Big Little Sister Redux: Eclipse Revisited free porn video

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I hadn't expected Becky to be here, but that really looked like her walking right up ahead of me
at the carnival. "Hey k**do!" I said as I tapped her on the back. She spun around to face me.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I thought you were my girlfriend..."
"Hi, Mike! How are you?" I blinked in confusion. "Don't you recognize me?" The girl was smiling,
a big grin on her face, looking right into my eyes. She really looked familiar, so much like Becky, couldn't be...
"Laurie? Is that you?"
"Mmmmhmmm…Why? Have I changed much?" Laurie grinned, stepping back and putting her
hands on her hips, inviting me to look her over. She sure had changed! In a few short months
, she had grown into a very pretty girl - almost the same size as her older sister. It was really
mind boggling to see cute little c***dish Laurie suddenly so grown up, especially when she was
so giggly and immature before. I guess Laurie could see from my expression that I was really
surprised. She giggled and offered an explanation. "Yeah, I've been on these special...hormone
injections. I've been taking 'em for the last few months and they're really working!"
"Boy, I'll say. You look great, Laurie." It really was incredible, the things modern science can do
these days. I should know, with all the medical stuff I'd been going through myself lately. But
more on that later. Anyway, she and I ended up walking around together for a while, but soon I
had to leave. Laurie asked if I could give her a ride home, and we found ourselves sitting alone
together in the front seat of my car. Laurie had been constantly smiling at me the whole time
since we had met, a big grin on her face and this kind of goofy look in her eyes. I guess she still
had a little crush on me.
"Mike, do you think I'm pretty?" Laurie's high lilting voice had a teasing tone to it.
"Sure Laurie. You're very pretty for a girl. Why, don't you have a boyfriend at school?" She
didn't seem to acknowledge my question.
A minute's pause, then, "Mike, do you think I'm... sexy?" Hmmm... we were treading on
dangerous ground here. This was the sister of my girlfriend, and a k**, to boot.
"Well, Laurie, I think you're a little young for me to answer that..."
"But, do you think Becky's sexy?"
"Well, umm... yeah, sure. Becky's my girlfriend. She's also older than you are." I didn't like
where this was going and wanted to try to cut it off before it got out of hand.
"Well, I'm wearing Becky's dress and it fits me just right. So, if you think Becky's sexy, then you
must think I'm sexy, too, right?"
"Now Laurie, that's enough of that..."
But, as I tried to concentrate on driving, Laurie sat up on her knees and leaned in close,
whispering into my ear and giggling. "And I'm wearing Becky's fits me just right, too!"
"Okay, Laurie, enough already." That whisper in my ear actually got me aroused, to my chagrin.
Luckily, we were just arriving at her house, so I pulled the car over and turned to give Laurie
what I hoped was an appropriately stern look. "Now, look, Laurie...You're just a f******n year
old girl..."
"Fifteen!" corrected Laurie, giggling, her big smiling eyes locked on mine.
"OK, anyway, you're much too young to be acting like this with me. Now you are a very nice,
pretty, young girl and you should be with a boy your own age."
Laurie pouted, her big wide eyes showing her frustration. "But why can't we - "
I jumped out of the car, raced around to Laurie's side and yanked open the door for her. "That's
enough, Laurie. Now if you don't mind I have to get going..." Laurie giggled and hopped out,
standing next to me, still looking up at me with those big, love sick eyes.
"Thanks, Mike," She said breathlessly, "I know you're doing this to be nice.." She stood before
me on her tiptoes and closed her eyes, puckering her lips, I guess hoping for a kiss good-bye. I
gave her a little peck on her forehead, and she frowned in disappointment.
"Goodbye, Laurie. You're a great girl. Take my advice and get a boyfriend your own age." I
remember long after I drove off I could still see her in the rear view mirror standing on the
sidewalk watching after me and waving good-bye.
Well, anyway, back to what I had mentioned earlier. Last year in college I had somehow
contracted this rare African virus that had popped up first in the states several years ago. My
doctor wasn't real clear about it, but it basically would kill me - or, I guess, put me in a c*** -
unless I started receiving frequent vaccinations of another form of the weakened virus. I guess
they try to build your immune system up to a point where your body neutralizes the virus. I
don't know, I'm not really the science type. This would all be fine and good, I guess - I felt fine -
but the vaccine, over time, makes you smaller. Barely noticeable at first, but the longer it takes
your body to build up the antibodies, the smaller you get. Though it was pretty rare, I had seen
some news clips of some guys around the country who shrank to, like, less than a foot. Freaky
to watch. Most patients, my doctor says, get better far before that. I just hoped I'd get better
quickly. So, I went to school again in the fall, trying to act like everything was normal, more or
less at my own size. But, I had begun to notice a change throughout the semester. By the time I
had shrunk from my normal height of six feet to five-foot nine, I thought it a good idea to return
home and not return for the following semester.
So, it was around Christmas, a Saturday night and Becky and I were planning to go out to dinner
and the movies. I arrived at her house a little early, and knocked at the door. I was a little
surprised to see an unfamiliar young woman open the door, and I greeted her nervously. Maybe
it was one of Becky's friends from high school? Did Becky hang out with such hotties? "Oh, hi,
I'm here to see Becky..." The girl giggled coquettishly, holding her hand over her mouth and
smiled brightly. There was an awkward silence, so I continued. "My name's Mike. I'm a friend of
hers..." just then the seed of recognition popped into my head...
She started laughing, and then spoke, "Mike! Now don't tell me you've forgotten about me
again?" My mouth dropped open. It couldn't be. "Duh! It's me, Laurie! I guess I must've grown
some more since I saw you!" She had a flirty smile and was leaning languorously against the
door frame. My God, did she grow. Little Laurie had somehow been transformed into
this...this...What had happened to the cute little girl I knew? Standing in the doorway was a sexy
young woman, full breasts straining against a fuzzy pink sweater, graceful curves of her hips and
long, coltish legs poured into a skin tight pair of white pants. And staring at me was no longer a
cute little pixie face, but the face of a mature young woman, her high cheekbones and full lips
giving her an air of sophistication. I guess I was sort of in a state of shock, because I didn't say
much before she laughed and invited me inside. As she walked ahead of me I found it hard not
to get distracted by her rolling hips. "Becky's still getting ready. Why don't you come in to the
living room and wait a while?" My heart was still beating fast and I was taking deep breaths to
try to calm down. Suddenly Laurie stopped and turned towards me. I had been walking right
behind her and had almost bumped into her, so we ended up standing almost toe to toe with
each other, her face inches from mine. As she smiled and looked into my eyes I noticed she had
grown taller, too - by now she must've been five foot six or so. "Know where we are now?" she
asked, giggling.
"Uh, what do you mean? In your house?"
"No, silly!" She smiled and signaled with her eyes above our heads, where a green sprig of
leaves was hanging. "We're under the mistletoe!" My objections were suddenly cut off as Laurie
leaned in and planted a kiss full on my lips, pressing her body to mine. At first I was too shocked
to react, but I quickly came to my senses and started to try to push her away. It was a bit of a
struggle - but I succeeded in fending her off and stood holding her at arms' length.
"Laurie! What's come over you?" But whatever I said didn't seem to register as she just stood
there smiling directly into my eyes, a grin on her face. Yikes. She was hot, and I wasn't a guy
who usually got a lot of attention from girls, but I didn't need this. Becky would be pissed - at
me, at her, just pissed.
Becky was coming down the stairs, ready for our date. I must have seemed a little breathless as
I greeted her, but if she noticed she didn't say anything. Laurie for her part was smooth - she
acted like nothing had happened, smiling and wishing us both a nice evening. It wasn't until
after we had driven away that my thumping heart started to return to normal. I even got up the
nerve to steer Becky into conversation about her little sister, though she didn't seem too keen
on talking about her. Maybe a little jealous of Laurie's blooming figure. No real boyfriend, Becky
said, because her doctors were concerned that her hormonal condition may be transmissible.
"Yeah, but she's a little flirt. But she knows she can't do anything with these guys. She's just
turning into a major tease." And how, I thought. If I had had a girl that looked like that to lust
after in high school...well, I wouldn't have gotten much homework done.
After the movie Becky and I had our usual heavy petting session in the car. No sex - not that we
ever had, because my doctor assured me that intercourse was the way this virus thing was
transmitted between men and women. But, Becky was usually up for other activities. Good
thing for me – because another effect of this virus was an increased libido. And I still had Laurie
on my brain. And so, as we made out, I couldn't help but compare Becky to her voluptuous little
sister. I had to confess that, well, Becky’s breasts seemed a bit on the small side, and her hair
didn't tumble and flow like Laurie's as we had walked through the house. While I kissed Becky,
all I could think about were Laurie's big, bright eyes sparkling with that confidence that came
with those hips, those legs, that beautiful body of hers. And, as Becky's hand went to my
member, stroking it, I saw her little sister's smile, imagined my hands on her thin waist, cupping
her full, soft breasts. I came with visions of Laurie's radiant face gazing into mine. Did I feel
guilty, thinking about my girlfriend's sister as she beat me off? Well, yeah, I did. And, hey,
Becky's my girl. I was determined to put the little incident with Laurie behind me. Within a few
days I had pretty much forgotten about it.
At home, my shrinking began to accelerate. A lot. My mom was cool, taking good care of me
but not making me feel like a helpless freak. By the beginning of the summer, I had shrank to
three feet tall, and was able to do less and less by myself, but we had set my room up to give
me a good deal of independence. She was also a decent seamstress, so she was able to put
together some makeshift clothes for me so I didn't have to buy k**'s stuff.
While loathing to be in public in this state, I finally began to get antsy and one day had my mom
drop me off at the Mall to get something to read. It was really strange walking around as a little
guy with all these giants towering over me. I pretty much kept my head down and headed for
the bookstore - I sure didn't want to see anyone who recognized me. While looking through the
magazines, the most beautiful pair of legs appeared next to me. Impossibly long, shapely and
lovely, and those feet! Wrapped in beautiful sandals with big high heels. My head was below hip
height - so without looking up I could only see her from her legs down. As I stole a quick look up
at the rest of her my heart caught in my throat...Laurie! My god! Look at the body on her! I
immediately hid my head, hoping she wouldn't notice me in this diminished state; I would be
My heart was pounding like mad, I was shaking all over as I continued to sneak sideways glances
at those shapely legs. I knew I should slip away before she saw me, but I was paralyzed by the
sight of her. So I just stood there frozen, hardly able to breathe, consumed by my raging libido
and waiting helplessly until she decided to move on.
Unable to stand it any more, I was just turning to put my magazine away and ignominiously
slink to the back of the store when I heard a familiar voice from above. "Mike is that you?
Ohmigod! It can't be... " Jeeeez. "Mike! It IS you! Wow!" The girl had to bend over almost
double to look down at me. I looked sheepishly up at the huge smiling face towering over me.
"Oh...hi Laurie.." Laurie, grinning from ear to ear, crouched down to bring her face close to
mine. Even so, she was still taller than me - I had to tilt my neck to look at her.
"Wow, Mike! Just look at you! I mean, Becky told me all about what's happened, but - wow! I
just can't get over how you look!" She unabashedly looked me up and down several times.
"Er, um... yeah. (cough) It's really something, huh?" I was never so embarrassed in my life. Of all
people to run into, why did it have to be her?
"What magazine are you reading? Maxim, huh? For the articles…right?" she teased. I tried to
avoid her gaze, looking down at the floor. " was the only one I could reach, besides the
k**'s magazines..."
"Oh, okayyy..." Laurie, wearing a tight, short dress, was still grinning and looking down at me
with that huge lovely face and those big eyes. I think she could tell I was really embarrassed.
"Hey, Mike, it's okay! Don't be shy… It's just me! Besides..." she reached her big hand out to
touch my face. "I think you look really cute!"
I needed to get out of there – fast. "Er, thanks, Laurie, but, look, I really have to get going. I
need to catch the bus so I can get back home..."
"Hey, wait! Don't go running away! Can't we walk around together? I'm all by myself."
"Er, Laurie, I'd love to, but, um... like I said the bus will be leaving soon. I-it's the last one today,
so I can't afford to miss it. I can't drive a-anymore 'cause, well, you know..."
Laurie frowned, her face scrunching up as her eyebrows furrowed. Suddenly, she broke out into
a big smile. "Hey! I can give you a ride home - I've got my car here!"
"Um, n-no, thanks, Laurie. I don't want you to go through so much trouble for me. I'll be OK."
"No! It's no trouble at all. In fact, it's perfect - I only have my learner's permit so I need a driver
to sit with me."
"Yeah, but still, I..."
"Pleeease, Mike? It'd really be a big help. And I'd LOVE to give you a ride! Becky should be
home, you can visit her."
"Great! Thanks Mike! This'll be such fun! Did you ever think I'd be driving you around?" I really
don't know how I let myself get talked into these things. I felt I was in a daze as I found myself
trailing after Laurie through the Mall, her beautiful long legs and sexy rear leading me out to her
car. I was too little to open the door to her SUV, so she opened it for me, waiting patiently while
I laboriously climbed up into the front seat. I was pretty quiet the whole way back as she gaily
prattled on, talking non-stop about her friends at school, or whatever. The whole time I was
desperately wrestling to suppress my thoughts and keep my gaze straight ahead. Nonetheless, I
couldn't keep myself from stealing sidelong glances of her curvy profile.
Though Laurie had said Becky was back at her house, when we got there nobody was around. I
really wanted to get back home, but Laurie convinced me to wait around at her place for Becky.
She called Becky's cell phone, leaving a message that we were here.
"Want to hear the new CD's I bought?"
"Um, sure, Laurie." Who knows how long we had to wait? It was a lot better than the two of us
just sitting there in awkward silence.
"Great! C'mon up to my room - we can hear it on my stereo." Laurie turned and started
bounding up the stairs.
"Uhh, Couldn't we listen to it down here?"
Laurie turned and grinned down at me. "Are you k**ding. My Dad's stereo is ancient. C'mon up."
She could see from my expression I still needed convincing. "Don't worry, Mike. There's nothing
to be afraid of, I don't bite!"
As I slowly clambered up the big steps one by one after the towering teen, I started to get this
feeling that I was sliding down a slippery slope, that events were somehow overtaking me and I
was just a pawn in the grip of fate. I knew I shouldn't be doing this, going alone into this girl's
bedroom, but I couldn't stop myself. I was a bit out of breath when I finally reached the top of
the stairs, with Laurie waiting for me. She showed me into her room and, I noticed, closed the
door after herself. She kneeled down on the floor, putting a CD in the stereo, the big heartshaped
mound of her firm rear beckoning. The sight took what little breath I had left away and
made me even more dizzy.
She spun around to face me as she stood up and grinned "Wanna see what else I got at the
"Umm.. sure. What is it?"
"It's a surprise. I think you'll really like it!" Laurie bounced in a single motion to her bed where
her purchases lay. "Just wait right here and I'll be back out in just a second." She reached into
her shopping bag and took out a small package, then disappeared into her bathroom, closing
the door behind her.
Somehow I wasn't getting a good feeling about this. What if Becky returned and found us
together, as innocent as it was? I had a brief panic attack and decided to try to escape while I
still could. Like walking though molasses, I made my way towards the bedroom door. Suddenly
the bathroom door opened, "Well, what do you think?"
My throat went dry and my breathing stopped. I can't recall - I may have cried out, or issued a
pitiful squeak, but I was completely riveted by the vision before me. Laurie was standing in the
doorway wearing a bikini, a bright yellow number that barely covered her astounding charms.
The skimpy suit left nothing to the imagination - her long legs, sexy hips, wasp waist, flat
stomach, and full breasts were looming before me, topped off by her beautiful face with that
same grin, and those same big eyes smiling down right at me.
"Well, Mike? Aren't you gonna say something?"
I think I cleared my throat two or three times before I was able to croak out a response.
"Umm... g-gosh, Laurie. (cough) T-that's quite a b-bathing suit."
"Yeah," she giggled, as she looked in the mirror with a proud smile, "Cool, huh?" She turned
around, giving me first a magnificent profile view of her big breasts, then a gut wrenching
display of her round rear end. As she stood with her lovely backside towards me, she tugged at
the little string holding the bikini bottom, "God, I have such a bubble butt. It feels a little tight.
Do you think it fits me okay?"
This couldn't go on - I had to do something before I lost it completely. With a supreme effort, I
tried to banish any thoughts of my sexual fantasies and struggled to get back to sobriety. Taking
a deep breath, I attempted to make my small voice sound as deep and adult as possible. "Now
look, Laurie. You're a very pretty young girl, but I just don't think that bathing suit is appropriate
for you. It's just too revealing! Now Laurie, you're only fiftee..."
"I'm sixteen now." Laurie corrected.
"Okay, sixteen. Anyhow, that's still too young! Now, you look very nice, but - and I think your
mom and dad would agree with me - you're just not old enough to wear something like that."
"Something like what? Something that shows off my body?" Laurie pouted coyly and batted her
big eyelashes at me. "Don't you like it? Don't I look nice in it?"
"Y-you look great, Laurie. It's just - well, you're a very nice girl and I think you should wait until
you're older before you wear this kind of thing..."
Laurie burst into a huge grin and dropped to her knees, her big face looming before me.
"Oh, Mike! You're so sweet! You always say the nicest things! I just love it how you're always
looking out for me!" She leaned over and gave me a kiss on my forehead, treating me to an
incredible view of her cleavage, her breasts barely contained by her bikini top. She jumped back
to her feet and wiggled off back into the bathroom, leaving me to practice my deep breathing in
an effort to calm my heart. As the door closed behind her I felt like I had survived some kind of
trial by fire. After a minute the bathroom door cracked open, and Laurie's pretty face peeked
out. "Mike? Could you help me with something?"
Uh oh. "Umm.. sure, I guess, Laurie. W-what is it?"
"It's this top. It seems kinda stuck. I can't get it off. Could you help me untie it?" Still clad in her
bikini, Laurie came out and sat down on her bed, turning her back to me and looking down at
the strap behind her. "I think it's all knotted up. Can you come up here and see if you can get it
Once again feeling myself caught helplessly in the grip of some nefarious fate, I struggled to
climb up onto the bed next to her. Even sitting on the bed with her sitting next to me, she still
was a good couple heads taller than me. Her lovely back was completely bare save for the thin
strap. I struggled to keep from trembling again as I gingerly approached her, and reached out
with my small hands to try to unravel the knot. It really was stuck, horribly so, as if she had
done it on purpose. As I worked on the difficult task I had to lean in close to her huge warm
bare back, her long, graceful neck.
As I stood close to her, wrestling with the bikini top, my erotic fantasies again started to bubble
to the surface. I found myself sweating, my breathing shallow as I feverishly worked so close to
her. To my horror, I found I had developed a raging erection which was now straining at my
pants. I prayed Laurie wouldn't look back at me, and desperately fought to keep from getting
further aroused.
"Mike? Can I ask you a question?"
"Umm... sure." My voice squeaked as I spoke.
"Do you ever have, like, fantasies?"
"Uh.. (cough) Ummm.. what?"
"Well, now that you're so small. Do you imagine being with girls? And having them be…bigger
than you? Like, what would happen. I know you see my sister every once in a while, but I know
you two don’t mess around too much anymore - and she's kinda small and scrawny to begin
with. Do you ever think about really big girls?"
"G-gosh, Laurie. (cough, cough) W-what makes you ask that?"
She turned around to look at me and I moved quickly to hide my hard on. "Well, sometimes
when I see something on TV with, like a big girl and a little guy, and I think about how Becky said
you've been shrinking, I think about you." Was she serious? Or was she saying this just to see
my reaction? I tried to keep my composure.
"(cough) Y-you d-don't say."
"Yeah, like the other night I was watching I Dream of Jeannie - y'know the reruns they show at
night - and Jeannie took Major Nelson and shrank him down to doll size. Did you ever see that
"Ummm.. I d-don't kn-"
"Well, anyway after I saw that show, I kept day dreaming about what it would be like to be
Jeannie, and to, like, have a guy that was little. What you could do with him." She turned and
looked at me, raising her eyebrows questioningly. "You don't mind me talking about this, do
"N-no, Laurie. It's o-okay.." God I was so turned on.
"So, what does stuff like that make you think about?" She was curious, and obviously figuring
out she was pushing my buttons.
I took a deep breath, then (against my better judgment) decided to plunge ahead. "Look, Laurie.
I do. I mean…I have thought about being with girls. And me being so small..."
Laurie looked deeper into me, her beautiful face lighting up in a smile. "Really?? Oh, Mike, tell
me about it!"
"Er, (cough) well..." I really wasn't sure how far I wanted to head in this direction...
"C'mon, Mike, Pleeease!" She was now turned completely around towards me, her huge
breasts hovering just below my face.
"Well, all right. I guess I've had...f-fantasies, too. Like, I'm a l-little guy with a big w-woman. Er,
like, a giantess, I mean." I had lost all sense of reason, being so very aroused.
"But, she wouldn't be a giantess. It's just you that's really small. She could be normal size,
right?" Almost imperceptibly, she inched closer to me. I took in a waft of sweet perfume from
her deep cleavage.
"Uhhh...yeah, I g-guess.."
"She could be just a normal sized girl. But she'd look really big to you, wouldn't she?" she said as
she pushed back her shoulders, presenting a mind-numbing view of her breasts. I couldn't
believe what was happening.
"Kind of like how I look right now, hmm? Really…big."
I was speechless. She drew up taller and moved in towards me, brushing my cheek with her
finger, putting her hand behind my neck. My breath became quick, shallow as I now looked
straight into her big, firm breasts. Would she do it, would she actually try? The moment was
silent, a pin could drop. A palpable energy filled the air between us - that of a girl slowly
realizing the power of her developing body.
And then I felt it, the slow, gentle pressure of her hand urging me to her. At the same time, she
began to lean in towards me. Was I actually this weak? Would I really let this girl, Becky's little
sister, seduce me so easily? A fleeting wisp of willpower, a single thought of resistance, ebbed
into me but quickly wilted as I watched her young, overly ripe bosom approach.
Just as I decided to close my eyes, to give in to my own desire and the temptations of this
beautiful girl, to meet her soft flesh with my upturned face, a quick knock hit the bedroom door
and the knob began to turn.
"Hellooo...? Mike? Laur? Are you guys in here?" Becky!
We bolted apart in a flash; I leapt to my feet on the floor as Laurie leaned back onto the bed.
"Hey guys, what have you" Becky's voice was friendly but as she took in the
situation - me quick of breath, probably flushed, Laurie dressed as she was with a thin smile on
her lips - her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. Laurie and I came up with excuses which somehow
seemed plausible to me at the time. Listening to music, a quick run up the stairs in my
weakened condition, getting ready for the tanning salon. I don't know how much of it she
actually bought, but any outward signs of suspicion soon evaporated as Becky and Laurie
continued chatting over my head, leaving me reeling and queasy with guilt. How could I have let
myself get into this situation?
Soon, Becky decided it was time to take me home and I waved a quick goodbye to Laurie, our
eyes meeting for only a second before I had to turn away. Our car ride back to my mother's
house was uncomfortable - for me, at least. I think I overcompensated for my nervousness by
talking too much. Becky dropped me off with a quick peck on the cheek; as I had been
shrinking, our relationship had begun to cool physically. She admitted she felt "weird" being
intimate with a guy who was looking more and more like a little boy every day. We still hung
out, though less and less often as she became busy with her summer job and preparing for her
first year away at college. In the time that we did spend together, she (out of embarrassment
for her boyfriend's dwindling stature, I guess) kept me away from her friends, her house, her
family, and - notably - any chance of running into Laurie.
Left, therefore, alone most days at home with no girlfriend around, no social outlets and no
transportation (my mother away at work more often than not), I found myself with plenty of
time to play on the computer and, I'm shamed to admit, fantasize about Laurie. Never before
had I been so close to intimacy with a body like hers. God, those breasts, those hips, those legs,
that beautiful face. All of my girlfriends throughout my life had been like Becky - cute,
sometimes, but smart and plain rather than Barbie Doll. Laurie, rather, was all long, ripe,
luscious curves, tanned and toned. I couldn't get the thoughts of her out of my brain, and kept
replaying the scene on the bed over and over again in my head.
Though I continued to slowly shrink, my obsession grew along with my virus-fueled libido; the
several photos I had of Becky that included her sister served as fuel for the fire. As did the
stories downloaded from the GTS forums, all of which I read over and over with images of
Laurie in mind. Thus my days came and went, jerking off to thoughts of my girlfriend's sister in
between trips to the doctor, cordial visits from Becky and games of Scrabble with my mother.
Nice life, huh? I wasn't too proud of myself but didn't have the willpower to stop.
And then, several weeks after I was last at her house, I got an e-mail from Laurie. My throat
caught upon seeing it in my inbox, and I immediately knew I needed to show caution. Perhaps I
had been obsessing over Laurie recently, but I couldn't let her know I'd been thinking about her
at all.
"Hi, Mike!!" her note began "How R you?? Becky hasn't mentioned u much so I thought I'd get
in touch with u myself. I've been at the beach a LOT, hanging out with my friends, etc. etc.
Hey!!! I got my license! Woooo! It's great 2 be able 2 drive myself around! How have u been
feeling? What have u been up to?" If she only knew; maybe she's guessed? "How tall are u
now? Are u like Major Nelson yet? If u ever get that small let me know - I've still got
clothes from my Ken & Barbie set u can have! Hugzzz- Laurie"
I delayed my reply a day or so, so as not to appear eager or over-interested. It was friendly and
short, though I admitted - for better or worse - that I was bored and lonely. With that, I gave her
an opening, nearly an invitation, for our correspondence continuing. Probably a mistake, but I
was weak and obsessed and craved contact of any sort from her. I thought I could keep cool and
handle an innocent relationship with her through e-mail, unbeknownst to Becky.
Her reply back to me came quickly, and began a series of daily correspondences which became -
contrary to my original intentions - increasingly playful and flirty, to my aroused, guilty thrill. I
was, I think, emboldened by my solitude and disconnect and hinted, I'm sure, at a friendly
interest in her. Though I'm shamed to admit it, my e-mails to Laurie - now signed "Major
Nelson" - became the highpoint of my day.
I was not, however, bold enough to suggest a meeting or invite her over to my empty house for
an innocent visit. My conscience, I told myself, and respect for Becky, were still to strong. Or
maybe I was just a freaking wimp, too weak to stop thinking about her and too timid to do
something about it. All I know is that my growing sense of guilt began to make the time Becky
and I spent together less and less comfortable; I no longer looked forward to her visits as I once
Laurie, for her part, kept me enthralled with stories of her mundane, everyday life. I hung on
her every inarticulate word describing her teenage comings and goings. Subtly, I like to think, I
encouraged her as she peppered our correspondence with news of her growth spurt ("Five foot
eight! I'm going to be taller than my dad if this doesn't stop soon!!") and new lingerie collection
("I just outgrew my last 32DD. The only new bra I could find in a bigger size at the department
store with my mom makes me look like somebody's grandma!")
Let me give you some excerpts from a few of our conversations. First, my response to her new
"That's okay. If you keep growing you can be a basketball player. Just have to learn how to play.
Or you can star in the movie version of 'She-Hulk'. But, I dunno how you'd look in green skin. :)"
She replied: "Or, hey, I can be in movies for those guys on the internet who are all into
giantesses. I'd have 2 get really big!! Have u seen those websites?"
I feigned ignorance, but she persisted.
"You should. I think you'd like them , Major Nelson!! They're all about big girls. And little guys.
And what the big girls do to the little guys. Some guys want to be squished. Some want to be
eaten. Some want to be cuddled. You can tell me what YOU’D like!! "
In reply I lied, telling her sites like that weren't for me and that "I don't think I'd want to be
squished. I just want to be normal size again."
"Oooooh! Poor baby! I'll make sure I try not to squish you! :)"
For me this thread was getting too provocative, so I ended it with a "thanks for the no-squish
rule. No eating, either," and a change of subject, but not before I mentioned - a big mistake, I
know, "but that doesn't mean I don't like to cuddle!" I hoped that it came across as a joke.
Mostly. God, I'm an idiot.
I didn't do too much better in self restraint when she mentioned her new bra: "I'm sure you
don't look like somebody's grandma. Grandmas have wrinkles and livers spots everywhere and
smell like Noxema."
"Well, maybe no wrinkles, but look at this thing!" Her reply came with an attached file. "I used
my dad's digital camera with a timer 2 take this." The picture was a grainy frontal shot of her
seated at her computer with a white, satin, rather industrial looking bra covering her full chest.
My god, my jaw dropped. "Let me know if you want more pictures."
Needless to say, I beat off to this picture of this young girl in her big, womanly bra more times
than I want to admit before I could muster a halfheartedly humorous reply, "Wow! You could
carry your schoolbooks in that thing!"
Her response filled my sick little head with images, "Or maybe I could carry YOU in it!! Would
you fit yet??"
Once again, this was getting too heated for my weak heart and battered conscience, so I
assured her that I had no intention of trying to fit inside her bra. Her response: " :( ".
I did, however, break down and told her, sure, it would be okay if she wanted to send me more
pictures, that I didn't get to see many friendly human faces these days. What I got were not
necessarily pictures of her face. More fuel for my erotic fantasies, a new attachment every few
days ("I'd send more but itz kinda hard sneaking the camera out of my Dad's briefcase. He uses
it at the lab.") Mostly pictures of her posing - innocently, I admit - in different outfits ("My new
sweater from Old Navy." "My new one-piece. Too 'Baywatch'??" "My dress from our spring
formal - boy! I don't fit in this anymore!!") Nonetheless, her body looked to be approaching
utterly fantastic, the sort of curves men drool over.
She asked me, at one point, what I did with the photos. Again, I lied, saying I deleted them along
with her notes. Truth is, I had started a pretty good sized "Laurie" folder of .jpgs and e-mail. Her
next reply was accompanied by a close-up shot of her smiling, eyes gleaming and bright with a
hint of mischief. She was leaning towards the camera, her cleavage flowing from a now far-tootiny
yellow bikini top, over and around a hapless Ken doll, trapped between her breasts. "I don't
think you'll throw this one away!!"
It was, at this point - floored as I was by this last photo - that I decided our correspondence had
gone beyond the point of healthy flirting. Not that any flirting with your girlfriend's younger
sister should be considered healthy. I had to find the resolve to end it. Though it was tempting
to play along and further my obsessions, my fantasies, she couldn't be lead to believe that there
would ever be a real relationship between the two of us. I was in college! Older, more mature.
And she was the little sister of my girlfriend. Too young for me. Wasn't that right? What would
it look like if someone - friends, my mom, Becky, her family - suspected I had the hots for little
Laurie? That poor little Mikey, so small, left to his own devices, had become infatuated with his
girlfriend's overdeveloped little sister. Pathetic, that's what they'd think. Pathetic little pervert.
Didn't want that, did I?
And so I stopped. Stopped replying to her e-mail. Even as I continued to stare at her pictures.
Even as I built and nurtured further fantasies of the two of us. Even as she continued to send
me e-mail; try as I might, I was unable to discard them before reading, and became dismayed,
alarmed, and absolutely spellbound by the further photos. More shots of her with the Ken doll:
held to her bosom lovingly, or covered with kisses, or wrapped in her bra.
After nearly two weeks of unanswered mail, she became bold enough to call my house during
the day when she knew my mother was out at work. Caught off guard, I answered (still just big
enough to manage a normal-size phone) and exchanged pleasantries for a bit. Immediately,
however, I was aroused and pulled up a screen shot of her on my monitor to place a face with
the voice. Nervously explaining away my recent inattention to her e-mail as "just being busy", I
finally admitted, with sweaty palm and cracking voice, that I didn't think it was a good idea that
we speak to one another.
Her tone remained bubbly but disappointed. "Oh, why not Mike? I think you're so cute and
funny. I really like talking to you a lot." It was at this point that I realized that my hand was
stroking myself through my pants to the sound of her voice. I acquiesced for the moment and
sat back, listening to her talk about me, talk about herself, and talk about Becky.
"She tells me about you, y'know. She tells me she doesn't kiss you anymore, because you're so
small. Because you're getting to be like a little doll." A short, tense silence as I continued to
masturbate, having lowered my pants.
"That must really be hard, huh? Being so small. Being so small and not having a girlfriend to kiss
you anymore."
"Unhmm - well, Unh-huh." Oh god, I hoped she couldn't hear me.
"Would you want me to kiss you? I could kiss you, Mike. I could kiss your little face. I could kiss
your little body…I could kiss you all over." Jesus. Christ.
"Unnhhh...Nuh-Nuh-No. No L-Laurie. I d-d-don't thu-think..." I trailed off weakly.
She thought in silence for a moment. "Why, Mike? Are you afraid of me?" Another silent
moment as I neared the point of climax, "Hmmmm?"
Oh god. "I-I h-have to g-go.." With that I dropped the receiver and came in a torrent onto my
chest and stomach, pumping myself furiously as I looked at the picture of her face.
Thereafter, I didn't receive another e-mail from her, and decided not to answer the phone while
home alone. One evening two weeks later, however, Becky's mom called and asked me to
attend a little going-away family lunch for Becky. She was leaving for Northwestern early the
next week; the family was taking a road trip to bring her to school. I accepted the invitation, in
part out of duty and friendship for Becky, but also, I think, with nervous anticipation of an
excuse to see Laurie - this time in a controlled environment, a gathering of others.
My mother dropped me off at Becky's around one o’clock, and was leaving straight from there
to the airport for a business trip. The family was finishing packing the minivan for their roadtrip
to Chicago. Immediately I noticed Laurie's absence; though certainly for the best in the end, my
heart sank a bit silently.
So, the four of us had a nice little lunch together in the early afternoon, Becky's mom and dad
polite enough not to dwell on my size so much. I knew her parents liked me, and seemed to
think we'd end up together once I got over my "health issues". I tended to be vague on details
regarding my diagnosis, but I think her father had an idea as to my condition.
As we were cleaning up (me doing what I could at my now twelve-inch height), Becky's mother
took me aside to thank me for coming, to thank me for being a good friend to Becky. "And,
honey," she said, as she was drying the last of the dishes, "we're headed straight to the
interstate from here. It's nearly four o'clock and we're so late already. Laurie said she'd be back
from her doctor's appointment by now, so she should be home soon - I just spoke to her on the
cellphone. She's not coming with us - she practically begged me to stay home this weekend on
account of cheerleader tryouts. Aren't those usually after school starts? Anyway, do you mind if
she drives you home? I know she'd want to see you, she's always liked you so much."
My heart skipped a beat and began to flutter, my palms sweating. ", that should be
"Good. I'll tell Becky, though, that our neighbor will give you a ride. I don't think she trusts
Laurie with you in the car. Being a new driver, and all. She's so thoughtful of you."
"Uhhh, sure, whatever."
And, so, after a brief, friendly goodbye between Becky and myself which ended in a quick kiss
(more, I think, for her parents' benefit than mine), they left me on the couch watching
television as they set off for their long weekend trip to Chicago. So I waited, absentmindedly
surfing through channels with the family's absurd remote (why do they make these things so
big?) trying to prepare myself for Laurie's arrival. How should I behave? What could I expect out
of her? The smartest thing, I figured, was to insist that I needed to get home right away and
keep conversation pleasant and short. What worried - and excited - me was what I would do if
she had her mind made up for something else. She certainly wasn't rushing home to see her
family off, or to keep me from waiting. I think I sat there, my heart thumping, running through
the possibilities, for nearly an hour before I heard her car pull into the driveway. My throat
went immediately dry as I tried to settle down, to try to look comfortable and relax.
"Hellooo?" she announced as she opened the front door, "Anybody home?" I turned around on
the couch but, being so small, I couldn't see her as I called out in greeting. Between my voice
being so weak and the volume of the television, I don't think she heard me. "Mike?" she called
as she walked into the room, "are you in here?" The sound of the TV brought her over.
"Hi there," I said as she rounded the couch. I sat myself into a confident pose - or, as
confident a pose as one could mange at twelve inches tall.
"Ooooo!" she squealed as her widening eyes caught sight of me and her hand flew to cover
her mouth in surprise. She stifled a giggle and stood erect. "Mike! Look at you!" I tried to keep
myself from ogling her, tried to maintain eye contact, as she bent at the knees into a crouch to
look at me. The sneakers at the end of her long, smooth, golden legs were bright white. A small
pair of faded denim shorts rode tight on the curves of her shapely hips. A loose, white button
down shirt was tied at her midriff, exposing a sliver of flat, tanned abdomen and a brief hint of
cleavage. Below the shirt she had on, it appeared to quick glance, some type of white tank top.
"It's so nice to see you again!" she chirped, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "Did my
parents leave?"
I answered her casually, describing our pleasant lunch and the plans that she was to drive me
home. She seemed not to acknowledge my last statement and asked me if I'd like anything to
drink. Before I could reply, she had stood up and turned away, walking to the kitchen as she
asked "Coke? Iced tea? Apple Juice?"
Her hips rolled and swayed as I called after her "...uhhh, water would be fine." I hadn't really
been eating much recently, and didn't think I could tolerate much more than water. She,
however, made no sign that she had heard me, and began to undo the knot tying her shirt as
she left the room. Crap. What was I in for? She had orchestrated this perfectly, and I didn't think
my best option was putting my foot down and demanding a ride home. And, who was I trying to
k**? The thought of having some time with this knockout little sister of my girlfriend was
secretly thrilling.
When she returned with two glasses of iced tea, she had completely unbuttoned her shirt,
which now hung open and revealed a white lycra tank top molded around the bulges of her
chest and reaching nearly to her navel. She set the glasses on the table, took the remote from
where it lay beside me, and turned off the television. Looking first down at me, then to the
glasses, she gasped and giggled again. "Oooh! I'm sorry! You'll never be able to drink all that!"
"," I replied, "that's a whole lot of tea."
"Here," she said, as she moved to sit beside me, "let me help." With one motion she planted her
round, firm rear on the cushion next to mine and began to remove her shirt - as if it might
restrain her from the task at hand. I tried to look straight ahead at the drinks but was intent on
her in my peripheral vision. Narrow shoulders back, chest out, she pulled the shirt from her,
demonstrating nicely the shape and size of the breasts below her top. She picked up one drink
from the table, saying, "Now then, let's give this a try," and approached me with the huge glass.
"I hope you're thirsty!" I glanced up quickly at her; she peered down her nose at me over a
mischievous smile.
Back to the drink, I tipped my head back to meet its lip as she tilted it gently toward me. At first
I thought this might work, as I began to gulp the liquid which lapped against my mouth. "There
we go!" she chirped, "How does that taste?" My stomach turned, and quickly I could take no
more. The tea began to overflow around my face and spill down my chest. "Oh no!" she
squealed, pulling the glass from me as she began to giggle again, "look at this!"
I managed to laugh myself but was actually feeling rather humiliated as this luscious teenage
girl began to wipe my face with her discarded shirt. I stole quick glances at the jiggles of soft
flesh through her cleavage as she worked. "There," she cooed as she finished drying me, "that's
better. Are you still thirsty?"
"Uhh, no. I'm quite done, thanks." I tried to smile and laugh off the embarrassment, tried to
look cool.
“Okay, well, I’m glad you’re here.” She bundled her shirt into a ball and set it on the couch
beside her. It looked like she had something on her mind. “There’s stuff I wanted to talk to you
about. Can you stay for a little while?”
Say no. Say no. It’s easy. No. I Have to get home. Say it. No no no. “Uhhh…sure. What’s up?”
“Well, it’s about Becky.” Laurie sat demurely on the couch, one lean, coltish leg tucked beneath
her, her hands folded in her lap. This might be innocent after all. I turned to face her, sitting
cross legged indian-style on the cushion. “I don’t think she’s been very nice to you recently,”
she continued thoughtfully, tucking a wave of honey brown hair behind her ear, “when you
need all the support you can get.” Well, this surprisingly sounded like genuine, mature concern.
Did it have another purpose?
I decided to tread carefully, and assured Laurie that I realized Becky had been very busy
recently, she was being very supportive, and that our relationship remained strong. I had every
hope, I said, that we could remain together even as she was away at college.
“Hmmm. Mike,” Laurie pursed her lips and looked down at me, choosing her words carefully,
“Becky’s been seeing another guy.” My brow furrowed. “All summer.” I winced in disbelief. “A
lot.” Uggh. “She had been going out with him a few nights a week. You might know him – he’s
that guy who’s also going to Northwestern this year.”
Yeah, I knew him. Randy. Or was is Ricky? Rudy? Whatever. Some guy in her class.
“She’s been talking to me about him for awhile now, and she didn’t want my parents to
know…’cuz they like you so much and…well, I knew she had plans to tell you but…” But what?
Why was I hearing this from Laurie instead of Becky herself? “She had a letter for you. She was
going to mail it soon, next month, after she got to school.” Laurie paused hesitantly before
continuing, “But I took it. From her bag, this morning. I knew what it was going to say,” she said
sheepishly, “so I opened it.”
“You opened it?” I was a little flabbergasted. “You opened the letter that Becky wrote to me?
Jeez! Did you read it?”
I was actually not as mad, or upset, as one would expect. I think I had, at this point, just felt so
helpless that I was getting apathetic, seeing my life run without my control by people in the
normal-sized world. “Why wouldn’t she give it to me herself? What did it say?”
“You want to read it?” Her expression was one of girlish concern, but she had another, queer
look on her face.
“Uhhh…sure. Do you have it?” I asked. With that she pulled a piece of notebook paper from her
pocket, unfolded it and lay it down on the cushion next to me. I didn’t need to read much to get
the gist of it. Becky was breaking up with me. Saying she met a guy at school, mentioning
nothing of the summer. “Well, that’s that,” I said, as chipper as I could manage, a catch in my
throat. I was a bit upset, sad, I guess. Not only getting dumped by my girlfriend, but also what it
represented. I was shrinking, and slowly losing my life, watching it all drop away. My
relationships. My future. Everything. “Sucks to be me.” I tried to smile.
“I’m soooo, so sorry, Mike. I opened the letter ‘cuz, well, I just thought, I guess, that
this was a crappy way for Becky to break up with you. I thought it would be better if I told you.
If you heard what really happened. If you found out now rather than later.”
I turned my face away from the letter and looked up at Laurie. Her smile was warm and
compassionate, lighting up a face of fine cheekbones and delicate jaw. God, she really was a
beautiful girl. I should be angry, but who can be mad at someone this pretty? Looking away, I
muttered thanks.
“So,” she continued, “this way you can get on with your life. You can forget about Becky. You
can start dating other girls.”
What did she mean by that? I was, at that point, awash with enough self-pity that I had let my
guard down. “Dating other girls? Who would ever want to date me now? I’m a twerp.”
“Come on now, Mike. You’re a great guy. You’re cute and funny and lots of girls want to go out
with you.”
“Yeah? Like who?”
“Well,” she smiled, and batted her long eyelashes coquettishly, “me. I’d want to go out with
Oh boy. I was on a slippery slope, and had probably said too much already. Yet, my suffering
self-esteem kept me from turning off this k** completely. Part of me – heck, maybe most of me
by now – enjoyed this opportunity to flirt with a pretty girl. As I’ve said, I’m not generally much
of a chick magnet. But, I had to remain careful. “Now, that wouldn’t be fair to Bec-“
“But Becky just dumped you, remember? Forget about Becky,” she shifted her weight and
inched closer, “go out with me.”
“U-uh, Laurie, I c-can’t,” I stammered. She was smiling mischievously again, looking down at me
over the swells of her chest. “You’re…too young. You’re a k**.”
She cocked her head, pouting. “A k**?” she pushed her thin shoulders back, demonstrating the
size of her new breasts, asking, “Do I look like a k** to you?”
Held speechless for a moment, to her delight, I could do nothing but take in the view of their
shape from below. Finding my tongue once again, I stuttered in reply “T-th-that’s not what I-I
mean. Y-you’re obviously a v-very beautiful girl, and you sh-should have no problem finding-“
“You think I’m beautiful? Really?” She interrupted, bouncing in her seat excitedly. “What makes
me beautiful, huh?”
Okay, I was in trouble. “W-what do you mean?”
“I mean, what do you like about me? What parts of me are beautiful?” She was getting a bit
giddy now, and more obviously flirty.
“I don’t thin-“
“Oh, c’mon, Mike, c’mon. Tell me!”
“Well, uhh…” Okay, think. You don’t want to sound like a pervert, “I like your…” but you do
want to be nice, give her a little boost, “…lipstick…?”
“My lipstick?” Her eyes opened wide, her smile a little crooked, “My lipstick, huh?” She sat back
a bit and reached into her front pocket, pulling out a silver cylinder, text up its side reading
“Spoiled Brat”. Uncapping the tube, she leaned in once again, her face close to me, and began
to apply the frosty pink, translucent lipstick as she said “let me put on a nice, fresh coat for you,
then.” I watched her silently for a bit, expertly running the stick over her full, moist lips, painting
them with fresh color. I found myself becoming aroused.
She saw me watching her, puckered as if for a plush, glossy kiss, and asked me “How about my
lips? Do you like my lips?”
Wanting to keep my demeanor light, trying to appear relaxed, I shot back quickly in mock
seriousness “Hmm..nah, just the lipstick. The name fits.”
She pouted prettily, looked at the lipstick case and read aloud “Spoiled Br- Ooooh! You jerk!”
She began to giggle, picked up a throw pillow and exclaimed “You’re the brat!” while swinging
the pillow at me. My small body was thrown back, against the arm of the couch. Though
surprised, caught off guard, I was not hurt and laughed along with her. I leaned back against the
armrest. Her eyes glinting and mischievous, she giggled again, “I think YOU should wear it, since
you like it so much!”
Suddenly she was on me, trying to press the lipstick to my face. I half-heartedly fought at her
but was – at my small size – mostly ineffectual. She pushed my flailing hands out of the way
and, still giggling, began to smear lipstick across my mouth. “Shh…shh…stop squirming!” she
laughed in mock annoyance. I turned my head this way and that, playfully avoiding her
ministrations, but she took my chin in her hand to steady my struggle. “There we go, that’s
better,” she cooed, as we both quickly calmed down, “now hush.”
I watched her pretty face, her dancing eyes, intent now on her task of carefully applying the
creamy lipstick about my lips. She was gentle, almost meticulous, as, with confident ease, she
covered me with her lipstick. I guess this was a little humiliating, but I was becoming more and
more aroused. Why was I letting her do this? I asked myself. She must be thinking the same
“Well, now,” she said as she finished, studying my face, “don’t you look pretty!”
“Yeah, thanks,” God, I was so turned on, “but is pink my color?”
She started to giggle again and furrowed he brow teasingly. “I dunno. I think it looks better on
me.” With that, she reached over to the table – allowing me to steal a glance of her full breasts
stretching her top in profile – and grabbed a tissue. Leaning in now even closer, and with the
same care she used in its application, she began to dab and scrub the lipstick off my face like a
mother cleaning a messy c***d. I couldn’t keep my eyes from darting in and out of the dark
cleavage yawning in front of me, or running over the round, silky swells rising from her neckline.
“So, Mike,” she said casually as she lingered, slowly blotting the last of her lipstick from my face,
“what else do you like about me?”
Again my gaze dropped to her wobbling chest for an instant. “You mean…uh…physically?”
“Yes,” she said, feigning exasperation, “physically.”
“Well, I, uh, kinda like your hair.”
“Oh really? My hair?” She sighed, trying to sound annoyed. After a moment of thought, she
quickly changed position on the couch. She was suddenly crouched on her knees, facing me,
hands planted widely on either side of my shoulders on the arm of the couch. I gasped,
shocked, and held my breath as she brought her huge, beautiful face to within inches of mine
and with one smooth, dramatic motion swept the mane of her long, golden brown hair over us.
The world outside was blocked by the lush, thick waves which flowed around me on all sides. All
that remained was her – her hair, the sweet smell of her shampoo, and her huge face beaming
wildly. She must have seen my reaction, surprised as I was with eyes wide and breath shallow,
backed up against the armrest in retreat. Maybe she tasted a bit of fear in me. God, she was big.
I felt trapped like a rat in its hole, and aroused beyond anything I’d felt in my life. Our eyes
were locked; she liked this, suddenly, I could tell.
“My hair, huh?” she teased, “Well, I washed it just for you. Here, have a closer look.” With that,
she slowly tossed her head back and forth, running her thick, soft hair across my body in full,
lazy waves. Lost in heady pleasure, I may, at this point, have moaned or sighed – for she
seemed to notice I was enjoying myself, and continued caressing me with her flowing locks for a
long moment.
When our eyes met again hers were alight. She knew she had my full attention, had a sense that
her flirty games were gaining my interest. What a girl with looks like hers can do! She smiled at
me silently for a while, studying me. I did my best to keep her gaze, fighting the urge to turn
away in embarrassment, hoping against hope that my eyes didn’t stray to her chest.
Finally, she spoke again, her voice low. “Now, Mike, what else do you like?” She shifted her
weight slightly forward, towards me. I now had to lean my head back on the armrest to keep
her eyes. Still I was surrounded by her waves of hair, trapped by her downturned face. Her
perfumed shampoo filled the air richly. “It’s okay, we’re all alone. You can tell me.” Her face
moved up, farther away, as she broke my gaze.
Head craned back, I watched the tendons work in her long, graceful neck. “Y-you mean, bbesides
your hair?” I croaked.
“Besides your lips – a-and your lipstick?” I struggled to keep my gaze at her throat, aware of the
looming swells of her chest which approached slowly from below.
“Mmmmhmm. Besides that.”
I swallowed hard. She was not going to make this easy. But what was I worried about? She was
right, we were alone, and Becky had dumped me. What would it hurt if we fooled around like
this a little? “W-well,” I stuttered, “y-you have nice, w-well, really…n-nice…legs.”
“Mmmm. Go on.”
I could no longer see her face. Still, she inched up higher, the expanse of her collarbone passing
before me, until her huge breasts hung heavily from her thin frame above my head, stretching
her white top. They filled my vision. I stammered, trying to continue conversation, “…yyeah…your…legs
are…really long. A-and…shapely. It l-looks like you w-work out. Like, a lot.” She
didn’t seem too interested.
“Anything…else?” Her voice called from above. She had me right where she wanted me.
Though gradually acquiescing, my conscience held me near speechless. “Uuh…uuh…” I
stammered, hypnotized by the sight of her, by her seductive air. She was so big, and so close,
threatening to plaster me into the arm of the couch.
“How about my boobs, Mike?” Her voice dropped, “Do you like them?” Oh Christ. “Hmmm?”
She shifted slightly, her breasts dropping even nearer to me. She filled my senses
overpoweringly, warm and sweet. My heart beat fast.
Not getting an answer out of me, but sensing my growing arousal, she continued talking.
“They’re getting big, huh? Bigger and bigger and bigger.” A single shimmy of her shoulders sent
a corpulent wave through her flesh. “Do you like big boobs, Mike? Big boobs like…mine?” She
paused, waiting for me.
Unable to resist any longer, I replied softly, almost under my breath, as I gazed into her
“Hmmm? What was that, Mike? I couldn’t hear you.”
My throat caught as I answered, “y-y-yes…” I swallowed dryly once more. “I s-said yes. I-I like bbig
boobs. I like y-your…big…b-big boobs.”
“Really, now,” I could sense her growing excitement as I watched the outlines of her nipples
slowly show themselves, becoming erect under the smooth, white material of her tight lycra
top, “what do you like about them?”
I was nervous, nearly quivering with lust, and had lost use of my logic. “t-they’re…they’re…big.”
Apparently I had lost use of the English language, also.
“Mmmhmmm,” she purred patiently, “they are. They are big.” She was probing me, seeing how
far I would go, what she could do with her body. “What does it make you want to do, when you
look at them?”
“I w-w-w…” my voice trailed off weakly, unable to find words.
“Does it make you want to…touch them?” she asked, lowering herself closer. The creamy skin
of one breast was now nearly against my face. It would just take me raising my head off the
armrest to plant my face against her. I didn’t dare.
“Does it make you want to feel them?” I felt the weight of her breast settle onto my hips,
pressing my member hotly through my pants against my stomach. Oh god, I hoped she couldn’t
feel me. Silently I fought the urge to rut up into her softness.
“You know, Mike, there are a lot of boys who like me. Lot of boys who’d like me to do this to
them, who’d like to be right where you are now.” She gently, slowly, rolled her breast into me.
She must, I thought by now, have felt me hard against her. Still, I resisted, making no move.
“How does that make you feel?” Yes, she felt me, I was sure, for she rolled into me again,
tempting me to respond.
I moaned audibly, encouraging her, and she started to press herself down into me, rubbing and
rolling her heavy breast gently across my hips in a slow, undulating rhythm. I could take no
more, my will collapsed; slowly I began to rock my hips up and down, into her firm flesh, taking
her lead. God, if this girl had never been with boys before, she had sure done her research.
“Do you like to look at me the same way they do? The same way the boys at school look at my
body? The way my teachers look down my shirt? Because they’re always looking. Always
staring. It’s like they can’t keep their eyes off me.” She had me subdued with her soft, rolling
breast, and all I could manage was one thought: that she had won. She had her older sister’s
tiny boyfriend alone, all to herself, nearly paralyzed with lust for her ripening body and dryhumping
her big, womanly tit.
“L-L-Laurie…” I moaned, “we s-should stop…” But my actions belied my words as I continued

Same as Big Little sister Redux: Eclipse revisited Videos

2 years ago
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Chinese TakeOut 3 Redux

Hi, I'm connereight. I'm relatively new to the writing business like this so these stories will likely be short-ish and not very good as I get better at writing them. As for why I'm really writing this short forward here, you may have noticed this says Chinese Take-Out 3: Redux in the title and may have seen 2: Redux but no 1: Redux. I wrote the first one on xhamster itself and when my previous profile was removed, that story and a couple others went along with it. Rather than...

4 years ago
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Audra A New Life Redux

Audra: A New Life Redux Joanne Foxcourt Author's Note: Shortly after the first version of this story was posted to the Internet, I received some incredibly good advice about what I was doing right and what I was doing wrong. I'm extremely grateful for that strong and detailed critique - enough that I felt it completely necessary to revisit this story and try to make it better. Equally as important, I felt that too much was left dangling after the first attempt was done....

2 years ago
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Lunar Eclipse

‘Lunar Eclipse tonight. Want to watch it?’ I asked him, as we cleared away dinner debris. ‘Isn’t it cloudy out? And cold?’ He stood, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel, but I saw a small smile flirting with the corner of his lips. ‘So, what’s your point?’ I asked, because if he knew me at all, he knew none of that mattered. He laughed. ‘What time does it start?’ ‘In about 30 minutes.’ I liked it when I got my way. ‘Let’s get some blankets. Don’t want you freezing your ass off. It’s too...

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Eclipse in the Chapel

She had long ago learned not to step on her girlfriends' buzz when they brought up astrology. After all, it's just for fun; nobody actually believes that garbage. Or at least, that's what Adriana hoped. Sometimes their monologues about the placement of the planets would go on long enough that it was hard to tell. But even the most stoic, sensible person would get the creeps in this place. Adriana finished trudging up the hill, and no longer worried about tripping over an inconvenient...

3 years ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 2

September 6, 1973 Geography isn’t usually much of an element to a story, except when it is a critical element to the story. A tale that takes place in the Grand Canyon or on Mount Everest is going to owe a lot to geography. That’s not true when the locale is an upper middle class suburban subdivision which is basically laid out in a north-south, east-west grid with regular spacing between streets and houses. The only role the geography has to play is one of scale. Benny lived in a...

4 years ago
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Rebecca Redux

Steam filled the enclosure, condensing on the Italian tile and running down the walls in a multitude of tiny rivulets. Moisture was everywhere and the spray was filling the air with a fog so thick it almost obscured the man's erection as she stroked his suds-covered length.Rebecca didn’t know him. She had met him in this very room in fact, but that didn’t matter much. She had never been shy about sex and if giving her body to him for a couple hours brought her closer to her goal, she was fine...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Killer Tuna Redux Chapter 4

Killer Tuna Redux – Chapter 4: Caddie Seattle, WA Bushwell Plaza, Apartment 8D Saturday, January 18, 2014 7:43pm It had been months since Freddie Benson had seen his best friends, Carly Shay and Sam Puckett. With Carly, it was kinda understood why he never saw hide or hair of her, she was on the other side of the world practically in Italy with her dad. He’d get a phone call every so often, but the timing was never right and she could never get the time zones right. And not long after Carly...

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Vince Redux

I first met Vince at my friend Lynn's wedding on August 23, 2014 (see photos in my Lynn’s Wedding album, and my posted story called Lynn's Wedding). Vince was, and is, all rippling muscles in his chest, arms, and legs. Cute butt, too! And... mmm... ten solid inches of mega-thick cock. Plus, he had, and has, the knowledge of how to use it on a woman to devastating effect. We had an amazing night together that first time, on Lynn's wedding night. And I knew that I got a much better fuck that...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Killer Tuna Redux Chapter 12 Conclusion

Killer Tuna Redux - Chapter 12: ConclusionThe four teens finished their couple-shared showers around an hour ago and now were relaxing in the girls' bedroom as the TV played at the end of the room. A few cups of soda littered the room along with two nearly empty pizza boxers (thanks mostly to Sam) were strung on top of the crate stacks used as steps at the end of Sam's bed.Sam was propped up with some pillows as she sat up in Cat's bed watching the television and just having finished another...

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Killer Tuna Redux Chapter 11

Killer Tuna Redux - Chapter 11: Reconciliation Part 2Jade slipped off the couch to give the roommates exclusivity to it and stood up on wobbly legs, still recovering from the Cat and Sam's expert tongue lashings. Thankfully, she only had to take a few steps to reach the chair that the boy that had so easily wormed himself into her mind, body, heart and soul in the last twenty-four hours was recovering more than just his breath.The hopeful actress eased herself down to her knees between his...

2 years ago
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Killer Tuna Redux Chapter 10 Reconciliation Par

Killer Tuna Redux - Chapter 10: Reconciliation Part 1Freddie and Jade had spent much of the late morning trying to forget about Freddie's 'buzzkill' slowly getting to know one another. The new couple lay on the couch together for nearly two hours, barely moving, and just cuddling.This cuddling thing was a relatively foreign concept for Jade, especially since Freddie was the first guy who'd ever actually done it. Cat kinda cuddled, even though it was a bit one sided, where she would hold the...

3 years ago
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SRU Dans Redux

SRU: Dan's Redux By JDCopyhack Wisps of dust billowed from the floor as the wizard moved impatiently between the front counter and the back storeroom. The last of the Christmas decorations had finally been put away and business would soon get back to normal. The holiday season was an exceptionally busy time of year for Spells R Us, with so many people looking for that last minute novelty gift. Little did they know what surprises awaited them on Christmas Day. The wizard...

4 years ago
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The Pinch Hit Bride Redux

In October 1997 while wading through a newsgroup I found a shard of a story called The Pinch Hit Bride. It was originally attributed to Miss Karen-Anne Brown. Much of the beginning was a mass of garbled text, big sections of the story seemed to be missing. As I read it, I saw something in that story. It seemed like a great skeleton to create something around, so I did. Flash forward to a few months ago. While poking around on Fictionmania I was reminded of the 'search by keyword...

2 years ago
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Larry Redux

Larry Redux This is Belle. This tale is from Nicole. It is about her brother. I will let Nicole tell it. Hello everybody. I am Nicole. I had the night off. I was watching my brother's children while he filled in for a shift at the Ye Old Irish Inn. My work partner Bobbie had to work a graveyard shift as well as her normal posting. My housemate Jo was working a twelve hour shift with the Salem PD. Helga was out of town for a convention and was due back in two days. It was Three...

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Murder Misstery Redux

Murder Misstery Redux © 2008 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did.... After faking her death, Maddy is enjoying her life as the mistress of the Parisian doctor who is turning her into a woman. The next few months were among the happiest of my life. Long, lazy mornings puttering around my apartment, fixing myself breakfast while I picked up French...

4 years ago
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Redux By Cal Y. Pygia Today, Stormy Danielson was re-creating the late Renaissance's Antonio Allegri da Correggio's Jupiter and Io. Danielson's re-creation was to remain true to the original in every way but one--the same detail, if one could call such a feature a mere "detail"--that his anonymous billionaire patron had ordered in commissioning the series of works upon which the artist was now hard at work. The painter thought that his benefactor's obsession with such a...

3 years ago
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The Office Girl Epilogue Redux

Authors Note: I did not think this story called for a true sequel that some asked for, but I decided to flush out the ending that was admittedly hasty. Consequently, I decided, in an act similar to the grand tradition of directors ruining their films by making changes years later, to write The Office Girl Epilogue Redux. This story takes the place of the Office Girl Epilogue. I decided not to alter the original in case some preferred the story the way it was. This epilogue is largely the...

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Sarah Carerra 214 Wake Up Redux

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: November 1, 2010) Chapter 14 - Wake Up! Redux I stepped into The Treble with Music with a large smile on my face. In two weeks I would be signing CD's in this store. Dad had confirmed the details earlier this morning before he took...

3 years ago
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Reboot Redux

"Reboot" Redux "I come from the Net. From systems, people, and cities, to this place. Mainframe. My format? Guardian. To mend and defend. To defend my new-found friends. Their hopes and dreams. To defend them from their enemies. They say the User lives outside the Net, and inputs games for pleasure. Nobody knows for sure, but I intend to find out .... Reboot!" **** "Look out, Enzo! There is a another Game cube coming in!" "Alphanumeric Bob! Lets go, and beat...

4 years ago
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Moms Girl Redux

Mom's Girl Redux by Elizabeth Joanne Author's note: It has been a long time since I originally posted the beginnings of my coming out to my Mother and her acceptance of her new daughter. I apologize for the gap however life seems to have a way of interfering with the best of intentions. I may get back to that story eventually bit only time will tell there. My life has changed dramatically over time so I am picking up at a later point. It was a time of joy yet fraught with fear. It...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 2

Mom's Girl Redux Part 2 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 5 I debated the offers all weekend without reaching any decisions. I had talked with Mom on Sunday but told her nothing of the offers nor how I felt about them. I knew in my heart what she would tell me what to do and perhaps deep inside I agreed with her but was afraid to admit that to myself. Yes the thought of being Beth 24/7 was exciting and that was hard to get past. Still was I really ready for it? Could I really do it or...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 3

Mom's Girl Redux Part 3 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 8 The time off has definitely been good for me. I am sleeping well again and back to eating on a regular basis. Well OK maybe a semi regular basis as I have always been more of one to eat when I get hungry and when I am home like this I am far more apt to snack throughout the day than formal meals. Still I was back on track more or less. About the only thing was I had yet to make a formal decision about anything. Yes I was...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 4

Mom's Girl Redux Part 4 by Elizabeth Joanne Author's note: When I first starting putting this to paper so to speak I did for myself. Yes some of us, me included, dream of writing that next great American novel but in reality I know it won't be me that does that. Then when I decided to post it for some reason I set in my mind some magic numbers of either number of reads or reviews that would bring me to post the next installment, not sure why. Maybe ego but the reviews I have received...

3 years ago
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Moms Girl Redux Part 5

Mom's Girl Redux Part 5 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 15 Those first few days were really a blur. I spent more time packing up and lugging things to the Salvation Army than anything else. Yes I did have my fun Saturday night at the bar and all the girls teased me I was now one of them. Kathy went as far as to tell me I needed to carry a tampon in my purse now or at the very least a maxi pad. She did laugh when I told her at my age the "change" had already gotten to me. It is...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 6

Mom's Girl Redux Part 6 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 18 I double checked to make sure I had everything I needed that Friday morning. I'm still not sure I am crazy about the shorter hair but I did know it beat wearing a wig and even extensions have their drawbacks. I am going to let it grow some more but it does look cute in its own way and it is all me. Once my curling iron cooled I packed it...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 7

Mom's Girl Redux Part 7 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 20 The weekend with Mom did me good. It not only got me away from the 4 walls of my apartment but it also showed me that when the time is right there may be hope for an old lady like me. Yes I had received a bit of a rude awakening last Saturday night about things but in a way I may have been a bit naive about these things. No I was far from a sweet innocent babe in arms but that was different. I had vowed to change my ways...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 8

Mom's Girl Redux Part 8 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 23 The last 3 weeks have been an eye opener in many ways. Yes I have had fun working. It had been fun for a while being a lady of leisure but it felt good to have something to do and feel like I belonged. Most of the patrons knew fully well who and what I was yet they treated like just one of the girls. We joked around and in our own way looked out for each other. It was kind if a family, granted not built around blood...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 9

Mom's Girl Redux Part 9 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 27 It took a few weeks but Kathy finally found someone to take my place but she has to give two weeks at her old job so I continued to stick around. I did get out to Mom's for my birthday. Seems a bit strange being 52 and starting over. Sure many have done it before as a whole new person? I have my cover story and all that but as I sat there I started to realize my past was in essence gone. They were just memories, charms on...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 10

Mom's Girl Redux Part 10 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 31 There wasn't much traffic out and the drive out was pleasant. As I drove along I thought about what I was leaving behind and what was ahead for me. Was I really going to be happy? I was walking away from the known and into the unknown. It has been over 6 months since I first went full time but up until now it had one new experience...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 11

Mom's Girl Redux Part 11 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 36 Another Christmas in the books I thought as I put away the last of the decorations. Well at least the indoor decorations, there's 2 feet of snow out there and there is no way this girl is going to worry about the ones outside. They can wait until spring thaw I told Mom. Not sure she was happy about that but she never said a word. At...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 12

Mom's Girl Redux Part 12 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 40 I never said anything to Mom about what Dr. Kelsey and I had talked about. I did though talk to Nancy and she asked what was I waiting for? I explained that I had to wait until at least April to finish my RLT. She asked if it was about money and I said no, just have to play by the rules. My next appointment with Dr. Kelsey we went deeper into what was required and even gave me the number of Dr. Thompson in Chicago. She said he...

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Family Issues Complete Redux

Family Issues Chapter 1 - Innocence and Acquiescence Your life is a story, a narrative pieced together over time, expanding, evolving. It is the only thing that is truly yours, the very essence of what it is to be you. It is not however, your only story. Each decision that you have made throughout your life, from the most mundane, to the grandest, has taken you down a path, branching away from what could have otherwise been. This is where the full scope of your life becomes...

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Old Before His Time Revisited

Old Before His Time Revisited By Cheryl Lynn This story was originally posted by Verna Benson, one of my favorite authors. I have no way to contact her for permission to expand on her story. Vera if you object I will have this deleted. I recently became reacquainted with it and had to stop my work on a new story to do this. It just popped into my head and had to write it down. Not for the squeamish or gentle reader. The usual disclaimers apply and may be downloaded...

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Hell Hath No Fury an Eclipse Vignette

He has the virus. It had become more common over the past ten years, but thankfully the therapy has grown increasingly effective. He himself has been receiving treatments for the past six months. They make him feel lousy, weak, libidinous almost to the point of priapism - and they've withered his body, shrinking him several inches. An improvement, certainly, over treatments of the past which left some men less than a foot tall before fighting off the virus. But still unpleasant. Sherri, his...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 59

June 22, 1980 The male half of the wedding party was gathered in the back of the church. Tim was the groom. Benny was the best man. Robert was the groomsman. It wasn’t a very talkative group. Tim was thirsty, but afraid of drinking much of anything lest he needed to go the toilet in the middle of the ceremony. Benny was lost in his thoughts about his new house. It was finished, but the second one for the help wasn’t. Robert was just watching the two of them amused by it all. It was amazing...

3 years ago
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The Beach House Revisited

________________________________________________________________________________________ The Beach House - Revisited Dave Keelson sat at the outdoor patio table, his mind completely lost in thought. He was reliving the months he’d spent at that secluded beach house with Mary Ellen Glasser, the woman that had rescued him from her lakeside beach, almost a year ago. For him, there were many warm memories of the time they’d spent together as he dealt with his amnesia, the result of having...

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Consequences Judith Revisited

I wrote Consequence- Judith almost a year ago but the ending always bothered me. Judith paid for her affair with Wes as she should, but I felt sorry for her. She fell on hard times afterwards, but then picked herself up and moved forward, raising her two sons and building a new life for herself. This is her story. Please forgive me for doing this but the comments from some readers told me they felt the same way I did. Edited by LadyCibelle with my thanks. Consequences-Judith, Revisited I...

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Widow Neighbor Revisited

Introduction: At the request of so many readers to the original story, here is the follow up and comclusion. Enjoy! Widow Neighbor Revisited Normally, when I have completed a story, or even a series, I prefer to stop, rather than continue with a weak follow up that is filled with just suck, fuck, hump and bump. But with the success of Widow Neighbor, quite a few people have voted positively and strongly encouraged me to do a follow up. But where do you go from here&hellip,? I have thought...

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Stockholm revisited

Stockholm revisitedA long work of both truth and fantasy for KayHaving got the green light on a renewal of a new contract it was time to get it signed off, this time it was decided that Kay would come with me for the trip so we could spend the weekend just chilling out away from home.Once in Stockholm we made our way to the hotel where I had used some of my rewards points to get a small suite, having been shown up to the suite I changed into my suit and told Kay I should only be about two or...

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I became a female voyeurrevisited

I became a female voyeur, revisitedHopefully you will have read and enjoyed my previous stories “I became a female voyeur”. In those stories, you will have read how I set up secret cameras in my student accommodation so that I could spy on my housemates. I thought I would continue the story..............After leaving college, I got a job and moved into my own 2 bedroom flat, not far from my parents. It is the case with me that I am nearly always horny and sometimes I work myself into a sexual...

2 years ago
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A Past Life Revisited

Archiving rights granted to Fictionmania, and Crystal's Storysite. All others by permission only. A Past Life Revisited By: Donna Allyson (c) 2001 Prologue: To many in the ancient world and to some extent even in today's enlightened society, the belief that we have been here on Earth before is deeply rooted in tradition and religion. Most however have come to believe that we are here once and will reap some reward or punishment in the afterlife based on the life that we live now....

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The Girls Room Revisited

The Girl's Room Revisited By Danielle J This story is dedicated to Fictionmania Author Mr. Pec. I wrote another tale spun off from his original story at FM. Thanks to Steve Zink for his customary editing work. ***** "Oh shit," said one of four girls standing in the mall. "Not him." "He's just a dumb jock," another girl added. "But a cute jock!" another girl giggled. "Not for much longer," the first girl added. "So, what do you predict?" ***** Brian Feingold was in a...

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Jennifers CumPulsion VII San Francisco Revisited

Jennifer's CumPulsion Part VII: San Francisco Revisited By Jennifer James [email protected] If you've read my other stories you'll already know a bit about me. And you'll also notice that my previous stories ran backwards chronologically from the end (the present) to the beginning. But time marches on, so this one actually took place after Part 1. Since Part 1, though, things have changed with me somewhat. I've gotten tired of the TG clubs and the repetitive games with...

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The Village Revisited

The Village-Revisited by Margaret Jeanette Their marriage ceremony was the event of the year for the village. Tommy and Mary went on with their lives. Tommy had his wedding dress sealed in an air-tight plastic bag and continued to wear dresses. He moved his things to Mary's house and continued to clean. Two weeks after their marriage he asked Mary why she liked him so well wearing a dress. He told her he wasn't asking to get out of wearing them, but wanted to know why she...

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The Wedding Revisited

THE WEDDING REVISITED BY JANICE This story is a sequel to The Wedding. It has two of the same characters, Ron, a cross dresser madly in love with Karol, a lesbian married to another lesbian, and takes place a few years after The Wedding, it is also a prequel because of flash backs that take place years before The Wedding. You decide what it is. It has the same narrator, Ron. ...

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An Old Trope Revisited

An Old Trope Revisited I was in the change room, getting angrier by the moment. My own mother was pushing girl clothes on me! She'd dragged me into this shop, made me strip, and now had thrown skirts and dresses and girl's underthings over the top of the door, and was demanding I put them on! I really couldn't believe my own mother would be doing something like this. Why would she want to turn me into a girl? Didn't she love me just as I was? And what could I possibly do but go along...

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Docs Complex 13 23 CutePattis Big Changes Revisited

Doc's Complex 13 - 23 - CutePatti's Big Changes Revisited by Lee Most Based on "Big Changes" by CutePatti Copyright 2012 by Lee Most -------------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis Chapters 13 - 23 of "Doc's Complex," is fan fiction in honor of CutePatti's story "Big Changes." The story is about a teenage boy living with his older and younger sisters and his mother. He gets to be so nasty to them and to all other women (except his girlfriend) that...

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Chance Encounter 8211 Sarita Nimmo revisited

Chance Encounter – Sarita & Nimmo revisited This is the 2nd episode of Chance encounter. Thank you readers of ISS. The original story had over 1,00,000 hits. That was way beyond what ever I expected it to be. And it prompted me to put this second episode on paper. After few months, I went back to this small town where Sarita & Nimmo lived. I went directly to their house hoping to get the room of the roof for rent again. As I alighted from the rickshaw, I heard a shreik of joy from inside the...

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The Date Revisited

The Date - Revisited It's now over 18 months since I wrote "The Date" and the positive reviews it attracted were really encouraging. The story was written in the form of a diary from the perspective of Mandy, a post-operative transwoman, who attracted the attention of Peter, a younger worker at the company Mandy had been sent to on a week's contract work placement. Mandy notices Peter taking furtive glances at her and we follow her during the week as Peter finally plucks up the courage...

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What NowChapter 4 What now revisited

Revisited: I was through writing this story and was inundated with feedback and comments. I fell to the pressure of the readers and decided to write a couple of more chapters. Many readers had suggestions about both Dorothy and George. What they should do and not do. Most just wanted to hear it all from Dorothy's point of view. What would make a woman think the way she did. Here is Dorothy's story after the reunion. Again, thank you to my friend and editor Techsan for making my story a...

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Kristens Big Mistake Redux by Millie Dynamite

by Millie Dynamite © copyright 2014, 2019, 2020 by Millie Dynamite Kristen’s trip went well, she’d bought dozens of new outfits, spent a fortune on all kinds of indulgences, and enjoyed herself indulgence in the resort getaway. She felt satisfied and only wanted to get home to her husband to play the part of a loving wife. He’d be happy, she returned two days ahead of schedule, and she would satisfy his every whim, the old fart had always been an easy mark. Passing over the exchange, she...

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True Lies Redux Ch 02

Still very little graphic sex in this chapter. The plot thickens, I hope. This is ALL FICTION though I mention a few well known famous historical names and places. ******************* Rachel – Grayson showed up just a little after midnight after his meeting with Senator Reyburn, but he didn’t come home alone. He brought another woman home with him. Well, I DID say I was ready for ANYTHING when he got home, but I was kind of hoping more of a real romantic bonding relationship might be...

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True Lies Redux

T I’ve started another serial. I can hear the groans now. It’s just a start with this chapter and the whole thing is NOT finished so it will be at least a week. As always for me it’s a ‘Loving Wives’ core but pretty darn non-erotic. More of a spy genre. I was motivated by QHM1’s ‘Mr. and Mrs. America’ follow on story and of course the Arnold S. ‘True Lies’ movie with it’s own almost strayed ‘loving wives’ sub-plot. Enjoy and please vote and comment. ************** What can I say? I’m a spy....

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Casanova Redux Ch 16

We were safe. When I showed Shakey the coin from Prince Brenton, he shouted so loudly that birds left the surrounding trees. I didn’t offer any explanation, I simply walked over to where Withers knelt, steeling myself against the tears in his eyes and sliced through his rope bonds with a knife I found nearby. Shakey tried to protest losing his prisoners but a sharp bark from the Prince and we were on our way, putting one foot in front of the other until we’d reached the main road. Only then did...

3 years ago
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Teresas Christmas Story Redux

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

3 years ago
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Casanova Redux Ch 17

Having my father’s blessing certainly made me feel better but nothing could touch my happiness at knowing that Withers, that Peter, would be returning to the estate. I needed to talk to him, to at least try to explain what I did to him. I needed to know if he could forgive me, if he could see past everything and find me again. I had to know if I still mattered to him. My father was true to his word. I stood at the window and watched Withers stride into the yard, throw the doors of the forge...

2 years ago
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Casanova Redux Ch 01

As long as I’ve know myself, my life has always revolved around sex. I’ve always had questions, people asking me how I became the sexually depraved person that I am today and since my tale is an interesting one, I thought I might tell you of some of the encounters I had before I left my mother’s breast. My story begins in squalor, with a woman who found herself pregnant and without a mate. But my mother, Laurie, was never without ingenuity so our sojourn in Hell did not last any longer than...

4 years ago
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Casanova Redux Ch 10

Love can make you do some crazy things. I never knew what love could make me do until I started talking to Cook. What started as a simple dinner evolved into something so romantic that not even the Prince could outdo us. I would have never thought that an old woman would have any knowledge of love and sex until she winked and reminded me that she was the mother of six children. I was so very happy that I went to Cook. She listened with the heart of a woman and responded with the soul of a...

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