Ten Tails indian porn

3 years ago
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Kirstens Anatomy

Kirsten’s Anatomy By: Hardtimes69 My reply was swift, “I have always favored the male sexual genitalia and I get no greater pleasure than to have a man’s cock deep in my throat. I thought about that question on this pleasant morning after a splendid night of making love with my lover, Jason. I lay there in the bed listening to the birds chirping and feeling the cool morning air sweep across my body. One could feel the morning dew in the air. I lay there on my side, my head perched on my hand,...

3 years ago
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Krystenah is a Naughty Teacher Part III

I rubbed my ass cheeks until Matty told me to come to where he sat in the living room. “Krystenah. You haven’t done too well today following directions, but I am going to give you a chance to redeem yourself.” He flashed a heart-melting smile at me. I chewed my lower lip. “What do I have to do?” I asked him. “Now that’s the right attitude!” He said. “First thing I need you to do is strip.” When I hesitated, he leaned forward and glared at me menacingly. “When was the last time you were...

2 years ago
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Krystenah is a Naughty Teacher Part IV

As Matt Simeon moved his tassel from the right side to the left, he not only became a high school graduate, but he also became my boyfriend. I had been his English teacher all year and had agreed to date him only after he was no longer a student at Ben Franklin High. I had recently discovered how dominant he was and that had melted any resistance I had to dating someone so much younger. As I stood on the stage next to his mother and the rest of my colleagues applauding the graduates, my ass...

4 years ago
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Krystenahs Observation

Daddy woke me up by peeling the covers back from my body. I instinctively moved toward Daddy’s touch and set my foggy head on Daddy’s thigh. I nuzzled him as he rubbed the ass he had spanked, cropped and switched last night. I moaned as his massage revived the muscle ache in my right glute. I could smell the musk from his crotch and I grunted as my pussy began to tingle. Daddy’s skin against mine, the smell of my pussy dried in the peppercorns of his hairs, is now hard-wired in my DNA. I could...

3 years ago
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Krystenahs Inspiration Part II

“Get up and go take a shower,” he told me. “I have a surprise for you.” I was always the most obedient when I heard my Master say these words. I sang in the shower as I washed away my sweat and the evidence of our lovemaking. As I wrapped the towel around my body, I saw the nightie hanging from the door. It was a fire engine red see-through baby doll nightie and was the trashiest thing I had ever worn. I squealed and clapped my hands before pulling it over my head. As I did, I saw that there...

1 year ago
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Krystenahs Master and King

‘Do you have any painkillers?’ he asked me. My eyes landed on the small bottom of ibuprofen on the bedside table . ‘Yes, Sir,’ I said through the phone. ‘Better take some now. I’m on my way home,’ he said and hung up. I set the phone down and picked up the pill bottle. I didn’t have time to worry if Master was in an angry or playful mood. It might not matter too much either way, it was clear that he intended to wear me out when he got home. I opened the bottle absently as I walked into the...

3 years ago
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Krystenah is a Naughty Teacher Part II

It had been a week of firsts. The day after Matt Simeon had paddled my ass and dry humped me in his mother’s office, he fingered me while I ran a review session over the lunch hour in my classroom. He had messaged me the night before that I should wear that “cute a-line skirt and the black v-cut blouse that hugs those hot-ass curves.” After spending all year as my student, I realized he knew my wardrobe. He had stopped by my classroom during my planning period and had sat down across from me....

3 years ago
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Thorsten Crystal and Me

Just two weeks into my second semester of university, I had my first threesome with my room mate Thorsten and his fuck friend Crystal, a hot, curvy, blond. Thorsten and I had been having sex for about two months. We had made a pact that we would have sex when there were no girls around, which wasn’t very often. Nonetheless we managed to find the time to suck each other off and have about three full on fuck sessions. Most of my classes were in the afternoon except for film history, which was in...

4 years ago
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Viele Monate hatte ich das Glück, ganz oben im Haus in meiner gemütlichen Dachgeschosswohnung komplett meine Ruhe zu haben, da die Wohnung neben mir leer stand seit ich eingezogen bin. Dass das nicht von Dauer sein würde, hatte ich mir gedacht. Und so kam eines Tages ein Brief, in dem mir die Renovierungsarbeiten mitgeteilt und sich im Voraus für damit einhergehende Unannehmlichkeiten entschuldigt wurde. Der Tag kam und die Bauarbeiter klingelten, um sich der Höflichkeit halber kurz...

1 year ago
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Karsten gegen die Frauen

Karsten Jürgens war verzweifelt. Seine Frau hatte ihn verlassen und ihren gemeinsamen dreijährigen Sohn mitgenommen. Fast zwei Wochen hatte er kein Lebenszeichen vernommen, bis dann das Schreiben von ihrer Anwältin kam. 1.100 € Unterhalt wollte sie für sich und das Kind. Doch woher sollte Karsten das Geld nehmen. Er verdiente gerade mal 2.000 € netto als Elektriker und davon verwendete er schon 400 € im Monat um die Raten für seinen Audi abzubezahlen. Und den würde er nicht wiederverkaufen,...

2 years ago
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Character description: Larry (18): Our main character. He still goes to school and has always been kind of an unpopular kid. He recently got together with a girl though. He's somewhat of a nerd and will soon be granted with godlike powers. Madison (49): Larry's mother. She's a very caring woman who raised 5 children after her husband died a few years after Larry was born. Kate (33): Larry's oldest sister. She is married and works as a successful attorney and has always jokingly been a little...

3 years ago
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Missratene Verwandtschaft

Abby hatte ihren ersten Tag in der Uni überstanden und machte sich mit der Straßenbahn auf den Weg nach Hause. Die Freude und die Begeisterung mit der sie in ihrem gewählten Studiengang heute morgen begonnen hatte machte Ernüchterung Platz. Sie hatte sowas von keinen Bock auf ihre hoffentlich nur vorläufige Bleibe. Von „ihrer Bleibe“ konnte schon mal gar nicht die Rede sein. Abigail, wie die große schlaksige Brünette mit den kleinen festen Brüsten, der süßen Stupsnase und den niedlichen...

4 years ago
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Patentochter meiner Frau

Die Patentochter, Tina, meiner Frau besucht uns für zwei Wochen. Sie hatte ihre Ausbildung abgeschlossen und tritt bald eine neue Stelle an. Vorher kommt sie zu uns in die Großstadt. Für mich schränkt sich damit der Zugang in unser Büro ein. Wir haben dort ein Gästebett wo sie schläft. Schon bevor sie angekommen ist herrschte hier große Hitze. Unsere Wohnung ist unter dem Dach und es wurde sehr heiß bei uns. Wir alle tragen darum so leichte Kleidung wie möglich. Das führt dazu, dass Tina bei...

3 years ago
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Verbotene Fr chtchen

Ina reckte sich. Langsam zog sie ihr langes blondes Haar zurück über die Schulterpartie. Die neunzehnjährige wusste genau, welche Wirkung sie auf Männer hatte und ihr Lehrer war auch nur ein Mann. Jason strich nervös über die Schwellung in seiner Hose. Der fünfzigjährige Mann war verheiratet und seine Jüngste war in Ina´s Alter. Er schluckte schwer. Es war unmöglich für den Lehrer sich den Reizen des blutjungen Schulluders zu entziehen. Noch ein weiteres Jahr wollte Ina nicht die Schulbank...

2 years ago
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Einreiten einer besamungsunwilligen Stute

Es war so ein typisch kalter Wintertag, an dem ich mit meiner besten Freundin Beate bei mir zu Hause auf dem Sofa lag. Wir haben uns aus Langweile auf einem Erotikportal unserer Stadt eingeloggt und uns gegenseitig private Kontaktanzeigen vorgelesen. Bei einer Anzeige die Beate mir vorlas bekam ich augenblicklich eine Gänsehaut und es kribbelte in meinem ganzen Körper. So sehr hat mich diese Anzeige berührt. Die Anzeige lautete: Willst Du Deine Ehestute endlich fremdschwängern lassen von einem...

2 years ago
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Inheritence Struggle

Lilith was pacing her very nice and large house, the divorce with her husband Leon had, up until now, been going smoothly. However the unexpected had happened, her husbands father had died, leaving his considerable fortune to there kid. The timing was awful, as if the child's prime guardian was Leon she wouldn't see a dime, since it was to technically the kid as well she wouldn't even get any of it from Leon. The kid had just turned 18 but they'd still need legal care for another 3 years under...

3 years ago
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Christen s Ghost

The night was late. Christen had just gotten home from a crazy night out, the end being topped off with an Ouja board ritual. She walked into her room, shaking her head and laughing and the silly idea of what she did. 'If this really works, you can go up my ass and possess me.' Sarcasm was way to obvious. She stops at her bed, stripping clothes away until nothing covered her body. Before she crawled into bed, her stomach let out an absurdly noisy, and long running growl. Eyes widen as her hand...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Geschichten von der Casting Couch

Eigentlich war es eine doofe Idee, die Schauspiel- und Model-Agentur zu eröffnen. Denn es gab schon zuviele davon. Und so richtig Kohle kam auch nie rüber. Der Kuchen war aufgeteilt zwischen drei, vier großen Buden, und hin und wieder gabs mal ein paar kleine Brocken für uns.Die ganz große Karriere konnte man bei uns noch nie starten, aber das mussten die Leute, die mit ihren Träumen zu uns kamen ja nicht erfahren. Wenn ich etwas konnte, dann war es Träume verkaufen.Unsere Agentur lag nicht...

4 years ago
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Heimlich schleicht der junge, braunhaarige Menschenkrieger in das feindliche Lager. Eine handvoll Kumpanen folgen ihm. Sie haben ein ganz bestimmtes Zelt als Ziel, das einer hübschen Elfenkriegerin und ihrer Begleiterinnen. Das Zelt ist unbewacht. Aus dem Inneren dringen leise die Geräusche schlafender Frauen. Die Menschen öffnen vorsichtig das Zelt und treten ein. Drei weibliche Elfen liegen zusammengekauert auf einem Teppich. "Da ist sie" flüstert einer der Menschen "die in der Mitte." Sie...

3 years ago
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Hallo, ich bin Sarah Neumann. Ich studiere Biologie mit Schwerpunkt Biomechanik. Das ist ein hochinteressantes Feld. Als studentische Hilfkraft arbeite ich an einem militärischem Projekt mit. Wir erforschen den Aufbau und die Steuerung künstlicher Organismen. Unser größter Erfolg ist ein Organismus, der hochbewegliche Greifarme ohne Knochen bildet. Das muss man sich wie die Arme einer Krake vorstellen. Nur wir haben sie noch deutlich größer hinbekommen! Die Arbeit in dem Labor machte mir...

4 years ago
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[Author’s Notes: While princess Altena is the main character of the story adding additional characters and shifting the focus to them is perfectly fine, as long as they have some connection to her, such as a slave on a mission or an enemy looking to destroy her. Also remember that Altena has survived for over a thousand years. She won’t go down easily.] Vi’en is a world full of magic and wonders. It consists of several large continents, where most of the population lives, and many islands –...

3 years ago
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Eastenders Adventures

I arrived in Walford just a few days ago, and already I got a job working on the market in Albert Square. The girl working on the stall next to me is absolutely gorgeous - late teens, long dark hair, blue eyes, big, pert tits. We said hello earlier and introduced ourselves- her name's Zoe. All day I've been fantasizing about her, hardly able to take my eyes off her. I look at my watch and realize it's nearly time to shut up the market for the day, so I don't have much time to make a move. "Zoe,...

3 years ago
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Tendall takes Spain

It was finally time for Spain. We've been excited for this trip since the start of the semster. I've been working my ass off trying to get school work done in time for it. Doe and I are going to have an awesome time. It's our first vacation as a couple. Kind of disappointed that I won't get to experience the foreign ladies, but Doe is worth it. The plane is large. The seats are arranged 2 by 3 by 2. Doe and I sit next to eachother. Jake, Alice, and Jenna sit in the three seater. Rachel and...

2 years ago
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"Piraaaateeeen!!" Der Ruf des wachhabenden Maats im Ausguck zerriss die betriebsame Ruhe auf dem Deck der "Proud of Britain" Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt war es eine ruhige, angenehme Reise gewesen. So angenehm, wie sie für eine junge Frau wie Mary-Ann Davenport auf einem Handelsschiff des frischen 18. Jahrhunderts in der Karibik sein konnte. Sie war die attraktive Tochter des Gouverneurs von Port Royal und die einzige Frau an Bord. Die Zustände auf einem Handelsschiff wie diesem waren äußerst...

2 years ago
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Tenjho Tenge Rewritten

You sigh as you enter your new high school, its pristine walls high looming dauntingly above you with every passing step... After ages of training, you have finally managed to perfect your family's personalized style of martial art - an obscure mix of judo, hapkido, and wudang. With your newly-sharpened prowess, it was easy to secure a spot in Tadou Academy, and equally easy to find yourself the center of attention among the freshmen. A young man soon approaches you, a chibi-looking girl...

2 years ago
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Chase walked down the path keeping his eyes open and alert to make sure that no one was coming either from behind or ahead. He didn’t want to be seen; at least not before it was time. Quickly he moved over the hard dirt, getting ever closer to the village he could see looming in the distance. “Hopefully this place will prove more fruitful then the last”, Chase thought. He had been in Entoish the last week experiencing nothing but bad luck. It seemed no one wanted his services, and even worse,...

4 years ago
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Studentenleben in der WG

Ich bin vor einigen Wochen in eine WG gezogen, da mehr waehrend meinem Studium nicht drinnen war und ich hatte Glueck. Die Mitbewohner waren allesamt sehr nett und ich verstand mich praechtig mit den anderen 3. Da waeren zum einen Julia, 22 Jaehrige BWL-Studentin und ein sehr heisses Geschoss. Blonde lange Haare, super Koerperbau mit prallen Titten und einem ´Knackarsch der sich sehen lassen konnte. Neben ihr war auch noch Thomas, 21 Jahre, Auszubildender Elektriker in Besitz eines Zimmers und...

2 years ago
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Tenancy Inspection Part 2

It was just after lunch the next day when I got a call from Sally, we chatted a bit and she sounded flirty before she got on to the reason for the call, it would appear that when she put her report in she made mention of the loft and as they had no pictures of the loft on file she had to come back and take some, she was very apologetic and blamed it on her being new to the job but she wanted to set an impression and do the job right so she asked if she could drop in on her way home and finish...

3 years ago
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Tenancy Inspection

“Hello Mr English” the voice said on the other end of the phone, “My name is Sally Rice and I am the new property manager for your tenancy” she continued, “I would like to pop round for your annual inspection, are you free this afternoon? She asked and although I hate these annual inspections I realise it has to be done, I agreed to her popping round and just hoped and prayed that she was better than the last woman they sent round, she was a real battle axe and picked holes in everything.I...

4 years ago
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Krystenah s Surprise Date with Daddy

I rolled over and opened my eyes, expecting to see Daddy's handsome, restful face, but I snapped awake when I saw that resting on his pillow instead was the thick, wooden frat paddle. I blinked awake and ran my hand over its smooth surface. Daddy rarely used it on me and I did a quick memory scan to try to find some infraction that would warrant punishment with it. I felt I had been good lately. I had done my chores and my exercise. A shiver went through me as I realized that soon the smooth...

3 years ago
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Krystenah s Observation

Daddy woke me up by peeling the covers back from my body. I instinctively moved toward Daddy’s touch and set my foggy head on Daddy’s thigh. I nuzzled him as he rubbed the ass he had spanked, cropped and switched last night. I moaned as his massage revived the muscle ache in my right glute. I could smell the musk from his crotch and I grunted as my pussy began to tingle. Daddy’s skin against mine, the smell of my pussy dried in the peppercorns of his hairs, is now hard-wired in my DNA.I could...

4 years ago
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Krystenah s Punishment Lines

I squeezed Daddy’s dick between my breasts. Daddy’s dick was hard and warm and my breasts embraced him lovingly. It felt so wonderful to have the World’s Best Cock nestled between the caress of my tits. My cunt began to drool at the sensation. I moaned and... “Goofy.” Daddy’s bass voice shook me out of my dream. I blinked up at him and saw that he was hugging a steaming cup of coffee to his chest. Still a little disoriented, I looked at his semi-erect dick, which was at eye level and not...

1 year ago
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Zelten 01Ich war mit Julia und Johanna zum Zelten gefahren. Dass Beide zugesagt hatten, hatte mich sehr gefreut, ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass wir noch einmal die Gelegenheit bekämen. Eigentlich verwunderte es mich sogar sehr, denn wir hatten nie viel miteinander zu tun gehabt. Wir besuchten dieselbe Schule ja, ich machte dieses Jahr Abitur, die beiden Mädchen waren eine Stufe unter mir. Ich hatte es eher als Scherz gemeint, als ich die Beiden nach ihren Plänen für Pfingsten fragte, und dann...

2 years ago
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Kittenly kisses

I am kassandra.. female30 yrs. based on a true story *scrumptious, I thought... as aunt Kim locked the cabin door. The thunderstorm crashing on the windowpane. My breasts still dripping wett from the summer swim, shone glisning in the sun as I put on my hot pink robe. ( my pale breasts, curved over the top. ). Aunt Kim.. grinned.. gently and moaned. Stoking me between my legs. Rough.. ‘ hi...’ she whispered.grabing my vagina and twirling..’ let,s play.’.. she whispered softly.kissing up my...

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Barbie-FrustEssen, Montag, 14. März 2011 12:45 UhrNoch zwei Stunden und fünfzehn, jetzt vierzehn Minuten. Bin ich das, die so laut und schnell atmet? Die Zeit vergeht quälend langsam. Qualen und Zeit kann man messen und erleben. Zeit ist immer gleich, aber die Warterei macht mich noch verrückt. Manchmal frage ich mich, wie lange ich das noch aushalten kann? Mir ist heiß und kalt zugleich. Ich bin nervös und meine Hände zittern. Der Tag ist kurz, und so viel ist noch zu tun, aber ich muss warten...

2 years ago
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Potenz uuml berzeugt Teil 5

Ich war immer schon ein großer Fan der "Potenz überzeugt" Geschichten. Leider ging es nach Teil 4 nicht mehr weiter, daher habe ich selber einen fünften Teil geschrieben, der die Geschichte über die Goth Braut Yvonne, ihren Freund und viele potente Türken weiterspinnt.Zum besseren Verständnis am besten zuerst die ersten Teile lesen:Potenz überzeugt - Teil 1: https://de.xhamster.com/stories/potenz-berzeugt-01-373928Potenz überzeugt - Teil 2:...

2 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 5

Teil 5: Der PostboteEin paar Wochen waren vergangen, seit Vanessa erfahren hatte, dass sie schwanger war. Noch war nicht allzu viel davon zu sehen, höchstens eine ganz leichte Wölbung ihres ansonsten flachen Bauches. Bei ihrer Mutter, die ja zwei Monate Vorsprung hatte, war dagegen schon eine deutliche Rundung zu erkennen.An dem Fick-Arrangement hatte sich durch Vanessas Schwangerschaft vorerst nichts geändert. Sie wurde weiterhin von Thomas und Marc regelmäßig gefickt. Und auch Sandra wurde...

3 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 4

Teil 4: DoppelbesamungAm Samstag Abend war Vanessa mit ihren Freundinnen in die Disco. Marc war mit seinen Kumpels unterwegs. Endlich einmal hatte Sandra wieder einen langen gemütlichen Abend alleine mit ihrem Mann. Sie trug nur ein kurzes, durchsichtiges Negligé, ein winziges Etwas, dass ihre Reize mehr betonte als verbarg. Nach einem Glas Wein, leidenschaftlichen Küssen und gegenseitigen Liebkosungen setzte sie sich breitbeinig auf seinen Schoß. Aufreizend rieb sie ihre nackte Scham an seinem...

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Zuchtstuten Teil 3

Teil 3: Die Mutterstute und der JunghengstDie drei waren völlig vertieft in ihr geiles Spiel, als sie plötzlich eine Stimme hörten: „He, was ist denn hier los? Eine Orgie? Ohne mich?“Das war Marc!Den hatten sie vollkommen vergessen. Zumindest die Frauen, denn Thomas hatte schon die ganze Zeit mit seinem Erscheinen gerechnet und dies auch bewusst einkalkuliert.Vanessa schrie entsetzt auf. Sie versuchte, aufzustehen, aber Thomas hielt ihre Hüften fest umklammert. Sie konnte nicht einmal ihre...

2 years ago
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Zuchtstuten Teil 2

Teil 2: Die Teeniestute und der DeckhengstAm nächsten Morgen erwachte Vanessa nur langsam. Es war hell im Zimmer und nur allmählich gewöhnten sich ihre Augen an die Helligkeit. Noch langsamer fing ihr Verstand an zu arbeiten. Irgendetwas stimmte nicht. Irgendetwas war anders als sonst. Dann begriff sie. Das war nicht ihr Bett. Das war nicht ihr Zimmer! Aber wo war sie denn? Dann erkannte sie das Schlafzimmer ihrer Eltern. Sie lag im Ehebett. Und sie war nackt! Was war geschehen?Plötzlich...

2 years ago
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Biechten in Den Bosch 2 Lucienne Lucella

Lekkere Leusdense Lucienne leeft nog immer zonder man. Mist haar altijd alles begrijpende Biechtvader in de Bosse Sint JanLucienne denkt vaak terug aan die twee nachten dat we uren kletsten en zij hem vertelde over haar eerste keer met twee mannenLucienne verdwijnt plotsklaps als een keer eerder, maar nu voor dik drie jaar, tot ik ineens een machtig mooie mail ontvang van haarLucienne vertelt in het kort hoe het nu met haar gaat: "Ik kan geen vaste vent vinden. ik mis U, Pater Peter! - U bent...

3 years ago
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Contento lui contenta io

“Adesso mi devi spiegare cosa intendi quando mi chiedi qualcosa in più”Avevamo appena finito di scopare e il mio caro maritino per l’ennesima volta mi chiedeva qualcosa in più, dopo oltre 20 anni di matrimonio in cui gli ho concesso tutti i buchi disponibili non riuscivo a capire cosa volesse. “Ma si un qualcosa di diverso, qualcosa che ci ecciti maggiormente e che rafforzi il nostro legame, magari qualcosa che risolva il mio problema”Il problema di mio marito è che lui è molto bravo di lingua...

1 year ago
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Krystenah s kitchen Punishment and Prize Part II

As Daddy laughed with Robbie in the front room, I knelt in the corner of the kitchen with the plug in my ass. The word “switching” echoed in my ears. Daddy had promised to switch me for not asking permission to stand or walk minutes earlier when I had retrieved a beer for Robbie. My heart beat fast as I anticipated my punishment. I heard their voices lower and I heard them quiet as Daddy walked Robbie to the door. The front door opened and swung shut. Silence filled the room where the laughter...

4 years ago
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Nun gehe ich bestimmt schon mehr als 2 Jahre regelmäßig in die Sauna. Meistens mache ich das am Samstagmorgen. Schön nach einer harten Woche etwas den Samstag genießen und denn Körper etwas erholen. Klar das man wenn das regelmäßig öfters mal dieselben Gesichter wieder sieht. Manche kommen dann auch jede Woche, der ein oder andere komm nur alle zwei Wochen oder nur einmal im Monat. So kennt man sich und hat immer schnell ein Gespräch an der Backe. Was aber schade ist das es alles Leute sind die...

3 years ago
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Khristen and the Pack

"Kristy, honey, could you get the Peterson file for me?" Daddy asked, looking up from his desk."Sure," I grumbled. I hated working for my dad at the kennel. All my friends gotto run around after school. My dad, on the other hand, thought this would be apositive experience for me, and insisted that I spend some hours after school and on the weekends working in the family business. I figure he also had a secondary motive. Puberty was beginning to influence my eight teen year old body, so my pert...

2 years ago
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Tensorian Escape

"This way.", she whispered. The three hurried down the gangway to the small ship, looking behind to see if they were being followed. The hatch to the ship was open and they ducked inside and pulled the door closed behind them.Safe, for now. Captain Senna tried to catch her breath and looked over at Ensign Torr and Science Officer Beck. They seemed similarly winded but unhurt. Her academy training had not prepared her for this. Commanding a scout ship was one thing. Navigating her crew safety...

4 years ago
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I was in a relationship with Erika for about a year before she left me. I don’t really blame her for leaving me. She said I was emotionally distant and generally cold; both traits that I cannot deny that I possess. When she told me that we were done I was mostly okay with it – I knew the relationship wasn’t working out just as well as she did. Still, she was the first woman to ever leave me and it hurt a bit.It didn’t help when I found out later that she had left me for another man. I’m fairly...

4 years ago
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Krystenah the puppy Begs for Relief

I could see him standing in the threshold, relaxed, but expectant. The neighbors were around and I greeted him by his name. He smiled but didn’t return the greeting. When I reached the top stair, I saw that he grasped the cat by its handle. Its braided tails hung silently along his leg. My thighs tightened at the memory of the last flogging he had given me and how the tails had painted my back, ass and thighs. He smiled. “Hello, Master,” I said, and smiled back. “Undress, Puppy,” he said. I set...

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Femintensity 1

The Femintensity series is a new idea of mine to write intense vignettes about relatively short moments in time- those times when transgendered feelings are strongest and nearly spiritual in nature. Please leave feedback if this is a thread worth pursuing. --CA Femintensity 1 By Cheryl Alison Her long fingers, tipped with wine-colored, polished nails, wound their way through my hair, as her other hand held up my chin. Her long nails ever so slightly dug in underneath my chin as...

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Femintensity 2

Femintensity 2 By Cheryl Alison My face glowed. Lit by the fire of tension and blood flow, I projected my image out into the space of the room. She moved a soft brush to my lips, painting on the rose color carefully and tenderly. Each small stroke was a kiss. I was enraptured with the process and my mistress. When she finished my lips, she took a larger brush and began bringing out the glow in my cheeks. Circular motions hypnotized me. Every pore in my face was aware that my gender...

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Kittten 5

All rights held by the author. Downloads for personal enjoyment is allowed. No authorization for any other use of this fictional story is given or implied. This is a forced feminization story and if you do not like forced feminization stories do not read or negatively comment. Kitten 5 By Cheryl Lynn After they had finished practicing Kitten's dance routines, they went back to the apartment. Later that evening, Joanne helped Josh out of his costume and into a nice hot bubble bath....

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Tennant Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hii…all my ISS friends…I m puneet from Kanpur (U.P)…age 26..married with one kid… A short notice for Kanpur bhabhis n aunties..if u r not satisfied with your partner…then i am there for you .. Ill make u satisfied…mail me at i m a pussy licker..i loves to lick pussy until it gets squirts…i m little bit healthy and my asset is my throbbing thick dick..whose size is 5.7 inches * 2.8 inches…this was just small introduction of mine… The story begins a few months back…when my new Tennant shifted to...

2 years ago
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Sentensed to Drag

SENTENCED TO DRAG BY JANICE Chapter 1 Well, my friend Donna and I have been here for a week, and what a week. As I sit here writing this sort of diary I am wearing a white tee shirt with a teddy bear on my chest and a short denim skirt. Under these I have a pair of white bikini panties and a white cotton bra. My feet are in a pair of pink flip-flops. My hair is short but brushed in a very cute style. My toe and fingernails...

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Tenent Kaise 2 5yrs Ke Baad Faske Chudi

Helo dosto mei Shushila Sharma jaisa ki ap muje to jante hi mene pehle apni story submit karchuki hu. Ye story mere family friend Rahul ki hai joki ek chote c city se ab mei story par aati hu joki mei khud Rahul se chudi huu to muje uske land ka size boht ache se pata hai 6″long 2.5mota gora ekdam.Joki Rahul thoda shy hai to mei uske behalf mei story likh rahi hu apko koibhi comment chodne ho khaskar ladkiya plese don hesitate Rahul banda ha thoda smart dude or athletic body. Ab mei story par...

3 years ago
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Tenent Ko Gulam Banake Maza Liya

Hi to all ISS readers, this is my first story which i dreamt for many a days and years. Am new here so please bear few grammatical errors.. . . Hi friends..this is a true incident. I am regular reader of ISS so thought of posting my incident too..hope u all like it..y our comments will be appreciated by me on my mail id , I am a Hindu and Jackson is my pet name. So wanted to clear it and also if anyone interested in secret and confidential fun do let me know. I am Jackson , 23 male, from...

2 years ago
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Krystenah s Strapping

In the video, she was bent over a table. She was tied down with leather straps at the thigh and ankle. Her mini skirt rode up and no longer covered all of her bare ass—or nearly bare. Garter straps could be seen attached to thigh-high fishnets. A tall, muscular man ran his hand slowly and gently down her back and massaged her tailbone as he bent down and murmured in her ear. She responded to his word with a breathy moan and a laugh. He continued massaging her lower back and began to raise her...

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Krystenah s Refresher

“But it’s silly,” I protested, giggling. The spoon as pressed against my lips. “What if someone sees us?” “If you don’t shut up, you will be eating this out of the lid on the ground. Open up.” Master’s eyes were dancing, but I knew he was good on this threat. I opened my mouth and Master spooned some coffee ice cream into my mouth. We were the only customers sitting outside the ice cream shop. The night was ridiculously hot and all of Evelyn’s Fine Ice Cream customers were soaking up the A/C...

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=== Unforgotten === by Trismegistus Shandy This story is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. You may repost it on other sites, for instance, or write new stories based on it, as long as you give me credit and release your own stories under the same license. My other stories on this site are released under Creative Commons license as well, though I may have forgotten to put the license notice on some of...

3 years ago
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Krystenah is a Naughty Teacher Part IV

As Matt Simeon moved his tassel from the right side to the left, he not only became a high school graduate, but he also became my boyfriend. I had been his English teacher all year and had agreed to date him only after he was no longer a student at Ben Franklin High. I had recently discovered how dominant he was and that had melted any resistance I had to dating someone so much younger. As I stood on the stage next to his mother and the rest of my colleagues applauding the graduates, my ass...

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Krystenah is a Naughty Teacher Part III

I rubbed my ass cheeks until Matty told me to come to where he sat in the living room. “Krystenah. You haven’t done too well today following directions, but I am going to give you a chance to redeem yourself.” He flashed a heart-melting smile at me. I chewed my lower lip. “What do I have to do?” I asked him. “Now that’s the right attitude!” He said. “First thing I need you to do is strip.” When I hesitated, he leaned forward and glared at me menacingly. “When was the last time you were spanked...

3 years ago
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Krystenah Visits a Salon for Sluts

Before Master J left on his trip, he left detailed instructions for me. When I woke up I saw them paper-clipped together. On top was a small note written in his hand. Obey me, slut was all it said. The instructions were extensive. When I had foolishly complained about being left alone, my master had devised plenty of activities to keep me focused. He didn’t need to tell me he would check on me while he was away. First on the list was a haircut appointment. I hadn’t heard of the salon, but if...

4 years ago
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Krystenah s Inspiration Part II

“Get up and go take a shower,” he told me. “I have a surprise for you.” I was always the most obedient when I heard my Master say these words. I sang in the shower as I washed away my sweat and the evidence of our lovemaking. As I wrapped the towel around my body, I saw the nightie hanging from the door. It was a fire engine red see-through baby doll nightie and was the trashiest thing I had ever worn. I squealed and clapped my hands before pulling it over my head. As I did, I saw that there...

2 years ago
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Krystenah s Inspiration Part I

I had backed myself into a corner one more time. I had promised the completed project to my client by the 27 th …at the latest. It was the 26 th , and I had only the merest outline. I took myself to the coffee shop so that I would be free from the distractions at home. Sometimes I perform very well when I’m under the wire. Other times, like now, my mind seemed to wander to every possible subject except the one I was being contracted to write about. I put some music on my laptop and plugged in...

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Krystenah s Master and King

"Do you have any painkillers?" he asked me. My eyes landed on the small bottom of ibuprofen on the bedside table . "Yes, Sir," I said through the phone. "Better take some now. I'm on my way home," he said and hung up. I set the phone down and picked up the pill bottle. I didn't have time to worry if Master was in an angry or playful mood. It might not matter too much either way; it was clear that he intended to wear me out when he got home. I opened the bottle absently as I walked into the...

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Krystenah is Reclaimed Sylvia Pt 3

The water soothed my muscles even as it irritated the punished skin of my thighs and ass. Master lowered me into the tub. He used a wash cloth and asked me to give him parts of his slave’s both to bathe. I relaxed my arm as he held my wrist and washed the length on my arm. He ran the warm cloth over my neck and up my face, finally washing away all traces of Mistress Sylvia. He ran the cloth along my lips and pressed his index finger into it so that he could wash the space between my nose and...

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INHERITANCE PROLOGUE: This is a story about a life found and another saved. Jeff Anderson had just returned from the lawyers reading of his late sisters will. Michael, his sisters son had not attended, which for now Jeff was thankful. Entering the mansion, Jeff greeted the staff cordially and invited all of them to a staff meeting in the formal bar and advised those responsible to have the coolers well stocked. He asked Winston the butler where young Michael was and the...

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Chastening Day

This story is a work of fiction. Do not copy anything in the story.CHASTENING DAY   Act I:   A BOY?S LUCK, A PRIEST?S CALLING? smack magnetCh 1: A priest, a boy and a villagePavel couldn't wait for chastening day. After years of imaginings, he was old enough, and fortunate enough, to join in the spring festival. There were so many girls he might be paired with. There were two or three who he had often imagined chastening. Many were astonished at his luck in being chosen at all. But to be chosen...

3 years ago
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DiscountenanceBy Brewt.BlacklistSeptember 2012THE SUBMISSIVES I have encountered have all been quite delicate creatures, easy to frighten, easy to offend. Mouthy as hell.When they are not on their knees, of course.Indeed. It's as though they save all their strength for then.Probably a defensive mechanism. I suspect the verbal attacks are that, too.Possibly. Take this one, for example.My Lord, I . . .Shut up. Don't interrupt me. God damn it, what was I saying? Oh, yes. When this one isn't here...

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Tennage sali ko choda

Hi mera naam rajesh hai aur ye kahani meri aur meri saali ke bare mein hai.meri biwi ki do behan aur ek bhai hai.ek ki umar hai 25 saal sale ki umar 23 saal hai aur sabse choti sali 18 saal ki hai uska naam trupti hai (name changed) wo hamesha hi bahut sexy kapde pahnti hai jaise ki midi aur short skirt sleveles tshirt jisme wo bahut hi sexi lagti hai.uski height karib 5.1″ aur uska figure 32-24-32 haimeri badi sali ki shadi ho chuki hai aur wo dusre seher mein rahti hai jabki mera saural mer...

2 years ago
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Studenten Austausch

In nur wenigen Monaten wirst du die High School abschließen. Eigentlich weißt du genau welche Universität du besuchen willst, aber du hast dich trotzdem an mehreren Unis beworben um deine Chancen zu erhöhen. Die meisten Schulen haben bereits geantwortet, aber die Schule deiner ersten Wahl haben erst einmal nur mit der Mitteilung geantwortet, dass deine Bewerbung noch geprüft wird. Du bist positiv gestimmt, denn immerhin handelt es sich noch um keine Ablehnung. Aber du hoffst natürlich auf eine...

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I am not a student of psychology and have no affectations of being knowledgeable on this subject. Everything I am about to tell you based on my subjectivity. Hopefully, therefore, I do not piss off readers who are well versed in this topic.To me, one of the most guarded subjects in the world is male homosexuality activity. With the biblical abhorrence to this phenomenon that we were all raised on, I suppose this comes expectedly, and any statistical evidence, therefore, can never be accurately...

Gay Male
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Sweetening Convention

Nomax shifted his weight, Tabby sitting before him, though she was only drinking a soft drink, something fizzy and sweet. He knew what it was as she’d let him try a bit and some part of the canine anthro had wondered just how it would have tasted if coming from her lips. But that thought had made him feel all hot and bothered under his fur, when he was not sure that he should have been thinking about the woman before him in that way.“You okay, Nomax?”She smiled and his heart turned over again....

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Tenderloin Tales Sally s Slap in the Face

San Francisco, city of my birth, must be just about the best damn place in the whole world for a single guy. Not just because there are more women than men, but because it's a faery city as well as a city of fairies. From any vista point, you might feel you were overlooking a silvered, shimmering Oz. "Mornin' Sally. How you doin' this beautiful day?" "Good morning to you, Gavin. I'm doin' okay." The tall blond hid a large yawn behind long, red tipped fingers. "Are we keeping you...

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Tenderloin Tales The Runaway Child

Genesis It was a beautiful late September afternoon in San Francisco. The Powell Street cable car plaza was free of tourists. The street bands were still holding their usual spots, but their music was muted, relaxed, as if the musicians needed some catalyst from an audience to really come alive. I had left my office early, intending to go to the Golden Gate Street "Y" for a jazzercise work out. There are moments in our lives when the world disappears, the sun warms, sights and sounds fade,...

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Tenderloin Tales Mo Fun

© 2002 all rights reserved. Intro The '80's, a decade to remember: Post pill, pre AIDS. Gloria Steinham making waves eagerly surfed by the assertive, independent women of San Francisco. "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle," was a popular paraphrase, often attributed to Steinham, but the source is Australian Irina Dunn. The best rebuttal I'd heard, in a crowded Union Street meat market bar, was: "Yeah, but fish don't have cunts that enjoy a ride on a sturdy...

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Tenerif Lifeline

A tale of Asgard Space It had been a long and interesting six weeks since the Catamount had left Keeler space. They were proceeding with caution, having stolen a fortune out from under the noses of Ayna's 'grandfather', the current President-for-life of the Keeler system. Some of the gems had been easy to sell, and for full price, but the rest were far too large and too closely associated with Keeler royalty to be able to sell on the open market. The Gamma Imperiax was too famous as a part...

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I am a 13 year old alter boy and the parish priest had assigned me to cleaning up around the church after the Saturday night late mass. I was in the back of the church, sweeping the apse, when I saw Sister Marie Ann slowly walking towards the confessionals. Sister Marie had long been my favorite nun, mostly because she was young and pretty but also because she seemed to really like me. She had a habit of tussling my hair and smiling at me in a friendly manner and once, when the priest had been...

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Chapter 1: Aide Appears I'm not sure why I was chosen -- why I was given the power I have. I don't even know where the power comes from, or how it works. What I do know is that I can reshape the world as I see fit -- to create things, even people, from nothingness, or send them into oblivion; to alter the past, or at least everyone's memories of it; to control the thoughts of a person, or a nation, or of the entire world. In short, I was given the power of a god. It all started when I was...

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Tenderloin Tales Gavin s Misadventure

© 2001, all rights retained. San Francisco has everything. Chinese noodles, Mexican tortillas or good old US of A hamburgers at four A.M. in the morning. Big titted girls with dicks in the evening. A hot mouth in the afternoon. That wasn't gender specific, was it. In this adventure Gavin, our sturdy pawn in the game of sex, drugs and Rock and Roll San Francisco style, finds himself at loose ends one Saturday afternoon. He has an urge for some solo sleaze so chooses to check out one of...

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PenitenceChapter 2

Janice couldn't keep her eyes off his limp 'thing', as she preferred to call it. She stared at it, willing it to get hard, but whenever she thought someone was watching her, she looked away, seemingly bored with the display. Her eyes drank in the sight of his crinkly sack, the outline of his two balls clearly visible beneath the soft covering of skin clinging to them as they nestled between his thighs. The door opened and Sonia returned bearing a towel and a number of other implements....

1 year ago
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TenderfootChapter 6

It didn't take long for word of this latest adventure of ours to get around town. The result was that a number of women bought guns and practiced shooting them. I have no idea how much this served to slow down the violence in Deadwood, but anything would help. Whatever else resulted, at least the marshal was happy. I now had a regular job in the restaurant and a part-time job guarding gold shipments by ox-drawn wagon. The gold guarding job came along about one or two times a month, and it...

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TenderfootChapter 8

It was a rough four days, but we finally pulled into San Antonio, tired, but relieved to arrive there at last. Man, was it hot! Even in the shade, it was just too damned hot for somebody who had gotten used to the weather in Deadwood. We were surprised to see people walking around as if they were not the least bit bothered by the temperature, and that was nearly enough for me to buy three train tickets to take us north. The problem was that we were stuck because there were no north-bound...

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TenderfootChapter 9

I took the train to Ft. Worth and arrived two days before the gold shipment was scheduled to be made. I wanted to be there so that I could see that all of the precautions we had agreed to had been taken. I even went with a bank clerk to a blacksmith who pounded the key into worthless junk while we watched. Okay, there was nothing else that I could do in Ft. Worth until the train left the next day. The train consist was kind of unusual: a locomotive with tender, an express car, a baggage car,...

2 years ago
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Catteni HeatChapter 1

I awoke to the sound of low rumbling and soft moaning. I could feel the rumbling almost as much as I could hear it. I went to move and found I was stiff. I remembered what happened; I was rounded up by the Catteni that had taken over my planet and was being sent off to who knows where. This was not a new thing for my home world of late. It seemed that every time someone started a fight or got rowdy in some way the Catteni would gas everyone in the area and take them away. Now I remembered, I...

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Catteni HeatChapter 2

I woke not long after, feeling somewhat better. I decided I needed more food. So I left my room to go to the galley. I found two men sitting at the table. They greeted me and asked if I needed anything. "I was wondering if you guys had had your meal yet." I was thinking if they hadn't that I could prepare it for them. "We ate already but there should be some left in the warmer." said one of the men and without even being asked got up and dished up a plate for me. I sat down at the...

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Catteni HeatChapter 3

The next day started about the same as the others. Waking up, going to the galley to eat. Give the galley a good cleaning, then back to my room. There I cleaned the room, undressed wrapped a blanket around myself and waited for the first of the three guys for the day. The first arrived. He knocked on the door. I got up and let him in. It was the young man that had fallen asleep in the cargo bay after his first encounter with me. I had him come in. For a Catteni he was shy. He told me his...

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Catteni HeatChapter 4

Days turned into weeks, as we waited for some sign that we could leave. Nevin never made a move at me unless I invited it. Then one day an alarm sounded in the room. Nevin was just about to go to the storage rooms across the hall. We both moved to stand near the door so that we could hear. Then I heard HIM yelling at the top of his lungs. I heard Quillan too, but I couldn't make out what they were saying, until they got closer. Nevin had lowered the lights and retrieved a stunner from a...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 2 Homesteaders

Dee Johns found her home at the end of a washboard gravel road four miles northwest of Winthrop. "A place to settle down," she said. They were at Wolf Creek where it emerges from a deep canyon that cuts between the north end of Thompson Ridge and the south end of Virginian Ridge, the western wall of the upper valley. It was a sweltering 100-mile drive northeast along the Columbia River, then north along the Methow River, following sharper and narrower bends, climbing and winding, crossing...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 3 Spirit Dreams

Cottonwood trees flanking the rock-rimmed irrigation ditch behind the house moaned in the rising late-night wind. Graydon heard the swaying branches outside and close thunder booming from the north as an early summer storm moved down the valley. They had spent several days cleaning out clutter and moving in. Alex Senior made a trip in the Blue Goose to buy used furniture: a kitchen table and chairs, an iron frame double bed with springs and mattress, two war surplus barrack cots with pads, an...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 4 Goat Man

His Arkansas drawl was thick like rich molasses, slow and easy. Ezekial Patterson seemed ageless; tall, slightly hunch-shouldered, and he shuffled along with a slight limp. "Patch," as folks called him, was as much a part of the 300-acre river-bottoms as the fields, the willows, and the cottonwood trees. His best pal Purdy dressed all in black with a floppy black hat. Patch wore blue denim that went unwashed once he put it on new from the General Store. The jacket and trousers were crusted...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 5 The Fight

The yellow school bus pulled up to their narrow drive on the gravel road, loaded Graydon and Alex Jr, drove a hundred yards to the "Y" intersection of the Wolf Creek spur and turned around. Their house was the last stop. It was four miles to school. Graydon sat at the window with Alex Jr. beside him. He watched the sagebrush flats roll by, the rock piles and stunted apple trees and lilacs marking where earlier homestead efforts had withered from lack of water. Wolf Creek was a seasonal...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 6 Lights in the Night

Alex Sr. worked away during the week on a Columbia River dam site. He came home most weekends, making the three-hour drive Friday evening. Often he was quite late, saying he'd gotten "hung up" with friends or late work. Usually his breath smelled of whiskey. He had always been a drinker and enjoyed hanging out in the evenings with his tavern buddies. But now there was a new element: jealousy. There had been jealous rages before. Once in Wyoming at a rented tar-paper shack on the South...

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Pasayten PeteChapter 7 Winter Lodge

Winters in the Methow Valley were cold, sometimes bitterly so. Temperatures ranged well below zero. The snow would pile up two and three feet deep. It fell to Graydon to keep the driveway into the Wolf Creek homestead shoveled out when the snow got deeper than the sedan his step-father drove, or the panel truck, their faithful Blue Goose, could break through without chains. Graydon would wax the flat-bladed shovel and begin cutting blocks from the deep snow, lifting each, and heaving it to...

1 year ago
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Pasayten PeteChapter 8 Spirits in the Fire

Graydon could feel himself evenly balanced on his skis. He could feel his arms bearing down on his ski poles, planted firmly to each side. Otherwise he felt suspended in space, hanging in milk. His feet ended at his boot tops and no trace of snow or shadow or outline or slope or mountainside existed in his vision. There was no horizon and no sky. It was a perfect "whiteout," that rare condition of light in which snow and sky are perfectly blended together and there is no trace of shadow or...

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