Homeowner's Association: A Big Deal At Sunny Manor (BDSM)Sunday Morning free porn video

As I told you earlier, I would have been nervous jogging at night in the nude through any ordinary neighborhood. I was strangely calm because not only was no one around this late in this quiet neighborhood but if anyone saw me, they would have assumed I was just some random free person who felt like a late-night naked jog.
As you may have guessed, I am not an extrovert, and I was not used to being naked outside. The grass was wet from dew, and the air was thick and refreshing.
The only people who I was worried about discovering my activities were my father and my sister. I realized as I neared my house that I was more afraid of my sister popping out from under my bed to ask where I had been all night. Lindsay was fucking with my head and really making me paranoid.
Lucky for me, despite being clumsy and scraping my knee I was able to shimmy back up the drainpipe on the side of the house, cross over onto to a ledge and then get back into my room.
“Lindsay?” I whispered as I snickered to myself. I thought she’d say “Yes?” and I’d probably jump out of my skin when she appeared from the shadows. I was happy she wasn’t lurking around waiting to scold me for sneaking out and add this to the already extensive list she had of things she could get me in trouble for.
There were two reasons I had gone on that little adventure to Groper’s Alley. The first most obvious one was that a nearly naked girl showed up in my window and asked me to go and I thought I’d at least get to finger fuck her. The second reason was that since Lindsay already had all this dirt on me I might as well throw a little caution to the wind and take the chance. The biggest influence was obviously the chance to possibly finger fuck Stacy at some point in the evening.
I slept hard that night and dreamt about all the perverted things I had done and seen that day. In my dream, Stacy ran back to the dirty clown man, and he fucked her with his jagged saw-tooth shaped dick. He was married to the dirty broad in the middle of the street with her legs spread. They all lived together after that and traveled with the county fair. The clown man was a carnival barker, and he sold three balls for a dollar. Stacy and that dirty woman were tied up naked with their legs spread. Their pussies, assholes, and mouths were wide enough that you could throw a ball right into them and they would fit. They wore ropes around their necks so that If you hit a special target, the women plunged on to a big wooden dick while they wiggled obscenely and choked with their tongues hanging out. You could also throw the balls right into their asshole, pussy, or mouth to win a prize. I paid a dollar for three balls, and I threw one directly into the older woman’s pussy. She caught it with her cunt like it was a well-worn catcher’s mitt and then popped it back out. The clown barker that ran the fair asked me to try again. I wound up and threw the ball right into Stacy’s asshole. She caught it with her dirty butthole and gripped it tight. Stacy smiled at me and asked if she had a prettier asshole than the old cunt next to her. I said yes and then the dirty girl farted the ball out of her ass back at me harder than I threw it at her. She tried but failed to hit me with it. The ball landed harmlessly at the bottom of the cage the two of them were in. I don’t know if that dream was inspired because I was mad that Stacy ran off or just because I was overly stimulated last night.
I woke up abruptly, still hard and naked from the night before.
“Hello, Sir,” sleep well?” Charity was in my room. She didn’t seem to care that I was naked and rolling around on my bed. Charity was unboxing my things and organizing my room for me. “I wanted to get your Xbox set up for you early, so you have something to do today. Breakfast is on the table downstairs, and I can come down and make you a plate if you are ready, Sir?”
She said with a voice like sweet honey drenched in love for me. Charity had always been nice to me in Atlanta but she was different today – even nicer than before.
“That would be lovely,” I said as I discretely covered my dick with one hand and looked for my pants.
“I am sorry Sir, I haven’t unpacked everything. I laid out some fresh clothes for you on the table if those will meet your needs?” Charity bent over the table and I saw the black butt plug between her sweet, delicious bare ass cheeks.
“Yes, that would be fine,” I stuttered.
“I hope you don’t mind that I was in your room while you were sleeping, Sir?” she asked.
“No, not at all, I hope you don’t mind seeing me naked?” I covered up my dick with my hands and hobbled over to the counter to get dressed.
“As I said last night during our family meeting, the only thing that I mind is that you thank me, apologize to me or concern yourself with my happiness. As long as you are happy then I am happy, Sir,” she said it very politely and cheerfully.
“It’s hard for me not to be grateful,” I said as I tried to pretend my dick wasn’t hard while I shuffled on my underwear.
I also found it tremendously difficult to believe someone wanted to live their life to do for others without any gratitude. I wasn’t a cynic like my older sister, but it just seemed too good to be true.
“Then if you want to show your gratitude you will have a great day and not worry about anything, Sir” Charity said as she set things up on my table.
“I don’t know how to do the wires for your Xbox, but I’ve almost found everything. I am sure you are excited to get back into your games. I am sorry that in the past when you told me about your video games that I didn’t always stop and listen. I had no interest or understanding of video games. I am learning that shouldn’t stop me from enjoying you express your passion for your interests. In the future, I will do better,” she assured me sweetly.
“Thank you,” I stopped myself almost before I said it. Charity playfully grimaced at me and put her hands on her hips and smirked that I’d have to learn to cut that out. “I was looking forward to going swimming today instead of gaming,” I said. It sounded strange when I heard that come out of my mouth. Everyone else in the family would probably be surprised I wanted to get out of the house and do something outside.
“Wow, I am sure your father will be excited to hear you have found an interest that takes you out of the house, Sir” Charity asked if I was ready to have breakfast now.
“I can make it myself,” I said once I was fully dressed. I wanted to let her continue what she was doing.
“Please, sir? I am trying to learn to serve, and if I don’t practice, I will do poorly when I am evaluated,” Charity pouted in a sweet and utterly adorable way.
“Thank you,” Dammit, I did it again. This time Charity gave me a slightly cross look and then immediately forgave me with a smile. “I know this will take time for everyone to adjust,” Charity said as she was going down to the floor. She touched her tits to my carpet and spread her legs and then waited behind me.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Crawling, Sir,” she said.
“I didn’t tell you to crawl, though,” I reminded her.
“Yes, sir, I know that. Your father wants me to crawl in and out of rooms unless I am carrying anything too heavy to grip in my teeth. I hope it doesn’t embarrass you?” she said. It was clear that she didn’t expect permission from me to crawl. I definitely didn’t mind seeing her shake her ass and drag her tits along the carpet like a dog.
“Does it hurt your knees?” I asked as I left the room with my future stepmom on my heels.
“Surprisingly, no. The carpet is very thick here. In the living room and kitchen, the tile does but pain and discomfort is part of my training. Last night your father discovered there are premade sections of tile in the corner of every room downstairs that has razed and bumpy surfaces for kneeling,” she told me as we took the stairs.
“Why would someone want that?” I asked. I still knew very little of Real BDSM at this point. My entire experience outside of yesterday’s tour was made up of really bad fan fiction about Game of Thrones characters whipping each other naked through the streets of King’s Landing or German bondage porn.
“If I am misbehaved, I can be told to kneel in the corner, and I will seek out a corner with the raised bumps to reflect upon my behavior, Sir,” she said.
“I don’t think you will be in the corner often. You seem so chipper and alive. You and I have never talked this much since you first moved in,” I said.
“I hope I won’t get in trouble, but everyone makes mistakes, Sir. Sometimes, I may have to stand or kneel in the corner to reinforce my place in the house, or simply to keep me out of the way,” she explained before apologizing. “I was painfully shy when I moved in. I know you are too. I didn’t want you to think I was here to take your father away from you. I apologize. I should have been the one to break the ice and open up to you. If it is any consolation there is nothing you can’t talk with me about now,” Charity assured me.
There was something so sexy about her openness and willingness to listen to me.
I had no idea until I saw Charity drag her tits down the stairs and waddle behind me just how precarious it must be for a dog to go downstairs. If I stopped and Charity was following me, she might have fallen end over end and landed flat on her butt. I walked briskly down the stairs, and she kept a single, smooth rhythm to her crawling.
Lucy and Simon were eating when I got downstairs. Lindsay and my father were nowhere to be seen. They greeted me with smiles. They were eating fresh pancakes with fruit.
“Please have a seat, Sir. I will bring you a plate of food,” Charity stood up and shook her legs before asking me what I wanted. There was bacon, eggs, sausage, and orange juice. It was quite a bit better than the toaster waffles or cereal I usually made for myself. Charity would have made food for me back in Atlanta but I usually slept in and didn’t have enough time for the good stuff. It was still Spring Break and I had plenty of time today!
“Where did you get all this food?” I asked. We had just moved in and last night the pantry and fridge was as bare as her ass.
“I went to Dante’s Pantry this morning. Sir,” Charity smiled as she made my plate. Her tits jiggled as she used the spatula to put together my plate. “I had your father’s permission of course,” she said.
“Did anyone tell you to bend over and show your butt plug?” I asked. I don’t know why I cared. It was the first thing that popped into my mind. I like butts, okay?
“No, Sir, surprisingly not. Master Davidson had made it sound like that was fairly routine, but no one asked. Would you like me to spread my ass-cheeks for you now so that you can check?” she asked.
My jaw dropped open for a moment, and my boner popped up hard in my pants.
Lucy and Simon looked at me like I was a total pervert, but it was as if they were daring me to do it. “I saw it earlier when you were cleaning my room!” I said uncomfortably and discretely shifted my dick in my pants.
“I am sorry if my question shocked you, Sir. Your father and I talked last night, and he decided that he would rather you check me and find out my plug is missing or lose rather than a stranger. He said that I should ask you before we leave the house but is entirely up to you. I know it is probably very embarrassing for you, Sir.”
“Not at all,” I tried to look at my plate and not at her perfect, pert ass.
Lucy teased me, “He likes butts!”
Simon added, “Yeah, big, big butts, especially!”
“Well, I have a huge butt! So that must make me his favorite person, huh Mister Simon?” Charity turned and served me a fresh plate and asked him if he wanted more food.
I turned beet red.
“You and Miss Lucy would be doing me a kindness to check any time you like as well. It will be very embarrassing to walk out of the house and drop my butt plug someplace and then be spanked after we just moved here,” she admitted.
“I would never let somebody look up my butthole!” Lucy insisted.
“No Ma’am, I am sure you wouldn’t. No one expects you to do that, Miss Lucy. That is only a rule for slaves like me. If anyone tells you to do that please tell your father or one of us?” Charity was able to be completely submissive around us and yet still seem concerned for our well-being and playful.
It was not what I thought would happen in this situation at all. I thought BDSM was all about whips, chains, sex, and pain. Charity was naked, and her boobs jiggled when she moved around the kitchen, and her ass-cheeks clapped together when she bent over and stood up, but there was nothing “dirty” about any of this. It felt naughty, and yet it felt strangely safe and satisfying.
“What if I want to be a slave, though?” Lucy asked.
“Oh? Well, I would imagine you should talk to your father first, Miss Lucy. This life isn’t for everyone, but it feels natural to me,” Charity squatted down with her legs apart and looked under the counter and then got something out to clean the table with.
“I like making people happy, but I wouldn’t want to show my privates like that,” Lucy said.
“There are many ways to make people happy, Miss Lucy. One of my rules is that I do not have privacy, and my privates are no longer private. They are on display at all times here. The Sunny Manor handbook says that unless I am told otherwise, there are only two ways I can bend over,” Charity demonstrated for us. “I can bend at the waist like this,” she bent over and crouched. I had a perfect view of her pussy lips and her plugged asshole from behind. I was fascinated that Charity’s pussy lips parted and breathed as she squatted or stretched. Pussy lips always seem so perfectly still in pictures of girls but just like a dick they moved, shrank and shifted.
“I can also squat like this,” Charity demonstrated by squatting deeply with her legs spread wide like Karen had in Minerva’s market. I could see the pink of Charity’s lovely stretched Peehole and the folds of her clit where I was sitting. I felt like Charity held the position a few extra seconds so I could get a good look. She appeared pleased we accepted what she was doing without freaking out and flattered we weren’t disgusted by her obscene poses.
“Why? Is it like ballet where you can only do the seven movements of dance in a certain order?” Lucy tried to make sense of watching Charity squat so wide that her pussy lips popped fully open on their own.
“In a way, yes, Ma’am. There are positions I will learn to master when I am in orientation, and I will have to learn to hold those positions whenever I am given the order. Usually, they are designed to allow the most visibility and access to my body, but they also sometimes serve a more practical purpose,” she said.
“Like what?” Lucy asked with a curious expression on her face. She loved all forms of dance, especially ballet and cheerleading.
“If I am needed as a table then I am instructed with a single core command word to drop whatever I am doing and immediately get on all fours where I am told, Ma’am,” Charity didn’t sound the least bit concerned with how deeply dehumanizing it might be to become an object on command.
“Why would we need a table? We have tables everywhere?” Lucy asked.
I thought her questions were silly, but Charity took them quite seriously.
“If you are in the living room and wanted to play a board game and you don’t wish to move a table then it would be my privilege to serve as your game board,” Charity said.
“What is the core command word we are supposed to give you?” Lucy seemed excited that Charity was willing to obey commands. Lucy wasn’t being sadistic – she treated it more like a fun game.
“Table,” Charity said with a trace of a smile that suggested one-word commands should really be that simple.
“What if you don’t want to do that?” Lucy seemed confused.
“I surrendered my choices. It doesn’t matter if I want to be a table, Ma’am.”
“Table,” Lucy tested Charity’s resolve to follow through.
“Point to a spot on the floor or show me where you would like me, Ma’am?” Charity seemed delighted to be asked to demonstrate and stopped what she was cleaning mid-wipe.
Lucy pointed at her feet, and Charity hurried over to a spot at the base of Lucy’s chair and then got on all fours. Her big tits hung down as she rested on her elbows and knees with her legs wide apart and her mouth open.

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