Ginger s Spice
- 2 years ago
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Here is your word of warning. There is a cuckold in this story, whether or not he remains one plays out as the story goes on. If you read the description, you can already guess where this one is headed. Once again Thanks to PapaGus and his deft hand for editing this.
The headlights of my Suburban pierce the inky night, leading me back to a place I thought I'd never see again. Bad memories lurk ahead as well as possible arrest. My ex-wife Shawna is definitely still in town as are most of our mutual friends from our marriage.
I had managed to avoid contact with anyone from my home town of Lee Oklahoma, in fact for over a full decade I have not even stepped foot in the Sooner State. I would still be cozy, snuggled up with my girl Jasmine in my house in North Platte Nebraska tonight, but my job now requires that I return home for at least three days. My name is Dean Baker, but I have always been known as Ginger.
My Aunt Tori, who raised me after my parents were imprisoned when I was two years old for their part in a plot to blow up federal buildings, loved the band Cream. She especially had a thing for their drummer Ginger Baker. Since the man who had knocked up her sister was named Baker, she made her love for me known by giving me the nick name, and once she called me Ginger at a school assembly more kids knew me as Ginger than as Dean.
I loved my aunt more than life itself and spent my youth doing everything I could to avoid disappointing her. Once when I was eight, she caught me playing with a book of matches that a friend at school had given me. She didn't kick my ass, yell, or even threaten to send me away. She sat and talked to me about what I had done. While her words didn't make any more of an impression on me than any parent's words do on any kid, the profound disappointment on her face still haunts me to this day.
A lot of the boys I grew up with thought I was a sissy for never participating in their shenanigans but I would have rather faced ridicule than risk disappointing the one person in the world who cared for me. Looking back, maybe realizing that my aunt knew I was only human would have led me down a better path.
I was also cripplingly shy. While I wasn't an ostracized nerd picked on and chased by bullies daily, I also wasn't ever seen running around with the "in" crowd. I did however have a reputation for not taking shit from anyone.
One of the best things Aunt Tori did for me was enrolling me in a martial arts class each summer. Her best friend ran the karate school and as a favor to her took me under his wing. She got a free baby sitter, and I learned self-defense and discipline. I have only used karate twice in my life. Once was when a guy in Oklahoma City tried to snatch Aunt Tori's purse, the other was when Chip Dillingworth moved to Lee from Clearwater.
Simply put, Chip was an asshole. The only people he didn't fuck with were his few jock buddies and whatever girl he was trying to screw. One night around homecoming Chip took it upon himself to single me out and try to make my life hell. Many of the other jocks just ignored me and this occasion was no different. I guess I was just no fun to abuse.
It happened when I was walking to the school to meet my class for a float building meeting. Usually I would have skipped it and just went with the flow when it came time to build. Aunt Tori had insisted that since it was my senior year I should participate more.
I was nearing the school just as football practice was letting out. All of the team ran by as if I wasn't there except Chip. Chip smacked me in the back of my head as he passed and then stopped and began yelling in my face for "being in his way."
I could see a handful of player turn around to see what was going on, and some that had been behind Chip stopped to watch. I told Chip he should watch where he was running because everyone else had managed to avoid bumping me.
Seeing his fellow players gathering, he must have felt I had insulted him. His face turned red and I think I knew what he was going to do before he did. It all seemed to happen in slow motion. He tossed his helmet aside and drew back his fist. Just as his fist started forward I heard one of the players say "Chip! Coach is coming."
Chip was already in motion. I easily sidestepped his punch and he swung in a full circle. A few players laughed and he drew back again. This time when he threw the punch I caught his wrist in my hand and used his own force to send him sprawling across the ground.
This only served to infuriate him more and he just flew at me. As he rushed me this time, I grabbed his shoulder pad and used a judo move to send him flying ass over tea kettle along the sidewalk. He landed hard enough to almost knock the air out of him. I sprung back to my feet and was upright almost before he fully came to rest.
"Fuck man! Where'd you learn to do that?" one of the guys nearby asked. That was when I made my big mistake. I looked at the guy and was about to answer him when Chip got up and threw his next punch.
I didn't have time to avoid the punch. I was going to either defend against it or get hit, and if I could help it I wasn't going to get hit.
I started both of my hands toward his wrist hoping they'd cross under his forearm and force the blow up over my head, but I misjudged his punch. It wasn't coming as fast as I thought and my hands hit his arm on either side causing his forearm to snap.
I heard a high pitched scream and someone threw up. When all was said and done his football season was done. The coaches had witnessed the whole thing and let me go.
Chip moved from Lee just before Christmas.
Soon word spread around the school and people pretty much left me alone. It didn't make me accepted or popular, but even the jack offs thought good and hard about messing with me. Unfortunately unlike in the movies, the girls didn't flock to me seeking to have me father their children.
I wasn't, and am still not, a bad looking guy. But I never had a girl in school. I know many of the girls liked what they saw and would have been with me had I the courage to ask any of them. I didn't so I was probably one of a very few virgins to graduate Lee High that year.
The two years after I graduated high school were spent working. One of my aunt's friends got me a job at the rail yard. While other guys my age were out banging quim or altering their perceptions chemically, I spent six nights a week throwing switches in the rail yard. I would work ten hours a night and then sleep all day while Aunt Tori worked her shift at the bank.
My original plan had been to work for two years and then use the money I made to go to college. In my biggest dreams I would enroll in Norman and be a Sooner. Reality meant I might stretch and reach Tulsa, but neither was to be.
I was three days away from putting in my two weeks' notice at the yard. My supervisors had been trying hard to talk me into staying on. Dale Armstrong, the big yard's big boss, finally came in early one morning and offered to send me to the local community college on the railroad's dime if I'd stay on a permanent basis. Knowing how much my aunt wanted to see me go to school and make something of myself I knew I had to talk this over with her.
Because of my meeting with Mr. Armstrong I didn't get home before Aunt Tori left for work. That meant I'd have to talk to her that evening when she got home. I had a hard time getting to sleep. My mind played over every scenario of my upcoming discussion, but I couldn't imagine any where she would be disappointed. I knew she'd help me to make the best decision for my future.
I was awakened by bells ringing. I knew it wasn't my alarm clock, but in my haze I punched the snooze button anyway. I looked at the clock and saw it was 5:00. Maybe my aunt had locked herself out. I then realized I was hearing the phone as well as the doorbell.
I jumped out of bed and headed down the hall. The phone stopped ringing as I reached for it, but the doorbell persisted. I opened the door to find Lee police officers Jim Crocker and David Brenner on my doorstep. I knew in an instant that my world had changed.
As I was meeting with Dale that morning Robert Brown, Aldon Nash, and Jennifer Day were gunning down a gas station clerk in Arkansas. Driving at break neck speed across the state used a lot of their gas, necessitating another gas station robbery. The second clerk only got his skull fractured with a pistol butt.
The trio then drove into Oklahoma but started running low on fuel again as they neared Lee. One of the trio decided that robbing gas station after gas station was no kind of existence and figured to rob a bank so that they buy gas as they went on the lam.
Two blocks from the bank the Ford Fairmont the trio were driving succumbed due the harsh treatment it had gotten all day and refused to go another foot. Nonplussed the trio headed into the bank. As they were entering the bank one of them noticed my aunt's two year old Impala in the parking lot.
After holding all of the tellers and the three customers at gun point while the cash drawers were emptied, one of them demanded to know who owned the blue Impala in the lot. Aunt Tori admitted it was hers and offered the keys. She was shot in the face for her effort.
The trio was apprehended two days later in Pueblo Colorado. After a fifteen minute shoot out at a cheap motel just off of Interstate 25, Day and Brown were in an ambulance heading for emergency surgery while Nash was being bagged in the room.
Day would die two hours later on the operating table and Brown would get 125 years in federal prison for his crimes.
The fact that Aunt Tori didn't suffer at all didn't ease my suffering at all. For my entire life I had one constant in my world and she was it. I had seen my parents once when I was 13 years old. Aunt Tori had taken me with her for their parole hearings, both were denied, and I never gave them a real thought. Aunt Tori was my mother and my father. Now she was gone and I was truly alone in the world.
The bad thing about funerals in smaller towns is every well-meaning woman decides that the bereaved don't need to cook for themselves. I had so much food that I ran out of places to put it. My appetite was low so I ended up having the church use the food that I couldn't deal with.
The parade of well-wishers was endless. People I didn't even know paid their respects and by time the funeral was over I was exhausted. I was given two weeks off of work for bereavement and told that I could have as long as I needed because they were holding my job for me.
The evening after the funeral I realized I didn't want to live in Aunt Tori's house any longer. I went to stay in a motel a few miles from work. I had all of the money I'd saved so I wasn't going to bankrupt myself by using a motel for a week or two.
Two days later I was in a lawyer's office. He informed me that since I was Tori's only living heir I would receive all of her death benefits, including a $150,000 life insurance policy that she held through the bank.
I put Aunt Tori's house up for sale and used the insurance money to buy a nice house across town from where I had lived my entire life. Since I only listed the house for $75,000, it was sold in just a couple of weeks.
Since I bought a house, I canceled my plans for going to school in Norman or Tulsa. I stayed at the rail yard and true to his word, Dale sent me to school where I learned safety practices and OSHA standards and became the safety pro for the rail yard.
School wasn't easy for me, but I managed to graduate high school with a 2.8 grade point average. In a couple of courses I spent my first two years of college taking remedial courses. One or two of the normal courses I took I found I needed the aid of a tutor.
My first tutor seemed to be pre-occupied all of the time and never made it to our sessions on time. I later learned that he was too busy trying to keep his girlfriend out of other guys' rooms to fully focus on his duties. I complained to my advisor and was assigned another tutor.
I can't say it was love at first sight. The woman who walked into the room wasn't ever going to be a centerfold or Hollywood star. She wasn't ugly by any stretch, but I am not sure too many guys would give her more than a precursory glance.
"Hi, I'm Shawna Peterson."
"Ginger Baker," I said standing to shake her hand.
"Ginger? Like the drummer?"
"Yeah. My given name is Dean but my Aunt Tori preferred Ginger and so it stuck."
For the next few weeks she was on time every day and really helped me pick my grades up. A few times after a late study session she would ask me if I wanted to go grab a bite to eat. She treated me the first time but I insisted on paying the rest of the time.
We were at a pizza joint one evening. I was eating and reading as I usually did. I found I had to study every bit I could to get through a few of my courses. Suddenly I had the feeling I was being watched. I looked around the room and saw no one looking my way. I turned back to the table to lock eyes with Shawna.
"What's wrong with me?"
"Beg pardon?"
"I said; 'What the fuck is wrong with me?'"
"I heard what you said, although I seem to remember less profanity, I just don't understand the scope of the question."
"Every guy I have ever been out with has either tried to fuck me afterwards, or has tried to get me to suck their cock. You and I have been out several times and you've never even tried to kiss me. Am I a repulsive troll? Do I make you sick? Are you gay?"
I was taken aback by her rant. I mentally went over every evening I'd spent with her looking for a clue that I had wronged her. Still startled I stammered out, "Um, No. I have to say no to all of your questions. Did I do something wrong? If I did I'm deeply sorry."
"You didn't do anything wrong. It's, well, you didn't do anything. I wear my sexiest clothes; I wear my most expensive perfume. The only thing I haven't done is ask you if you want to go fuck! Why don't you want to be with me, Ginger?"
I didn't know what to say. I followed her lead and we went back to her apartment and fucked all night long. I'd like to say that I came once while she came a thousand times. I'd like to say that, but I can't.
I was a virgin until that night. I had wanted sex with girls before, but I was so shy and so unsure of myself that I never made it happen. Not to mention the fact that I was deathly afraid of getting some girl pregnant and disappointing my aunt.
Shawna was as patient in bed as she was about class work. I told her I was a virgin and she led me the whole night through. We didn't do too many positions, mainly because I didn't know any.
By the time I graduated college, Shawna and I were living together. Since I owned my own home, she gave up her apartment and moved in with me. She taught me how to please her and I did all I could to see to her sexual needs.
I remember a line in an old Mathew Broderick movie. He tells the camera that his buddy is likely to marry the first woman who he lays. Well I guess I am like his friend in that respect, I ended up marrying the only woman I'd ever slept with. I knew I wasn't her first, but I knew I was going to be her last. I conveniently forgot about the second part of Mathew's line in that movie; "He's gonna marry the first woman he lays and she's gonna treat him like shit."
We married in a simple ceremony the evening before our college graduation and went to Corpus Christie Texas for our week long honeymoon. Although we had been sleeping together for a year or so, it seemed different doing it in a different bed.
As soon as I graduated and had my degree, Dale moved me into the office. George Parton, the grave yard safety coordinator was set to move into Cliff Robinson's position when Cliff retired at the end of that summer. George trained me for a month, and then we worked together until August when he went to day shift to work with Cliff for two weeks. Within a year George got moved to the Chicago office and I got the head safety job.
Three weeks after our graduation, Shawna went to work for the County Assessor's Office. She made good money and made several friends at her office. I met a few of them, they seemed nice enough, but my shyness made it hard for me to socialize with any of them unless I had met them a few times.
Over the next few months we would grow close to one couple in particular. Jason and Heather Douglas were just slightly older than Shawna and I and Heather was Shawna's best friend at work.
All summer it seemed that we would barbeque at either their house or ours. For the first few times there was always another couple or two at the get-togethers, but by early August it was just the four of us every week.
I actually got to be pretty good friends with Jason. He worked as a car salesman at a Nissan dealership and was always trying to talk me into trading my trusty old Chevy for a Nissan.
As the socializing got more frequent I began to notice a few things about Heather and Jason. The first thing that struck me was the fact that when he took her a drink or made her a plate, he'd always curtsy and call her mistress. I thought it was just him being a dick whenever she'd ask him for something, but it happened far too often.
Another thing I noticed was how she'd ask him for things. It was never "Honey would you bring" or "Jason if you wouldn't mind," it was always "Your wife requires this, or your mistress needs that." She never said "please."
On the Friday of Labor Day weekend we all got together to go to the first football game of the season for Lee High. They were playing a really tough team out of northern Texas that had stomped them a year before down there.
We got together in the parking lot before the game. There was a man with Jason and Heather who was introduced to Shawna and I as Kevin. He shook hands with Shawna and I, and Shawna said "It's so nice to finally meet you Kevin. I've heard so much."
Jason was acting odd. He didn't say much but to agree with anything Kevin or Heather said. As we were walking into the game I would have sworn I heard Jason asking for permission to sit with me, but with the crowd noise I couldn't tell for sure.
The game was the slaughter I had expected. The Texas team was up by 30 at half time. Every time they scored I swore I heard a moan out of Jason. I figured he might have some money on the game, which was stupid because Lee hadn't had a winning team in 15 years and we always got our ass handed to us by the teams out of Texas. I turned to make a comment to Jason but he was gone. I looked over and Kevin, Heather and Shawna were in conversation about something and weren't paying any attention to the game.
About five minutes before halftime was over, Jason returned carrying nachos and sodas from the concession stand. He did that weird bow/curtsey move as he handed helpings to the other three. He handed me some nachos and a soda and sat.
"Why didn't you tell me you were going to get food? I would have gone with you and paid for mine and Shawna's."
"It's no big deal," he said dismissively.
We chatted as the game wore on, but nothing eased the feeling that something was off. Shawna dismissed it when I brought it up on the ride home. "He'll be fine when come over Sunday evening. You'll see."
"So who is Kevin? I've never heard his name mentioned before."
"Oh, he's just a friend of theirs. I'm sure Jason has mentioned him a time or two."
"Not that I remember."
She changed the subject to the game. It was obvious that she didn't want to talk about Jason and Kevin, nor had she paid much attention to the game.
I worked in the yard on Saturday morning. I cut down several branches from a tree that were endangering the roof of the house and mowed the lawn. When I went in to get a glass of tea I could hear Shawna in the other room talking in hushed tones on the phone.
"No I can't demand that. He's so sexually naive that he just might get violent."
There was a pause while whomever she was talking to said their piece. "Let's just do it like we talked about. Don't make him hide it this time. It'll pique Ginger's curiosity."
I slipped back outside wondering what was going on. What did my lack of sex experience have to do with anything? After all, I learned from her so if I was sexually inadequate it was on her. I decided I'd keep an eye open for a while until I figured out what she was up to.
After we had supper Shawna informed me she was going out for the evening. I had thought that she was dressed nice for me. "Oh?" I said. "What are you going to do?"
"Heather and I were going to meet a friend of hers and have a few drinks. Nothing too big."
"Is Jason going?"
"No. Heather said he didn't feel like going out, he wasn't feeling too well I guess."
I was suspicious about this sudden girls' night out, but I had no reason to object. She put the dishes in the dishwasher and told me she'd be home by 10. At 7:00, Heather pulled up in the drive and honked her horn. Shawna kissed me quickly and headed out the door.
Around 8:30 I called Jason to see if he was feeling better, and to see if he knew anything about this girls' night out. The phone rang for over a minute before I hung up. On the TV the Oklahoma Sooners were beating the snot out of some school from back east, but I wasn't paying much attention.
I tried Jason again a bit after nine and got no answer. At 9:30 I heard a car pull up the drive. A moment later, Shawna came in and joined me in front of the TV.
Before I could ask her about her night, she pulled my pants down and began sucking my cock. When she was turned on she was known to ride me like I was a hobby horse. I don't know what had her so worked up that night, but it was two in the morning before she finally went to bed.
I had out lasted my personal best that evening. I came four times, and only went soft once. I lost count of the number of orgasms Shawna had. I slept quite well that night and didn't wake up until nine.
I spent Sunday afternoon drinking a few beers and getting my grill ready to cook. Heather and Jason were due to show up at five so I figured I'd start the coals about 4:30. Shawna spent the day getting the food ready as usual, but it seemed she was pre-occupied with something. I caught her just staring off into space on several occasions.
Around five I was throwing the burgers on the grill when I heard Jason's car pull into the drive. I heard Shawna go out to greet them. I wasn't sure but I thought I heard more voices. I was a bit surprised to see Kevin come around the corner of the house with his arm around Heather, followed by Jason who was wearing the most ridiculous outfit I have ever seen any sane person wear.
Heather was dressed in casual shorts and a nice sleeveless blouse and her usual summer sandals. Kevin was wearing a polo shirt and a pair of khaki shorts and a pair of jogging shoes. I was dressed normally as was Shawna.
Jason on the other hand wore some sort of frilly pink and white sleeveless blouse that had been cut into a crop top, a pair of "Daisy Duke" cut off shorts that had seen far better days, and a pair of flip flops with baby blue frills on them.
Everyone seemed to be watching me as Jason walked onto the patio three steps behind Heather and Kevin. If we had been in high school he would have been beaten already and laughed out of the building. If this had been any public building he would have been shown the door until he could dress properly.
But this was my house and I wasn't going to say anything about his choice of clothes. Maybe he was going to a shitty costume party later. I didn't care, he was an adult and could wear a bed sheet and swim fins if he so pleased.
I could feel the stares boring into my back as I turned back to the grill. I put the last of the meat on and turned and offered Jason and Kevin a beer. Kevin replied that he'd love a beer and Jason didn't say anything.
I turned to go to the kitchen to grab some beers when Kevin cleared his throat. As soon as he did Jason spoke up. "No Ginger. Please allow me to get the beers."
I gave him a puzzled look and said, "Suit yourself guy."
As he was heading toward the door I heard him ask Kevin and Heather if he could have a beer. I almost turned said something, but I figured I'd catch hell later for being rude, and rude Ginger usually ended up quite horny before Shawna would forgive and forget.
When Jason came back out with the beer, he bowed to Kevin as he handed him the opened bottle. Heather reached over and patted his head as he did this. He then came toward me. He bowed as he handed me a beer.
"Don't bow dude. That just looks wrong," I said just loud enough for him to hear.
"I have to or my mistress will be displeased."
"This is weird man. Way weird."
He turned and looked at Heather. I turned back to the grill and he sidled up beside me. Within a few minutes Shawna announced that she needed to run to the store to pick up a couple of things she'd forgotten the day before. Heather and Kevin volunteered to go with her and I said I'd slow the cooking down.
Jason said nothing and I suddenly got the feeling that this little trip to the store was planned in advance. Shawna never forgets things at the store or anywhere.
"So what's the deal man? Why are you dressed that way and why do you bow and refer to your wife as your mistress?"
"I am a cuckold Ginger."
"A cuckold?"
He looked embarrassed, "Yeah. I am a willing cuckold."
"Is that like a Pollock or a Slav or some race like that?"
He chuckled a little as if I'd said something funny. "No, it's not a race, it's a "calling in life" if you will. Some folk are preachers because of a calling, I am a cuckold."
"So what exactly does a cuckold do besides run errands and curtsey?"
"A cuckold does what his mistress asks of him. He obeys his bull."
"Bull? Mistress? What in the heck are you talking about man? You used to be normal and now you're acting weird and dressing like a deranged Easter clown."
He gave an exasperated sigh. "OK Ginger. A cuckold is a man who allows other men to have sex with his wife. The man who has sex with the wife is called the bull. The cuckold gets to watch if he has pleased his mistress. Sometimes if he's really been good he gets to clean her out after."
I wasn't sure if I had actually heard what I thought I had heard. It seemed so foreign to me and so wrong. I thought about how bad it must suck to watch another man in bed with your wife.
"I love being a cuckold. Don't feel bad for me I ENJOY what I do for my mistress and our bull."
"Jesus jumpin' catfish! Do you mean to tell me that Kevin beds Heather while you watch and you have to bow and scrape to him like a slave?"
"Yes. I love it that way. He can please her in ways I could never fathom. He has a much bigger dick than I do and she loves it."
I decided right then I wanted to distance myself from these sick people. I just didn't know how. Shawna would want to know why and I couldn't tell her what her best friend was really like.
Therefore I decided to just keep my mouth shut. I guess it didn't really make Jason a different person; the only difference I could see might be having to invite Kevin everywhere too.
The food was done by time they got back from the store. I wasn't looking forward to an awkward dinner with my new unwanted knowledge. I didn't think I could look Heather in the eye anymore. I was saved by a ringing telephone.
The office and clerical staff at the rail yard worked different types of shifts. The office side; the account people, the managers, and safety people only worked a five day week, while the clerks and dispatchers had to cover twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. There were always a minimum of three clerks in the office.
The tracks were managed from a tower but the electronic switching system only worked about half of the time, requiring two switch operators to be out in the yard at all times. With an average of five trains an hour moving through the yard these guys had to be on their toes constantly.
On the weekends should any office personnel be needed, there is an on call rotation. This was my weekend to be on call for safety. There had been an accident requiring one of the safety professionals to investigate. While I was sickened by the thought that someone had been injured, I was glad for the opportunity to leave this party early.
I hung up the phone and tuned to find Shawna in the room. "Who was that?"
"It was work. There's been an accident and I have to go investigate."
"Can't someone else do it?"
"Nope. My weekend on call, I'll be back in a while."
I went upstairs and changed into more work suitable clothing and then I headed for the yard.
When I got to the yard, the ambulance had already departed for the hospital. The switchman had not been paying attention and had been hit in the head by a coupler handle on a passing rail car. He'd been bloodied and need a few stitches. The ambulance ride was mainly precautionary.
Roberta woke us all up, telling the kids it was time to get ready for dinner. It would be time to get the kids out of jeans and into something fancier. I begged Ginger to wear the dress she had removed when we laid down. I went into my own room and put on grey slacks and a plain grey shirt. I had a blazer to wear over it. I packed a bag to stay in the motel tonight as Roberta and Robin were staying in my room here at the house and Randy and Wendy were staying in Ginger's. Ada was staying at...
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It was just a little after midnight. The night was cool and the breeze felt wonderful as me and Ginger lay naked hand in hand in the sand under the full blue moonlight. The ocean's waves were the only sound we heard other than our own soft breathing. The blue hue of the night highlighted all of Ginger's delicate curves. The paleness of her tan lined breasts became lighted beacons, glowing tenderly a light blue as the moon shined down on her perky small mounds. The soft puffiness of her shaved...
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HumorThis is a chapter from my book "Tales of Ginger and Quinn" look for it on Amazon and Kindle under the pen name Raul MontanaOn Friday afternoon, Janet comes over to pick up Sammy. Ginger opens the door and invites her inside. They both call out for Sammy, who comes trotting around the corner and brushes up against both begging them to pet him. “He is such an attention hog. Was he a good boy?” Janet asked as she scruffed his head. “He was amazing,” Ginger replied, thinking if only you knew how...
If her plan went well, within the hour she'd have his hard cock up inside her little teen-aged pussy. If it went badly, she had several escape plans, but she prayed it wouldn't come to anything as drastic as all that. Regardless, she was taking a big risk. If her mother ever even suspected what she was up to, there'd be hell to pay. She checked her clothes one last time, then applied a little more gloss to her thick sensuous lips, before taking a deep breath, and knocking on the door. She...
If her plan went well, within the hour she'd have his hard cock up inside her little teen-aged pussy. If it went badly, she had several escape plans, but she prayed it wouldn't come to anything as drastic as all that. Regardless, she was taking a big risk. If her mother ever even suspected what she was up to, there'd be hell to pay. She checked her clothes one last time, then applied a little more gloss to her thick sensuous lips, before taking a deep breath, and knocking on the door....
Introduction: I was out of town on business when I was approached by her husband. I was just sitting there in the hotel restaurant in Wichita, Kansas minding my own business as I usually did when I was out of town on business. I had just finished my meal, paid my bill, and I was enjoying a nice glass of wine when he approached me.He said, “My wife wants you.”I asked, “For what?”He laughed softly and then he sat down at my table, leaned in a little closer, and said, “She wants you to fuck her...
I had been waiting for Saturday all week long. Mom took Mikey and went to a seminar, and my sister was out with her friends. I had the house all to myself, or so I thought. Anyway, I went out back to my weight pile for a quick workout.By the time I was finished with my workout, I was hot and the sweat was rolling off of my body, so I decided to take a shower to clean up. When I was finished, I put on just a pair of shorts. Since I was alone, I decided to get one of my porno tapes and watch it...
Randall Adams lived about fifty miles from where Ginger and I first met at the beginning of summer. It was that much closer to Minneapolis. Ginger and I left Minneapolis to get to her father's before dinner that evening. He welcomed us with a kiss and a hug for Ginger and a handshake for me. Wendy, his wife, was ten years younger than he. The twins were just walking and excited to meet some new persons. They didn't remember Ginger and she hadn't seen them for awhile. Dinner was almost...
The next day, I was on pins and needles whenever I had a minute I wasn't concentrating on my work. Getting the presentation ready for our client was going well. Although I was inexperienced, many of my ideas were being incorporated. More than a normal person as young as I was could expect. When it was near the end of the day, rather than start on building a new visual, I headed for home. I parked my car and slowly made my way into the house. Mom and Ginger were in the kitchen preparing...
Reddit Ginger, aka r/Ginger! Some people have a certain kind of woman in mind which they deem as the ‘perfect woman’, and will fap to this kind of woman almost instantaneously because they’re THAT attracted to her for various reasons. Sometimes it’s because she reminds them of a certain ex-girlfriend which they’re still in love with, other times it’s because she looks an awful lot like their mother, and sometimes it’s because of personal preference.I know that there’s probably plenty of dudes...
Reddit NSFW ListThis just happened the other night and I'm still smiling. As you know, Ginger and I were lovers for many years, ever since we were y***g. We even lived together as lovers as adults. After a few years, she moved out to be with her lover, Cookie. A couple of days ago, my wife Janice got a call from Ginger. She was asking if she could stay with us for a few days. Her girlfriend Cookie was going to Boston to see her parents and Ginger didn't want to be alone. Janice told her to come on over. When...
From down on my side of the table came a question. "Do you have a sweetheart? You don't have a wedding ring on." I peered at the girl who asked. She appeared to be about Ginger's age. I laughed as I said, "Another difficult question. Am I fully committed? No not at this time, but I have a person in mind I hope to be committed to someday. She did some things for me that eased my mind while I was in England. When I first met her she needed help and at the time so did I. We helped each...
Coming out of the theater, I asked what she wanted to do now. "Can we go somewhere and talk? Some where some beautiful old girlfriend of yours doesn't show up for you to compare me to." "Sure, I'll take you where I used to go parking. Are you okay with that?" "I'm in your hands." Again Ginger mumbled something that I didn't catch and didn't repeat when I asked her to. I drove to a secluded part of the city. It wasn't a well known parking spot and I didn't expect the...
Introduction: After teasing all the older men in the apartment complex 13 year old Ginger is trapped by 30 year old Ryan who rubs her to orgasm through her panties. After she cums he tells her she can go, but before she can make good her escape, he catches her at the door. Little does she suspect, her lesson is far from over. Authors note: I highly recomend that you go back, and read part one to get the full effect. He pulled her body in close so that she could feel his hard cock against her...
He leaped from the couch, and flew to the door, slamming it closed with his body as he said, "Whoa! Let's not go nuts." Ginger heaved an internal sigh of relief. If he'd let her get that door open any further she would have either had to run out screaming, or had her bluff effectively called. She quickly spun around to face him, sliding one hand up his thigh to rub his crotch, while she threw the other arm over his shoulder, pulling him down to her, and once again licking the blood from...
"Ginger Collins had been going around teasing all the older single men in the apartment complex. This smart assed little thirteen year old girl had been watching all kinds of internet porn, and she figured she knew how far she could push it without getting raped. Truth be told, she was pretty good at gaugeing how far she had to go with each man to get his dick hard, before skipping out. The little tease got off on it. She'd go home, and masterbate after leaving these men all hot, and...
Gingerby theduck1930This is a true story. Everything happened just as it is told. Names are changed to protect the innocent if there are any.The year was 1970. I was on a Fraternal Order of Eagles drill team. On this occasion I was not in uniform, I had stopped off from work to have a drink in the Eagles bar. The bar was nearly void of customers except for some women who were all on the Auxiliary Drill Team. I knew all of them because the men’s drill team and women’s drill team all traveled to...
Ginger's train journey.Ginger walked confidently down the long platform towards her train. She had been in London for the day and felt confident because of the attention she had received. She had worn a new summer dress. It was a hot summers day, the dress had Spaghetti straps, in a white floral pattern, it came to just above mid-thigh length. The top skimmed tightly over her full breasts, and the buttons between them strained to keep their treasure contained. The thin fabric was cool in the...
"Just one more thing." he whispered in her ear, as his hands slid toward her crotch. He lifted the front of her skirt with one hand, while the other slipped between her legs. He rubbed his fingers over her pussy, and then in a fatherly tone, he said, "These panties are soaking wet. We're going to have to get you out of these." "No, please." she pleaded softly, her tears welling up again, as his hands slid back up to her hips under her skirt. "Shh, shh, shh." was his reply, as he...
This smart assed little fifteen year old girl had been watching all kinds of internet porn, and she figured she knew how far she could push it without getting raped. Truth be told, she was pretty good at gauging how far she had to go with each man to get his dick hard, before skipping out. The little tease got off on it. She'd go home, and masturbate after leaving these men all hot, and bothered. She'd think about the bulges she was able to cause in these grown men, as she started...
He pulled her body in close so that she could feel his hard cock against her back. "Just one more thing." he whispered in her ear, as his hands slid toward her crotch. He lifted the front of her skirt with one hand, while the other slipped between her legs. He rubbed his fingers over her pussy, and the in a fatherly tone, he said, "These panties are soaking wet. We're going to have to get you out of these." "No, please." she pleaded softly, her tears welling up again, as his hands...
Ginger turned sideways and looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. Boy, she thought, if this outfit doesn't get him there's something wrong with him. The skirt was so short she knew she couldn't bend over and the top was cut so low that she could only wear her tiny shelf bra that kept trying to shove her big boobs right out of her silky dress. She adjusted the widely set spaghetti straps that barely clung to her tanned shoulders and stood back again to be sure that the dress was...
GINGER DUCK IN CHASTITY by Throne I sat on a kitchen chair, shifting my feet anxiously. My wife Desiree looked at me with barely restrained impatience, like she was dealing with a difficult child. Yet her green eyes held a hint of mischief. Those pale lips suggested the beginnings of a smile. I sat there trying to appear capable of reasoning with her, but that's not easy when you're dressed in a yellow top with a ruffled front and capped sleeves, and you're naked from the waist...
My personal sexual revolution had started a few months earlier when I decided to pop my cherry by visiting an escort. I’m not traditionally social, so it made sense at the time. I had had sex with three escorts so far, with the last one being a bit of a disaster.Due to my humiliating experience with the caramel Nicky, I had sort of gone into sexual hiding. Of course, I still had my daily wank or two. Sometimes these included fantasies of getting to redo the Nicky experience. Most of the time it...
TransDoc ran out the kitchen door and jumped in the car. Damn you man! she thought, winding her way through heavy traffic. Wait til an hour before I have to be at the airport to inform me a VIP is coming and I’M the one elected to pick her up!!!!!! Sheeeeese!!!! …..and not only that, she continued fuming, it just HAD to be a woman!!!! ‘Oh baby,’ she muttered, gripping the steering wheel tighter, ‘You’ll pay for this one…..BIG time!!!’ She waited in Baggage Claim as he had instructed. She had...
i was 19, unmarried, never had had a relation with anyone. i grew up with two older sisters who always liked to dress me up like i was one of them, so that i was not as gross as the other boys they saw. And i really liked how i looked as a girl, so i decided when i was going from junior high to senior high, that i wanted to become a girl, dress as a girl, and look as passable as possible. Luckily, this is 2010, and we had just moved into Stanford, where both mom and dad had very good jobs. My...
This is a story I never even told Ginger, my sister. Her friend, Janet may have told her, but I doubt it.One really hot summer day in Florida, I was home alone. Mom & Ginger went shopping at the mall and they took Mikey with them. I had just finished my first year in college. Rough year. So I was trying to enjoy some me time, sitting around in my shorts and nothing else, watching TV. Just as I was getting a little comfortable when there was a knock at the door.Grumbling under my...
While on holiday during my final year of boy’s boarding school, I met Gerhard. My mother had developed a great friendship with his parents who I had never met during one of my quarterly visits. Sadly, Gerhard arrived at our home that evening to inform my mother that his dad, Gerhard Snr, had passed away. Naturally, having never met his Gerhard Snr, I merely sat by, watching their tearful interaction. Gerhard Jnr, several years older than me, was one of the most beautiful men I had ever seen. He...
Gay MaleGinger and I had both just had intense and fulfilling orgasams.We lay there spooning with me at her back and gentling stroking her beautiful breasts, I like to keep her nipples hard! She turned to me and asked, “Did you enjoy that as much as I enjoyed doing it to you?”I said, “Yes I do, I absolutely loved you fucking me in the ass, I have wanted to do that for a very long time, THANK YOU!”She just smiled, kind of a wicked little smile that says, We are gonna have a lot of fun together.We lay...
Hi this is fantasy with some truth in.Finally it was 5pm on Friday afternoon; it had been a hard long week at work with lots of stress and problems to deal with. But now it was time to have some fun and unwind. Me and the girls had arranged to go to his new club in town called 'LUSH'. It had been open a few weeks and we had heard it was amazing. The place to be. On the way home I sat thinking about things, as you do, what to wear, what it would be like, what sort of people would be there etc. I...
Once again my editor ‘Wires’ has worked wonders with one of my stories. I want to thank him for his efforts to make this story more readable. As usual, however, the errors that remain are solely mine. ***** Alfred Thomas was startled awake from his sleep by heavy pounding on the door of his small apartment. When he roused from his drunken stupor, sprawled across his queen sized bed, his heart was pounding as badly as was his head. The sun was streaming in through the south facing windows in...
It was just a little after midnight. The night was cool and the breeze felt wonderful as me and Ginger lay naked hand in hand in the sand under the full blue moonlight. The ocean’s waves were the only sound we heard other than our own soft breathing. The blue hue of the night highlighted all of Ginger’s delicate curves. The paleness of her tan lined breasts became lighted beacons, glowing tenderly a light blue as the moon shined down on her perky small mounds. The soft puffiness of her shaved...
Alfred Thomas was startled awake from his sleep by heavy pounding on the door of his small apartment. When he roused from his drunken stupor, sprawled across his queen sized bed, his heart was pounding as badly as was his head. The sun was streaming in through the south facing windows in the small apartment he and his grandfather built for him over his grandfather's old, detached, two car garage. As his eyes opened he was further moved to wakefulness by a kick and the slam of a small fist in...
The three men, standing in a row opposite me, reminded me of a synchronized dance team at Les Folies-Bergere, performing the Can-Can. As one, they threw off their shirts, kicked off shoes, opened alligator belts, dropped their slacks and stepped out of their under shorts, presenting three fully engorged cocks. My pussy drooled in response as my eyes imagined how each of those cocks would feel inside of me. What a wonderful conclusion for a girl who had started out looking simply for one guy,...
I was window shopping online for a playmate when I met her. I had been looking for a partner for a long time and her profile really caught my eye. I got started chatting with her and we had a lot in common, so we made the decision to finally meet.We met up at a local coffee shop and spent about an hour talking. We decided that we could get along well together as we both had very similar fantasies.Her name is Ginger, very fitting as she has beautiful long red hair, she is 5’2” tall and about 110...
Ginger's First GangbangI had been enjoying regular meetings with my older lover, Mr Webster, for some time and the routine typically consisted of meeting up and heading off in his car for sex at some secluded spot in the countryside. He liked me to dress as femininely as possible, in pretty dresses, skirts and heels and always stockings or tights. I noticed how hard his erection would become at the sight of my pert bottom above sheer stocking tops and I made a point of allowing my skirt to ride...
Daddy Snaps 11/9/2006 Upon entering the house after a particularly rough dayat work you start in on me. I rue the day you started your changeto womanhood. It doesn't help that your sweet mother,my wife, died when you were 11, leaving us on our own. Havingstruggled through your early puberty with the help of youraunt from time to time, we have arrived at your senior year.You are going to graduate this year and I'm doing mybest to make sure that you don't get yourself in "trouble"with boys....
Incest"Damn it, John, do you really have to be a walking, talking, driving cliché? The road isn't even paved anymore ... where the hell are we?" John had known the silence was drawing to an end. Historically, his sister could only hold her tongue for so long and, once she'd crossed her arms over her ample chest, he'd known the quiet would soon be interrupted. He clasped the steering wheel tighter. "We're not lost--just a little turned around. We'll hit a town soon." "Yeah, well, you'd...
Ginger's Makeup She was tall in her stilettos and the ankle was the only part of her legs I could see when the manger Mr. Thom introduced me around that early fall afternoon three months ago. After the first hour of watching her parade about delivering the guest's their cocktails I saw more of her leg since the sheath gown of sequins in soft red was split along the left, biased to expose Ginger's thigh well passed the knee. Her smile cause me to dream of her over the next few...
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. Legend perpetuates a mythic fairy tale that depicts a cheeky gingerbread man who was magically animated, and who spent his life running away from people and talking creatures who wished to eat him. Ancient documents have now come to light that tell a different story: Once upon a time, there was a Gingerbread Man, who lived in the small town of Puddington. Unlike the other sweet inhabitants, the...
This happened this week. One day I was very horny (for no real reason in office). So i called one of my fuck-buddies (let's call him Sam) for a session after work.So at around 730pm he picked me from an MRT. i want to do 1 round first before we went for dinner. As it was a quiet weekday, we decided to not book a room, but instead do it in the car instead. So he drove to some ulu carpark (not sure where it is im not good with directions). It was a small carpark with mostly trees around. there...
UK English is the rule: if the spellings Mum, arse or colour annoy you, don’t go any further, for the rest of you enjoy. ***** I was home from Uni and my final year was approaching, I needed to get a move on with my portfolio. I was studying Photography at St Martins and really needed a ‘WOW’ factor in my final submission. I had an idea but didn’t know if it would work or indeed even how to get it get started. I wanted to focus on the human form and the effects of aging, I had seen some other...
Just some snapshots. The bathhouse meets my needs for spontaneous escapes, no planning, no relationships. I wish I could get there for some evenings and weekends.Sauna. Crowd around me stroking and sucking my cock... Hot mouths move up and down, a hand reaches through the crowd to cup my nuts. Cum. Steam room. His mouth like fire, my cock hard. Countless blow jobs in the heat of the steam room. I sit on the top bench. They come in and fondle me. They suck my cock, soon I'm hard and shooting...
DNA: Snapshots, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Virus By Stephanie "Martha, willya look at this crap!" "What is it, Wilbur? I'm busy in the kitchen." "You gotta see this. Some quack has found a way to change people with some drug." "Oh, that. Sounds too good to be true if you ask me." "Just think of what you could do with it. You could get a new body which wasn't so saggy!" "Yeah? Well you could get one that wasn't hung like a chipmunk!" *** "Do you...
. . . . It was a typical day at work. He needed to get out of the office for lunch for a change of scenery. He spent the next hour debating in the depths of his own mind if he should stay or go. ‘What the heck,’ he thought. ‘I have been working so hard on this project. And after Bob dropped the ball and got my nuts in a vise with the big boss I need to just take a long lunch and re-group.’ He called his wife but she declined and was complaining about the extraordinary workload in front of...
Usually he enjoys his first visit to a new city, takes his time as he is driving to his hotel, checks out the feel of the city, what there is to see just driving through. That would have to wait this time though, his thoughts were on the restaurant he had just spotted ahead, the hour delay taking off, and the likelihood he was too late. He missed the turnoff into the restaurant, further worsening his mood. He made a u-turn at the next intersection, hoping they weren’t illegal in this town,...
They see each other from across the club and immediately, instinctively, wordlessly know what is going to happen next.
ExhibitionismThey met at a hotel between their respective homes. Raven was there first. When he came in her heart jumped. He picked her up, “my girl”. He held her close and picked her up off the floor. They just were together, enjoying being in each other’s company. When they crawled up on the bed he laid on his back, hands behind his head. Raven moved over and put her hand on his cock. It began to slowly rise. She lowered her head and gently took him in her mouth. She sucked. Feeling him grow in...
My name is Audrey, and I want to talk about the gift I gave my husband, Ted. It's a complicated thing to describe fully, but in essence, I gave him control of me in a very basic way. I gave him the ability to turn me on, almost literally.We met as young professionals and started to date, and the details of that are fairly ordinary. When we started sharing intimacy, it was always good. As we got closer, we shared with each other our kinky sides. He enjoyed taking control, and I enjoyed giving...
Mind ControlJack visibly calmed himself, pointedly ignored Erin, and changed to a friendly, “lets negotiate” tone with me. “Well, if you want to move ahead in the line how about you pay me something for her? I got some time yet. That is only fair you know, seeing as how I warmed her up.” Well, that was just bad manners and I was losing patience. “Allow me to retort.” (If you recall your Pulp Fiction, those words were followed by bad things.) “You have me in a mood now.” I hunched my shoulders and arms...
Brian Keaton had just finished up his last year of college. He was hanging out with his kid brother who was eighteen. He told his brother about a game that they used to play at fraternity parties. Jack was really interested in the game and wanted to try it out with his friends.Jack was a popular football player. Hooking up was very popular at school and Brian said that the game “Snap” would be even more popular with his friends. He told his brother about the rules of the game. Jack was very...
Straight Sex(A story written by a friend) Hope you like it!Camilla took a few steps out the door of her balcony to get a feel for the temperature. Thankfully it was cool out. It had been a hot day, which meant a cool night was welcomed. She closed the door and pulled out a pair of gold hoop earrings. She was suffering from a mild case of the jitters. There was a date on the agenda tonight with a guy she'd been seeing for a couple months now. Camilla kicked a pair of high heels out of her closet while...
Brian Keaton had just finished up his last year of college. He was hanging out with his kid brother who was eighteen. He told his brother about a game that they used to play at fraternity parties. Jack was really interested in the game and wanted to try it out with his friends. Jack was a popular football player. Hooking up was very popular at school and Brian said that the game “Snap” would be even more popular with his friends. He told his brother about the rules of the game. Jack was very...