Pornofilm indian porn

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Die Undercover Zwillinge

„Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum achtzehnten Geburtstag, meine Engelchen!“ sagt der Vater und umarmt liebevoll seine beiden Zwillingstöchter Jenny und Jessica. „Wie schnell die Zeit vergeht! Ihr seid schon beinahe erwachsen geworden! Wirklich schade nur, dass mein Beruf mir immer nur so wenig Zeit lässt, dass ich kaum mit euch beiden zusammen sein kann!“ „Ist schon gut, Daddy! Wir lieben dich trotzdem!“ antwortet Jenny und schmiegt sich dabei sanft an die Brust ihres Vaters. „Wir haben wirklich...

4 years ago
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Was darf es denn sein junge Frau

Was darf es denn sein junge Frau? 0Elli war auf einem Wanderurlaub mit ihrer Freundin, die draussen wartete, und beide hatte Appetit auf etwas Leckeres. aeh, eigentlich wollte ich nur ein paar Frikadellen haben. Aber sie haben so leckere Sachen hier. Elli deutete auf zwei Schweinehaelften die an einem Haken an der Wand hingen. Alles von Tieren aus der Umgebung hier? Der Metzger laechelte. Natuerlich. Alles was hier verkauft wird stammt aus der Gegend und wird selbstverstaendlich auch hier...

4 years ago
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Die Nachhilfelehrerin

Als ich meinem Mann durch die riesige Glasscheibe des Abfluggates ein letztes Mal zuwinkte, merkte ich zu meinem Entsetzen, dass ich mich frei fühlte. Ein halbes Jahr würde er nun auf einer Großbaustelle in Brasilien verbringen, die er als Bauleiter beaufsichtigen sollte. Oft hatten wir über seine Abwesenheit gesprochen, und nun, als es so weit war, spürte ich nichts von Traurigkeit. Als er durch den schmalen Gang, der zu seinem Gate führte, verschwunden war, drehte ich mich um und genoß die...

2 years ago
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Nachtdienst im Krankenhaus

Thommy hatte entschieden, dass dies definitiv sein letzter Tag im Krankenhaus war. Der Biker war zwei Wochen zuvor nach einem Motorradunfall hier gelandet und hatte sich mit einer falschen Krankenversicherungskarte und Identität ausgewiesen. Er hatte guten Grund dazu, da die Polizei ihn suchte. Seine Kumpels hatten das gestohlene Motorrad, mit dem er auf freier Strasse verunglückt war, vorher weggeschafft und ihn vor der Krankenhaustür abgeladen. Obwohl ihm bisher niemand auf die Schliche...

3 years ago
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La Bums

Xaver war endlich da. Hausnummer 69, das Haus, in dem die Party eines entfernten Freundes von ihm stattfand. Vor dem Haus und im Garten sah es aus wie vor einem Einkaufszentrum am Samstag Nachmittag - ein Auto neben dem anderen, dazwischen ein paar Motorräder. Er kämpfte sich irgendwie zum Eingang durch, wo ihn auch schon Stefan, sein entfernter Freund begrüßte. "Hallo Xaver!" "Hi, Stefan!" "Dich gibt's auch noch?" "Ja, äh... komm erst einmal rein, da drüben gibt’s was zu trinken." Es war eben...

3 years ago
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Die Fahrradtour

--> war schon mal hier ... sorry.„Zeig‘ ihm doch mal Deine Fotze“, forderte ich meine Frau Martina auf. Wir waren mit unserem Kumpel Frank während einer Fahrradtour auf einer sonnigen Wiese zwischen zwei Waldstücken in der Nähe von Soltau gelandet. Wir Männer waren bereits nackt und hatten uns auch schon ein wenig geblasen – waren also geil. Martina, die im Sommer ihre Shirts so weit abschnitt, bis sie nur noch ganz knapp über ihre runden Titten reichten, hat in einem Café an der Ostsee auch...

4 years ago
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Geschichte zu Video Dirty Fat Bitch

Dieses ist die Geschichte zu dem Video "Dirty Fat Bitch" und den Fotos von "Fat Bitch"Fat Bitch heisst eigentlich Vera C. und kommt aus dem Ruhrgebiet, ursprünglich allerdings aus Thüringen sie ist Mitte 50. Ich habe auch kurz im Ruhrgebiet gewohnt und sie häufiger gesehen als ich mit dem Hund war. Wie das so ist, am Rhein kamen wir über die Hunde ins Gespräch und ich dachte so bei mir, Man die möchte ich mal ficken. Sie war so prall, dicke Titten, fetter Bauch, dicker Arsch und fette Beine,...

3 years ago
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Trip with Granddad nudist campsite

We left Rostock, heading to Sylt and a campisite there, which my gd already booked from the ferry. I still had my new underwear on, and the dildos was still inserted in my holes. After half anhour of driving I had to pee andt told my gd to stop. He said I have to wait a while, and just continued along the road. I took off the seatbelt and went back in the livingpart of the motorhome, to take off my panties. Started to bring down my panties and I could feel how both dildoes was slowly removed...

3 years ago
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Zur sissy gemacht Teil 1

Mein Name ist Jens Bahlmann, 32 Jahre alt und dies ist meine Geschichte, wie ich von einem heterosexuellen Mann zu einer schwanzgeilen Sissyschlampe umgewandelt wurde.Es begann vor knapp 2 Jahren, ich war seit 6 Monaten nach über 3 Jahren Ehe von meiner Frau geschieden. Ich hatte herausgefunden, daß sie mich seit unserer Hochzeit regelmässig betrogen hatte. Durch Zufall habe ich es erfahren, als ich im Internet Fotos von ihr und mehreren Männern gefunden hatte., die sie als tabulose Gangbang...

3 years ago
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Die geilste Nacht meines noch jungen Lebens

Hallo, mein Name ist Kristin und ich möchte Euch von etwas berichten, das mich ziemlich verändert hat. Letzten November rief mich meine Freundin Nina an, sie klang sehr aufgelöst. Wie sich herausstellte, hatte ihr Freund gerade mit ihr Schluss gemacht. Ich kannte Nina schon, seit wir fünf waren. So was nennt man wohl Sandkastenfreunde. Natürlich kannte ich auch ihren Ex. Er war ein echter Schönling, rasierte Brust, braun gebrannt und, wie Nina mir erzählte, mit einem ziemlich mickrigen...

2 years ago
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New Year from Russian

New year came nearer. - Well where we will spend New Year? - mother asked me. The next new year it was decided to spend at Pavlovs, Sanyok and his mother. The aunt Tanya was the beautiful, low woman. The big breast and deep thighs with the amazing back, were my old dream. I was in love with it from the first class. On December 31 about 21 hours I and mother sat in cozy chairs in Pavlov's apartment. I with Sank savoured cocktail, mothers watched TV and listened to us...

2 years ago
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Die Zeitreise

Die ZeitreiseIn einer anderen Welt:Anna hatte die Geschichte von einem guten Freund geh?rt und dar?ber gelacht. F?r wie naiv hielt der sie?Eine Zeitreise in das Mittelalter, das war nat?rlich v?llig unm?glich, der wollte sie veralbern.Sie hatte die Maschine gesehen und glaubte es nicht! Diese Plastikkapsel sollte jemanden in die Vergangenheit bringen? Unfug.Dann hatte dieser Typ, Hans nannte er sich, ihr einen Handel angeboten. Sie w?rde das Kost?m, dass er f?r sie aussuchte, anziehen und...

4 years ago
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Luzufers heimt ckischer Eros

Key-words: FemDom, Oral duty, cunnilingus anilingus, dirty, golden shower, consensual bugging & sex, cheating, pregn,. Luzifers heimt?ckischer Eros Von MASOSTUD ? 2010 by Masostud Alle Rechte vorbehalten / all rights reserved.  Inhalt/ Summary: Martin k?mpft um seine Arbeitslosigkeitsunterst?tzung, denn er f?hlt sich von einer hinterlistigen Frau ruiniert, deren Rache seine Existenz vernichtet hat. Aber zuvor muss er seinen ungew?hnlichen Werdegang mit sexuellen Perversionen bekennen.VORWORT: Das ...

3 years ago
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Sommerferien in Oberbayern GERMAN

1. Kapitel Wir wollten an diesem wundersch?nen Sonntagnachmittag mal wieder etwas Aufregendes erleben. Deshalb hatten wir uns in unser Auto geschwungen und waren - zun?chst auf's geratewohl ins Blaue gefahren. Das es dann so aufregend werden sollte, hatte sich keiner von uns beiden gedacht. Aber der Reihe nach. Wir, das sind Sabine und ich. Wir beide sa?en also in unserem Auto und fuhren ?ber die Landstra?en. Sabine  hatte  -  dem Wetter angemessen  -  ein  leichtes Sommerkleid an. Wie ?blich hat...

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Mein Weg in die Zuh lterei III

Zurück nach Darmstadt: Jetzt saß ich hier in der 1 Klasse und fuhr in Richtung Frankfurt… zurück nach Darmstadt oder besser gesagt in die trostkose Einöde von meinen Eltern nach Bickenbach… Ob meine Eltern etwas bemerken würden??? Jedenfalls wollte ich nicht, dass sie mich am Bahnhof abholten und so log ich sie bei meinem Telefonat heute Morgen an und sagte das mich eine Freundin bereits abholen würde… Sie hatten nichts dagegen und waren scheinbar auch ganz froh deswegen nicht abends gegen 19...

2 years ago
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Hazienda eine Sklavin im Folterstudio german

HaziendaDiese Geschichte ist reine Phantasie. Sie hat keinerlei realen Hintergrund!PrologIrina war Ende 30, 170 cm gro?, schlank, mit den f?r Russinnen typischen wohl geformten gro?en Br?sten. Ihre kupferfarbenen Haare reichten bis auf ihre Schultern. Sie hatte wunderbar lange Beine und eine atemberaubende Taille. Irina h?tte gl?cklich sein k?nnen, aber sie brauchte Geld, viel Geld. Sie hatte in Kiew eine Absprache mit einem lokalen Mafiaboss nicht einhalten k?nnen und der forderte nun eine Summe vo...

2 years ago
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Meine Frau und meine beste Freundin Teil1

Hallo ich heiße Kevin bin 28 und möchte euch das geilste was ich in dem letzten Jahr erlebt habe gern erzählen. Es ist nix erfunden oder so sondern eine wahre Geschichte.Es geht um meine Frau Natalie(27) die war zu dem Zeitpunkt im 6monat Schwanger. Und meine beste Freundin Nadine (26)die ich seit der Grundschule kenn.Dass ihr von den zwei ein Bild habt beschreib ich sie euch kurz. Also meine Frau ist 1.60m groß hatte zu dem Zeitpunkt wegen der Schwangerschaft 78kg.Aber davor und auch jetzt...

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Frau von Grafenstein Teil 3

Frau Vanessa von Grafenstein war nun bereits seit einigen Wochen Witwe. Das beträchtliche Vermögen ihres verstorbenen Mannes bestand nicht nur aus Firmenbeteiligungen sondern auch aus dem umfangreichen Anwesen der von Grafensteins. Frau von Grafenstein bewohnte alleine das stattliche Haus am Stadtrand von Düsseldorf. Anfangs war die Situation für sie noch relativ ungewohnt, doch langsam begann sie die Vorteile eines Lebens als „junge Witwe“ zu erkennen. Sie war finanziell unabhängig und konnte...

4 years ago
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Christina acute s pralle Arschbacken

An einem herrlichen Tag inmitten des Sommers , wachte ich auf.Streckte und reckte mich sitzend auf meiner Spielwiese.Auf der ich immer alleine einschlief , seitdem mich Maria verlassen hatte.Eine viel zu Eifersüchtige Frau , die sogar im hohen Alter ihre unsicherheiten nicht im Griff hatte.Ehrlich gesagt , fand ich ihren Körper wirklich extrem sexy für ihr Alter.Es machte mir nichts aus , das Sie ein paar Kilos zuviel hatte.Es war alles gut verteilt , wenn ihr wisst was ich meine (LOL).Deswegen...

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Das Tor 8

Als das kleine M?dchen in seinen H?nden schlaff wurde und nicht mehr strampelte bekam er einen riesigen Schreck. Er schaute zur?ck. Niemand verfolgte ihn. Anscheinend hatte noch niemand etwas gemerkt. Er blieb kurz stehen und schaute nach dem Kind. Sie atmete. Ein Stein fiel ihm vom Herzen. Eigentlich nicht sehr zart besaitet, sonst w?rde er das nicht machen, war er sehr besorgt um dieses unglaublich s??e M?dchen. Er hatte vorgehabt sie in den Laderaum zu legen, eingerollt in eine Deck...

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Ich w nschte es w re eine Liebesgeschichte

Ich w?nschte, es w?re eine Liebesgeschichte.Patrizia Panther Based on a true story.Wann immer Sie mich beobachten, schauen Sie hinauf. Und wann immer ich Sie beobachte, tue ich das von oben herab. Selbst wenn Sie sich hinter dem Vorhang des Lehrerzimmers im ersten Stock verstecken und auf den Schulhof hinunter schauen und sich unbeobachtet f?hlen, sehen Sie nicht wirklich auf mich herab, sondern haben ein schlechtes Gewissen, bei dem, was Sie tun. Wo immer Sie sich befinden, Sie sind irgendwie u...

2 years ago
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Helen Teil 2

Helen – Teil 5Anmerkung des Autors: Den 5ten Teil der Geschichte habe ich aus der Sichtweise von Cristina geschrieben. Es ist auch durchaus m?glich, dass ich die Geschichte aus der Sichtweise einer bis dahin noch nicht vorgekommenen Person fortf?hre. Im Laufe des jeweiligen Teils wird der Zusammenhang mit zumindest einer Person aus der Borgers Familie ersichtlich. Je nachdem wie es die jeweilige Situation erfordert. Also bitte nicht wundern.(Cristina; Tims kleine Schwester und die Tochter von...

3 years ago
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Painful Paradise GERMAN

Die Mitwirkenden:???????????????????????????????  J?rg,???? 31 Jahre, 198 cmDonna,? 25 Jahre, 177 cmSandra, 22 Jahre, 178 cm Dies ist die Geschichte von Sandra Schmitt. Sandra ist 22 Jahre und 1,78 m gro?. Ihren K?rper kann man getrost als Waffenscheinpflichtig bezeichnen, schlanke Taille, lange Beine, einen knackigen Po und feste, wohlproportionierte Br?ste, die fest wie frische ?pfel sind. Ihre langen, naturblonden Haare fielen bis unter ihre Schulterbl?tter herab und waren leicht gel...

2 years ago
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Mein weg zur Transenhure

Der Weg zur Transenhure Ich war tatsächlich ein Spätzünder in Sachen Sex. Vielleicht kurz zu meinem Äußerem Ich bin 171cm groß bin mit 62 Kilo eher schmal, aber mache zumindest regelmäßig Sport Ich habe kaum körperbehaarung und Bartwuchs braune Augen und eher zartere Gesichtszüge. Mein kleiner Freund misst im schlafen Zustand etwa 5 cm steif fast 10cm. Erst mit 18 hatte ich mein erstes mal. Ich hatte schon immer komplexe weil mein Penis immer deutlich kleiner war als der meine Schul- und...

4 years ago
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Wie die Mutter so die Tochter

„Das Flugzeug ist gelandet“, ruft die 18jährige Jenny aufgeregt und hüpft auf und ab, um besser sehen zu können. Angesteckt von der Vorfreude ihrer Tochter lächelt auch Melanie und sieht Jenny dabei voller Stolz an. Ihre Tochter hat sich in den letzten beiden Jahren von einem unscheinbaren Teenager zu einer wunderhübschen jungen Dame entwickelt. Ihr langes blondes Lockenhaar liegt beinahe wie Seide auf ihren schmalen Schultern und umrahmt ein schönes Gesicht mit weichen Zügen und großen...

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Der Bergtrip

Claudia und Andrea sind unzertrennliche Freundinnen seit ihrer Kindheit, vom Kindergarten über die Grundschule bis zum Gymnasium waren sie immer zusammen. Schon ihre Eltern sind seit Jahren gute Freunde. Zu dieser Freundschaft gehört auch schon seit Jahren der übliche Urlaub in den Bergen in den Osterferien. Doch dieses Jahr wollten Claudia und Andrea nicht mitfahren, zur gleichen Zeit fuhren einige ihrer Freunde ebenfalls für eine Woche in den Skiurlaub – und das ohne ihre Eltern. Die Antwort...

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Auf der Party geschw ngert

Mein Abend begann damit mit ein paar Freundinnen auszugehen. Jenny, die ich seit ein paar Jahren kenne und Jo. Ich kannte Jo erst seit kurzem. Ich traf sie vor ein paar Wochen. Ich hatte zuvor über sie fast nur Schlechtes gehört. Sie ist sozusagen für Rummachen einfach bekannt. Sie ist immer beliebt bei den Jungs aus einem Grund, sie schläft mit jedem. Jedenfalls gingen wir los, gekleidet wie in Pornofilmen: Minikleider und Stöckelschuhe. Es war ein warmer Abend und ich freute mich wirklich auf...

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Der schwarze Babymacher

Ich bin ein 6 Fuß 6 Zoll groß, 25 und wahrscheinlich der schwärzeste Bastard, den Sie jemals sehen werden. Ich bin sehr stolz auf mein afrikanisches Erbe und stolz darauf, ein Amerikaner zu sein. Worauf ich nicht stolz bin, sind die verdammten Arschlöcher der weißen Supremisten, die herumsprudeln, dass Weiß die richtige Farbe ist. Nun, ich bin hier, um Ihnen zu sagen, dass sie alles falsch gemacht haben. Weißer Abschaum ist ein nicht ganz passendes Wort, um diese verdammten milchig weißen...

2 years ago
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Hinterh ltig besamte Ehefrauen

Ich bin ein 28 Jahre alter Mann, und ich kann ehrlich sagen, dass ich auf diese Erde gebracht wurde, um Babys zu machen. Es stimmt, ich habe mindestens ein Dutzend Bastarde da draußen gezeugt und ich habe mir geschworen es zu meiner Lebensaufgabe zu machen, einigen Dutzend mehr in unsere Welt zu verhelfen. Wie fragst du? Es ist wirklich einfach ... die meisten Frauen sind wirklich nichts als Huren, versteckt unter sozialen Gnaden und Nettigkeiten sind einfach sinnliche Kreaturen, die wirklich...

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Pornostar verwirklicht sich

Ich, der bekannte Pornostar Rude Ordano war gelangweilt von der Idiotie und den Grenzen die mir Pornofilmszene setzte. Ich wollte etwas neues „Echtes“. Da kam mir die Idee für eine eigene Serie. Ich nannte sie einfach "Rudes Produktionen". Es ging darum unschuldige Mädchen zu überraschen und ficken. Mit allem was einen richtigen Fick auszeichnet. Ich konzentrierte mich auf harte illegale Pornografie, So öffnete ich bald eine neuen Horizont für ein weltweites Publikum. Mein einziges Credo war:...

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Liz Das Leben ist nicht leicht

Endlich wieder zu Hause, denkt sich Liz. Eigentlich wollte sie ja nur mit ihrer Tochter einen günstigen Urlaub auf einem Campingplatz an der Ostsee verbringen, weil mehr einfach finanziell nicht möglich war, da sie im Moment von den Alimenten ihres Ex-Mannes lebt. Durch die Schwanzgeilheit ihrer Tochter war sie allerdings einem 20jährigen mit viel zu dicken Eiern und viel zu wenig Rücksicht über den Weg gelaufen. Erst wurde sie mit Gewalt genommen, dann erpresst, nur um anschließend als...

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Wie üblich am Sonntag morgen stand ich mit einer Tasse Kaffee am offenen Fenster. Es war warm und die Sonne schien mir ins Gesicht. Unten auf dem kleinen Fussballplatz waren zwei junge Männer mit nackten Oberkörpern am Spielen, ich schaute Ihnen bereits eine Weile zu. Nach seinen Muskeln zu urteilen, ging der schwarzhaarige Lockenkopf - Typ Latin Lover - regelmässig ins Fitness, während der Blonde - Typ nordischer Naturbursche - zwar grösser, aber auch deutlich schmaler war. Eher noch mit einer...

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Jacky und Ralf

J A C K Y"Endlich alleine", seufzte sie, als sich die Haustür hinter ihrem Mann schloss.Der Morgen hatte schon stressig angefangen, eigentlich wie jeder morgen. Wecker klingeln, Frank aus dem Bett schmeissen, nochmal in die warme Decke kuscheln, warten bis Frank fertig ist im Bad und selber aufstehen.Als erstes musste sie dann ihre 9 jährige Tochter wecken. Phillys war ein typischer Morgenmuffel und kommt nur schwer auf Trab. Da sich gerade die erste pubertäre Phase nähert, gab es natürlich...

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Zur Hure erzogen

?So gehst du mir nicht aus dem Haus!?, klingt mir die Stimme meiner Mutter noch in den Ohren. Dabei hatte ich doch ohnehin einen Rock an, der knapp ?ber dem Knie endete. Aber wenn man eine Hure sein soll, ist das nat?rlich viel zu lang. ?Sollen die Leute denken, dass du eine Nonne bist??, schimpfte meine Mutter. Sie w?re mit so einem langen Fetzen nie aus dem Haus gegangen. Als stadtbekannte Nutte wusste sie, was sie ihrem Ruf schuldig war. Und sie wollte nur das Beste f?r mich. Und das war, d...

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Die Trainierin Sklavinnen in der h lle

Gut gelaunt und erholt von meinem Malediven-Urlaub beschloss ich also einen neuen Lebensweg einzuschlagen und k?nftig mein Geld mit geilen Fotos zu verdienen. Die passende Ausr?stung hatte ich ja schon. Und wenn ich an die letzten Wochen zur?ckdenke ... In der Ferienvilla neben meiner hatte sich eine komplette Filmcrew einquartiert. Sie produzierten im Haus und auf dem Grundst?ck verschiedene Szenen auf Bestellung. Schon wenige Tage nach meiner Ankunft – ich machte gerade ein kleines Nickerchen...

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Toby and Pub guy

By the end of April 2010, I estimated I had slept with around 40 new lovers in the past 5 months; the vast majority (31) were from David’s former company. None of these liaisons had been ‘just the one night’: most by that date had been 3 or 4 meetings. David’s dare for his ex-colleagues was if the guy contacted me I was to say yes to meeting “for a drink”, I was to dress up sexily, his dare was to at the very least give the guy ‘a blow job’ at the end of the evening, in fact whilst I did blow...

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My sister in law Jessica

Its was the 4th of July weekend. I will never forget it! My wife and I had invited her sister Jessica and her boyfriend Bill away with us for the weekend. We had rented a house in Napa Valley for the long weekend. Jessica and Bill agreed and we all drove up to the house together. When we arrived Friday night, we settled in to the house. There were three bedrooms, a huge living room with a tremendous couch and big 42inch TV. We had stopped on the way up at a local store to pick up some wine and...

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Ghostly Love Ch 03

He couldn’t understand why the woman put up with him. What he knew of the new American culture, women often stood up for their rights and didn’t let men walk all over them. Perhaps he was wrong. Nay, that wasn’t so. The last couple that lived on the premises fought like mad animals. Often it was the woman, Eva whom was doing the arguing. She said he treated her like less than a person. Kell didn’t know about that. She was treated like royalty compared to the way women were treated in his day....

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Preface: This short story is a work of fan fiction, inspired by Shy's original story "The Secret Stash" and Sissy Maid Sapphire's fan-fiction "The New Girl." Neither this story, nor is "The New Girl" a canon sequel to the original, exactly like Star Trek novels are not considered canon by Paramount. I wrote to both Shy and Sapphire about posting this story and they both okayed it. The former asked me to post her wishes, and the latter handed me "the ball" and I ran with it so to...

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Tina Taken by 10 Guys

This is Tina the Redhead that Mechanic Ray has told you about. Ray is helping me write the true story of what happened to me at the hands of my last boyfriend.But first let me tell you that I am 3 years younger than Ray and not nearly as tall as he is. My sexual experiences are not nearly as pleasurable as Ray’s were as I will share with you. About a year before I first met Ray, I lived in a city of about 80,000 in the state of Florida. I met Mike at a party that a friend of mine was having....

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Indian Fighters Cock CutterChapter 3

Three weeks later, Two very pampered males were helped onto their horses as the next patrol of Shiply's Troop set out to hunt marauding Indians. This time, it was a very determined Abigail who rode point. She was intent on smelling out any ambush attempts before they could happen. Abe was afraid that she would take foolish chances in trying to protect him and the rest of her friends, so he made a point of sticking to her side almost like a cocklebur. Abigail knew exactly what he was doing,...

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Our Cat s First Christmas

Everyone thinks Christmas is just for people but let me tell you the first Christmas with our cat Jack was a blast for him too. At first he was a little shy when we put up all the decorations and the beautiful tree but being a cat it wasn’t long our Jack he needed full investigation on this bigbefore curiosity got the best of him. Once the shock of a totally new layout in the living room wore down he was soon going up to each and every piece lightly sniffing them and rubbing his scent on them....

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Stuart part 7

"Aah..." I moan, hissing with pain as sensation returns to my body- the primary sensation being pain. Pain in my mouth, under my arm, my head, my stomach... But the worst pain is in my groin. "Stuart?" A familiar female voice calls. "Stuart? Can you hear me?" "...Mum?" I ask, opening my eyes and staring into the face of the woman who gave birth to me twenty-five and a half years ago. "Welcome back, son," mum says. "Did- did-" I hoarsely whisper. "Shh," mum urges. "Try not to...

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I Want You to Seduce My Husband Ch 08

Hours later, Madeline awoke in her own bed. She wrinkled her nose when she realized she was lying in the "wet spot". That was unusual. Normally Scott, ever the chivalric gentleman, relegated the wet spot for himself, wherever it might be in their bed. Madeline's first reaction was disappointment, but then she smiled at the thought that there even was a wet spot. It meant the week-long dry spell between she and her husband was over! They had made love!Her head was thick with too much drink,...

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Life With sis Pt 15

This was turning out to be one heck of a day for all of us. Lexie and Terece said that we should keep it going all day, why not just have a fun day. I liked the idea and we didn't even need to ask Jeff, he was just sitting there grinning.It was pretty fun, we fixed something to eat and drink. We had a couple of things to do on the computer. Then there was clean up after eating. What made it fun, we stayed naked. I'm usually not too fond of being naked, but with my friends, it just didn't...

4 years ago
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Welfare Mothers Make Better Lovers

Welfare Mothers Make Better Lovers Neil Young was right. Welfare mothers do make better lovers. Divorcee! So there I was doing my laundry when a young mother entered. She was pushing a shopping cart full of dirty clothes and her baby was in it too. Just then the music that was playing, started to play Neil Young’s song. Well that young mother let go of that shopping cart, lifted her arms up over her head and started gyrating her hips to the music…and then she started singing along...

4 years ago
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The Cuckold Beta Definition

The Cuckold Beta DefinitionWhat is a beta male? For our sake, a beta male is usually someone with a small penis and lets this bother them and fester with them. This causes them to feel shy and inadequate around women and other men who appear confident and cocky. A beta male is the type of submissive who is submissive because it is all he deserves. He may have a desire to be useful and to be of service, but it does not drive his submission. His submission is driven by a desire to be humiliated...

3 years ago
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Your futa sisters

You were calling your mom on the old fashion telephone that she gave you during your 18th birthday, but all that came through was a voicemail that she previously set on her mobile phone. "Hello, you have reached Jessica Wonderson's cellphone. I'm sorry, but I can't come to the phone right now. Please leave your name, your number, and a brief message. And I will return your call. Thank you." And with that, a beep was briefly made. To which you simply hung up the phone. It seems like your mom...

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Thy Name is Whore

For all of you like me that liked this story, but the ending was left off I found it on line at another site and author I an am posting it here with the ending. Personally I would have named it "Once a Slut Always a Slut"byMrRobbur©As I looked over the restaurant to find the client I was supposed to meet, I saw my ex-wife Susan. She was sitting with a slightly heavy middle aged man. You could tell he was once in good shape but good food and time had taken a toll on his physique. Susan was...

1 year ago
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No Sale

100% fiction! I was returning from New Mexico after delivering some items I had sold to a man up there. From where I turn off the main hiway it is sixty five miles to my ranch. About twenty one miles down I saw a pickup camper pulled over and it's hood up. I pulled up and asked if I might be of assistance. A man said, "The radiator is blown. I need to sell one of these girls to get enough to fix it." "No sale. I don't traffic in human flesh. If you need help just ask and I will help you no...

Group Sex
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Tim The Teenage MCPart X 10 The Making of a Slut

Today the degradation of my self control accelerated beyond the simple urges to touch myself and flashbacks of the sexual experience I had on Friday. Concentration was disrupted repeatedly by momentary glances at the boys in my classes, followed by staring, then progressed to daydreams about them. At lunch time I managed to make it to a stall before taking off my undergarments and fighting the urge to touch my sexual organs. After lunch I continued to have problems focusing my attention on...

2 years ago
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Amy and Rachel Do That Thing

‘Really?’ Rachel wrinkled her nose and said, ‘You made a video?’ The girls had been casually discussing what Amy referred to as, “that thing,”—masturbating— as they lazed in the hot July sun in Amy’s backyard. Rachel was wearing a purple push-up bikini top, 32B, small, from Victoria’s Secret. The bottom was what Victoria’s Secret called a “Cheeky Hipkini”, maybe because of the amount of cheeks it exposed, or the camel toe, with multicolored horizontal stripes. Her long black hair parted in...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 437

The Prison Planet Shivering, Morales awakened somewhere around 2:00 in the morning. He tried going back to sleep, but he had never been able to sleep when cold, and tonight was no exception. Grumbling, he turned the light on before hurriedly dressing, then quickly donned the fatigue jacket. Junior stood with his feathers fluffed out looking up at Morales, then ran to snuggle with Gertrude and the rest of the brood. The cook fire had long since gone out and it was cold in the cave, at least,...

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Do As You re ToldChapter 22

“Naked Pizza Festival, I see!” the delivery girl, a Tejana named Jessica, licked her lips, having visited him before. Julian had made a note to himself to seduce her and the other delivery folks in time into joining his tribe and his church. He moved so fast this time that she didn’t see him until he had her in his arms and began making out with her. He gestured for the others to kiss her, but nothing else for now. He noted that she was single, at least for now, though that was no issue for...

2 years ago
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Love of a Lifetime Ch 02

Author’s Note: Thank you everyone for the feedback! This is actually my first time trying to write a story and I highly appreciate feedback and criticism. Anyway, this one is a little bit longer, so hopefully it’ll hold you off for a little while longer while I continue to write ,D. Enjoy! _________________________ Life in New York was…interesting. It was certainly different and overwhelming, but in a good way. If anything, my hometown was underwhelming, if that even makes sense. My classes...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 64

Linda and her father walked out of the honeymoon suite with her snuggled against him, her arm around his waist. A phone call had prompted Evie to have her husband and sister-wives waiting just down the hall. As the couple stopped, Linda turned into Bill, pulled his face down to hers and kissed him hard for a few seconds. After the kiss, he hugged her against him, his face buried in her hair. "Thank you," they both said at the same time. Linda looked up at him, "I'll never forget last...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 13

Friday came and went. I spent the entire day with my family, and we had a ball. I got there early, and found Rebecca and Colleen waiting for me in bed. They were dressed exactly alike – naked. They insisted I emulate their style of dress and then took full advantage of my condition, over and over again. Our laughter filled the suite. Mr. Bell and Millie joined us about ten-thirty, and I discovered we were to get a briefing from Jack. He, of course, couldn't know my identity. Mr. Bell...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 46

..."That is one good-looking woman," Dave said, laughter in his voice. "She looks familiar somehow, though..." "Oh shit!" Diana cried out, standing. "That's my MOTHER!" "Oh, shiiit," Jeff dragged out with a sigh. "So what's the big deal?" Frank said. "You darn sure have plenty of room for a guest." Diana turned to glare at him. "Her title should be, 'My Mother, The Bitch, '" she hissed out at him. "I don't know how in the heck my dad ever got her pregnant. One would...

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The Babysitter Spanks Jack and Jill

Brandi had been a babysitter, like, forever. Her Dad was a Gynecologist. He had his own private practice in a Doctor's office park not far from their home. All of Brandi's friends told her she was lucky to have a Doctor for a Father and Brandi knew it was true. Her Daddy had a library of books loaded with pictures of female and male private parts that made her feel all tingly down below between her legs. Whenever she visited his office Brandi snuck one of the books from the top shelf and...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Alex Coal Bunny Colby Don 8217 t Go Through With This

A bride named Prudence (Bunny Colby) is having a private moment in a bathroom during her wedding reception. She is upset and clearly looks like she’d rather be anywhere else but there. But Prudence’s breakdown is interrupted by another woman, Eliza (Alex Coal), soon walking into the bathroom. Prudence is stunned to see Eliza, who is an old friend AND her husband’s sibling– not only because Eliza wasn’t invited to the wedding and reception, but because there’s...

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From Gary to Greta Part V

Of course Part V of From Gary to Greta was also written by my Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed. This story isn?t for people underage. So if you are too young or don?t like TG-Stories stop reading now. By Domme Mistress and Greta From Gary to Greta Part V Saturday morning, while I was doing the household chores, completely naked and my cock trapped in my cock cage, a guy came over to install something. It turns out my wife hired him - using my money, of...

3 years ago
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Sea Change

He knew me well and that I was a good sailor, but he knew I was doing something dangerous. It wasn’t illegal, and there was nothing he could do to stop me. “You’re heading out alone?” he asked with a frown of disapproval. “I’ll be okay,” I said. I backed the boat out of its slip, shifted the transmission to forward, and headed out on diesel power. I turned the boat at buoy G13 and piloted into the channel with the marina, the wind, and memories at my back. When I cleared the last channel buoy...

Love Stories
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Choose your own SexVenture Page 14

Disclaimer: This is part of a larger adventure story. If you reached this page as part of a reader’s choice from a previous page, continue below. If not, CLICK HERE to start at the beginning of the SexVenture. = = = = = Page 14 = = = = = You walk back to the West side of the building and open up the glass doors to enter the office space. As you enter, you notice Scarlet alone at a computer by the side-wall with her back to you. You walk over to her to see what she is up to. As you...

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Crazy about mom

Hi this is Abhilash from Mumbai. Let me introduce characters in this story first. My mom, Sikha, with sleek figure, great good looking heavy boobs with pink nipples. Height: 5′ 7″. She has waist length silky long straight black hair. She gets aroused if someone plays with her hair. When her hair bun rolls down from her head, it looks like water fall of silk. The time when she combs her long silky hair has no match on earth. She looked like some model from Shampoo ad. People used to adore her...

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Crisis at IshtarChapter 66 Natural Calm

The rest of that day was spent celebrating the survival of the colony. For James and my sister concubines, it was a time to reaffirm our bond and to relax together. For the first time in ages, James was not worried about anything. He lavished attention on each of us as we enjoyed our first break in a long time. That evening, the first repaired ships left the docks and headed off. Freya and Cardiff were the first to leave, but once they had left it seemed that a ship was departing every six...

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Emergency AccomodationsChapter 2

Shelby graduated the next morning and by early afternoon was on her way back to our home with our parents. I still had a few days of finals left so I would leave in eight more days. For those eight days my hours were not only spent cramming for tests, my mind was full of my sister. I could have sent her text messages or emails but I didn’t. She hadn’t sent me any either. For those eight days I wondered what the hell we should do about her carrying my baby. More to the point, what she should...

3 years ago
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Femborg Hybrid

Nathan had been saving up for a new car for years, and had finally saved up about $15,000. Yet he was having doubts if a car was the best use for that money. He'd been having girlfriend problems lately, and was becoming fed up with trying to read their minds and stay out of trouble. He knew that most guys preferred fembots anyway to avoid all those problems, and because of that there was about 10-to-1 surplus of available women to available men, and many girls were willing to put up with shit...

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First Day On the Job

"I...I don't know if I should. I mean its like, I need the money but I don't know if I'm willing to sell myself like this." I was just so unsure. Here I was a high school dropout with no job, no money, and living in my 27 year old boyfriend's apartment. Life is good, huh?"Babe, I know you need the money; you know you need the money, so why don't you just do it? You're so good at it and guys would pay huge bucks for a barely legal girl like you. You're lucky I have no problem with it, too. I...

Straight Sex
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Living Heart Pt 1

All the other women danced around on the club floor, lost to the rhythmic thumping of the intense dance music. So, when I felt the first tug of sorrow on my empty chest, I was a little taken aback. It was someone else’s heart breaking. I had to correct myself. Their heart was already broken. I scanned the room, looking against the walls for a lone woman crying. It was not uncommon for a woman to come here with her lover and find her lover on the floor with another, often more seductive woman....

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Bhabhi ki tight chuchiyan

Bhabhi ki tight chuchiyan Hello Friends, Main janta hoon ki aap sabon ko chudai ki kahani kafi acchi lagti hai, isiliye to yah site itna popular hai, OK main bhi chudai ki kahani parne aur chudai karne ka kafi shaukin hoon. Main is site ka bahoot puran reader nahin hoon par phir bhi main is site ko kafi pasand karne laga hoon. OK chunki aaj main pahli baar apni koi ghatna kisi ke saath share karne jar aha hoon isiliye itna kuch likh raha hoon. Mera name Devdaas hai aur mai Jharkhand state ke...

2 years ago
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Bunny Beauty s Bed Book 1

Bunny Beauty is a Fresh Fine Feminine Friend:Bunny Beauty is dear delicate and yummy youngBunny Beauty is lovely looking: as petite as prettyBunny Beauty writes big blogs: full of foxy fucks!Bunny Beauty is still a vintage virgin in my mind's eyeBunny Beauty is a seductive & successfull story-tellerBunny Beauty is busy in bed most of the day & nightsBunny Beauty is always losing count of her orgasms!Bunny Beauty foxy fantasies fall into a few categories:Bunny Beauty foxy frolics 1: with...

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Gifts of the Future Ch 18

‘I’m tellin’ ya… Seldon is squeaky clean! We’ve dug into everything about him and we can’t find one damn thing to use against him! He’s never even gotten a fucking parking or speeding ticket in his life!’ the EPA rep exclaimed in frustration. The Congressman from Texas leaned forward and said, ‘What about the bug that was planted in his office. Didn’t one of you say we’d gotten a recording that sounded like he was having sex with some woman in his office?!!’ The Oil Industry lobbyist replied...

1 year ago
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Files Monster! Do you have a need for an insane number of porn videos and you wish to download them all in one place? Let’s face it, we all have that need from time to time; it’s just a matter of having enough space on your hard drive. If you do have plenty of space to spare, then I don’t see why you shouldn’t have a lot of porn to always go to whenever you feel like it. Some people feel that sites like FilesMonster aren’t really all that great since they can just stream the porn online. But...

Free Porn Download Sites
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First time for everything

I never really thought about it much before but as I progressed into my late thirties I became more aware of my curiosity…When I would masturbate I loved looking at my cock, watching my lubed hand stroke it turned me on so much. Sometimes I would squeeze the base with one hand and just watch it swell almost to the point of bursting…I can’t tell you how many times I wished I could wrap my lips around it. Then the bliss of watching streams of hot cum shoot with such force on my face and chest,...

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Joe s Legacy

It seemed to me like I'd known Joe all my life. His family lived next door but one to mine; looking back I'd say Joe and I spent all our spare time together as kids. We didn't actually go to school together because Joe was American and he was sent to the nearest American school, somewhere in town. Maybe that's why he never did lose his Yank accent although he spent nearly all his spare time with us Limeys, as he insisted on calling most of us, in jest of course. You know the sort of thing....

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my virgin ass

there is nothing like the feel of a hard cock exploding in your mouth. Well sadly I still have not gotten the guts to do something about it...........but i will!I have had a bit of a sexual awakening thanks to these messages. One man convinced me to have a c2c session with him, again i as nervous at 1st but fair play to him he persisted and I agreed. It was so liberating pulling down my boxers when he demanded it, getting my soft cock out and showing it to him, gently pulling it, massaging my...

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From Friend to Stepsister to Lover Part 1

“Sorry about that.” She said. “No. It’s my bad.” She then proceeds to pick her stuff up and I help her. When I hand over her stuff, “Oh, Kevin. Hi!” She goes in for a hug, which I also do just to be polite. While we talk, we start to walk. And because of her hugging me, I end up getting a massive hard-on, which I try to cover up with a notebook. “Hey Alyssa. What’s up?” “Nothing. Thank god school’s over.” “You can say that again.” “You got any plans for the summer?” “Not much....

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Comparing Me to Michelangelo

Chapter 1 I know you'll just dismiss this as me being the luckiest guy on earth but there's a lot more to the story than just that. So. It began the night my fourteen-year old sister, Karen, had three of her girlfriends over for a sleepover. Karen had had them over before, I always looked forward to them coming over because, even at fourteen, they looked pretty nice in their nighties which I would get glimpses of, especially Brooke, who I think secretly had a crush on me. Mom and Dad had...

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The First Timers A Love Story

Doston,Ye kahani hai mere first time sex ki. Maine ISS me kai kahaniyan padhi hain jisse inspired hokar mai apni aur apni gf ki kahani bhi likh rha hun,Kehte hain, “There is an extraordinary love story beginning every ordinary couple”. Hamari samanya love story ki shuruat bahot khaas thi.  Meri gf Renuka ko maine pehli baar ek clinic me dekha tha.  Sach kahun to pehli nazar me hi mujhe uske gulabi honth,Milky white rang aur halki si chubby body se pyar ho gya tha. Usne ek tight red top pehna...

4 years ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 42

We didn’t have a plan. We knew whatever we did would amount to an attack on my Father’s image, his ego. We had no idea how long it would take. He was a very stubborn man, used to getting his way. School was starting a little over a month after Jeff’s birthday so if I didn’t broach the subject soon, it wouldn’t happen until Thanksgiving. I got the chance eight days after the birthday celebration. Dad set up a family dinner to discuss whether June in Europe had been relaxing enough or if we...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Aiden Ashley BackSeat Driving School

Traffic school continues as teacher Joanna Angel asks the class to tell her something that all their car accidents had in common. As various students in the class speak, one of them, Aiden Ashley, is so bored and horny, that she starts playing with her pussy under the desk. Another one of the students, Dante Colle, sees what Aiden’s doing and can’t take his eyes off of her. Joanna goes on, telling the class that she senses a lot of pent-up energy in the room, which may be affecting...

2 years ago
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Teen Lust Lori and Lexies First Sexual Encounter

Alexandria and Lorianna were like summer sisters. Every year Alexandria’s family would ship her down to Florida to stay with her aunt on the beach, right next door to Lorianna’s house. As little girls, they had forged a bond of friendship that would keep them close regardless of time or distance. As budding teens, they shared stories of boys and their hopes and dreams. The girls were close enough in looks to be real sisters. They were short with long red hair and blue eyes and curvy bodies that...

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ExxxtraSmall Kara Lee Extra Small Sex Bomb

Tiny Kara Lee has some trouble with her household chores sometimes because she is so small. That is why she is so excited whenever our stud comes to hang out with her. But just as he is about to come through the front door, she decides to play a little trick on him. She hides on top of the cabinets in the kitchen, in a spot where only the smallest of girls can fit into. He catches her and spanks her ass a couple times, getting her pussy nice and wet. Then, he takes her in his arms and walks to...

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Parking Garage

I had been waiting for just the right time and this seemed like it. You were so turned on after our bathroom activities I think you would have done just about anything I asked. I had you drive back to the house. That way I could run my fingers through your hair and rub your thighs and anything else I could do to keep you turned on. I wanted to be able to wring your juices from your boxers when I got the off of you. I think I was doing a good job. I then reclined my seat and pulled down my...

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Karen My Best Friends sister

Karen My best friend’s sister I had always had a crush on Karen and was always trying to get a look down her shirt or up her short skirt when I was over at Bill’s house. I was 15 years old when I first meet her and from that day on I knew that one day I would see her naked body and hopeful get to use my man hood on her. Karen was 4 years older than me , but always treated me like I was special , She was so bubbly and smiled all the time . She would hug me whenever she saw me and I was always...

3 years ago
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Married Sex

It was a typical day in suburbia hell, the grass was cut to exactly the same length, all the houses looking the same with their two car garages and white picketed fences. My name is Xavier, I am married man providing all the things a man should provide for his family, but god how I hate this neighborhood. Don’t get me wrong it’s all very nice, the people are friendly and it’s safe for the kids. All in all it’s boring and I hate boring. I decide to surprise my wife Kathleen hoping to actually...

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Handjob From Handsome Aunty

(This is also my true experience) In 1993 I got employment as a clerk in an automobile manufacturing firm and after two month's training in their Chennai Office I was posted in their area office in Tanjore, Tamilnadu, India I went there and my lodging was arranged with one of my relative. In his house one portion of ground floor was occupied by him and another portion was let out to his brother-in-law. In upstairs there was a portion let out to a malayalle family and a small room was...

3 years ago
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The Gym Teacher ass to mouth

I awoke at 6:45am, which is not unusual for me, for many days I am already gone to work. But I figured I could sleep in some, especially after the workout we gave one another until midnight last night. We were still in the same position that we fell asleep in the night before, with her leg over mine, and somehow intertwined, her arm over my chest and her hear nestled on my chest and shoulder, and my arm around her neck and hand resting on her lower back. I looked over at her and saw she was...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Ryan Keely Lilly James Freya Parker Neighbor Teen Caught In Between

Two wives, Ryan Keely, and Lilly James discuss the new cleaning girl who will be arriving soon – Freya Parker, a neighbor’s daughter who is looking for extra work. Freya arrives, and she’s a cutie! It’s clear that both wives are immediately lusting after her. Lilly leaves to go read in the bedroom, but Ryan has something more spicy in mind. Freya begins cleaning the bathroom, but then Ryan unexpectedly comes in. Freya offers to leave so Ryan can have some privacy, but...

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So I love flashing

So, I admit it, I love flashing, I love showing off my cock where I shouldn't. I love being caught, I love masturbating where there is a chance that someone will see me. And, I've being doing it for years. I started as a teenager, perhaps as a poor way of handling my growing sexuality, and I've continued as an adult, albeit with periods of abstinence that, looking back, always coincided with the happiness of my real relationships. While married, and I was for many years, I would occasionally...

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One Wild Night

One Wild NightGawaine C. Ross People call me Buck. I’m an artist in oil colors, and a sculptor. I run in marathons, so I’m in good shape. Most women smile when I walk by; I think it’s because I’m 6’6” and wear tight clothing. I have hazel eyes and brown hair. My parents were immigrants from Poland, and our whole family is very close. I have my own apartment and my own studio. I’d known about The Primeval Woman, an annual arts festival that takes place every year out in the Nevada desert. It...

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Seducing My Elder Sister Didi 8211 Part 2

Hello readers, this is the second part of my story. Those who haven’t read part 1, please read it first. It was August at that time (rainy days). I had started my plan to seduce my didi. My didi, her friend Suzu and I went shopping on a Friday. My sister was very excited as it was the first time that she could buy any dress that she wanted. We are from a middle-class family and our parents always put restrictions on what she wears. We took a cab to the mall which was around 40 minutes from our...

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What a special night Going all in

This isn't actually my story, obviously. Ghost writing for a friend about her first such unique experience.It was another night in another European city, or so I've thought. I moved here for fun. I had a lucrative job I could do from anywhere in the world, and I've read about this particular city in a novel I really liked. The writer drew a mental picture in my mind which was almost too nice to be realistic. And then I came here. It was all true. This was genuinely a little piece of heaven. If...

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