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Over the Edge

The next morning, I lay in bed wondering if last night had been a dream, but knowing it wasn't. I hadn't faced Mom at the end but I had to now. I would be expected at breakfast before we all left for Church.

My apprehension was ill-founded. Mom behaved as if everything was normal. I thought it was just an act that would soon fray under its own tension, but it didn't. Somehow, Mom really acted as if last night hadn't changed our lives like I thought it had. The entire day played out like any other Sunday, through Church, the afternoon and even supper. Dad was feeling better but worsened after dinner and repaired to his Lazy Boy, snuggling under the comforter Mom d****d over him before walking to the couch and taking my hand. After tugging me to my feet, Mom pulled me across the floor.

"You don't mind if I drag your company away do you Father?" Mom asked.

"Not at all," Dad looked up from his book, smiling. "Do what you want with him," he waved with his free hand.

In the piano room, Mom pushed me toward the piano. "Get the music ready. I'll be right down."

I opened the book to our piece and sat down after running to the living room to grab one of the flatter, silky pillows to place on the bench. Mom returned a moment later. There was something different but I couldn't see what it was. Had she washed her face, freshened her lipstick? I couldn't tell but something was different.

Mom stopped by the bench and slipped her slippers from her feet. The muscles in her calves tensed prettily and my breath caught when she looked at the pillow placed mostly on but partly off the front of the bench.

"Is that for me?" Mom asked.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Thank you," Mom said, hooking the top of her toes around the ankle of her other foot and sliding them up her calf. "Are you ready to play?" she asked, looking down at the bench, already pulled away from the piano.

I nodded again, taken aback by Mom's sudden assertion of control. She dropped her hands to her side and pulled her summery, dark green dress with a loosely pleated skirt up, baring half her thighs as she stepped between the bench and the piano before sitting down on the pillow. Mom turned to look over her shoulder.

"Sit and play, Jon," she said, before turning back to the piano.

I walked towards her in my summer shorts, and swung my barefooted legs over the bench one at a time to seat myself firmly behind her, immediately noting the greater expanse of fleshy behind available now that Mom was sitting on a pillow, as I had planned. Mom put her hands on the keyboard, ready to play, then turned her head as if waiting.

"Go ahead," I said.

Mom didn't move. I repeated myself but she still didn't budge.

I raised my hands and placed them on Mom's hips. Immediately, she faced the piano and began to play. I moved my hands up and down her waist, enjoying the swell of flesh out to her hips and pushing further around to splay my fingers across her tummy. I could feel the large indent that formed Mom's navel and wished I could lay my bare hands on it, imagining teeny blond hairs, though Mom was a brunette, running from there over her soft belly until they thickened into the brown bush covering her pussy. I knew her pussy hair was brown because I'd seen it poking out the leg of her panties.

Mom continued playing as if that was all we were doing, playing the piano, despite the extent of my roaming hands. It was some time before I moved my hands up to cup Mom's breasts and received a small shock. Her breasts were much softer and I could feel their shape better than before. Mom was not wearing a bra!

I could only see the side of Mom's face but it seemed to me that the corner of her mouth was definitely turned up into a smile. I couldn't be sure because it disappeared quickly and then I wondered if I had imagined it. Real or not, Mom was obviously not bothered by me flagrantly caressing the bottom of both her breasts. If there was any doubt about her allowing this transgression, it disappeared when Mom turned the page herself. I had forgotten all about it.

Encouraged, I formed my hands completely around her tits and began a gentle, squeezing massage, like I was handling two erotically shaped water balloons that required delicate care lest they break. Cautiously, so as not to disturb her playing, I laid my head sideways on Mom's back and continued my loving embrace. When I felt Mom's arm lift to turn the page again, I slipped both hands up to take a firmer grip of each breast, my fingers circling around those incredible little extensions I had only fondled in my dreams. Now, with a simple loosening of my grip, my fingers slid up to close around Mom's wonderous nipples.

Fuck. This was so great. I hunched my boner into the fleshiness of Mom's ass as I lightly pinched and rolled her nipples through the dress. In my mind, I was holding Mom's bare tits and her nipples protruded beyond my circling fingers at least half an inch. I was going to come. It was swelling up and up. I couldn't stop it unless I chucked that image out of my mind, quit humping against her bottom, and let go of her tits. I couldn't do any of these, so my jiz welled up until it flooded out of my cock, like a tidal swell rather than a burst, washing it's stickiness into my shorts.

When my surroundings came back into focus I realized Mom had stopped playing. I was still holding her tits but my fingers were loose and no longer moving. I just held them as I recovered my breath, leaning against her back, blanketed by a wonderful feeling of bliss. I never wanted to let go but I realized I had to clean myself up. As mom started to play the piece over, I released her breasts and reluctantly pulled away.

"Is something the matter," Mom asked.

"No, I just have to go to the bathroom," I answered sheepishly.

"Hurry back," she said, her voice low and strangely urgent.

Upstairs, I pulled my shorts off and cleaned up the mess I had made, then tossed my shorts and underwear into the laundry hamper, still covered with my sticky cum. I walked half naked down the hall to my room, my swaying cock beginning to stiffen as I pictured myself feeling Mom up while she played the piano. Quickly, I removed my shirt and put on a pair of pajamas, and half ran back downstairs.

"That's a good idea," Mom said, turning to look at me when she heard me coming down the stairs.

I resumed my position straddling Mom's hips, the thought of Mom wearing a loose pair of pajamas with nothing on underneath greatly appealing to me and my stiffening companion.

"Maybe we should get changed before we start practicing tomorrow night," I suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea," Mom concurred. "Tomorrow night? Do you think we need to practice every night?"

"I think it would be a good idea," I said. "We want to perform our best, don't we?"

"Of course we do," Mom breathed.

I snuggled up to Mom and noticed that her dress, which had been smoothed under her bottom and legs, was bunched up behind her. She was no longer sitting on it. As Mom played, I gathered the dress in my hands carefully so she wouldn't feel me doing it. After a quick glance toward the living room, I cautiously raised the dress. I could see the waistband of Mom's panties, just barely, running across the pillow. They must have been small ones because that's as far up as they came. Mom's crack was barely visible, squished between the pulpy flesh of her upper cheeks.

I leaned forward to lay my head on Mom's back again. Could I get my hands under her dress? Of course. Could I get away with it? Of course. Why else would she have pulled it out from underneath herself?

I was hard again. Mom must be able to feel me. She must have felt me before, bulging against her ass, and definitely would have felt me humping against her, but this time it was unmistakably a hard cock poking into her. I slipped my hands under the material of Mom's dress but kept them on the bench, behind her. I checked the living room to make sure I could still see Dad's feet resting on the footrest of his Lazy Boy.

Omigod. I could see Dad's face, reflected in the glass doors of the bookcase against the far wall of the living room. Jeez! I froze, staring at Dad's reflection. Can he see me? No. Dad wasn't looking at the bookcase but if he did, he probably could see me. I couldn't see that well, but he appeared to be reading.

God, I'm lucky he didn't catch me feeling up Mom. Dad could have turned his head anytime and looked, and when he was dozing off with his head turned to the side, all he had to do was open his eyes and focus on the reflection in the glass. Fuck! How could I keep ravishing Mom now?

I was pondering this very question when my hands answered for me. They twisted, palms facing Mom, and pressed against the bare skin above the waistband of her panties.

Jesus, Jon. Don't, I cried to myself.

But it was no use. My hands pushed outward, sliding forward onto the outside of Mom's thighs. Her bare skin! Fuck, this was awesome. I pulled my hands back and pushed them forward again, then started sliding them back and forth. I stared at the reflection of my father, ready to jerk my hands away at the slightest sign of movement.

No, don't. Just keep them still unless he gets up. That made more sense. He probably couldn't see well enough in the reflection to see what I was doing. This was much safer, with my hands under Mom's dress. Surely he would have seen me had he looked up while I was groping Mom's tits half an hour ago. He would have seen my hands which had no business being on the front of Mom's dress, but this, he couldn't see this, I was sure of it. Not from there in a reflection.

Did Mom know about the bookcase? Is that why she lifted her dress? Did she get off on danger? Was it an invitation to continue? There was only one way to find out.

In the next foray forward over Mom's legs, I drew up short and then slipped my hands up onto her hips, paused, then slid them around onto her bare tummy, my fingertips dipping in to her large, sunken navel. Other than a minor flinch from exploring fingers, there was no response. Mom kept playing without the slightest change in her playing. I circled one fingertip around and around into Mom's navel, then moved my hands up into position below Mom's breasts.

I made the move, cupping the roundness of her tits, my fingers folding lovingly around their perfect curvature. My cock lurched in my pajamas. Quickly, I moved my fingers up to explore Mom's wonderful nipples, unable to resist flicking them up and down with my thumbs before adding a finger to pinch, roll and tug them. There was the briefest flicker in Mom's playing but she quickly recovered. Oh my fucking god. Her bare tits! I twisted my head and tried to chew Mom's shoulder blade through her dress. They felt better than I ever imagined. They were perfect. Perfect! Perfect!!

I moaned into Mom's back and began hunching against her again. The picture in my mind of Mom's chest was now in HDTV, not a blemish in sight. I groped them mercilessly, unable to control myself, pushing myself painfully into her butt. I had to do something before I broke my cock.

I was loathe to do it but do it I did. I let go of Mom's right tit and pulled my hand away, down and out of her dress. I grabbed my swollen prick, which had poked through the hole in the front of my pajamas, and used it to find Mom's ass crack. I pushed in and down until I felt the waistband of Mom's panties and them pushed my cock between it and Mom's ass, humping a couple of times to make sure it didn't come out. Quickly, I slipped my hand up to retrieve Mom's tit and nipple and started humping.

Through my legs I felt Mom's feet lift from the pedal and plant themselves higher against the front paneling of the piano. She was bracing herself to keep me from pushing her off the seat as I vigorously shoved my cock back and forth under her ass. I couldn't care less what anyone thought now. I needed to come on Mom's ass and nothing could stop me. Mom had stopped playing. I jerked my head to the bookcase reflection to see if Dad had noticed. He was still reading! Mom's hands were now braced against the keyboard as my humping increased in force.

I had to hurry. Dad probably thought we were between pieces, not paying enough attention to realize Mom had quit in the middle. I started hunching my hips furiously, desperate to finish, needing to cum, my cock sliding full length, pressed down onto the pillow by Mom's squeezing crack. The feel of her hot, rubbery flesh scr****g moistly along the top of my bone was exquisite... too exquisite... I started to come.

Splash! Spurt, spurt, ohhhhh goodddd, this is ... great, ahhhh, yeah, unggnhhh, unnghhhh, yeah, yeaaahhhh.

I relaxed on Mom's back but kept my eyes on Dad's reflection. He was still reading. I watched him as my breathing returned to normal. Mom's feet dropped back to the floor and her hands relaxed on the keyboard but she didn't resume playing. I let go of her tits and pulled my hands from underneath her dress and pulled my hips back, my slippery cock sliding out of her panties. I tucked my dick back inside my pajamas and, as soon as I did, Mom lifted herself and swept her dress underneath before sitting back down. She had no sooner finished than Dad's head poked around the corner.

"Would you guys like some tea and cookies?"

"Uhhh, yeah. Thanks Dad."

He was up and turning the corner, heading for the kitchen. I stood up and looked down at myself to make sure I was presentable. I was. Mom stood and I followed her, then veered toward the stairs.

"No, no. Come here. I want to show you something."

Dad waved Mom into the kitchen. Mom complied and I started up the stairs.

"No. You too, Jon."

I checked myself to make sure I was presentable, then followed Mom into the kitchen.

"Try some of these," Dad said, beaming. He held out a bag from our local bakery, full of treats. "I could hardly wait until you finished to give you these," he said. "You've been practicing so hard."

You can say that again, I thought.

Mom took a pastry and took a small bite, quickly raising her other hand to catch the crumbs that spilled from her mouth.

"Thanks Drew. You shouldn't have," Mom mumbled.

"You too, Jon," Dad insisted.

I chose a butterhorn, my favorite, and took a large bite.

I couldn't help thinking how ludicrous this was, eating special pastry treats my Dad bought while he made us some tea, my cock still firm enough to slap against my leg, slick from my own cum, most of which was in Mom's panties, drying on her ass as she munched on the eclair her husband had just given her. God. I wished I could guarantee my father wouldn't turn around. I dearly wanted to lift Mom's dress and shove my cock back inside her panties.

Oh, no. That thought was a killer. My cock was stiffening, rising off my leg and bending up, against my pajamas, pushing them out. Quickly, I shuffled over to the kitchen table and sat down, pulling my chair in to hide myself. Mom noticed and did the same. I loved the surprised look on her face as my cum must have made its presence better known as her cheeks pressed down on the chair.

We sat there, the three of us, drinking tea and eating all the pastries. I managed to get my cock down, helped along by imagining it lying across an anvil in front of my father who was wielding a huge hammer. I don't know what my mother was thinking. For all appearances, she could have been at a church social.

Mom declined another pastry just after I accepted another, never being one to turn down a treat. Mom left, saying she was going upstairs because she needed a shower before going to bed. I ridiculously thought she was going to give us away when she glanced at me just as she said she was getting a shower.

After Mom left, Dad spoke to me in a lowered voice.

"Son, I know this is a little sensitive, but it has to be said."

Oh, no. He saw us. Christ, I thought he'd be angry, raving mad. Not calm like this.

"I know you're a growing lad, full of vim and vigor as I once was," Dad said, "but you have to get better control of yourself."

"Control?" I mustered as much innocence as I could and plastered it onto my face.

"Yes. You know what I mean." Dad waved his hand several times, then pointed it around and under the table. "You were starting to show when you came in the kitchen."

Despite myself, my face flushed beet red.

"I know, I know. It's just one of those things. It happens sometimes when a man is near a woman, even his own mother."
Dad looked away, up at the ceiling, as if he was remembering something.

He went on, looking at the table rather than me, completing his thought, "... especially sitting so close. Not much can be done about it, but you have to try."

Dad paused, staring at the table. He looked up.

"If your mother ever gets wind of it, she'll have a fit. There won't be a recital, and that would break her heart. And she'll never look at you the same."

Dad looked away, wistfully, at the ceiling again.

"Nope. She won't, that's for sure."

"Dad, I ...,"

He looked back at me, cutting me off. "I know, I know. You couldn't help it, sitting right behind a good looking woman like your mother. Even if she is your mom, a man can't help it. I know you have to sit like that to play that piece, but, um, maybe you should put on a jock strap before you play. That would help. Can you do that?"

"Yeah, Dad. I can do that," I said, eager to please, then feeling ashamed, I dropped my head.

"No, no. None of that. It's natural. Don't feel bad about yourself. God knows you can't help it at your age, I know about that. You just do as I said and make sure your mother never finds out. OK?"

"Ok, Dad."

"That's my boy." Dad got up from the table and walked past me toward me the door. "Well, don't stay up too late and don't think about it too much." Dad put his hand on my shoulder and shook it. "OK?"

"Ok, Dad."

"Not a word of this in confession. Right?"

"Right, Dad."

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Kürzlich überraschte mich mein Frau mit dem Thema Dildo-Party. In ihrer Firma hatte man sich im Damenkreis offenbar darüber unterhalten und sie (Claudia, Mitte Vierzig) fand es einfach spannend. Sie erzählte mir davon bei einem Spaziergang und auch, dass z. B. in der Frauenwelt gerne eine Gleitgel dazu genutzt wird, bei zu ausladenden Innenseiten der Oberschenkel die Reibung zwischen ihnen und dem Slip zu verringern, in dem man Gleitgel aufträgt. Auf jeden Fall interessierte sie das Thema sehr,...

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Well, baby, now it’s my turn to tell you what happened not so long ago. You know, I had to return the pants to the big department store in Makati and decided to stay there a couple nights. I had some problem with doing it and talked to a supervisor. She was taller than you (maybe 5’6”), slender with nice figure, about early 30’s, lovely eyes, full lips (made for cocksucking I thought) with very red lipstick, and dark skin. Her name was Reslie. We finished the exchange and had a...

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Sparticus A Mothers Demise Ch 2

CHAPTER 2++++++++++++++++++++ Tuesday nightThe sinful mother could not look at the boy seated next to him as they watched the rest of last night’s episode of Spartacus on replay. He had instructed her to wear nothing beneath her robe which lay wide open exposing her breasts and pussy. He had her stroke his cock with one hand whilst using her other to pleasure herself. She could not fathom out why she was so aroused at such humiliation…especially at the hands of her teenage son, but realized...

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Sparticus A mothers demise

SPARTICUS … A mother’s demiseChapter 1Monday evening‘Yes Dominus’ Helen laughed as she responding to her son’s request to switch off the light before she took her seat next to him on the couch.‘Hurry up slave… it’s about to start’ the teen grinningly quipped backAs it has been for the past six weeks both mother and son sat down on a Monday night before the television to watch the latest episode of Spartacus. Helen’s husband had to leave for work each day at 6am as it was a two hour commute each...

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PartyPlanning Chp1 Pt1

"This feels great. The sun is not to hot on my skin but it's a bright clear day, the ladies are running like clockwork and so am I. Ten, I think ten moms have strolled by, just like yesterday. I'm so glad I decided to workout in my garage. Chicks love to see a man workout, especially a single guy like me. Last minute of my work out and this new workout DVD "Get Slim 4 Fem" Has me in top shape. And the host, Princess!, her highness. What a bitch but if I could fuck her I'd never stop. Last...

3 years ago
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FindxpartnerHow To See Ur Friend Naked Pics

People, ever found a small glance of your findxpartner friends bosom while she bent low to choose something up?Ever wanted you could have seen more? Of course..If you have a companion who has relationship a magnificent looker, you would be inclined to imagine about your buddy's attractive time frame undressed too.We want to see it more than ever. But more often than not, possibilities will come banging on your entrance if you can just understand to be on the lookout at the right time.Spending a...

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I nearly forgot a few great flashes while I was on my work trip. One in particular was a pretty decent looking woman that I said hi to as she approached. Then I asked her if she had ever watched a guy jerk off before. She calmly said no and got in her car. There were a few other good ones during the trip. I was pretty much jacking off in public when I was not at work. The last one was where I made another huge mistake. It was the last chance to get a good one. I was going to fly home the next...

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Sicher hat jeder schon einmal zu viel ?ber den Durst getrunken. Das erste Mal, das ich noch gut in Erinnerung hatte, war bei mir in den sp?ten Teens gewesen. Ich wusste Alkohol schlicht nicht einzusch?tzen, und versch?tzte mich gewaltig. An alles kann ich mich auch nicht mehr erinnern, gegen den sp?teren Abend wird es undeutlich, bis dann gar nichts mehr da ist. Die Folgen am n?chsten Tag waren nat?rlich katastrophal, das Leiden riesig gro?. Und trotz dieser h?chst unangenehmen Folgen passierte es...

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Partyfolgen 2

Vorwort Dies ist eigentlich eine Femdom Geschichte, wurde mir erstaunt klar. Wo ich doch Femdom nicht mag. Aber da sind vor meinem geistigen Auge die unz?hligen Geschichten, wo eine Frau ihren Mann knechtet. So eine Geschichte ist dies garantiert nicht. Trotzdem - ein Mann wird feminisiert. Nicht freiwillig, aber auch nicht so richtig gezwungen. Er wird manipuliert, stolpert von einem Ereignis ins n?chste. Aber ist nicht so unser ganzes Leben, manipuliert von der Werbung? Tina ...

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CYBERPARTNERS BY M.M. The weather was a real bitch; I had plans togo out today and spend all day outside of these walls, but the rain justwouldn't stop. Wind was pretty strong, too, filling my apartment with scentof soggy soil. TV? No, not tonight, I spend too much time in front of itanyway. So, I decided to surf a little; the net is always an interestingplace. After checking some interesting and some dull sites I ran my browserto a chat command; I wanted to find a new chat room; one I...

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Partnering with an old crush

Let’s start off with a little about me: My name is Matthew, I am a lawyer in the midwest. My main area of focus is corporate law. I travel all around the world helping large businesses acquire/merge with other medium to large businesses. I married my wife Lex 3 years ago. I spoil the hell out of here, have brought her home from working in corporate America, bought her a new set of DD tits that she loves showing off and we have an unbelievable sex life. Lex is 5’4 120lbs soaking wet. She was a...

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Sparty Party

Most of the people on the street looked up as I drove past. They were drawn by the sound, like that of a huge angry bear on steroids. My Pype bomb exhaust system announced the presence of my blacked out 2014 Mustang 5.0. People walking down the street had several reactions. Most smiled in appreciation at the automotive masterpiece that was my favorite vehicle of all time. A smaller number, actually stopped what they were doing and stood in slack jawed worship. Those were the faithful, the ones...

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Partisan Revenge

When we pushed into the village, we found the men had all fled except for a handful of old ones who guarded the school. They stood defiantly behind a barricade of desks and chairs that they had piled in a semicircle around the entrance. We tried to persuade them to put down their arms -- which appeared to consist of a few old rifles and pistols -- but they refused. Harlit told me to take my squad and capture or kill them. He would take the main body and pursue the men of the village into the...

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Batman (TAS) – Partnerships “This party is so bo-o-ring...”, was what Selina Kyle whispered to herself inside another fundraiser for some Gotham City’s charity in Gotham’s Museum. She went to the party by invitation of Hamilton Weir, a good friend and former boyfriend of hers. But, by her face, the brunette wasn’t to keen to join the usual chit-chat of celebrities and socialites talking about their lives and how they are rich, nice and bought a new house or a car. The boredom at Selina’s...

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Bipartisanship a West Wing Story

(An Alternate Version of In This White House) Leo McGarry, White House Chief Of Staff, walked down the halls of the West Wing. Stopping in front of the Office of the Press Secretary, he took a long deep breath before stepping into the doorway. Inside he found Sam Seaborn, the Deputy Communications Director having a conversation with the owner of the office, C.J. Cregg. “The two of you,” he said as he got their attention, “come take a walk with me.” “What’s going on?” asked Sam as he followed...

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I had been coasting along, enjoying graduate school and plowing through my research when I hit a snag at about the same time my savings ran out. I would have to work for a change, but I still wanted to get my doctorate. I found a job that fit perfectly. I signed to teach at what the school called halftime pay, just Monday, Wednesday and Friday for three one-hour sessions, all the same course, introductory U.S. History, a course I should be able to talk my way through without much in the way of...

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Partridge Family A Whole Lot of Lovin

Keith was one fried Partridge. First of all, he was supposed to be in a rock band. But his band's rhythm section was little kids who could barely count, let alone keep up a beat. And he was supposed to be the singer of this band, belting out lyrics about love and kissing and that kind of stuff. Not too hot, maybe, but he was supposed to put some feeling into it, wasn't he? But to whom does he sing this lyrics? To his sister Laurie, on keyboards. OK, she had a pretty cute face, with long...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 2

We had only walked a short distance up the corridor leading from the Partners’ hold when we were met by a female crewman. “Are you ready to go to your cabins now, sir?” she asked after saluting. “Yes, the Partners are settled and fed for now, so we can get settled ourselves,” the Colonel told her after returning her salute. “Follow me, sir,” she said, and led the way to an intersecting corridor. We continued down it for a time, eventually coming to an elevator. It was large enough for the...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 3

Unfortunately, Transportation proved to be a bigger problem than Customs had been. Those there frowned at us when we arrived. Of course, we did make quite a procession. There were the two cages in the lead, each of which was pulled by a station tug. Then there were the four of us walking along with Bob. Finally, there was the nest. It was sitting on a wheeled flat and pulled by a third tug. “There is a three hour wait for transportation to the surface,” we were told by the...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 4

We all arrived at the waiting room of the Assignment Branch at 0800 the next morning, Wednesday. There wasn’t a long wait before the receptionist started calling our names. “Colonel Ferguson, report to room A-7 for your assignment,” she called, and this was followed by, “Captain Jensen report to room B-5 for your assignment.” Trish and I were both up out of our seats on hearing this and headed for the appropriate hallway. “Master Sergeant Luther report to room C-6.” “Master Sergeant...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 7

The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: SSG Martha Rust Staff Sergeant, Mess Supervisor, 5’-10’’ tall, 166 lb, 36C-25-37, 38 years old, short auburn hair, gray eyes Sgt Hershel Preetorius Sergeant, Senior Cook, 5’-11’’ tall, 195 lb, 37 years old, black hair, dark eyes Spec Barenardo (Bar) Specialist 5, Cook, 5’-10’’ tall, 165 lb, 30 years old, brown hair, blue eyes SSG Luna Two Bears Staff Sergeant, Supply Sergeant, Cherokee, 5’-11’ tall, 170 lb, 36D-25-36, 35...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 8

The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: SSG Hezekiah Niles Staff Sergeant, Communication Supervisor and repairman, 5’-10’’ tall 165 lb, 39 years old, brown hair, blue eyes Sgt Walker Sergeant, mechanic, 5’-10’’ tall, 155 lb, 26 years old, short blond hair, blue eyes SFC Elliott Sergeant First Class, S-2 NCO, 5’-11’’, 190 lb, 38 years old, black hair, blue eyes Sp 4 Warren Specialist 4, clerk in S-2, 5’-10’’ tall, 155 lb, 22 years old, brown hair, blue eyes SFC...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 9

The following character appears in this chapter and others: Maj Kanisha Ollennu Major, fully enhanced, 5’-8’’ tall, 149 lb, 34C-22-34, 29 years old, black hair, brown eyes There was another planning meeting after we downloaded the pictures that the Eagles and the Falcons had gathered at the direction of their Partners. They had surveyed the entire area where Special Operations Headquarters was set up, but had paid particular attention to the consolidated mess area and the S-4 storage...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 10

The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: Captain Royce Finance Officer 6’-0’’ tall, 195 lb, 31 years old, brown hair, gray eyes Captain Rodeo Supply Officer, S-4, 6’-0’’ tall, 200 lb, 33 years old, blond hair, blue eyes SFC Rogers, Sergeant First Class, S-2 NCO, 6’-0’’ tall, 195 lb, 38 years old, blond hair going bald, black eyes SFC Max Dixon Sergeant First Class, S-3, former Team member, 6’-1’’ tall, 210 lb, 36 years old, brown hair, gray eyes SP4...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 11

The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: General McIntosh Commander of Parthas Armed Forces, 5’-9’’ tall, about 180 pounds, mid-forties, short black hair General Bearach McJunkin Commander of Ground Forces, 5’-9’’ tall, about 180 pounds, mid-forties, short black hair There was one more surprise in store for us before we left Ainalhai III. While Tiger Team was waiting for the last shuttle to take us up to the Baltic, who should arrive but Major Kanisha Ollennu...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 12

The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: Eachna (AK-na) Rebel child, older sister, a bit over 5’-0’’ tall, 14 years old, small breasts, long flaming red hair, more freckles than her sister, cute Eavan (E-van) Rebel child, younger sister, less than 5’-0’’ tall, 12 years old, - no breasts yet, a sprinkling of freckles on her face, cute Captain Royce was on the first shuttle to touch down. He was needed to contract for the various services needed to inspect the...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 13

The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: Captain Roanoke Commander of the Space Marines, 6’-0’’ tall, 190 pounds, 32 years old, short black hair, blue eyes Hanson, Robert J. Marine Staff Sergeant, 5’-10’’ tall, 165 pounds, 28 years old, very short brown hair, blue eyes. Epps Marine Corporal, 5’-11’’ tall, 160 pounds, 22 years old, short black hair, brown eyes Gram Marine Staff Sergeant, 5’-10’’ tall, 165 pounds, 30 years old, short blond hair, blue...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 14

I awoke to daylight flooding into the room and bolted upright in the bed frantically searching the room with memories of last night heavy on my mind. The light revealed that no one was there. The room was empty except for me. “What happened last night?” I wondered, as I had no memories of anything happening after Eavan giggled and said, “It’s all right.” My mind was a complete blank for the rest of the night. My alarm went off then, and I needed to get up for PT, since I was the one who...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 15

New characters appearing in this and other chapters: Admiral Stanfield Commander of Task Force Franklin, and the Heavy Cruiser Benjamin Franklin, 5’-10’’ tall, 180 pounds, 52 years old, gray hair, hard eyes. CPO Wurst, Klaus Chief Petty Officer, Navy Corpsman assigned to the Marines, 5’-11’’ tall, 170 pounds, 37 years old, dark blond hair, blue eyes PO Asthon, Zawe Petty Officer, Navy Corpsman assigned to the Marines, 5’-8’’ tall, 145 pounds, 36C-24-36, 31 years old, long black hair in...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 16

The following new character appears in this chapter and others: Riordan O’Foghladh President of Parthas, 5’-9’’ tall, 195 pounds, 54 years old, gray hair, gray eyes Arriving at the Colonel’s office, we found Captain Roanoke already there on other business. We waited until he had finished. “Have you found anything?” the Colonel asked turning to us. “Yes sir, we have a better picture of the object, but it still isn’t a good picture. It is close enough though, that Eachna recognized what...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 17

We were prepared for the attack well before 1000 hrs. Everyone had been fed. The employees had all been moved to the laundry in the basement of the hotel for their safety, but after the mess-hall had been shutdown. The commercial power had been turned off, and Sergeant Bell had one Power Unit running to keep Commo up and those in the basement comfortable. The Colonel had messaged Admiral Stanfield about the planned attack. Everyone was in position as 1000 hrs. approached. Even the Partners...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 18

“So what is the plan, sir?” Kanisha asked before the rest of us could. “Right now, there is no plan. Everything that we discussed is pure conjecture. It is just so Machiavellian, and it all fits together so well. It’s reminiscent of 21st Century politics, but we have no proof of anything that we discussed ... yet. So we will continue with the preparations to meet with the Leaders of the first colonists. “However, that will not keep us from being prepared for any eventuality. Kanisha, I’m...

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Parthas ParadiseChapter 22

The following new characters appear in this chapter: Wallace Humphreys Senior Representative, 5’-7’’ tall, 240 pounds, 43 years old, mostly bald, weak blue eyes Arlene Jorgenson Representative, 5’-5’’ tall, 230 pounds, 40 years old, more fat than figure, ratty brown hair, brown eyes Emit Magic user, 5’-10’’ tall, 155 pounds, 27 years old, only partly enhanced, shaggy brown hair, hazel eyes, weak Talent The local man who ran the forklift in the warehouse returned the next day. He was...

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