Homeowner's Association: A Big Deal At Sunny Manor (BDSM)Chapter 26 free porn video

Charity, Karen, and Kyle ate from the floor off bowls after Dinner while the rest of us talked. Charity was originally going to serve herself and the others what had been on our plates from the meal we just had.
Mike stopped her and told her to put fresh leftovers in the fridge and use the old leftovers. “If you don’t, then the old leftovers will get ripe!”
Karen was annoyed at first having to eat like a dog on the ground. I had the impression that for a long time, Mike had stopped being a stickler, and Karen had been allowed for quite some time to eat whatever and whenever she wanted.
Kyle, on the other hand, had only recently started submitting and was having difficulty adjusting to eating off a plate on the ground as well.
Charity originally gave each of them a bowl of water and a plate of food, but Mike said there was no reason they shouldn’t share a bowl of water.
Once they were on all fours, Mike held up a piece of bread and asked in a playful manner, “Who wants to fart on mommy’s toast!”
Claire and Joe didn’t say anything and looked embarrassed. Simon and Lucy giggled.
“Oh, C’mon, you used to love doing that,” Mike said. He explained that he didn’t remember how the tradition started when they were little; Mike would hold up toast, and they would FIGHT to be the ones allowed to fart on Karen’s toast at the breakfast table.
“I don’t want to fart on Mom’s toast,” Joe wasn’t offended, but he also wasn’t going to demean himself by squatting over a piece of bread and ripping a fart.
“Fine,” Mike lamented that his kids were growing up way too fast. “I miss the old days!” he went over and put the bread to Kyle’s ass and waited a few seconds before dropping the bread on Karen’s plate.
Karen didn’t complain.
I think we would have remained in the kitchen and watch the submissives finish eating, but after that, Mike ordered Karen to fuck herself on a dildo while she chowed down. She used to demonstrate how to sit in a car while she ate.
My dad was uncomfortable with us, watching Karen as she slid down the length of the dildo to the base. I liked watching how her cunt lips expanded and wrapped around the dildo while she glided up and down the dildo. The phallus already had a milky-white sheen on it after three or four pumps from Karen when Dad suggested we talk in the living room.
Lindsay flirted with Joe and ignored everybody else. We all broke off into our own groups. Mike and Dad talked together. Simon and Lucy watched TV, and I talked to Claire.
“I think Joe doesn’t like talking to my sister,” I told her.
“Joe is the kind of guy who will talk to anybody,” Claire teased her brother at times, but behind his back, she said really nice things about him.
I wished that Lindsay and I had that same relationship. Things would be so much easier. She had always tried to get me in trouble or humiliate me when we were little. The last few years she had almost entirely ignored me. I’d settle for going back to that if I could!
“He isn’t going to fuck her if that is what she wants,” Claire chuckled.
Dad only gave the Charity five minutes to finish eating. Mike and he inspected the submissives and talked to them in the kitchen.
It gave me a little time to wrap up with Claire.
“Are we still on for Friday Night, Cowboy?” Claire gave me a kiss on the cheek as she said her goodbyes.
“Yes!” I said a little too eagerly.
Simon and Lucy grinned because they were impressed and happy for me that I had a date.
Lindsay gazed at me in disgust like I was cooked Bacon at a vegan convention.
“Do you have any condoms?” Claire asked while I walked her to the door with Joe.
I was shocked that she’d be that audacious. Joe looked at me with concern on his face - it was HIS Sister, after all.
“I think so, yes,” I answered with a confused expression.
“Well, don’t bring any of them. I am raw dog all the way,” Claire patted me on the ass flirtatiously and left with her brother. I didn’t know at the time that raw dog meant fucking without condoms.
I went to my room to look up the term raw dog. It meant to fuck without condoms. I was pretty excited about Friday. This was going to be that special first-time sexual experience I’d always wanted. Claire was smart, funny, pretty, vivacious, and above all, she was willing to fuck me.
“Oh good, I caught you before you started jerking off,” Lindsay chuckled as she walked in on me without knocking.
“I thought I locked that,” I said.
“You did, but check it out,” Lindsay showed me she had used tape to prevent the door from locking completely. There was no key for the door, and it was a very simple cheap inside door lock.
I got up to remove the tape, and she told me that she preferred me to keep it that way.
“Have you decided what you want to do?” she asked me if I was going to ask Dad if he’d let me submit or if I wanted her to reveal all the blackmail she had on me.
“Yes, I was originally considering throwing you off the roof, but I was afraid you’d fly away on your broom. Now, I think I’ll just pour water on you and watch you melt,” I compared my Sister to a witch from the Wizard of Oz.
“Oh, I see you are starting to think you have a spine? Is this because a pretty girl talked to you? is that all you needed to blossom into a man?” Lindsay teased me condescendingly. She had a nasty little smile that I just wanted to wipe off her pretty stuck up face.
I didn’t want to admit that is how things had gone today with Claire, Charity, and even Stacy had made me feel a lot more confident only because she had just made that sound stupid.
“You showed Dad the porn, and he didn’t freak out. There is a good chance he won’t if you tell him I emailed it to you. He may even be mad you didn’t tell him sooner,” I shrugged.
“Yeah, I showed him the porn to set the stage for what is coming and show you that I have cards to play, little brother. I have more cards to play after I show him what a creepy pervert you were. All the times, I begged you to stop, and you insisted on sending them anyway,” Lindsay bragged about the emails she had sent to herself from me and how she would tell dad she was afraid what I would do to her if she told on me. “I’ll tell him that the #metoo movement inspired me or some shit,” she assured me.
“Okay, and so he suspends me or something. So what? It’s better than being on all fours eating like a dog and wearing a cock cage!” I reminded her that Kyle had it pretty rough as a submissive.
“Dad would never make you do all that. You might have to wear a collar, and probably wear a cock cage to control your erections,” Lindsay smiled as she pictured my misery. “I doubt he would make you eat off the floor. If he does, I promise I won’t fart on your toast, would that make you feel better?” Lindsay tried to brush my hair.
It was a power move on her part to get closer to me and intimidate me. It was to show she was the alpha person.
“Yeah, I think I’d take my chances with Dad’s wrath rather than ask to submit,” I said.
“Okay, but let me ask you then? Who would you prefer to take your place? Simon or Lucy? Simon is a tough nut to crack. He has a lot of financial data, but I can’t figure out what he is doing with it. He might be willing to submit if I bribe him, though.
Lucy, on the other hand, is squeaky clean. She never did anything wrong. There would be nothing to blackmail with. She ate virtue and pooped innocence as far as Dad was concerned.
The good thing about my little Sister is she trusts me and likes it when I show her attention. All I have to do is convince her how cool it would be to be like Charity, and she’ll beg dad for the collar. I may even be doing her a favor by allowing her to see that side of her!” Lindsay sounded wicked. She insisted I choose one of them to take my place.
I told her that I wouldn’t choose.
“Lucy then,” my Sister decided for me. “It won’t be long before she starts to mature, and I don’t like competition for Dad’s attention. It would be better to knock her out of the running before she is old enough to be just like me,” she told me her evil plan.
“Lucy is nothing like you,” I insisted.
“I know I am better! Okay, well, goodnight, little brother! I’ll let you beat your meat in peace! Don’t even think about taking this tape off your door jam, though. If you change your mind in the morning, just argue with me and be a little stubborn. I’ll spank you once. It might even be a thrill for you. That will be a cue for you to pretend you’ve done some soul searching and beg to be submissive,” she reminded me.
I laid in bed for a long time, thinking about what I was going to do tomorrow. I didn’t want my Sister to trick Lucy into being submissive. She’d still have to convince Dad to agree to it. He doted on her and usually couldn’t deny Lucy anything. If she and Lindsay ganged up on him and asked, it would probably come to pass.
I wanted to go talk to my brother Simon and compare notes. My big sister might have been already working on him, and we were all pawns in a much more elaborate game she was playing. I decided I had better not. I didn’t want to involve Simon if he knew nothing about Lindsay’s plans.
I would have to deal with Lindsay one way or another, and I had some thinking to do about tomorrow. I wanted to masturbate so that I could concentrate, but I was paranoid my big Sister would find out.
I heard a clatter outside my window. It was Easter break, so I knew it definitely wasn’t Santa and his trusty reindeer. I assumed it was Stacy again.
I opened the window when she knocked. It was Stacy and her Sister Waverly. They both wore small thongs and pasties but were completely barefoot. They didn’t have on their collars. I was disappointed. I would have liked it if they had to be submissive.
I have to admit that even though they weren’t physically mature like Claire, the young girls were cute!
“You waited long enough to let us in,” Waverly introduced herself. She was a little taller than her Sister, but both girls were a little chubby, had fat tits and big butts. They both had upturned noses and chipmunk cheeks, as well.
The girls reminded me of pushy little beavers that had just chewed their way into my room - pushy little nearly naked beavers.

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