Zigarette indian porn

1 year ago
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Das Rote Halsband

Das Rote Halsband © 2006 / 2019 Lydia Lighthouse Schon seit langem hatte ich es mir vorgenommen. Nur an einer passenden Gelegenheit mangelte es bisher. Zugegeben, ein wenig mehr Mut w?re dem Unternehmen sicherlich zutr?glich gewesen, aber jetzt war es ja endlich so weit. Mit einer Eintrittskarte f?r einen Travestie-Event in der Tasche war ich auf dem Weg zu meiner ersten Erfahrung als Frau in der ?ffentlichkeit. Nun gut... ?ffentlichkeit war zwar vielleicht etwas zu viel gesagt, denn au...

4 years ago
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Mistress Turned

Kaum f?nf Minuten waren nach seinem Anruf vergangen und schon war ich in der befohlenen Position. Viel Kleidung musste ich eh nicht ablegen, wenn er mich auf dem Zimmer anrief, nur ein String und ein T-shirt, achtlos in die Ecke geworfen und seltsamerweise nahm das Anziehen mehr Zeit in Anspruch- die schwarzen Stiefel, die schwarze Ledermaske, sie zog ich in Hektik an. Und dann war es nur ein wenig Akrobatik: die Spreizstange zwischen die Beine gekettet, und dann auf allen Vieren die...

2 years ago
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Das Abitur German

Das AbiturAls ich von der Abendschule zur?ck nach Hause kam weinte ich. Ich hatte den letzten Test wohl ordentlich vermasselt. Der Test war sehr schwer gewesen. Doch ich brauchte unbedingt das Abitur, oder ich w?rde meinen Job verlieren. Mein Chef hat mich f?r ein halbes Jahr vom Dienst freigestellt, und das bei voller Bezahlung. Er wollte sichergehen, dass ich gen?gend Zeit zum Lernen hatte um mein Abitur nachzuholen. Mein Mann sah mich als ich die K?che betrat und er fragte mich, warum ich...

3 years ago
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Kathy und Betti Watson German

Kathy und Betti WatsonKapitel 1Betti Watson f?hlte ein hei?es Kribbeln in ihrer jungfr?ulichen Muschi, als sie ihre schmalen H?ften auf dem Sofa hin und her bewegte. Ihr blaues Bikini-H?schen schmiegte sich eng an ihre hei?en, geschwollenen Schamlippen. Das seidene Material rieb angenehm an ihrer M?se. Das Gef?hl war schockierend gut, sogar besser als das in ihren Brustwarzen, die bereits steif waren. Es war schrecklich f?r das M?dchen, so zu f?hlen, besonders, weil es in der Wohnung ihrer besten Freu...

2 years ago
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Die Trainierin Sklavinnen in der h lle

Gut gelaunt und erholt von meinem Malediven-Urlaub beschloss ich also einen neuen Lebensweg einzuschlagen und k?nftig mein Geld mit geilen Fotos zu verdienen. Die passende Ausr?stung hatte ich ja schon. Und wenn ich an die letzten Wochen zur?ckdenke ... In der Ferienvilla neben meiner hatte sich eine komplette Filmcrew einquartiert. Sie produzierten im Haus und auf dem Grundst?ck verschiedene Szenen auf Bestellung. Schon wenige Tage nach meiner Ankunft – ich machte gerade ein kleines Nickerchen...

1 year ago
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Wie alles begann

Wie alles WIRKLICH begann - unter der Erde.1945. Fr?hjahr, aber kein wirkliches. In der ausgesprengten H?hle tief in den Bergen, in der sich die drei M?nner ein letztes Mal treffen, ist davon nichts zu sp?ren. Beton, eine Reihe trostloser Strahler an der Decke, Maschinenteile, Kisten mit Dokumenten.Gerade hatten sie gelost, nun weiss jeder der Drei, wohin seine Reise geht.Der Mann im tadellosen Anzug zuckte die Schultern. "Gut, ich werde mich also den Siegern im Westen stellen... Vielleicht ist d...

2 years ago
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Annas Abrichtung

Annas Abrichtung - Teil 1([email protected])Die folgende Geschichte ist beinhaltet die detaillierte Darstellung unterschiedlichster erzwungener sexueller Handlungen. Sie ist als eine Fantasie f?r Erwachsene und darf nicht von Minderj?hrigen oder solchen Personen gelesen werden, die sich durch solche Darstellungen verletzt f?hlen. Ich weise ausdr?cklich und aus meiner vollen ?berzeugung darauf hin, dass ich solche Handlungen in der Realit?t als verabscheuensw?rdig empfinde und die strafrechtliche V...

2 years ago
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Painful Paradise GERMAN

Die Mitwirkenden:???????????????????????????????  J?rg,???? 31 Jahre, 198 cmDonna,? 25 Jahre, 177 cmSandra, 22 Jahre, 178 cm Dies ist die Geschichte von Sandra Schmitt. Sandra ist 22 Jahre und 1,78 m gro?. Ihren K?rper kann man getrost als Waffenscheinpflichtig bezeichnen, schlanke Taille, lange Beine, einen knackigen Po und feste, wohlproportionierte Br?ste, die fest wie frische ?pfel sind. Ihre langen, naturblonden Haare fielen bis unter ihre Schulterbl?tter herab und waren leicht gel...

3 years ago
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Besoffene Familie

Um das zu erzählen, was ich mein Daddy-Ding nenne, muss ich ein bisschen weiter ausholen und euch von meiner Jugend erzählen: Ich bin ein Einzelkind und wuchs ziemlich behütet auf. Mein Vater war Verkaufsleiter eines mittleren Betriebs, meine Mutter Kassiererin in einem Supermarkt. Wir schwammen nicht gerade im Geld, aber es hat mir auch nie richtig an etwas gemangelt. Meine Eltern waren lieb und nett zu mir, manchmal habe ich von Mama oder Papi Schläge bekommen, aber immer nur, wenn ich das...

3 years ago
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Türkenspielplatz Arkan und seine beiden Kumpel saßen auf einer Bank am Kinderspielplatz und tranken Bier aus Dosen. Um sie herum hatte sich ein ansehnlicher Haufen von leeren Dosen und Zigarettenkippen aufgehäuft. Obwohl es erst 17 Uhr am Nachmittag war, waren die Drei schon völlig dicht. "Alkohol, Zigaretten, jetzt bräuchten wir nur noch was zum ficken!", lallte Hassan, der in der Mitte auf der Bank saß. "Ja, das wäre jetzt dringend nötig!", pflichtete ihm Murat der dritte im Bunde bei. Die...

1 year ago
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Zur Hure erzogen

?So gehst du mir nicht aus dem Haus!?, klingt mir die Stimme meiner Mutter noch in den Ohren. Dabei hatte ich doch ohnehin einen Rock an, der knapp ?ber dem Knie endete. Aber wenn man eine Hure sein soll, ist das nat?rlich viel zu lang. ?Sollen die Leute denken, dass du eine Nonne bist??, schimpfte meine Mutter. Sie w?re mit so einem langen Fetzen nie aus dem Haus gegangen. Als stadtbekannte Nutte wusste sie, was sie ihrem Ruf schuldig war. Und sie wollte nur das Beste f?r mich. Und das war, d...

4 years ago
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Die Nachhilfelehrerin

Als ich meinem Mann durch die riesige Glasscheibe des Abfluggates ein letztes Mal zuwinkte, merkte ich zu meinem Entsetzen, dass ich mich frei fühlte. Ein halbes Jahr würde er nun auf einer Großbaustelle in Brasilien verbringen, die er als Bauleiter beaufsichtigen sollte. Oft hatten wir über seine Abwesenheit gesprochen, und nun, als es so weit war, spürte ich nichts von Traurigkeit. Als er durch den schmalen Gang, der zu seinem Gate führte, verschwunden war, drehte ich mich um und genoß die...

2 years ago
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Ich bin eine Hundesau I am a bitch for dogs

Ich war seit fast einem Jahr in Behandlung. Der Paartherapeut, den mein Mann und ich wegen unserer Eheprobleme konsultiert hatten, hatte mich an einen Psychologen ?berwiesen. Auch wenn die Diagnose nicht eindeutig war, so war in den Paarsitzungen doch herausgekommen, dass ich von schweren abartigen Phantasien geplagt w?rde, die der Paartherapeut nicht in der Lage war zu behandeln. Einzelsitzungen, um ?ber mein Innenleben und Kopfkino mehr zu erfahren, w?rden hilfreicher sein – das war...

3 years ago
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Verena gegen die Blood Angeles

Verena war in ausgelassener Stimmung. Heute war der letzte Arbeitstag vor ihrem lang ersehnten Urlaub. Die Sonne schien, die Bürger lächelten sie an und seit Stunden hatte es keine Einsätze mehr gegeben. Mit ihren 1.60cm schritt sie zusammen mit einem etwa 30cm größeren Kollegen auf Fußpatrouille durch ein Industriegebiet in der Vorstadt. In der Gegend waren in letzter Zeit häufig Drogensüchtige gesehen worden und die Polizei hatte sich entschieden zu Fuß Präsenz zu zeigen. Verenas langen...

2 years ago
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Das Burgfr ulein

Die folgende Geschichte ist eine Symbiose aus einem vergangenen erlebten Ereignis und meiner Phantasie die sich durch den Chat in einem Eroikportal entwickelte. „Na, wer hat mir denn heute geschrieben?“ denke ich so bei mir als ich mein Lieblings Sex Portal öffne und mich einlogge. Mein Freundeskreis ist recht begrenzt. Ich versuche Spinner und Fakes direkt auszusortieren, bin natürlich sehr daran interessiert weibliche Wesen, auf mein Profil aufmerksam zu machen. Neben einer einzigen Nachricht...

2 years ago
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Ladendiebstahl geht schief

"Ich werde es nehmen." Martis Augen öffneten sich weit und sie schüttelte den Kopf. "Nicht! Was, wenn du erwischt wirst?" Es war eng in der Umkleidekabine. Marti seufzte. "Erzähl mir nochmal, warum ich mit dir befreundet bin." Karen lachte. "Weil ich Spaß habe. Außerdem denke ich, dass die Verkäuferin mit uns zur Schule geht. Sie würde uns wahrscheinlich zulassen, dass wir sie nehmen." Sie betrachtete sich selbst im Spiegel. Karens langes blondes Haar war nach hinten gestrafft. Ihre blauen...

3 years ago
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Beginn eines Studentenlebens

Pia war neu in der Stadt. Vor wenigen Tagen hatte sie ihre Studentenbude bezogen, eine kleine 2-Zimmer-Wohnung in einem Haus der Gründerzeit am Rande der City. Noch ein paar Wochen, dann würde die Uni beginnen. Pia kannte noch niemanden in der Stadt. In einer anderen Stadt aufgewachsen, fühlte sie sich keineswegs unwohl - es würde einfach ein paar Tage dauern, bis sie neue Bekanntschaften schloß. Genügend Zeit, sich einzuleben. Pia zog sich an, um auszugehen. Sie wählte einen kurzen Rock, ein...

2 years ago
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Der Streit

Die Geschichte beginnt im Sommer auf einem ganz gewöhnlichen Parkplatz in einem Industriegebiet irgendwo in Deutschland. Etwas abseits der großen Supermärkte zwischen einem Schnellimbiss, einem Getränkemarkt und einer Spielehalle gelegen stehen um die Mittagszeit nur eine Handvoll Autos auf dem Parkplatz herum. Ein paar ungepflegt wirkende Männer in Lederklamotten sitzen gemütlich ihre Zigaretten rauchend und Bier trinkend vor der Spielehalle auf einer Sitzbank und unterhalten sich dabei. Da...

3 years ago
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Amanda und ich leben seit drei Jahren glücklich verheiratet in Bochum. Sie ist vierundzwanzig und ich bin ein Jahr älter als sie. Als wir uns vor fünf Jahren kennen lernten, war mir gleich klar, dass ich sie liebe und mit ihr zusammen sein möchte. Als wir dann heirateten und zusammenzogen, war unser Glück perfekt. Wir arbeiten beide und verdienen zusammen ganz gut: Sie als Sekretärin in einer großen Firma und ich bin als Verkäufer in einer anderen großen Firma tätig. So haben wir keine...

3 years ago
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Treffen mit einem User oder mein neuer Herr

Eine kleine Vorgeschichte, ich bin eine devote verheiratete Frau (deren Mann von nichts weiß) habe mich hier eigentlich angemeldet da ich dominante Frauen oder Paare suchte. Wie Frauen mir hier sicher bestätigen können gibt es leider (für mich zum Glück) Herren die Profile nicht bzw zwar lesen aber es trotzdem versuchen.So kam es das mich ein User hier ziemlich heftig und derb anschrieb. Es fielen Sätze wie ,,Dir fetten Sau muss man einen Knochen um den Hals binden damit wenigsten Hunde mit dir...

3 years ago
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Mein bisheriges Leben

Es ist sehr merkwürdig, seit dem ich 17 Jahre alt bin, gehe ich mit meinem Geschlecht anders um als ich es biologisch wirklich bin. Das macht sich wie folgt bemerkbar! Noch weit vor dem siebzehnten Lebensjahr als ich so um die neun Jahre alt war, habe ich, wenn meine Mutter auf die Arbeit ging ihre Kleidung angezogen und mich anders, besser gefühlt. Ich konnte damals zwar noch nichts damit anfangen, aber ich dachte mir später das mein leben eine Menge Überraschungen mit mir vor hat. So kam es...

1 year ago
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Serap 12 Sex bis an die Grenze

Serap 12 Liebe Leser! Wenn Ihr die ganze Geschichte von Serap, Jutta und mir verstehen wollt, dann lest Kapitel 1-11. Ansonsten viel Spaß!!!!…..................Ich packte mir Serap und flüsterte Ihr zu: „Du schläfst heute bei mir!“ Das glückliche Paar wird schon etwas mit der leeren Wohnung anzufangen wissen. Wir verließen die Party und machten uns auf den Heimweg.Eigentlich hatte ich gar keine Lust nach Hause zu fahren und Serap ging es genau so.Jutta war zwar auch zu der Party eingeladen,...

3 years ago
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Mein unfreiwilliges Outing

Es ist fast ein Jahr her. Es war ein sehr peinlicher aber auch erregender Moment. Vielleicht war er so erregend weil es peinlich war. Aber alles was ich schreibe ist genau so passiert.Es war der 01.01.2017. Ich hatte seit längerer Zeit Urlaub und grade in so langen Urlaubszeiten hatte ich immer sehr viel Spaß mit meiner Vorliebe Frauenkleidung und Unterwäsche zu tragen.So kam es dass ich an diesem Tag abends mein Lieblingskostüm anzog. Es ist Alice. Es ist so süß und weiblich dass ich allein...

1 year ago
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Das perfekte Leben Teil 1

Das perfekte Leben - Teil 1 von susi zee "Schon wieder diese verdammten Zigaretten. Kannst du dich nicht daran halten, in der Wohnung nicht zu rauchen?" "Wenn's so einfach w?re, h?tte ich l?ngst aufgeh?rt!" "Da m?ssen wir uns was einfallen lassen. Ich glaube ich habe da eine Idee." Ich hatte schon vor einiger Zeit davon gelesen, mit Hilfe von Hypnose vom Rauchen loszukommen. Da ich schon lange nicht mehr rauchte, war es nun auch an der Zeit, dass meine Freundin Jessica endlich auch d...

3 years ago
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Ich wollte eigentlich nur wichsen

Es ist nun schon ein paar Jahre her...Ich war damals 20 und hatte mit einigen Freunden den Abend verbracht. Mein bester Freund hatte Sturmfrei, sowohl seine Schwester als auch seine Mutter waren bei Verwandten. Es war ein typischer Abend wie ihn junge Männer verbringen, Bier, Schnaps, Actionfilme, laute Musik und schlechte Witze. Gegen 1 Uhr Nachts sind dann die anderen Jungs gegangen. Da der Weg zu mir Nachhause doch sehr weit war wollte ich über nacht bleiben. Das war auch alles kein Problem....

4 years ago
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Herr P

Als Anna abends von der Arbeit heimkehrte fand sie eine Benachrichtigung eines Paketzustelldienstes, dass eine Sendung für sie bei ihrem Nachbarn abgegeben worden sei.Also klingelte sie an seiner Tür. Nach einigem Zögern wurde ihr aufgemacht und Herr P. Stand in seinem Flur. Anna war Herrn P. Schon des Öfteren im Hause begegnetet, sie hatte ihn als höflichen wenn auch etwas distanzierten Menschen kennen gelernt, der hilfsbereit war, aber nicht zu irgendwelchen Gesprächen aufgelegt war. Er bat...

2 years ago
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Aus Marc wird Marcy 1

Petra wachte auf. War da nicht ein Ger?usch unten an der Haust?r? Sie machte Licht und sah zum Wecker: halb drei. Jetzt h?rte sie wieder etwas. Ihr Blick in die unber?hrte H?lfte ihres Ehebetts lie? auch kaum einen Zweifel aufkommen, wer sich unten an der T?r zu schaffen machte. Ihr Mann Marc war nach einj?hriger Ehe am Ende. Alkohol, Berufsstress als erfolgloser, selbstst?ndiger Vertreter, dauernder Ehekrach: Petra stand es bis zum Hals. Schon wieder besoffen, dachte sie. So ging's jedenfa...

3 years ago
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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

3 years ago
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Max und sein Vater

Max fing an zu zittern als er die T?re aufgehen h?rte.Man h?rte deutlich, dass sein Vater wieder ziemlich dicht war. Er stolperte geradezu in die kleine 2-Zimmer Wohnung, in diesem Hochhaus, das sich in einem ziemlich ?blen Stadtteil befand, wo er und sein 16 Jahre alter Sohn lebten.Seitdem die Mutter von Max die kleine Familie ?ber Nacht verlassen hat und spurlos verschwunden ist, lebte er mit seinem alkoholkranken Vater ganz allein.Zur Zeit sind Schulferien. Immer wenn der Alte das Haus...

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Marie German

MarieMarie, eine wundersch?ne 19-j?hrige junge Dame, wurde mit allen Attributen eines Models gesegnet. Bei ihr musste der liebe Gott ein Auge zugekniffen haben, als es hie?; Bitte anstellen, Sch?nheit, Anmut und Grazie werden verteilt. Die junge Frau musste mindestens zweimal in jeder Schlange angestanden haben, so perfekt war sie gebaut. Sie war 170 cm gro?, hatte K?rbchengr??e 75c, leicht gebr?unte Haut und schulterlanges blondes Haar. Wenn die Sonne darauf viel, glitzerten ihre Haare wie ein golden...

1 year ago
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Kein Safeword

I have published this story on another site before. Ich habe diese Geschichte bereits auf einer anderen Webseite für erotische Fiktion veröffentlicht. Ich stelle sie hier erneut ein, um zu erfahren, ob mein Stil zu CHYOA passt. Alle Personen sind 18 Jahre oder älter. Es war spät. Andere würden vermutlich sagen, es war schon wieder früh. Ich hatte mit den Jungs in unserer Stammkneipe das Spiel angeschaut. Der Sieg an diesem Freitagabend sicherte dem Club die Europa League Teilnahme und welch...

3 years ago
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Tell Laura Chapter 3

LauraI know I shouldn’t laugh, but it was with great satisfaction that I left the bathroom, having walked in on Tommy. I was right this morning, he had grown up to be quite a big lad. At six-foot two-inches, he was seven inches taller than I was. From what I had just seen, it looked like he had the foundations to make up the difference between us with what he had between his legs. Only one of the friends that was invited to be entertained was noticeably bigger than my ex. My husband never...

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Seduced My Dark Colored Maid

Hello guys, my name is A and I am here to tell you the story of how I lost my virginity to my maid Kala. She is in her mid 30s, married and has 2 kids. She is working is my home since 5 years and I had my eye on her for a while. She is dark colored, has fat in the right places and facial expressions that give you an instant hard-on. I forgot to tell you that I live in Vizag. She comes to work in the morning and stays till the evening. She wears a saree and always exposes ample skin. I am 21...

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The Nervouse Game

Introduction: This is my first story yall. Constructive criticism is wellcome, but dont be an asshole about it. Hope you enjoy as much as I did ,-). We have been friends since the beginning of Freshman year of High School, when Alanna and I met each other. We have never hung out before, but talked to each other often, and the conversations frequently were about sex, mainly because I was a teenage guy. Weve discussed everything from what weve done to what we would like to do If we had the...

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Muslim Men

My name is jenny Carter,42 im a married mother with one daughter who is 17, my husband Brian is an independent  engineer who works all over the country, and this takes him away from home  most of the time so my daughter and I are mostly alone, this is fine by me as we have a beautiful home and are financially secure, our sex life is routine id say but nothing kinky or out of the ordinary, whilst  my husband is away I take care of the home and the usual mother things so all is good in our house,...

4 years ago
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Emily s Christmas

Those of you who have been following my diary know that things haven't been going too well since I split up from my husband. I've had some good times and have learned a few things about life and love, but no guy has lasted more than a few weeks. So I was kind of dreading Christmas. I knew my younger sister, Melody, was getting close with her new boyfriend as I've found cum stains on her knickers and t-shirts, and so I knew my sister would be having a good time: in fact in the run up to...

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The lady in the bus

I live in an island. The best way to downtown is taking the bus. Nowadays you'd see most of people bending their neck to their smartphones. But it's not the case for that lady. She is more like a book reader; a woman in her early 50s I thought the first time. It's not the whole story, though. She used to have her book on her palms, rather up in the air, and have casual looks to men. Well, I'd better say young guys. Sounds like a cougar, huh? I thought so, too. The problem for her is that most...

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Mother s New BoarderChapter 5

The shadows of dusk fell across the warm, ocean-side community, and though there was enough light to see outside with, the sun just setting with streamers of orange and red, Marleen turned on the lamps of the shop. It had been a slow day, allowing her to contemplate life and her small segment of it, and worse, she'd allowed herself a few "medicinal" sips of brandy over the hours, and she stood teetering behind the counter, having just thrown the once-new, now-empty fifth of brandy into...

2 years ago
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Captive Long Hair Soldier GirlChapter 6

Margaret was down on all fours not far from the fire. The mountain man called Kit was a dead weight on her tail bone and he was humping her about as hard as she had been humped by a non-Indian male to the best of her recollection. His juice flooded her down below giving her the energy she needed to fall asleep and charge up her battered body for the trials and tribulations of the next day’s stress. She was unable to see it in the dark, but his cock must have been overly large because her...

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Martha Takes the CaseChapter 5

The sound of a jackhammer from the park across the street filtered through Martha's pulled curtains and right through the ear plugs she had placed inside her sensitive ears to insure getting a much needed rest before striking out on a search for a suspect with plausible motivation in her niece's death. She had no doubt it was a homicide even though the original coroner's report indicated that it was either accidental or suicide. She had to laugh at the suicide aspect because she couldn't...

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My Punjabi Girl Friend 1

Well I did let her alone for few days to enjoy her married life, then on 7th day I took her home on pretext of a tea party to celebrate her wedded life. She did come along with me looking as ravishing as usual, dressed in a brown suit, brown lips, mangalsutra as usual between her valley and payals and strappy heels.Over a cup of tea and snacks I asked her “Neeru cmon lets go to bed” , she jumped up as if on fire and shook her head for a NO, “I am married now” . I tempted her , cajoled her...

4 years ago
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Visit To The Heads Office

I rewrote this story with a different setting as ‘The Submissive Wife’. Partly because the original was written for a friend rather than for public consumption. However, I also wasn’t quite sure how I felt writing stories about schoolgirls, even ones who were sixteen lol. In the end however, I have decided that I actually prefer this setting and wanted to share it. You knock on my office door but there’s no reply. You hope I am away, had forgotten about you, but then you hear voices coming...

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Jody was the maid for the hotel suite that Mr Strickland occupied. Her job was to keep Mr Strickland happy. He was not very happy. She found herself standing looking out the floor to ceiling window with her hands placed wide above her head on the glass. Legs spread. He was holding a riding crop in his right hand. She was panicking he had threatened to lay a complaint about her lack of obedience. She had said she would prove she was obedient and now. Well Jody had raised the hem of her maid...

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Family PeepersChapter 3

As Jimmy's fist flew up and down on his cockstalk, his head was turning from side to side as if connected by some internal clockwork, as if the root of his long hard-on ran right up his spine. His eyes were half open as his face swung towards the doorway, and then they snapped open wide, in shock, as he found himself staring directly at his mother and saw that she was staring right back at him. Virginia, drawn to her son's cock as if to a magnet, crawled right into the open doorway and was...

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Typical Hollywood types

I’d never visited such a big city like Los Angeles before. It was huge and full of life. People were everywhere and traffic was horrendous. It was like I was surrounded by these concrete buildings that were continually growing high up into the sky. Their shadows rained down on me wherever I turned. People were everywhere but almost seemed to look right through me as we passed. At least almost every one did except for the occasional sleazy jerk that would never fail to practically accost me....

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Dungeons of Pleasure

This dungeon, is meant for the reader's pleasure, or is it? This story starts slowly as all stories must in some way. In a dramatic way, a nonsensical way, any way they dream. But since I am the author, I prefer females thus I have only one question, does she the female have a dick?

2 years ago
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Justice Against the Nobles

Night falls on the Isle of Lions, some twenty miles off the shores of lake Cashmere in the Republic of Tylina. Like most Thursday nights, the entire population of the island, minus a small set of security and maintenance crews, is partying on the island's Grand Manor. It is the opportunity for the women stationed here to unwind after almost a week's worth of actual work, which would normally be a rarity for the noble-born women. The Isle of Lions is special. It is the home base and training...

2 years ago
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An Accidental Delight 8211 Part 3

I’m Akash, a 19-year-old boy. My mom Anjali (A beautiful woman in her early 40’s with pale white skin) was making arrangements for a party. But the party didn’t turn out to be as she expected. It took an interesting turn and included me as well. Priya aunty – “Don’t worry. I have a better plan. Why don’t we turn it more fun? Let’s play a game.” Mom – “What do you mean, didi. What game?” Priya aunty – “Let’s turn up the heat. Let’s give him all we have. We will have 4 rounds 1) Twosome 2)...

1 year ago
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lesbian lovers

My friend Stella never told me. She would pretend to be just as obsessed with guys as the rest of us at our all girls school. But she wasn't. Three weeks into my freshman year she wrote me a note during science class. "I have to tell you something." I wrote back "Tell me what?" "Promise you wont freak out" she said. "Ya just tell me" "I think I'm a lesbian." I failed to reply to her. The weeks went by and I tried to avoid her ,but it wasn't that I was disgusted, I just didn't know what to...

3 years ago
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The Walking Drug From Hell

Dr. Ram Purantavati and his wife Priya had recently moved to Florida from Vermont. Ram seemed to have everything going for him at the age of thirty-five. At his age, Ram was making close to six figures and had the good looks to go with it. Ram was six-foot-two, muscular, and looked a lot like actor Akshay Kumar. Priya was a beauty who looked a lot like Katrina Kaif. The couple moved to a wealthy Florida neighborhood by the beach where most of the people were doing well in life.Both Ram and...

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Our First Threesome Part I The Ground Rules

My wife and I have been married for six years this past July. Although both my wife and I have known the touch of others, we were both single for an extended period of time before meeting each other and neither one of us was particularly adventurous sexually save a couple of exceptions: I used to have sex with my best friend's mom when I was 18 years old and she was 41 years old. My wife is bisexual and tried being a lesbian for about a two year period with her best friend. It turns out...

1 year ago
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Do you know what’s hotter than a pornstar pretending to be a horny housewife getting fucked on video in her kitchen? A horny houswife getting fucked on video in her kitchen. Yeah, that studio-produced “amateur” stuff is fun and definitely worth shaking your dick at, but there’s something to be said about watching real amateurs getting all hot and bothered. On Zoig, you can see genuine perverts getting nasty not for money, but because it makes them so fucking wet to know you’re watching.Zoig.com...

Amateur Porn Sites
4 years ago
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My Ladies Fun With A Thick Cock

My girlfriend & I have been together for a few years. We have a yummy sex life & spice it up a lot by telling stories to each other of our sexual encounters. She's been involved in a few threesomes which led to us having one which was the sexiest thing I've ever experienced. One of her sexy stories was about a guy that she dated "for about 10 minutes" & realized there was zero connection, but he was a really good fuck with a long & thick cock - so we started calling him TC....

1 year ago
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My First Encounter With A Vampire

I still remember how it all happened. It was one ofthe moments I will always remember for the rest of my life, nothing could take this memory away. I still remember every single detail as if it was still fresh in my mind. I was a local writer for a paper in a small city town in southern Washington. Nothing big ever really happened, so there was never really anything to write about. So needless to say my boss sent me to some small southern town all the way out in Georgia. Yes, you heard me...

Erotic Fiction
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After another busy hectic day, I settled down in front of the television to relax for a few minutes before bed. Watching the local news, I was intrigued by the promotion for the upcoming news program Nightline. Tonight’s program would have a report on “Hooking Up With Strangers.” I decided to stay up a little later than usual to watch the broadcast. Apparently, according to this report, it is a growing trend for clubbing couples to hook up with strangers they encounter during an evening of...

2 years ago
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Two for the Money

"Dude, that looks really good," Paul said from the recliner. "Yep," was all Nick could say as he took a pull from his beer and kept his eyes closed with his head resting on the back of the couch. "I thought you were pulling my leg when you told me. You could have said you won the lottery and I would have believed that first. Man," Paul continued on as he nursed his own beer. From the reclined chair he faced the TV directly, where some show concerning unobtainable automobiles was on, but...

2 years ago
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SF Special Forces or Special FemalesChapter 2

February 1999 We were in the Amazonian-Triangle which is made up of Santa Rosa, Peru; Leticia, Columbia; Tabatinga, Brazil. Our base of operation was in Tabatinga with a cover story of being a survey team for colleges wanting to send students down to do research and studies of the Amazon. Wanting to establish customs and travel visas in all three countries. There were a couple of colleges that did want to send students to study the Amazon and anything we did as our cover would be helpful to...

3 years ago
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Under the Moonlight Latina German Lust

Story by MariaI had just gotten out of my car in Gatlinburg Tennessee and began walking to the door to the the cities Event Halls. My name is Leya and I was heading into a Colombian cultural festival. There aren't often many Colombian people in this area so it was a little bit of a rare event for me as a Colombian woman.My family came to the states when I was just 4, now I'm 26. I still maintained my tan bronze skin and straight black hair that falls only 5 inches from my ass, giving me a very...

3 years ago
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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 27

2010-11 It had been six months since the disastrous confrontation at the Elegance. Father and daughter faced each other across the patio table on this warm early spring day. The wedding redo proposed by Henrietta had angered the man’s daughter. She’d wanted to make peace with the Steeles, the both of them, but the conditions proposed by the man’s wife had pretty much ended any such desire as it pertained to the woman. “Dad, do you think my other dad is ever going to come by again? I mean...

2 years ago
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I remember 0

The first time was just a normal night with him at home. Mom was working and he and I were watching tv like normal. He always used the tv as a babysitter. He was in his usual spot on the couch legs up on the coffee table watching something and I guess bareley paying attention to me. Looking back I guess he paid more attention than I realized. I was in my pajamas on the floor playing with my toys and I remember looking back a few times and he was staring at me and would smile and...

2 years ago
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Our Time

She looks around one last time. The room is huge! White walls, a maroon border at the top and bottom, and a matching carpet. The king-sized bed has a gorgeous maroon and gold paisley print bedspread and matching pillows. A dozen pillows! There’s a huge picture window across from the door. She draws the maroon colored curtains and darkens the room. She turns on the a/c. There’s a couch on one end of the room, a desk, a dark cherry-wood, and chair just across from it. Where the bed sits, there’s...

3 years ago
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My Black Master gives me as a gift

Jerome called me again that Friday night. I was home alone because my loving hubby had flown out of town and he would come back to me in just three days, after his boring conference.I was starting to get aroused; so, when my Black Master called me, I was ready to go to his place in less than two minutes.My Black Master Jerome opened the door and I saw inside the living room there was another huge black guy sitting there.Jerome introduced him as Jake, telling him I was his personal bitch...

3 years ago
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Peeping on the Younger Sis in Law

this happened for a few nights, no big deal, but one night as i fell alseep, i awoke to something magical.... first off, in the morning, everyone in the house gets ready for work and i sleep in as i have my own courses to take care of. everyone is out of the house early, leaving me and her younger sister still in the house as she prepares for school. one morning i awoke as i could hear music and something of a conversation. as i came out of my slumber, i realized i could now see...

2 years ago
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How Did I Get Here Part 1

How did I get here, to this point in my life? How did I get to where I now have three spouses? The law may not think that I do, but in my heart, I am married to all three of them. And in all of our hearts, all four of us are married to each other. Even more incredible to me is that one of my three spouses is another man! And that I truly do love him, although not in a sexual way. Not yet, anyway. In this adventure, I have learned not to rule out anything. I never thought any of the...

Group Sex
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Outdoor Orgy

Last summer, my husband and I spent a weekend camping, hiking, and enjoying some outdoor sex. On our second day there, we left our campsite and went on a three-mile hike. It was a hot and humid day, and we sweated like pigs, but the peacefulness and the surrounding beauty were well worth it. We came across a small pond and went skinny-dipping to cool off. We swam and walked around the hidden paradise fully nude. It was exciting and thrilling to enjoy the freedom of nature in that way.We got...

4 years ago
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How i use Deborah and her daughters

My first story so please be gentle on me. All pictures were given to me by Deborah. I was walking my d** one evening when I seen a sexy girl taking out the trash. I stopped and watched her as her young ass swayed in her little shorts. I told myself I need to walk this way more often. About that time I heard a female voice yell out hurry up sis mom wants us to help clean up for when dad gets home Monday. I thought mmmm 3 women alone all weekend. The one taking out the trash was now heading back...

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Natasha s Secret

Your name is Dominic, and you have a sister called Natasha. You have long since moved out of your parents house, but your sister has only recently moved out. She moved into the same apartment as you, because she goes to Uni very near where you work, and since she hasn't got a job, she can't really afford to move out yet. Ideally, she wouldn't be here for too long but you are all too happy to let her stay until she can find some financial stability, as long as she cleans up after herself and all...

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Futarchy and Femistance

The Futas The elite, the rulers, the chosen few. Physically similar to women other than that they possess male reproductive organs instead of female ones. Additionally, their pheromones make women aroused and suggestible. The Futarchy The futa-controlled government that rules the world. The Women The underclass, the ruled, the working masses. In thrall to their futa masters, they make out over 90 % of the human population yet have none of the power. The Resistant The small percentage of women...

3 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Third YearChapter 10

The only good thing about not making varsity was that I got to watch Robbie's games. Most of the time. The freshmen team played on Wednesday nights, the JV on Thursdays, and the varsity on Fridays, though that changed depending on school schedules, weather and stuff. I was the starting quarterback for the JV. At least I'd skipped the freshman team. Robbie was the backup reserve quarterback for the varsity, though some times she'd go in as an end or on defense. So that also means I got...

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The Trail West Ch 06

If you’ve hung in with the story until now, thank you. If you’re just getting started, welcome. I suggest you read Chapters 1-5. They will give you a better understanding of the characters and situations. There are no graphic sex scenes in this story. As usual constructive comments and emails are welcome and appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read my tale and please enjoy. ********************** Josh and Red came to the base of a large gently sloping hill, they’d been following...

3 years ago
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A Very Modern Family Ch 04

Phil sighed as he opened the door to his house. He had an afternoon of house showings planned, but the prospective buyers that he was going to take around cancelled on him at the last minute. ‘Claire?’ he called out from the living room. ‘Hmm… I think I hear something upstairs.’ Phil walked up the stairs towards the noise, which was coming from his bedroom. ‘Claire?’ he said as he opened the door. Phil’s jaw dropped when he walked into the room and saw what was happening. Claire, his...

1 year ago
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Tickle Abuse

Just looking at the name, TickleAbuse obviously ain’t going to be for everybody. Hell, you could split the title in half and still get the same effect looking at either side. Both tickling and abuse can either be somebody’s worst nightmare or spermiest wet dream, but it really depends on what you’re into and what kind of mood you’re in, not to mention who’s involved. The hentai weebs might be interested in some monster tickling, but the rest of us pervs would rather watch if pretty girls are...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Over the Phone with Adam

We’d only dated about three months before Adam took a job in California. I was still finishing school in Vermont and had one semester left before I could join him. We’d talked about staying together and about breaking up, but the sex had been so good, we decided we could weather a few months a part. One evening, while lying in bad and thinking about an especially hot night between us, I got the idea that it’d be fun to tell him how that thought was making me feel. I’d been feeling a throb...

3 years ago
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Harder Mom SaidChapter 6

Brian and Joey sat on each side of Sabrina, feeling the quivering cheeks of her ass and along the backs of her long thighs. She rested with her head on her arms, eyes closed, a smile on her face. The pleasure still rumbled through her and her ass shivered with the hot ecstasy she felt inside her come juice- filled cunt. Her tits were smashed almost flat on the floor but her nipples remained rigid with desire. "She sure has a smooth ass, doesn't she, Joey?" Brian said. "The prettiest...

2 years ago
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Detention Ch 02

First chapter is here: http://www.literotica.com/stories/showstory.php?id=298241 * It was Monday morning, time to go back to school. I had had the weekend to reflect on what had happened last Friday afternoon. I also got in a few good jerk off sessions over it. I woke up on Saturday still wondering if it was a dream. But no, I had actually had my dick sucked by Marsha Callaghan while she had her pussy eaten by Kelly Johnson. Then I fucked Kelly Johnson in the ass. Amazing. I wondered what...

4 years ago
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Serving Mistress

Mistress steps back from the St Andrew's Cross I'm secured to, and I hear her moving across the studio and then rolling one of her toy chests towards me. She takes hold of my cock which is still bound by the cord. "Hm, I suppose I should untie this. Its head is looking very purple and swollen. If I don't release it soon it just might fall off," Mistress muses. I feel her untying the knot in the cord and disconnecting it from the nipple clamp chain, then she pulls the ends of the cord rapidly...

3 years ago
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The Present...In the mornings and evenings as I sat on the bench under my window, from time to time I'd see Danny walking on the sidewalk going to or coming from the subway. Though I'd wanted to ask him how his Finals were going and take him more food, I'd honored my promise to leave him alone.Because of my promise not to disturb Danny during his tests, I didn't know much about his family. After giving Danny thirty minutes to calm down after he'd stepped over my legs and stalked off in a snit,...

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My Widow Professor 8211 Part 1 How It Started

Hello, friends, this is Arun Mohapatra from Bhubaneswar, Odisha, writing my relative’s story and my first story here at ISS. So let me introduce to the characters of my story. I am portraying the character of my relative. Here it takes off. I am Utkal Keshari Panda, aged 25 from Bhubaneswar. This all happened recently. My height, 5 ft, 6 inches with cock size, 6.5 inches and girth, 2.5 inches. I belong to a middle-class family. Our house consists of two people my dad and me. My dad’s name is...

3 years ago
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The first night of Mardi Gras

In 1985 the Mardi Gras celebration in Galveston was revived after decades without it. Although not as wild as Rio or even New Orleans, in the right areas of town during the first ten years there was plenty of naughty stuff to do. Jeena and I moved to Houston in 1988 and continued the swinging activities we started in the Midwest. We wanted to go to Galveston for Mardi Gras but it was always too cold in February for what we had in mind. Then came 1991 and the warmest winter in years. We and two...

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My BI Transition Chapter Three Lipstick

So Sally sewed the seeds that led me on my current journey, but she was now out of the picture. Since I first hooked up with Frankie (my older lover) she broke off ties with me, since then I have added Jason (my DJ lover), to my love life. Frankie was my regular fuck-buddy and he would do me that favor, on the way to work in the mornings, while on Fridays nights Jason the DJ would make sure I left satisfied from my favorite club. It was another Friday like no other, I had a locker at the...

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The Earl s ManChapter 12

The last eight years have been mostly peaceful. Shortly after we annexed Flanders and Holland to Normandy, the Duchies of Brabant, Luxemburg, and Brittany sought permission to join what has become known as The Kings’ Council, even though many of the participants are now Counts and Dukes. Upon receiving unanimous permission to join, Brabant and Luxemburg immediately withdrew from the Holy Roman Empire or “The Empire” as they preferred. There were threats by the Empire of trade embargos against...

3 years ago
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Yukios Adventures Part 5

Introduction: Yukio continues her adventures and makes her neighbour happy! Yukios Adventures Part 5 ** This is the fifth story in this series. To really understand what she is doing I suggest you read the other four chapters first, but it is not essential. This chapter has some kinky sex and some genuine love making. The character development having occurred in previous chapters… along with lots of nasty sex. Comments are very much appreciated. I have tried to be careful with my use of the...

3 years ago
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Doctor for Humans and Hybrids V 2

Year 3018. It's morning at the clinic for Humans and Hybrids. Quite a few people have been becoming Hybrids more and more since the formula was discovered, and with changing one's DNA comes changes to the body....not just appearance for some. There are many types; from Cats to Dogs, Snakes to Fish, Birds to Rodents...there are many to see. A few just want Cat Ears and Tail or just part of their favorite animal. Like your sister, Elona, who got Wolf Ears and a Tail; and she looks great. Others...

3 years ago
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Altered Fates Farmers Daughter

Altered Fates: "Farmer's Daughter" By Olivia Evans Jason Brown was soaking wet, cold and mad as hell. He turned his collar up, trying to keep the rain from running down his back as he trudged across the muddy field. He was already so wet that he couldn't tell if it made any difference. After a minute, he decided it didn't, if anything, the collar seemed to act as a funnel. He was too cold and wet to turn it back down. His car had slid off the road a few miles back in...

4 years ago
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The White Van

It was a chance remark that started it all. I had just walked off the elevator at work as Charlie was saying to Mel: " ... Becca and Phil if they can make it." Then they saw me and said, "Good morning Rob" and then the two of them headed for their desks. As I walked into my office I was wondering if it was my wife Becca that they were talking about and if it was why would she be "making" something with Phil? That overheard remark made me uneasy. In fact it downright disturbed me. I sat...

3 years ago
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My Night with the Waitress The Rest Of the Story

(In Part 1, Sam was a truck driver that had stopped for the night at a small diner. This is where he met the waitress, Wendy. It was snowing and she was stranded at the diner with a broke-down car. Feeling sorry for her, Sam offered her a warm bed in his truck, and Wendy accepted his offer. To thank him she was going to have sex with him, but instead they shared a most erotic experience of him nursing from her breasts to relieve the pressure she felt from missing nursing her baby.) “Oh Sam, you...

4 years ago
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Arya Stark Queen of the Seven Kingdoms

The old, disgusting Grandmaester Pycelle examined the tomboy teen, excessively caressing and touching her everywhere with his disgusting and gnarled fingers, confirming that she was a virgin. If she had Needle with her just then, she would have run the old pervert through. Arya Stark thought about running away, but it was pointless. She had no money, no friends, no father, and there wasn’t anywhere the new King or his Master of Whispers Varys couldn’t reach. She knew she was trapped, but she...

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Ultimate Spider Woman Issue 6 Escape

Issue 6: Escape I was in what Blain mockingly called my 'jewellery', manacled, headed to the gym and mulling over my pending identity death. Soon I would be just Jessica Drew, FBI agent and mindless slave to a corrupt government agency. I'd be dead and no one that mattered to me would ever know I ever existed. Yeah. It was a bleak prospect. I pulled weakly against my bonds then turned about and looked accusingly at Blain. We were in the unmonitored corridor. Fluorescent lighting...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 453

From Uther Pendragon 2 Real old ones:???? “A B C D Goldfish?” “L M N O Goldfish.” “O S A R.” A jolly old fellow from Lyme Married three wives at a time. When asked, “Why the third?” He said, “One is absurd, And bigamy, sir, is a crime.”???? Growing old is obligatory. Growing up is optional. “Mommy, why can we land a helicopter on Mars, and we can’t turn on a light in Texas?” “Because Mars is run by scientists, and Texas is run by Republicans.” Her first-year teaching, Miss Smith is...

1 year ago
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Once A Maiden

When they had bought the secluded house three years earlier, they had visions of this very night. The house stood at the middle of a massive grassy plateau clear of all obstructions with the exception of a large, mostly-flat boulder halfway between the back porch and the thin line of shrubbery protecting the sudden drop down to the valley below. On the other three sides of the clearing, the forest seemed to respect the clearing, almost as if in reverence and awe of the boulder itself. For...

2 years ago
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Plan B Pill PT 2

Hello you lot, I've done it again. I've had another amazing fuck with Terry. I will say this for him he doesn't mess about.We have a little table in the kitchen where we often eat our meals and that's where he fucked me something rotten right across the table-top. He came in and we kissed really passionately. I went into the kitchen to make him a nice cup of coffee and he followed me and came at me from behind wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling kisses into my neck, he's so sweet....

3 years ago
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panty jack off

Last night began as a night of just drinking and chillen with the friends. After a couple hours it was time to head to bed. I was horny as fuck trying to find a chick to fuck. Sadly I had no luck so I just said fuck it and crashed out. I went to my homies daughters room to knock out. She is away so I had her room. She is hott tall brunette hair, probably 36b. I'm laying in her bed rubbing my hard 8.5in cock. Then I decide to go threw her drawers. I find a nice lace red and black thong. I sniff...

4 years ago
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Sloppy seconds for supper

Friday I was about to leave the shop when my wife Andrea called. She said Steve had called her and she was going to run over to his house for sex and that she would be later getting home. I said OK then I had her promise to not clean up before coming home. She knows how I get when she brings home a well fucked pussy. I asked her what she wore to work that day. She said a skirt why? I said with stockings ? She said no , the skirt is to short so I'm wearing pantyhose. I said good those pantyhose...

4 years ago
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Justice ResurrectedChapter 3 The Game Begins

It was almost sundown in the city. Myka stared imperiously ahead as Gnusyl bore them through the streets of Port Meikari in a plodding gate that quickly brought them to the plaza in the center of the city where the governmental complex was located. The colossal home of the Council of Houses, with its columned portico and sculpted portal, stood opposite the grand palace of the Royal Governor with its vivid green campus and stately fruit trees. Ringing the rest of the plaza were the office...

2 years ago
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SubstituteChapter 10

We spent the rest of the day in bed. Under the sheets, we created a kingdom of sighs. Tentative, exploring touches evolved into more confident, knowing caresses. We fell asleep together. Napped. Woke up and started kissing again. Stole out like mice to eat tiny bites of breakfast from the tray before diving back into bed to kiss once more. Both of us were torturously, deliciously caught, desperate to buy condoms but unable to be apart, even for a moment. And we talked, as we never had...

4 years ago
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Matt s Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 13 Moving Day

Monday June 10 Matt woke Lydia early in the morning. He made love to her and showered with her. After a lingering, parting kiss, Vickie drove her home. Matt hoped the orders he had given Lydia helped to reduce her anxiety due to a lack of sex until she was able to come back over. He didn’t know much about the sex life of young teenage girls, but she seemed driven by her hormones, just like teenage boys. Her mother had allowed her to visit, even during her last week of classes this school...

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My First Girl Girl Experience

It was late February and my husband was turning the big 4-0. I invited several of our friends to celebrate his birthday to make it more memorable. I ordered a margarita machine which was delivered earlier that day. It was fired up, churning the slushy mix. I hired a local catering company that brought all the things needed to make tacos with rice and beans. All was going as planned – guests were showing up, bringing bottles of alcohol and gifts even though they were told not to. One of my good...

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