Edward Pickman Derby?s Tale free porn video

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Edward Pickman Derby's Tale By Legion Many I My name is Edward Derby and I am dead. My body is in the sanatorium at Arkham but I am not there. I was a man of letters and education. I had published a book of poems called Azathoth and Other Horrors in my eighteenth year and it did get much praise. But for a sheltered upbringing I might have been a great man indeed. Alas I was overnurtured and being so coddled as a child and through to adulthood, it was given dominion and there was my downfall. Like many of the idle rich I never did much actual work and thus I retained too much of a boyish look about myself. Never having to fend for myself I did have too much of a child still in me. No interest did I partake but in study and more important the study of the dark paths of metaphysics. For this I did turn to Miskatonic University in Arkham and make it my second home. Here I could study for hours on end the Book of Eibon, the Unaussprechlichen Kulten of von Junzt, and the forbidden Necronomicon of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred. It was these studies and my lack of personal character than most probably did bring Asenath Waite to find interest in me. Still I rue the day that she and I did meet. At Miskatonic I did run with the groups of the intellectual bohemians who found excitement in the occult studies that I partook and did at times push the envelope of wild abandonment. Among them was the beautiful Asenath. She was small and slender, only standing an inch or two over five feet and weighing no more than a hundred pounds, and she had a profoundly delicate beauty about her like a porcelain doll. Her hair was a deep, deep red beyond crimson and shown in the light like a setting sun. All this with her waspish waist and tiny frame added to her gentle fragile appearance till one came to her eyes. For her eyes, the same colour of her mane of hair, protruded a bit and seemed to almost glow with an unearthly intelligence and power. Something in that power drew my to her as my weakness drew her to me. Stories abounded about her but this was to be understood for she was a Waite of the Innsmouth Waites, Daughter of the self proclaimed Wizard Ephraim Waite, a man I had seen some years ago in the libraries at the school, now some years dead. These stories surrounded powers she exhibited: calling storms, knowledge's alien and obscure, but mainly her abilities of hypnotism. But in truth none of these interested me as much as the woman herself for her fierceness was unmatched by any I had known. It was at house where many of the intellectuals met that I first heard her. I had gotten caught up in my reading and had arrived when they were in mid discussion. As many times the leader of this talk was one Benjamin McCoy that hailed from Ireland, an eclectic that prided himself in playing all sides of an argument rather than showing what side to which he himself stood, but here he was stumbling to play more moderator than head speaker for the subject was fought between Janis Parker, a feminist as well as a studier of the natural magicks, and Asenath Waite, who seemed to delight in coaxing the fires of Janis's feminist agitations. "A woman can be just as powerful as any man in the fields of magick and in many ways much more powerful," I heard Janis say defiantly as I was hanging my wet cloak. "I have never seen a man perform as well a spell of growth or healing as a woman." "Growth and healing are minor magicks better served by women for their reproductive systems. But you try to get and woman to try the higher magicks and she would fail time and time again. And it is because of your feeble little brains," bounded on the strong soprano voice of Asenath, defiant and steaming with disgust. "So long have your minds been occupied with knitting and caring for babies that the paths of your minds cannot hold the intricacies of higher conjuring. And even if it were possible, were by some freakish chance that a woman's brain could contain those dark and powerful magicks no elder god would respect any female adept that tried to conjure him." "But Asenath," said Benjamin trying to defuse the situation. "Why rail so hard against women when you are one yourself?" "Yes, you say you have so much power passed to you from your mad father. How can you be such a talent and still be a woman?" spit Janis indignantly. "Because I am not what he wanted," she said looking down at herself in disgust. It was then that I saw her full on, for I then entered the room from the foyer. My first thought was what a girl had said of her; "She is lovely but she is unkempt." It was true because for all of her natural beauty she did nothing to intensify it like the other girls. She wore no makeup on her eyes or lips though some colour was added to her face for it had a darker tone than her pale hands. Her dress was dark and almost schoolmarm-like in its conservativeness. Basically she dressed like an older woman not like one of twenty-three as she was. The odd point was that it was said that in the times before her father had gone mad and died she dressed quite fashionable. Speculation was that she simply was in a state of extended morning. But even with this lack of colour and fashion I found her beautiful. "Oh had a son come from the womb of Lithia Waite I would have been a magnificent wizard," she continued with regret deep in her voice. "But I am a woman and no matter how much of what I was taught I can do no more than that cunt there," she spat angrily in the direction of Janis. There was an audible gasp as those in the room, myself included, were taken aback by her language. She looked around for a moment confused at our surprise at her speech, then as if suddenly realizing where she was covered her moth in a lady-like manor and said, "Forgive me growing up in Innsmouth, it being a shipping town and my father ranting on it so much in his later days, I sometimes talk like him forgetting myself." She smiled then nervously and again I was captured with her beauty. Not a word passed again twixt the two that night, nor did it again for as long as I knew till later revelations did become apparent. Only daggered stares crossed them for a good long time. She reseated from the foreground and took a seat with a foul look on her face. With a bit of subtlety I crept toward her and struck up a conversation. I fumbled talking of the weather and the fall of the market and such, but for some reason no matter how inane my prattle she hung on my words. We sat alone for some time and spoke of trivial things till most of the crowd had gone. Seeing this I asked her if she might want to go with me to have a drink at the pub. With a most predatory grin she agreed. There I found myself drawn back to the topic she was on before with special inquiry as to what she said about her father. "He was a very powerful man," she said with pride. "My mother likewise was a very kind woman but she bore him no sons. He had wanted a son to carry on his work and unfortunately she bore what you see here." "I do like what I see here," I said the drink getting the best of me a bit. "So do I," she said with more than an air of predatory hunger. "You seem to have a good brain." "Thank you it has served me well these thirty-eight years," I said proudly. "You look much younger," she smiled hungrily. "I wish I had your brain. I could do great things if I could be you for a while," she smiled running her right hand over mine. "Keep that up and I might let you," I joked. "You might indeed," she said smiling much as a spider might smile at a fly. II We talked most the night and I could tell she was developing more and more of a liking to me as we conversed. I must admit now that I was never one for the ladies; me bookishness and shyness had long hindered me from any relationships of any merit with the opposite sex, and though my good friend Daniel Upton had in celebration of my twenty-fifth birthday had taken me to a New York brothel, I had only been with a woman once. Unlike many of the other occultist crowd at Miskatonic, I did not partake in the Romanesque parties that they sometimes held. Because of these lacking skills in the romantic arts I was happy to see she also seemed halted in showing the affection she had for me in a physical way. When she touched me it was halting and reticent almost uneasy. I felt this shyness thrilling for it mirrored my own. The next day I flew to my good friend Dan's home and told him every thing most possibly seeming quite the humming bird for the gayety I must have shown. I could tell he had heard of her and did show some reservations in my hasty declarations of extreme love based only on the one evening but I also did see his happiness on my finding a good match. Had he any misgivings in our pairing he did not voice it and I do wish he had. We, Asenath and I, were soon it what can only be deemed a world-wind romance. Not a night did go by when we were not at some excursion for dinner, dancing, play or cinema. It was this romancing and the expenditure of money it entailed that brought us to my father's attention. My father said unequivocally that this infatuation of mine would stop and go no further. With a newfound zeal I had gained from Asenath, she and I married the next month. Unlike most women she was not one for the pretext of marrying in a church, in fact she was very much against the thought and demanded we wed in front of a justice of the peace rather than a minister of any sort. With these things said we wed in the stormy month of February. The guests were few but my father, Dan, his wife and Edward Derby Upton, their son that they did name in my honor, did come. Though father did scowl a bit he voiced no opposition. Asenath was a beautiful bride dressed in a gown of pearly white and made up like I had never seen her before, this must have been the work of Eunice Babson, who she had said was a servant of her fathers and was a lifelong companion to her. I was aghast at this woman who had consented to be my wife my heart knew no bounds and was overflowing with happiness. From the ceremony we went straight to our honeymoon. For this we did go to the falls at Niagara. She had agreed on this for it was "far from the prying eyes of those who knew us for ourselves" as she had said. This and is was a place of water and though not the sea that she had a love for it was a powerful body onto itself. She wished not to be carried over the threshold as women are want to do rather she simply unlocked the door herself and went into our room. "Such trappings of marriage are frivolous and out dated," she said kicking her shoes off for she had driven her Packard here with us inside and her feet hurt. "Bring the bags here," she said motioning to the space near the dresser. I simply smiled and did as she asked. Something of the girl I knew was gone and more of the demanding essence of my father replaced it but my love of her found no wrong in that. She began to unpack pulling a gown, sheer and black with a corset and stockings to match. This did thrill me a bit. Also she did pull powders, old bits of parchment, and a dagger from her case. These things made my mind wonder a bit. "Dress for bed. I shall be right back and I will give you an experience quite singular," she said coyly and retired to the bathroom. Not since the New York cathouse had I heard such an air of seduction in the voice of a woman. I most possibly burst from my clothes and thrust on my nightclothes. Moments passed as a sat on the bed wrapped in anticipation till a small click signaled her return. The door opened slowly unveiling the splendor that was my new wife. Her skin was an ivory white and had sheen when under the sheer black. The corset she wore was tight and wasped her waist yet did not cup her ample breasts with their deep pink nipples. Her legs were perfectly proportioned and coltish in the sheer silk material that incased them and slid with her feet into tiny ankle boots. But her face was the most beautiful made up with an Egyptian look to her eyes and a deep red in her lips that all but mirrored her hair. Her hips were her next feature that my eyes were cast to an they were ample and wide yet uncovered betwixt the bottom of the corset ant the top of the stockings excepting the straps that held the stockings in place. And twixt her slender thighs was but the cleft of her sex and no hair. This for a minute I marveled at for to shave there struck me as a painful thing to do. "Do you like it?" she asked moving as to climb the doorway seductively like a cat. "Oh yes," I said enthusiastically. "Would you take it if I lent it to you a while?" she said smiling with those darkened lips. "Oh yes my darling," I said all but panting in anticipation. "And would you do all I asked of you while you had it?" she asked strutting toward me. "Oh yes anything," I said taking her in my arms. "Then I shall let you have it as long as I can take yours in exchange," biting at my chest seductively. "Any time you wish my love," I said anticipating a wild night of love making of which I truly did receive. "I am so glad you said that," she said whipping her head back and staring into my eyes with a look of profound malevolence. The world then shuttered and shifted like a ship in a storm. And without warning the floor shot up and collided with me. I lay there a second unsure of what happened and suddenly realized all the colour went out of the world. "What happened?" I said but the voice that came from me was not my own. It was higher like a muffled version of Asenath's voice. I clapped my hand over my mouth but my hand did not come for when I saw the finger and thumb on either side of my nose they were thinner, longer, and of a more delicate quality than ever mine were. I drew my hand back and looked at it and it was a woman's hand most small and dainty. More over I knew this hand it had the sheer sleeve of the nightgown on it's arm and what I now perceived as black on the painted nails would have been the red of her nail polish. I gasped coming to full realization of what had become of me but my lungs seemed stunted by my garments. "That's right my dear you are now Asenath," came a voice I scarcely recognized. Having already sat up I turned to see its source and found myself sitting on the bed. But it was not myself for its carriage was prideful and far more self-assured than ever I had been. I struggled to stand but found the effort fruitless in the heeled boots on my now small feet. "Here my darling let me help," my doppelganger said reaching down to me. I shrieked a highly feminine cry and he backed from me. Then with his hands out he retrieved a small hand mirror from Asenath's case and faced it toward me. Asenath's face only in a state I had never before seen stared back at me in the mirror. "As I said you, Edward, are now in Asenath's body and if that is so I in the body of Edward must be?" said the doppelganger as if talking to a child. "You are Asenath," I said in astonishment. He held out his hand and helped me to my feet then to the bed. When I became more calm he began telling me how his/her father did just this thing with his/her mother and how it was sexually stimulating experiencing the act from the other side. "But do not worry," he/she said with a reassuring smile that was haunting on my face. "It is not permanent possibly will not even last the whole night." I had heard tail of this before when I was still listening to the stories surrounding Asenath. How she could stare at other students and give them the feeling of exchanged personality and how it lasted only seconds often only long enough for the exchanged person to see their body from hers. I stood up on my slender silk shod legs and slowly walked to the mirror in the bathroom. Standing there in my reflection was Asenath slender beautiful Asenath and yet it was myself being reflected. The carriage and the expression were mine and yet they were the most feminine I had ever seen in her body. Slowly I ran my hands all over my new self first hugging my breasts then feeling the silky sheer material of my clothes then slowly caressing the flat smoothness of my new sex. I felt the corset next and began to feel for the clasps to remove it. Suddenly large male hands grabbed mine. My own body had come up behind me. "Don't ever take the corsets I put on this body off," came my old voice from behind me with such a fierceness that I jumped. "My spine is very, very weak and without the corsets to brace it, it would easily break leaving it useless and unable to walk." The thought frightened me not just for the fact that the body I was in was damaged but that my wife was that she was trapped always to wear such braces to be able to walk. Slowly I felt my old arms enfold my small fragile body. The feel was heaven as thick hands caresses my soft skin sending sensation that I had never even dreamed of before. His hands explored my new body as only one who knew it could and the sensitivity was a bit too much for me. As he touched my large nipples I sighed as only a woman should and when his fingers probed my sex I was enraptured. "Do you want to go to the bed?" he had to ask a second time. "Oh yes," I said with only the thought of him entering me and filling my small feminine body. The experience was wave upon wave of pleasure like nothing I have felt before or since. My thoughts were a jumble of nonsense but some ran true. I reviewed my life seeing how throughout all of it I was frail and sheepish, not in the body for this night Asenath had shown me just how strong and willful it could be if possessed by the right spirit, but in the soul. I had always been weak and delicate and at this point my body finally mirrored what my soul always was. My matching with Asenath and my being Asenath was finally what should have happened. Let her be Edward Derby; I would happily live and die Asenath. Had I known the events to come I would have cracked that skull and killed her upon my return to myself that night. Then I would have burned the body. III She was true to her word the transfer lasted no more than four hours. Afterward she was completely exhausted and could not be moved. Seemed the act of transference exuded a vast amount of power from her and she had to recuperate to do it again. By the next evening, after a day of waiting on her as she lay in bed, she seemed recharged a bit but said a transfer was out of the question for at least a week. Seemed she too had a thirst to reside in my form as much as I in hers. What troubled me was that though she had a great passion for the sexual act when she was in my form she rejected such actions when in her own. She had said that her father had done evil things to her in a sexual manner and that sex with a man now frightened her vastly. I feared the unnatural acts had caused the ailment that made her wear a brace though out the rest of her life. Half-truths seem more convincing than gospel at times. The end of the week marked our return to Arkham and the time for us to move into the Crowninshield place, a house that Asenath had bought at the end of High Street. There with the help of three old servants, namely Moses and Abigail Sargent and the woman known as Eunice Babson, she had moved a good many books and items of interest from her ancestral home in Innsmouth. Still shudders coursed through me when I thought of the ill-reputed town and its dark past I must admit my first worries came when I met her servants. She had talked of them before in a cryptic way, as they were very old friends of the family. Upon meeting them I had my glimpses of just how old. The Sargents seemed far to old to be of any service at all yet they moved with a youth and strength that surpassed the athletes at Miskatonic. At times when they carted things into the house they would ask questions of Asenath but refer to her as "Kamog." This name I found most queer and asked her of it later and she said it was a name she had been saddled with in her youth by her father and they called her it in as a term of endearment. Eunice arrived a bit later when the Sargents returned with the last of the instruments. Of the three this woman affrighted me most. Her visage was that of a female and yet one of her eyes was large and bulbous like a large ball of water. Her face had but a little chin almost sunk into her throat with a large lipped mouth. Her hands were large and twisted, more claws than hands and there seemed to be an increasing webbingness on the left like a seal. And from her came the odor that only fish and a large quantity. I was increasingly disgusted at her very presence and took my leave of her quickly. This in no way pleased my new bride. She stormed into the room I had chosen to retreat into so that I could regain my composure. "What was that?" she demanded a fieriness in her eyes. "I am sorry I was not expecting her to be..." I started but could not bring myself to finish. Words, once my stock and trade now fled from describing the horror and disgust at the woman who was to live within my home. "I realize she is not what you might expect as a friend of mine but she suffers the same illness my mother had. It deforms the features over time. It is that that brought the stories of unholy relations between the folk of Innsmouth and the denizens of the sea," she said consoling me. "My father did seek a cure for that malady all his life." The question came unbidden to my lips and escaped before I could stop it. "Do you suffer from that illness?" I asked afeared for her. "No," she said smiling a bit. "It passes every few generations. Closest it comes to me is my inability to see colours and the troubles of my back. "Oh my poor love," I said and hugged her deep to me. To this she bristled again but soothed almost instantly. As time passed over the next month I found myself growing more accustom to these three new additions to my life. My good friend Dan did come by and I worked to impress him with the things taught me by Asenath and the incredible arts she and I were studying. All of this seemed to please him save some reservation at the sight of Eunice. This I understood all too well. As time passed I noticed I had began sleeping later and later sometimes awakening to find I had sleep walked to the library or the small stores of objects Asenath had in the cellar. Still during this time my new bride was so haunted by acts done to her by her father that my very touch in an affectionate way brought her discomfort. This vexed me for we were wed and the lack of contact of this sort was frustrating. One evening I entered our bedroom and she was upon the bed with Eunice both of them dressed provocatively. Asenath as I walked in did seem to be caressing Eunice's face with great affection. "What is this?" I asked unsure of this odd scene. "Edward, I have noticed how my reluctance to have show affection to you has distressed you and I thought I could ask Eunice to help us," she smiled as if what she had said was nothing more than an invitation to tennis. "I had said before how Eunice had been my companion since childhood well she was there when my father had done those despicable act to me and she comforted me as only a woman can." Eunice as my wife talked kissed her affectionately on the neck and ran her large hands over her shoulders. The act at the same time revolted and thrilled me. "You see since Eunice was not a man I could be touched by her without thought of my father. What I am offering you is a place with us. Do you not think that there is room in our bed for three?" she said coyly. Eunice had turned to me and slowly slid my jacket off and was working the front of my shirt. My nose caught her scent as soon as she came toward me. It had changed; there was still the odor or fish but here it came with another scent one I cannot describe. It was an old animal smell one that awoke in me an animal nature I did not know I had. The two stripped me and Eunice went about readying herself for me. As she lay on the bed, undressed, I noticed excepting her face and hands she was quite comely. She was heavy hipped and her bust dwarfed Asenath by a good bit. But like Asenath she too had no hair but for her head, also there were dark lines under her ribs before her waist; all this enflamed me. Before I mounted her Asenath crawled onto my back and lay her arms and legs onto mine mimicking my position. I felt her mirror my every movement as I entered Eunice. She bucked like a wild woman as I easily slid into her felling the wetness of her but little heat. Her hands clamped to Asenath behind me dragging me deeper and deeper into her with my every trust into her. Even with the wild fury of our act Eunice remained but Luke-warm to the touch yet sweet sweat came from her. On we went for some time till my mussels seemed about to give. I fell upon her and said, "No more I cannot go on." "Are you spent?" asked Asenath in my ear. "No I just cannot go on," I gasped. "Then let me finish in your stead," she said and moved to look directly into my eyes. The world shifted again as it did before at Niagara but easier it seemed. Again I was plunged into a monochromatic world. Large rough hands were on my back pulling me into a body thrusting into another and with a since of power the body stiffened and fell upon the woman beneath it. My mind came back to me as Eunice continued to caress my smooth skin. Asenath in my form shifted under me and slid from between Eunice and I. A tired smile crossed his face as he watched Eunice glide her hands in chorus over my skin. She then kissed me. The kiss was not like that which I experienced from Asenath in my body. This kiss was deep as she probed my mouth with her tongue. Her hands were elsewhere also probing me and his hands were on my too. My legs, my breasts, my sex, my arms nothing was missed, and again, I was in heaven living within Asenath's skin. Suddenly I felt Eunice's hand begin to undo the clasps of the black corset about my waist. My eyes shot open as I saw my old hand slap Eunice angrily. Then he said something in a language I could not recognize. It's timber rose and fell so quickly I scarcely thought it was a language at all more of a long screech, but for the fact that I could tell that Eunice understood it. A fierceness was in the eyes I had once known as mine, a fierceness that scared me and in some deep recess thrilled me also. "In the heat of the moment she had forgotten about my back," he explained as Eunice began touching him anew. Her head plunged into his lap as his left hand cupped the back of her head. His right still on my thigh crept into my sex, sending thrill after thrill up my braced back. My eyes were clamped closed so I did not realize he was going to mount me till he was upon me. He entered me almost violently and thrust with a more maddening fury. "I am Edward," he panted with each thrust. "Who are you?" As the waves of pleasure grew into a tidal wave crushing my senses I bellowed my answer: "I am Asenath." IV After that first night our strange acts of sexual congress began happening on a regular basis always ending with myself being Asenath and she I. What worried me was that each time our exchange seemed to last a longer time. Also it seemed to happen with more frequency as the year progressed. By our first anniversary I found myself Asenath for days at a time and more than twice a month. What worried me more was when Asenath would go out in my body. She had told me very harshly never to stray from the house in her body lest someone find it was not she in it but she left in my body with ease and without fear. Worse was the times when I would find myself suddenly Edward again in some odd place with no idea of my location or how to return for I could not drive her Packard. I learned quickly that on these instances she sent the Sargents or some mechanic to retrieve the car and me. But what worried me most were the places she would go in my body. Her answer came to me readily when I quizzed her as to her reasoning on these locations. "The first night we were together do you remember what I said to you about a man's brain?" she responded as if speaking to a child. "I think I do," I said truthfully. "I said, 'Had I a man's brain I could become a far greater wizard than even my father.' In response to that you said I could have yours. I am merely holding you to your word," she said smiling. "Do you not enjoy being in my body? Have you not said many a time that it fits you well?" "I suppose," I said haltingly. "Well I tell you it does fit you better. I never was much one for being a woman. The frailty of the form and the constraints of the sex were things uncomfortable and intolerable to me. But know this I do not intend to steal your body from you I ask for it and you seem happy to give it," she said evenly. I sat there for a bit thinking of what she said. In the end I relaxed my concerns and we fell into the same habit. Time wore on and I found myself more and more comfortable as Asenath and growing more and more reclusive. By our third year I seldom even saw Dan and it seemed out of Asenath's presence, for she grew wary of my friend and his family, I became more worried of the ramifications of our actions. Had we gone too far? What would happen if I were unable to by myself any more? What was she doing away as myself? Plagued with these thoughts I let some slip and Dan wanted to help but I could not tell him it all. I feared Asenath might be right. What if I was meant to be the wife and she the husband. My father died the next month and I fell into a deep depression. She went away in my body with my not even questioning. It came upon the seventh week of this stint as Asenath that my mind wondered into her library. When you spend a great time with someone you begin noticing thing about one another. Markedly I knew Asenath wrote with her left hand, back handedly as it is called. Yet my mind could not get around that she did all else with her right. Wandering the shelves I came upon the texts written by her father. The script was flowing and deep and something about it rang home in my memory. Then I saw it; the passage was concerning his coven and the secret names there in. Among the names was the one he was given: Kamog. The name that the Sargents and Eunice called Asenath as times; the familiar she said was a name of endearment given her by her father. But the name was never uttered as an endearment it was spoken with reverence like one would say "Holiness" to a bishop. Then the writing struck home it was the same as Asenath's when she would write with her right hand by mistake. I quickly placed the book back onto the shelf as if the knowledge it hinted at burned me. Then the feeling came; the feeling of a rushing wind that came just before I became myself again. Colour came back into the world but it was dark. I was underground again in a damp cavern lit by torches. I was in robes and a man was before me talking in a low conspiratorial voice. "We shall finish the exchange at Hallowmass in Chesuncook, then you shall be him, my old master," he said smiling insidiously. I gasped. They had been talking of making it all permanent. The man's expression faltered and he motioned to someone behind me. An arm went round my neck and I struggled to break free but all went dark. Next I knew I was back in the Packard being driven back to the house. Fears gripped my mind as to the drive wore on as to what I had married and what it now meant to happen to me. Arriving home Asenath met the car and commanded me into the house. She then climbed into the car and road off to return the driver. I ran to Dan's to tell him all I could but found my words halting before I could get it all out, finally when I seemed to get some composure a honk came from outside. It was Asenath and she would have me return with her. Like many of those she mesmerized I could not resist her will. In the car she relaxed her will enough for me to talk. "You are not Asenath are you?" I asked weakly. "What have you learned?" she asked and I found myself realizing she was like her father, old Ephraim Waite, with his scowl and hunched posture. I did not have such a posture in her body it was the mind that twisted it so. "I saw one of his old books his writing matched yours at times," I said gaining more confidence in my thoughts. "And the name, 'Kamog,' it was his in the coven." "Does it matter? I will not be Asenath any longer after Hallowmass that shall be your name and this your form," she said parking and shoving a cloth into my face. Darkness engulfed me shoving me down into an abyss darker than the caverns where she took me at times when she were I. My dreams were dark and filled with shifting faces I kept changing from myself to Asenath and wild beasts only partially human touched my bearskin. Images of Asenath walking about with the head of Ephraim then removing his head and placing it onto mine then mine to hers. I ran my legs sheathed in silk my chest tight in a corset. Horrors of him violently taking me and impregnating me with unholy kin ran though my dreams like torture. To die small, frail and female, taken for mad for I claimed to be Edward Derby. V I finally awoke to find myself locked in the library. I knew not what day it was but feared some time had passed for the trees look more towards the dead of June then the beginning of May as I remembered it being. I looked across the shelves praying there was some tomb that could help me escape my ungodly fate. In there I found it in the most evil of books the Necronomicon of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred. It told of a way to immortality by exchanging body for body. All one needed was a subject with a weak will and yet a learned mind. It also warned of the loss of power between minds of differing sexes lest the subject be of a different species. To my fears it wrote of the Deep Ones/human hybrids being a favorable exchange for their large brains. These creatures were children of the aquatic humanoid servants of the elder gods and humans. They seemed human with slight aquatic traits yet the Deep One blood was too strong for it won out in the end sending even the most human seeming hybrid into a fast reversion into a sea dwelling beast. Suddenly in dawned on me that was what Eunice was she was one of these poor creatures; her odd eye, her hands, the odor she exudes all these were markings of her heritage not some disease. I had made love with some half fish beast not once but many times. Asenath had made me both give and take affections from it and now meant to lock me into her body so that she could make me continue in this manner. Just then there was a burning in my sides below my ribs and under the corset I had always been trapped in when inside Asenath's body. It was unbearable, shrieked and fought to free myself of the clothing had between the burning and me. Last there was the corset that I had been forbidden to remove under any circumstances. I faltered for moments then stumbled through the bindings till I was free of the garment. I breathed deep as my lungs could after all this time fill with air, then I felt it. To say the feeling was indescribable would be a lie I had felt it's like before but nothing on this scale. I was like unto having a deep cut there when the muscle around it is flexed the skin pulls the cut opens it to the open air and what seems to be a breeze flows over the uncovered wound. It rides the line on this side of unpleasant but here if was far greater. No pain or weakness came from my back or lower body at all but below my ribs came this open wound feeling and it ran from spine to front. I looked down and there they were. They burned for lack of air or use or both but the were there moving with my every breath. They were gills, flaps of skin that were meant to cycle water for oxygen. Eunice was not the only hybrid here I too was in the body of one. It all made sense, the lack of recognition of colour, the coldness of her skin, her lack of hair. And Asenath meant for me to stay one and her to be free of the body forever. I would not let this happen I would stop this. No matter the cost Asenath or Ephraim would not be allowed to take my body. I would fight this. Then it happened I felt the rush of returning to my body. Colour filled the world again but not much light. I was underground again most probably in Chesuncook with the coven. As if proving my thought I saw them all about me in a wide circle and a flash of light then filled the room coming from the open space in the circle. It was as if a large door opened in the floor. The analogy was right for from the gash in the floor came forms I had seen only in books of ancient and forbidden knowledge, but for the slight descriptions given half heartedly I found them in unholy clarity here before me. And from their presence I knew where I was. They were the shoggoths, the unholy shape shifters and in their midst was their god Shub-Niggurath. My blood froze as the mass turned toward me. Eyes not seen but felt, god help me, felt scanned me with a gaze that if the will were mine would have seized my heart and struck me dead, for my fate was worse here than any I dreamed in the Crowninshield house. Here I was before a god and Elder one. With luck my soul would be retched from my body and sweet death would take me. For worse things are there than death and this being could deliver those things in abundance. A chant started to ring the room and rang further from the new comers and finally from their master: "Kamog! Kamog!" The name that name of the unholy beast that took my body. My mind reeled as the things shifted forms and joined to shape into creatures of pleasure for the coven. "Kamog! Kamog!" continued to resound through the blasphemous cavern as my mind spun into madness. Ripping the robes from my body I ran, for my life, for my sanity, for my very existence. I ran for fear that I would be overtaken and all these things would be arrested from me and ripped bloodily from my clutches. Madness had consumed me and severed my rational mind I know not when the constables of the town found me and sent for Dan but he came. The part of my mind that had grown accustom to being female wish to hug and kiss him passionately for being my savior but it could not override my near catatonic state. I muttered and ranted through out the ride back to Arkham trying to tell him all that had happened but it was too much. The woman in me wished to break down and cry on his shoulder yet all the years of being my father's son fought this and tried to be strong. I was nearly to my senses when she came again. I felt her clawing powerful consciousness seize my mind and crowd me out. I tried to fight but part of me did not wish to, part of me wanted to be in the world of women to be taken care of and sheltered. Then I was gone back in the house, back into that only partially human female body. Shades of grey were my only colours and the servants had me. The women held me as the old man glared into my face taking stock as to my personality. An evil grim crossed his face as a wild cat crosses the Sahara hunting a gazelle. Slowly he began to disrobe. "The master said for us to teach you not to meddle in his affairs," he said in his slurred manner. "I have not had the pleasure of giving your form instruction since the master has occupied it." Suddenly I realized I was in the state I had left the body some time ago; dressed only in garter and stockings. He pawed my breast sending an unwelcome thrill to my stomach. Whatever my mind thought this body for some reason welcomed his touch possibly longed for it. My mind gagged on the thought. When his shirt came off the skin underneath was mottled and not uniform. Suddenly bits of his discoloured flesh began to move like the muscle beneath had been replaced with worms, or some other wiggling, writhing creatures. He came close and his tongue spat from his mouth and coiled onto my cheek. A cold shiver round though me as his long tongue caressed my face as if it licked a lollypop. His pants fell to the floor and I saw his legs twisted and hairy much like the hindquarters of a goat. But my horror became flesh in the member that moved between his thighs. It moved and wiggled like a cobra charmed by a flute it's head split in two directions the flesh churning like the rest of him. A bit of liquid glistened at the heads and when it touched my shin it tingled and stung at the same time. I screamed and tried to fight myself free but the hands of the women held tight like vises. Horror of horrors I wished to be free but the body wanted him. Wanted the flesh deep in it turning and writhing like hundreds of maggots fused into one. It wanted this abomination to touch it and fill it possessing every portion of it's being. This body had felt his touch and sang for it again. "Give us a kiss Asenath," he said his tongue flicking out like a snake's. "I am not Asenath," I bellowed praying God in his mercy would kill me rather than let this thing mount me. "Oh no my dear you are Asenath, you smell like Asenath," he laughed inhaling my neck. "You taste like Asenath," he said licking my with his slimy tongue leaving an tingling trail of liquid. " I'll even bet you sound like Asenath." With that he rammed himself deep into me. I howled more hopefully with pain than pleasure though I fear not. He pound into me with a zeal an animal would envy, all the while the women held me tight, so tight I fear they would wrench my arms from their sockets. They too after a while began touching and licking on my arms and breasts. I was in a hell of violation and sick torture by beasts that were human only in seaming but neither in fact nor action. He at last stopped and they threw me down. I wept there on the floor clutching what was left of the skirt I had wore some unknown time ago. My tears fell to the floor of the library as did blood from where he ripped me. Fear struck me now as to what acts they would do to me now. Moses simply redressed. A satisfied smile bled across his face. "I knew you sounded like her. Resign yourself GIRL," he said with emphasis. "you are Asenath. You are she and you shall remain so. This is what the master wishes and it shall be." With that they left the library locking it behind them. I cowered there my breaths labored. God help me, my gills burning. VI When he returned he exacted his evil revenge upon me leaving me pained again. For the next month I stayed locked in the library first wallowing in self-pity then finally my mind set upon learning what I could about the spell. The time it took to find the information was nothing compared with what it took to fight it. The fact was Ephraim had to have a weak willed subject. In Asenath he first found that he took her and killed her poisoning her in his old body. He then fought the fact that he was Asenath so that he never fully linked to her body. His uncomfortableness showed that. Then finding me gave him his next weak victim. But I had stopped him my act of will had sent me back to my body. Now I must do it again but I had to be ready. He returned with my body two weeks later. I had planned all that time. They had thought they had broken me snapped my spirit as they had my mind in the pit of the shoggoths, but it was not so their acts had fortified my need for escape and end this at all cost. I secreted what I needed this from in the room. I then called for him. "What do you want Asenath?" he said venom in his voice. "I am not Asenath," I said staring at my feet shod in hose. They had given me clothes to where after my encounter with him. "You are more Asenath then ever I was," he laughed. "I will not stay in this body," I said weakly my heart pounding at the thought of defiance. "What are you thinking Asenath?" he said trying to search my mind. I knew he could not tell my plan. His own notes had said as much. Of all his power Ephraim had no talent for reading minds only sensing intentions. Here was the key. He thought himself so powerful any rebellion would easily be squashed under his all-powerful will. But had the subject exact any will of it's own the spell reversed. That was why he worked the spell during sex, that is why he humiliated and violated me to break any will I might have. My will would never be strong enough to stop him completely but I could free myself at least long enough to take action. "I am not Asenath," I said focusing my own will and staring him in the face. He smiled at me evilly then his smile faltered. Suddenly the rush came again. I was myself again Quickly I grabbed the heavy candlestick from the where I had put it on the table. "I am Edward Derby," I said angrily bringing the stick down hard on the head I formally occupied. I brought it down time and time again till her head caved and then till the head was but a mass of blood and flesh. He was truly fiendish for standing over her dead body I knew he had brought gun to kill me with. The door behind me burst open behind me. Moses stood there his face red with anger. I drew the gun and shot him in the shoulder. "Out!" I shouted shaking the gun at three servants. "Get out of my house and never come back. Seeing their former master dead they backed away. Quickly they left but I feared I would see then again. I then went down to the cellar and dug a small grave. Into it I put the body of Asenath. Her face still seamed intact thought the skull had caved. The face stared at me as I covered it in the black moist earth. I went and told Dan Happily triumphant but I sensed he did not believe me no matter what he had seen on the ride back from Chesuncook. I told him I was going to sell the Crowninsheild house but I told him nothing of my killing Asenath's body. I told him I had used magicks to free myself from her. He seemed to believe me. I stayed there that night secure in the thought it was all over. But it was not I had wanted to free myself of the damned house but found I could not. I brought my family servants to help me vacate but could not make myself do it. Any time I could I was away from the house at Dan's or in the town, but I always returned. I was drawn there you see, I know that now. No matter how much I thought I had will his was stronger. Stronger far than any. My battle was lost long before I crushed her skull. Slowly I felt him creep back. Needles in my brain as he fought into me burned in my skull. Madness crept in as his will broke me again. Dan had no choice but put me away in Arkham Sanitarium. I hoped distance would keep me in myself but at Candlemass I finally was lost. The servants did it. They must have. They contacted the coven and the performed the rite giving my body over to him. The thrust fell upon me again in the cell at the mad house. My world went black. I was cold ungodly cold. There was movement in me but I was not in control of it. I was in the earth dirk in my dry eyes worms had dug into me finding flesh to feed upon. Again I was Asenath but she had been dead now three months and a half. Fear and madness helped me burst from the small grave I had made for her body. Will gave me strength to move up the stairs. I knew what must happen. Dan must kill it. I could do nothing now. What little power I had would be gone soon. I had precious little time to do anything at all. I had to get it killed. It could not go on. It had to die. I made for the phone, but the effort was extreme the flesh had rotted in the damp earth but kept better than had it been interred in a cemetery. The moisture kept the body as if it were in peat. I grasped the receiver and lost most bits of my hand as I dialed Dan's number. When he answered I tried to speak but me larynx were too far gone all that came were garbled croaking sounds. I had to go to him. Luck was with me for no one was in the house as I made my way to my wardrobe to wrap myself so that my flesh would not disintegrate in the trip. I took up pin and ink and wrote him a letter: "Dan - go to the sanitarium and kill it. Exterminate it. It isn't Edward Derby any more. She got me - it's Asenath - and she has been dead three months and a half. I lied when I said she had gone away. I killed her. I had to. It was sudden, but we were alone and I was in my right body. I saw a candlestick and smashed her head in. She would have got me for good at Hallowmass. "I buried her in the farther cellar storeroom under some old boxes and cleaned up all the traces "I thought for a while I was all right, and then I felt the tugging at my brain. I knew what it was - I ought to have remembered. A soul like hers - or Ephraim's - is half detached, and keeps right on after death as long as the body lasts. She was getting me - making me change bodies with her-seizing my body and purting me in that corpse of hers buried in the cellar. "I knew what was coming - that's why I snapped and had to go to the asylum. Then it came - I found myself choked in the dark - in Asenath's rotting carcass down there in the cellar under the boxes where I put it. And I knew she must be in my body at the sanitarium - permanently, for it was after Hallowmass, and the sacrifice would work even without her being there - sane, and ready for release as a menace to the world. I was desperate, and in spite of everything I clawed my way Out. "I'm too far gone to talk - I couldn't manage to telephone - but I can still write.. Kill that fiend if you value the peace and comfort of the world. See that it is cremated. If you don't, it will live on and on, body to body forever, and I can't tell you what it will do. Keep clear of black magic, Dan, it's the devil's business. Goodbye - you've been a great friend. Tell the police whatever they'll believe - and I'm damnably sorry to drag all this on you. I'll be at peace before long - this thing won't hold together much more. Hope you can read this. And kill that thing - kill it. Yours - Ed." I treaded through the woods making my way to Dan's house. I beat on the door till I know my hand was no more then finally I knocked the knock Dan had known me for. Dan opened the door and heat hit me. I could feel myself unknit. I knew my time was at an end. I tried to talk but again but the same sound came out like before. I thrust the note onto Dan's hands and tried to leave. Full of fear and revulsion Dan shut the door. My job done I fell. My last bit of will spent in turning away from Dan. Again I was filled with the feeling of crawling things moving inside me consuming what flesh was left. Slowly I came uncoupled from the rot I was in. A cold feeling filled my drifting soul. I had died Asenath. An?l nathrach, orth' bh?is's bethad, do ch?l d?nmha

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A Grim Northern Fairy Tale

"What?" Cinders asked of her step sister as she she raked out the fourteenth fireplace that morning, "Coming to Saddleworth?" "Yes coming to Saddleworth," Gertie said, "He's coming to open our new Town Hall" "Oh!" said Cinders. "He'll be coming up our road our Cinders," said her step sister Anna,"You'll have to chuck ashes in canal or road will be dusty."me." "Dusty?" Cinders asked, "In Yorkshire, get real!" "It were dry on our Harry's birthday," Gertie...

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The de Winters Tale

The de Winter’s Tale. Copyright © Naoko Smith 2015 Many thanks to Sara, curl4ever and Oggbashan for beta reading and giving me their insights into this story. It was the best job in the world! To start with, the pool belonged to Jeff Somers — the millionaire writer who created the Dara Cruft character. Carl had of course grown up playing the spin-off games from Somers’ books — and surreptitiously reading the books. To actually have a job taking care of Jeff Somers’ swimming pool was...

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MAGGIE A Lesbian Tale

MAGGIE (A Lesbian Tale)This tale takes place in the 1950s in the Midwest)In the middle of Wisconsin, most of the farms are run by families. Maggie used to live on a dairy farm with her husband. When he died in a trucking accident, she sold the farm and went to live in the city. Maggie was still young, in her early 50s, and worked in a dress shop as a saleswoman and she also did the accounting. When she was on the farm, a woman used to visit a few times a year selling sewing material, kitchen...

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Witch Chronicles 001 A TG Witches Tale

This is a story I wrote a while ago (3rd story I ever wrote actually). Truth is I never intended to even write a sequel to this story, but it has turned out to be a story that started a series of stories that I have collectively titled "WITCH CHRONICLES". Here is the series and the titles they were originally published under: WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES...

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The Wishmaker A Dark Fairy Tale

The Wish Maker: A Dark Fairy Tale By Mother Kali Once in a land far away, there lived an extremely old woman who was called, not very imaginatively, "The Old Mother." This old lady lived by herself in a cottage at the very edge of the known world. She had been alive longer than even she could remember. Her face was as brown as tanned leather and deeply lined from all the time she spent in the sun. She was stooped and a little shriveled with age. She wore a plain black dress...

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Inside Out Not A Pretty Tale

Inside Out, Not A Pretty Tale ? by: r.gold My Introduction - This story is written as part of my therapy. It's not really meant for publication, but I'm only following my therapist's directions. I've been told that if I write it all out it will help me move along and feel better about myself. It contains my personally graphic language, my offensive attitudes, and my sexual descriptions that should offend anyone in their right mind. If you are bothered by this kind of thing, hang...

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A Loony Toon Tale

I will admit this came after remembering a joke told by George Carlin. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd are characters in the Warner Brothers Cartoon World. I am using them in a jestful tale. A Looney Toon Tale Bugs Bunny climbed into his hole that was his home. He grabbed a stiff metal brush. He began to brush out the shotgun pellets that came from Elmer Fudd and his Shotgun. When he removed all the pellets, he climbed into his shower. The hot water blast removed all the aches....

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A West Village Tale

A West Village Tale I'll admit it. Greenwich Village rules my heart and soul. I'm never leaving and I'll tell you a tale that will explain why. A few years ago on an early November evening, I walked down Hudson toward Bleecker. I had just closed Sweet Seasons, the flower and gift shop I co-own on Christopher and was walking toward my flat on Ann Street. I saw a blur run from the east side of Bleecker barely missing an old woman and heading straight into the intersection against...

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Clarissas Tale

This is my tale of how my relationship with my father took an unexpected, or maybe it was expected, turn from what I guess is the normal parent/child relationship to a taboo, incestuous one when I was sixteen. I guess I should start with a little back history. First, my name is Clarissa and most of my life I’ve been pretty shy. My mother’s name was Caralynn and she died when I was eight due to complications of my little brother’s birth. My parents had already been divorced two years when she...

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An Easter Tale

An Easter Tale. By Kyorii. Chapter 01 The tale of me. I loved reading stories I've been an avid reader all of my life, Mum said that I was a dreamer, but I just loved stories especially the ones with happy endings. In stories the impossible seems possible and magical things can and do happen, I recently read an old fable about a goddess called Ostara who loved children and to entertain them she one day changed her pet bird into a rabbit, the new rabbit then created brightly...

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A sting in the Tale

A sting in the Tale Brigid lay in the hospital bed, as impassive as ever. I couldn't help but wonder how much she actually understood of what was about to happen to her. We had told her she was finally to be rid of that most erroneous anomaly that lay between her legs. As it existed now it was shriveled and atrophied and devoid of function. She seemed willing, perhaps even excited to be rid of it. Not that her emotional range really extended as far as excited. It really only...

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The Displaced Detective Part 1 A Body Hopper Tale

The Displaced Detective, Part 1 (A Body Hopper Tale) By Limbo's Mistress Chapter One "Here you go, Detective," the barista behind the counter said with a little smile. "One double espresso latte with whole milk." I returned the smile as I reached out to take the cup of steaming coffee. "Thanks," I said. The pretty young clerk smiled again and turned to help her next customer, leaning slightly over the counter. Instinctively, my eyes slid down to admire her pert rear showcased...

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The First Story A bj darling Tale

The First Story - A "b.j. darling" Tale By Grace Love ------------- While this story contains truthful elements, it is a work of fiction and should not be construed as anything else. Nor should it be seen as condoning risky or violent behavior. All relationships portrayed are of a consensual nature and involve only individuals 18-years-of-age or older. ------------- Master does not allow me to cum. At all. Ever. i literally do not remember the last time i came. It was...

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Tell Tale

Synopsis.What happens when a man is taken by a woman who needs a pet? Remember: A man is not just for Christmas!An Adult Female Domination Tale by Miss Irene Clearmont & Mrs Jessica McKovanaughCopyright ? 2013 Miss Irene Clearmont & Mrs Jessica McKovanaughTell Tale-----------The footsteps sounded hollow on the bare boards of the floor as she walked towards me. I could not see her, all was dark before my eyes, but her presence was tangible. A force that had captured me and confined me for her...

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Teen Fuck Toy A Thanatos Tale

Teen Fuck Toy – A Thanatos Tale – Part One Author's Note: This fictional tale contains images of torture and humiliation.It is meant for an adult audience that can tell the difference between fantasyand reality. -- Cerberus In a quiet section of Manhattan, a large anonymous brownstone serves as arest home for some members of the Thanatos Society who are too old to carefor themselves. While the residents are wealthy enough to pay a staff to carefor them at their homes, in their declining years...

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Rubber Fairy Tale

The Legend of the Latex Princess Rubber Fairy TaleBy Darqside There is an old legend that spans the fabric of time itself, well not really that old actually, but it will be around for a long time at the very least. Legend has it that there was once a young queen who ruled her people and her house with an Iron fist.? She was very strict with her Manservants and Maidservants.? She was a very selfish and indulgent woman by nature, and was very choosy about the men who courted her.? In...

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Williams Tale

William?s Tale William?s Tale By Lorgrom Hey there my name is William I?m 46 just under 5?8? and 166 lbs. I?m your average looking African-American. Unlike my inner-city brothers, I grew up in a lower upper class city. While most of the kids in school were white they accepted me as one of their own. Since my father was the lawyer for many of their parents. During my senior year of collage, I met Gwen. She was a freshman, who was only there because she qualified for one of those grants...

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Ninas Tale

Nina?s Tale By Dr. Quirt A young Afro-French girl explores her masochistic desires but gets a lot more than she bargained for. This story is the second of a trilogy, the first part being ?Julie?s Story? and the concluding part ?What Happened to Lucy?? Part 1 Hi, my name is Nina and I am going to try to tell you my sorry tale. I don?t know if this message will ever reach the outside world as I shall have to try to smuggle it out through one of the harem guards, tonight. I don?t think...

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The Perfect Family A Thanatos Tale

The Perfect Wife ? A Thanatos Tale ? Part One The Perfect Family ? A Thanatos Tale ? Part One Note:? This is a work of fiction.? Any similarity with persons living or dead is purely coincidental. ?A family is but too often a commonwealth of malignants.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? -- Alexander Pope  Thirty-one year old Larissa Monroe shudders as her son, Andrew, loudly...

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Marias Tale

The main character here is aligned to one member of our small social/support group who is a country mile ahead of the rest of us in passability, but lacks the confidence to make the most of the gift in anything other than events for crossdressers. The story itself is unintentionally longer than previous ones that I have posted, but it took a long time to write and kept hoovering up new sections. It is just a shame that I could not think of a decent ending, so if readers think the story...

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A Rock Roll Tale

"The blonde with the big tits in the Zep tee." Our drummer and bass player, brothers Sal and Rik Venturi also left requests. I waved him off, "Not tonight. Gotta work the day job tomorrow." Roscoe smiled and asked, "Not even a quick bj, Kev?" "Nope, gotta run." The Clown Show was an oddly named bar and club that often had us signed on for weekend gigs. Two 45 minute sets after an opening group, usually on the popular Saturday night. This one was a more rare Wednesday night as a...

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Sleeping Booty 8211 A Twisted Fairy Tale

Once upon a time there was a beautiful little princess. Her name was Aludra, which, in the language of her people, meant “unwanted one”. Of course she didn’t know this, because all the servants in the palace DID want her. They loved her dearly. She was sweet and pretty and fun to be around, whereas her mother was a stone cold class A Bitch. The Queen was such a bitch that, after her husband, the King, knocked her up with Aludra, she poisoned him. “Imagine!” she...

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Edwards Laboratory

Story Title: Edward's Laboratory Author: IronLacedCarbon Description: Amanda Vett despises the fact that she was cursed with a flat chest, but her mother Carroll gives her permission to see if her mad scientist of a brother can help out with that. Unfortunately for Mandy, as well as for a few others, her Uncle Eddy has ulterior motives. Disclaimer: This story is purely fictitious and not suitable for anyone that is below the legal age in their country to view pornographic...

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A bored housewifes amusing tale

Life was a bit mundane for Tracy. She was married for about thirteen years. She was a wife, mother, daughter, friend, sister. But she felt very alone. Things were okay with her marriage. They had great sex, but did struggle connecting emotionally. This frustrated Tracy very much. Her husband was an introvert and she was more social. Then one day she went looking for something a little different. She had no intentions of cheating, but just wanted to see what was out there. She discovered that...

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A Cats Tale

A Cat's Tale By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. Author's note: This story was in part inspired by a very strange dream I had recently. Chapter 1 Derek Silva logged onto his computer. He had recently found a very interesting chatroom, and he was hoping that there would be some exciting people in there that evening. It was a little after eleven PM, but Derek didn't care; it was summer, and he had no worries until fall when his college classes started up again. He...

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The Heart of a Kitty a Kitty Girl Tale

Once upon a time, there was a girl with the heart of a kitten. Shy, and skittish, she was slowly coaxed from under the bed, or should I say, out of the closet by her owner, and then her new found friend and next door neighbor. Eventually, she shared her story, and became comfortable about talking about it, even writing about it, playing with a few select others who would throw balls of yarn for her or scratch her behind the ears and smile as she rubbed up against their legs, showering them with...

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Derby Chapter 3

Derby had suffered enough in his young life. The woman he had loved had rejected him. Even worse, she had done it by fucking his supposed best friend. Derby allowed himself to brood on that for a moment as he stood under the shower's spray. “No wonder I'm bitter,” he thought. “No wonder I've decided that women exist only to be used. After all, the one I loved used me and then threw me away like a bloody tampon.” Registration went smoothly, and Derby was out of there by 9am. Good....

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Derby Chapter 1

Derby was surrounded by a mess of boxes and suitcases in the stark dorm room. Anxious to see what the next four years would bring, he had managed to get his family to bring him to campus as soon as the dorms opened up. He had had several motivations. First, he wanted dibs on what he would decide was the better side of the room. He had exchanged correspondence with his new roommate and had already decided that the kid was a dweeb. Derby had been somewhat bullied by his siblings at home,...

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Derby Chapter 2

Then his ex-girlfriend, Megan appeared. She made her way quickly around his bed, grabbing the girls and yanking them away from him. When they were all cowering, naked, against the wall, Megan looked him in the eye and said, “You're not man enough to have them. You weren't man enough to keep me. You may have a big cock, but that's not enough. You're weak. You're worthless. You can't even get it right when you try to kill yourself. No woman really wants you.” Her face bore such a...

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Derby Chapter 4

“How's little Anna?” Mountain rumbled. “She'll be OK. She's stable. The doctors said she was raped, but there was no semen, so apparently the bastard used a rubber. I guess we can thank him for that; at least she won't get pregnant. They tested her for STD's anyway, and so far that looks negative. They also found a very high blood alcohol level and traces of that damn date rape drug, Rohypnol in her system. But she's going to be OK, at least physically. What's happening...

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My Ladys descent the butlerss tale

Note All characters are entirely ficticious and my apologies of any family or company names have inadvertently been used My Lady's Descent, the Butlers Tale. I was idly cleaning some silverware. The sun was shining through the drawing room windows. The lawns stretched away towards the lake with its island and folly while a gardener snipped ineffectually away at the lawn edges. It was an ordinary summers day. Mr Harrison my lord's stock broker and adviser arrived just after...

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