- 3 years ago
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‘Sal…..Sally…SAL, for fucks sake!’
Sal bolted out of her daydream as quickly as she had fallen into it, by the harsh sound of Georgia’s voice. Sal had been thinking about him again, and these daydreams were filling up the majority of her days, much to the annoyance of her flatmate.
‘You have to stop doing this Sal, just staring out of the window thinking about you-know-who. Its not healthy and I need someone to talk to after a long day at uni, and I was also wondering if I could borrow your…’
Sal had zoned out again, but this time she wasn’t thinking about Him, she was just going to that special quiet place where she spent most of her time when Georgia started her rants.
Joe had text her again. He wanted to meet that night, go for some food, find a motel, shag all night. The usual. At first Sal had been excited by this illicit affair, she had always attracted the engaged/married/recently divorced, and Joe was no different. They had known each other for ages she was totally cool with his fiancée Jenny, but one night at a party she found him passed out on her bed. When trying to wake him he grabbed her and started kissing her with kisses that were surprisingly delicious from someone so drunk. At first Sal had resisted, not wanting to hurt Jenny, and not wanting to have Joe regret it if he was too drunk to realise what, or who, he was doing. But then he whispered.
‘Sal, get into bed with me, please, I know what I’m doing, I want you so bad’
She tried to resist, but Joe was so damn hot, and his hand was caressing her breasts so softly, but with increasing urgency. She didn’t even notice that his hand had slipped into her dress and was teasing her nipples hard. She started to gasp at the feeling and forgot her worries. He leaned over her and stroked her face, his startling blue eyes totally focused on her own. His kisses started on her neck and moved down to her chest. He was pleased that she hadn’t worn a bra that night, because he could see her excitement standing out hard underneath the material. He moved the straps of the dress downwards and took her right breast into his mouth, teasing her nipple gently with a twist of his tongue. Already Sal could feel herself getting wet from his sucking, and she could feel how hard he was against her leg. She forgot the guilt, she forgot everything. She wanted him and that’s all she thought about that night.
Months on and they were still meeting regularly to make love. The sex between them was always passionate and urgent, as if each time could possibly be the last, Sal enjoyed each meeting and was usually always hungry for more. However recently her mind had been occupied by the events of the last semester at uni. She had been thinking more and more of Him, and what might have been. He had been an exchange student, studying at her university for a single semester. She had fallen for Him, fallen for Him hard, but it could never be. He had a girlfriend back home in America who He loved dearly, but Sal couldn’t help but wonder if the connection she had felt with Him had been more than platonic. They had spent everyday of the 5 months together, whether it be sipping coffee and discussing novels in the uni coffee shop, or finding seriously dodgy rock bars and dancing the night away after getting trashed on whiskey. Sal had fallen deeply in love with Him, but nothing had ever happened between them. Despite the love she felt for Him, their friendship was even stronger and much more important to her than a quick fling and the responsibility of another ruined relationship. But it was different now. Now He was gone, and she was back at uni without her best friend, without the love of her life, and she wished it had all been different. She wished that she had gained the courage to confess how she felt, to ask Him to leave His girlfriend, to stay with her, to love her. They emailed each other everyday and each day the sadness and darkness that was overtaking her grew deeper and deeper.
So Joe filled a fraction of the void. Sal enjoyed her friendship with Joe, it wasn’t all about the sex, they talked a lot about everything they could ever think to say. But she could never talk about Him. She only ever talked about Him to Georgia, but even that had stopped recently, Sal wanted that part of her soul to be private from now on, because if no one else knew, then maybe it might not be real, and maybe she might forget about Him and move on with her life.
The day that changed Sal’s life started as any other day. She woke up to a cheeky text from Joe, asking if he could visit her knickers that night. That made her smile. Her relationship with Joe had become one of frequent passionate sex, but even more frequent jokes, banter and good times. He was still engaged to Jenny, and Jenny was still unaware of her fiancées misgivings, but Sal felt that the sex had become an added and somewhat irrelevant bonus to her friendship with Joe. They both liked sex, and they were both good at having sex with each other, they saw it as a way of enriching their friendship.
With a smile Sal text Joe back – ‘only if you buy them dinner first’. She then leapt out of bed to dash to the shops before classes started, she had promised her flatmates she would cook dinner, but with nothing more than a packet of brown rice and a lump of discoloured cheese in the fridge, she would need some supplies. Throwing on her shorts and a tank top she admired herself in the mirror. Sal was not a vain girl but she had recently lost a lot of weight, and for the first time in her life she was not ashamed of looking at herself in the mirror, so she did it as often as possible! This morning she looked pretty good, despite just falling out of bed, her hair had that sexy messy look and her clear complexion glowed without the need of makeup. Grabbing her car keys she was just about to dash when the phone rang…
‘Yeah, hello?’ Sal flustered.
‘Sally, its Jean from Accommodation, we have a new international student here who needs a bit of help, he’s living in the flat next door to you and we were wondering if you could come and help him with his things and show him the ropes down there?’
Sal had always helped out with new internationals that arrived dazed and confused at the university. She herself was from England, and had travelled to Australia to study for a semester. She had loved the place so much that she had transferred onto a full degree and was therefore always at hand to help out people who were feeling a bit shell shocked.
‘Sure thing Jean, I’ll drive down so we don’t have to carry all his gear’.
Scribbling an apology note to her flatmates about dinner, Sal jogged to the car and drove the short distance to the Accommodation offices. As she walked in she saw Jean waving frantically at her.
‘So where’s my newbie then Jean?’ Sal asked.
Jean nodded over to the main office where Sal saw the guy sat with his back to the window. He looked oddly familiar, but then tall blonde guys are pretty generic, she reasoned. She strolled over to the office but stopped dead in her tracks as he turned around…as He turned to look at her. She felt her whole world come both crashing down and rising up, all at once.
‘Toby…how?…why?..I don’t understand.’
Toby stood up and in two strides had come over to Sal and gathered her into a massive bear-hug. Suddenly Sal didn’t care about the why or the how, she cared about the now and that she was in his arms. Toby put her down and grinned at her confused expression. Turning around Sal noticed Jean cackling in the corner.
‘You cow!’ Sal cried ‘That’s such a horrible prank!’
‘So I’m a horrible prank am I?’ Toby laughed.
‘Well it was partly true’ said Jean ‘he’s going to be staying with you…as opposed to next to you, and he wanted you to come and pick him and his gear up.’
‘You lazy git!’
‘Jean you’re the coolest’ laughed Toby ‘Are you sure I’m ok to stay with Sal?’
thing, just don’t let it be known to too many people, down in your self catered flats the rules are a bit relaxed and we don’t want a rebellion on our hands by people who don’t have those privileges.’
Still dazed and confused, Sal swung Toby’s huge backpack onto her shoulders and they walked out to the car. Packing his gear into the boot she turned to him and asked straight out.
‘Toby, why are you here?’
Toby took a deep breath, for he knew this moment would come, he knew Sal wouldn’t bullshit around with niceties. She would want to know what the hell was going on.
‘I’m here for you Sal.’
Sal took a step back, not sure what to make of what he had just said. He reached out to take her hand but she pulled it away.
‘What do you mean Toby?’
‘Lisa and I broke up. I was in love with someone else. I’m in love with you Sal. So I’m here for you…if you’ll have me?’
For what seemed an eternity, Sal processed his words in her mind. What she had been dreaming of was happening, and she didn’t have a clue what to do. Her body had paralysed itself onto the spot and she felt her jaw slack, hanging open like a yokel. All of a sudden it hit her. Yes he had said those words, yes he was here, standing in front of her. It was real. And yes she would have him.
Instead of responding to Toby’s question, Sal just stepped in front of him, wrapped her arms around his neck and did what she had been dreaming of for so long. She kissed him. She kissed him with love and longing and as his arms slipped around her waist she pulled him closer to her and vowed she would never let him go again.
Five minutes later, back in the flat, Sal and Toby were chatting like old times, with a cup of tea each. However this time, they had so much more to talk about. Toby told Sal about how things started to go sour with Lisa the moment he got back to the States. He couldn’t get Sal out of his mind and Lisa had picked up on that in a flash. They had had serious rows over the issue, and eventually Toby had ended it, because he just didn’t love her anymore. This had been months ago, and it had taken him a long time to come to terms with his feelings for Sal and whether coming out to Australia would be a wise choice.
‘But we talked everyday Tobes’ Sally cried ‘why didn’t you tell me anything that was going on?’
‘I didn’t even know what was going on myself’ he replied ‘I wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing, making my own decisions about it, not being influenced by anyone else. Even by you Sal.’
‘And now?’
‘And now I know it’s the right thing, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about coming out here, I couldn’t face a rejection. For some reason I thought you may have not wanted me here, you may have moved on from our time together, I wouldn’t fit in.’
They talked all afternoon. About Lisa and about the breakup. About how they felt for each other and how they both felt it last semester but both had been scared to admit. But they also talked about other things, just as they used to before. Movies, books, food, travel, dreams, adventures…and how annoying they both had found Georgia last semester and – ‘No she hasn’t changed this semester at all!’
The only thing that didn’t come up in the conversation was Joe. Sal didn’t purposely fail to talk about him, he just didn’t enter her mind because she was totally focused on the person in front of her, on her dream come true. It wasn’t until later that evening when her phone bleeped on the table. Toby and her flatmates were in happy conversation about his travels over the past few days so Sal slipped into her bedroom to read the text.
‘What the fuck? I’m waiting to take your underpants to dinner and no word from you. Shall we make it another night?’
Sal felt torn. She knew she needed to immediately end things with Joe, but she didn’t want to be sloping off with another guy the first night Toby would be her with her. She didn’t believe in dumping people by phone (whether it be a real relationship or not) and she didn’t want it hanging over her. She made the decision and text him back.
‘Want to give dinner a miss tonight but still want to see you, have something important to talk about. Pick me up in about 20 mins?’
Going back into the lounge she considered whether to tell Toby. She didn’t want to start their relationship with dishonesty, but she also didn’t want to go into a huge explanation about who Joe was and why she would be dumping someone she wasn’t actually dating. She decided that once the deed was done, a full explanation could be given afterwards, and it would be like a total fresh start.
Going over to Toby she poked him softly.
‘Sorry to disturb the chit-chat but I’m just nipping out for half an hour, I said I would meet a friend for a drink and I totally forgot. They’re already on their way to pick me up.’
‘Want me to come?’ Toby asked
‘Nah, they will only want to talk to you and we’ll be there for ages. I wont be too long’.
Sal heard a car pull up and the horn sound, she felt God awful for lying to Toby but she knew it would probably be for the best.
‘I’ll be back soon’ she smiled, kissing him on the cheek and dashing out.
Once in the car Joe leant over to kiss her but she pulled away.
‘Joe can we just drive to the old car park so we can have a chat?’
‘Sure thing chick, what’s wrong?’
‘I’ll tell you when we get there, can we just drive?’
Not long after, Joe and Sal were parked up in the old winery carpark that had not been used for years. It was a great place to go and have a steamy session they had both discovered, but tonight would be different, Sal had told herself.
‘What’s up Sal? This is very unlike you.’
‘Joe, you know Toby from last semester?’
‘Er yeah.’
‘Well, I never told you this, but I was totally in love with him. I thought I was getting over him, but he’s come back. He’s dumped his girlfriend and had come out here to be with me. It’s a crazy scenario I know, but its what I want. I want to be with him. So what’s happening between us has to stop. I’m really sorry but I don’t want to cheat on him. I know I’m a total hypocrite, being the person that you’re cheating on Jenny with, but I cant bring myself to do that. I hope that we can still be friends…I seriously do. You mean a lot to me Joe.’
Joe was silent for a while, but then he gave Sal a big smile and took her hand.
‘Just want you to be happy babe. But I’m going to miss the amazing sex, I’m not going to lie about that one!’
Sal laughed and nodded in agreement. Despite Toby being what she wanted, the sudden change of circumstances had left her dizzy and confused about her feelings for Joe. She realised that he had probably meant more to her than just sex but the friendship probably wouldn’t survive without it. Even now, sat in the car holding hands she couldn’t help but look over to the handsome guy in the seat next to her and still feel a longing for him. Despite every moral bone in her body screaming at her to resist, she didn’t stop Joe when he leant over and planted a soft kiss on her lips.
‘Sal, just one last time? I’m going to miss you so much, you know we wont be able to see each other as often, we cant just extinguish these feelings. One last time and then call it quits?’ Joe mumbled to Sal as his kisses moved down to her neck, and her chest, his hands slipping under her tank top to reveal glimpse of her lacy red bra. His favourite.
‘I don’t know Joe. I cant do this to Toby. I’ve loved him for so long, and now he’s here. And he wants to be with me. I want to be with him. But its all so sudden. I’m so confused…’ Sal’s words were cut short by a moan as Joe had slipped his hand into her bra and his fingers were softly grazing her nipple. It felt so good, and Sal felt all control slip from her grasp. Every rational thought in her mind was telling her to stop but they were being shouted over by t
he longing she felt. Her body yearned for the way Joe could make it feel. His touches and his kisses never failed to make her writhe in ecstasy and as he moved his hand down to her closed legs and started running his hand between her thighs, she gave over to his touches once again.
Slipping his hand up the leg of her shorts Joe was delighted to find that Sal had no underwear on.
‘It drives me crazy when you don’t wear any.’ He whispered as he ran his fingers softly around the outside of Sal’s dampening folds.
Sal twisted and squirmed in the passenger seat as Joe teasingly slipped in and out of her hole, making her wetter with each thrust of his fingers. She leaned closer to him and pulled his shirt off from over his head, revealing his toned body that she loved to run her hands all over.
While he was still running his fingers around inside her and worrying her clit with his thumb, Sal leant forward and started kissing Joe’s bare chest. His skin felt so soft against her lips and she was comforted by the warmth he always emanated from his firm body.
Joe took his fingers from Sal’s shorts and they were glistening with her juices. She took his hand and gently closed her mouth around the wet fingers, licking them clean, relishing the taste of her own arousal. She slowly pushed him back against the door and started running her tongue down his body. She reached the waistband of his jeans and stopped to admire the bulge from within. She loved to slowly tease Joe from out of his trousers, prolonging the time it took for her mouth to finally close around his eager erection. This time was no different and with moans of delight Joe leant back further towards the door as Sal slowly started licking his hard cock. She ran her mouth up and down the shaft, stopping briefly at the tip to flick her tongue across its glistening head. She knew exactly how to suck him, how to make him almost cum and then she would ease off, prolonging his pleasure and making his eventual orgasm all the more spectacular. After the slow teasing, she eased her mouth over his member and started building up the rhythm, at the same time she slipped her hand between his legs and gently massaged his balls. She took him deep into the back of her throat, something she was very good at and she never gagged. He loved the sensation of his cock hitting the back of her throat and she trusted him enough to fuck her mouth as hard as he wanted because he never once hurt her.
‘Fucking hell Sally…’ Joe moaned ‘How do you do this to me?’
Joe was rocking against Sal’s mouth, running his hands through her hair as she took him deeper still. She looked up into his eyes and kept his gaze without falter as she brought him to orgasm. His whole body shuddered in delight as he shot his load into the back of her throat. Sal gently licked him clean and swallowed his cum, it never tasted bad and she enjoyed the pleasure she gave him by taking him into her totally. Joe was breathing heavily as the waves of pleasure that washed over him started to die down. He looked over at Sal who was smiling at him, her beautiful breasts heaving underneath her lacy bra. He wanted her to himself for the rest of their lives but he cared too much for her to prevent her from being happy with Toby and he loved his fiancée dearly and wanted to start doing right by her. But right there and then he just wanted Sal. He climbed over into the back seat of the car and pulled Sal over so she was sitting on top of him.
‘You give fantastic head my dear’ he laughed.
‘Well I always like what I get in return’ Sal smiled, running her hands over his chest.
‘What might that be?’
‘You know damn well!’ Sal grinned wickedly, knowing what was to come and knowing she would be in throes of delight as it was happening.
Joe smiled and flipped Sal around so she was underneath him. He slipped his hands under her ass and quickly pulled her shorts off. Pushing her into a semi-seated position he started working his tongue down her body, pausing to take off her bra and close his mouth around her breast. Sal moaned in delight as she felt herself grow wetter and wetter with the excitement of what was to come. In no time, Joe had moved down her body and was easing her legs apart. He stopped briefly to admire the sight in front of him. Sal’s shaved folds were smooth and shining, ready for him to explore. Joe leant forward and started running his tongue across her clit, bringing instant moans of pleasure from Sal as he started what she most loved. His face was getting soaked by her excitement and he loved the sensation. Slipping his tongue further down his pushed it into her hole and started lapping furiously, curling it upwards to hit the spot that made her moan the most. Bringing his hands underneath her buttocks to lift her into his mouth more easily Sal started thrusting herself against him, his tongue twisting around inside her, tasting her increasing juices. Sal’s moans grew louder and louder as she felt the pressure building up from deep within. She fucked his tongue faster and faster and as she was nearing the verge of ecstasy, Joe slipped a finger inside her ass. The sensation threw Sal over the edge and she screamed out in pure pleasure, her juices hitting Joe in the face. Her orgasm was long and powerful and when it was over she slumped back against the door panting with vigour, a wonderful warm feeling enveloping her body as her pounding heart began to slow. Joe gave her a moment to recover before he kissed her hard on the mouth, allowing her to taste her own orgasm. As she licked his face clean, her hand moved down to grasp Joe’s cock, which had been hard for the entire time he had been eating her. She ran her hand up and down it, and started rubbing herself with her other hand. When her hand was wet with her juices she started running them over his throbbing member. The soft smooth sensation of her hand made Joe moan and looking her in the eyes they both knew they were ready. Pulling him towards her, Sal guided Joe’s eager cock into her waiting hole. As her folds closed around him, he slowly pushed himself into her further, pushing deeper and deeper until she felt completely filled by him. Slowly, he started to pull himself out, and then pushed in again, all very slowly to build her up to the pleasure he loved to watch. Joe pulled out of her and grabbed his cock with one hand. He started to run its tip around the outside of her hole, making her wetness spread everywhere. He began to push against her clit, fucking the tiny mound of sensitive flesh with the tip of his smooth cock. He pushed harder and faster and when Sal’s moaning and cries of pleasure grew greater he quickly pushed himself inside her once more and started to fuck her hard and fast. She loved to be fucked hard and her moans grew into loud cries as he pounded himself into her. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him into her deeper until he felt as though he would be lost inside her forever. She felt so good and she had a trick of clenching herself around his cock as he was fucking her. It felt really tight and hot and he felt his orgasm starting to rise already. He leant forward and closed his mouth around her breasts as she reached around to his balls and played with them, occasionally slipping her finger in and out of his ass. Whenever her finger was inside him he felt like he was going to cum in an explosion but she always pulled it out in time, to prolong his pleasure and her own. Joe suddenly pulled out from Sal’s dripping hole and flipped her over onto her front. He grabbed her waist and pushed himself into her from behind. Sal’s cries became louder as getting fucked from behind meant he was hitting her g-spot with every thrust. He grabbed onto her hair and pulled her up towards him, wrapping his arms around her. She moved against him so they were moving in rhythm and as he thrust into her she played with herself, bringing them both closer to orgasm with each movement they had together.
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Premium Fetish Porn SitesMasala Desi! Let’s agree on one thing, besides the essence of porn in our lives that is the factor that it’s not every goddamned person's schedule that allows them to meet up with friends or even engage in the normal chit chats with friends. The good news for such people from the Indian race being that Masala Desi has created an opportunity for them to participate in basic discussions on things like football every day in forums. Besides, there is more interesting shit to do here including...
Porn ForumsWebsites such as Masala Seen are pretty hard to figure out. For starters, the design of these websites is pretty fucking simple, so you can't really tell what the hell is going on up in there. Then, the name of this website in specific doesn't really tell us a lot about the contents of the page, which is pretty weird, but not uncommon. For the most part, websites that are hard to figure out will have some sort of gimmick in their name that will either make it much easier for you to remember...
Indian Porn SitesWe can all agree that there is just something very addictive about browsing through content uploaded by the owners themselves, right? It is on a whole new level to amateur pornography, since while amateur porn is fun and all, it is often just reloaded by random people. However, on r/TheEroticSalon/, you have many gorgeous Redditors uploading their personal dirty images, which I think is pretty fucking neat.Do not worry, r/TheEroticSalon/ is a free subreddit, and it is filled with some of the...
Reddit NSFW ListI walking over the shop and looking for new clothes. I take some t-shirts and jeans to check later are fit on me.When I collect new clothes salesman look at me from time to time. At the begining I thought that the is thinking that I am a thief or sth but when I walk next to him he proposed jeans for me from promotion newsletter. He smiles to me and said: You will good look like at these oneWhen he turned off to me, I just look on him. He was older, maybe 45-50, grey hairs, maybe 185cm high and...
With the very kind permission of Femur, I have adapted one of his covers as inspiration for this story. Many of you are aware that Femur does wonderful covers, based in the Spells R Us, Altered Fates, Ovid, and Bikini Beach Universes. While this story was inspired by that work, it DOES NOT fall into any of the categories mentioned above, and contains no magic of any kind. This particular story is based on the cover "Proposals". Femurs work can be found at ...
Sally Introduction to Sally.. I met Sally at work in the Bank we both worked for. She was a quiet girl in her late 20s and very conservative both in terms of how she dressed and socially. Sally had a great figure, small waist and big firm breasts which were hidden by loose fitting clothes and a beautiful long chestnut brown hair. She had a few friends from school but like her they were fairly introverted preferring a trip to the cinema rather than a night out at a club. At work she was very...
Standing at her bedroom sink, patting her vibrator dry, the last remnants of last nights orgasm draining down the sink. As intense as the orgasm was, and as relieving as it had felt, Sally yearned for the intimacy of sex with her husband. Bob had left only a couple of weeks before on deployment to the middle east. Being a military wife Sally recognised the stages she was going through, the same as all Bob’s previous deployments. At 36 she was now one of the older wives living on base. Their...
Sally was very worried. Colin, her boss, called her into his office before she had left for the evening and given her a final warning. "Either improve your sales or get out." Sally was a pensions sales rep, but for the last six months she had had no takers. There had been many meetings and promises but no one would make a final commitment and sign up. It was not that she wasn't trying, she had more prospective clients than any of her colleagues but they just wouldn't close the final deal....
She had tied Tim in the same way as the man in the porno. She told him he either participated in what was going to happen, or that she would leave him and tell everyone why This is a partly true and partly fiction story.True Part.Some years ago, I worked as a tutor and had several students for one-on-one training in English, Math, or I.T. At that time, I also did computer repairs as a hobby, and people would bring in their laptops for me to either fix or upgrade them.One student called Sally...
MatureThis story is completely fiction. Sally is a very interesting girl with a very handsome boyfriend. She was really excited because her birthday was coming and she knew she was going to have a good time, she was going to be 17 in one day and couldn't wait. Her parents really trusted her boyfriend Tony, he's 19, muscular guy with green eyes, 5'9 tall and wide chest. Every girl's dream at high school. Sally was 5'6 tall, with round and firm breasts and ass, brunnete with dark brown eyes and a...
First TimeSally By Kyle Plumer Sally was filled with bitterness for twenty years. It was the blackest bitterness anyone could feel. It was like a seething rage. Her mother did it and her own brother had kept hurting her. She thought her mother would protect her, but she was wrong. Her mother continued to abuse her. A terrible grin smile slowly spread across her face brightened by red lipstick. Yes, indeed. She would return and when she did, all hell would break loose. Everything was...
If this story isn't for you by reason of age or inclination, cope appropriately please. Salesgirl by Vickie Tern That time of year rolled round again, the fabulous Midwinter Clearance Sale at Lordly's, the largest and finest women's store in town. Wonderful! $400 all-wool business suits with flirty skirts reduced to $35 or less! The most gorgeous silk blouses, shirred and gathered at the wrists and waist, with...
Salvation (Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes. I am not perfect. Most readers have patience; others think the story sucks if there are mistakes. I do try though.) We can all remember a time, when things were like Utopia. When life was so good, we never thought about being sad. For me this was when my Mum lived here. Then we were a family. Mum was the happy one in the family. She was always cheerful and making pies and things. I know this sounds a bit corny, but that's...
Salvation Written by Dauphin [email protected] Act one Those were the days. We can all remember a time, when things were like being in Utopia. When life was so good, we never thought about being sad. For me this was when my Mum lived here. Then we were a family. Mum was the happy one in the family. She was always cheerful and making pies and things. I know this sounds a bit corny, but that's the way she was. At least that's the way I...
Salads Part 1? The following is a work of fiction/fantasy. You should be adult and wanting to read mature subject matter. Unlike some of my previous work, this is a fantasy that I might actually enjoy living out. Veronica exists, but her name has been changed to protect the nearly innocent, that is to say, me! As always, feedback is requested and may play a large part in deciding if this is a standalone story or the 1st in a series. Enjoy! I read somewhere that most cross...
Introduction: Can an 8 year old seduce? Sally We were on holiday in Devon. Every one else, my wife, kids and our friends and their children wanted to go into town shopping. The weather was not good (another British summer) and I preferred to finish the book I had started that morning. There was one other dissenter, our friends 8 year old daughter, Sally who was complaining of a pain in her stomach. As their car had broken down on the way there we were restricted to trying to go out in the...
I don't believe in love at first sight. Not for me, anyway. I need three dates. Exactly three. The first date it's all physical attraction stuff. You know, tits, ass, face, eyes, butt. Shallow, but that's the way it is. The second date is more cerebral. Conversation ability, opinions, beliefs, and so on. Of course, that first date stuff is interfering all over the place. But it's the third date that matters. I mean, I can handle two dates with any girl on the planet, almost. But that...
We were on holiday in Devon. Every one else, my wife, kids and our friends and their children wanted to go into town shopping. The weather was not good (another British summer) and I preferred to finish the book I had started that morning. There was one other dissenter, our friends 8 year old daughter, Sally who was complaining of a pain in her stomach. As their car had broken down on the way there we were restricted to trying to go out in the one remaining vehicle, ours, and that made...
1 “I’ll be right with you!” Tia set down the ash carving and slipped into moccasins before returning to the front room. “Good evening,” Tia said to the statuesque stunner on the other side of the counter. “How may I help you?” “I’m Simone.” “Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in earlier,” Tia said. She extended a calloused hand. “Tia.” “A pleasure,” Simone said, taking Tia’s hand and holding it for a few seconds. Her touch was pillow-soft and warm as August lakes. “You have a lovely...
Reversal By Annie James Prologue Charlotte and Charleen are identical twins. Moreover, as so often occurs with such a pair, they early became best friends and companions. They were quick to learn to take advantage of the inability of others to distinguish between them, and exploited their similarity in all manner of childish adventures and pranks. About the age of ten they invented a new type of prank altogether by creating an alternate identity. A 'brother Charles' appeared on...
When covered in the darkness, that not even the moonlight can save you from the darkness before you there is another chance if your lucky, all you have to do is say "yes", yes to your salvation.
BDSM“Look, Henry, all I am saying is, we are playing two characters who are deeply in love and they have a very hot sex scene in the second act, so we need to be convincing lovers for the audience.” “I know all that, Audrey,” Henry said, “I’ve read the manuscript, twice, and my part through twice more since we were selected for the roles.” “It’s a big part for you, Henry.” “I know, it’s the biggest role I’ve ever played, I just hope I can deliver.” “You’ll be fine, you and I are in it pretty...
Julie Bright had a lot of fun in college. She partied hard, studied diligently, and put in lots of hours at the school gym. But now she had graduated. For the first couple of months after graduation, the green-eyed brunette charged her apartment's rent to her credit cards and ignored the student loan bills. She knew she was supposed to look for a job, but she wasn't really sure where to start. On the first day of the third month, she found an envelope marked "Salary" in her mailbox. Inside was...
BDSMMy brother Mark is sixteen years older than I. That is a story in itself. He is a great salesman, he owns a car lot and has plenty of money. Mark is the kind of guy that could sell ice to an Eskimo. And he is very successful with the ladies, he always has a different hot girl with him every time I see him. It was summer time and I get to go with Mark to the auto auctions to buy cars for his lot. It is fun because it is just he and I and we get to stay in a hotel and eat out and stuff. As we...
Sally was a hairdresser and worked in a salon right around the corner from my office. She was a dark blond, a little on the chunky side but with amazing blue eyes, late 20s, newly separated and from Ohio. She was proud of her Germanic heritage and interspersed her conversation with odd bits of German from time to time. As with any hairdresser, we exchanged comments, which is all one can really do when your interlocutor is standing behind you all the while. On the third time I went to her for a...
i have recently decided to change careers and move into sales, but with little experience going door to door was my only outlet, it is a demanding job knocking on peoples door with no knowledge of what you are going to get behind that door.i had been working for around 4 months knocking on doors when i had an amazing day, i knocked on a door where an older gentlemen in maybe his mid to late 50's answered the door. i immediately took an interest in him it was mid morning and he came to the door...
I guess you would say I'm a pretty successful woman. Well not that "pretty," although I've kept a nice figure and my tits have always drawn stares. I am an executive with a high tech firm with lots of cashed-out options that by now have made me fairly wealthy ... But nothing about my looks or my recent affluence could have landed me David. David is intelligent, sensitive, and movie-star handsome: tall, square jaw, trim but muscular. Think of Hugh Grant. David was a virgin when I met him in...
Okay! Let's face facts. I'd love to be slimmer but I've also faced the fact it ain't gonna to happen. I try to diet and it doesn't work so I get depressed and I quit the diet and then I'm more depressed and then I want to eat all the things that aren't good for me and then the depression sets in even worse. Don't get me wrong, it is not as if I'm some behemoth or something ... I'm just, well ... Rubenesque ... voluptuous ... pleasingly plump. I have between 15 and 20 pounds I'd love...
Okay! Let's face facts. I'd love to be slimmer! I know a lot of people feel that way; but, I've also faced the fact it ain't gonna to happen. I try to diet and it doesn't work. Because it doesn't work, I get depressed and I quit the diet. Now I'm even more depressed and then I start to eat all the things that aren't good for me. Of course, that makes the depression even worse. Don't get me wrong, it is not as if I'm some behemoth or something ... I'm just, well ... Rubenesque ......
Hi, ISS Readers, This is Sofia C again. Find below is my new story. Your comments & replies are welcomed at Sheetal has been doing my hair for about eight months now at a little salon near my house. I usually go in about every six week to have a trim and style. She is a young gujarathi, single, I would guess in her early twenty’s with a nice figure, great smile and a good personality. I have always got along well with her and we have had good conversations on a variety of topics. The second...
LesbianProposal by Vickie Tern At first I didn't think Tiff had even heard me -- she just looked at me, her face registering nothing. So I proposed it again, a lot more earnestly, this time as if I were on one knee and proposing marriage. Which I was, in my own mind, and she knew it too. She knew that was my eventual intention, though I knew her answer now would be 'Sorry, no!' or at best 'Larry, you're wonderful and all, but I'm not ready ....' She simply...
Proposal by Vickie Tern "You're perfect, now!" It'd been many months of hard work. Trying to persuade myself to agree, then allowing her to transform me into her ideal for me, at first only at home but then at that 'resort,' that special school where she sent me to live without her for nearly three months while they changed nearly everything about me, my looks, how I speak, what my voice sounds like, even to some extent my desires. And changed my...
I had noticed them at our first week in college, although we didn’t run in the same crowds, we were in many of the same classes. It did not take long to learn more about him since half the freshman class was talking about the “Dynamic Duo”. The guys envied their easy conversation with the girls and we girls dreamed of being on one of their arms. Well, I just watched them both from the back of the room just as taken with them as the rest of my class. Jake was gorgeous with the deepest blue eyes...
NovelsToday marks your best prospect yet after you discover a rather rare mineral deposit within the kuiper belt. It was hidden within the hollow remains of an unusually dim asteroid which may explain why it was so difficult to locate from a distance. Selling off the prospect was easy as almost every single scavenger within earshot were struggling to win the bid. It ended up going to a weaselly gentlemen by the name of Horus. Horus is a mysterious man with pockets as deep as the black color of his...
I guess I was no different from any other guy growing up in the bad old ’80’s. Those were the days when greed was good, nice guys came second, and political correctness was yet to be thrust upon us. Life in middle class suburbia was comfortable rather than excessive, but with the increasingly intrusive advertising and an ever growing focus on lifestyle, wealth, and success, it was easy for a young 18 year old guy like me to get a contorted view of the world. My stock standard reading material...
“That was amazing.” He whispered at last. I hummed into his groin. “I can’t believe I let you do it again. Glad I did though.” I let his cock slip from my lips and flop over his balls. “So am I.” He reached between his legs, ruffled my hair and smiled. “You’re addictive, faggot.” “Does that mean I get a fuck next time?” “Maybe.” “You said that the last three times.” I was gagging for Hassan to ram his fat dick up me. Then I’d be able to tell Nev that I’d succeeded in turning...
Part 2 He watched me redress from the couch, legs crossed comfortably, once again an image of polished sophistication. It brought a brand new flush to my cheeks to imagine the godlike figure lounging behind me had, only moments before, been having his way with my body, and I hurried to dignify myself in the heat of the thought.Once I had completed the seemingly endless task of smoothing myself out I stood dutifully before him. He slipped the strap of my purse over my shoulder, cupping my newly...
ReluctancePart 2 He watched me redress from the couch, legs crossed comfortably, once again an image of polished sophistication. It brought a brand new flush to my cheeks to imagine the godlike figure lounging behind me had, only moments before, been having his way with my body, and I hurried to dignify myself in the heat of the thought.Once I had completed the seemingly endless task of smoothing myself out I stood dutifully before him. He slipped the strap of my purse over my shoulder, cupping my newly...
ReluctanceWe arrived home and I slid out of the car, startling Cyra and waking her. I knew she might try to run and I also wanted her to remember that what I said goes... so i grabbed her arm before she was completely aware and dragged her out of the car. "Welcome home baby." She rubbed her eyes with her free hand and looked around. "Where are we?" Thats all she asked as she looked around and saw nothing but the house in front of us. This place was out in the woods. Not much around except...
Chandra woke me in the morning with tea and some food. Thankfully, she hadn’t let me sleep in this morning. I wanted to talk to Sergeant Robin and leave him with a get out of jail free card before we left. “Will you bring me my backpack please?” She nodded and left me to my morning ablutions before breakfast. Chandra brought my pack to me while I ate. I opened it and retrieved a ballpoint pen and a notepad. Chandra had seen both of them before and I explained their usages, not that I let...
Around the beginning of year 11, a girl named Jess transferred to our school. She was incredibly pretty, easy to get along with, quite the tomboy, and had no problems getting physical with guys. She wasn’t a virgin, but certainly didn’t sleep around. She didn’t really like the popular groups, so started hanging around with me and a few of my friends. Soon everyone was after her, and who could blame her, she was about 5’4” had long brown hair, a firm ass, and about a 32D size bra. She was...
Shalini accepted the offer and told madam that she is coming back but madam told no don’t come here u have to go to some place. I’ll sms u the address where u has to go. Just In a minutes she received the address and the place was out of the city in some village so, Shalini reached the village and found out the address it was a big farm house. The farm house in made only in the ground floor like a bungalow only and is surrounded by big garden and fields. So Shalini enters the farm house and...