Straßenstrich indian porn

4 years ago
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Was darf es denn sein junge Frau

Was darf es denn sein junge Frau? 0Elli war auf einem Wanderurlaub mit ihrer Freundin, die draussen wartete, und beide hatte Appetit auf etwas Leckeres. aeh, eigentlich wollte ich nur ein paar Frikadellen haben. Aber sie haben so leckere Sachen hier. Elli deutete auf zwei Schweinehaelften die an einem Haken an der Wand hingen. Alles von Tieren aus der Umgebung hier? Der Metzger laechelte. Natuerlich. Alles was hier verkauft wird stammt aus der Gegend und wird selbstverstaendlich auch hier...

4 years ago
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Sabina und ihr neues Leben german

Sabina und ihr neues Leben (german)Kapitel 1: WutSabina ist eine gelangweilte Ehefrau, die seit sieben Jahren mit Sven verheiratet ist. Da ihr Mann als selbstst?ndiger Anlageberater sehr gut verdient, musste sie seit der Heirat nicht mehr arbeiten.Mit ihren 31 Jahren k?nnte Sie sehr gut aussehen, doch da Sie merkte, dass ihr Mann Wachs in ihren H?nden war, gab Sie sich keine M?he mehr. Ihr rotblondes Haar hatte sie sich aus Bequemlichkeit ziemlich kurz schneiden lassen, w?hrend ihre Fotze, die fr?he...

4 years ago
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Mia hatte den Mini an den rechten Straßenrand gelenkt und das Radio leiser geregelt. Malte hatte ihr den neuen Wagen erst letzte Woche vor die Türe gestellt und sie fand ihn keineswegs praktisch. Mia hatte den alten verbeulten Golf geliebt und mit diesem Hochglanz-Mini musste sie nun vorsichtig sein. Dabei hatte das Auto jede Menge Sensoren und Extras und piepte beim Einparken praktisch pausenlos. Natürlich war der Wagen sehr schön, aber eigentlich benötigte sie gar kein Auto. Von der großen...

3 years ago
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Samstagnacht wir waren aus, feiern in einer Disco. Mein Freund Max hatte endlich mal angeboten, dass er fährt und so konnte ich etwas trinken. Das nutze ich aus und wir hatten Spaß, bis er entschied, dass es an der Zeit sei Heim zu fahren. Er zahlte und wir verließen die Disco, um in seinem Wagen zu mir zu fahren. Ich war noch ziemlich aufgedreht und redete ununterbrochen, bis mir plötzlich auffiel, dass er eine andere Strecke für den Rückweg gewählt hatte. „Woher fährst Du" fragte ich...

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Barbie-FrustEssen, Montag, 14. März 2011 12:45 UhrNoch zwei Stunden und fünfzehn, jetzt vierzehn Minuten. Bin ich das, die so laut und schnell atmet? Die Zeit vergeht quälend langsam. Qualen und Zeit kann man messen und erleben. Zeit ist immer gleich, aber die Warterei macht mich noch verrückt. Manchmal frage ich mich, wie lange ich das noch aushalten kann? Mir ist heiß und kalt zugleich. Ich bin nervös und meine Hände zittern. Der Tag ist kurz, und so viel ist noch zu tun, aber ich muss warten...

4 years ago
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So schnell kann es passieren

G1 G1 Heute m?chte ich eine? wahre Geschichte? erz?hlen die lestes Jahr passiert ist .Nach der Scheidung meiner Mutter sie hei?t Gisela , ist 49 Jahre alt und super gebaut? BH Gr??e 100 H??? und nicht nur ihre Titten auch der Po ist prall und gro? .Sind wir in eine Norddeutsche Gro?stadt gezogen . Leider ist das Geld immer knapp. Auch ist die Wohnlage nicht gerade die beste? ein Hochhaus in einem viertel in dem die Mieten sehr g?nstig sind .Ich bin 25 Jahre? und? bekomme harz 4 Mutti hat zum gl?...

3 years ago
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Ich die Lehrerin werde zur Nutte gemacht

Ich bin die 27jährige Lehrerin Nicole, wie man sagt eine blauäugigie blonde Schönheit mit gut schulterlangen naturgewellten Haaren, einem festen, eine handvoll, Busen mit kleinen Nippeln, Vorhöfen und Warzen, einer Wespentaille, einem knackigen Po und wohl endlos erscheinenden Schenkeln, schließlich verteilten sich meine 65 kg auf 1,82. Seit Jahren war ich glücklicher Single. Es war schon warm, es ging auf die Zeugnisse zu, und ich machte mir Sorgen um meine sonstige Klassenbeste, die 18jährige...

2 years ago
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Aus der Ruhe gebracht

Es war an einem Samstagabend. Ich hatte Unmengen an Arbeit. Es hatte einen kurzen Disput gegeben, da meine Frau gerne etwas unternommen hätte mit mir. Ich war wie immer äußerlich ruhig und sachlich an den Streit heran gegangen, hatte argumentiert und sie hatte gefühlsbetont entschieden, dass die Arbeit warten könne. Unter Anderem hatte sie mich gefragt: „Gibt es eigentlich irgendetwas, was dich aus der Ruhe bringst?“ Was ich mit einem Schulterzucken beantwortete. So werkelte ich dann ein wenig...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter Kapitel 23

Harry Potter und das Zauberbuch der Wünsche - Kapitel 23 - Für diese Story sind alle Charakter über 18!Für ein besseres Verständnis der Geschichte empfehle ich die Vorriegen Kapitel zu lesen.Als Lavender Brown an diesem Samstagmorgen aufwachte, strahlt ihr ein warmer, heller Sonnenstrahl direkt ins Gesicht. Noch einmal umgedreht, wollte sie eigentlich noch ein bisschen weiter dösen, doch dann fiel ihr wieder der Termine ein, den sie auf keinen Fall verpassen konnte. So glitt sie mit den Beinen...

2 years ago
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Zur Hure erzogen

?So gehst du mir nicht aus dem Haus!?, klingt mir die Stimme meiner Mutter noch in den Ohren. Dabei hatte ich doch ohnehin einen Rock an, der knapp ?ber dem Knie endete. Aber wenn man eine Hure sein soll, ist das nat?rlich viel zu lang. ?Sollen die Leute denken, dass du eine Nonne bist??, schimpfte meine Mutter. Sie w?re mit so einem langen Fetzen nie aus dem Haus gegangen. Als stadtbekannte Nutte wusste sie, was sie ihrem Ruf schuldig war. Und sie wollte nur das Beste f?r mich. Und das war, d...

4 years ago
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Mein Weg in die Zuh lterei Part II

Danach ist Davor… Seit meinem geilen Erlebnis auf dem Rastplatz mit den ganzen Truckern, was für mich durchaus sehr erregend war, sind schon wieder 2 Wochen vergangen… Was aber das Wichtigste von allem für mich ist…von alle dem Haben bis heute, Gott sei Dank, waren ja meine Eltern an diesem Wochenende zu Freunden gefahren und somit hatten meine Eltern überhaupt nichts mitbekommen… Er machte dabei seinem Namen als mein „Beschützer“ durchaus alle Ehre …Das war für mich diesbezüglich doch sehr...

3 years ago
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Hilflos ngstlich weiblich sucht

Hilflos, ?ngstlich, weiblich sucht By derdurchdiezeitreisende Ihr sympathisches L?cheln hebt meine Laune. Die zierliche Stewardess gef?llt mir. Mir gef?llt, wie sie sich bem?ht freundlich und adrett auf mich zu wirken. Das haben sie Ihr gut beigebracht, denke ich bei mir. Die Amerikanisierung unserer Dienstleistungsbranche und die Angst den Job zu verlieren, macht unsere Dienstboten viel unterw?rfiger. Als ich mich gen?sslich mit einem selbstgef?lligen L?cheln in den Ledersessel der ersten...

2 years ago
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Tanja Teil 1

Tanja - Ankunft in Toronto Mein Name ist Franz. Ich habe vor zwei Wochen meinen Master in Computer Science gemacht. Einen Arbeitsvertrag habe ich auch schon. Allerdings will ich noch einmal vier Monate nach Neuseeland reisen. Eigentlich war geplant, dass mich meine Freundin begleitet. Leider haben wir uns vor vier Wochen getrennt. Egal, dann fahre ich alleine, dachte ich. Eigentlich ein guter Plan. Nur habe ich ziemliche Flugangst und nach Neuseeland fliegt man eine Weile. Von...

3 years ago
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Endstation Stra enstrich

„Entschuldigen Sie bitte, Miss, ist der Platz neben Ihnen noch frei?” Sandy schreckt aus ihren trüben Gedanken an ihr Zuhause und an ihre Familie, die sie für immer verlassen hat. Vor ihr steht ein großer, gutaussehender schwarzer Mann, der mit einem sympathischen Lächeln auf den leeren Sitz neben ihr deutet. „Ja, äh ..., natürlich ist der Sitz noch frei.“ antwortet sie mit einem breiten Südstaatenakzent, an dem ihre Herkunft unschwer auszumachen ist. Sandy nimmt ihre Tasche von dem Nebensitz...

4 years ago
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Ausl nderhure German

"Also dann, Monika, meld dich bei uns!", sagte mein Vater und meine Mutter umarmte mich und k??te mich auf die Stirne, "Pa? gut auf dich auf, mein Engel!"Dann fiel die T?re ins Schlo? und ich war endlich allein. Wie lange hatte ich doch auf diesen Moment gewartet! Seit mir mein Vater zu meinem 18. Geburtstag eine eigene Wohnung versprochen hatte, habe ich immer wieder daran denken m?ssen. Und jetzt war es nun soweit.Ich ging vom Vorzimmer an den Pappkartons vorbei in mein Wohnzimmer und warf mich ...

3 years ago
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Meine Frau Jennifer ndash Ihr neues zweites Ich

Jennifer und ich sind seit ca. 9 Jahren zusammen, sie ist nun 26 und ich bin zwei Jahre älter. Inzwischen sind wir auch 4 Jahre verheiratet. Sie hat eine sportliche Figur, die sie durch viel Fitness sehr gut in Schuss hält und mittellange blonde Haare. Ihr Kleidungsstil ist dem sportlichen angemessen, das heißt sie trägt gerne weite Sachen, Jeans, Turnschuhe und eben alles was bequem ist. Im Bett ist es bei uns ein wenig müder geworden, wir haben beide beruflich viel um die Ohren und Jennifer...

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Meinen Mann zur Sissy erzogen

Achtung diese Geschichte ist noch voller Rechtschreib- und Gramatikfehler. Jeder der m?chte kann diese Geschichte als Vorlage nehmen und sie verbessern. Jetzt reicht es mir. Ich hatte die Internet Seiten meines Freundes gefunden. Er surft also st?ndig auf Adult Baby Sissy Seiten. Ich hatte mich schon l?nger gefragt warum er im Bett nichts zu Stande bringt. Das kann er haben, ich werde ihn einfach in ein kleines Babym?dchen behandeln bzw im Grunde verwandeln. Er war eine Woche zu einem al...

2 years ago
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Ich bin eine Hundesau I am a bitch for dogs

Ich war seit fast einem Jahr in Behandlung. Der Paartherapeut, den mein Mann und ich wegen unserer Eheprobleme konsultiert hatten, hatte mich an einen Psychologen ?berwiesen. Auch wenn die Diagnose nicht eindeutig war, so war in den Paarsitzungen doch herausgekommen, dass ich von schweren abartigen Phantasien geplagt w?rde, die der Paartherapeut nicht in der Lage war zu behandeln. Einzelsitzungen, um ?ber mein Innenleben und Kopfkino mehr zu erfahren, w?rden hilfreicher sein – das war...

4 years ago
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Also ich bin noch beseelt vom gestrigen Sex. Das erste Mal seit Corona. Ich bin der Klaus 64 Jahre alt und lebe im Rheinland. Am Wochenende war ich meine Schwester besuchen. Sie lebt in Bad Vilbel. Die corona Zeit ist hart für mich. Ich bin süchtig nach Sex. Realem Sex wo mein Schwanz in einer Scheide hin und her geht bis ich mit vollem Genuss und ohne Kondom, die jeweilige Partnerin beglücke. Angst vor HIV oder Corona habe ich nicht wenn ich geil bin. In letzter Zeit sind meine Haare grauer...

3 years ago
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Mein Weg in die Zuh lterei III

Zurück nach Darmstadt: Jetzt saß ich hier in der 1 Klasse und fuhr in Richtung Frankfurt… zurück nach Darmstadt oder besser gesagt in die trostkose Einöde von meinen Eltern nach Bickenbach… Ob meine Eltern etwas bemerken würden??? Jedenfalls wollte ich nicht, dass sie mich am Bahnhof abholten und so log ich sie bei meinem Telefonat heute Morgen an und sagte das mich eine Freundin bereits abholen würde… Sie hatten nichts dagegen und waren scheinbar auch ganz froh deswegen nicht abends gegen 19...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Naomi Swann Blowjob Threesome

Glamorous, young Naomi Swann lounges on the bed in a skintight dress and high heels, dreaming about a threesome of deepthroat blowjobs. Dreams come true: Jonni Darkko and Jason Moody come over to use Naomi’s pretty face! The golden-haired babe kneels and sucks each dick, gagging and slobbering all over her tiny, natural tits. They fuck her mouth upside down, drilling the back of her throat, coating Naomi’s face with her gag spit. The sexy cocksucker takes a double cum facial as her...

4 years ago
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Written by one of my wife s lovers

Your wife is now with superior man. You, are but a caretakerof her soft flesh, serving first me, then her, obeying our every wish and whim. she has chosen this because you, are a snail of a man, an unfit partner for any female. By her word, you, you will never have sex with her again, never feel her silky skin against you, never deposit your pathetic squirt of semen inside her. Now all these things will be done by other men, men worthy of her voracious appetite to be used as a purely sexual...

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Sex with my teacher from india hydarabad

when i was in degree first year that is the first day of college me and my friends went to college on time for our welcome all the teachers are at the enterance gate then i suddenly saw a beautiful lady welcoming all the students she was very fair and had a good structure by luck she came to my class and told the she is our class teacher i was very happy that she is my class teacher she ask all the students to tell their names all students told their names along with me as i was a brillient...

2 years ago
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Missing panties well kind of

Luke walked casually around to his neighbour's house like he'd done a dozen time before, either to borrow something or to collect something that his mother had borrowed. This time he was going to collect their house key from Tessa who'd been given the spare set in case there were any emergencies.Though she'd been there a little less than a year, Tessa had quickly become close friends with Luke's mother; even enough to trust her with the keys. They were about the same age and had a lot in...

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My return from the water skiing titles

The story until nowSue, my wife had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful I responded by having an affair with Marg. Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the west. In doing so I told her that if she wanted to come with me then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of arriving in the west, I found that she was having an affair. This was directly after we had decided to have another child....

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Me and My Big Mouth Part 1

Me and My Big Mouth (Part 1) If you read my first two stories you'll know I've recently found my first man friend, Richard. You'll need to read those to find out how he helped me find my role in life. Unfortunately this new relationship has had to go on the back burner for a while as his mother has been taken seriously ill and he has had to go to London to look after her. He just had time to email me quickly with this sad news, saying the thought of seeing me in the future would...

4 years ago
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Sophie and the SupergirlsChapter 5

So the next evening they repeated the process of getting in, but skipped the gangbang to save their energy for exploring. While they waited with the hermies they chatted with them and taught them some more words. The hermies were quite content to have sex, or not, whatever the girls wanted. When the building had gone quiet Sophie and Effie climbed up the stairs. The door to the left side corridor opened with the card. It was dimly lit, like the other one. The first office door was locked,...

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EvilAngel Adriana Chechik A For Anal

Stunning superstar Adriana Chechik wraps her lush lips around a black dildo and plunges her sphincter. Crazy Russian stud Markus Dupree gives her a rim job and fills her bunghole with his dick while she masturbates. Adriana moans in ecstasy as his prick pounds her butt. She stuffs a big toy down her throat and cums on Markus’s thick prick. When he slides his fingers into her rectum, orgasmic Adriana squirts girl juice all over herself! Markus laps up her fuck fluid and snowballs it into...

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Susan s Submission Chapter 9

CHAPTER 9 As Susan was escorted into the sitting room, she saw two couples. The men rose from theirseats as she walked in, and Peter, dropping his arm, led her to the center of the room. “Susan, I’d like you to meet some very close friends of mine,” he started. “This is Alex, indicating the older man. “And his wife, Janet,” The woman remained seated and smiled broadly at Susan. Alex was probably forty-five years old while his wife seemed much younger, perhaps thirty. She was a pleasant slender...

2 years ago
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Laura s Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 225

Laura had not seen Charise for weeks. There was a call from her darling Inky on her voice mail when she got home after her exhausting and thrilling sexual reunion with Deshona. "Ain't you ever home, Laura? Shit, every time I get a chance to come over, you ain't there." [Voice querulous, dejected, accusatory, by turns.] Oh well, at least you ain't fucking that slut Jane. Or if you are, you too busy to pick up the phone. [Hurt, jealous, rejected.] Well, probably not. You probably out...

4 years ago
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Leaving Independence 1863Chapter 4

The journey across the desert began with some relief—they were leaving the Mormon territory. Most of the emigrants didn't care about the Mormons one way or the other, they had their own problems, but the Mormons seemed to run around looking for trouble. They would be crossing a desert where there was not a drop of potable water. They could expect blistering sun with 100 degree plus heat with no relief, except at night, when they would need blankets for protection against the cold....

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After Moving Mother in law in chapter 3

After Moving Mother-in-law in chapter 3The next morning when Magee and I woke up we only had time for a quickie before we got up to eat breakfast and dressed and off to work which is what we did with Magee having to leave first as usual.At noon when I got to stop work long enough to eat dinner I gave my mother-in-law Magee a call since it is the time she usually got time to eat her dinner where she works at, “Hello.”“Hello, may I speak to Magee Henderson please?”“Speaking.”“How is it going...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Anya Olsen Dava Foxx Making Mommy Squirm

Dava Foxx and her stepdaughter Anya Olsen are relaxing on the couch chatting and gossiping. Dava gets up to get a glass of water. As she walks out of the room, Anya calls to her. ‘Oh, Mom, I saw the CUTEST cat video yesterday. Can I use your laptop to show you?’ Anya asks. Sure, god knows there aren’t ENOUGH cat videos on the internet, Dava says with playful sarcasm. HA HA, Anya says sarcastically, picking up the laptop from the coffee table. Her mom has left the room....

2 years ago
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Why I found it hard to say no to Daddy

An i****tuous happening, if told correctly, can be stimulating and erotic, after all it is about sex, and sex is erotic, if considered forbidden.I am the product of an i****tuous relationship, one that has brought joy, happiness and fulfillment, not the dirty evil and socially malfunctioning family, other would have you believe it is, yes I have been my fathers keeper and lover, and you know what, I still enjoy our relationship, twenty years later.My parents were confirmed naturists, and we...

3 years ago
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The Magical Underpants of Tibet

Jeff's body was present with me at the dinner table, but it seemed as though he looked right through me. Lately he had grown a little distant. Not the distant that causes a wife to worry about her husband's faithfulness. Instead, it was the kind that occurs when someone seems to be searching for answers. "What's wrong? You look like something is really bothering you." "Ah, it's nothing. You know how I get to thinking sometimes." "Whatcha thinking about? Maybe I can help you...

5 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 14

LEVERIA Head-ranger Adarian knelt before me. I let him kneel for quite a while, my anger simmering silently in the throne room. “Rise.” I finally commanded, “Explain yourself, Ranger.” “My queen,” Adarian said, rising to his feet, “our attack on the Terdini tribe was repelled. Brock Terdini was not present, but we did dispatch his wife.” “I don’t give a shit about his wife!” I said angrily, “How does an elite company of rangers lose to a pack of beasts?!” Adarian paused. “You Highness,...

1 year ago
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A daydream

When I was at work I used to daydream about my old teacher all the time, he used to be a P.E. teacher so he was well toned and good looking and every day I used to get a hardon whilst he taught. I had just finished my last year of high school and I daydreamed about him all the time and what I would love to do with him. One day I remember in particular because I had my best dream yet… I had just got a detention from him and I had to stay behind after high school with him the next day, I spent...

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My First Time In school Based On A True Story

I’m not a great story teller but I’ll try. So it was my senior year in High school. Me and my friends just got done taking our senior exams. Being seniors after the exams we got to go home early. But I decided to stay a little and say my goodbye’s to all the underclassman etc. I pretty much knew everyone in school. I was also cool with everybody….Except this one bitch, which we’ll call Jezebel. I knew her and nearly all my classmates since elementary school. I had beef with many close friends...

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The Chosen One

Have you ever had a nightmare when something happens to your sleeping, unconscious body in the physical world and your mind weaves the experience into your nightmare, making them the most realistic, terrifying, disturbing dreams ever? I had a few in my teenage years, and there are two in particular that I remember very vividly.The first one took place when I was around twelve, my pet rat escaped from his cage one night and decided to waltz across my snoring face, which my brain transformed into...

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Filled Desires

Laura, a voluptuous young brunette, age 23, is finally ready to let herself be with another woman. However, she wants it at a hotel - away from home, somewhere neutral. The arrangements were made for her, as she could never have done them on her own. The lady who will meet Laura at the hotel has one stipulation, though: she would like to have the young brunette dressed in a particular fashion. Laura is to be dressed in a black satin bustier, black satin garter belt, light black hose, and...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Gina Gerson Mindy With Passion

Gina Gerson and Mindy are ready to double team Jason X. with a passion that you’ll have to see to believe. After exchanging some loving kisses while Jason watches them above him, they slide their bras off and then go to work caressing Jason’s chest as they work their way lower. Once they have pulled his briefs down with their teeth, their shared toy is revealed and ready to be played with. A double blowjob where the girls work together to lick Jason’s balls and suck him off is...

5 years ago
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Hunger for opportunity

I have been reading iss for a long time & been fantasizing about the stories in iss. Fantasizing & self-help had been the story of my sex life till three months ago. Thus when i finally lost my virginity, i decided that i will share the same on iss. I passed out of my engineering college last year when i was 22. Being attractive, i had always got many proposals from many guys. In college. But most were of emotional in nature. The guys were all afraid of making any physical approach. &...

3 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 10 Schneider rsquo s Island 9

[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]The inn was as crowded as ever as staff, just as much as guests, were pouring out from the inn, all eager to get off the island. There had been a mass exodus suggested for all inhabitants of the formerly sl*epy island town from the sheriff, who was erring on the side of caution, in trying to get people out even if there was a suspect in custody. Naturally there was some disagreement...

2 years ago
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Travel Needs

Traveling for work was never my favorite part of the job but I didn’t really mind it. Hell, it got me out of the house for days at a time which was something I needed every once and a while. With my husband and two kids, the term “me time” was pretty much nonexistent. The added bonus of it all being on the company dime was just an added bonus. This trip was a little different though. Normally, I traveled alone and my sales pitches were done solo. This week I had Scott, our newest salesman with...

Wife Lovers
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Young Threesome

She was beautiful. Brown hair, with the most amazing blue eyes you've ever seen. With a smile that just topped it off. I could have sworn I was in love with her, and I barley knew her. I wanted to think of her for her personality, not her looks. But I couldn't help it. She was like a burnt image in my head. I wanted to kiss her, be close to her. She always smelled like a thousand roses. I couldn't get enough of her perfect aroma.It was just like any other day in this terrible town. Rainy,...

4 years ago
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A Harley Babe Takes Me For a Ride

This story is one from years back that I’ve been meaning to tell. It’s primarily about this fiery lass named Erin that I met after moving to a new apartment. I was inside unpacking boxes last Friday night when I heard the familiar rumble of a Harley roar up. I briskly walked out front, figuring one of my buddies had driven an hour to check out the new place, but had to glance around when I found the street empty. In the driveway across the street was parked a beautiful Harley-Davidson Fatboy,...

Straight Sex
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Fun Trip In Goa

Hi sexy guys and girls, we are here to share a wonderful experience of ours with you. I am Vicky (30 yrs) and my wife Nisha (29 yrs), whitish complexion, 32b-29-34, black hairs, we enjoy our sex life very much, it is a real fun. There was a time when we were as active as 2-3 times of full sex daily, but now as time passed by and responsibilities increased it just got faded away. This incident happened to us 10 days back when we went for a Goa trip. We were keen on a company of another couple...

2 years ago
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This story is not to be copied or moved to another web site Well here it is Halloween and I have an idea to dress up with my older bro and take the two younger bros out to trick or treat. When the big night came I got some of my sisters things to dress up in. I took all I needed to look just like her with the panties bra and skirt and blouse with a short jacket over it all. I must say so myself that after I was dressed and ready to go I did look just like my sister. I could not believe it I...

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Change of Seasons

Change of Seasons By Tigger (C)opyright 2017 Author's Note. Since the original Seasons of Change by Joel Lawrence dates to 1989, and my own most recent posted story of Seasons House was posted almost 11 years ago, the names and faces in this story (especially since many of them have several names) may not be familiar or easily recalled. Given that there are almost twenty fairly long to very long stories in the Seasons Universe, I have come up with two aids to readers. 1. ...

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A First For him

I am easily intimidated, especially when I feel like I don't know what to expect. I only enjoy new things if I am with someone I trust completely, with them the vulnerability of trying something for the first time can be romantic and downright sexy. With a stranger or even a new relationship, new things make me uncomfortable, nervous, even afraid. I need to know they'll listen to me if I am not enjoying it, you know?Although, I have to confess ... I get off on being the more experienced one in...

4 years ago
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It Is Good to Be the DemonChapter 27

The night ended even better. Of course, the girls wanted to go to Lucille's after the things that had happened today. I surprised the shit out of all of them when I told them I was going to Lucille's as well, if she would have me. She jumped in the truck with me, and told Amy to drive her car home. And told Holly to drive Amy's car home. They took her orders with no questions at all. Must be that "Mother's voice" thing. I told her I wanted to tell her what happened with Red. "You can...

1 year ago
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High School Sweetheart part 2 of 4

My sentence was over, and I was finally free. The day I'd spent months waiting for had finally arrived, and I found myself stretched out across a cold, metal examination table. I was wearing a hospital gown, but it did little, if anything to warm me while I shivered, alone in the quiet room. There was a soft knock on the door, followed by the doctor entering, and his nurse behind him. "Marion, right?" he asked, while flipping through my chart. "Yes, sir." He set the clipboard down, and...

3 years ago
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I was born in Harrogate, England, in the mid 50’s. My Mum was a housewife at the time, my Dad was in the building trade. It all started, my love of nylon that is, with my Mum, when I was about 5 or 6 years old. Like a lot of housewives of that generation she liked to wear pretty feminine, clothes, even when doing domestic duties. I don't remember my Mum wearing trousers until many years later, it was almost always skirt’s, sometimes a dress for a posh do, during the 50’s and 60’s. I often...

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Wasted a good cup of coffee lol

first off i havent actually slept yet ive been up all night playing video games since aound 6am when the power came back online and amazingly i could get online. anyways just a few moments ago i was jerking off while drinking my 3rd cup of coffee. half way through my drink i thought to myself that i could shoot my load into my coffee and drink it. dont know why i wanted to do that but anyways i held the cup near my cock as i kept coming closer to blowing my load. soon enough im cumming in my...

4 years ago
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Mere Akelepan Na Karwai Mujh Se Mere Pati Se Bewafai

Akelapan or pyar ki bhoonk do esi cheezen hain jo aksar insaan se vo karwati hai jo usne kabhi nahi socha hota. Mere sath bhi kuch esea hi hua. Mein kabhi nahi chahti thi ke mein apne pati ke ilawa kisi ke bare mein sochun par zindagi ko kuch aur hi manzoor hai. Vese to hum bhare poore parivar se hain lakin mere pati ki job ki vajah se hamein Gurgaon rehna padta hai. Mere pati ek badi company ke marketing department ke head hai, is vajah se unhe bohat kam karna padta hai. Vo aksar late ghar...

3 years ago
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Rich Delhi Women And Cake Delivery Boy

Hello This is Sammer again. Thanks for your emails and support. I got many emails from females and cuckolds and have a nice time with them. Female and cuckold can contact me at I assures your secrecy and privacy. I am a nice human being with great heart This happen in January 2017. I got a mail from one of my reader namely Roshni Malhotra (name changed due to privacy). She is 40 year old, rich, punjabi women with lots of money and a busy businessman hubby. She chatted me on hangout that night...

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Introduction: He was a 21 year old virgin who needed help. Watch out! Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head. Two young men came running towards her. Jesus, guys! What are you trying to do? Give an old lady a heart attack? she asked, laughing. Old, my ass, mom said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head. This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend,...

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My wife Lisa PT 4

Cont. from part 3Over the next few weeks Lisa began spending more time with the k**s I guess to keep her mind out of the gutter and I would bring her home small gifts just to show her my affection things were back to normal, I would still watch her on cam occasionally and on some days she would masturbate, I would lock myself in my office and masturbate while watching her, wow she still turned me oneven after so many years of marriage. This routine went on for a good while and I began watching...

2 years ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Skylar Vox Second Appearance

Skylar works as a stripper and has become quite upset at what she views as unfair treatment towards her. Why are some of the other strippers getting preferential treatment and making so much more money. She wants her fair cut of the cheesecake in this operation. Bringing her grievance to the boss she soon discovers just what the girls had to do to get those prime money making slots. Seems the manager likes to find out just what a girl is ready to do. Well Skylar is a business woman and she...

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Gangbanged during a Burglary

Sorry for my english!Its been a long day so my husband and i decided to go to bed early.As usual dont wear that much a panty and a bra and since its actually kinda warm i didnt wear my slip on dress. We were almost falling asleep when my huband heard sumthing he decided to take a look while i was waiting for him. A couple of minutes passed and all of a sudden there was alot off noise downstairs before it got quiet again. At some point i can hear sumone coming up the stairways. Our bedroom door...

2 years ago
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The Club s Newest Attractions Chapters 1 2

by DarkRide Feb 2018 1. Morning After / Night Before - Jo I was dead to the world when our daughter came slowly into our bedroom holding the envelope. Kelli quietly nudged my hubby Chris til he woke with a loud moan that failed to even make me stir. Bleary eyed and a little confused, he stared at her standing there sheepishly in her cute yellow nightie, holding the large yellow envelope out toward him. Before accepting it from her outreached hand, he stared at it quizzically, and rubbed...

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JulesJordan Brandi Love Mommy Wants Meat Brandi Love Gets A Supersized Cock

Beautiful MiLF Brandi Love is simply tight and right in this scene from Jules Jordan. In fact she’s more of a WiLF (woman I’d like to fuck). Her big league assets are on full display, decked out in all red lingerie. The hazel-eyed starlet makes her way to the top of a stairway during a nice tease sequence. It’s at this summit where Brandi and her backside should be bronzed and turned to a statue. She delivers a two-fisted bj to Chris Strokes. Including a wonderful titty fuck sequence that...

5 years ago
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A summer to remember

Summer! I love summer and the one I’m going to tell you about was a summer to go down in the annals. I was young, footloose and fancy free, and I was on holiday. I’d better explain. All those years ago, I had been invited to spend the summer holidays with my friend Pete and his parents. He lived in a northern seaside resort and I had just moved from there to a midland industrial city. No contest, I was going! The sea, the sun, the girls… Ah the girls, that also explained why I was laid up in...

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Awakened PassionsCh2

Introduction: Second chapter to the story. More will come, just bare with me please as I right and enjoy the storie ~_~ Ch2 She stormed down the stairs and out of the house. Robby following her all the way out. It was hard, but it had to be done, she realized that now. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOEN LARAIN?! He was screaming at her cause he couldnt understand why she no longer wanted to clean his house cook his food wash his cloths and, probably the most important part, expected her to wait for...

4 years ago
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Prurient ParishionersChapter 29 The Set Up

"We got him baby. For sure." "Damn it, don't call me baby. My name is Louise." The two uniformed police officers were sitting in a hotel room next to the room that Smart and Ramsay leased. Yesterday they had seen Mr. Thompson, the High School Principal give Smart $300 to arrange a meeting with a girl who could pretend to be a schoolgirl. The two police officers watched the television screen that was displaying the camera feed from the adjoining room with interest and, although they...

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The Au naturel GirlsChapter 14

"Where's Sarah?" A naked Adam asked as Tabitha sauntered into the dining room. She had just arrived home from her friend's house at the other end of the street and scowled at the man crouched over their dining table with newspaper spread out and a dirty piece of machinery being cleaned by him. "She's not here, she's gone somewhere else," Tabitha said gruffly. "Where's Nat?" "She's not home," Adam replied. "It's just me." Tabitha snorted. "And that better be getting...

2 years ago
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Demon s Bride

Jane couldn't believe how boring this evening had been so far. When she had promised her brother to go to his fiancée's hen night she had feared it wouldn't be her thing but that it would be this awful she had never expected. She had been prepared for an evening of giggling girls, alcohol and strippers. But it had turned out to be even worse: twenty women were sitting in Tiffany's flat, listening to her reading from some tarot cards or asking this with-board questions about their futures. Jane...

2 years ago
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Docile for Daddy

I’m typing this naked, with dried cum all over my tits. He never allows me to wipe it off. He called me at 7 PM and told me he’s be by. I knew exactly what it meant. I undressed and stepped into the shower, feeling the nice, hot water cascading down over my long, auburn hair, alabaster face, swollen and needy breasts, taut stomach and long, smooth, shaven legs. Naturally, some of it sluiced down and around my vagina, already throbbing in anticipation of what would soon be done to me. I...

4 years ago
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Making Mom HappyChapter 7

“That was fabulous mom,” I said, feeling exhausted now, but also exhilarated. “Good” she replied, beaming a wide smile at me. “Well-done son” said dad, reassuringly, “You’re no longer a virgin now, and what a way to become initiated to the ways of sex”, he added. “Now, we don’t want to tire you out completely,” said mom, looking at me slightly concerned. “We’ve done a lot tonight. Go to bed, as we want you to recharge yourself and rest for tomorrow, when we’ll have some more fun.” I got...

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My Daughter s Friend 1

I counsel at two of the local youth centers, and deal regularly with children who have been molested, all confuse love with sex and always associate the two, so it is very easy to talk them into sucking your dick, or fucking their little pussys, seeing the same behavior in my neighbor, I knew she was being fucked, and I knew I would fuck her also. After about six months she began to use any excuse to touch my ass, from picking nonexisant lent, to invisible dust, then she started to outright...

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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 3

“What’s going on?” Tricia asked suspiciously when she saw the two of us come down the stairs. “I’ll tell you later,” I promised with a smile. “Everything’s fine. You worry too much.” She looked like she wanted to say something else, but I took the pause to roll off, looking for a drink, dragging her along. Patty had taken over the job of bartender and poured me a soda. I hadn’t had a chance to talk to her much this evening and I felt bad about that. “You outdid yourself on the cake, Mamma....

4 years ago
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Hot Sex With An ISS Reader In A Hotel

Hi again to all the ISS readers. This is RK from Chennai with another great sex experience with an ISS reader. For feedbacks and secret sex, mail me at (privacy guaranteed) Now coming to the story… a week earlier I was checking my inbox for feedbacks and found a mail of a girl named priya (name changed). In the mail she mentioned about herself and asked me my phone number. I was a bit excited after reading her mail. After conforming her identity I kindly replied her my phone number. Then the...

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Second ChanceChapter 3

Since I was alive, it seemed like a great idea to have some fun, get some rest, and enjoy kicking back and thinking about nothing. The twists and turns in my life had been physically brutal and emotionally exhausting. I needed down time, and the house and Fornier's toys were just what the doctor ordered. After lunch, we dismissed the driver, moved our things into the master bedroom, moved most of Fornier's things out, and began to systematically remove all traces of him from the...

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Pleasure With Hot Neighbour Girl Part 1

Hi, this is vishal in college 3rd year from rohini delhi. I am a smart dude with 6 inches dick and can satisfy any girl or women. So any delhi girl who want sex can freely contact me via email on To ab seedha story pe aata hu . Ye baat ek mhine phle ki bt hai, jb hm kapshera se rohini transfer hue. To phle din hi mne dekha ki ek cute si ldki with figure 38 24 38 hmari gali se andar jaa rhi thi . Actually vo gali band thi to m uske piche gya gali dkhne k bhaaane to mne dekha ki vo ldki gali...

4 years ago
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Hollowe EnChapter 1

Faith stands at the edge of the special pumpkin patch that she and Morgan have created. She smirks to herself. It is rather ironic that Halloween is only three days away and here they have created a pumpkin patch that they plan to reveal at the company’s Halloween party. The company they work for is the leading manufacturer in sex toys. But the company doesn’t just have the regular lines of toys for men and women like all the other companies in the same industry. What does separate Original...

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A low price for fixing the toilet

That morning my loving husband got up and went to the bathroom. After he had a warm shower, he came out telling me that the toilet was leaking. He added now he was in a hurry and begged me to check in the net and get a plumber to come and solve the matter. After he left, I called my former lover Andy, as he was a plumber.I told him about the leaking and he first joked and asked if that's just my way to get him to visit and fuck me at my own bed…I said it was not a bad ploy but the toilet was...

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The Encounter

I texted you at work, to let you know if you had time that I would be at this hotel. If you wanted to come over for a visit. You texted me back saying that you are leaving work early and that you'll be over soon. I got the suite ready with silk ties that would be put to use on you later You arrive and we embrace one another and kiss passionately. We have not been together in a few months so we decide to get down to business. You want to take off my dress but I say that I will strip for you...

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Not That Bad

NOT THAT BAD by Marlissa Being a girl wasn't all that bad, thought Kim. You could wear the prettiest clothes and make yourself as beautiful as you could with all the make up and perfume and nail polish and everything. The catalogs were filled with such nice things too. You could get lost in the wonderful clothing catalogs from all those great stores-- Spiegel's, Royal Silk, and of course, Victoria's Secret. Even Frederick's of Hollywood had pretty things. The bras...

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mature neighbor

Barry was just getting round to finishing the paint job that he had started for Martine. his neighbor. Barry had done it partly out of courtesy and also just to get close to Martine whom he had spent many a pleasurable hour wanking at the thought of what he would do to this sexy bitch of a woman. Martine had been in the house most of the time that Barry had been working and he was sure she knew what effect she was having on Barry as she went about the housework proceeding to give Barry plenty...

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Imperious Brothers Three Eryk s Prize part 1

As the late afternoon girls finished their sad, desperate attempt at scraping up enough money to pay their bills or getting their fixes, Eryk pulled a vial from his pocket. He didn’t care where he was, he was going to enjoy himself. Laying out 3 tiny lines of pure uncut cocaine on the mirrored surface of the table in front of him, it would be more than enough, he listened to the D.J. announce the next girl. “Thank you, Gentlemen, for coming out this Thursday afternoon, that was our Delicious...

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Badge of Dishonor Ch 14

Passion In James County X: Badge of Dishonor Chapter fourteen Lise Billingham sat at her desk, opening the bag that held her lunch, when Luke Thomas, a young deputy she’d gone to high school with, walked into the office holding a coffee cup in his hand. ‘Hi, Lise,’ Luke said. ‘I heard you were working here now. How are you doing?’ ‘I’m fine,’ Lise replied. ‘I didn’t realize you were a deputy.’ ‘I’ve been one for two years,’ Luke said. ‘Ever since I got out of college. I usually work night...

1 year ago
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Stress Relief

For you, master James, for the plot and being my muse for this story. Perhaps someday, we will check this fantasy of our lists. Your geisha * * * You have been watching me for almost a week from afar. 7pm sharp – I arrive home from university on the dot every day. I am good girl. I live all alone but I’m disciplined, leaving men and drunken parties out of my life. You like good girls. They are the best to break. Once you unleash their wild side, they are the dirtiest sluts. Best of all, you...

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Me and my boyfriend in the park

I was at home all day, it being Friday and my day off from Uni. My boyfriend had been at work and I had missed him. All day I was in the mood and started to get frustrated I began to play with myself a little. Teasing myself. Never actually coming to an orgasm, waiting for the real thing. When he got home Evan decided he wanted to go to the Pub for dinner and a few drinks. It is just around the corner so we walked, so we could both drink. I couldn’t keep my mind out of his pants all night....

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 107

The CEO of Travel Corp. almost spit his coffee across the room when his assistant informed him that Elizabeth Barton-Warner was waiting to see him. The man glanced nervously at his watch and it confirmed what he already knew: He was late. The day had started off poorly with an argument with his teenage daughter over the attire she had chosen for a trip to the beach with her friends – a fight that extended from the weekend and filtered down to his younger daughter. He found a flat tire on his...

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Accidental Experiment The Experiment BeginsChapter 7

Dan didn't know what he was getting into, when his friends talked him into breaking into the big RV. He and his buddies had done it before, but usually they made sure no one was in the rig. This time when they saw several people leave, it was voted that Dan go in first, this time. Then they saw the mother and daughter come back Dan tried to tell his buds to wait or choose a different rig. They didn't want to. One of the 'friends' decided that if Dan could get in, he wanted in to see if...

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just a fantasy between bros without the hoes

One of my fantasies...... I come in and we start off with the inspection.You make me take my shirt off and then stand in front of you with my hands on my head.You then undo the button on my jeans, and pull the zipper down, and pull the pants down to my ankles.You then pull my underwear down, and begin to make fun of my penis.You then make me step out of everything and take my socks off.You then begin to inspect my penis and balls. Pinching, stretching, playing with my foreskin.Then once done,...

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KlutzChapter 13

There was silence in the small living area after Tim and Ruth left. The silence stretched until it became uncomfortable. Then it stretched until it became unbearable and Susan said, "I'll find someplace else for the girls and I to stay today." Her voice had a defeated, dead sound to it. It reminded Bill of what she sounded like when her car wouldn't start in front of the court house that first day. It was like one too many burdens had been put on her. Bill hated that sound in her...

2 years ago
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A price to be paid alternative ending

A Price to be paid (A story of Sam's life by Dee Beth) Sam Elloit was an un descript male it seemed, having a life that was if anything, nothing special. That is until late in his life when his hidden desires finally caught up to him, and changed his life forever. But let's start at the beginning to understand how this could happen. As a youngster growing up in the early 70's, he was not athletic, did not do especially well in his class study, and from very early age, felt he was...

4 years ago
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A Cautionary Tale

It really wasn't an easy scene for me to watch, so I didn't stand there for very long. Slowly and with a sick feeling in my stomach, I turned back into the crowd of revellers and began to make my way out of the club. You know it wasn't as if I was just angry, there was a terrible feeling of disappointment I felt as well. I'd just seen the two people who I thought were my closest and most trusted friends standing on the dance floor kissing and cuddling each other. One, the woman I loved...

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My fortieth birthday had just gone by the previous week, with quite a fanfare of celebration. The years just seemed to have flown by. I sat back at my desk in the basement and reminisced the last twenty years. Moreover, perhaps puzzling what changes I should have made, if any at all. Or would all that had gone on this last month be an indication of the next decade. My teenage life was uneventful, I had a few girlfriends but nothing much happened until I was nineteen, then Jane appeared on the...

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There’s a level that exists few people can reach it. To most it is unreachable as unreachable as you are to me. I slap you hard across the face, the slap born from frustration and anger at my own foolishness. Instantly I want to cry with the relief. Your eyes are no longer kind and though it’s not an immediate reflex you react consciously by slapping me back harder and meaner than I ever could. I slap you again and this time by tears start to fall, they run fast in groups as if escaping the...

Love Stories
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DevilsFilm Isabella Nice Cali Caliente Fucking The Neighbors

Cali Caliente is having a conversation with her husband, Chris Blaccwood. She tells him that their neighbor – Isabella Nice – is into threesomes, and that Isabella is interested in having sex with Cali and Chris. At first, Chris is worried that Cali will get jealous, but Cali insists it’s fine if Isabella is going to be having sex with BOTH of them. So they call Isabella over, and that’s when the fun begins, starting with the ladies stripping, and Chris slapping...

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Taking the ClassChapter 2 Tuesday Afternoon 3PM Rage

Moments later, a soft, timid knocking on her door startled Alaina upright. When she saw who it was, she experienced—for the first time—what it meant to have one’s vision go red. WHY IS HE HERE? Why the fuck is he here? “You.“ she said. She glared at the intruder, her entire being suddenly filled with more fury than she’d thought possible. Her hands clenched at the comforter on her bed. Her face flushed. I’ll kill him. I’ll fucking kill him! “Uh. Hi, Prez,” said Will White. His voice was...

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Sex On The Water Tank

Hello, readers!!!! With an overwhelming response to my last sex story, I’m here sharing my another experience with all you guys. But first of all, I would love to thank you guys for more than 6000 likes in less than 3 days and so many emails flooding in the mailbox. Please keep all this love as always. And remember my stories are very romantic and long. So read it, you will believe in making love rather than just sex or inter course. Trust me, you’d have goosebumps reading it and it would...

4 years ago
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Fucked Wife Thinking Of Sister in law In Next Room

Hi all, today I am going to tell you all about a real incident that happened in my life. I am 37 years old, have an average-sized dick, which can be taken up easily in hand. However, I also feel that size does not matter that, it is the stamina that is required for one has to perform. I live with my wife and kid. My wife is 32 years old, having a very nice figure. She has a 30 waist and wears a 32C bra, so that’s how it is. Coming to the incident, a few days ago my sister-in-law (my wife’s...

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Strange Shower Encounter pt1

It was late one evening after the track team had timed runs, we were getting ready for a meet, and coach wanted us at our best. This evening the varsity football squad was practicing also, they finished before we did and after some playful joking around they left for the locker room. As we finished up, I was assigned to help gather up the equipment, Edward was also there and the two of us dutifully placed everything in the teams locker. Edward and I started towards the locker room to shower...

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Awakening of Alexis part 1

The Awakening of Alexis - Part 1I can't say that I really regret anything that's happened. Step by step it's been unbelievably exciting. Let me explain what happened.I am in my late forties and Alexis, my wife of some 18 years, is the same age. She is tall, fairly slim, with brown eyes and hair, smallish breasts, and with lots of light brown pubic hair. Our sex life has been drab to say the least and as our sex has dropped off, I've tried to find new ways to excite her. I have never been...


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