The sexual Adventures of Spidey
- 2 years ago
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Let's get something straight here. Why the fuck are alarm clocks so harsh? I realize that people need to wake up but why to this terrible alarm klaxon. I started using an alarm to wake myself up 4 years ago and already it is making me psychotic. I shit you not. Whenever I hear an alarm while awake, I go fucking insane. I remain cool on the outside, so people think I'm sane and shit but on the inside, nothing is holding me back from taking a sledgehammer to the face of that guy next to me. I also developed an interesting defense mechanism. Whenever I'm lying in bed, asleep, and my alarm goes off, my brain doesn't wake up right away. The first body part to move is my left arm. The moment the auditory nerve sends the signal of the alarm noise to my brain (still asleep mind you) my arm flies out of the sheets straight towards the alarm clock at blistering speeds. The arm is equally intelligent as it is fast. It knows exactly which button to push. It doesn't hit the snooze button, oh no, because it knows that this will only provide momentary safety from the harsh noise. Instead, it goes for the tiny button above the alarm button with the little nipple on top. It goes for this button because it knows that it will turn the alarm clock off for good and successfully end the threat. Most of the time I awake before my arm can finish its task but every once in a while, it moves with such dexterity that I never even wake up. I hate when this happens. It makes me late for school because, like most kids, I set my alarm to give me about 20 minutes to shower, shit, shave, and drive to school. The magical time I was to wake up was 7:40. Because of the delicate pattern in which I follow the afore-mentioned activities to allow maximum utility for my time, waking up even a minute after my alarm should have woke me throws the entire balance out of whack. I looked at the clock. It said 7:50. I said "Oh shit." My mother said "Get up you lazy scoundrel, you'll be late for school." I said "grumble, grumble, grumble."
Normally it takes several seconds to gather my thoughts together when I wake up but when I'm late I'm empowered by this sort of "panic energy". I literally jumped out of bed and as soon as I did, I noticed a difference. Something was ... not quite right. I felt a little heavier, so to speak. Despite my lack of time I stopped short. I glanced over at my wall mirror and instantly remembered the words I heard last night from that crazy black dude in the mirror. Didn't he call himself the Pimp-Fairy? That's fucking hilarious; I'll tell my friends about that one. But he also told me something else.
"Cameron, from this moment forth, you are hereby blessed by the Pimp-Fairy. No more will women idly pass you by. No more will you jack off to cheap porn. No longer will you remain a virgin. You have inherited the Power of The Pimp! From now on, you are irresistible to women!"
I don't know how I remembered that entire paragraph, but I did. Hmmm. I scratched my tummy while I pondered these cryptic words. My eyebrows instantly rose as I felt something strange under my shirt. It almost felt like ... definition. I ripped off my shirt and beheld a body not of this earth. "HOLY SHIT!" I had the tummy of a Greek God. In fact, I had the entire physique of Greek God, and a really crunk-diesel one at that. I still had the same thin frame I always had but I was now equipped with a fully defined six-pack and some kick-ass man-boobs as well. This would certainly explain that strange feeling I had, but where did all this come from? To tell the truth, I really didn't care. I started flexing in the mirror and admiring how goddamn beautiful I was but my mother brought me back to reality, "Cameron, wake up!" God I hate that bitch. I put my shirt back on to avoid the stupid questions she was bound to ask and that I definitely couldn't answer and headed for the shower.
My mother gave me one of those sinister glances as I brushed past her. I tried not to look in her eyes. She was like the medusa. I feigned coughing while calling her a "bitch" but she heard what I said. "I heard that you little bastard" She said, and smiled as she walked away. She always thinks I'm joking when I insult her. Heh, I am SO far from joking. My friends think I'm an asshole for treating my mother the way I do but that's because they don't know what that horrible witch did to me as a child. I was a sick child but had a lot of fun anyways. I had a ton of friends and tons of stuff to do all the time. Then I developed asthma and that bitch started giving me steroids from the doctor to fend it off. Now one thing is true. When you take steroids and work out, they make you huge. Well, when you're sick and young and take them for medicinal purposes, they make you huge too. Those damn pills made me so fat it was frightening. It took me 4 years to lose the weight but I'm still recovering from the emotional abuse of 1st graders who didn't know what kind of anguish they caused by making fun of the fat kid.
I walked into the bathroom, locked the door behind me, and stared into the mirror. I once more took off my shirt and admired the radical change that occurred over night. I gave a good arm-flex but over my bulging biceps I caught the reflection of a clock hanging on the opposite wall. It was 8 o'clock already. I had better put the heat on or I was going to be quite late for school. This was not the time to be ogling over my supremely luscious new body. I pulled the shower curtain open and turned on the showerhead. I tested the water, ripped off my PJ pants, and jumped in. It was then that something hit me. Yeah, it was water, but something else hit me as well. Something else felt a little heavier. You know what I mean. I glanced down and nearly fainted. A single ray of light shined through the bathroom window and fell upon my penis. The sound of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus began to reverberate throughout the bathroom. My god, it was beautiful.
I went to bed with a bit less than 6 inches, fully erect, but woke up with what I would guess to be 8 or 9 inches while soft! I reached down and touched it. Every man knows every intricacy of his own dick but this one was new to me. To be honest, it felt a little strange touching a foreign penis. I shook off those slightly homosexual thoughts and marveled at its design. This was no ordinary penis. It looked as if it was sculpted out of marble by Michaelangelo. I could tell that under its rather large surface appearance, it contained a power unfathomable to the ordinary man. It seethed with sexual energy. I knew I was strapped for time but I had to try this puppy out. I mean, who wouldn't? I closed my eyes and pictured Christi Turlington bouncing up and down on my brand new cock. The beast instantly came to life, rising like a fucking Frankenstein. It pulsated with energy and filled up with rock hard power. I couldn't erase the smile from my face if I tried. Well, I started doing my thing, and to make a long story short, I never had a better orgasm in my life. My arm was a little tired from moving up and down my enormous length but it was well worth it. Also, I could kill people with this thing. When I climaxed, it fired about ten shots with the velocity of a .22 rifle. Damn, that Pimp-Fairy is the shit. My shower did take a bit longer than expected, especially since I was late, but I think that's fair considering what he gave me. So far, in one hour of my day, I awoke to find myself wrapped in a fabulous new body with a cock that could make Jenna Jameson scream in pain. Well, maybe not Jenna, but you get the picture. I could only imagine what the rest of the day had in store for me. The Pimp-Fairy didn't even mention a new body. To say the least, I was giddy with anticipation. I got out of the shower and flexed a few more times before I tried to pull my jeans on, failing violently. My legs had grown in size with muscle overnight and I was barely able to pull the fuckers up on the second try, and even then, I had to do several lunges in my room to stretch them out enough to retain my dignity. Satisfied that I didn't look gay, I headed downstairs.
After grabbing a pop tart and scowling at my mother a little more I walked out of the house to my car. If only that fairy could have given me a better car. I sighed upon sight of my 89' Plymouth Acclaim. If you've ever seen this particular model of shit, you know what I mean. As I opened the car door, the pleasant smell of my particular brand of air freshener wafted into my nostrils. Damn my car smelled like weed. I started the ignition and checked the clock. Homeroom had begun 5 minutes ago but I didn't fucking care. I had a huge dick. I pulled out of the driveway and drove to school. 3 joints later I pulled into my parking spot and emerged from my vehicle with a huge grin on my face and a cup of Starbucks coffee in my hand. I usually only smoke one in the morning but this was a special occasion. I had a huge dick. I breathed in the fresh air, slung my bag over my shoulder and walked down the walkway towards my destiny.
I strolled crookedly down the broken cement walkway to the school and sipped some more of my coffee. Have you ever read the label on the Starbucks cups? That shit cracks me up.
"It is a fleeting moment: With the eyes of an artist, the Starbucks master roaster watches for the perfect roast..."
Give me a break, it's fuckin' coffee. And me thinks that that fleeting moment snuck past them this morning anyway. Every once in a while, Starbucks coffee tastes like a bag of hot garbage. Fleeting moment my ass. I should've expected as much when the on-duty master roaster is a scary 6'7" black lady named Jolanda who sounds like Barry White. I'm always wary about women that can crush me with their bare hands.
As I walked into the hallway, I noticed they were barren. "Oh shit," I said aloud while starting to laugh hysterically for no apparent reason. Jesus, I was stoned. Classes must have already started. I was pretty damn late. I giggled a little more and took a slow jog to my locker. The only thing that sucked about smoking before school is that I could never remember my locker combination. On this morning, because I was feeling particularly groovy, it took a modest 7 attempts. I finally clicked open the locker and hung up my coat. Suddenly, my concentration was destroyed by the sensation of two feminine hands squeezing my ass. Surprised, I quickly turned around and found myself face to face with Sasha Yimin. In complete shock, I backed up and smacked up against the lockers. Sasha was the kind of girl that could have that effect on a man. She had that effect on me especially, because I'm such a hit with the ladies (heavy sarcasm). "Oh Randy, I would have never recognized you by the shape of your ass, have you been working out?" Time froze.
While time is frozen, let me paint you a picture of Sasha. First of all, she is hot as hell. She had long black hair to just below her shoulders with a few dark brown highlights. Her face was the perfect complexion, slightly tanned, but not overly dark. Her eyes were bright green and absolutely gorgeous. They were obviously modified by those colored contacts, but it just made her even more beautiful. She also wore just the right amount of eye shadow to make you think she had dark and mysterious intentions. This, combined with her dark eyeliner, accentuated her eyes so that you could easily get lost in them if the rest of her body didn't tear you away. Her red lips were slightly open in that sexy half-smile girls like to do with guys they tease but something told me that she wasn't trying to tease me. Her lovely neck led down to her lovely petite shoulders and arms that were a perfect athletic shape. They weren't so thin that she looked anorexic and they weren't too thick, like some of those beastly basketball players. Her breasts were perfect like the rest of her. About the size of oranges, they were perky with youth. She always walked with her chest jutted out because they were so magnificent. Under those wonderful globes was her stomach, flat with the slightest definition that was barely discernible at first glance. Her belly button was adorable. The stomach is my favorite part of a woman, hinting at the treasures beneath and above, and hers was perfect. Her waist widened slightly to her hips and to her long wonderful legs. They were legs that have never been scarred or chaffed. They were legs that went on for miles. They were legs I'd like to feel wrapped around my back. She was a goddess, and did I mention a cheerleader? She was wearing the standard bare mid-dress outfit of our school's squad, emblazoned with a panther between her tits and adorned with our school's colors, black and dark purple.
To say the least I was stunned. To say it correctly though, I was nearly comatose with fear. I did, however, believe her about my ass. I had checked it out in the mirror earlier in the morning and it was pretty marvelous. Sasha had never spoken to me before and I had never spoken to her. I knew her from a few classes together and from gazing longingly at the cheerleaders every chance I got. Also, she had a nice reputation as a slut. This was good news for me, I guess, but I felt a little sad for her. She was far too beautiful to have a bad reputation. I never thought that she knew me and I guess I was right, considering she called me Randy. Who the fuck is Randy?
"Um, actually my name is Cameron" I stuttered.
"Really?" she said, "I love that name." She spoke very softly and very sexy-like while taking a step forward and placing her hands on my chest. She was now inches from my body. Suddenly my brand new shiny Penis woke up and said "Huh, What's going on?" She continued.
"So have you?" She smiled and tilted her head a bit. "Been working out I mean, I think I would have noticed an ass like yours before." She reached behind me and grabbed my cheeks, pulling them forward, closer to her. I felt her hot breath against my face. Was she drunk or something? Girls don't really act like this. She didn't smell intoxicated. In fact, she smelled intoxicating. I had no fucking clue what was going on. I was too frightened to speak so I just marveled at her beauty a little more. Then I recalled, once more, the words of the wonderful Pimp-Fairy.
"Cameron, from this moment forth, you are hereby blessed by the Pimp-Fairy. No more will women idly pass you by. No more will you jack off to cheap porn. No longer will you remain a virgin. You have inherited the Power of The Pimp! From now on, you are irresistible to women!"
Trust me, that's not the last time I'd recall those words (and that's not the last time you'll see them either). This was just fucking amazing! One of the hottest girls I've ever known was coming on to me like a drunken whore. She leaned forward, pressing her chest to mine, while still gripping my ass. She stepped forward with one leg and slowly began to hump my upper thigh. Her head was resting against my shoulder and I could hear her muffled moans against the fabric of my fleece. "Relax baby," she said and rubbed her hair against my face. I placed my hands on her waist uneasily. I couldn't believe what was happening. She moved her face to the side of my head and circled my ear with her tongue. The feeling was electrifying. "Cameron, I want you now." She said. My cock lurched to full attention stabbing her hips. She smiled and let out the sexiest little squeal I have ever heard. Did I hear her correctly? I could not imagine sex with this girl. It would be too beautiful for words. She stared up at me with those tantalizing eyes and leaned in for a kiss. Her nose touched mine. My eyes closed and my mind began drifting away to paradise...
"What is going on here!" My heart skipped a beat and I immediately straightened up at the voice of principal Lecter. Yes, that's right, Lecter, as in Hannibal Lecter. You know, the guy who eats people? I quickly pushed my dick as far down as it would go and turned to face the fat bastard who was rapidly approaching from my right. Was I really just humping Sasha Yimin with my thigh? And was principal Lecter actually fucking up my first-ever chance to get laid? I realized that the answer to both of those questions was "yes" as Sasha grabbed my shirt and pulled my face to hers. She whispered into my ear, "To be continued," smacked my ass, and starting briskly walking away the other direction. I smiled as I watched her leave: that luscious ass waving me goodbye. "Mr. Blake!" Shit, I already forgot about that cocksucker. I brushed off my shirt and tried to gather my composure. "Mr. Blake, I should have known. You weren't necking with that girl, were you son? I'm sure you know that fraternization isn't allowed in my school."
"Necking Sir?" I started to laugh. Shit, I was still a little high.
"You know what I mean smartass, why aren't you in class?" He stopped in front of me, trying to stare me down with those beady little eyes. Clarence Lecter was a short, fat, near-sighted simpleton who thought he was the shit because he was a principal. He looked a whole lot like that smart asshole Sicilian on "The Princess Bride." INCONCEIVABLE! We had a loving relationship because we saw so much of each other. I had a reputation too, you see, and while "stoner" isn't as bad as "slut," it still managed to put me in a great position with authority figures. He began to sniff the air around me. "Is that marijuana I smell son? Have you been smoking doobies in my school?" I really tried not to laugh, I really did, but hearing the word "doobie" is so damn funny, especially when I'm stoned. I started giggling but snapped out of it as quickly as possible.
"Uh sir ... I really wouldn't know if you smell weed ... err ... marijuana, because I don't know what it smells like." Good lord I was fucked. I messed that up so bad a 2-year-old would have known I was lying. Lester stared at me for a second.
"Step aside son. I'm checking your locker." He gave me a little push aside and opened up my locker. I gave him a 50/50 chance of finding something. I really couldn't remember whether or not I'd left anything in there so I was a little worried.
"Gimme a break Clarence, my power went out last night and my alarm didn't go off. I have a huge sociology test tomorrow and I really got to get to my class before I miss anymore of the review." I emphasized the word "huge" for a little pinache. I gave him my wounded animal look and hoped he'd let me go. Clarence paused and stared at me again.
"My name is Mr. Lecter, smartass, and while I know you're up to something, I'll let you go this time out of respect for your teachers. However, if you ever come in late again, you're mine." He pointed at his eyes and then at me. "I'm watching you Mr. Blake. Get to your class."
I don't why people believe my lies, I'm so goddamn bad at it. Oh well, score two points for me. He turned away and waddled down the hall, his little legs carrying all that weight as fast as they could. Until we meet again, Hannibal, until we meet again. I quickly took the opportunity to review what had just happened. Was Sasha Yimin just gyrating against my crotch saying she wanted to fuck me? It sounded too good to be true but I looked down and my dick seemed to agree, and he never lied. "What the hell?" I said aloud while grabbing my books and stuffing them in my bag. I looked down the hall but Sasha wasn't there. That Pimp-Fairy sure did something, that's for sure. And if that bastard wouldn't have shown up when he did I'd probably have Sasha bent over a desk somewhere, pounding away. That little prick. Oh well, she did say, "To be continued." Indeed Sasha. Indeed.
I gathered the rest of my stuff and sprayed a little AXE on for safety's sake. No sense risking another encounter. I walked down the ever-familiar hall and peered in to my first-period class. He was talking. This was good. At least I hadn't missed a test or anything. I opened up the door.
Don't you hate walking into class late, or anywhere late for that matter? Everyone stares at you and the teacher purposely stops speaking so everyone can hear your pitiful excuse. "Uh gee wiz sir, I woke up today with a new dick and just had to whack off at least once before school today." Yeah, that definitely wouldn't fly. I looked at the class and everyone was staring at me. What a horrible feeling THAT is. "Sorry I'm late Mr. Mathews, I slept in a little."
"That's fine Cameron, just take your seat." I gratefully did as asked. I walked down aisle one to my back row seat where I could happily relax after this morning's harrowing events. I plopped down in my seat and fished out my book. I reached for a pencil from my bag but glanced up and realized that almost every girl in the class was still staring at me. I brushed off my shirt and started looking about me for something wrong. Was there shit on my face or something?
"Hey People," Mr. Mathews shouted and clapped his hands, "We've got class here, remember?" Finally, the girls turned away but a few of them gave me glancing smiles. I smiled back, of course, and reclined in my chair. I guess they were all just trying to fight the urge to fuck me. At least that's what I hoped it was. Considering my little run-in with Sasha it seemed perfectly likely. Hmm, every girl in the school wants to fuck me. This had the potential to be a very good day.
I breathed a sigh of relief to finally be in class and took in some of the scenery. Most of the fine ladies in this class were excellent looking. There was Shannon, the always-nice sandy blonde in the front row. She was pretty hot and had an ass to die for but her attitude and manner just overwhelmed me sometimes. She was one of those girls that were just profoundly happy all the time. It normally just makes her fun to be around but on the wrong day it can provoke you to kill your fellow man. There was Cara, the cute girl-next-door that tried to hide her great looks behind glasses but failed in the attempt because they actually made her look hotter. What was great about this girl-next-door was that she actually was the girl next door. We've been friends since we were little kids and she's always been there for me. We'd gotten along fine for years but lately she's turned into a real hottie, and because I'm a big pussy, this actually drove us apart because I didn't know what to say to her.
Ahh, and then there's Stacey. If God was a woman, her name would be "Stacey." I've had a crush on this girl since the third grade. She's just strikingly beautiful with a great personality to boot. I liked everything about her. Her short blonde hair tied back in a ponytail, sticking through the back of her baseball cap. I've always had a thing for girls wearing caps. I guess it's some kind of fetish for me. She had a great body too although today she was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. Few people can look absolutely amazing in that outfit but Stacey pulled it off easily. She was hotter than hot. She leaned forward in her seat just enough to expose a little bit of her bare back. Hey now, those jeans are a little low. Is that a thong I see?
"Cameron!" shouted Mr. Mathews. I must have zoned out again.
"Huh, oh I'm sorry sir. What did you say?"
"I was just wondering if you could tell the class why Pavlov's dog box was so effective." I had no clue what the fuck he was talking about. Puppy love? Dog box? What?
"I'm sorry sir, I wasn't paying attention." I admitted.
"Straighten yourself up in that chair Cam, c'mon, this stuff is important." Some of the girls looked back at me again and giggled. They were all that I was thinking about. They were all I ever thought about.
Class took forever and I was beginning to fall asleep, still staring at Stacey's ass, when the class bell woke me with a start. I quickly rose and gathered my things. I was nervous with anticipation. How would these girls react to me now? As I walked out of the door, I was greeted by 3 girls, all of them smiling and laughing with each other. "Hey Cam," they said, almost in unison. I smiled and was about to say something back when another girl to my right said, "Hi Cameron, how's it hanging?" If she only knew how IT was hanging she would probably faint. I turned around in the hallway being greeted by every girl that passed, either with a smile, a gesture, or words. Good God, did the Pimp-Fairy really make me irresistible? Gina, a girl I knew for several years, totally hot, squeezed my shoulder as she walked by. I spun around only to see her fleeting smile as she passed. This was amazing. My self-esteem began to skyrocket.
What the hell was going on? I didn't quite know, but I liked it. Every girl I passed stared at me or gave me a sly glance. I was all smiles in return to each girl that passed me by. This was so awesome. I felt like the most attractive being in all of humanity. Hell, depending on how good that Pimp-Fairy was, I could very well be the most attractive being in all of humanity. And I felt it. With each passing, with each stare, with each smile I grew more daring. The feeling of power was overwhelming. I stopped off in the restroom for a quick refresher before my next class. I walked into that bathroom a new man, a confident man. I took a piss while still smiling to myself at my good fortune. "This can't get any better," I thought. I walked from the stall to the faucet and washed my hands. Just then I remembered the event that started all this. It was last night when I spotted that strange black man in my mirror. I leaned over to splash some water in my face and then turned off the faucet. This situation was the same as last night. I half expected to see a weird black dude in the mirror when I looked up. Well, I didn't see the Pimp-Fairy in the mirror, but I did see a beautiful girl standing behind me. I was a bit startled but figured that she must have followed me in here. Why else would a girl be in the boy's bathroom? I turned around to face her and grabbed some paper towels to wipe my face with. I really couldn't think of anything else to say so I just stated the obvious. "Uh Hi. This is the boy's bathroom you know?"
This girl looked really good so I was a bit confused as to why I had never seen her before. She had blonde hair pulled back with one of those plastic claw deals. A few strands dangled on the back of her neck and one strand of hair hung on the outer side of each of her lovely eyes. She had great blue eyes, as deep as the ocean. She had on light lipstick, with a slightly darker lining around and her makeup was done in a way that accentuated her lips. She was smiling and staring at me as I moved. Her breasts were fantastic and she knew it too. She was wearing one the tightest shirts I have ever seen. It really wasn't much of a shirt but it managed to cover up most of her stomach above her belly button and the lower part of each breast. She must have been at least a C cup too cause there was some serious cleavage here. That's quite large for a girl as thin as she was. Her cute belly button was pierced with a diamond stud and her waist trailed off elegantly to her proportionate hips. Some people don't like belly button piercing but I find it extremely arousing. Speaking of arousing, my newly acquired best friend began to stir. She was wearing very short jean shorts below that and her long sensual stems ended in Diesel tennies. The girl had taste.
"You're Cameron right?" she said.
"Yeah," I replied, "Can I help you with something?" She knew my name. It always made me feel good when people I didn't know knew me.
"Oh, you probably don't know me, my name is Janelle. I'm a friend of your sister's." Oh god, she was one of Sarah's little groupies. Sarah was two grades lower than me and extremely popular because she was good looking. My friends were always asking me to hook them up with dates and shit. It was really quite annoying. She did have tasty looking friends though. Janelle reached up and twirled her finger around in one of her loose strands of hair. I love it when girls do that. "I've been over your house a few times but we've never actually met."
"Cool," I said. "What's up?" She just kept staring. I didn't know what to do. "Umm, can I help you with something?" She took a few steps forward, still twirling her hair.
"Actually, I was hoping that you could help me with something." She chuckled slightly at her words. "You see, every time I see you I get this funny feeling that I really can't explain." She started smiling coyly. What is this here? This couldn't be flirting, could it? I've heard of this before but the never actually been the object of it. It felt kind of nice.
"Umm ... ok," I said. I hate myself.
"Yeah," She said, still smiling widely. She kept walking closer. "And the thing is, its getting worse. All the other times I got this feeling I just shrugged it off, but today it feels like I'm going to explode."
"No kidding," I said. Wow, another genius remark from the empty recesses of my resin-coated brain.
"Actually, it's more of an urge I guess." She stepped up right next to me and looked into my eyes. She was about 5'6," so she had to look up at me this close. God, she was beautiful. She placed a hand on my shirt and started rubbing up and down my chest. "Are you starting to get a funny feeling about me?" she asked. My cock started pressing against the fabric of my boxers. What is going on? It must be like all-extremely-hot-girls-try-to-fuck-Cameron-day or something. Girls do not act like this! Actually I thought her whole "funny feeling" approach was cheesy as hell. You know, the kind of crap you read in shitty sex stories or something? The kind of bullshit two-bit authors throw in when they suck at writing dialogue? That kind of thing. Honestly though, it was working. Here is the part where I seize up from fear.
October 22, 1981, McKinley, Ohio “Angie? What are you doing here?!” I asked when she sat down next to me in the lab. She smiled, “I talked to Doctor Stanton and asked if I could be your biology lab partner because they were going to move Sally. She’s with my old team which was two girls and one guy. Now I have morning lab instead of afternoon.” “Uh, doesn’t this just create a new problem?” Mark asked warily. Angie shook her head, “No. Mike and I are friends, but that’s it. We study...
June 11, 1988, Chicago, Illinois After everyone had lined up, Sensei Jim dismissed me and my three charges. I realized that the first thing I had to do was teach them to dress! They carried their new gi and belts with them, and followed me into the small training room. I shut the door behind us as I heard Sensei Jim bark for Jolene to lead exercises. “I’m Sensei Steve,” I said. “That’s the way you should address me here, but not if we meet in public. Sensei Jim is the master of this dojo,...
March 6, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “Are you OK?” I asked Veronica at breakfast. She’d seemed a bit out of sorts the night before when we’d left the sauna, and was quieter than usual this morning. “Yes, I’m sorry. It was just a bit overwhelming. I just need some time to process it. It was strangely liberating being in there naked without any of the guys staring at me. I would never have expected that.” “Because nudity and sex do not have to go together,” Kara said. “That’s probably the most...
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hi,im rahul from delhi,22 yrs old.Im sharing d most sensseional experience wid my elder sister whose name is radhika,27 yrs.she had completed her finals of mba last year n now working in a multinational company.she had a very attractive physics,very fair complextion,a gud hieght n most famous “d glamarous looks”.All things happened when we were at home toghether wid our parrents on holidays. Radhika n me r just true n very close friends,we have talked on very topic in d world.We understand each...
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005 (Continued) When Sensei arrived, my girls and I went out to greet him. I did the introductions, including Mom when she came out a few seconds later in case Sensei didn't remember her from when she'd delivered me to the dojo. Mom directed us into the living room, where three more introductions were made. Sensei was still wearing his Aikido clothes, a white gi with loose black pants over the top of the gi's white pants, so he certainly looked the part of being my...
Intro This is a story about a woman who just wants to live a blissful life as a housewife. But when her husband refuses to work again after losing his job, she struggles with the role changes that happen in her life. All she wants is for her husband to go back to work but he seems to like being at home too much... This is my first story so please leave a review and be kind. I'm sorry if the story is a bit long winded in some areas. It's a slow story with a lot of conversation and...
It Just Makes Sense My step daughter Kari and I had never gotten along, really. She hadn't approved of her mom's divorce, and she certainly didn't approve of living with her mother and me. She was sullen, hostile ? then again, aren't all girls? Still, I should have been suspicious when she started burning me CDs of some of my favorite music ? Irish folk songs mainly ? that at one point she had described as about as far from cool as you can get. At this point she was a psychology...
Sense Sense by The Qmoqdedicated to JadeTiger, with thanks to Suchaminx for proof-reading Chapter 1 - Sense of Discovery To cut a long story short, I married him a year and a bit ago, we fucked like rabbits for three months, every touch from him was electric, and then it cooled. I got used to it. When we were together in the bedroom, his touch still got the same physical response from me, everything clicked and twitched and goosebumped and shivered, but the emotional response wasn?t...
Intro Hi everyone, here's the next chapter... And believe me, I couldn't have got this out if you hadn't left all those wonderful reviews for the first chapter. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. All those comments were amazing. Like I said, I'm new at this and I had no idea if my style or my ideas would mean anything to anyone else. But I guess they do...Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Like before, please please leave a review after you read this. Again, lots of internal...
I awake to the sun shining in my eyes, I blink confused at first. Oh man I'm late already damn! I rush to the sink and splash my face with water. Jeez Ino is gonna kill me. I stare at myself in the mirror and grimace, I've gained even more weight recently. I'm about 5'9, 240 pounds... It's a real burden in a village full of striking beautiful ninjas. My teammates serca and inori are always commenting on how I will be a virgin forever... But they are very wrong. Me and the girls just graduated...
BDSMI awake to the sun shining in my eyes, I blink confused at first. Oh man I'm late already damn! I rush to the sink and splash my face with water. Jeez Ino is gonna kill me. I stare at myself in the mirror and grimace, I've gained even more weight recently. I'm about 5'9, 240 pounds... It's a real burden in a village full of striking beautiful ninjas. My teammates serca and inori are always commenting on how I will be a virgin forever... But they are very wrong. Me and the girls just graduated...
BDSMI stayed late at work Monday to develop and begin printing my new nude photos from the Lodge. I took some of the first 8x10s over to Blaise around 8, which, of course, led to intense lovemaking and a deep sleep in his arms.Tuesday night, I finished the prints and began scanning them to create another photobook. Blaise stayed with me and he ended up on his knees in the darkroom with my cock deep in his throat. We’d never done anything at work. But, I’d fantasized about it several times. The...
Gay MaleToday was the day Jonathan would turn his life around. He liked to claim his boring, unfulfilling life wasn't his fault. He blamed processed foods, distant parents, addictive video games and an under stimulating education. Maybe under different circumstances he'd have become someone fit, popular and outgoing, with a trendy place and a devoted girlfriend. Maybe. But no amount of wishing changed the fact that the Jonathan that existed was a fat, lazy, lonely and above all...
Intro Hi everyone, here's chapter 4... I'm so so sorry it took me so long to get this out! And thank you again for being so patient! With this chapter, I decided to get back to what I always felt was the core of the series - the inner dialogue, the feelings that our heroine goes through as she tries to make sense of everything that is happening. I hope I captured that well enough. So apologies in advance - it's a bit slow and there is not as much titillating stuff in here as there...
It was the fourth time I saw her that I nearly got up the courage to approach her, but she got to me first. “Hello, finally.” I felt as if sinking into warm isolation as her eyes drank me in.“Hello,” I responded lamely, then rallied gamely, “At last I have the pleasure of your company.”A smile spread across her face like the sun breaking through clouds, “Come here often?”“Never before.”“A shame that.”“Oh?”“Best coffee in town. You’ve really missed out.”Looking steadily into her eyes, I said,...
SeductionEditorial comment The information presented in this book is a compilation of court documents, obtained by judicial order during legal processes, as well as interviews of the participants who would give them. The intent of this book is to reveal to the public the kind of details that would quell rumors and fake news surrounding Bobby Wilson and the controversy that currently whirls around him. The government has gone to extreme lengths to attempt to subvert his legal rights, and the public is...
For a few days, Jason seemed wary around Dani. A couple of times when he worked overtime, he slept on the couch instead of coming to bed. Even when he did come to bed, he didn’t wake her when he got home, as he usually did. Finally, Dani confronted him. ‘Why does it seem like you’re avoiding me?’ ‘I’m not avoiding you,’ he protested. ‘How can I avoid you? We live in the same house.’ ‘Jason, don’t start with the doubletalk.’ Jason sighed. ‘All right, fine. Maybe I have been avoiding you....
It was difficult to coordinate the Christmas shopping that year. Since their first married Christmas, Jason and Dani had divided the shopping: Dani went by herself to shop for Jason and her parents, and Jason went by himself to shop for Dani and his parents. They went together to shop for Jason’s brothers and their families. After Anna was born, they had also taken turns taking her out to get presents for each other. Now, with three kids, it wasn’t as easy. Melanie was too young to make any...
"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said.As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Leina remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....
"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said.As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Leina remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....
"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Lena remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....
"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Lena remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....
"Come to this new club!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. As she and her girlfriends approached the tiny building, Lena remembered why she hated places like this. Too loud, too crowded, too...much. Her head was already pounding and they were still more than 50 feet from the door. She groaned."Why did I let you guys talk me into this?""Because," her friend Ali answered, "you're 25, you're single and you deserve it. Anyone does after a 70-hour work week."Lena couldn't really argue with that....
Intro Hi everyone, here's chapter 3... I decided to let our heroine take a big step forward here, and added a little more spice... and remember, this is I took some you may need to suspend reality just a bit. :) As always, please tell me what you think. Every comment is welcome and I just absolutely love reading everything that you write. Reading your reviews make my day. Thank you so...
The flaw in the plan, of course, was that there was no way to confirm that Bobby was right when he pointed in some direction and said that the man or woman in the photograph was “that way”. Again, though, by accident we learned something. Or thought we learned something. In addition to direction, he got a sense of distance. We couldn’t verify that, either, but the most interesting thing was when he looked at the picture of a woman in a picture taken at Sea World. The photo was of her...
“PLEASE!!,” I screamed, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH” I reached for Pool’s hand, this time looked up and forced myself to return her eye contact point blank. “I REALLY AM SCARED.” I was being truthful, I continued to cry louder and I figured they could read it for what it was. I was being totally honest, had broken macho’s spell, let fear out of the bag and my erection was dwindling away, me refocusing on tears. “I, I, YII, YYIIII, I-don’t-know; I’m really scared I just don’t think I can do this...
Anna Crowe was a happily married woman in her early twenties. She worked at a winery and collected wine bottles of all kinds in the cellar. Her husband was Malcolm Crowe, a child psychiatrist that worked for the city. One fateful night, Anna entered the house and went straight to the cellar without bothering to check up on her husband. She looked over the wine bottles for the right occasion to celebrate their anniversary but then felt a chill go through her as if something was amiss. She...
What has already been presented explains a lot. I’ll go into detail later on that, but where I want to start is at the trial, because the trial, and the efforts of our attorney, Mr. Douglas Baldwin, who is my hero, are the reason the public is able to see this at all. I want to start there, but I can’t. That’s because you need to know more details than the court documents provide, and about what happened after we escaped from Cheyenne Mountain. I’ll start way back, with when we were still...
‘Mommy, is it Halloween?’ Anna asked. Startled, Dani looked at the calendar. It was October twenty-eighth. With everything that had happened lately, she had forgotten about Halloween. ‘Almost, Babe,’ she told Anna. ‘Three more days.’ ‘What I’m gonna be?’ Anna asked. ‘And me?’ said Sean. Dani sighed and put down the basket of dirty clothes she was carrying. Another day of undone housework. ‘I guess we’ll have to go costume hunting today,’ she said. ‘Yay!’ Sean and Anna shouted. Dani called...
Prologue The loving over, she sat up and began to put her shirt back on. He pulled her back. ‘Don’t do that,’ he said. ‘I like looking at you.’ She lay against him, her head on his chest. ‘You know, you’re the only guy who’s ever seen me naked,’ she said. ‘What about Jason?’ ‘He and I haven’t made love. He’s too scared. He’s a virgin.’ For a moment, he was laughing too hard to speak. ‘Does he know you aren’t?’ ‘I told him about the guy last summer.’ He kissed her. ‘That was incredible,’...
Hey Indian sex stories readers, I am back with the last part of my story “Mom and me become partner in all sense”. I had got many mails about the stories, thanks everyone for your comments. Now back on to story On morning me and Radika had another session, we decide to drive back home, as pavi would be expecting as. We started back at 9 o clk. We reached back to my home by 1 o clk. Pavi was waiting for us. Pavi: why have you been this much late? Me: we started back only by 9 o clk mom.. Pavi:...
IncestHi guys this Vijay back again with my sorry for delay. This is my third part of the story”Mom And Me Become Partner In All Sense “. I think you would like it. Thanks for your reviews and comments to make my story good. Here back to story. I said my mum that I am interested in my aunt and want to f*** her. I thought she would shout at me but to my surprise she told ok I know your mind but please be in control ,we will make arrangements for that. I can’t believed my ears when she said that but I...
IncestHi friends, Me Vijay back with the continuation of the story “Mom And Me Become Partner In All Sense – Part 1” . thanks for all your support I had received a lot of mails. Now coming on to the story… Pavi told me that I was now her new husband and bowed on my legs. I suddenly move back and said mom you should not do that as you are elder. She stopped me and said husband is like god. And also said me not to call her mom again and asked me to call her pavi. When headed back to our home. On the...
IncestA Sense of Responsibility by ProtagorasII Hi This is the second part of a longer story for which I haven't yet writtenthe introductory chapter. This particular scenario popped into my head anddemanded to be written before it was forgotten. Hope you enjoy ProtagorasII . Part 2 The Wilsons "Piss Off!" came from behind the door I knocked again "I said PISS OFF! " louder "Its Linda Newton from Social Services – I need tospeak to Rita" "PISS THE FUCK OFF!" louder still "Its about your little...
Intro Hi everyone, here's the very very late chapter 5... Oh my god..I am such a slow writer! LOL. I wish I could write faster...but I'm sorry, I just can't. Hope you will forgive me :) As always, please tell me what you think about this latest chapter. Every comment is welcome! And by the way, you know it's going to take me forever to write again, it may be months before you see anything again from as always, thanks for being...
I coach a girls' soccer team. It started as community service. I got pulled over after too many drinks and too few years. I was only nineteen, and my state says you have to be twenty-one. But I had so much fun that I'm still coaching three years later. I started with an eight-year-olds rec program, and now I coach the twelve-and-under town league and help out with the high school varsity. The town league has teams from all over the western part of the state, so some days we have to drive...
///CLASSIFIED TOP SECRET/// THIS DOCUMENT MAY NOT BE COPIED OR DISSEMINATED TO ANY ENTITY WITHOUT DIRECT AUTHORIZATION OF THE SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY Exhibit 7, excerpts from manuscript found in cell of John Doe, AKA Robert Michael Wilson, 13th Circuit Court of Appeals of the United States of America, in the case of the Government vs. John Doe: There was a lot less modesty after I had my first premature ejaculation. That’s what Tiffany called it, though she said, technically, it...
If it sounds like teaching a boy how to have good sex ... without actually having sex ... was an easy thing to decide to do, don’t be misguided. It was not a simple decision at all. The problem was that I knew he would keep dreaming. And since we still had no idea how all this worked, it wasn’t likely he was going to magically establish control over his sleeping thoughts. Not anytime soon, anyway. So he was going to have more dreams. And I was going to be in some of them, which meant I was...
We had painted for another hour when he stopped and sat down. He looked worn out. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “It’s really hard keeping my feelings inside the wall,” he said. “You’ve been doing that?” “Ever since the mirror,” he said. “What are you feeling?” I asked. “The crush,” he said. “You’re a teenage boy. Teenage boys think about sex every seventy seconds, if you believe what some people say.” “I never thought about sex at all until I met you,” he said. “You got erections,” I...
He was wasted after our tryst, but that wasn’t odd. He was young and strong, but he’d been worn out when we started. Making his ‘shield’ had used up a lot of energy. I got up and went to the latrine, where I sat, hoping that most of two young, virile loads of semen would drain out of me, instead of soaking into my very fertile womb. It had crossed my mind, as I pulled him into me, that this was the first bareback sex I would be having since I was a foolish sixteen-year-old. Passion knows no...
March, 1984, Chicago, Illinois “Kara?” I said when I regained my composure. “What are you doing here?” “You said I could come visit!” she said brightly. “Are you angry?” “No, just surprised. Come on in and shut the door. It’s cold out there.” “Hi Bethany,” Stephanie said. “Hi. Hello, Kara,” Bethany said, looking a bit askance. “Hi Bethany. I didn’t realize that you would be here,” Kara said. “I hope it’s OK that I’m here.” “I was leaving for Milford after lunch. I just stayed to say...
March 12, 1983, McKinley, Ohio “Cheating on me? Really?” “I know it sounds strange, but I know how much you and I love each other, and how close and intimate we are, even if we don’t kiss and touch and stuff. It’s really weird. I WANT to be with Glenda, you know, that way, but that doesn’t change the feeling.” “That way?” I grinned. “I know you aren’t clueless, Petrovich! You do the same things!” “I know. I’m teasing you, Lissa! Is this feeling going to be a problem?” “I don’t think so....
Thunder whinnied and stamped as he was led to the mare in heat. Still, he had done this many times before, and so allowed himself to be led up to the breeding stand by Nicolette Bower, whose father helped him settle into place. The mare snorted as the large dick penetrated her vagina, and the stallion began to thrust in and out. He was a magnificent creature, 4 years old, strong, and fast. His fur was dark brown, heading to black on his “socks” on his lower legs, and his mane almost...
My wife Loriand I maybe just over the age of forty, but you would never believe some of the things we have done. Lori is in my mind a very attractive woman. She can be very shy at times, but she also can be very sensual. She loves being romantic, but she also has a wild side to her that can take her to new heights. She also loves the feeling of being fucked by a big cock. Lori and I are your typical average family that you would never think of us doing something as bold as the things we had...
Continuing with sharing my ex wife for all those years, I just love to relive those oh so hot times, some of the things we experienced are tattooed in my mind. Writing about what took place, I find and sharing those times, is the best way to relive the events. If you have read my other stories the following took place with our long term regular James. James had some serious stamina and staying power and could fuck my wife for ages on those get together's. I loved watching as he fucked her good...
My wife Loriand I maybe just over the age of forty, but you would never believe some of the things we have done. Lori is in my mind a very attractive woman. She can be very shy at times, but she also can be very sensual. She loves being romantic, but she also has a wild side to her that can take her to new heights. She also loves the feeling of being fucked by a big cock. Lori and I are your typical average family that you would never think of us doing something as bold as the things we had...
MILFThe Next encounter was a few days later. We went out for dinner and then back to my place. The adventure starts when we get in the door. Over the last few days i had prepared a few special things for this encounter. I had been working out what i was going to expose her to this time. i was going to take her on a journey of her senses and will make her submit completely to me and my cock. We walked into the living room and i ask her to take a seat and i will be back in a minute. I go in the...
Dani woke the next morning, as usual, at five thirty. Until recently, she had awakened to Melanie’s crying for a bottle, Melanie now slept later, but Dani hadn’t been able to break the habit of waking. She had found that getting up so early gave her a better chance to get things done around the house without the girls in the way. She stood and stretched, her back ached from sleeping on the floor. Sean was sitting up in bed, looking at her. ‘Good morning,’ Dani said. ‘How did you sleep?’ ...
Senses “You smell nice!” Those were the first words that Suzie said to me when I met her in the ‘flesh’ that didn’t have anything to do with work. They were also the first hint I spotted that she had a disability. I had known her for almost six months but our ‘relationship’ had been limited to phone calls, e-mails and the occasional video chat/conference. It soon transpired that she had the sort of dry sense of humour that appealed to me. When I first saw her laugh on my monitor I began...
First TimeJulie took the stand. Her performance, Dani thought later, was worthy of an Oscar. In tears, she told of how she had been an innocent teenager seduced by an older man. (She had been eighteen when she met Ben, he had been six years older.) She had suffered through an accidental pregnancy (as accidental as the three she had miscarried?) and had been deserted three months into the pregnancy. (If she really had been deserted, it must have been by the new boyfriend, because she was the one who had...
Dani and Jason slept late the next morning, leaving Melanie to entertain herself in her crib a little longer than usual. When they finally got up, they found that Melanie had gone back to sleep. They went back to bed too, although not to sleep. By nine thirty, they and Melanie were downstairs, dressed, and fed. ‘I’ll call Phyllis and Steve and Robin and ask what time they want us to pick up the kids,’ Jason said. He took the cordless into the den to make the calls. Dani thought that she heard...
Jordan and Tina were opposites, physically Tina had long blond and 5'9 and Jordan had short black hair and 5'2, her mother was from Brazil. Both were beautiful girls but the differences went deeper. Tina was the high school prom queen and honor role student that did everything right. Jordan barely graduated high school and if it weren't for a little bit of cheating would not have gotten entrance to the university. Jordan was known as the party girl and university life didn't slow down her...
Hi friends thanks for your review which give me inspiration to write the next part of my story “Mom And Me Become Partner In All Sense “. And am sorry for delayed writing of this part as I had some unavoidable works. Now back to story At around 3 o clock we started to the city in my car. At the way Radika told me that she had lied to mom as she had to get me alone. I also knew that and I was also happy. She asked me to drive to her estate bungalow, which was at around 4:30 hours drive from our...
IncestHi friends, myself Vijay .I am here with my first about the sex encounter with my lovely mom. Hope you will enjoy it and write your suggestions as mails. Coming on to story My mom name is Pavithra (shortly called as pavi). She is of the size 34 32 38. She has the most beautiful ass that I have ever seen. She was at her starting of 40 now, I am 21 and was born at the next year of my parents marriage. I was a regular reader of iss. But I don’t had any bad intention on my mom until one day. It...
IncestAmy did not turn her head toward the eruption of laughter from the corner of the classroom. She wiped the cloudy liquid from her chin with her stained sleeve and swallowed the source of her leak in an open-mouthed gulp. “Jesus, that girl never closes her mouth, does she? I like to imagine her sucking on my cock.” “Haha, no way, dude. Don’t stick your dick in crazy even if crazy has a perfect pair of big ol' titties.” The girl hid what she could of her face behind a curtain of long brown...
Beth sighed as she addressed the last envelope and licked it. Her tongue hurt from all the thank-you notes she'd sent out. But she felt it was her duty to do them herself. After all, she'd gotten a lot of nice gifts from her friends at the wedding shower. And ... a girl only got married once. She turned to look at all the "loot" as her little brother called it. He'd barged in during the shower, while she was holding up a negligee that was almost completely see-through. Then he'd made a...