Liars Table
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Shit! Unbelievable! Fucking hell on oat bread, that's what I say! My hands, both of them! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! My hands! What a time for my wrists to act up! Unbelievable! My hands have betrayed me. My hands feel as if they spasmed and closed tightly around blocks of dry ice or something even colder. Man oh man, why didn't I think of this before?
I release my grip and stare at my fingers. Pins and needles. It feels as if my fingers are suffering from freezer burn. I haven't felt pain this bad in ... I don't know how long. I take the time to take a deep breath and recover, hoping the pain will fade. And then my intestines give a heave, a deep ticklish sensation as if something is wiggling deep inside me. I feel sudden intestinal gas pressure and I try to fart to relieve it. I feel a strange reluctance with my rectum to release the gas. I'm all plugged up, and when I finally do blow the fart I grimace. It feels as if my anus is covered in a slimy mess.
Fuck! Did I just take a crap?! Here?! Oh no, not now! How embarrassing! I have to check. I wiggle a bit until my hand is at the bottom of my butt. Fucking hell on multigrain, that's what I say! The spot below my anus and the back of my sac both feel as if they're covered in slimy goo. I bring my probing hand to my nose and sniff. Very strange. The goo has a faint odor of shit but is not nearly as strong as I was expecting. I rub my fingers together and am very puzzled. The brown goo is also extremely slippery. My body seems to be expelling lubrication.
What have I eaten recently? Nothing really comes to mind. My stomach feels very empty. Perhaps that's were the tickling sensation came from. I haven't eaten and haven't felt hungry in so long that my body is trying something new to remind me that I'll eventually have to eat something. My problem is I just don't feel hungry. I feel my stomach as empty but somehow that just doesn't lead to a desire for food anymore, and it hasn't for ... a long time. A full day? More? I don't know. It all seems like a blur.
And my cock! Fucking hell on sourdough, that's what I say! What the fucking hell?! I'm erect, or at least I used to be. My body is winding down from some super full blown erection. Am I going mad?! What's so sexy about carrying two heavy suitcases in a dank summer night and then having my hands explode in freezer burn? Was I daydreaming? I try to remember what I was thinking about just before my hands did their deep freezer routine on me. And then ... And then...
I cry out in absolute terror and stagger. Fortunately my flashback now is as brief as ever. It almost gives me a glimpse of an infinite horror but then my mind pushes the nightmare away. But I don't want to stand here anymore. I feel too exposed. I am vulnerable, and I absolutely don't have the guts to stay here. After gingerly testing the weight of my two suitcases again, I resume my march. I take another three steps, and then my wrists leave me crying in agony. My mental defenses fail in the intense pain and I am swept back fully into a memory from hell.
I have just gripped Grace's hips and her naked flesh is as cold as ice water. The shock and the coldness causes my wrists to hurt horribly and this causes my bowels to spasm so violently that I think I'm about to succeed in shitting out my butt plug. But before I can expel the plug, it seems to come alive inside me and I scream in pain. My face is contorted in agony. My rectum! My prostate!
A few years earlier I had a prostate biopsy and I found the procedure very unpleasant, even with the local anesthetic. What I am experiencing now is infinitely worse. It feels as if my butt plug has just fired a barbed harpoon through the center of my prostate, destroying the gland and my reproductive ductwork beyond. The pain is unbearable and I'm rolling on the floor and crying in agony.
I dimly feel Grace's arms on my body. "I'm rolling you on your back, David," she says calmly. "Try to help me."
I don't understand, I don't understand! I want to shout to Grace what my problem is but I feel so confused and overwhelmed with pain that the words just won't come. And I'm breathing in great gulps of air and my arms and legs are starting to feel heavy. I've got to get this horrible plug out of me! It feels alive! I can feel it twisting and spinning and sliding into me and it's absolutely horrible. So I reach back to my anus with a last burst of my fading strength and thankfully I grab a thick handful of the coarse hair. I'm somewhat surprised. The plug seems to have a life of its own and is sliding even deeper into my intestines. I had this irrational fear that all the coarse hair had already been sucked into my body.
This horrible plug! I am determined to get it out no matter what the pain. So I pull as hard as I can and the tail comes easily into the air. I stare at the end. At first I'm simply bewildered. There's no rubber plug, just the end of the hairs attached to a scalp of skin. I stare more closely and blink in horror. The scalp, it reminds me of deer skin shedding from antlers. This skin is fresh, alive, as if it had just been torn from a living animal. I wince from the pressure in my intestines. My whole body is vibrating. Something is wiggling vigorously along my digestive tract. It's sliding deeper into me. I'm sure of it!
I look up and see Grace calmly kneeling near me, smiling and not saying anything. That makes no sense. Pushing that thought aside, I force my heavy arm and hand to return to my anus. Fuck! It's enormous! I'm so open I could probably pop my hand into my rectum very easily. I try to do so, if only to see if I have any chance at all of grabbing the creature crawling up my digestive tract.
But Grace stops me. She pulls my arm to my side and then finishes rolling me flat on my back. I'm panting heavily in deep full breaths and my arms and legs feel as if they weigh ten times what they should. What the hell is going on?! My eyes search for Grace's eyes for answers.
And she's laughing at me! "David! Didn't your mother ever teach you not to stick your dirty little hands inside your dirty smelly butt in the presence of naked girls?" Grace clicks her tongue in disapproval. "You have such disgusting manners!"
"What..." I gasp. "What is it?"
"What's inside you? Well, I guess I might tell you if you ask sweetly."
I'm still panting deeply as I stare at Grace. My arms are almost unmovable now. I'm completely at her mercy and I'm just beginning to realize that means I'm completely at nothing at all. "Please?" I whisper.
"Well, okay, since you were nice and said please. The creature is called a Silkie. You never had a plug. It was just me being playful with my pet Silkie. It's vaguely similar to an octopus, no bones and all sleek muscle, but it's an air breather. My Silkie is also a juvenile that has just begun its metamorphosis to adulthood. The coarse tail is the mark of the juvenile. Its adult tail will be soft and luxuriant. And you know how nice those adult tails are, don't you, you stupid moron?"
I gasp. "My butt..."
"Yes, it would be very appropriate to call you a gaping asshole now. My first wipe was a powerful muscle relaxant and topical anesthetic. It dilated you so I could slip my Silkie inside your rectum without you feeling it. I was careful not to touch your prostate with the first wipe though. I didn't want to diminish the pleasure of watching your expression as my Silkie fired its juvenile harpoon. That was very enjoyable!"
Grace sighs happily and goes on. "In the rear of the Silkie near its tail is a concave area around its anus. At the start of its metamorphosis, it fires a barb that semi-paralyzes its host, potent neurotoxins that relax your voluntary muscles. That's why you can't lift your arms."
I try to shout but all I can manage is a whisper. "What?!"
Grace laughs and continues. "I didn't have to rotate my pet to fire into your prostate. That was just me being playful. Any meaty part of your rectal wall would have done just as well. And the toxins also stimulate deep breathing in the host, just what the Silkie needs. It wants your body to be full of fresh oxygen-rich blood."
My eyes go wide as I dimly realize what Grace is alluding to. I struggle to test whether I can stop my deep breathing. A pitiful show of defiance, but it's the only thing I can offer as protest.
"David! Don't you dare fight the deep breathing! If you do, I'll put my heels on your delicate little wrists and then grind down with all my weight! The pain will leave you gasping and I'll still get the breathing I want. It's your choice whether you want the pain. You can't change what's happening with the Silkie."
My body feels like lead and my mind is thinking furiously for some way to resist but I'm hitting on empty. Meanwhile Grace is bringing all the pillows and sheets from the bed and piling them near my hips. I give a soft scream from a new intense pain. It's coming from the middle of my bowels.
Era ormai arrivata la fine di luglio. Qualche giorno prima, nell'attesa di cominciare la depilazione definitiva al laser, mi ero depilata completamente per essere pi? femmina. In quei giorni giravo per casa vestita solo di un gaff piuttosto cattivo, che mi appiattiva il pube efficacemente e mi permetteva di mitigare la mia disforia di genere, ancora piuttosto forte, fingendo che tra le gambe avessi la tanto agognata vagina. Con il caldo di quei giorni era una sensazione bellissima,...
This is a bit different for me. While there are two sexual encounters, the focus is more on the romance between characters and the story line related to it. So if you’re looking for the characters to jump in to bed together by the third paragraph, you may want to read a different story. Thanks to my friends who continue to encourage my writing. -Jim ______________________________ CONFESSIONS ‘I’m a liar. There’s no better way to put it. I’m a liar and I’ve always been a liar. To flippantly...
2 – The Proposal This is a sequel to the story LIAR. While the characters are the same (and a few new ones) this is a bit more erotic than the first one. While reading LIAR first would be helpful to know the characters more intimately, you can probably read this story without having read the first one. Thanks to my friend ‘Billie’ who adds amazing confusion to my life. Thanks to ‘Jessica’ and the ‘Girls’ who have made my mid life crisis so much fun. Thanks to ‘acurmudgeon’ for catching my...
Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 3 "Finally they're asleep!" Carissa said as she hopped back on the couch next to Craig. "Great. It's been a traumatic day, so I'm sure they're wiped." Craig rubbed Carissa's shoulders. "How about you?" " I'm good, and that feels wonderful," said Carissa, enjoying the rub. "In fact, I'm better than good since we met you guys." "Really?" Craig smiled as she spun around, looking at him. "Me...
Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 1 "I'm going to kill you Taylor," Craig yelled at his brother after he hung up the phone. "Why the hell would you tell your teacher this? Now I have to go to a fucking therapy group." "I'm sorry." Taylor shrugged his shoulders. "I needed an excuse for why I was failing, or they would have kicked me off the lacrosse team. Since I blamed it on you not being able to watch me based on your issue, they let it...
Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter 2 They all walked back to their cars and hugged each other good night as Taylor felt relieved it was over, buckling himself in. As Craig started backing out of the parking spot, they were both startled by a knock on his passenger window. As he rolled down the window, Carissa poked her head in, leaning on the car. "You know I was just thinking that its Friday night of a long weekend, and I was wondering if...
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Hello Everyone! I want to start by saying that I appreciated all the feedback I got on Chapter 5. I appreciated some more than others, but I appreciated it all. I apologize for the obvious mass confusion and the only explanation I can provide is that Chapter 5 was originally a lot longer, but I decided last minute to break it up. Obviously that wasn’t the best idea. My ass still hurts from the new one I was ripped about it, but I’m going to take everything in stride and assume that the reason...
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‘What happened?’ Dean asked after Sloane hung up the phone, ‘Is everything okay?’ ‘No…that was Gigi.’ She replied distracted. ‘Gigi? Is there something wrong with Ethan?’ ‘No, no…’ Sloane said shaking her head and meeting her brother’s concerned gaze, ‘Ethan’s fine. She’s on her way here to drop Ethan off before she goes home.’ Dean breathed out a sigh of relief upon hearing Ethan was okay only to suck it in just as quickly, ‘Wait…Gigi’s on her way here? Here as in Reston? With Ethan?’ ...
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AnalI’m not exactly an early riser. Neither, apparently, was Summer. Not a peep as I made my way out to the kitchen after throwing on jeans and a clean t-shirt, and starting breakfast. Coffee first. Sugar and cream. Some habits never change. Normally, I’d just scramble some eggs and toast an English muffin. Normally, though, I didn’t have a pretty blonde staying with me. Pancakes. Everyone loved pancakes. With blueberries and real maple syrup.I was just pouring the first one when I caught her from...
IncestLI-LI LEE By Betty Noone I knew I was gay since I was 12 years old. I pretended to like girls so that my friends would not suspect. One of my best friends was a girl my age from school and it was with her that I was most comfortable with. She knew I was 'different' and she didn't care. We talked about things that girls talked about at that age. But, I knew I was different in other ways as well. My parents are third generation Chinese-Americans. Dad is an import-exporter, and...
She smiled as he walked into her class and went to sit at the back of the room. He being John (Jack) Gorman, the class swot, at least to the rest of the class. To her, Mrs Jane Yates, mathematics lecturer at Willowbrook College, he was the sexiest thing on two legs, lust personified! Her vulva dampened at the sight of him smiling at her, then licking his lips to signal how much he had enjoyed exploring that same vulva with that same long tongue the previous night. Then ploughing his...
Copyright© 2001-2003 There once was a sailor named Gasted, A swell guy, as long as he lasted, He could jerk himself off In a basket, aloft, Or a breeches-buoy swung from the masthead. Her kisses were like sugar and my mouth was glued to hers as we stumbled into my home. Her lithe body was pressing passionately against my own and my hardness throbbed as a response. When I got through the private patio door to my room, in the basement, I threw my trophy onto the...
Ski trip Chaperone ? by: Little Miss Vicky Kay If I had known what was in store for me, I would never have taken my kid sister and her friends skiing that weekend. They were being nice to me since I had volunteered and they loaded the car and made me breakfast and all I had to do was drive them to the ski slopes and chaperone. Otherwise my kid sister and her friends' parents would never have let them go. I was a sophomore in college and they were juniors in high school. I...
Linda was humming to herself as she readied herself for her debut at the spa, after being absent for sooo long. In spite of her life in Germany, all the people she had met, all the things she had done and seen, and, above all, the men who had filled her life, and her pussy, she had missed this. Her true, in her mind, home, and the many friends she had had. She was sorry that so many of them had moved on with their lives, maybe never to be seen again, but hoped that they would do well, and,...
My latest Battle Babe book, Goddess of The Golden Galaxy, was the best selling in the franchise history. Even serious critics commented on it. Ed Silver of Critic's Choice said it was the best erotic romp he'd ever read. "Whoever Rock Stone really is should consider writing some serious stuff. The love scenes were exciting without being vulgar, erotic tapestries woven with skill and style. Some made my wife blush. And smile. And the unfolding of the interpersonal relationships showed...
The Class Project by Janice Dreamer Chapter 15 "I know I had asked off for tonight and all next week, Sir, but I had a change of plans. I thought you might need a little extra help is all," Robyn explained to Mr. Peeps. She crossed her fingers, hoping he'd just let her go to work. Donna was with her family and all her other friends were back in their home towns. She'd thought about calling Brad's cell but he was probably asleep what with the time difference. Besides, she'd just...
Today is my third visit to the local 'rub and tug' establishment. It is also my third appointment with Cian. She is approximately 25 years old, 5ft 5ins tall, slim build with a delicious set of 36D tits capped by the most wonderful set of pink nipples. Her hair is an ash blonde colour (down to the middle of her back) with a matching hairy (and fluffy) pussy. We've decided on a 90 minute session including a shared spa session, nude body slide and handjob (by her) and pussy play and touching...
Having completed an all too rare shopping expedition with her daughter Caroline, and now concluding lunch with coffee, Catherine Dixon was now having to fend of some increasingly difficult questions from her daughter. Certainly Catherine had been delighted to hear her daughter praising her new hairstyle and that with a new sparkle in her eyes and a far more glamorous manner of dressing, her Mother looked ‘more attractive than ever’ these days. “It’s almost as if you’ve taken a lover Mum”...
MeI'm a man that is truly alone with no family or children. all I really desire is a female version of me. one that loves giving and receiving sexual pleasure to men, women, and groups. All while putting the two of us first. All others being for either ours and/or there pleasure.a woman that like me seeks to put true honesty and pleasure in all areas of life and together we start a business that specializes in making people's and/or couples deepest hidden fantasies come true.
BisexualCharming beauty Lylyta Yung always liked male attention. Despite the fact that she has a boyfriend, this did not stop her from starting a virtual romance. Today her boyfriend comes home unexpectedly early and finds her texting and taking hot selfies for another guy. But, the cunning Lylyta convinces him that it is not worth being jealous because another guy is just a friend. She offers him to fuck her well for her misconduct as an apology. Unable to contain himself, the boyfriend takes the...