- 3 years ago
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Tuesday had not been the best of days.
So on Wednesday, Jacob Eckholm was not in a good mood. Not hateful. Not bad. He was just . . . there.
He got to work early and really didn’t want to talk or interact with anyone, but in his job that wasn’t an option. Luckily he got to his room before anyone could engage him in conversation, so he shut the door and steeled himself for the inevitable barrage of questions that were coming.
Fitzpatrick High School wasn’t a big place and news traveled fast, rumours even faster.
The prep bell rang at exactly 7:30. First period started in 10 minutes.
With a sigh, Jacob went to the door, unlocked it and put on his smile.
‘Good morning,’ he said to each student as they filed into the room, greeting them all by name. His first class was full of juniors, most of them 16 or 17 years old. They came in, took their seats and chatted with each other about the things that occupy the attention of high schoolers, especially the upcoming Homecoming dance.
The tardy bell rang and Jacob quickly scanned the room and marked a handful of kids absent.
‘I hope you all were good for Mrs. Bowen yesterday. Clear off your desks.’ Jacob picked up a stack of papers off his desk and stood at the front of the room. ‘There are twenty multiple choice questions, ten short answer and then you get your pick of which essay you want to do. If you want extra credit, you can do the other essay question for up to ten additional points. Any questions?’
‘What are the answers?’ Jaime McCallister called from the back of the room.
‘The answers are all C,’ the teacher replied with a smirk.
‘What are the correct answers,’ Tiffany Dunlap asked, the smile on her mouth matching her teacher’s.
‘That’s what you’re going to tell me.’ He counted out five tests and placed them on the first student’s desk. ‘Take one and pass them back. All those in danger of failing, repeat after me: Our father, who art in Heaven . . .’
There was a nervous chuckle from a couple of the kids. As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in school. And it was a good thing he taught in a small rural district, in some other parts of the country, that joke would bring a lawsuit, not a laugh.
‘All right, folks,’ Jacob said, counting out enough for the second row. ‘The test is out. No talking until they’re all in. When you get done, find something to do that doesn’t involve making any noise. You may begin as soon as you receive the test.’
Once he had passed every row, Jacob went to the back of the room and began to grade the assignments he had left for them while he was out. He hoped a couple of these kids would take the entire period and they wouldn’t have any time left at the end of class. But even then, his luck wouldn’t last all day.
These were his good kids. All were categorised as ‘gifted’ and civics was a breeze for them. The last test came in with fifteen minutes left in the period. When it hit his desk, Jacob knew the inquisition was about to start.
‘So, Mr. Eckholm,’ Caitlin Bowyer began. Jacob sighed. ‘Are you going to ask Miss Armstrong out?’
From the day Tracy had served him papers, he knew this question was going to come up. The only question was how to respond.
‘Couldn’t you guys wait until the ink on my divorce is dry?’ Jacob said, trying not to sound too annoyed.
‘Aw, c’mon, Mr. E.,’ Brad Dingess said, ‘You know she wants you. And now you’re available.’
‘I’m not available,’ Jacob replied with a frown. ‘I thought I’d get to be single for at least 24 hours before people started fixing me up with dates.’
‘Okay, Mr. E.,’ Brad said with a grin. ‘We’ll wait until after lunch before bugging you again.’
The rest of the day was pretty much the same.
With about a thousand students, FHS was small enough that every student was known to pretty much every teacher and vice-versa. The faculty was a close-knit group, they watched out for each other and most of them were friends both in and out of the building.
Jacob had been at the school for seven years, two as a sub and full-time for the last five. He knew everyone in the building and most of his kids’s parents. However, when he started, it had been a whole different story. He hadn’t grown up in this community and didn’t know a soul.
The morning he arrived, there had just been a fight in the hallway so the secretary and the principals were running around frantically trying to sort out who was involved in what. No one could spare the time to show him to the room or even where to sign in.
Of course, new folks are pretty easy to spot and she was the first person who didn’t walk by him. As he stood by the door to the office, she signed in herself and then turned to him.
‘Good morning.’ She extended her hand. ‘I’m Ann Marie Armstrong.’
He shook it bewilderedly. ‘Jacob Eckholm.’
‘Who are you here for?’
He fumbled around in his folder looking for the note he had scribbled on a sticky when the school board office had called him that morning. ‘Mrs. Paulson . . . Ninth grade English.’
‘Come on . . . she’s right down the hall from me.’ Waving at someone in the principal’s office, Ann Marie called out, ‘Sally, I’m taking him with me. Who has the keys to Brenda’s room?’
‘Terry should have unlocked it first thing this morning,’ the other woman said, walking out to apologetically greet Jacob. ‘Sorry to be so rushed, but there’s been a little bit of excitement here this morning.’
He followed Ann Marie out of the office. The first thing he noticed was the way the other students cleared out of her way. Her head was held high and her steps firm and deliberate. Although she was a couple of years younger than he, she had a commanding presence borne of experience in the classroom.
The second thing was all the admiring glances the boys gave her. She was attractive with dark, shoulder-length hair. She had on a long skirt and loose blouse that tried to hide her generous curves.
Since starting in the county as a substitute teacher two weeks before, Jacob had met dozens of people and only remembered a handful of names, but she was one of the few he never had to think twice about.
His first day had been rough, as the kids all wanted to see how far they could push the new sub. She came to check on him at lunch and from then on, whenever he was at Fitzpatrick High, she made a point to drop by and see how he was doing.
It hadn’t occurred to him that she was coming by to flirt.
After two years in the substitute pipeline, a spot opened up in the social studies department. He had enough seniority to get on full-time. It didn’t hurt that the principal liked him, too.
This was Jacob’s second career. After discovering that a sociology degree was basically worthless, he went back to school, got his Master’s in education and then went out seeking employment. It’s a good thing his wife had a good job and could afford to put him through school again.
The first year as a sub passed quickly, and the next even faster. While paying his dues on the sub list and in a long-term stint, Jacob familiarised himself with the students and he picked up things quickly. By the time he was hired in full-time, he seemed to be pretty well-established with a reputation for expecting the best out of the students and being one of the ‘cool’ teachers.
As his star had been rising in the school system, his marriage was falling apart. He and Tracy met in college and after graduation they settled closer to her family. Her mom had never liked him and after years of grating, had finally turned her so paranoid that she served him divorce papers, thinking that he was spending all of their money or otherwise keeping it from her.
In reality, he had put most of their money in savings or in an investment account and during the divorce hearings, Tracy was shocked when she found out how muc
h they had actually saved up. Realising she was mistaken about Jacob squandering their money, Tracy tried to reconcile, but at that point, he wanted nothing to do with her, after all, if her mother had been able to turn her against him before, she would be able to do it again.
Childless, they divided their assets and he moved out. She kept the house and he got the majority of their savings. Now he lived a couple of miles from the school in a small apartment complex and was starting over. He thought about moving, but he couldn’t do that to his kids now that the school year had started.
Although his divorce had been mostly amicable, Jake still felt sick to his stomach. It was as if he had failed at something, even though he knew that it wasn’t his fault.
When the last bell rang, he was glad the day was finally over. All six classes had asked variations on the same questions. He deflected them as best he could, telling them all in effect to mind their own damn business.
He sat behind his desk, not really wanting to go back to his apartment. Even after living there for the last four months, it still didn’t feel like ‘home’. There was a stack of exams from his civic classes and some homework left over from his geography classes that all needed to get graded.
The school usually cleared out pretty quickly after the final bell. The only ones left were the coaches with their sports teams and the odd student who had after-school detention. Jacob drew the first exam from the stack and got out his red pen when there was a knock on the frame of the open door.
‘Hey. What’s going on?’ Ann Marie asked.
He looked up and smiled weakly. ‘Just trying to get through these exams.’
She looked tentative. ‘I heard about some of the things the kids said today.’
Ann Marie crossed the room and sat down in a chair on the other side of his desk. Jacob had been carefully avoiding her all day. There had always been a latent attraction between them. They were about the same age, they liked many of the same things and if not for his wife, might have spent the last seven years as more than just co-workers.
‘Wanna talk about it?’ she asked.
‘Not really,’ Jacob replied with a frown.
‘I understand,’ Ann Marie smiled at him. ‘Listen . . . Can you still help me with the homecoming fundraiser next weekend? Wes and Cindy said they’d pitch in but they don’t want to run the concession stand. I don’t suppose you’d want to spend an afternoon in the grease pit?’
Jacob, who had been careful to avoid making eye contact, looked up and saw the hopeful look on her face. He smiled unconsciously, unable to refuse the pretty woman. ‘Of course I can. It’s not like I have anything better to do . . . You did stock up on cheesesticks, right?’
She laughed nervously. ‘You can have all the cheesesticks you want, Jake.’
There was an awkward silence between them. Then Ann Marie stood up, unsure of what to say next.
‘I’m sorry for being such a downer, Annie. I just . . .’ His voice trailed off.
‘I know,’ she said softly. ‘If you want to talk . . .’
An invite to dinner was on his lips, but he squelched the thought. You’ll just rebound off her. She deserves better than that.
‘Thanks,’ he replied quietly.
Ann Marie looked like she was about to say something else, but instead walked to the door and left, unaware of his eyes on her slim waist and round, swaying hips.
Jacob shrugged and went back to his papers.
‘Thanks for your help folks,’ Jacob said as the last of the kids filed out of the concession stand. It had been hectic all day. And the heat didn’t help.
To raise money for the dance, the student government held an annual outdoor fall carnival at the Lion’s Club field. They had an inflatable castle, a water slide, face painting, a bean bag toss and virtually anything else that they could use to make a little bit of money. Everyone in the county was invited and it was usually a big hit with the elementary and middle school kids.
Jacob kept the kids and parents in the concession stand moving and they made a fair amount of money. After all, it was blazing hot—even at the end of September—and they had the only soda fountain and ice machine for miles around. He wiped down the counter one more time and then stepped outside.
He smelled sweaty and greasy.
Some of the other teachers and parents were picking up trash and others were loading the dunking booth into a truck. Jacob spotted Ann Marie across the football field.
She waved and then headed over to see him.
‘Thanks for your help today,’ she said. If she had any inclination to hug him, the cloud of oil that hung over him warded her away.
‘It’s my pleasure,’ Jacob replied.
They shared an uncomfortable silence.
‘I don’t suppose you’re hungry,’ Ann Marie said. ‘How about we go get some real food?’
‘I can’t go out like this,’ he replied.
‘C’mon,’ she coaxed. ‘My treat.’
‘Let me go home and shower first,’ he said after a minute, not really wanting to spend another Saturday night alone. ‘I’ll pick you up at say, six-thirty.’
She smiled. ‘I can’t wait.’
He turned and headed to the parking lot, some extra bounce in his step.
An hour later, Jacob was scrubbed and clean. He had to wash his hair twice to get the smell of grease out of it. He wore a pair of shorts, sandals and a nice polo shirt. He got in his truck and drove over to Ann Marie’s house.
She was sitting on the swing chair on her porch. As he pulled up, she stood and walked to the steps.
Jacob got out to greet her. He could only stare. When she was at school, she tended to dress conservatively. Not frumpy or matronly, but she wore clothes that radiated authority rather than sex appeal. After all, it was hard enough to keep the attention of adolescent boys without having them constantly looking at her round breasts and curvy hips.
It occurred to him that he had never been around Ann Marie in a social setting. Whenever he had seen her, they had either been at school or a school-related function. And he had been married. He had never seen her dressed to kill.
She wore a blouse that was fitted just right to show off her ample bosom. It didn’t show off too much cleavage and narrowed at her waist. The A-line skirt highlighted her full hips and hinted at just enough leg to be enticing, but not enough to be revealing. Her high heels accentuated her shapely legs and the ring around her second toe glimmered under the setting sun.
Coming down the steps, she took his hand and he led her to the truck. After Jacob opened the door, Ann Marie climbed into the passenger’s seat. He closed the door as she buckled up.
Jacob got in on his side. He grinned sheepishly. ‘I feel underdressed now.’
‘Don’t worry about it,’ Ann Marie said. ‘Where are we going?’
‘I thought we’d drive over to the mall over at Northridge Crossing. There’s a new restaurant there I’d like to try,’ Jacob replied.
‘That’s kind of far,’ she said.
‘Yeah, well, if we go anywhere here in town, we’re both going to catch hell for this on Monday.’
‘We’re going to catch hell anyway, Jake.’ In a county with only one high school, there are no secrets. Everyone knows everyone else. ‘Mrs. Sowards asked who I was waiting for. She knows I’ve got a date and I’m sure she watched you pull up.’
Jacob chuckled. ‘So she’s probably calling everyone she knows, right?’
‘Yeah, well, I’d still like to so someplace where we can have a little privacy,’ he said. ‘Besides, we have to keep them guessing at school.’
They both shared a nervous laugh.
The drive took over half an hour. The two made some meaningless small talk. Where he had mostly juniors, she had a mix. Her classes were sophomore English, creative writing and somehow she had been conned into
taking over as the yearbook sponsor.
He asked about her students, partially to get her talking but also to scope out some of the kids who might be in his room the next year. The drive was pleasant and with the sun going down, it wasn’t too hot.
As they pulled into the parking lot, Ann Marie squeezed Jake’s hand. ‘In case I forget to tell you later, I had a great time tonight.’
Jake shot her a quizzical look and blushed. He started to say something, but his date was already out of the truck.
The restaurant was a rarity for this part of the country: fresh seafood. Having grown up along the Gulf of Mexico, Jacob could never conceive of a culinary style that was devoid of fish. That is, until he experienced life in rural America. Most everything around was steak and potatoes. The closest thing to fish around was Captain D’s and no one liked sushi, not that anyone around had even tried it, but it was just so out of place in middle America.
Since they were running a little late for the dinner crowd, they got a table quickly. The place was noisy, but the lights were low and the setting reasonably romantic.
Jake ordered bacon-wrapped seared scallops over rice pilaf. Ann Marie hemmed and hawed for a moment then settled on the crab alfredo.
‘Seafood isn’t my thing,’ she said, blushing just a little.
‘Oh, my god . . . I’m so sorry, Annie,’ Jacob mentally kicked himself for being so inconsiderate. ‘It didn’t occur to me . . .’
‘That’s okay, Jake,’ she took a sip from her water. She looked away for a second then smiled mischievously. ‘You can make it up to me on our next date.’
Her reply made him pause. She only winked.
At just that moment, in Jacob’s mind, Ann Marie went from being a pretty colleague to a beautiful young woman. Now that he no longer had to worry about his wife or what people would say, Jake saw his friend in a whole new light. He was free to look her over. He could pursue her now. His pulse raced.
The rest of the date seemed to fly by. They talked nervously. Neither really knew what to say. Their relationship had been professional for so long, each felt awkward broaching their personal lives. Plus, it seemed, Ann Marie was being a little extra cautious because of Jake’s recent divorce.
They left the restaurant and went to a couple of stores in the nearby strip mall. He bought a couple of books at Borders. She picked up some earrings at Kohl’s. Soon, they ran out of excuses to stay out and Jake took her home. They drove back to her house, mostly under an awkward silence.
As they pulled into her driveway, Ann Marie gathered up her things.
‘Thanks for taking me out, Jake,’ she said softly. ‘I had a great time.’
‘Me, too, Annie,’ he replied. She made no move to get out of the truck and he left the engine running. Neither said anything for a long moment. ‘Listen . . . I’m sorry for being such a boring date tonight. I—’
‘No, it’s okay,’ Ann Marie interrupted. ‘I’m not a very exciting person either.’
‘I just don’t know if I’m ready for this,’ Jacob admitted. ‘I’m damaged goods, Annie. You don’t want to go out with me.’
‘I do want to go out with you, Jake.’ She looked him in the eyes. ‘I have for a long time. But I don’t want to be your rebound girlfriend. Nor do I want to put your broken heart back together.’
‘I don’t want that either,’ he breathed a sigh of relief.
They sat there in the truck for a few long moments. Finally, Ann Marie reached for the door handle. ‘Walk me to the door.’
Jake hurriedly got out of the truck. He offered his date his arm and led her up the steps to the porch. The motion sensor turned the light on. The neighbours didn’t appear to be up, but someone was probably watching.
Nosy bastards, he smiled to himself.
Her one hand stayed in the crook of Jacob’s arm while the other fumbled through her purse for her keys. After some jostling, Ann Marie pushed the door open, but turned without inviting him in.
Jacob’s pulse raced as her fingertips gently caressed his face. He had to remind himself to breathe.
Leaning in, he saw Ann Marie tilt her head back and close her eyes. Their lips touched briefly at first. Hers were soft and wet and sweet.
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Check List Complete By Mary Beth Sanford Copyright © 2019 Mary Beth Sanford All rights reserved. This story or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means--electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise. Mary Beth Sanford Second Draft Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious...
Checkout Girl Chapter One I always had a rapport with the checkout girls in our local supermarket. I smiled and joked with them, I’m that kind of person. The prettiest of them I asked out for dates. Some would say yes and some no. I had a bit of a reputation with them. I slept with them sometimes but it never went anywhere – I think they understood that Rafael was for their amusement and so they were for me and that was that. But the truth is, I had never really had satisfaction from any of...
"Well, you seem to have catered for the heat wave!"The petite supermarket checkout girl nimbly slid my eight items across her scanner. A litre bottle of vodka, two giant tonics, three lemons, a packet of crisps and a bottle of Prosecco. "You forgot the sun oil.""I'm going for an all-over tan this summer.""Nice." She gave a playful grin as I handed her my credit card. "Wifey away, by any chance?""However did you come to that conclusion?"She glanced down at my finger ring. "When married men buy...
SeductionCheck Mate By Stacey "I just don't get it?" Michelle said as she was watching women's professional bowling on television. "What do you mean?" John, her boyfriend, asked. "I can see why they have different leagues for men and women in basketball, soccer and sports like that, but why can't they just have one league for bowling, golf or other games and sports like that?" Michelle asked in wonder. "I suppose it's because the woman don't want to be shown up by the men," John...
"The doctor's ready to see you now, sir," the receptionist said, waving him through to the doctor's office. It was like any other doctor's surgery - magazines in the waiting room, a clean, professional doctor's office with an examination table in the centre. The difference being that Dr. Litt only attended to a very specific clientele.Timothy stood, thanking the receptionist with a quick grin. Timothy was a charming boy - at twenty-two, this was his first pet - a present from his father. He...
‘We’re open on lane eight, if you wanna step over here, sir,’ Reanna said, keeping the edge she keenly felt out of her voice. Customer service was very important to her, but still, this was the third time Mr. Mendenhall had cut her break short in as many shifts to cover a register when they got short-handed. She was hungry, she was tired, and to top things off, the creeper coming over to her register was already checking her out, and not even bothering to hide it. ‘Evening,’ the woman said....
Star stood outside the doctor’s office, holding the card her friend Tonya had given her the week before. ‘I’m telling you Star, Doctor Johnson has helped me a lot! He showed me that I wasn’t sexually dysfunctional like my boyfriend said, that I just needed to relax is all. Go see him. He’s gentle and has a great bedside manner and he’s really cute!’ said the little perky brunette. ‘I don’t know Tonya. I hate gyn appointments, they’re so personal and invading.’ Star said with trepidation in...
The next morning when I tried to call Jenny there was no answer. I must have missed her, I thought, she’s gone off to work early. I bought her a super bunch of flowers and went into the supermarket to see her. God I loved her so much if I’d had the money I would have bought her diamonds. I couldn’t stop thinking about how we’d fucked and I could still feel her nails digging into my ass when she felt me spunking inside her. The pleasures which were yet to come! But … There was no sign of her in...
The next morning when I tried to call Jenny there was no answer. I must have missed her, I thought, she's gone off to work early.I bought her a super bunch of flowers and went into the supermarket to see her. God I loved her so much if I'd had the money I would have bought her diamonds. I couldn't stop thinking about how we'd fucked and I could still feel her nails digging into my ass when she felt me spunking inside her. The pleasures which were yet to come! But ...There was no sign of her in...
Love StoriesCheckout - © Spitman September / October 2002 Chapter 1 Beth kicked her high-heeled shoes under the table and lifted the spare MelonBreezer that waited invitingly. 'Cheers girls! God, I was ready to get out of those,' she managed to saybetween gulps. A pleasant warmth began to pervade her body in spite of the drink's deliciouslyicy temperature. Even better, she felt like a compact, neat parcel in her tight-fitting,perfectly tailored leather catsuit. She loved its comforting, powerful butclingy...
"Name's John. You need a tow?" Hi, my name is Jessica " Pleased to meet you, and glad you happened along. Yes, I do in fact need a tow." My eyes were on Jessica's breasts as I said, "I didn't just happen along. I patrol this stretch looking for broke down cars. There's a lot of damn fools on the road who ain't smart enough to check their oil when they should." Jessica didn't say a word. She remained silent during the entire ride back to John's garage. Sitting alone in the...
Check Up It had been a while since I was to the docs and today was a yearly check up, just turned 24, was scheduled for a basic physical, probably some blood work, ect. Really there was no big concern, relatively good health for the past year, 5 foot 10, 140 lbs of muscle with very little body fat, always a good heart rate and blood pressure… and of course a ragingly good sex drive! I am a transgender female that opted out of taking hormones and instead going down the route of laser hair...
Bonnie surfaced two weeks after Mona moved in; one day, I opened the door to head off to go to work (this was before Mona learned my CAP score) and this long lean chick got up from where she was sitting on the floor opposite the door and said, "I can't make the rent." Naturally, I said, "Huh?" Bonnie clarified things for me, "Mona was my roommate; now that she's living here I can't make the rent. You're Pete, right?" "Uh, yeah..." I wondered what was next -- a lawsuit? "Mona...
I eyed her and said, "One more hot, high-performance pussy would probably put me in my grave!" When you start looking forward to NOT fucking, you're DEFINITELY getting too much; I knew that when I got picked up, augmentation would increase both my interest and my capabilities, but in the here and now I was servicing three women regularly -- and I had to take one day off in four in order to do a proper job! Filling that fourth day with another hungry gash would likely leave me anemic, at...
The next month passed pretty much the same way. They greeted each other every day at school. They talked in the hallway. In public, they never touched or stood close to each other. But they always seemed to share a secret smile or two. They went out on the weekends. Always to a place that was in the next county or otherwise far away from inquisitive glances. In private, they held hands. They talked and got to know one another better. They had been colleagues for so long, Jacob knew a lot...
As I climbed out of my car, my crew of two ran up and celebrated with me, and the announcer came over and asked the usual questions that they ask the winner on the PA system. I answered his questions and got in some plugs for my sponsors. I was given the trophy and oversized check by the promoter. The trophy girl gave me a kiss. It was more than a peck and I felt her tongue slid into my mouth. This week's trophy girl at that track was a local nineteen year old beauty queen. She was...
It was my six monthly check up at the dentist, it’s not that I’m afraid of the dentist like some people but it’s not my favourite place and if I could get out of going I would. Unfortunately this particular day I couldn’t find the right excuse so I had to go. I was waiting in the reception area for a good ten minutes, feeling very edgy and a little apprehensive when I heard my name called.I made my way up to the surgery and for some reason I looked at my watch, it was 12:10pm, dinner time. That...
The month of July passed quickly for Dave. He went out with John a couple of times but, other than that, he did very little besides golf and go to the beach with his family or friends from the campground. The first time he went out with John, they talked about the hockey draft and John was truly excited about going to the Anaheim Mighty Ducks' rookie camp. John fully expected he would be playing with the Missiles again but he maintained a small dream of actually making the Ducks' team as an...
As Bjorn, Jessie, Troy, Glenda, Bryce, Barbara and Arnold prepared to leave the chapel on the second floor of the Ulm Cancer Clinic they decided to leave their clothes off and not get dressed again. They were all going down to say their last goodbyes to Carrie Pearson who had just died in the Operating Theatre from one last and very violent seizure. Jessie had already decided that she was going to go down to see Carrie just as she was ... naked ... so the others decided to honour that and do...
Checking Out © 2004 Dawn Moonlight. Preface: For a few years now I've been a big fan of fictionmania and its writers, I figured it was time to give something back... Note this ballad is not finished. First I have not added the graphics and also due to time constraints down near the bottom of the ballad there are two rows of "=", these are to show where a large part of the ballad not yet written. Please feel free to leave...
I've been making a lot more trips to the local supermarket since my wife of 30 years died. I really miss her. She was a great partner for all those years, in more ways than one. Up until the last few years when she was so sick, we had great sex. It's been over a year since she died, and over 3 years since I've had sex. Well as I said, I do all my shopping now, and I seem to make 2 or 3 trips to the market every week. I just can't remember to pick up everything I need. I always notice all the...
Adult HumorWhen it had finally sunk in that I had laid the mum of the most beautiful girl I was ever likely to have any chance of marrying I began to tremble. What was Natasha’s game? She evidently wanted me out of her daughter’s life. Or did she? I was very cautious with her in the flat even though she kept teasing me. Worst of all was that before breakfast she came into the bathroom while I was taking a shower. I had my eyes closed to keep out the soap and did not hear the door open. I felt a soft...
When it had finally sunk in that I had laid the mum of the most beautiful girl I was ever likely to have any chance of marrying I began to tremble. What was Natasha’s game? She evidently wanted me out of her daughter’s life. Or did she? I was very cautious with her in the flat even though she kept teasing me. Worst of all was that before breakfast she came into the bathroom while I was taking a shower. I had my eyes closed to keep out the soap and did not hear the door open. I felt a soft...
Love StoriesI have been married for three years to a wonderful man who earns a good living, has a sweet disposition, is quite handsome, and most importantly, loves me to hell. It was love at first sight with him.Nonetheless, ever since I was in college, I developed an irresistible urge to experience sex with both men and women. While my husband and I regularly have intense and exciting sex, it just wasn't enough for me. I wanted some spice.While my husband Dan always fantasized about me dressing like a...
CheatingThe rest of the night passed quickly. Jacob and Ann Marie stayed for a little while and helped clean up after the dance. Neither acknowledged the unspoken expectations that everyone else seemed to have for them. Nor did they dance. Jacob figured that this night was about the high school kids, not their teachers. They were among the last to leave. He walked her to his truck, then drove her home. He got a good night kiss and then left, as was his custom. Monday came and went. The kids—and even...
"Good morning, Mr. Eckholm," Ann Marie said as she walked by Jake. He was standing outside doing his morning bus duty. She winked, glad that it waited until the social studies department's week to get cold and gray. "Good, morning, Miss Armstrong." They shared a secret smile. She walked right by him and try as he might, he couldn't stop himself from turning to watch the swing of her hips. It may have just been him, but there seemed to be a little extra sway in her strut. His ears were...
The next two months passed quickly. After finishing his one week "debt" to Ann Marie, they started going out again. Jacob relished that first week back from their trip. Not only did he get to go down on Ann Marie's luscious pussy, she was very good about reciprocating. His only complaint was that he never got to fall asleep or wake up next to her—or inside her. At school, they both drew a fair amount of attention. After all, his truck being sighted in her driveway every night for a week...
Checking out the Librarian By, U. Will Lovett I’d had enough. The bitch had taken all my money, my family, and my home, and now she wanted more. She knew I was prone to lose my temper at provocations such as this, but I’m sure that was her intent. Anyway, I’d had enough. I contemplated a local hitman, but realized I didn’t have those kinds of financial resources, or the balls… I decided to move.The question was where would I go? I loved Chicago and it was close to my Indianapolis home, but I...
This was a long time ago. Back in the dark ages when all college dormitories were segregated by sex. The women had to stay in their own dorms. And what was even more medieval, they could not stay out after 11:00 in the evening. They had to check in with the monitors at the front desk and it would play havoc with your record if you didn't get back in time. You could even be expelled. As I just said, the dark ages. The situation was quite different for the men's dorms. We men could stay out all...
VoyeurThat Monday night in December of 1970 started well, got better, and ended in disaster. My girlfriend, Carmella, and I were resident students at the same university, but in different colleges. After a lovely dinner with her parents, we'd gone back to her room on campus, and for the first time, we were both completely nude in her bed.It had been coming for a while. When we'd started dating about three months earlier, she'd told me that she was determined to stay a virgin until her wedding night....
TrueI'm going over to help decorate for prom after school. Do you want to race me to the country club? Same bet. Jake laughed to himself as he read the card. He checked the "yes" box and sent it back to Ann Marie with Abby Tabor. He spent the next four periods plotting a way to get a jump on his girlfriend. If he could get out of his room immediately after the last bell rang, he could probably beat the buses, which would hold up traffic in and out of the school for at least ten minutes. His...
"And ... time!" Jake said. "Pencils down. Place your answer sheets inside the test booklet with your name at the top." He walked around the room collecting the test materials. The students stretched and yawned. "This concludes the Skills Assessment Exam," he said and proceeded to read the remainder of the state-mandated closing to the test. "As soon as they ring the bell, we'll head out to lunch and then finish up the class tournaments. Find something to do that's quiet; other...