Staßenstrich indian porn

4 years ago
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Was darf es denn sein junge Frau

Was darf es denn sein junge Frau? 0Elli war auf einem Wanderurlaub mit ihrer Freundin, die draussen wartete, und beide hatte Appetit auf etwas Leckeres. aeh, eigentlich wollte ich nur ein paar Frikadellen haben. Aber sie haben so leckere Sachen hier. Elli deutete auf zwei Schweinehaelften die an einem Haken an der Wand hingen. Alles von Tieren aus der Umgebung hier? Der Metzger laechelte. Natuerlich. Alles was hier verkauft wird stammt aus der Gegend und wird selbstverstaendlich auch hier...

2 years ago
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Zur Hure erzogen

?So gehst du mir nicht aus dem Haus!?, klingt mir die Stimme meiner Mutter noch in den Ohren. Dabei hatte ich doch ohnehin einen Rock an, der knapp ?ber dem Knie endete. Aber wenn man eine Hure sein soll, ist das nat?rlich viel zu lang. ?Sollen die Leute denken, dass du eine Nonne bist??, schimpfte meine Mutter. Sie w?re mit so einem langen Fetzen nie aus dem Haus gegangen. Als stadtbekannte Nutte wusste sie, was sie ihrem Ruf schuldig war. Und sie wollte nur das Beste f?r mich. Und das war, d...

4 years ago
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Ausl nderhure German

"Also dann, Monika, meld dich bei uns!", sagte mein Vater und meine Mutter umarmte mich und k??te mich auf die Stirne, "Pa? gut auf dich auf, mein Engel!"Dann fiel die T?re ins Schlo? und ich war endlich allein. Wie lange hatte ich doch auf diesen Moment gewartet! Seit mir mein Vater zu meinem 18. Geburtstag eine eigene Wohnung versprochen hatte, habe ich immer wieder daran denken m?ssen. Und jetzt war es nun soweit.Ich ging vom Vorzimmer an den Pappkartons vorbei in mein Wohnzimmer und warf mich ...

4 years ago
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Sabina und ihr neues Leben german

Sabina und ihr neues Leben (german)Kapitel 1: WutSabina ist eine gelangweilte Ehefrau, die seit sieben Jahren mit Sven verheiratet ist. Da ihr Mann als selbstst?ndiger Anlageberater sehr gut verdient, musste sie seit der Heirat nicht mehr arbeiten.Mit ihren 31 Jahren k?nnte Sie sehr gut aussehen, doch da Sie merkte, dass ihr Mann Wachs in ihren H?nden war, gab Sie sich keine M?he mehr. Ihr rotblondes Haar hatte sie sich aus Bequemlichkeit ziemlich kurz schneiden lassen, w?hrend ihre Fotze, die fr?he...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter Kapitel 23

Harry Potter und das Zauberbuch der Wünsche - Kapitel 23 - Für diese Story sind alle Charakter über 18!Für ein besseres Verständnis der Geschichte empfehle ich die Vorriegen Kapitel zu lesen.Als Lavender Brown an diesem Samstagmorgen aufwachte, strahlt ihr ein warmer, heller Sonnenstrahl direkt ins Gesicht. Noch einmal umgedreht, wollte sie eigentlich noch ein bisschen weiter dösen, doch dann fiel ihr wieder der Termine ein, den sie auf keinen Fall verpassen konnte. So glitt sie mit den Beinen...

3 years ago
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Samstagnacht wir waren aus, feiern in einer Disco. Mein Freund Max hatte endlich mal angeboten, dass er fährt und so konnte ich etwas trinken. Das nutze ich aus und wir hatten Spaß, bis er entschied, dass es an der Zeit sei Heim zu fahren. Er zahlte und wir verließen die Disco, um in seinem Wagen zu mir zu fahren. Ich war noch ziemlich aufgedreht und redete ununterbrochen, bis mir plötzlich auffiel, dass er eine andere Strecke für den Rückweg gewählt hatte. „Woher fährst Du" fragte ich...

4 years ago
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Mia hatte den Mini an den rechten Straßenrand gelenkt und das Radio leiser geregelt. Malte hatte ihr den neuen Wagen erst letzte Woche vor die Türe gestellt und sie fand ihn keineswegs praktisch. Mia hatte den alten verbeulten Golf geliebt und mit diesem Hochglanz-Mini musste sie nun vorsichtig sein. Dabei hatte das Auto jede Menge Sensoren und Extras und piepte beim Einparken praktisch pausenlos. Natürlich war der Wagen sehr schön, aber eigentlich benötigte sie gar kein Auto. Von der großen...

3 years ago
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Endstation Stra enstrich

„Entschuldigen Sie bitte, Miss, ist der Platz neben Ihnen noch frei?” Sandy schreckt aus ihren trüben Gedanken an ihr Zuhause und an ihre Familie, die sie für immer verlassen hat. Vor ihr steht ein großer, gutaussehender schwarzer Mann, der mit einem sympathischen Lächeln auf den leeren Sitz neben ihr deutet. „Ja, äh ..., natürlich ist der Sitz noch frei.“ antwortet sie mit einem breiten Südstaatenakzent, an dem ihre Herkunft unschwer auszumachen ist. Sandy nimmt ihre Tasche von dem Nebensitz...

4 years ago
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Barbie-FrustEssen, Montag, 14. März 2011 12:45 UhrNoch zwei Stunden und fünfzehn, jetzt vierzehn Minuten. Bin ich das, die so laut und schnell atmet? Die Zeit vergeht quälend langsam. Qualen und Zeit kann man messen und erleben. Zeit ist immer gleich, aber die Warterei macht mich noch verrückt. Manchmal frage ich mich, wie lange ich das noch aushalten kann? Mir ist heiß und kalt zugleich. Ich bin nervös und meine Hände zittern. Der Tag ist kurz, und so viel ist noch zu tun, aber ich muss warten...

4 years ago
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So schnell kann es passieren

G1 G1 Heute m?chte ich eine? wahre Geschichte? erz?hlen die lestes Jahr passiert ist .Nach der Scheidung meiner Mutter sie hei?t Gisela , ist 49 Jahre alt und super gebaut? BH Gr??e 100 H??? und nicht nur ihre Titten auch der Po ist prall und gro? .Sind wir in eine Norddeutsche Gro?stadt gezogen . Leider ist das Geld immer knapp. Auch ist die Wohnlage nicht gerade die beste? ein Hochhaus in einem viertel in dem die Mieten sehr g?nstig sind .Ich bin 25 Jahre? und? bekomme harz 4 Mutti hat zum gl?...

3 years ago
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Meine Frau Jennifer ndash Ihr neues zweites Ich

Jennifer und ich sind seit ca. 9 Jahren zusammen, sie ist nun 26 und ich bin zwei Jahre älter. Inzwischen sind wir auch 4 Jahre verheiratet. Sie hat eine sportliche Figur, die sie durch viel Fitness sehr gut in Schuss hält und mittellange blonde Haare. Ihr Kleidungsstil ist dem sportlichen angemessen, das heißt sie trägt gerne weite Sachen, Jeans, Turnschuhe und eben alles was bequem ist. Im Bett ist es bei uns ein wenig müder geworden, wir haben beide beruflich viel um die Ohren und Jennifer...

2 years ago
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Tanja Teil 1

Tanja - Ankunft in Toronto Mein Name ist Franz. Ich habe vor zwei Wochen meinen Master in Computer Science gemacht. Einen Arbeitsvertrag habe ich auch schon. Allerdings will ich noch einmal vier Monate nach Neuseeland reisen. Eigentlich war geplant, dass mich meine Freundin begleitet. Leider haben wir uns vor vier Wochen getrennt. Egal, dann fahre ich alleine, dachte ich. Eigentlich ein guter Plan. Nur habe ich ziemliche Flugangst und nach Neuseeland fliegt man eine Weile. Von...

3 years ago
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Meinen Mann zur Sissy erzogen

Achtung diese Geschichte ist noch voller Rechtschreib- und Gramatikfehler. Jeder der m?chte kann diese Geschichte als Vorlage nehmen und sie verbessern. Jetzt reicht es mir. Ich hatte die Internet Seiten meines Freundes gefunden. Er surft also st?ndig auf Adult Baby Sissy Seiten. Ich hatte mich schon l?nger gefragt warum er im Bett nichts zu Stande bringt. Das kann er haben, ich werde ihn einfach in ein kleines Babym?dchen behandeln bzw im Grunde verwandeln. Er war eine Woche zu einem al...

3 years ago
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Ich die Lehrerin werde zur Nutte gemacht

Ich bin die 27jährige Lehrerin Nicole, wie man sagt eine blauäugigie blonde Schönheit mit gut schulterlangen naturgewellten Haaren, einem festen, eine handvoll, Busen mit kleinen Nippeln, Vorhöfen und Warzen, einer Wespentaille, einem knackigen Po und wohl endlos erscheinenden Schenkeln, schließlich verteilten sich meine 65 kg auf 1,82. Seit Jahren war ich glücklicher Single. Es war schon warm, es ging auf die Zeugnisse zu, und ich machte mir Sorgen um meine sonstige Klassenbeste, die 18jährige...

2 years ago
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Aus der Ruhe gebracht

Es war an einem Samstagabend. Ich hatte Unmengen an Arbeit. Es hatte einen kurzen Disput gegeben, da meine Frau gerne etwas unternommen hätte mit mir. Ich war wie immer äußerlich ruhig und sachlich an den Streit heran gegangen, hatte argumentiert und sie hatte gefühlsbetont entschieden, dass die Arbeit warten könne. Unter Anderem hatte sie mich gefragt: „Gibt es eigentlich irgendetwas, was dich aus der Ruhe bringst?“ Was ich mit einem Schulterzucken beantwortete. So werkelte ich dann ein wenig...

4 years ago
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Mein Weg in die Zuh lterei Part II

Danach ist Davor… Seit meinem geilen Erlebnis auf dem Rastplatz mit den ganzen Truckern, was für mich durchaus sehr erregend war, sind schon wieder 2 Wochen vergangen… Was aber das Wichtigste von allem für mich ist…von alle dem Haben bis heute, Gott sei Dank, waren ja meine Eltern an diesem Wochenende zu Freunden gefahren und somit hatten meine Eltern überhaupt nichts mitbekommen… Er machte dabei seinem Namen als mein „Beschützer“ durchaus alle Ehre …Das war für mich diesbezüglich doch sehr...

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Hilflos ngstlich weiblich sucht

Hilflos, ?ngstlich, weiblich sucht By derdurchdiezeitreisende Ihr sympathisches L?cheln hebt meine Laune. Die zierliche Stewardess gef?llt mir. Mir gef?llt, wie sie sich bem?ht freundlich und adrett auf mich zu wirken. Das haben sie Ihr gut beigebracht, denke ich bei mir. Die Amerikanisierung unserer Dienstleistungsbranche und die Angst den Job zu verlieren, macht unsere Dienstboten viel unterw?rfiger. Als ich mich gen?sslich mit einem selbstgef?lligen L?cheln in den Ledersessel der ersten...

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Ich bin eine Hundesau I am a bitch for dogs

Ich war seit fast einem Jahr in Behandlung. Der Paartherapeut, den mein Mann und ich wegen unserer Eheprobleme konsultiert hatten, hatte mich an einen Psychologen ?berwiesen. Auch wenn die Diagnose nicht eindeutig war, so war in den Paarsitzungen doch herausgekommen, dass ich von schweren abartigen Phantasien geplagt w?rde, die der Paartherapeut nicht in der Lage war zu behandeln. Einzelsitzungen, um ?ber mein Innenleben und Kopfkino mehr zu erfahren, w?rden hilfreicher sein – das war...

3 years ago
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Mein Weg in die Zuh lterei III

Zurück nach Darmstadt: Jetzt saß ich hier in der 1 Klasse und fuhr in Richtung Frankfurt… zurück nach Darmstadt oder besser gesagt in die trostkose Einöde von meinen Eltern nach Bickenbach… Ob meine Eltern etwas bemerken würden??? Jedenfalls wollte ich nicht, dass sie mich am Bahnhof abholten und so log ich sie bei meinem Telefonat heute Morgen an und sagte das mich eine Freundin bereits abholen würde… Sie hatten nichts dagegen und waren scheinbar auch ganz froh deswegen nicht abends gegen 19...

4 years ago
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Also ich bin noch beseelt vom gestrigen Sex. Das erste Mal seit Corona. Ich bin der Klaus 64 Jahre alt und lebe im Rheinland. Am Wochenende war ich meine Schwester besuchen. Sie lebt in Bad Vilbel. Die corona Zeit ist hart für mich. Ich bin süchtig nach Sex. Realem Sex wo mein Schwanz in einer Scheide hin und her geht bis ich mit vollem Genuss und ohne Kondom, die jeweilige Partnerin beglücke. Angst vor HIV oder Corona habe ich nicht wenn ich geil bin. In letzter Zeit sind meine Haare grauer...

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Im Frauenknast

Ich war 18 und hatte Mist gebaut. Ein Mädchen aus ganz gutem Haus, mit blonden, gewellten, gut schulterlangen Haaren und blauen Augen, einem süßen Stupsnäschen in einem sehr hübschen Gesicht, einer Handvoll festem Busen, Wespentaille, einem knackigen Po und herrlich, langen, schlanken Beinen. Da ich Sport trieb war ich bei meiner Größe von 1,78 und 64 kg nicht gerade schwächlich. Obwohl ich eine Nebenbuhlerin gewarnt hatte mich in Ruhe zu lassen, hatte sie mich immer weiter gereitzt und es...

2 years ago
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Private Julia Pink Kim Davis Mia Blow Busty MILFs Summertime Orgy

The summer has come to an end and German MILFs Mia Blow, Julia Pink and Kim Davis want to go out with a bang, literally! Don’t miss the incredible finale of Hausfrau Holidays 2 where these three horny ladies with their bit tits and curvy figures take on the Latino stallions Jason Steel and Kevin White. Watch as they get their final taste of cock out by the pool, sucking dick like only MILFs know how before they put their beautiful curves to work, with Mia hungry for it all as she enjoys some DP...

4 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 126

It was 4 more days before the rain finally ended. Everyone agreed that it had been needed, BUT, did it all have to come at one time? The ponds were the best any had seen in several years, the river, which had been a mere trickle in places, was flowing like many had NEVER seen. Except for some small places, the mud that had formed the banks was under water. Prior to the rainstorm, it had been barely ankle deep. Now it was deep enough to swim in, once more. It had breached the levies that Mr....

3 years ago
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Fantasies Leading To Twists And Turns 8211 Part I

Me and my gf are together for some 4-5 years. We have enjoyed love, sex and various moments together. Slowly with time we both found that our interest and activeness in sex is decreasing. Its just because that we were getting bored doing similar stuffs again and again. Also we have noticed that porn in the categories of group, threesome, swingers etc gave both of us ultimate excitement. We both never dared to take things further. But one night we both discussed on this topic. We discussed about...

2 years ago
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A Catholic Education

Kieran Logan leant back in his chair, satisfied that he had finished marking his Year 11 Chemistry tests. Finally, he sighed to himself, just twenty minutes until… He grinned at the thought of the school bell – and his after school activities. It had been an uneventful day at his work, with piles of correction in his free classes, and immature Year 8s in his teaching periods. To make the day just a little more tiresome, a fellow teacher had decided to make her move at morning tea. She was short...

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I Dare YouChapter 2

"Wow! I can't believe we just did that," I said. "You betcha, we just did it," Kay replied. We walked across the parking lot towards the car. My mind was racing; I just suck off two guys! So did my girlfriend! I was having a difficult time fathoming that our dares would take us to an adult bookstore where we would flash patrons and suck cocks through gloryholes. "Did you mean it when you told the clerk that we would be back?" I asked. "I meant it." I stopped Kay and kissed her....

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The Birthday Gift

Introduction: Wife gets a birthday gift The Gift I tucked the present birthday inside the dresser drawer turned out the bedroom lights except for a single bedside lamp then looked at my watch. Paulene would be home any minute now so I better take my place in our walk in robe. Id been planning this night for several months and I was getting a bit nervous as I looked at my watch again. I heard the car pull up into the garage. This was it. There was no turning back now. My hands were shaking as...

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P I And MagicChapter 33

War is not a fun thing. We did sorties against the enemy, and they did the same to us. People were hurt, and people died. It was sad to see, and it was depressing. The enemy was in well-constructed breastworks, which had been built up prior to their invading Minturi land, and which had been expanded, subsequent to their being pushed back. These were located right on the edge of the desert that the dragons had created, so many years ago. Our troops had pulled back. All of the magic users,...

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Initiation Galore

I honestly cannot remember exactly when my twin sister Zenoa and I Rasmud started being sexual with one another but when we were both in High School [9th grade] we were masturbating together almost on daily basis. Both of our parents were so money hungry that they would not be home until almost 1:30-- 2:00 AM; after closing their pub and dance hall business. On weekends [starting Friday evening till wee hours of Monday morning] they only showed up at home for quick bathroom and shower break....

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D nouement

D?nouement Susanna Says: So I thought that it was right that I put down in writing some of the things that have happened to me these past few months, much of which has shaped my life to this point and has shone a bright light of clarity on what I wanted to do with my life and who I am. It all started at the beginning of the year when I agreed to spend a weekend with an admirer from Hampshire. I had been chatting for a number of months with a fellow TV/TG from Hamble in Hampshire, he w...

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My Best Friend s Mother

Memory triggers. They come rushing at you when you least suspect them. You can walk into a house and take in the heady aroma of a cake being baked and you'll be transported back to your grandmother's kitchen. You can smell an empty beer bottle and suddenly there you are playing hide and seek behind a pile of your uncle's empties. Smell is our most powerful sense and we all have a repertoire of aromatic triggers nicely tucked away in that gluggy grey mass we call a brain. For Smithy though...

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JulesJordan Joseline Kelly Fucks the biggest big black cock she has ever seen

Joseline Kelly wanted more BBC in her life…so we introduced her to Dredd! Joseline is a cute spinner with a tight little body and an insatiable appetite for sex. She’s looking hot as ever in her sparkly top with matching choker, white panties, white stripper fishnets and matching high heels. Joseline teases us as she shows off her perky tits and rubs her tight pussy through her panties as she waits for Dredd and his giant BBC to show up. Dredd walks in from behind as she’s still playing with...

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Bree and her Dad Jeff 4

Jeff sat at his desk; hand, lap and most everything covered in cum from having just exploded while watching pictures of his naked college-bound daughter transition across his computer screen. They were still scrolling by. You would think he would be on top of the world…except said daughter had caught him. He had no idea how long Bree was in the doorway. He just knew that when he slumped back in the chair and all of his muscles relaxed, he had heard a footstep, felt her grab the panty…her panty...

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Our First Home Part 4

During the winter months we decided to extend the patio cover to finish off the back yard. We arranged a couple of bid interviews, and began to discuss how the situations would go, trying to figure out something different than she'd done before, during our other projects.We settled on an approach that wasn't as blatant as her previous episodes, but would reach the same conclusions, more or less. On the day the first estimator showed up she was totally clothed, wearing a nice sweater and...

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Sister Mary family fun porn stories

In the year after I turned 18, three incredible things happened to me. The first two sucked. I guess the third did too, but you’ll get that joke later. The first thing was that I hit puberty. Like a brick wall. One day I was a normal kid, a decent second-baseman in the school softball games, no problem bigger than sweating out whether I’d get a C- or a D+ in penmanship from Sister Mary Margaret. Sister Margaret had taught penmanship, and nothing but penmanship, for it seemed like a...

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neighbor breeding

I just walked in from work I see my wife ,sister ,daughter, and sister in law watching T.V. my wife 32 ( Terry) had on daisy dukes no panties , a tube top that's say's my hubby loves to watch and a picture of a black man fucking a white wife. her nipples were poking out she had no bra on her DD tits were looking good. she had a tan but hat the white lines on her tits and pussy I love that, here feet are 6 1/2 and taste to suck on . she was 5'5 110 pounds green eyes , black wife has a...

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They were fucking my wife

This story was told to me by an old friend. After we had a few drinks he told me that he and a friend had fucked my wife and her room mate while we were separated. I had heard a somewhat bland tale from my wife after we reunited but I really needed the sexy details and she wasn't going to offer them to me.After more drinks and more encouragement I finally asked him about the night in question. He was actually more than willing to tell me all of the details. I think he got excited remembering...

Group Sex
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The War of the CrystalsChapter 10 Lisa

When Jack got back to the house, he had to ring the bell because he still hadn’t remembered to get another key made. Lisa, still dressed in her tee-shirt and jeans from work, opened the door. When he entered, “Welcome home, Lord,” Lisa said her dark eyes focusing on him. She began to move down into a curtsey, which Jack didn’t remember her ever having done before. With one hand, he pulled her up and to him. She gave him a brief kiss saying, “Lord, I got extra keys made for you and me.” Jack...

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Lucky Day at the Casino

Good luck at the CasinoThere's a casino a few hours drive from my home, and I like to go make occassional donations. Recently I went there, and since I had a free nights lodging due to my earlier losses, checked into a room. Once I checked in, I sauntered down and tried my luck at some slots. Fate was smiling on me, and after several very nice jackpots, amazingly won about $1900. I was quite happy, and quickly cashed it in before I frittered it away, so I had a big wad of cash in my wallet -...

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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Ten Diane Visits The Professor s Office

Diane Caldwell sat in the leather bucket chair and fidgeted nervously with her hands, her handbag, her dark hair, her skirt – anything to try and take her mind from why she was waiting outside the younger woman’s office door.A month had passed since her twenty-one-year-old daughter, Zofeya, had broken down over the phone and admitted to her mother that she was struggling with the final year of her Law degree and faced the real prospect of not graduating at all that summer. The news had come as...

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Stories of Quarantine Exploitation Part II Groce

These are strange times we are living in now, with people out of work, struggling to make ends meet. My friend Ashley was definitely struggling. She received her GED due to an early pregnancy and was living with her grandmother & young toddler. She had a good job at a local sandwich shop to add to her grandmother's limited income, they got by OK. Once the quarantines happened and the sandwich shop closed, Ashley had to take whatever job she could find. This is her story.Where do you find a...

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Will And Tess Excellent AdventureChapter 5

Tess and I eventually dropped the subject of Sex with Kim. It was, after all, the wee hours of the morning on Day Three of the Qualifying Tournament. It was cut day. The chances of Tess missing the cut were slim and none. She was, in fact, in a great position to actually take away prize money from this tournament. To my surprise, it turned out that cash was awarded to the top finishers in Q-School. I thought getting the LPGA card would be prize enough (and I'm sure the competitors felt the...

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The First Time part two The Bartender

So I continued to watch Tyler masterfully sucking and licking my eyes closed every so often to feel his lips and tongue take me closer to the edge. I wasn't gonna stop him from making me cock belong to his lips and tongue. Then Tyler looked up to me and said," let's see if your banana fun opened you up for my cock..."He got up and stood above my body...his cock stood hard and somewhat dripping. He looked and smiled as he came over to above my head, his balls were swollen as...

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Devlin s StoryChapter 32

Devlin and Krissi walked across the bridge, trailing the other people from the island. Krissi looked fantastic in her red floral print sundress. She'd teased her hair into a Dolly Parton mop, not the wigs the Nashville star had worn early in her career, but the somewhat subdued version that she'd been wearing lately. "Much better than long, straight hair," Krissi said when Devlin commented on it. Straight hair has to be one of the curses of Nordic blondes." She sighed. "Sometimes I...

2 years ago
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I Want to Play a Game The Sequel

Chapter 1: Capture ‘Remember team, we don’t know exactly what we are dealing with here.’ commanded Officer Reynolds, ‘The target is most probably armed and dangerous and there is a high possibility that the premises is heavily booby-trapped so proceed with caution.’ Ever since his wife was kidnapped two years before by a sadistic psycho known by the press as ‘Barbiemaker’, Officer John Reynolds had made it his mission to track down and capture the person responsible. During this time he had...

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Fingers in the shower

It was raining when I got up and the breeze was making the drops pitter patter against the glass. I turned over. My girlfriend was fast asleep and she looked so sweet with her blonde hair spread over her pillow. I gave her face a gentle kiss and got up quietly and went down stairs in my white shorts and pink vest. I’d slept in them and they were nice and close but I couldn’t believe how cold it was down stairs, and I thought about turning on the heating, but I didn’t. I made myself a coffee...

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ObsessionChapter 5

Peggy Whitley was mildly irritated that Kyle wasn't at the airport to meet her when her flight came in from Orlando. When she thought about it riding home in the taxi though, she decided it was probably all for the better. Odd moments from the week just past kept coming back to her and she couldn't help but smile with remembered pleasure. It was best that Kyle not see those smiles. He would be suspicious. Peggy was at peace with herself for the first time in... goodness... something like a...

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Flashback CousinsChapter 11

New Years Eve, 1999: San Francisco It was the biggest party night of the Millennium. Literally. I was dressed in a black, strapless evening gown and I was wearing a mask. Actually, everyone was. It was the event of events for the New Year - a masquerade ball. So there was I was in the poshest hotel in the city surrounded by the best and brightest - minus one. Jake, in his undying love for his business, was hunkered down in San Jose with his employees babysitting the business. He was...

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She s gets pussy destroyed on vacation

So I'll start from the beginning,One day me and my boyfriend had gone down to the shore for the weekend to get away for a little while for vacation just the two of us. We get situated in our room and Start unloading everything next door to us is this I guess you can say party going on being obnoxiously loud didn't bother me at all nor did it my boyfriend. We head over to the pool and Start to lay out and as I kiss him I start to notice someone is staring at me across he way "I like felt it"...

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MMB The Great Car Theft

After I had finished my fifth story in the Matchmaker Bandit Series I realized that I had always made the woman captive the one who antagonizes Ms. White. As a result it was the woman captive that always caused the couple to be placed in the somewhat embarrassing situations that are the trademark of the series. With this story, I decided to try a few things differently. I hope you enjoy it. Prelude Hollywood, California - 1926 "Oh God! Yes! You really are The World's Greatest Lover!"...

1 year ago
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Hard Drive

I asked him for more! More! Fuck me!!!!! He obliged with a change of direction which made me eyes almost pop out . I could feel his thickness rubbing against the inside of me i hadnt felt before and at the same time he slid a finger into my ass which I panted at furiously . I had been with my first boyfriend a total of 7 years . When I met him I had barely turned 18. I was innocent, fresh-faced and had only really kissed a couple of guys . He was only a year or two older than me and whenever we...

Sex With Stranger
4 years ago
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Way Way Out Book 3 of the Tufts Family SagaChapter 8

Tonto told the entire family gathered in the mess hall, "I've several reports to share with you and since we've all been working so hard thought that this would be a good time for some good news and a relaxing break from the daily grind. The kitchen is open, order up food or beverages as you wish. "First, the Darjee at KTT have relayed a message from the Behemoth Bounty. All is well aboard the ship and they are making slightly better time now that they don't have the Confederacy crew...

2 years ago
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Easy Money 3

James texted me to say he'd be in town for the weekend, and asked if I wanted to meet up. The choice between working all day Saturday at the DIY store, or earning an easy two hundred for getting fucked took less than a micro-second, so I texted him back telling him we were on, then made a call to my boss. "I'm sick. Won't be in tomorrow." I could hear the disbelief in his voice, "What, again? Always at the weekend?" "I'm having my fucking period, you shit. You want me bleeding all over the...

First Time
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MommysGirl Hazel Moore Jupiter Jetson Help Me Understand

Hazel Moore is approached by her stepmom, Jupiter Jetson. It turns out that Jupiter couldn’t find the cookbooks she wanted at the mall, so her friend told her that it’s possible to order books online. But Jupiter isn’t good with computers, so she doesn’t know how to do that. She asks Hazel to help her understand how online ordering works. Hazel happily agrees to teach her. Hazel uses her laptop to pull up her favorite website for buying books, and walks Jupiter through...

3 years ago
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Out Back

Introduction: I was at a club kind of away from the city. I had a few drinks and then felt really horny. Hey everyone. Well, I was out at a club, kind of out of the way and away from the city. I had a few drinks and began really feeling horny. My pussy was absolutley throbbing and I knew that I would have to have relief soon or I would go nuts. I danced with a couple guys but they just were not interested no matter how much I hinted to them of my needs. Finally a woman, a little buxom and long...

4 years ago
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My Journey Book 1 CollarsChapter 20

Friday was a rainy, filthy mess, like the evening before had been. Patty and Dan arrived early with breakfast, rescuing me from another day of hospital food, but ended up leaving almost right away since Dan was dropping her at home. Her car had needed to go in for a problem today so she was tied to other drivers. I read a book on basic home repair and then took some time to practice the breathing that Dr. Spencer had taught me, letting myself descend into the point where I didn’t really feel...

5 years ago
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Mr Miller s 4th of July Party

Authors note: This is a sequel to Mr. Miller's Christmas story. You may wantto read that one first. Mr. Miller's 4th of July Party By Deputy Duffy Time moved slowly between Christmas and the 4th of July. Not a day went bythat I didn't think about the events that occurred at Mr. Miller's Christmasparty. It didn't help that I'd frequently run into people I saw at the party,but couldn't say anything because they didn't know I was even there. No onedid, aside from the Millers and the other Santas,...

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My Wife and her Sister

My wife, Susan, is five feet, one inch tall, under a hundred pounds — a tiny lady. She is a beautiful, red-haired, green-eyed, sexy, young woman. She has great legs, a tight, round ass, and the biggest tits imaginable on such a petite frame. They dont sag and look positively mouthwatering without a bra. I love Susan very much and respect her as a person, but I have to admit that what first caught my eye were these huge, firm 34-Ds on such a tiny girl. Weve been married a little over five years,...

4 years ago
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Long wait is over Part 1

“Ohhhh Aaaadiiii!!!” I cried, “Don’t stop.” Aditya kept on pounding me strongly, making humming sound till a point where he couldn’t hold back and grunted loudly. His body trembled, and he exploded in me. Kept on cumming in me for some time, he collapsed on me. Still humming, he was exhausted and breathing heavily, he dug his face on pillow. I guessed, I have drained him more than what he was expecting. Smiled to myself, I hugged him tightly on my body as I wanted him to enjoy the aftermath of...

3 years ago
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Chapter III Insertion

Introduction: Designed to be read after first two chapters, but, like much erotica, it should work on its own I awoke early the next morning. My mother hadnt even left for work. I waited until a few minutes after I heard the car leave, and then went to my window. Well, Mark was an early riser too, it seemed. He was lying on a lounge chair in his back yard, pretending that he wasnt watching my window. However, when I motioned him to come over, he saw me right away, and was quickly at my back...

4 years ago
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First time sub domination by my date

My husband asked me several times to put some of my dating experiences in writing since he found them very exciting and felt that others may also find them exciting. This was one of my early experiences that I told him about, and he typed it all up and will post it for all to enjoy. I know I will never forget it, and he seemed to really enjoy hearing it. I hope you do as well.We have been married for many years, and everything has been great. Sometimes you just need to add a little spice to...

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hippy girl

Sometimes I didn’t know which book to steal, so I’d just take both of them. As my pal John said, it wasn’t rocket science. All you needed was a sliver of silver paper and the right kind of look. Unfortunately, I had the wrong kind of look. I had criminal hair and a face that said don’t fuck with me because I’m stealing. I could see why Pablo Coehen was so popular. Everything he wrote was a fairy tail. And everybody apart from proper adults, with respectable jobs, liked fairy tales. The big...

2 years ago
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A Trial of Fantasy Chapter 2

I have edited the grammatical errors that caused my tale to be withdrawn, and hope it will now be found worthy of posting for your enjoyment. Another day closer to the exam, the stress was really getting to Neotha as she sat in the typical chair, reading and searching the vast library of legalese still yet to be filtered through before the trial yet to come, the dread New York State Bar Exam.   She had been at it for almost seven hours today, her twelve hour study sessions had drawn out to...

3 years ago
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An Interesting Story Perhaps

I am back with the new series. It is a real life experience of one of my reader, Nandita. She is one of my fans and this incident was inspired by one of my sex stories. Please do not judge her and keep motivating my writings through feedbacks and comments.Nandita was 20 at that time. She is a south Indian girl but brought up in Delhi. She was studying B.Tech in a college in Mumbai. He is 5 foot, 7 inches tall and she is dusky in complexion. But she looks very sexy and gorgeous than most of the...

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Getting to the Bottom of things

I have been asked many, many times why I like bottoms so much. I thought I’d right a bit about what I find so nice about the world of bottoms and answer a few other questions along the way.Well I guess I should start at the beginning. I saw someone very early on in life having their temperature taken. Until then the bottom had only been a thing that had things come out of it and this was the first time I realised that things could go in there. I then made it a cause to find out just what people...

4 years ago
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Sayali Adventures On Goa Trip In December

Hey guys this is Sayali. Just completed engineering this year now doing interior design course diploma of one year in Pune. I am 21 year old and fair in color & height is 5.2 inch & figure is 34d-28-34 just trying too losing some weight.Had lost my virgnity about four year back to a sir. I had an accident. Because of that I broke my leg & my parent knows that I am poor in maths. So they hear a sir to teach me at home. Any way we had sex after couple on month’s he got married after...

3 years ago
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SpaceChapter 37

"A glass bottle of mustard." He went on and I said, "Another can of Coke. Your knuckle is beside an open box of baking soda." Larry kept moving his hand and I kept talking. "This is weird." "It sure is now go to your bedroom and touch things with the cane." "I don't have to. You could have broken in but you could not know what I touched. There were too many of them. What do you want?" "You're direct. That's a good leadership quality. I have a small shallow box. I'll hand...

3 years ago
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Wife flirty in high heels part II pics to foll

Well as I stated earlier we headed home. The wife was pretty buzzed and I was still trying to process what had occurred. Again she seemed to be totally oblivious to what her boss had just done. The other part of the equation was that I was hard as hell and needed to get off. I knew I could not wait for the hour drive home. I broached the subject with my wife as to what had happened with her boss stroking her foot. She said I had exaggerated and that he was always a "perfect" gentleman towards...

2 years ago
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Secrets of He

He didnt try to date anyone else after Egypt. He kept to himself and lived as if he didnt care about them. He and Ken remained friends. We all knew he was hurt, but no one was as hurt as Jean, who always took Egypt back. Jean was always the nice one, a smart beautiful blonde who had been faithful to Egypt through it all. I cant remember how it happened, but I do remember the conversation. Collin and I had the same hobby of working at the wood shop in the center. He wasnt as advanced as me in...

3 years ago
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On The Radio

‘You’re listening to the Alt Rock session. My name is Cherish and I will be with you for another hour or so. There’s more music on the way, so keep it here, you’re listening to WXXY, the number one spot for alternative music.’ Cherish did her signature line and pressed play on the CD machine. As the song powered into a mighty guitar opening, she eased the headphones off her ears and let them rest on her slender neck. As she turned to look at the massive CD collection on the opposite wall, the...

4 years ago
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BecChapter 18 Date 3 After the Game

After the game, while the crowd was milling around and saying their farewells to each other, Dan leaned in close to me. “There’s an ice-cream parlor about a block from where we parked the car. We have time to go there for half an hour before I have to get you home. You interested?” I nodded, happily. To be honest I was so psyched up, I couldn’t bear the idea of going home straight away and have the night suddenly come crashing to a finish. Then I had a sudden inspiration. I got up on my...

2 years ago
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Dinner Will Be Ready Soon

Casey and Emma had been married for thirty years. He was twenty-eight and she was twenty-five when they tied the knot, and it had lasted for all these years, through ups and downs, thick and thin.They had a daughter who, from age seven on, had been a handful. They’d never been able to control her. At the age of eighteen she had run away from home with a thirty-four-year-old man. That hadn’t lasted long, but she didn’t return home.They knew she was in what is known as the sex trade, or perhaps...

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Hot night with my sister in law

Last summer my wife had to go overseas and I was to follow her a week later for a vacation. The day before my flight I stayed at an airport hotel as my flight was leaving very early. My sister-in-law decided to join us on our trip and so my wife asked if me if she could stay with me at the hotel and fly with me the next day. Of course my wife joked with me a bit: “Is she going to stay in the same hotel room? You’re not going to do anything naughty?” “Of course not!” was my answer. In...

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Tyler and Uncle Frankie

I was suspecting my sexy wife was cheating on me, because she looked very relaxed sometimes when I came home after work.Something strange was happening and I wanted to know what…I finally installed a surveillance camera into a lovely teddy bear. My sweet Ana loved those nice teddy bears. She was delighted and told me the toy would rest in a comfortable shelf of the kitchen. Just what I wanted…After a few days of watching Anita moving around doing just the ordinary housekeeping, I noticed...

2 years ago
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In the Family

When we sat down for an evening meal on the first evening my father wasn’t at the table, so l inquired where he was, there was an awkward silence, Davina and Sarah grinned at me and looked at Sylvia who said she will chat with me after dinner. As we ate l gathered what Sylvia was going to tell me by the things l hadn’t noticed earlier such as the amount of wine she was drinking before dinner and her red eyes also how quiet Davina and Sarah had been when l arrived. After dinner Davina and...

4 years ago
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tease tag

Written by female.Introduction:meet amy! your average slut, with and alverage agendaTease tagGENRE-Fiction, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Female solo, Job/Place-of-work, Males / Female, MasturbationHey, I guess I can start by introducing myself. That’s always a good place to start. My name is amilyn. But you can just call me amy; Everyone does. I Have dark red hair, I guess you can say its almost the color of the perfect apple. Im usually a pale white but tanning does wonders. I have a...

3 years ago
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Caesar Comes His Revenge and ConquersChapter 16

"How is she?" Mark Blakely questioned, barging through his front door-way, only to be stopped by Steve Foster and Doc Emory, both immediately launching from their places on the couch to confront the big, young deputy sheriff. "Easy, boy, easy..." his red-bearded writer-friend stepped in front of him with engulfing arms. "She's okay, Mark... resting comfortably right now," Doc Emory added, coming close to put a hand on the younger man's broad shoulder. "Wh-What the hell happened?"...

5 years ago
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Bill and Raquel s First Time

Bill has always known that his wife comes first. Her wants and desires are his to provide. Since meeting her eight years ago, at a business function, he was hooked. She consumed his life from that moment on. She knows the affect she has on him, but doesn’t over do her power, mostly. Raquel knows that Bill was her knight in shining armor. He came along when she was at a low point in her life. She had ended an engagement and was still saddened by the end of this relationship. She knew he was not...

Love Stories
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CM CF How my beautiful first cousin seduced me

I've been wanting to tell this story for almost 2 decades. I've never told a soul about this in all these years & I figured this community would appreciate a real story with all the gory details. Immediately after our foray into the realms of the undoable, the reality of the situation becomes apparent to me. I crossed a line and can't take this back even if I wanted to. The complicated nature of blood relations is sobering and real. As much as I want to call in sick and just lay in bed all...

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Pyaasa Chut Mausi Ki

By: Landbahadur Mai aapko apni life ki aise story bata raha hoon jo mere alawa kisi ko nahi pata. Mera naam Raju hai, meri umar 28-saal hai, height 5’10” hai aur mai healthy ladka hoon, hum log bihari hain. Friends baat aisi hai ki meri ek mausi hai jo meri mother ki apni cousin sister (chacheri bahan) hai, mausi ka naam Babita hai, unka umar 35 saal hai aur body sexy hai, unke body average thi chuchiyaan bade-bade, kamar patli aur gaand chauda tha, unki height 5’3” hai woh bahut gori Aur...

2 years ago
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Spizoo Rocky Emerson Up Cose And Personal

Rocky Emerson has got to be one of the most beautiful girls we have ever come across. Her deep blue eyes, long legs and busty chest have her looking like a super model…a really slutty one!! But this tattooed babe has more to her than just her looks. She has a playful, kinky personality to match. She talks with us about her sexual desires and fetishes as well as what she’s planning for the future. Catch a different side to her that isn’t often shown, then catch the side of her...

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Porn Star

I had gone to a big dance party which was a lot of fun. At one point I came out of the restroom and there were some hot guys waiting for me. One came over and introduced himself, as he rubbed his hard pec, he asked if I was alone, with friends, with a bf? He handed me a card and said they were scouting for guys to make some videos and they thought I’d be good on camera. I didn’t believe them.He chuckled and then called some other guys to confirm. There was lots of cruising. Lots of open...

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The Miss adventures of Michelle Section 2 Chapter

Chapter 2 It was Saturday morning, the last day of having to wear panties as per the terms of the bet I lost the previous weekend. I had just finished getting the house in order and took my time in the shower making sure everything on my body was perfectly smooth. I once again applied the scented lotion to my body to give it that extra smooth feeling that felt so nice. I had decided on wearing the red Brazilian style panties the rest of the day and nothing else. I had to do exactly what...

4 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 23 Home Sweet Home

I awoke, I thought at first, in the hospital because of the clean, crisp sheets. But when the lights came on moments later I realized I was in my own bed. My ribs were killing me, but I still forced myself to smile at the sight of Stacy and Nicky sitting side by side with anxious looks. “Stacy, get me my laptop,” I wheezed. “Right by your side. On the table,” she replied. My groan told her that reaching it was not in cards, so she crawled across me – revealing no panties under her...

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To Reign in Hell Book 2 Hollywood Be Damned Chapter 32

“This just in. California Governor Gavin Newsom has announced that he has appointed former Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti to the United States Senate to replace deceased Senators Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein. Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York has yet to select a successor for the late Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, of course. That could well prove a very crucial replacement, but for the Senate leadership itself, Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois...

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Dun and Dusted Part 3 Book 7 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 2 The Fishing Fleet

Arabian Sea, February 18th 1833 “The Fishing Fleet is a rather unkind label affixed to those females who travel out from England to seek husbands in India,” Captain Hands said, “and I am considered the Admiral of the Fishing Fleet as it was an impromptu remark I made to my brother that initiated the practice.” Captain Robin Hands and I were seated in his cabin aboard Hermes. We were two days out from Aden, heading due east with all sail set. His cabin would have made any Royal Navy captain...

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I first met Caleb in the laundry room of our apartment building and initially thought this was a pretty young girl that I was stealing glimpses at. He had long blond hair that fell over his shoulders, a triangular face, and a pair a big dark eyes. I could not help seeing the resemblance to actress Dakota Fanning, but still I was laboring under the belief that this was a emale, the loose baggy clothing giving me no hint of proportions but I made thhe assumption the she was very flat chested...

2 years ago
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She s Lonely on Fridays

I can't come over tonight, I have stuff I need to.. *message cannot be sent*"Yeah, I can come over." So, this tanned, bbw called Molly has gotten awfully lonely. She dropped me some messages, we exchanged numbers, she gave me her address of a familiar street I know. It's the last house on the left, can't miss it. I walk in and her relatives leave for a night out. We sit down, have some wine, we're both single, both adults.. Then the conversation stopped, she said she was going upstairs and I...

2 years ago
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Me And My Dear Maami

It was about 9.00 pm Maami and me were sitting on the platform outside the house on waiting for Maama to come. We were staying in Triplicane, Chennai and the street was near the beach. The breeze was flowing carrying along with it the odour of fish from the nearby Kuppams also I was enjoying the smell coming from Maami’s body touching my nostrils. I was taking deep breaths to enjoy. Maami was getting frustrated by the wait and wanted to go inside. The deterrent was heat inside the house which...

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The Rupert Family Adventures

                               The Rupert Family Adventures 01        It was hard to believe that only last evening the entire family was having dinner and discussing their daughter‘s private diary. Ralph and Arlene had both read it from cover to cover and considered it very interesting. Their daughter, Winifred, was delighted to hear what they had to say about her private life and where it might take her in the very near future. Their son, Harold, was three years younger than his big sister,...

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Hot guy jacking cock in parking lot gotcha

You always hear stories of guys beating their meat in aparking lot, and this actually happened a few months ago in a mall parking lot in the afternoon, I was coming out of a store and going to my car, i had to walk between 2 cars, and behold, here is a guy in the front seat of his car, his pants down around his ankles, his shirt pulled up (did not want cum stains on it!), jacking his huge cock off, oiled up, with the window down so no doubt someone would see him, as i did. OK, why not i went up...

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My Friend Harshita 8211 Part 8 Deadly Lesbian Fucks

In the last encounter, I passed out after the session was over. I woke up in the same bed and it was already morning. I looked around. Priya and Akansha were sleeping on their beds and everyone else had left. I looked at the clock and it was nearly 8:00 am. I knew they’ll soon wake up for college. I laid back and was thinking about all the stuff. I suddenly realized that my private area felt a bit heavy. So I pulled off the blanket and I was horrified. I had a chastity belt covering my private...

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Shower With sis

Brittany turned the shower off and got out. She began to dry herself, and marveled at how soft the cotton towel felt against her smooth skin. She felt her nipples harden as she dried them and then she saw her reflection in the mirror."I wish I was a cup size bigger," she thought as she cupped her firm B-cup tits in her hands.She followed the line of her body down and thought, "I do have a firm body though." She smiled. She had just shaved and her pussy and legs glistened in the soft bathroom...

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Like Mother Like DaughterChapter 12

Elaine was waiting in the living room when Derrick arrived. She was wearing an old housedress that covered her from neck to ankles. She saw the surprise in Derrick eyes as he looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Wait until we get upstairs," she said and stepped into his arms for a long kiss. Then she took his hand and led him upstairs. "Uh... did you get to the doctor?" Derrick asked as he followed her. "I have an appointment next week." "Oh," he said. She turned and looked at...

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Madam ko choda

Mats have always been a weak subject to me and often scored just above pass marks. Exams were approaching and my parents were tensed thinking about my weak point “Mats. A lot of concerns followed and this is when we had one of our neighbors visiting us. My mother raised her concern about me and our neighbor aunty recommended that I need to be sent for tuitions and she knew a lady teacher who was extremely good at Mats and lived in the close vicinity. My mother was all so happy, she got the...

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Naukar Se Mom Ki Chudai 8211 Part III

Bhima ek haath se unkichut ke upar ke jhaanto ko dhire dhire khinch raha tha aur Mom koi lips ko chus raha thaa ab Mom bhi uske baalon ko sehlaati hui smooch kar rahi thi 10 minute tak dono aise hi kis karte rahe kiss karte hue Bhima ne Mom ke haath ko lekar uske lund ke upar rakha diya aur apne haath se Mom kie haath ko apne lund par ghisna shuru kiya. Mom samjh gayi ki woh kya chahta hai aur Mom uske lund ko sehlane lagi uska lund sikud gaya tha lekin us haalaat me bhi lagbhag 5 ke asspaas...

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