal ke hain aur bhabhi ka naam sheela hai. mere bhai ki shaadi aj se 8 saal...

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Sexual Satisfaction

Hi ISS Readers, this is Mr.Fantasy. I am going to narrate my first experience of sex with my Head Mistress. This happened when I was doing my 12th. Our HM is a Keralite. She was in her 50’s. She had a figure of 40-32-38. I and she live in the same street. I used to go to school by 8:30 and used to meet her on my way. She just smiles at me. And this was my routine to school. And the day I made my first Big mistake, I cheated my class teacher by signing the report card. And he found that and sent...

2 years ago
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Eight University students and me part 3

Well, my next gang bang really did have to wait a lot longer than I wanted it too. The next couple of days were agony for me and the eight guys; they were desperate to give me another good seeing too, and I was going out of my mind wanting to fuck my next three guys but there was no chance it was going to happen any time soon.With the guys going back to uni the day after tomorrow, I did everything I could to tease them and drive them insane whenever I could behind my husband's and son's backs....

Group Sex
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Summer Holiday

This is what happened to me on my holidays last year . My husband and I bought a villa with friends of ours in Spain about 15 years ago we have spent many a happy time there but what happened last year will stay with me forever .What usually has happened over the years is my friend and I take the c***dren out with us and our husbands catch up a week or two later when they finish work .The same happened this year although the k**s are all grown up and go off and do there own thing now .It was...

3 years ago
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The Green Dress

The Green Dress A man buys a dress for himself ... and then pays for it. Note: the first half of this story is true. The second half I alternately wish and dread will come true. Part 1 "Can I help you find anything?" the salesgirl said. I was standing at a sale rack in a women's wear store. The salesgirl was a young girl in her late teens or early twenties. She's pretty cute, I thought reflexively. For a moment, I froze. Was I really going to go through with...

1 year ago
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?This is some gully washer? I say to my daughter as she sits next to me in the truck as we bump along the dirt road sloshing from time to time as we try and maintain traction on our way up the mountain. ?Maybe we should pull over and wait it out? my daughter says as she is always the more timid of us. ?I thought of that but there has not been anywhere to pull over at and as you can see we are near the top so then it will be easy downhill from there to the cabin? I reply looking over at her. She...

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Rebel 1777Chapter 56 Chrissie Again

I was lounging about near a tobacconist when someone kicked me in the back of the knee with a very pointed toe. When I spun about I found a smiling young woman with nearly-white hair and a lush body packed into a tight-fitting dress of black. She was veiled, gloved and booted in black so I assumed she was a widow. "Ha," she said, arms akimbo, "y'don' remember me. I could 'ave bit off your stupid cod if I'd vished." I looked down at her, admiring her fine body and searched my memory...

2 years ago
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Canon Ch 05

‘Wow.’ Amy stared at Geoff as he stood in the doorway of her room, and he stared at her. ‘Likewise,’ he said. Amy wore a chocolate-brown evening dress that hugged her curves. It was perhaps a tiny bit shorter and a tiny bit lower-cut than was quite proper, but she looked ravishing. The dress contrasted fetchingly with her ivory-pale skin, and her hair was pinned up in Geoff’s favorite Victorian style. Her jewelry was a blue topaz necklace with matching earrings and bracelet, and her purse...

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Gambia West Africa

Many thanks to infructescence for her editing of this story. It was hot sunny day in Gambia. Though both the door and the only window were missing on the corrugated tin shed at the backyard behind a bar in the outskirts of the capital city Banjul, it was hot as a sauna inside the shed. No wonder why the naked gorgeous Scandinavian housewife who was lying in there, with her back on a large "extra bed" type gray air mattress, was totally wet from sweat. Another reason for her sweating was the...

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At the Bridge

Later, when I was ready for another stretch break, there was a thirty-something man who looked to be enjoying the view down from the creek bridge. I probably spent 15 minutes there, we talked a bit about his favorite sport and team, he's a big Eagles fan. He was very friendly, very animated, and was very polite. He called me Sir a couple of times, and he wasn't even raised in the South. I introduced myself and he said his name was Michael; on parting he said he'd see me again on the...

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Swiping worn pantyhose and dirty panties

This story is how I began swiping dirty panties and worn pantyhose from women’s laundry hamper in the seventh gradethis started probably eight months after I started wearing pantyhose in the 7th grade. The last few months I had been very sly. I would sneak into my friends moms panty drawers and rummage through their panties and pantyhose. I would usually only take 1 pair of each. But sometimes I took more. I had a few friends who’s mothers would wear pantyhose. Between buying my own pantyhose...

3 years ago
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Kittys hitchhike

One Friday I went to the local shopping center about 5 miles closer to our home. I did some shopping and had a late lunch at a restaurant. But as soon as I got out, I came to know that some VIP has been murdered and there is a sudden transport strike. A 3 mile walk was no big deal for me if I had to. I started walking and putting my thumbs out hoping for a ride. Soon I was picked up by a guy who was noticeably older, driving a real nice older car. He said he could take me to the intersection...

2 years ago
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Swinging ParentsChapter 4

"That was so cool," Bobby said excitedly while they drove home from Harry and Wendy's. "Did you like Wendy?" "Yeah, she was hot!" Then after a pause, he asked very softly, "Did you like her husband?" Sally looked briefly at her son and then turned to watch the road. "What do you think?" "It looked like you did." "You're right, I did ... very much so. He has the biggest dick I ever had." "Mom!" She looked quickly at Bobby before turning forward again. "Don't 'Mom!'...

3 years ago
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Woman in the next window part 3

Needless to say, that after our last encounter I haven’t been able to get much work done. Every time I get to the office in the morning, I see her office and it all comes running back to me – the way she blew me right there. She seems to have an easy schedule. I bet she’s not in about half of the week. And she comes and goes as she pleases. I have to from nine to five, from Monday to Friday. But even when she is not there, I’m not that productive. Every now and then it hits me again and I can...

1 year ago
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A Trip to Casies

Casie had just moved into her first home and invited her on line friend Jackie down to visit her. The two had been chatting on line for several month's now and the arrangement to meet… Casie had just moved into her first home and invited her on line friend Jackie down to visit her. The two had been chatting on line for several month's now and the arrangement to meet was now set. Jackie started the long drive that Saturday morning while Casie work hard on getting everything ready for her...

3 years ago
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In Wonderland Pt1

When I was in high school I was always very camp, which was probably why almost all of my friends were girls. This was definitely why I first ended up crossdressing. I was sixteen and round one of my 'girlfriends' house for a few drinks on Halloween before we went to a house party nearby. I never much cared for Halloween, so just came as myself. When I came in they all sighed since I wasn't in a costume, but dropped it fairly quickly. We sat having a few glasses of wine and waiting for the last...

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My Night with Mick

This is my first attempt at writing erotica. No Flamers, just genuine honest criticism. Thank you, and enjoy reading. *Note this is my own story* You may share it, but cannot claim it or reproduce it on another site, blog, or such. Doing so shall be considered plagiarism.I am just finished with my shower, the steam still evident in the mirror. Slipping on a pair of well fit jeans, I hear a knocking on my door. Padding from the bathroom hallway across the hardwood of my floor, faint tracks from...

1 year ago
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Coffee Cards and a Cabin

‘It was so nice of you to have me and Tyler join you guys up here for the weekend! We really appreciate it,’ Brooke said to Amy, holding her cup of coffee close to her lips to protect against the chilly bite of the Sierra Nevada breeze before taking a sip. ‘Jacob and I have been up here so often, just the two of us, that we decided that this year we wanted some company and who better than you two? I mean, you and Jacob spend so much time together at work that I’m sure you’d like to hang out...

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Neha Ki Chut Maari

Hi doston mera naam Vicky h pyaar s sab mujhe vajita bulate hain.main new delhi m rehta hun.meri girlfreind kaa naam Neha h.uski hieght 5’7 inch,gori,sexy figure 36,28,36 h.aur mujhe jo chees us me sabse badhia lagti h wo h uske honth bilkul angelina jolie ki tarah jinse m khelta rehta hun aur choosta rehta hun.aur m meri hieght almost 6 feet h,personality badhia h,sexy hun aur mera lund 6.5 inch lamba aur mota h. Jab m 12 m tha tab ek juniour neha naam ki ladki p nazar thi.neha bala ki...

2 years ago
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The Making of a CocksmanChapter 5

After Suzy my relationship with the posse changed. I had now been intimate with, from their perspective, two of them. Those two had a much different relationship with me than they had in the past. Suzy and I had our little secret in her new name and she reveled in it. Sometimes she'd come crashing into the house with all the rest of them and then stop in front of me, whether I was standing or sitting, watching TV or making a peanut butter sandwich and she'd say, "What's my name?" When...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 22 The Smugglers

Dantes had not been a day on board before he had a very clear idea of the men with whom his lot had been cast. Without having been in the school of the Abbe Faria, the worthy master of The Young Amelia (the name of the Genoese tartan) knew a smattering of all the tongues spoken on the shores of that large lake called the Mediterranean, from the Arabic to the Provencal, and this, while it spared him interpreters, persons always troublesome and frequently indiscreet, gave him great facilities...

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I really shouldn't have let Carin go to the restroom alone. She has a habit of getting distracted by something shiny -- or someone -- and not coming back for hours at a time. Or for what seems like hours, anyway; the advent of the cell phone has made tracking her down much easier. A far cry from the college days when I'd find her sitting on the floor of Suncoast watching the last half of some unidentifiable anime title ... or find her kneeling on the floor of the Service Merchandise dressing...

3 years ago
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Road TripChapter 53

We were walking across crackling grass ... late frost? Whatever ... it was frozen ... and freezing. I hope the concrete doesn’t heave. That’s a problem in Wyoming ... continental winters. It gets colder in the middle than it does on the edges. The middle doesn’t have the mitigating influence of large bodies of salt water. We had to walk around to the side door ... Tommy had closed the garage doors. “The cold was messing with my heads,” he said. “Tommy, think about what you just said.” He...

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