MICHELE'S NEW LIFE - CHAPTER 53B free porn video

The second day of the show was Helen’s day to spend with a couple of Veterinarians that Dr. Anna provided references for. This would give Harry and Juli the day to do some business at the show. Helen was directed to the rear of the arena where the Vets were stationed; they agreed to meet up at the close of the show at 6:00 PM to return to the hotel. Helen’s day passed in a blur as she tried to keep up with two Vets while aiding the other Technicians. It was the middle of the afternoon before she realized she hadn’t stopped for lunch, but at this point in the day she saw no reason to eat and ruin her appetite with Harry and Juli, so she just pressed on with a couple energy drinks.
As the afternoon and the show for the day were coming to an end, Harry and Juli found Helen collapsed on a stack of baled hay. One of the doctors intercepted them. Upon finding out they were simply there to retrieve Helen, he led them around the end of a stall and pointed inside. She appeared to have sat down to rest, leaned against a bale behind her, and fell asleep.
“She is an exceedingly hard worker. Are you her parents?”
Harry said, no, but Juli added, “No, we’re her aunt and uncle. We were coming to the show and we thought it would be a good experience for her to see how much goes into a show like this with all these a****ls.”
“I know Dr. Sorensen and I will definitely be speaking with her about this young lady. She worked my other two techs into the ground trying to keep up with her. If Dr. Sorensen won’t be in a position to hire her upon graduation, maybe Helen will consider relocating so I can hire her. I was that impressed and not just her energy but her knowledge, too.”
“Thank you. That is good to hear. We’ll be sure to pass that along to her family when we get home. We were told that she is at the top of her class, so we’re glad to see it paying off.”
“It very much is. I’ll be send her a letter of recommendation she can use in addition to calling Dr. Sorensen directly. Enjoy the rest of the show.”
The Vet left and they woke Helen up. She was quite embarrassed and looked around the area quickly. “I just sat down. I didn’t intend to fall asleep, I hope nobody noticed.” Juli gave Harry a discrete smile and let it go at that.
Back in the hotel room, Helen stripped immediately and put her clothes into a plastic bag to keep them separate from her other clothes, then went in for a long, hot shower. Harry and Juli were discussing the evening options and Harry thumbed through the hotel directory as the bathroom door opened. Nobody came out, so they both looked over and saw reflected in the mirror a site to behold, Helen standing naked, bent over at the waist with a towel over her head as she continued drying her hair. She apparently only opened the door to let some of the hot, moist air escape … or, to tease them. Maybe it was both.
When she did come out, she was completely naked and very comfortable. Her hair was still damp, but combed out, hanging straight down her back. She walked straight up to Juli and gave her a hug from behind, her arms crossing just below the breasts, “Thank you. I am having a wonderful time and I learned so much today.”
Juli squeezed the arms enveloping her, “It sounds like it was a busy day and, by the way, you still look tired.”
“I guess I am, but let me know what our plans are and I’ll get myself ready.” She took the few steps to Harry and hugged him as he sat at the desk with the hotel directory, “Thank you, too, Harry. You guys are so good to me. What are you doing?”
“Well, given your day, I thought maybe it might be easier to just stay in tonight and order from room service. What do you think, Juli?”
“I think that sounds good to me, too. And, this one can just stay the way she is.”
Harry chuckled, “At least until room service comes.”
Helen looked at him with mock shock, “You mean I can be covered this time? No surprise exposures?”
“We could certainly arrange for that …”
Helen managed to eat about half of her meal, a petite rib eye done medium-well. She did finish the asparagus and wild rice. Harry helped her with the rest of her steak, no way was a rancher going to see good red meat going to waste. The red wine went very well with the meal, adding to the flavors and relaxing her even more. Not long after the meal, she crawled into bed to watch the rest of the movie on HBO. Juli found her asleep not even fifteen minutes later. She eased the girl to the head of the bed with Harry’s help, put a pillow under her head and pulled the top sheet up over her. In her sleep, she clutched the sheet to her chin and curled onto her side. Juli knelt next to her, just watching her settle into a deep sleep.
Harry was watching the scene, “You’ve really become attached to her, haven’t you?”
“I have, that isn’t wrong, is it? We’ll never have our own and there are so few k**s even in our extended line.”
“No, it’s not, absolutely not. You see how Barb has fallen for her, even to the point of legally adopting her.”
“You know what she asked me this morning as we were waiting for you to bring the truck around? She asked if we ever thought about getting married. She was serious, too. Despite everything she is experiencing now sexually and emotionally, she is still in many ways such an innocent.”
Harry searched his sister’s face. What was she thinking about that question? “It’s crazy, about us getting married.”
“I know … brother and sister. Crazy.”
“Yeah, crazy … like a woman marrying her daughter’s husband while they were still married.”
“Yeah, crazy … like the same mother marrying the same daughter at the same time.”
There was a long pause, not really awkward, just silent. They were each in thought and both in similar thoughts. Harry broke the silence, first, “Juli … you know how much I loved my wife and how happy we were … I’ve never told you this, maybe because I didn’t know what to do with the feeling, the emotion, but … I love you. I know now that I love you even more than I did my wife. And, I am happier than I have ever been.” He fell silent again, not knowing if he crossed a forbidden line, scared her, or what.
She turned around, got off the bed, and took him into her arms. “Thank you, dear. I have felt the same way and didn’t know if I should admit it. Maybe I was afraid it would somehow feel like we were dishonoring our spouses. But it isn’t, not at all, it is just admitting, accepting, and affirming the reality. I love you, too. So much I think it might hurt sometimes.”
They stayed in the embrace and began kissing, stroking and touching. Harry’s hand moved down her back to her butt, so did Juli’s, only she pulled him into her and she pushed her pelvis into him. She felt his need pressing into her and she groaned out into his mouth. “I need you, now … inside me, please.” Harry pulled back from her face and looked into her eyes. He smiled but looked over to the bed and the sleeping young woman. Juli wasn’t going to be denied, “I don’t care. I want you missionary, looking into your eyes, kissing you, while feeling you inside me, you feeling me around you. I would like it to be slow and easy, quietly. Besides,” she added with a smile, “it’s not like she’ll be offended or traumatized if you wakes up and finds us fucking next to her.” That brought a smile to Harry’s face, too.
He didn’t bother responding verbally, he simply resumed kissing her, only this time his hands were working on the buttons of her blouse. She reciprocated by the same action on his shirt and soon their hands and arms were moving in awkward motions to allow room for the other while still needing to be in the way to accomplish what was intended. But, they weren’t rushed, or frantic in their actions. They were standing alongside the bed, kissing and stroking, but also undressing each other but their primary focus with kissing, touching, and holding each other. As much as they both wanted to be naked and in each other’s arms, legs entwined, and body parts neatly brought together as nature intended male and female bodies to fit, they also did not want to let go of each other. They were in conflict, but content to let the conflict slowly resolve itself in time as long they could be together in each other’s arms, as long as they could be together kissing.
Juli managed to get Harry’s shirt opened and off him; and Harry managed to get Juli’s blouse opened and off her, and getting her bra opened, finally after much fumbling and growing frustration. But, then, it became clear they would have to separate and get their boots and pants off. Once they were undressed, however, they went right back into a standing embrace, each pulling the other’s hips in for better, firmer, and direct contact of their groins. There was absolutely no question of Harry’s need now, his fully erect cock pressing into her lower abdomen, throbbing as she slipped a hand between them and touching the head. “God, I love you, lover! I love the way you feel against me. I love the feel of your cock pressing against me, the urgency it shows for me, that I can cause such a reaction from you. Will you take me to bed now and love me like only you can?”
Again, he didn’t reply, not verbally. Instead, he guided her back to the bed. When the backs of her legs found the bed, she sat down and scooted toward the center but leaving some room next to Helen. He followed her and lay alongside, kissed her shoulder, then her mouth and lips as he cover one side of her body. He kissed her for several minutes, again, easy but with intent and hunger. His hand found a breast and began fondling it. His kissing strayed from her lips and trailed to her ear where he took her lobe between his lips and whispered, “You are an amazing woman, Juli Adamly.” His kisses continued to trail to her neck, her shoulder and chest and his hands slipped down her body from her breast to her mound and her pussy. He slid a finger along her pussy lips, just inside but not penetrating her, not yet. His mouth was now on her nipple as his finger found her hole and slipped just inside with no resistance. She was fully wet and open.
She was stroking his head and pulled his head away from her nipple, “I told you I was ready for you, Harry Adamly. Now I want you, I want us to make love to each other, not a fuck, but love.” As she pushed at his legs in opening hers, he raised himself up enough to allow her leg to slide underneath him so he was now between her legs, supporting himself over her on his elbows, his hard, rigid, and demanding cock at the outside of her pussy lips, just barely touching. As he reached up to kiss her on the mouth, again, his cock slipped along her pussy lips, separated them and slipped inside just so the head was covered. Again, Juli sighed into his mouth.
They made love just as Juli requested, without frenzy or force or driven need. They kissed and whispered, they touched and stroked, and all the while Harry slowly pushed himself into her and slowly pulled himself back out nearly completely with just the head remaining inside, then pushing back in. He kissed her mouth, her neck, and by arching his back and he managed to reach her breasts on occasion, kissing them and sucking on the nipples. They made love with ease and gentleness, their love seemingly oozing from one to the other, content to experience and savor the sharing and contact with one another. When climax came to them, it too was shared and experienced together. With one arm, Juli pulled Harry’s body to her tightly, while the other pulled him at the waist, holding him tightly to her fully along her body, her face buried deeply into his shoulder and neck, stifling moans, gasps, and cries. She holding her lover to her as her body quaked, her pussy clenching around him, feeling her body shudder while also feeling the wetness inside her from her brother’s climaxing at the same time.
As they settled down from their orgasms, Harry slid to the side of Juli and onto the bed alongside her. Then, they heard, “That was nice.” It came from Helen.
Harry lifted up his head and looked over Juli, “Is she talking in her sleep?”
The response came back, “No, I am not. It was nice, you two making love next to me. As soon as I woke, I knew the difference. Sharing your love and tenderness as opposed to a fuck intended to solely elicit physical pleasure. You are so much in love, I can feel it.”
They looked at each other, smiled and kissed, yet again. And it was quiet. Helen was asleep, again.
The next day got started early. Harry had a full day planned starting with breakfast downstairs in the restaurant, a side trip outside of town, and then the show, again. The side trip was to the Petroglyph National Monument, located on the west side of Albuquerque. This park protects one of the largest petroglyph sites in North America, featuring designs and symbols carved onto volcanic rocks by Native Americans and Spanish settlers from 400 to 700 years ago. They provide a valuable record of cultural expression and profound spiritual significance for both contemporary Native Americans and descendants of early Spanish settlers. The term was confusing to Helen until she discovered that petroglyphs are rock carvings, unlike pictographs (what she was thinking of) which are rock paintings. Archaeologists estimate perhaps 25,000 such images in the area. A small percentage found may have originated as far back as 2000 BC. They are powerful cultural symbols that reflect the complex societies and religions of the surrounding tribes.
It was all extremely fascinating to Helen. For someone who’s experiences and exposure to different cultures and ideas were so limited and confined, she had no idea that North American cultures could be traced back so far. She realized she could have easily spent the entire day investigating the park, the differences in carvings from the Native Americans versus the early Spanish settlers, the intricacies of the symbols, and learning about the religious and societal derivation of the symbols. But, they only had the morning, but this experience taught her to seek out other such opportunities that might be closer to home.
They stopped on their way back to the show for lunch. Helen was still talking about the National Monument they just left. Both Harry and Juli find her excitement in such diverse things one of her most charming features. Unlike so many young people who become fixated on a narrow range of interests, she finds enjoyment, pleasure, and interest in so much she is now being exposed to with her new freedom to explore and experience the world. And, she has realized that the more she explores and experiences positively and responsibly, the more opportunities are provided to her. But Harry finally got her attention diverted back to the horse show.
She asks, “So, what’s on the schedule at the show, today? More looking at vendors and suppliers, or the actual horses?”
Harry chuckled, clearly she was much more interested in the a****ls and her experience yesterday with the Vets even though the caring for the a****ls was tiring but exciting for her. “Today, I want to visit the stabling area, which is not actually in the main convention hall. That is where many of the horses are kept for the show. There is also a training/exercise course setup for running and jumping events just outside. You might see some magnificent horses warming up. But, primarily, there is someone I would like to introduce you to.” He glances at a smiling Juli but she is sitting next to Helen and her inability to control her excitement isn’t evident to the girl. “I’m hoping you’ll like him; I’m pretty sure you will.”
“You want me to meet a guy and you hope I like him? Are you trying to set me up, Harry?”
He smiled and couldn’t help glancing at Juli. Helen saw that and turned to her, “Are you in on this, too?”
“I confess that I am, but just keep an open mind, okay? If you meet him and that’s all, we’ll be satisfied, there will be no pressure.” Helen shook her head with a shrug of her shoulders. She’d learned to roll with things from her family or Harry and Juli. She knew they always had her best interest in mind, even if it was somewhat misguided or meddling at times. She would play along for now, but it did make her wonder what was so special about this guy and why she should be meeting him so far from home.
Returning, Harry parks the truck at the hotel. The convention hall is across the street, but the outdoor area is on the other side of the building. Helen is again wearing jeans, her new boots, a western shirt, and cowboy hat. It was almost insisted this morning as she was getting ready that she wear this outfit, but they were here for the show and she found she liked the looks she got from guy and gals. The tight jeans showed her butt very nicely and she was liking the look of being a cowgirl. Besides, it made Harry happy.
Helen realized she hadn’t known about this part of the show. The a****ls they tended to yesterday must have been brought into the back area of the building because they never went to this part of the property. She was surprised at the size of the building with stables for horses and, as Harry said, just outside there was also an area that served as a running track and inside that oval were jumping obstacles of various heights for warming the a****ls up prior to exhibitions and competitions which would be held inside the main arena. They walked through several aisles of stables, looking at the horses and occasionally Harry would talk to one of the men. Helen realized that everyone time Harry stopped, or looked like he might, she scanned the area for ‘the guy’ she was supposed to meet.
Juli seemed to be getting a little anxious herself, “Do you know where you are going?”
Harry laughed, some embarrassment in the tone, “No, I guess I don’t. I didn’t think this was going to be so expansive. Let me call him.” He got on his cell and talked for a minute, then stepping onto the slats forming the wall of a stable and craned his head to see over the stables. “Okay, I see you. Stable 138. We’ll be right over. Yes, she’s right here with me. Yes, Juli’s with us, too.”
Helen looked at them quizzically, then to Juli, “So you know this guy?”
She smiled, “Patience. Okay, I know this guy, but I have never met the ‘him’ we want you to meet.”
Helen put her arm out indicating that Harry should lead the way, “Please, I will follow you but none of this is making any sense.”
Harry led the way through the aisles of stable until they were in the proper aisle. Ahead of them was an older guy about the same age as Harry waving at them. “Don’t tell me that’s the guy I am supposed to meet.”
Juli gave the girl a small shove to the shoulder, “That’s the guy, but not the ‘him’. Wait until you see ‘him’.”
“Would you stop with the ‘him’ and guy, already! This is driving me nuts. Besides, you said you haven’t met ‘him’.”
“I haven’t but Harry has and he described him in great detail. I can’t imagine you won’t love him at first sight.”
“Love at first sight? That’s expecting a lot …”
They all walked up to the man standing in the aisle in front of what turned out to be an empty stall. Harry was shaking his hand and it was clear by the greeting that they knew each other very well. The man clearly had Hispanic background, “Jose, you remember my sister, Juli?”
“Of course, how could forget such a beautiful woman?”
She hugged him, “Jose, stop it, you haven’t changed a bit, I see.” They both laughed.
“Jose, this is the young woman I told you about. This is our Helen.”
He took Helen’s hand and bowed gracefully and kiss it, then taking it in both of his hands, “Helen, such an honor. And, if I may be so bold, so beautiful. Well, I know you didn’t come all this way to talk to strange, old man. He’s outside in the exercise area walking. Let me introduce you.”
He led the way down more aisles and Helen could see they were headed straight for double doors in the near wall. Helen was a step behind the man and just to his right. Harry and Juli were several more steps behind her. As she passed through the open door, she let her gaze move across the expanse in front of her and quickly found the track and field inside it. There were several horses being exercised on the track, mostly at a gallop, but every now and then one would go off at a faster pace for a lap and then slow to a gallop, again. The slower horses were being ridden on the inside of the track which allowed the outside for faster riding. Inside the track oval was an open area with several jumps setup and some barrels. Exhibitions at the show included not just show horses that put the focus on the breeding and grace of the a****l, but also included short races, jumping, roping and team roping, cutting, and barrel races.
The man, Jose, said he was out in the exercise area but all she could see out there was a young boy walking an absolutely beautiful horse, stunningly beautiful, in fact. But, she pulled her eyes away and scanned the edges of the track thinking he might be hanging around the edges. She saw nobody that appeared to be a young man she could be expected to fall all over herself about. Obviously, she was skeptical about the likelihood, anyway.
Helen turned around to express her confusion when she noticed Jose waving in the direction of the track and exercise area. She turned back and watched but saw nobody reciprocating the wave. What she did see was the boy with the horse turn towards them. That was the only apparent change in movement. When the boy reached the track, he paused for some horses to pass, then ran across the track with the horse in tow, being led by the reins. And he continued along a path directly towards them.
Then, she heard Juli exclaim, “Oh my, he is beautiful. Your description didn’t do him justice, Harry.”
Helen turned to Juli and just looked at her. She was transfixed, looking only at the horse. What was she talking about … wait … this isn’t about a man? This is about the horse? The horse! My god! This is the reason for the horse trailer? “Harry, I don’t understand.”
“Don’t you like him?”
“He’s beautiful. Hell, he’s magnificent! But …”
“No ‘buts’, dear, he’s yours. Well, yours if you want him and if you’ll trade one of your quarter horses.”
“My quarter horse … wait … he’s mine? For the trade? I don’t … why … no, my quarter horse can’t be even with that a****l.”
By this time the boy was in front of them and handed the reins to the man. He held them and looked from Harry to Helen. He finally handed the reins to Helen who took them with shaking hands. She looked up from her hands holding the reins, finally, and looked up at the horse. He stood for a moment before taking two more steps to be right in her face, literally. He put his nose right to her face and her hands went up to his head … she put her forehead forward and rested it there on his nose. He whinnied as she let out a sigh. She didn’t move her head from him, but asked, “Why, how? How is this possible?”
Harry came up alongside her and held her in one arm while stroking the horses neck with the other, “It started a long time ago, about fifteen years, Jose? Yeah, must be by now. Anyway, I had just bought out a ranch from a widow, complete. Land, building, and livestock. There was a different horse in the group, the great sire of this guy. He too was a magnificent looking horse, the first Friesian I ever saw. They are still unusual in these parts. Anyway, as you know, I’m more of a quarter horse kind of guy. At the time, Jose here was struggling and looking for something different to turn his fortunes. He’s from Texas and we had done business previously and I didn’t really see the benefit in having a Friesian horse, I wasn’t into fancy riding. So Jose and I made an agreement. I had forgotten about it until he called. We agreed he could have the horse at a steal, but I would get the first son of the second son in the line. He’s four years old and just sired a healthy colt. He’s a true bred stallion Friesian with complete papers. And, if you want him, he’s yours.”
“Of course, I want him, but I feel like I would be cheating you in the trade.”
“If it wasn’t that he is free to me, you would be. But now, it’s all good and I get a good horse I can really use.”
“Wow … Friesian … what kind of horse is it?”
“They originated in what is now The Netherlands. They are obviously large and powerful but at the time graceful and elegant. They have a tendency to high step with their front feet which can be very showy. Their size made it possible for them to carry a knight in full armor. And, they are still rare in the Southwest.”
“Harry, I don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t, you don’t have to. Take him out for a walk and get acquainted.”
She turned to Juli who took her into her arms and hugged her tightly. “Go.”
Helen started but stopped, turned and rushed into Jose, hugging him. “Thank you, Jose. He’s a magnificent a****l. Does he have a name?”
“I called him Eclipse, for his darkness. It is my sincere pleasure, young lady. And, so you know, he is very well trained for riding as well as show. He has won several events and placed well in others. Enjoy him.”
In the exercise area she studied the horse better, stroking his neck, mane, body, and to his tail. He was jet back and shiny. His mane was long, much longer than the horses she was used to, even to the point in front of giving him almost a look of having unkempt bangs. His tail was full and long, nearly reaching to the ground, and full, like a woman’s long hair, like her long hair. At his feet was longer hair that gave a look of extreme frayed fringe on old bell-bottom jeans. She spent a lot of time stroking him and talking to him. To her surprise he seemed to almost respond at times, but assumed like with Kaycee that it was merely a reaction to her gentle voice and tone, than any real understanding.
After nearly an hour of just being with him, she led him back to Juli and Harry. She noticed that Jose was no longer with them. It turned out that he was there this late in the show just to deliver the horse to Harry and had business back in Texas to attend to. But he wanted to express his thoughts that the two of them seemed perfect for each other and he was very grateful that she was the one who would be taking care of him.
“Can I ride him?”
Harry reacted, “He’s your horse, honey. But, we don’t have a saddle here for him.”
“But, Juli’s been teaching me to ride bareback, too. She says that bareback is a whole different riding experience and technique that any really good rider should master. I’m not saying I’ve mastered it, but I do know that what I have learned about bareback riding has made saddle riding even easier.”
Juli smiled. This girl picks up new things like a sponge. Juli looked at Harry and they exchanged unspoken signals, ways of communicating that only those who are really connected are able to. “Okay, you’re right, of course. But be careful initially. This is a much more spirited a****l than the quarter horses you are used to. Can you get up there by yourself?”
She looked up at the height of Eclipse’s back and his mane. “I think I will need to practice some, but for now can you give me a foot lift?”
He bent over next to the horse with his hands lowered and interlaced. She put the boot of her left foot in his hands and jumped up, landing on his back. He reacted slightly, but he was calm with her on him. She took the reins and leaned forward onto the back of his neck, her hands stroking him along the neck, her mouth talking quietly next to his ear. “We’re bareback, Eclipse, and I am not an expert rider, even with a saddle, but this feels right to me, it feels like this is where I belong. Eclipse, I hope you feel the same way.”
Harry and Juli were standing just off to the side and, though she was speaking quietly for the horse, they caught nearly all of it. They couldn’t help reacting, though, looking at each other with surprise when at the end of her comment to him, he vigorously nodded his head. Did he actually just positively respond to her comment? It seemed too uncanny to be true and it still seemed to be, but she also remember now what Barb and Michele said about the moment of introduction of Helen to Kaycee. From the very moment of introduction, there was absolutely no doubt in anyone’s mind that Helen bonded with Kaycee and that Kaycee had accepted her as his. From that moment they were constantly together, he wouldn’t leave her side as though they had been together all along. This was every bit the same kind of response.
She was content to walk him for a period of time, frequently leaning forward, literally lying on his neck, and stroking him. She seemed to be constantly speaking to him when in this position. Then, she straightened up, pulled up on the reins, and brought him to a stop. She looked over to the side of the track and saw that Harry was no longer with Juli. She pulled Eclipse to the side and trotted him, this time, over to Juli. Bring him up alongside Juli, “Where is Harry? Do we need to go?”
“Dear, you take all the time you want. I can see what is happening between you two. He isn’t just a ride for you, is he?”
“It’s hard to explain, Juli. It’s like when Bob brought Kaycee and I was told he was mine if I wanted him. It was so obvious at that moment on contact that it wasn’t me wanting him or not, it was us wanting each other; it was two ways. That’s what this feels like. I don’t want to get off him, I want to experience him and explore what we are or what we could be. Does that sound weird?”
“No, not for you. To me, a****ls have always been a****ls, I may like them, depend on them, even trust them, but that’s it. But, you seem to experience these things, maybe all things, more deeply. And, I envy you that. And, I also think that is why you are so special to everyone and everything you develop relationships with. Harry said he could still use some time to talk to a couple suppliers who are showing here. And I am perfectly happy being here. I even have my Kindle, so take your time. You should know, though, you look like a fantasy out there. Take a discrete look around, you’ll see the people who are intrigued by you and your horse.”
She did and was surprised at the people who were watching her.
“Go out and have some fun. Be careful, but give them something to see.”
She straightened up, blew her a kiss, “Thank you. I love you, Juli.” She turned the horse sharply to the left after checking for riders on the track and went right into a fast trot. As she completed the turn at the far end, she moved him into a gallop and held that speed to the point where she again passed Juli. She was feeling comfortable on Eclipse, her knees pressed firmly into his side, riding up right, her hair gently flying behind her as she was sure his tail must have been. She tapped her boot into his flanks and leaned forward a bit and his speed increased, again. Now, past the gallop stage, he was in a slow run until she took him through the far turn and increased his speed yet again. She was in riding heaven and Harry was absolutely right about him, about his power but grace and elegance in his stride and being bareback she felt the power of his body, the movement of his massive muscles as he landed and strode into the next leap forward. She pressed him and leaned forward a little more.
Among the people around the track, some intently watching the horses and riders exercising, some just enjoying the day outside with a cool beverage and resting their feet, were two in the small grandstands across the other side of the track from where Juli sat, sometimes watching and smiling, sometimes reading. These two were intent on something held between them and in heavy, sometimes heated, discussion. They were definitely not there for the riders or the rest. They were there to be away from others and to solved a mutual concern. One was a man in his early 40’s with a very expensive, elaborate looking camera with a variable zoom lens next to him on the bench. He was holding a binder of photos between him and the woman next to him. She was in her late 30’s, her hair pulled back severely into a pony tail, wearing a casual business pant suit. Of the two of them, she was the one most unhappy in their discussion. They were seated at the end of stands and she was partially turned to the man causing her to be nearly facing away from the track below.
“I don’t think it works. I don’t think it works, at all. I don’t think it projects what Sonja is looking for.”
“What’s wrong, Van? She’s beautiful and the clothes look good on her.”
“Mark, it’s not the photographic quality, at all. The photographs are great, as yours always are. She’s beautiful. But the clothes … yes, the clothes look good on her, but sack cloth wrapped around her would look good.”
“So, what is it?”
“She doesn’t exude being a Colondaro girl.”
“A what? The company doesn’t have any such thing.”
“Exactly. And that is exactly what Sonja wants to correct. Mark, she wanted to come up with a line of women’s clothes that would be distinctly Colondaro, something that would be unique not only in the clothes but the representation, something that when we market them would jump out to anyone seeing it as different, exciting, new, and even a little risky in some items, pushing the boundaries. The line was to include traditional Western styling and also new and challenging styles from the traditional. She wants to create a unique alternative. Be honest, Mark, does this woman show you that? This woman belongs on a Fashion Week runway, not representing a cowgirl fantasy that will attract girls and women of country and city backgrounds.”
The man was fiddling with his camera, pointing it in the direction of the track, zooming in and out, then looking into the window at the digital image, moving from image to image. “Mark! You and that camera. Are you even listening to me? The line of clothes is going into production, we have very good pictures of the clothes on a very attractive model, I stress strongly ‘MODEL’, but I don’t know how I can pull that into a marketing campaign that will give Sonja what she wants.”
“Okay, so what I am hearing is that the clothes are good and the photos are good, but they don’t project the ‘image’ that was never defined to me to begin with and the marketing plan is due immediately to get to publication for the catalog, website, and media blitz. Is that what you are telling me?”
“Thank you for letting me know you have been listening, now what do we do about it?”
“Let me show you something. You know, Van, God gave us all more than just brains to use in solving our problems. One very important thing he gave us is our eyes and opening them to the world can give us a perspective we might need.” He was moving through the digital pictures, “Okay, we’ll start with this one.” He held up the camera so she could view the photo in the camera viewing window. It showed a young woman wearing a cowboy hat kissing the top part of the nose of a very black horse.
“Not to be critical, but it’s kind of grainy. But it is a wonderful sense of bond between human and horse.”
“It was a long way from me, I had to zoom in quite a bit. Now look at this pulled back a bit.” This one showed the woman standing on a tip toe, one leg bent back as she kissed the horse’s nose.
“My god … it’s like she’s kissing a boyfriend. That bond must be amazing.”
“Now this one, the same two.” This one showed them walking away from the camera, she is in jeans, boots, shirt and hat, her long hair down her back, the horse’s long tail hanging nearly to the ground.
“I love these. This is what I’m talking about. This exudes the sense of the image Sonja wants. A confident, independent woman bonded to the lifestyle but still shows femininity and even sensuality. Where did you take these?”
“At the show? When, who is she? Can we find her, again?”
“Van …” he put his hand out toward the track and for the first time since they had been sitting there, she looked out at the track.
Helen and Eclipse were just entering the straightaway on the other side, once again passing where Juli was sitting. Juli stood as they passed. Her heart was nearly pounding out of her chest. Helen had steadily increased Eclipse’s speed and was now at a full sprint, they were passing other horses, Helen’s hair was strung out behind her, just like Eclipse’s tail, his mane waving into Helen as she was leaned into him so far she was nearly on his neck but allowing enough room. Juli could see, as they passed, that she was saying something to him, perhaps encouraging him, perhaps exclaiming her excitement. She would have to ask. She watched as they took the turn for the far side, still going full out it seemed.
“Now watch closely, Van. If you thought the pictures I showed you were what you wanted to see about the type of woman that could fit your expectations, watch as she passes … watch … watch … look at how she is riding.”
“Oh … my … god … Mark, she’s bareback! She’s riding that magnificent a****l bareback! God, talk about fantasies.”
Helen turned the end and slowed Eclipse to a run, a gallop, and to a trot before approaching Juli. On the other side of the track from Juli the woman jumped up but the man held her by the arm. “No, don’t rush her. Let’s talk to Sonja about this first. That’s the only Friesian horse I have seen at the show, we can find the stall it is in and find out who rented the stall and track her that way if Sonja thinks it is worth the effort.”
Helen slid off the a****l and flew into Juli’s arms, nearly knocking her over in the process. “Did you see? Juli, he’s magnificent! He’s like Kaycee, I think he could go forever and he’s so fast. And, so handsome.”
Juli was laughing at her exuberance. “Yes, he certainly is. You seem to have a way of attracting uniquely handsome male a****ls. Both Eclipse and Kaycee are very unusual for this part of the country.” She hugged the girl as they headed into the building, Eclipse following behind, taking the long way to cool the a****l off before giving him a wiping and brushing in the stall. When they reached the stall, they found Harry waiting with the gate open.
“I went outside, but didn’t see you so I figured you were cooling him off. How was it, dear?”
Her answer was a leap into his arms that did knock him over. They tumbled into the hay. Helen landed on top of him, sprawled out along his body. She looked into his eyes and he saw tears forming, with one drop escaping and sliding down her cheek. “Thank you, Harry. He’s magnificent. I still can’t believe you are letting me have him.”
“He’s all yours, honey. Just don’t kill yourself on him. Your mother and sister would both kill me … separately, if it’s possible. I saw you out there earlier. You two are beautiful together.”
As she is finishing up brushing the horse, the stabling area was getting quiet as night was coming and everyone but a few hands have left to find some dinner. As Helen rubs the horse down, Juli gasps. Helen looks at her, then follows her eyes … his cock had ‘dropped’ … and it was massive. Juli smiles and comments to Harry and Helen, “I think he likes you Helen.” Harry’s eyes show excitement but his body language indicates some nervousness, that she might take offense. Almost under her breath, Juli says to Harry, “Keep a watch out.” Harry knows what that might mean. She enters the stall with Helen and the horse, “Have you ever felt one?” Helen hesitates and thinks, but that alone is something of a giveaway that she wasn’t shocked at the question and implication. But … does she admit to Juli that time with Dr. Anna at Stella’s? But Juli beats her, “I have. Only a couple times with Nikki, but … those weren’t like his. He’s even more magnificent than we knew, isn’t he?”
Helen wasn’t quite sure how to respond. Was Juli inviting her to do this? But, Harry was there, too. So, she prolonged the conversation, not being committal, yet. “Yes, in every way I can think of.”
“Don’t worry about Harry. He knows about the other time with me. He caught Nikki and me; Helen, we were covered in cum.”
“I know.”
“You know? Tell me.”
“Dr. Anna … the first time at Stella’s. She set us up with a story of concern about her horse being hard all the time. I simply suggested, joking, that we might masturbate him. We did it and it worked. Of course, it worked; there wasn’t really anything wrong with him. Stella was spying on us. She like the fact that Dr. Anna would do whatever she needed to help the a****l. It was … amazing, like you said, and … you’re right, that one was nothing like Eclipse’s. Look at it … so long.”
“Harry, you watch for us. Helen, get those towels near us, we’ll need them.”
“We’ll need them?”
“Dear, we can’t get through the hotel in cum soaked clothes. Now strip.”
“We? You mean …”
“Yes, I want in on this, too. If that’s okay with you, that is.”
Helen just smiled at her, then to Harry, and started unbuttoning her shirt. As she threw her bra and panties onto her other clothes on the rail of the stall, she stood on her tip toes to look around the building. “This is so exciting and scary. Anybody could come and see us.”
“If Harry sees anyone, we’ll have to hide. Ready? Wait, we need to hobble his hind legs so he doesn’t try to kick us.”
Once done, they split up and approach him from different sides, stroking and rubbing him as they moved to his rear. Juli slipped her hand underneath him and bumped into his cock. She sucked in her breath at the touch. She knelt down next to him and found Helen there. They nervously smiled and tried not to think about where they were, but part of the excitement, the thrilling rush going through them was the very fact that they might be found out if Harry wasn’t watchful.
Looking at each other for reinforcement, they moved together and wrapped a hand around the massive cock in front of them. Juli didn’t look at her but spoke to her, she didn’t seem to want to take her eyes off the cock, “See the pre-cum seeping out of the mushroom shaped end? Use it for lubrication.” They both did, taking more and more and rubbing their hands together to get good coverage, then placing them back on the cock. Juli held the end nearest them while Helen scooted down a little and used both hands to stroke from the middle to the sheath. Helen was in rapt fascination by the size of the cock in her hands when Juli made another recommendation, “Come up here and mouth the end, just like you would any cock, lick, suck the end, try to take it into your mouth.”
Helen looked at the older woman … is she serious? But she did it, she didn’t need much encouragement at this point. She was on fire herself and was probably ready to do anything she might suggest. She started kissing, then licking at the pre-cum, tasting it. “Mmmmmmmm … different, but nice, too.” Her mouth went back to the end, her hands pulling and pushing on the flared head of the cock. She squeezed it towards her and put her mouth to it, stretching her mouth as wide as she could, then a little wider as she felt the head start to enter her mouth. She only got the flared part in, but her mouth never felt so full … of anything much less cock. Juli was pumping his cock with one hand and massaging his large hanging balls with the other.
“Get ready, he is tensing and jerking, his balls are pulsing. I’m joining you there.”
Juli moved the Helen, looked at her and leaned in for a hungry kiss before returning her attention to the cock. She couldn’t believe how turned on she felt right then.
But if she was feeling turned on, Harry was nearly beside himself. He was having difficulty doing his job of watching the building to warn them if someone should happen along, but he forced himself, each time praying he wouldn’t miss the moment. He heard a sound and tore his eyes away to step back into the aisle and look. Nothing. He stood on the rail of the stall and looked more intently. No, nothing, good … back to the girls.
But Harry did hear something. What he couldn’t see was the man too far away in the shadows between the lights, a dead spot he had picked out carefully. He couldn’t see a lot from that distance, but with the use of the zoom lens on his camera, even in the bad light, he could make out what was happening. The light wasn’t good enough for a picture and he had no interest in taking one. It would just be a little more information about this young woman, information that only one other person would ever hear, but might be more indication of how unusual this woman was. The sound Harry heard was the man leaving his hiding spot. He had what he needed. This interesting bit of information, just how much she was into horses, and the stall number that would be necessary for tracking her down tomorrow, if they needed to. But, now, he was getting late for a meeting with his boss and the marketing director.
Inside the stall, action was happening fast. Helen had her mouth around the cock further than she had managed before. Juli’s hand was further down the cock and she felt a pulse. “It’s coming down his cock, Helen.” Helen looked at Juli, then her eyes bulged out and Juli knew instantly what had happened. Helen’s cheeks bulged out as well and she was gulping, swallowing as fast as she could, but her eyes started to tear and her cheeks were distended to an extreme until there was no more room. Then, the second spurt came through the cock and nearly drove Helen backwards. She gagged and cum actually came out of her nose. She pulled back and cum ran out of her mouth and down her body. She was coughing and sputtering as Juli pulled the cock in her direction and pointed it at her face as the next shot out, hit her squarely in the face and ran down her body. Both women took two spurts that were more like a fire hose shooting at them.
When the horse stopped, the two women looked at each other and started laughing, clamping their hands to their mouths to stop the noise. The both had cum covering their faces, in their hair, and still dripping down their bodies and off their breasts. They used the towels to wipe off their bodies and get mostly dry, each checking the other’s hair to remove the obvious splatter. Then they got dressed, knowing these clothes would have to be separated into bags, too, when they got out of them at the hotel.
Helen gave Eclipse a kiss on the nose, promising to see him again tomorrow. After locking the stall gate, Juli commented to Harry, “I think this is another room service night. You can order while we get cleaned up.” She took Helen in her arm as they walked to the exit, “Another experience, sucking off a horse in public.” They both laughed and looked around the building, just to make sure. “I feel like sharing the shower with you, tonight.”
“Hmmm, that does sound good. Then, we can eat and attack Harry after that.” Harry looked at them, a little worried … but a lot excited.
* * * CHAPTER 53C: HARRY, JULI, AND HELEN AT THE HORSE SHOW, PART 3: JUMP - GIRL will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

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