Andy 5 free porn video

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Andy by Transbonder, translated by Leah from the German FIVE Svenja could barely wait until the things we ordered arrived. I looked forward to my breast forms more than anything else. With them I could now leave a button on my blouses undone like all the girls did. There was something I had done increasingly in the last several days: Observe other girls. Above all, what they were wearing. But also how they managed certain situations in a skirt or with long, loose hair. More than once my watching was noticed, and I got a glance of displeasure. Or even a surprised one if I was eyeing a less attractive girl. It would definitely take a long time until I could do a lot of things with grace and self-confidence. I did have an advantage in just one area: in make-up. Many girls start out with the theory that more helps more, and normally that doesn't look very good. I could offer a course, I smirked to myself. And one thing I guaranteed did not want to learn was the bitchy, affected mannerisms. In this Svenja and Biene were ideal examples of their gender. Why hadn't I thought of that before? I answered the question myself: Because I had held beautiful appearance and sexy clothing to be the pinnacle. Nothing else had registered. Now everything was reversed. Since I hadn't gotten much money yet, I regarded these experiences as my biggest plus. Without babysitting I would never have learned that. ## Of all our orders, the breast forms arrived first. Svenja laid the package in the garden house. Carefully I unwrapped it. Just simply breasts. I had no experience in evaluating how genuine they looked - except for magazines - but these looked startlingly genuine. Even the aureoles and nipples were reproduced. You could see by the gleam that they were artificial. But in a bra or teddy no one would see them. Expectantly I drew on the teddy, which Biene had given me today. Wow, now that was sexy! My others were totally plain in comparison. I put the one breast in the cup, then the other. I had no mirror, but in looking down things looked very convincing. That looked highly realistic - and unbelievably sexy. The skirt that Svenja laid out was just right for me. It was the shortest yet. That doesn't exactly mean it wasn't still moderate. In school several girls wore even shorter ones, but to me that just looked pretty vulgar. This one here was just right, made of light-colored rough wool material with a hint of pleats in the bottom third. In spite of the coarse material, its overall effect was anything but unattractive, but rather elegant. And it emphasized my legs, which were clad in a silky shimmering sheer pantyhose. And there was a blouse and a thin pullover with a deep cut neckline. Voila! The university student. The ballerina flats went with that, but for the first time I wished I had a pair of sexy pumps. I already knew where these thoughts would end. My poor money. ## When Mrs. Weber saw me, she was amazed. "Wow, Andrea. What's up, you look so sexy. Do you have a date with your boyfriend?" It had been a long time since I had blushed, I was overdue. In order to make up for the long period without blushing, I reddened especially brightly. I felt how my face glowed. "Eh, eh..." So much for the first part of my response. After that it got better: "I, eh - I." See? Those were two different words. An improvement of 100%, that's quite respectable. "I have no boyfriend." Well OK, I got it out. "That means the male gender hasn't been paying attention. I cannot imagine that your situation will stay that way for very long." Huh, what? I and a boyfriend? I sure don't need that!!!!! I didn't feel very feminine at this moment, but I would have undoubtedly been shocked if I had seen myself. A sexy girl, fairly attractive with her long legs and a sweetly reddened face, her glance shyly tipped downward showing the long black eyelashes which were emphasized with just the right amount of mascara. Mrs. Weber was surprised at my reaction. She had never seen me act this shy before. But she quickly developed the suspicion that things were the exact opposite. Where there's smoke, there's often fire. Has she stuffed her bra? She appears bigger today. She looked more closely. No, as far as she could tell under her blouse there was just black lace on her breasts. She already manipulates her clothing like a grown women, she thought. You can just recognize a tiny bit without actually seeing something. Subtle. And she acts so innocent. ## When Mrs. Weber had gone, Mark came over to me. He caressed my thigh and seemed to appreciate the way the pantyhose felt. His hand didn't go beyond the hem of my skirt and then caressed along it. I didn't know what I should do. At his age didn't boys normally consider girls to be stupid? And their clothing, too? Cautiously I stood up. When I saw him next to me, I realized for the first time how short my skirt was. If I wasn't careful, Mark could look under. Not a very agreeable thought, if he were to see a highly out-of-place lump there. I needed to divert his attention. "And, what shall we make for supper tonight?" "Something with a lot of garlic!" I had to grin. What had happened to French fries and fish sticks? Obviously that they had lost out to garlic. "Hmm, would you like something hot?" "Sure, why not? Then we can have ice cream afterwards." What a good for nothing! It wasn't so much that he liked hot things, but the ice cream later. "OK, then I have a suggestion. Spaghetti Arrabiata. That's a little hot and has a lot of garlic." "Great. I'll get the garlic ready." As a matter of course, he got the garlic and a knife. "Mark, you've got to understand one thing: You can only use the knife when I'm with you." "Sure." "Promise?" "Okie, dokie." That was the same thing as a sworn oath. ## Next day Biene greeted me with, "Man, you stink like garlic!" Oops, had that been a bit overmuch? Hopefully Mrs. Weber didn't get upset. "What are you doing over the weekend?" she asked me next. "No idea. Saturday I have to cook for my mom." "Why?" "Mom doesn't believe that I can cook. Because I've just started to do it." "You cook?" "Yes, every day at Mrs. Weber's." "And how come I didn't get any when I was there?" "I guess, you should have hung around a little longer." "Can I come on Saturday?" "I'll have to ask Mom." "What do you have to ask?" queried Svenja, who came up to us just then. I rolled my eyeballs. "Have Biene tell you. I gotta go." ## The whole time I was planning what I should cook. Biene and Svenja would come. I had to save face, because they would razz me without mercy otherwise. Should I cook something I'd already made? It wasn't that much yet. And I wasn't all that sure that my success couldn't be laid at the door of beginner's luck. I walked through the supermarket trying to get inspired by something. But what usually worked so easily for me brought no success this time. Did it all depend on the fact that I'd been wearing a skirt? I nearly believed that it did. Unconsciously I stopped in front of the cosmetics. Hmm, this nail polish almost had the same color as one of my tights. In a flash I picked up the little bottle and took it to the cash register. I had barely paid and my inspiration seemed to be present again. Goulash. I'd not eaten a really good goulash in ages. And this time it would be hot enough, and with a sufficient supply of garlic. I smirked at the thought. My apartment would be a guaranteed vampire-free zone. And Biene and Svenja would be very lonely girls on Sunday. Oh well, having enough room on the bus is not so bad. ## On Friday I was disappointed in not going to Mrs. Weber's. My boots had arrived, and I couldn't try them out! I could now understand girls when they wanted to dress in something neat. They got really serious about it. I had spent so much money for them, and now I couldn't give them a trial run. Frustration. Later I lay on my bed and listened to Music. While I relaxed, I reflected some more. I could scarcely wait to try on a pair of feminine boots with heels. Was something wrong with me? That surely wasn't normal!!?!? Had babysitting in girl's clothing changed me so much? Just a week or so ago I would never have come up with these thoughts. I would have made a giant detour around lace and frills. And now... I liked how I looked in girl clothes. But I also liked being a boy. How do those fit together? I had always liked a sexy outfit. On Biene for example. Now I liked it, too, when I tried it on as well. Was I a transvestite now? And what exactly was that anyway? Apparently only men became transvestites. Why? Didn't women want to? No, women could simply dress in anything they wanted to. A skirt, a pair of pants or just anything, no problem. Everything was acceptable. But as a boy I wasn't permitted to wear a skirt. No, not quite right, I thought. No one was allowed to know of it. Either that I was a boy or that I wore skirts... ## Saturday, shortly before noon. I still lay in bed. This was clearly better than a Monday. Couldn't Mondays be made into Saturdays? I walked into the kitchen in my pajamas. "Morning," I greeted Mom. "Good morning. Already had enough sleep?" she said mockingly. "Just right. That was playing catch-up. Is there anything for breakfast?" "Look at the clock. It's reached noon. Make a yourself a cocoa, and in a half hour we'll have lunch." "That'll work." As I slurped my hot cocoa, Mom said, "I hope you have gotten everything you'll need for cooking. I've already been shopping and wouldn't really like to do it again, since it'll be packed with people now." "No problem, Mom. I think I have everything. Is anyone coming other than Biene and Svenja?" "Yes, my friend. I told her that you allegedly learned to cook overnight. She doesn't believe it." "Well OK, tomorrow she'll believe it." Mom looked at me perplexed. But I said nothing; Pretty soon she would notice the larger quantity of garlic. I could do nothing other than grin a little. "What is so funny?" Mom was suspicious. "You're not going to play some kind of joke with the meal?" Oops, I'd have to watch out. Almost gave myself away. "No, Mom. Just a normal goulash, without tricks." And goulash requires a lot of garlic. "Good. I can't really imagine you're wanting to annoy your two girlfriends." She looked at me so strangely, what was it with her? "You complained so much about the scratchy pullover that I bought you something." I looked at her expectantly. "I suspect it has something to do with puberty that your skin feels more sensitive." Puberty. That was a delicate subject. Somehow it kept plaguing me off and on. For example the break in my voice. It began, and then stopped again before it really was in place. My voice was somewhat deeper, but not so much as with the other fellows, who had brought their puberty to completion already. Naturally I had to go to the doctor. He thought everything was completely normal. The changes of puberty didn't come according to some schedule. As far as my development was concerned, I was completely in the normal range. There were boys who underwent change of voice only years later. Things would come along. Naturally I wished for the attributes of becoming a man such a beard growth as soon as possible. At any rate up until last week. Now it was not so bad, that there wasn't so much on my chin. It was clear to me that I couldn't plan for my job very far into the future. A further advance of puberty could quickly make it impossible to be able to appear as a girl. I now hoped in the reverse of what I had so recently wished. I had just spent a lot of money. For girl clothing. Mom interrupted my thoughts. "Are you listening to me at all?" "Of course," I hastened to say. Sometimes I could lie without turning red. "Like I said, try on the things I bought you. You can at least wear them at home." Ha, what had I missed? I drank the rest of my cocoa and took the bag Mom gave me up to my room. There I shook the contents on my bed. A kind of jogging suit, underwear and socks. At first glace everything looked normal. I picked up the underwear. Hmm. That was really soft. I'd never had anything like that before. I pulled the undershorts on. No slit. That wasn't so unusual; a number of my shorts didn't have one. But these shorts looked more like a bikini bottom for Biene. Although there was no little bow or anything like that, it was clear to me that these were girls' panties. And the undershirt was for sure not for boys. There was nothing at first glance that proclaimed this was feminine, no lace, no spaghetti straps or anything like that. It was the overall impression. Absolutely never to be worn in the boy's dressing room. But it fit me, and it felt really good. What the hey, I thought to myself, no one sees underwear anyhow. And if Mom knew what I had been wearing.... The socks were of cotton, that was obvious. Said so on the packaging. But such fine cloth I'd never had. And they were kneesocks, while I usually just wore socks. They would look great with one of my skirts, I thought. The jogging suit was unremarkable at first glance. When I had it on, however, it looked very similar to Mrs. Weber's. The material was a bit like velvet and it had a shine to it. Not that noticeable, but certainly not the normal jogging suit. I liked it. But what made Mom buy me these things? This was clearly girls' clothing. I'd soon get to the bottom of this, I thought, as I went back to Mom. "And, do you like it?" she asked anxiously. "Yes, Mom. It's wonderfully soft, it feels just great. Thanks a lot." She just sighed, as though something disagreeable had now been confirmed. That brought me to a useful train of thought. First the pullovers, and now these things -- Mom wanted to see how I reacted to them. I should probably have declined them. Doesn't matter, I thought to myself. Wait a bit and drink some tea. At any rate these things weren't at first glance recognizable as girls' clothing. I would have to think hard, if she were to come up with something clearly feminine. But I didn't actually think that that would happen. Why should she? ## Then Biene and Svenja came over in the afternoon, and first of all we went to my room. "How are your ears?" Biene asked. I put my hands up to my earlobes. "I haven't thought about them at all today. Appear to be healing well." "Great." "The rest of your things came today," Svenja interjected. "Should I have brought them over?" I threw her a dark glance till I noticed that she was pulling my leg. "Twit!" "Uh, uh, that isn't ladylike, Andrea." "Stop calling me that here. If Mom hears that!" Biene pushed her hand under my sweater up over my back like she often did. I found the feeling wonderful. "Do you have new underwear?" she asked in surprise. "I never felt anything so soft on you before." "Mom bought it for me. Because I've been complaining about a scratchy pullover." "Let's see," she said and pulled my sweater upward. The two girls critically evaluated my undershirt. "That's a girl's shirt, a cami," Biene stated. "I've noticed that, too. No idea, what made Mom do that. She probably just wanted to find something soft." "And you put it on?" "Yes, why not?" "Because it's meant for a girl, Dummy." "And? I'm constantly putting on skirts and pantyhose." "But then you are Andrea. Now you are Andy, and then it's not OK to wear girl stuff." "Oh." That hadn't really been that clear to me. "And what'll I do now? Undress?" "That doesn't make much sense. First and foremost it's a question of why your mom bought you girls' things. Has she noticed anything? Did she maybe see some make-up." "Not that I know of." "And what about the earrings?" "She actually was only upset because I'd had my ears pierced without getting her permission." "Hmmm, I don't believe that she simply bought something soft. There's more to it than that." "I've suspected something, too, but what should I do?" "In the first place you shouldn't have put these things on." "But I like them! Much better than my other things." "Well, at any rate it's too late for that." "What do I do if she buys me even more? Should I just not wear it? Or say something?" "Good question." We talked a while without reaching a conclusion. Then it was time to begin cooking. We went into the kitchen. As I was getting the ingredients together, Mom came in. "Put on an apron, so you don't get your new suit messy." Apron. I'd never worn an apron. But I also had never cooked here. "Do we have any?" "Of course we do. You've often seen me in one. And I have some for the girls, too." She brought three aprons and gave the girls and me each one. Mom had certainly never worn these aprons. They weren't exactly plain at all, instead had decorative frills all around. Very feminine. Indecisively I looked to the girls. What should I do? But they were no help at all; they simply tied themselves into the aprons. Why would they have problems with that? These were aprons for girls, and that's who they were. After our earlier discussion without an answer, I didn't know what I ought to do. Simply go along, I thought to myself. If they're all going to wear aprons, I can, too. I put it over my head, and Biene tied me a bow in back. The white apron over my jogging suit reminded me a little of a waiter in a restaurant. "You look like a girl," said Biene. Mom looked expectantly at me. Biene winked so that Mom couldn't see, and made a small motion of invitation with her hand. Ah ha, I'm supposed to test Mom. So I edged a little closer to Mom, raised the hem of the apron with my hands and bent my knees a little. I had no idea of how to make a real curtsy. "May I begin with the preparation of the meal, Madame?" I murmured. Biene and Svenja giggled, and for a moment Mom didn't know what to do. Svenja came to the fore. "That's not the way to do that, Andrea." She emphasized the feminine form of my name. "You are really not grand enough for the gentry. Come along." With that she shoved me in the direction of the bathroom. "Let's see what your mom says, if you look more like a girl." "Do you think that is a good idea?" "Of course. At any rate, this is just a bit of fun." Svenja began to make me up. Not all that discreetly, but not much differently than many girls in school. Then we went back. "So, she looks better, doesn't she?" said Svenja to Mom. Mom sat there as if made of stone, when she saw me made up. I knew already just how much I looked like a girl. But Mom didn't. She just stared at me. "There's something missing," thought Biene aloud. She turned to my mom and asked, "Do you have a white paper napkin and a couple of hair clips?" Mom awoke out of her trance, but still wasn't quite herself. "Eh, yes." Without a question she fetched the things for Biene. Biene folded the napkin like an accordian and cut into it. In her fingers there took form something that looked like the lace bonnet worn by some servants. That she placed on my head and fastened with the hair clips. "Perfect," was her opinion. I saw that Svenja was having trouble controlling herself. She had one hand pressed against her mouth and her stomach was in spasms. Mom still didn't know what she should do. After she had looked at me for a minute, she said, "I'll leave all of you alone now." She wanted to say something more, but couldn't seem to find the words, so she left. ## The girls helped with the preparation. Even then it took quite a while until the lightly seared meat was in the roasting pan stewing in its own juice. Finally there was an opportunity for me to go to the toilet. Oh brother, I thought to myself, when I caught sight of myself in the mirror. That's really almost too much. Biene had brushed my hair up front to the back and had fastened it there so my face wasn't bothered. With the 'white crown' on my head and the make-up I really did look like a serving maid or chambermaid. I was tempted to take it all down, decided not to. Let's see how long it would take till Mom told me that I should quit already. We went up to my room again. Now the girls turned their giggling on full force and kindled my sense of humor, too. After we had finally calmed down, Svenja asked, "What are you doing tomorrow?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Come to my house. You can try on your new things." "Sounds good." That would be fun. "Naturally you can come, too," she said to Biene. "OK. I'm excited to see what you've bought." "But think, Andrea. You have to change before to come over." "Not a problem." Would there ever again be a day on which I wasn't dressed like a girl? ## The goulash was a smashing success. Totally without arrogance, it was the best I'd ever eaten. And the others liked it, too, measured by the speed in which it disappeared. Mom was pretty withdrawn and kept looking at me. What was going through her head? I believed at any rate that it had been a good idea of Svenja's. Mom had now seen me as a girl and would now stop buying me girl things, now that she'd seen where that had led. I was satisfied. Everything would be fine. After an hour, in which we conversed and entertained ourselves nicely, the girls had to go home. ## I helped Mom with the cleanup. I would have anyway. She washed most of the time when she cooked. But she interrupted me, as I was clearing the dishes from the table. "Andrea..." She had called me 'Andrea' again. "Yes?" "I would like to ask you to do something..." "Sure, of course." "Not so fast. I've thought about it the whole time as to whether it's right..." Her voice gave out. I waited. "At any rate, when Svenja made you up, you reminded very much of someone. Unconsciously I've already felt this, but now... I would like for you to put somthing on." "Yes?" "It's an old Mardi Gras costume. Then you can tell yourself that it's just a disguise." She looked agitated. "No problem, Mom." "But you don't even know..." "Gotta be girl's clothing." "How'd you guess that?" "You said, I reminded you of someone, when Svenja made me up. Well, only girls wear make-up. That was a logical conclusion." "Oh. And you don't have a problem with that?" Was this the reason for the feminine clothing? I'd better not tell her that I dress every day like a girl. "As long as no one sees it. And I already look like a girl, or....?" She didn't answer that. Instead she said, "As I said, it is a costume." "Sure, yes. What kind of a costume?" "Alice in Wonderland." "Oh." Somehow there was a tingle in my stomach. This was different than dressing like the girls at school. Mom seemed almost relieved at my hesitent reaction. "If you don't want to..." "Sure, Mom. I'll do that for you." "Good. I still don't know yet..." "Mom, no problem," I said while I pulled my sweater over my head. When Mom came back with clothes over her arm, I stood there in my new underwear. She gave me some white pantyhose. "Careful pulling them on, you can't do it just like a pair of pants." Ought I tell Mom now, that I had considerable experience with pantyhose? Better not. I pulled them on and pretended to being a little clumsy. "Arms up." Great quantities of material rustled around me. It was a white slip, decorated down at the bottom with innumerable tiers of the rustling material. A petticoat. I ran my hand across the material. "Beautifully soft." Did I say that out loud? Once more I had to raise my arms upward, and now there came a sky-blue dress over my head. It was exactly as long as the petticoat and had short, fat puff sleeves. Mom fastened a host of buttons on my back while I admired the unbelievable quantity of material around my legs. When she was finished, she put a white apron over the dress, which likewise buttoned in back and then was tied with a gigantic bow. She sat on a chair and took one of my gleaming white legs in her hands. Then she put a shoe on me in the style of a small child. They almost looked like ballerinas and were also black, however, they had a strap across the instep and shone brightly. Now came a blond wig on my head. Long blonde hair fell into my face until Mom tamed it with a hairband that matched the dress. On the top of my head she tied a bow. "Please, stand up so I can look at you." I followed her wishes. It felt really odd as the petticoat grazed my legs. Quite different than my long skirts. Mom looked as though she was making an effort to hold back tears. "Almost perfect. Just the make-up isn't right." I had to seat myself again, and Mom busied herself for a while with my face. First she removed my make-up, then she applied some new. I was curious how I looked. From my perspective I could only see a large sky-blue skirt. "No, just wait," Mom said. She got some nail polish and varnished my nails in a delicate pink. "Finished." I went into her bedroom and stood in front of the large mirror. In fact, an Alice stood there before me. Like direct from a Disney-film. My face was also that of an Alice: somehow innocently girlish. The whole thing made a deep impression on me. More than all my previous experiences in girl clothes. After a long time I returned to Mom. "Und, how do you like yourself as Alice?" What should I say? "Unusual, very unusual. I hardly recognized myself." I didn't want to show too much enthusiasm. She smiled. "There is hardly anything left of Andy, when I see you like this." She gave me a light kiss on the forehead. "Come, let's clean up a bit, OK?" Mom left again, and I put the silverware in the dishwasher and then wiped off the table. When I was finished, Mom still hadn't returned. I found her in the living room bent over a photo album. Quickly she closed it. "Were you looking at pictures of the other Alice?" I asked her. "Yes." "Can I see them?" "No, not yet, not now. Later." I resolved to look at this photo album, when Mom wasn't around. "Let's watch television a little, Alice." When I sat next to her, she put an arm around me. It had been eons since she had done that. It didn't feel bad at all and I snuggled myself up to her a bit later. ## The film was over, and I was very tired. Mom undid the buttons on my back. Nothing like a new wardrobe, I pondered, that you can neither put on or take off by yourself. Once again just in my underwear, I turned to go to my room. "You know, Mom, maybe I'll go as Alice this Mardi Gras."

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Roger a fifty-four years old widower lives in the southern part of the USA. He stood about five-foot five, has average weight, black hair, brown eyes, and a muscular build. He doesn't consider himself handsome, or someone women would find attractive. So he doesn't have an interested in looking for someone, or dating. He spends his week like the average man, working, taking care of his home and son. While shopping at the local market one Friday he met and has become friends with an older woman...

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Frank Williams was just about through with his shower, and was letting the warm water beat down on his shoulders, when he heard door to the bathroom open. The shower scene from "Psycho" flashed through his mind, but he was quite sure it was not some maniac with a knife. He was right. "Daddy?" a sweet young voice said to him. He recognized the dulcet tones of his darling daughter, Mandy, and his cock started stiffening."Hi, Honey. Why don't you come in and join me?" The thought of what she would...

1 year ago
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I started the story about how I shared my husband with my daughter Lily. I have another daughter named Amanda. She and Lily are almost like twins, even though they are almost five years apart in age. I knew that opening the door for Lily meant letting Mandy in, too. Things went well with Lily and Amanda needed the instruction, too. I'll let Chuck tell Mandy's story... Lily's breakup from Chris was hard. He was pretty pissed when he found out she'd gone to bed with me. The little shit came...

4 years ago
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This story relates to these photos in 1999 I split from a GF but who I later got back with 9 months later. During that period I took my friendship with one woman to the next level and she became my fuck buddy. I also met another woman and that also led to sex. Mandy would come to where I worked and would sit in the garden for some peace at lunch time. One day we got chatting and it turned out she lived and worked locally and whilst the...

3 years ago
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It had been an OK party so far. I was in Los Angeles for the week, enjoying spending some time with my cousin. While Paul and I were not real close, he was good for a free place to stay. So when he got invited to a party I was naturally invited also. So here I was, in a town 2,000 miles from home on a Friday night, drinking beer with people I did not even know. What a dull way to spend the night. Well, at least there was a keg for me to pull from. Most of the people here were kids....

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The party was humming along and I was having a great time which was a surprise considering that I did not want to be there in the first place. I'd just come back from an exhausting business trip and was looking forward to a restful weekend doing absolutely nothing. My wife, Brandy, reminded me that I had promised to take her to a birthday party for her best friend on Saturday so I kissed my peaceful weekend goodbye and here we were. Brandy was having a good time too and, as usual, she had more...

1 year ago
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I was sitting in a bar having a beer one night.It was Friday night so it was pretty crowded.After chatting with the bartender for a little I started looking around the bar.I noticed three cute young women sitting at a table and they were looking my way.I smiled politely and they giggled talking between themselves. Then one got up and headed my way.I thought she was going to the restrooms,but she stopped and said "hi." "Hello" I said.She introduced herself as Mandy.I introduced myself. She said...

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I was sat having a coffee in a cafe I sometimes go to. Not a regular haunt as it was about fifteen miles away from my hometown, but nevertheless I do visit perhaps once or twice a month. Far enough away and more on the tourist trail than normal, it was a good place to go to have a bit of peace and quiet as I seldom, if ever, saw anyone I knew while I visited.Except today.I had been pondering the meaning of life, comfortably on my own, when I became aware of someone in the counter queue...

4 years ago
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Sissy MandyI haven't left the flat in months. But then, why should I need to? MasterJohn provides all I need, as long as I'm obedient and do as I'm told with asmile. And, I do.For instance, I've been told to entertain his friend this afternoon andit's Alex, the big man who does martial art. He's got blue-eyes, blondehair and a pony-tail, a bit like the one I wear sometimes. And, he's gotmuscles, biceps and chest muscles, so he fills his tee-shirts ever-sowell. Oh, he looks good? and, I felt...

3 years ago
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Andi - Chapter 1 It was my fifteenth birthday the day it all started. I'd gotten home and sat down in front of the TV to watch the usual kid's programs. Most of it was too young for me, but some programs, meant for younger kids, also had jokes in it intended for adults. I didn't really notice the time, till there was a knock at the door, by which time I noticed that the clock said 6pm. Standing at the door we're two police officers. They asked me my name, and the names of my...

3 years ago
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I was sat having a coffee in a cafe I sometimes go to. Not a regular haunt as it was about fifteen miles away from my home town, but nevertheless I do visit perhaps once or twice a month. Far enough away and more on the tourist trail than normal, it was a good place to go to have a bit of peace and quiet as I seldom, if ever, saw anyone I knew while I visited. Except today. I had been pondering the meaning of life, comfortably on my own, when I became aware of someone in the counter queue...

2 years ago
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"Hold the door!" Sandy yelled as she sprinted the last twenty feet to the rapidly closing door of the Ferry's waiting area. With only a half foot to spare, the blonde made it through, much to the disappointment of the deck hand who got his kicks closing the door in people's faces. Had she missed it, it would be a long hour's wait until the next Ferry at 1:30 AM. No sooner had she cleared the boarding ramp when it began to rise, freeing the Staten Island Ferryboat Alice Austin to begin her...

1 year ago
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BRANDY You walked into the room,( looking hot as ever), and instantly we were all over each other kissing and groping at each others cloths. I felt like i was dreaming as our tongues danced in each others mouths, until you pulled away and shoved me back onto the bed. "time to strip you down my little bitch." you were pulling my pants off as you spoke and i was more than willing to give you control. You...

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Before I got married I used to enjoy occasionally going out at night by myself and frequenting my favorite adult theater. I would always watch a couple hours of porn and then jack-off in the restroom before returning home. It used to be that guys in the audience were discrete in the theaters. Nobody ever exposed themselves. However, it’d been a year since my last visit and I guess that in that time, things had changed drastically. When I went into the theater this time, the ticket taker...

Oral Sex
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Freshly out of the military and 21 I knew I had to get a good job and was looking in earnest. My finances were OK but not finite so I was in conservation mode and because I was my social life was all but non-existent. Luckily there was a cheap movie theater within walking distance. I went to a couple of times a week and after I would go to an all-night diner, sit at the counter nursing my coffee and watch the world go by. Then she walked in and my life, whichever way it was going, would never...

1 year ago
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I am 25 years old, have been married since I was 22 for three years and I am a very sensual woman, but lately my husband has not touched me. He is a golf addict and lately has been spending all of his time on the golf course, with his buddy next door, who works for the same company he does. The reason we bought this house to begin with, was that it was next door to his buddy and luckily for me, his wife and I hit it off famously. She is a tall redhead, about 5 ft. 10 in., with a model's figure...

2 years ago
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I'll start with a confession. I am a slut. I know I'm a slut and furthermore I enjoy the hell out of being a slut. All it took for me to become a slut was to graduate from high school and go off to college. I was a good girl all through high school. I dated a lot and I did make out with my dates. There was a lot of touching and feeling, but it was all with clothing between the hand and what it was touching. The closest I came to 'being bad' was in high school on prom night. For a couple...

1 year ago
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Candy Finally, it was going to happen! For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations,… Candy Finally, it was going to happen! For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations, summer school, lack of friends, the weather; something. Now, however, everything seemed to be falling into place. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson had moved out near the desert in California...

4 years ago
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I met Sandy at a cousin's birthday party. She was a friend of a friend or something - I didn't know who she was, but I'd been noticing her all night. She's a super sexy BBW, long blonde hair, curves in all the right places, and unlike most larger women she seemed completely comfortable in her body. She was wearing a blue blouse which showed tons of cleavage, and a short black skirt, with black stockings and heels underneath. Like I said, comfortable in her body, and happy to be sexy. I...

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Sandy looked around the bar for her husband. She was supposed to meet him for lunch but she was a little early. Rather than standing at the restaurant entrance, she sat at the bar to wait for him. It was her idea to meet for a quick lunch, then the two of them would speed off to a motel for an afternoon of getting reacquainted. Tom, her husband is fifteen years older then her twenty- six, and lately has been spending a lot of time away from home. Either on business trips, working late at...

2 years ago
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"Hi there young man, it has been so long since I have seen you. How are you doing after losing your parents so tragically? It must have been such an awful blow to you. I've been hoping you would stop by sometime so I could tell you how sorry I am. Your Mom and I were such great friends. She was like a daughter to me you know, and you dear man, are still my grandson." "Mrs. Henderson. It is good to see you too. I'm sorry I don't come to see you more often. I will stop next time I come...

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I didn't want to be a cowboy, but I certainly wanted one to fuck me. So, to honor those sojourners of the dusty trails I wrote this.When settlers in the 1870's first used "dude," to refer to pasty-faced Easterners coming to The Rockies, they took notice of men with a distinguishable lilt (I have no doubt), of men with a different spring in their step, of men who had secrets settlers didn't know, and of men Rocky Mountain cowboys would never suspect.A 2K Easterner, I differed from my ancestors...

Gay Male
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(This is a story I wrote back in 2003 to fulfill an online friend's desire for an interracial story, which it is. But I'm just enough of a history buff and a mushball who likes happy endings that this is what the end result was.)The last thing that Abraham Lincoln Tucker remembered was a loud blast as the tank he was walking next to hit another of Rommel's mines. The force of the blast knocked him across the road and into a small grove of trees, where his helmet protected him from a...

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Amy: I know this sounds cliché. I've been keeping it to myself for a very long time because I don't think anyone would believe me. See, everyone knows about Spring flings and Summer hook ups. There's nothing new or novel about it and it's almost become a rite of passage – if you haven't had at least one drunken spring break fuck you're missing out. But this was so much more than a drunken hook up. Sandy introduced me to passion like I've never known before ... or since. I didn't think...

1 year ago
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  It was a gorgeous summer afternoon in Ann Arbor Michigan. The temperature was well into the mid 80’s. Candy was laying out on her padded lounge chair rubbing the tanning lotion into her legs. She wore her new bikini. David helped her pick it out at Macy’s. He loved seeing her wear sexy revealing clothes and the tiny little bikini was no exception.    Cindy’s husband David worked in one of the laboratories for a small research company at the University of Michigan. Married for five years and...

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Here I was, on a Super Constellation. Heading to NAS Atsugi, Japan. Me, a South Georgia farm boy that had never been away from home. I had completed Storekeeper’s School in San Diego, and my first duty station was an AF (refrigerator ship) out of San Francisco. My first duty was Mess Cooking. Army recruits would know this as KP, but the Navy was different. This was a full three-month duty, not completed on a daily basis. During this time, Mess Cooking, I had to see the integration of the...

1 year ago
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I had this really good friend named Dave who also had a friend named Rusty. Well, Rusty had this really knockout girlfriend named Candy. Dave is a real bullshitter and I didn't believe half of the wild stories he told, so I just ignored his comments about how wild Candy got when she got drunk. He told me how Rusty was the type of guy that only wanted it about once or twice a week and Candy wanted it once or twice an hour. Since she was a "good little girl" she couldn't really cheat on Rusty,...

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My name's Candy, I'm, sixteen years old and I've just divorced my parents to prevent either one of them getting their hands on any more of my money.Let me explain, from the age of eight, I'd won a whole series of beauty competitions and therefore a whole lot of money, things were fine at the start, but when I reached my teenage years, I began to ask questions about where all the prize money was going. I never got any satisfactory answers, and my parents began fighting with each other over it,...

4 years ago
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Here I was, on a Super Constellation. Heading to NAS Atsugi, Japan. Me, a South Georgia farm boy that had never been away from home. I had completed Storekeeper's School in San Diego, and my first duty station was an AF (refrigerator ship) out of San Francisco. My first duty was Mess Cooking. Army recruits would know this as KP, but the Navy was different. This was a full three-month duty, not completed on a daily basis. During this time, Mess Cooking, I had to see the integration of the...

4 years ago
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My name's Candy, I'm, sixteen years old and I've just divorced my parents to prevent either one of them getting their hands on my money. Let me explain, from the age of eight, I won a whole series of beauty competitions and therefore a whole lot of money, things were fine at the start but when I reached my teenage years, I began to ask questions about where all the prize money was going to, I never got any satisfactory answers and my parents began fighting with each other over it so I began...

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"Would you soap my back?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at me, smiling. Standing in a communal shower, the sounds of other people laughing and bathing reduced to a backdrop of sound, a distant hum, I stared at her. I'd met Ann the evening before, soon after I'd arrived at this weekend workshop. Located in a hot-springs area in northern California, a clothing-optional community that found its roots in the hippie days of the 60's, it had enjoyed a renewal in this new-age decade. A...

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Roger a fifty-four years old widower lives in the southern part of the USA. He stood about five-foot five, has average weight, black hair, brown eyes, and a muscular build. He doesn’t consider himself handsome, or someone women would find attractive. So he doesn’t have an interested in looking for someone, or dating. He spends his week like the average man, working, taking care of his home and son. While shopping at the local market one Friday he met and has become friends with an older woman...

2 years ago
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A True storyI work as a handy man and get to meet lots of people doing lots of diffident jobsI have to tell you about a lady i work for, she calls me up once a month to do little jobs around her home, she is a lot older than me she must be in her late sixties but really looks after herself, i had been working for her for about a year when one day i had just finished a job and mentioned i had to leave early to go home to clean up as i was meeting my daughter later. She asked me if i wanted a...

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Jackson Davis lived in a trailer in the woods east of Smyrna, Tennessee on the banks of Stewart Creek. He was proud to be a redneck. He was barely literate, far from hygienic, and his only close relationship was with Jack Daniels. He enjoyed drinking, Nascar, pro-wrestling, and porno. Statistically speaking, he was more likely than most to be abducted by aliens. Nevertheless, it still came as quite a shock when the big glowing sphere bathed his pickup with an eerie green light as he drove home...

3 years ago
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Ive never told this before but wanted to now. Sandy was the girl i dated for nearly 2 years and i thought i would be with forever [ when your young thats how it seems to always feel!!] We met in high school and began dating and we enjoyed nearly everything together, friends, school, everything. We were both teens and innocent. Neither of us had ever had sex and we sort of agreed until we got to 18 we would not. We made out a lot with a lot of hot kissing and learned together how to kiss and...

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Chapter 1 – BastardI could not move my arms. Feels like I am bound somehow. And I felt a bit out of it. I couldn’t see as well. Initially I didn’t know why. God damn it! I must have been drugged or something. Panic began set in. Where am I and who has done this to me? No doubt I have been kidnapped somewhere. And I must have been blindfolded as I could not see anything at all. Soon however, I began to get some feelings in my arms and legs and my previous assumptions have been right. My arms...

4 years ago
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He was the perfect gentleman. I'd been working at Junior's, an old fashioned ice cream parlor in the tourist trap part of town known as The Riverside for a couple of months. He came in at least once a week, had a single scoop of chocolate ice cream and always he made me laugh. His name was Craig. I'd guess his age at about 50. He looked his age, but in all the right ways. He had thick hair, black at one time but now going white. The streaks of white hair from his temples and forehead looked...

2 years ago
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Okay. Call me stupid if you want. But I am still alive aint I?Maybe my plans didn’t go exactly according to plan, but it was only a slight oversight. And thanks to Jack, it all ended well.It was the weekend before last, and I set myself a challenge, as I often do. It wasn’t, perhaps, the most sensible of challenges, but, in my mind, once I think of an idea, it burns in my head until I do it.A little about myself I guess would help.I am 36 years old, and an outright masochist. No matter what...

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Bob Milton was 55, his life was a mess. He was literally broke. He had had enough. More then anyone could take, he thought as he parked his Ford F150 Pickup Truck in front of the liquor store. He was a recovering alcoholic but tonight he just couldn't take anymore. He just could not think. He could not handle the thrashing he had gotten from his ex-wife about their financial affairs or for forgetting important things. He was three months shy on his alimony. It was just beyond his means for...

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You work at a gym. Your not the trainer or teacher there. You just the guy who clean the trash in the place. You

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Naruto Opportunities

You don't know what happened. You don't know where you are. You just woke up in the middle of nowhere with a pain in your stomach. "Ugh... Where am I?" You wonder, yet, the surroundings look so similar. SO similar, in fact.. "Wait.. Is that.. " You suddenly see the Konoha Main Gate in all its' glory. You try to remember how you ended up here, but your mind always drew a blank. "Eh, might as well", and with that thought, you approach the gate. "Hold! Who goes there?" Suddenly, a man, presumably...

4 years ago
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The Summer Rain

Outside the rain is falling and I have my window open to enjoy the ambience. Tomorrow promises to be as busy a day as today, and the soothing sound of the rain calms my mind. It also provokes my memory. It was on a night like this that I finally penetrated the mystery of Majken. She was a beautiful girl, one year younger than myself, broad chested, shorter than me, and always wearing black. For a long time I had regarded her with lust but with the passage of time I came to understand that...

2 years ago
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How I met a sexy girl in journey

Helo indian sex stories dot net readers.. I’m also one of the readers of ISS, here I’m sharing my true experience.. I’m very poor in English.. That is why I would like to narrate the story in Telugu, naa name Karthikraj Maadhi Vizag.. E incident 2011 lo jarigindhi.. Nenu just naa experience ni share chesthunna extraga Raayadam Naaku raadhu.. So please be patient. Appudu naa age 18, Chudadaniki Baaguntanu Adhe na confidence, fair complexion, 6ft height. Nenu Kakinada lo chadhukune Vaadini, oka...

2 years ago
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New Years Eve

I was counting the days until New Years Eve like a small child waits for Santa Claus, my favorite day of the year had finally arrived. Matt and I were supposed to have an unforgettable time at the party then spend the night at the hotel making love. I willed myself to be determined to have a fun evening even though Matt had dumped me the day after Christmas. The dress I had bought to wear with Matt would no longer be sufficient to create the impression I now longed to make. My best friend and I...

4 years ago
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Dead Write Ch 06

* This is a repost of an old romance story with a fresh edit. * Chapter 6 Saturday dawned wonderfully dreary. The rain pelting the windows made a delightful sound. It signaled a rainout for the Deacon’s painters. Chris was away all afternoon, on a play-date with cousins. Which meant she’d have lingering time alone with Sam, while he made the promised plumbing repairs. Her flesh heated just thinking about his plumbing prowess. Sherry assessed her reflection in the bathroom mirror. A...

2 years ago
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Sleeping Out

Sleeping OutBy Brewt.BlacklistDecember 2010HusbandTHE TRIP had been an unmitigated disaster, costing a lot more than I could again afford to lose. None of the contracts got signed, and serious hell will definitely call for payment come Monday morning at the office, not to mention at the hovel for once again failing to provide. The heap scarcely got me across state lines as it sputtered to the dive I'd managed to squeeze into at the last waypoint before I got to the household. A cheap-ass...

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