Männerstimme indian porn

3 years ago
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Vom Regen in die Traufe German

Vom Regen in die TraufeDie Leiden eines Kriegsgefangenen Roman von ?Masostud?? 2011 by Masostud Erstes KapitelDie Ostfront des ?1000-j?hrigen Reiches? war im Winter 1943 auf 1944 de-facto am Zusammenbrechen. Immer mehr Bataillone l?sten sich entweder durch Fahnenflucht oder durch die K?lte und den Verpflegungsmangel oder schlicht und einfach durch Einwirkungen der russischen Armee auf. Ich ahnte den Zusammenbruch des 3. Reiches und wollte nicht zu den Verlierern geh?ren, daf?r war mir mein erst 20 j...

2 years ago
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Isabels Folter German

Isabels FolterIsabel war gerade eingeschlafen als sie h?rte, wie die Zellent?r sich ?ffnete. Sie h?rte Schritte auf ihre Liege zukommen. Eine Hand griff sie am linken Oberarm und riss sie hoch. Ohne dass man sie selbst gehen lie?, wurde sie jetzt auch am rechten Arm gefasst und nach r?ckw?rts gezerrt. Isabel hatte den Eindruck als st?rze sie hinterr?cks eine Treppe hinunter, ihre Fersen schleiften ?ber Betonboden. Die H?nde lie?en sie los, sie st?rzte nach hinten, wurde wieder hochgehoben und weiter ...

4 years ago
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Game of Thrones

Pferdeschnauben. Gelächter. Hufe, die auf den Boden schlagen. Das metallische Klappern von Rüstung. Vogelgezwitscher. In der Ferne rauscht ein Bach. Eine raue Männerstimme, darauf erneutes Gelächter. Irgendwann hören die Vögel auf zu singen. Die Männerstimmen lachen weiter. Pferdeschnauben. Dann ist es ruhig. Mächtige Fußstapfen, dann das Geräusch eines Gürtels, der geöffnet wird. Das Plätschern von Wasser. Ansonsten Totenstille. Plötzlich durchdringen Kampfschreie die Nacht, gefolgt von dem...

4 years ago
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Luzufers heimt ckischer Eros

Key-words: FemDom, Oral duty, cunnilingus anilingus, dirty, golden shower, consensual bugging & sex, cheating, pregn,. Luzifers heimt?ckischer Eros Von MASOSTUD ? 2010 by Masostud Alle Rechte vorbehalten / all rights reserved.  Inhalt/ Summary: Martin k?mpft um seine Arbeitslosigkeitsunterst?tzung, denn er f?hlt sich von einer hinterlistigen Frau ruiniert, deren Rache seine Existenz vernichtet hat. Aber zuvor muss er seinen ungew?hnlichen Werdegang mit sexuellen Perversionen bekennen.VORWORT: Das ...

2 years ago
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Zur Hure erzogen

?So gehst du mir nicht aus dem Haus!?, klingt mir die Stimme meiner Mutter noch in den Ohren. Dabei hatte ich doch ohnehin einen Rock an, der knapp ?ber dem Knie endete. Aber wenn man eine Hure sein soll, ist das nat?rlich viel zu lang. ?Sollen die Leute denken, dass du eine Nonne bist??, schimpfte meine Mutter. Sie w?re mit so einem langen Fetzen nie aus dem Haus gegangen. Als stadtbekannte Nutte wusste sie, was sie ihrem Ruf schuldig war. Und sie wollte nur das Beste f?r mich. Und das war, d...

2 years ago
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Lisa und Kelly

Mit unzufriedener Miene musterte Lisa ihr Spiegelbild. Heute geht alles schief. Sie hatten einen neuen Pickel neben der Nase entdeckt und ihre Lieblingsbluse war offensichtlich eingelaufen. Sie zwickte unter den Armen. Ihre Jeans schlottern ihr um die Beine und zu allem Überfluss sahen ihre Haare unmöglich aus. Sie fluchte leise und zog sich zum vierten Mal das Zopfgummi aus dem Haar. "Schrecklich..."! murmelte sie. "Mit dem Pferdeschwanz sehe ich aus wie zehn. Vielleicht sollte ich sie besser...

3 years ago
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Hallo Freunde von Fictionmania und Transgendered Stories, hier meine dritte Geschichte ! Sie ist vom Inhalt her mehr ein Klassiker, aber ich hoffe sie gef?llt euch trotzdem. F?r alle Leser unter 18 Jahren gilt : Diese Geschichte enth?lt detailierte Beschreibungen von sexuellen Handlungen und ist f?r Euch nicht geeignet. Anregungen/Kommentare an [email protected] Verdammt ! * I. Ein Wiedersehen mit Leonie * Verdammt! So hatte ich mir das Wiedersehen mit...

4 years ago
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Menschenraub in Arabien GERMAN

Roman von MasostudRoman , ? 1991 by MasostudMenschenraub in ArabienSadomasochistisch-perverse Sklaverei im 20. JahrhundertPrivatdruckVorwort:Jedes Jahr verschwinden in Deutschland an die zehntausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts; auf das Vereinte Europa gerechnet sind es mehr als f?nfzigtausend. Zwar tauchen knapp 90% der Vermissten ?ber kurz oder lang wieder auf, aber wo bleibt der Rest? Entweder werden sie tot aufgefunden, sind verungl?ckt oder durch Verbrechen zu Tode gekommen, ein Teil...

4 years ago
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Tagebuch einer Exhibitionistin

01.AugustLiebes Tagebuch,Mein Name ist Sabine. Ich sitze am Flughafen und warte auf meinen Flieger nach Mallorca. Nach einem Jahr mit sehr viel Arbeit und einer beendeten Beziehung habe ich mir mal eine längere Auszeit in der Sonne verdient. Ich beginne ein neues Tagebuch, weil es in meinem Leben Veränderungen gegeben hat und noch geben soll, die ich nicht einfach so Freunden oder Kollegen erzählen kann. Ich denke, dass ich bis jetzt zu brav war und das Leben nicht so ausgekostet habe, wie man...

4 years ago
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Das Wiedersehen Teil II

Als sie am nächsten Morgen erwachte, weil sie auf Arbeit musste, schlich sie sich ins Schlafzimmer. In ihrem großen Fellbett lag Michael noch immer und schlief ganz fest. Dabei ragte sein Po unter der warmen weichen Decke raus und sein Schwanz, der sichtbar hart war, lag auf den weichen Fellen unter ihm. Rosalie genoss diesen Anblick sehr. Es erinnerte sie aber auch ein wenig an früher, als sie Michael gerade kennengelernt hatte und in ihren Fetisch eingeweiht hatte. Leider blieb der aber dann...

2 years ago
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Ich bin eine Hundesau I am a bitch for dogs

Ich war seit fast einem Jahr in Behandlung. Der Paartherapeut, den mein Mann und ich wegen unserer Eheprobleme konsultiert hatten, hatte mich an einen Psychologen ?berwiesen. Auch wenn die Diagnose nicht eindeutig war, so war in den Paarsitzungen doch herausgekommen, dass ich von schweren abartigen Phantasien geplagt w?rde, die der Paartherapeut nicht in der Lage war zu behandeln. Einzelsitzungen, um ?ber mein Innenleben und Kopfkino mehr zu erfahren, w?rden hilfreicher sein – das war...

2 years ago
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Frau von Grafenstein Teil 3

Frau Vanessa von Grafenstein war nun bereits seit einigen Wochen Witwe. Das beträchtliche Vermögen ihres verstorbenen Mannes bestand nicht nur aus Firmenbeteiligungen sondern auch aus dem umfangreichen Anwesen der von Grafensteins. Frau von Grafenstein bewohnte alleine das stattliche Haus am Stadtrand von Düsseldorf. Anfangs war die Situation für sie noch relativ ungewohnt, doch langsam begann sie die Vorteile eines Lebens als „junge Witwe“ zu erkennen. Sie war finanziell unabhängig und konnte...

4 years ago
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Nach geraumer Zeit habe ich mich entschlossen, doch wieder mal eine Story zu posten. Achtung, ziemlich hart, nicht für zarte Gemüter!Roman von MasostudRoman , © 1991 by Masostud bis -----------------------Menschenraub in ArabienGay, M/mm, S&M, Pony-Play, Slavery, breeding, interracialSadomasochistisch-perverse Sklaverei im 20. JahrhundertPrivatdruckVorwort:Jedes Jahr verschwinden in Deutschland an die zehntausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts; auf das Vereinte Europa gerechnet sind es mehr...

3 years ago
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Der Test Teil 3

Ich war so neugierig was meine Herrin diesmal sich ausgesucht hat, dass ich im Laufschritt aus dem Büro raus bin und ich eilte zum Auto. von meiner Herrin und ihrer Freundin keine Spur mehr, sie sind schon weg. ich mache die Fahrer Seite auf, setze mich hin und mir fällt sofort eine Plastik tüte auf, die auf der Beifahrer Seite liegt. ich zögerte etwas mit dem nachschauen. die Neugier siegte aber, ich fasste die Tüte an komisch, scheint nichts drin zu sein, ich mache sie auf und tatsächlich ist...

2 years ago
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Abgefeiert Steffi hat einen Filmriss

[Infobox - Bitte alle Threads in der ersten Person-Gegenwart schreiben. (Einheitlichkeit und so...) Sollte jemand einen Geschichtsstrang aus der Sicht eines anderen Beteiligten schreiben wollen und dieser männlich sein, so wird das von mir nachträglich in der Story-Info vermerkt. Freue mich natürlich über jeden eurer Beiträge zur Story. Kommentare und Feedback sind gern gesehen und ich werde es versuchen zu beherzigen. Auch Schreibfehler dürfen gerne angemerkt werden, damit ich diese...

2 years ago
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Die Zeitreise

Die ZeitreiseIn einer anderen Welt:Anna hatte die Geschichte von einem guten Freund geh?rt und dar?ber gelacht. F?r wie naiv hielt der sie?Eine Zeitreise in das Mittelalter, das war nat?rlich v?llig unm?glich, der wollte sie veralbern.Sie hatte die Maschine gesehen und glaubte es nicht! Diese Plastikkapsel sollte jemanden in die Vergangenheit bringen? Unfug.Dann hatte dieser Typ, Hans nannte er sich, ihr einen Handel angeboten. Sie w?rde das Kost?m, dass er f?r sie aussuchte, anziehen und...

2 years ago
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Mansurs Rache

Mansur’s Rache Synopsis (17. Jahrhundert, T?rkenkriege, ein Kloster im Donautal) Nach blutiger Schlacht im Angesicht des Klosters beschliesst der siegreiche Emir Mansur der Pr?chtige an den Bewohnern des Klosters grausame Rache zu nehmen. In der Arena des grossen Klosterhofes, vor rachedurstigen Kriegern, erdulden die Nonnen und Novizinnen subtile Varianten muselmanischer Folterkunst.Die Schlacht  In den fr?hen Morgenstunden des strahlenden Fr?hlingstages hatten die t?rkischen Truppen unter M...

4 years ago
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Der Ehevertrag

Es war in einer Zeit als Ehen noch arrangiert wurden. Als die auserwählte Braut denjenigen zu heiraten hatte, der um sie warb. Als die Frau noch kein Recht auf ein „Nein“ hatte. In dieser Zeit wuchs ein kleiner Wildfang zu einer jungen Dame heran. Bei ihrem Vater auf dem Land hatte die Schöne alle Freiheiten genießen können. Doch nun mussten sie in die Stadt ziehen. Als Handwerker konnte der Vater in der Stadt mehr verdienen. Vom ersparten Geld kaufte der Vater eine Ziege und ließ ein schönes...

4 years ago
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mari do bhabhi 2

Mera naam bunty hai. Ghar par mere alawa bhaiya Vinod, vidhi bhabi Dipa hi hain. Bhaiya ki umar 22 saal, vidhi bhabi ki umar 20 saal aur meri 21 saal ki hai. Bhaiya ki shadi abhi 6 mahine pahle hi huyi hai. vidhi bhabi ka rang ek dam gora, aankhien bhoori, baal kale aur lambe, body ek dam slim, kamar ek dam patli aur boobs ek dam gol gol aur chhote chhote hain. Mere pados mein Vimal rahte hain. Unki umar bhi 22 saal ki hai. Wo mere bhaiya ke bahut hi achchhe dost hain. Unki bhi shadi 5 mahine...

2 years ago
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Chinese Takeout For Breakfast

Jason quietly put his key in the lock. It didn’t seem to be going in, he panicked for a minute thinking Marcela had changed the locks in her anger, but when he realized it was his hand shaking, he chastised himself for being so paranoid. He steadied himself, taking a deep breath and then slipping the key into the hole, letting out his breath as the door soundlessly swished open allowing him to walk into their apartment. He looked around the corners, trying to assess where she actually was,...

4 years ago
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A Visit From My Cousin

I lay in bed and stretched out contentedly, very gradually easing into consciousness. My mind was still fuzzy and thoughts flickered randomly through it. But gradually I came round, my eyes opening and taking in the familiar surroundings of my bedroom. Almost immediately, I started to worry that I should be leaping up and getting ready for school. Was I late? I peered bleary-eyed across at my clock. Why hadn't I heard the alarm? Briefly I panicked as I saw that it was nearly 8 o'clock...

4 years ago
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A Cuck s Movie Night

Kevin and I had been friends forever, we grew up together. We were always really close. When we got older he was quite the ladies man. He was good at flirting with girls. I'd occasionally have a girlfriend, but not that often, and when I was single I'd never get laid. I was fine talking to girls, but I never was able to make a move, so the girls always just kind of became my friends. Meanwhile, Kevin would get laid so effortlessly. Girls that would act so innocent around me would be complete...

3 years ago
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As Day Follows Night Pt 07

‘And my balls are always bouncing, and my ballroom always full. And everybody comes and comes again. If your name is on the guest list, no one can take you higher. Everybody says I’ve got great balls of fire.’ -AC/DC, *’Big Balls’* Helena reached the dance floor and looked toward the table where Troy, Julie, and Maria sat. Before she could walk over to them, she was surrounded by young men in expensive tuxedos, all wanting to share the first dance with La Contessa. Soon, Troy lost sight of...

2 years ago
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Harriman s General StoreChapter 2

To those who were friends with Jerry Fischer's wife, Ruth, they would describe her as a woman who was extremely devoted to the concept of being a wife. She was an excellent cook, kept her household immaculate, and tried very hard to keep her husband happy in every way that she could. She and her husband had been married for fourteen years and had not been successful in conceiving a child in that time. Ruth was still hopeful that she would be able to fulfill her dream of motherhood, but she...

4 years ago
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Welcome to the Show

Welcome to the Show Part 1Gonzales leaned back in his chair and looked me in the eyes. The room was hot, even with the Mediterranean sun leaning toward evening. When he sat forward to consider the money on the table before him, an eager grin played across his face. ?Very well,? Gonzales finally said. ?You’re in.? He then turned to the other man in the room, who went by Miguel. ?Our three tourists – the pretty ones. Bring them below and prepare them for the show – that tall one first. Our guests...

1 year ago
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My Brother

100% fiction! Let me start off by giving you a little family history…my family consists of me, sis, my brother and mom and dad. Me, I am now 26. My brother JD, who is now 20, Kearsta 17 and dad, Mike is now 49. I have to say that genetically, I think my family won the lottery because we all have what I consider perfect bodies and the health to go with it. Strangely enough we don't even have to work at it. My brother and I have never spent more than 5 minutes in a gym actually working out even...

2 years ago
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Bad Day At The OfficeChapter 10

I woke early, after only a couple hours of sleep, still tired and quite disorientated. At first I thought that the naked body lying next to me was Jane, then remembering that I would never again wake up with her at my side. It seemed that I was just at the edge of reality, you know, when you are awake but your dreams still feel real. I felt quite guilty when I did recall who the woman in my arms was. I lay as still as I could, not wanting to disturb her, whilst I pondered my own thoughts. Was...

4 years ago
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Home and Back

Snick ... Fizzzzzz... "You got another one of those?" I asked the guy seated in the row ahead of me. I had to half-stand and lean over the high backed vinyl seat to see him. "Just the one," he replied, turning his head with surprised annoyance. Once he got a look at me though, he smiled and his voice grew warm. "But I guess we can share if you want." "Great." I smiled back at him. The sun had just about set when I'd gotten on the bus in Oakland, bound for New York City. It would be...

3 years ago
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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 11 Third Friday

When Kelli arrived the next week, the father said, 'I'm sorry I have to ask for the second week running but can you stay late again. We have to attend a company dinner dance and my boss has asked if we can remain after to meet some of the out of town reps.' 'It means it will be gone 2:00am again before we return.' Kelli had to restrain herself from jumping up and down, and said in an artificially calm voice, 'sure, it's no trouble, I'll just watch something or maybe do some of my...

3 years ago
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Twister with strangers PART 1

As I dragged the enormous suitcase to the first door in the hallway I could feel hairs from my blonde ponytail coming loose and sticking to the back of my neck. It would be far too exhausting to unpack just now. My small amount of belongings were packed into boxes that sat on the other end of the generously sized bedroom, my dismantled bed frame leaned against one wall and a single mattress had beached itself in a corner. I sighed contently. It must have been only a few minutes later,...

4 years ago
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His hand pushed down against my spine, holding me flat to the mattress. As I turned my head to look round at him he thrust downwards, pressing me deeper into the springs. My heart thudded heavily. For a moment I was so intently aware of the air against my exposed skin, the shock of cool hitting wet that I shivered. It drew a groan from him. A low and desperate sound.Unseen I heard the pop of a plastic lid. It dropped softly against the carpet. Then the wet slurp of ointment being scooped out....

4 years ago
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The road to lesbianism my first taste of the swee

This is a true storyI had been crazy about guys my whole life. But after my first love James went away to college I was devastated. I tried having sex with other guys, but I just couldn't get into it. It wasn't appealing to me anymore. So my cousin Kiki, who is a lesbian, suggested that I get with a girl. Having the mind of a hetero I was grossed out by the thought. I told myself I would try one more guy, and if I didn't get off I would try it. So I had sex with this guy named Josea, who had a...

3 years ago
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After the 1st trimester had passed Ginger & Oliver virtually lived at Daddy and Maracks, their sex drive was insatiable. As their time for birthing got closer they were fucking every opportunity they could. One morning Ginger walked over to the farm and wanted Daddy & Marack to fuck her pussy and arse. after they had cum in her she got both to double fuck her pussy, all of a sudden there was water all over the bed Gingers waters had broken, they phoned her mum to pick her up and take...

4 years ago
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My fantsies 1 of many

-Hi there my little teddybear, hope you are wearing what I bought you last week like a good boy. Also tonight I'll be a bit late to our date, wait for me wearing your nice gag and your new gift. P.S. I will have a surprise for you tonigh XOX I answer: -Of course I'm wearing the wonderfull gift you made me, I'll be waiting for you my Queen! XOX As I send the message, I feel my dick get harder and get crampped in the tiny cock cage my Queen bought me, I shiver a bit run my hand on my...

3 years ago
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WillowChapter 19

When Carl stepped into the private dining room, the first thing he noticed was a server asking the four men about taking drink orders. The woman was very pretty with flame red hair and pale freckles. She was dressed in the uniform of the house-help with a green short halter top and a low ride miniskirt that showed off her very slim waist and flat tummy. The uniform was important to distinguish her as an employee and not a slave. Carl touched her on the arm and said, "Excuse me, but could I...

1 year ago
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Be careful what you wish for chapter 2

Be careful what you wish for Chapter 2 I was trapped as a very amply proportioned black girl; certainly I was light skinned but still identifiably a black female. I did not sleep, then I was woken by a whatsapp from Elaine. "Morning Liana, welcome to the first day of the rest of your life'. You will find that the only clothes that fit you are the jogger pants, they will very stretched and that old sweat you used to wear for gardening. The first thing you need to do is set up a...

2 years ago
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TimepieceChapter 6

Timepiece: 6. During the 18th and 19th century, the Mediterranean Sea was rife with Moorish pirates. They had a traditional hate for christians ... I suppose because of the Crusades ... and the muslim teaching that infidels be converted or put to death. One of the tortures had its roots in christianity. The Prefect of Rome, a greedy pagan, thought the Church had a great fortune hidden away. So he ordered Lawrence to bring the Church's treasure to him. The Saint said he would, in three...

2 years ago
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Teens an Fasching

„Wir sind in anderen Dingen gut ;)“ Das war die letzte Nachricht die Sandra von ihrer Mutter gelesen hatte, es war ihre Antwort auf Sandras Gejammer über ihre abermals schlechte Mathearbeit. Und das direkt vor den Faschingsferien. Sandra fragte sich aber noch immer was ihre Mutter damit gemeint hatte. Aber erstmal kümmerte sie sich um ihr Outfit, ein rot kariertes Hemd über einem pinken T- Shirt, schwarze Shorts, eine blaue Strumpfhose und ihre grünen Lieblingssneaker, schließlich geht sie mit...

4 years ago
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First time

She did not want me to mention her name but this is her first time story I had my first sexual experience when i was in the 8th grade. I was at one of my friends house and we were playing truth or dare, when her 18 year old b*****r came in and wanted to play we said yes. He explained that his mother had a vibrator and he was going to use it on me. He came in and shoved it into me. I thought i was in heaven. AS i screamed for more. Fern told him to stop . So he did. Fern told him to leave so...

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Strip Club

You had recently won money. A lot of money. You were going to spend it on college or your finance future. Then you figured why spend it on something stupid like that. Why not have to the local strip club and get yourself a dance. You go to the strip club at night. You spot a couple of strippers you recognize. Xenia was Russian MILF beauty. She pretty hot and older then you. She very busty with blond hair and blue eyes. She has a playful attitude and sexy red lips. Xenia also has a pretty big...

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Reversals Ch05

CHAPTER FIVE Reward for Eric Eric sat at their small kitchen table unfocused and bleary eyed, lost in his own meandering thoughts and the predicament Julia had put him in, still struggling with the fact that she could cut him off financially, that he was completely dependent on her for money and everything that came with it. He stared at the empty sink with a sense of shame and humiliation. It had never occurred to him, in all the months that he'd been unemployed, that she'd be...

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The Twists and Turns of Revelation

Chapter One My life began just under 25 years ago when I arrived in this world as a screaming, crying baby boy. Looking back from the vantage point of today's perspective, I guess I grew up quite the typical boy, rough and ready, always up for a fight and dirty from dawn to dusk. My passage through puberty was, I imagine, similar to that of every other boy of those days when life was so much simpler. That I never developed into the muscular, powerfully built young man of my secret...

2 years ago
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wheelchair sex

the story you are about to read is 100% true. as I've stated on my profile unless I said it's fiction then you can rest assured that you are reading a true occurrence. some may find this story strange, or weird or even sick but please bear with me as I relate the time I had sex with a wheelchair dependent woman. I'll explain it as you read. her name has been changed to protect her from any embarrassment.I worked for an agency that had a residence for handicapped wheelchair bound residents. they...

4 years ago
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masturbation club 3rd time

Got a chance to get over to the monthly masturbation club and showed up a bit earlier than usual. There were two cars in the driveway of our hosts and when I got out of the car, one of the married guys that I saw last month said hello as he rolled his window down. I went over and said hello and also recognized the guy sitting with him as another club attendee. Seemed like both had their pants pulled down a bit so I figured it was no harm to get in the back since I was going to jerk off club...

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Sunday Dinner

Luann Dubicki rushed inside the house from the biting cold outside. She had just returned from mass and soon her family would be joining her for the weekly Sunday dinner. She became a widow after her husband, Bob, was killed in a car wreck a few years prior. The thought to remarry never crossed the mind of the registered nurse. She just poured everything she had into her five c***dren. She checked on the pot roast. It looked good and smelled even better. The graying blond washed her hands and...

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Trail of tears part 3

This house was built just for my twisted tendencies. The dungeon is actually a concrete bunker divided into two rooms. The bunker was built and buried a year or so before the house, while the hay was high and no one could see what was going on. All the walls, floors, and ceilings are three foot thick reenforced concrete, at least 12 feet underground. The house was built a year later on what appeared to be undisturbed ground, So the bunker is not in the drawings and not on file with the...

3 years ago
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Blessing In Disguise

‘Have fun at your conference!’ I waved good-bye to Professor Jones and headed home. I was excited that Wednesday I would be free from class. Mrs. Jones and Professor Dubois were leaving from Boston’s Logan Airport Tuesday morning for a conference in Los Angeles. I skipped out of class ready for a crisp fall day. Tuesday morning the phone woke me up. I reached for it, knocking my alarm clock off the nightstand. ‘Star! Star! They’re dead! Professor Jones is dead!’ Instantly awake I began to...

2 years ago
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Becky s Revenging Angel

It was a bad part of town. Not the kind of area I usually drove through. With a light rain falling and being so dark and dreary out it was hard to see out of the side windows. I was looking for a very seedy bar. A place I had never been before. But you do what you have to do. That's the way life is. I spotted it ahead, 'Pete's tavern.' I slowly pulled up to the curb. I was a nervous wreck, hands shaking, sweating under my jacket. The bar was truly a hole in the ground. A run down old...

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No Way Out

He was lying on his back with his knees bent. He had an old rubber sheet under him on the bed which was glistening with oil, as well almost all of his body. He had his newly bought dildo teasing his hole, rubbing up and down, and he was gently easing it in. His 8 inch erection was throbbing and he had to stop stroking it otherwise it would explode, and it was too soon for that. His smooth skin felt wonderful with the silky oil covering it. He stroked his flat stomach as he continued to...

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Bi Bi Baby bi sexual

John couldn't wait until Nora left for her Saturday meditation group meeting as he was horny as hell and couldn't wait to strip and stroke while surfing the net and hopefully receiving some sexy emails from some of his cyber friends around the world.Nora had gradually cut him down to having sex every other week or so for the past year and he had taken to masturbating at the computer while writing and receiving sexy messages. Nora always had the libido of a sick frog but, at least for the first...

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Buzz Phrase Stranger required Part 1

Some of you may know that my wife has her own xhamster page on here (Kathysouth) and if you do you will see that she likes sex with mature strangers, although as long as they are legal she is up for anything. A few years ago we started playing a game that we call 'Stranger Required'. If she was up for a stranger fuck she would just say the magic words "Stranger Required" and leave the rest to me. The rules were that it could consist or 1 or more men, any age, any colour, but if a group then, at...

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72 5 Hours With A MILF In Lockdown 8211 Part 3 Sexual Fantasies

Before we begin, here’s some basic info about me: 21, from Mumbai, 5-11 height, 5.5″ cock, fitness freak with a slim body, and work as a writer. This is a true story, but all names are changed. This story is a direct continuation from Part 2, so if you haven’t read it yet, please and read it first before reading about our sexual fantasies. I won’t tell you about what we did the next day, the day after that, or the rest of the week, or the rest of the month, or the next several months. If I were...

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The Sexiest Kiss Version 1 11

Version 1.11 By Maximillian Excaliber Introduction While I try to make the sex as steamy as possible, I don't write stories that just throw to people in bed by the second page. And no, I'm not criticizing those who do. Hell, I read them once in a while myself. Except for my earlier stories, most of my work has a plot to sex ratio of somewhere between 75/25 and 85/15. So, unless you like your adult stories with a lot of much plot, you probably won't consider them 'jerk'...

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Growing Up A MasterChapter 33 Introducing Suzy

I went home in the morning to change my clothes and do a bit of homework, but I was back at Cheri's house early Saturday afternoon. I went to the kitchen, where I got a delicious hug from Cheri. "So what are your plans tonight?" she asked me. "I'm not completely sure," I said. "I want you to get to know Laura's mother. I suspect, based on what Laura told me, she is a lot like you, though I suspect her life's been much harder." "A lot like me, huh? And how am I?" she asked...

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Un incontro andato male

Voglio scrivere questa breve storia per far capire che dietro una tastiera siete spesso un po' troppo superbi, eccessivamente spacconi e quant'altro: gli incontri nella realtà sono tutt'altra cosa. Voglio raccontare il mio primo incontro con un ragazzo conosciuto su questo sito. Di norma non faccio incontri reali per una serie di ragioni che potete intuire da soli, diciamo anche solo perchè non posso e non voglio incontrare tutti gli uomini che me lo chiedono. Quella volta , però, fu diverso....

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The Ten of Them Chapter 30

During our last chapter, JJ and Marshall discovered making love to their wives now definitely has a different element. Both Kathryn and Misty are nursing. After arranging for alternative methods of feeding their children, they allow their husbands to nurse. Both JJ and Marshall felt perverted for wanting to do that. Misty thought herself also perverted from wanting Marshall to nurse. After the friends discussed it together, they found they had that in common. They decided to enjoy the...

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Return to Seattle chapter 2

“Yes mamm, George Dawson” I said as I extended my hand for a shake.   “I’m honored that you chose to own not one, but two of my pieces of work.”   The woman looked at me, my smile radiant and friendly, hers equally as warm and cordial as she replied “Nice to meet you, I’m Melissa Johnson, I’ve admired your work for months at the gallery, but never dreamed I’d be able to actually own one chuckle*, I mean two.   Arisol was so helpful in the decision to get them both done at the same time, she's...

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Introduction: When I came home from the Army I was hard, generally uncaring and didnt like being around people. In short, I was an asshole. This is the true story of a woman I met when I came home, the only problem was that she was married. INTRODUCTION – When I came out of the Army, I had been trained for a war that never came. I had spent more time in the woods than in civilization and had become cold and hard. I had peaked at 205# with a 28 waist and my legs were heavy from hundreds of miles...

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An Affair With My Neighbor Happened By Chance

Hi to all ISS readers. This is Mr. K here again from Bangalore. I work in the field of technical support and thank you for the responses for my earlier story. I am back again to share another interesting story with you all. So get ready for the exciting story. This story involves my neighboring aunt whose name is Cathy (name changed obviously). She is married and has a daughter who is around 4 years old. Cathy is in her 30’s but does not look at her actual age. She has maintained her body well...

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Chhote Devar Se Chudai

Main hun Sharda. Aaj main pehli baar apni kahani le kar aayee hun ISS mein. Waise to main regular stories padhti hun. Par mere ghar pe net nahi hai isliye cafe aana padhta hai. Phir do bachon ke sath kabhi-2 mushkil bhi ho jata hai. Dosto meri kahani padh kar response jarur karna. Mujhe sex se bhari mails padhna achha lagta hai. Ab main zyada bore nahi karungi….baat tab ki jab mere devar ka apni biwi talaak hua aur woh hamare ghar rehne aaya. Wo bahut jawaan aur sunder hai. Jab hum joint family...

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Mum In My bedroom

It was a Friday and I hadn't seen my mum since she had caught my dad making love to me. Today, all that changed for the better. I had decided to skip school and head home early so I could surprise my dad. Like normal, I stripped out of my school clothes, slowly undoing every single button on my skin tight white blouse, revealing my sexy red bra hiding my firm 32C breaths. My big round nipples were already hard as I unclasped my bra and let it fall off my shoulders to the floor.I quickly undid...

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A Room With A View Beth Daisy

There is little I enjoy more of an evening than grabbing a seductive bottle of Tempranillo or Malbec, and with that in one hand and an over-large wine glass in the other, I tiptoe my way up creaking stairs to the sanctuary of my bedroom. Kicking off my heels I curl myself up in my Lloyd Loom chair and settle in as dusk's purple hues weave and merge amongst the gathering gloom. Settled and content, I survey the smattering of lighted windows and brooding brickwork that is my world, my...

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Twin Switch Conclusion

Twin Switch Conclusion By Cheryl Lynn This is a work of fiction. Heavy forced gender change, humiliation and sex. If you do not enjoy this type of story DO NOT READ or place derogatory comments. Before reading this installment please read all preceding chapters. Approval is granted by the author to download this story for personal use only. Downloading or any other use of this story for financial gain is strictly prohibited without my permission. My thanks to Toxis for the great...

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Peeping Betty Part II

Hi this is Betty, sister of Doamaneque and need to tell you my story after I arrived at Rachel’s.   Since I did not say much about myself I am 16 years old and just started filling out in the breast department.   To have just so recently getting out of my little girl training bra and filling a size 32DD bra, just like they grew over night.   My weight 96 pounds, height just a merely 4’8”. My pussy was still messing my panties as I stood at the door ringing the door bell at Rachel’s.   We...

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Mrs Braithwaite Part 2

Another in the series of tales about magic books. Simon becomes Simone, a pawn in the power struggles of a witches' coven. MRS. BRAITHWAITE II ? by: Geneva When I was fourteen, my mother died and I was left an orphan. Well, perhaps that wasn't really true, but my father had disappeared soon after his brief liaison with my mother, barely taking long enough to impregnate her. I had no idea whether he was still alive, and I never cared much about it anyway. I lived with my mother...

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Office Fun Part 2

Marcia was sitting in the car park of the office, about to leave having just finished work, when she saw Lee walk out of the building and head towards his car. It had been four days since they had fucked in the office, and she was eager for a second round. She checked herself in the rear view mirror before beeping the horn. Lee looked towards her and she beckoned him over, winding down the window as she did.“Hey,” she said with a smile.“Hi,” he replied, ducking his head in through the window....

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Wild ChildChapter 2

When Juli arrived home, she used her key to enter the back door and pushed her new delivery bicycle into the store room. She locked up and ran upstairs carrying her backpack. She threw it on the bed and stripped naked in front of her full length mirror with all her lights on. She could hear her Gramp’s TV on in his room next door and hurried to the shower. She wanted to wash the sweet smell of pussy off, then go see Gramps before she went to bed to read. She had so many things to do now and...

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Moving in with Jim and Candy Part 2

"A taste of Candy" - FictionJimmy smiled at Candy and said, "I think you should show him your secret, Candy." Candy smiled wickedly, "I think you're right." With that, she hooked her thumbs into the edge of her bikini bottoms and slid them down. She the reached between her legs and rubbed from her ass all the way forward, and her surprise flipped out. She had a cock! Candy was a hot, busty TGirl! She was definitely getting hard looking at us. Her cock was slightly shorter than mine, but was...

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Traveling Man

He was a traveling man and out to make his fortune. No time for a wife or children. "No time, no time," he'd say with an honest, if somewhat self-deprecating smile. No time for a proper house with a Christmas tree and the drapes pulled back so that the neighbors would see it all lit up and glittering with tinsel. No time for gifts and stockings and small footsteps excited upon the stairs. No time. And all the time in the world it had seemed and sometimes did again. But only when he was...

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42 Years Old ISS Reader Gets Fucked And Satisfied

Hi, my name is Aryan and I work freelancer masseur from Bangalore. Please do read my previous stories here. This story is about a lusty mature woman in her 40’s who met me after reading my sex stories. Well, I guess a lot of women enter the peak of their sexual drive from the age of 35. With regular experiences in bed I had by now achieved what it takes for a woman to reach extreme pleasure in bed if not an orgasm. Most women have different preferences and usually like a lot of foreplay....

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Ms Sloane PresidesChapter 3 Zip It

Now I rather resent the absurd notion that I was to the manner born. And I do go out of my way to avoid any hint of favoritism at work. Some chaps, having access to a key executive — to wit, i. e., for e. g., one’s mother — might take advantage of that insider connection. Birdie Brewster, for the record, took no such shortcuts. I waited until dinner, “Mamacita, you know how old school Louise Lane is...” She held up her hand, much like a school crossing guard, “Birdie, BB needs you to take on...

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All the Power Pt 7 Barria

“I was told yesterday that His Supremacy will be vising His new palace here later this week,” the king said. “He’ll be staying for three or four days.” His Supremacy’s Barrian palace was completed months ago, at great cost and great inconvenience to the Subject Kingdom. It, of course, put the Barrian royal castle to shame. “Okay,” Loard Markos replied. He wasn’t really sure where the old king was going with this. Markos was a young man in a hurrry, a top advisor to to the king and head of the...

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Cunt For Use Chapter 4

Chapter 4Daddy finishes wiping my face then touches my cheek and simply says, "Puppy." I know it is a reminder that he is watching out for me, but also that I should remember who is in charge.Dean has once again picked up the end of my leash, jerking it and telling me to get in the car which I've been d****d over for most of the abuse. Leading me to the backseat, he has me get in then shoves at me to scoot in behind the driver so he can sit next to me. Daddy follows him so that we are...

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The Vine the Hunter

Two very fit women stand ready to take her and say exit now calmly or we will remove you with force. The woman says fuck you bitches I am not going anywhere until I am ready to as one of the guards calmly takes out a air-taser the woman see it and says like that is going to change my mind and the guard shoots the woman and pulls the trigger. Zap, tap, tap, tap, and tap as the woman jerks and screams in pain and falls out of the van. They pull her out as another guard comes from a...

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GirlsWay April O 8217 Neil Charlotte Sartre The Blind Date

When April O’Neil walks into the restaurant for her date, she notices all the tables are full. She mutters to herself that there’s nowhere to sit. Charlotte Sartre, who overhears her, offers April a seat at her table. April asks her if she’s sure and Charlotte insists. As April checks her phone, Charlotte is checking her out. When she notices how nice her dress is, she compliments April. April thanks her and compliments her back. Charlotte confesses that she just got stood up...

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Sushila Aur Uski Beti Ko Choda 8211 Part III

Dosto sushila ko kaise choda ye mai pichli story me bta chuka hu ab bari sushila ki beti priya ki chudai ki to dosto sushila ko chodne k bad karib 15 din tak lagatar maine usko alag style me choda ab mera mann sushila se bhar chuka tha lekin sushila chahti thi ki mai usko zindgi bhar aise hi chodta rhu aur dil to uski beti ko chodne ka kar rha tha dosto un dino ki hai jab sushila ka mariyal pati aur beti ghar laut chuke the aur uska pati delhi job karne chala gya tha ghar par Sushila aur uski...

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Akavai Appa Oothar

Enaku ippozhuthu 19 vayathu aagugirathu, en siru vayathil en thanthai akkavai eppadi oothar enbathai nan intha kathaiyil ungalidam solugiren. Naangal mothamaaga veetil 5 per irunthom, athu nan en akka thambi pin apppa matrum amma. Naangal nala jollyaana kudumbam aanal en thanthai oru kaama virumbi adikai en ammavai padukaiyil kasaki konde irupaar. En amma kathal seithu kondu thirumanam seithu kondaargal, en appa veetil kathal thirumanathirku samathika villai thanaal oodi vanthu thirumanam...

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a fantasy

Just a short story of a fantasy I would like to experience. I may add to it and would like any suggestions you may have. I hope you enjoy it :)I arrive at the address you texted me. I walk up to the door and notice something hanging on it. Its a pink blindfold and a note, the note reads " Hi slave I want you to put this blindfold on, open the door, walk in and close the door behind you. Then you are to take 4 steps forward and remove all your clothes, but the blindfold stays on. Fold your...

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Love Delayed But Not Lost

Hello my dear readers. I’m Justin and back with my next story and this is based on a real life incident. This happened probably around 3 years back. Readers can give their feedbacks to Back then I was enrolled in a college and had met a lot of wonderful people. I had befriended a girl and I used to visit her now and then to work on group projects and assignments. Her name was Khushboo(name changed) but the story doesn’t revolve around her. My adventure in here was with her flatmate named...

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The Ice Queen

I got off the plane and made my way to the baggage claim. It took forever for my bag to show up. I grabbed it and went outside where Elsa was waiting for me. I threw my bag on the back seat and slid into the front seat of the new Cadillac. The soft leather felt good on my tired body. Elsa gunned it and off we went. I could not help but notice her legs as she drove thru traffic. Her skirt was hiked up to show the just a hint of the top of her stockings, black lace. That was Elsa, always...

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Bhabhi Ki kasi Hui Gulabi Choot

hello doston sbhi chut walion our land walon sabhi ko mera land uthakar namashkar doston main pure visvas se kahta hoon ki yeh story padkar aaap ke land khade ho jayenge our sabhi choot walion ki choot main pani aa jayega kion ki ye story meri choti bhabhi ki chudai ki sachi kahaani hai jisme maine apni hi choti bhabhi ki kasi hui choot ko jamkar choda tha . sabse pehle main aap logon ko apne baare main bata doon ki main gwalior main rahkar padhai kar raha hoon .aur meri puri family gaon main...

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Little Brother

  My name is Kat I'm a live in a small town with my mother and little brother Matthew.  I am a total slut and I don't care what anyone thinks of me.  One day in the summer I was at home in my room texting a guy I know.   He was asking me to send him a picture of myself so he could jerk off to it.   I was already horny by this time so I didn't refuse his request.   I sent him a picture of my panties which he was happy with.   I then told him to send a picture of his cock.  This went on for a...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapter 26 27

Chapter 26 Stephen was in the waiting room of the hospital when Richard found him. He rushed over to him. "Oh Sweetie!" Richard said feeling sorry for the man. He was a mess. His hair was all dishevelled and his dress wrinkled. His makeup was ruined as well because he had been crying. Richard sat down next to him and handed him a tissue out of his purse. "I came as soon as I heard," Richard told his friend. Stephen nodded as he blew into the tissue and dabbed his eyes. "Have...

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It was Thursday afternoon. Melissa was home alone, as she always was at 3:22 p.m. on a school day. Both her mom and dad worked and never arrived home earlier than 5:45 p.m., and then always her mom. Mr. Kendall usually hit the front door somewhere between 6:30 and 7 p.m. He had a long commute. Melissa was busily texting away on her new iPhone 6, a birthday present only three days old, grinning widely at the bang she'd just put on a fellow student at Martin Luther King High School. Melissa and...

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Sonic s New Look Rouge ified 1 5

Rouge blinked, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Sonic the Hedgehog, the fastest thing alive... was in her room, wearing her clothes. Even more in fact, if his impressive bustline and figure was any indication. As the initial shock wore off and she noticed the look of horror on the crossdressed hedgehog's face, Rouge smirked and placed her hands on her hips. "Looking good there, Sonic!" she teased with a wink. "If you wanted to try my things on, all you had to do was...

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Educating Cathy Chapter 15

Cathy stood up having enjoyed sucking Miranda’s cock. They came onto the bed and both began to orally stimulate me. Miranda moved up the bed and said those three fateful words “suck my cock”. With Cathy going down on me there seemed no escape. Cathy looked up. “You love pleasing me darling” she said “now I can thank you properly”. Her thinking was somewhat skewed but I couldn’t argue. Grabbing Miranda’s cock I pulled her closer and wrapped my lips around the erection she was begging for me to...

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Will You Be Our Mommy Chapter 17

I sent most of my gear back to LA Friday morning. I caught a flight back east to Harrisburg. An Uber hauled me home to Paradise. I arrived mid-afternoon. Yesterday had been a huge day in my professional life. This weekend would be a milestone in my personal life. At least I hoped it would be. Noah and Connor raced outside to greet me when the Uber pulled up to the curb. The driver had to wait a minute while we hugged and kissed before he could unload my bag. I gave him a generous tip and...

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a wild night on the local hooker stroll

so i got of work and was feeling nasty wild as usual i called my neice and was wanting to know if she was gonna go hit the streets as since i cought her working the stroll i have become her best custemer lol she was busy but she gave me a line on a very open girl so off i went when i cought up with her she got in the car her name was jen posted a pic mm got to say she is so good at first she tought i just wanted a blo n go told her i wanted a few hrs as we drove to a spot i got to we talked she...

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Horny housewife and old man

Horny housewife and old-manHi friends, this is Mamatha, a boring house wife, and I am 32 years old. This is a story about how I fell in love with my house owner’s father, who was an old man and enjoyed my sex with him. I am married and have a 2 year old son. My hubby works in a Bangalore International Airport and we all moved to a new house for rent. For the first week it all went normal my hubby would go to work by 8.30am in the morning and return by night 9.00 pm. I would get up early and...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 44

Sue said, "Peggy, I have decided. The Defreitas family are nice folks, so I don't want to do anything that will put me in their bad books, but I still feel you owe me. This may or may not be true, but that is how I feel you have treated me, so I want your help. I want you to help find me a man; a man that I can love; a man that knows how to love and will love me; a man that will be to me what Trevor is to you. That's what I want, Peggy." Peggy was aghast. This was one scenario that she...

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Introduction: Part 1. Black tutu, silk stockings, 6 inch heels and the skimpiest bra I could find. I couldnt be arsed with knickers they would only get ripped off and lost forever. I didnt want to loose any of my sexy clothes they werent designer but they were mine. Silk handbag with the essentials in it. I created that dramatic face of red lipstick and smoky eyes in the mirror. Grabbed my bag and went. As I walked out the house, across the street and tottered up the alley the rain started to...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 447

The Retreat When Jeff eased out of bed and practically tiptoed across the bedroom floor toward the bathroom, Arlene and Kayla were only a couple of steps behind him. “Morning, Husband,” the women said as one while stepping into the shower, both wives trying to stifle yawns. Arlene put her head against Jeff’s shoulder and closed her eyes as the water came on. “I’m still sleepy,” she whined. Kayla let out a giggle as she soaped her sister-wife’s back in an effort to help wake her. “Well, if...

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My job in this ambush was to decide when it was to start. Foster placed me just around a curve in the road, gave me a good-sized tree for cover, two muskets, and orders to stop the patrol when it was close enough. I loaded buck and ball and we waited. I guess there was six or seven of us that day. We heard them coming before we saw them, a column of men on foot led by a slim officer on horseback, maybe twenty of them and another rider at the tail. As they rounded the bend and came into view,...

5 years ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 44 Fenice

After the Princess and her entourage had left, Admiral Hargreaves made port and the Imperial Voyager was quickly manoeuvred into the dry dock. They would be there for at least a couple of days, so the Admiral cast around on the Internet for some entertainment. He was suddenly taken with the idea of going to the opera at La Fenice in Venice. It had burned down the best part of forty years earlier, and the Italian Government had just finished rebuilding it. Rigoletto was playing and it occurred...

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I Didn,t think the day would ever end, but finally it was 5 pm and future wife Sarah had our s cond ever date in August, 1967. This time we avoided a meal at the Wmpey Bar and went directly to The Old Kentucky Pancake House. After our meal we walked around the Trafalgar Square area enjoying another warm evening before darkness drew us to the same News Cinema we,d attended the previous night our first ever date. We,d hit it off so well that Sarah had already changed into a white blouse with a...

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GardnerChapter 2

Thinking about her answer and knowing she couldn't lie to him, she responded, "I haven't asked you about your girl friends, have I?" He was silent for a moment before answering, "No, you haven't." "Could we leave it at that?" she asked, she was looking into his eyes as she spoke. He grinned at her and said, "I can handle that," hugging her tightly and kissing her quickly on the lips, swiping his tongue against her lips at the same time. "Maybe later we can have a frank...

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The Original

The nightclub was fairly full on this warm Saturday night in June of 1986. The oldies and classic rock played as the crowd of mostly middle-aged party seekers mingled and mixed.My buddies and I had decided to stop in and check out the crowd as we cruised bar to bar in search of some interesting ladies. As we were in our early twenties we certainly stood out as we moved throughout the club. I split from the group and worked through the bustling crowd to one of the stand up bars. The bartender...


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