I Dominus - A Kodak Moment free porn video

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"Don't hold anything back, Gil. You know I can take it," Sonia winked at me as she lifted her right leg over her head and placed her ankle on my left shoulder.

I gripped her ankle with one hand and held it firmly in place on my shoulder, as she leaned forward and stretched, in preparation for our session. Sonia had asked if I would tie and suspend her, while a new student, Katja, photographed us.

Eight months had passed since Katja had enrolled in the Kinbaku classes that Sonia teaches. Katja's hobby is photography. Sonia had asked her if she would take pictures for her web page.

Sonia rents a small industrial unit, by the hour, three times a month. The exposed iron beams are ideal for rope suspensions. Each student, and spectator, donate at the door, to help pay for the rental of the space. Sonia and Katja quickly became friends after a few classes. Sonia is a very skilled rigger, but, she much prefers to be the rope bottom. Sonia is a masochist, a pain slut, as she refers to herself.

I smirked at her and replied, "I'll have to abstain from all the fun stuff, Sonia. I don't want to shock and scare Katja."

She laughed as she slipped her leg off my shoulder, shook out her arms, pulled her green hoodie over her head and tossed it on the floor. She had on a sheer, white sports bra. Her pink nipples were visibly erect.

I laughed at what Sonia had said to me. "It's too much fun. The look in their eyes as they near panic is priceless to me, and very arousing. I don't see that part of me ever changing."

She laughed as she slipped her leg off my shoulder and shook out her arms, "Other one now," she pointed to my right shoulder and lifted her left leg into the air, and placed her ankle on to it. I held her leg in place and Sonia leaned forward. "The fun stuff is for when we're alone. Whatever and whenever you want, Gil. It's been months since I heard from you.” Sonia shook her head and continued before I had a chance to reply, “I know, I know, it's your busy season at work. As for scaring Katja, that is exactly what you want to do, Gil. You take great pleasure in scaring all the pretty, young girls. You are a very bad man." Sonia winked at me, "Don't you ever dare change that. It's my favorite part of you. Tonight, make it up to me; I need the sexy monster in you, to quiet the wild whore in me." Sonia giggled and said, "Besides, I have given Katja fair warning, Gil."

"Fair warning?" I chuckled.

"Yes, fair warning. I informed her that there will be some very rough play. Nothing that she has witnessed in any of the classes she has attended. She said she understood, and looks forward to photographing the session."

"Hello?" We heard Katja calling from the foot of the stairs on the first floor.

"Up here," Sonia called out.

Katja made her way up the stairs and smiled at Sonia when she reached the top step. "Sorry I'm a bit late. Traffic was horrendous."

She was a very slim, petite brunette, barely five foot three. Her ripped jeans, and oversized t-shirt hung off her thin body. Katja looked girlish for her age, like she hadn't filled out yet. Sonia had told me that she was twenty-nine years old. Her tiny breasts were free under her t-shirt. I could see the outline of her large nipples. They weren't erect, their size were not proportionate to her breasts.

Sonia slid her leg off my shoulder and walked over to hug and greet Katja, "No problem. I needed time to limber up."

Both young ladies made their way to me. "This is Gil," Sonia introduced me to Katja as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Hi, I'm Katja," she smiled at me.

"Hello, Katja," I smiled back.

Sonia stepped away from me, kicked off her sneakers and pulled off her track pants. She had on a traditional, white, Japanese thong.

Katja asked, "Where should I set up the tripod?"

"Anywhere you want to, we'll be on the yoga mat," Sonia replied and made her way to the purple yoga mat in the middle of the room.

Katja set up her tripod a few feet away from one of the large windows. "The sun is about to set, and we have a clear view of the lake. We should get some spectacular shots, without using a flash."

Katja mounted one camera on the tripod, and hung another around her neck. "Ready when you are," she smiled at Sonia. She turned her eyes to me and asked, "Are you going to change out of your jeans and t-shirt?"

Sonia snickered, "Gil prefers to be naked when he ties. He is not one for following tradition. Just to clarify what is going to transpire shortly. Gil is going to be rough, at my request, Katja. If I don't ask him to stop, it means I am fine. So, don't worry, just keep taking pictures. Okay, sweetie?" Sonia smiled as she explained one more time what Katja was going to witness.

"Gotcha," Katja replied. She was excited, nervous, and a bit apprehensive. She didn't know how she would react to witnessing rough play. She brought her camera to her eye and said, "I'm ready when you are.

Sonia turned, lifted her head up to look at me, and grinned as she gave a slight nod of her head. I roughly grabbed a fistful of her hair and pushed her onto her knees. The sudden and forceful act caught Katja off guard. Her breath caught and her eyes widened. She quickly snapped off a few shots with her camera. And tried to ignore the sudden flutters in her belly.

Slowly, I guided Sonia's face to the cement floor, past the yoga mat that she was kneeling on, and reached for a rope from my bag. I released the grip on Sonia's hair, and placed my foot on the side of her face to keep her head pinned to the floor. Sonia crossed her arms across the small of her back, as I threw the folded rope over one of the iron beams, secured it in place, and tied my suspension ring to it. I grabbed another rope, uncoiled it, and kneeled behind Sonia.

I grinned at Katja as I pulled Sonia slowly back onto her knees by her hair. I used the bight of my rope to cinch Sonia's left nipple, yanking it upwards in one quick motion. She grimaced and let out a loud yelp.

I slapped Sonia's left breast very hard, just how she likes it. I covered her nose and mouth with one hand, and hooked both her elbows behind her back with my right arm. I snarled into her ear, "You know that I don't approve of my whores being loud. Maybe, if I don't let you breathe for a minute, it'll serve as a gentle reminder."

I pinched her nose and pressed my hand hard over her mouth. It didn't take long for Sonia to begin to struggle for breath in her aroused state. The harder she struggled, the tighter I squeezed and kept her in place.

When Sonia tried to shake her head free and take a breath, Katja cried out in concern, "Stop! You’re hurting her!"

I grinned at Katja and growled, "Do not interrupt me again, Katja. My responsibility is to ensure that Sonia is safe, not to babysit you and your uneducated opinion."

Katja swallowed hard and remained silent. Her eyes shot daggers at me; she was not a fan of my techniques, yet.

Sonia's eyes watered, her tears spilled down over my knuckles. I released her; she coughed and gagged in between deep, quick, panicky breaths. I snapped her head back and lowered my cheek to her lips. She turned her head in defiance, refusing to place a kiss upon my cheek. I snapped her head back again, with more force. She moaned and gently kissed my cheek.

I shoved Sonia forward and tied her arms behind her back. I tied a chest harness, two passes with the rope above and below her breasts. My rope did not cross over her shoulders or the sides of her neck. I locked the rope between her sides and her arms. I worked her sports bra upwards, under the rope, till her perky breasts were exposed. Her nipples were erect, and rock hard.

Katja zoomed in on Sonia's breasts and took a dozen photos. I fed another rope through the suspension ring, attached it to the back of the chest harness, pulled out the slack, and pulled down hard on it as I dropped to my knees. I used my body as a counterweight to propel Sonia into the air. She groaned as my rope dug into her chest and the sides of her arms, as she was swept off her feet, and left to dangle in mid-air.

I stood up and tied the suspension rope off around itself. Sonia was trying to settle into the tie. I didn't allow her the opportunity. Instead, I pinched both her nipples and pulled her towards me. Sonia sobbed and flailed her head at the searing sting that burned in her nipples. I placed my cheek to her lips. Again, Sonia refused to kiss my cheek. She wanted more pain. I twisted her nipples and snarled at her. Sonia cried out and placed another gentle kiss on my cheek. I released her nipples and watched her body sway to and fro, as I grabbed and uncoiled another rope. I fed it through the suspension ring and tied a square knot above Sonia's left knee. Slowly I pulled the slack out of the rope. Sonia's knee was pulled upwards, her legs scissored open. Katja moved closer and snapped off another dozen photos of Sonia's exposed crotch.

I folded Sonia's right leg and bound it tight, then pushed her, and watched as she swayed. She likes the feeling of swaying while she is bound, she’ll tell you that it centers her, quiets her mind, and makes her feel more alive. Soft moans escaped her lips as her arousal grew.

Katja looked on as Sonia became more and more aroused. She felt her own arousal begin to increase. Hot moisture began to build between her own legs.

I released the rope attached to the chest harness and slowly lowered Sonia towards the floor. Till her body was almost parallel to the ground, and tied the rope off locking her in that position. I pulled her thong to the side and rubbed my palm across her hairless pussy. Sonia reacted immediately to my touch. She lifted her head slightly, and groaned in aching pleasure.

Katja took close up pictures of Sonia's facial expression as she unconsciously bit her lip. As Sonia's moans became more audible, I stopped rubbing her pussy and slapped her ass. The slap caused Sonia's body to jerk. Katja jumped with a start at Sonia's instant reaction to the sting of my hand, and continued to take pictures of Sonia's morphing facial expressions.

I reached around with my right arm and slid my thumb into Sonia's mouth. It took her a few seconds for her to comprehend what I wanted. She sucked on my thumb and let her spit build up in her mouth. I slid my saliva covered thumb out of her mouth.

"You might want to get on your back, underneath Sonia, to take the next set of pictures," I sternly said to Katja.

Katja quickly dropped to her knees and rolled on to her back, then wiggled her body using her elbows and feet till she was face to face with Sonia.

"Beg," I snarled at Sonia.

"P-please, Gil," Sonia whimpered.

I shoved my thumb into her ass. Sonia's mouth opened into a wide O shape. Katja gasped. She had never before witnessed another woman being brought to arousal. Her own pussy began feel hot and sticky.

"Slap her again. I want a picture of the impact." Katja bit her lip and quickly turned her body one hundred and eighty degrees, by twisting her body and pushing with her feet to get in position. Till her face was directly under Sonia's slick cunt. The seam in the crotch of her jeans rode up the crack of her ass and her pussy. The friction was a welcomed sensation to Katja; it sent pulses of pleasure through her entire body.

I pulled my thumb out of Sonia's ass, and slapped her pussy. My cock twitched at the wet, sloppy sound that filled my ears.

"Fuck!" Sonia yelped, when I slapped her pussy with a bit more force and shoved my thumb hard into her ass.

Katja rested the camera on her chest and looked between Sonia's spread legs. Just in time to see my hand strike Sonia's pussy again.

"Ow-www!" Sonia cried out as every muscle in her body tensed.

"Slap it again," Katja said as she brought the camera to her eye.

I grinned to myself as I spread Sonia's pussy, allowing Katja to see just how wet Sonia had become. "Is your pussy anywhere near as wet as Sonia's?" I asked.

Katja blushed at my words. She was wet, not as wet as Sonia, obviously. "It's very erotic what you are doing to her. I am a bit aroused by this." Katja's reply surprised her. She is normally very shy around the topic of sex.

"Would you like me to slap Sonia's pussy harder? Would that increase your arousal, Katja? It would most certainly make Sonia hornier," I asked her as I stared down at her.

Katja bit her lip and took a moment to nod her head. She couldn't bring herself to say the words. The thought of watching Sonia's pussy being slapped harder sent a shiver through her.

I shoved my thumb back into Sonia's ass, and said, "Your student wants me to hurt your pussy, Sonia. Would you like that, whore?"

Katja's breath caught in her throat. Hearing me calling Sonia a whore made her clit tingle.

Sonia moaned and nodded her head. "Fuck yes! Make it burn! Make me cum!" she pleaded.

I tilted my head to take a look at Katja's crotch. The seam of her jeans had worked itself up between her plump pussy lips. Katja squeezed her thighs together when she noticed where I was staring.

"Spread your legs for Sonia, Katja. It's only fair she should have the opportunity to look at your camel toe, when I slap her pussy harder at your request," I sternly ordered.

Sonia eyes shot to Katja's crotch. Katja hesitated a moment. "Show me," Sonia panted.

Katja closed her eyes and slowly spread her legs. I waited for Katja to aim her camera, and slapped Sonia's pussy very hard. Katja jumped with a start when Sonia screamed out her lament.

"Katja," I called out as I shoved my thumb back in Sonia's asshole. "Did you ever think a pussy could be made to drip being treated in this manner?"

Katja swallowed hard and shook her head. "No," she replied in a shaky voice.

"Sonia's pussy can endure so much more, Katja? Would you like me to demonstrate? Only if you are curious, of course," I asked the blushing and mesmerized Katja.

Katja nodded and spread her legs wider apart. I slid my thumb out of Sonia's ass and bent at the knees the retrieve the flogger out of my rope bag. Katja's eyes widened when the flogger came in to her view.

I kneeled next to Katja and stared at her as I slowly lowered the tassels of the flogger onto her crotch. "I believe Sonia would love to look at your pussy, Katja. Don't you think it only fair that you should do something for her in return for the pain that Sonia is going to have to endure, at your request?" I half growled the question at Katja.

Katja nodded. She rested the camera on her chest and unbuttoned her jeans. She hooked her thumbs into the waistband and lifted her girlish hips off the floor. I watched as she slowly wiggled her hips out of her jeans and pink thong, and slid them around her ankles.

"Good girl," I grinned at her. "Spread your legs nice and wide for Sonia. Show her your pretty, shaved pussy. I might allow her to taste you, if she pleases me. Would you enjoy that, Katja?"

Katja nodded and closed her eyes as her cheeks burned red. She had never been with a woman, never had given it much thought. The scene that had unfolded before her aroused Katja in ways she couldn't explain, or understand. Her need to cum was steadily increasing.

I stood up and removed the Japanese thong that was bunched to the side Sonia's swollen, slick pussy. "We won't need this anymore," I looked down at Katja and smirked, "Sonia is such a dirty girl. She's a filthy whore, don't you agree, Katja?"

Katja averted my gaze and couldn't bring herself to answer the question. Up until the moment she had heard me call Sonia a whore, that word had disgusted her. She thought it to be degrading to all women. But, in the context that it was used in, and Sonia's reaction to all the filthy acts I had performed on her body, much to her delight, Katja, thought it not only fitting, but arousing.

"Cat got your tongue, Katja?" I purposefully pressed her for a verbal reply when I saw the unmistakable look of shame on her face. "Say it, Katja. I want to hear you call Sonia a whore."

With her eyes closed and her head turned away from me, Katja shook her head. She just couldn't bring herself to call her friend a whore. As much as listening to her friend being called a whore excited her, it felt so wrong for her to speak the words.

"Hmm, do you need convincing to answer my question, Katja? I am sure Sonia explained to you in excruciating detail what I do to stubborn, uncooperative whores."

Katja swallowed hard and held her breath. I had indirectly called her a whore. The sharp sting of shame raised the temperature in her face and chest to boiling point. Her pussy clenched and a tremor rumbled deep in her belly. The thought of being called a whore triggered a wave of arousal and shame. She bit down on her lower lips and secretly wished for me to call her a whore. She wanted the fire of my voice to make her ears burn, with the same heat that was raging in-between her legs.

I sternly warned Katja, "Last chance or your cunt is going to taste my flogger."

Katja moaned and shook her head. As she slid a hand between her legs to protect her exposed pussy, and squeezed her knees together.

" Cunt," she thought to herself and shivered as her pussy quivered. " So dirty, so hot."

I brought the flogger down across the top of Katja's thigh. She yelped out from the sting of the thick, leather tassels.

"Keep your legs spread, remove your hand from your pussy, and tell me that Sonia is a whore. Now, Katja," I sternly ordered.

Katja spread her legs and removed her hand from between her legs. "Yes, Sonia is a whore!" She blurted out louder than she had intended. The filthy talk felt good to Katja. A single drop of warm liquid oozed out of her pussy.

"Good girl. Are you ready to take pictures of Sonia's cunt and ass being flogged?" I grinned devilishly.

Katja held her breath to steady her shaking hands as she brought the camera to her eye. It took a few seconds for her eyes to focus through the lens. Sonia moaned, whimpered, and twisted her body against the ropes that held her bound and immobile, in anticipation of the leather tassels that would leave the first of a series stinging kiss between her legs.

I slid my right foot back six inches as I raised the flogger to shoulder height. Sonia's right side of her body was facing the floor. I would have to swing the flogger in a sidearm motion to achieve maximum contact between her legs.

"Ready?" I teased both the women.

Sonia gasped and shut her eyes tight. Katja exhaled hard and squeezed her arms against her sides to steady the camera.

I swung the flogger and struck Sonia's cunt. Katja's body reacted with instinctive reflex, her legs snapped immediately shut. She moaned and brought her knees halfway to her chest as she rolled on to her side. Having watched the leather tassels strike Sonia's open, pink, slick, vulnerable cunt, as she imagined the pain between her own legs that the blow had caused Sonia.

Sonia's body folded at her waist as she let out a howl. I struck her be-tween her legs again. Sonia twisted her hips and shoulders as she increased the volume of the original howl. Katja's eyes were wide open in terror as she waited for the next swing of the flogger to temporarily make Sonia's cunt disappear behind the thick, leather tassels. I struck Sonia's cunt again. Her body jerked violently as she rode out the wave of pain that was slowly turning into a soothing heat.

"Keep your legs spread, Katja. I will not tell you again," I snarled at the terrified and aroused Katja.

"Fuck!" Katja gasped and spread her legs as wide as she could manage. Her outer thighs were almost flat to the floor.

"If you hide your cunt from Sonia one more time, I will flog it. Do you understand, Katja?"

Katja nodded as her eyes met mine, and with a tremor in voice replied, "Understood."

I grinned and at her, and waited a few seconds before replying, "Sir. You will address me as Sir from this moment on. I think it only proper, since you take orders so well."

A shiver ran up Katja's spine as she replied, "Yes, Sir."

I turned my attention to Sonia and forced two fingers, up to the knuckles, in her ready ass. She moaned and licked her lips in delight. "Sonia squirts if you make her cum hard enough. Did you know that, Katja?" I teased. "Would you like to see this filthy whore squirt?"

Katja nodded as she closed her eyes and moaned, "Yes, Sir." She cooed the words. "I want to cum, I need to cum, please make me cum, too."

"You are a dirty, horny whore. I am not disappointed, Katja. Far from it," I calmly replied and pulled my fingers out of Sonia's tight ass. I grinned as I slapped Sonia's ass cheeks and asked her, "I am sure you want to cum, too. Both of my filthy whores want to cum."

I dropped the flogger, untied the rope attached to Sonia's chest harness, and lowered Sonia's mouth within a few inches of Katja's spread pussy. Sonia arched her neck and stuck out her tongue to tastes her student. I laughed as I watched Sonia try to make contact with Katja's wet, pink slit.

Katja lifted her head and eagerly watched Sonia's struggle to taste her. When Katja lifted her hips of the floor, I barked, "Don't you fucking dare, whore! I'll flog your cunt till it sizzles, if you try that again!"

Her hips shot back to the floor before I had finished barking my warning. I tied the rope off, keeping a few torturous inches of distance between a hungry mouth and hungrier cunt.

"Patience, my pretty whores. I have something special in store for you," I announced to my captivated audience of two.

I unraveled another rope and connected it to the rope around Sonia's left leg. Securing it to be able to bear the load of Sonia's body weight. I ran the ends through the suspension ring and pulled out the slack. Sonia would be in a single leg suspension for the pussy eating that the two whores would be participating in.

"Stand up, Katja. Put away your camera, you won't need it for what I have in store for you."

Katja obeyed and kicked off her shorts that were still bunched around her ankles before she got to her feet. She quickly removed her t-shirt, tossed it to the floor, and she stood naked in front of me, waiting in silence for a sign that I approved of her body, and, that I wanted her. Her large nipples jutted out from her tiny tits. The urge to flog Katja’s tits was immediate. The pain I would inflict on her large nipples would be exquisite. My cock reacted to the image of her pretty face grimacing in pain. I gave her a nod of approval. Her eyes quickly shot to my crotch when she noticed the bulge in my pants.

I pulled the rope downwards and propelled Sonia higher. When her pussy was at the same height as Katja's mouth, I tied off the rope. I bent and picked up the flogger, turned to face Katja and grabbed a fistful of her hair. In one yanking motion I buried her face in-between Sonia's legs. Sonia moaned when Katja opened her mouth and sucked as much of her pussy as Katja could fit into her mouth.

“Wrap your arms around Sonia’s waist and squeeze her tight,” I instructed Katja and positioned myself facing Sonia’s back. I watched, and grew harder, as Katja’s mouth tried to devour Sonia’s pussy.

I reached for the rope that was dangling from Sonia’s chest harness, and walked in a circle around the two women. I kept a tight tension in the rope as I wound it around their bodies, securing one’s chest to the other’s hips. The last few feet of the rope was used to bind Katja’s arm, to keep them locked around Sonia’s bucking hips. The two women were enjoying the munching of pussy.

I grabbed the flogger off the floor, and struck Sonia across her back. She screamed at the sudden and unexpected blow. Her mouth flew away from Katja’s pussy. A lamenting moan gurgled in Katja’s throat. I struck Katja across the meaty part of her ass cheeks. She threw her head back and yelped as she danced on the tip of her toes from the tassel’s sharp sting.

I struck her ass again. “Keep your mouth on the whore’s cunt,” I raised my voice slightly, for the added psychological effect.

Katja quickly covered Sonia’s pussy with her mouth and greedily sucked on the salty, slick, swollen lips.

I pressed my body against Katja’s back and slid my left hand in-between her slim legs. I slid my thumb into her hot pussy, covering it with her juice and Sonia’s spit. “May I finger your ass, whore?” My words rumbled in her ear.

She nodded as she gasped and slid her tongue across Sonia’s asshole. I forced my thumb into Kata’s tight ass. She moaned and pushed her ass against my thumb. Her legs buckled, and she moaned when Sonia gently bit down on her swollen clit.

My cock was throbbing and aching. I pulled my thumb out of Katja’s ass and released the beast from my jeans. When I pressed my hot, thick meat in-between Katja’s ass cheeks, she gasped and trembled.

“Ask me, Katja. Ask me to fuck your ass,” I pressed my mouth against her ear and growled.

“P-please fuck my ass, Sir?” she panted and quickly went back to sucking on Sonia’s asshole.

Sonia moved her mouth off Kata’s pussy and moaned as I pushed my cock down and aimed it at Katja’s asshole. All she could see were my balls moving closer to her face as I slowly penetrated Katja.

Katja threw her head back and stood up on her toes as my cock slowly filled her ass. When I was balls beep in her ass, I grabbed her hair and shoved her face back onto Sonia’s ready to explode pussy.

“Suck on her cunt, whore,” I panted with heavy breath as I began to fuck her ass with more force.

Sonia stiffened and let out a long, low moan. She was close to cumming and squirting in Katja’s face. I rubbed Katja’s mouth back and forth on Sonia’s loaded cunt. Sonia began to shake and wailed as her orgasm erupted. She came hard, squirted, and cursed as she lost control of her body.

Katja gasped as my cock pounded her ass and Sonia covered her face with cum and piss. She lapped at the steady stream that Sonia was offering her.

I gripped Katja’s slim hips and dug my fingers tight into her flesh. I grunted and thrust my hips forward one last time as my balls tightened. Sonia bit down on Katja’s pussy, just as my cock exploded in her ass. Katja threw her head back and screamed as she came with me.

I pulled my cock out of Katja’s. Sonia stretched her neck in an attempt to lap up my cum, and Katja’s ass juice, as it dripped out of Katja's gaping, burning ass . “Ohhh-fuck!" Sonia cursed at not being able to taste and swallow the tasty treat.

I picked up Katja’s camera and snapped a picture of the two sweaty, messy, tangled, satisfied whores.

“A Kodak moment for you two,” I grinned, before I untied them.

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I grinned, as Amanda pouted and exhaled long and slow. "The roses are beautiful, Gil. Thank you," Amanda halfheartedly thanked me. Amanda is forty years old. She had quit her job, three years ago, as a senior partner in a prestigious law firm, to pursue a career as an artist. We met by chance at the Art Gallery of Ontario, last year. Her work was part of the, Women In Art, exhibit. The attraction to each other was immediate. She stayed with me for three days. Three, very dirty, filthy days....

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I Dominus Fin

Jessica called Heather early Saturday morning. Heather was up before her husband and kids, as usual. She excitedly answered the call, as she made her way to the laundry room in the basement. “Hello,” she answered in a dry emotionless voice, toying with her friend. “Fuck the hellos! Spill it!” Jessica chuckled in to the phone. Heather replied as a giant grin formed on her face, “Two words, Jessica. Multiple, mind blowing orgasms,” Heather teased. “EEEK!” Jessica whispered her squeal, “Told...

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I Dominus Part 2

I ordered a scotch, neat, at ten minutes to noon. I had arrived early at the hotel and checked in to my room. My cock was semi hard already. I was looking forward to putting Heather through her paces. At noon, sharp, Heather approached the bar and spotted me. I had taken a seat at the end of the bar, my profile visible to anyone that approached. She gasped when she spotted me. In an instant, what she was about to do, became real. Up until that moment, it had been a fantasy, a mystery man,...

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I Dominus Part 1

Heather stopped towel drying her hair, when her best friend Jessica removed the towel around her body and opened her locker. They had just finished their workout at the upscale fitness club they had joined eleven months ago. Heather stared in silence at the fading bruises on Jessica’s breasts. When Jessica noticed the look of concern on Heather’s face, she chuckled and said, “I know that look, Heather. And no, there is nothing you should be worried about.” “Are you sure, Jess? You know you...

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The GirlsChapter 12 Corrin Kodak Moment

Rinny looked at her camera. She generally took about 20 photos per day, and could usually edit one or two of them to look spectacular. Today, however, she simply wasn't happy with any of the photos, and she'd taken 50+. She had a look at her photos, and she couldn't work out what was wrong. None of the photos were bad, it was just that none of them /motivated/ her. For as long as she could remember, Rinny had wanted to be a professional photographer. Generally she specialised in...

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Seit etwas mehr als einem Jahr war Tommy Auszubildender. Er hatte damals sehr viel Glück gehabt den Ausbildungsplatz zu bekommen, nicht nur weil er so seinen Traumberuf erlernen konnte, sondern auch weil die Firma als Aushängeschild der Region galt und auf jede offene Stelle unzählige Bewerber kamen. Selbst wenn er seinen Arbeitgeber in Zukunft wechseln wollte, hätte er die bestmögliche Ausgangssituation, da der Betrieb für seinen hohen Ausbildungsstandard bekannt war. Zu diesem Zweck...

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I jammed my fingers in my mouth and let out a shrill whistle as The Divine finished off their last song with a blistering guitar riff from Kara Devine. She caught my eye and grinned, aiming the head of her guitar towards the ceiling of the auditorium and tearing out the last notes like a professional rock star. Her brother, Adam Devine, had just put the microphone back in its stand after singing the final verse, and was nodding his head to his younger sister’s finale. The drummer,...

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Ludivine Astrid Twin srs

Ludivine & Astrid, Twin s****rs Fiction We are two cute twin s****rs. We are both blond and very much alike looking. We love to wear sportswear clothes. And sneakers. We like to wear those clothes directly on our skin. It is very pleasant to the skin either with the smoothness of the fleece or with the electrostatic sensation on our hairs triggered by the synthetic apparel. We have nice pussies that we do like to touch with our small fingers. We discovered how to please ourselves in our...

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Ludivine Astrid Twin sisters

Ludivine & Astrid, Twin sistersFictionWe are two cute twin sisters. We are both blond and very much alike looking. We love to wear sportswear clothes. And sneakers. We like to wear those clothes directly on our skin. It is very pleasant to the skin either with the smoothness of the fleece or with the electrostatic sensation on our hairs triggered by the synthetic apparel. We have nice pussies that we do like to touch with our small fingers. We discovered how to please ourselves in our...

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Dividend paid through commanding blackmail

Shyam was a very good student throughout his academic career and passed out from a renowned college. But even being a graduate, he could not get any job. He was already 22 and attended lot of interview, but in vain. In this world of competition he failed to get a service in mumbai as he did not have a strong backing. He belonged to a middle class family and at times got bored to spend his whole day idle, except chatting and gossiping with his friends of similar category. Ultimately he caught...

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On October 25, 2003, I was left at the altar. Not literally, of course. My fiancé, Brad, was kind enough to telephone me the evening before and inform me that the wedding we'd been planning for over a year was not going to happen. "I'm sorry, Casey. I just can't do it," he whined. I was shocked, of course, and speechless. Since I said nothing, Brad continued. "I'm so, so sorry. I think you're a wonderful girl, and I only want the best for you in life. I hope you know that." Still,...

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It was right there, up on the stage with the right Reverend Mitchell Charlie that I finally became aware of his true power. Whether he was actually a man of God I really couldn’t say, but working for him week after week I saw the mesmerizing power he held over his flock, especially the women. Each day he would invite the multitudes to join us up on the stage where he would say a private prayer with each of them. Since I was in charge of escorting the people from the line up to meet the...

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It had all began months ago, building from a small spark into a raging inferno. The outburst in the staff meeting only verified the culmination of my frustrations, whereas unwittingly, I had single-handedly undermined the confidence of our most trusted customer. The CEO called me into his office early the next morning and threw a round-trip ticket to Mazatlan across his desk with two options. The first was to pack only the clothes I’d needed and get my life back together under the warm tropical...

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Divine Love

Sister Divine took her faith very seriously. The Lord God had given everything, His love, His dignity and His life, for His people and it was only right that she should give up everything for Him in return. And so she had chosen sisterhood in the Convent of the Blessed Mary, in the very ascetic order of the Damascene Nuns. Here there were no soft options in her dedication to her faith. Her possessions were left behind in the secular world beyond. Her hair was shaved off her head and off her...

2 years ago
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Divine Love

Sister Divine took her faith very seriously. The Lord God had given everything, His love, His dignity and His life, for His people and it was only right that she should give up everything for Him in return. And so she had chosen sisterhood in the Convent of the Blessed Mary, in the very ascetic order of the Damascene Nuns. Here there were no soft options in her dedication to her faith. Her possessions were left behind in the secular world beyond. Her hair was shaved off her head and off her...

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Diving part 1

Hans was bored, it was midsummer, but he had spent all his money on diving equipment and repairs on his boat. His buddy was away working on an offshore oil rig, and most of the other divers he knew were on holiday or busy painting their houses, so no diving. He strolled downtown, not much happening on a Tuesday morning. Perhaps he could find the hairdresser he spent the weekend in/with, he grinned at the inside joke. At least she promised him a free haircut, or perhaps she was up to some...

1 year ago
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Divine Breasts

When I talk about Divine Breasts, I’m speaking of truly heaven-sent giant jugs, holy overinflated mammaries and massive racks that are gifts from God. To tell you the truth, I was never much of a churchgoer, but maybe that’s because none of the local Jesus shops are extolling the virtues of extreme boobs, sexy fat chicks and the sacred glory of lactation on film.DivineBreasts.com has been preaching their gospel of premium big-titty porno since 2010, when they uploaded their first movie of a...

Premium Big Tits Sites
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“Faster, faster…”Denise careens through the night, slicing through the darkness and the traffic. Speed feeds her hunger for thrills and it defies the rattling frame of her nerdy-cute commuter bike. It was built for a leisurely ride through the park or errands to the market. At this moment, however, in Denise’s mind, it’s a sleek and sexy racer. Although it had required a bit more effort to get the thing moving at a steady clip, Denise definitely has “oomph” tonight.As she whips around corners...

1 year ago
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Divine Succession Chapter 06

Introduction: Divine Revelations Molly! David shouted. What are you doing here!? Dad, whats going on? Molly asked. There was this man in white robes. He told me I was going to be judged. He told&hellip,I was dead. Amia, explain this, right now! David demanded. Molly Amelia Jones was shot by a mugger whod attempted to steal her purse and phone, Amia explained. She ran off, and was shot in the back. She was dead before help arrived. I remember that&hellip,I ran off, and I felt a pain in my back,...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Erotic Momento

The memories flashed through his mind as he was sitting by the window finishing a round of sex with her whom he proudly called his. A gorgeous lady was on the bed in her birth suit looking gracious as the days of the setting sun fell on her. She looked completely satisfied by him. He was 29 years old, an introvert who always used to be shy while speaking to women but that day changed it all. Finishing his tasks for the day which included a dinner meeting with his best friend, he boarded the...

2 years ago
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Divine Afternoon

Just as we agreed, I arrive at the main entrance to your hotel. You are there in a pastel pink sundress with a floppy straw sun hat with a matching pink ribbon. An angel. You immediately recognize my van from the description and wave. You did not need to. I could have found you in any crowd. The Bell captain opens the door. You smile at him. He helps you step up. I am sure he just wanted to touch your perfection before you rode out of his view. We smile and make small talk. Your show went...

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Divine Succession Chapter 02

Introduction: The new God awakens. David opened his eyes, and saw a bright light. But this bright light hurt his eyes, causing him to close them again. When hed finally gotten himself adjusted to the light, he sat up, and saw that he was laid in a bed in what appeared to be a hospital room. But wait, hadnt he died? The last thing he remembered was&hellip,fucking Scarlett Johansson. While he made out with Taylor Swift and played with her tits. Or was he? It all seemed so distant now, like it had...

3 years ago
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Divine Help

Divine HelpBy: Londebaaz Chohan The parish, rather the whole community was lucky to have father Laski as the head of the church. Father Laski’s passion to serve the Lord by serving his people was gigantic. His compassion for all, could only be equaled by the size of the cock father had in between his legs. He was a great teacher, preacher but he was an out class mentor for the youngsters instilling the values of God in them. Many a boys and girls had joined the church as the choir singers, some...

1 year ago
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The doctor blinked back tears “I’m sorry ... your son didn’t make it.” “No!” the doctor caught her as she fainted. 3 years earlier Amy twirled the sparse hair on Danny’s chest as they cuddled. “What are your plans for the future?” Danny kissed her hair “That depends on whether I’m with you or with you.” “What’s that mean?” “Before we met, I decided to stay single. I couldn’t think of a way to get your attention and I’ve never wanted anybody else.” “That could change,” Amy said. “No. Oh,...

2 years ago
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Divine Justice Conner Evans vengeance

Conner was pissed. He had been humiliated by two teachers, laughed at by his girlfriend and then dumped, all on top of being deserted by his best friend. But he would have his revenge… oh yes he would have his revenge. As he passed the bus, he actually contemplated riding, and then cursed himself for his stupidity. Sometimes he wondered whether he actually liked the abuse and simply couldn’t admit it to himself. He walked past, pulling his hoodie over his head. If his parents heard of this...

1 year ago
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Divine Perversion

He watched the couple embrace passionately against the unyielding surface of her front door. It was the end of the second date, and yet the two were sucking each other’s tongues down their throats as if their lives depended upon the decadence of their lover’s mouth. The woman had her arms wrapped tightly around the taller man’s neck, and he had her ass cupped in his hands. He was kneading the plumpness, as he grinded her center roughly against his with mindless relish. A hand came around to...

3 years ago
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Divine Succession Chapter 08

Introduction: Heres hoping this chapters better. One moment, Arla and Maya were watching their planet burn, and the next, they were sat in a large bath together, with two other girls with wings around them. One of the girls had pure white robes on, whilst the other had light blue trims on it. Whats going on? Arla asked. We have been ordered to bathe you, in order to prepare you for the Lord, Said one of the girls, who looked slightly older than the other. I dont understand, where are we? Maya...

2 years ago
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Divine And Erotic Coupling Between Son And Mother

My sexual relations with my mother started when I was eighteen and she was 37. Dad was a simple Government servant whose appetite for sex was minimal. He fucked mom maybe once a month and that too was a ritual. I did not know any of this until one day when I was 18, I was lying on my back on the bed and masturbating, when mom suddenly walked in. Let me describe all three members of my family here. My father as I said was a government clerk and he was about 5’7″ in height and slightly on the...

3 years ago
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Divine Perversion

He watched the couple embrace passionately against the unyielding surface of her front door. It was the end of the second date, and yet the two were sucking each other’s tongues down their throats as if their lives depended upon the decadence of their lover’s mouth. The woman had her arms wrapped tightly around the taller man’s neck, and he had her ass cupped in his hands. He was kneading the plumpness, as he grinded her center roughly against his with mindless relish. A hand came around to...

3 years ago
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Divine Appointments

***** Divine Appointments What little courage I had and desperately embraced was ripped from me and teasingly floated beyond my grasp. Other than my 4-year-old daughter, Pearl, my meager fortitude was all I had to push me to survive and live. In a splintering moment, it had vanished. I fought all that was heaped upon me these past few years, and now a minor occurrence would cause my final defeat. A shattered ax handle destroyed everything and seemingly wrote the final chapter for me and my...

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Divine SuccessionChapter 5

Jack was rather confused when he woke up the next morning. He could feel that he was naked, which was pretty normal, except that he could feel a warm, wet sensation on his hard cock, sliding up and down on it. Jack opened his eyes, and saw Megan, who was laid on her front, giving him a blowjob. "Morning..." Jack said sleepily as he got a wake-up blowjob. "Morning," Megan said, sending pleasurable vibrations through Jack's cock. Jack watched Megan's head move, sucking him expertly....

2 years ago
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Divine SuccessionChapter 8

One moment, Arla and Maya were watching their planet burn, and the next, they were sat in a large bath together, with two other girls with wings around them. One of the girls had pure white robes on, whilst the other had light blue trims on it. "What's going on?" Arla asked. "We have been ordered to bathe you, in order to prepare you for the Lord," Said one of the girls, who looked slightly older than the other. "I don't understand, where are we?" Maya asked. "Why heaven of course,"...

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Divided Part 12

Divided Part 1 Chapter 1 It was a beautiful spring day. The sun shined bright in the sky with very few clouds. The leaves on the trees were a bright green. In a quiet neighborhood in California, a young boy named Damien Shellwood walked home from his best friend Eric's house. Damien was the 7 year old son of a wealthy family. His father James was a 30 year old Stockbroker. He was a tall 6'1 with black yet greying hair. His mother Amy was a 32 year old nurse. She was 5'7 large busted,...

1 year ago
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Momentum by T:M in 2005 Kennen Sie diese besondere Situation? Oh nat?rlich, wie dumm von mir! Wie k?nnen sie wissen wovon ich rede, wenn ich es ihnen nicht erkl?rt habe? Ich meine diese Art von Moment, die sich ereignet, wenn einem etwas pl?tzlich in den Sinn schie?t. Etwas, dass man eigentlich schon vor Stunden h?tte tun oder denken sollen. Mir pers?nlich ist das in der Schule sehr oft passiert. Da hat man irgendwo in der Pause einen schmutzigen, durch und durch unsittlichen Witz aufg...

1 year ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 104 Momentum

The campaign continued to gain momentum after the diner incident. During the next month I picked up another fourteen endorsements from various local police chiefs and fire department captains. We were on a roll! Okay, the Sun had endorsed Stewart, but everyone had known that was going to happen. He was a Democrat, and the Sun was a city paper, which heavily favored the Democrats, and they had endorsed him for every election he had run to date. It wasn’t an issue for us; we didn’t expect it to...

3 years ago
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Divine Justice II The Gift

My name is Terrance Graves. To sum up, I have a decent sized family. Two older twin sisters, a younger sister, and a younger brother… My parents were pretty busy people. But see, I was a mistake; the only mistake of the bunch, but a mistake. I must have been; my parents despised me. Absolutely despised me, to the point of cursing at me in front of my siblings. I don’t know what it was that I did or that I said, but it was all my fault, everything that had every gone wrong in our family. My...

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Hi! My name is Joanna. I am twenty-five years old and for three years I’ve been married to Mike. We met at university and dated for two years before tying the knot. One day we will (hopefully) start a family but there is no great hurry.At present, we are both pretty wrapped up in the early years of marriage. We have a very active sex-life and to reflect that fact I call Mike “Unicorn” because of his impressive rampant member. I’ve even had a small unicorn tattooed on my groin.Early on in our...

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Authors note: This is a revision to Divine Bliss. I added more depth to the characters and also some background to Calise. Hope you enjoy. Questions or comments are welcome. I promise I wont get mad…lol Enjoy * ‘Where are we going?’ Calise asked her best friend of ten years. They had been driving for a little over an hour and she was tired of seeing desert out of the car window. When Shauntea arrived at Calise’s house tonight all she said was get dressed. That was it. She refused to tell her...

3 years ago
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Divine Justice Conners Beginning

Conner Evans was, in three words, unlucky, unappreciated, and unliked. To say that he lived in hell was an understatement. He lived in a degree of hell that only the devil could stand. Standing at somewhere around six foot two inches tall, he wasnt a lightweight. Conner had some muscle built up from everyday things like running form stray dogs in the neighborhood or lifting furniture to appease his god awful foster parents. He wasnt ugly by any means, sporting brown hair with some strange...

3 years ago
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Divine Love

Sister Divine took her faith very seriously. The Lord God had given everything, His love, His dignity and His life, for His people and it was only right that she should give up everything for Him in return. And so she had chosen sisterhood in the Convent of the Blessed Mary, in the very ascetic order of the Damascene Nuns. Here there were no soft options in her dedication to her faith. Her possessions were left behind in the secular world beyond. Her hair was shaved off her head and off her...

1 year ago
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Divine Succession Chapter 13

Introduction: Samantha has a suggestion. Joe Jones laid back, happy. The past few weeks had been the happiest of his entire life. His little brother had told him he was God, and hed used his powers to turn his wife Jenny into an 18-year-old sexpot, who could barely keep herself away from his cock. Fucking his 18-year-old, 37-weeks-pregnant wife was one of the hottest, most pleasurable things hed ever done in his entire life. Both of them had been enchanted to where they could go for as long as...

1 year ago
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Divine Succession Chapter 09

Introduction: Wrongs are righted. David woke up early the next morning. He looked down at Samantha, who was cuddled up to him closely, her chest rising and falling gently as she slept peacefully. David kissed her, and teleported out of bed, so as not to wake her. Sleep honey&hellip, David whispered, stroking her skin. You dont have to go to work today. Just sleep. You deserve it. David then did the same thing to Jack and Molly, allowing his family the lie-in they all desperately needed. David...

1 year ago
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Divine Succession Chapter 10

Introduction: Hey look, Im still here! When David got home, he found Samantha, Molly and Megan arranged in a triangle, eating each-other out, while Jack was sat on the sofa, enjoying an unending orgasm, firing cum all over the girls. Oh dear, I hope Im not interrupting anything, David smiled. H&hellip,hey dad&hellip, Jack groaned, his face and voice giving away just how much pleasure he was experiencing. Honey, when youre done with this, Ill be in the shower, David told his wife. David went...

3 years ago
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Divine Disposal

He knew he was finished when the official State of Womanhood post arrived. It simply read "You have been found guilty of the grave crime of masturbation and have been selected for trial at which your guilt will be confirmed. You will prepare yourself for collection." The writing had been on the wall when he had been refused entry to the maternal sperm bank. The stern receptionist had smiled cruelly at him on his last visit. 'Your seed is no use anymore, we shall not see you again; the Chief...

3 years ago
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Divine SuccessionChapter 2

David opened his eyes, and saw a bright light. But this bright light hurt his eyes, causing him to close them again. When he'd finally gotten himself adjusted to the light, he sat up, and saw that he was laid in a bed in what appeared to be a hospital room. But wait, hadn't he died? The last thing he remembered was ... fucking Scarlett Johansson. While he made out with Taylor Swift and played with her tits. Or was he? It all seemed so distant now, like it had all been a dream. "Oh my God,...

2 years ago
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Divine SuccessionChapter 12

The rest of the business trip was rather uneventful. Sunday was spent finalising deals, Rachel finally understanding why people couldn't refuse David. She did stay rather quiet the whole time, clearly shaken up by learning the horrible truth about her parents. The entire plane ride home on Monday morning was spent with the two of them just cuddling, Rachel having no interest in sex. David resisted willing her horny, content just holding her in his arms. David got home early Monday morning,...

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Divine SuccessionChapter 15

Within 6 months, the Planet Earth was a mere shadow of its former self. More than a third of the population had been wiped out for displeasing Samantha in some way. Those who survived lived in constant fear that they would be the next victims of Samantha's wrath. Many people starting attending even more temple services than necessary, in the hope that it would put them in Samantha's favour. Samantha's wrath had meant that, despite the reduced population, there were large food shortages...

4 years ago
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Divine Grace the Journal of Belladonna the RedChapter 2 A Legend Falls

We left at dawn the next morning. I was less than pleased to be awoken only a few hours after I normally went to sleep, but as I have learned time and time again since my sentence began my wishes count for little. I was wearing all new clothing and boots, something unprecedented in my life. My hair was clean, combed and trimmed. In fact all of me was much cleaner than I was accustomed to. On the streets, I bathed perhaps once a month and cleaned my clothing once a tenday at most, but both...

1 year ago
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Divine Plan

It seems to be a divine plan "You didn't do the dishes correctly, Toby," said an irritated Kelly. The dishwasher was brand new. Ten years old and has only been used once or twice. The couple in this story liked their wares cleaned, not only sanitized. Toby rolled his eyes at the ingratitude of his wife of five years. He counted off the several items that pissed him off with Kelly's statement. How about some appreciation that Toby had cleaned the dishes unprompted? The fact that...

1 year ago
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Divine plan III

Divine Plan? III "Oh, Tabbi, your eyes look so big. Doesn't Big George feel so good stuffing your sissy pussy? I can see how much you like it. All your tasty semen is swallowed and gone, and you are still impressively erect. You look so innocent and sort of virginally surprised. And how will you ever learn to walk in those six-and-a-half-inch strappy heels?" Kelly asked joyfully. Tabbi stood there with a shocked expression on her face. She remembered the size of what Kelly showed...

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