Sorrow indian porn

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Ascension Of The Alpha Male Turbulent TimesChapter 5

Helen was resting comfortably in a chair at large dining room table. Karen was seated next to her to keep her company while she sipped a cup of hot soup and ate a few crackers. "I just want to thank you and your family again Karen! It feels so wonderful to be clean again and this soup is just wonderful! Thanks for taking me into your home," Helen told her. "Well you're welcome here as long as you like Mrs. Hatcher. It's a pleasure to actually meet you in person. I just wish the...

1 year ago
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Ascension Of The Alpha Male Turbulent TimesChapter 10

"The plague that brought death to so much of our world has been very difficult to endure," the Wizard paused in mid-sentence for a moment as he surveyed his assembled audience, "not so much because of physical hardships, but instead because of the death of friends and loved ones and the betrayal of others. Those of us outside of China have endured a variety of difficulties while those within China have endured an entirely different set. "You may be wondering to yourself 'for what...

2 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 38

The following morning I got out of bed early, long before Peggy woke up, put on my sweats and running shoes, went outside and began running laps around the outer perimeter of the property. I've always enjoyed the silence of early morning; the stillness that envelopes the world just before sunrise. It reminds me, just a little, of the days before I could link. With only the sound of my feet hitting the ground to distract me I was able to focus on nothing at all, slipping into that no-mind...

2 years ago
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All AloneChapter 3 Depression Again

I was alone, sitting in my recliner. I had just poured two fingers of my medicine over some ice cubes. As I sat there, my mind went back in time. Once again, I started to relive my life with Karen. I recalled the first day I met Karen and how happy we were together. First was the birth of Chelsea, followed by James, and finally Angela. My mind was acting, as if it was a movie projector. I could see our life together, with all the happy times and even some of the sad times. It skipped over...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 77 Haidee

Scarcely had the count's horses cleared the angle of the boulevard, than Albert, turning towards the count, burst into a loud fit of laughter--much too loud in fact not to give the idea of its being rather forced and unnatural. "Well," said he, "I will ask you the same question which Charles IX. put to Catherine de Medicis, after the massacre of Saint Bartholomew, 'How have I played my little part?'" "To what do you allude?" asked Monte Cristo. "To the installation of my rival at...

3 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 104 Danglars Signature

The next morning dawned dull and cloudy. During the night the undertakers had executed their melancholy office, and wrapped the corpse in the winding-sheet, which, whatever may be said about the equality of death, is at least a last proof of the luxury so pleasing in life. This winding-sheet was nothing more than a beautiful piece of cambric, which the young girl had bought a fortnight before. During the evening two men, engaged for the purpose, had carried Noirtier from Valentine's room...

3 years ago
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She was born Elizabeth Margaret Manchester. She'd never known her mother as her mother had died during childbirth. Her father, Edward Manchester became both Father and Mother to her. English immigrants, her grandparents had come over from England at the turn of the century, along with their son Edward, who would one day become her father. Named after both her mother, and her grandmother, her father had nicknamed her "Maggie". The same name he had affectionately called his wife for so many...

2 years ago
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Sex With Cousin Cum Sister In Law

By : Shabab Dear readers this is my first story in ISS. If there any mistake please pardon me.This is a true story of my life.This incident happened two months ago with one of my paternal cousin who is also my sister in law iImean she is one of my cousin’s wife.Her name is beena.I am Shabab 25 years old and studying in MBA.Beena is 27 years old and She is married for the last 3 years and still take no child yet. My cousins I mean beena’s husband name is Saiful and have a business of export and...

2 years ago
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Pure Motherly Sensual Love and Care

Father: Name Rajanna. A very good person. But looked thin and weak. He worked in a lathe cutting factory. Was a d***kard because he will be very tired working in the factory. Even though he was drinking he took care of the house very well. Used to get less salary around Rs. 3 thousand. So it was difficult to maintain the house. Was aged around 30 – 32 Mother Name Shobha. She was also a very decent and soft spoken homely lady. Took care of the house very well. Even though husband brought less...

4 years ago
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Till the End of Time

2 May, 1975 ‘Grace, where am I and what happened?’ she feebly uttered as she tried to focus on the woman who softly held her hand. Her neighbor Grace Swanson squeezed her hand as she sought to reply, ‘Maddie, when the Navy Chaplain and the other officer informed you of Alex’s death you fainted. They tried to get you conscious but you didn’t respond so they called the ambulance. You’re in the hospital for 24 hours for observation.’ Maddie’s stomach suddenly knotted up and the horrible anguish...

2 years ago
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The Intern Ch 07

After the front door shut a hushed stillness filled the room. I sat for long minutes re-living moments from the day while Rose’s head still rested on my thigh and I idly played with her hair. Eventually something, I’m not sure what, brought me back to reality and I nudged Rose back to wakefulness.“Come and sit up on my knee,” I told her. A little shakily she managed to get up and did so and snuggled into my arms. “Have you enjoyed your day?”“Most of it, Miss. I love what you bought me.”“You...

2 years ago
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A Goth s Story

A Goth's Story By Sable Chapter 1: The Club It's sunny outside, according to the newspaper. If I listen closely, I think I can hear the shouts of children. I used to hate children, strange the things you miss when they are taken away from you. It's dark in here. The only light is from the two large candles, mounted in two twisted iron candleholders, either side of me. There is just enough light for me to write by, my ink pen scratching on this coarse paper. In these stolen...

2 years ago
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Joan s Room Chapters 21 and 22

Chapter 21 Showdown I slept fitfully all night long. I awoke several times to reality during the night and had a very difficult time trying to get back to sleep. Finally, I gave up and dragged myself off of my makeshift bed. Lying there served no useful purpose. I never thought I could feel for another human being what I felt for the unborn fetus in Sam's womb. I just had to find some way to protect that baby. This wasn't a hypothetical woman...

3 years ago
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Rape at Sea

RAPE AT SEA I have been in the US Navy for 24 years and am considered a crusty old sailor.At 43 years old, I am twice the age of a lot of the men as the military ismade up of mostly 18 to 24 year olds. I am a Master Chief Petty Officer whichis the highest rank an enlisted person can achieve. When the Navy announcedthey were going to allow women on combat ships, I was mad as hell. Being ?oldschool? I felt a war ship was no place for females. Having just returned froma 6 month deployment which...

2 years ago
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The Sweetest Treat

The Sweetest TreatPounding music in my car after pounding keys at work. Tonight I drove home under the weather. I had my stereo turned up and window wound down. Tired, I didn't like the trash I listened to anyway, but I would hear myself think if it were silent. So long as I did not think, I could pretend I was not lonely.The red lights dimmed lazily against the dark sky and this morning's spent coffee fell from the dashboard as I revved away."I'm going home. I'm going to bed," I promised to...

3 years ago
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Writer s Block An A Muse ing tale

A muse is a fickle creature. Mine, especially. There have been times when I've been overwhelmed with the ideas the muse has dredged out of my sub-conscious... and then there are times where the damned thing has galivanted off for so long, you fear the inspiration is gone forever. But the love of a muse has kept many a writer going for years, and I credit mine for healing a hole in my soul I didn't know I even had. As I work in my computer room, staring at my monitor blankly, the half written...

3 years ago
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A Question of Time Ch 04

Maggie wasn’t thinking about anything. Friends, work, stress, worries, cares, troubles, fears, all of them gone. She just lay there, focusing on the sensations of pleasure as she gently drifted on hypnotic currents, her mind sinking down, deeper and deeper, unable to move, unable to think, unable to resist…she could hear a voice speaking to her, and it felt so good to do what the voice said. So good. So relaxing to not think, to just do as she was told like a good girl, and obey instructions....

4 years ago
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Maxi discovers Viagra

I couldn’t be bothered by guessing games just then so I retorted “A big turd in the toilet?” Without pause she retorted “Not since you got out of it.” I hooked the water hose up to the faucet “What do you want?” She held out a closed fist “Dad left some pills in the bathroom, is this what I think it is?” she opened her hand to show me what she had. A big blue pill, kind of fat in the middle with round pointy ends. “The bottle didn’t have a label but I think this is Viagra.” That arrested...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 Lance Oxley left the prison as he had started, alone, clothed in his plaid shirt, white t-shirt and ripped jeans. He had lost a little weight, but they still fit even all this time. Why the prison still held onto his clothes was beyond him. In his pockets he had $172 and loose change, a plastic toothpick, and a key chain with two keys, a rabbit’s foot and a silver bottle opener. After 24 years locked away he was not prepared for what the world had to offer. He was regarded as a bad...

3 years ago
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Your smile was so sinister, so seductive, so mine. I hate you, yet I can never leave you. You keep me locked up yet I never try to leave. You’ve twisted my mind, my body, my soul. You have twisted me into an image of you, a sick, twisted, poorly formed image of you. You told me they would never come. You lied. They came, but you killed them while I was forced to watch. You killed my family, my friends, my angels, my saviors. I watched them fall, crumble, and break. I heard them call out for me....

3 years ago
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For Love or Friendship

I’ve known her for so long. It seems almost too long. Yet if I sat down and thought about it, it’d only be four or five years, six at the most. Hardly a lifetime, yet we are still young. For us it feels longer. Friends are hard to come by at the best of times, but to find a friend that your at ease with and you can rely on, perhaps even trust your life with, is even rarer. I was lucky enough to find her. Back when I was fourteen, when I was needy and scared about the changes I was going...

2 years ago
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Possessions of a Father

Syeira and Rawnie Lacatus watched in silence as their father’s linen wrapped body was carried toward his wagon. The two young women held onto each other, moving as one behind the men that carried the last male of the Lacatus family, Ion Lacatus. Few words were spoken by the leader of the caravan as the burly men of the troupe climbed the steps into the vardo, a brightly painted and carved wagon. They laid the lifeless body on Ion’s empty pallet. No words were given to the girls as the majority...

4 years ago
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Agent of Lilith Chapter 12

"Ughh, Lilith…" "Fuck, James, I'm so fucking close! Don't stop!" "Lilith, I'm cumming!" Moans and groans echoed through the Temple of Venus as James and Lilith made love. The perfumed air was heavy with sexual energy, and the two lovers emitted such powerful auras of lust that the very ground seemed to quake beneath them as they fucked. On their usual collection of opulent cushions, Lilith sat in James' lap, bouncing wildly on his cock. Her arms rested on his broad shoulders and...

2 years ago
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Embracing Cold Death

What follows is a dark fantasy medieval tale that may be a little too harsh for sensitive people at some parts. But I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. (If you do, leave me a comment with your thoughts about it.) *That may contain some grammatical errors, since I'm not an native English speaker - more of a self-taught trying to look good out here. Point me out what you find if you please. Thank you.* **This text is subject to copyright protection and has been registered...

4 years ago
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A Visitor at the Door

As the driving rain smote his window, Joseph felt a chill in his spine. This was not the chill of a cold, wintry night. This was a chill he had felt many times before. ‘He’s coming,’ Joseph thought to himself. For a moment, Joseph thought he would flee as he had done so many times before. It had, in fact, become a natural instinct, a reflex action that he simply performed without ever knowing why. He was found, he fled, he was found, he fled…Sometimes he outwitted his adversary, others he...

3 years ago
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Count Not the Years

Aelfric held his elbows pinned to his sides, his face impassive. As king, he could never show weakness, never give such succor to his foes. Worse, it would worry his wife and shame his son. He would be strong for them. Flete walked ahead, leading Aelfric’s horse by the reins. ‘Not much farther.’ ‘In distance-‘ Aelfric gathered his breath against the fire in his gut. ‘Not… not in time, not at the… pace you keep.’ ‘If I had known a little spear poke would quench your boasting, I’d have tried...

4 years ago
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Slowly, painfully I push myself up from my knees, then moving in almost robotic form, I help my wife of 6 ½ years to stand with me, leaving the small white box that was so starkly contrasted against the green grass to it’s own fate. Memories of the life that box contained rose up in my mind like a tidal wave, reminding me of just how natural that contrast had been in her life. The news of a pregnancy in a family is normally greeted with happiness and joy. However, when her mother and I found...

3 years ago
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Motel Week Ending 1

*** "...of the total number of baryons predicted by Big Bang nucleosynthesis, as inferred from density fluctuations..." there was a knock at the door. Newlyn had been studding again. He did this when ever he could. It started about eighteen years ago as a cooping technique to deal with the pain of his greatest regret. As part of this he had next to no social life so, the knock at the door was a surprise to him. The only time any one ever knocked on his door was for mail but, Newlyn could...

3 years ago
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Manya Forbidden Lust

While peeing, she let out a shudder of relief as some of the accumulated horniness found alternate release. But only some of it. Stepping out and in the same scant attire she moved to the main door to collect the morning milk. Opening the door, she bent to pick up the milk and in the process her full breasts spilled out to form a delectable cleavage. From the corner of her eye she saw the milkman’s bicycle parked in the compound and realized that he was still around and was perhaps waiting for...

2 years ago
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Wood A Tale of Longing

Beneath the heavens was a most voluptuous of women, her massive body thick and wildly curvy, her gigantic breasts entire mountains undo themselves while her exposed vulva created a most grand of canyons between a pair of luscious thighs; her rich brown skin had become dry and sensitive from an endless heat that had spawned inside her and now raged across her surface to ignite a perpetual inferno as her aura. As the clouds filtered the father's seed a mighty downpour was created, showering...

4 years ago
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Last Ride of the Dragonbride

She had slept in her saddle the night before, exhausted after leaving the earth of the battlegrounds soaked in blood. The king of Haedell had called for the Dragonbrides, begging the aid of their mounts against the unsurmountable hordes of rebels that had backed him into a corner, lead by his own former general. The man was as skilled in tactics and strategy as his former liege was lacking in them, and his advantage had been great. It had taken all day to lay waste to the rebel legions,...

2 years ago
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My best friend Part 2

I woke up to my usual routine of getting ready and making sure I had my homework in my backpack. As I left my house I heard my mom call for me. “Don’t forget your permission slip that your father signed for you so you can return to the football squad.” I quickly grabbed the slip my mom held out for me. “Thanks mom.” My mom smiled at me and simply stated, “Have a good day at school hun.” I smiled back and walked my normal route to school. The entire walk I prayed to myself hoping that...

2 years ago
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Seducing the Shrink Ch 08

Dueling Desires Session Six Ava stared blankly at the clock, feeling the weight of each second settle into her body. Anxiety rushed through her when she realized that in exactly one hour she would be sitting across from Dr. Prescott. Everything had changed since their last session. She understood everything with renewed clarity, but there was a war waging inside her. Ms. Ambani had given her the freedom and acceptance that she had spent a lifetime striving for, and for the first time ever,...

2 years ago
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The Awakening Ch 1

‘There is a meeting today in the evening, Reshma, in DeeCee Manor. I would like you to take the assignment and come with me. Dr. Roshan and his wife will be waiting for us in the restaurant.’ I nodded my accent and sighed. Anthony was a man and the GM of the software concern I was working as a consultant. He would naturally assume that it will be alright for a junior employee to accompany him in the evening to a hotel, but Mrs.Bhargavi Sudarshan, my darling mother, will shoot me right in the...

3 years ago
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The Bird and the Bucket

Well, I suppose you already know me, don’t you? No? Of me then? Possibly. And if you only know of me, then you are probably just a little confused as to who I am, or at least interested, or at least bored enough to allow me to introduce myself. But where would the fun be if I just spoke through this all? So I shall tell you that my name is, Abby, and let you witness the rest first hand. Shall we start from the beginning? Why not, we started in the middle last time. Next time we might even...

1 year ago
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Forever Chp 2

  I had become the protector of a small colony, the last human survivors that I could find within a 1000 mile radius. In that time I had learned of the event that took place, the one that destroyed 99% of humanity and most importantly, took my love from me as far as I knew. In my search of knowledge of the event I pieced together what had happened to my own self. My first encounter with survivors happened nearly a month after my encounter with the swarm. Looking back it was...

3 years ago
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For our one-month anniversary, Alyssa had bought me this stupid little ceramic bear. He fit in the palm of your hand, nothing big, nothing fancy. He was a cutesy little affectation, not like a real bear, but more like a ceramic version of a teddy bear. He was sitting on his butt, an ice cream cone in his little hand, or paw, whatever you wanted to call it. He had a little dopy smile on his face, little yellow bow tie, tied around his neck. We had been out at a carnival, and she had seen it at...

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Dragon Clans Bk 02 Pt 05

Blood was pooling in Nicholas’ palm, slowly running in rivulets down his wrist and across the wooden tabletop. He sat in an excellent reproduction of a Louis XXI chair while the elegant period table was slowly stained crimson. Peter Styverson’s lifeless body lay at his feet. His chest rendered open with a fist-sized hole just under the sternum, his heart dropped haphazardly on the floor before his open, sightless eyes. Once again Michael had slipped through Nicholas’ fingers, once again a...

4 years ago
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Blood of the Clans Ch 10

Colin MacDonnell rode with haste through the countryside towards the attacking MacRae’s. It was his duty to watch them and ride back when they started to march for Donan. Having lived, travelled and hunted in the area all his life, he knew the best route to take and where he could safely watch them without being spotted. It was his deepest hopes as he prayed, that he could live through this night and return to his wife and family, alive and well. He’d seen the results of battle with Claymores...

3 years ago
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The Prophecy Ch 5

This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read the previous chapters to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and has more interesting magical twists to come. Please note that all characters in this story are 18 years or older. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. I apologize for how long...

4 years ago
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Diane s descipline methods Pt 1

“Mark! I hope to God you haven’t just been loafing around the whole day.” She said, her voice sounding slightly agitated but mostly exhausted. “Common mom, can I at least get a decent greeting before you start busting my balls?” He said in his usual moaning voice that she had grown quite sick of over the past few years. “Look son.” She began as she walked into the room and sat on his bed before continuing. “I know you feel like you have just finished high school recently but it...

2 years ago
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The Mystery of Misty

She was always there. Day after day, at the same time, at the same street, and walking the same confident way. Her strides were long; her back was straight; her long brunette hair was either in a ponytail or swaying about in the wind. She oozed class and sophistication.  I never saw her in jeans, slacks or shorts, always in various designer skirts or dresses. Top of the line shoes adorned her feet from pumps, to sandals, to six inch high heels.I could always tell when she had important business...

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My Wedding night 1

Zachary is seven years older than me and ever since my father died he has been cousin big brother, and father to me. I love my cousin dearly, more than anyone else in the world, except Greg. I chose July 16th for my wedding because it was Zach’s 30th birthday. Zachary didn’t like Greg much, he told me more than once that Greg was a womanizing asshole and he was only using me. I didn’t want to hear that, I loved Greg deeply and I knew without a doubt he loved me as much. I fought...

4 years ago
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The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 5

It was 4 pm when I woke up. My Sleeping Beauty was looking so cute, that I didn't want to wake him up. Besides, I had some preparations to make, and Peaches was sleeping for good. I gently lifted him off my chest and laid him on a deewan. The Mantra of my life has been one- live your young life at the fullest, and I was going to prepare for that. I took my wallet and car keys to go shopping for tonight, but then stopped on my track. The shadow that appeared in the hospital ward. I...

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Prom Night 1

I was devastated. I lay on my bed and sobbed tears of sorrow as I looked at the ball gown hanging on my closet door. I don’t know if I cried for him, his grandmother or myself. Maybe all three. I’d been dating Steve for 8 months, almost the entire last year of school and we were both looking forward to the Prom. It was the night we were going to consummate our relationship. I’d fended off his advances for months but I promised him in a moment of heated petting on my 18th birthday that...

2 years ago
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Body of a Man Mind of Machine The Series

Just a reminder: Light of Hellfire has been published, and the updated version, Hellsteel, features all new characters, monsters, and themes, and has an overall much deeper storyline. You can find it on Amazon. I've also published stories from my previous account, The Man of Sin and My Dear Sweet Slave. Buy a copy today! Body Of A Man, Mind Of A Machine Chapter One: Somalia, one of the poorest and most chaotic countries in the world, sits at the Horn of Africa, when at...

4 years ago
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Expect the Unexpected Discovering His Mother

viceofchoice * * * * * Scott was a typical high school senior. His grades were good, though not outstanding. He participated in sports, but was by no means the star player. He had an after-school job, but it wasn’t anything extravagant. Despite this rather average lifestyle, he was comfortable. Perhaps one day he’d step life up a notch, but for now, he was content just balance education and recreation. The only thing Scott really lacked, he decided, was a girlfriend. Most of...

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Body of a Man Mind of Machine Chapter One

Chapter One: Somalia, one of the poorest and most chaotic countries in the world, sits at the Horn of Africa, when at one time it was a beacon of the worldwide shipping economy. It now suffers from an ongoing civil war, between the struggling government and the Islamist group Al-Shabaab. In the capital city of Mogadishu, piracy thrives in the chaos as people struggle to survive the violence and turmoil. In essence, it is perfect for someone with certain needs. A strange sound to...

4 years ago
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Strict rules of engagement

It had been an unusually hot afternoon considering summer hadn’t yet started. Brody stared out the window as he sat in history class, the monotonous sound of Mr. Filk droning on had been washed out in Brody’s mind by the sound of the birds chirping outside. If he didn’t know any better, he could’ve sworn they were in the middle of summer. Brody’s day dreaming had been rudely interrupted by a piece of crumpled up paper hitting the right side of his face. As he snapped back to reality he...

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The Succubae Seduction 2 The Twins Chapter 10 1

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 10 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Before It’s Too Late The air swirled around Shelly as hands flung her into the cell. Striking the back wall would have hurt a lot less if she could have shifted into a shield. Her metal surface would have clattered against the cement floor instead of her shoulder. Instead, nausea swamped her as she attempted the change. She felt too weak to crawl to a corner and vomit. It took most of her...

3 years ago
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Not my Redheaded Sister

Written by Hard93 Let me start by saying your honor, in a few months I will graduate from high school. I have completed my classes this semester. Although I do not think I will continue with my education not that I really need. You see I am independently wealthy, and have enough money to live extremely comfortably, unless something goes wrong with the economy. I guess that really does not matter except for the fact I can support the three of us, if that is one of the deciding factors...

3 years ago
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Revenge pt 3 The Double Bluff

I ran my fingers through my hair. I felt panicked. I didn't know what to say to her. I turned on my lamp, jumping back in pain and surprise as the light burned into my eyes. I covered them with my arm and lay back in bed. There was another knock, a little louder. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I couldn't let her leave. I waited a few seconds, before saying; "Yeah?" Jessica entered almost shyly, closing the door behind her. She was wearing a grey t-shirt that fell...

4 years ago
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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part 4

Cheers, Steelkat Part 4 Get up! No use moping; crying will get you nowhere. I push myself off of the wet rock, slipping and scraping my arm as I struggle to control my shaking body. Focusing on the icy pain, I encase my heart with that same cold, feeling it harden and add steel to my reserve. It seems silly, but blaming Asmodeus for this latest injury makes it easier for me to envision hating him. He did this to me. While I haven’t quite managed hate just yet, I feel some...

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Chaos pt 0 7

PROLOUGE ”Did you bring the gem?” asked the hooded man. “Yes, here” answered the bum and handed over the purple-black gem. As it touched the hooded mans mutated, twisted hand, it suddenly rose and started to glow pitch black and the man rose with it, mutating into a chaos giant. The bum had a terrified look in his face. “You said you would spare this world!!” he shouted in despair. The giant laughed from the bottom of his stomach as he grew bigger, and his right arm became a blurry...

3 years ago
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My first time with Joe 0

If you want to read the shorter version I wrote on a previous account go to the link below: By the time I was 21, I had moved out of my old house and into a flat just outside of Birmingham City Centre, it wasn't much but for me, it was home. A place to call my own. A place where I could cross-dress freely without fear of getting caught out with a dildo in my ass. For the first week or so I didn't venture out much, unless I...

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Captured During War Chapter 2

Then I heard a voice,“Hey bitch, don’t bother trying to break loose. You won’t succeed.” The instance I heard the voice, I jerked my neck as a reflex to see the person. My face immediately smashed onto the floor again, there must be something tied around my neck to the ground. I groaned and weep faintly on recalling what had happen. My panties was still in my mouth and it was saturated with my saliva. I smelt the air around me, there was a scent of liquor and wood in the air. I must be...

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my gift pt 2

"come on John lets go!" Violet called from the car. we were about to leave for a weekend get away in Hollywood. our plans were already in play when it happened. my father must have been mad at me or something because as soon as we got off the airplane all hell started breaking lose. the plane we had just recently gotten off blew up. the sky turned red. the driver of our cab's head exploded. Violet was freaking out. i was frightened but i didn't stop to think for a second. everything...

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Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 2

He had been sitting at home enjoying the chance to watch a teen flick filled with tits, booze and stupidity when he heard the phone ring, he casually lifted himself off the couch and made his way over to the cream phone that was hanging on the wall, he picked up the receiver and placed it against his ear as he made a small giggle because of the events on the TV. “Hello.” He said awaiting an answer. “Hello is this Charles Wesner?” The voice sounded serious and to the point. “It is.” Charles...

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Ranchland Chapter 9

Amy woke to an empty bed, and a hidden fear snaked through her dawning consciousness. She’d gotten used to waking every morning to the warmth of her uncle Ben’s body caressing and pleasuring her, sensuously introducing her to the new day. This morning though, he wasn’t behind her, holding her close to him as he filled her with his massive masculinity, or luxuriously lapping at her own femininity. She felt alone and deserted, and a wave of panic swept over her. “Ben?” she called out. “Where...

1 year ago
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Nigger Life

I was sitting at a rundown bar, having a drink when she caught my eye. White girl, early 20’s, a little overweight, hanging out with another girl. Jen, as I later found out, was barefoot, with black heels on the floor next to her bar stool. I must have been daydreaming, staring at her feet as next thing I know, she walked up to me and said, “you have a problem, my feet hurt”. She was very rude, talking down to me, you could tell she had been drinking. I couldn’t help but look down at her...

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Thaxter Jones Special Extreme Unrated Edition

And if you think both my tales were fucked up by themselves, you ain’t seen nothing yet. “I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.”- Winston Churchill So you’ve stumbled upon my autobiography huh oh well bugger on you fucking wanker. Feel the smooth coarse leather bound cover of my story excellent texture don’t you think? I thought so myself so you’ve happened upon my book but the question I ask is where did you...

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“it's just a fiction. Please don't even think to solve your problems in this way .Kids can't pay for adult's mistakes” English isn't my mother language so I hope you will forgive me about grammars and word's errors. Andrew woke up in his bed. He was in need to pee so he went out for go to toilette. The strange taste of the coke Mr Morris, or Jo, as he allowed him to call just while they were at home. gave him was still in his mouth and made him cough. Were still vivid in his mind...

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Amish No More Chapter 3

A point of clarification, I mentioned earlier that after Maud's Tribunal I made no claim on her person. On paper Maud is the community property of the Sanctorum. For practical purposes she is now Arthur's personal secretary... perhaps his lover. She is also a cook and housekeeper on occasion and Maud is forever a slave. As community property it is my right to have Maud if I so desire as may any Master or Grand Master. Maud has been with Arthur these past four months and before that...

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Kari s first tender time

This particular lemon contains material unsuitable for 1 year old Polynesian penguins. If you’re a penguin and from Polynesia, don’t read this lemon. Chapter 0: It hurts where I pee but not because I need to pee It was just a day to 18th birthday of Kari. Today she had finally reached her long waited moment as she had promised to TK that on the eve of her birthday, the two would get married. For now though, she and her friends were gathered to a huge party at her home done for her as they...

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Land Sea Sex Safari

Bulon-Lae Island. After dinner, we had our drinks and enjoyed the show and music. Then Wendy says she wants to go to her room and take bath. She left us in the restaurant. After sometime, Roy decides to go back to the room. On the way, Roy told me, “Do you want to fuck Wendy.” I was surprised, look at him, and said, “Why? Will she let me do it?” Roy replies and says he has no problem but he has to talk to his wife. He tells me to wait in my room and if his wife says OK, he will tell her to go...

4 years ago
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Jamaican Beauties Jaunt Ch 01

Chapter 1 — Beginnings: Their love of Jamaica brought them together. Introduction: A naïve, insecure, and inhibited 26-year-old, mulatto, Jamaican woman trying to get over her European boyfriend who cheated on and then dumped her, goes online and meets a mature, sophisticated, and experienced 41-year-old Caucasian American man who recently separated from the woman he believes was his last hope for happiness. They soon bond with one another through their common love for the beauty of Jamaica....

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K T LLC Ch 05

Author’s note: This section contains a graphic depiction of a very dangerous bondage scene. If you are at all squeamish, please skip the last chapter. There is a plot summary following the chapter. Chapter 11 — Old Friends and New Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: What can anyone say about the trip to New York. Maybe it would be that it was to Brooklyn, not Manhattan. Maybe that it was to a warehouse, not anyplace fancy. Maybe that Aunt Francine owned it through her production company. My...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 01

Chapter One Ivory tugged aside the curtain of mammoth hide that was all there was to secure the relative warmth inside the tepee from the chill wind. She crawled outside and stood upright in the bulky furs that muffled her body from hooded top to swaddled toe. She needed reprieve from the dark distress that was overwhelming her during her bedside vigil. Inside the tepee lay prone the fur-covered body of her mother who was exhaling her last few painful dying breaths. There had been no warning,...

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Cruise Ship Cuckold Ch 05

I was worried about Angel. She had not come back from the Captain’s Dinner and it was late. Suddenly the phone rang. ‘Hello Darling!’ It was my precious Angel. ‘Listen my love,’ She continued, ‘I want to play a game. Are you willing?’ ‘Of course baby, anything you say.’ I replied relived that she was safe. ‘In my black bag you will find four pairs of handcuffs and a ball gag. Go and get them.’ My first inclination was to ask her where she was, who she was with, and when will she be coming...

4 years ago
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Brian s Adventures Ch 16

Tightening The Noose On the march back to Greatfoot I could tell that most of the troops were happy to be on their way to a hot meal and a soft bed. Some felt as Chezeleste did, that they were leaving unfinished business behind them and regretted leaving under such circumstances. Others simply didn’t care one way or the other, to them this was simply another order to follow, another place to march to. But mostly it was a quiet march with a bunch of tired and weary guards that could definitely...

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Forsaken Ch 03

‘The scars indeed run deep, cursed are those who know, damned. The secrets we keep, the mysteries we seek, the tears we weep, the blood we have shed and blood we’ve spilled for crimes not committed. A terrible cycle of fear and resentment, lost within the pain we seek to hide. Learning too late the bitter consequences: our self-destructive demise. Locking away the memories, which hurt, then ourselves for being hurt. Realizing at last we are alone, though can’t remember why. Don’t know what went...

2 years ago
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Cupid s Kiss Ch 01

Author’s Note: The classic tale of Cupid & Psyche’s love thwarted by Aphrodite, but with some modern twists & characters. The pen scratched on the plain white sheets. Black words drew permanent lines and curves in straight lines. Big scientific words described her to be raving mad, words that negated her experience held her imprisoned in a sterile world devoid of human attachment and warmth. Broken nails scratched the table creating a grating noise that drew a pair of stony hazel eyes to...

4 years ago
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Crystal Passion Ch 13

There’s a lot I simply can’t remember that happened in the following few days we were stranded in Rock Hill. My attention was almost entirely focused on my overwhelming sense of grief. I was completely disconnected from the many events swirling around me. I guess I was hoping that Crystal might still be alive and would magically appear from somewhere. And when it was established that Crystal had been murdered at almost exactly the time that Judy Dildo made her brief appearance at the Penitence...

4 years ago
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Betrayal Ch 06

When her eyes fluttered open, Derek was sitting next to her, wiping her forehead with a damp face cloth. ‘What happened?’ ‘You fainted.’ ‘I did?’ ‘You did.’ ‘I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to.’ Derek leaned down and kissed Emma’s wet forehead. ‘Hush. It was the most wonderful thing you could have done.’ ‘How come the bed is all wet?’ ‘That’s you, too, I’m afraid. That last orgasm was a wet one. You squirted again. A real gusher.’ Emma was completely embarrassed and hid her face behind her...

4 years ago
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Blood of the Clans Ch 08

Grayson and his men were also up before the sun broke over the mountain peaks. Breaking camp and mounting up, they followed River Sheil to the mouth and turned west, to ride along the shore to a narrow crossing of Strath Duich, shallow enough for them to traverse it. They were just making their way along the coast of Loch Duich, when the sound of cannon fire broke the misty morning silence, sending wildlife fleeing from their safe positions. Grayson knew immediately that the battle had started,...

2 years ago
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Blood of the Clans Ch 32

Argus looked at the guests and raised his hands, motioning for them to calm themselves. He could see they were still upset over what he had just told them. ‘Okay, okay, ye’s can all hang me up and flog me fer telling such a horrid thing as that and breaking my promise, but noo ye’s know why things had tae change. Like I said, yer glad they things don’ne happen the noo, aren’t ye? Those people felt the same, but it was part of their daily lives and as ye’ve just heard, it was a day that...

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Charmed to the Tenth Ch 04

The next morning, Eva felt him with her before she became aware of herself. She yawned and stretched. A happy contented sigh escaped. She heard him chuckle. ‘Now wouldn’t it have been better if we were waking up together?’ ‘Mmmm, but we are together.’ Eva purred. ‘What time is it?’ ‘Don’t change the subject. 6:00 in the morning, God, you’re a difficult woman to pin down. What is your last name, what is your phone number, when can I see you in the flesh? Tell me all that right now before...

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Second Half of Life

CDR Jeremiah Fielding wandered around the Officer’s Club shaking hands and slapping backs. This was the base’s monthly ‘Hale and Farewell’ party—a party to welcome incoming Officer’s and say good bye to those leaving. He felt sorrow, nostalgia and yes, even a little fear at the future he was facing. He had been in the Navy for just over 24 years. Tomorrow he would be a civilian again for the first time since he was 18 years old and he left home for the Naval Academy. He knew it was time to...

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Sky s the Limit Ch 03

They were still in bed, and Sky had her head on Dev’s stomach, blowing soft little whooshes of breath on his skin to make his body hair stir. His fingertips slipped lazily through her hair and across her cheekbone. She kissed his belly button and rolled off the bed. He watched her stretch, clad only in her peaches and cream birthday suit, arms over head, back arched, breasts lifting as she pushed up on her tiptoes, sighed languorously and came back down. ‘Tease,’ he said accusingly. ‘Who,...

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Lord Reynard s Fancy Ch 07

Thanks to every loyal reader who’s hung around while I’ve been ill. Chapter Seven is finally here and Chapter Eight is coming. Please remember to vote, and comments are always welcome. I deeply appreciate politely phrased and constructive criticism! Hope you enjoy some sexual action at last! * Lilac rose and carried the slumbering Nan to her own chamber and bed, a treat she often bestowed on the orphans. When she returned she looked bowed down by a weariness Sir Reynard had never seen in her...

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Tattletale The Aftermath

Edited by the incomparable ‘Wires’ as was TATTLETALE. To my eternal shame I failed to annotate TATTLETALE to credit Wires for his assistance. I hope he forgives me. His efforts have improved all my stories he has edited and this one is no different. Emily sat at the table crying while she watched her husband and best friend walk from the restaurant quietly talking together. Pete had his arm around Vicky’s shoulders as she leaned into his embrace. Ryan started after Pete, striding angrily. He...

1 year ago
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Love s A Funny Thing

My absolute best friend, ever. She was, well, perfect. We’d known each other since we were kids, everyone always said we’d end up married with kids of our own, well, they said that till I came out that is. She was the first person I plucked up the courage to come out to, of course. I remember it as though it were yesterday. I was so nervous. We were sitting together on her bed after school watching a movie, I had been planning to tell her for three week, plucking up the courage, then suddenly...

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MC 125 Ch 14

The following month John and Samantha saw more of one another, scheduling what time they could around their busy lives to be together. Brianna also saw more of John as Samantha now called on him more often to take care of her when she had a late night at the office. Things were moving along wonderfully until John again broached the subject of running more tests on Samantha. “Just drop it, John,” she answered him for the third time emphatically as she shuffled around paperwork. “I’m not going...

3 years ago
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Paul Carter looked across the driveways separating his – well, his parent’s – house from Brooke MacDonald’s house. He looked across a gulf as wide as his imagination, a chasm that had divided him from his impossible-to-endure one and only very-first-true-love. He had fallen in love with Brooke MacDonald the very first time he had laid eyes on her, which was, unfortunately, in third grade. Paul Carter could not remember one single day in grade school, junior high, or high school that he hadn’t...

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Eleanor Ch 14

‘Ragnar, we were wondering how long it would take you!’ Nikolai jumped from the rocks smiling before shaking Ragnar’s hand. Lowering his voice, Nikolai tried to keep his anger and apprehension from showing. ‘Where is my brother?’ ‘He is coming soon Nikolai.’ ‘And he brings the female?’ Ragnar glanced quickly at Nikolai, an expression of shock crossing his face before his usual calm returned to him. ‘What do you know of her?’ ‘I know that Bruni told me the contract had to be fulfilled.’...

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100 Years

Lying here in the ICU, I’m barely conscious. Nearly in a coma, I can still see and hear the things buzzing around here. The nurses, walking in and out of hospital rooms, checking on patients, seeing if they need anything. The sounds of people, crying, praying for their loved ones to still be alive, the bright fluorescent lights everywhere, shining brightly on someone in my room. That person was Stacy. Stacy… I could tell how hard this was on her. I remember the time I first met her. As cliched...

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24 hours 5 years 10 months Ch 06

‘It has gotten better for us in the last couple of weeks Genevieve. These counseling sessions have made a big difference. As you know, we’ve been doing the homework you assigned. Both Jim and I have calmed down quite a bit and it’s feeling so much better.’ ‘That’s right. Marie’s been wonderful. I think that she’s finally feeling that I’m here for real. And that I’m starting to see her other side too. She’s starting to feel free to be who she is again. Me too. Pulling back and having us start...

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The Double Bluff

I ran my fingers through my hair. I felt panicked. I didn’t know what to say to her. I turned on my lamp, jumping back in pain and surprise as the light burned into my eyes. I covered them with my arm and lay back in bed. There was another knock, a little louder. I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I couldn’t let her leave. I waited a few seconds, before saying; ‘Yeah?’ Jessica entered almost shyly, closing the door behind her. She was wearing a grey...

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Razor Ch 05

As a parent, constant worrying about your children was part of the job description, were they happy, doing okay in school, did they have friends and on and on. But knowing that something was wrong, really wrong, in their lives created a new sort of worry. It made working and sleeping difficult and it made thinking about other people’s problems almost impossible. And then, the revelations about my sister, sweet Wendy, and the uncorking of that particular bottle of repressed feelings made the...

4 years ago
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The Couple

From the author: As has occurred frequently In my last several tales I give my respects and devotions to Lady_Silver for her correction of my stupid mistakes, and her kindly suggestions, to RedHairedandFriendly for her kind guidance and suggestions when I painted myself into a corner, and to Barbara for her astute comments. Blame every failing on me. Long after my wife died from sepsis caused by complications from her ovarian cancer I wrote, ‘Waltzing With Jean,’ my tribute to the love of my...

3 years ago
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Not My Type Felicity Ch 05

It’s a long one! Settle in and enjoy! xo firstkiss I woke up long before the first ray of sunshine streaked across my bedroom floor. The excitement of this particular Saturday made it impossible to sleep any longer. For a brief moment, I contemplated going over to the shop for a few hours. The hydraulic lift had been acting up again and it needed tinkering. I decided against it though, it had been much too long since I had a day off and I deserved one. So I got up and threw my robe on. The...

4 years ago
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Sexuality Lost Found

Sharon had been afraid that day in the shower. She was afraid when she made the appointment. Doctor Chin’s cold hands had poked and squeezed, and brought to mind her manner of selecting a ripe tomato from its siblings in a grocery display. The monotone explanation and discussion did nothing but fan the flames that licked at her sanity into a raging inferno of absolute terror. Her drive to the quiet Chicago suburb was made in a slow motion mixture of unconscious mechanical control of the sedan...

3 years ago
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Neighborly Affection Ch 01

The warmth of the July sun baked into her skin as 31 year old Daniela Montreux lay on her teak lounger. She was relaxing next to her in-ground pool. Dani was exhausted after a long week at work. She had her cane with her due to the muscle fatigue. She hated looking at it so she lay on the ground next to her. She decided to soak up some rays wearing nothing. She was tired of being safe and subdued. Even sun bathing nude here was safe due to her new privacy fence. Sighing, she felt the warmth...

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Tis Better to Have Loved

‘What’s this?’ Jim asked, as he picked a small leather bound book up off of the nightstand. ‘It looks like the old man’s diary. He was writing in it quite a bit these past few days,’ replied Robert, the other hospital orderly. ‘Well, what should I do with it?’ questioned Jim. ‘Either throw it away or keep it. The old man had no friends or relatives that I know of,’ was the off the cuff response by Robert. Jim thought for a moment and then placed the book on the end of the bed, ready to be...

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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part 4

Introduction: Can she escape from hell? A/N Hello everyone! I hope you guys are enjoying this series as much as I enjoy writing. Please, please send me some feedback if you liked it (or even if you didnt) and let me know if you guys have any suggestions for what should happen next, all ideas are open to consideration. Happy reading! Cheers, Steelkat Part 4 Get up! No use moping, crying will get you nowhere. I push myself off of the wet rock, slipping and scraping my arm as I struggle to...

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Kitsune chpt 1 2

Clark walked quietly, slowly, through the woods as he made his way towards his favorite place to sit. He grinned as he heard the sound of park rangers thundering through the brush in the opposite direction, yelling at one another to find the brat. Finally he reached the stream that cut through the park and walked up the bank until he found his spot, a small pound were the water poured from the rocks at the northern boundary of the forest. Looking up Clark could see the stone of Barons peak in...

3 years ago
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Strict rules of engagement

Introduction: Family ties restored in an unorthodox way This story is split into 3 parts, each getting more heated than the last. It had been an unusually hot afternoon considering summer hadnt yet started. Brody stared out the window as he sat in history class, the monotonous sound of Mr. Filk droning on had been washed out in Brodys mind by the sound of the birds chirping outside. If he didnt know any better, he couldve sworn they were in the middle of summer. Brodys day dreaming had been...

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