Finder's FeeChapter 3 free porn video

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The closest Mars gets to Earth is about ninety million klicks (that's kilometers for the non-military) and since we haven't yet been able to circumvent that pesky speed limit that light travels, that means it takes at least ten minutes to get a message there and back, if the response is instantaneous. We were at about double that distance right then so it would be at least a twenty-minute round trip for the radio beams to take the wonderful news there and back. It doesn't make for an easy conversation ― more like leaving messages to each party ― but you get used to it.

Now normally there wouldn't be a prayer in hell for someone like me to get a message through to these rich muckity-mucks so I used the girls' names in the From line in the header; that ought to draw some attention. I knew they had been declared lost and presumed dead when the shuttle they were on crashed so I'd hoped it would draw some attention and be forwarded on to the appropriate people. I gave a brief explanation of how I found them and how to reach me and attached a short vid of them Sharon took for me of them sitting around the screen looking at clothing.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the girls were dead, didn't I? Well they were, officially anyway. The orbital shuttle they were on crashed about fifty klicks outside the shuttle port and everybody aboard was presumed dead. At least that's what the news vid said. I didn't think anything about it until a day or two later when I heard a rumor from one of my more unsavory contacts that more than a few had survived and had been declared slaves and sent out into the general market.

You're probably saying to yourself, that's impossible. As nasty as slavery is, although legal on Mars, it's still highly regulated. You can't just be made a slave; it has to be a court order as punishment for a crime and the process should take more than a few days. You'd be right ... and wrong. It should take quite awhile and go through a whole lot of administrative hoops before it becomes effective; this time it didn't. Shit, the fact that they're filthy rich should have ensured them of a really long trial even if they'd murdered someone in cold blood in the central plaza in Old Dome. Come to think of it, murdering someone might not get slavery imposed even if you weren't rich; not paying your taxes would, though.

The whole thing stunk and honestly scared the shit out of me. Something wasn't right but greed did me in; the payoff on this had the potential to set me up for life. I just hoped it wouldn't be a really short life. Somehow someone had gamed the system here and that isn't easy. As fucked up as Mars is, one thing they don't tolerate is corruption in the government. Petty officials taking bribes may be condemned into slavery but higher-ups found tapping the till or playing fast and loose with the laws are just set outside without a p-suit. It actually happened to the mayor of Old Dome a few years ago. They found out his expense account was padded more than an underage stripper in a B-bar and they set him out for a walk. It took him about ten minutes before his lungs bled enough to choke him to death. I know because they put it on the vids for the public to watch.

So maybe Terry was correct when she said I was stupid. It was a good possibility there were people out there who really didn't want to have this found out. If I'd done something like this, I sure wouldn't. I figured the best chance I had was to make this as fast and as quiet as possible. Grab them, get them out of here, get my money and maybe disappear to one of the newer colonies somewhere on the other side of the planet. It sounded good at the time.

It didn't sound so good right then, but I was committed. You know what they say about commitment: the chicken is involved with breakfast, the pig is committed. I was that pig and I was hoping like hell I could keep my bacon out of the fire.

Praying I hadn't screwed the pooch for the final time, I encoded the messages and sent them as highly confidential to three separate corporate headquarters. The die was cast and I got up and went out to see what the girls were up to.

They must have been done with their shopping since there was some silly holo-vid on the screen when I entered the room. They were sitting down, Terry with her legs propped up on a table and Eve's long, long legs crossed just sitting there looking bored.

"What's up?" I asked from behind them. Kee jumped up and promptly stumbled over the end of the couch and fell against me. I caught her and held her upright. She looked up at me and actually smiled. Her beautiful eyes were open but a little glazed.

"Looks like we need to get you to bed," I said. Sighing, she leaned against me her head on my chest then she completely relaxed until only I was holding her up. I already had an arm around her shoulder so I reached down and scooped her up into my arms. Terry had jumped up when Kee did the boneless act. "Terry, you want to help me get her tucked in?"


As I said before I'm no hulking brute of a man but Kee felt feather light in my arms as I carried her back to the first spare bedroom. I let Terry fold down the covers before I settled the now sleeping form on the triple-wide mattress, I put triple-wides in all the rooms except mine; mine's a little wider but I like to stretch out when I sleep. During the war I spent so much time wrapped up in a tight little bedroll or in a hammock I swore I'd get the biggest bed I could find when it was over. So I did. We left Sleeping Beauty lying there and I told Sharon to dim the lights but not turn them off entirely.

"That's the first time I think she's really been asleep since we got here," Terry told me as we left the room.

"The sedative," I commented.

"Hmm, partly," she agreed. "But I think she finally feels safe for once."

"She better not get used to it," I said shaking my head. "We need to talk."

And talk we did, the three of us. I hadn't heard the whole story before; the vids only said the three socialite debutantes (Do they still have debutantes? Not in the circles I run in.) had been taking a graduation tour of Mars before returning to Earth and entering university. What they told me didn't do anything but increase the wrongness I felt about the whole situation.

"It was supposed to be a 'growing experience'," Terry said. "A once-in-a-lifetime trip to get a fuller understanding of what was really going on out here before I got my degree and started working for the company. Supposedly it would help me when it was my turn to take over." Terry's mother was actually the president of the corporation and held fifty-five percent of the stock either outright or by proxy.

"So your mother thought you should come out here?" I asked.

"Actually it was my stepfather; he recommended it and mom went along." Terry's step-father was the corporation's CFO (Chief Financial Officer). They had been married two years after Terry's real father died in an accident while inspecting a construction site.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time," she shrugged.

"Been there, done that," I snorted. "How did you end up out here, Eve?"

"Actually it was my stepmom that brought it up," she said bouncing the paper slipper up and down on the end of her toe. It drew attention to her legs which believe me didn't need any help in that department. Legs like hers should be banned as potential heart attack causes for all heterosexual males and I definitely fit in that category. Personally, I don't care one way or another if two guys want to screw each other's brains out; I just didn't see the point in it. No interest, nada. Now two girls ... Well, I am a guy; sue me.

"She mentioned that Terry and Kee were going so it sounded better than sitting at home and doing nothing. Terry, Kee and I have been friends forever; it seemed interesting."

"So you were out to see the worlds before heading to collage?"

"I suppose so," the bored sound came back into her voice. "Get a degree and do ... whatever. It's what you're supposed to do to get ahead aren't you? Although I don't know how much further ahead I could get. Terry's got all the brains; all I have is my looks. I guess I'll graduate and marry some dumbass that dad picks out for me. Probably push out one or two little dumbasses for him."

"How romantic," I said dryly. She went back to giving me one of those bug-under-a-microscope looks again.

All the brains and personality, I thought to myself as I grunted. There was no doubt about it: Miss Eveta Marissa Delgado was exquisitely beautiful, but Terry was no skank. Honestly, knowing the two of them even as little as I did, I would have taken Terry over Miss Universe in a single heartbeat. Even then I could tell living with Terry would be like trying to ride a tornado without a seatbelt. But damn! What a ride it would be!

I actually had three years of university myself; then came the war. All through it I'd assumed I'd go back after and finish but then came the exile. Not much in the way of AI circuit logic research on Mars; actually not much in the way of higher education at all. I suppose that will come later. Yes, I was studying to become an AI engineer; maybe that's why I feel such an affinity for them.

"Actually, I think Kee's stepfather brought up the idea to her," Terry muttered as she stared off into nothing; I could almost see the gears and smoke again. Suddenly she blinked and turned to me changing the subject completely.

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Following on from All My Lovers, Amy and Gary get back to work, try to figure out how to explain their new car and plan their wedding. This story is from Amy's point of view again. I managed to squeeze my car past the Aston Martin that Geoff had placed in our driveway as an early wedding gift, we'd not even arranged a date for it yet, but it was a very sweet thought. I think we'll have to break into some of his money to pay the insurance for it, I'll be taxing the insurance comparison...

1 year ago
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Craigs List Casual Encounter

It was 9:45 on a Thursday morning and Scott couldn't wait for the weekend. He was looking forward to parties, drinking, and the possibility of getting laid. His dick must have thought it was Friday because it had been in a horny throb all morning. Unable to get his mind off of sex, Scott decided to browse through the Casual Encounters on Craig's List. There were always some interesting and stimulating postings to read. After several minutes of clicking ads, Scott saw a headline that really...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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MOM'S SECRETIndian Sex StoryNote: ——I am NOT the author!I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereHello Dear readers I am a 20 year old unmarried man from KarachiPakistan My name is Shahid I am student of engineering I am regularreader stories at this site and I really enjoy and this is firsttime I am posting my true story. This is my true story about my momwhich happened few months ago , and I want to share it with you andplease do advise me...

1 year ago
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Her True SelfChapter 2

Rules and Punishment: (Fundamental Rules) Before moving in with him she knew what the rules were going to be, they had discussed them many times. Discuss might be too strong a word, he told her the rules and she just wanted to start following them (but there was that unbearable waiting she had to do till she turned eighteen, the longest five months of her life). The rules were the reason why she wanted to become his, and to fully devote herself to both him and what would become her new...

2 years ago
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My 16th Birthday part 2

If you haven't read part one I'd recommend you do! We stood still together, on the rink. He looked into my eyes, and I looked into his, both of us blushing slightly. "Skate on, guys!" shouted someone that worked there. "Oh, sorry, didn't realize that was you, Jake, but you guys need to skate on. You are blocking the rink." "It's cool, Drew," Jake said, skating off, with my hand still in his. I let out a small yelp, as I hadn't realized we were moving. I was being dragged along by Jake, so I...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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For Money or MayhemChapter 3 Not What It Appears To Be

The pounding on my door started at ten a.m. sharp. I wasn’t happy. I’d only been asleep about two hours, having spent most of the night living another man’s life half a world away. What sleep I’d had was restless as the dreams kept flooding my sleeping brain—dreams made so vivid in my mind through his laptop computer. People don’t realize how much of their lives are on their personal computers. Photos, email, links, music ... lovers—it’s all a part of who they are. When I dive into a...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 48

Regan walked across the campus to her last class before lunch. She had sent Andy a text about adding minutes to his phone. He had responded with a thanks as he raced between classes and promised to call her at lunch. She had 45 minutes until he could talk to him and she was anxious. Her classes that morning had been a bust. Her English instructor, a young woman in her mid 20s, had given her a nod but the lesson was boring. Her calculus professor had glared at her – and the lesson was still...

1 year ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 5

Charlie was wheeled out of the hospital in a wheelchair. As with a lot of patients, she had argued that it wasn’t necessary, except that it was. Her prosthetic was packed away in her luggage, which Betsy was carrying. Either the infection had been a little more aggressive than she had thought, or she had really been a lot more tired than she had felt. She was so weak that she was afraid that she might not be able to use the crutches she’d been given. Once they were outside, Betsy handed the...

2 years ago
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Sex with my mothers brothers wife Doi

I began staying at my aunt and uncle's house when living with my parents and siblings became overwhelming during my college years. I wanted freedom but had no money to attend the state university or to pay rent anywhere. My parents were strict and watched over me like a hawk. Moving one state away to Uncle Joe's house was a bittersweet compromise. He was my mom's brother and would fill her in on any questionable activity of mine. I had to leave the few friends I had to go off to a city I knew...

1 year ago
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Private Lucy Heart Feisty Blonde Comforted With Anal

In Private Gold, Boxing Beauties the sexy blonde Lucy Heart is upset after being kicked off of the boxing team but her boy Emilio Ardana knows just how to comfort her. Lucy soon forgets all about it when she is given a large serving of cock which she gladly enjoys with an amazing sloppy blowjob, sucking, gagging and getting everything wet and ready for a nice fuck. Then watch as this sexy blonde bends over and gets pounded before offering up her tight little ass and taking some hard anal action...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Mary Rock Something About Mary

Mary Rock is so fine in panties and a bra as she does some morning calisthenics. Her long hair flows behind her back, framing her super skinny figure as she stretches to get the blood flowing. Renato watches as she finishes up, waiting patiently for Mary to come continue her morning exercise with something a little more sexual. Crawling onto the day bed, Mary gives Renato exactly what he’s been waiting for. She starts with a kiss and then works her way lower. Pulling Renato’s shorts...

3 years ago
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Aastha Ki Chudai Part 2Varun Ke Dost Ke Sath Sex

Hello dosto, main Aastha ek baar phir hazir hoon aap sabke beech apni chudai ki ek aur kahani lekar. Yeh incident pichle part ke ek saal baad ka hai, jisse aap is series ke sath padh sakte hai. Uss ek saal me mere aur Varun ke gharwalo ko humari chudai ke baare me pata chal gaya. Iss baat se sab kafi naraaz the aur unhone humse saare rishtey khatam kar liye. Varun ke gharwale ab humari shakal bhi nahi dekhna chahte the. Aur mere ghar me sirf meri chhoti bahen his thi jo chori-chhipe mujhse...

4 years ago
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My mates shower

I had finished uni and had nowhere to stay. My friend had recently got married and had a baby so unfortunately his house was out the question. His mum offered me his old room at hers on a temporary basis.My mate’s mum was called Shelly and she was a primary school teacher. She had long dark hair and brown eyes. If you saw this women in the street you would swear she was still in her twenties. Growing up I never really noticed my mates mum because if anyone so much as looked at her my mate would...

1 year ago
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Grace Miller

Brad woke up in his bed. He checked his phone and saw that it was Saturday, approximately ten in the morning. He had made it his mission the past week to find out more information about Rachel’s friend, Elena.He had sex with Rachel every other day, finding out a little more about Elena with each encounter. Finally feeling confident that he had a substantial lead to find and seduce the beautiful Latina woman, he made plans to book a hotel in her area.Just as he was about to do so, he got a call...

2 years ago
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Roomies Graduation Present

Pam Maguire banged on the flimsy front door of the trailer, pulled it open a crack and called "Are you decent?" "Well," came a male voice, "We're dressed anyway." Chuckling, the brunette coed entered. "Hi, Pam. You're just in time for lunch," said Scott White, a slender blonde guy in his early twenties. "Providing you cook it, of course." added Jerry Carter, the darker, heavy set male sitting on the couch. Pam rolled her eyes and looked with fondness at the two. Both were good...

2 years ago
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The Reluctant Cuckold

Days like this are never easy. Liz told me just a few days ago of her plans to go out tonight, and the way she put it over, indicated that she wouldn't just be going out with a girlfriend. It's best she only gives me a few days notice of her plans, it means the whole situation will have come and gone quickly, then I will be able to relax again, until the next time she goes with one of her lovers. We don't discuss her lovers openly, but after many years of her straying and the arguments that...

1 year ago
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Delightful deliveries

Delightful deliveries By SG [email protected]        Ok, so I just discovered this whole world of bondage that before a month ago I had been completely clueless about. I just got my first set of handcuffs and I haven’t wanted to take them off since they arrived in the mail. The past couple of weeks have been so amazing but I know it could be even better. Some of the stories I’ve read online about other people’s selfbondage experiences sound incredible. From those stories I’ve gotten a lot...

1 year ago
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Coerced Exhibitionist Laura

Prologue This is a story of introductions, obsessions, clarifications and a course altering week that served as a delta for the four main characters. I knew their attitudes and actions changed soon after they met, but I didn’t know this was that story. Did their personalities truly change or did they just recognize and accept the unacceptable? You decide. Steve and Sue will tell you their sordid tale in a parallel story and time line. And so it began A few years ago, in a Networking class,...

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