Double Edged Sword
by Bashful
Jim Carter was an angry man. He had been an angry boy and an angry
child. Today he was just plain angry. Jim was the physical education
Instructor for a small high school outside Cleveland, Ohio. Mostly, Jim
was mad at the left wing liberals ruining his country. Until 3 months
ago, Jim was in charge of the school athletics teams, now the damn
courts were ordering him around.
Jim required all his male athletes to wear their hair
very short. If you wanted to wear long hair, he told them, go out for
cheerleader. For the last 8 years, no one had questioned this until Jack
Wilson had gone out for the team.
Jack was a natural athlete and a gifted student. He also had
shoulder length hair. Jim didn't require the young men who tried out for
his teams to cut their hair unless they were offered a spot on the team.
When Jack tried out, Jim told him he could be a starter, just get a haircut
and report for practice on Monday. Jack objected to the haircut and said
so. Jim was short and to the point, no haircut, no playing.
Two weeks later, Jack showed up for practice with long hair
and his father. His father was an attorney and he had gotten a court order
requiring Jim to end his hair cut policy since it was discriminatory
towards males. Female players did not have to cut their hair, so neither
did the males.
Jim was fit to be tied; who the hell did this attorney think he
was? Boys and girls were different, treating them different was natural,
and it had always been that way. Jim went to the school board and
demanded they fight the court order. They refused, they told Jim he
needed to open up and be a little more liberal.
One of the members, a woman of course, told Jim that some
men would look good with long hair, even Jim! Jim was fit to be tied.
He could not believe this was happening. He wished again he had stayed
in the Corps.
Jim had dreamed of being a marine ever since he saw the film
"The D. I." with Jack Webb. As soon as he finished high school, Jim
joined up. He loved the discipline and structure; you always knew where
you stood with your leaders and your fellow marines. After 2 years Jim
decided to get out and go to college. With a degree he could re-enlist as
an officer. There was no war on at that time.
Jack went to a state university on the GI Bill, which paid him
enough to cover his tuition and books. He stayed in the dorms and he
got part time jobs to cover what few living expenses he had. Jim was big,
6'2 and weighing 200, all muscle. The football team coach got him to try
out and made him a starting line man. Jim enjoyed the workouts and the
games and the chance to kick butt every week.
In his junior year, Jim dislocated his right knee. The school
took care of the medical bills and the therapy. Jim was off the team for 6
months. When the doctor released him back to the football team, Jim was
told he was no longer a player. There had been several complaints about
Jim hurting other players, even his own teammates during practice. Jim
was floored; hitting people was what he was supposed to do! Jim
complained loud and long but it did no good. Jim finally gave up and
just added it to the list of things he had to be angry about.
When Jim graduated he applied to the Corps for a commission.
They were eager to have an experienced man come back to the Corps but
when they saw the medical report on his leg injury, they turned him
down. Jim was devastated. He was locked out of the life he loved,
Jim's old commander looked him up, he had heard he had been
rejected and told Jim he knew of a coach's job in Cleveland he could help
Jim get. His old commander pointed out that guiding young men in high
school could be very rewarding and he could maybe get some of them to
join the Corps. Jim wasn't sure he wanted to be a teacher but as a coach,
he was almost an officer, training men, young men. He decided he would
try it.
Jim settled into the job and found he enjoyed it. He was
having an effect on young men who came to him for advice. He told
them how women were made to serve men, a man was the head of the
household and it would always be that way. Women were supposed to be
to be barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen. All this women's
liberation nonsense you heard about would blow over and things would
be the same way they had always been.
Once, the mother of one of his ball players came up, to
Jim's office and complained about what Jim was teaching her son. Jim
laughed her out of his office. He told her to send her husband up to talk
to him if there was a problem. When she told him she was divorced, Jim
snorted and told her he would be sure and give her son extra attention so
he had a strong male role model. The woman told Jim she was going to
have him fired and Jim laughed. Probably a dike, Jim thought, that's
why her husband left.
After the woman tried to have Jim fired and the school
board refused, she had called Jim and promised him that some day; he
was going to regret what he was teaching. Jim laughed and hung up.
After the school board refused to fight the hair cut policy court
order, Jim thought about quitting in protest. Then he decided to get
even. While in the service, Jim had been sent to Europe for the annual
multi-service wargames. While there, he had gone into a little German
town with some friends for dinner. In the restaurant he had found a small
medallion in the men's room. It was a cheap looking little copper or
bronze medal on a thin chain. He had picked it up and dropped it in his
pocket and forgot about it.
Later at the barracks, he had pulled it out of his pocket and his
friend Don Latimore had asked to see it. Jim had handed it to Don and
their hands both touched the medal at the same time. They both felt a
tingle all over their bodies. Over the next 30 minutes, both men changed
until they looked just like each other. Jim stared in amazement at his own
face looking back at him, in Don?s uniform.
Just then, the sergeant walked through and gave both men hell
for wearing the wrong uniform shirts, their names being sown on the
front of the shirts. Jim explained they must have gotten mixed up in the
laundry and they quickly changed. The men then swapped wallets. They
knew the medallion had to be the cause of the change but nothing they
did could make them change back. They couldn't tell anyone what
happened, they would be sent to a mental ward. Who would believe
them since they couldn't prove it? They decided to sleep on it and try to
come up with a solution in the morning. They had to remember to sleep
in the other's bunk and use each other's locker; they did swap
toothbrushes though.
The next morning they once again tried touching the medallion
together and they felt the same tingle. Jim checked his watch; 13 hours
had gone by so it worked only after a delay of more than 6 hours, the last
time they tried it the night before, and less than 13 hours. Jim decided to
experiment with the charm some more when he was alone.
That night they went to the same restaurant and Jim saw a
worried looking man and woman come into the place and talk to the
manager. Tom, one of Jim's pals who spoke German, said they were
looking for some jewelry they dropped in the men's room last night. Jim
stared at the woman, she was pretty and well built, but she seemed
uncomfortable and very self-conscious. Jim realized they must have been
looking for the medallion! They had changed bodies and the good-
looking woman standing there in the blue dress and high heels was really
a man!
Jim thought about giving them back the medallion, he looked
at the man who had been the pretty woman. He was very scared looking.
Had the man known he was going to change into a woman when they
touched the medallion? Or had it been an accident like he and Don had
the night before? The manager was saying something and shrugging his
shoulders. The man and woman turned to leave. As they walked by
Jim's table they were arguing, Jim asked Tom what they were saying,
Tom said the man was very angry at the woman, he had warned her not
to "do it" whatever that was and now they were stuck.
Jim was about to give them the medallion until he heard this.
The man, now the woman, had wanted to be a woman, fine, he (she) had
her wish. Jim was amazed; the medal would even change your sex! Jim
waited until they were back in the States to try the medallion again. He
didn't want to involve another person but he didn't see any other way.
He thought about becoming a woman. He wasn't interested in sex with a
man but what did it feel like to be a woman? The fear of winding up like
the couple in Germany kept him from experimenting in that direction.
Jim took to wearing the medallion around his neck for
safekeeping. He knew it was valuable and didn't want a barracks thief to
get it.
One Friday, he was going to town for the weekend, maybe to
get lucky with the girls that prowled the bars looking for a stud like
himself. He was getting dressed and saw a shirt that belonged to Don
lying on Don's bunk. He had always liked the shirt and Don told him he
could wear it if he wanted. He pulled the knit shirt over his head and felt
the tingle he had felt in Germany when he and Don changed bodies. In
30 minutes, Jim was Don's twin.
Just then, Don walked in and saw Jim. Jim explained what had
happened. Don had wanted nothing to do with the medallion after their
scare last year. Jim had also told Don about the couple in Germany.
Now, Don asked if he could borrow the medallion. Jim would only
agree if Don didn't leave his sight. Don put the medallion on and went
over to the bunk of one of the black marines. Jim started to say
something but before he could, Don touched the medallion to the
marine's uniform hanging in the locker.
Jim asked Don what he was doing. Don explained that this
marine had guard duty tonight and he, Don, was going to town and see
the guy's girlfriend.
Don always wanted to try it with a black girl and now he could
without getting caught. Jim thought it was a bad idea but it was Don's
Jim was stuck looking like Don for the next few hours so he
got Don's ID cards and went to town. He met a girl in the first bar he
went to who took him home and screwed him cross eyed. Don was better
endowed than Jim and had something of a reputation with the ladies in
the bars.
The next night, Jim went back to the same bar and found the
same girl, he tried to interest her in some slap and tickle but she turned
him down cold. Jim went back to the barracks and got one of Don's shirts
and by the time he got back to the bar, he was Don again. The girl almost
raped him right in the bar.
After that Jim became Don almost every weekend. He had
several girls he saw regularly. Don came back from his first experience
with the black marine's girl friend, crowing like a rooster. The black
marine had a real dynamo for a girlfriend; she kept Don up all night
long.Don changed back just before the real black marine came in from
guard duty. Don wanted to buy the medallion from Jim but Jim wouldn't
sell. He let Don use the medallion anytime he wanted though.
Don kept going back to see the black marine's girlfriend
whenever the other marine was on duty. One day, Don didn't come back,
he sent a message telling Jim he was in love with the girl and she knew
he was really someone else. They were leaving the state. Don was going
to stay in the black marine's body. It meant Don would be considered a
deserter but Don didn't care. It also meant that Jim couldn't become Don
any more because he would be arrested as a deserter and spend 20 years
in the stockade.
Jim was troubled by the turn of events and he stopped using
the medallion. He had noticed the more he wore Don's body, the more he
thought like Don. Lately, while in Don's body, he had considered trying
sex with a black girl himself. Jim wasn't prejudiced against African-
Americans; he just hadn't met a black girl he was interested in.
Jim decided it was too dangerous and locked the medallion in a
safety deposit box at the bank.
When he got out of the service, he kept the medallion in a
locked box hidden in his house. He had not looked at it for years. Jim
got the medallion out and wondered if it still worked. He had a plan for
getting even with the longhaired players and the attorney father of Jack
He put the medallion on and picked up a winter scarf he had
taken from the teacher's lounge at school. The scarf belonged to Gary
Edwards, the science teacher. He was going to change into Gary to make
sure the medallion worked. Gary had pissed him off last week when he
made a comment about Marines being baby killers. Jim was going to
impersonate Gary and pick up a girl in a bar. He would make sure he was
seen with the girl and let the rumors start about Gary running around on
his wife.
Jim touched the scarf to the medallion and felt the familiar
tingle, it still worked! Jim was in the bathroom, naked, in front of a full-
length mirror. He wanted to see the change take place. He saw himself
begin to shrink and rearrange. His hair grew longer and changed to
blonde, that was wrong! Gary had brown hair like Jim. The hair kept
getting longer, down to his shoulders. His stomach collapsed inwards
and his hips swelled out. His nipples enlarged and turned pink, two
breasts swelled up on his chest. His penis shrunk up and retreated into
his body leaving a vagina and clit behind.
Jim stared at the woman he had become, long blonde hair, blue
eyes, 5'6", firm full breasts, wide hips and shapely legs. She was about
28 years old, close to Jim's 31 years of age. If he had run into this girl in
a bar, he would have hit on her big time, she was beautiful!
But how had this happened? She was no one he had ever seen
before. Jim knew in 12 hours he could change back so he wasn't too
worried, but how did this happen? Jim walked around the room and felt
the difference in the center of balance and the strange weight on his
chest. It was very strange feeling the emptiness between his legs.
Jim also noticed that his bad knee didn't hurt anymore, usually
by the end of the day, the knee he had injured in college was sore and
stiff. Prior to the change it had been bothering him but now it was pain
free. He also felt like he was much more limber. Well, the body
belonged to a young woman and women were usually more flexible than
Jim had a problem, he had no clothes to fit this body. He tried
his sweat suit but the pants were way too big. He put on a T-shirt and
was uncomfortable because it looked too much like a short dress on him.
He settled for a robe with the sleeves rolled up but it was still too large.
Jim had planned on going out to eat that evening. As Gary
Edwards, he could have pulled it off. They were the same size which is
why Jim had chosen him to impersonate. As this unknown girl, he was
stuck in the house. He had nothing to eat. He decided to call for pizza.
He called the place that delivered and was a little displeased at
being called ?miss? on the phone. Well, he did sound like a woman
now. Jim ordered his usual extra large with everything and gave the
address, the kid who took the order asked if that was Coach Carter's
house, Jim said yes and realized they wondered why a woman was
calling from there.
Jim didn't have a girl friend, he couldn't find the kind of girl he
wanted, one who would cook and clean and not complain. Jim told the
kid on the phone he was the coach's sister from Detroit. 35 minutes later
a young man Jim had never seen came to the door with the pizza. Jim
opened the door wearing the ill-fitting robe and saw the greedy look the
kid gave "her".
"Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer buddy" Jim
snapped at the boy.
He blushed and apologized. He said he just hadn't seen such a
pretty woman in a long time.
Jim felt himself blush! This was going too far, he paid for
the pizza, tipped too much and shut the door.
Jim felt flushed and strangely wet between his legs. 11 hours
before he could get out of this body. Damn it wouldn't come too soon.
Jim discovered he couldn't eat more than 3 slices of pizza and he usually
finished one by himself. He normally had 3 beers with his pizza but half
way through his second he started feeling woozy. He also discovered the
beer didn't taste as good as it usually did. He finished the 2nd beer and
went to lay down, he fell asleep and started dreaming.
He was in a bar wearing a short black dress, his long blonde
hair cascading around his shoulders and curling on the tops of his
breasts. Ample cleavage was displayed thanks to the low cut neck line.
Men kept hitting on Jim in the beautiful blonde's body and he kept
saying no.
Then Don, in his black marine's body, came in and lead
Jim out of the bar, into a bedroom. Don undressed Jim and called him
by name, Don laid Jim on his back and began rubbing his breasts and
fingering his cunt. Jim tried to resist but had no control. Don pulled an
enormous cock out of his pants and told Jim to suck it. Jim felt his body
orgasm again and again.
Jim woke up bathed in sweat and love juices from the female
body he occupied. He felt the warm afterglow of a female orgasm.
?Apparently?, he thought, ?I just had a female version of a wet
Jim was repulsed by what had happened in the dream but had
to admit the orgasm was something else. He had no idea it could feel so
good! At least he woke up before he gave Don a blow job.
Jim got out of bed and noticed he had about 2 hours to go
before he could change back. He had a killer headache, had to be too
much beer. He needed to keep in mind women can't drink as much as he
could. Normally, two beers wouldn't have caused any reaction.
He decided to clean up while he waited. He stripped the bed
and put clean sheets on then went to get in the shower. Jim hesitated,
lathering up this body may cause more problems. Jim couldn't stand the
sticky feeling so he got into the hot shower. He discovered his usual
setting was too hot for this body's delicate, smooth skin. He turned down
the hot water until it was comfortable.
As he worked soap up into a lather and spread it across his
body, he started to experience the joys of having breasts, the electric
shocks he felt going from his nipples to his clit were addicting. He
massaged his breasts and started rubbing on his clit until he collapsed on
the floor of the shower stall shuddering with each wave of pleasure. He
lay on the floor of the shower, warm water running over his female body,
and pleasured himself for over 2 hours.
Jim stood up after getting the strength back in his legs. He
rinsed off and got out of the shower. He was wearing the medallion and
he mmediately grabbed a shirt out of the laundry hamper and touched it
to the medal. He was scared about the thoughts he had during the
orgasm, thoughts of staying a woman long enough to try sex with a man.
He was a man. Men don't have sex with men. It was just the
novelty of the situation and the female hormones that caused the dreams
and twisted thoughts. Jim felt the familiar tingle followed by the change
sweeping through his body as he became male again.
When he was himself again, the headache was gone but he
could still recall the physical joys of female sex. At work he handed
Gary the green winter scarf he had taken the day before, he explained he
had found it in the parking lot but had seen Gary carrying it the day
before. The science teacher told Jim it belonged to his wife's younger
sister who was visiting them. Apparently his wife put it in his coat
pocket by mistake. Mr. Edwards thanked Jim for returning it.
Jim reflected on the last 12 hours. He had been accidentally
turned into a woman because he didn't verify where the scarf came from.
From now on, he had to be very sure of what he used to change with.
Jim thought about the powers of the medallion, he wondered if
he could locate some information on it. Jim wasn't very computer literate
so he didn't consider the internet for information. He got good grades in
college but magic and ancient history hadn't interested him. Since he
planned to use the medallion to seek revenge, he didn't want to let
anyone else know he had the medallion. His old Marine buddy don knew
he had it, but he was unlikely to hear about what was happening in
Cleveland, and as a deserter, he wasn't about to call attention to himself.
Jim decided to do some experimentation. His plans included
changing himself into other people to get back at those that had upset his
world. His feelings as Gary Edwards sister in law were stronger than he
was comfortable with. He could control them but it took effort. He was
concerned that if he became a woman and had a little too much to drink,
he would find himself in bed with a man. That was the last thing he
What if he could change into a woman with no past. What
would happen if he used a piece of clothing no one had ever worn? After
school, Jim went to a discount store and bought a number of things he
needed around the house and a woman's hair band. When he got home,
he took the medallion out and put it on. He then touched the hair band to
the medallion and felt the tingle but just in his scalp. He saw his hair start
to grow. It stayed the same color but kept growing as long as he held the
hair band to the medallion. When the hair was below his shoulders, he
stopped touching the medallion with the hair band.
His hair was its normal dark brown color but it was now over a
foot long as opposed to his normal crewcut. Jim placed the hair band on
his head, pulling the hair back from his face. He didn't look like a
woman, just a man with long hair. Jim had taken his shirt off when he
put the medallion on, he picked up his shirt and touched it to the
medallion. His hair began to shorten, pulling back into his head. When it
was his normal length, he touched the hair band to it again.
When his hair was about 2 inches long, he moved the hair band
away, but his hair kept growing. It grew out to below his shoulders and
stopped, the same length it had been. Jim realized he had made an error,
he had put the hair band on, now his hair would grow this long each time
he used that hair band. He would need to buy another one to grow his
hair a different length.
Jim changed his hair back to normal and fixed his dinner. After
eating, he went shopping again. Jim drove to the far side of town where
it was unlikely anyone would know who he was. He purchased new
panties, a bra (size 36 c), a pair of ladies jeans, a long sleeve blouse, a
hair band and size 7 sneakers.
He was much too big for anything he bought to fit, he told the
girl he was buying them for his sister who had lost everything in a fire
and she needed something to go shopping in. Jim then went to good will
and bought a variety of female and male clothes.
Back home, Jim started experimenting. First he touched the
first hair band to the medallion. He looked in the mirror and saw
feminine looking brown hair falling over his shoulders. He then touched
the panties to the medallion and felt the tingle only in his crotch. In a
few minutes he had a vagina, a round butt and wide hips. He touched the
bra to the medallion and soon had size 36 c breasts. He continued with
the shoes, the jeans and blouse and soon after a new woman stood in the
bedroom where Jim had stood.
Jim examined his thoughts, he felt the same, he was a woman
but he still felt like his male self inside. He tried rubbing his breasts and
while it was pleasant, it was nothing like the night before. Jim put the
clothes on and stood in front of the mirror. The jeans and blouse had
changed the his legs and arms and body, he now was 5'7" and about 120
pounds. He had a female looking face but there was a strong
resemblance. He could truly pass for his sister now, if he had one. He
admitted to an attractive woman if not as beautiful as he had been the
evening before. He had no make up on of course and he had short nails.
The jeans were a relaxed fit and the blouse was really just a female cut,
button down shirt. He had no intention of advertising as a female. He
could now go out as a woman and shop for women's clothes for his plan
of revenge. Jim had a plan to punish the people who had interfered with
his teams.
He was going to turn the long-haired freaks into women. That
bitch on the school board who thought men looked good with long hair,
she could try it first hand, she would become a man. Jim's plan was to
kidnap them, change their sex and then leave. He would disguise
himself as a man, he needed the strength, and kidnap the boys and that
woman. He would then use new clothes to change them into female (or
male) versions of themselves and leave them to be found. After changing
someone, Jim would switch to a new form, a female, and escape back to
his house.
No one would see what Jim changed into and they would be
looking for a man. Once back home, Jim would wait the required 12
hours and change back. The chance that someone would connect him to
the changes was very remote. No one was going to believe it was
possible to have your sex changed so completely and quickly.
Until the 3rd or 4th person turned up changed, they would call
the newly created women crazy. If they did start snooping around him
too much, he could report himself kidnapped and turn up as his female
self. He would then claim that who ever was running around changing
people had changed him too. When he was done getting even he
intended to leave anyway. He could just say he needed to move because
of the change and no one would question why.
Jim had his first target picked out. It was the woman who liked
men with long hair. She was single, of course, and lived alone. Jim could
slip into her house and do her right there. She would wake up a man,
with long hair and no one to believe she used to be the woman she was.
He supposed her fingerprints might prove who she was, but
that didn't matter. Jim used a work shirt he got from good will and
changed into a tall, slender man about 45 years old with graying brown
hair and gray eyes. Jim waited until he had been in the body for 12
hours. He had a powerful compulsion to drink hard liquor while he was
in this man's body but had resisted. He guessed the man was an
When the 12 hours had passed, he put a new pair of jockey
shorts, a condom, a new man's shirt and pair of jeans and a pair of tube
socks and new men's running shoes in a bag. He also placed a dress he
had bought at goodwill along with underwear and shoes for a woman.
Jim had not tried the dress and did not know what he would look like
after the change. He had no desire to be female any longer than he
absolutely had too. Jim drove to a parking lot two blocks from the
woman's house. He walked down the alley to the rear of her house and
jumped over the fence. It was 10:30pm and he could see the woman in
her bedroom watching TV in bed. She was alone. Jim went to the side of
the house and slowly opened a window. He slipped in and very carefully
crept down the hall. The TV was up loud enough to mask most of the
noise he was making. He had placed several rocks in his pocket from her
garden. He tossed one of the rocks into the dining room at the far end of
the hall. The minor crash it made was followed by the TV sound going
off. Jim got ready.
The woman came out of the bedroom holding a pistol and a
flashlight. She walked right past Jim as he stood in the doorway of the
bathroom. When she passed him he grabbed the gun in one hand and
wrapped his other arm around her throat. He applied the sleeper hold
they taught him in the Corps. In 20 seconds the woman was unconscious.
Jim had grabbed the revolver by the cylinder to keep it from firing. He
dropped the gun in his pocket. He would wipe off his prints and place it
in the dresser drawer she kept it in. He lifted the slight woman's body
and carried her into the bedroom. He tied her hands and feet to keep her
from escaping before he was done. He gagged her with her own panties
and nylons she had left on the floor. He chuckled thinking it has the only
way they would fit her from now on.
Jim used a pair of scissors to cut off her night shirt and then
placed the medallion on her neck. He took the condom out and touched it
to the medallion. The woman stirred and started moving her hips around
for a second or two. She became still and Jim watched as a penis and
scrotum formed in place of her vagina and clit. Jim was tempted to stop
right there. Leaving her with her good sized breasts and attractive legs
and a penis. Jim decided to stick to the plan. She might actually enjoy
looking like a woman and having a male?s equipment. Jim then touched
the underwear, the shirt, jeans and shoes to the medallion. Jim examined
his handiwork.
Before him lay an average sized, average looking man, with
long hair. Jim noticed she had been wearing makeup when he started
and still was. She also still had long painted nails. Jim decided to leave
the nails and makeup alone. Let her (him) figure it out. Jim had intended
to dress the man but again decided to let the newest man in town dress
himself. Jim splashed some water on the man's face and woke him up.
His eyes opened wide and he tried to scream but the gag stopped him.
Jim patted him on the check and said, ?I just wanted to say bye
before I left, don't worry, I didn't rape you.?
Jim laughed and then reapplied the sleeper hold, knocking the
new man out again. Jim put the medallion around his own neck and
touched it to the dark green dress he had brought with him. He quickly
stripped his clothes off and started putting on the women's underwear he
had brought with him. He had to wait for some of the changes to
complete to get everything fastened but in 25 minutes he was presentable
enough to leave the house. Jim walked out the back door, wearing
gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints. He walked out the back gate and
down the alley, stepping carefully in the 2-inch heels.
Jim walked the two blocks to his car without incident although
he was sorry after 1/2 block he had chosen heels with this dress. The
dress was owned originally by an attractive Asian woman with petite
breasts and slim hips. She had long straight black hair, and warm brown
eyes. Jim was interested in whether he would experience any different
feelings being a member of another race. He did notice that wearing a
long dress, movement was much easier. The movement of the soft
material of the dress against the pantyhose he was wearing felt very
good. Jim had to adjust the seat all the way forward before he could
drive home. The Asian woman was very short.
Half way home Jim had a flat. Damn he thought, everything
was going so smooth. He got out to change the tire but found out quickly
he wasn't strong enough. Jim, in this small female form, couldn't lift the
spare out of the trunk or break loose the lug nuts on the flat. "Now what?'
he thought.
Just then a car slowed down and stopped. A man about his own
age got out and said, "Mary Wong, is that you?"
Jim hesitated, he didn't know what to say. The man, also
Asian, asked if she remembered him, Jim honestly replied no. The man
recounted the one date they had 10 years ago. He also remarked that she
had not changed at all. Jim's mind was spinning, what could he do to get
out of this? The man's name was Russell Chang and he had just moved
to back to town and had hoped to run into the old gang.
Jim asked Russell if he could help him change the tire, Russell
jumped at the chance and in 10 minutes Jim was ready to leave. Russell
asked "Mary" for her phone number, when she hesitated he asked if she
was seeing someone, without thinking Jim said no.
Russell, got a pad and pen and wrote down the number Jim
gave him, a phony of course. Russell then stepped close and softly told
"Mary" how much he had missed her and wanted to see her again.
Jim said, ?Okay, call me.?
Then Russell bent over and kissed Jim full on the mouth. It
was very brief, just a brush of the lips but Jim almost fainted. He
recovered quickly and backed up.
Russell held the door while Jim got in the car and stood and
watched as Jim drove off. Just to make sure Russell wasn't following
him, Jim made several random turns and took an hour to get back home.
He parked in the garage and went into the house that way. Jim was very
tired and very agitated. His mission was a success but the flat and the
kiss by Russell had made him very angry. He wanted to hurt Russell but
didn't know where he was or even what he did for a living. Better to put
that on the back burner and get the ball players done first.
?Then, if I can find Russell,? Jim thought, ?I can make him
into a pretty little blonde haired girl, I'll teach him to kiss a woman
without asking permission.?
Jim went into the bedroom and took off the dress and
considered burning it along with the clothes he had worn on the mission.
He decided to keep the dress incase he needed it to get Russell. Jim
undressed and put on a T-shirt which covered his small body like a night
shirt. He went to the bathroom and sat down to pee. He really hated this
as he did everything to do with being female, well except the orgasms.
At least he would be a man again in the morning.
Jim went to sleep and started dreaming he was on a date with
Russell. The date ended with Russell and Jim, as Mary, in bed.
Jim woke up again in soaking wet sheets. He stripped the bed
and took a shower. Again, the action of soaping his female body caused
him to begin masturbating and he spent 2 hours under the running water
until finally toweling off and falling exhausted into bed.
He woke late the next morning to the phone ringing. He
picked up the phone and said hello. The school secretary asked who was
speaking, she was looking for Coach Carter. Jim forgot he was a female
when answering the phone and didn't try to deepen his voice.
Jim told her she was Jim's sister Michele and Jim was very sick
and couldn't work today. The secretary sniffed and said okay and hung
up. Jim would have to explain that one later.
He got out of bed and discovered the medallion was gone. He
tore the bed apart and couldn't find it. He sat down and thought. He had
it when he left the woman's house, he had it when he met Russell
because he remembered touching it with his finger as Russell spoke to
him. He didn't remember having it when he was taking a shower last
night. He jumped up and ran to the laundry hamper and pulled out the
sweaty, sticky sheets he had taken off the night before. Wrapped up in
the center of the sheets was the medallion.
Jim sat down on the floor, hung his head and cried like a baby,
he was so relieved. He had envisioned himself as a small Asian woman
the rest of his life, like the German man who became the pretty woman.
He wondered now if he should have given them back the necklace. Well,
too late now. That guy is probably a mother by now, serves him right,
wanting to be a woman. Ha, be careful what you wish for, it just might
Jim got up and put the sheets in the washer and then went into
the bedroom and changed back into his male self.
Jim decided to plan the next caper better. He exposed himself
too much on the first mission. He should have considered what would
happen if he had car trouble. In his weaker body, he was open to attack
with not much chance of defending himself. If Russell had wanted to
rape Mary, it would have probably happened. Even he had just taken the
necklace, it would have been a tragedy.
Jim needed more control over the whole situation. He needed
his car parked somewhere safe and close. He also needed a clean car to
conduct the missions in. One that could not be traced to Jim Carter. Jim
needed a second identity, maybe several, male and female. The 2nd
mission will have to wait.
There was a small story in the paper about a man being found
tied hand and foot, naked, in the bed room of a school board member.
She was missing and the man was being held for investigation of
Jim found a description of a procedure for obtaining false ID
papers in a novel. He tried it and it worked. In a few weeks he had ID for
2 men and 2 women. He then went and got driver's licenses for all 4
people. He then bought a used car he found in the local paper.
The person who bought the car was about 23, female, Hispanic
and heavy set. She paid cash. She was never seen again. Jim especially
hated that body, it was so fat, so gross, so horny. He sat in a chair with
his T-shirt pressed against the medallion waiting for the 12 hours to
expire. As soon as it did, he felt the tingle and he was soon back in his
slim, trim, male body.
If condemned to life in that body, he would kill himself, Jim
thought. Jim had a new plan. It involved being male and female but he
would have more control and better safety. He started by renting two
rooms in a hotel, adjoining rooms.
The hotel had a covered parking garage with security patrols.
That would be his safety factor. Jim would lure one of the long hairs to
the room, make the change then leave the new young lady in the other
room. He would not wake up his victim to gloat like the last time, do it
and get out.
Jim carefully picked out the female body he needed. He went
to the good will store and watched a beautiful young woman try on and
reject a simple white blouse. He took the blouse and bought it. When he
got it home, he touched it to the medallion hoping he would become the
young woman's twin and it worked.
He then used some of the clothes he had on hand, dressed and
went out to buy a sexy outfit. He selected a short black dress, garter belt,
nylons, high heels, a string of fake white pearls, some makeup and
perfume. Jim let the body he was wearing direct his decisions. He found
if he just kind of coasted mentally, the body reacted appropriately. He
just needed to be aware of what was happening, so he didn't wind up
getting screwed before he could stop it.
Jim took his purchases home and got ready. He packed a bag
with a change of male clothing and a set of new female clothes for the
girl to be. In the purse he would carry, went the medallion and a vial of a
knock out drug. Jim showered and shaved his legs and underarms and
when he was next aware of what he was doing, he was looking at a very
sexy looking woman in a short, low cut black dress, long blonde hair
laying on her shoulders and a fair amount of cleavage showing. Jim
realized with a start that he looked just like the girl in his first female wet
dream, clothes, hair, cleavage..., he almost aborted the mission right
then. He was starting to get undressed when he reasoned that Don was
not going to come into the bar and lead him out. He was after a young
white high school ballplayer, not a grown black marine.
Jim got into the clean car and drove down to the teenage club
where all the ballplayers hung out. Jim laughed at the thought, after
tonight, he won't be "hanging out" again. Jim parked in the street across
from the club and got out of the car. The light wind blew up between his
legs and felt cool on his slightly moist crotch. The woman he had
become was aroused easily.
Jim was looking good and looking for a good time. He strolled
across the street and felt a dozen sets of eyes on him, both male and
female. The males drooling, the female's envious. He smiled at all the
boys but only had eyes for the three on his hit list. He saw the son of the
attorney but he wanted to save him for last.
There came a target. His name was Robert, Bobbie after
tonight. Robert looked at Jim with undisguised lust. He licked his lips
and Jim could almost smell the testosterone the boy was pumping into
his blood stream.
Robert came over and said he was called Bob and asked Jim?s
Jim smiled and told him "Jamie."
Bob asked to dance and Jim realized he was going to have to
play along for awhile to get Bob to leave. They started dancing.
Apparently they only played slow dances at this club. Bob was rubbing
up against him from the beginning. As Bob held "Jamie" close, Jim felt
his female body reacting to Bob's stiff cock pressing into his belly. Jim
was thinking he had to get out of there before he wound up in the back
room on his back, legs in the air.
Then Bob asked if he wanted to leave.
Jim said " yes, lets go to my place." Bob almost came in his
pants when he heard that. Jim walked outside and told Bob to follow.
Jim got in his car and headed toward the hotel. Bob stayed right behind
him and parked in the next space in the garage.
Jim walked to the elevator with Bob right behind, trying not to
run. Jim was nervous, if he didn't handle the first few minutes in the
room right, he was going to find out what sex as a woman was like.
When they got in the elevator, Bob grabbed Jim and started
kissing him, pushing his tongue in his mouth. Jim had opened his mouth
to object to the kiss when their lips met. He succeeded only in allowing
Bob's tongue inside his painted lips. Jim tried to break free but found out
he could not. Bob was much too strong. Jim was horrified. He was about
to have one of these long hair creeps stick his dick inside him and he
could do nothing to stop it. If Jim didn't get control, he was screwed,
literally. Jim then realized that his female body was enjoying the kiss
and responding to it.
The elevator stopped and Jim broke contact with Bob and told
him to be good until they were in the room and relaxed. Bob agreed and
they slowly walked down the hall to the two adjoining rooms.
Jim opened the door and let Bob in. As soon as he closed the
door on the inside, Bob grabbed him from behind and started massaging
his tits. Jim released a low moan of pleasure against his own will, he felt
Bob's stiff cock against his butt. Bob spun him around and kissed him
again. Bob started grinding his crotch into Jim's and moaning. Jim
pushed him back and told him to slow down.
"Look he said, we're going to do this, but lets slow down and
enjoy it. Okay? How about I go change into something more...
comfortable. You have a drink, just one, and relax. When we do this
right it will be so much more memorable."
Bob offered to help him change, he laughed and called him a
silly boy, " not for long though", thought Jim.
Jim poured them both a drink and went into the bathroom. Just
as a tease, he let Bob unzip the dress. While Bob was doing that, Jim put
3 drops of the drug in his drink. He then handed him the glass and made
a toast, "to a night to remember", (like you will ever forget, girly boy).
Jim drank deep of his very weak drink and Bob gulped down
his much stronger, drugged drink. Jim told Bob to set down in the chair
and he would get a little show. Bob sat down and Jim walked slowly to
the bathroom to change and as he did he pulled his dress off over his
head and dropped it on the floor, he then unfastened his bra and let it
drop as well.
He looked over his shoulder expecting to see Bob passed out.
He was standing right behind him!
He picked Jim up and threw him on the bed and ripped his
panties off. He had his pants already open and he pulled his large hard,
cock out. He reached down between Jim's legs and separated them with
ease thanks to his superior strength. He poised his cock at the opening
between Jim's legs and started to push it in. Jim was already wet when he
was grabbed and Bob's cock slipped in easily.
Bob slammed into Jim twice and collapsed, on top of him, out
cold. Jim was nearly going crazy. He had a man's dick stuck inside him!
He was revolted and ready to kill this little s.o.b! It would be the last
time he ever did this to anyone, that was for sure.
However, Jim was now trouble. He could feel Bob's cock still
inside him and still hard as a rock. Bob was twice the size of the Jim in
this body and Jim could not budge him. He had to get Bob off of him
before the drug wore off and Bob woke up.
Jim tried wrapping his legs around Bob and rocking back and
forth to roll Bob over and off of him. The movement triggered a reaction
in Jim's vagina, he started feeling an orgasm building.
Then, the supreme humiliation. The rocking motion had
finished what Bob had started. The bastard was coming inside him while
he was unconscious! Jim was helpless to do anything but lay there while
an unconscious Bob pumped
hot cum into his female body.
When Bob's cock stopped ejaculating, Bob relaxed and rolled a
little to the side, when his cock had withered enough to fall out of Jim's
vagina, Jim was able to get out from underneath him. Jim ran into the
bathroom and threw up. He was so disgusted by what had just happened.
It was only moderately better than being stuck as a woman.
Well, Bob would not have anything to remember about that
little performance, that's for sure. Jim got under the shower and
scrubbed his whole body, he had 4 hours before the drug wore off.
He wasn't sure how it worked, but the bathroom included a
bidet and he tried to clean the inside of his vagina.
After cleaning up, Jim checked on Bob, he was sleeping
soundly, he then touched the medallion to the male clothes he brought
and felt the welcome tingle of the change beginning. Jim changed into an
older white man with gray hair and a full mustache. He dressed in the
clothes and then went into the bedroom and stripped the male clothes off
of Bob. If Bob woke up, this male body was more than able to handle a
teenage boy.
Jim placed Bob's clothes in a trash bag he took from a suitcase
that held the girl clothes he had brought. The suit case had been left in
the adjoining room . When Jim was done with Bobbie, she had 38d
breasts, a 26 inch waist and 36 inch hips. She was 5' 4" tall and weighed
135, mostly because of her tits. Bobbie had a truly beautiful face as a
As Bobbie lay on the hotel room bed where Bob had raped
Jamie, Jim was overcome with a powerful desire to fuck her. Without
another thought, Jim dropped his pants and inserted his cock into the
sleeping, virginal Bobbie.
On the first thrust, Bobbie retreated from the pain and gave a
little cry but then went silent, still under the effects of the drug. Jim
finished, cuming in just a few minutes. Jim realized it was the body he
was wearing and not him that had decided to rape Bobbie, but he wasn't
very upset, He felt Bobbie had it coming.
Jim checked the rooms for anything he may have left behind
and locked the two connecting doors and left. Jim walked down to the
garage and got into the clean car. He had ID for this man and wasn't
afraid of getting stopped. He drove back home and as soon as possible
he changed back. He burned the clothes belonging to the man and the ID.
He didn't want to be a rapist again.
He had left Bobbie an envelope with $200.00 in it and a small
suitcase with 2 dresses, 2 pair of shoes (high heels of course) 2 bras, 2
pairs of panties and a cheap purse. There was a note telling him he could
go home and be Bobbie with everyone knowing he used to be a boy or
he could move somewhere and start over.
Bobbie went home, hoping someone could change him back.
As Jim guessed, fingerprints proved he was really Robert. He saw
Bobbie at school, she usually wore pants and loose tops but it didn't
matter, everyone knew she used to be a star player on the football team
and now she was just a girl with big tits.
Jim did not touch the medallion for several months. The
incident with Bob was too scary. He had tried to make it safer and it had
blown up in his face. He had actually gotten fucked by a man and had
cum shot inside him. He had nightmares for weeks.
He might have stopped there if it hadn't been for the attorney's
son raising a stink about his playing time. Jim had made the long haired
idiot a starter but he had slacked off and lost the position. He complained
it was retaliation and his father got a court order to force Jim to start his
son. Jim saw red when this happened. The kid stopped trying, pure and
simple. He didn't want to work for it. Okay, Jim started him in the last
three games and they lost all three. Jim was in danger of losing his job
now, if he didn't do better in the basketball season. When the attorney's
kid came out for basketball, Jim knew he had to do something. He
started on a new plan.
Jim became his female alter ego. He had saved the jeans he
had worn when he first changed and he only had to touch the medallion
to the jeans. Pretty but not beautiful, nice figure but not enough to drool
over. Of
course Jim could improve the figure anytime. Jim got ID for Beverly
Smith and went to see the attorney whose son he despised. Despite being
just an attractive woman, not a sex pot, the attorney came on to her right
Jim was not surprised. He knew the man was married but he
had expected it. Hell, Jim would have come onto her also. That's what
women were for. Jim had counted on it in fact. When the attorney asked
Jim out, he accepted and they set a date for the next evening. Jim knew
he was going to have to do something he really hated, but he had to use
the female version of himself to prevent hormones causing unwanted
reactions. He had to get the attorney in a compromising position, get it
on video tape and use the evidence for blackmail. Jim was going to have
to get very close to the man, kiss him and let him paw at his female
body. There was no other way. It was dangerous but worth the risk.
Jim dressed up for the date. Low cut red dress, long but with
slits up both legs to the upper thigh. He had his hair done in a salon and
his nails as well. When he met the attorney at the bar they had agreed
on, it was in a hotel, not a surprise either, he had counted on it. Sure
enough, right after dinner, the attorney, Dick was his name, invited
Beverly upstairs for a nightcap. Jim accepted and they took the elevator
to the 25th floor.
In the elevator, Dick took Beverly in his arms and kissed her
deeply, Jim had been mentally preparing himself for this and managed to
respond without getting nauseated. In fact, by the time the elevator
reached the floor, he was starting to enjoy it. He wondered why but had
to keep his mind on the plan.
Dick lead Jim to the room and offered her a drink. Beverly
offered to mix the drinks but the attorney wouldn't hear of making such a
pretty guest work. The compliment turned Jim's head a little and he
wondered if Dick really thought him pretty. He woke up then and
realized he had been coasting, that was how he got screwed the last time.
Dick handed him the drink and Jim took a healthy slug of it.
Jim had a video camera hidden in his purse that was transmitting to a
room on the same floor that he had rented earlier that day. It was a small
matter to call and say you were the attorney's assistant confirming his
reservation and room number. Then Jim placed the receiver and VCR in
the room just down the hall. It had a six hour tape that he started just
before going to the bar. The tape had 4 1/2 hours left, plenty of time.
Once he had enough to show the attorney's wife, Jim would
end the encounter and the attorney would do whatever Jim, or Beverly,
told him to, including having his son come to the hotel. There would be a
new team in the mother/daughter softball league this year.
Jim was bracing himself for what was coming next. He
finished the drink and set the glass down. Dick approached him and
asked how he felt.
Jim was suddenly very tired, the drink... he had been drugged,
just like he did with Bob.
Dick took Jim's arm and helped him to his feet, "Let's go over
to the bed where you'll be more comfortable" Dick suggested. Dick
lowered Jim to the bed, he was conscious but couldn't move. He could
see his purse, it was pointing right at the bed, it would all be caught on
tape. Jim was screaming to stop but no sound was coming out.
Dick removed Jim's dress and then his bra and panties, he left
the shoes, garter belt and nylon's on. Then Dick started taking his own
clothes off, he stripped naked. Jim could see Dicks cock, stiff and almost
purple throbbing and swaying as Dick moved around. Dick put his hand
between Jim's legs and felt Jim's vagina, "Ah he said, I see you're not
quite ready yet. Dick started rubbing on Jim's clit and pushing his finger
into Jim's lower lips. Involuntarily, Jim became wet. Dick arranged Jim's
legs and slowly pushed his cock into Jim's waiting pussy. As he entered,
Jim's hymen was broken for the first time. He felt the pain peak and
subside and after a minute the pain was gone, just the feeling of Dick
pumping repeatedly into Jim.
Jim was not really feeling much physically from the act,
probably because of the drugs. Dick started to slam into Jim harder and
harder and then he paused and shot a hot powerful burst of cum into Jim.
Jim felt the cum shoot into him and Dick withdraw. Dick then went over
to the phone and made a call. He told someone to ?come on up?.
To his horror, Dick's son came into the room and he too raped
Jim. When they had both had Jim twice, they left $500.00 on the dresser
and left.
Jim still couldn't move, he finally fell asleep and woke up the
next morning. Jim went to the bathroom and cleaned up and left the
room, he went to his room down the hall and retrieved the video tape
after first making sure it had recorded the double rape. Of course he
would not go to the police, that would require remaining Beverly Smith
and he had no desire to remain a woman another second. He would go
ahead with his plan to change both men into girls.
Jim took out the men's clothes he had left in the room and
touched the medallion to them. Nothing happened. Why? What's going
on? Jim was terrified, it had been much more than 12 hours, he touched
the shirt to the medallion again and again, nothing happened. Oh God
thought Jim, I'm a woman for life. Just then a vicious cramp ripped
through Jim's belly. Was he injured during the rape? Did he need to go to
the hospital? Another cramp, less severe hit and Jim felt something
running down his leg. He looked to see blood running down his left inner
thigh. At first he thought it was an injury from the rape, then he realized
what was happening. A period, he had a period. Damn, what next. He
then realized this meant his was not pregnant.
?Thank God for that.? He thought, ?Maybe I can't change until
I get over this.?
Jim had no choice but to drive home as Beverly Smith and wait
until the medallion would work again. Fortunately, the hotel was good
enough to have complimentary sanitary napkins in the bathroom. Jim
took all there was in both bathrooms. He hoped it would be enough to
get through the period.
By the second day Jim had gone through the small supply he
had taken from the hotel and had to get dressed and go buy more. The
trip to the drug store was unforgettable. Jim spent 20 minutes looking at
the dozens of different pads and tampons displayed. He was having a
problem with the pads leaking at night. He had already ruined two sets of
sheets and had a stain on his mattress.
Finally a young woman came up and offered to help. If Jim
was an angry man, "Beverly" was a true bitch when she was suffering
through her period. The woman recognized the problem and was very
nice, she went out of her way to help this very upset customer.
Jim told her he was having the worst period of his life which
was true. The woman suggested some over the counter pills to ease the
pain and both a tampon and a pad to contain the heavy flow. Jim was
actually touched by the friendly attitude this helpful girl displayed. He
wondered why women didn't treat him that way when he was a man.
Jim made his purchases and left.
The sales girl wondered to herself, how a woman got to be
over 30 and not know how to handle a tough period.
He took two of the pills when he got home and after a mental
and physical struggle he managed to insert a tampon in the correct spot.
He didn't feel any cleaner but he felt a little more confident.
The period lasted 5 1/2 days. In the 96th hour, Jim made the
decision he was going to somehow find the couple in Germany and offer
them the medallion back. He realized now how wrong he had been to
deny the man and woman a chance to return to their true bodies.
He was going to take care of the attorney and his son first
though. Not because of the law suits that resulted in the court orders, but
because no woman deserved to be treated like they treated Beverly.
Jim wound up missing no work since the rape took place at the
beginning of Spring break. He came to understand the problems women
faced and his attitude toward women took a drastic change. He still had
no desire to be a woman but he was going to treat them better. During
the last night of his period, Jim was tired of being cooped up in the
house. He decided to go out and eat and maybe see a movie. He dressed
in the relaxed fit jeans and plain cotton shirt he had used to form his
current body. He brushed his long brown hair and even wore some
lipstick and eye makeup.
Beverly was not a raving beauty but she was an attractive
woman. When Jim entered his favorite bar he asked for a table and a
menu. They had pretty good burgers and a glass of white wine sounded
very good for some reason.
After the waitress took his order, another waitress brought Jim
a mixed drink. When he protested he hadn't ordered it the waitress
pointed to the man who had sent it over. He was about 6' 1", brown hair
worn long, with a nice smile.
Jim looked at the man and felt his stomach drop. It was the
school board member he had changed into a man! Apparently the woman
had adapted to manhood since she was in a singles bar hitting on women.
Without thinking about the implication, Jim raised his free drink and
smiled as he took a sip. The new man wasted no time in coming over to
the table and asking to sit down. Jim was sure the man could not know
who he really was, and talking to him might prove interesting. The man
sat down and introduced himself as William Donaldson. The school
board member had been named Shirley Donaldson.
"Bill" told "Beverly" he was an accountant (just like Shirley)
and just recently moved to town to take over his "sister's" business.
Very smooth thought Jim. Jim told Bill, Beverly was new to
town also and between jobs, living with her brother.
They talked through dinner, Bill's meal being delivered to
Beverly?s table. When the check came. Bill insisted on picking it up.
As Beverly started to get up, she felt a little dizzy. The mixed
drink and the two glasses of white wine he had were having an effect.
Bill reached out and steadied Beverly by gently taking her arm and
helping her sit down again.
Beverly knew she could not drive in this condition, she asked
Bill to call her a cab.
"Okay, you're a cab", Bill quipped.
Beverly started giggling over the old, lame joke and wound up
laughing too hard.
"I am definitely drunk", she thought, ?I need to get away from
this man because he is starting to look too good.?
Beverly said "Please call a cab for me, I'll get my car
Bill refused, he insisted on taking Beverly home. Finally
giving up and knowing it was going to a problem when they got to the
front porch. Beverly agreed.
Bill helped Beverly to Bill's car and held his hand as he sat
down in the low slung sports car. "Bill grabbed onto being a guy pretty
good" thought Beverly as she admired the man toy.
Bill drove in a flashy manner, accelerating through the curves
and down the empty streets. When they pulled up to Jim's house,
Beverly?s heart was pounding and she was feeling slightly wet between
his legs. She was pretty sure it wasn't leakage since the flow had
lightened up considerably. The alcohol, the fast driving and Bill's
presence had an influence on Beverly?s female body. She knew she was
probably going to have to give Bill a kiss for being so nice and buying
dinner, but she was not taking him to bed. She had all the sex with men
she intended to have.
Bill got out of the car and walked around to open Beverly?s
door. He then helped Jim up and, holding his arm, escorted him to the
front door.
Beverly tried to get by with just a handshake. Bill thanked
Beverly for a wonderful evening and hoped they could do it again
sometime. Beverly stuck out her hand and Bill took it and used it to pull
Beverly close. Bill put his arm around her waist and kissed her on the
Without thought, Jim responded, enjoying the kiss. Bill broke
the closed mouth kiss and asked if he could come in for coffee. Jim knew
what he
really meant.
"I'm sorry,? Beverly said, ?I'd invite you in for more than
coffee, but it's that time of the month. You understand, don't you?"
Bill looked in Beverly's eyes and said "oh yes, more than you can
They kissed again, shorter but show how sweeter, less passion,
more tenderness. Jim felt his resolve weakening after the second kiss but
Bill said good night and left.
Jim went in the house and went into his bedroom. He stripped
down and pleasured Beverly for 2 hours before falling asleep. When Jim
woke up the next day he had a slight headache and was a little tender in
his vagina. He did notice that the cramps were gone and the tampon he
removed was almost clean. With shaking hands, Jim touched the
medallion to one of his shirts and felt the tingle spread out over his body.
Almost yelling for joy, Jim watched his body assume it's true masculine
It was Saturday and Jim had spent 6 days as a woman, he
needed to do something to prove he was a guy. He looked around the
house and noticed his yard needed mowing for the first time that year.
They had a very mild winter and the grass was getting deep. Jim mowed
the yard and took pleasure in the simple act of having his male muscles
to use again. He had gotten very tired of being as weak as he was as
Beverly. After finishing the yard work, Bill showered and went out to
eat, he had to take a cab to the bar to pick up the clean car which Beverly
had left there the night before. On a hunch, he went inside to eat, the
same waitress took his order and when Jim looked around he saw Bill at
the bar.
Bill was alone and seemed quiet and reserved, not like the man
who wooed Beverly the night before. Jim went to the men's room and on
the way back he "bumped" into Bill, he apologized and offered to buy
Bill a drink to replace the one he spilled. Bill accepted and they wound
up at Jim's table talking. Bill told Jim the same life story he had told
Beverly the night before.
Jim asked Bill if he had a steady girl or would he like to try
and pick up a couple of girls and go to a club?
Bill told Jim he had met a girl the night before and he was
hoping she would come back in. He didn't get he number and while he
knew where she lived, he didn't want to act like a stalker and go to her
house uninvited. Bill was going to give it a few nights, if the girl came
back, then he would see