Stiefs indian porn

1 year ago
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Neu Stiefschwester

Paul saß gerade auf dem Sofa und schaute Fernsehen. Seine frisch verheirateten Eltern waren alleine im Urlaub, nur Katherina seine neue Stiefschwester war da. Jetzt stand sie in der Tür. Katharina trug eine Feinstrumpfhose, einen ihrer knappen Röcke und eine Bluse, darunter vermutlich einen ihrer Schwarzen Spitzen-BHs. Ihre dunklen Haare vielen wellig über ihre Schultern. Paul seufzte. Seit er seine neue Steigschwester kannte stichelte sie gegen ihn. Sie grinste und setzte sich neben Paul. Ohne...

2 years ago
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Hirst Hall German

Hirst Hall (German)Anmerkung des Autors: Dies ist die deutsche Fassung des englischen Originals von Hirst Hall. Hirst Hall hat mich von Anfang an so in seinen Bann gezogen, dass ich Surtea einfach um die Erlaubnis bitten musste, dieses meiner Meinung nach meisterlichen Werkes, in die deutsche Sprache ?bersetzen zu d?rfen. Leider sind meine Englischkenntnisse sehr bescheiden, so dass dies keine 100% ?bersetzung wird. Aber ich denke, zu 90% werde ich es hinbekommen, zumal Surtea die ?bersetzung v...

4 years ago
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Mia hatte den Mini an den rechten Straßenrand gelenkt und das Radio leiser geregelt. Malte hatte ihr den neuen Wagen erst letzte Woche vor die Türe gestellt und sie fand ihn keineswegs praktisch. Mia hatte den alten verbeulten Golf geliebt und mit diesem Hochglanz-Mini musste sie nun vorsichtig sein. Dabei hatte das Auto jede Menge Sensoren und Extras und piepte beim Einparken praktisch pausenlos. Natürlich war der Wagen sehr schön, aber eigentlich benötigte sie gar kein Auto. Von der großen...

3 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 3

Teil 3: Die Mutterstute und der JunghengstDie drei waren völlig vertieft in ihr geiles Spiel, als sie plötzlich eine Stimme hörten: „He, was ist denn hier los? Eine Orgie? Ohne mich?“Das war Marc!Den hatten sie vollkommen vergessen. Zumindest die Frauen, denn Thomas hatte schon die ganze Zeit mit seinem Erscheinen gerechnet und dies auch bewusst einkalkuliert.Vanessa schrie entsetzt auf. Sie versuchte, aufzustehen, aber Thomas hielt ihre Hüften fest umklammert. Sie konnte nicht einmal ihre...

4 years ago
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Luzufers heimt ckischer Eros

Key-words: FemDom, Oral duty, cunnilingus anilingus, dirty, golden shower, consensual bugging & sex, cheating, pregn,. Luzifers heimt?ckischer Eros Von MASOSTUD ? 2010 by Masostud Alle Rechte vorbehalten / all rights reserved.  Inhalt/ Summary: Martin k?mpft um seine Arbeitslosigkeitsunterst?tzung, denn er f?hlt sich von einer hinterlistigen Frau ruiniert, deren Rache seine Existenz vernichtet hat. Aber zuvor muss er seinen ungew?hnlichen Werdegang mit sexuellen Perversionen bekennen.VORWORT: Das ...

2 years ago
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Stiefmutters fall

Hallo mein Name ich Doris 43 Jahre 166cm groß sehr Schlank mit hängenden schweren Brüsten. Was ich sicher meinen beiden Kindern zu verdanken habe. Die mittlerweile ihre eigenen Wege gehen. Nach dem ich mich von ihren Vater getrennt habe lernte ich einen Neuen Mann kennen. Der vor 2 Jahren gestorben ist bei einem Betriebsunfall nun war ich Witwe. Zusammen lebten wir in einem kleinem Eigenheim Martin mein Schwiegersohn wurde vor ein Paar tagen 18. Der junge macht mich wahnsinnig kein Bock auf...

3 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 4

Teil 4: DoppelbesamungAm Samstag Abend war Vanessa mit ihren Freundinnen in die Disco. Marc war mit seinen Kumpels unterwegs. Endlich einmal hatte Sandra wieder einen langen gemütlichen Abend alleine mit ihrem Mann. Sie trug nur ein kurzes, durchsichtiges Negligé, ein winziges Etwas, dass ihre Reize mehr betonte als verbarg. Nach einem Glas Wein, leidenschaftlichen Küssen und gegenseitigen Liebkosungen setzte sie sich breitbeinig auf seinen Schoß. Aufreizend rieb sie ihre nackte Scham an seinem...

2 years ago
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Nadine will Sperma

Was für eine stressige Woche! Doch endlich war Freitag. Nicht nur das ich auf der Arbeit jeden Tag Überstunden machen musste, zu allem überfluss war auch noch meine jüngere Stiefschwester Nadine zu Besuch. Unsere Eltern mussten ja auch ausgerechnet diese zwei Wochen in Urlaub fahren und da Nadine gerade für ihr Abitur paukte wollte sie die Zeit lieber sinnvoll nutzen. Naja sinnvoll sei mal dahingestellt. Es waren zwar grad Ferien und sie war den ganzen Tag zuhause, aber am Haushalt wollte sie...

2 years ago
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Meine Stiefschwesrter

Meine Schwester ist schon immer sehr attraktiv gewesen. Nicht nur das sie eine außerordentliche Ausstrahlung hatte, sondern auch ihr Körper war einfach phantastisch. Für mich zumindest. Sie ist 180 groß, schöne hellblonde Haare, die ihr bis zur Schulter gehen, blaue strahlende Augen, einen schlanken Körper mit Beinen, die ihr bis zu den Schultern gehen. Ihre Brüste sind wohlgeformt, knackig und fest und nicht zu groß und sie hatte sogar hellblonde Schamhaare. Also einfach nur attraktiv! Auch...

3 years ago
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Irgendwo auf einer verlorenen Insel musste das Flugzeug notlanden, doch wie durch ein Wunder überlebten die meisten Insaßen den Absturz und mussten sich auf einen längeren Aufenthalt auf der Insel einstellen. Es sind schon Wochen vergangen, noch immer wurden sie nicht gefunden. Boone und Locke sind auf der Suche nach Fleisch und gingen deshalb in den Wald jagen. Sie teilten sich auf und so suchte Boone nach etwas Essbarem. Er ging tief in den Wald, da hörte er plötzlich ein Geräusch. Hinter...

4 years ago
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Das harte Gesch ftsleben

Familie van Houten befand sich auf dem Weg von Hamburg nach Frankfurt. Eigentlich hatten sie ihren Privatjet nehmen wollen, aber extrem schlechte Wetterverhältnisse hatten dies verhindert. Über ganz Norddeutschland wütete ein Orkan und Heinz der neue Chauffeur der van Houtens hatte alle Mühe damit den Straßenverlauf zu erkennen. Der Regen prasselte an die Fensterscheibe und der Sturm ließ immer wieder Laub und kleine Äste gegen die Windschutzscheibe knallen. Gut das der dicke Mercedes wie auf...

2 years ago
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Nadine will Sperma

Was für eine stressige Woche! Doch endlich war Freitag. Nicht nur das ich auf der Arbeit jeden Tag Überstunden machen musste, zu allem überfluss war auch noch meine jüngere Stiefschwester Nadine zu Besuch. Unsere Eltern mussten ja auch ausgerechnet diese zwei Wochen in Urlaub fahren und da Nadine gerade für ihr Abitur paukte wollte sie die Zeit lieber sinnvoll nutzen. Naja sinnvoll sei mal dahingestellt. Es waren zwar grad Ferien und sie war den ganzen Tag zuhause, aber am Haushalt wollte sie...

2 years ago
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Andy 9

Als die Tatsache mir bewusst wurde, dass ich morgen wohl in einem Rock zur Schule gehen m?sste, war ich mit meinen Nerven am Ende. Ich k?mpfte mit den Tr?nen - und verlor. Schluchzend stand ich vor Mom, die mich auf die K?chenbank dr?ckte. "Na, na, Kleine, so schlimm ist das doch auch nicht." "D- d- doch!" stammelte ich, so gut es ging. "Nein, ist es nicht", sagte Mom, und strich mir ?ber meine Oberschenkel. Ich hatte mich einfach fallen lassen und das Kleid war hoc...

2 years ago
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So lief die Umerziehung zum Sissy Baby

Heute ist die Zeit der Strafe um. Heute wird Sissy Heidi 25. Vor genau 5 Jahren zu ihren 20. Geburtstag erwischte ich meinen Stiefsohn mit meiner Unterw?sche. Damals war er noch unter seinen Namen Marcel unterwegs. Ich war au?er mir vor Wut als ich ihm mit meinen rosa Tanga erwischte. Es folgte eine totale Umerziehung ?ber 5 Jahre zum Babym?dchen er sollte M?dchenkleidung hassen nach 5 Jahren. Das 1 Jahr war ein totaler Kampf viel Geheule von Marcel und es sind ein paar Holzb?rsten an seinem P...

3 years ago
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K nigin Kristinas peinliche Befragung German

K?nigin Kristinas peinliche BefragungEnde Mai 1280, in einem fiktiven europ?ischen K?nigreich.In der Folterkammer der Burg bereitete der Henker grade seine Instrumente vor. Er kontrollierte die Stricke an der Streckbank und drehte mehrmals das Rad. Das ausgetrocknete Holz knarzte schrecklich. Sein Gehilfe ?berpr?fte Zangen und den Schraubenstuhl.Die Fackeln in den eisernen Beh?ltern warfen ihr flackerndes rotes Licht auf die dunklen Mauern des Kellers und die schrecklichen Instrumente. Dann kam der ...

4 years ago
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FamilientraditionenUSABen hatte die Ranch erst vor einem ? Jahr erworben und gleich modernisieren lassen. Er wollte daraus ein Paradies machen. Ein Paradies, in dem er schalten und walten konnte, wie er wollte. Er wollte einflussreiche Personen mit gleichen Interessen hierher einladen. Personen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Showbusiness und Sport. Woher sollte er wissen, dass dies viel schneller vonstatten ging als er es sich in seinen k?hnsten Tr?umen ausgemalt hatte. Noch vor wenigen Tagen war er J...

1 year ago
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Die Stiefschwester

Amelie war müde. Der Tag war anstrengend, obwohl sie doch jetzt endlich frei hatte! Gestern war sie aus dem Internat nach Hause gekommen und hatte jetzt einige wirklich entspannende Tage in Aussicht. Ihre Eltern sind nämlich heute in den Urlaub aufgebrochen. Sie und Maximilian waren mittlerweile zu alt um mit ihnen mitfahren zu wollen, Daher blieben sie und ihr Stiefbruder im Elternhaus. Ihre Mutter war deshalb heute nicht nur im Kofferpackstress, sondern musste ihr auch noch alle Neuigkeiten...

2 years ago
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A Celebirty Fantasy

Sully had finally come home on his break from the tour. It had been a long three months since her break up with Dominic and even longer since she had really got to hang out and catch up with her best friend. Sully invited her to his house, the guys and their wives were there and they all began to drink. Jordyn had fallen in love with Sully a long time ago but what she didn’t know what he too was in love with her. Empty beer, whiskey and liquor bottles s**ttered the house, all over the kitchen...

4 years ago
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Orgasm Control

It's five in the morning when he nudges me. I moan a bit, then shift my weight.He nudges again, this time more insistently. "Get yourself wet for me," hesays. "Wake me up when you're ready for my cock." He rolls over andseems to ignore me. His breathing becomes deeper as he relaxes back into asnooze. I am irritated. The morning air is cold, and I want to go back to sleep.I want to tell him to go to hell. But I don't. I remember that this is whatI signed on for, and I stifle any initial impulse...

4 years ago
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Billiards and the Hooker

-------- Billiards and the Hooker --------I was sitting at the bar in a rock and roll club not far from the traffic circle just outside Fort Benning. I'd been there for a little while, sipping a beer. The band wasn't too bad, but the crowd was small, not much going on.A skinny little guy, younger than me, long hair, worn clothes, your generic weasel type, had come in and sat down at the bar a couple chairs down. When the bartender came to serve him, he ordered a draft beer and dragged out...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Bella Rolland Bella Loves A BBC Pile Driver

Big breasted babe Bella Rolland comes onto Cherry Pimps with a bang having Isiah Maxwell and his BBC to fuck! She is a master at deep throating taking it all down without restraint! Bella loves it naughty and loves her cocks big to thrust into that pussy making her so wet and moan out for more and more! She rides on top in cowgirl and reverse cowgirl grinding down so she can feel every hard inch! Isiah picks her up to get her down on the floor so he can piledrive down into that pussy so she...

2 years ago
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Boys will be boys a story of sexual discovery

When I was young I used to have sleep-overs with my buddies. There was Marc, Charlie, Steve. This was like fifth and sixth grade. We each had our routines. At Marc’s house we would put on music, jump on the bed that was down in the basement and prend to play guitar on his tennis rackets. At Steve’s house we would explore (he lived in an old manson) and try to watch his sisters from outside the windows. His sisters were older, in high school. One had a fire escape outside her room and the other...

1 year ago
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Jason s TaleChapter 17 Planning for War

Once we were alone with the door closed, Tony pulled out a piece of paper and slapped it down on the table. “Here, read this.” Huh? Fine, I’ll read it. “Let all who read this know that on this day I, King Tom of Hunter Island, do hereby install Lord Jason of Topeka as Baron Jayport, responsible for and with full authority over all lands, waters, forests, farms, towns, and all other resources within fifty miles of Jayport. This title shall be his and his descendants unto eternity, as long as...

4 years ago
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Training of an Indian Finance Analyst

CLAIMED- THAT, all the incidences mentioned hereinafter are true and NOT FIGMENT OF IMAGINATION CLAIMED- THAT, all the incidences mentioned hereinafter are true and NOT FIGMENT OF IMAGINATION. They are reported as they have occurred in my life. In the same sequential order. Only the names and locations have been suitably changed and abbreviated to avoid SCANDAL.   Training of an INDIAN Finance Analyst. BEGINING ?I had never imagined that a time would come when I will feel like writing...

2 years ago
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Graham Security Guard

If I'm on my day off from work I often used to go cursing for cock mainly around the cottages, I drove a white un-descript van I had carpeted the back out so stuff wouldn't slide around but that also acted as a comfortable area when I got men in the back. On this particular occasion I was cruising a cottage on a major dual carriageway at the edge of the city, it was frequented by every type of man but mainly HGV drivers. On this occasion I pulled into the car park it wasn't that busy with only...

2 years ago
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Chapter 21 Apartment Rug Burns But No Diamonds Please

I expected Elliot's interest to wane once he added me to his "seduced list" but the opposite occurred. He pestered to see me; said he’d never met anyone like me. I asked how many he’d "met”. He didn’t reply.With the cherry blossom relationship setting to bear fruit, we needed a place to rendezvous. I didn’t want to become a Governor Hotel elevator mystery woman. My home turf and his buck seduction pad were out. For the affair to ripen, we needed a love nest. If he balked, it meant, "wham,...

3 years ago
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Facebook Dating Tips To Attract Girls

Tip #1 - Fix your ProfileLook at your FB Profile. What does it say about you? A girl that doesn't know you yet - what kind of image will she create about you when she checks your Profile? Think about it. Manipulate your profile to create a more attractive image about yourself. A guy that travels, has a lot of friends and has a strong identity is much more attractive than a guy getting wasted with "the boys" and behaving like a douche. Think about what your profile TELLS about you, then work on...

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Seducing Catie Ann

I currently have only a few friends to who I’ve become acquainted with, and it’s difficult to have them over as company because of the open relationship between my father and me. My closest friend is Catie Ann, which is short for Catherine Ann. This story is about how my dad and I essentially seduced her into what is now referred to as “The Club.” Catie is 5’5” tall, blond, slender measuring in at 34 – 26 – 31. She is 15, but will be 16 next month. Here are most of the the details of our...

4 years ago
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The Looters of Rule Number One Is to SurviveChapter 3

The leader of the Los Angeles based Looter group Desmond was pumping hard on top of pretty Graduate student Tomiko's twin cantaloupes much to the amusement of the other occupants of the doublewide. Her arse cheeks were soft and bouncy just the way he liked it. He could see Tawny was getting a little jealous over in the corner so he finish his ass-humping quickly to help cool off her agitation. He told the Brown brothers to get busy on organizing the weapons locker and to make sure they had...

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Young Lust

YOUNG LUST - a first attempt at erotic fiction.I have always been a horny guy. I knew from the start, during my first prepubescent sexual awakenings that sex was going to be a major part of my life, and I grabbed the opportunity (and my cock) with both hands, and gleefully entered the wonderful world of experimentation, self gratification, and exploration. My nightly teenage manipulations, combined with a vivid fantasy imagination, had me seducing and fucking all my teachers one-by-one. I had...

3 years ago
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A rather different perspective ... and a single voice. They came in the night, of course, the discordant sound of trucks echoing around the shanties, waking the neighbourhood, a baby's sudden cry adding to the cacophony of boots, shouts and the crashing of breaking doors. I lay in the dark waiting, glad that Namono was away with her family, knowing that there was nothing to be done but wait. The chaos moved along the street, punctuated now by screams, the occasional burst of gunfire, the...

1 year ago
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The Best Man for the Job Part III

By MakeItjUICY4u While the two men were disoriented, Michelle rushed toward the door and pulled the handle. Derrick had been leaning against the door and was surprised when he found himself tumbling into the room. “Umpf, what the…” His eyes opened even wider when he saw the sight before his eyes. Two naked men looming above him and Michelle crouching behind the door. Marcus quickly closed the door again just as Michelle began crawling toward Derrick and crying. “I’m so glad you’re here...

2 years ago
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Visit to the sex shop

I am a white chubby guy who likes to wear panties and yoga pants I haven't been to my local sex shop in a few months and decided to go. I was wearing a pair of black bikini panties and black yoga pants with a black shirt. I arrived to the sex shop and as I walked in I walked past a couple of guys talking and noticed them looking at my ass. I walked into the back room and found a empty booth and sat down and pulled the curtain over leaving a peek hole. I sat there rubbing crotch and this older...

4 years ago
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Conception Commission

Your name is John. You just got over a troubling relationship with your now ex-girlfriend Cerise, and moved onto dating, as well as fucking, your long-time crush, as well as best friend, Rose. Cerise was a bit of a bossy bitch. When you say "bit", you mean almost entirely. She never even let you have sex- with her, it was always "Oh, could you eat me out? I promise I'll repay you one day." That, combined with the fact that she never even got a job or any source of income, practically suckling...

1 year ago
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Vacation 4sum

I was going back and forth between Julies pussy and ass, she tasted so good, when I felt a hand slap my ass and Sam saying your turn, I was on my knees whit my head bent down and my ass in the air as Sam pushed my ass open fingering my cunt, first one then two and three until he had four fingers deep in my wet cunt and his thumb rubbing my ass hole I took one long lick on Julies ass and started to blow on it, Sam pulled his fingers out and moved me so I could suck on Julies big nipples and...

3 years ago
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Awakening Emancipation

Last night my husband was his firm's host for their most important potential client at the Pediatric Cancer Center fundraiser. Not having to be burdened with either driving ourselves to the hotel or child care responsibilities I decided to fully enjoy partying with his firm's prospective clients and accept any unexpected circumstances with an open-mind. My husband's firm providing a daring new dress along with limo service was an implicit message to favorably impress Wayne Wynn. After a...

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Wife Gets Revenge GayMaker

I was working from home when the doorbell rang. It was Ken, a friend of my oldest son, a guy he'd played basketball with in high school. He was wearing a suit and tie. I wasn't sure what he was doing here. My son had his own place now."Hey Ken," I said. "You looking for Brian?"Ken shook his head. "Came to talk to you, actually.""OK," I said, and opened the door. He walked right past me like he owned the place, went into the living room, took off his suit coat, tossed it over the couch and sat...

1 year ago
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SpiceVids slid into my DMs this morning and it seemed like perfect timing, because we’re in the middle of pumpkin spice season. All the women you know are paying extra to have cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and clove extracts added to their coffee, donuts, cigarettes and tampons, so why wouldn’t porn fanatics want the same? The answer, of course, is the burning. Fortunately for all of us perverts, the titular spice we’ll be looking at today ain’t the seasonal kind traditionally added to otherwise...

Top Premium Porn Sites
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In Hose and Heels for Daddy

It was shortly after my 14th birthday when I made the decision to seduce my Daddy. I mean, all of my girlfriends were having naked fun with their daddies. I didn't wanna be left out ;-) After all, me and my BFF, Ashley, had been getting naked and having fun with her daddy for 2 whole years now...and with her brothers...and with her uncles...and with her cousins...and with her neighbors...and with her...awwww, get the picture ;-)It was the morning after my first experience with my...

4 years ago
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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 16

They dressed their normal sexy way and Dan drove to St. Pete’s beach. He parked at the Grand Plaza Hotel parking lot and this time called ahead of time to Spinners restaurant for reservations at four pm. He asked if Camille was working, and if yes if, she could be their waitress again. “I hope the same boy is working again when we rent our rollerblades,” Allison hoped, holding hands between her new parents. “And why is that?” Dan teased. “Because he’s cute looking!” “I think you’re...

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Tales of the Dryden Dna Disaster 01 Opening Pandora s Box

Lisa Redford didn't know it yet, but her life was about to be turned upside down. The change began a few days ago when she began feeling cramps that had nothing to do with her menstrual cycle. At first she ignored the discomfort, taking Pamprin as needed, but the bloated nasty feeling only increased. "I had my period this month." She announced to the walls of her empty apartment. "Dammit all, I can't be pregnant, can I?" The twenty-five year old shook her head over how uncomfortably snug...

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Behind Closed Doors

'Lola, I'm telling you,' Missy begins, for seemingly the millionth time. 'It's the 21st century! Put on a low-cut dress, some kick ass heels and ask. Him. Out.' I look over at Nate; his green eyes gleaming, his dark hair flicked across one eye. 'Maybe...' I mumble, looking down at my feet. She snorts. 'You've liked him forever! Just-' She is interrupted by Nate walking over to us. He looks extra sexy today, hand in one pocket, smirk in place. I've liked him for years. 'Hey Missy, Lola...' he...

Straight Sex
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Eyes of the Hawk

Unlimited power is a useful thing. I can’t explain why, or how but I sure as hell enjoy it. I was born with golden eyes. Those of you familiar with Arthurian legend will know that Merlin had the same trait. The Eyes of the Hawk, they are sometimes called, or of the Wolf. When people look into my eyes I can see into their minds, and sometimes manipulate their thoughts. I was never conscious of this, I just seemed to always get my own way, and to understand people. That was until I met Amber. ...

1 year ago
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I am now concerned about what kind of life I have led.( That is not really a true statement, I know I'm just a swinging dick man whore." I only say this because the rules above cover more than half of my best stories. Well, all I can say is "Shit, piss, motherfucking goat, squeal like a ****d pig, and bless the girl scouts. I was taught about sex by my xxxxxxxxxxx. It started when I stayed over and was taking a bath. Picture me naked other person not but soaping me up really good. Okay now we...

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EggplantChapter 7

We arrived at the restaurant early but the dinner rush had not started yet so we were seated right away. The table was in a dimly lit corner where we would not be noticed by many people. There was a candle on the table which made it very romantic. Jen looked lovely. She was wearing her lavender "Sunday go to meeting" dress. It was dressy but not formal and was attractive but not too sexy. Just right for our date. I had on my sport coat and slacks with a white shirt and tie. When the...

2 years ago
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little sisters birthday wish 2

After the movies I decided to take a shower and get cleaned up before bed. Once I got cleaned up I decided it was time for bed, and off to bed I went. We had a lot of family members but we had a big enough home that we all had our own rooms. I went in, then closed and locked the door. I walked up to the bed and leaned over and pulled the note from out of the jeans I had left on the floor. I opened the note and it read "there is only one thing I want for my birthday present. I can't get it...

4 years ago
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Sex With Rented Aunty Sister

Hi I’am abc(name changed), self employed, owner of two rented house. Teh story is about how started to get relationship with rented aunty,s sister. Her name is xyz(aunty’s sister,name changed). Our native is gulbarga, karnataka, I came here bangalore looking after uncle’s house which is rented for two families.Adralli one family old age family, and the second family is middle age family with four people . The second family auny is sex bomb who always wanetd sex at any cost and some of her...

3 years ago
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She Gets Him Bi Part 4

She Gets Him Bi[/u]Part 4 - A White and Creamy ChristmasJohn had been looking for work with little luck. He interviewed with Stan, the party host, for the position of a secretary at Stan's physician office. The interview, as expected, had turned into a thorough hollowing out of John's rectum, compliments of Stan's magical penis. However, Stan told John after the intense fuck session that the position had been filled a few days before. John was slightly dejected, but at the same time he had just...

4 years ago
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My New Gigalo Client In Pune

Coming to the introduction. My name is sam. I am a gigolo. Meri current location Pune hai. Meri age 27 hai. Mujhe bade boobs or bade gaand wali ladkiya zyada pasand hai. Koi ladies or bhabi any female jikno mari gigalo service chaye contact me.…now jyada bore na krte hue apni story pe aata hu Start story Me apko mere ek client ki kahani sunata hu jinke sath me pure 2 din bityae or sex karke unko satisfy kiya unko…. Itna khush hue ki unho me 10000 ki jaga15000 diya or ab bhi o biche biche me...

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The First Meeting Part One

It was a warm evening, warmer than I'm used to. I had travelled all of this way, just to meet you. I feel excited and nervous all at once.Excited because we will finally get to meet, to talk to each other, look at each other, feel each other. .. Nervous because no matter how confident I might come across, I'm really not. I'm shy, and I'm scared that you might not like what you see in me.I unpack my case in the quiet hotel room, the music in the background is slow and has a calming effect on my...

4 years ago
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A hand job on the walk home

I still remember it after all these years as if it was yesterday. We were both half way through our eighteenth year, our last year in school. She was in my class at school, quiet, average pretty with dark hair down to her shoulders and a good figure. The only thing I’ve forgotten is her name.I was walking across the park on my way back from school when I saw her ahead of me and caught up with her, not deliberately, I was just walking faster. She was in her school uniform: white blouse, necktie,...

1 year ago
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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 47

Victor and Ernesto exited the car like returning Heroes from a long and epic war. Ernesto waved the baseball bat in the air and swung it hard at nothing to celebrate his apparent victory. Carmen was upstairs. She called down to them to ask how it went. Maya had obviously gone inside their motel room with whoever was in the car. They ignored her and approached us instead. Victor smiled at us. “We taught those white boys a lesson they won’t forget.” “Chinga Tu Madre, we kicked so much ass!”...

3 years ago
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Cousin s Night 2

She had always been very good looking, with D boobs, and if not very close, and an ass that would have you breaking your neck to get a good look. She had breast length brown hair, surrounding her sheerly beautiful face. A few scattered frekkels keep her looking young, but her lips and their fullness give away her age of 16. I looked at Jenn, who looked very serious about her question. Then I looked at Allison, who looked unsure about this whole thing, but I didn't mind having two of my...

1 year ago
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A Special Sort of School

Chapter one .The new boyThe large oak paneled study was quiet, outside the weather had turned cold but in this part of the large rambling Victorian house the air was pleasantly warm.? In the distance the click of high heeled stilettos on bare wooden floor boards sounded through the house, the door to the study opened and in walked a tall well built woman, in her early 40's she had a curvaceous figure and long shapely legs, her pretty but slightly hard face was framed by long blonde hair.? A...

4 years ago
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masturbation temptation

As a 33 year old single male, with a high sex drive, with a very high need for exhibition, at the same timenot wanting to get caught, I would check into an older motel chosing the top floor (third) on a weeknightcrack the curtains , strip and using the bathroom light with a tight cockring, bend over and masturbateto a full 8" hard cock, all the time inserting a fully greased 8" to 10" vibrating dildo up my ass.......This behavior continued hoping someone would walk by my window, peek in...

4 years ago
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Bikini Wax

‘You’ll know summer is nearly here,’ my colleague Jeff told me, ‘when the amusement parks open and Bikini Wax is finally open for business.’ Having moved to the area in late January, I was quite surprised by this Bikini Wax place. ‘Bikini Wax?’ I prompted. ‘Yeah. Nice place for eye candy.’ He sipped his coffee with the same demeanor as if he had just told me it was raining outside. ‘I see… So it’s not a place where women go to get their hair removed.’ ‘Not at all, although I’d guess...

4 years ago
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Cop Trouble

***This is my first story - I'd love any feedback or suggestions!*** You were singing along with the radio when you saw the flashing lights. "Shit", you thought as you pulled over. Well hopefully you'll know the cop, but your heart sank as you saw him exit his car and didn't recognize him. You looked at yourself in the mirror, ready to start crying. You were wearing a USA bikini top, with some jean shorts pulled over your bottoms. You were headed home from a pool party with friends and were all...

2 years ago
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BurrChapter 70 Happy Birthday

Percy Jones was a little tipsy when he and Dr. Koskowski came home from the awards dinner. His tux jacket was draped over one arm and his tie was missing. He stared at us for a few seconds before heading down the hallway. Dr. Koskowski was thanking us for watching the kids when we heard Percy's voice. "They're still here," he said. "Both of them are still here." "Thank you dear," Dr. Koskowski called to her husband and then, alarmed, "Perce, go to bed before you fall down." We...

3 years ago
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My Step Daughter

My opinion is this: If a hot sexy slutty girl comes on to you, you will fuck it regardless of the ramifications. Which means you would bang any age chick if no one found out. Yep, it happened to me. I was newly married for the second time and my wife had three children that i inherited so to speak. Twin boys who where paternal not identical, and a daughter who was the youngest. We all got a long great. The boys and i were cool and my step daughter Haley were continuing to get along. She was...

4 years ago
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A Promise

“What can I get yeah?” they looked up at the voice and saw a cute blond wearing a white blouse and black slacks waiting patiently for their reply. “Bud light bottle and a Smirnoff ice.” Matt said, with a friendly smile. “She is cute.” Jill said. “Very, but no girl play for you tonight, you know why we are here. And you promised.” he said. “Here you go, that’ll be $7.50.” the waitress said as she placed the drinks in front of them. Matt handed her the money. “I always keep my promises to...

2 years ago
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My brothers teammates

Well back to what I was saying, football game. My brother, Marcus, is on the football team Running back, He's built but not too built and he's tall like 6 foot but that's reasonable for being a Junior he's 17 and I made my parents buy him a white and yellow Camero for his birthday. Awesome right? The best part about him was his friends Darion and Jamie. All of our parents work together so they were instant friends also the reason he is on the football team and also the reason the team...

1 year ago
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Danny s Cleavage Part 6 of 6

Danny's Cleavage - part 6 of 6 In which Cindy gets turned on my Danny's breasts and they begin having sex, Danny exposes himself to a teacher, goes to the Prom with Cindy, finds out that Cindy is pregnant, gets expelled from school, has sex with his mother, finds out that he'll be a father a second time, and then reunites with Cindy. I guess things go in cycles. When I didn't have breasts, I got turned on by wearing a bra stuffed with tissue paper and pretending that I wasn't flat...

1 year ago
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Tushy Riley Reid Adriana Chechik Taking Charge

Riley has just got her first job since she left college – and she’s hating it. The problem is, she has bills to pay, so she has no choice. The company is going through a huge merger and Adriana, her supervisor is in charge of keeping the Italian businessman they are dealing with happy, with Riley at her side. First of all, the girls find it hard to get his attention so Riley decide to take a more direct approach. When Adriana returns from the kitchen, she finds herself with no...

1 year ago
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How It All Began Ch 09

With one eye open and then another, Jack realized he must have dozed off momentarily. Peering over the top of his sunglasses, the sun loungers were unoccupied. Jack felt disoriented and confused; he wondered where the others had gone. Questioning if the fun and games had started without him, he looked to his left. Looming into his personal space, there was Brigitte staring through her sunglasses directly at him. Caught unawares, only his own glasses maintained his façade of calm. Jack knew...

3 years ago
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Bite Me Chapter 6

“Oh ... damn ... I’ve never felt so alive ... and yet I’m undead ... God ... fuck, yes!” Mom screamed as I pounded her thick, plush bottom good and hard from behind. “So, a vampire’s life for you?” I teased Mom as I slapped her booty and she moaned in pure bliss. “I’m yours ... forever! Forever! I’ve always dreamed of belonging to a man ... forever! I wanted it, but feared it ... because it would mean that I was ... helpless, weak, and submissive ... but, oh, fuck me! I craved it so much!...

3 years ago
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Remember Me Part 1

When I was sixteen years old, one my dad’s old drinking buddies said to me, one day, “Son, you probably don’t realise it now, but these are the best years of your life. Once you finish school, it’s all downhill from there. Mark my words on that.” My heart kind of sank when he told me that, and I thought, You mean, this is as good as it gets?To put it, mildly, my school years weren’t the happiest years of my life. I was skinny, kind of shy, and I didn’t have a lot of self-confidence. As for...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 7

Alison plopped down on the blanket and looked up at the sky. Dan paused in starting the fire, and looked over at her. She was wearing a simple wraparound skirt and a blouse. It was pretty obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath the blouse. He thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. For a change, she looked like the nervous one on the date. He smiled at her and said, “I hope that you’re not disappointed.” “This is lovely. A little too romantic, but lovely,” Alison...

3 years ago
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Cider With Rosie

We were in that beautiful, transitional moment after our morning loving. That time between heart thumping climax, and the stark realities of the need to get the day moving. She playfully nuzzled my neck, then pecked me on the lips, and bounced from the bed in the direction of the shower. Her lithe body all taut and sensuous as she disappeared into the bathroom. I shivered in delight, wanting to pinch myself to be sure this gorgeous nineteen year old beauty was really mine. Silently counting my...

2 years ago
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Online conversation on chat website

Please leave comments!!! Sorry if this story isn't amazing. It's my first one.You: what would you do with me if we were in my bedroom aloneYou: but with clothesYou: onStranger: do u want the whole picture step by step or just a brief descriptionYou: step by stepStranger: what kind of clothes would u be wearingYou: skimpy little top,with no bra,short shorts,and red lace thongsStranger: ur age will be?You: 17Stranger: ok hang onYou: okStranger: ok here we goStranger: i am your new...

1 year ago
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Mobile Camere Ne Chut Dilwayi

HI Dosto,main rohit hu aur 1 software engeeneer hu.mera collage fardiabad main tha.mene 2005 main hain.collage ke final year main hmara fest fest sham ko 4 baje shru hota tha aur raat ke 3 baje tak hota tha.aur jo bande usme participate karte the o 3 din collage ke hostel main rukte the.hmaari class main 1 ladki thi shivani anand.jada sunder nahi thi par class ki topper thi.ha par body figure achi thi uski bahut top class nahi ha par 34-28-32 hogi .uska 1 ladke sath affair chal...

2 years ago
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Blessings of a Curse 2015 Usa EditionChapter 17

“Welcome to Xervia, and to the grasslands of The People of Morning.” Tithian said from outside the tent, revealing that their strange journey had ended. Mark and Talia emerged onto lush green grass, and discovered it was knee deep on Mark, hip high on Talia. “Thanks.” Mark acknowledged, and yawned again. “The stream there is quite good. Will you wish to eat right away?” “Not immediately. I could use a cup of Hilsith’s tea first.” Mark said as he dropped to his knees beside the tiny stream,...

4 years ago
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Love and lust

Hi friends i am anuj for the first time on iss writing my experience. I have read a lot of stories and liked some of them which actually encouraged me to write. Thanks to all of you. Well before going to story i must confess one thing this is a real story which happened just a month ago and its all about love and lust. So please read it carefully and if you like it then please feel free to get in touch with me. Me anuj 28 years old now and working in an it company i enjoy my work and earn a...

4 years ago
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Muscle encounters 6 Lynn mcrgossin pecpanther

I was my apartment room looking out the window. That was when I saw her. Itwas Lynn Mgrossin, famous female bodybuilder and model. It was staying therefor a convention. I stop and caught myself. I slipped out some binocular andtook a peak.Lynn had long black hair and was currently dress in a tight belly shirt thatshowed off her abs and Belly button. She wore tight denim shorts to show offher ass. Her feature was very Greek and her body nice and tan. Her biceps werehuge and glisten with sweat...

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k naping and Training

Synopsis: This is a story about k**napping and training slaves, and all the joys involved.k**naping and Training chapter 1 k**napingThe Masters Mike, Jeff, Calos, Guy, and Mistresses, Jassica, Lorri, Tina,Vanessa. Work for Master Dion, and Mistress Ericka In a Mansion to k**nap andtrain slaves for there pleasures, all slaves must between 17 and 25, the slavesthey don't want are either sold to others or the Masters, Mistresses keep themfor payment. So no lost, yes what a way to make a...

1 year ago
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Learning Together 3Chapter 4

The next morning, the women slowly walked out of the gate from the healing house. They made their way somberly across the field towards the meeting post. In their midst, was one dressed in a forest green robe with it’s hood hiding her face. “What’s all this about?” Kevin asked. Ben shrugged. “I don’t know. Momma, told me last night to have us here this morning.” The women stopped. Kathy took two long side steps and stood alone with her head bowed. The person in the green robe came forward...

3 years ago
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Fun with my mature bbw neighbour part 2

As we continued kissing, ellen started reaching down between our bodies until she was able to wrap her hand around my hard thick shaft, as she held it she again started rubbing it up and down her slit. Every time my cock head brushed over her pussy i was able to feel it "flick" its way over her swollen clitoris as it stood there protruding invitingly between her lips. Turning ellen onto her side and positioning her so that i was straddling her bottom thigh and her other one was bent at 90...

2 years ago
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Flo part ten penultimate part

one Flo was definitely angry at me, I thought, considering the tone of that text. I stared at it. FLO: It's tampon time, bitch! Considering I was planning to meet Sally and Lucinda from Titan Tech after I'd had my hair done, I decided not to give her any other reasons to be agitated. Despite being tight for time, I used every second wisely. Briefly soaking and shaving, moisturising my whole body. Inserting the tampon in my pussy as delicately as I could, and fixing a...

2 years ago
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The Displaced Detective Part 6

The Displaced Detective - Part 6 by Limbo's Mistress Awareness of the world came back to me in a pace so agonizingly slow I actually considered for a moment I had died on the living room floor of that farmhouse and was now trapped in a gray, formless Purgatory. Eventually, I became more aware of my surroundings, like the lens of a telescope gradually being adjusted into focus. Or maybe a radio broadcast of a far-away station that steadily grows stronger and clearer the closer you...

4 years ago
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Sceen from the Cabin

There are experiences that have no age, even when the people in them are children and one of them is you. The image remains with you just below the conscious level, and nothing that's happened to you since in any stage of love seems to equal it. A summer rain in the dry San Garbiels causes a lot of excitement. The dusty pine needles drain off into powdery earth, and there is the expectant feeling of a very special event; even the smell is special. I am in a cabin in those mountains when the...

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Teenage Daughter Caught by Police

I’ve been a police officer for just over 20 years and I’m in my mid 40’s. I’ve seen a lot of crazy stuff but never been part of anything as crazy as what occurred last June. My new partner was a young guy in his late 20’s. He is big, black and built and had the reputation of being a womanizer. In fact he constantly bragged about the women he fucked and the size of his cock, which I’ve seen while showering and changing into his uniform and he looked quite hung. One of the things my partner...

4 years ago
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Hard to ChewChapter 17

After killing and skinning another of Patrick's goats, Lou climbed to the canyon ridge, moving north away from the shack. Mary thought that was the way Patrick went when he left. Lou carried his canteen full of fresh spring water and sported a covering for his head fashioned from what remained of Mary's slip after she used it for bandaging his injured shoulder. Probably looked right ridiculous, but there wasn't any sense in chancing a new set of blisters when his skin had just finally...

2 years ago
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When A Good Woman Goes Bad

Woman cheats, get caught, her lover pays the priceWhen a good woman goes bad.I wish when I got married that there was some sort of manual to tell me when a marriage goes bad. My name is Chris and I was always taught that when a man gets married he is expected to do whatever it takes to provide for his family. I know nowadays that has changed somewhat as I see many more working couples or the woman as the main bread winner. When Stacy and I got married I was the one with a good job and a bright...

2 years ago
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RedTails A Night Out A Night In Chapter 1

RedTails: AwakeningsA Night Out, A Night InByScarletdownChapter I : Back to the HighTailThe trio padded up the cobblestone walk, passing by various shops, inns, and taverns as they headed back to the Hightail Inn to relax and sort out the recent events which brought them together in a union that could not quite be called a family. The central figure, short and lithe, was clad in a black wizard's robe with matching black leather boots. His cowl was down against his shoulders; revealing his soft,...

1 year ago
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The Senior Center

A few years back I got a job working at a senior citizen’s center. The pay was good, the work was easy, and I got a chance to check out all the senior ass hanging around. As a young man I had already developed a voracious taste for older women, the older the better. The aging grannies walking around were no exception- full, fat asses that hadn’t had any good attention in years. I can’t tell you how many times I had to run to the bathroom to stroke my aching cock, the images of big, sagging...

2 years ago
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A rough tomboy

“who is a bad bitch?! You are! Yeah, that's right!” Jamie hardly ever lost a fight, and she was a skilled fighter. She hit him one more time except for this time not as hard. “fuck for a girl, you hit like a man. Must be embarrassing to be beaten up by a woman. Shit, you're not a woman. You're a fucking man.” she hits him again and knocks him out and she got up looking over at me. Stares for a few seconds and then she walks away, surprisingly, she hadn't told me anything. I wonder if I...

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Ludivine Astrid Twin s rs

Ludivine & Astrid, Twin s****rs Fiction We are two cute twin s****rs. We are both blond and very much alike looking. We love to wear sportswear clothes. And sneakers. We like to wear those clothes directly on our skin. It is very pleasant to the skin either with the smoothness of the fleece or with the electrostatic sensation on our hairs triggered by the synthetic apparel. We have nice pussies that we do like to touch with our small fingers. We discovered how to please ourselves in our...

3 years ago
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Giant Cock Maybe a Little Gay

I was playing some basketball down at the gym the other day with a bunch of my buddies. We had a great game, strenuous, but fun. Afterword, instead of hitting the showers, Cody and I just stayed in our gym trunks and t-shirts and I went out for a couple of beers. Cody's a great guy. A 31 year old divorced stock broker, 6'4" tall and chiseled out of granite. We'd been work out buddies on occasion and the one time I'd actually seen him with his shirt off, I thought he looked like a fuckin'...

4 years ago
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How Far Would I Go For Love 6

For the fourth time, Jake Kruthers watched the DVD of Lt. Jerry Ranthom winning his second straight Foreign Legion Savate championship. It had been two weeks since the incident at the club. There were several reports on his desk-notes in the margins, highlights, dog-eared corners and an empty pizza box.One on one I don’t stand a chance. He’s a trained killer, I’m not. How to even the odds? Hanna and Julie have potential. Master Himerous would not take kindly to that. I need to make sure he...

1 year ago
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Milfty Prestyn Lee Tanning Her Bushless Box

Prestyn Lee is getting to that golden period of her life where she is getting hotter and hotter with every passing day. Some may say she ages like wine. I say she ages like a banging MILF. Today, she and her daughter are on the market for a good butthole bleaching, but they are a little embarrassed to admit it when they get to the salon. Instead, they settle for a tanning sesh. But once Prestyn separates from her daughter and gets inside the tanning room, she gets down to some horseplay real...

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The Chef

Foreword:I wish to tell you about an observation I have made throughout my life. I have never met a chef with beautiful hands. All the chefs I have ever encountered have the most unattractive hands, in fact, most have really ugly hands.My story:When I was a student I procured a part-time job at a hotel that was renowned for functions. Being in a beautiful location with ample parking, the venue was particularly popular for weddings. Naturally, they were always in need of casual staff as waiters...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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massage parlor virgin

The first time I ever had sex was a fairly memorable time for me as I'm sure it is for most people. My first time though came in a sleezy massage parlor in Dallas that is no longer open for business. I lost my virginity to (she said) an 18 year old Philipino hooker. Though it certainly wasn't the best sex I've ever had, it was at the time the best feeling I had ever had. I came to this place was pretty random and kind of scary. At 19 years old I had never done anything "bad". With the exception...

4 years ago
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Karen My School Teacher 10

I heard them talking. “Man she is fucking hot. Mmmm did you see her ass in that skirt” I felt extremely dizzy laying in Karen's bed. It was all dark in the room except the light coming from the slightly open door. I heard Jacob say. “I really loved those legs of her. And those pretty pantyhose feet. Mmmmm. Look at my bulge” The whole room was spinning and somehow i still felt great. my body got this feeling of butterflies in my stomach hearing them talk about me like that. I love the sensation...

2 years ago
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B J Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 38

Everyone had Thursday off except for the critical people needed to run the airport and command center. Even those were working split shifts. Thursday morning we went out in the boats, Jake’s and Dad’s. We had not bought a boat yet. The cut that came up behind the house had not been dredged yet. It was on the schedule but was a month away. After it was dredged, sheeting would need to be driven in to stop the creek from filling in with topsoil over time. After all that, the dock would get...

2 years ago
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Black Magick

found this wonderful story about a white boy with no purpose in life, and not knowing his true destiny to serve as a dominant Black Man's pet. I only wish I could have been found like Danny, and had my life give the purpose to be a Snowflake for a Man like Master Shabaz. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danny Sullivan planned on spending the long Thanksgiving weekend with...

4 years ago
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Getting Lucky With The Maid

Hi guys, I’m Alex, 25year old Malayali and last year, I came to live in Kerala while I looked into studying further, abroad. I stayed at my family home which at the time was occupied by my grandmother and a girl, Jancy, whom my grandmother had hired to take care of her needs. Jancy is a very dusky, decent looking girl with an above average height in comparison to the women in the locality. She has a proper figure with no disproportionate assets. I would not classify her as sexy and I doubt she...

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Life Death and LifeChapter 12

We did what we could, getting all the keys there were to the house, and headed back to our hotel in Surprise. On the way there, my 2nd phone rang, and Diana got it and answered it. “It’s Gloria, do you want to talk to her?” I pulled over, and took the phone, “Yes, this is Richard Harris?” “Richard, this is Gloria, the Realtor from the house on Carmen Street?” “Yes,” I said expecting a ‘no chance’ coming from her. “Would you consider a counter offer for $550,000?” That surprised...

1 year ago
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Fun with Mind Control

You possess many different mind control gadgets, toys, and abilities (don't ask how) and have already used these powers on most of the people in your school. It took time to slowly get each person under your control, but you did it. There are just a few girls left that you intentionally haven't taken control of. These are the hottest girls, and you're going to have your fun. One day, without warning, you commanded the school to capture these girls, and this is where you are now: You're standing...

Mind Control

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