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Bobbi shook her chestnut hair loose from the loose bun she wore during work hours before leaving and locking up. Outside the coffee shop, the air felt heavy, oppressive. Ominous black nimbuses blanketed the sky across the horizon blotting out the sinking sun. A flash of lightning in the belly of the clouds, electricity charging the already humid air and Bobbi paused to count the distance till the thunder. She quickened her step wanting to get in before the storm. The fine hairs on her neck prickled with excitement. There would be no need for lights or TV tonight, she would have the best show going on outside her windows when the storm finally hit.

She rounded the corner at the end of the block and slammed to a stop moments before colliding with the woman leaning on the mailbox. Apologies spilled out of her while she back-stepped trying to put safe space between them.

"You're late." The strange girl accused. Confusion and fear warred across Bobbi's face as she tried to remember if there was anyplace she was supposed to be, anyone she was supposed to meet. Her distress worsened as she tried to place the svelte blonde. A long moment passed while she cudgelled her brain trying to think where she knew the blonde from. The puzzlement must have shown on her face because the stern look on the stranger melted into a warm playful smile. Her green eyes flashed with playful mischief and Bobbi gasped.

"You're the frothy cappuccino with chocolate shavings with extra froth!" Bobbi remembered the viridian eyes, the maroon lips in that impish smile and the tiny flip of her ponytail that had made her blush while fixing the drink.

"And you're the naughty girl who didn't give me enough shavings. What shall we do about that?" The blonde stood with arms akimbo pulling her navy silk shirt tight across full breasts. A narrow black nylon strap separated her breasts as it crossed from shoulder to hip, a messenger bag of some sort along her back. Bobbi tried to look away and caught the glint of silver at the girl's neckline, a slim chain that disappeared into the vee of her collar, into the soft rising chest. Black leggings gave way to cute black flats.

"Well, I'm waiting."

"Huh?" Bobbi had no answer, no idea what the girl was waiting for. She wasn't at work. What could she do to help her here?

"My shavings? I think something is in order here to fix this."

Bobbi stammered a moment, unsure what she should do or say, "if you want, you can have one of our staff make you a new one more to your liking. We'll pick up the tab."

The blonde smiled then and Bobbi exhaled, glad she had chosen the right words. Tension flooded from her shoulders as she nodded and prepared to continue on her way when the blonde spoke. "I have a better idea!" A flash of lightning followed by a boom of thunder made Bobbi shudder. In that sudden flash she saw a smile slip across the blonde's face. Fat warm drops of rain kissed each woman's cheek, forehead and jawline before the sky opened up and poured forth.

Bobbi ignored the shudder, the shiver that was both excitement and terror as she ran for the cover of her apartment building. She fumbled for her key and pressed into the building before the deluge got worse. The door swung shut behind her and she strode across the foyer to the elevator as it slid open. She stepped in and pressed the button for her floor, turned around and leaned back on the car's far wall. She closed her eyes and let the sigh escape. A sudden ding of the doors and they reopened. Standing there arms akimbo, flashing green eyes and mischief smile the blonde asked, "Room in here for one more?"

She stepped in, the jaws of the elevator doors slid shut behind her. The car began to move upwards and she pressed Bobbi back against the wall with her body. She pinned Bobbi's arms behind her, stepped one leg between her two and pushed her thigh up against Bobbi's crotch. The blonde leaned in brushing her lips across Bobbi's left ear, she whispered, "Not a sound or you get the red rubber ball."


"Uhn-unh. No sound. I have no problem giving you the ball." Matter of fact, no threat, no malice. Bobbi struggled in the blonde's grip. She couldn't decide between the fear she knew she should feel and the excitement of possibility. Thunder boomed as another jag of electricity ripped across the unseen skies outside. A quiver ran through her belly. The blonde backed up a step when the elevator doors opened, a tall elderly man stepped in.

Bobbi smiled and nodded at Mr. Thompson, probably the oldest person she knew in the building. He smiled back and winked at the blonde. "Quite the storm, ladies. You want to be out of this elevator in case the power goes off." He pushed the button for his floor and stepped away a polite distance. If he noticed the girls holding hands, he never acknowledged it.

Seconds ticked by like years before the elevator opened on Bobbi's floor. She waved shyly at him as the blonde led her down the hall. As the doors closed again, she caught Mr. Thompson winking and smiling, shooing them off to their private adventures. A squeeze on her left hand brought her attention back to the hall, the blonde a half step ahead of her and the pending doom that she was sure was coming. She won't kill me, Bobbi thought. She won't hurt me. Silently, she repeated the mantra to herself when she felt a tug telling her to speed up.

"That was very good, naughty girl. You deserve a reward. Where is your suite?" She slowed, letting Bobbi take the lead. Instead of following in step, she stopped, pulled Bobbi back around and steered her backwards to the nearest wall. Quick small hands pinned her against the panelled wall. Again, the blonde stepped in close one leg between Bobbi's and breathed hot on her collarbone. A gasp escaped Bobbi. She bit back the whimper in her throat. Heat blossomed in her cheeks as she felt warm lips along her neck. A tingle ran down through her body, a lightning strike of excitement that touched all her nerves at once.

And just as suddenly, the blonde pulled away and pushed Bobbi forward aiming her down the hall. She stumbled the first step, her knees unwilling to support her. She knew she was wet, or going to be soon. Fear faded to the background as she fished again for her keys with one hand, the other tethered to the blonde still. When she got to her door, her hand shook as she tried to get the key in the lock. She took a deep breath to still the tremor and tried again. Unbidden, a gentle but firm hand reached and held her steady, aiming the key home. A snick of the deadbolt, a turn of the handle and they were inside the apartment, the door closed shut with finality. Bobbi felt her breath quicken as she reached for the light switch. That same confident hand that guided the key stayed her wrist against the switch, keeping the two in darkness. She felt the woman press into her, breasts pushing against hers, pinning her to the wall. A throaty whisper in her right ear, "Aren't you going to welcome me in?"

A note of terror crept into Bobbi's voice as she stammered, "Welcome, make yourself at home." A flash from outside caught her guest's face for a moment. She saw that smile again and icy fear locked her body. The blonde edged closer to her, near enough to kiss and pressed a finger against Bobbi's lips.

"Why are you such a bad girl? One would think you wanted that red ball." Her other hand rummaged in a pocket of the pack behind her. "Turn around." it was a command, polite as "pass the sugar, please" but brooking no other response.

Bobbi's heart raced. Fear poked icy fingers in her belly again, but she turned, afraid of what might happen. A second later, the other girl pushed her weight into Bobbi. First one knee then the other intruded between her legs driving them apart. One hand snaked spread fingers up along her neck into her hairline. The fingers curled around her dark hair and pulled her head back from the wall. "Open wide." Quiet, not a whisper, a demand, simple and polite. Bobbi wanted to protest, to scream, to agree, to moan but said nothing afraid she had been wrong after all. Something jammed against her lips, pushed her jaws apart with insistence. The blonde invaded her mouth with the foreign thing, moved with deft fingers, pulling a short nylon strap around behind her head, cinching with a longer strap.

"Too tight?" Polite again, caring even as fingers tried to slip between cheek and strap.

Musk invaded Bobbi's nose, a salty scent wild with promise. Her tongue pushed back against the ball between her teeth tasting what must be the blonde's juices. The heady combination pulled back on the fear pulsing through her. She tried to respond, but even the whimper died, giving way to a moan, inarticulate and low. Hands gripped her, spun her and slammed her back into the wall away from the door, away from the lights and pinned her arms up and behind her head. No pain, but moving them proved fruitless. Outside the window of her living room, Bobbi watched helpless as the rain streamed long rivers down the panes. The rumble of thunder vibrated through her body while lightning crackled across the sky. Her captor sidled up close and pressed a hand between her legs, feeling the warmth, the wet. Unconsciously, Bobbi pushed her hips against the hand. Terror fought with her desire, no idea which would win.

"Good." The slim blonde smiled that wolf's grin again and caressed Bobbi's cheek. Bobbi struggled against the blonde, her arms "Shall we begin?"

"Now, the way I see it, you have a couple of choices here." In the dark, Bobbi felt cool fingers trace long lines down her cheek, along her jaw to her chin. A press on the ball gag in her mouth as the blonde leaned in kissing it, using the ball like her own tongue and nudging it deeper into Bobbi's mouth. The fingers trailed down her neck, caressed her collarbone and fluttered briefly with her shirt collar. Bobbi felt the tug as the top button came undone, hot breath on her skin as the blonde tasted the top of the valley between her breasts. Fingers teased at the next button for a moment before prising it open.

Casual voice, sweetness in the tone, brazen dare in the words, "You can suffer through what's about to happen in the dark, with a blindfold on or you can watch helpless and silent. Either way --" a pause as she tweaked Bobbi's nipple through her bra, enjoying the hardening pebble she felt there. She continued, "either way, I will have to tie you up. It can't be avoided."

Bobbi whimpered and shook her head.

"What? You don't want to be tied up? I can't do this otherwise, someone might get hurt.

Again, Bobbi shook her head, arched her back this time and strained her arms, trying to pull a hand free while the blonde tugged her shirt out of her pants. She tried to speak, futile with the ball gag so tight in her mouth.

"I'm sorry, naughty miss. I can't understand a word you're saying. You want the blindfold?"

Bobbi shook her head again, emphatic, eyes wide in fear.

"Are you sure? You really want to watch what I'm about to do to you? Maybe you mean you want me to leave you untied?"

She took a chance in the darkness, pleaded with her eyes, hoping the girl would understand not to bind her. Fate allowed a flash of light from the storm and she prayed the look had been seen and understood.

"That's settled, then." The blonde drew a long "S" down the length of Bobbi's belly, circling her navel twice before continuing to the waist of her pants. "You can watch."

The deft hands unclasped her belt, undid her pants and let them drop to the floor. Bobbi squirmed against this new vulnerability. Her feet trapped in the puddle of pants, shoes still on, she felt the coolness of the wall on her bare ass.

She heard a low coo from her captor as the free hand slid over her hips, caressing and assessing her discoveries. "Mmm, a commando girl. You really are naughty. I approve." A pause in the voice, but Bobbi heard a purr, a hint of content from her captor. "Oh and look!" A gentle tug on her pubic hair and Bobbi squealed with surprise.

The blonde slid her nails back up Bobbi's torso, tickling her ribs in passing. Goose-flesh rose in the wake of the nails, a shiver quivered up her spine. The fingers drew an invisible line along the underside of her bra around to the front. With a practiced snap, the cups dropped revealing smooth white skin, pebbly hard pink nipples and a shadowy tribal butterfly tattoo that appeared to be landing on one of them. "Lucky butterfly. Tell me you have more such surprises, naughty girl. Any secret piercings?"

Bobbi whimpered trying to relax. Slow desire melted the icy fear in her belly, it's heat spreading out changing the tension in her. Her guest sensed this, tasted it with her free hand as she kissed a wing on the tattoo.

"We need a chair, a towel and maybe some water. Are you thirsty?"

She nodded with enthusiasm, hoping water meant the ball gag would go away. She heard a low chuckle as she was manoeuvred to the black leather couch under the main window. The storm outside had picked up in intensity. The electricity in the air charged Bobbi's fine arm hair. Anticipation an anxiety made her nerves sizzle again wondering what was going to happen next. The girl held her from behind, a loose armlock meant to restrain bu not hurt Bobbi. She teetered a moment as she pulled her feet clear of the puddle of pants at her ankles. The heels of her black loafers caught for a second in the cuff. The blonde stepped on the pant-leg so she could kick free the shoe and pants. The other came out easily and she toed the shoe off. Several infant steps across the cool hardwood they faced the couch. Bobbi began to turn, want to sit, hoping for a reprieve.

"Uh-uh-uh. Not so fast." The girl steered the two of them to one end of the couch and she kneed the furniture around slowly, awkward because of her passenger. The two of the nearly fell when the sofa slid around abruptly. She re-balanced Bobbi and they straightened up. "Sorry, that wasn't supposed to happen."

Bobbi felt the girl behind her rummage for a second or three, looking for something in her pack. A long black tie snaked into her periphery and she tensed. Despite the muffle, she squeaked uncertain where things were going.

"I did say I need to tie you up, naughty girl. You need to promise to sit still while I raid your kitchen. Can you do that?" The dangling bra slid off her arms in turn. Agile hands wrapped both of Bobbi's in an intricate knot behind her back. She tried the bonds; they were secure, but not tight. She felt comfortable yet helpless. Her captor stepped in front of her, stepped her to the center of the sofa and eased her back. Leather crinkled under her weight. It stuck to her bare skin, slick with a fine sweat as she shifted, trying to find ease.

In her ear, from behind Bobbi heard a husky warning. "Stay put. I will find you if you try to hide." A moment later, she heard running water and the sounds of cupboards being opened and closed. More sounds, a pot or bowl being filled a clatter of utensils, a sudden "Fuck, that's hot!" and more shuffling. Bobbi looked about wildly into the shadows, praying for an answer, an escape to present itself. Maybe the blindfold would have been better. The hints of things outside of her line of sight made her edgy. She shifted again and jolted in her seat when lightning flashed and boomed right in front of her, the windows rattling with concussion.

A second flash and the girl with the ponytail stood in from of her, a silhouette holding two candles and a small bowl of water. Over one shoulder she noted a towel from her cabinet, light against the dark outline of her silk shirt. She hooked an end table with her toes and pulled in closer. She settled the bowl and candles on it. The work of two moments lit each candle and yellow flames danced on either side of the bowl. Light danced on the surface. She swung the small bag around and over her shoulder, dangling it to the floor with a dull thud. The girl crouched down and fished through the contents and pulled out several objects: a leather strap, a small bar of soap, a fluffy cloth , a canister of shaving cream and a straight razor. She arranged the items in orderly fashion on the end table, a surgeon laying out her instruments. She snicked the blade open and stropped it several times on the leather before setting it in place beside the bowl.

"A good girl would promise not to dribble and drip all over the place, but I know you aren't a good girl." She knelt in front of Bobbi and with a tender touch eased her knees apart enough that she could edge between them. Bobbi watched as the girl unfurled the towel off her shoulder. Holding it by two corners, she reached under Bobbi and pushed along the sofa, forcing her to lift her hips. In one deft movement, half the towel under slid under her. In that same moment Bobbi thrilled and arched her back. A moan escaped her while she looked down at the ponytail, feeling hot lips and a tongue on her patch of brunette hair tasting her, licking her, breathing in her scent. "Mmmmm, maybe you are a good girl. You do smell good."

"First, you're going to have to wash this, get it ready. I know, you're a little tied up right now. I can help. Here, hold this --" A silver chain cascaded from her hand and she pulled it out to it's full length between both. She leaned up towards Bobbi, one hand to either side of her neck. Bobbi shuffled forward, leaning as best she could to help. A sudden crack of thunder and lightning jagged past the window and Bobbi gave a small yelp of pain. Instead of reaching around behind Bobbi's neck, the girl had stopped as far as her chest and clamped little gator clips to each nipple. The silver chain hung in a long "U" to just above her navel. The girl smiled sweet and innocent up at the shock on Bobbi's face. "It fit's you perfectly. You'd swear it was made for you." she tugged gently on the chain and her captive moaned, writhing a bit. "Just right." She sounded pleased with herself.

The girl settled back on her heels and rolled up her sleeves. She dipped the cloth into the water. With gentle, ceremonious hands she began to wash the patch of hair in front of her, teasing the already damp bits with little pulls, soaking the entire area with warm water. She winced at the first touch of the hot cloth not expecting it despite the sounds she had heard earlier. "Sorry", the girl apologized, "your water ran warmer than I thought." For solace, she rubbed gently over the tender area with a feather touch from her finger, smoothing away the discomfort all the while. Bobbi's hips rolled with the touch, following it as long as she could.

Once she felt satisfied the tuft was wet where she wanted, as much she wanted, she sprayed a mound of shaving cream into her hand and lathered her captive like icing on a small personal cake. She rinsed her hands in the bowl and continued as if this were a spa day and her most recent client had requested a special waxing treatment. "Ordinarily, one does this with a regular razor, but this is special. Remember about the extra shavings and extra froth?"

Bobbi moaned at the memory, the double entendre she had ignored at the time thinking about something just like this. She edged her hips a little closer, tried to lift them a little higher for her barber.

Her shaver reached up and tugged the chain a little harder than before and looked up at Bobbi, serious and stern all hints of play gone from her voice. "Sit still damn it! This isn't going to hurt, but if you keep wiggling someone will get hurt. Now, do I have your full attention?"

She nodded at the girl with the ponytail, made understanding sounds behind the gag and tried to settle back. All her nerves jangled, each wanting something to happen, something dangerous, something sensual, something totally out of her control.

Another flash of lightning and Bobbi glimpsed that mischief smile before the girl bent her attention downwards. Fire burned in her , the fear, the indecision melted and soaking the towel between her legs and she braced herself for the first stroke of the razor.

Ethereal light from outside reflected off the pearlescent handle of the razor. Bobbi felt the pressure of the blonde's small hand on one hip as the cool steel glided across her skin. A swath of pale skin shone in the candlelight after the blade passed. A dip in the water to rinse the razor and another short swipe at her lathered mound. Lips pressed where bare skin now showed. She could not resist squeezing and lifting her buttocks up, kissing the lips back with pressure if nothing else. Long moments stretched while they pressed against each other. A gentle tug on the silver chain reminded Bobbi to relax and let her new barber finish. Reluctant, she eased back down, arched her back like a cat and waited. The chain wriggled with the movement and she shivered a short gasp on her lips.

The girl between her legs shifted, moved her grip a fraction this way, lifted her that way and stretched a bit of skin to reach a small space. Under her breath, she whispered, "Easy, easy, don't move a muscle." Bobbi listened to the ding of blade on bowl, felt the smooth pull of blade across skin, the hot breath near her lips with each stroke. Petulant moans gave way to hunger-filled gasps as the blade and wielder reached the final small strokes.

"Done." She heard whispered close to her swollen lips and she rolled her hips, wanting the barber-girl to kiss her work, give it a final seal.

The blonde sat up straight and rose to her knees, her mouth a breath away from the red rubber ball. She stroked Bobbi's cheek and kissed the ball, licking her captive's lips all around. "Uh-uh-uh, naughty girl. That part is done. I'm happy to say you were very well behaved and no one got cut badly." She bent to the butterfly, kissing it hello before tugging the clamp with her teeth. "Only one thing left to do. --"

One hand on Bobbi's butterfly nipple, rolling it in her fingers, she reached with the other and dipped the soap bar in the water, rolling it over and over in between palm and fingers working up a small soapy cloud. With both hands, small fingers lathered Bobbi's patch, massaged away tension, smoothing the skin. Bobbi opened her legs wider, inviting the blonde in closer, enveloping her as she washed the shaving cream and water away. When she was sure she had found all the soapy bits and washed them clean, she rinsed and patted down the other's bareness with the towel. Each pass with the towel made Bobbi writhe a bit more.

Dry and clean on the outside, she burned with wetness on the inside. The blonde knelt low kissing the outside lips, nipping each one a little before sucking it. She nuzzled at Bobbi's clit with her nose and hummed a tuneless pleasure sound. Bobbi quivered against the sound, the feeling, grinding and pressing herself into the hot mouth. Strong fingers crawled under her butt lifting her up in supplication. A hot pink tongue lathed over the skin, tasting the juices. Bobbi cried against the ball gag, riding the lips and tongue on her, in her. A hand reached up and jigged the gag loose, the other hand pulled Bobbi down, lips locked together while their tongues touched, twined and pushed at each other.

The work of another moment undid the silk tie behind her and Bobbi grappled with the girl. Her hunger still didn't have a name but she wanted her, needed her with every fibre of her being. Bobbi wrestled with the girl, rolling on the floor, pulling at her clothes, trying to release her. She all but bit the buttons from the blonde's shirt when she reached and tugged the clamps on Bobbi's hard nipples. She squealed but didn't stop, too driven by her need to care.

"Stop." Not a playful command, a simple word that begged obedience. Stunned, Bobbi paused and looked at the girl to see signs of what was wrong. The blonde sat up and waggled a finger at her a look of disapproval on her face before she continued, "Naughty girl, I am so not finished with you yet. You need to lie down"

Bobbi obeyed and scooted herself back up onto the sofa. The ponytail whipped from side to side as the blonde flared the towel out on the floor in front of her. She waggled her finger, beckoning this time, pulling Bobbi to her and pressing her back onto the floor.

She crawled up between Bobbi's legs and leaned over, kissing her on the mouth again deeply. Bobbi reached up and pulled her close, wanted to feel the press of her body. For a second she got her wish until the girl pulled her arms up and lay them down above Bobbi's head . With her free hand she clawed her fingers up into the thick hair splayed on the blanket. She curled those fingers and pulled Bobbi up to her. She leaned close to Bobbi's ear and breathed, "Wait for it!"

She nipped her ear then, tugging the lobe and growling before sinking her teeth into Bobbi's neck hollow and murmuring unintelligibly. Her hands groped and squeezed, padded and tweaked, grazed and grasped at Bobbi as if trying to absorb by touch every inch of her body. Her thigh ground slowly against Bobbi's exposed pussy.

Again, the blonde greeted the butterfly, sucked on the nipple beneath it before trailing her mouth over to the other breast, kissing it as well, nibbling long and slow before trailing her tongue along ribs, counting them with alternate kisses and nips. Bobbi undulated under the ministrations of the wild barber. An aching pant filled with passion punctuated with gasps and moans kept counterpoint with the drum of the rain.

The girl reached under her, lifted Bobbi's body, spreading her ass. A finger explored towards her asshole, not quite finding while teeth nipped at her hipbones. She snuck slowly over to the bare patch she had recently shaved and breathed hot there, licking a slow "S" that curled around her swollen lips snaking inside and touching Bobbi's clit. The captive girl bucked up to the teeth and tongue pushing them deeper, crushing the clit on her nose.

Taking her cue, the blonde raked her nails up the inside of Bobbi's thigh. She smiled at the hiss escaping from her and pushed in first one finger and then another. Rhythmically, she spread and curled them, pumping the wet hole searching for her point of explosion. Muscles gripped her fingers pulling them deeper, pushing them out. She leaned closer, breathing heady musk and sex. Long slow washes across Bobbi's swollen clit became rapid-fire laps, presses and swirls around and around the nub. Nipping with lips only she sucked hard on the clit, pulling it in against her teeth.

Simultaneous lightning and thunder rattled the glass. Unable to hold back anymore Bobbi cried out, a sound between anguish and ecstasy. The rumble without echoed inside her and she bucked and flailed against her captors onslaught of passion.

Bobbi's breathing subsided in slow turns. Her lover and captor laid with her arms wrapped about Bobbi's hips, smiling and waiting, kissing and purring, touching and stroking as the tension leeched out of her. It took several minutes for her to return to restful and while she the blonde crawled up along her body, kissing the favourite spots she had found, stroking others out of lips reach. Eye to eye, mouth to mouth they kissed each other, sharing the glow of the moment. When the kiss broke, the blonde hitched herself up on an elbow and smiled sweet mischief. "That takes care of the extra shavings, now what do we do about more froth?"

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Acknowledgment: Thanks to CQB for proofreading my story. Chapter 1: The Study Session Rory trembled on the end of the boy's cock filling her cunt, her hands and knees bruised by the hardwood floor. Her small, lithe body dripped sweat onto the floor while she grunted to the boy's thrusts from behind, her small round breasts pulled from her body by gravity, swung back and forth in time with his fucking motions. She felt her body flutter as the boy began filling her with his hot cum. She...

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Amore Probito Forbidden Love

End of Summer - Two weeks before schoolRome, ItalyEighteen-year-old Jake Adams was in a night club on vacation wearing a chic black suit, which he thought would impress the Italian ladies. He sat at the bar on a stool having a vodka and coke. He used his fake ID which his older brother, Noah, made for him and it worked.A tall, leggy, gorgeous Italian woman with long flowing wavy black hair walked over to him in a tight skin black dress in her mid-twenties."Hi," he said with a wink and a cute...

Straight Sex
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It took a while for sleep to leave him as he slowly opened his eyes. The sound of the sea, gently undulating in the near-distance, reached his ears. He stretched his worn muscles across the surface of the bed, the soft high-quality cotton sheets brushed against his skin, soothing his weary body and, finally, he smiled. The memories of the previous night jostled back into his consciousness as the sensation of sleep dwindled. He remembered the restaurant they’d visited, just off a beautiful...

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Amore mio

Tu sei Cody, un ragazzo che và alle superiori ed hai appena compiuto 18 anni. Questo è il tuo ultimo anno a scuola e non hai ancora trovato una fidanzata. Però hai una cotta per la tua compagna di banco, Alice. Lei a capelli neri, e dei occhi stupendi. Questo è un segreto che tu hai condiviso solo con il tuo amico Gino. In classe, lui si siede di fronte a te ed accanto a lui si siede Emilio un ragazzo con cui non parli molto. Alice, è quasi sempre girata con le gambe verso di te, appoggiata...

4 years ago
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It took a while for sleep to leave him as he slowly opened his eyes. The sound of the sea, gently undulating in the near-distance, reached his ears. He stretched his worn muscles across the surface of the bed, the soft high-quality cotton sheets brushed against his skin, soothing his weary body and, finally, he smiled. The memories of the previous night jostled back into his consciousness as the sensation of sleep dwindled. He remembered the restaurant they’d visited, just off a beautiful...

Love Stories
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Sophomore Summer Kickoff Party

This was going to be a blowout to start the summer. I invited everyone. My friends, their friends, pretty much anyone who wanted to come was welcome. I had recently broken up with my girlfriend of most of freshman year, so naturally I encouraged all my female friends to bring all of their female friends as well, and they did! There would be other guys there too of course, all my friends from the gym and such, but as far as I was concerned, this was going to be a summer buffet just for...

2 years ago
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Sophomore Year at College Part I

I also lived less than a mile from someone I had known (and been all but in love with) since high school. Her name was Betty. She was two years my senior and gorgeous. She had caramel hair, hazel eyes, a cute smile, and a great ass. Her tits left something to be desired, but the rest of her made up for it. Besides, I always preferred a great can to a nice rack. If, however, the chick happened to have both, it was a major bonus. Betty and I had hung out quite a bit since my arrival in...

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SophomoreChapter 11 Homecoming

We had already boarded our flight when Shirley asked why I was so quiet. "I guess I've just got a lot on my mind," I said, not wanting to divulge that I had thought of nothing but Darien's letter since Tammy let me read it. If she didn't trust me enough to tell me about the harassing letters and telephone calls from her ex-boyfriend she had no right to know the plan I was forming to put a stop to them. "We'll get to the bottom of this, sweetheart. Maybe it will turn out to be nothing...

3 years ago
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SophomoreChapter 18 Taking role playing too far

Shirley broke the news that she was leaving at the end of the school year. My life was in shambles. How was I going to get through the next six months? For that matter how was I going to get through the next two days? Having her tell me she liked being my woman and wanted to continue in that role until she graduated did little to sooth my shattered feelings. She went so far as to say she would stick by me no matter what I did. What she left out or failed to mention was any commitment beyond...

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Armored Volume I

Chapter 1 6:00 A.M. No human should already be awake at this hour, but Dominic is. This late-twentysomething is sluggishly brushing his teeth, just like how he has done for at least the past 365 days. What is Dominic doing up this early? He's getting ready for work. It's not that he hates work. It's just been the same. Over and over he goes through the same routine. Any and all positive reinforcement from his peers only sustain his contempt life. Well, not exactly all of his...

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Armored Volume II

Chapter 3 5:34 PM Throughout the entire work day, Dominic felt energized. He completed all his modules and testing at a good pace and decided to clock out of work early. After grabbing a quick bite at the local sandwich shop, he walked briskly back to the abandoned apartment building. Once again putting the pin in the keyhole, he entered with ease. He reached the main computer room where Lady Bullet resided. The computer was waiting patiently for input. Dominic woke it up...

2 years ago
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Armored Volume III

One Week Later - 12:40 PM Waking up late, Dominic lurched towards his bathroom. He looked at his reflection and groaned at his incredibly weary face. The faint signs of a bruise formed near the bottom of his eye. "That Inkpot really punches hard." Dominic said to himself. He lifted up his shirt and on his body were a few scratches, burns, and bruises. He sighed. No amount of bandages could help. Dominic plopped himself onto the bed hoping to get at least a few more minutes of...

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Armored Volume IV

6:00 AM No human should already be awake at this hour, but Dominic is. He couldn't help himself. He had been up all night coding, developing his solution to improve Lady Bullet. The night was spent with many trial and error, but it was almost finished. Dominic compiled the code one last time to make sure it was error free. A dialog window came up: NO ERRORS FOUND. He excitedly copied the code to a flash drive. Once it was done, he triumphantly held the flash drive up to the sky. "This...

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Armored Volume V

12:01 PM Hourglass Tower is one of the tallest buildings in metropolitan Los Angeles. It is not only known for it's elegant and sleek architecture, but also for it's charismatic CEO, Judas Wallens. On this Tuesday afternoon, Hourglass Tower was bustling with activity. A purple carpet had been extended from the main entrance out into the street. Fog emanated from around as purple laser lights flashed against the building. The front door burst open, grabbing nearby attention. More fog...

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Armored Holiday Special

TIME AND LOCATION: CLASSIFIED RING RING! Tom picked up the phone. "Uh, hello?" "Hey Tom!" Tom froze. His heart thumped out of his chest and he began shaking. "H- h-hi Susan." A brief silence. "Tom? What did you do?" "Nothing!" Tom almost screamed into his phone. "All the heroes are fine!" Silence again. "Tom, you know I have remote access to all the hero trackers right?" "Yes?" "So we both know-" "Yes?" "...about the hero alliance in...

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Sophomore Year at College Part Two

Betty and I continued to lie on the couch on our left sides while watching the movie. She was in front of me, and we were both still completely nude. We did have a blanket over ourselves, but we were naked. Her ass was right in front of my cock, and I was slowly getting hard again, but we were simply enjoying being together, and nothing else. While lying there, I absentmindedly was rolling both of her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. Unbeknownst to me, this was arousing her. ...

3 years ago
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Sophomore Year

Author’s Note: Hi everyone! Thank you all for checking out the sequel to Freshman Year Our main character Mark begins his second year at college. You can still read and enjoy this without viewing Freshman Year but I recommend at least checking out the original story so you can understand the characters. I’ve written over 600 chapters, over 240 chapters deep so there’s plenty of content there. I’m also starting this story from the end of one of the pathways so it might be a little confusing if...

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SophomoreChapter 2 Marcys Visit

The windows were open but the apartment was already warm on that Sunday morning in August. I watched as Shirley climbed into bed with me, anxious to see what she had in mind. We were on our sides, facing each other. It wasn't like her to be sexually aggressive but I wasn't complaining. Being in the shower with her the day before had opened my eyes; she had been transformed into an untamed savage, taking what she wanted. Shirley held up her hand and I acknowledged that she was wearing the...

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SophomoreChapter 3 Marcy

"I can't do this. I already miss you too much. Please come get me. Sammy, are you there?" Marcy froze, looked in the direction of the answering machine and then at me. She wiped her tear-streaked eyes, showing concern. "Aren't you going to talk to her?" she asked. I was too stunned to move. Hearing Shirley's voice was not something I had anticipated when I formed the plan to invite Marcy to Pontiac and fulfill my promise to tell her my 'I got into a little trouble when I was...

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SophomoreChapter 5 Labor Day 1990

It had been a slow process, deciding we liked each other, the first kiss, proving our mutual trust, sleeping in the same bed, deciding what we meant by love and finally professing our love for each other. Once Shirley proclaimed that she loved me she set out to prove it. The golf glove came off that Saturday night in the hotel and her sex-spigot turned on. "You weren't kidding about liking sex, were you?" I asked after our second time. She spread a clean towel on the bed and got back in...

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Sophomore HopChapter 3

Thursday Morning Closing the door and hearing it latch was evident that a switch opened something in Helen's expression, I noted. She watched me dress, followed me to the kitchen, watched me drink another glass of orange juice, and she never stopped chattering. She became silent when the door closed, or so it appeared. We were half way to the street and she continued with her silence, although she was clinging to my arm in the customary manner. I stopped walking, and she stopped. I saw...

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SophomoreChapter 7 Welts on Angies ass

Once Shirley decided to bestow her love upon me she held nothing back. She was not only sexy; she was fun. She surrendered her body, shared her wit, gave herself completely and demanded that I reciprocate. Our run, the hot shower and hotter sex sent us sliding into a restful slumber. We woke up grinning and we were still grinning at each other when we sat down for breakfast with the group. "Which one was that?" I asked as we were leaving the cafeteria. She leaned against me and I felt...

4 years ago
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SophomoreChapter 8 A New Domino Appears

We were awakened by Marcy's Saturday morning phone call. By the time Shirley, made her way to the front room, dressed only in the shirt I had worn to school the previous day, Tammy was playing 'who's this?' with Marcy. By the time I got to the front room, wearing only the pants I had worn to school the previous day, Shirley was sitting next to Tammy on the couch, whispering into the phone, between giggles. I went into the kitchen and started the coffeemaker. Tammy joined me, pouring a...

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SophomoreChapter 9 Dealing with Angie

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee woke me, or it may have been the emptiness I felt when I reached for Shirley and discovered she wasn't in the bed. Glancing around the room, I saw her clothes scattered around on the floor where she had taken them off the night before. Her panties and bra were atop her jeans and T-shirt, with her socks and sneakers nearby. I got out of bed, put on my shorts and headed to the bathroom, stopping at the door when I saw her seated at the computer, already...

4 years ago
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SophomoreChapter 10 From Bad to Worse

Tammy had come into her dorm room with a letter from Jason, the love of her life. It was a shock to learn that he was not only married, he was a lowlife, insensitive jerk. After reading it I dropped it to the floor. Tammy and I were spooned on Shirley's bed with me trying to comfort her. I was rubbing Tammy's stomach and talking about whatever entered my mind. She had stopped crying but was clearly still very upset. I froze and felt Tammy's body go rigid. We waited for Shirley to ask us...

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SophomoreChapter 12 Shirley teaches Sammy a new language

Shirley fell asleep only minutes after the small plane left the ground. I closed the book I had started to read and watched her sleep, recalling the night before. She looked sweet and innocent, wearing jeans, sneakers, and a T-shirt with a sweater over it. The sweater was thin and tight fitting, outlining the same breasts she had pushed together to hold my cock. Her lips, the same lips that had sucked my cock were devoid of the dark lip gloss she had worn the night before. The blowjob had...

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SophomoreChapter 13 Good deed gone bad

On Saturday night I slept alone for the first time in weeks. I had brought it upon myself. The first thing I noticed as I walked into the apartment was the answering machine flashing. I sat down next to the machine and listened to the messages. Six thirty-three pm, Tammy's voice, "Sammy, are you there? Pick up if you are." The next three date stamps, six forty-seven, six fifty-nine and seven-twelve were hang-ups with no message left. Seven forty-four pm, Tammy's voice again, "Sammy,...

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SophomoreChapter 14 A Game of cat and mouse

It was a quarter before eight on Saturday morning and I was heading to the sports field to participate in a flag football game. As I looked in my rear view mirror, I caught a glimpse of Shirley climbing the stairs to the apartment. Had she been waiting around the corner until she knew I was leaving? What a strange situation I found myself in. My attempt to make her life less stressful by putting a stop to Darien's letters had backfired. Instead of being grateful, Shirley had moved out of...

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SophomoreChapter 15 Reconciliation

It was Monday afternoon and classes had been postponed indefinitely due to an influenza epidemic that had affected a majority of the students, professors, staff and townspeople of Pontiac. I had been deathly ill since the previous Thursday night but after three days and nights in bed I was feeling much better. We convinced Mr. Oldham and Suzanne it was safe for them to leave. After Shirley saw them off she returned to the front room where I was lounging on the couch. Her eyes were still damp...

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SophomoreChapter 16 Anticipation Frustration

Despite the weather, a mixture of cold rain and sleet, the trip home only took six hours, including a short stop at the mid-way restaurant and we arrived at one p.m., three hours ahead of schedule. Molly met us at the back door, saying that Mr. Oldham and Suzanne were out, shopping, she thought. She also told us she had a hot lunch prepared. "Come downstairs as soon as you get settled," she said. "I'll lay odds they're not shopping," I whispered to Shirley on the way upstairs....

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SophomoreChapter 17 Shirley breaks the news

We slept late on Tuesday morning and went downstairs to discover a note from Suzanne saying she had ridden to work with John because they were going to pick up their new cars after work. We were to drive her car. Ned must have heard the garage door open. He came downstairs and filled us in on what was really happening with the cars. My car was being traded in. "John decided to let them have the limo too. We seldom use it any more; besides, it's seen better days." While I was sorry to...

2 years ago
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SophomoreChapter 19 Negotiating

"Dad, I'm going stay in Atlanta another day. I'd like to walk the land and count those peach trees." Mr. Oldham turned and I recognized a connection between us that I had never seen before. It was like mental telepathy. His nod was all the instruction I needed. I knew how important it was that we obtain Mrs. Collier's acre at the right price and accepted the responsibility to make it happen. It was later that night before I was able to sort out the flurry of activity that occurred over...

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SophomoreChapter 20 An understanding woman

It was Sunday, December 30, 1990. We woke up to find it had snowed most of the night. I went outside and helped Ned clean the steps and clear the snow around the garage doors where the snowplow had missed. Shirley followed us, snapping pictures with her new camera. Just as we were finishing, Mr. Oldham joined us, wanting to talk to me. Ned thanked me for helping with the shoveling, excused himself and went upstairs. Shirley busied herself with photographing the snow while Mr. Oldham told me...

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SophomoreChapter 21 Parting Letting go

We slept until after ten A.M. on the first of January, 1991, and would have stayed in bed longer if it hadn't been for Jeannie's telephone call. She first berated me for being a poor lookout to which I replied that I blamed her parents for being so quiet. "They must have been trying to catch us in the act." "What made Shirley scream like a banshee?" Jeannie asked. "I'll let her tell you," I answered, handing the phone to Shirley. I dressed quickly and left the room, but not before...

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More Lingerie for More Lodgers

More Lingerie for More Lodgers This is a sequel to "Lingerie for Lodgers" so you may wish to read that first but it's not totally necessary. I didn't really think to write a sequel but I decided that Ms Bryson should have a more upbeat ending. Please slip into something silky and enjoy. - S My Aunt Margaret drove me to my new lodgings on a Friday, a couple of days before the start of my first college term. She'd raised me efficiently and with care, if not lovingly, for the past...

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“More,” she said with a smile. Her husband continued pouring cream into her coffee. “More,” she said again, not even noticing the strange look that he shot her. “Say when,” he said. “Please,” she replied instead. “More...” “More,” she grunted. “Please. Please ... I need more.” Her husband tilted his head to the side. “You mean ... harder?” “Yesss,” she moaned. “Harder. Faster. More.” “Okay,” he replied, and resumed thrusting, as hard as he could. The next morning, Gia was all...

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More Than Human

This story is the sequel to my story Less Than Human. If you are 18 or under, disgusted by adult material or just don't feel like reading any at the moment, please read no further. If anyone wishes to archive this, please let me know. More Than Human part 1 of 2 By Morpheus Daryl pulled his jacket a little closer to him as protection from the chill of the night air, not taking his eyes off of the house that he'd been watching for the past hour. That he'd been watching the...

3 years ago
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More then we bargained for

More than we bargained for – Part 1My friend, Lori, and I just returned from a week at Key West. It was to be a week of just chilling out, relaxing, and enjoying our favorite beverages, mostly margaritas. Hopefully, we would get laid a couple of times to keep us from getting too horny, but we were also accustomed to taking care of each other when we wanted. So we arrived on Saturday afternoon, unpacked the few things we had taken along, and got out our new bikinis. We had decided to get ones...

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More than a Dance

More than a Dance 4th installment in the ClubDance series By Becky Marie Prologue In our last installment, Bob/Missy experienced further humiliation at home and at work in his increasingly feminine attire. His dance classes continued and he was introduced to another sissy dancer, Dan/Daphne. Dan/Daphne was a forced-femme little sissy at the insistence of his stepmother and stepsister. Bob/Missy was also forced to endure much more time with his co-worker Joe...

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More than Skin Deep

More Than Skin Deep by Couture© Lawrence's deep-set frown was illuminated harshly by the cold blue light of his computer monitor. He didn't like what he was seeing on his monitor. Didn't like it one bit. At nineteen, he would have watched it eagerly. At fifty, he knew he should turn it off, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. And the more he watched, the angrier he became. On the other side of the hacked webcam, Mitch took another drag on his joint. He inhaled and held it....

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More Urges First Day of Sixth Form

The holidays were finally over and time to continue our education. Our choices were to either do our A levels at college or to stay on at school, moving into the sixth form and do them there. All six of us, with advice from our parents, made the decision to take the sixth form route, our first day had arrived. For the previous two weeks the six of us had been having sex every day. I’d spent most nights of that period sleeping with Issabella, at either of our homes and though we were...

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More 120s Mentor Part I

(Author's note: All people are fictional characters and actions in this story are completely fictitious, they do not really exist and have never happened.) More 120's Mentor: Part I By Verna Benson I'll never forget the first time I met the woman who changed my life. I was a paperboy and frequently I would stop at a liquor store on my route to get change and a soda. One of the first times I went in, I noticed an ashtray next to the register containing a smoldering More 120...

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More of Linda Weekend slave

Weekend Slavef-self, F/f, reluctance, mild humiliation Linda was really stuck this time.  She had placed herself in a hogtie via handcuffs placed around wrists and ankles and the linking chains crossed to complete the hogtie.  This did give her enough slack so that she would be able to squirm her way to the keys in the next room.To make the trip more interesting, she had placed a vibrating egg in her pussy, just turned to low to keep her constantly aroused, but (hopefully) not enough to cum. ...

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More Girlie Points

Chapter I Tom pulled on the panties noticing that his penis was already erect. Damn he was horny! It had been almost two weeks since Jen had let him have an orgasm and he really wanted one tonight. His tease of a wife had been making his life hell since that last Sunday night when, to earn his orgasm, he'd agreed to wear panties to work the next day. That had earned him the five girlie points he needed. Girlie points were what he earned when he did things like wear a bra...

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More fun on Sunday at Less farm Pt 11

Introduction: The animals wanted more, so did we Les had given us a nice light breakfast, and asked what we wanted to do today, I smiled and said, more of last night, Grant said me too, with that I slid down and took Less cock in my mouth sucking him hard, as Grant went behind me and opened up my brown eye for the day, Les then swapped and lay down, my pussy took him in, as Grant continued to fuck my arse. After some time, they swapped around, Les taking his time to fuck me, as I sucked...

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More by Cherysse St. Claire Alex DuValle hid in his bedroom, anxiously waiting for his parents to leave. Had Frank and Stephanie known their son had returned home, they would have been horrified. He was supposed to be at Tommy's house. Alex's parents had an active social life and they frequently packed him off to stay overnight with his best friend when they had one of their events to attend or just wanted a little "alone time." Tonight was one of the former;...

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more of my nitemare part 2

Thursday June 1st So it looks like she is not going until she went and hit him up. So she is out the door within 20 minutes leaving me with not much to say. 2 hours and 45 minutes later she shows up with a new perspective on everything. So this one crept into Friday a bit 11 pm to 145 am. He is definitely trying to make up for lost time and he is forging his power and ownership of her pussy and mouth. When we went to bed she actually listened to the recording with me and as we both layed...

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