- 2 years ago
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Captivating Lucinda
They must have driven somewhere between fifty to a hundred miles withouta bend in the road or a change in the landscape. Now it was dark and his visionwas restricted to what the car's headlights illuminated and the fault linebetween the black earth and the dark blue sky. Clouds were billowing up asfar as he could tell, blacking out the bright pinpoints of light that not longbefore coated the sky like rhinestones. The monotonous scrub landscape continued.It was an alien landscape to him and he was now resigned to it remaining thatway. A little over a month ago he found this same landscape beautiful in itsdesolation. He briefly looked at Lucinda out of the corner of his eye. Shewas expressionless as she stared into the distance. At one point he thoughthe had got beneath the surface of her countenance but now accepted all he knewabout her was the same hard outer shell that everyone knew as Lucinda. He dismissedhis thoughts, for one thing he had learnt this past month was that he didn'teven know himself so how could he know her? Whether it was Lucinda's eruptionsof instability that prompted his erratic behaviour or whether it was the otherway round he could not say. He went to light a cigarette.
'Please don't' Said Lucinda flatly.
He sighed, replaced the cigarette lighter and threw the cigarette onto thedashboard. It's a long road between love and hate he thought and they had travelledit at record speed. He settled back in the seat and rubbed each aching shoulderin turn. In the distance an explosion flashed, forked lightening ripped thefabric of the sky. A tremor shuddered through the breathless air, slowly increasingin volume before erupting into a great timpanic crescendo.
Ten seconds' She blandly stated, referring to the time between the lighteningand thunder.
Even this he found irritating. She had a way of being moody that got rightup his nose. How could he have ever found it amusing? In a series of intervalslightening streaked the sky followed by violent quakes of thunder. Great globulesof rain splattered the windshield like exploding balls of sputum. Within theminute floods of water were flowing down the windshield almost overwhelmingthe efficiency of the wipers. Max squinted and pressed his nose against thescreen as the quantity of rain impaired his vision. He ploughed on, aware hecould lose sight of the road at any moment.
'Slow down. You're driving like an asshole.' Remarked Lucinda. Aware shouldshe emphasise her concern too strongly she would only urge him on to greaterspeed.
Max carried on regardless but kept at a steady speed. He had no intentionof losing control of the car and ending up off the road and so prove her right.They ploughed on into the storm. His nerves were alight as he drove on theedge of his skills. He felt like his whole body was glowing and was being chargedup by the electric in the air.
'Take your clothes off.' He said out of nowhere.
'What?!' She looked at him with a screwed up face 'You must be mad'
'I said. Take your clothes off.' Trying hard not to lose his temper.
'No.' She said as she returned to staring blankly at the windshield.
Lucinda jolted as though a bolt of lightening had just passed through her.She sat and waited for her heartbeat to return to a more normal rate. Uncertainof his intentions she considered the possibilities before obeying. She pulledher tank top over her head and she then shuffled out of her shorts, remainingin her underwear.
'All of them!' He emphasised through gritted teeth.
Looking at him suspiciously she slipped her arms out of her bra straps, pullingthe bra down and releasing her breasts, then turning the bra round her torsoshe unhooked the bra and pulled it free. He turned and burnt a stare into hereyes as if to say she had not yet finished. She pressed her back against theback of the seat and lifted her ass and rolled her panties off over her thighs.Settling back in the seat she lifted her knees and slipped the offending garmentoff altogether, letting them drop to the floor.
'Happy now?' She said as she raised her eyebrows.
'No.' He said simply and careened the car to the side of the road beforehitting the brakes. 'Now get the fuck out!'
'You're crazy!' She exclaimed. Refusing to believe he meant his command.
'Out!' He leant over her and opened the car door 'Out! Get out!'
'Nooo!' She protested.
'Out out out!' He said as he pushed her out of the car. Lucinda unable tofight his strength, rolled off the seat and out of the car, landing on herfeet, only to feel them sink into the wet earth.
'Stop it Max. Let me back in.' She cried 'Please.' Hoping this was somesort of joke.
'I want you at least ten yards from the car.' He insisted as he pointedinto the night. 'Ten yards!' He emphasised.
Lucinda retreated from the car, on the edge of panic should he drive offand leave her there. For the moment she thought the best thing would be toobey him. Once she was as far from the car as Max had ordered she turned andlooked back forlornly in the pouring rain. Max studied her as she was lit upby the lightening. She was small and fine boned which gave her a vulnerablelook that was now emphasised as she stood with one arm across her breasts anda hand over her crotch. Her bobbed hair was quickly plastered to her skullin the driving rain. When the lightening lit up the landscape he could seeher flinch. Her big mournful eyes pleading with him. She looked like a waif,it always was her way at getting round him, he was too sentimental but notthis time he thought. Lucinda remained exposed to the lashing of the torrentialrain and terrorised by the celestial eruptions that threatened to tear theearth apart and her with it. She had stopped trying to protect her modestyand wrapped her arms around herself as she hunched her back to reduce her vulnerabilitybut remained standing so not to disobey Max, who observed her from the car.Her eyes were wide and full of fear. Max loved those big eyes and would alwayslove those big eyes, long after all vestiges of feeling for her had been expungedfrom his mind.
'LET ME BACK IN THE CAR!' She screamed through the roar of the storm asher nerve began to fail her. Max looked back passively, not so much ignoringher as revelling as she teetered on the edge of panic. The sky fractured andblistered letting out a great CRACK and a blinding FLASH immediately above,prompting Lucinda to bolt for the car. He waited until she was just about todive into the car before pulling the door shut on her. 'Let me in! Let me in!'She cried as she hammered on the window.
He opened the window slightly to make sure she could hear him 'Not beforeyou go back and stand where I told you to stand.' He said firmly.
She turned with a look of defeat and quickly trotted back to where she hadbeen standing. Was her spirit broken or was this her doggedness to do she wasinstructed? He wasn't sure if it was this lack of certainty that left him indecisiveas to whether he should bring the scene to an end or to continue. There wasa certain piquancy and delight in his wickedness that made him decide to continueher torture. Whether love or hate, there was a necessary cruelty that had tobe meted out on the person who consumed ones passions, he concluded. The morehe could enhance her fragility the more he wanted to consume her. He put hisfeet up on the passenger seat and looked through the open door at the forlornfigure that was shivering in the pelting rain. There were times when he couldjust lose himself while he studied her as all sorts of erotic and sadisticthoughts drifted through his head. One moment his hand is stealthily slidingup between her thighs while his tongue fights with hers, the next moment heis pushing her face into the sodden earth as he attacks her from behind. Therewas no way to control the flood of images that flashed up in his head as Lucindawas left abandoned to the elements. She was kneeling at his feet begging himto thrust his erection in her mouth when the spell was broken.
'LET ME IN THE CAR!' She yelled through the rain that was now easing somewhat'PLEEEASE!'
Max suddenly became bored and waved Lucinda back to the car before havingsecond thoughts 'ON YOUR KNEES!' He shouted at her as he changed hand signalsto motion her down on the floor.
She halted for a moment and gave him a look of defiance before seeming togive a mental shrug as if to say, anything to get back to the car. Easing herselfdown onto all fours she splashed her way through the pools of mud that hadformed. He enjoyed watching her breasts gently wobble from side to side asshe crawled back to the car like a crippled beggar. Just as she was about topick herself up to get in the car, he shut the passenger door and opened therear door.
'Get in the back.' Reaching over into the back seat he spread a couple oftowels around and pulled a blanket that was there over onto the front seat'Dry yourself off then warm yourself in this.' He said holding up the blanket.Climbing with some effort into the car she flopped onto the back seat beforecurling up and wrapping the towels around herself. She attempted a few patheticwipes of the towel.
'I'm just spreading shit over myself.' She struggled to articulate throughchattering teeth before pulling the blanket out of Max's hands. 'You can bea sadistic bastard at times, Max.' She lamented.
'You're the one that likes extreme games!' He said defensively.
'I like games that arouse me and end in wild sex.' She said giving up onhim. He noted she said, "sex" as opposed to "love making" andwondered if this was a shift in how she saw their relationship. Relationship,he repeated in his head. She was always talking about damn relationships atone point. Slipping back into position in the driver's seat he started theengine and pulled away.
'Get some rest while you're back there.' He said trying to bring any discussionto a close before it started.
It all started out so well but don't all relationships? There was that wordagain, relationship. He was just sating his lust and while she wanted a relationship.Hell! He had just liberated her from one relationship. She dropped out of universityagainst her parent's will to shack up with a loser. No doubt she was happyfor a week or two while her loser lover had the will and the energy to makesure she went to sleep with a smile on her face. After that she was too proudto admit she had made the dumbest move she was ever likely to make and tooka job serving tables, to spare herself the humiliation of admitting to herselfher parents were right. Then he turned up at the rundown diner with his talkof going to Hollywood with a script. If he had bathed in a tub of pheromoneshe could not have got a more aroused response, she was instantly on heat. Hewas not only someone whose horizons went beyond the town limits but he hadarrived with a dream too. Since then they had been avoiding arriving and justkept driving around fucking each other's brains out, living on the money hehad saved to keep him going while he set up in Hollywood.
Dawn broke on the tail of the storm. Time had drifted by with the mileswithout making much of an impression on Max. He had been busy scouring thetime he had spent with Lucinda. The fresh young woman who had attached herselfto him had proved to have a wild side she had been intent on discovering withhim. She had sucked him into her fantasies with her and with their collectivelack of experience of such mind games had put tensions on the initial trustthey had too quickly cultivated. Where he had been content with the wild abandonand explicit talk of newly infatuated lovers, she had soon confessed conventionalcarnal exploration bored her. "Treat me like a nasty slut that needs controlling" shehad implored. Max had proved lost with this demand and she had been too inexperiencedto guide him. They had pinballed each other unsatisfactorily from one experienceto another, either creating such an erotic tension they hit a heady high ormore often than not, they left each other feeling flat and empty.
He glanced over into the back seat to see Lucinda still sleeping as theyentered the town of Wellbeing, population six thousand seven hundred and twentyfour. His initial impression was a town that seemed populated by old folk andthe young who looked too retarded to cope with a world outside their restrictedhorizons. Maybe it was his metropolitan prejudice that painted such a picture.He drove down the main street and pulled up into a parking lot outside thehardware store. Checking the back seat again, Lucinda was still in Neverland.Tidying the car he left her where she was and made his way across the roadto the diner where he sat at the rear in the shadows and ordered breakfast.From where he sat he could see the car and watch people looking into it asthey passed along the sidewalk.
'I'll have to try some of that coffee myself.' Said a voice.
He looked round 'Huh?'
'You've been sat there with a stoned grin on your face for the last fiveminutes.' Explained the waitress who had been serving him. He gave her a lessvacant smile as if to say he was pleased with himself. She left him to hisbreakfast.
An old man entered the diner 'The country is out of control if you ask me.'
'Why?' Asked the cook behind the counter as though not to ask would onlylengthen the old man's tales of woe.
'Darn naked woman under a blanket in that car across the road.' Said theold man as though he was suitably shocked at such deplorable exhibitionism.
'How do you know she's naked if she's under a blanket?' Came the bored reply.
'You don't get to my age without seeing a thing or two.' Staking his claimas a font of worldly wisdom as he looked round at the car.
Max spotted Lucinda's head pop up in the back of the car like it was on aspring. 'Jesus!' he chuckled to himself.
'What are you laughing at son?' Said the old man raising his eyebrows, drawingMax to say what he's got to say. 'This town has standards!' Max put his handsup in surrender.
'Yep. This town has standards.' Smiled the cook 'That's why everyone is leaving.'
Max returned to observing Lucinda who was looking quite frantic in the car.He slowly finished his coffee and ordered a burger and coke to take out. MeanwhileLucinda was pulling the blanket up round her shoulders while mouthing a curse.Aimed at him no doubt. He paid and took the burger and coke from the counteron his way out and made over to the car.
'Jesus!' Came the greeting from Lucinda as he opened the car door 'Wherethe fuck have you been?'
'Getting your breakfast.' He said handing her the bag. 'You were asleep andI thought it would be a shame to wake you.'
'No you fuckin' didn't.' She accused 'You thought it would be a big laughto leave me here naked in the middle of this god forsaken town!' Taking theburger out of the bag she took a bite 'Where the fuck are my clothes?'
'In the trunk.' He said as he started the car. 'I tidied up in here. It waslike a shit heap.'
'My clothes are not shit. Now turn the engine off and get my clothes outof the trunk!' She said as she spat burger.
Max ignored her 'The guy in the diner said there is a motel on the way outof town. We'll head for there.' Lucinda saw no point in arguing and carriedon eating. Max looked in the rear view mirror. She was pissed but when wasn'tshe? He cruised down the main street scanning the road ahead.
'Why did you do that?' She began again now her burger was finished.
'What?' He said, only half listening as he spotted the motel that seemedfar too large for the clientele it could attract on this dirt track of a highway.Pulling off the road he pulled in front of the office. Lucinda gave up onceagain and waited patiently for Max to return. This time she decided to protestin silence.
'Okay what's eating you?' He asked feeling the ice in the air.
'Oh nothing.' She said 'Just some fucking jerk took my clothes!'
'Here we are.' He said, ignoring her again as he pulled up outside a room.He got out of the car and opened the door and went inside leaving Lucinda openmouthed in the car. She got out wrapped in the blanket and followed him intothe room.
'What about my clothes?' She asked, conscious she sounded like she was ona loop. Turning he gave her a "shut up" look, then pulled the blanketoff her leaving her standing naked in the middle of the room.
'You need a shower. I'm not fucking you covered in that shit.' He said referringto the dried mud from the storm.
'You're not fucking me full stop!' She snarled.
Satisfying herself she had impressed on Max that she was taking a showerfor reasons of her own comfort, she then disappeared into the bathroom. Whenshe reappeared in the room Max was stripped to his underpants and was pretendingto be asleep on top of the bed. He listened to her cursing him about her havingto remain naked because he had not yet unpacked the car. She perplexed Maxwith her demands for him to use her like he owned her and then demand for suchownership to be on her terms. At times he found the stewardship of her eroticfantasies too much and he just wanted to go back to straight forward "whambam thank you mam" sex. How the hell was he to know what turned her on,whenever he made real one of her fantasies she would complain that such a literaltranslation was not enough. He had to use her fantasy like a musician usesa manuscript she would insist and play her like a violin, interpreting theabstract ideas on the page into reality with feeling. Why hadn't he taken adegree in "female submissive erotic psychology" rather than Englishliterature? He felt Lucinda scramble beneath the bed covers and regretted hehad remained on top, pretending to be asleep.
By the time he had woke up the sun was high and the room was sauna hot. Hefelt as though he had a ball of damp cotton wool in his throat and yawned torid himself of the feeling. Lucinda had kicked off the bed covers in an attemptto get cool but remained asleep. She was on her back with her arms outstretchedand her legs slightly parted like she had been poleaxed and maybe she had!Max felt as though he had been in a deep sleep and one deep enough not to bewoken by such an attack on her. Approaching her from the bottom of the bedhe gingerly parted her legs a little more and eased his way up the bed betweenthem until his nose was no more than a foot from her pudendum. Her labia wascute and protruded somewhat, surrounded by neatly trimmed hair. Small almostmicroscopic pearls of sweat had formed on her mound giving off a mellow scentof sex. He had the urge to take a bite of her or violently penetrate her withhis fingers, watching them disappear up to his knuckles. There was somethinginvitingly masochistic about the way she gasped when penetrated, as thoughshe was willing him to ever more aggressive attacks on her. There was a desirein him to step back and watch her respond to being fanatically fucked, in away he that required him to be an observer rather than a participant in theact.
He took off his underpants and released his erection from their restraint.His initial thought was to ease his shaft deep into her cleft but on glancingat her face he noticed her mouth was slightly open. It was one of her fantasiesto wake up to a penis being rammed down her throat and this thought had thereaction of hardening his already stiff cock. He straddled her across her chest,a movement that woke her. Just as her eyes opened he thrust his shaft intoher mouth and thrust hard. Lucinda fought, flailing her legs and arms in aneffort to break free. He carried on thrusting, ignoring her fight. Minutesseemed to pass rather than moments it really was, when Lucinda relaxed andsequenced her breathing to his pumping action. Her eyes sparkled with hungeredarousal. It was at moments like this when Max had done the right thing at theright time, all the angst he experienced in his role as dominant seemed worthwhile. Buttressing himself against the headboard he carried on thrusting downinto her mouth, ever more aroused by Lucinda who had begun to masturbate. Hegasped as he made the last few forceful strokes as he ejaculated into her mouth.
'There's your breakfast, slut.' He cursed, knowing she enjoyed dirty talk.He got off her and dressed as he watched her bring herself off.
After she had savoured the spasm that had welled up between her legs sheturned her attention to Max 'Where are you going?' She quizzed.
'I'm going to get some condoms and finish you off!' he stressed.
'What!?' She exclaimed incredulously 'You haven't got any?'
'No.' He said, giving her a look that suggested he thought she'd understand'Just keep yourself aroused and I'll be back before you know I've been gone.'
'I'm not a clock that can be wound up.' She tailed off, not knowing whetherto believe what she was hearing or not.
'I could always bust your ass. We don't need condoms for that.' Giving heran alternative choice.
'Fuck off and get some condoms!' She bawled, throwing a lamp at him in frustration.He caught it and put it on the floor as he rushed out of the room.
If the moon had a town it would be like Wellbeing, he thought. What amenitiesit had were basic, just the barest necessities to survive. He was looking fora drug store but he had either blinked and missed it or there wasn't one. Notbelieving that even a town like Wellbeing could not have a drug store, he turnedas the town appeared to peter out at the opposite end of the main street tothe motel. It was then he noticed Bernie's Bar. If he could miss a bar he couldcertainly miss a drug store he concluded. The invitation of a beer overwhelmedhis sexual appetite that had been somewhat subdued. After a brief thought aboutLucinda trapped naked in the motel room, he weighed up the consequences andpulled over to the bar. With a bit of luck there would be a vending machinein the john anyway.
In the bar were two guys a little older than him that were drinking and whomhe assumed was Bernie, serving behind the bar. The men looked too bright tocome from Wellbeing so he assumed they were like him, passing through.
He put up his finger signalling to Bernie 'A beer please Bernie.' He said,being somewhat familiar.
'Joe to you.' Said the barman dryly 'Bernie died ten years ago.' Then addingwith an air of resignation 'This bar has never made enough profit to changethe sign.'
Oops, thought Max 'Better make that a large beer then.' Joe gave him a sarcasticlook that said he was eternally grateful, prompting Max to head straight tothe bathroom. There as he had hoped, was a vending machine. First he relievedhimself, where he took note of a series of grazes made by Lucinda's teeth alongthe length of his penis. Everything has its price, he thought with a philosophicalnote. He fiddled with his loose change and won two double packs of condomsout of the vending machine. Pleased with himself he returned to the bar wherehis beer was waiting. He emptied his pockets of a cell phone, cigarettes andthe condoms so he could comfortably bend his thighs and hitch himself up ontoa barstool.
'I can see someone is in for some fun.' Said one of the guys down the bar.
Max gave the guy a puzzling look before realising he had noted the condoms'Oh!' He smiled 'I had my fun this morning.' He admitted, feeling little allegianceto Lucinda.
'So you're out celebrating your conquest?' Asked the guy, as if testingwhether Max's adventure could be shared over a beer or whether it was a moreprivate and intimate affair.
'Well you know yourself, once you've dabbled its no fun hanging around tobe compared.' Smiled Max, betraying Lucinda a little more. 'I'm having timeout before going back to finish what I begun.' He said as if confessing toat least a little emotional investment.
'If you prefer a beer, me and Jeff will go and finish the job off.' Saidthe other guy. Then slapping his friends shoulder 'Hell! We'll have her comingso hard and fast it'll be next month before getting laid crosses her mind again.'
'Oh not with this one.' Said Max carelessly, as he drank beer on an emptystomach. The bar went quiet but an excitement stayed in the air as he sensedthe two guys whiff the vague scent of a brief encounter. He thought how littleover an hour ago as he contemplated Lucinda's lean body, he visualised herbeing taken by another man. The idea he found a turn on and Lucinda had confidedin him that the idea of being taken by strange men was a hot fantasy. He becamea little despondent The last couple of days he had made real a couple of herfantasies which didn't seem appreciated. However this morning's was, he smiledand ordered himself another beer. Any pangs of jealousy were anaesthetisedby the alcohol. He threw a packet of condoms along the bar
'She's at the motel on the way out of town, in room six.' They looked a handsomecouple of guys as far as he could tell. Lucinda might really go a bundle onthem, he thought.
'Are you serious?' Said the first guy as he studied Max.
'Sure!' Said Max with an air of bravado 'Let me know how you get on.'
The two guys looked at each other and laughed 'What's you're game man?'Said the second guy.
'Nothin'.' Max replied, now suddenly feeling a little resentful of Lucindafor being critical of his attempts to make real her fantasies 'Look. I've beenorganising making a few of her fantasies for her....yah know....she tells mewhat turns her on and I sort it......simple.'
The first guy nudged the second as he picked up the pack of condoms 'We'vegot to get going and we're going past the motel. Maybe we'll take up your offer.'He said thoughtfully, as the two guys paid their bill and left. Max was leftalone with Joe, the barman. He ordered another beer.
'Don't you think that was just a little dumb?' Joe commented more than heasked as he placed a beer in front of Max.
'Why?' Asked Max who couldn't see any problem, largely because of the beerhe had consumed.
'You've set those guys up for a rape charge.' Said Joe through pursed lips'Not to mention freaking out whoever the woman is back at the motel.'
'Oh. She's a regular nymphomaniac, she'll take all comers.' He lied, uncertainas to whether he was trying to convince himself of this fact or if he was fendingoff Joe's disturbing observations.
'I hope the hell you're right.' Commented Joe as he disappeared into a roomat back of the bar, leaving Max to brood over his beer.
Max looked into his beer and found no reassurance there. Lucinda would lovefighting with the erections of the two strangers, he tried to convince himself.He visualised a montage of images of her in a multitude of positions tryingto reach for that extra stimulation to send her over the edge. She's a slaveto sex he insisted as he heard her voice in his head demanding more and demandingit harder. However he was not so much convincing himself as stirring up jealousythat had started to twist his guts. He jumped thoughts, what if Joe was right?What if he had set up a disaster? Maybe the guys faced with a beautiful nakedwoman would lose control? Damn. He had encouraged the guys to think Lucindawould throw her legs in the air in an act of surrender but would she? Why wouldhe want these guys to fuck her anyway? Why had he presumed it would be somethingwhat she really hungered for in reality? He got off his stool and lit a cigaretteand walked up and down the bar. What the hell was he thinking of? Why doesn'the just go to the motel and rescue the situation? He looked at his watch asif time was significant in the matter. It would be too late, if anything werehappening it would already be happening. The truth is that frantic as he was,he would have found it unmanly to prevent something that had been so clearlyan invitation. Despite all the jealousy that was fermenting inside him it wasthis need to remain a man in front of his own gender that kept him paralysed.He lit another cigarette only this time he sat back on the stool and forcedhimself to wait.
Joe appeared out of the back 'No sirens yet.' He commented.
'And there won't be.' Said Max trying to keep panic at bay. He ordered anotherbeer, not so much because he wanted one, he just needed a distraction.
'Will you be driving afterwards?' Asked Joe, more out of curiosity thanany safety concern.
'Have you got a problem?' Squinted Max.
Joe put up his hands 'Nope. I make little enough in here.'
Everything went silent again and Max returned to brooding. After consumingseveral more cigarettes and a beer in an effort to control his fretting, hewas shocked out of his self pity by the sudden ring of his cell phone. He madea grab for the phone as though he was in competition with Joe to answer it.
'Max here!' Anxiously announcing himself to the caller.
'YOU ASSHOLE!' Blurted a voice 'YOU FUCKING MANIAC!' The voice carried on'YOU COULD HAVE GOT ME RAPED!'
Max's initial reaction was to pull the phone away from his ear 'Lucinda!Are you okay? Where are you? What happened?' He said wanting as much informationas quick as possible, to ease his guilt more than out of any real concern forLucinda.
'Oh I'm okay.' Came the reply with a sudden softening of tone before anotherblast 'BUT NO THANKS TO YOU JERK!'
'Where are you? Tell me!' He asked urgently.
'Would you believe me if I said I was on my way to Vegas with two of thenicest guys a girl could wish to meet in A FUCKING MOTEL ROOM!'
'I'm coming to get you!' Promised Max.
'I don't want you to.' She replied 'I'm in the middle of a good time, MUSCLEHEAD!'
'ITS JUST A FUCKIN' FANTASY BITCH!' He screamed down the phone.
'Hey if you want to use that language, outside!' Intervened Joe.
'Like who the fuck am I upsetting.' Asked Max 'Your customers?' He addedlooking round the empty bar.
'Adios Max.' Said the voice in the phone.
'COME BACK HERE BITCH!' He screamed at the phone.
'Oi Language!' Said Joe forcefully.
'Haven't you got a dick to suck on?' Asked Max thrusting his finger at Joeas he left the bar, slamming the door behind himself.
Within a moment Max banged his way back into the bar with his arm extendedand pointing a gun at Joe the barman who looked up in surprise, unable to registerwhat was happening.
'HAND OVER THE MONEY FUCKER!' Screamed Max, frightening himself more thanJoe.
Joe put his hands up when reality clicked 'Com'on man. I've got little enough.'He protested.
'ON THE FUCKIN' FLOOR!' Cried Max, poking the gun in Joe's face. 'I'LL GETTHE FUCKIN' MONEY MYSELF!.
Joe looked into Max's eyes and realising how nervous Max was duly openedthe till and got onto the floor. Max jumped over the bar keeping the gun pointingin the general direction of Joe and made a grab for the few dollars in theopen till. Jeez! He thought. This place really is on the road to fucking ruin!He barely had more than his own money back and now he was on the most wantedlist! Meeting Lucinda was like meeting the 'She Devil' he blamed. Within moments,Max was in the car with his foot pressed to the floor and the engine screaming.If his Ford could have done a wheelie down the main street it would have butit couldn't so he just screeched erratically away. After making several peoplescramble to the side of the road in fear of their life, he got to the edgeof town to realise he was driving in the wrong direction. Immediately he puthis foot on the brake and simultaneously made a U turn. Half way through themanoeuvre and almost sending the car into a spin, he remembered that such aturn required use of the handbrake. Almost pulling the handbrake out of thefloor he ground the car to a halt in a cloud of dust, exhaust fumes and burningrubber as it straddled the main street. Unperturbed by his near disaster hestarted the engine again, screeching off in the opposite direction, leavinganother group of people running for their lives. He was quickly leaving Wellbeingbehind him as he sped down the highway with his foot to the floor and his noseto the windshield, willing the car to go faster. His pathetic robbery to regainhis money for gas was quickly forgotten amongst all his other attempts to playthe anti-hero for Lucinda and focused on the job in hand, the road. He hadyet to consider what he would do once he had caught up with the car he waschasing.
After tailgating several cars to study their occupants before overtakingthem and leaving them behind with drivers trembling in his wake, he saw a vaguelyfamiliar Oldsmobile cruising along in front of him. Within minutes he was noseto ass with the suspect car and recognised the back of Lucinda's head. He haddriven up her rear end enough times, there was no way he could mistake someoneelse for her, he maliciously sniggered. It was then he realised this was moreabout him than her, which caused him to ease off the gas and consider thingsa little more. Why had he initiated this chase? Only twenty four hours agohe would have been happy for Lucinda to have left him. He gave up. How washe supposed to know the finer points that were driving him through a mist ofjealousy, lust and alcohol? Pressing his foot on the gas he once again easedup behind the Oldsmobile before blasting it with his horn and flashing hislights at it. The car in front jerked erratically for a moment as Max stirredup a commotion. Three faces suddenly looked round at him, the driver a littlelonger than he should have as the car briefly hit the side of the road. Lucindawas looking at him nonplussed. She had obviously not expected to see Max again,which boiled his blood. He pulled out into the opposite lane to overtake Oldsmobilewhen it accelerated away and started to swing from one side of the road tothe other to defeat his manoeuvre. Several times he was confounded in thisway. There was only one thing for it and that was to scare them into stopping.He again eased up behind the Oldsmobile only this time when it acceleratedaway he stayed right behind it not allowing the car to slow down without havingMax's car hit them. They were up to doing a ton along the two lane highwaywhen the driver of the Oldsmobile cracked, waving his hand out of the windowas he signalled Max to slow down. As the Oldsmobile slowed down Max pulledin front of it to prevent it pulling away. He studied the car in his rear viewmirror and when he was content no funny business was going to be tried he tookhold of a heavy wrench and got out of the car. Holding the wrench with purposehe approached the offending car.
'Give me back my girl or I'll smash this mobile junkyard!' He threatened.
'Now just hold on there!' Said the driver as he sat well back from his openwindow 'She wanted to come with us!'
'Get out of the fucking car Lucinda!' ordered Max ignoring the driver. Lucindaremained seated in the back of the Oldsmobile, her eyes flashing between thethree men. After some silence Max continued 'She's coming with me.' He statedonce again looking at the driver.
'Considering the day's events why the fuck would she want to go with you?'Asked the driver as though he had just played checkmate. Max dropped his pantsand lifted his shirt. 'Okay.' Said the driver, nodding his head slightly 'You'vegot a dead snake between your legs.'
The second guy pushed over the driver and took a look at Max 'Jesus. That'snot human!' he exclaimed.
'It gets no bigger when it salutes.' Said an unimpressed Lucinda.
'It doesn't need to!' Said the second guy more than impressed.
'Are we going to Vegas or are you going to admire his ...his...' She stutteredas she searched for the most appropriate name for his penis in the currentsituation before settling on the proper name '...penis all day!'
Both guys looked round at her and said simultaneously 'I can't match that!'
'Is the world always reduced to the size of your fucking penises!?' She lookedat them in turn before putting her head in her hands 'Oh my god, it is!' Shesaid feigning despair.
Max pulled his pants up and brandished the wrench once again 'If she is notout of your car in ten seconds I'm going to smash your fucking lights.' Hewarned through gritted teeth 'One, two, three, four...'
'Get out of the fucking car. He means it!' demanded the driver as he leantover to open the rear door.
'I'm not!' said Lucinda defiantly.
' GET OUT OF THE FUCKIN' CAR!' Commanded the driver. Freaked by the sheervolume of his voice she leapt out of the car.
'You fucking asshole!' She screamed back at the driver, as she stood therein a shirt that fitted her like a caftan and pants that had been turned upso much she appeared to have great doughnuts round her calves. 'You promisedyou would take me to Vegas, welch!'
'That was before I knew your boyfriend was nuts!' said the driver.
'He gave me away!' she carried on screaming at him 'Of course he's fuckingnuts!'
The second guy leant over the driver again 'Hey. I want my clothes back.'
'Fuck you!' She yelled.
'Give him back his clothes.' Ordered Max.
'If you think I'm going to stand here naked...' She started to say as sheclenched her fists and turned her attention to Max.
'GIVE THE GUY BACK HIS CLOTHES!' He bawled at her.
In a fit of temper she ripped the shirt off, spraying buttons around andthrew the garment at the driver's open window before doing the same with thepants. 'Happy now?' She said as she stared defiantly at Max for a moment beforegoing to sit on a rock at the side of the road.
'You're going to burn sat there naked in this sun.' Max said in a reasonablevoice before adding 'NOW GET IN THE DAMN CAR!' The three men watched her walkover to Max's car in a huff before opening the passenger door 'IN THE BACK!'Max yelled. Lucinda signalled to him with her finger before getting into therear of the car. 'Okay gents. Thanks.' He said to the two guys in the Oldsmobileas if they had just given him directions before following Lucinda back to thecar.
'Think nothing of it. JERK!' Said the driver.
The passenger leant over the driver again 'Do you want your condoms back?'He said holding out the small packet.
'Will you stop doing THAT!' Said the driver getting irritated as he pushedback his friend.
'Damn right I do!' Replied Max as he returned rather sheepishly for the condomsand snatched them out of the passenger's hand. He returned to the car, gettingin behind the wheel and slamming the door. He looked in the rear view mirrorto see Lucinda with her arms tightly folded and her lips pursed.
She took the opportunity to ask 'When do I get to have my clothes out ofthe trunk?'
Max looked round at her and scowled 'When I say so.' He remained staringat her with his face twisted in frustration with her 'NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!'He turned and sat looking forward for a moment waiting to see if there wassome backchat. There was none. He started the engine. The two guys sat in thesafety of their car making exaggerated gestures of jerking off at Max. Maxgot out, only this time he didn't brandish a wrench he was brandishing hisgun. The two guys who were alarmed to see Max back out of the car and struttingtowards them, began to freak at the sight of his gun. The driver of the carstarted the engine and put his foot down and stalled the car, forgetting totake his handbrake off. Within seconds they were looking straight into theeyes of Max's screwed up face. Max shot the six bullets in his gun randomlyinto the windscreen of the car, hitting both guys before turning away and strollingback to the car, not caring if the guys were dead but sure in the knowledgehe'd have no more trouble from them.
Max got back into the car and screamed at Lucinda 'NOW LOOK WHAT YOU"VE MADEME GO AND DO!
Lucinda ignored him and the shooting incident altogether, it was as thoughhe had no more gone to take a piss. She remained sulking on the back seat untilshe could restrain herself no more 'You know this is kidnapping?' she statedflatly.
'So what?' He said, again looking at her in the rear view mirror. Her defiancehad failed to mask the spark that had returned to her eye. Inside he allowedhimself a little smile of smug satisfaction. He was beginning to enjoy hisroll and she could learn to love it or at least get used to it. The beast hasbeen aroused he told himself. If she wanted her fantasies realised he was goingto do it and on his terms. It was not lost on him that to excite Lucinda hejust needed to ignore her whims and do what the damn well pleased with her.He felt an erotic energy surge through his body as he felt in total controlof Lucinda's wayward spirit.
The last river I had to cross was a nameless, northern tributary of the Broad. Winter had finally arrived with day after day of cold rain blowing in from the northwest. The fords were high and I kept going upstream until I found an operating ferry. I beat on the keg intended as a signal drum and a person finally emerged on the far side, waved at me and went to the flat-bottomed barge. Across the roiling stream it came, bobbing up and down, and I loaded my two horses aboard and tried to help...
This is a work of fiction. All characters are of majority age (18 years or older). His Valentine’s gift keeps on giving… I would watch him for hours from my bedroom window. He was the most perfect specimen of a man I ever knew. To this day, I can’t get over how absolutely beautiful he was, in every respect. He was the first man I ever took inside my body. I willingly gave him my maidenhead and have never regretted it for an instant. His family was from Columbia. His mother and father...
Sarah's husband Robert had only been away on assignment for a few weeks when he informed her that he was involved with a woman in Europe. He hoped that any legal proceedings could wait until he returned. In the meantime he instructed a lawyer to draw up papers transferring the house to her name and providing financial support for her. He said he knew she had been unhappy and hoped that she would try to move on without him. Otherwise, he was unapologetic. Sarah assured him she would be fine and...
Group SexIt bothered me that I was even more comfortable with the toilet this morning than the previous night. Could they already have programmed my mind? I simply had no way to know. Most of my reactions seemed as I would expect but I was still thinking Betwan and English was a bit more difficult to dredge up. On the other hand I rationally knew that so far absolutely no chance for escape had presented itself. Until that moment arrived the more comfortable I was with myself the more likely I would be...
I stepped through the doorway, suffering a momentary wave of dizziness then it was gone. Nallen followed then Aneeka; The doorway closed and disappeared behind her as though it had never been. I looked around, amazed to be back in my bedroom, back in the apartment I had thought lost forever. Well, not quite, looking through the window showed me another section of sky rather than the drab building I was used to. A more careful look showed the room itself was different. My vanity was perfect,...
It wasn’t until the next day that I finally got to see a little of Nallen’s world. I was used to wearing blouses and skirts from my days working on The Street in Manhattan, I was not used to actual dresses, but that was what Nallen arranged. The last time I had worn a dress I had been eleven or twelve and my family was attending a cousin’s wedding. I broke up with Jack before any of the high school formals. I grumbled some for show but Aneeka helped me get into the thing. It tied up the...
The next morning a Romanesque couch had appeared in the living room, just like the ones at Fort Lascall. Sigh. Aneeka had rushed out of the bedroom this morning, I’ve no idea where she was off to in such a hurry. At least I was still free of the prisoner rack! I’d almost broken down in tears the night before when I’d been allowed to fed myself dinner. I sighed before allowing Nallen to settle me onto his lap, “Is this something cultural I just don’t understand, this feeding each other so...
It was so nice taking a shower without being in the damned prisoner rack! And this bathroom! It had been both disappointing and not when I’d discovered that the bedroom was the only room from my apartment that Nallen had reconstructed, disappointing because I’d spent considerable time decorating; And not because everything else was very upscale. This bathroom for example, it could have easily accommodated us even if we’d both been in racks; It also had another of those salon chairs. Something...
I couldn’t stop shaking. We were going back to Earth, back to The Big Apple. It had only been a few days since I’d first met Nallen and already I couldn’t even imagine living without him. I knew that simply wasn’t happening - that Nallen needed me even more than I him. But what if Daddy didn’t like him? Tried to make me ‘see reason’ and give him up? I still didn’t know how Nallen was going to explain himself, he just didn’t make any sense in terms of Earth culture. At least I hadn’t missed my...
Nallen kept walking me through the steps needed to heal my father. In truth, it was more him teaching me to teach my father’s body a different way to heal. ‘Physician, heal thyself’ indeed. His case would require huge amounts of food - that missing mass wasn’t going to come from nowhere! - but once started the process would be all but automatic. It wouldn’t require upkeep, not from either of us anyway. Future injuries wouldn’t even require the massive nutritional intake that replacing Daddy’s...
Grabbing Debbie was so much easier than my parents. This time the door could be in their apartment - a place Debbie often visited. Even her parents knew about the girl’s crush, her father once told me in an unguarded private moment that he would rather Debbie be my father’s kept woman than the wife of any of the boys he found ‘sniffing around’ - even if he had to pay to do the keeping! Though she is a very sweet girl it is obvious that higher education is nowhere in her future, not even the...
I was very excited. Today I would see Londrail! Breakfast was another huge meal for Daddy, again all meat, some milk and some vitamins. “One thing seemed strange, I didn’t need the toilet this morning,” Daddy commented when we were finished eating. “I used everything that was available. I do mean /everything/.” I wanted to say “Ew.” But after a second’s thought just shrugged my shoulders. Nallen knew far more about thaumaturgic healing, I hadn’t even had the formal course yet - only the...
It had taken one more breakfast than Nallen’s original estimate but Daddy was now — very carefully! — walking around — with Mom and Debbie’s fussy assistance. Nallen had asked him to wear some just-above-the-knee shorts so that he could watch my father’s new calves work, make sure they were working correctly. Also some light shoes for needed arch support. Evidently walking is just like riding a bike, once you learn you never really forget how. We had decided that Uncle Peter — the man had...
Debbie dashed through the door straight into Mom’s waiting arms. Mom and Daddy had graduated from the training center together but the less I know about their time there the better! I had created the door Daddy had gone through at 4pm each day to check on Peter O’Reilly’s progress, it had taken a full week but now they were done with Earth. And so were we, Uncle Peter and Aunt Franscesca had each told us there was nobody else they were interested in bringing on this adventure. I had attended...
It had been a week now since Uncle Peter and Aunt Fran came to Allland. I had about as much interest in their time at the training center as I did my parent’s visit. Perhaps a very slight bit more, only because I had once fancied Uncle Peter the way Debbie did my father. But Nallen had brushed that interest aside. It was a bit disconcerting seeing them after their time at the center, Uncle Peter had always been a rather quiet taciturn man. But now he and Aunt Fran would stare into each...
I came to a halt - or tried to - when we entered the dining room, Aneeka pushed the frame regardless of my attempt to stop. It was no longer empty. Worse, there was a man. Although it helped somewhat ... a little anyway ... that he too was naked in a prisoner rack, wearing a collar and nothing else. Calling him a ‘man’ might have been generous, he couldn’t have been eighteen yet. He wasn’t even seated, he had been left against the wall. There were also five women, two in racks, three not. All...
I stared up at the stars for a few more seconds. “Why me?” “Come on back inside, let’s not tempt fate, it’s not entirely safe out here.” Nallen held my hand as we walked back to the bedroom, “What do you mean, ‘not entirely safe’?” “It’s the dragons’ mating season. It has been decades since a person was taken but every year a few livestock are lost.” “You’re kidding ... dragons?” “Not at all, you noticed how thick the walls are? They’re why.” I grumbled as Nallen gathered me in his...
The young widow Margaret looked down at her reflection in the icy waters of the mountain stream and saw that her blackened eyes were no longer bruised and disgusting. She knew that they were the reason why the horny braves insisted she keep her face down in the blankets when they were training her for nocturnal service. That sort of business had been happily curtailed recently because the novelty of having a fresh white captive under the control of the tribe had worn off and she had been...
This is my first attempt at writing. There is a long introduction, but if you are patient, you will find an intense scene that should reward you with pleasure. "Glorious euphoria is my must, erotic shock is a function of lust. Temporarily blind, dimensions to discover, in time each into the other." CAPTIVES TO LUST – Chapter One “What am I doing here?” I asked myself that question a hundred times on my flight to Pennsylvania. Was I out of my mind? Possibly. Not in a way that would get me...
Wife LoversIntroduction: 3rd captivity for the guys, with 5 girls this time Captive Co-eds and Librarians First of all, thank you so much for reading my stories and giving them such high marks. I am so gratified to have you like my work. It might help to understand this story if you have already read my other storiesall dealing with human trafficking. If you enjoy these stories, please give me high marks. Im new at this kind of thing, but I would love for you to leave comments of what you would like to...
Barbie Bergen drove her Toyota slowly through the howling blizzard, on her way to a Christian Youth Camp. The rest of her friends were already there, gathered for a weekend ski trip at a nearby resort. The weather had turned bad very suddenly, the temperature dropping precipitously, and Barbie had soon lost her way, having left the main road over an hour before. She peered through the icy windshield, trying to see any signs or markers that would help her find the camp. Barbie was a...
Dark Fantasy/Fiction contains FemDom/Bondage : CAPTIVE : Part 1 He awoke abruptly with his wrists handcuffed above his head to a wrought-iron bedpost, trying to adjust his eyes to the sudden force of sunlight peering in through the window. He had no memory of the evening before and wondered how much he had drunk to wake up in a strange room bound to a bed. While he struggled against his bonds he realized that he was indeed handcuffed and there was no way he was able to free himself. Panic took...
FetishFirst of all, thank you so much for reading my stories and giving them such high marks. I am so gratified to have you like my work. It might help to understand this story if you have already read my other stories—all dealing with human trafficking. If you enjoy these stories, please give me high marks. I’m new at this kind of thing, but I would love for you to leave comments of what you would like to read and how I can improve my writing. I’m just a lonely girl with big natural boobs, who...
Title: The Captive FamilyAuthor: Eros The Captive Family Chapter 1 Bobby Mitchell ducked down quickly in the driver's seat astwin beams of bright light shone suddenly into the rearview mirror.The sound of the approaching car got louder, and the boy prayed thatit would go straight past. The last thing he needed right now was forsome damn good-samaritan to stop and ask questions. Worse still, if itwas a cop, he was done for! Even the dumbest cop in the world wouldn't take long to findout...
The newly relocated Indian camp was pretty much settled into a stable routine when the visitors from the North came to present them with a proposition to locate, capture and help transport captured settler women to the northern territories where females were in short supply and the men needed the solace of a woman’s arms to calm their frustrated drive to copulate with a “real” woman. The local Indian tribes were none too pleased to share their female members with the intruding white men that...
When she opened her sleepy eyes just before daylight the next morning, the captive white girl Margaret was bothered by the fact that it was so deathly quiet all around her in every direction. She didn’t even hear the measured breathing of her captors or any of the other women they had stolen from the French traders looking to make a nice profit on the sale of the remaining white women. She could still see the stars shining down from the blackened sky and the faint rays of daybreak off to the...
Uncomfortable Revelations Pete’s Postal & Frames Shoppe On a deep red piece of soft velvet cloth spread out on the glass counter, a smooth blue with black vein stone that Gems swore was ‘the Siren’s Soul’ was carefully laid out for scrutiny. Two men, Gems and Pete Ashton, standing on opposite sides of the display counter were bent over, looking at the remarkable piece with earnest eyes, their crowns nearly touching. Pete wore a headband magnifier as he peered down at the magnificent,...
CAPTIVE AUDIENCE by anyport If anyone had asked me a week ago what I'd be doing today, the last thing that would have entered my head would have been...well maybe I'd better let you decide for yourself. I had the afternoon off, I'm self-employed and am in the fortunate position of being able to choose when I work. In fact, I really only need to work a couple of days a week to make quite a respectable income. Anyway, I'd been browsing round a few shops and decided to look...
[This is something that I wrote prior to Britney, it is not related to my series of stories called Britney.] CAPTIVE By britney kandey CHAPTER ONE: CLUBBING Me and my friend Toby had decided that it would be a good night to go hit the town, and paint it red in the process. We where both very horny after spending the previous 3 months working on a fishing boat. The first stop of the night was the local Irish bar "Saint Patrick's" where it lacked in talent it made up for with...
Captivated by ariel emmsHer still bright eyes looked around the room, meeting the vacant stares of the others. How long, she thought, till that is me. ........... Ariel had been captivated by Callista from the very start. Tall, blonde, striking, Callista carried herself with a confidence and vivaciousness it would have been hard for anyone not to find engaging. Certainly Ariel saw in her the kind of person who just swept up other people and carried them away in her wake. Being more...
This is my first attempt at writing. There is a long introduction, but if you are patient, you will find an intense scene that should reward you with pleasure. ‘Glorious euphoria is my must, erotic shock is a function of lust. Temporarily blind, dimensions to discover, in time each into the other.’ CAPTIVES TO LUST – Chapter One “What am I doing here?” I asked myself that question a hundred times on my flight to Pennsylvania. Was I out of my mind? Possibly. Not in a way that would get me...
Hope you all enjoy the final part of this series. I sure had fun writing it A month had passed and Talise was still captive. Talise was given no chances to run away. Hazma kept watch on her and she had spent each night with Ali. She rested beside Ali and watching him sleep and it was early morning. She was naked and her body well pleasured. Ali had taught her so many new things she blushed just thinking about them. He was sinful and so good looking. His lovemaking was erotic. He worshiped...
Chapter 3: Schooled A female’s lyrical voice penetrated the thick hazy fog of his slumbering brain. He winced and groaned, becoming aware of a silky slender arm around his shoulder and neck. It stirred briefly but didn’t remove its weight. ‘Hello-o-o-o-! Anyone awake aboard?! Wakee, wakee, all hands off snakies!’ His dark head shot up from his pillow when he heard that pleasant feminine voice say the strangest thing. Had he heard her right? He wasn’t sure. He squinted sleepy eyes as he...
Charly sat at the counter at the McDougal Coffee Shop, staring down at her plate. It had been a week since she encountered the four tourists by the lighthouse and she’s made every attempt to steer clear of them ever since. She’d been pretty successful at it so far, but her luck was about to change that morning. She was now quietly gazing down at the toast, over-easy eggs, and a small serving of hash browns on a plate in front of her. A steaming cup of herbal tea stood close by. As appetizing...
Lisa and Ivory had an uneventful ride to next town to meet Agatha. Ivory loved the lavish dress Lisa had clad her in and the carriage was quite comfortable. As they rode Lisa told Ivory Agatha’s story. ‘Agatha is a young widow. Her husband was killed in an unfortunate accident. Her husband was a nice man, I served in her wedding. Agatha was sad for quite some time as She missed Donald a great deal. But as her husband’s only heir, Agatha inherited a fortune. Legally she is under no compulsion...
CAPTIVE.I awoke sitting on a chair in a hollow sounding room. My head was smothered by some form of rubber-smelling hood, I’d fixed enough cycle tyres to know that smell! I was blinded but my nose had two small snotty holes I could breathe through along with an open mouth. My ears, though covered were still keen as my voice echoed in that large blank room.“Hello… Any?” I closed my mouth. In more than an hour, well a long time, I had received no reply as I sat still in that uncomfortable seat...
Ariel knew he’d been watching her; he had to have been, all the way from the garage on that stretch of country road when she’d turned off the main motorway in search of a full tank. It had been her own fault not filling up at the start of her journey but she was impatient and hadn’t wanted to queue. She was almost half way back to college when the car started to protest, the needle showing her petrol tank was almost empty. The cop on the motorbike had pulled her over as soon as she hit seventy...
The bedsprings creaked. Will spun around and positioned himself beside Heather and in front of Sam. Anticipation swelled within Sam. He drew himself up close to the edge of the bed and Will inched his feet further apart. His mighty rod stood tall dead center.“It seems like I don’t have to tell you to watch closely,” Heather said as she crawled toward Will’s lap. “I’m kind of disappointed I don’t have to force you, but this is also pretty great.”“I just—”“Little Sammy just wants to be a part of...
CuckoldThe captive long hair soldier girl known as “Badger Girl” because of her long duration blackened eyes from serious training received at the hands of her captors knew that the last “auction” location for the sale of the female prisoners would be her best opportunity at escape if she could only find a fast horse to carry her to safety. Badger Girl’s real name was Margaret Hatcher and she was the widow of a cavalry captain slain at the burning of Fort McDonald down below the existing border....
It had been a week since she had seen Jimmy, and she was horny as hell. It had been easy to fool everybody. He drove her to the outskirts of town, completely away from his house and she walked half way home, until a cop stopped because she was walking through a slum area where a young white girl was out of place. They recognized her from the description of her as a missing person, and took her home. All the fuss and interviews, when she repeated and repeated the story they had cooked up, were...
The Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. They'd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rock's wife Linda was in the front seat asleep, and the two teenagers, seventeen-year-old Mark and...
____________________________________________________________ David and Linda sat on the couch watching the end of the 11 o'clock news on the TV when the front door of their upscale Maryland home was kicked in and two large men wearing ski masks and brandishing pistols rushed into their living room. David and Linda were both 34 years old. David was 5'7" tall and weighed 147 pounds. He was a computer programmer at one of the Washington government office buildings. Linda was 5'5"...
She didn’t stay in long, the water was frigid and made her nipples so hard they ached, returning to the cabin to stand as close to the fire as she could to warm up. Once dry and warm again, she curled up to await the return of the men and promptly fell asleep. She awoke several hours later to find herself hanging by her wrists from the center beam of the roof, just her toes touching the floor. As her eyes opened she felt nipple clamps close on her nipples and squealed, her gaze meeting that...
She got a fire going and fixed herself some dinner as the sun began to go down. After eating, she cleaned up the pan and then sat staring into the flickering flames of the fire. She could hear sounds made by small night animals passing through the woods around her campsite, but no screaming sirens or honking horns or guns going off. No sound of humanity, no light but the fire and stars above as full night fell. The quiet became more intense, and she suddenly wondered why she could no longer...
Chapter 1 Nassie swung her staff around her body, connecting with the large brute to her left. Stunned, he fell to the ground clutching his middle. Quickly Nassie swung again and again hit a brute to her side. She had been fighting for a long time, heard the shrieks of her village and seen the smoke rise. But no matter how many of the raiders she dropped more kept coming. She knew it was a losing battle but she would not go down with out a fight. Slowly the circle of warriors closed around her...
Introduction: Story by John 2, Posted because I felt like many people havent seen it before Captured Family The Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. Theyd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rocks...
Chapter 6: Gossip and Gains Inside the cavern, the foamy surf splashed high over the rock, sending a spectacular spray of water into the air and over the two men bringing their narrow motorboat to dock. Dressed in a thick parka against the surprising chill on that part of the island, Royce squinted his eyes against the fine briny shower. The islander, on the other hand, didn’t even flinch. ‘You come here a lot, don’t you?’ Royce noted, his deep voice bouncing in soft echoes off the...
This is a romance with nonhuman elements. It is a chapter story that I’ll update as quickly as time allows. This is an original work of fiction. Copyright © 2015 by Catharina_Lit ~ All rights reserved. This work or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a review. Thank you for respecting my hard work. Enjoy! **** The Enchantment When asleep the ocean sound,...
Chapter7: Turning Tide All good things do eventually come to an end. This played in her head from morning, noon, to night and ever since returning to the lighthouse three days ago. And it’s been eating at her insides no matter how hard she tried to squelch it. ‘If only those damned words would stop running around in my head,’ she mumbled with an irate look on her pretty face. ‘It’s not as if I don’t already have so much to think about,’ she added as she opened the glass door to McDougal’s...
Chapter 1 – Suspicions Isle of Enchantment, Eastward Lighthouse No.1 Five years later… East of Maine, and only accessible via the Biddeford Ferry, a charming little island lovingly nicknamed the ‘Isle of Enchantment’ stood serenely in the middle of the Atlantic. It was given the name by the superstitious residents of Mount Desert Island because they truly believed it was an enchanted place. And they weren’t wrong. The little island was a serene, picturesque island with a small...
Strange Encounters Charly closed the heavy wooden door behind her and stood in total darkness. She stood at the top of steps that had been cut into the hard rock, and what led to a secret place beneath the lighthouse. It was this place, the existence of it, and the history of why it came to be that would never allow for the sale of Lighthouse #1. The world could never know that mermaids, indeed, existed. The sound of dripping water and the smell of the sea flooded the darkness all around...
Introduction: Robbers break in and force the family to have sex while being filmed so they will not call the police The publishing rules say that everyone in these stories has to be at least 16 so even though the story is totally fiction, everyone in it is at least 16. Enjoy. ____________________________________________________________ David and Linda sat on the couch watching the end of the 11 oclock news on the TV when the front door of their upscale Maryland home was kicked in and two large...
Honey was blond, with hair the colour of her name. Long and straight, it caressed her delicate features as she stared at her reflection in the bathroom. The foam of the toothpaste whitened her lips as she went through the listless motions of brushing. The activities of her limb as it manipulated the brushing of her teeth caused the soft swell of her breasts to jiggle restlessly. Nude, she paused to gaze at herself in the long mirror on the back of the bathroom door. Her soft blue eyes, falling...
You wake up with a pounding headache, your throat parched; everything is dark, and you realise there is something bulky on your neck, wrists and ankles. After a while, still struggling to remember how you've come to this, you hear a sound of footsteps; as your eyes start to adapt to the darkness,you finally get a glimpse of your surroundings:
TranssexualYou look out from the window from your chambers in the Red Keep. Black smoke rises above the rooftops filling the air with the smell of ash and soot. You cringed at the scent. You always hated it. You couldn't tell if it was from the burning debris or the corpses. Perhaps, it was both. You could hardly believe all of this is happening. Deep down you had hoped you were dreaming. You wanted this to be all just some terrible nightmare, and soon enough you'll wake up in your bed covered...
You are the commander of an army, and your forces have proven victorious over your foes. Now, your forces have informed you of a valuable prisoner that they have taken and is waiting for you to interrogate them. How does it go?
Honey was blond, with hair the colour of her name. Long and straight, it caressed her delicate features as she stared at her reflection in the bathroom. The foam of the toothpaste whitened her lips as she went through the listless motions of brushing. The activities of her limb as it manipulated the brushing of her teeth caused the soft swell of her breasts to jiggle restlessly.Nude, she paused to gaze at herself in the long mirror on the back of the bathroom door. Her soft blue eyes, falling...
BDSMI walk the decks on a cold winters night. The sky is clear and the stars glistening. The men are asleep as its been a hard days graft plundering the imperial fleet. I say asleep some of the spoils were woman so they were having their wicked way with them. I stroll below, the wooden stairs echoing down the empty deck. I sit on a stool and start to admire the more metallic spoils. A sceptre catch's my eye. I pick it up and fondle it. The crystal upon its top glistened brightly and projects candle...