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Ill Fated Life By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction written in the first person. All standard disclaimers apply. No use other than for private download is authorized unless approved by the author. This is a "voluntary" forced feminization story centered in the "real world" Universe. A young man is given a free choice but his decisions are not in his own best interests. Comments are welcome but remember this is not for the faint or delicate of heart. [email protected]. Ill Fated Life Maria Isabella was a Pilipino who married my Dad when I was in high school. I was seventeen at the time but did not begrudge him for marrying her. He had been divorced for over then years and if he wanted to screw up again that was his problem. That is what I thought at the time any way but how wrong that assumption proved to be. I was seven when they divorced and don't remember much about my Mom. From the very few pictures of her that were left in the house, I could tell she had been a very pretty young woman. Chestnut colored long wavy hair, petite with a nice pair up top. Dad was five nine and wiry with little or no body fat. He was incredibly fast on his feet and I guess that is why he did as good as he did on the job. Unfortunately, I took more after my real Mom than my Dad. I had her small pert nose, rounded chin, small frame and clumsy. In junior high, I picked up the nick name of "Squirt." With Dad's job we were constantly on the move. I've been in more school than I care to think about. We moved here in the middle of my senior year and I quickly picked up the same nick name from the bullies. I didn't really object as that name was a lot better than some I can think of. Dad worked as a "Private Security" guard for an internationally known CIA contractor. He met Maria in Manila while on a rest and recuperation leave from the Middle East. She was short yet fairly well built, about an eight on the ten point scale with black penetrating eyes and quick temper. She was about ten years younger than him and ten older than me. She was amazing with a knife. I saw her demonstrate her talent once soon after she arrived. There was a pesky bottle fly buzzing around the kitchen, almost as soon as the fly landed on the wall, a knife blade was sticking in the same spot. The bottle fly had been cut in half. It happened so fast, I never saw where the knife came from. When she moved in, I was totally indifferent to her. Like I said, she was my Dad's problem. Since I was almost old enough to join the army like my Dad had, didn't take too kindly to her ordering me about. I think she hated me from the start and we didn't see eye to eye on any issue. She didn't like my long greasy mousy brown hair or my attitude. We maintained a sort of uneasy peace until Dad was killed. I was just waiting to graduate so I could join the Army when the news came of his death. I was almost nineteen then but I still cried like a baby. I don't remember seeing Maria cry. She didn't cry when the notice arrived, she didn't cry at the funeral and she didn't cry at the reading of the will. I was balling the entire time. To make matters worse, Dad had left everything in Maria's name. I guess he figured that the Army would take care of me. Well that was fine by me. I missed two weeks of school due to the funeral and my depression. Taking my finals was a bitch but I muddled through. With my degree in hand, I headed to the nearest Army recruiting office. During my physical, the Doc's discovered that I had a heart mummer whatever the hell that was. My enlistment papers were promptly stamped 4-F and I was told to go home. I tried the Navy, Air Force, Cost Guard and even the National Guard but was turned down by them all. If I thought I was depressed over my Dad's death, this rejection knocked me off my feet. I pretty much stayed in my room feeling like the biggest loser in the world. Without the military, I was nothing. I had no money to speak of so I couldn't afford college and had no job skills. Ooo About a week later, Maria marched into my room, looked around, then shouted at me to get my ass out of bed and clean my pig sty. I didn't give a damn, so I gave her the finger. When I say that was a bad idea, let me tell you, it was a very very bad idea. The next thing I know, she grabs me by my pony tail and drags me not only out of bed but out of my room and I'm naked. I had a flash back to the old cartoon about Oop the Caveman who always dragged his girlfriend around by the hair. I'm surprised that she didn't grab his wooden club and bash his brains out after the first time he did that. Being drug around by your hair hurts like the dickens not to mention the damage done to my bare butt. When she finally let go, I was in the bathroom. I didn't know where to put my hands first. Do I message my burning scalp or do I rub my aching butt or do I cover my genitals? Seeing just how mad Maria was, I decided to cover by groin in case she decided to give'm a good kick. "You stink like the pig you are and that sty you live in. Since you act like a pig, I will treat you like one and give you a bath. You stay right where you are while I get everything ready," she yelled. Turning her back as she reached into the linen closet, I decided the best thing to do was get the hell out of there and away from her. Bad idea, before I could fully sit up there was a knife shivering between my legs and way too close to my family jewels. "I have another ready to pin you where you sit if you make another move," she said surprisingly calm. I froze. I may be slow and clumsy but I'm not stupid. I sat with my eyes glued to that blade sticking through the rug and into the parquet floor below. I had never been as scared in my life as I sat there. "This woman is crazy," I thought. Turning from the closet, she was wearing a white plastic bib apron and pink rubber gloves with the cuffs turned up. Her arms were laden with who knows what as she went to the counter top and put them down. One item glared out at me from the sink. It was a pink and white box clearly labeled, "Bulb Syringe" with the picture of a smiling woman. A large jar next to it had in black block letters, "Depilatory." "I'm in deep shit!" I thought as I heard her turn on the faucets in the tub. As water began filling the tub, she grabbed a jar and bottle off the counter and poured some of their contents into the water. The room quickly filled with the aroma of sweet flowers. Next, at the sink, she turned on the taps and plugged the drain. Reaching over, she picked up the box labeled "Bulb Syringe" and withdrew the contents. It was a big pink flexible rubber ball with a large ridged white plastic nozzle of some sort. Turning off the taps, she fastened the nozzle to the ball, squeezed it and submerged the tip into the water. With a sneering smile on her face, just daring me to do anything, she told me to get up and bend over. I wasn't about to argue and did as I was instructed. I felt the gloved hand press into my back and something probing my ass hole. I yelped like a frightened dog as she shoved it in and began working it in and out of my burning rear end. I tried to stand but she moved her hand from my back and grabbed my testicles. I kept my in position but my ass squirmed as she manipulated the nozzle. Finally, I felt a rush of warm water flooding my rear passage. I felt her remove it and heard it land in the sink. I started to rise but her grip on me tightened then she pushed something inside my hole and released her grip. "Now let that clean you out while I give you a bath," she said then started laughing. I have never been so embarrassed or humiliated in my life as she turned me around with her hands on my shoulders. Looking down, she started giggling and said, "I see you really enjoyed that. Maybe you like it so much that you can do that every day from now on. It proves what I though all along. You're not the man your father was that's for sure. You couldn't even get into the army and that tiny thing is what probably kept you out. They only want real men not sissies like you." OMG! I had a hard on! I stood there beet red as she just grinned broadly and told me that I had better behave. Next, she picked up the jar that said, "Depilatory" and began spreading it all over my body. From my neck down to my little toe, I was covered in a thick paste that began to reek and burn my skin. "Stand there with your arms stretched out and don't say a word," she ordered as she removed her gloves. I was hopping from one foot to the other when she finally said for me to get into the bath. It was full of multi-colored bubbles and smelled strongly of flowers. I didn't care as long as it would ease the burning of my skin and I quickly stepped in. It was hot and I had to ease my ass down but as the water ran up my body the burning lessened. As I settled into the water, she had changed her gloves and placed a plastic shower cap over my head tucking my pony tail inside. OMG! I can't begin to tell you how mortifying that bath was as she scrubbed my groin and between my ass cheeks. Out of the tub after my hair had been shampooed and conditioned not once but three times, she handed me a fluffy towel. Patting myself dry as she instructed, I saw that all the hair on my body was gone. I tried my best to stifle a groan as I saw my hairless groin but she must have heard. "What's the matter? You finally able to see that little worm down there?" she laughed. It was so totally embarrassing. My dick wasn't the biggest but I thought it at least average. Looking at it now, all pink and shriveled, it was more like a pre-teens dick. It made me ashamed to call myself a man. It was a little kid's dick. At least it wasn't standing at attention anymore. Dried off, she told me to sit on the toilet and remove the string hanging from my ass but not to drop it into the toilet. When I looked at her with a question forming on my lips, she said, "It's a tampon and won't flush. Pull it out and wrap it in some tissue and toss it into the basket." With that odious task done, she had me lower the lid and sit back down facing away from her. Maria combed my slightly below the shoulder hair straight, parting it in the middle and at the forehead. Using a pair of scissors she trimmed off the split ends and lifting my head back, snipped the hair just above my eye brows. My humiliation didn't stop there, no not by a long shot. She had me get up and move over to the sink where she bent my head over it. She had on a pair of those clear plastic gloves like you see them wearing in the school lunch room. With my head bent over and my eyes closed as directed, she began messaging something into my damp hair. When she had finished, my hair was colored neon red. Back on the toilet seat, she began rolling my hair with one inch wire rollers with a stiff bristle inside them. She tugged them tight and my scalp was seriously irritated by the bristles. My bangs, she formed what she called pinwheels and held them in place with bobby pins. I really wanted my embarrassment to end but I was in no position to stop her. With my hair all in rollers, she spayed it with a can of lacquer until the can was empty. A pink hairnet was placed over my head and I was told to get up. Maria handed me a jar of sweet smelling ointment and told me to spread it all over my body. Again the sweet smell of flowers filled my nose as I did what she demanded. It was cool and quickly absorbed into my skin but the sweet smell of flowers only seemed to increase. She took the jar from me and rubbed it into my back and that other place where I couldn't reach. Kneeling in front of me with a giggle, she powdered my groin with talc. Then to my utter horror, she tied a violet colored satin ribbon into a neat bow with long streamers around my shrunken dick and balls. Taking the streamers that hung from the head of my dick, she pulled them through my legs forcing my dick down, wrapped them around my waist and tied them off in the middle of my back. I padded beside her as she led me by the elbow into the kitchen. There she handed me one of her elaborate aprons. It was a gauzy, floral lace trimmed bib apron with embroidered red, yellow, violet and pink flowers on the bib. It tied in the back with a big floppy bow. It went down to my knees and was full enough to almost meet in the back. It looked like a damn dress on me. A pair of pink flip-flops and pink rubber gloves came next. She stepped back, laughed, and told me to take the box of trash bags to my room and everything, no matter what was on the floor, to put into the bags. I'd had it by then and started to tell her that I was so outta there, when I saw the knife in her hand. She was twirling the sharp point against her thumb. The implication was plain and I moved off to my room. She followed right behind me giggling as she went. Oh the indignity of it all, here I was a nineteen year old man wearing a totally sissy apron, pink flip-flops and my hair in rollers and pink hairnet. I didn't even want to think about what she had done to my poor dick. Now I was filling trash bags with not only the trash that had piled up on the floor but my clothing as well. When the floor was finally visible, she ordered me to pull the posters and fold-out I had tacked to my walls. Damn, there goes Miss October and December. There go my two NASCAR posters, my Buc's team poster and Army recruitment poster. When I turned around from pulling the last poster from the wall, my floor was covered in piles of clothing. My underwear and sock draws were open and empty and my closet bare except for one pair of jean and white long- sleeved dress shirt. I started to protest but stopped when she held up her hand. "You have two choices and only two. First, you can toss all that mess into the trash or second, you can put on those jeans and shirt and get out of my house and never return. It's as simple as that. If you stay, you will earn your keep and do exactly what I say. No questions asked, understand? You have one minute to make up your mind," she said. I wasn't ready for her ultimatum. My first instinct was to grab my jeans and shirt and run away as fast as my two feet could carry me. I even took a couple of steps towards the closet. Then it hit me. I have no money. I have no place to go. I don't even have any friends. I would have to live on the streets. I couldn't do that. Well I could but I certainly wouldn't for long. Living here under her terms didn't seem so bad at that moment. I bowed my head in surrender and told her I would do whatever she said. She just smirked and pointed to the clothing on the floor. By the time I had finished picking everything up, there were over twenty bags and not a single stitch of clothing in my room. Hell, she even had me remove the sheets and bedspread and toss them as well. My room was almost as naked as I was. Obviously, she wasn't finished humiliating me as she ordered me to take the garbage filled bags out to the front curb then put the others in the trunk of her car. Did I say that her car was parked out on the driveway? I had the first two bags half way to the curb when I remembered how I was dressed. A few cars drove by as I dumped the bags. Some honked others didn't and thankfully no one walked by. Was I ever glad to get that chore finished. Back in my room, Maria was waiting with the vacuum cleaner. She watched with an amused smile as I vacuumed. I muttered under my breath knowing she couldn't hear a number of cuss words and a few things about what I thought of her. Actually, there were a lot of cuss words. With the vacuuming done, she handed me a dust rag and bottle of furniture polish. I was too tired now to argue so I flip-flopped around the room polishing whatever wood showed itself. As I was finishing up, she stepped out of the room but came back shortly with a pile of pink sheets and white satin comforter decorated with small lavender flowers. With the bed made, I followed her back into the kitchen. I didn't think my day could get any worse but that's what I get for thinking. Seated at the kitchen table, she gave me a manicure. My nails were short as I had the bad habit of chewing on them but that didn't stop her. Some how she managed to round them off with an emery board then glued one inch long acrylic nails over them. The nail length was bad enough but she made me more self conscious by painting them in a bright glistening plumb color. As my nails were drying, she got up and made a pot of tea. Maria came back with two cups and handed me one. "Just to show you I'm not cruel, you can have some tea with me while I explain things to you," she stated. "Jonathan, you are a failure as a man. You couldn't get in the military. You can't even get a decent job and you have no money. Your puny size and I'm not just referring to your height, combined with your lack of courage, makes you noting more than a sissy. We have them in my native country as well and don't mind. They are accepted and tolerated. So that is what I'm going to make you. Yes, don't look so startled. All you have to do is look into a mirror and see what you really are. What I have done is not that much but I'm just getting started. You agreed to stay here under my terms, so you will accept what I have decided. You may still leave but I don't think you will, looking like you do now. You only have what I gave you to wear and can't change what I have done to your appearance," she stated. "Maria, please don't do this to me. I'm no sissy. Look I promise to keep my room clean and find a job somewhere. I'll...I'll even pay rent or whatever I can come up with. Just don't humiliate me like this," I begged. "I married your father to get my citizenship papers. Now that he is gone, I have absolutely no obligations as far as you are concerned. You did nothing to help me or even try to be friends with me ever since I arrived. You never attempted once to be nice to me. I owe you nothing! Nada! However, I do have my baby sister that I want to bring to the States. As it stands, I can only get her here on a tourist visa. She has a very dominant personality and will never submit to a man. Maybe she will take a liking to a sissy boy like you. I have sent her the money to come and she will be here in two weeks. If she likes you then you can marry but we have a lot of work to do before she gets here. You do this and marry my baby sister then I will give you as a wedding present half the money your father left me. If you agree, drink your tea. If you do not, leave now just as you are," she said. Most of what she said didn't surprise me as I figured out long ago that was why she married Dad. I was surprised to hear that she wanted me to marry her baby sister. I didn't even know she had one. Marriage...but at what price? I didn't understand why I had to become a sissy for that. "Maria, I'll marry your precious baby sister like you want. I'll even be happy to do it. Making me into a sissy isn't necessary. We don't even have to like one another. I'll do it then take off. Neither one of you will have to ever see me again, promise," I told her. "Ahhhh, but you don't understand. Under the immigration laws you have to live together for at least three years before she can complete the requirements to become a citizen. Plus she has to meet a morals standard which means she cannot be labeled a lesbian. However, the law says nothing about the U.S. citizen. So you see, you have to be acceptable to my baby sister for at least the next three years. Now, either drink your tea or leave," she informed him. I sat staring down at my long plumb colored nails for a moment or two. What choice did I really have? The same answer popped up, I had to agree. Hell, how much worse could things get. Reluctantly, I brought the cup up to my lips. Maria had a big evil looking grin on her face as I drank my tea. I hoped that I hadn't just made the biggest mistake in my life. Ooo I can't believe what has happened to me over the past two weeks. Once I had said yes to Maria's crazy plan she got to work. On that first day, she took me up to her room where she removed the curlers from my head and brushed it out. Damn, I looked like Orphan Annie. She didn't stop there and started handing me clothing to put on. Green full cut nylon panties with lace around the leg holes. A white nylon/spandex training bra with a pert pink bow in the center, slightly padded cups and slipped over the head was next. It certainly wasn't one of hers and I had no idea where she got it. A white nylon camisole with pink eyelet lace decoration across the bodice and two inches of floral lace at the hem followed. It clung to my torso snuggly and the hem didn't reach my navel. A matching half-slip with two inches of floral lace at the hem was handed to me. She had me sit on the bed as she pulled white nylon ankle socks with a deep frill of pink ruffles onto my feet. The socks were followed by a pair of her white kids with pink laces. They were tight but fit. Standing back up, she slipped a white cotton sundress with pink ball decoration, scooped neckline and spaghetti straps. The dress did nothing to hide the bra's straps. She had me sit at her vanity after showing me how to scoop my dress back under my butt. There she applied foundation, eye liner, eye shadow and mascara. Using a lip liner to make my lips look bigger, she then filled it in with a rich lustrous plumb lipstick. Spaying me down a generous application of floral perfume, she pronounced me ready. "Ready for what?" I asked. "Why our shopping trip of course. You don't think you can keep on wearing my clothing, did you? Here take this purse. I already put the essentials in it for you," she responded. Talk about weird. Stepping out into the open air wearing a sundress and lingerie sent the strangest sensations crawling up my spine. To begin with, the clothing was so light weight compared to my own it felt like I was wearing nothing at all. When the slight breeze lifted my skirt and flowed up my hairless legs, well let me tell you that was an eye opener. Add those sensations with the tightness around my chest and pull of bra straps, the weight of makeup and aroma of perfume my mind was overwhelmed. I think I actually blacked out for a moment because the next thing I was aware of was Maria telling me how to enter a car. As I sat facing away from the car, getting ready to swing my legs into it, a gust of wind blew my skirt up into my face. I still can't believe that I screamed just like a little girl when that happened. I tried to scrunch down into my seat as she drove off but she would have none of that. "Right now you could pass as a rather flat chested girl. If you don't sit upright and do exactly as I tell you, I will tell everyone we meet that you are my sissy step-son which reminds me. We have to give you a girl's name, unless you want me to call you Jonathan. So what do you think about 'Trisha?'" she stated. I became Trisha as she parked the car in front of the largest thrift store in town. I'm sure plenty of the store's patrons recognized me for what I was but nobody said anything. I got some stares and heard enough giggles to let me know that. Maria was determined and greatly embarrassed I did my best to cooperate. Dresses, skirts, blouses, short shorts, Capri pants, a couple of skinny jeans with floral embroidery on the legs and backside, one pair of black dress slacks in a crepe de chine, bras, lace frilled slips and camisoles, panty girdles, two utilitarian corsets, garter belts, four very feminine nylon and chiffon baby doll nighties, one florescent pink satin robe, accessories such as belts and purses and finally about a dozen pairs of shoes. The shoes were mostly sling back sandals with nothing less than a three inch spiked heel. Buying the clothing was one thing but she made me try on almost everything. I was mortified each time I stepped from the dressing room and she just had to examine the fit adding to my humiliation. One of the first items she had me try was one of the corsets. It wasn't sexy by any stretch of the imagination. It was made of heavy cotton and satin with metal boning and reinforcing criss-crossing straps. It reached from just below my breasts down to my groin and laced up the back. By the time she had me tightly laced, I could barely breathe. My already thin waist was pulled in to no more than eighteen inches. I couldn't wait for her to take it off but despite my pleas made me wear it. "You need to keep it on so we can get the right sizes for your outer wear," she said with a satisfied smile. With the corset on she had me try each bra for a proper fit. They were all padded 34 "B"s in white, blue, yellow, beige, red, black, peacock, teal and pink. I thought I was going to die when she had me step out of the close confines of the fitting room into the communal area. I put on and took off dresses, skirts, blouses, pants and shorts in record time blushing furiously. At last we went to the check out with me wearing the corset, white 34 "B" satin bra, ecru nylons attached to the corset's garter clips and three inch pink sling backs. With the car practically fully of bags and boxes, I let out a long sigh glad that this trip was finally over. Yeah, right, there I go thinking again. The next stop was the local Target where she purchased my cosmetic and hygiene needs plus about two dozen nylon brief styled panties. Walking down the feminine hygiene aisle always gave me the creeps. To actually stop and examine many of the items and listening to Maria tell me the pros and cons was beyond words. I wanted to die right then and there. Maria handed me her credit card and told me to check out while she got the car. I'm positive the check out girl knew who I really was. It seemed like she called for a price check on each of my hygiene purchases. With each price check, I felt my face flush red and thought my torment would never end. Maria dropped me off at the house and after all the bags and boxes were unloaded went to do some more shopping. I was told to remove all the tags from the clothing and wait for her return. As she put the car into gear, she also told me not to remove any of the clothing I already had on especially the heels. Drat! The heels were killing my feet and I hadn't been in them for much more than an hour. I was so engrossed in my task I didn't here Maria come in. Lucky for me I still had on those detestable heels but I was sitting on my bed. I jumped when I heard her say, "I've got packages in the car. Go get them and bring them in here." As I brought box after box up to my room, I began regretting my decision. One box had padded pink coat hangers. Another was filled with woman's magazines and romance novels. Still another filled with a magnifying mirror, brushes and combs, hair dryer and steam rollers. Where was I going to put all this stuff? That problem was partially solved when a vanity with lighted mirror and pink satin padded bench was delivered to the house. I cringed when they put it in my room. It was so girlie, painted bright white with golden grooves running the length of the spindly legs and around the mirror's frame, dainty gold knob handles and pink satin skirting. That vanity completed the look Maria wanted for my room. My room, yeah, the day after our little shopping spree, Maria made me paint my room. My light blue walls were repainted a soft pink with mauve boarders. A large fuzzy pink area rug was spread out on the floor. The bed not only had pink sheets but was draped in pink skirting and the pillows engulfed in pink ruffled lace covers. The beside table had a square of pink nylon covering it with a white ceramic doll lamp and a white cat faced alarm. One wall sported a large portrait of a ballerina dressed in a flaring stiff white tutu poised on the tip of one toe with her hands touching over her head. The other wall had a boy band poster and one of Justin Bieber, ugh! The bookshelf that I had to paint bright white contained a full shelf of romance novels and two shelves of girlie magazines. On the top shelf, right in the middle, Maria had placed a big fuzzy stuffed bear wearing a pink tutu. On each side of the bear was an artificial flower arraignment. The navy cotton curtains on my only window were replaced with pink satin drapes with a white lace overlay. To drive the feminine touch home, my computer desk had a bright pink computer sitting on it along with an oil lamp. That damn lamp made sure my room was permeated with the smell of flowers. My room embarrassed me and looking back, I'm surprised I didn't raise any objections. Guess I was too afraid of being kicked out dressed in full feminine regalia. It my bedroom embarrassed me, my bathroom humiliated me. The linen closet was painted pink and any thing white not nailed down was removed. Fluffy pink towels and wash cloths had replaced them. My toothbrush was even pink damn it. Then there were the other additions. Bath salts and beads, body moisturizers, sponges, plastic shower caps in assorted pastel colors, pumice stone to smooth my heels and elbows and talc dispenser with a big fluffy applicator were the least embarrassing. The linen closet's top two shelves were covered in my new hygiene supplies like my douche kit, super tampons with pink plastic applicator, maxipads and lubrication for those sensitive areas and treatment for feminine itch. Over the next two weeks I learned how to use everything in my bathroom. I spent hours upon hours sitting in front of the vanity mirror learning how to correctly apply cosmetics and style my hair. There wasn't much I could do to my neon red hair. Maria, once my room was put into order, took me to her hair dresser. There I was given a tight perm, pedicure and manicure and my brows thinned to feminine arches using laser technology. I was assured that I would never have to worry about plucking them again. Before we left Maria made a standing appointment to have the hair on my face, neck, chest down to my groin permanently removed. By the time they had finished removing all my unwanted hair, I was left with a precious butterfly shaped pubic thatch just above my dick. Oh yes, it was dyed pink. What the hell is it with women and their fascination with the color pink? Ooo It was time to go to the airport and pick up Maria's sister, Isabella Maria. Yes, Momma had just switched their middle names. Well, I hoped that Isabella was as good looking as her sister. She was five years younger than her sister which made her five years older than moi. Maria forced me to go with her. During the past two weeks, I had been taken out in public a few times but was nervous and scared. One of those trips was to a mastectomy shop where I was given a pair of "B" cup surprisingly realistic breast forms. I objected when the clinician applied special glue to their back telling Maria they would hold for six months. Obviously my plea didn't do any good. I'm even getting somewhat use to them. At first I hated them. They kept bumping into my arms or into something and limiting my gaze whenever I looked down plus it made slipping on my stomach uncomfortable. I guess she could have given me some humongous ones so I aught to be thankful. For the trip to pick up Isabella, Maria picked out a horrendous outfit for me. I objected to her choice, rather, I begged on hands and knees but it did no good. The bright red panties and matching bra were no biggie. I had to struggle a bit getting the panties situated under the hem of my corset. The only time I have been let out of that hated garment was bath time. A pair of red knee high nylons were next then a pair of canary yellow polyester/spandex Capri's pants that fit like a second skin reaching to just below the knee followed. A light red chiffon off-the- shoulder midriff ruffled blouse completed my dressing. The blouse didn't come close to covering my bra straps and not much to conceal the bra. All I had left was to step into a pair of four inch spike heeled red patent leather strappy sandals. Next, she had me apply my makeup. Black liquid eyeliner highlighted both upper and lower lids while blue blended into green eye shadows coated them. A wet glossy fire engine red lipstick was used to paint my lips. A good spaying with a heady floral perfume and she pronounced me almost ready. I needed accessories of course. White plastic bangles went on both wrists. Four inch gold hoops through my lobes and a gold chain belt around my waist. My hands were encased in white fingerless lace gloves. To make everything perfect, she folded a bright yellow satin scarf and placed it just above my bangs leaving the red spring curls at the top showing and tied it off in a floppy bow at the back. When I saw myself in the mirror I almost cried. I looked just like some cheap floozy at worse or a character out of an old I Love Lucy sit-com. As we left my room, she handed me a red patent leather letter purse. I think I blushed from the time we left the house until sometime after we returned. It was humiliating for me to look the way I did, standing at the luggage carousel, flapping my wrists up and down as I minced after Isabel's luggage. I know I was the laughing stock of the entire airport by the time we got back to the car. Yeah, that brings me to Isobel. My hopes were dashed as Maria squealed and wrapped her arms around the woman stepping out the gate. Isobel was a bit shorter than Maria, pear shaped with a big butt and thighs and damn little on top. When she smiled, her teeth were crooked and her nose a bit too large. Her black hair was cropped short and looked greasy. Oh, be still my quaking heart. My future wife has arrived. Yeah, that last bit was me trying to be sarcastic. I really had to question my decision to marry Isobel just for money. I still didn't have any alternatives and Maria had taken a whole bunch of very embarrassing pictures of me. Ooo The wedding was scheduled for the fourteenth which was slightly less than two weeks away. Isobel was given the small guest bedroom until the day. During that time Maria kept me at my feminine routine and training schedule. I went along with it figuring that once the wedding was over I could go back to being me. I also got to know Isobel a little better and it wasn't good. She was even more dominating and demanding than Maria had been. She was also a lot more physical. She always seemed to have this little leather whip with her and she used it freely on my ass or thigh. If I didn't do something she wanted done immediately, that whip stung like the blazes. The wedding was a simple affair with a Justice of the Peace. Isobel wore a white tux with satin lapels and a white top hat. No, I didn't have to wear a white satin wedding dress but I might as well have done so. Maria selected for my trousseau a pair of white flare leg velvet pants. The flare on the pant's leg started at knee height widening as it reached the cuffs to about two feet. The length of the pant's legs required that I wear a pair of three inch stiletto white satin pumps. The tux styled satin blouse was a baby pink color with vertical knife pleats and white fluffy lace jabot. It was tailored to fit my corset enhanced curves and darted for a tight fit over my breasts. A bright pink satin cummerbund fitted around my waist. For lingerie she selected pink silk brief styled panties, ornately frilled and beribboned garter belt, pink satin with white lace adornment wasp waist corset and satin push up bra. Sheer white nylons with floral lace welts and the traditional blue ruffled garter completed my dressing. My only accessories were white lace fingerless gloves and rhinestone tiara with a short white chiffon veil attached. Blushing bride certainly described me as I walked down the aisle. I felt like a glowing beacon as I slow stepped to the chorus of "Here Comes the Bride." With all the legalities over including the Green Card application, we left the Justice of the Peace's for home. At this point I figured that my duties were over and done with. Yes, I knew I had to physically live with my wife for the next three years but I didn't think I would have to keep up this sissy fa?ade. She could have my old sissified room and I'd take the much smaller guest room. No harm, no foul or so I thought. As soon as we entered the house in the late afternoon I headed for my room. I was stopped in my tracks when I heard Isobel shout, "Just where in hell do you think you are going?" I told her I was going to my room to change then move out to the guest room. "'You promised to love, honor, obey and submit!' or don't you remember your wedding oath. Well? Isn't that what you said at the altar?" she stated. I thought it was just words that didn't really matter since we weren't actually getting married. So that is what I told her. She stood glaring at me and I could tell she was getting in a very foul mood. Her face became this blotchy red looking color and her lips were pressed tight. She marched up to me and slapped me across the face so hard that I fell to my knees and my tiara went flying. There I go thinking again and see where it got me. "While you are down there, you may kiss my feet as you beg forgiveness. You are mine now and you will obey me in all things or else. Now start begging my forgiveness or you'll get much worse," she demanded. I certainly had things figured wrong but with my face stinging like crazy, I decided that kissing her feet and begging forgiveness was a lot better than having to actually kiss her again. Once at the altar was enough for me. Kissing her was like kissing a cold brick wall. Once I had lavished enough effort on her feet, she sent me to her room. I was to pack up all her stuff and move it into our room. She instructed me not to change and that she would be there shortly to consummate the marriage. As I went off to do her bidding, I hoped that her pussy wasn't as cold and hard as her kisses were. I was putting away the last of her clothing, when she entered our room. She was grinning from ear to ear, smelled of alcohol and there was a large bulge in the crotch of her dress pants. That leather whip was in her hand and she swished it against her right thigh. She marched over to where I stood and smacked that whip hard against my left thigh. I howled in pain only to have a red ball gag thrust into my mouth and secured behind my head. She stepped back and said, "Now let that be a lesson and don't give me any shit. Strip and do it slowly and sexily once I get into bed." She quickly stripped off her tux. Underneath, she wore a white leather bra and a great big realistic looking dick and balls strapped to her groin. When she jumped onto the bed, that dick and balls swayed and bounced like the real thing. I stood there with my mouth filled by the ball gag trying to think of a way out. A loud "thwack" as the whip hit the nightstand got me moving. Swaying my hips and shoulders, I began to slowly strip out of my wedding attire. She told me to keep the corset and nylons on but to remove everything else. Stripped as directed, she sat up and put her legs over the side of the bed. Isobel told me to come and kneel between her legs. When I did so, she undid the ball gag and put it on the nightstand. She had me perform oral sex on her dildo until my jaws ached. She got off the bed and forced me across it, spread my legs wide and without preamble shoved that shaft deep inside my virgin hole. I screamed and cried until I lost my voice. When she finished reaming my poor hole, she pulled me up onto the bed, straddled my head and forced me to suck her dildo again. Fortunately, Maria made sure I douched daily so it wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. Cleaned to her satisfaction, she grabbed my ankles, shoved my knees into my chest and entered me again. It wasn't as painful this time but still hurt like the dickens. I won't go into all the details of what happened that night but suffice it to say that by morning I was completely broken. It was mortifying having to take that bloody sheet outside to hang on the line. Isobel wanted every one to know that the bride was truly a virgin and truly fucked that night. Ooo Like I said, after that night I was broken. From then on I offered no resistance to any of their demands. I was kept on a strict diet, given female hormones, did all the household chores. To keep up appearances, I was given five sets of maid's uniforms to wear during the day. They were all "A" line styles, made of semitransparent nylon with white cotton pointed cuffs and collars. They were all different colors, white, blue, pink, yellow and black. The black one was for more formal occasions when they entertained other Filipino lady friends. I really hated those get- to-gathers. It seems I was a great amusement for them. It pleased them no end to have a white American boy wait on them hand and foot. It turns out they most of them worked as maids for white families. Soon after they started me on female hormones, Isabel removed my artificial breasts and began making me use a breast pump twice a day. At night, she enjoyed pulling on my nipples until they were red and swollen. Fortunately she only used her dildo about once a week. I think she did it more to keep my spirits broken than for personal pleasure. Most nights I spent between her thick thighs lapping and sucking on her smelly pussy. During the day I washed the dishes, did the laundry, ironed, vacuumed and all the assorted household chores. I was always in uniform with the proper lacy underwear showing through the thin nylon of the dress and a ruffled white apron. My makeup was always done in a night time look and I always wore at least three inch spiked heels. I occasionally was allowed to dress as much like a man as I could. The effort was not always successful. On those occasions, I would accompany her to her citizenship classes. Apparently, this made her look good in the eyes of the Border Patrol staff even if they frown upon me. After my first year of conjugal bliss, my breasts were a nice firm "A" cup with half inch nipples. For my anniversary present, Isobel gave me nipple extenders. She also rode me hard that night. She pounded that dildo into my ass, pushing up and down, pushing side to side until I passed out. My poor hole had a one inch gap in it from then on. She also decided that night that we needed to get out more. So every Friday evening, she would dress me up then take me to a bar frequented by Filipinos. For those night outs, she would dress me in sexy lingerie usually bright red or yellow undies with nylons and sky scraper heels and a tight short skirt and semi-transparent frilly blouse. Occasionally when she felt especially naughty, she would dress me in black lace frilled undies with a little black dress. It didn't take me long to become a favorite with some of the local men. Isobel insisted that I go back with them to the john. At the end of my second year of marriage, my breasts were a "B" cup with one inch long and half inch wide nipples. For my anniversary present, Isobel had my nipples pierced and gold hoops inserted. She also had a small green parrot tattooed over my left shoulder. Then she reamed me out but good once again. After two years of brutal use, my ass hole was always agape but at least the severe pain was no longer an issue. My second year followed pretty much the same course as the first. I was still the house maid, I still had to use the breast pump twice a day and I still had to go out with her to the bar. By now, if you didn't look between my legs you would think I was a trashy woman. Not that there was much between my legs anymore. Thanks to the hormones and girdles my penis and balls had shrunk noticeably. When I did ejaculate it was in small quantity and thin. My third and final year is here. For my anniversary my beloved gave me a garland of flowers around my left ankle and a colorful butterfly tattoo over my right breast. My breasts are now a "C" cup but my nipples have stayed the same. As a final gift, she had my tongue pierced and screwed me unmercifully. Maria got remarried to an old boyfriend from the Philippines and was planning to move back there when my three years were up. Now sometimes I have to help him get ready for Maria at night. We still go out almost every Friday to that same bar but now it is the four of us and Miguel, Maria's husband, enjoys telling all his buddies what great head I give. Towards the end of the year Miguel and Maria went back to the Philippines. With the inheritance money they can live like kings over there. At last the end of the third year and Isabel is given United States Citizenship. I'm free now and willingly sign the divorce papers. As a parting gift, Isobel gives me four new tattoos. One over my left breast is a red heart with "Isobel" written in black ink through the center. A garland of thorns is inked around my right wrist and a twisting floral vine is drawn across the saddle of my back. The center piece of this tattoo is a broken red heart sitting right in the middle of my back. As a final gift, she gives me a one way plane ticket to the Philippines. I have to go if I want my half of the inheritance money Maria promised to give me. Isobel certainly didn't have it. So I went. Well, it's been five years since I came to Manila. I've been Maria and Miguel maid all this time. When I had first arrived here, Maria just laughed when I demanded my share. There was no way for me to get it from her as she had given it to my wife. It didn't take me long to decide that I was well and truly fucked again. I had no money, no place to live, no food and damn few clothes. Maria said she would take me in if I would be her live in maid for five years. After that time she would see to it that I got safely back to the good old U.S.A. Well it has been five years now. She did keep her promise but now there is no way I could ever pass as male. I am permanently stuck with my only job skills as that of a maid. So why are you reading this. I guess for two reasons, one, I wanted to tell my story and two, I need the money FM pays for stories. Maria told me once that FM pays really good money for a good story. Man I hope this is a good story, I need the cash bad.

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Gilligan and the Morphing Meteorite

****************************** I've always fantasized about the castaways (especially Ginger and Mary Ann). And finally, this idea struck me - I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it. You can send comments to: [email protected] ***************************** Gilligan and the Morphing Meteorite by Elrod W. "Gilligan!" Mary Ann yelled, not disguising the anger in her voice. She stood by the crude table, hands on her hips,...

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Andersonville 5 The Guilty Soul

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Andersonville 2 Judgeless

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Andersonville 1 Home Sweet Home

Andersonville 1 - Home Sweet Home! by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to Susan M. Bidwell - a young lady who died before her time. Andersonville is based on the story "The life and death of Al Parker". Reading the story is recommend to understand some of the discussion in the follow series. Fade in... Dennis Butz worked on some last minute paperwork with a certain relief. In a few hours his dream would become a reality and then the real work would begin. He heard...

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Andersonville 6 Friendship Lines

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Andersonville 7 Soul Mates

Andersonville 7 -- Soul Mates by Kelly Davidson This story dedicated to all the writers of TG Fiction. Fade in... There I was, in the file room working hard to make sense of the mess I had gotten myself into. I had accidentally misplaced a file and suddenly everything seemed to be out of whack, causing me a great deal of frustration. As a private investigator I was never good at filing, that had always been Al's job. Now, unfortunately, the job was mine and asking myself how...

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Andersonville 21 Sins of the father Sins of the son

"Good morning, Miss Anderson," Crius said in a formal tone. "Please, call me, Linda," I replied. "Only if you call me, Crius," he answered. The Titan God smiled, but I detected no warmth to it. "Okay, Crius." I returned his smile with some reservation. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I didn't feel at ease with him. When he had asked me out to breakfast, I had been tempted to say 'no', but my curiosity had gotten the better of me. "So, what can I do for you?" "Nothing,...

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Andersonville 25 Dr Jensen I presume part II

I stood there in my black dress watching them slowly lower the casket into the ground. Standing next to me was my mother, who was weeping softly. Next to her was my sister Jennifer, and she seemed the saddest of us all. Perhaps she was remembering her own mother and father's funeral who had both died when she was just a young girl. On the other side of the casket I could see Crius standing next to Dennis with an impatient frown. He seemed so out of place, and the expression on...

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Andersonville 3 The Price of Revenge

Andersonville 3 - The Price of Revenge by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to all the survivors of child abuse, both physical and emotional. May you find the support and strength to deal with it like I did. Fade in... Linda Anderson - the do anything wonder woman. That's what the job title should have read. Not that I was good at everything I did; I was just expected to do everything around the office. That included making coffee, filing folders,...

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Andersonville 8 The return of Tom McClain

Andersonville 8 - The return of Tom McClain! by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to my good friend Darkside, who inspired me to reach beyond what I thought I was capable of writing. Fade in... "Would you like some desert Linda?" Dennis Butz asked politely. "No thanks," I answered suspiciously. The man had been acting way too nice to me today. It had been a pleasant lunch so far. Dennis had started out by asking how my brother was doing, and I could see that he...

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Andersonville 10 Boy trouble

"Come on out, Linda," Judge Herns told me. "I don't want to," was my reply back to her. "I look ridiculous!" "It can't be that bad," I heard Dr. Green say. "Yes it can," I responded through the closed door. "Why do I have to do this?" "Because it's part of your agreement for having me change you back into Linda," Judge Herns replied a little sternly. "Now come out here so we can see how you look." I reluctantly opened the door and stepped out wearing the ridiculous outfit...

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Willi stays the night

(This is my story I posted some years ago on another site. I thought Hamster readers might like it.) I cannot describe the sensation of having my cock pumped and my balls licked by my wife while watching another man’s arse pulsing up and down between her wide-spread legs, steadily fucking her eager cunt. But let me start at the beginning. We were still 200 kms from home, it was already late afternoon and likely to be dark by the time we arrived. As we drove on through another small town,...

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Willi stays the night

(This is my story I posted some years ago on another site. I thought Hamster readers might like it.)I cannot describe the sensation of having my cock pumped and my balls licked by my wife while watching another man’s arse pulsing up and down between her wide-spread legs, steadily fucking her eager cunt.But let me start at the beginning.We were still 200 kms from home; it was already late afternoon and likely to be dark by the time we arrived.As we drove on through another small town, there was...

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Andersonville 27 What if

It was way too early for someone to be calling. Somewhere in the darkness of my room I could hear my cell phone ringing. Looking at the clock on my dresser I cursed - it was 3:30 in the morning. Moving my hand in the direction of the annoying sound, I found the phone and turned it on. "Hello," I said in a curt fashion. I wanted the person to know I wasn't happy about this early morning wake up call. "Good morning, Linda," Dennis Butz replied crisply. "I'm sorry to call you at...

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LILLI Dosto main hu zuvi,maine almost antarvasna ki sabhi stories padi hain or ajj v agar koi new story aati hai to voh mere PC main save hai,lakin dosto main yeh nahi kehta ki har koi jhuth likhta hai kiyunki yeh to such hai ki bina personal experience ke koi v baat likhna namumkin. hai,sari stories pad ke mera v dil kar raha hai ki apke sath mere sex experience share karu so dosto sab se pehle to am very sorry,be’cz i Dont know hindi typing so you manage plz i beg you to dosto suru karta hu...

4 years ago
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Andersonville 11 The God Slayer

There we were, two girls having lunch on a cool, April day - only that wasn't the case at all. Neither of us was who we really once were and only one of us was a girl. At least that's what I kept telling myself. As I began my second year as a citizen of Andersonville, there were times I regretted my decision to be turned back into Linda Anderson. It wasn't that I hated my life; I just didn't feel natural living as a woman. In all fairness, I most likely would have felt as...

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Andersonville 17 Childhood

Fade in... The town of Andersonville Larry Smith, Bill Maxwell, and Steve Anderson walked across the school grounds. They didn't have football practice today, but that didn't stop the boys from pursuing other types of sports. They were heading for the park to shoot some hoops. The three of them looked like a group of typical teenage boys, but there was nothing typical about them, or for that matter, anyone else in Andersonville. "Is Sally going to meet us there?" Larry asked....

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Andersonville 18 Love and War

There I sat shifting through the many piles of papers lying on my desk and wishing I were somewhere else. It was truly amazing how many reports passed through my hands to be filed or used to type up other reports. I knew that at least half of them would reach Judge Jasper's desk, where he would study them for a few minutes then put them in his out box to be filed by you know who. What surprised me was how much information Judge Jasper remembered. He would quote me numbers on the...

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CillaChapter 3

Eggs and bacon again for breakfast. I’d better keep dancing or I’d get fat. I didn’t get much sleep last night. I couldn’t believe how much my life had changed in the last month. I felt Ann was opening up little. Three days ago she hadn’t let me touch her at all. Last night she asked me to hold her for a dance. Damnit, this was unsettling! I was attracted to Ann, I had to admit that. She was so much like her sister who had been in and out of my mind for the last nineteen years. Of the three...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 26 Hate Crimes

Fade in - Somewhere in the Northwestern United States Leo knew he was in trouble the moment he came out of the portal. The place where he was supposed to have gone looked nothing like where he was. Instead of being in the Arizona desert, he was in a canyon surrounded by high cliffs and tall pine trees. On one of the rocky bluffs he caught sight of a herd of wild mountain goats walking along a precarious ridge. "Oh crap," Leo shouted, mostly out of a reaction to the fear he...

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Andersonville 24 Dr Jensen I Presume

"She's here," Leo said in a respectful tone. Crius grunted, and slowly rose from the chair in his tiny but comfortable study. His new accommodations, a single story house with two bedrooms, were smaller than what he was used to, but still better than what the Olympians had provided him with. He entered the living room, and waited for a woman in her early 60's to get out of the car. She walked slowly, with a limp, as she made her way up the entranceway. Leo ushered her inside,...

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Andersonville 29 Terror from the sky

Fade in -- North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Cheyenne Mountain Command Center General Grim walked swiftly down the carpeted hallway flanked by two high-ranking Colonels who served as his aides. His mood matched his name. Anyone who dared wake him in the middle of the night had better have a good reason, and this one certainly fit the bill. Over the past two days his facility had tracked an object just beyond the orbit of Neptune. Normally it would've been...

3 years ago
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Chantilly Brown

Spelling is Kissock English * * * INTRODUCTION President Brown’s daughter Chantilly disliked being jobless and socially isolated on the allegedly sun-drenched tropical island of breeze-caressed coconut palms and mile-long white-sand beaches that tourist brochures label unabashedly, ‘A Romantic Dream Destination’ and ‘Fantasy Island Is One Credit Card Zap Away’. Only yesterday a 7-year old runaway from school endeavouring to escape harsh discipline was hiding between ‘breeze-caressed palms’...

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Andersonville 4 Fallen Star

Andersonville 4 - Fallen Star by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to the volunteers and workers of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and other related, drug rehab programs. Fade in... I couldn't believe I was sitting here. Twelve years ago I was at the top of my game. 'Mack the knife' the fans use to call me. They gave me that name because I would slice through the defense of any team in the NFL. My team, the Cincinnati Bengals, was 14 and 2 going into the playoffs. We...

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Andersonville 14 The Mailman

Flashback - Three months earlier... Judge Jasper opened up the chamber door with such great force that he almost ripped it from its hinges. Behind him followed Andrew Marshall (Mars), Pete Akins (Apollo) and Ashlee Gang. Jupiter slammed the crumbled note down on his desk in rage and faced his two sons. "This is intolerable!" he almost screamed. "A few months ago it was just one person, today it's two. What's he going to do the next time, bring in a busload?" "Father,"...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 20 The Cure

"Good morning, Crius," Dennis Butz said. "And to you - 'brother'," Crius replied with just a hint of sarcasm. The Titan God was seated on the back porch of his new residence having breakfast. He was dressed in his traditional long, white robe with an oversized hood that was common before the war with the Olympians. Nearby sat Lucus, who eyed the director carefully. Dennis gave him a frown and sat down. "Where's the suit I got you?" Dennis inquired. Crius grunted as he...

2 years ago
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CillaChapter 2

Ann and Danica went with me on Monday when I returned to work. I placed both in jobs to learn their duties from the people who did the same work. I left at eleven to drive Anita to the truck stop. She wasn’t in there long when she came out telling me she was starting work the next morning. She would be using Ann’s car to go to work. I asked, “Do you want to return to the store now or may I take you to lunch?” “I think lunch if you have time.” We went into a small diner and sat in a...

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Billys Introduction to a Sexfilled Weekend

Introduction: This work of fiction is based on a theme suggested by regular reader TexasDave14. The story is completely fiction, although the characteristics of the featured individuals are based upon real people. In 1985 we moved to Charlotte from Raleigh when I took a new job at a civil engineering firm. Connie had been an office manager at an insurance company before we moved, but decided to take the summer off before looking for employment again. However, we were soon to become involved in...

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Billi Jos big brother revised

Introduction: submissive girl finds out who her true love is Bye Billi Jo lifted herself up, caressing the back of Dereks head, as they made sweet little kisses. Bye&hellip, he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She did not care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her boondocks family. Dont mind her. Billi Jo said as Dereks hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him...

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Billi Jos big brother revised

"Bye…” he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She did not care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her “boondocks” family. “Don’t mind her.” Billi Jo said as Derek’s hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him thinking she was fat. She was fat, as far as she was concerned and nothing like her stick of a roommate. “Mmmm… I love your big ass.” Derek said as he...

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Billi Jos big brother

Introduction: girl learns to be submissive to her brother Bye Billi Jo lifted herself up, caressing the back of Dereks head, as they made sweet little kisses. Bye&hellip, he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She didnt care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her boondock family. dont mind her. Billi Jo said as Dereks hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him...

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Billi Jos big brother

"Bye…” he replied. She could hear her roommate gagging in the background. She didn’t care. She had moved to the city three weeks before, ready for college and a new life away from her “boondock” family. “don’t mind her.” Billi Jo said as Derek’s hand moved over her plush curves. She tried to remain still, hating the thought of him thinking she was fat. She was fat, as far as she was concerned and nothing like her stick of a roommate. “Mmmm… I love your big ass.” Derek said as he...

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Andersonville 28 Freedom Fighters

Author's notes: Permission to use the names of my fellow authors (and good friends) was obtained before this story was written. Any negative events that happened in this story were explained before consent was given. Fade in... There was no doubt they were in love. My brother was lying on Sally's lap while she ran her long, delicate fingernails through his hair. Steve's injuries were healing nicely, and the doctor had said that he should be able to walk without his crutches...

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Gillians Justice Chapter Four

Gillian's Justice By Michele Nylons Chapter Four - Objection! Gillian Dixon's trial had been running for four days and Annabelle Creighton was steadily building her case. A succession of witnesses provided the jury with evidence that Gillian had the motive, the means, and the opportunity for her to murder Lord Edward Beaumont. It was alleged that she and Lord Edward were alone at the club and his body was found in Gillian's office with her in attendance when the police arrived....

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Andersonville 13 Three Finger Jack

It was a perfect Saturday morning in Peace River. It was warm, but not too warm, and I was out taking a stroll around the town trying to get a feel for everything here. Connie had offered to go with me but I declined, saying I needed some time alone. I hated to admit it, but I was missing my life back in Andersonville. As I walked past Shady Pine Cemetery, I spotted Ashlee Gang laying some flowers on a grave. She didn't seem upset, rather the look on her face was comforting, as...

2 years ago
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Andersonville 30 The Day Dennis Butz Died

Fade in - Andersonville Cemetery 50 years from now. Gently I placed the flowers on the grave of my beloved husband with much sorrow. Three long years had past since his death, and yet I missed him as much as the day he had died. Close by were the graves of my parents, also having long ago gone to their reward. The Anderson's hadn't been my biological parents, but I had called them my own just the same. Next to my parents was the final resting-place of my brother, Steve, AKA...

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Milla la travestie soumise Partie1

Coucou, Hihi! Je voulais vous raconter quelques petites choses intimes de Milla la travestie soumise en formation pour devenir salope.Il y a quelques temps, Milla fait la rencontre d'un homme séduisant sur un réseau social. Plus la discussion avance, plus l'excitation envahit Milla. Et plus elle se livre à une soumission de plus en plus complète. Lui, apprécie beaucoup les propositions et encourage la soumise à dépasser encore davantage ses limites. Elle mesure 5'6 avec un poids de 150lbs, 28...

1 year ago
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Gillians Justice Chapter One

Gillian's Justice By Michele Nylons Chapter One - Gillian Dixon TRANS MADAME ARRAIGNED IN EARL OF BEDFORD MURDER CASE Gillian Dixon, a transgendered woman and alleged Madame of an exclusive London 'Gentlemen's Club' will today stand trial for allegedly murdering Lord Edward Beaumont, Earl of Bedford. No stranger to the criminal courts, Ms Dixon has previously been charged with offences relating to drug distribution, blackmail and solicitation but the cases were quashed when prime...

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Gillians Justice Chapter Two

Gillian's Justice By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - Fleur De Lis Andrew Dixon continued to drink scotch during the one hour drive to Lord Chelmsford's country home. He became a little handsy with his niece but Gillian she figured he'd paid out thousands of pounds for her breast augmentation surgery and for her wardrobe so she shouldn't be too annoyed with him. Besides he would usually have one of his trout-pout bimbos accompanying him who would undoubtedly have given up any...

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Andersonville 16 Venus Child

"Good morning, Mrs. Stover. I'm Mark Merrick and this is Vickie Marshall. We're here to drive you to your appointment." Mrs. Stover looked carefully at the two people standing outside her door. They were both dressed in uniforms that medical people typically wore these days. Unfortunately Mrs. Stover had seen too many doctors and nurses over the past couple of months to know that. They smiled, and she felt at ease with the strangers. "I'm sorry you had to drive all this way for...

1 year ago
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Want to get kinky at Fet Life? Never before have fetishes and kinks been as popular as they are today. I don’t know if it is because the invention of the internet has led to a greater level of transparency and communication when it comes to peoples’ deepest sexual desires or if it is because we are just becoming more open and accepting as a society. Or maybe it is something else altogether. Whatever the reason, more and more people are embracing their kinks, and it is a beautiful thing to...

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4 years ago
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Fated Ch 37

‘Um, there’s something different about you two…’ Eric and I had flown home for Christmas. We would only be home for a two full days before returning to our haven, primarily because I had taken on quite a few hours at the library during the Holiday Break. It was nice to get away from the university and fairly good to see our mother once again, but it was also a very odd situation, as this was the first time my big brother and I were in her presence since having officially become incestuous...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 200 The Fated Duel

Sanosuke: We got all five, just like you wanted! Now it's your turn! Come on down from there! (There is seemingly no response.) Kaoru: He's not doing anything... Megumi: It's because he's so high up. It'll take some time to release the gas in the balloon and come down. Kenshin (thinking): Enishi... (Sanosuke turns on Saitou.) Sanosuke: Hey. Now that we have a minute, I want a word. From now on this is their fight. It doesn't mean anything if they don't settle it themselves. So...

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Tilly was speaking to her mother about her day's activities at school, when she heard her father pull into the driveway. She glanced at her watch. He was home early. The front door opened then slammed shut. Her father appeared at the kitchen doorway. Tilly immediately noticed that he was not happy. So did her mother. "What's up love? Was it a bad day at work?" Tilley's father was a policeman. Most days were a bad day at work. Steve looked at his wife then turned his gaze to his...

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Famille Vendue

Famille Vendue        By chabaLa vie r?elle et nos fantasmes constituent deux mondes distincts et qui doivent toujours le rester. Texte tr?s cru et histoire tr?s hard (violence / inceste). Merci de passer ? autre chose si vous n’?tes pas certain d’avoir envie de lire ce genre de r?cit. Commentaires bienvenus/comments welcome sur [email protected] 1 - La capture.Le monde d’Evelyne s’?tait effondr? il y a deux semaines. Deux semaines depuis leur enl?vement et le d?but de l’ignoble dressage. Et demain, on leur ...

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Milly and Alan decide to spice it up

Me and Milly had been fucking around for about a month now, we had had some good long sessions where I had actually stayed over and slept with her, sneaking around wasn’t too bad either. It had started to get harder as Julie was beginning to ask more questions about where I was. But they weren’t too difficult to fend off. But I didn’t know if I could do it for long. Mine and Milly’s relationship was also developing nicely too. She was sweet and loving, and when we went out of town to do things,...

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Jills Fire

                 Jills Fire                                                                   Chapter 1 Like A Shooting Star                                                                   by roccodadom44                                                                   [email protected]                   Swear I wasnt one of those, you know preying on your teen daughters friends, yuck, it was different, really. Sure I had fantasies, all guys have that fantasy, tagging the nubile teens...

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Willies Legacy

Chapter 1 I'd always looked up to Willie, but that was nothing unusual in itself. He was two years older than I, and he was my brother. He had just turned thirty two when he started having pains under both his arms and a tightness in his throat. Having never had a real illness before, Willie did his best to ignore things in the hope that the discomfort, whatever it was, would soon go away. Two months passed by, and still the pain under his arms remained, and the throat tightness got...

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Gillians Justice Chapter Three

Gillian's Justice By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Cecelia Flick The oak-panelled courtrooms had been purposely designed to look imposing and foreboding to those appearing before the Justices at the Old Bailey but Gillian Dixon confidently strode into the dock looking like she owned the place. "Any chance you're going to show a little respect and servitude?" her barrister Brian McCaffey hissed into her ear before he moved to the front benches and took his seat. Gillian just...

4 years ago
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I owned a bit of land, to the rear of my house, having no use for it myself I rented it out to a local woman and one her daughters to keep their pony on. Sarah was a short woman, broad in the beam, what you may describe as a “country girl”. Jilly, her youngest daughter wasn’t anything like her mother. Although fairly plain looking she was a ponytailed blonde, very slim, 15 years old but had a rack of boobs far too big for her small body frame, it seemed to have appeared overnight! I often...

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