Gravid indian porn

3 years ago
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Enchanted Moment

The forest was alive, vibrant, and full of life. Sunlight sparkled and danced between leaves of brilliant green, animals moved about with bright eyes and flashing feet, birdsong filled the air with a myriad of music and sound. Emberza forest was in the full blush of spring, every blade of grass, every flower, every tree full to bursting with the stuff of life. Near the center of the forest, in a small glade full of lush grass, soft moss and masses of vibrant, colorful flowers, there sits a...

2 years ago
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Faeophobia Cock s Desire

The screams of almost any woman would have drawn Jack; he always wanted to be the gallant type. Though with his pale, scrawny, computer-nerd frame he was often more victim than victor. The fact that the girl had a figure to make the copper statue at Madison University sweat didn't factor into his decision. And the fact that she was one of the Fae races would have only spurred him on. Too many people mistreated them anyway. Ever since the Celestial Conjunction that made magic possible again,...

4 years ago
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vel risus maximus, pretium magna porttitor, viverra ligula. Cras orci dui, tempus faucibus iaculis ut, lobortis et dolor. Nulla tristique turpis diam, at dapibus risus varius ac. Suspendisse auctor semper ligula, quis fringilla risus gravida vel. Aenean aliquam sollicitudin est, nec dapibus tellus mattis vel. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus a justo vel purus blandit consequat vel id purus.Vestibulum interdum accumsan rutrum. Proin vitae...

2 years ago
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eleifend arcu nibh, a iaculis velit sollicitudin eu. Nam m*****ie nunc at mi aliquet tincidunt. Integer efficitur bibendum neque ac rutrum. Quisque bibendum lorem quis tortor euismod sodales. Fusce semper metus ut varius m*****ie. Curabitur in purus ut enim pulvinar luctus. Mauris varius risus eget sodales malesuada. Integer dignissim enim vel rutrum euismod. Maecenas viverra, tellus in finibus tempor, orci lorem laoreet...

4 years ago
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Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eleifend arcu nibh, a iaculis velit sollicitudin eu. Nam m*****ie nunc at mi aliquet tincidunt. Integer efficitur bibendum neque ac rutrum. Quisque bibendum lorem quis tortor euismod sodales. Fusce semper metus ut varius m*****ie. Curabitur in purus ut enim pulvinar luctus. Mauris varius risus eget sodales malesuada. Integer dignissim enim vel rutrum euismod. Maecenas viverra, tellus in finibus tempor, orci lorem laoreet...

2 years ago
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This is new story

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce justo odio, fermentum quis metus non, fermentum fringilla velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum luctus turpis ipsum, ac interdum est tincidunt id. Etiam lacinia ex accumsan blandit sollicitudin. Donec ac facilisis lacus. Nulla id vulputate risus. Curabitur gravida eros quis eros malesuada, at aliquet mauris venenatis. Ut eu tincidunt nulla, sit amet egestas augue. Etiam eros risus, vulputate non...

4 years ago
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Anim laborum Quibus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi placerat, purus id placerat rutrum, tellus velit tempor nisi, ac fermentum augue dui vel erat. Duis quis augue sit amet erat gravida iaculis ac id sapien. Nulla ultricies scelerisque tempor. Donec sit amet magna leo. Vivamus neque turpis, feugiat eu sollicitudin nec, laoreet ac velit. In scelerisque sit amet felis eget aliquet. Curabitur tellus justo, sagittis et massa porttitor, gravida facilisis odio. Integer sed turpis neque....

4 years ago
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Test loerm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae eros id nulla condimentum luctus. Nam luctus dui et urna varius egestas. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas posuere purus nisl, id suscipit ligula egestas at. Aenean non eros odio. Sed sed sem ut metus congue vulputate in eget mauris. Nulla suscipit mi in m*****ie sagittis. Nulla malesuada porttitor felis vitae tempor. Pellentesque et elit eu risus aliquet...

2 years ago
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Cupidatat soluta lor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque id elit nisl. Vivamus dignissim sed sem vitae iaculis. Nunc et auctor purus, quis dignissim massa. Suspendisse ac ipsum pretium, faucibus velit vel, imperdiet orci. Donec viverra, purus vestibulum pharetra efficitur, massa metus gravida leo, quis porta eros quam vel tellus. Nam vel justo dolor. Sed malesuada accumsan libero. Nullam sit amet arcu ut velit iaculis mattis. Curabitur ante sem, commodo nec nunc eget, suscipit cursus...

3 years ago
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam varius pulvinar efficitur. Nunc sed auctor magna. Nulla quis fringilla est. Cras nulla lacus, tempor sed ligula in, bibendum tempus nibh. Suspendisse venenatis lacus sit amet risus laoreet, vitae ullamcorper magna rutrum. Maecenas non ornare arcu. Suspendisse at tincidunt quam. Nam dapibus porta orci sit amet aliquet. Maecenas sapien diam, pharetra vel leo a, auctor malesuada sapien. Phasellus tempus mi auctor lacus pellentesque,...

2 years ago
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poveste de familie

POVESTE DE FAMILIE Ma numesc Ioan. Am 35 de ani si sunt casatorit de cateva luni cu Aura, o tanara de 24 de ani. Locuim in aceeasi casa cu sora sotiei mele, Daniela. Ea are doar 14 ani si e sora vitrega a Aurei. Trebuie sa va spun ca sunt foarte indragostit de Aura. De aceea, aproape in fiecare noapte imi arat dragostea, futand-o la greu. Are un sex-appeal femeia asta… cum o vad - in camasa de noapte, cu chiloti sau fara - mi se scoala si trebuie s-o am…am facut sex in toate pozitiile, i-am...

4 years ago
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The Joys of Success

When everything goes just the way you want you have to think that there is something odd to the events that unfold. Just how do they unfold? What causes someone to reach the pinnacle of success and get everything they could ever want in life? Is it fame or fortune? Is it hard work, perseverance, and skill? It seems in most cases that it is purely a bout of good luck. But what happens when that wheel of fortune takes a nasty spin. Jack was about to find out what happens to those that reach...

2 years ago
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The Joys of Success Pt IV

As the days passed, Jack couldn't help but think of Jay. Something happened that day at the crisis center and something was marring Jack's sense of right and wrong. It was almost instinctual that Jack knew he could trust Jay. Today was the day he would come clean to Sarah and Jay was his ticket. As luck would have it Sarah had nothing planned for the day. Jack had called Jay the day before asking him to meet him at the local coffee shop just down the road. As she lie in bed Jack arose...

3 years ago
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Croaziera de lux

Sprijinita cu ambele brate de balustrada inalta a puntii superioare, urmaream cu emotie desprinderea lenta a mastodontului plutitor de cheul portului. Lucram deja de doi ani pe vase de croaziera, dar acum ma aflam pentru prima oara la bordul unui vapor de asemenea dimensiuni, un adevarat “orasel plutitor”. Era o bijuterie de lux pentru clienti de lux, dotata cu restaurante, baruri, magazine si buticuri, terenuri de sport, piscine, sali de cinema, cazinou, spatii de joaca pentru copii, avea...

4 years ago
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Test title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris nec dui nisl. Nam interdum faucibus orci, bibendum ultrices tortor vulputate eget. Praesent non mattis tellus. Curabitur condimentum, libero sed semper posuere, elit ipsum imperdiet lacus, et gravida nunc leo ac ex. Sed condimentum, tellus a m*****ie sollicitudin, purus orci iaculis ex, eget scelerisque erat mi et justo. Suspendisse sed commodo dolor. Sed m*****ie aliquet lectus, quis porttitor turpis lobortis non. Pellentesque...

2 years ago
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Monica vecina mea

Era prin 1985 pe vremea comunistilor. Aveam 16 ani si inca nu cunoscusem nicio fata. In acele vremuri abia aparusera aparatele video la noi. Nu era usor in acele vremuri sa procuri un astfel de aparat si mai ales de filme. Se obisnuia sa ne strangem mai multi la cineva acasa sambata seara sa vizionam filme. Cine a prins acele vremuri stie despre ce vorbesc. In acele vremuri aveam un grup de prieteni, iar unul dintre ei avea un aparat video si sambata ne starngeam cu totii la el acasa sa vedem...

2 years ago
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Miss o Marte

Cap?tulo I Mesmo com todo o avan?o tecnol?gico que o futuro trouxera, o mundo ainda n?o havia se livrado de um antigo problema... O desemprego. Eduardo estava desempregado h? v?rios meses. Algu?m que por v?rios anos conheceu oi sucesso agora enfrentava cobran?as, contas atrasadas e estava preste a ser despejado de seu apartamento. Para completar a desgra?a, sua namorada o havia abandonado. - Melhor assim - pensou ele - pelo jeito ela s? estava interessada na minha conta banc?ria. Bem que me disseram que mul...

3 years ago
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Uma lenga Grega A Greek Legend

Uma lenda grega Cap?tulo 1: O anel Eu sempre fui fascinado por mitologia grega. Est?rias de deuses, semideuses, her?is, monstros me acompanharam desde a minha mais tenra inf?ncia e mantiveram minha imagina??o ocupada. Sendo "um vagabundo", como minha m?e costumava dizer eu tinha bastante tempo para dedicar a este hobby. Na verdade eu era "um vagabundo sortudo", pois um tio havia falecido e deixado DM 500.000,00 de heran?a que eu mantinha em uma conta de investimento. Eu n?o era exatamente rico, mas ta...

4 years ago
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Viajante no tempo

Notes: 1 - some reviewers of the original pointed what seems to be flaws in my description of the past. I suggest these are no flaws, but intentional, the reason is that Jeremias is describing his story, so there is no reason why he should be honest, actually I believe he is lying in the whole text and that he already knew what he would do in Helena's body in the past. Helena is also lying when she says she was a lesbian, most probably she had some tendencies towards homosexualism, but...

2 years ago
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How I Met Your Mother Ch 04

How I Met Your Mother: Picture Perfect Newcastle City Hospital Special Burns Unit Saturday evening Beep…Beep…Beep Most of the words had gone straight over Leah’s head. She had been sitting in the hospital waiting for word on Alison’s condition for most of the day. Within an hour of receiving the phone call, Andrew had booked a hotel in the city centre and packed her and the kids in the SUV. Driving through the night, they’d arrived in Newcastle at sunrise. After dropping off the bags and...

2 years ago
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volontariato volunteering

Ti racconto la mia storia, un po’ per il piacere di farlo e anche per una forma di piccola vendetta personale nei confronti di mio marito, affermato professionista calabrese. Un bell’uomo di buona famiglia e, a modo suo, bravo padre e (secondo la mentalità disgustosa e antiquata che ci circonda) anche buon marito. Il mio “bravo” marito però non sa che uno dei suoi amici di gioventù è gay. Amedeo è molto affezionato a me sin da ragazzo; mi confidava tutto e mi avvertiva anche quando “il...

4 years ago
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Back to the Farm Ch 13

The penultimate chapter… Sorry to have made you wait a week between each of the last chapters, but be fair, that’s pretty good going for me. And it was the only way I could be sure I’d have this thing finished… Pretty please don’t vote me down for making you wait. If you really don’t like cliff-hangers, you might want to wait until I’ve posted the last chapter. It should be up next week. Thanks so much for all your comments and emails. You’re the best! Lily -x- * ‘Oh God,’ she...

4 years ago
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Welcome To Angel Falls

“Okay, he’s awake.” Those three words reverberated around the inside of his skull like it had been hollowed out with a blunt instrument, possibly a large serving spoon. He recognised them, he understood their meaning, but was unable to string them together to grasp the context. A dull ache behind his eyes blossomed into a bright white pain as he gradually eased into consciousness. A blurry glow of cold, clinical light was all he could see as he tried to focus on the indistinct shapes around...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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The 22 Year Old Neighbor gravida 3 para 2 q

"Story was written by the wife, edited by both husband and wife." "It is the wife's story.""Each of our stories is written together and reflect our real-life experiences in the swing lifestyle over the past fifteen years. Any images or video attached is of us from the time of the story. We welcome and encourage all comments since it keeps us posting new stories if we know people are enjoying what we write. At this time we have many single male friends from over the years and are not actively...

2 years ago
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Chi l avrebbe mai detto

Chi l'avrebbe mai detto ? Solo due anni prima certe idee non mi avrebbero sfiorato minimamente.Appunto , due anni fa. E' allora che è cominciato tutto.Sono un uomo maturo , di aspetto piacevole dicono e all'epoca mia moglie , mia coetanea stava vivendo quel momento di transizione che vivono tutte le donne attorno ad una certa età .Oltre ai noti effetti come sbalzi d'umore , scalmane ecc. di quel movimento ormonale ne fece le spese più che altro la nostra intesa sessuale .I nostri rapporti si...

2 years ago
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Minha primeira foda com o sobrinho do meu marido

Minha primeira relação sexual com o sobrinho do meu maridoEu achava que meu marido nem imaginava quais eram os meus desejos. Eu nunca tive coragem de expor isso, visto que ele não merecia ser magoado. Sempre achei que se falasse, poderia ser encarado como egoísmo da minha parte. O que eu não sabia é que eu estava sendo monitorada pelo meu marido! E a sequência dos acontecimentos, ajudará vocês a entender isso.Eu sempre acessava os sites de troca de casais, enquanto meu marido estava dormindo....

4 years ago
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Numele meu este Bogdan, am 29 de ani, sunt bucurestean si sunt patronul unei micute firme de confectii textile din capitala. Am pornit afacerea imediat dupa ce am terminat ASE-ul cu sprijinul financiar exclusiv al parintilor mei, ambii medici destul de renumiti in bransa lor. Acum, dupa aproape cinci ani, pot spune ca am reusit sa construiesc o firma profitabila cu 25 de angajati si sa castig suficient de bine ca sa traiesc independent de ajutorul parintilor, fara grija zilei de maine si fara...

2 years ago
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Legaturi periculoase II

Trecuse deja mai mult de un an de la acele intamplari si ma convinsesem ca Ildiko avusese dreptate. Devenisem si eu sclavul sexual al directoarei. Cel putin o data pe saptamana ma lua cu masina, sub diferite pretexte, direct de la birou, fie dimineata, la pranz sau dupa program si ma ducea intr-un apartament din centrul capitalei ca s-o fut. Devenisem dependent de sexul cu ea, ca de un drog de care esti constient ca nu-ti face bine dar de care nu te poti debarasa. Femeia asta era incredibila,...

2 years ago
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Mama iubita

...Petrut iesi din dormitor pe jumatate somnoros . Avusese iarasi niste vise erotice teribile, deh, ca oricare militar in termen. Acum, venit in concediu de doua zile,era chinuit de dorinta apriga de a avea urgent o fata, o femeie. Trebuia sa stranga in brate un trup de femeie si asta cat mai repede posibil. Arunca din mers o privire spre baia la care usa era deschisa si ramase fulgerat, fara aer in piept. Fundul rotund, doua buci de cur care se conturau de sub capotul subtire de vara, doua...

2 years ago
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Brigit Part 03 Brigit s Babies

Brigit Part 03 - Brigit's Babies***********************************************************Copyright Oggbashan June 2004The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.**********************************************************Brigit’s Babies.Part One is ‘Brigit’; Part Two is ‘Brigit...

3 years ago
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Schimb de dame

Povestea urmatoare este uluitoare si poate unora le va parea neverosimila. Am scris-o bazandu-ma pe fapte si intamplari reale. Subiectul este destul de sensibil si de controversat, asa incat le recomand cititorilor s-o trateze ca pe o simpla fantezie. Sper totusi ca o sa va placa! Enjoy it!……………………………………………………………….Numele meu e Sergiu, am 32 de ani, sunt absolvent al facultatii de Drept si in momentul de fata sunt angajat ca jurist la o societate comerciala din capitala. Sunt saten cu ochi...

3 years ago
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Mama ma iubeste

Inceputul meu cu mama... Salut! Numele meu eate Dragos,am 18ani si m-am decis sa va poveatesc cum am inceput sa fac sex cu mama mea. Mama mea ,o femeie frumoasa cu niate forme bine definite,un fund rotund si bombat si niste sani rotunzi si marisori. Mama m-a facut la o varsta frageda,avea 17 ani cand a ramas gravida cu mine,ceea ce imi da de gandit ca de tanara ii placea sexul. Locuim la tara,intr-un sat aproape de Timisoara.Tatal meu este plecat in Italia,eu fiind singur cu mama mea. Trebuie...

3 years ago
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Sunt o nevasta curva

Uneori, în viata ti se întâmpla lucruri la care nici macar nu te-ai fi gândit cu un minut înainte ca ele sa se produca. Spun asta pentru ca eu însami am fost în mai multe astfel de situatii. Ultima, si cea mai tare - chiar de Martisor. Eram acasa în concediu medical. Nu ca eram bolnava, dar nu aveam chef de munca. Pe la opt dimineata, dupa ce fiica-mea a plecat la gradinita, mi-am facut dus si, numai cu tricoul cel lung pâna sub fese pe mine, m-am bagat în pat. Nu trec doua minute si aud...

4 years ago
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Swedish amateur

I was home in Karlstad at school. I had an "appointment" with a client. In other words, I would tie and sometimes´fuck someone in return that they shut up about ME doing it and not being bullied. Plus sometimes bying me "equipment"...Anyway...My client was a girl named Ellen. She had blond hair tied in two tight pigtails a Very nice formed ass, about medium sized breasts, a cute face and white smooth skin. She had asked me to tie her up to her bed and fuck her virgin ass. I happily agreed! So I...

2 years ago
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No more Doctor Nice Guy Part 12

No more Doctor nice Guy Part 12 I did not go home with Zac Smith. Part way through our pash session I was able to regain some self control and contain my crazy. A predictable sentiment rattling around my brain was catalystic enough to induce cessation. 'What the hell are you doing Alex?' I self scolded. It seemed to be my standard introspection. At least currently. I was broken-hearted, afraid and a hormonal mess. It was pretty clear these were the impetus for my actions....

2 years ago
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Il mio sogno di donna

IL MIO SOGNO DI DONNA La notte scorsa ho fatto un sogno meraviglioso: ho sognato di essere donna con il mio uomo arabo, di camminare nel sole in spiaggia, vestita di pochi veli, un due pezzi piuttosto succinto come costume da bagno e di mostrare al mondo la mia grazia e la mia devozione a lui e al maschio come signore supremo dell'universo. Di danzare con leggerezza, di muovermi muovendo le mie forme rotonde, burrose eppure leggiadre, di aprire la mia femminilit? prorompente fatta di c...

4 years ago
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Night Vision

Night VisionShe looked like a spectre to me at first. It was partly due to light andshadows. She was coming out of the shadows, or perhaps turning light into theshadow. In any case she was mystery and scent of something unknown to me. I can see the moonlight glistening on her bare skin right this moment, athin film of sweat reflecting silver beams of ghostly light. She is breathingheavily. She can not see, but I can. And what I see is a strange and beautifulconfusion of black, white and silver....

2 years ago
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23 Ways To Eat Your Lover

This guide will be difficult, using verbal descriptions only. But the men out there, and a few women, need to know this stuff. How did I learn? I had some very inventive girlfriends, and I had a healthy obsession for prostitutes. I call it healthy, because I was never forced to rape a woman, molest a child, or pick up some diseased woman whom nobody else would touch. Since my looks resemble those of Abe Lincoln, I am not a woman’s first choice for romance. Even with that against me, I...

4 years ago
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Best Friend Ki Mausi Ko Choda

Hello friends, Mera name raj shah hai me gujarat ahmedabad ka rehne wala hu me iss ka reader hu aur ye meri pehli kahani hai agar meri kahani apko achhi lagi to mujhe mail karna mera mail id hai meri family me mom dad aur ek brother hai me apne father ke sath transportation ka business karta hu ye kahani meri aur mere friend ki mausi ki hai jiska name hai divya divya ki age 28 thi aur uska ek beta tha 4 saal ka divya ka husband ek pvt compny me job karta hu uska chakkar office ki ek ladki...

3 years ago
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Interview With GorshinChapter 13

The flotilla carved the still waters of the Gulf of Finland leaving its foaming wake to gradually disperse far behind. On the bridge of the four-funnelled 'Destroyer Leader' Strelny, Commander Yvgeny Gorshin leaned out with his binoculars at the 5 trailing behind. The Strelny was similar to the British Admiralty type 'V and W' Class, one of several donated to their 'Triple Entente' allies. It was bigger, however, some 1400 tons, and adapted as a command ship with a powerful Radio,...

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Cathy and boyfriend

Cathy walked down the street after swimming practice, towards Arthur's house. The girl was wearing an old gray sweater, under which was nothing but her purple brassiere. The shirt she had planned to wear had gotten wet during the class due to the fact Diana sat on it accidentally right after she left the pool. She didn't want to use the one she wore to school early that day since it was dirty with ketchup and he had already seen her in it that day. Also, since she was trying to be bold and sexy...

3 years ago
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Mary and jack ch 1

This is My first story. Please let me know how you like it. Mary and Jack are lovers, but nobody knows about it. She is 32, he is 17. She is a high school english teacher that is married with two kids; he is a nerd that just so happens to have the biggest cock in the school. Jack wasn't popular until that day in the showers after his first gym class. As all the boys walked into the shower, all eyes were on the 9 inch long, 4 inch wide monster between his legs. Now he is the talk of the school....

Love Stories
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School of Gambling

September had come too early this year, summer holidays had gone by very quickly and you barley remembered what you did. (If anything.) It was coming into school term that you realised you had no idea what you were walking into at Rockhard High. It was going to be a strange place full with strange people, unknown halls and faces would surround you. You simy shrugged it off and gathered your uniform, a black jacket with a white button up with a tint black skirt. The tie you chose was red since...

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Georgie GirlChapter 3 The Last Thing I Expected

The more I thought about Ginny's lie, the more pissed I became. It wasn't like we were going out every weekend. I wasn't monopolizing her time. If she didn't want to be with me, why didn't she just say so? I could have handled that a lot better than what she was doing. I don't exactly know why I did what I did next, but I did it. I picked up the phone and dialed Georgette's number. I took a long-shot chance she would be home on a Saturday evening. If not, I could call her tomorrow. I...

4 years ago
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Men s Rights Activist in America

Brother Samuel here. Your favorite big and tall, good-looking bisexual black male writer and urban adventurer. The world changed in 2008 and I think many people are still playing catch-up. Lately, I’ve been seeing racist men and racist women acting more shifty than usual. They are looking at black people differently. And I’ve been seeing black men and black women walking a little taller. I think it all has to do with a black man being the President of the United States of America. I could be...

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A New Moon Over My Shoulder

Julie still remembered so vividly... the day her luck changed. She had been making her way along Woodlawn Avenue, taking in deep breaths of the fresh spring air. She loved the two-mile walk to the little boutique café and flower shop where she was employed. It always lifted her spirits. She had always enjoyed meandering along Woodlawn Avenue. For a brief time surrounded by that beautiful wooded area, she could forget the difficulties she was having making ends meet—the exhaustion and tiredness...

3 years ago
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Dragon Age Origins ScenesChapter 3

Elyssa was being carried. Of that much, she was sure. Where she was and what she was doing there were mysteries to her, her own name little more than a vague whisper in the back of her muddled mind. She tried to focus on the sensations first. She was head down, she lay flopped over someone's shoulder, and that person was moving, fast. Her head joggled as whoever carried me made a short leap, and her eyes finally snapped open. There was dim light, and as she tried to glance around, the...

2 years ago
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A Hard Days Night

Long, curly, dark brown hair. Her hair stopped just below her shoulders, shimmering in the dim light. I’m talking hair straight out of those hairgasm commercials on TV. Yes, that is what I remember most, the first time I saw her. I had been in meetings all day and was exhausted. Manual labor is tiring, but not the head pounding, wore out, limpness fatigue you get from mental strain. So I hit the first bar I saw after leaving the office. One drink, just one. You know, to relax. Nice bar, I...

2 years ago
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Learning mathematical equation

Hey this is a real story of what happened when I was studying in 1st year and used to go to my professor banerjea’s house for tuition in math, he was around 42 and his wife was 32 and a dusky beauty wheatish, tall, and 38,26,38 was her vital statistics. Mr. Banerjea had married late and thus the age difference was there. Mr. Banerjea had one sister who chose not to marry as she was studying nuclear physics and had her eyes on doctorate and she was around 32 and was short, with specs and like...

3 years ago
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Virginity Master I took my cousion Saiqa virginity

This is a true and real story. i read almost all stories here but mostly were not natural but authors tried to make them natural touch…. M expert in sex writing and in practical i can melt any women sex feelings either in chat or live….. i have taken about 5 virginites upto now and expert in that and if any women from islamabad / rawalpindi or from hazara region including abbottabad feel free to contact for virginiy/sex training wither live or either in yahoo chat Ok lets start abut the...

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Jeri s Love Chapter 2

"Gah Jeri, how much longer will this take?""Keep it together, Jeri, just a bit longer," she thought as she narrowed her eyes, trying to give her sister the best "don't fuck with me" look she could muster."We've been here for two fucking hours…and I will not go into that bathroom so if he isn't here soon I'm going to cop a squat in the corner.""Go ahead, Zoey, maybe they will put you in jail.""Well, least in jail I might get a little," the older girl quipped.The girls looked at...

2 years ago
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The Reluctant Wife Ch 01

My life as a teen was not the greatest. In fact it often had more downs than ups, but for better or for worse Mario Gallagher and I chose to be married in the Edwardsville courthouse in Madison County IL. On July 26th, we said our ‘I do’s’ but no one asked about love or anything of the like. He married me because he wanted his freedom, and me? Perhaps it was an act of defiance that went bad. I wanted to prove that I was an adult and in the act itself, I proved to be more childish than I was...

2 years ago
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S H E I L A 11

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheila had stopped at the edge of the city I was staring at her with a questioning look. [Is everything alright?] I asked through my thoughts. Shaking my head I knew that this was going to take a while to get used to. [I am not certain that I am alright.] Sheila answered me bringing a lot of my fears to the surface. [Have you and your systems been compromised?] I asked as soon as...

3 years ago
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The Wakefield Cases The Licentious Life Of Mr Lacey Part 7

It’s rather surprising how much a mattress can cost. Well, to be fair I didn’t want just any old moldy thing. After all, this was for Alice. I went to a couple of murky shops and eventually found something I could afford, but which didn’t look like you could get cholera from it. The mattress was rather thin but this only meant I could roll it up and carry it more easily. I got a blanket as well after some discussion. The sun was setting when I strolled down the street towards my office. I got...

3 years ago
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Man I Hate Straight Guys II

Man I Hate Straight Guys IIA Jimmie Johnson Original (A James Johnson Story)I claim this story as my own original work, and give all readers the right to repost it as they feel necessary and I ask to be credited if and when it is reproduced or copied We got in the car, and just sat there. I could tell he wanted to ask if he passed, he hadn’t cum yet, and I felt bad, but was I ready to let him end my virginity. He drove us back on campus, and parked his car. He put his hand on mine and my heart...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The ride

Authors Note: This story I have taken time to write for peoples enjoyment. I would love comments, both good and constructive&hellip,. I would really like for those who wish to insult, to keep their opinions to themselves. Please over look grammar, and spelling errors Disclaimer: This is a true story. I lived this but I added things that were not true to make it a more filling story. If you think you know what parts are true or really want to know, send me a private massage and I might tell...

3 years ago
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Laying Ghosts To Rest

Grace’s car was in the driveway, so I slipped quietly through the front door to avoid waking her. I tiptoed through the dark house, moving slowly to avoid hitting anything. Jake and Imelda must have cleared out of town as they had promised once semester ended; they would be long gone and a long time coming back.I stood near the kitchen in the dark and realized I needed a stiff one, so quiet as a thief, I opened a cupboard, took down a shot glass, and lifted one of the many bottles we kept on...

4 years ago
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Wife Pays for Husband s InfidelityChapter 3

It so happened, that Eric and the others were getting together the next day after work to have a beer. John took Eric aside and told him Allison would do it. He smiled and told John he knew with the right motivation, he’d come through. When they went back to where the others were, Eric told the group they needed their help with John’s beautiful, but extremely arrogant, wife. “It seems John here is tired of his perfect little wife, and would like us to fuck her,” Eric said. They all looked...

3 years ago
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Fun with Parental control and the LMVK

This story contains the adult themes of forced feminization, sex, rape (of a virtual character) of teenage boys. It is not intended for persons who are less than 18 years of age, or persons who are offended by cross- dressing and or forced feminization themes. The LMVK was a quantum leap past any virtual reality game ever created. Screen games had long been obsolete, but the reality of VR at the time, left a lot to be desired. The resolution of nervous system feedback was very...

4 years ago
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What Do You Do Chapter 6

Anna and Jasmine When someone qualifies as a teacher in Britain, they have to first find a job, then survive a probationary year. It happens that Sheffield is a particularly popular city for students; some sources reckon it has the highest proportion of students wanting to stay after completion of their course of any UK university town or city. Certainly the job market for new graduates is very competitive. Anna eventually found a job starting in September, but in North Derbyshire. She was...

3 years ago
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Horror at Castle VagnorChapter 4

The Vagnors were seated in the study, the Baron and Baroness sharing some after dinner cognac. "Well, my boy," smiled the Baron, "I am looking forward to seeing more of our new housekeeper." "You do have a way with words, Father," the boy retorted, "but remember you said this one is mine. You promised you would do nothing to compromise my experiment." "Did I say that?" teased the Baron. "You know very well you did, Father. Besides, you had the last one and now that I'm on the...

3 years ago
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A Kitten s TailChapter 31

I opened my eyes and looked down to find two pairs of gorgeous blue eyes staring back at me. My pets usually slept later than I did, but the twins had only been here three days now. With Fakahina being halfway around the world, their bodies still hadn’t completely adjusted to the time change. As much as I enjoyed having their luscious bodies pressed up against me, my bladder was telling me it was time to get out of bed. “I know what you two minxes are thinking, and the answer is no. I’m...

2 years ago
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Captured by the Cartel II

Captured by the Cartel-II [First, a small recap from part 1. A young freelance photographer has been captured by a drug cartel in Chicago while trying to take photos. As the mafia boss Pablo almost decides to kill him, the gangster's aide -- the beautiful dominatrix Victoria -- saves his life by offering to keep him as her pet. She takes the chained and naked captive to a mansion where two of her assistants give him a makeover and put him in a latex maid's dress.] My ass was still...

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Chris Carter s Luck Ch 01

Chris Carter was thoroughly convinced that his luck had finally run out. He was here in western Connecticut at the request of an old friend who needed some help. Although he was very good at his job, which was fixing companies that were in trouble, the hours he kept didn’t leave any time for socializing. In addition, his semi-retired status didn’t afford him the luxury of having a vehicle at hand as he had just completed a very expensive divorce. He was therefore without ready transportation...

3 years ago
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The Cheerleader Roast Part 3 of 4

Introduction: Jessica wasent the only one to be sacrifised to the spit for the pack or ravenous football players, Its Staceys turn. The Cheerleader Roast Story: #9 Copyright 2005 Written: January 1 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 3 of 4 – The Entertainment Stacey is now just a memory to the 5 scared girls, lying in the dirt, waiting...

3 years ago
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Dost Ki Girlfriend Ko Tript Kiya

Hello readers, Mai ankit apko apne jivan ki ek sacchi ghatna batane ja raha hu. Ye mera pahela sex experience tha… Mai bangalore mai raheta hu.. College student hu….. Ye meri paheli kahani hai issiliye agar koi galti ho to maaf kar dena. Ye ghatna hai 3 saal pahele ki yahi oct. 2011. Jab mai 2nd year mai tha to mera best friend hospital mai admit tha… Usse dekhne mai roj hospital jata tha… Saath mai uski girlfriend jo ki meri bhi friend thi usse bhi le jata tha…. Friend ye ghatna mere aur mere...

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Promising Danielle Ch 01

Mountains of gratitude to honeywldcat for her editing of this entire series. * I was working on a paper when I found her again. Well, I was wandering around at 1 a.m. to take a break from writing a paper is what I was really doing. I generally walk around at night. The world is far more peaceful, easier to look at, without humanity getting in the way. My paper was due next week, but boredom proved to be a helpful motivator into getting homework done. Unfortunately for me, this usually leads...

2 years ago
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New Career 1930Chapter 5

Author's note: delineate mind-to-mind dialogue. The call to "resign" from the Secret Service went to that special number in Washington. I made some trivial comments about the weapons just in case somebody heard my conversation. At the end, I said, "Thanks for releasing the guns to me. I may need them in my new job." [Excellent, John. This puts you permanently where you need to be without having to generate some specious excuses. Thank you, and keep up the good work.] The next day, I...

4 years ago
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Cuckqueaned By Friends

Hello everyone! ASW here. I feel like there are a bunch of cuckold stories and topics, but not very many around cuckqueans. There are definitely a few, but I love the topic so I’m giving it a go. I have several different scenarios for this flying around in my head, so I will probably eventually add several branches. Not all the customization options will be applicable to every branch, but I’ll try to keep the options updated as new branches get added. Update: I just started adding name...

3 years ago
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The Creature chapter nineteen

CHAPTER NINETEEN Randy came into my room early in the morning. I was already awake. I still wasn't able to speak. Randy told me that he spoke to Roger. Sheila's dad was making a recovery, and Roger was coming home to rest. Randy said that as soon as Roger came home he'd talk to him about trying the antidote, if that was OK with me. A little worried, a little reluctant, I nodded my consent. In the meantime, I thought about just staying in my room alone, worrying what might happen if I were to...

4 years ago
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For Her

I lead you into the room, the light flickers once and then springs to life illuminating the sparsely furnished room. There is a single cushioned chair in the center, which I lead you to. Taking a seat, I pull you down on top of me so you are sitting sideways, your left shoulder against my chest with my right arm supporting your back. You feel my left hand take your right hand and slowly bring it towards my face. I turn it over, examining, it as if it was the first time I had ever seen such a...

4 years ago
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Chosen Frozen IIChapter 20 Alarms

On Thule, the party to welcome the 123rd and the crew of their accompanying vessels home from Hesperus was well underway. The men of the 123rd and their concubines were enjoying an afternoon's concert on this first Saturday of December, put on by concubines and dependants from across Thule. Up on stage, an all-female troupe of taiko drummers were about to take their turn entertaining the Marines and sailors. All the drummers, including two girls about eight years old, were dressed in...

1 year ago
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College Girls Locker Room

One day Jaci was about to go home for a long day of cheerleading pratice, but she heard a noise come from the other side of the locker room. She slowly looked into the shower, Danielle, and Stephaine who where both freshman in feet away, masturbating and telling them what to do. Jaci went to leave but bumbed into a locker and kelecy looked up and saw Jaci standing there in her cheerleading top, and pantys. " Hey, you can't just watch, get in here." Kelecy said in a mean voice. But she just...

4 years ago
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Falling On My Ass Again

I was trying to get down a steep hillside instead of walking several miles around the ridge to get to the same destination, when I slipped and fell. Hard. I started sliding down the embankment and by the time I ended up at the bottom, my dress was up around my armpits and my ass felt like someone had spanked me with a porcupine. I hopped up quickly, no terrible harm done, no protruding bones, and started on my way again. "You there! Are you okay? That was a nasty fall!" I noticed the big human...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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PerfectChapter 2

How could she do this to him? She had him completely; he may not realize it but he loves her. Surely she could see that. Damn her! Damn her for ever laying eyes on him! If only I had realized that all he needed was for someone to pull him in, if only I had attacked him like she did. One look at his eyes and she was after him; the damn hussy! She couldn't be happy with just him though; she couldn't understand that he needed to take care of his education first. Damn her! And now what do I...

3 years ago
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Busted Revenge of the Domme

I'd like to share a story about how my husband completely blew my mind and how I returned the favor. Ok let me give you a little back story here. A few weeks ago I put on my sexiest lace thong and noticed it fit really loose so I tried my black pair. They nearly fell off of me. I thought that maybe I had lost some weight so I found a pair of normal panties and they fit just fine. Afterwards I went to put on a pair of my thigh-high stocking's and I noticed a long runner going down the right...

1 year ago
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Past nightmare became a dream come true

I had just turned 18 six months ago, i was fresh out of high school with the very nice, old thunderbird that my dad had bought me for graduation. With all the money i had saved up from the many checks, gifts, and jobs i had gained over the year i was off to kentucky to see my mom, brother, and all the friends i left behind just 3 long years ago. I had many worries as i crossed the county line. Nobody in that small town knew i was coming home, even my mom would be shocked since i haven't seen...

Erotic Fiction
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My life as a boy girl 1

I sit on the couch staring at the T.V. My brother is upstairs in the shower and Richard is at a friend’s house. Richard’s parents are off doing who knows what at a honeymoon resort. I sigh as how I recall my brother plea for a place to stay for a while, probably trying to throw off the cops, until he finds his own place and a job. My brother’s name is Micheal Fay. Yea not his real name but who cares. I pick up the cushion pillow on my right that Is completely red and put it in my lap and rest...

3 years ago
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Lonely Mom

This story is really all my fault, I know it and I just don't care. You can say its good or bad, I am past the point of apologizing to myself over what I've done. My name is Janet and I was in the past a good mom, I lost my husband to cancer and just never got out. It's not that I didn't want the company of a man, too shy, too whatever. I had my fantasy lovers for sure, but masturbating in the shower while spreading your legs to expose yourself to some fantasy lover doesn't make you...

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Hidden Temptation Part 2

Introduction: It is the continuation of Hidden Temptation. Enjoy :* ¤,I took off my dress and my sandals.I could see drop of coffee all over my body.It glistened in on my breasts all the way till my ankles.My light coloured panty was brown and soaked.I forget to lock the door.When Olivia pushed tried to knock the door,it opened.She was standing near the door with a towel in her hand and apologised for opening the door accidently.I told her that it was ok.And asked her to come in.As she...

2 years ago
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Ride Along Part 1 of 3

Everybody liked Bernie. Her given name was Bernadette but everyone called her Bernie. She was a hard worker, a live wire and an inspirational leader. People loved being around her and worked hard for her because she busted her ass, was always positive and enthusiastic, had a great sense of humor and could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo in February. Oh, and she was also hot as a firecracker.Bernie was in her early forties but looked ten years younger. She was of medium height with light brown...

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Wizard s LegacyChapter 21

I spent hours that week skimming every book in the trunk. Nothing was mentioned concerning witchcraft. Nada. Zilch. Zip. I really had high hopes that the Art of War tomes would explain what was happening, but no. Strangely enough, it was the mysterious wizard "Harold" that I was obsessed with. Other than the obscure reference my birth parents had written, we knew nothing about him. They said he was powerful, but what kind of power? No element was mentioned, and no reference made to him...

2 years ago
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Fishing Weekend

I couldn't wait to get out of work. It was Thursday afternoon and I had a terrific weekend planned. Working the 9/80 schedule is a huge benefit. I work 80 hours in nine days instead of the usual 10, leaving me a three-day weekend every other weekend. It felt like a mini-vacation. Generally, I used that time to relax and just be by myself for a while. Sometimes, though, I took advantage of the longer weekend to get out and away from the world. This weekend, I was going fishing. I've loved...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotMom Tia Cyrus 26167

Rion’s friend has him stop by his house to grab his ID he left at home. His friend’s mom, Tia, comes home and catches him looking around the living room and he explains the situation. It’s been a while since they’ve seen each other so they sit down and catch up. Rion spills the beans that out of all his friend’s moms, she was always considered the hottest! Since Tia hasn’t been laid in quite sometime, and flattery gets you far, she takes Rion’s cock...

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Public parking fun

Before my Minni and I were married, we went through a brief period of time when we had broken up. We lived about four hours away from each other, and she decided to come to the city I live, and visit her sister. Of course, while she was in town we met up. Minni borrowed her sister’s car and picked me up at my house. Minni never dressed sleazy, in saying that, she was dressed very well and definitely got my wheels turning; and other parts. We decided to go to a little pub style place, talk,...

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The Musician

*This is not my story, My friend wrote it and asked me to put it up on here for her*The Musician Taryn always always always makes sure she’s remembered. Someway. Somehow. Yeah, that’s a good way of putting it. But there’s more to this sex kitten. More to this sensual siren. She’s realizing she wants…..wants…well…she wants to mean something. Inspire. Motivate. And not always sexually. She’s got a soul like everybody else. Just nobody knows the humble and modest part of it. But God, how the hell...

2 years ago
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My College Crush gets fucked

Disclaimer:I intend no copyright infringement nor monetary gain just a favourite!Elijah Blacked My College Crushbymmf4her©College is a time for sexual discovery and what I learned during my time in the dorms is that a lot of young women were discovering my neighbor in the room next door. My name is Tim and I'm your typical white guy on campus; I wear my polos, khaki shorts, boat shoes and I'm pretty attractive. I think I've got game and certainly have no trouble getting dates but I have a...

3 years ago
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Martin to Martina

Martin to Martina By Maddy Maddison Synopsis: How a boy's life is changed when he decides to do what he can to be adopted. The only catch is that he doesn't like the consequences as things get out of control. Categories: Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Deals, Bets or Dares, Femdom, Authoritarian, School Girl, Age: Preteen to teen AP Keywords: Hair or Hair Salon, Martin waited nervously with the other children who were told that they were candidates fro adoption. He had...

1 year ago
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One Dark Night

Sprawled awkwardly across the bed, wrinkled sheets bunched up and pushed aside in the warmth, her pale smooth skin near glowed in the moonlight falling through the open window. Despite awkward appearances, she slept peacefully, her breathing slow, deep, and inaudible. A dark figure appeared in the window, a black shadow slicing across her naked beauty. Gently, he trailed his fingers along her body. He brushed over her hardened nipples and bent down to place a wet kiss on each one. She turned...

4 years ago
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A Glorious Interview

"Thank you for taking the time to come out and speak with us. We'll give you a call if you are selected."I couldn't help but laugh a little. That was the worst interview I had ever gone on. There was literally zero chance I was getting this job. Why they were pretending they might be calling me was a joke.How bad was it, you ask? It was so bad that they didn't even bother introducing me to the woman I was trying to be the personal assistant for. I spent the entire time talking to an HR person,...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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I could never do that

It was july, and that meant it was time for the annual camping trip. My friends and i had been doing this since we were teenagers. Now, most of them are married, and we don’t spend much time together anymore, so we really look forward to this trip. Me probably more than the others. While my friends have been busy getting married, i have focused my efforts on my career and it has paid off. I am a 29 year old guy with a six figure income and with a nice muscular body, good hair and a killer...

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The Night That Stole The Virginities Part 1

Hi, Guys, STRICTLY 18+ ONLY. This is the first time I have put down my real-life incident as a sex story. Hope you all like it. Any girls/Women interested can contact me on “”. Also please mention your comments below. Before going into the sex story let me introduce the people along with their personalities so that it is easy for you to imagine. Vishal: Height 5’5″ and weight 60. Slim, Short and Medium Complexion Surya (Myself): Height 5’9″ and weight 85. Stout, Medium height and Medium...

4 years ago
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Elemental EncountersChapter 3

Steetch looked down from the top of the wall and marveled again at how easy it had been to get there. He had hardly had to think of what he was doing, in fact, it was easier to not think about it, but to just decide what he wanted to do, as in reach the top of the wall. He jumped down and out, catching a branch and swinging in an arc, letting go when his momentum was neutralized, and dropping lightly into a crouch on the bedewed lawn. He remembered with a wry and happy grin how he has spend...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Blake Blossom Sometimes Blake Just Doesn 8217 t Understand Him

Blake’s beautiful, blonde, boobalicious…but she also has brains. It’s always been really easy for her to figure stuff out, whether its in the classroom, when it comes to outfits to wear, everything! Which is why the fact that she’s confused now really scares her. And what’s she confused about? A guy of all things. Unbelievable right?? You see, Blake has a boyfriend. And he’s the greatest. Smart, handsome, driven…freaky…. Their relationship has...

3 years ago
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Kaise Main Ek Randi Ban Gayi

Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aaj main ap sabko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main ek randi ban gayi ye meri sacchi kahani h ap sabne mujhe mail kiya uske liye thanks ap sab mujhe mail karte rahiye main apko aur bhi apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batungi. Ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse whatsapp par chat bhi karungi. Mujhe ek ladka hamesha hi line marta tha aur wo thoda rich tha aur mujhe wo awara lagta tha lekin wo rich tha isliye main...

3 years ago
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The Bridge

She was looking forward to seeing him again. Their last meet up at the bar had been a success. They had chatted over drinks for hours and had really hit it off. It was surprising really because the friend that had set them up was notorious for getting it wrong every time. But the hopefulness inside her proved that maybe this time was the exception. He was tall and blond. His blue eyes pierced right through her when he turned his gaze on her. But his personality was what really won her over. He...

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Fucking My neighbour Widow Horny Aunt

Hi friends, My name is Travis (name changed). I am regular reader of ISS stories and enjoy very much reading those experiences. Well i would also like to share one of the sex experiences i had in the recent past with my neighbor aunt who is a widow. And please excuse me if there are any spelling mistakes. Well let me tell me something about myself (nature). I am guy who likes to live the life his own way. I had loads of GF’s in my past and had a sexual relation with them as well. However I...


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