Hen Night indian porn

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“Oh fuck yeah, right there....” the blonde moaned loudly, her back arching off the silk sheets she was squirming on. Her fists balled up beside her, grabbing handfuls of the sheets so tightly her knuckles turned white. Her body jolted with each rocking slam it received, her snatch slurping up the 9 inch cock that was speeding up in her cunt, her cum soaked crotch splashing as the two bodies collided wetly in the dimly lit room. She started screaming and was aware that there was something small...

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Terri, Donna und Ronnie waren Freunde aus der Kindheit. Ich hatte sie seit über einem Jahr nicht mehr gesehen, nicht seit ich den Job der Rezeptionistin bekommen hatte, als ich Daniel traf. Mein Leben hatte sich so sehr verändert und ich habe kaum an die alten Zeiten gedacht, aber ich musste sie zur Hochzeit einladen, wenn auch nur um ihnen zu zeigen, wie es sich auszahlt, gut zu sein und darauf zu warten, dass der richtige Mann kommt. Sie waren am Mittwoch vor der Hochzeit mit ihren Freunden...

4 years ago
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Nymphen in der Umkleide

Cindy und Sandy kicherten, als sie die Halle in Richtung Umkleideräume und des Schwimmbads hinunterliefen. Sie hatten ihre Namen auf dem Blatt gesehen, das ankündigte, dass sie im Schwimmerteam waren! Sie waren so aufgeregt. Beide waren in der Blüte ihrer sexuellen Reife, waren voller Hormone und Emotionen, und es kam alles heraus, als sie tänzelten und hüpften. Als sie zum Büro kamen, sahen sie ihre zwei neuen Trainer. Frau Simpson war der Tauchtrainer, und beide Mädchen seufzten, als sie sie...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Schwesterchen geschw ngert

Natascha, Natascha, Natascha... ich konnte ihren Namen an manchen Tagen nicht mehr hören. Das kleine Goldstückchen, immer fleisig, immer gute Noten. Arrhhh. Und daneben ich, ihr Bruder, meist nicht ganz so fleisig, gute Noten nur wenn es sein mussste oder ich nicht lernen musste. Aber hey, ich bin ein Junge. Kein Mädchen, findet euch damit ab ... oft genoss es das Miststück mich damit zu ärgern, wenn sie mal wieder 5 Euro bekommen hatte für gute Noten oder weil sie im Haushalt geholfen [hat....

3 years ago
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Sarah war 20 und lag gerade nur mit T-Shirt und Slip bekleidet in ihrem provisorischen Bett auf dem Boden. Neben ihr in einem richtigen Bett schlief Nadine, ihre beste Freundin, bei der sie heute übernachtete. Sie wußte nicht wie spät es war aber sie beneidete Nadine, deren Atem sie gleichmäßig gehen hörte. Sarah konnte aber partout nicht einschlafen. Sie beschloß einen Streifzug durch das Haus zu machen, natürlich schön leise um niemanden zu wecken. Auf dieser Etage gab es noch zwei...

2 years ago
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Zusehen und mehr

Ich bin achtzehn Jahre alt und habe heißes Blut in den Adern. Neulich unterhielt ich mich mit meiner 24jährigen Schwester über Sex. So aus einem Impuls heraus sagte ich zu ihr: "Lass mich doch einmal zusehen wie dich dein Freund fickt. Ihr tut es doch des öfteren, wie man manchmal hören kann". Sie erfüllte mir meinen Wunsch. Ich saß in ihrem Kleiderschrank, als sie mit ihrem Freund das Zimmer betrat. Die beiden umarmten sich gleich und man sah, wie ihre Zungen miteinander spielten. Während sie...

3 years ago
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Maike war heute nicht so weit gewandert, wie sie eigentlich gewollt hatte. Das Wetter hatte der 23jährigen einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht, so dass sie in einer Schutzhütte unterkommen musste, statt ihre Etappe wie geplant in einem kleinen Hotel im nächsten Dorf zu beenden. Als sie die kleine Hütte betrat, sah die junge Studentin, dass sie dieses Schicksal teilte. Vor dem heraufziehenden Gewitter hatten dort noch noch eine Gruppe von fünf Jugendpfadfindern, deren Leiter um die 18 Jahre...

4 years ago
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Schneewittchen aber wuchs heran und wurde immer schöner, und als es 18 Jahre alt war, war es so schön wie der klare Tag, und schöner als die Königin selbst. Als diese ihren Spiegel fragte 'Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand, wer ist die Schönste im ganzen Land?' so antwortete dieser 'Frau Königin, Ihr seid die Schönste hier, aber Schneewittchen ist tausendmal schöner als Ihr.' Da erschrak die Königin und ward gelb und grün vor Neid. Von Stund an, wenn sie Schneewittchen erblickte, kehrte sich ihr...

2 years ago
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Alleinerziehende Mutter und Sohn

Susanne Lang war mit Ihren 38 Jahren eine sehr attraktive Frau. Sie war 1,78 m groß, hatte blonde lange Haare, strahlende blaue Augen, sehr sinnliche Lippen , super schöne und lange Beine , einen festen runden geilen Apfelarsch und ihre Titten waren der reinste Blickfang. Sie war sich ihrer Wirkung auf Männer sehr bewusst und nutzte das oft aus, indem sie sich sehr offenherzig und erotisch kleidete. Allerdings spielte sie nur mit den Männern - sie hatten bei ihr keine wirkliche Chance. Als...

3 years ago
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Jochen zahlt es allen heim

Hans erschien pünktlich zu seinem Termin mit Jochen. Jochen war ein erfolgreicher Ingenieur – zumindest glaubte Hans das – mit unerschöpflich viel Geld. Aber Hans ahnte schon, daß hinter Jochen ein dunkles Geheimnis stecken mußte. Er hatte die letzten Aufträge von Jochen korrekt ausgeführt und noch viel Spaß dabei. Jochen war ein korrekter Geschäftsmann und hatte ihm die versprochene Prämie anstandslos bezahlt. Jochen war ein gut aussehender Mann von 45 Jahren, aber er war auch skrupellos. Aber...

3 years ago
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Gerade ist er von seiner Partei zum Kandidaten für den Landtag gewählt worden. Mitte 20, volles Haar, gut bestückt. Er guckt in den Saal. Omis, Muttis, Arbeiter mit dicken Bäuchen, Schlipsträger aus der Verwaltung. So sieht seine Partei halt aus. Die Leute stehen langsam auf, er wird kandidieren. Der dicke Lokalreporter vom Schmierenblättchen will etwas wissen, sachlich nüchtern antwortet er. Kaum ist der Lokalreporter weg, hat er ein Mikrofon vor der Nase. Sein Blick fällt auf das Mikrofon, er...

4 years ago
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Erwachen am Morgen

Wir wurden morgens wach. Wir küßten und umarmten uns. Meine Schwester stieß ihre Zunge tief in meinen Mund, wir schmiegten uns aneinander, mein Schwanz steifte sich auf, ich drückte ihn zwischen ihre Beine. Sie griff ihn, rieb ihn an ihre Möse. Dann trieben wir es wieder. Seit 2 Jahren schliefen wir nachts in einem Zimmer und einem Bett. Unsere Eltern akzeptierten es, sie wußten es, sie drückten beide Augen zu und sagten immer "Wenn ihr euch lieb, ist es gut und es soll so sein, wie ihr es...

3 years ago
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Southend subs part three

So while we were having coffee's etc, they invited me to visit them the following weekend, they were happy to host and went on the say they had built a play room in the loft of the house and wanted to share it , adding that they both wanted to delve deeper into the whole b.d.s.m world, if i have learnt anything over the years its best to find out as much as possible about what people want ?what a person says can differ so much in real life, so with that in mind i reminded them both that they...

4 years ago
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Southend subs part two

So having had my fill of him so to speak, we chilled out for a while having coffee etc, they explained that they tried to dom each other in turn as they both felt they were sub but found it just did not work for them, they needed someone in their lives who did not have the emotional attachment as they put it and could deal with them accordingly. so about a hour or so had passed and i said to them both that she would be next , her face was a picture , she instantly began the blush and looked...

2 years ago
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Southend Subs

Southend is a coastal town on the essex coastline, i received a message on my contact advert i'd had running somewhere that they were a sub bi couple and wanted to explore their submissive feelings in a safe environment, i useally the guy tends to make contact in the first instancebut i always insist in talking to the female half to confirm that they are a couple regardless , not just some guy getting his jollys etc, i spoke breifly with her, for any first meeting she said she would rather just...

4 years ago
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thend of final attonement

part 3Next day began with rain once more hammering on the window as the lift chuntered as it fetched up the two caretakers Dee and Dum. The shorter one bearing coffee and a plated breakfast each which the girl and myself gobbled down hungrily. The smaller man who to our surprise we now knew spoke English and whatever the girl spoke as well, was left on his own with us, and produced two huge bottles of juice, whispering conspiratorially that he had seen how we had been treated and, knowing they...

2 years ago
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Menschenraub 4 Teil 5 6 Brief

Fünfter Brief:So stand ich nun brutal angeschirrt und getrenst im schattigen Hof des Landsitzes.Mein Trainer, - er hieß Abdul -, bestieg das Sulky, was ich am Wippen der Holme spürte. Abdul schnalzte zweimal mit der Zunge. Ich zog an und wunderte mich, wie leicht zu ziehen solch ein Sulky auf ebenem, glatten Boden eigentlich ist. Doch diesen Glauben hatte ich nur für die ersten 500 Meter! Als dann der Boden unter mir immer sandiger wurde, kam mir das Sulky von Minute zu Minute immer schwerer,...

4 years ago
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Zerbrochenes Vergn uuml gen

Keine 2 Jahre ist es nun her gewesen... Als wir miteinander schlussmachten, muss ich zugeben... war ich wohl der treibende Faktor.Selbst dass sich das stetige Gefühl bestätigte, dass etwas nicht stimmte und sie mir fremdging bzw. gehen würde, machte für mich im Einzelnden die Situation nicht weniger Schmerzhaft oder fairer, selbst ihr gegenüber. Doch muss ich sagen, dass es warscheinlich so am besten gewesen ist, da ich in der Beziehung wohl nur in die Enge gedrängt und mich gefangen gefühlt,...

3 years ago
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Schweinchen Tick

Schweinchen TickEin modernes, kurzweiliges Märchen.Ich bin Tick, naja nicht wirklich, aber mein Ebername lautet so. In Wirklichkeit und meiner wahren menschlichen Gestalt heiße ich Rick. Nur grad eben nicht.Ich bin ein Schwein, in echt, kein Spaß sondern bitterer Ernst. Klar, gelacht habe ich auch als diese doofe Hexe mich hasserfüllt angeschrien hat.,, Du wirst für deine Arroganz büßen. Nur so lange, bis es durch der wahren Liebe Kuss, der Zauber aufgehoben wird. Du wirst mit anderen Schweinen...

2 years ago
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Menschenraub 2 Teil dritter Brief

Dritter Brief:Lieber Siegfried,Im letzten Brief berichtete ich Dir von meinem „Gang an Deck“ des Seelenverkäufers. Noch immer hatte ich keinen meiner Bewacher zu Gesicht bekommen.Für den „Ausgang an Deck“ erhielt ich statt der Kapuze eine dichte Augenbinde, damit ich zwar freier atmen konnte als unter der dicken Kopfhaube, meine „Betreuer“ aber trotzdem nicht sehen konnte.Meine Fußfesseln wurden entfernt, wogegen meine Hände an die Holme eines Geräts angekettet wurden, das mich an einen Barren...

4 years ago
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Nach geraumer Zeit habe ich mich entschlossen, doch wieder mal eine Story zu posten. Achtung, ziemlich hart, nicht für zarte Gemüter!Roman von MasostudRoman , © 1991 by Masostud bis -----------------------Menschenraub in ArabienGay, M/mm, S&M, Pony-Play, Slavery, breeding, interracialSadomasochistisch-perverse Sklaverei im 20. JahrhundertPrivatdruckVorwort:Jedes Jahr verschwinden in Deutschland an die zehntausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts; auf das Vereinte Europa gerechnet sind es mehr...

3 years ago
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Wiedersehen mit Gianna Michels

Ich kann es immer noch nicht glauben, dass ich letztens Gianna gefickt habe. Das Beste daran ist auch noch das es ihr gefallen hat. Ich würde jetzt nicht behaupten, dass sie meine Freundin ist aber doch wir haben schon eine Art Beziehung aufgebaut.Das meiste spielt sich natürlich über E-Mail ab. Das ein oder andere Mal können wir auch eine kleine Aktion über Web-Cam machen. Dabei nimmt sie gerne mal einen Dildo zur Hilfe. Klar, dass sie für mich auch das gute Ding mal in ihren Arsch steckt.Sie...

4 years ago
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Thenai Marathil Saaithu Oothen

Vanakam. Enathu peyar Kathir vayathu 25 naan pudhukottaiyil vasithu varugiren enaku velinaatil 3 maathangaluku vellai paarthu vittu ippozhuthu sontha uuril irukiren enathu gramathil niraiya thopugal irukum angu niraiya thena marangalum irukum. Enathu gramathil azhagana ilam pengal niraiya irupaargal veedugal ondraaga irukum thopugal uurai thali irukum aanal anaivaru ingu vanthu kaathu vaanga aasai paduvar. Enathu veetil naan oruvarn mattum thaan ithuvarai naan 7 pengalai currect seithu oothu...

4 years ago
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Ochena Alap Ar Sex

Amr naam reshmi. Ami bibahito. Amr sami khub mejaji maje majei joghra hoy. Amr akta maye ache schoole pore. Khub dustu akdm amr ktha sone na. Amr hight 5’4 amr boobs size 38. Ami jkhoni kono cheler pass dea jai sei “uffs” bole othe. Ami sb smy patla chiffon sari pori jate amr boobs valo vabe boja jai.bolte paro ami aktu dustu sobhaber. Ami roj rate net er bra r panti pore suyi. Tobuo amr bor er sex othe na. Bole pore krbo bole suye pore. Ak ak smy mone hy japani tel nea or bara te rograi. Tale...

3 years ago
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Chennnai Guest House Party

Hi happy to see the iss readers.Thanks a lot for publishing my real incident story with the help of iss admin. Who are eagerly waiting for myself Rahul from Chennai I am young with an athletic body with sufficient tools…. Please record your special comments to my mail id mentioned below( or ) lets begin the story don’t want to waste your time A lady mailed me about my ad in locanto her name was Amirtha and she needs my service. Want to get satisfied to the core and we shared our contacts. We...

4 years ago
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Beheno Ko Unhi Ke Ghar Me Choda 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, I sandy and I am a punjabi boy. Aj m ap sbko btana chahta hu 1 sachi ghtna jo mere sath hui h. Ya fir aisa khe ki mne khud ne hi bnai h. Yeh khani h ki kaise mne apni do bhno ko choda aur wo bhi unhe blackmail krke. Meri koi real sister ni h lekin hn cousin sister h jo ki bahut sexy h un dono bhno ko dekh ke mn krta h ki bs unke mote mote chuche dbata rhu hmesha ya fir unki moti gand marta rhu. Wo dono meri bhua ki beti h aur m bhua ke ghr jata hu to bs unhe dekhne ke liye aur...

2 years ago
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Rotk?ppchen Ich sa? endlich im Bus. Zum Ferienlager. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Teens freute ich mich riesig darauf. Ich bin Stefan Gerhard, und 14 Jahre alt. Seit der Scheidung geht es bei uns finanziell problematisch zu. Meine Mutter macht, was sie kann. Aber es bleibt nicht genug ?brig. Urlaub war schon lange nicht mehr drin, und dieses Ferienlager eigentlich auch nicht. Aber ich hatte die ersten Wochen der Ferien gearbeitet, und wir hatten eine Unterst?tzung bekommen. Und so kam ich ...

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VORWORT Die Idee zu dieser Story kam nach einem Bericht ?ber junge Transsexuelle im Fernsehen. Danach habe ich mich zu dem Thema ein wenig im Web umgesehen. Viele junge TS trauen sich nicht etwas zu ihren Problemen zu sagen. Oft gibt dann ein Crossdressing Ereignis erste Hinweise, ab dem die Dinge ihren Lauf nehmen, und schnell zu riesigen Problemen f?hren. Einiges des hier geschriebenen ist so ?hnlich tats?chlich passiert, ich habe es mit ein wenig Fantasie verbunden. Das Ergebnis ist...

4 years ago
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Bahenbaazi Ki Had Kar Di

Hi doston, This is Kala Lund here. This is my first time and I hope you’d like it and would love to read more of me. Please send me your emails at The following story is a fictional art, bearing no responsibility with real characters. However few incidents are mildly inspired. I would now move into a more regional language for better experience. Mai 24 saal ka ladka hu. Mai shayad us samay se mut maar raha hu, jab lauda sirf hawa chodta tha. Har do taango par chalne wali chiz jisme chut ho,...

3 years ago
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You see me switching my butt from side to side as i bend over the counter. I ask you something you don't seem to catch. I watch you turn bright red and I smile. I tell you to come here. I sit on the counter spreading my legs wide. I grope myself, teasing you. I pinch my nipples through my shirt. You come between my legs and stand there. You put your hands on my thighs and slide them back towards my ass. we kiss, my breathing gets puffy as i get turned on to the max. you lick the shell of my...

2 years ago
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Henrietta By Annie James Helen Williams, director of the new Broadway play scheduled to open in the fall season, had toured with the play throughout its first year. After a summer break, the cast had been reassembled in New York and following one week of rehearsals the play was due to open on the first Friday of October. It was now Tuesday and she faced an unprecedented emergency. On the way to this morning's rehearsal, both the male and female leads as well as their two...

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She and I had kept in touch, of course, if only through customary means. A thoughtful card at Christmas and on our respective birthdays, that sort of thing. When a letter arrived from her in the autumn, I was pleased to read that she would be in town the following month and invited me to catch up over coffee. The hotel bar was very grand in its tastefully understated way and I spotted her immediately, smiling warmly at me and getting up from her seat at the quiet corner table. We exchanged...

Quickie Sex
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NEURASTHENIA by Crazy Baron DISCLAIMERS This work may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. Please note that this story is intended for mature readers only. The people and incidents depicted herein are completely fictional. THE STORY Synopsis: Every once in a while, it may happen that the forces governing human destiny choose an ineffectual, harmless, pathetic...

4 years ago
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Menschenraub in Arabien GERMAN

Roman von MasostudRoman , ? 1991 by MasostudMenschenraub in ArabienSadomasochistisch-perverse Sklaverei im 20. JahrhundertPrivatdruckVorwort:Jedes Jahr verschwinden in Deutschland an die zehntausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts; auf das Vereinte Europa gerechnet sind es mehr als f?nfzigtausend. Zwar tauchen knapp 90% der Vermissten ?ber kurz oder lang wieder auf, aber wo bleibt der Rest? Entweder werden sie tot aufgefunden, sind verungl?ckt oder durch Verbrechen zu Tode gekommen, ein Teil...

3 years ago
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Henk ........two, wham.....three .....The edge of the leather cut and stung my back...i could see you fidgeting ...as though you were receiving the blows and not me.........four...this man was a brut.... why had you insisted i be so available to him? Were you enjoying this? Five ...i winced and tried to pull my back out or range..........the man yelled.... behave slut.... you know how to behave don't you? .... Hasn’t your Master trained you how to treat a Master? My blood rose at him...

2 years ago
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Ochena boudike chudlam

Eta ek boudir chodon sukher katha bolchi jake ami koek din age chude tar gud faka kore take charam such diyechi. Boudir sange amar dekha hoye chilo ekta shoping complexe. Ekta shari dekhchilo show case e amo tar paser show case e cheleder dekhchilam. Se sari pachando korte parchilona, ami take help korlam ekta sundar sari pachanda kore dilam bollam eita nin apnake darun lagbe. Ektu amar dike abak hoye takalo tarpor ektu hese bollo thik ache. Sari ta niye amake bollo acha hathath amake saritar...

4 years ago
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Stephenie helping

It was dark before Kyle's eyes slowly opened. The drone of the plane almost lulled him back to sleep. His eyes adjusting to the dim lights of the cabin, he peered around, attempting to make sense of his surroundings. The inside of the plane was pitch black except for the dim guide lights on the floor. Looking out the window, the night sky revealed nothing as Kyle attempted to pry past the dark. He could hear snoring coming from somewhere across the cabin, and he was suddenly aware of a head of...

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Stephenie McMahon fuck police officer

Stephanie is driving from Monday night Raw when she gets pull over by two policeman, Officer Barnes and Randal. "Hello. Say Steph you know that you was speeding", said Officer Randal. "Come on. You guys know who I am right", Stephanie asks. Both of the policeman look at each other and Officer Barnes says, "Yes you are Stephanie. Fucking slut; now if you show us your big fucking tits we will let you go." Steph face turns red. "Come Steph we wouldn't tell anyone about this. It’ll be our secret",...

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Kapitel 1 Linda hielt das Auto vor dem Gebäude an. Dies war ein übler Teil der Stadt. Viele geschlossene Geschäfte, vernagelte Fenster und Türen. Nur eine Handvoll Geschäfte blieben übrig, einschließlich des Geschäfts, das sie und Terry besuchen wollten. Sie zog die Schlüssel aus der Zündung und sah zu ihrem Ehemann Terry hinüber. "Bist du bereit es zu tun?" Terry schniefte. Er wusste seit Wochen, dass es so kommen würde. Wenn er nur die Uhr zurückdrehen könnte. Die Dinge wären anders...

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Hallo Leute, hier wird es ein Sammelsurium von Geschichten in denen, es rund ums Flaschendrehen geht. Junge Leute spielen Flaschendrehen oft, um erotische und/oder sexuelle Erfahrungen zu machen. Die Spiele werden deshalb meist in unbeobachteten Situationen, manchmal an geheimen Orten gespielt. Manchmal wird es auch mit dem Spiel Wahrheit oder Pflicht kombiniert. Die Spannung die immer da war, ob man dran kommt oder nehme ich Wahrheit oder Pflicht? Muss man nun Blankziehen? Darf man das hübsche...

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Die Hauptpersonen: Simon (18) schlank, braune Haare, Chris (19) sehr sportlich, schwarze Haare Jonas (18) schlank, blond gefärbte Haare Philipp (19) recht klein, dunkle Haare, Lena (18) blonde Schönheit, wunderschöne helle Haut und 85C Oberweite Sandra (18) lange dunkle Haare, schlank 80B Jenny (19) dunkle Haare, schlank 75B Patricia (19) blonde Haare 85D Das Schuljahr näherte sich dem Ende. Dieses Ende sollte natürlich ordentlich gefeiert werden. Nach vielen nervenaufreibenden Diskussionen...

2 years ago
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Zheng He Solar Probe

“Click.” There was no actual noise as the connection was made. In the vast near vacuum of space, no sound was made as Zheng He began to reawaken again. Over the last two years it had woken three times as the faint sunlight started to charge its batteries, but each time the initial boot had started to drain the batteries faster than they charged, and the automatic shutdown kicked back in; but this process had enabled long open switches to retry the connections and, if some had failed the first...

1 year ago
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Masi shen StrandedChapter 1

“Satellite data shows a huge gravitational anomaly on the coastal area, here, near Mount Siple. We’ve got to get you in there to perform a ground survey. A quick and dirty Navy over-flight with magnetic anonomaly detection gear returned nothing useful. We know that something is there but we can’t get a handle on it. It’s massive, it’s something deep, and it’s unknown. We expect that your penetrating ground study will tell us more about whatever the hell that mass is.” Michael stared at the...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 2

Deliriums Michael slept fitfully through the night. He wakened to use a plastic bottle to save crawling out of the sleeping bags into the sub-zero cold. While he was awake he chewed two pain pills and swallowed an oral dose of antibiotic from the med kit. The storm blew harshly for two days, then abated somewhat. He half-hoped to hear aircraft engines that day. He scrambled outside, bellied over the snow in a leg-dragging crawl to gather up scattered cartons and crates. He piled them three...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 4

Crystal vision You said the accident destroyed the 'crystal, ' and your communications system was blind because of that? Our 'sing-crystal, ' yes. Michael saw the ship's intricate neural transmission array laid open before him. He followed it forward to an equipment bay. Cables and conduits and banks of cards surrounded a central pedestal. A black and silver crystalline structure stood in a deep socket. It seemed dead, lifeless, dull to his eyes despite the glittering latticework of...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 5

Discovery "The weather people say we've got a week's window, maybe even a week and a half of calm weather over the island. I've contracted with a New Zealand mineral exploration company. They've got a long range P3 Orion survey airplane fitted with magnetic and radar mapping gear. I 'sweetened' the deal to encourage them to make the flight, but they'll abort if the weather turns sour." "Good. What's the time frame." "They'll be over the site day after tomorrow. They'll have...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 6

Consternation! The P-3 Orion pilot diverted to McMurdo station on his return leg, radioed a detailed report of finding a survivor at the Siple Island camp, and when requested by the American base commander he landed and filed a complete report. Commander Blevins was anxious to glean every detail possible about the condition of the site, what the flight crew observed, the wreckage and site conditions, and the probable physical state of the survivor. "He appeared to be quite active,...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 7

Secrets and Suspicions The rescue went smoothly, without delay and without weather problems. Michael was flown straight through to Christchurch, NZ for medical evaluation and treatment. He was delighted to hear the physician say that his leg would be "fine, just fine." "You are one lucky fellow, considering what could have happened with that wound. It seems you have a strong immune system, to resist serious infection. And I compliment you on your first aid skills. This isn't the neatest...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 8

Flights The 747 cargo flight carrying survey equipment and stores left that mid-afternoon. Michael put on aircrew flight coveralls, cleared New Zealand customs, and was aboard the huge airfreighter within an hour of his arrival at the airport in Charlie's company van. Michael was flying as a representative of NZ Mineral Survey. He would assist with clearing the air freight inventory through Chilean customs and the signoff with the customer. New Zealand departure was at 1300 hours local...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 9

Dreams and Revelations If he hadn't been so loyal to his master, and so afraid of the consequences for disobedience, Golenko would have stormed Martha Jacobs' house and blown her telephone to fragments with a burst from his machine pistol. Then he'd fire a slug through her heart. He'd monitored the telephone recordings for almost a month. He heard nothing but calls about social functions, and her weekly chat with her son Rhys. There was nothing to lead him to Hawthorne. He was no longer...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 10

Pahsimeroi War Two goons from Seattle were first to arrive at the Missoula airport. They rented an SUV and left for Salmon, Idaho, 140 miles south on US 93. It would be a slow drive. They'd climb and descend the steep, switch-back curves of Lost Trail Pass to cross the Montana-Idaho border. They arrived in Salmon and checked into a double room. A young girl working the front desk recommended a good steakhouse. Gregor and Mikhail wanted something big and broiled on their plates. The short...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 11

Aftermath The helicopter had been hit; the pilot lifted and spun away to altitude and made a "mayday" call for help from the sheriff's department. He reported he would make an emergency landing at the primitive May airstrip, a short dirt field. The sheriff's office dispatcher had just contacted the sheriff to report the mayday call when her telephone began ringing with reports of continuous gunfire from May residents. They said a small war was being fought at the mountainside springs....

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 13

Belief and Flight "I suppose I could ask you what all of that was about, but I'm not sure I would get an answer that I'd understand." Steve stared at Mike for a long moment. He had been holding his tongue, trying to sort out a mass of confused emotions and some disturbing implications. They sat on a small hill overlooking the Wapato cabin. The valley, its scattered meadows and timber stands, and the tawny, rolling hills lay beyond. "I can try to explain. I'm not so worried about you...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 14

Steve sat at Marie's kitchen table, nursing a cup of coffee, wondering to himself how long it had been since he'd so much enjoyed a sunrise and a simple breakfast. Marie sat opposite him. Her dark eyes studied his face. "You are troubled. You are walking a knife-edge, yet you have already decided where your destiny, your allegiance now lies. Is this not so?" she questioned, her voice barely above a whisper. He looked up, startled. Her eyes, flashing black, bored into his. Her face,...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 16

Sudden Terrors The days of August slipped away with warm days and cool nights, broken only once by a late summer thunderstorm. It dumped a brief but torrential cloudburst on Silver City and the surrounding mountains. A flood of water and debris surged down Jordan Creek through the center of town but did little damage, other than making it difficult to ford the creek near the small south side campground. When late August arrived the high desert nights turned chilly. Yellowing leaves appeared...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 17

Fireside Evolution Boris had finished his breakfast and left with a truck driver for a ride to Boise when an intercept team arrived at the abandoned tent camp. They were perplexed. That something had uprooted the tent and left it abandoned at the edge of the campground was obvious. That all of the other camp gear was laying about undisturbed was surprising. That two men had disappeared from camp without explanation was unsettling. There was no sign of fighting or a scuffle; nothing had been...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 18

Desert Chase Morning dawned; three sleepy humans staggered into the kitchen and groped for the coffee makings. Marie stoked the fire, Steve rinsed out the old enamelware percolator and gathered three cups, and Mike put a handful of beans in the hand-cranked coffee grinder. Sense and sensibilities returned with their first sips of the rich brew. Before she started on her second cup, Marie started breakfast: sourdough flapjacks, hand-sliced bacon, and free-range eggs from a neighbor's flock....

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 19

Deception and Evasion The charter helicopter lifted off with Yavinsky and two team members. Yavinsky sat beside the pilot; two sat behind with AK-47 assault rifles in scabbards stowed under their feet. The pilot was told they were flying to intercept a vehicle carrying rich ore samples. Yavinsky had a pistol in his pocket should the pilot become suspicious and need convincing to engage the chase. "Do you know the desert road from that Silver City ghost town to the Oregon village ... Jordan...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 20

Mexican Crossing The whispering about the "penguin drop" as it was being called in hushed speculation around the agency refused to quiet down. Deputy director Alfred Jameson tried to keep a lid on the issue. He reminded the head of his analyst section that the incident was classified beyond a need to know security level. That seemed to stimulate more whispers and rumors. Physical evidence of the "incident" remained at the McMurdo Sound research station, locked in the base commander's...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 21

Steve, Mike and Ernesto lay trussed up, bound at the ankles and wrists, arms behind them, in the back of the van. Two bandits sat in the front seats, windows rolled down, watching their Captain with the bare-breasted woman standing beside the Mercedes. One, speaking in Spanish, was making rude comments to the other about the woman's exposed breasts. Steve felt something poking him in the back. He turned his head but was stopped with a wash of pain from the blow he'd taken from the rifle...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 22

Everyone to Punta Arenas "What is our schedule looking like?" Mike asked. "We're supposed to meet your friend Corky and his ocean-going tug on the 30th, right?" "We're right on schedule for that. In fact, we're running ahead of ourselves; it's only a week into September. We don't want to get into Punta Arenas too early, unless you'd care to hunker down in a small hotel room with the wind howling around you for a week or more?" Steve answered. "But something is nagging at me,"...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 23

Escape from Punta Arenas It had been an easy Sunday. The trio checked in to the Santiago airport, presented their customs clearance papers and by 1100 hours were airborne for Puerto Montt, 570 miles south. It was a quick flight on a LAN 737. They'd arrive at 12:35 local time and transfer to an Airbus A320 for the flight to Punta Arenas, 810 miles to the the Straits of Magellan. They'd arrive about 3:30 p.m. Steve called and briefed Corky on their flight connections and arrival time. He'd...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 24

The Director Orders Action If the Director was not a 'happy camper' the day he'd sent Max Saunders and two men into Chile to intercept and arrest the elusive agent Steve Barringer and his companions, he was raving in frustration this day. Half the administration wanted his ass, and the Chilean government wanted his head on a platter. The President refused to take his calls; the White House chief of staff coldly informed the Director, "We will call you when we've something to say to you;...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 25

An Unlikely Ally They sat at a table in the tribal recreation hall. Lunch had been served and the dishes were cleared away and the tables wiped down. The bingo game was a daily activity for the community's older women, widows mostly, with a captive husband seated here and there. "His name was Yavinsky, the police captain told me. He and two of his men were left on foot after the helicopter dropped them to intercept Marie and her companions." John Hawkswing sat with Marie's grandparents...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 26

An Amazing Place Interdictor arrived at McMurdo Sound in the middle of a gale. Her captain ordered the helmsman to heave to, to stand off shore while the expedition leader radioed the base commander. "Commander Blevins," Gunter Hahn called, "this is SeaVire Services expedition aboard Interdictor. I believe you were told to expect us. Is a facility prepared and ready for our security team?" "Ahh, SeaVire Services, be advised that we were not consulted in this matter. If someone had...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 27

The Masi'shen take prisoners "If we send the submersible under the ice to follow the trail, there is no way to send assistance if they run into opposition," Gunter Hahn warned. He, Captain Otto Hartmann, and chief technician Keller sat around the conference table in Captain Hartmann's dayroom. They planned to send the ship's mini-sub to investigate the apparent terminus of the penguin autobahn on the coast of Siple Island. "Yes, it is a difficult decision and a risky situation. But we...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 28

Masi'shen Phone Home Michael saw Dee'rah, her father Jon'na-ren, and others of the Masi'shen ship's council assembled on the ship's bridge, standing to one side of the primary communications and display panels. Several crew were seated at their stations, busy with controls and data screens scrolling symbols and glyphs. Michael-mine, this is such anticipation for us. Our technicians have prepared and installed the new crystals. They told father that they have never seen the equal!...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 29

Back to Sea Steve's face was set in a grim expression when he walked back into the room where Mike and Marie waited. "I just got off the line with my boss—Jameson, the assistant director. Apparently the director has popped his cork. He's issued a pickup order on us, and on me in particular. He wants both of you alive; me, he doesn't care either way. He just wants me brought down, and if that means dead, I guess that's okay with him." Marie looked stricken. Mike was frowning,...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 30

Operation Snowdrop The trio of C-130 transports thundered overhead, dropping down to minimum altitude above the snow field for the big cargo chutes to open before their heavy burden smashed to pieces on impact. A long stream of crates, machinery and fuel bladders poured from the cargo ramps hanging open under their fat bodies, tumbling in the slipstream of the Antarctic air. Chutes popped open like dandelion seed sails, spinning and rocking wildly until they slammed into the hard-packed snow...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 31

Big Eagle's Eggs The old Russian scanned the latest report from his spies on the Interdictor, then settled back into his heavy chair and stared blankly at the far office wall for a few moments, his fingers steepled under his chin. He considered his years of experience dealing with enemies, beginning with the savagely brilliant tactical commanders of the German army. He fought them in his youth when Hitler's armies attacked; his homeland erupted in flames and his friends and family were...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 32

Intercession She did not say where she was going? No, beloved. Only that there is a matter of grave urgency, but we must not follow or interfere. She was most insistent. I fear she conceals some knowledge from us; something that would cause great distress among us. She is capable, and certainly the best informed when dealing with humans and assessing their motives. Take comfort that there is little we could do, even if we did know her mind, mate-beloved. But now I must return to the...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 33

Show time "Everything is set with Viktor's connections? They've set up the website and the streaming video links, and there will be enough server capacity so it won't crash when it gets hit with a tsunami of connections?" Mike asked. "Oh, yes, no doubt. Viktor pulled out all the stops with his contact who owns a huge chunk of the network capacity in the U.S. Apparently the guy doesn't have a clue about what is going to hit the air, but Viktor's pulled a double whammy on the guy. He...

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 34

Bombs Away Studio technicians at Volgograd were feeding a split-screen image combining the Ocean Endeavor's camera view of Mount Siple with a succession of satellite still images of the volcano and the island. Viewers would see side-by-side views, one from the ocean and another from high overhead. "The next satellite is due in fifteen minutes," Steve instructed. "Lee, swing the camera to the east of the volcano and be ready to zoom in. That's where we expect to see the snow eruption....

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Masi shen StrandedChapter 35

Backlash Jon'na-ren, Mike asked, what did we just see? See? Of what do you speak, Michael-ours? When the bombs from the warplanes were falling. There was a glowing dome of something ... energy, or a shield ... that rose up from your ship. But the bombs kept falling. They fell through the shield. We saw no effect until the rays struck them, and caused them to burn? Oh, I understand. Because you saw no effect, you assume the shield failed in its purpose? Not so, Michael-ours. The effect...

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Zhenzhen an InterludeChapter 2

My smile disappeared when I listened to Lindy's messages. The night before I had turned off my cell phone so as not to be disturbed during the divirginization of Zhenzhen. Turning it on made me chuckle. Six thirty am on the phone meant I had been awakened earlier than Lindy must have. I had a feeling my new lover had been extraordinarily patient to wait that long before our morning shower sex. I barely noticed the windows revealed nighttime when I awoke, and the sun just began to lighten...

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Zhenzhen an InterludeChapter 3

I didn't notice falling asleep until my wife woke me up. She and Eva had dressed. I didn't see Zhenzhen. "You need to hurry," said Helena. I nodded, knowing Lindy's command needed to be obeyed. "Zhen's in her room," Helena told me without my asking. "Probably had to eject those oriental sluts and their conquests from her bed before napping. Mei let us know she's dressing." After pissing, and not needing to shower or having the time if I did, I dressed quickly and hurried out to...

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Zhenzhen an InterludeChapter 4

When I awoke, I found myself enclosed by female flesh. Eva and Helena rested along my sides, and Zhenzhen blanketed me. I felt warm of course, and sticky with sweat, but only my bladder made me uncomfortable. "Zhen," I murmured. Her eyes opened and her smile made my heart lurch. "I need to use the toilet." She let me slide out from under her and immediately replaced me between our lovers, facing Helena and getting spooned by Eva, both lovely angels adjusting in their sleep to embrace...

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Zhenzhen an InterludeChapter 5

Of course the Double Q were brilliant. I managed not to fuck up my part in the encore. In fact it was an incredible experience having thousands of eyes focusing on me and my friends. Even more, the audience responded with gasps and laughs at the athletic and intricate choreography, enveloping me further in their attention. Somehow their noise not only didn't distract from the music, but intensified it, almost as if Angelique intended the added sound. Knowing her, she probably...

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Zhenzhen an InterludeChapter 6

The evening dance went just as well as the others. I felt less nervous and more energized by the large, full auditorium. Even the grandness of the place, the gilded opulence, seemed to fill me with energy. As far as the audience, less their reaction, though Lindy's gestural style almost always generates laughter, it was just their presence inspiring me to my best performance yet, which of course isn't saying all that much. But afterwards, after Lindy once again wowed them with her solo...

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Zhenzhen an InterludeChapter 7

Laps needed to be occupied to accommodate the numbers filling the Ambassador's limo when we escaped the Pereire's after-show party. Consuela squirmed in mine while Angelique used Lindy's and of course Michiko had Bob. The only lap of a person not bigger than its occupier, and in fact a tad smaller, was Christa's. Maria sat there, and beside me. "So you met the old patriarch of the family?" I asked her. "You mean Simon?" she responded. "More an honored visitor I think. The Pereires...

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EverywhenChapter 2

[Sunday, July 5th, 2020] Right now, I wanted to play with gambling with this ability for a little while, so I jumped back into the tunnel. Once again I was in the tunnel, facing another end section. The scene on the wall showing my monitor, keyboard, and mouse sitting upon my desk. I figured this would be a good way to leave it as I would probably be back at some point. I headed back down the tunnel to the intersection and considered going back in time to the last time I was in Vegas....

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EverywhenChapter 3

But being an 18 year old me? Now that has some serious potential. In my base timeline, when I was 18 years old (1986) I had just finished up my senior year of High School and I was facing the prospect of finding a job. After graduation, my Mom informed me that I was not going to screw off all summer and she needed me to hit the pavement looking for full-time work. I parlayed a couple of weeks in a trade school machine shop into a job working at a mill and operating a turret lathe at a...

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EverywhenChapter 4

[Friday, June 20th, 1986] Up in my room, I started with setting the box on my bed and pulling things out. I liked a few of the shirts she had in there, so it was good to see them again. I had no interest in the stuffed animals, but maybe Anne would like them. There were a few crystal animals in there, they would probably go to Anne too. One of them did not look familiar to me, hell, it probably came from some other guy. That’s kinda funny actually. I can’t be certain it wasn’t from me, but...

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EverywhenChapter 5

[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] I awoke to the sounds of our next-door neighbors pulling their truck out of the driveway. It was a big Ford F-350 diesel with dual rear wheels and he had a camping trailer hooked up to the rear bumper. His wife was loudly playing spotter for him, and apparently she was making absolutely sure that they took out their mailbox as they pulled out. Much cursing and blame throwing was involved. They were both assholes about it if you asked me. With the windows open it...

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EverywhenChapter 6

[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] As we started up the stairs I warned Kim that my room was in the attic and that there was no A/C up there. I also told her, “We probably should have brought some water to help us avoid heatstroke.” Sadly, I wasn’t kidding much. It gets damn hot up there during a summer day. When we got there she said, “Nice room, but you weren’t kidding, wow it’s hot. We better do this quickly.” She asked me to pull out any clothes I had in dresser drawers that weren’t socks or...

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EverywhenChapter 7

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I woke up and looked over at the alarm clock on my nightstand. It showed 07:55 am. I climbed out of the waterbed and stretched. I was enjoying having this 18-year-old body again. I was still way too thin at this point in my life. I remember my first Military ID showed my weight at 135 pounds. Which was about 10 pounds less than normal for me at the time. Sure, I was a bit of a beanpole, but not quite that bad. I figure all the exercise in basic made me lose more...

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EverywhenChapter 8

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I met Sam back at the table with his lunch. I offered him a choice, “Sweet tea, or Coke?” He opted for the Coke. We shared a side of the picnic table with a comfortable space between us as neither of us wanted to lose the best views. I opened a bag of potato chips and started my questions with, “Well, I guess there is no sense tiptoeing around. Feel free not to answer any questions you feel are too personal and I won’t hold it against you. The personal ones are...

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EverywhenChapter 9

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] Sam sat there staring at either me or the ticket for a good 5 minutes. Eventually, he shook his head and said, “John, my temper can get a little out of hand sometimes. Normally, someone trying to give me a handout would piss me right off, but you’ve managed to kinda blow my mind here. I don’t know if I can make you understand, but I’ll try to explain.” “You see, I need to live my life by certain rules. I won’t lie. I won’t steal. I will earn my keep. That’s it,...

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EverywhenChapter 10

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] Sam and I pulled back into the parking lot at about 6:45 pm. I briefly considered using the valet parking, but as much as I loved my old 626, it would have been embarrassing to pull up behind the Jaguar and Mercedes crowd. Sam and I headed to the valet area anyway and our passes quickly gained us access to the stairwell. When we got to the Lounge we found only about 40 people in the whole place. We didn’t exactly fit in, but it wasn’t the Red Carpet event I half...

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EverywhenChapter 11

[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986] I woke around 6 am and made it into the shower without running into anyone, as I would expect for the time. After getting dressed, I headed to the kitchen and was in the mood to make some breakfast. I had come across a jar of instant coffee the other day and decided to go for it. We were going to have to get a coffee machine soon. This instant coffee stuff was going to be horrible. I put the kettle on the stove to work and started rummaging for food ideas. Two...

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EverywhenChapter 12

[Wednesday, June 25th, 1986] The next thing we knew, the front door was opening, and my mom was home. Fortunately, she spent a little time putting groceries away in the kitchen and pantry. Kim and I had time to get our shirts buttoned up again. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, smashing the volume button and hoping it wouldn’t be deafening when it came on. It wasn’t, and I flipped through the channels until I came to MTV and slowly increased the volume. One video was just...

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EverywhenChapter 13

[Thursday, June 26th, 1986] When I woke up, the alarm clock told me it was nearly 8 am. In case I ran into anyone to or from the shower, I donned a pair of shorts from the laundry hamper to cover myself. I should get myself a decent robe for that. The bathroom was surprisingly free. I took my shower and headed back upstairs to change for the day, carrying my shorts and wrapped in just a towel. I dressed in jeans and one of my new polo shirts. I liked my new wardrobe a lot better than the...

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EverywhenChapter 14

[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] I awoke to the sounds of our next-door neighbors pulling their truck out of the driveway. Damn-it, I forgot about them. I wondered if I could help them out. Let’s find out. I jumped into the tunnel. If the time between sections were roughly two seconds, then that would be 30 sections per minute. 300 sections would be ten minutes. I started moving quickly, but still slow enough to count individual sections. I stopped somewhere after 500 sections. And tried to...

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EverywhenChapter 15

[Sunday, June 22nd, 1986] I woke again to the sunlight coming through the window. Looking at the alarm clock showed me it was almost 7 am. I got up and took my morning shower. After getting dressed for the day, I headed out to the car and made my way to the nearby diner. While I drank the coffee that Carol had poured for me, I considered the menu. Carol soon came back and asked, “So what can I get for you this morning?” I replied, “I think I’ll go with a short stack of pancakes and a side...

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EverywhenChapter 16

[Monday, June 23nd, 1986] I got to Kim’s house right after 7 am, as requested. She had made french toast for all of us. Her mom was still in a nice comfortable robe, but her dad was dressed in a suit for the office where he worked. We all enjoyed the food, and Kim and I left for the mall right after her dad headed out for the day. Our day of shopping went very similarly to the first time, with a couple of notable changes. Kim modeled almost a dozen dresses for me. After she decided on the...

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EverywhenChapter 17

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I woke up and found the Sun shining in my eyes. Looking over to the alarm clock, I saw I had slept in a bit this morning. It was nearly 8 am. I quickly got showered and dressed for the day, but I took special care to shave well and apply a little cologne. I wanted to look nice, and I opted for khakis and a light blue polo. The penny loafers we had purchased went well with them. I grabbed my backpack and headed out to the car. I headed to the diner and grabbed the...

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