Detroit City DGH Ch 01
- 3 years ago
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On Thursday, I mentioned to Sam that I was going to go see my uncle and his family on Friday and asked her if she wanted to go along and meet them. We were already going to another Tiger game on Saturday.
"I'd like to, Jeff, but that's my night with the girls. I can't disappoint them on such short notice. Maybe another time."
It was every Friday with the girls and Saturday with me. I knew at some point I would have to have a heart-to-heart with Sam. My feelings for her were strong and beginning to bother me. I wanted to hold her, to kiss her. It was going to come to a head. I thought I'd better wait until after her sister's wedding. I didn't want to ruin that for her.
I went to my uncle's on Friday. Uncle Bud and Aunt Helen were celebrating their thirtieth wedding anniversary. My brother and his family were there and of course Allen and Carol, Uncle Bud's kids were there also.
I met a few of the neighbors and friends of my aunt and uncle. I'd met Allen and Carol when we were kids. I was two years older than Carol who was twenty-two and Allen was still in college; he was twenty-one. I remembered when they would come to visit when we were little kids.
I think my parents even brought us up to Michigan one time to see them also. I do have to say Carol was a looker. Built about like Sam and had blond hair also. I did think 'too bad she was my cousin.'
My cousin Allen came up and asked me how I liked Detroit. I told him apart from being a little lonely at times, it was okay. He saw me staring at his sister who was dressed in a rather skimpy bathing suit.
He laughed, "I know; too bad she's your cousin. It wouldn't have made much difference anyway. Her friend Cindy is here today. She and Cindy have been close friends since high school. To me it doesn't make any difference. She's a really cool sister and it's her life."
I thought for a moment. Carol and Cindy were the names of the two girls that I had heard about with Sam. Surely, it wasn't my own cousin. I needed to find out. I just had to go about it the right way.
I talked with Carol and asked her how she was doing. We talked about when we were all little kids and ran around the fields and played on the haystacks and got in trouble going into the caves. Carol just laughed. She said those were some really fun times.
We talked about her high school and she said she was a jock. She and a couple of her friends loved sports. I mentioned that I knew a woman named Samantha Davis who was a jock. That we were partners in plumbing class.
"Sam! God, I love Sam," said Carol. "She was one of my best friends. How is she doing? I sure miss her. We had some of the best times together. No girl could play sports like that girl. She was better than most guys. I really loved that girl. Tell her I would love to see her again," smiled Carol.
About that time, another good-looking woman walked up to us. Carol introduced us. "Cindy, this is my cousin Jeff. He moved here from..."
"West Virginia," I said. "Before that I lived in Kentucky. Carol used to come down and visit during a few summers."
"Nice to meet you, Jeff," smiled Cindy.
"Guess what, Cindy? Jeff is taking a plumbing class and guess who's in his class?" asked Carol.
"How should I know? I'm not exactly into plumbing..."
"Sam ... Sam is in his class. He says they are good friends," said Carol.
"Oh, my God! We love that girl. You tell her that we said hi and to come see us. Before you leave, we'll give you our address. We lost touch when we went to college. I'd love to see her again."
"I'll do that. I'm sure she would like to see you ladies again also."
"Oh," said Carol. "If you want to have a little fun with her, ask her what happened in the shower after one of our ball games. I'm sure she will remember," laughed the two ladies.
Damn, I knew what happened in the locker room. I guess what I had heard about her was true. I still don't care. I was falling in love with her. It's just she didn't know it.
On Saturday, Sam and I went to the game. I did my best to enjoy it but the thought of my cousin Carol knowing Sam did bother me. I decided not to talk to her about it yet.
I told Sam that my sister was coming to visit me and I wanted them to meet her. Sam said it would be great, just let her know when. Sue my sister came up the following weekend. She and her husband Bryan were going to stay at my brother's place for about a week; I would visit with them.
During class on Thursday I told Sam my sister and brother-in-law were coming in Saturday. They were staying for the week. They had one child who was only one year old. I also mentioned that I had met her friends Carol and Cindy at my uncle's place. She looked surprised.
"You met my friends Carol and Cindy?" asked Sam.
I handed her the address and phone number the girls had given me.
"As a matter of fact, Carol is my cousin. I had only seen her a couple of times when we were kids. I couldn't believe it when I found out she knew you," I replied.
"Carol and Cindy were my best friends in school along with the other girls that played sports. I guess it's because we spent so much time together. We all played volleyball, softball and basketball. We were all on the track team but we almost had to work it in. Our schedules were so full."
"So why didn't you keep in touch?" I asked.
"Just part of life. They both went out of state to college and I went to the local school for plumbing. I'd love to see them again. They really are a couple of fun girls," said Sam.
Again I was confused. She talked about them as good friends, not old lovers. Maybe she really isn't gay. Damn, why am I so afraid to just ask her? I really knew why. I was afraid that if she said she was, I might lose her as a best friend.
We went to my brother's place on Saturday. It was so good to see my sister again. I hugged her and gave her a sisterly kiss. "I sure missed you, Sue," I said.
"I missed you too, little brother. So, where is this girlfriend you've been hiding from the family?"
'Oh, shit, ' I thought. 'How would Sam react?' I turned around and Sam had just walked in the room. She had been talking to my brother for a minute. Bob and his family had met Sam a number of times. I remember they thought she was a real looker and had a great personality. I never mentioned about her possibly being gay. At least Sam was smiling; she must have not heard Sue.
"Sue, this is my best bud Sam. Sam, Sue is my youngest and most ornery sister. This is her husband, Bryan holding my niece Amanda."
They all greeted each other with hugs. Sue looked at Sam and said, "You sure are a looker. How did my little brother ever find you?" laughed Sue.
I figured I had to get Sue to the side and tell her that Sam and I weren't a number before it got too far. I didn't get a chance as Sam answered her question.
"Jeff and I took a plumbing class together. We became friends and we have our best bud day which is Saturday. He seemed rather lost in our big city," she smiled. "So I offered to show him the sights. I've lived here my whole life."
"Well, thank you for looking after him. He is the youngest in the family," laughed Sue.
"Can I hold Amanda?" asked Sam. "I love kids."
Bryan handed Amanda over to Sam. Sam looked so natural holding my niece. "I want to hold her too," I said. "I've never seen her since she was first born."
I went home one weekend to see my sister right after she had Amanda. It was before I met Sam. Even then, Sue told me I just needed to find the right woman.
My brother and sister planned a cookout so we all went outside and played lawn games. Bryan couldn't believe how good Sam was playing these games. She even beat the teenagers. I at least held my own with her.
While I was playing a few games, I saw Sam and Sue talking. Sam was holding Amanda. It made me wonder how much Sam liked kids. Sam and Sue talked for quite awhile.
I talked to Sue myself a little while later. I needed to tell her about Sam. One thing I'll tell you about my sister. She is very outspoken. She doesn't take much from anyone.
"She's quite a catch, little brother," said Sue.
"Sue, about Sam. She's not my girlfriend; she's just my best friend," I said.
"Bullshit! Jeff, I'm not blind and I know you better than anyone. You're in love with her; anyone can see that."
"She's gay, Sue. She's a lesbian," I replied. "We're just friends."
"You're full of shit, Jeff. She's no more a lesbian than I am. Where the hell did you get such an idea? Hell, I think she loves you as much as you love her. Have you ever told her you love her?"
"No, I didn't want to spoil our friendship. Saturdays are my favorite day of the week. It's our day together."
"I suggest you have a long talk with her. Believe me, she's a keeper, unlike the ones you dated back home. I can't believe you are so naive. I guess we sheltered you a little too much," laughed Sue.
A few minutes later my uncle and aunt showed up to see my sister. Carol and Cindy were with them. Everyone greeted each other; Sam and Carol were almost crying when they saw each other. After all the greetings Sam said she and her girlfriends were going swimming and talk. She asked me if I wanted to swim with them.
"Maybe later. I'll let the three of you talk over old times first. Besides, I don't know if I could handle three gorgeous women in bathing suits even if I am related to one of them."
The girls all laughed as they ran in the house to change. It occurred to me that this would be the first time I saw Sam in a bathing suit. I had seen Carol and Cindy a couple of weeks ago.
Before Sam got into the pool she came up to me and said, "What do you think?" as she smiled and opened her towel.
"You're beautiful, Sam." As she walked away laughing to join her friends I said in a low voice, "I just wish you were more than my best bud..."
I never did join them in the pool. My brother's kids did and even Bryan jumped in. I told them I would keep Sue and Amanda company.
"Talk to her, Jeff. Do it as soon as possible. Believe me, she's not gay. I could tell Carol and Cindy are but not Sam," said Sue.
"I was going to wait till after I go to her sister's wedding," I said.
"Wait for what? If she was a lesbian, you were still going to take her as a friend. Just tell her, for Pete's sake. It's killing you inside. If you don't tell her I will," said Sue.
"OK, OK, I'll talk to her on the way home," I replied.
"Talk to her now. Please! You'll be glad you did. Trust me," replied Sue.
When Sam got out of the pool, I handed her a towel. "Sam, can I talk to you for a minute? It's very important and personal."
"What's the matter, Jeff? I've never seen you like this. Is there a problem?" asked Sam.
"God, you're gorgeous. I've never seen so much of you before."
"Thanks, Jeff, now what's going on?"
"This might ruin our friendship but I have to tell you that I'm in love with you and I think I've been since the day I met you. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I'll still take you to your sister's wedding next week but I'll understand if you have a change of mind."
Sam had a look of wonderment on her face. "Jeff, I care for you too. What made you bring this up now? I'm missing something here."
"Are you a lesbian?"
"What? What in God's name did I ever do that would make you think I was a lesbian? You're right, Jeff, we do need to talk," replied Sam.
"Sam, could you please wrap that towel around yourself? I'm having a hard time concentrating seeing you in that bathing suit. You're so damn beautiful."
"OK, I'll slip a shirt on but you're going to tell me everything." I watched Sam walk over to the house. As she walked by my sister, she smiled. She really was a knockout. I hoped she cared for me half as much as I did her.
Sam came out with a t-shirt over her bathing suit. "OK, Jeff, what made you think I liked women?"
"Well, please don't hate me. It was a number of things that happened that made me wonder. When I first met you, you had on the coveralls and ball cap."
"So women wearing coveralls are lesbians to you?"
"Please, Sam, I'm trying to be honest with you here. I don't think women that wear coveralls are lesbians; that's stupid and we both know it. When I went out with the guys at our first class, they talked about you. Please remember that was before I really knew you. We had just met."
"Those stupid idiots. What did they say about me?" asked Sam.
"They said you were a dyke, you know, a girl that is the man in a girl/girl relationship."
"I know what a dyke is, Jeff; please continue."
"They said that they had all asked you out a number of times throughout the last couple of years and you always refused them."
"Jeff, they're assholes. Why would a girl want to go out with them? You see why they like Sheila. It's not for her conversational skills. Surely you can see why I wouldn't want to go out with any of them?" replied Sam.
"You're right. They are idiots and I told them that I didn't want to hear any more shit about you. Even if you are a lesbian, you're also my friend."
"You said that? Thank you for sticking up for me. I know there's more. What is it?
"Sheila said she saw you kissing Cindy in the locker room. At the same time, Carol had you by the boobs. I didn't really believe it till Carol told me to ask you about a locker room incident. Of course I never did ask you. I already knew."
"Jeff, I wish you would have asked me. Carol, Cindy and I were best friends. We still are. As I told you before we played all kind of sports together. You should know that both Carol and Cindy are bi-sexual. They are lovers and have been for years. They also date men too.
"What happened in the shower was the two of them were playing around. I told them they should stop before someone saw them and they would get in trouble. It made Cindy laugh and she said, 'Well, you're going to get in trouble with us.' She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips; she was holding my head between her hands. At the same time, Carol came up behind me and grabbed my boobs. We all laughed. They knew I wasn't into women; it was all in fun.
"That's when Carol looked up and saw Sheila. She was a cheerleader. Carol told her to get her skinny ass out of there. She quickly left the locker room. I guess she has been passing the story around ever since. Are there any other reasons you thought I was gay?"
"Friday night with the girls. I figured it was your night out with them," I said.
"It is my night with the girls. I'm not going to tell you about them till next Friday. You're coming with me to meet them. Now I have a few questions for you."
"Go ahead, I'll tell you whatever I can," I replied.
"Is that why you never tried to kiss me or hold my hand? I couldn't understand why I turned you off, or at least didn't turn you on," asked Sam.
"I was afraid of losing you as a friend. Since you were a lesbian I figured you would get pissed if I tried anything," I replied. "I wanted you as a friend even if we couldn't be intimate."
"Jeff, why didn't you just ask me? If we were buddies, then I would think you would have at least mentioned it."
"You never said anything to me either. Why is that?" I asked.
"At the beginning you seemed lonely but yet a nice guy. You said you just left a relationship and I didn't want a guy fresh off a rebound. Then you said we were just buddies so I figured you didn't want a relationship with me. I actually felt bad when you dropped me off every Saturday and didn't even try anything. I guess we were both trying too hard not to have an affair. What made you want to talk to me now of all places?"
"My sister Sue told me I shouldn't wait. She said she knew I cared for you right off the bat. Why are you smiling?"
"Sue asked me about you and I told her I cared for you but you didn't seem to notice me in an intimate way. That's when she told me to push the envelope and put on my bathing suit. She said if you didn't notice me then that you were dead. I took her advice."
"Sam, when you were in the pool with your friends I could tell you were talking about me by the way you were looking at me. What was being said?"
"I told you that Carol and Cindy were bi-sexual. Cindy asked if you and I were serious because she was thinking of jumping your bones."
"What? What did you say to her?" I asked.
"That you were mine but didn't know it yet and were completely off limits," said Sam with a smile. "Boy, we sure wasted some time, didn't we?"
"No, I don't think so. I got to know the real Sam; the gorgeous woman outside and the beautiful person on the inside. We never had sex or made love and I still love you. We have found out so much more about each other's likes and dislikes. We really are buddies but I want it to be so much more."
"Me too, Jeff," smiled Sam. We better get back to the party before everyone wonders where we are."
"Do I get a kiss now, Sam?" I asked.
"Nope, you made me wait, now you're going to have to wait since I know you care for me," smiled Sam.
"How long are you going to make me wait?" I laughed.
A smiling Sam said, "Not too long but long enough for you to want me."
"I want you now, Sam," I smiled.
Sam laughed and shook her butt in front of me as she walked. It was a fake walk but her butt sure looked nice.
We went back to the party. The atmosphere between us changed. She would lean up against me, hold my hand and even playfully slapped me when we played games like volleyball. I loved it and tried to kiss her a couple of times when I had her pinned down after tackling her in one of the games of keep away.
She did turn her head and I kissed her cheek. I joked with her and told her I was going to tackle her friend Cindy. If you remember earlier, Sam told me Cindy said that I was a decent catch.
"I don't think that would be a good idea. I'll have to help Cindy out and I know Carol will join in and you might lose all your clothes," laughed Sam.
I didn't know if she was bluffing or not but I wasn't about to take these three lady jocks on.
The following week was the end of the class for this semester. On Tuesday, the guys asked if I was going out to celebrate like we did at the end of each class. I knew Sam didn't like it and now she was sort of my girl but these guys didn't know it.
I had a talk with Sam and she told me to go. She also suggested that I tell the guys to invite Sheila. I knew she had an ulterior motive so I told the guys I would be there. I did mention to them to invite Sheila. Dan said she always shows up after the end of each class even if she didn't take the course.
I knew something was going on. I talked with my sister Sue who said she would be going home on Friday. She told me Sam invited her and Bryan out on Thursday night. I had a feeling Sam was inviting them to the Horseshoe Lounge after class.
After exams Sam told me she was leaving early. She needed time to change her clothes. She still had on her coveralls, and would be picking up Sue and Bryan. She told me under no circumstances was I to mention it to anyone.
After she left, I heard the guys say, "We're not surprised, she never comes. I really would have liked to tap her just one time. Once she was with me she would never want a woman again," laughed Bill.
"You know, Bill," I said. "You're an asshole. I asked Sam why she never dated you. She told me because you are a sorry excuse for a man. All you do is tear down women and talk about how good you are. Did you ever think that the problem might not be Sam? It just might be you."
I knew Bill wanted to say something but he knew I would kick his ass. They all knew Sam was my friend and I wouldn't listen to their snide remarks about her. I knew they did it when I wasn't around. I just didn't want to hear it.
After class, we all headed to the lounge. As we entered the lounge, Sheila surprised me and kissed me. "There's a lot more where that came from, Jeff. All you have to do is ask," smiled Sheila.
Sheila then kissed Dan, Bill, Ben and Joe. She had two friends with her which all the guys seem to know. There was two large tables put together and everyone was sitting around it. I sat over on the end because I wasn't planning on staying long.
The music had already started and the guys grabbed the girls and were out dancing with them. The first thing that came to mind was how this group was made for each other. No one really cared a shit about the other. It was all about having a good time.
They all came back after the song ended and the drinks were there and they started in. I had a ginger ale. I was taking a sip when I heard Bill say, "Holy shit!!!"
I looked at him and he was staring at the door. Everyone was looking, so I turned my head, and Sam had just entered the lounge. Her blond hair was in waves down around her shoulders. She was dressed in a black mini skirt and it had a slit up the side. A white blouse that showed a lot of her boobs and white high-heel boots. She could have been a very high-class hooker. Damn, did she ever turn heads.
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Hentai Streaming SitesThe Captives Twelve years after the Gulf event Cel still sent out crews looking for survivors. The few discovered were in poor shape. Shelters had been advised to keep sufficient supplies for ten years so most shelters would have run out of food and water by then. The ones in shelters that managed to leave them usually found supplies to carry them through until the Cel ships found them. The containers the supplies were in had been rigged with a silent pinger that alerted the searchers the...
Chapter18: Mo and Marie It was a lazy Sunday morning almost a year after Marie announced she was moving to Felicity. Mo and Marie met with friends for an early breakfast then Marie took Mo to her new home. She led Mo to her bedroom and assisted her in undressing then made herself nude too. After a few minutes in which they tried to act normally between kisses Marie led Mo onto her bed. They had made love several times before but there had always been others present in Wendy’s hot tub or...
Tom and Felicity had met Willy and Trish and after having dinner, the two couples had migrated back to Felicity's flat to spend time socializing and talking some more. She had arranged everything in advance with the thought that she and Tom might swap partners with Trish and Willy and enjoy a wild experiment of having sex with the other partner there in the same room. Everyone had gotten their clothes off, and Willy and Felicity had paired off over on one end of the couch while Tom and Trish...
Dave had a habit of checking on the various rooms in the core to see how they were being used and what condition they were in just by occasionally strolling by. Some weeks he checked daily and other weeks perhaps not at all. He was on his round and opened the door to one of the relatively unfinished areas in the core. A hasty but colorful painted sign hung on the door said, ‘Art Studio’. He noted Colleen’s name and phone number under the words. He peeked into the room and saw Colleen...
As it turned out, as Felicity barged into the library, Chester was just showing Bobby out. She pulled the door open and jumped back, when she was confronted with two men, standing there. “I see you’ve been making cookies again,” said Chester, smiling at her. She looked at her hands, and flushed deep red. “I need to talk to you,” she said. “about this...” she waved a doughy hand at Bobby. “about him...” “Excellent!” said Chester. “I need to talk to you too. I’ve hired Mister Dalton here to...
Meanwhile Jill had insisted that Tony spend some quality time with Felicity and did not seem at all concerned about him fucking her best friend.In fact she was adamant that Tony service Felicity regularly. The reason he soon found was that Felicity had implied to Jill, that Tony was not in her long term plans and that she had a black boyfriend who was at University. Jill however, wanted Felicity to marry Tony and be one of his wives, and she thought by encouraging them¡ this would encourage‡...
New York City Some colleagues and I decided to take advantage of the warm Friday afternoon, so we headed to a midtown outdoor café for lunch. On this sunny afternoon the streets were alive and the café was busy. However, you sitting in the corner, wearing that yellow sundress, with the sunlight shimmering off your dark hair quickly caught my eye. I tried to join in with my coworkers’ banter, laughing when I thought I heard a joke, chiming in to make it seem like I was paying attention to...
Crescent City By The Professor It felt good to be home again. For those of us born and bred in New Orleans, the rest of the world is a strange place, lacking the grace and gentility of our city. Only in the Crescent City could her children ever feel truly at home. Had it not been for pressure from my family, I never would have left ? even to go to college. But for my family, every eldest male had been packed off to Harvard since the early part of the nineteenth century. I...
In this segment, Mayor Meg helps Gina, (an innocent girl, accused of sluttiness, who had been framed by an actual slutty bitch) escape from prison. There have been many times in my life, when I found myself dreaming of a world without bitches. Then one night, I woke up from one of those dreams, and had an epiphany. I sat up in bed, and an invisible light bulb, as bright as a helicopter search light went off above my head. "What if all the raving bitches could all be contained in one place?" I...
LesbianI woke with a start. What had woken me? There was movement in the bed beside me. I opened my eyes and looked to my left. There was Felicity, legs wide open and Sienna with her tongue buried deep in her pussy. It all came back to me. The three of us in our pantyhose and Sienna fucking Felicity deep and hard, licking Sienna's cum out of Felicity's pussy and the three of us in a circle, licking and sucking each other till we all came again. My cock began to rise as I watched Sienna licking my...
Introduction: Seedy city life brings adventure and filthy fucking Moving my whores into town For the next six months I used Rachel as a source of much needed entertainment and to be honest I grew very fond of Rachel as I believe she did me. But I knew deep down that once my whores contracts at Donalds expired this coming Friday id be jacking my job and upping sticks with my whores to the middle of the city centre for a new start and to experience new things. Money wasnt a problem anymore as my...
Lo, thus, as prostrate, "In the dust I write My heart's deep languor and my soul's sad tears." Yet why evoke the spectres of black night To blot the sunshine of exultant years? Why disinter dead faith from mouldering hidden? 5 Why break the seals of mute despair unbidden, And wail life's discords into careless ears? Because a cold rage seizes one at whiles To show the bitter old and wrinkled truth Stripped naked of all vesture that beguiles, 10 ...
She never should have rented this apartment in the Mortal City The cold comes though every crack she puts her hand up to The radiator's broken, so she has to use electric heat. I hurried around the apartment, trying to get everything ready. There just wasn't time, wasn't time. It was nearly five; he was going to be here at 6:30. My apartment was a freezing cold mess. The damp December weather seemed to be slithering its way inside, rain pelting a drumbeat against my single-pane...
Emma Watson walked into her home, feeling happy and successful. Her first-term report card was out, and she'd managed to pull off a couple of "A"'s to leaven her slate of "B"'s and "B+"'s. Her parents would be more than satisfied. Quickly she doffed her shoes, dropped her books in her room and looked for her mother. She found her, sniffling in the guest bedroom. "Wow, Emma, that's great! We're going to have to go out to celebrate!" "What's wrong, Mom? You're...
Copyright© 1998-2003 There was a young man of Bengal Who swore he had only one ball, But two little bitches Unbuttoned his britches, And found he had no balls at all. Far below, the city lived and thrived. It was a hungry beast, prepared to devour even the heartiest of souls. I looked upon it with hatred and trepidation, though I was now a part of the beast. I needed the beast to survive. The constant roar of noise lifted up to my penthouse, the lights causing even the darkest...
For the next six months I used Rachel as a source of much needed entertainment and to be honest I grew very fond of Rachel as I believe she did me. But I knew deep down that once my whores contracts at Donald's expired this coming Friday id be jacking my job and upping sticks with my whores to the middle of the city centre for a new start and to experience new things. Money wasn’t a problem anymore as my whores had worked wonders and had easily accumulated a multiple six fi My whores were...
Wednesday November 24, 2004 is a day which my wife Julie and I will never forget. That day, I bought a lottery ticket while on my lunch break at work. The following morning (Thanksgiving Day), I checked the lottery results online and was shocked to learn that I held the lone winning ticket for the $234,000,000 jackpot. The following Monday, Julie and I both presented our bosses with written notification that December 31 would be our final day with our respective companies. When we were both...
The city of Trin had been called Trinity many ages ago. Many small wars and battles had been fought over it. Now there was peace but it was not always an easy peace. The city was in the junction of three rivers and at the junction of three countries. There were three city lords, one from each country. The city had hundreds of man made stone canals instead of streets. On each side of a canal was a walk that bordered the houses, stores or shops. To the southeast between the river and one branch...
Saturday, January 14, 2012 Batcave, Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce is again at the Batcomputer reviewing his notes as he sees the message from Wonder Woman, aka Diana Prince with the Subject, ‘Big Barda.’ Curious Bruce clicks the message and see... Wednesday, January 4, 2012 Free’s Residence, Calvin City, Connecticut It had been a couple hours since Wonder Woman talked with Batman and then left to visit with Barda again. It had been only a day since Wonder Woman told Barda that her...
I opened the door and there stood Sienna in all her finery. I invite her in and take her through to the lounge. She sits down on the sofa as I pour a couple of drinks. I sit beside her on the sofa and we sip our drinks and explain that Felicity is just having a bath and getting ready. I ask Sienna if she has dressed as I requested and lifting her skirt she shows me her lovely clit covered by a pair of sheer tan pantyhose and a pair of sexy see through panties. I reach out and place my hand on...
Scolb city was a freshly build community around the texas state highway 45, it was built with the intention to work on its own: residential area with houses and apartments on the west and activity area with offices and malls on the east. But that freshly made city quickly saw the drawbacks of modern day society, the well paid sedentary jobs were close to the multiple cheap fast foods, the proximity of the residential area made every restaurant deliver faster and cheaper than anywhere else, the...
FetishCity Analyst to Naked Property ( by [email protected] ) Chapter 1 I leant back on the soft pillow and closed my eyes. She was a good fuck all right ! She had gone downstairs to get me an ashtray and a beer after I pounded her pussy well and proper. As I looked around her apartment, I sighed in contentment and pushed the sheets down my body. I ran my hand down my chest and looked down my chiselled body, running my hands over my abs and deflating cock. Another one-night-conquest to...
Melissa: Big City Girl? Part#1(MM/f, n/c relec, humil, spank)By: Jake OliveAuthors note: The story and characters are entirely fictional. This is my first attempt at this type of work. Please provide any feedback to: [email protected] really had to be done with Melissa. Here Paul was on what should have been the greatest day of his life and he had a problem; What to do about Melissa. Paul Stanford was by all accounts a successful young man. Only 27, his quick mind and ease of...
Storm, had his head buried between two very long lovely legs. While he was happily supping on the meal on offer, a very active tongue and a wicked set of lips were doing divine things to his family jewels. He had slept in her room and had woken to her cunnie in his face and her mouth on junior. He pulled her hips down to his wet face again and sucked hard as his hips flexed up. She shuddered and he blew, and she sucked him harder. He grunted into her twitching cunnie and then sucked her...
[This is a story game. so please click START GAME on the right hand menu otherwise none of this will make sense! Plus you will be missing out on the best part of the game!] A new town, a new start. That's what was on your mind as you drove past the "Welcome to Transaton City". You were headed to Transaton to get a fresh start after the last rough couple of months. Your company had downsized, and as a result you were laid off from your job. Your girlfriend dumped you as soon as you lost your...
TranssexualFelicity: A collection of stories by jjcole. Foreword: I am reposting many of my stories, I could not get back into my original jjcole members site after I changed my e-mail. I ended up in the nightmare of the ‘use confirmation word’ endless cycle so I started over. I am an old man living in Texas some forty years now but not born here. My first language was French, then Spanish, then English so you may see some Yoda like sentence structures here and there. With forgiveness please. I am...
I was at uni on a night out with my housemates... heres what happened.We all went out on the Saturday night for a few drinks and then decided to head to the club. At this point we were all quite drunk except one girl Felicity who was wasted ! Felicity was 19 and dressed like a complete slut wearing a tiny white vest top with no bra and the shortest red kilt/skirt youve ever seen. She topped it off with a pair of red high heels to match the skirt and as she stumbled her way to the club you could...
After cuddling for a while, Pat and I decided to go back to the lounge to wait for Felicity. I poured us each a drink and put on some of the videos that Felicity and I had made over the years to watch while we waited. As we watched Pat reached down and started playing with her pussy. On the screen was a video of Felicity busy pushing a vibrator in and out of her pussy. I got up and went to the bedroom and came back a few minutes later with the same vibrator and gave it to Pat. It was really...
She bought him two suits, a sport jacket, ten shirts of various hues, and five ties. It was the kind of place that could do the alterations in the same day, for the right amount of money. She took him to another store, while the alterations were being done, and got him four pair of casual slacks off the rack, and two more shirts. “I thought this deal was only two days,” he said. “Yes,” she said, in shopping mode now, and easily able to ignore his tug. “But there will be three nights. We...
Friday morning, Felicity woke early, much earlier than usual. She felt wonderful and rested. The calm that had come over her, after she got into bed with her husband, and thought about what had happened, was still with her. She had come to the understanding, reluctantly at first, that he had been right. If she’d let him make love to her she’d have been miserable. He’d stopped her from making a terrible mistake. As a result, she had lost her fear of Bobby Dalton, and now looked forward to...
________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER FOUR ----------------------------------------------- The city was just returning to normal. It has been two months since the king had come to the city. He stayed two weeks and the city celebrated for two months. I glanced at Sam crossing the square to join me for a lunch time tea. Adelia and Tim had taken a huge group of children to Baroness Terness to spend the day. I smiled as Sam sat down...
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction: The Killing of a merchant The last six weeks had seemed to fly by and Sam had her monthly bleeding. From the last day she had trembled in fear every night as she came to bed. I only held her and told her to face her fear. Two weeks later she had and I had been a gentle lover. From that first moment her fear had left her and she became my lover as well as my...
Chad sat tailorfashion in the center of a small clearing amidst ancient trees, his muscles relaxed, his eyelids drooping nearly closed. Facing him, Charis and Ahlenya sat side by side, similarly intent. Between the three of them a fistsized lump of gold lifted inch by inch into the air, creeping steadily higher under perfect control until at last it came to rest several feet above their heads. Chad could feel the nugget's massive presence in the new way that he was still learning to...
New Felicity: The Azulians Life in Felicity had settled down and all were at ease with the presence of alien residents. It seemed those aliens knew everyone in town and had made love with a third of them. The aliens were preferred people. Felicity had seen hundreds of aliens come and go and all had been treated as new best friends. The decision to place the spaceport there had been an inspired one. Still alien races not in the Federation sometimes found themselves in the town. There was a...
Cel had become a melting pot of alien races and at its surface there appeared to be harmony. But there were deep resentments among the population, jealousies, prejudices, hostility. To combat the growing animosity a ceremony to celebrate their unity was planned and it was decided to hold it in Felicity, the most diverse community in the Galaxy. The purpose of the ceremony was to be an official welcome to the nearly hundred beings that had just come to Earth from their frozen planet. The...