Barbara Palvin indian porn

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 4

It was after four o'clock when things finally wrapped up and they went down to the garage. Bobbie's eyes widened when she saw Marie open the door of her sports convertible and put the top down. When the girl got in, Marie just grinned and said, "If you say one word to anyone on campus about me or my car, you're dead!" Bobbie just nodded and reclined her seatback to enjoy the ride. As they were driving, Marie asked her what she thought Harriet Dobbs would do. Barbara opined that she...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 8

It was mid-December and Bobbie was packing the few clothes she had that still fit for their trip to Maui. As she did, she reflected on the last few months and on the words Andy Cartwright had said at their lunch. The little girl had been precisely right: Now she wished that Tom had beaten her into unconsciousness every day. What she had been experiencing for the last few months had been far worse. The worst times were the two trips to Hawaii Marie had made in the fall. The first one lasted...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 12

When the two new sisters went down to the nude beach they were only wearing their white terry bathrobes. At the foot of the path Bobbie saw two children sitting and talking, appearing to be waiting for something or someone. A small head turned and saw the two girls coming. With a word to his companion, Kenny Clifford started to run up the path towards them, closely followed by Andy Cartwright. Both of the children were naked but seemed totally unconcerned about their nudity. They moved as...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 14

It was early in February when Bobbie got a call from Celeste Chan telling her that Marie was in the hospital and asking for her. Labor had begun and she wanted to see Bobbie desperately. The girl realized it was only four in the morning. After throwing on a pair of Levi's and a work shirt, she shot out of her apartment — this was her own, one Vangie had selected for her — and headed for the hospital. Arriving, she identified herself and, to her amazement, was immediately sent to one of the...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 18

Returning to the courthouse with the two children, Callaway found Barbara Conroy waiting for them along with two other couples. Looking at the two women, the judge saw that one had the same brilliant green eyes and platinum-blonde hair as Andrea Cartwright's while the other was a golden blonde with the most brilliant blue eyes he had ever seen. Clearly these were the children's mothers. The two women dropped to their knees and the children hurled themselves into their arms. The love that...

3 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 21

When the judge declared the court to be in recess for fifteen minutes, Bobbie took the opportunity to escort Cindy to where her parents were sitting and then all four moved to an unoccupied corner of the room. Bill and Kathy looked at Bobbie expectantly, while Cindy, who Bobbie was holding in her arms, appeared apprehensive. "I didn't want to lose a moment to tell you what a delight Cindy is," Bobbie began. "Furthermore, I can't tell you how moved I was by her words on the witness stand...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 27

When Bobbie and the children arrived at the circus it was still early afternoon. Tom had a couple of calls to make for PHA and had told Bobbie he would meet her at the circus later. In response to a strong suggestion Bobbie made to Joyce Collier, the woman was planning on making a stop on the way, too. On being informed of their arrival by a uniformed security guard, both Gabel-Williams and the circus general manager came running. When Gunther met Bobbie, he just stopped, whistled softly and...

2 years ago
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BarbaraEpilogue II

Then the three went off with King to have lunch, leaving Bobbie and Prince alone with Callaway. "So how is my favorite teenybopper?" John Callaway asked Bobbie with a grin. "Jack Callaway, you stop that this instant! I'm ... I'm a matron," Bobbie said with her nose in the air while desperately trying to suppress both her smile and her giggles. "I am about to have a baby — any day now." "Golly, what happened to the old-style pregnancies? You know — when the expectant mother looked...

3 years ago
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Barbaras Weg

Mein Name ist Barbara, ich unterrichte am Gymnasium Kunst und Englisch, bin verheiratet und da ich keine Kinder habe verbringe ich meine freien Tage mit Sport oder besuche Museen. Mein Leben ist eher ruhig, ja fast langweilig zu nennen, auch sexuell läuft alles in sehr geregelten, normalen Bahnen. Eines Tages sollte ich an einer Fortbildungswochenende teilnehmen das für Lehre aus dem ganzen Bundesland veranstaltet wurde. Für die Lehrer unserer Stadt wurde eigens ein Reisebus gemietet , denn das...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Barbara Surprised

It's good to have friends, but there are times when you wish you didn't. Don was my best buddy and had been for damn near all my life. He lived three houses down from me when we started kindergarten and we went all the way through high school together. When he went off to college it was the first time we had been separated in fourteen years. He came home from college about the same time I got discharged from the army and we picked up right where we had left off. He was the best man at my...

4 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 15

On the night of their wedding, Celeste was again at the controls of the powerful cruiser taking Tom and Bobbie to the island where Tom and Marie had been so happy. Kristin Bradley, who had served as her sister's maid of honor, accompanied them on the trip. Nearing the island, Celeste throttled back and the fast boat slowed and came down from its step. Cautiously she eased it ahead to where she knew the cut was in the reef that almost completely enclosed the tiny bay. Finally in position,...

4 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 16

Bobbie and Tom decided to take another semester off from school. Having just returned from their six-month honeymoon, the thought of going back to the rigidity of class schedules and the inanity of so much of the Politically Correct chatter at the university turned them both off like a switch. Tom decided to work for PHA Construction to ease his way back into civilization; Bobbie hadn't yet decided what she would do although there was a vague idea in the back of her mind to do something...

3 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 19

Roberta Kramer was back on her feet. "Your Honor," she declared, "this trial has been a complete farce!" You've got that one thing right, Callaway thought, even if you're totally wrong in your sense of direction. "I suppose we have established that at least a few of these children are a bit brighter than average..." There was a ripple of laughter through the courtroom as Callaway could no longer control himself and rolled his eyes to the amusement of the spectators. " ... but can...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 20

Meanwhile Roberta Kramer had been wracking her brain trying to think of something else she could try. By now it was even starting to penetrate her head that she was losing the case. When the children were all dressed and standing around their teacher, she said, "We still haven't seen Mrs. Conroy teach. The Department is now willing to concede that she does have above-average pupils — in intelligence, at least. But can she teach? Why can't she demonstrate, Your Honor?" As soon as the...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 22

When the gray Clifford limousine pulled into the circular driveway of the Cartwright mansion in Beverly Hills, Andy was waiting outside with her mother. While Bill Clifford remained in the car, Ken jumped out as soon as Fred Clark opened the door. Ignoring the others he took Andy in his arms and melted his lips to hers. Then Ali got out carrying her youngest, Kristin, who was just over one year old. After kissing Connie warmly, Ali raised an eyebrow and looked at her daughter skeptically....

3 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 23

It was almost eleven o'clock and Bobbie Conroy was in agony. Now she realized that she had made a disastrous mistake at dinner that night when with great glee she had told Tom the story told about Connie and Chip Cartwright and his efforts to ensure that her body was well warmed up before entering her. Tom had just nodded at the story and grinned. Only now he had been doing it to her! Her body was writhing on the bed in unfulfilled passion and all Tom did was grin. "Darling, what an...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 24

As Bobbie made her way through the corridors of the courthouse, it felt wonderful to have Andy on her right and Kenny on her left, both holding her hand tightly. The thought of these two incredibly brave and resourceful children holding on for protection was amusing. Knowing them, though, Bobbie was certain they were doing it because they knew that she liked it and it made her feel good to hold their hands. Finding the door to Judge Callaway's chambers, before knocking she dropped to her...

4 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 26

Tom found her as she was making arrangements with the parents to pick up the children after they had lunch and ice cream. Leaving the courtroom with her brood gathered around her, she was stopped by two young women who she recognized from the night before: Joyce Collier and Ann Henry from KNBC, Los Angeles. Bobbie could see camera crews waiting in the background. Joyce, the senior of the two, said, "Mrs. Conroy? I'm Joyce Collier from KNBC and this is Ann Henry. Could you please give us an...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 28

Later that evening, when Joyce Collier came out to the edge of the ring and was caught and held in a spotlight, she was wearing a white halter top, a pair of white short shorts that featured her beautifully tanned legs and nothing else. Not only was she wearing no bra, she was not even wearing a bikini. Her feet were bare and her shoulder-length tawny hair was tied back in a ponytail and held with a big white bow. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Welcome to the circus!...

4 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 29

Bobbie and Tom were delighted to find they had made it home with five minutes to spare before the eleven o'clock news. She decided to let the VCR record the show while she and Tom watched it from their bed. Bobbie finished shedding her clothes first, then pulled the bed clothes down to the end of the bed and flipped the pillows to the foot. She was lying with her chin propped on her hands when Tom joined her on the bed. They kissed passionately but broke their kiss when they heard Jack...

3 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 30

Reaching the office he had as the station's news director, Jack closed the door and took a seat on his sofa. Joyce sat upright in a small armchair and just looked at him with dead eyes. When he looked into her eyes, Jack's heart sank. Although he knew she was in great emotional pain, he wanted to confirm some things. Then he looked at her and said softly, "I love you desperately, Joyce Collier. I always have and I always will." Hearing his words, Joyce's heart leaped. It was utterly...

4 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 31

The next morning as Joyce Collier was emerging from a sound sleep, she stretched luxuriantly on the warmest, softest, most comfortable bed she had ever slept on in her life. Sensually, she moved her breasts on the bed and felt the most luscious sensation on her sensitive areolae. Finally, she realized that, although she was naked, she felt wonderfully snug and warm. Dimly she realized it was Saturday, the day she could sleep, so she just snuggled down against her pillow to go back to sleep....

4 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 34

At eight o'clock Monday morning, Joyce Collier entered the Clifford & Jamison offices with Rajah padding along beside her. Following the instructions Bobbie had given her the day before, she found her way to the conference room that she had been told about. Opening what seemed to be the correct door, she stuck her head in and found Bobbie at the table talking to another beautiful blonde. It was Judy Morris, now stripped to the waist with a baby nursing at her breast. "Hi, Joyce! You...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 35

While making her way to Ali's office she asked Rajah how he had come to be trapped. He told her that the door was always latched and he certainly didn't want to break it down. And his dear mistress already knew that he had a difficult time turning a doorknob. When she found Ali Clifford in her office and told her what happened to Rajah, Ali flung her arms around his neck, kissed him passionately and said, "You poor dear! What can I do to make it up to you? My lord, it was felony assault...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 36

Ten days had passed and King had truly settled in with Marty and Kelly. They had just returned from the office to their apartment and Kelly Maguire, after quickly stripping off all of her clothes, licked her lips saying, "I'm first tonight." Then to King she said, "My fountain awaits your pleasure, my darling!" The tiger lay down before her, raised his tongue to her labia and began to work on her slit. Looking down at her loins across her flat belly she realized that she no longer had...

3 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 37

Marty and Kelly were at their desks working when Susan Carlson and Mike Morris came into their office followed by King. Since the seven tigers had appeared at the firm offices, they often spent a lot of their time during the days with the very young children or in the school while their mistresses were working. They were always in the school during nap time where they took the place of the no-longer-used sleeping bags. Now Ken and Andy always slept in each other's arms while being held by...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 38

When Susan Carlson came downstairs early Thanksgiving morning, she was still rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She was still feeling wonderful because that morning, for the first time ever, her parents had allowed her to help with their lovemaking. Susan had placed her father's huge cock at the mouth of her mother's vagina while her mother was on her knees waiting to receive it. Now they were sleeping again with her younger siblings in the bed beside them. Since she was hungry, she had come...

3 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 39

It was the week following Thanksgiving, and Marty and Kelly had been doing some shopping for their upcoming wedding. They had decided to be married before Christmas and would honeymoon on Maui over Christmas and New Year's. Although virtually the entire firm would be out there, too, it was the only place they wanted to go. After the five-man attack on them, the press and the TV stations gave a big play to the young women and their protective tigers. KNBC, of course, had the exclusive...

4 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 40

When next Marty opened her eyes, she looked around and found Gloria was again beside her although the transfusion equipment was no longer there. Marty had only a single needle in her left arm feeding glucose, she guessed. Looking at the girl she said softly, "Hi! How are you feeling?" Instantly Gloria opened her eyes and looked at Marty. With an incredibly warm smile she said softly, "I feel like a truck ran over me!" Then she grinned and added, "Happy?" At that Marty reached up,...

3 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 41

Marty Bradford and Don Garfield, along with Kelly Maguire, Jim Callahan, and King had just finished an early dinner and were returning to the Clifford & Jamison offices. For the two men it would be their first visit. The date was December 16, it was a Friday evening, and it was the night of a Christmas show that Bobbie's children had planned and staged. Initially, it was going to be just for their parents. But then the younger children said they wanted to see it, too, as did the girls in...

4 years ago
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BarbaraEpilogue I

It was five years later and John Callaway was in his chambers. Although he had returned to the appellate bench, by coincidence he was again serving in a special term of the Superior Court. He had just arrived, hung up his coat and was now checking his calendar. Seeing the notation penciled on it, he smiled. Today was the day Gloria Smith was to appear before him again. Just then, there was a knock on the door and he invited the visitor to come in. The door opened and Martha Bradford Garfield...

3 years ago
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Barbara 2

The young woman slowly walked towards the water and a note nailed to a tree. Seth looked at her and smiled. The woman, named Barbara, was of average length and weight but her long red red hair was beautiful. In the pictures, she had blue eyes and rozy lips which Seth could not see right now but he would find out soon. The two had met on a forum about a superhero. As they send each other private messages, they found out that, not only did they life in the same country, Barbara lived only...

3 years ago
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Barbara 0

After a couple of weeks, I asked her out for a drink after work. We had several drinks that night and I took her home. At the front door to her house, I gave her a friendly kiss. She opened her mouth and it turned into a French kiss. I turned her around to face her door and kissed the back of her neck. My hands found the top buttons of her blouse. She offered no resistance as I cupped her breast over her bra. I went farther by unbuttoning her blouse completely and pulling it off of her...

4 years ago
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Barbara by Callie Messenger I looked out of my apartment window to the street below, making sure to keep my face obscured by the curtains. There was a car parked on the road near the building doors, with a couple of guys inside. How could I get out and get help. I thought it over carefully. The guys in the car had to be Joe's bruisers. I had worked for Joe as his accountant for a couple of months. I left his house in a hurry last night when he had come back early, and...

3 years ago
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Barbara s Makeover

BARBARA'S MAKEOVER by Barbara I sat in the car absolutely terrified. I had parked alongside the road only a few blocks from my destination and was afraid to go any further. I kept asking myself, "Why was I doing this?" My wife and children had left earlier that Friday to visit her parents for a week. I had stayed at home because of my work schedule. At least that was the reason I gave everyone. My real reason was that her absence gave me an opportunity to...

2 years ago
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Barbara s Weekend

Barbara's Weekend By Pat T. It was the Friday before Memorial Day and I was on a bus right after school, headed towards my Aunt's house at the beach. I had promised to paint the place over the long weekend, and the house would be empty. I got off the bus, walked several blocks to the house and opened the door with the key my aunt had sent. Inside there was a note on the dining room table along with quite a bit of money. The note welcomed me, told me where the food was, and...

2 years ago
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Barbara s Cheating

There is a second part to this story please let me know if your interested in reading it. Barbara was a happily married 35-year-old with a son, Jeremy. Her husbands job required him to live out of the country for six months at a time. This arrangement was not to her liking, but it was her life. She was 5’3” with 36 d breasts a small waist short blond hair a tight ass, her best asset by far. She was always horny, any man who would talk to her she always appreciated the attention. Wednesday...

2 years ago
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Target Heart Rate

One morning I was at my usual gym at the time. The owner had stepped out and it was just me and one of my usual workout partners. She was a few years older than I was and was married to a much older man who was a Dr. She stated several times she new her place as a trophy wife. I just show up to events and smile, or I host dinner parties/events for his office and stand by his side.Beautifully fit woman is the only way to describe her.One morning she kept checking her watch/heart rate monitor. Is...

1 year ago
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The announcer

Blair Underwood scanned her notes as she made her way to the news desk for the afternoon telecast on WKLT. She used her pencil to scribble in some additional information in the margin, while at the same time, Terri Scott followed along at her arm, while trying to apply a last bit of makeup to Blair's cheeks. It wasn't as if she needed any help in the looks department, because to make a long story short, Blair was a stunner, a true blue eyed blonde with a killer smile and a great body!!! The...

4 years ago
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Helping A Girl Gave Opportunity For Erotic Love

I am the regular reader of Indian sex stories for last two years. I would like to share my story. This is Raj 37 aged years from Mysore. I am working in a private organization. I am 5’4 ht medium built average guy. You can send your feedback to This is not a hardcore story but bit lengthy and erotic. I am not a very good narrator of the story, pl excuse if any mistakes are there. This happened around 6 years back. I am a working professional. Out of humanitarian grounds I had helped Nisha...

3 years ago
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Shared with his friend

So me and my boyfriend had been dating for quite a while and were living together right out of highschool by this point. We would have small get togethers with his friends and we would all end up getting pretty drunk. One of his friends in particular would always end up having to stay the night. This friend we will call Drew. Drew was actually a virgin and was quite awkward around women. He was very nice and funny and a bit outspoken. He wasn't the best looking guy and a bit too thin for my...

4 years ago
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Darzi Ne Maa Ko Ji Bhar Kar Choda

Hi friends mera naam sameer gupta hai main rajasthan ka rahne wala hun mere ghar main char log rahte h main.Mera bada bhai maa or papa.Father ek government employee h bho aksar bhar he rahate h or bahi bhi bhar rah kar pad raha h.Maa ka naam sudha h unke age 41 h or rang ek Dum gora h or figur toh pucho he mat 36-28-34 h hamre colony ke har uncle unke matkti gand ko ghuslr te h maine bhi maa ko semi-nude dekha nahate waqt par pura kabhi nhi dekha h bho aksar saree he phante h sidhe sahabdo main...

4 years ago
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Be Careful What You Ask For

Sam is a handsome guy. He is blessed with a fast metabolism, which lets him eat and drink without putting on weight. At school, he was a keen sportsman. Playing soccer in the winter months and cricket in summer. Even at twenty-two he still kept his athletic physique. Sam is quite a ladies' man, at least in his own eyes.As a teenager, he did have a lot of success with the girls and was quite a nice chap. Sadly he became, not Big-Headed, but certainly full of himself, as we Brits would say. This...

3 years ago
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Anna the WhoreChapter 4

After I left the zoo I went home. Stephanie is in the middle of making dinner, she is actually a very good cook, I don’t know how she could cook with one hand. “You had a phone call, it’s the school that Anna goes to. They need a substitute teacher for the rest of this semester,” Stephanie said. She then gave me the number to call them. I called them and got it all sat up. I couldn’t wait to tell Anna that I’ll be a physical education teacher at her high school. When Anna got home, she,...

3 years ago
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The Patient s Revenge

Hello everyone,if you enjoy this story, please let me know and I will post more of my pieces.Doctor Judy Scott stepped from the limousine in front of the hotel in Cancun, Mexico. She pulled down her short white skirt and adjusted her blouse while smiling after several men stared at her firm body. She suddenly shouted at a hotel worker, “Be careful with those bags! I won this trip, and I’m not going to let you ruin it!” After checking into the hotel, she spent several hours lying in the sun...

3 years ago
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Cinema the aftermath told by the groper pt4

This is the sequel to Cinema - leads to the seduction of my wife which was posted recently in Loving Wives.It's probably not essential but if you haven't already done so it may be better to read that story first as I hope you will derive more enjoyment from this tale if you know what happened to begin with.Finally, whilst I am happy to receive good or bad comments about my stories please take this in the vein in which it is intended. Luedon finally gets it. I just wish some of you others who...

1 year ago
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Moving back home

100% fiction! I had gotten laid off from a good job, and was given a heck of a ceverence package, and with what I had in savings, I had a couple of years to play with. I decided to move back home and help mom and dad on the ranch, and see if we could get it back up to what it was befor I left home. Dad and I went to work on the ranch, one of the things we did was turn the loft of the barn in to an apartment for calfing and foaling season so we didn't wake mom up at night and didn't bring mud...

2 years ago
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My Mother Taught Me Well

This is not a story about i****t. It's a true account of my mom and dad having sex.About 4 months after I started menstruating, my mom taught me a priceless lesson about how to satisfy men. She came into my bedroom wearing a long, pink robe, and said, "Virginia, come with me."We held hands as she led me into the master bedroom. I gasped at what I saw: My daddy was standing there totally naked with a huge erection! My jaw dropped as I beheld a potent male for the first time. I was so mesmerized...

2 years ago
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How I fucked Rajita Aunty s Mother

Hey this is Vex and I am from Thane, Mumbai I am an avid reader of Indian Sex Stories dot net and I had written my first story How I fucked Rajita and this the continuation of that story. Well, I had been fucking Rajita for almost 3-4 months and slowly my mind was engrossed in something new. Her Mom! Yes, she was around 55 but never looked like one! Her husband had died long back and of course, she did not have had sex for a long time ( her pussy was damn tight). Whenever I used to visit...

2 years ago
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The Presence

My heart was racing as I reached the doorway. I could hear the footsteps behind me and feel the presence drawing closer. I know we had planned this, even practiced it, but now I was unsure about going through with this fantasy as my heart pumped faster and faster. I fumbled for my keys and tried to get them in the door. When they slipped from my hand I knew I would never get inside before the presence was upon me. Suddenly I was pressed against the door to my apartment as he pushed his body...

1 year ago
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Pouring sperm pt 4 Patricia

Patricia is much more creative, there is no denying that. She blows, she likes to take cock in her mouth. Not necessarily in her throat, because she chokes, but she doesn’t mind when the cum lands in her mouth. In fact, I think she even likes it a lot. She puts her legs on my shoulders, I drive into her cunt, but at the end she tells me to take it out and finish on the outside. Shortly after this supposed relationship I met Patricia. I was with her for about a year, but it was a very intense...

2 years ago
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Aunty Pavadaikul Pugunthen

Hai friends, indru en siru vayathil aunty udan kanam boochi aadum pozhuthu aunty pavadaikul pugunthu kondu avalin pundaiyil kai vaithu iruvarum kaamam seithu kondom. En aazh manathil pathintha kaama anubavathai ungalidam indru tamil kama kathaiyil pagirugiren appozhuthu thaan en aanma sathi adaiyum, vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam. Enathu peyar ganesan vayathu 35 aagugirathu, en siru vayathil athavathu 20 vayathu irukum. Appozhuthu en ethir veetil oru aunty irupaargal, avargaludan kanam pochi...

2 years ago
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I went to buy lingerie

I went to buy lingerie, and Marie, a very beautiful lady was my sells woman. After choosing and showing her what I wanted I expected Marie to hand her the clothes and wait outside the changing room, but instead I gently pulled her inside and closed the door. In a matter of fact tone Marie instructed me to remove my clothes, and after hesitating for a moment, a firm look from Marie made I begin to undress. In a soft voice Marie murmured, "Very nice," while handing me the flesh colored panties...

2 years ago
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Tongue Tied Part One of Two

Renata was in a foul mood, although a satisfied smile did curl her lips as she peered at herself in the full-length mirror. She looked damn good, she thought. She knew she had a good body, anybody would. Slim, five-seven, pretty face, glistening shoulder-length black hair, firm not-too-big tits, flat tummy, toned upper body and long, lean legs. She was thirty-nine years old but people often took her for much younger. She knew she was hot.Her Cleopatra costume showed off her bod tremendously,...

4 years ago
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Slut with an Accomplice

Slut with an accomplice Part 1Friday night is here and tonight it’s going to be a night of flirting and fun. Pauline my best friend and partner in crime, is standing in my bedroom as we’re in the process of picking out sexy outrageous outfits for tonight. Pauline and I are almost identical in height and body shape with me just edging the tape in the bust size. Pauline is a very healthy 36D whereas I bust the tape at 36DD. We’re both small in the waist with a nice full buttock and surprisingly...

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HowWomenOrgasm Avery Black 01 09 2023

One of the things I love most about Avery Black is her bubbly sense of humor- especially when it comes to some of the ‘funnier’ aspects of sex! When we asked her about her first time masturbating, she bursts out laughing (and so did I). But then she shrugged and said, ‘It’s funny since… the first time you have sex is kinda funny, right?’ I mean… let’s be real, who HASN’T been there? But all comedy aside, Avery shares some deeply personal and...

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Legacy of a LegendChapter 44

I wondered how much of what Motierre wanted was due to manipulation that he had no clue about from a Daedric Prince, and how much of it was just politics in Tamriel as usual. At the same time, this was also why I had joined the Dark Brotherhood, to give myself a legitimate cover to take out Titus Mede. This would serve me well. But just to make certain I heard right, I asked, “You want us to kill ... the Emperor? Of Tamriel?” “That is correct. What I ask is no small thing, of course. But you...

2 years ago
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ContessaChapter 3 Recover

Kitchen Girl took me in the night when her humid warmth engulfed me and she pulled me to her and we moved together smoothly and still mostly asleep. Our bodies knew what they wanted and we let our tongues and lips and hands speak for themselves in our leisurely joining. In the morning outside under the shower she leaned against the wall and spread her legs and pressed her butt back against me. The water turned cold and I felt the goose bumps on my skin but I didn’t care. Kitchen Girl...

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Chesterbury Tales Pt 05

It is Winter 1966. When five couples find themselves stranded at a remote high class inn by extreme weather conditions, they amuse each other by relating stories of an erotic nature, as well as taking part in all kinds of private and group sexual activities. Chapter Five : Black on Blonde – Welcome exchanges During the telling of the host’s story, Emma had sat comfortably with her legs tucked beneath her on the settee. Jake was sitting with her in the semi-darkness, his six -foot frame,...

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Fianna s End

Fianna`s EndThey were a strangely matched couple. The first of the pair was Fianna, the Gladiatrix. Six foot of corded muscle, pride and confidence clear in her almond-brown eyes, her strong bronze-tanned body taut as a bowstring. Her fiery eyes were her best feature, many men said, although Fianna`s interest in male opinion was minimal.  The second was Fauna, a cuddlesome bundle of sexy fun. A foot shorter than Fianna, but just twenty pounds lighter. Most men would not debate for long before...

2 years ago
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WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and especially not smart enough to stop reading should you find yourself becoming offended viewing such a story, don't! I hereby grant permission to post this story, make it available for download, or send it to a one or more of your kinky friends, as long...

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Makalya and I had been flirting more than usual. It started back in January. We had been in the same class since August, but never started talking to each other until Winter quarter. Even then, it was just flirting with our words, we sat a couple rows apart. But when the third and final section of the class came in the Spring, we decided to sit beside each other. Instead of desks, like most classrooms, all of our had tables that sat two, and the first day of class I was caught off guard by...

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Waiting In The Rain

The cold rain told a sad story in a soft voice, and I was listening. I'm a good listener; always have been. Especially out here in the woods, inside this small cemetery. I sit in the cab of my old truck, listen to the rain tell the story, and wait for Melinda. In these parts, we never seem to have nice winter weather. It's always cold, cloudy, and raining. All it's good for is hunting, mostly deer. Only I don't hunt-not anymore. But this became my favorite time of year because of...

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Sharon our Mom gets trained 2

After having started sucking off her two sons, she and Phil's sex life became a lot better. He always got much exited, when thinking of her servicing the sons and they fucked much more than they used to.He would come home to find her just finished with her duties, sometimes he would have to wait for her finishing sucking off her sons. Then they would retreat to the master bedroom and while he was fucking her, she would tell him all the details. One day he found them all together, a thing which...

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The Scheme

It was the perfect day for a swim in the backyard pool of penny and Paul Wilson. He and his wife Penny had just finished a few laps and were stretched out in their lawn chairs, taking a well deserved rest. They had challenged each other, and since both Paul and Penny were quite competitive, they were still breathing hard. Their relationship dated back to their High School days and they were as much in love now as then, except it was now the deeper love that comes with maturity. Paul stood about...

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New tricks

It all started at a party. Jim was invited by the host whom he had known for some 19 years. While he was in the kitchen, talking to one of the parents, he bumped into a friend of the family; she’d been invited by one of the host’s cousins. Somehow the chat got onto age and education. “You’re over the hill,” the young girl told Jim. “Partying is a young person’s activity.” “Really” Jim replied nonplussed. “Who teaches you at school? Who shows you the ropes and instructs you? Who tells you how...

Straight Sex
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The Collection

There exists in professional circles a legendary photographer. His portfolio is expansive. Landscapes, sports, journalism, and what he is most famous for, modeling. His ability to capture a subject's beauty is something to be marveled, but he also has an infamous reputation as well. Popular, respected models have often entered his studio with only professional intentions in mind, and end up staying weeks on end, the studio echoing with the sounds of flesh slapping on flesh, and lustful moans....

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BlacksOnBlondes Cherie Deville Abella Danger 08 29 2017

Sometimes, there isn’t a storyline. Or a plot. Or dialogue. When you have three of the best performers in the game, all you need is a hard slap across the tit, another firm slap across the face, and some hot, girl-on-girl action, in order to get the scene rolling. From there, it’s non-stop action until the Bull unloads. Enter Abella Danger and Cherie DeVille. They love to fuck each other. On camera or off…it really doesn’t matter. These two slutty whores love rough sex:...

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ExxxtraSmall Zoey Bloom Petite Teen Plowed By Huge Football Player

Its rush season and Zoey desperately wants to join this sorority. Shes willing to do anything, including sneaking into the quarterbacks bedroom to steal a pair of boxers for a pledge scavenger hunt. Zoey quietly sneaks into his room and springs into Nancy Drew mood. Shes never met Dustin, but by the look of his clothes scattered around his room, hes a big guy. The lube and used condoms she finds are good clues that this guy really likes to fuck. Like a lot. Just as shes about to snap a selfie,...

4 years ago
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The Gasmaster

The Gasmasterby frglee For several months I had been chatting online with ‘Gasmaster Y’ online.Turned out this guy in his 40’s was from Japan and was a vet or something and was heavily into gas anaesthesia…he had a large collection of equipment from all over the world and several working anaesthesia systems,both vintage and modern.In his apartment he had a dedicated playroom which was white tiled and had an operating table complete with lamps as well as a modern dental chair. We had talked...

4 years ago
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Let s play a Game

She puts on her favorite jammies, her silk pants and small tank top and plops herself down on her stomach facing the end of the bed and the T.V.   Caught up in a show, she doesn’t hear him come in as he quietly stands at the doorway watching her swing her feet up in the air as she stares at the T.V.   He finally whispers, “hey baby” and she turns her head and says “hey”.   He walks over to her and leans down to give her a kiss.   He tells her he is going to take a shower.   After his...

Love Stories
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The Bookstore Ch 5

All night? His words reverberated in Marie's mind. Did he mean he was going to let her spend the night with him? She fervently wished he would. She so badly wanted him to hold her...and maybe he'd fuck her again, for longer this time—for real, if she could manage not to come the second his cock entered her.She was so out of control with him, so dizzyingly emotional, reduced to a sobbing wreck one minute, on top of the world the next. Like now—she had never felt so gloriously sated, her body...

3 years ago
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Traffic Police Wale Ne Kholi

Hi, guys, I am Anshu This is a real story about how I got fucked by a traffic police man at his home. I was 18-year-old studying in college in Bhopal, I was returning from the birthday party of one of my friend. In the night I took the wrong side of the road to cut my distance then suddenly one traffic police man came in front of me and stopped me. He took my bike keys and asked for my license and bike documents, I gave him the documents which he asked and finally asked me for some bribe which...

Gay Male
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GirlsWay Emma Hix Silvia Saige Aaliyah Love Tempted By The Babysitter

Wives Aaliyah Love and Silvia Saige are talking about their new babysitter while waiting for her to show up. Aaliyah is a bit nervous but Silvia can’t wait for the freedom having a babysitter will allow. At that moment, the doorbell rings and the wives invite the babysitter, 18-year-old Emma Hix, inside. They chat with Emma, who innocently flirts with them. Aaliyah and Silvia then leave for work, closing the door behind them. Emma watches the door for a few moments before grinning to...

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Left for Dead

I was ten when my parents and brother went out to the summer estate. I had a series of tests and would be brought out the next morning. Only there was the accident no one would talk about and my parents died. My brother was fine but he acted different after that. He was meaner and crueler and more of a bully. I was the scholar and he was the handsome stud. He was into sports and fitness and hung around with a few guys that were as bad as he was. When our parents died our grandfather became our...

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MommysGirl Ariella Ferrera Kenzie Reeves My Amazon Step Mom

Kenzie’s dad got hitched again but she’s not so sure about all this, after all, it’s his sixth wife and getting to know a new stepmom, seems like a waste of her time. Her dad pleads with her stating that this time will be different. The doorbell rings as she sighs, her dad asks her to play nice and hangs up. She goes downstairs to greet her new mom. Ariella is so tall, Kenzie can’t believe it. Noticing that she’s being a bit awkward she presses her to tell her...

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NobleChapter 9

It appeared the girls and I had just gone into business together. After dinner we all returned to the hotel MS Wilkenson was staying at along with her father. They were sharing a suite. We needed to figure out what we were going to do next. Erik explained the details of the routine each day basically took. Mostly it was guarding the hotel MS Wilkenson was staying at. Occasionally she would visit a museum or attend a luncheon which presented a greater risk. In these situations, the area had...

3 years ago
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The Ride HomeChapter 2

Tom is away on business. Judy couldn't decide whether it was a good thing or not. On one hand she felt lonely when she got home to an empty house. She had no one to confide and share her frustration of the day. But on the other hand she was free to explore her slut personality. She could lie naked in bed with her laptop and surfed for porn all evening while her bullet vibrator gave her many orgasms. She even had a few orgasms during IM sessions with Tom as if nothing was happening. But...

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The Homecoming of Keith BoydChapter 6 Life with Hondo begins

I awoke on the morning of Halloween as if it were any other morning. I took a pee and a shower then struggled into my fake leg and then my clothes. Just like every other morning I made a pot of coffee. Then sat drinking the whole thing while my head removed itself from my ass. I needed to do that before I even came close to getting myself up to speed for a new day. It was my day to hook the water trailer to my scooter for the trip to Fred’s house. There I would fill the twenty gallon plastic...

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10 Home Sweet Home

Arriving home I gave Dan a call to help me get the stuff unloaded and he arrived twenty minutes later with Ally and his younger brother Tom in tow “I’ve brought some more muscle power” he said grinning “I didn’t realise Ally was that strong” I replied, which got me a punch in the arm from Tom. Tom’s about 10 years younger than Dan – he was married at 21 and divorced by 25 and ever since seems to have a uncanny knack of getting involved with ‘bunny-boilers’. I was getting a bit concerned about...

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I make her my slave

You: do you like being told what to do?Stranger: Yes very muchYou: good are you hornyStranger: YesYou: good. call me masterStranger: Yes masterYou: finger your pussy for meYou: get it wetStranger: Of course master I amStranger: I'm wet for youYou: lick your fingers and tell me how your pussy tastesYou: well?Stranger: My pussy tastes so good and sweetYou: slide as many fingers as you can into your wet cuntStranger: Yes master ahh I'm tryingYou: how manyStranger: 3 my pussy is so tightYou: lick...

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Wife Finds Out if True or Dare is Real

A little something about myself, my name is Ellen, I am a 32 year old from Pleasanton, California.. I'm a very petite white woman about 5'4" in my heels with deep dark red hair. I am obsessive about my body having battled extra pounds through my younger years. I now have a slim body due to all the time in the gym doing cardio w/ 32D thanks to Dr. Ostrander's fine work. My body is very curvaceous, 34D-24-32 and I get many looks that my husband gets very jealous about. My husband Mark and I meant...

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The Bargain with Lucifer Pt 2

Paul pounded Alisha as hard as he could, her screaming, “Fuck me! Fuck me!” urging him to thrust even harder, knowing he wouldn’t last long, feeling her tightness gripping his piston-like thrusts as he drove into her faster, deeper, each thrust harder than the last, knowing he was on the verge of exploding when he felt her body tensing, trembling, then convulsing, her voice screaming, her wetness pouring out of her, forcing him to thrust even harder before he too, erupted in a huge overwhelming...

Straight Sex
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Couple Ke Sath Masti Indore To Chandigarh By Flight 8211 Part 3

Hello dosto mai ronit again aapki seva mai ek real story lekar aaya hu maine aapko batya tha kaise maine chandigarh couple ko satisfy kiya fir uski wife ne mughe jab uska husband bathroom gaya aur mera number liya aur apnai kisi friend se milwane ki baat kari to maine haa bhar di thi aab aage pahale mai apko apana parichaye du lekin uski jarurat nahi hai aap sabka pyar mughe bahut mila bahut sare mail aaye mughe sabke bare mai to nahi bata sakata aap sab mughe jante ho aab aapko story per aata...

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Cyber fun turns real

Sir Rube and I are both in happy marriages, however, our spouses do not understand our kinkier sides. Sir Rube has always longed to dominate a woman. And I, Penny, have always fantasized about giving a man total control over me. Sir Rube and I met over the internet and decided to play with each other… in the cyber world. Our games have been going on for almost 2 years now. Sir Rube calls me sweet nicknames, and I, of course, always call him Sir. We speak almost daily via emails, chat and...

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Gangbang at Ricks part 2

Gangbang at Ricks part2 Don said were here you sexy slut, helped me out of the car, grabed my butt arm around me like he was showing me off look what i have for the party, opened the front door Rick and 6 of his buddies with just shirts on, a few of them stopped sucking. Everthing got quite for a min. when Damn our Hooker is over dressed, who’s first, I should have tape measured it was close to 90′ of cock all for me? The party just started. Sex music, some guys saying Danm, good head, I know I...

1 year ago
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After the Party

"Lily is a disgraceful slut." "You're awfully nice this morning, Anne," Joseph is always cheerful in the mornings, and I am never so kind. He is handsome too, with his hair all stuck up and the sun turning his inky black hair into a navy blue. I stick my tongue out at him and pour him more coffee. I admire his firm, well-defined arms, and playfully scratch at the shower-softened curly hairs on his broad chest. I note the merriment in his deep blue eyes. He swats at me, accidentally - but firmly...

4 years ago
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Who Said Pain is a Bad Thing

Who said pain is a bad thing? Hi my name is Tracy K., I want to keep my last name hidden to hide my fullidentity, but I'll tell you a little about myself. I am 23 year old, a Koreangirl, height 5'1, 32b-22-32 is my measurements and I weigh 110lbs. so I ampetite, and I live in southern California. I am a submissive and I play witha dominant partner named Reno who is a white master but I don't consider himas my master since I don't consider myself as a slave. We have bondage sessionsabout once a...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 6 A Quickie

It was getting late and I had work to do. She continued her poses on the bed. I was ready to try her on again. The poses of her body were very arousing, especially the rear views which she seemed to promote in her posing. As I was considering this she asked about how she might go about asking for more. She was not talking about the meal or the conversation. Also, she did not blush as she spread her legs wide, then used her fingers to part her inner labials, showing me her pink, wet flesh...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 6 The Common Room

Chapter Six – The Common Room Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmmf, mf, x-gang, cream pie, exhib, hp, magic, orgy, preg Draco Malfoy had the Spellbook of Desires; a book he knew would be put to good use at both meeting his needs and getting back at his mortal enemy, Harry Potter and his friends. As he flipped through the thick leather-bound book, he realized...

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Tivat swingers

[/image]Sea storyWe were in a long problemunaš marriage no longer looked like about anything, I found myself with more on the sea with the k**s from school and koleginicom.Deca were gone and I was left das wait for her husband and c***d, this time he takes to the sea. The first year of the divorce, resolve to be alone at sea, I found their pensions, which was bračpni and extra bed, bathroom with .. jasam crossed the colleague who had a sister married in Budva with no more appeared, but došloi...

3 years ago
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A Trip to the Pharmacy Chapter 1

CHAPTER 1 "May I help you?" Tony didn't hear the pharmacist's question. He had been waiting in line to pick up his prescription and had been distracted by the large display of incontinence supplies directly to his right. There in front of him was shelf after shelf of the paraphernalia that haunted Tony all of his sexually active years. Belted undergarments, guards, adjustable briefs, fitted briefs, maximum absorbency, leak guards, odor control, wetness indicators... The...

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The Whyte Butterfly Ch 03

Chapter 03: ‘Emergence’ Benita woke up and yawned as the morning sun filtered in through the blinds of Carmen’s bedroom window. Benita was sleeping in Carmen’s bed with Carmen as she had done when she had fallen asleep. As she woke up, Benita knew that she was not in the same position she had been when she went to sleep. Benita had made sure to sleep on her side, facing away from Carmen, yet she awoke to find herself in a very different position. Carmen was still sleeping on her side...

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The Cuckolding of Neil Dodds Part 5

Claire lay there for a few minutes. She was quietly sobbing. She was an emotional wreck. Claire had just experienced not just her first orgasm but a string of orgasms that were so intense they had brought her to the point of passing out. Jerome was lying on top of her. She could feel the heat of his body against hers. She could feel his broad, perspiring body tight against hers and she could feel his cock deep inside her; still fully erect. She had never realised before that sex could be as...

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Backwoods Bruises

Backwoods Bruises Chapter 1 The roadway off of the main street was bumpy and filled with muddy depressions, which left me with the impression that, at any time, my car might sink into the mire and leave me in an everlasting pit, from which I was doomed to never return to civilization.  It went on that way for almost a quarter of a mile, before I finally saw the first and only house on the desolate forested expanse.  The house itself had seen better days, totally lacking paint of any kind, with...

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My lawnmower boy

Introduction: A 20 year old boy is taken advantage of by his customer and used for her erotic pleasure. A fictional story about a female dominant who takes advantage of her young neighbour. My blog is I sat on my sun lounge watching my young neighbor mow my lawn. It was a hot day. My long blonde hair was sitting over my shoulders, my ample big breasts were just covered by my hair. My blue-grey eyes were hidden by my dark shades. I worked out, so even...

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The Sacred Band Ch 11

Laura, Philip – and Judy. By October, I had been with Philip for four lovely months, and I was happier than I had ever been in my life. I began to want to give him something really nice to show my love for him. I decided that my gift should be an attractive new concubine of my own age. At the end of September 1955, I started as a first year at Leicester Uni. Gazing at the imposing building on University Road, I was reminded of what the Personnel Officer at Bardon Quarry had told my father, ...

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