Andy 20 free porn video

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Andy by Transbonder, translated by Leah from the German TWENTY Mrs. Weber was astonished to see my mom, but Mark was just that much more enthused about my outfit. He ran his hand across my delicately glistening legs while Mom talked with Mrs. Weber in the kitchen. When we went into the kitchen he crowed happily, "I want a skirt like this with pleats. And shiny legs like this." I rolled my eyeballs. Then I reminded Mark that his favorite program was on the air. While he watched the speaking sponge in fascination, I told the two women what had happened. "That's not really a problem. He just wants to be like his larger ideal. We'll get that straightened out quickly. Can't you just come in jeans?" Mrs. Weber asked. Oh man, why do the catastrophes come one right after another? How am I going to talk my way out of this? Luckily Mom came to my rescue. "That's exactly what I wouldn't like." Mrs. Weber looked at her curiously, so she continued, "We had a dispute about the art and manner of how girls dress, and quite especially of how she dresses. That's why it will be only skirts and dresses for her in the near future." Great evasion, I thought. "Oh, I understand." She almost looked at me in commisseration. "It probably wasn't a good idea anyway, since colorful girls' pants aren't really any better. Perhaps I ought to get a boy as a babysitter." Always when you think things can't get worse... I had to sit down because I was getting dizzy. I had really worried about being outed as a boy and now she wanted one? I'd thought she would only hire girls? I could scarcely imagine Mrs. Weber accepting me if it were now to turn out that I wasn't a girl. That just couldn't be allowed to happen! The more I thought about it, the more I slid into panic. That spared me a bit from going deeper into the subject, because both were alarmed at how pale I was all of a sudden. And I really did feel awful. I had to concentrate hard so that I didn't get a second look at my lunch. In spite of everything Mom didn't say anything, nor did she make any stupid insinuation. That restored me so that I felt better shortly. ## Somewhat later, however, Mom came back to the subject. "I don't think that it will help if you replace Andrea with a boy." I could have kissed her. Mom's the best! "That probably won't help Mark lose this predilection," she continued. Mrs. Weber nodded in agreement. "He sees boys every day and it doesn't change anything about liking girls' dresses. If a boy came here, he would just find another girl as a model, for example on the playground." "What can be done then?" asked Mrs. Weber. "We ought to discuss that, but only after we've decided on supper. I'm in the mood for something tasty. Then Andrea can get busy." Grrr. I wanted in on the discussion. Can a person buy another mom somewhere? Or trade? ## But in contrast to my first reaction, preparing supper was fun again, especially because Mark was helping. His enthusiasm quickly rubbed off on me. Now Mrs. Weber saw for the first time how he worked with the large knife, and her eyes grew large. I motioned to her to remain calm, and in fact she didn't say anything. But she looked over at him again and again. As always he survived without injury. Anyway I was of the opinion that small knives are more dangerous. Naturally I didn't hear anything of the conversation. But I could easily imagine that it would have consequences for me, too. I could only wonder to myself, which ones? Would Mom then want me not to dress as a girl any more? I couldn't really imagine that. For one thing, right off a new wardrobe would unavoidable. But what did I really want? I put the pot into the oven and looked down at myself. Sticking out from under the soft pullover was the very coarsely-woven skirt about which Mom and I had had our discussion. She thought it was too short. But I thought it was cool, how my legs in their shimmering black tights emerged from it. And I hadn't missed the opportunity to wear my pumps, too. If I got to ride in the car with Mom, I had to take advantage of that. Then we all ate too much and the women had to take some time to recover. Our conversation just dealt with everyday stuff, and when we finally got home it was so late that I still hadn't learned anything. ## While Mom operated the coffee machine, I got the wrapper with the tablets and pressed one of the little pills through the foil. I examined the tiny pill reflectively. Could something so tiny have so much efficacy? I hadn't noticed any effects up till now. Nothing much had been going on with my breasts. Mostly just that they were somewhat less sensitive and no longer so hard. But not much change. Maybe it was simply the frequent use of the cream. When Mom had left for work, it occurred to me much too late that today my first class was gym. And I was excused from it. Crap, I could've slept some more. Mom drove to work in some distraction, because she didn't know whether the problems there had been cleared up. What to do? I decided to look around in our little fashion shop. I needed new stuff. Contrary to my resolution, to buy myself some clothes for school, I landed immediately in the women's department. The reason was a sweater that was displayed there. I almost thought that my vision was blurred, it looked so strange. As though it had no permanent shape. I carefully ran my hand over it. The soft outline was created by innumerable fine hairs, which stood out like fluff or down. It was soft, so unbelievably soft, such as I had never before experienced. The hairs on the outside were like a fine aura, which projected more than a centimeter toward the outside. You couldn't tell exactly where they stopped. It was more a virtual appearance than something real. I was in love. This was the ultimate piece of clothing created especially for me. I couldn't tear my eyes away from it. A nearby voice startled me. I had concentrated so much on the sweater, that I hadn't noticed the saleslady. "Pure Kashmir," she said. "That is something really special." I could only nod. I had to have this sweater! "Unfortunately it's not so inexpensive," she continued. "189 Euros." Every trace of color left my face. Here I had found the ultimate dream sweater, only to find that it was expensive beyond belief. "So much?" I asked in a shocked undertone of disbelief without looking at her. I ran my hand over it one more time as though in farewell. A very difficult farewell. "Yes, Kashmir is unfortunately very expensive." Now I turned away from the sweater and looked at her. "Say, don't I know you?" she asked. I looked at her more closely. No, I'd never seen the woman before. "I don't think so," I responded. "Oh yes, and now I think I know where. Just a moment." She walked into her office and returned with some kind of catalog. She opened it and I saw that there were many pictures of girls in it. Then I also saw the label on every page: "Becker Agency." She paged around a little and then she was holding a picture of me in her hand. "That's it, I was positive," she confirmed it to herself. "I had already chosen you to be among the finalists." I didn't know what to say. Did she actually want me as a model? "I'm making a small catalog," she explained. "We import these sweaters exclusively from South America. For this we naturally need a model, because the catalog is supposed to reflect the quality of the product." She saw that my glance rested longingly on the sweater again, as soon as she mentioned it. "Do you like it a lot?" I nodded vigorously. I was almost ashamed of myself to show my emotions so obviously. "Good. I'll make you a proposal. The official prices are not exactly low for a small firm such as mine. If you model for a few photos, then you'll get the sweater as payment. That way we both gain. Do you understand?" "I- I would really like that..." to have the sweater, I'd intended to say. "Teriffic, then we can do it right away. Do you have an hour's time?" Completely dumbstruck I nodded. ## I managed to get to my first class right on time with my new valuable possession in a bag. Naturally Svenja had to look at it right away without asking. "That's completely off the charts!" she said, as she took the sweater out. "I've never felt something so unbelievably soft." "Kashmir," I explained cooly. "Wow! I'd like to have one like that." She looked at the price tag, which was still fastened to it. "189 Euros! That's surely not for you?" I looked around cautiously. Other girls were looking at us curiously. "No, naturally not; it's for Mom. I just picked it up," I lied. She bent over and whispered in my ear, "That will alsolutely never fit your mom. But it looks like it's exactly your size." I nodded because nothing else occurred to me. "I'll explain it to you later," I told her softly. "OK, but as compensation I want to put it on." ## Since Mom was at work I went home to Svenja's after school. Naturally I wanted to put on the the sweater, too, since I hadn't had a chance yet. The whole day it had been next to me in the bag, and I could scarcely wait. But now I had bad luck again, because Svenja was wearing it. "Hmmm..." she raved. "Hey, that's my sweater!" "So what? No way you can afford that. Did you steal it?" "Svenja! I'd never do that!" "Don't get excited. I didn't really think so. But tell me now: How did you get this lovely creation?" "I modeled." "Modeled? What do you mean by that?" "Well, yes. I haven't told you about that. It was in vacation, when you weren't here. I got a flyer from a model agency in the mail after I had won the karaoke contest." Svenja's eyes grew bigger and bigger. "Won a contest? Agency? What kinds of things do you do when I can't look after you for a few days?" she said grinning. "I'm all ears, tell me!" "Svenja, it's a longish story. I don't have that much time; I have to go babysit right now." "Fiddlesticks. You can wear something of mine and get yourself ready, then you just need to put your wig on in a jiffy when you get home." With that she opened her clothes closet and began to throw things to me. I saw that there was no other way, if I wanted to leave here with my new sweater. And so I went into the bathroom and put on my panties. Once I had on the bright red panties I went back to her and picked up the bra. "Your breasts have gotten a little larger, haven't they?" I nodded. "They're not hurting so much either." She felt them very carefully. "A bit softer, too, I think. It looks as if they have gotten somewhat broader." "I think so, too. They aren't quite so pointy any more." And then I put on the bra which was just as red. "Do you have anything I can put in there?" Then I added, "Something soft!" "For Christmas I got a pair of snuggle socks," she said, while she went to her closet again. "In pink!" she added, as though that was the worst thing in the world. Then she threw them to me. "Oh, these are really soft," I replied in fascination. "Really fleecy." For a short moment the sweater was forgotten. I rolled them up and put them into the bra. Very comfortable. But too light. Well, it would do until later. While I related my experiences at the contest, I slowly put on Svenja's things. Red pantyhose. I'd never seen any like them before, just black and nude. I thought my legs looked great in them with the barely transparent red. "Why don't you wear these yourself?" I asked Svenja, interrupting my story. "I'm a pants girl," she explained. "You know that already." "And I'm a pantyhose boy," I giggled. "Or is that a skirt boy?" She looked at me strangely. "Do you know, even when you're just wearing panties, I haven't thought of you as a boy." I didn't know what to say to that. To avoid an uncomfortable silence or a deepening of the subject, I went on with my story. While talking I pulled a gray dress made of sweatshirt material down over my head. The upper part was just like an ordinary sweatshirt, then came a wide elastic waist and it ended in a bell-shaped skirt. Before it hadn't looked all that great, but once it was on, it was super. The elastic waist conjured up a figure for me which didn't really exist. I really wanted to ask Svenja why she didn't wear something neat like this herself, then I saw the expression on her face. When I hesitated in telling my story she said, "The dress looks great on you. You can keep it, the pantyhose, too. In exchange I'll keep your sweater till tomorrow." "Aw man! I want to wear my sweater, too." "For babysitting? You're crazy! Now tell me everything." Finally I was finished telling and had Svenja's mom's pumps on. Not exactly my taste, because with the not-very-high tiny heels they looked pretty old-fashioned. But the rest was good, including an absolutely beautiful quilted jacket, which just reached to my waist. A cap covered my short hair. It was already getting late and so I had to rush. At home I just quickly put on the wig, there wasn't even time to put in my breast forms. The bra sat tight enough, so that it wouldn't slide upward. Svenja wore a slightly smaller size than I did. And in the bodice of the dress that wouldn't attract attention. On the way to Mrs. Weber's it now occurred to me that as a matter of course I had put on a friend's clothes without thinking about it. And she had given them to me exactly in the same sense. Not too long ago that would have appeared completely incomprehensible to me; also the self-confidence with which I walked along the street in a skirt. Not even the noise of the shoes bothered me, far from it. Mrs. Weber greeted me, "Oh, another new Look? I have to say, I like it." "Me too!" yelled a young voice, allthough he could hardly see me yet. Mrs. Weber rolled her eyes. And her eyes came to rest on my shoes. I saw that she didn't like them, although she only just gave herself away. Well, I didn't like them either. They just didn't fit in with the rest of my things. Not that they would have matched anything of mine. On the way back I would trade them at Svenja's for my new sneakers, because I needed them for school. My stay passed without event until Mrs. Weber's return. Except that Mark wasn't happy with my load of homework and constantly disturbed me. Which of course only made it take even longer. But there was no way he wanted to admit that. When Mrs. Weber returned she pressed a box into my hands. "I noticed that your shoes don't really fit your clothes. Try these on once." Curiously I opened the box. Inside was a pair of gym shoes - except only at first glance. These shoes actually had high thin heels like pumps. With high expectation I tried them on. Perfect fit. She had to have bought them for me, and somehow knew my size. They went perfectly with the laid-back casualness of my dress. Simply super! Which is exactly what I said several times. She seemed to appreciate my reaction. "It makes me feel good that you like them so much." "But - you just bought them for me!" I said reproachfully. "Sure. I wanted to see you happy." Yet another 'But' lay on my tongue. Instead I walked over to her and hugged her, which she gladly accepted. Then I went to Svenja's. It was rather strange walking in these shoes, because the heels were equipped with rubber caps. Therefore they were not only quiet, but also somewhat unstable. But the good fit compensated for that as well as the slip-proof sole up front. Svenja met me at the door. "I've had a hard time with my parents," she said sadly. "I can't let you come in. Here are your clothes and shoes." She handed me a bag. I gave her the box in which her mom's shoes now lay. "Oh, new shoes?" I nodded. "You'll have to tell me about them tomorrow. They look really neat; I've never seen anything like them." "How about my sweater?" I asked. She was still wearing it. She just smirked and closed the door right in my face. ## Mom was really surprised when I got home. "Can it be that I've simply not seen these things in your clothes closet yet? Have you been shopping?" "No, Mom. I don't know how it's happened, but today I've gotten something new from everybody." As I took off my jacket I saw Mom's disapproving look at my shoes. I knew at once that in her mind the heels were too high. Sighing I sat down at the kitchen table. "OK, tell all," she challenged. Today seemed to be reserved for tales and new clothes. And I hadn't even a single time gotten to wear my new sweater with which it all began. ## On Friday morning the little pill reminded me that I had to go to the psychologist again. The usual daily routine was that I was to change clothes right after school. "Mom, do you think I can go to the psychologist as a boy?" "Why would you?" "Otherwise I have to come here to change and it is in the opposite direction." "Hmm, it would actually be better for you to go as a girl, because that's how they know you." "But I can hardly do it and get there on time." "Can't you change at school?" "Mom! I just can't let anyone there see me as a girl!" As was not to be expected otherwise, she sighed. But she didn't say anything. After some thought she said, "Maybe it's not a bad idea at all if he were to see you as a boy. Then he'll have a better picture." I didn't like the idea of being seen there as a boy. But I had no better solution. Other than to change someplace, and for that I'd have to drag along the clothes all day. And changing clothes in a public restroom wasn't really very enticing. ## As always the psychologist was completely professional. Even at the reception desk no one looked twice when instead of Andrea Andreas showed up. "Did you go to the endocrinologist?" was his first question. "Yes. Now I'm taking a pill every morning." "Any side-effects?" I shook my head. "I've noticed neither effect nor side-effect." "Good. How are your breasts?" "Not so pointed as they were and they don't hurt as much. But in these few days nothing much has happened." "Assuming you could take another pill with which they would grow faster, or one with which they would disappear again. Which would you take?" And with that began an intensive conversation, which left me bathed in sweat. Once again I was in such a confused state of mind after that, that once again I missed my bus. ## Saturday morning. Finally things are getting better. It wasn't just that I could finally sleep my fill, but after such a long time I could wear my new sweater. I didn't put on anything underneath it to be able to enjoy the exquisite softness directly. In spite of the fluffy appearance you could still see my breasts. Now why were such little things so noticeable? Searching for a matching skirt I figured out that I actually had several items I'd never had on. Above all from the clothing package that Svenja had bought me. And so I found another jeans skirt, two-thirds of which consisted of pleats. And stylishly short. That it would annoy Mom again went without saying, but I didn't want to dress like a grandma. And the skirt looked especially sharp. That brought back to mind the whole little-girl-dress business. Since then the closet had become almost overstuffed. Making a split-second decision I cleared those dresses out. Enough playing the little girl, I was a big girl now. It never occurred to me to think of myself as a little or big boy. How should I do that considering all the things in the closet. The box in which my ball gown had been was empty, since that dress now hung in the closet. Why did it, because I sure didn't know, when -and whether- I'd ever wear it again. I picked up the box and laid the dresses in. As I did that I thought about how Kai had kissed me. The dress brought back the memory. Strangely enough it didn't seem SO terrible any more. I really couldn't explain my panic at that time any more. Somehow it wasn't different than with Biene. A kiss between boy and girl. Or was it? Was I in that case now the girl or not? I went into the kitchen and poured myself a coffee from the thermos. It was becoming clear to me that it wasn't just here that something had changed. A short time ago I couldn't stand coffee, now I really enjoyed it a lot. Even if with milk and a lot of sugar. Mom wasn't to be seen, and so I indulged myself in my thoughts. Did my changed attitudes have anything to do with the conversation with the psychologist? In any case he had given me lots to think about with all of his questions. There was for sure one clear result: I didn't simply accept things any more; I asked questions about everything. I didn't ask the question any more about the final result of whether I was a boy or a girl. I preferred to clear up one problem then another. And now I asked myself, after the original shock had dissipated, would I let myself be kissed again? After some brooding I gave up. I would simply let happen what might. "Finished with breakfast?" Mom's voice came from the hallway. "Yes." "Good." She came on in. "We have to go shopping. You finally need some new underwear; we can't keep going on like this." It was clear to me that she didn't mean the lingerie that I had on now. I had enough sexy lace panties. "Change. We can't go buying you underwear if you're still a girl." "Aw Mom, I just put on this terrific sweater. I've waited for this a long time." "Then you'll just have to be able to wait longer. Tomorrow you can do that the whole day." Unenthused I changed clothes and cleared off the make-up I'd just applied. And then the unpleasant trousers. How could Svenja really like those? "Why don't you just buy me something?" I asked when I got back to Mom. "Because you would then complain that it wasn't soft enough. It was already bad enough before you grew breasts." "Mom, you did say that you don't have so much money? How about the new car?" She smiled in a relaxed way. "Certain things have happened at work. My superior isn't there any more; he had been involved with some dirty business. I now have his position. And that means not only more money, but also a beautiful company car." "That's super terrific!" I impulsively jumped up and hugged her. ## Buying underwear for boys simply isn't any fun. There's nothing provocative or pretty. No lace or frills, no bows, no outrageous shapes or colors. Everything more or less the same. And everything not soft. I'd long since lost my patience, and slowly Mom wasn't finding it fun any more. I already wanted to suggest that we go to the girls' section, when we happened upon the sport department. The underwear for athletes caught my eye. In contrast to everything that I had seen today, this wasn't made of cotton. Right at the first touch I was enthused - that felt soft! The signs informed me that this was a special man-made fiber with particular qualities such as being very good at drawing off sweat. I tried on a T-shirt and I thought it was first rate. Nothing scratched, everything was wonderfully soft. Mom was immeasurably relieved that we had finally found something. However, because of the high price, she only bought three sets. I could hardly believe that now I was so happy to have boys' underwear. Before I started brooding too much, to my great relief it occurred to me that this stuff was just for school.

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I was sat having a coffee in a cafe I sometimes go to. Not a regular haunt as it was about fifteen miles away from my hometown, but nevertheless I do visit perhaps once or twice a month. Far enough away and more on the tourist trail than normal, it was a good place to go to have a bit of peace and quiet as I seldom, if ever, saw anyone I knew while I visited.Except today.I had been pondering the meaning of life, comfortably on my own, when I became aware of someone in the counter queue...

4 years ago
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Sissy MandyI haven't left the flat in months. But then, why should I need to? MasterJohn provides all I need, as long as I'm obedient and do as I'm told with asmile. And, I do.For instance, I've been told to entertain his friend this afternoon andit's Alex, the big man who does martial art. He's got blue-eyes, blondehair and a pony-tail, a bit like the one I wear sometimes. And, he's gotmuscles, biceps and chest muscles, so he fills his tee-shirts ever-sowell. Oh, he looks good? and, I felt...

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Andi - Chapter 1 It was my fifteenth birthday the day it all started. I'd gotten home and sat down in front of the TV to watch the usual kid's programs. Most of it was too young for me, but some programs, meant for younger kids, also had jokes in it intended for adults. I didn't really notice the time, till there was a knock at the door, by which time I noticed that the clock said 6pm. Standing at the door we're two police officers. They asked me my name, and the names of my...

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I was sat having a coffee in a cafe I sometimes go to. Not a regular haunt as it was about fifteen miles away from my home town, but nevertheless I do visit perhaps once or twice a month. Far enough away and more on the tourist trail than normal, it was a good place to go to have a bit of peace and quiet as I seldom, if ever, saw anyone I knew while I visited. Except today. I had been pondering the meaning of life, comfortably on my own, when I became aware of someone in the counter queue...

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"Hold the door!" Sandy yelled as she sprinted the last twenty feet to the rapidly closing door of the Ferry's waiting area. With only a half foot to spare, the blonde made it through, much to the disappointment of the deck hand who got his kicks closing the door in people's faces. Had she missed it, it would be a long hour's wait until the next Ferry at 1:30 AM. No sooner had she cleared the boarding ramp when it began to rise, freeing the Staten Island Ferryboat Alice Austin to begin her...

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BRANDY You walked into the room,( looking hot as ever), and instantly we were all over each other kissing and groping at each others cloths. I felt like i was dreaming as our tongues danced in each others mouths, until you pulled away and shoved me back onto the bed. "time to strip you down my little bitch." you were pulling my pants off as you spoke and i was more than willing to give you control. You...

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Before I got married I used to enjoy occasionally going out at night by myself and frequenting my favorite adult theater. I would always watch a couple hours of porn and then jack-off in the restroom before returning home. It used to be that guys in the audience were discrete in the theaters. Nobody ever exposed themselves. However, it’d been a year since my last visit and I guess that in that time, things had changed drastically. When I went into the theater this time, the ticket taker...

Oral Sex
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Freshly out of the military and 21 I knew I had to get a good job and was looking in earnest. My finances were OK but not finite so I was in conservation mode and because I was my social life was all but non-existent. Luckily there was a cheap movie theater within walking distance. I went to a couple of times a week and after I would go to an all-night diner, sit at the counter nursing my coffee and watch the world go by. Then she walked in and my life, whichever way it was going, would never...

1 year ago
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I am 25 years old, have been married since I was 22 for three years and I am a very sensual woman, but lately my husband has not touched me. He is a golf addict and lately has been spending all of his time on the golf course, with his buddy next door, who works for the same company he does. The reason we bought this house to begin with, was that it was next door to his buddy and luckily for me, his wife and I hit it off famously. She is a tall redhead, about 5 ft. 10 in., with a model's figure...

2 years ago
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I'll start with a confession. I am a slut. I know I'm a slut and furthermore I enjoy the hell out of being a slut. All it took for me to become a slut was to graduate from high school and go off to college. I was a good girl all through high school. I dated a lot and I did make out with my dates. There was a lot of touching and feeling, but it was all with clothing between the hand and what it was touching. The closest I came to 'being bad' was in high school on prom night. For a couple...

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Candy Finally, it was going to happen! For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations,… Candy Finally, it was going to happen! For years, Candy had imagined planning an awesome pool party, but something always got in the way; family vacations, summer school, lack of friends, the weather; something. Now, however, everything seemed to be falling into place. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson had moved out near the desert in California...

5 years ago
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I met Sandy at a cousin's birthday party. She was a friend of a friend or something - I didn't know who she was, but I'd been noticing her all night. She's a super sexy BBW, long blonde hair, curves in all the right places, and unlike most larger women she seemed completely comfortable in her body. She was wearing a blue blouse which showed tons of cleavage, and a short black skirt, with black stockings and heels underneath. Like I said, comfortable in her body, and happy to be sexy. I...

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Sandy looked around the bar for her husband. She was supposed to meet him for lunch but she was a little early. Rather than standing at the restaurant entrance, she sat at the bar to wait for him. It was her idea to meet for a quick lunch, then the two of them would speed off to a motel for an afternoon of getting reacquainted. Tom, her husband is fifteen years older then her twenty- six, and lately has been spending a lot of time away from home. Either on business trips, working late at...

2 years ago
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"Hi there young man, it has been so long since I have seen you. How are you doing after losing your parents so tragically? It must have been such an awful blow to you. I've been hoping you would stop by sometime so I could tell you how sorry I am. Your Mom and I were such great friends. She was like a daughter to me you know, and you dear man, are still my grandson." "Mrs. Henderson. It is good to see you too. I'm sorry I don't come to see you more often. I will stop next time I come...

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I didn't want to be a cowboy, but I certainly wanted one to fuck me. So, to honor those sojourners of the dusty trails I wrote this.When settlers in the 1870's first used "dude," to refer to pasty-faced Easterners coming to The Rockies, they took notice of men with a distinguishable lilt (I have no doubt), of men with a different spring in their step, of men who had secrets settlers didn't know, and of men Rocky Mountain cowboys would never suspect.A 2K Easterner, I differed from my ancestors...

Gay Male
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(This is a story I wrote back in 2003 to fulfill an online friend's desire for an interracial story, which it is. But I'm just enough of a history buff and a mushball who likes happy endings that this is what the end result was.)The last thing that Abraham Lincoln Tucker remembered was a loud blast as the tank he was walking next to hit another of Rommel's mines. The force of the blast knocked him across the road and into a small grove of trees, where his helmet protected him from a...

3 years ago
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Amy: I know this sounds cliché. I've been keeping it to myself for a very long time because I don't think anyone would believe me. See, everyone knows about Spring flings and Summer hook ups. There's nothing new or novel about it and it's almost become a rite of passage – if you haven't had at least one drunken spring break fuck you're missing out. But this was so much more than a drunken hook up. Sandy introduced me to passion like I've never known before ... or since. I didn't think...

2 years ago
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  It was a gorgeous summer afternoon in Ann Arbor Michigan. The temperature was well into the mid 80’s. Candy was laying out on her padded lounge chair rubbing the tanning lotion into her legs. She wore her new bikini. David helped her pick it out at Macy’s. He loved seeing her wear sexy revealing clothes and the tiny little bikini was no exception.    Cindy’s husband David worked in one of the laboratories for a small research company at the University of Michigan. Married for five years and...

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Here I was, on a Super Constellation. Heading to NAS Atsugi, Japan. Me, a South Georgia farm boy that had never been away from home. I had completed Storekeeper’s School in San Diego, and my first duty station was an AF (refrigerator ship) out of San Francisco. My first duty was Mess Cooking. Army recruits would know this as KP, but the Navy was different. This was a full three-month duty, not completed on a daily basis. During this time, Mess Cooking, I had to see the integration of the...

1 year ago
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I had this really good friend named Dave who also had a friend named Rusty. Well, Rusty had this really knockout girlfriend named Candy. Dave is a real bullshitter and I didn't believe half of the wild stories he told, so I just ignored his comments about how wild Candy got when she got drunk. He told me how Rusty was the type of guy that only wanted it about once or twice a week and Candy wanted it once or twice an hour. Since she was a "good little girl" she couldn't really cheat on Rusty,...

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My name's Candy, I'm, sixteen years old and I've just divorced my parents to prevent either one of them getting their hands on any more of my money.Let me explain, from the age of eight, I'd won a whole series of beauty competitions and therefore a whole lot of money, things were fine at the start, but when I reached my teenage years, I began to ask questions about where all the prize money was going. I never got any satisfactory answers, and my parents began fighting with each other over it,...

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Here I was, on a Super Constellation. Heading to NAS Atsugi, Japan. Me, a South Georgia farm boy that had never been away from home. I had completed Storekeeper's School in San Diego, and my first duty station was an AF (refrigerator ship) out of San Francisco. My first duty was Mess Cooking. Army recruits would know this as KP, but the Navy was different. This was a full three-month duty, not completed on a daily basis. During this time, Mess Cooking, I had to see the integration of the...

5 years ago
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My name's Candy, I'm, sixteen years old and I've just divorced my parents to prevent either one of them getting their hands on my money. Let me explain, from the age of eight, I won a whole series of beauty competitions and therefore a whole lot of money, things were fine at the start but when I reached my teenage years, I began to ask questions about where all the prize money was going to, I never got any satisfactory answers and my parents began fighting with each other over it so I began...

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"Would you soap my back?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at me, smiling. Standing in a communal shower, the sounds of other people laughing and bathing reduced to a backdrop of sound, a distant hum, I stared at her. I'd met Ann the evening before, soon after I'd arrived at this weekend workshop. Located in a hot-springs area in northern California, a clothing-optional community that found its roots in the hippie days of the 60's, it had enjoyed a renewal in this new-age decade. A...

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Roger a fifty-four years old widower lives in the southern part of the USA. He stood about five-foot five, has average weight, black hair, brown eyes, and a muscular build. He doesn’t consider himself handsome, or someone women would find attractive. So he doesn’t have an interested in looking for someone, or dating. He spends his week like the average man, working, taking care of his home and son. While shopping at the local market one Friday he met and has become friends with an older woman...

2 years ago
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A True storyI work as a handy man and get to meet lots of people doing lots of diffident jobsI have to tell you about a lady i work for, she calls me up once a month to do little jobs around her home, she is a lot older than me she must be in her late sixties but really looks after herself, i had been working for her for about a year when one day i had just finished a job and mentioned i had to leave early to go home to clean up as i was meeting my daughter later. She asked me if i wanted a...

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Jackson Davis lived in a trailer in the woods east of Smyrna, Tennessee on the banks of Stewart Creek. He was proud to be a redneck. He was barely literate, far from hygienic, and his only close relationship was with Jack Daniels. He enjoyed drinking, Nascar, pro-wrestling, and porno. Statistically speaking, he was more likely than most to be abducted by aliens. Nevertheless, it still came as quite a shock when the big glowing sphere bathed his pickup with an eerie green light as he drove home...

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Ive never told this before but wanted to now. Sandy was the girl i dated for nearly 2 years and i thought i would be with forever [ when your young thats how it seems to always feel!!] We met in high school and began dating and we enjoyed nearly everything together, friends, school, everything. We were both teens and innocent. Neither of us had ever had sex and we sort of agreed until we got to 18 we would not. We made out a lot with a lot of hot kissing and learned together how to kiss and...

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Chapter 1 – BastardI could not move my arms. Feels like I am bound somehow. And I felt a bit out of it. I couldn’t see as well. Initially I didn’t know why. God damn it! I must have been drugged or something. Panic began set in. Where am I and who has done this to me? No doubt I have been kidnapped somewhere. And I must have been blindfolded as I could not see anything at all. Soon however, I began to get some feelings in my arms and legs and my previous assumptions have been right. My arms...

4 years ago
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He was the perfect gentleman. I'd been working at Junior's, an old fashioned ice cream parlor in the tourist trap part of town known as The Riverside for a couple of months. He came in at least once a week, had a single scoop of chocolate ice cream and always he made me laugh. His name was Craig. I'd guess his age at about 50. He looked his age, but in all the right ways. He had thick hair, black at one time but now going white. The streaks of white hair from his temples and forehead looked...

2 years ago
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Okay. Call me stupid if you want. But I am still alive aint I?Maybe my plans didn’t go exactly according to plan, but it was only a slight oversight. And thanks to Jack, it all ended well.It was the weekend before last, and I set myself a challenge, as I often do. It wasn’t, perhaps, the most sensible of challenges, but, in my mind, once I think of an idea, it burns in my head until I do it.A little about myself I guess would help.I am 36 years old, and an outright masochist. No matter what...

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Bob Milton was 55, his life was a mess. He was literally broke. He had had enough. More then anyone could take, he thought as he parked his Ford F150 Pickup Truck in front of the liquor store. He was a recovering alcoholic but tonight he just couldn't take anymore. He just could not think. He could not handle the thrashing he had gotten from his ex-wife about their financial affairs or for forgetting important things. He was three months shy on his alimony. It was just beyond his means for...

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You work at a gym. Your not the trainer or teacher there. You just the guy who clean the trash in the place. You

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Noturnal Games

Hi Iam 29years old, 5 ft 11 and possessing an athletic physique, and big dick – 8 inch when hard (mota lund). This happened when I was staying at a friends place as a part of Barasaat, being his marriage to a very nice girl. At the time all us mens are staying together in one room, there being no a/c and it is month of May,I am feeling the heat very much so, and am also thinking of finding fucking somewhere. I am in habit of going to answer call of nature at night and also having the cold bath...

3 years ago
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The Return of Red Blade

This is the fourteenth story set in my Legacy Universe and like the others is a stand alone story. You don't have to have read any of the others to understand this one, but it might help to have read Glamour Girl and the Infiltrator. This story is shorter than any of the others in this universe and was originally intended to be a bit of a quickie inspired by the powers of a character from Glamour Girl, though it did end up a bit longer than originally intended. The Return of Red...

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Jack Jen I Move Marisa

For those keeping track: In our last episode I had hooked Jenny up with Jack, the trainer from the gym, in exchange for which my wife was promising all kinds of delicious rewards. I had also agreed to help Marisa, that little firecracker, move in with Jenny, and had recruited Jack's help.I was harboring all kinds of naughty, salacious thoughts, involving Marisa, Jenny, threesomes and foursomes (and more-somes). But for now, time to get to work.* * * *Cheryl and I had an understanding. Saturday...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam Victoria June Voluptuous Victoria

This is Victorias first time being LIVE on camera and what a natural she is! She loves to see and read her fans excitement knowing they get to watch her fuck in some of their favorite positions. She listens to your requests trying to fulfill them all while letting Jakes large cock fuck that tight shaved pussy of hers! She gets his meat in between those beautiful large tits loving how it looks in her cleavage while Jake titty fucks her! She wants that hot load of his opening up her mouth for her...

1 year ago
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A Little Asian on the Side

Most of the time I like to consider myslf a rather loyal boyfriend, but there is only so much temptation that a man can handle. Like Chris Rock so elequently said during one of his brilliant stand up routines: "A man can only be as loyal as his options..." I never really thought that it was true when I first heard it, but today I live by it as if it was a passage from the holy book itself. It's eaning defines how men act and behave in society today, and I literally am no different and am just...

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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 11 Back Door Man

NIS Day 4 – Late-Morning – 9th Grade Health Class, Medway High School 11:37am, Thursday, November 1, 1979 “It’s good to see that a few of you accepted my invitation to join us, today,” Mrs. Bumstead said to the four tenth grade girls who walked into this ninth grade health class and sat over near the windows. “When you said we could bring our lunches up here, it was a pretty easy decision to make, Mrs. B,” Cindy Baer replied as she fidgeted with her brown lunch sack. I knew three of the...

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