Lehrerin indian porn

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Es war eine dieser typischen langweiligen Stunden in der Schule. Wie jeden Tag hatte mich das Taxi zu dem alten Gebäude, welches die Rockwell Privatschule beherbergte, gebracht. Draußen drückte die Hitze und allmählich drang diese auch in die Zimmer. Ich saß da und sah gelangweilt aus dem Fenster. Die Blätter an den Bäumen ruhten. Die Zeit schien einfach nicht zu vergehen. Mein Stuhl knackte. Meine Banknachbarin klopfte mit dem Fuß leicht dagegen. Doch das störte mich nicht, denn in meinem Kopf...

1 year ago
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Am falschen Ende der Stadt

Hey Leute, ich bin Cameron, eine 28 jährige Highschoollehrerin, mit schulterlangen, naturgelockten schwarzen Haaren und ebensolchen Augen, bildhübsch, mit kleinem, festen Busen, Wespentaille, unendlich langen, schlanken Beinen und einem knackigen, festen Po. Bei 1,78 Größe wiege ich 62 kg und meine Pussy ist rasiert. Ich bin seit 6 Jahren mit meinem lieben Mann verheiratet, doch es ist schon Tristesse im Sexleben eingekehrt. Eigentlich wünschte ich mir mal härteren Sex bei dem ich dominiert...

2 years ago
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Die Brut des B sen

Willkommen in der Welt der Hardcore-B-Movies mit Starbesetzung. Hier drei aktuelle Projekte, für die bereits Darstellerinnen verpflichtet wurden. Der Campus des Grauens: Eine weit abgelegene Universität wird zum Schauplatz des Schreckens, als Dämonen erscheienen und ein Priester versucht, das Tor in eine andere Welt zu öffnen. Mit Salma Hayek als Biolehrerin, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jessica Alba, Charisma Charpenter, Courtney Cox, Jennifer Aniston, Lucy Liu, Kelly Hu, Christina Aguilera,...

4 years ago
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Barbie-FrustEssen, Montag, 14. März 2011 12:45 UhrNoch zwei Stunden und fünfzehn, jetzt vierzehn Minuten. Bin ich das, die so laut und schnell atmet? Die Zeit vergeht quälend langsam. Qualen und Zeit kann man messen und erleben. Zeit ist immer gleich, aber die Warterei macht mich noch verrückt. Manchmal frage ich mich, wie lange ich das noch aushalten kann? Mir ist heiß und kalt zugleich. Ich bin nervös und meine Hände zittern. Der Tag ist kurz, und so viel ist noch zu tun, aber ich muss warten...

4 years ago
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Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob ich richtig gesehen hatte. Hatte sich die Figur etwa doch bewegt? Jeder kennt diese alten Brunnen, die auf Marktpl?tzen zu finden sind. Aus Steinen gebaut, und oft mit einer Figur obendrauf. Eine G?ttin der Gerechtigkeit etwa, mit verbundenen Augen und einer Waage in der Hand. Hier war es allerdings ein - nackter - J?ngling. Nicht besonders gro?, so knapp einen Meter, und aus einem r?tlichen Stein gehauen. So etwas kann sich nicht bewegen, sagt einem der Ve...

4 years ago
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Simon und Simone

S i m o n und S i m o n e Mein Leben mit meiner weiblichen Seite Teil 1: WIE ALLES BEGANN Als alles seinen "Anfang" nahm, war ich noch ziemlich jung und lebte bei meiner Tante. Nicht weit von ihr, nur ein paar Bushaltestellen entfernt, wohnte ihre beste Freundin Gabriele. Sie war 40 Jahre alt, sehr attraktiv, immer elegant angezogen, wirkte elit?r und galt, wie meine Tante erz?hlte, vielfach als arrogante und abweisende Totalzicke. Ich hingegen verstand mich, was vielfach Ver...

1 year ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 14

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 14Ich wartete, dass ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei fictionmania.tv zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt...

4 years ago
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Bestellt und Geliefert

Diese Geschichte handelt von einen jungen Mann, der von seiner Schwester in die weibliche Rolle gedr?ngt wird, weil er als IT Spezialist keinen Job hatte. Sein Lebensweg f?hrt ?ber Liberec nach Budapest, und dann passiert etwas in seinen Leben, was theoretisch m?glich ist, in Europa, er wird entf?hrt von skrupellosen Verbrechern... Stichw?rter: TV, gro?e Liebe, unfreiwillige GaOP, Versklavt als Zofe und... Bestellt und Geliefert ( Katrin*2012) Teil1 Einleitung War es wi...

3 years ago
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Family business

Kapitel 1?Willst Du zu Hause geschult werden? Ist es das was Du willst?? fragt Georg seine 17 j?hrige Tochter. ?Deine Mutter und ich haben das oft genug mit Dir diskutiert, denke ich!??Nein, Sir.? Antwortet Jamie mit Tr?nen in den Augen.?Dann gehorche unseren Regeln, oder dies ist genau das was ich tun werde.? Knurrt Georg ver?rgert. Einmal mehr war seine Tochter einige Stunden zu sp?t aus der Schule nach Hause gekommen, etwas  was ihn wirklich ?ber alle Masse ver?rgert. Er tolerierte keinen Ungehorsam vo...

3 years ago
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Grausame Gedanken zur Dressur sch ner fetter Frauen

Betrachtungen ?ber die Dressur sch?ner DamenDiese Fortsetzngs-Geschichte ist ?brigens den Autoren "darkreal" gewidmet, deren sch?ne Geschichte ("Der Million?rsclub") hoffentlich bald eine angemessene Fortsetzng bekommt. Ich bin schon sehr gespannt?Und nun zu den Betrachtungen: Ich wohnte vor einiger Zeit in einer Ein-Raumwohnung im 6. Stock eines gro?en Mietshauses in der kleinen Stadt H.  In die gro?e Wohnung direkt nebenan ist vor 2 Wochen eine Frau mir ihrer Tochter  eingezogen. Wir Hausbewohner ...

3 years ago
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Abenteuer auf dem Reiterhof

Caroline Wismar saß gelangweilt auf einer kleinen Bank vor einer der Pferdeställe und blätterte lustlos in dem Modemagazin, welches sie sich in weiser Voraussicht mitgenommen hatte. Pferde und Reiten war nie ihr Ding gewesen und sie konnte daher die Faszination die viele Menschen, insbesondere Frauen für den Reitsport hatten nicht teilen. Im Gegenteil, die großen prächtigen Pferde machten ihr auf der einen Seite Angst, auf der anderen Seite bedauerte sie die Tiere, da sie als Sklaven für die...

3 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist

Hallo, ich bin ein Dschinn, ein tausende Jahre alter Flaschengeist, der in einer Wunderlampe lebt und jedem Idioten, der die Lampe reibt, drei Wünsche erfüllen muss. Wie die meisten männlichen Dschinns bin ich von Grund auf pervers und gelangweilt. Deshalb besteht der Spaß meines Lebens daraus, die Wünsche meiner Meister falsch zu interpretieren und ihr Leben auf den Kopf zu stellen. Durch meine Kristallkugel, kann ich sehen was in der Außenwelt vor sich geht und wenn nötig sogar in die Zukunft...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Amelie entdeckt den Sex

Diese Story ist ein Spin Off - so nennt man das wohl - der Ronja-Triologie um das schüchterne Kindermädchen Amelie. Ihren ersten Auftritt hat sie in der Story Ronja der Familienmensch https://chyoa.com/story/Ronja-der-Familienmensch.32994 im Kapitel 28: https://chyoa.com/chapter/Amelie.858994 Mein Name ist Amelie und bin 18 Jahre alt. Meine Haarfarbe ist dunkelblond, 165 groß und sehr schlank mit meinen 44 kg. Folglich ist auch mein Busen recht klein mit 70b. Auf Geheiss des Arbeitsamtes...

1 year ago
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Orgy at Enigma House

The Orgy at Enigma House By: Friskee_cpl ([email protected]) Kay sat nervously in the boardroom as the panel of five interviewers filed in. Comprising of three ladies and two men, the group settled down around her on the oval table. Interviews, especially job interviews, were not a favourite of Kay's but she had no real reason to be nervous about this interview. She had the job in the bag. She looked her interviewers over, decoding them by what they wore and how they looked....

4 years ago
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Finger Fuck Date

I decided to post a story for the first time and naturally i'll start with one of my best stories! It was during my period at the university - in 2004! I didn't went home to visit my parents in the weekend and the city was laim those days! At night i was home with my friends and when i was out of liquor i went to a near b y café! I went there on a regular basis and knew everyone there! When i got there that night there were only the local drunk guys in their 50's at the bar, but there was a...

2 years ago
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Ultimate Kiss of the Spider Woman

Kiss of the Spider-Woman (USM v2 9) "Hey! Come on!" The Human Torch called after me as I tried to swing away. "What," I said, mildly annoyed. I was trying to keep out of Peters life and I knew he lived with Peter now. I checked up on Aunt May every now and then. No creepy clone stalking stuff, just, well... you know. "What's the hurry?" Johnny persisted. It was kind of endearing. Like a puppy... "I'm en route," I said, trying to brush him off. I couldn't put swing him. He was...

1 year ago
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Club Aqua

The street to Club Aqua were crowded as twenty-three year old Allie Forrester walked along the sidewalk. She had needed a night out, and her friend Jenna had agreed to go with her for some fun. The air was cool on her skin, as the breeze hit her and went through the slinky white dress she had decided to wear. As she turned the corner and saw the club a few buildings up, her cell phone rang. She dug through the small purse she had brought, pushing aside lipstick and breath mints and grabbing her...

4 years ago
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সেদিন প্রিয়া এলো,গোমড়া মুখে। আমি দেখতে চেয়েছি ওকে। শুধু দেখতে চাওয়ায় ওর গোঁসা। কেন আমি টেক্সট করেছি এসো তোমায় আমি দেখবো। এতে ও ঝাঁঝিয়ে উঠে টেক্সট করলো মানে!!! বিশেষ কোনও মানে নেই জাস্ট দেখা তোমার মতো একজন ভরপুর যুবতীকে দেখতে চাওয়ায় কি অন্যায়।আপনি একজন এতো বড় ব্যক্তিত্ব হয়ে এটা আমায় বলছেন কি করে!! রাগ করলে আসতে হবে না। দেখুন আপনি জানেন আপনার কাছে আমি কি ভাবে কৃতজ্ঞ এবং আপনি আমায় ডাকলে আমি না বলতে পারি না। আমি লিখলাম এটা আমার শেষ টেক্সট- আজ দুপুর দুটোয় তুমি আসবে আমি তোমায় দেখতে ডাকছি। প্রিয়া...

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My Wife s Shocking Request

As a young Assistant Program Director for the Botanical Gardens in our city, I arranged to have a choral group from a Lutheran college sing on Christmas Eve. It was at that event when I first met my wife-to-be. Her beauty struck me. She was lead singer for the choir and had a lovely voice. We talked after the performance and she agreed to meet me for breakfast. We subsequently began a long-distance courtship, culminating in our marriage a year later. She finished her music degree at a major...

2 years ago
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In der Hochzeitsnacht meines Freundes Etwas Reali

Fortsetzung der Hochzeitsnacht bei FreundenAn dieser Situation knüpft ein meiner Träume an. Ich stelle mir vor, Birgit berührt mit dem Metermaß mein Glied und fragt meine Freundin, ob sie mal anfassen dürfte. Meine Freundin guckt daraufhin erst mich an um dann mit etwas Verzögerung „Warum nicht“ zu sagen. Birgit bekommt ein breites Grinsen im Gesicht. Ich genieße es wenn die Hand meiner Bekannten sich das erste Mal um meinen Schaft legt. Sie fühlt meine Wärme und Härte. Sie übt leichten Druck...

4 years ago
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Alice A Paul Purple StoryChapter 1B Paul

When I first received the commission I almost decided not to take it. "Why me? There must be other's better suited for this?" I said. The young girl at the other end of the screen shook her head, "No Master Paul, my master insists that you would be the best one to do this, he thinks you should be expanding your horizons." "You tell your master that I'm not certain about this, my normal subjects are nowhere as aged as this request requires, that's why they are easy to produce..." I...

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Aphrodite s KissChapter 3

The first place that we went to was actually a big name department store for a new blouse and skirt for Madeira, as I had decided to keep her mostly in those rather than pants for now. I would also keep her commando a lot, so as to have her sweet, tight ass ready to be fucked on a regular basis, and I didn’t just mean by me. After all, if I was to bed plenty of women, I had to make sure that my dear slut Madeira was satisfied, too. I wanted to do justice to the former maid, who was now my...

2 years ago
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Bill N HaleyChapter 30

Haley’s turn: I suppose that if I talked to MOST people, I’d come off as badly deluded, evil, or just plain wrong. I’d say I don’t care, but I DO care about how people think of me and my family, and right now my immediate family is me and my Bill and my Deena. I just got back into bed. I shouldn’t have drunk that glass of water that close to bedtime, but right now, in the dim light of the darkened room, I see my Bill and my Deena asleep together, and it’s beautiful. I imagine that if I was...

2 years ago
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Journal of an AgentChapter 24 Julia stiles

One of the celebrities I'm most proud of at the agency is Julia Stiles. Not only was she a fairly esteemed actress for her generation but I had taken a special liking to her. You see, when her career began to take off was right around the time I took over my father's firm. I felt like a proud parent when she had risen to become a pretty well known actress. When her breakout hit "Save The Last Dance" had burst onto the scene, I knew that she had finally made it, that even though she...

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The SisterhoodChapter 12

Susan was a bit better in the morning, but she certainly wasn't herself for several weeks. She went through the motions of going to school and getting on with her life. Barbara didn't show up in class the next day. She spent most the day in a fit of severe depression. She was passing through Tutorville the next day when she happened to see Susan. The normally vibrant stunning woman seemed a fragile broken shell of herself. Barbara found tears flowing down her cheeks. Knowing she had been...

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SPIRALS By T-Vixen Stairs. Again, she dreamed of stairs. A long spiral stair case, made of a beautiful, translucent blue crystal. The little girl in her pretty white gown skipped up the steps barefoot, following the endless turn of the corkscrew. Always going, always rising upwards, this stair case stretched across an endless sky of blue and white clouds, heading upwards into a great, golden light. The little girl just kept onwards, humming a song to herself she had known since...

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It s Garry s PUSSY now

My story is true and happened about 7 years ago. I had a couple of appointment to go to and had some time to kill between them so I went to a local park to enjoy the good weather and take a little walk by the river. I was going back to my truck and said hi to a guy sitting in his truck and we started small talk. Gary seemed nice, he was older, mid late fifties. He was a large guy, thickly built all over and very masculine. We talked for a few and I need to find a bathroom and...

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Family BedChapter 3

Walking back toward Sheri's apartment in the darkness of late evening, her brother Kevin felt an entirely different atmosphere from what he had experienced late that afternoon on the same street. The tall palms, dark and bulky against the night sky, should have seemed foreboding, but he missed that aspect of the street completely. Where earlier it had seemed staid and lifeless, the lighted houses now appeared warm and inviting, and there was no doubt in his mind about the human qualities of...

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Kelly s Birthday Surprise

Kelly?s 18th Birthday Kelly?s Birthday Surprise By themaneloco There they go again with their perfect faces, perfect hair, perfect bodies and perfect lives I guess.? It really makes my heart ache when I see them sauntering around without a care in the world to worry their pretty little heads.? If you?re wondering who I am talking about, then let me explain.? Everyone knows how it works in high school; the various little groups that people often get split up into, whether you really want...

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The Little ThiefChapter 2

We moved Crystal from the dorms into our house. She took the third bedroom as her space. For whatever she wanted. Closet overflow, study sanctuary, someplace to do her toenails and listen to Holly Fields albums. Whatever she wanted. We also started looking for a bigger house. We wanted a four-car garage, three bedrooms and a work out room, the family room, living room, chef’s kitchen, area to entertain outside, and if there was a Goddess, a nice pool as well. We actually found one. A couple...

4 years ago
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Susan Gets a Delivery

Susan Gets A Delivery Susan was special.  Everyone knew it.  She, especially, knew it.  Wherever she went there seemed to be an imaginary spotlight on her that illuminated her and elevated her to the status of someone very special. First of all, there was her physical presence.  She was tall, about 6’ 1?. She always wore incredibly high heels that put her in the stratosphere of professional basketball players.  She carried her height regally.  Her tits were not mammoth-size and yet they...

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Did he just

"What does my lame step brother want now?" I thought to myself as Tommy opened my bedroom door. I was in bed, wearing just a pair of red panties and a blue t-shirt and watching TV. I was laying on my stomach facing the TV at the edge of the bed, twirling a lock of my light brown hair around my finger. My step brother peeked his head through the door then entered and closed the door behind him, not asking for permission. "I'm so not in the mood for him" I thought to myself,...

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Saturday Night

It was early morning.  My grandparents made breakfast and to tell you the truth it was really good, better than what we have back home.  I kept eating and thinking about Friday Night.  Was it wrong for me to do that, I was just insane to go that far, I could of cleaned myself up, but instead Dean asked me to clean it up for me, why did I let him do this.  I spaced out completely.  Then my brother arrives from his morning shower and sits at the table. Grandma "Ok, dear, here you go, fresh bacon...

2 years ago
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A Romantic Vist Ch 03

The next morning as we awaken and see the sun streaming through the windows, you hug me and say “get up sleepy, we got things to do” I jump up and shower, dress and have a coffee while you get ready. The sun is shining the day perfect, and you have decided to take me out for the day to see your city. First stop, a small café in the inner city, coffee and croissants as we watch the people pass by. “Where would you like to go my love” you ask me. “This is your city baby, just surprise me” I...

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Beth s ArmChapter 8

"Where's the candles I asked for?" Margaret Beall said as she unwrapped her husband's few purchases. "Plumb forgot 'em. Must a'missed that on your list." He held out the 8smudged piece of heavy brown paper. "The ink ran some in the rain I guess." "Humpf," his wife said, pushing graying strands of hair back behind her ears. "Those tapers I traded Miss Hope for are so smoky, but we'll just have to put up with them 'less that chandler comes around again pretty soon. I've saved...

3 years ago
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Insatiable Part I

“AAAAHHH, god I’m going to come, oohh yes your hot sucking mouth feels like hot melting butter being poured over my dick, aaaahhhh”.It was one of many mornings that Eric was woken with his sensuous wife Teresa of three years sucking his cock. She could not get enough of his 12” hard purple headed blue veined penis. Sucking his massive cock and sperm loaded balls made the already hot Teresa even hotter. Eric raised his head from the pillow, watching as his wife enjoyed swallowing down his ready...

1 year ago
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My sexy Officemate II

On the third day she was wearing this new skirt, which had a lengthy slit right at the front, right up to halfway up her thighs – it helped her to flash a good part of her thighs while she walked. I saw most of the guys in office trying their best avoid been seen while looking at her marvellously shaped thighs. She came in to my room once or twice during the day, and on one occasion managed to rub her hips against my shoulders while walking past me. I felt the knot tightening in my crotch but...

1 year ago
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Love s True Obsession Chapter 18

Jack told her to open the bigger envelope first. She did so, removing some papers and reading them. She looked at Jack and said, "Mine?? This land is mine? Ohhh Jack! Thank you so much, darling!" She was crying happy tears as she leapt up and hugged him tightly. "Hey now, baby! No crying allowed until after you look in the other envelope and the little box that are sitting on the table!" he said as he handed her a tissue. "Now I know why you had the tissues in there, baby." she said...

4 years ago
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A Warm Sunny Day Part 3

Terry and I went into the house, dried cum marks showing on our bodies, we went to my wet room. Quite a large tiled room with a giant shower head hanging down from the ceiling. We both enjoyed the warm jets of water coursing over our bodies,we were joking and fooling around. Terry squirted shower gel over me and I grabbed another bottle and fired it over him.We stood fairly close together, cocks touching. Terry began to soap my chest and upper body, gently rubbing my nipples, causing my cock to...

1 year ago
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Anniversary DelightsChapter 18 Semi finals Afternoon

Lama started, as she should, by making deep and steady obeisance to the Emir as he sat on his throne beside the whipping bench. The Emir waited for her sponsor to come forward, but it was evident he was not going to present the girl at this stage of her performance. When given the signal to rise, she moved a yard or so backwards and to one side. Turning so that she was in profile to the audience and three-quarters facing the Emir she waited perfectly still until some music started in the...

3 years ago
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Church of CyberscienceChapter 14

The controller sat alone, a smug smile firmly in place. The tip-off to the police had achieved the desired results - Kenny had been arrested. Even if he knew the truth about what had been happening over the past eight years, there was no way he could share that with anyone else and hope to be believed. Even better than having Kenny out of the way, the police must have turned his computer on. The controller had been able to copy and then delete the database of all those Kenny had programmed...

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I Fucked the Boss Wife Blacken Published by 425ol

I Fucked the Boss Wife BlackenAs a black man it is never easy moving up the corporate ladder. I was a little lucky that I found a sponsor, as such, at the company I worked for. A man named Tony took me under his wing and greased the sk**s a bit for me. I almost felt like a family member. The day everything came together was the day Tony invited me to his home. I found out from other employees that Tony rarely invited anyone to his home, even his corporate equals.I drove over to Tony's house...

1 year ago
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Even Better in the Morning

“Are you awake?” Her voice was a soft whisper. I could tell she was trying not to wake me if I was still sleeping. But an expectant undertone told me she hoped I was awake. Or maybe I was simply hearing more than she’d said. I wasn’t sure. The warm pressure of her body snuggling against my back was what had drawn me from my slumber only moments before her whisper, and I didn’t know if she was simply being affectionate or if she had a more playful, less innocent, intention. Nor was I sure which...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Kyler Quinn Sis Loves A Man In Uniform

Kyler Quinn is looking fine as fuck in a bikini. Her stepbrother, Codey Steele can’t keep his eyes off of her. Too bad for Codey that Kyler only wants a man in uniform. She belittles her stepbro while simultaneously giving him hints that if he were to become a real man she might think better of him. Codey does go ahead and enlist. A year later, when he’s fresh home from boot camp, Kyler approaches him wearing the same bikini but with a different attitude. She asks Codey if he...

2 years ago
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Havana Club Ch 01

Chapter 1 – A Dangerous Proposal The desk phone rang. I knew the extension number by heart. It was Ross Crider, the company president. I picked up the handset and heard Ross’ strong voice. ‘Chris, get up here right away. I have something to discuss with you.’ ‘I’ll be right there,’ I answered. I hung up the phone and saved the spreadsheet I was working on. It wasn’t unusual to be called up to Ross’ office. The company, in spite of its size, was run on a very informal basis. I took the...

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BlackAmbush Riley 11 02 2019

We meet 23 year old Riley chomping down on her lunch at the local waffle place. She’s having a sensible plate of eggs and hash browns because that’s the kind of girl she is. Sensible. Reasonable. Not very adventurous. In between bites, she tells camera guy Troy about her ex husband, the kind of sex she likes and he didn’t give her (hence the “ex” part), and the craziest sex she’s had. Having been married for so long, Riley hasn’t really been playing the...

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Aria s New Life Pt I

I wasn’t supposed to be working that night. As usual, I was nice and took one of my coworker’s shift; I didn’t have a life outside of this place anyways. More money for me and less I would have to worry about later for my one-bedroom apartment that cost me an arm and a leg. I really needed a second job but no luck. Working by yourself, it’s hard to get a cigarette break, but I always somehow managed. I was outback when I heard a loud bang and pop at the same time. They say flight or...

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Big Sister Tried Out As A Centerfold Part Five

My sister Annie’s body was the thing of fantasies. Despite the fact that we’d grown up together, I hadn’t really seen her as a sexual focal point until we’d had our initial experience in the garage. Strange as it might sound, that still felt a bit like an accident. It felt like an innocent exploration more than the hot experience that it truly was.Since that time, we’d progressed to actually fucking and meaning it.This had all started with a photography session in our garage. I’d taken some...

2 years ago
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The BlizzardChapter 5

We reached the elevator and called for the tenth floor. Holding hands we headed for our room. I unlocked the door with our pass card and before it latched behind us Andrea had me in a liplock. She forced her tongue into my mouth and tugged my lips with hers. After unbuttoning a couple of my shirt buttons she slipped her hand underneath and caressed by chest as she covered my face with kisses. “If this is what a little buzz does to you,” I remarked, “I’m gonna get you buzzed more often.” I...

2 years ago
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 10

Later Sunday morning Within minutes of dressing for church, I felt a second danger, this one to the northwest. “Is this some sort of test because I waited so long to admit it?” I asked the ceiling rhetorically after a deep sigh. “Something going on?” Don asked from nearby. “Some sort of trouble to the northwest,” I sighed. “Fort Polk?” Don asked. That had been my guess, too. I used the new handheld computer Don got for me and aimed it towards the trouble, taking a vector. “Back in a few,...

1 year ago
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My Ex s Best Friend

Me and my ex had a long, decently healthy relationship before our breakup. We both cared for each other a lot, and we were good at keeping each-other happy. Honestly, there wasn’t really one reason why we broke up, it just kind of happened. I was sad, she was numb, it was messy. So many mixed signals and stressful conversations, and so many times we’d rip each others clothes off after meeting for “closure” just to awkwardly stop as we thought about the various rebounds we dealt with. Yeah, our...

3 years ago
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Meet A Girl In Ludhiana Bus Stand

Hello friends, me prince from Ludhiana. Me 25 yr ka Hu. Me Sirsa me apni family ke sath rehta Hun. I m a gud business man. Mera rang gora or height 5.8 foot hai. Meri lund 6.5 inch lamba or 3 inch mota hai. Ye meri pehli Story hai. Mai iss Ki bot story padi hai. Lekin jyada tar stories same or fake hoti hai. Lekin meri story bilkul alag or original hai. Ab me sidha story pr aaya hu. Mera kapde ka showroom hai Sirsa me . Is liye mujhe kapda kharidne ke liye aksar mera Ludhiana aana Jana lga...

2 years ago
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Toms Journey Pt 03

Leila looked at herself in her bathroom mirror and tousled her long curls with her manicured fingers. She looked good. Finally, she was going to meet Tom. In the beginning, when they’d first started chatting she’d checked out his Facebook and obviously gone through all his pictures and old statuses. She could see through all the facade of ‘happily married man’ type statuses and tagged at anniversary meal restaurants and family day outs… All clearly for outside appearances. No way would he...

2 years ago
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Hook Up In A Small Town Pt 2

I could feel that wave building. Every muscle in my body felt like it was constricting. Just as I reached down for Danny’s belt buckle, a loud siren rang throughout the building.“Are you fucking kidding me?” he groaned. Immediately, he pulled away from me - hands and all. Voices began to grow louder and there was a lot of commotion outside the door. I noticed the bulge in his pants, surprised I had that much of an effect on him and bad that he'd now have to leave before doing something about...

Oral Sex
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I am not the author of this story....i just fixed the grammar and spelling mistakes etc!!My name is Loretta and my husband and I own a large Kennel and boarding establishment in San Fernando Valley. We raise Great Danes, Mastiffs, Rottweilers, Irish Wolfhound and Anatolian Shepherds. These are special dogs for guarding and hunting. We have 65 dogs at the moment. We do a little cross breeding for ourselves just to see how they turn out. Six of those 65 are cross breeds. Two are half Great Dane...

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A Helping Hand

In this audio play I share with you how I reward my lover, tied and with panties stuffed in his mouth of course.  Narrators Note: Our first collaboration with thanks to Citroen.

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virginity lost

It wasn’t long until i finished work on a late Thursday night, to be honest Im glad I finished 5 minutes late. I didn’t want the hastle of having to say night to all my co-workers. ‘Just great’it had started raining just as I was walking to my beat up silver ford focus. Age was beginning to show on it, the rust covering the wings, the side skirts and worst of all the boot/trunk. The drive home was horrible, every slight turn of the wheel the car was sliding across the road. Eventually I made it...

1 year ago
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Bless Me Father 5 Prodigal

Bless Me Father 5: Prodigal By Deane Christopher Edited by Steve Zink "So, what gives? Have you had a change of heart?" Gabriella asked the former Catholic priest as the two of them went about the task of preparing dinner at the halfway house. "Have I had a change of heart about what?" Karen quizzically responded. "About informing the Millers that you're pregnant. I mean, even though you're only their daughter in a physical sense, there's no getting around the fact that...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 166 Lame Duck

2006-2007 It took me the better part of a month to get to a point where I really felt back to my old self, and even then, I knew I was lying. The therapists had me doing exercise and lifting some light weights to rebuild torn muscle tissue in my right side and taking a lot of long walks and some laps in the pool to rebuild my stamina. With my shitty knee, long walks were a real problem! One of the things I did was talk to Doctor Tubb about getting a knee replacement. He wouldn’t do the work,...

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The Rogue s Harem Book 2 Rogue s Wicked HaremChapter 4 The Priestess rsquo s Inspiration

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk – Faerie “He’s going to be a while,” I said, a smile playing on my lips as my brother followed the faerie princess into the pavilion grown out of the grass in moments. Nathalie giggled. The fourteen-year-old girl nodded her head as she rubbed her hands together. Her small breasts jiggled as she squirmed, her blonde, braided pigtails swaying about her head. Then she looked to her right and squeaked, covering her tits. The...

4 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip Lauries homecoming and Ben Jr s Birth

Introduction: THIS IS A ROMANCE STORY, NOT JUST HUMPING AND FUCKING ALL THE TIME. Constructive critism always welcomed. My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 11 Super Bowl trip, Lauries homecoming and Ben Jr.s Birth Characters Introduced: Darryl, 33 white, Charter Bus Driver Suzy, 33 white 58, Red hair Sky Blue eyes 36D breast OH God Ben, I missed you lover Laurie says as she starts to kiss him and work her way down her lovers body showering him with kisses. She grabs BIG FELLA and kisses him,...

2 years ago
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Your own private show

Hi, baby. Evelyn here, your hot Asian girlfriend. I wanted to talk to you about something, so make yourself comfortable – maybe take a seat on the couch opposite me, take your shoes and socks off, just relax while I settle in.I'm on the chair facing you. That's right, sitting primly here with my knees together. I'm in that favourite little skirt you like so much, the short blue tartan one – yes, I can see you looking at it now. And my navy knee-high socks which go so well with my red heels. And...

1 year ago
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A Good Fit

I didn’t want to be there. Trying on clothes in a department store doesn’t rate high on my list of entertaining activities but I needed a few more sport coats so I bit the bullet and went to the upscale store at the mall. At least I had the freedom to go on a Monday afternoon when there would be few people and abundant parking. So here I was, in the deserted men’s department looking at jackets. Being Monday there were not any sales people on the floor that I could see. So, I piled up a few...

She Males
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The Falling Man

There once was a man who fell in love with the most beautiful woman in the world. And this was as infinite a fall as there can possibly be, for in his determination to reach the most unreachable places of her soul, the falling man recognized no bounds or limitations. The only thing he recognized was that the value of her soul was equal to, if not greater than, the efforts necessary to uncover it. And he was willing to put forth great effort, not because he wanted to claim such a thing for...

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Bev my horny girlfriend

AT THE HOSPITAL This a true story of my initiation into the world of non stop fucking and swinging with a woman 17 years younger. This story is based in an Australian city called Brisbane in Queensland. First rate slut I first met Bev when we were nursing together, Bev was 27 and I was 43. Anyway we seemed to hit it off straight away and as I was new to the hospital and we were “paired” as partners for the next few shifts it was her role to familiarize me with the various aspects of the...

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My Stepsister Hailey

When I was still a k** my father divorced my mother and married another woman called Veronica, she was a beautiful tall woman with long brown hair and clearly loved my father a lot.She also had a daughter from her first marriage called Hailey who looked a lot like her, and was about a year or so older than me, but as we grew up Hailey began to run wild, and eventually they shipped her off to boarding school, and except for holidays, I hardly ever saw her.Then when she turned 18 she finally...

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Meeting at Bedford Mills

Meeting at Bedford MillsI had often thought about my friend Simone in the years since we had been at school together. After I graduated, I had moved to New York to pursue my career and with a husband and children, I had lost touch with Simone, but I knew that she had married a rich man whom she had met at college, and that they lived in Greenwich, Connecticut, but they had no children. I had also heard from other former classmates who had met her, that she had a glamorous lifestyle, with...

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Jennifer s Story

The following story is a novelette based on a series of true incidents. Names have been changed to protect the guilty. Jennifer's Story By JennyTV Copyright 2001. About me: I have been living at my current address for a little over three months, and for obvious reasons had kept myself to myself, restricting contact with my neighbours (Harry...

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The Pillowy Prison

Battle at 34GGG. Boobslave Shortage Set to Continue The 34GGG* summit in Seoul on Wednesday ended in disaster after political, economic, and sexual tensions erupted between the participants. Presidential Mistress Vanessa Knight was able to escape safely from the fracas after a small struggle; her injuries amounting to no more than several hickeys, some smeared lipstick, and a torn bra. Leaving the summit bedraggled and tired, but still determined, the Presidentress immediately called for an...

2 years ago
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Fun with the Mechanic

Last weekend, I had a date to go out to a bar with some other CDs in another state and a 2 hour drive. I would get dressed when I got to the motel. On the way I had car trouble, but kept driving to the motel. Told the girls who were already dressed that I couldn’t go to the bar or play because I could not relax knowing my car was having problems. I was so horny because we had set this date up a few weeks ago and I had spent the day trying on my new sexy short black dress and getting ready. ...

1 year ago
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A late night with a new friend

I’ve had the fantasy for some time now of sharing my wife with another man. For months we have talked about it but still not had the chance to play. After meeting a guy named Mickey about a month ago the thoughts still ran through my mind. Since time usually was a problem for us I thought it would have to be a last minute decision to fulfill my ideas. I knew Mickey was available most weekends but lately he told me he. would even come a night during the week if we wanted. I decided in the next...

3 years ago
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Girls Love Country Boys 3

It was about 9 A.M. Monday morning and Jessie was plowing the field to prepare it for planting soybeans when he saw Mandy's car pull into his driveway. He stopped his tractor and looked the direction of his house perplexed. He turned the tractor off and walked to the outside of where his furrows were going to be and got on his 4 wheeler and rode the approximately 95 acres on it to his house. He walked in and saw Mandy at the stove and that stopped him dead in his tracks. Mandy...

4 years ago
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Dost Ki Mom K Saath Chudai

Hi dosto mai raj hun aur mai mumbai me rehta hun.Meri umar 20 saal hai aur mai iss kaa bahut bada fan hu.Aaj mai apni sex story share kar raha hu jo bilkul real hai. Mujhe shuruat se hi badi umar ki auratein achhi lagti thi.Mera ek college friend hai sam jo apni mom seema k saath rrehta tha.Mai aksar uske ghar aya jaya karta tha aur uski mom seema aur meri mom dono achhi friends thi.Aunty dikhne me bahut achhi thi aur unki umar 46 years thi. Ek baar meri mom dad out of station gye hue the toh...

2 years ago
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Kinky School Part One

School was a brilliant time of my life. Everything was great. Especially the teachers. My school was home to many ofthe countries finest teachers, many of whom were very sensual. One teacher, my history teacher, was one of them.She had an amazingly large rack and big booty. She was not especially fit, but she looked like a good fucker. We were watching some boring documentary about WW2 and my mind went off into a day dream. My teacher, Mrs M, wore a someone seethrough shirt this day and I could...

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The Shop

Every day I had passed the shop, and longingly looked in the window! Once or twice I had plucked up the courage to venture in and touch the beautiful pretty things! This was to be one of these times. I was still at school, and this shop was in a little shopping quad that I had to out of my way to get to. Quite a bit out of my way. But here I was again, the door bell chimed as I pushed it open; I timed it so there was a woman going in at the same time as. My theory was that she looked like she...

She Males
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Liz Das Leben ist nicht leicht

Endlich wieder zu Hause, denkt sich Liz. Eigentlich wollte sie ja nur mit ihrer Tochter einen günstigen Urlaub auf einem Campingplatz an der Ostsee verbringen, weil mehr einfach finanziell nicht möglich war, da sie im Moment von den Alimenten ihres Ex-Mannes lebt. Durch die Schwanzgeilheit ihrer Tochter war sie allerdings einem 20jährigen mit viel zu dicken Eiern und viel zu wenig Rücksicht über den Weg gelaufen. Erst wurde sie mit Gewalt genommen, dann erpresst, nur um anschließend als...

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The Bath by loyalsock

Marcia Ingram glanced out the window from her living room and then checked her watch for the tenth time in the last five minutes, "Where is he," she said softly, "he's fifteen minutes late!?!" She continued paging through her magazine and was startled when the doorbell chimed indicating someone was at the front door, she jumped up and quickly covered the twenty some feet, opened the door, and invited the blonde haired young man into her parlor!!! "Good afternoon, Peter," she said graciously,...

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First Time With Jas

I had become lonely and unsatisfied in my marriage, so I decide to join one of the adult online websites. I was not looking for a new relationship, just someone to hook-up with, fuck, and have good conversation with if the opportunity arose.I met Jas online. After his first message, I could tell he was one of those strong dominate types. He was the kind of man that knew exactly what he wanted. After several messages we seemed to be looking for the same things. We both wanted a no strings...

Wife Lovers
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NubileFilms Mia Malkova World Class Ass

Totally hot blonde Mia Malkova is strutting her stuff in a tight skirt that shows off her amazing ass. She wants some from Chad White, so it’s no wonder that she strikes a pose that shows off her bottom to its fullest potential. When Chad takes her up on her offer for a good time, Mia hums with excitement and shakes that booty while Chad shapes it with his hands and offers deep kisses. Working Mia out of her skirt and thong, Chad peppers her buns with more deep kisses. His hands work...

2 years ago
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Come to Life TV News Fantasies Part 1

Meghan enters a simple apartment, home from work. She has on a business dress that comes down to just below her knees. She turns on the large TV on the wall as she walks into her bedroom. We see a news show on TV, very Fox-like. Two attractive women are sitting on stools doing an interview. The sound is off. The woman on the right is identified as Ainsley Lee. The women on the left is Jenna Kelly, author of the best-selling book The Alluring Executive. They’re each wearing a single color, one...

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Eden on the RailsChapter 23

The rails inside the tunnel were entirely a Personalia operation, as the rails were fixed to the rock floor by nano-machines (nanos), making the join effectively a solid part of both the rails and the rock, not just at regular points – which was how normal railtrack was secured. As long as the rails were installed exactly parallel, and at exactly the correct distance apart, they would provide a perfect running surface for the trains. The joints in the rails were similarly made continuous...

2 years ago
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My Crush Can Be So Cruel pt 2

Alone in the school girls toilets, I felt my clit throbbing having just licked the beautiful Charlene's pussy. I sat down on the loo seat in the cubicle where she had just been sitting moments before, and pulled my black school skirt and knickers down to my ankles, and pressed my fingertips gently to my moist smooth shaved slits. I sighed gently as I began my naughty play.I never thought I'd be fingering myself in a public bathroom before, but the sweet divine taste of Charlene lingered heavily...

3 years ago
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Ground Rules

Saturday, September 8, 2018, 12:14 a.m. Michael had never sucked two boys at once. It was harder than he thought. Not that Michael had issues sucking cock. On the contrary, he loved a cock in his mouth. He loved swallowing even more. Josh came first. Michael gave him the full attention of his mouth, moaning in pleasure with every spurt Josh delivered into his throat. He hated the taste of cum, but swallowed every drop, regardless. Josh’s deposit was safe with him. As David’s would be in just...

2 years ago
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Didi Ka Balidaan Meri Promotion Ke Liye

Hi, dosto mai aj ek aur pornasaxena special lekar aya hun apke liye. Dheeraj rakh kar padhiyega. Best of fuck… Ooops luck. Ek sal pehle ki bat hai, iski sacchai apko padhte huye hi pata chal jayegi, bilkul jaisa hua tha waisa hi likhne ki kosish meri hogi, halaki story meri khudki nahi, par mai us insan ki jagah rehke apko bataungi. Bangalore me ek bahut bade firm me job karta tha, 2 sal hogaya tha, aur kuchh dost bhi hogaye the, usmese sabse acchha dost tha gopi d. Nam to ajeeb hai, par south...

3 years ago
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Fucked Girlfriend And Call Girl On Same Day 8211 Part 3 8211 Being Slave Dog Of My Girl

Hey guys and girls… Hope you all are enjoying my story.. I, Raghu tomar is back with another part of story where my dark side is being full filled by my girl… Those who have not read my previous stories please I suggest you to read them so you can understand this better.. Let me just again introduce me I am Raghu from Gwalior and I am regular gym going guy standing 5.11 ft tall and have dick size of 6 inch.. Any girls ladies wanted to have fun or casual chat please mail me at Now just a quick...

4 years ago
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Julie s Turn

I laid on the bed naked, with my wrists and ankles firmly tied to the four wooden bedposts with rope. I tugged at my restraints, admiring how well my sweet little girl could tie a knot. I was incapable of breaking free and was completely at her mercy. Today was her turn to dominate me. I’d been thinking about it all day long and I think she had too. We both usually got home from work around the same time but today she got there before me. She probably ran home in excitement. I walked into our...

3 years ago
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Meeting a Lush Friend and Her Fantasy Girl

After she told me where to find her, I loaded my 2012 Coachmen Concord 31’ motorhome and crossed several states to get near her. I located an RV park and set up camp. I went to several stores and gathered the supplies I needed to make this an unforgettable experience for her. She sent me a picture of the woman she coveted and the address of their work. I drove my pull car over to the area and located a coffee shop they both frequented. I waited at that coffee shop until her friend Jenny showed...

4 years ago
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Letters from Sky Part 9

Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 9 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Sunday, May 4th (night) Hey MIKE!!!! Great to get you letter. I really am sorry about all that. Just blew up I guess, and I'm really sorry, and I'm just so glad you're not all mad about it. Yeah, the hair cut thing. Look, that was an accident, and she didn't really mean to do...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Spencer Bradley When Your Past Comes Knocking

Kayla (Spencer Bradley) gets a knock on her door, and it’s revealed to be her sibling, Adam (Billy Boston). She’s overjoyed that he came to visit, as they haven’t seen each other in a while. Adam doesn’t seem as relaxed as Kayla, however, as he reveals that he’s just stopping by to say goodbye. He appears anxious as he explains that he lost his job and things aren’t going well for him, so he’s decided to live off the grid for a while and get a fresh...

3 years ago
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Happy to be used

I cannot see or hear. I’m relying on my Daddy to lead me where he wants me. I can feel the tiled floor beneath me as he pulls me, my nipples sore from the chain. He stops and positions me, pushing on my shoulders to get me on my knees. I feel him bind them, keeping me down. My hands bound behind me so I must stay there, I have no choice, nor would I want any with Daddy around. He rocks me forward and supports me before I feel something pressing against my little sissy pussy. It opens me and...

2 years ago
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The life of a Futa

I am a highschool girl that turned 18 last week, and my name is Jennifer, but my friends call me Jen. I moved out of my parents' home and moved into my own one bed apartment that was available for rent. My part-time job as a grocery store clerk pays enough to support the rent. I work there every week on Sunday. I still go to Highschool, as a Sophomore. I come home from school with a huge headache. I don't know what's been going on with me for the past week, but my headache kept getting worse...

2 years ago
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I'm a bit of a pervert, there no end of the naughty things I forced my lovely wife to do. It helps that she has this problem with drink, give her a couple of strong ones and she anybody's. We met while at College; I was attracted to her immediately, a well built young girl with a lovely smile. We hit it off and soon we were an item. I was on a 'sandwich' course from my work, so by comparison with other students, I had plenty of money and even drove my own car. The advantages of this became...

4 years ago
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My Night

Late Night Fantasy             Chapter I As I lay there on the bed, half asleep and luxuriating in the soft feel of the sheets against my skin, I can hear you in the shower.   It is my birthday, and you have given me the best present ever, you!   I think back upon the months past, and how it seemed at times life threw everything it had at us.   It wasn’t always easy, and at times we were almost torn apart.   But through some miracle of fate and circumstance, we were still here and our love...

1 year ago
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Sex With Horny Divorcee Ki Padosan Part 8211 1

Hello hawas k pujari aur pujarano… Pichle chudai k kisse k liye bahut acha response milla… Uske liye thanks. Mujhe nahi pata tha yha itni sex ki pyaasi bhabhiya hongi :* unke sath hone wali mulakat bhi bataunga agar unhone manjuri di to ;)   Anyway, priya ki chudai k chakkar mai uske ghar aana jana laga rehta tha mera. 22 dec ko bhi mai gaya tha uske ghar but jaldi phonch gaya aur dekha to tala laga hua tha. Phone karne pe pata chala wo apni saheliyo k sath ghumne gayi hui hai aur raat ko...

2 years ago
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The Master DownstairsChapter 9

I stood over the naked Tina and the clothed Linda sprawled together on the floor. Kristen remained kneeling at my side with her clothes half undone, cleaning my cock of yet another woman's juices. I noticed that Jeremy had returned and was looking a lot less purple. He thanked me for allowing him to cum. "Kristen, is there anything you would like to do here?" Kristen didn't say anything, but quickly stripped before pulling Linda to a sitting position and removing her clothes. She then...

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