Hunter’s Bounty free porn video

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Author’s Note. This story contains no sex.

Willie had been a private secretary in Hamilton, New Zealand for the last 15 years. She’d had several bosses during that time, the latest two she had taught how to do their job. In fact, she really didn’t need to work under a boss, she knew the job inside out and managed a good percentage of the work on her own. The only reason Willie herself was not appointed manager was that she was a woman. The law being what it is, nobody would admit that openly, but Willie knew it was the case. There was no other earthly reason she would be overlooked for the position. She had the skills for the job, was intelligent and was tidy in appearance.

However, at 30, Willie was also of ripe childbearing age. No employer would put her in a position of high rank knowing it would only be a temporary job for her until she left work to have a baby. The new laws in New Zealand meant an employer would have to pay her a full wage for three months after she left the job, and they would also have to leave the position open for her should she wish to return to work after that three months leave.

It wasn’t a hugely difficult job for the managers, they were simply figureheads of a company that managed the storage of client’s personal effects. Several branches through the country all came under this one head office. Willie’s boss took care of the paperwork for the insurance dealers.

There was generally a time difference between the replacements of managers, the latest had been a week before the new manager arrived. During that time, Willie had needed to sign several documents in order for personal effects to be stored. One of those documents had required the signature of both the manager and his lawyer.

To speed up the process, Willie had forged both signatures after having learnt them by heart, knowing that the new manager would replace the necessary document when he arrived. Signing the documents didn’t really worry her, she had done the same thing many times before. The clients of the company did not have the time to wait until the newly appointed managers decided to arrive and begin their job. In her mind, she was simply facilitating the paperwork.

It had been easy enough to keep a copy of the prospective manager’s signatures close to hand, they all came on the pre-forwarded job resumes for Willie to photocopy and file. It was an accepted part of the job for a secretary to sign on behalf of her manager, but it was not accepted to sign the manager’s name, nor the company lawyer’s name. It wasn’t a huge criminal act really, though in itself forgery is illegal in New Zealand.

It became more serious when Willie began signing cheques with the new manager, Mr Duffield’s signature. The payments were required in order to cover rent on the office building and the lease on the company BMW.

And even more serious when she began writing and signing cheques to pay for her own house mortgage payments and weekly groceries.

Now, she was running from the law. She had crossed half the length of the country, taking nothing with her except one full backpack, making good use of her thumb as she hitchhiked away from trouble.

Unfortunately, trouble had followed in the guise of an experienced bounty hunter. RJ Thomas, loner, had followed Willie every step of the way. Now, he leaned against the bar watching as she sipped her red wine. He’d watched her in the last bar, and the one before that, but she’d not seen him.

He decided the time had come to introduce himself to her.

‘Howdy miss, let me buy you a refill,’ his deep voice caught her attention immediately.

She looked up at him. Middle age hadn’t yet spread to his belly. He was a tall, rugged, reasonably fit looking man. Deep crow’s feet were etched beside his steel grey eyes.

She smiled, interested but wary, ‘Thanks.’

‘My name’s RJ. Thomas,’ he said holding a darkly tanned hand towards her. ‘My friends and enemies alike call me RJ.’ Not that he had any friends, he thought to himself.

‘Hello RJ, pleased to meet you,’ she shook his hand.

‘And your name would be…?’

Her eyes darted back up to his. Some unknown element had her answering honestly. ‘I’m Willie. Yes, I’ve heard all the jokes, feel free to add yours.’

‘Hey ma’am, I don’t care what your name is. Drink up.’

Willie looked at him suspiciously. Intuition told her there was something not quite open and aboveboard with RJ. She couldn’t pinpoint it yet, but she would. She’d learnt the hard way about reading a man. She lifted her glass and finished the last mouthful as another was placed in front of her.

‘You’re not trying to get me drunk are you RJ?’ she asked wryly.

‘No ma’am, I’d just like you to feel relaxed in my company is all.’ His smile charmed but didn’t quite disarm her. ‘Where are you from?’

‘Oh, here and there,’ she avoided his probe. ‘You’re a local are you?’

‘No ma’am, I’m from Auckland. Just here for a short visit.’

‘Visiting friends RJ?’

‘In a way ma’am. Where are you staying?’

‘At the backpackers lodge down the road,’ it slipped out before she thought.

‘Well, drink up dear. I’ll walk you home. It’s dark out and there’s some unsavoury folks around at this time of night.’

Minutes later they walked out the door together, the cold air fresh on their faces. The street lamps were on. A few people walked quickly past them, purposeful intentions etched on their faces.

Willie kept a furtive eye on the others in the street. She felt a little uneasy tonight. Heck, she’d felt uneasy every single night since she left the company. Intuition told her they would chase her until they’d found her. Then, who knew what would happen? She had a good idea she’d be tried and jailed for the forgery, no amount of mitigation would save her from that fate.

RJ took hold of her elbow when a couple of drunken louts staggered down the street toward them. She looked up at him thankful for his protection. She didn’t know why but he was quickly growing on her. For a complete stranger to notice her loneliness and buy her a drink, and then to walk her home, well, it went without saying that kind of caring was a rarity in her life.

Her room at the Lodge was no bigger than her bathroom back home. It held the smallest double bed that had been manufactured, a bedside table, and one white chair upon which sat her backpack.

‘I’d invite you inside if there was any room,’ she laughingly commented as she unlocked the door.

‘No problem, I’ll fit.’ He walked past her and stretched out on the bed. A little taken aback she moved to close the gawky ’60s patterned curtains.

‘Leave those,’ he said. ‘I like the moonlight coming in that way. Come and sit beside me.’ He patted the edge of the bed, having moved over as far as he could, there was still only a small amount of room left. If she sat beside him she’d more than likely end up on the teal-coloured felt carpet squares, and it wouldn’t be a soft landing.

She chose instead to move the backpack from the chair and sat on it cross-legged waiting patiently for him to speak again.

He half closed his eyes, watching her, waiting until he saw her shoulders rise and lower in an almost exaggerated manner, then her eyes drifted closed. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt drawn to her. Maybe it was her innocent appeal, she certainly didn’t seem like the lawbreaker that he’d been led to believe. But he’d been caught out by that once before, he was not going to drop his caution with her. He knew he was physically attracted to her. Hell she filled out her tight jeans in all the right places. And that T-shirt she was wearing, well, she may as well not have been wearing it. Thinking along those lines had the ache in his groin springing to life. He stifled his groan as he reached across, grabbed her arm and gently pulled her onto the bed beside him.

She opened her eyes in confusion, only to find herself staring directly into his grey ones. The smile on his face held hers for an interminable time. Then, slowly, he moved until his warm lips covered hers.

They only made love once that night. He left soon after. Willie lay awake thinking until the sky lightened, then exhausted, she fell into a deep sleep not waking until pounding on her door interrupted her dream.

She awoke, not groggily, as most people do, but instantly and completely clear headed. She always woke that way, she had figured years ago that it was because she was a morning person. When at home, she got up in the small hours of the morning and went out walking for exercise before the sun had risen. She enjoyed that time of day the best. The clear fresh air together with the stillness of the early hours was enough to put her mind on a peaceful level. Willie was one grumpy woman if she didn’t keep to her normal routine. Today was going to be no exception.

She climbed out of bed and opened the door. RJ walked right in and stretched out on the bed again.

‘Go away RJ, it’s late. I have to pack and leave.’ She moved off to the small room with its white washbasin and threw cold water over her face. Wiping it with the towel, she lent against the doorframe.

‘I’m not going anywhere. I need to talk to you.’

‘At least let me get dressed then.’ She moved to the backpack and began taking out clean jeans.

‘Leave those and come here Willie.’ His quiet demand caught her attention. She took the step towards him, letting him draw her down onto the bed beside him.

‘Tell me Willie. Tell me why you’re running.’

She was startled that he’d read her mind so well.

‘Please Willie. I know something has happened and I’d like to be able to help you if I can.’

Willie sat with her back towards him. He stared at the straight barrier. He wanted badly to hold her close, to let her know that, for the second time in his life, he really did care. He wanted to be able to tell her his job, and that he’d prefer to believe her side of the story rather than what he’d already been told.

‘I can’t tell you.’ Her reply was barely a whisper.

Disappointment swam around in his mind. ‘It’s okay dear. I can wait until you’re ready to confide in me. I know you’re unhappy. I know you’re running and scared. I want you to know that I’m willing to listen and will help you if I can.’ His arms wrapped around her body pulling her down until they both lay snuggling. She turned toward him, her head rested against his denim shirt. A damp patch on his shirt stuck to his body as he held her close, listening to her quiet crying. He stroked her shoulder-length brown hair waiting until her sobs eased.

When she quietened, he tilted her chin with his fingertip. Her warm brown eyes were swollen and puffy from the tears she had shed. His heart hurt in his chest as he felt her pain. He looked deeply into her eyes as he spoke. ‘I am here for you.’

Taking a long and slow breath, he watched as the emotions flitted across her face. She’d never be able to hide anything from him. He could read her easily.

‘I am a criminal.’

‘In what way?’

‘I forged signatures.’ Her eyes stared straight at the silver button on his shirt pocket.

‘For what reason?’ He figured now that she was talking, he’d get the entire story from her.

Her deep breath was audible. ‘I work as a secretary for a storage company. I’ve been waiting for a new manager to arrive. There were two documents to be signed and the clients were in a hurry to have their property stored. So, I signed both documents myself.’ She paused, flicking her eyes to his to gauge his reaction to her words. His face was completely blank of emotion, his thoughts though were sorting and matching up the information he already had.

‘Go on.’

‘Well, I signed the documentation and sent it off by courier to the clients in the morning. I guess that they must have been watching and waiting for me.

‘You see, I’d also signed company cheques to pay for my mortgage and groceries. I know it was wrong of me, but I couldn’t help myself. I had the chequebook and knew the manager’s signatures, it was a simple matter to write the payments and send them off.

‘Anyway, mid afternoon arrived and so did a couple of cops.’ Willie pushed away from him and sat up, her back to him again.

‘I saw them and panicked. I guessed the company discovered what I’d been doing. I didn’t really mean any harm. I guess I was just tempted into doing it, I simply wanted to get my own life moving ahead and the job moving. I didn’t realise the manager was the very person on the document. The one who wanted his furniture stored. The one who already had half his house lot enclosed in one of the lock-ups. I didn’t realise then that he was the one about to start as my latest boss.’

‘What happened next, honey?’

She felt comforted by his use of the endearment and went on.

‘I panicked. I rushed around packing whatever belongings I had in the office into my briefcase. I had to leave some things behind, but I wasn’t thinking too straight. I picked up whatever I could grab quickly and let myself out the back door of the building. I ran for my car, jumped in and drove as fast as I could back to my apartment. I emptied my biscuit tin of my savings. I packed a few things into my backpack and left. I tried to start the car but it wouldn’t go. I think the battery was dead. So I ran down to the main road and hitched. It wasn’t too difficult to thumb rides. I hitchhiked my way around the country when I was younger. My first ride took me across the state. I didn’t see a reason to stop then, I just took the next ride, and the next, until I found myself here yesterday.’

‘And you’ve stopped running now?’

‘No, I just figured that a day or two here would give me a little time to think what to do next.’ She turned then and looked straight at him. ‘I suppose you’re going to drag me to the nearest police station now.’

‘No, I’m not going to do that. But I do strongly suggest that you think about going to the police and telling your side of the story. You signed papers illegally and then panicked. You didn’t know about the murder. And I’m sure that given time you’d be willing to pay the money back that you stole.’

‘Murder! What murder?’

‘Duffield’s murder. Travis E. Duffield Esquire to be precise.’ He watched carefully for her reaction.

‘You’re kidding, I hope.’

‘I’m deadly serious. Travis Duffield was murdered.’

‘Oh dear God! I can’t believe it. When did he die? How was he murdered?’

‘The police found him in his office. The one right next to yours.’

‘Just who are you? How do you know this?’

He had known these questions would come. He wasn’t ready for the hurt look in her eyes as she flung the questions at him. It hit him hard then. Right at that moment he realised he loved her. He didn’t want to hurt her, he wanted to protect her, to help her. He hadn’t figured yet just how much he should tell her, but he had a feeling he wanted her to stick around in his life and he knew if there was any chance of that happening, then he’d better be out in the open with her.

‘I’ve been hired to find you.’

She jumped up off the edge of the bed, her eyes darting around the room. He thought she looked like a cornered doe. Sighing, he lifted himself off the bed. Placing himself between Willie and the door, he explained in a quiet manner so as not to frighten her more.

‘It’s okay Willie. I understand your side of the story. You had nothing to do with the murder. I had to question you about it like this so that I could get an honest reaction from you. I had a hunch that you didn’t murder Duffield, but I needed to be certain.’

‘Who hired you?’

‘Duffield’s partner.’

‘What? Mr Duffield had a partner? I didn
‘t know there were going to be two managers this time.’

‘No, Willie. Duffield’s partner is his partner in crime. Mr Duffield is a smuggler of drugs. He was planning to use the furniture lock-up storage units as a place to store the drugs they were bringing into the state. In fact, he has already begun storing his latest stash of cocaine in the lockup you ticked for his use.’

‘Oh my God,’ Willie’s jaw dropped as she sank down onto the bed. Shock had her mind spinning, her eyes wide open and staring directly at him. ‘I had no idea. You have to believe me. All I did was sign a couple of documents to hurry up the red tape so Mr Duffield’s personal effects could be stored. I had no idea he was planning on drug smuggling.’

‘It’s okay honey. I believe you.’ He sat beside her on the bed putting one arm around her and holding her trembling body tight against his.

‘So they think I murdered him?’

‘Yes, that’s what they thought. The police came to ask you questions about the documents you’d signed. They walked into the wrong office and saw Duffield slumped over his desk. He’d been stabbed, but the knife wasn’t there. They searched around the rest of the offices and found it, covered in blood.’

She didn’t want to know but had to ask. ‘Where did they find it?’

‘On the desk in your office. You must have just left as he was being murdered. The murderer, a guy going by the name of Wilson, saw you leave and decided you were as good a candidate as any for a murder charge.’

‘It’s so hard to believe. I had no idea of any of this. As far as I knew, Mr Duffield and his family were moving there having sold up their property in the States. He was going to be starting work only two days after I signed the documents. I thought it would be a simple matter of getting him to counter-sign me. I had no idea about the drugs. None at all. You have to believe me RJ.’ She grabbed his shirtfront and looked into his eyes. She found what she was looking for and let her hands drop back down into her lap.

‘If you are working for Mr Duffield’s partner, then why are you chasing me?’

‘I was sent to find you to ensure you were set up for Duffield’s murder.’

‘What?’ Stunned, she stood and backed away from him.

‘It’s okay Willie. I’m not planning to set you up. But I needed to find you to make sure you were safe and far away from the drug smugglers.’

‘But wait, let me think a moment. You’ve followed me across the country at the instigation of making sure I am charged with Mr Duffield’s murder by his drug smuggling partner, is that right?’

‘Yes,’ he watched her question cross her face.

‘But you’re not going to turn me into the police. You’re going to look after me and make sure that I stay alive?’


‘What about the forgery of the documents and the cheques I wrote?’

‘I think for now we’ll concentrate on getting you into a safe place, then we’ll think about the documents.’

‘What about Mr Duffield’s murderer? Do we just say nothing and let the police work it out?’ she asked.

‘We can’t do nothing about it. As far as the police are concerned, you are Duffield’s murderer. As we both know you didn’t do it, and we also know that it is better for you to stay away from the police at the moment, I guess we have to find the murderer ourselves, or at least some kind of evidence or proof that you didn’t do it.’

‘Well that’s easy. Just get the knife and take the fingerprints from it.’

His wry look should have warned her. ‘That’s been done already.’


‘And the fingerprints on the knife were yours.’

She gasped. ‘How could that happen? I didn’t touch a knife!’

‘There’s some real clever people out there in the drug smuggling world Willie. They can do anything. Getting your fingerprints would have been as easy as taking a copy of them off the last glass of iced water you had.’

She stared in horrid fascination at her fingertips.

‘RJ what am I going to do. I didn’t murder Mr Duffield. I couldn’t murder an ant let alone a human.’ Tears threatened to fall again.

‘Well, first things first. I’m going to get you out of here and take you to a safe house. Now get yourself dressed and packed and let’s leave.’

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Hunter HuntedChapter 20 The Conclusion

Hunter's heart was beating too hard. His eyes were swollen from his tears and he couldn't look away from Mirage's dead face. She was beautiful even in death, incredibly lovely almost as if she were sleeping. He could feel his fellow ASP members around them and knew they wanted him to give up her body, to let her go back to the ASP office for internment. But he couldn't do it. He couldn't let them take her from him or think of letting her go into the cold dark of the burial floor at ASP....

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Hunter HuntedChapter 6 A Cleansing Experience

Mira woke easily when her alarm went off at six a.m. Even the late night and the amount of alcohol she drank last night couldn't dispel the good mood she woke up in. Hunter thought he'd beaten her. He'd thought she would trot her little ass over to his house and scrub his floors and clean out his refrigerator while his briefs were drying in the dryer. He had a lot of thinks coming if he thought she'd be the dutiful little maid service and fluff and fold. A giggle escaped her as she...

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Hunter HuntedChapter 9 A Monsters Awakening

Harsh cries came from his mouth as the terrible agony flooded his body. It was growing worse by the minute, and he rolled, fighting the straps that held him to the bed. Blood ran thick in his veins, too thick. He needed to feed, he needed the release but every movement he made seemed to trap him worse. "Braxton!" he screamed, throwing his head back. His voice was guttural, almost as thick sounding as his blood that flowed heavily through his veins. Then he calmed, his eyes resting upon the...

2 years ago
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Hunter and the DancerChapter 16

I COULD SMELL SALT in the air when we stepped off the train in Nice. The sun was slipping towards the horizon. I was antsy, not having moved enough during the long trip down. Callie, despite being lost in thought at what she’d learned, appeared to be okay, flashing me easy smiles every time she caught me studying her. A cab dropped us at another mid-level yet expensive hotel two blocks from the waterfront. I wanted to walk, to burn off nervous energy. After depositing our bags in the nicely...

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Hunter and the DancerChapter 22

Montreal was a real contrast. The outskirts, from the commercial port where we’d docked to the center city, was an industrial wasteland mixed with depressing, drab homes in characterless neighborhoods. The city center was charming and full of character, old buildings mixed with modern office blocks, broad avenues and quaint side streets, café, bistros, and restaurants giving the city a European feel. We had time for a delectable lunch of Nova Scotia lobster before catching the Greyhound bus....

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Hunter and the Beast

Hunter and the Beast (Based on Beauty and the Beast) One upon a time, in a faraway land, a young lad, Gaston, lived in a small village. Although he was the greatest hunter and the best looks in the village, he could not win the heart of his desire. The maiden, Belle, rejected all of his offers for marriage. To impress Belle and make her his wife, he went deep into the forest in search of the legendary Beast. The lad believed that if he could bring back the body of the Beast,...

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Hunter HuntedChapter 19 The Monster VS ASP

Mira's screams could be heard from the hallway by Shadow and his party. They sounded horrified and as if she was in pain. Shadow glanced over at Angel and Marcus, nodding at the door, then he disappeared into the wall. Marcus wrestled open the door, tearing it almost off of its hinges. He ran in first, his recently reworked blaster leading the way. In front of him there was nothing but splotches of an orange colored goop. But he could still hear the shrieks of the other teams echoing...

4 years ago
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Hunter and the DancerChapter 11

THE ROAD WAS SINUOUS, winding through a canopy of trees. This part of San Sebastián was beautiful, bucolic. Around a bend Pedro Margules’ estate appeared; a tall stone wall topped with nasty-looking spikes, and a double solid wooden gate. There must have been a sensor. As I pulled up, a small door inset into the left gate opened and a simply dressed young man emerged. I noticed the loose cotton shirt and how it draped, hiding a pistol. “Sí?” “Estoy aquí para ver Señor Margules. Me llamo...

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Hunter HuntedChapter 3 Revelations and Passions Promise

Mirage waited, knowing that the buzz of the insanity was coming, that she'd just ruined Hunter's life. She kept her eyes tightly closed, her wrist still pressed against his face. "Mira?" His voice, still soft and completely sane had her opening her eyes and staring up at him in shock. "You're not..." She couldn't even finish the question. "You're..." "No, I'm not," he said, just as shocked as she was. He lifted his hand, his fingers trembling just a bit as he unfastened the...

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Hunter and the DancerChapter 15

Callie watched the countryside pass in a blur, the TGV, France’s high-speed train racing at over three hundred kilometers an hour. Across from her Hunter was absorbed in the laptop. “You promised to tell me what the microdot contained,” she reminded him. He shut the laptop, pushed it aside, leaned back, and looked out the window. “You’ve heard about the Israeli-Palestinian peace accord?” “Sure,” Callie nodded. Everyone knew about it; the single biggest achievement in the past fifty years,...

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HunterChapter 49

Karen ran from the house to greet Mike when he pulled up in his bass boat at Sanjay’s dock. She was now thirteen years old and thoroughly Texan. She stood at the end of the dock waving to him and shouting, “Unk!” “Hello, Sweetie. How’s my favorite niece doing today?” Mike called back as he brought the boat up to the dock. “I’m fine,” Karen answered as she caught the rope he tossed to her. She tied the boat to the dock with practiced ease. She said, “Daddy will be here in a minute. He’s...

4 years ago
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Hunter HuntedChapter 5 The Promise of the Coming Day

Hunter just stared down at her for a second. "Whoa, she's on a roll tonight." "Well, you know, I now have an idea why you can be so completely unbearable to be around sometimes." She giggled when Hunt made the sound of a rim shot. "You're getting Punny, Mira. Maybe it's time to get you out of the night air. I think it's affecting your thought processes." He rose and tugged her up, turning her to walk ahead of him back toward her house. They'd walked only a few steps before his...

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Hunter HuntedChapter 18 The final battle

"What the fuck is that?" Mira gasped. It was a continuous growl, one that sounded inhuman and hungry and twenty times as big as the biggest of the Zombie girls. Hunter leaned against the door as the heavy metal rattled as if something much bigger wanted to open the door and make their acquaintance. He could feel the power that leaked through the metal and the thoughts that tried hard to leach into his brain. He fought it, moving bare inches from the metal. When his skin no longer touched...

2 years ago
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HunterChapter 47

Mike and Cathy returned home from work to find Bob waiting outside for them to show up. Making the Marines guarding Mike a little nervous, Bob walked over to the car carrying a bottle of wine with him. Mike got out of the car and said, “Hello, Bob.” “Hello, Mike. I wanted to thank you for accepting our offer on your house,” Bob said. In a very natural reaction to being jerked around over the price of the house, Bob and Ellen had not been happy with Mike. Ellen had been getting angry at what...

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Hunter HuntedChapter 2 Discovered Secrets

Hunter's engaging smile was long gone before Dianna finished Mirage's story. A strange pang started in his chest, surprising him. Hearing of how Lineal and Lynette, Mirage's husband and daughter had been put to death was heartbreaking. He could almost feel their pain. The scorch of the whip was a terrible thing. He'd felt it once or twice in his own inhumanely long life. But know that Lineal had been forced to endure the bite until he'd mercifully died was almost more than he could...

1 year ago
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Hunter HuntedChapter 17 A New Member of the Family

The hallway was empty. It wasn't just empty, it seemed down right desolate. Angel spun down the hall, walking carefully and covering every angle that she could. This was the third hallway that they had cleared. Another twenty ASP workers were now on their way to Conference room eight. They'd run into Kit and her crew, sending them down to keep an eye on the survivors. With Tinman there, they had one agent that was bite proof. Mage had shed a little bit of light into the zombie girls,...

3 years ago
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Hunter the Last MissionChapter 6

Anna's things were still here, where was she? I heard a strangled moan from the bedroom. Her nude form was on the floor writhing. She was trying to scream but couldn't draw in enough air to do so. Every tortured inhalation was cut short by a gasp of pain. A trail of water led from the shower she had loved so much. As quickly as I could, I entered her mind and stopped the pain. I don't think there was an unbroken bone in her body and what else he had done to her was anybodies guess –...

1 year ago
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I was raised on a feral wilderness planet. My father was a hunter, trapping and killing for their meat the ferocious animals that dominated the planet. My mother ran a smallholding to raise grain, fruit and vegetables, heavily protected by fortifications and electric fences. My sisters showed no aptitude or inclination for hunting but readily took to helping my mother expand her smallholding. I took to hunting like a duck to water, surpassing my father's skills by my mid-teens. I could walk...

3 years ago
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HunterChapter 2

Finally, we calmed down and tried to figure out what to do. Eventually, we decided simply to get rid of the man's body and not to say anything to anyone about what happened. Disposing of the body would be easy: all I had to do was to dump it in the pecan grove and let the wild hogs eat it. The body would be fully consumed withing two days. We stripped his body and dragged it out the door. That was easy because he was pretty well lined up with the door, so I tied his feet together and ran...

2 years ago
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Hunter and the DancerChapter 18

Callie studied their stateroom with pleasure. It wasn’t luxurious, but it was neat, clean, functional, and spacious with several portholes giving a view of the sea. The bathroom was spotless, towels clean. While unpacking, she smiled to herself. This was so unexpected. The Canada Senator was a working container ship. At first glance when they’d arrived at the commercial docks, she’d seen a rusting blue ship piled high with different colored containers; so high she wondered how the ship...

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Hunter and the DancerChapter 19

CALLIE YAWNED AND STRETCHED. Her body felt bruised and sore like she did after a long, hard dance workout. She smiled. She had danced, just a different dance - the dance of love with Hunter. Turning her head, she saw the bed was empty. A momentary spike of fear passed when she saw him sipping coffee at the small table by the porthole. Why didn’t he ever sleep in? Her bladder called. A flush of warm embarrassment hit when she felt a damp spot underneath her. She’d leaked! Dashing to the...

4 years ago
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Hunter and the DancerChapter 26

Callie was still sound asleep, gone to the world, when I rose at five-thirty. In the kitchen, with a mug of freshly brewed coffee, I got to work. Phone calls to acquaintances led me to Paula Tasker, only twenty-five, yet her reputation was already widely respected. I told her what I was looking for. We bargained over the fee. She accepted. Calls to acquaintances in Switzerland solved another part of my plan. And, at six-thirty in the morning, Friday, I called the White House. Lucas Smith...

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Hunter the Last MissionChapter 2

Call me Hunter. Just ... Hunter. Don't try tacking on some stupid 'Mr.' or 'Agent' or any of that shit. Hunter. It's who I am and it's what I am. Sure, the official designation is 'Tracker', but, to my mind, a tracker simply follows things. A hunter, on the other hand, follows things, then kills them. They use me, or one of the others like me, when some deviant with paranormal abilities has crossed the magic line between salvageable and disposable. Trackers, with our chemically...

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This is a story about a bounty hunter or hunters who is coming up the ranks quickly for being one of the best bounty hunters ever. So who shall the story be about?

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HunterChapter 9

Oh, my God! I had so much paperwork to fill out that it took me nearly the whole day to get it all done. At least, the shooting had taken place in Bollard County so I was saved another stack of forms I would have had to fill with mind-numbing drivel. This was almost enough to make me quit the job, but I found that I liked being a deputy sheriff enough to stick with it. Mary was supportive, and that made a big difference. My salary of $30 per month would have been a problem in other...

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Hunter HuntedChapter 14 To Give the Devil his Due

Domino stepped out of the car, his eyes upon the huge house that sat on a picturesque estate just beyond city limits. The lights were on and, with his excellent ears; he could hear the sounds of people talking and music being played. A disgusted sigh was wrestled from his chest and he glanced apologetically at the two that stepped out of the passenger side. "My dinner must be entertaining again. I've asked her not to do such things when I'm not home. It's almost impossible to find humans...

4 years ago
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Hunter Naked in SchoolChapter 4

Thursday August, 25 Instead, it got a lot worse. Or at least it did for Dr. Martin, who I walked down stairs to find on our TV screen, explaining to a phalanx of reporters that school was canceled due to the hordes of protesters blocking every road within a six block radius of the school. Mom looked up at me: "Since we don't need to rush out the door, I thought we'd have a nice, leisurely family breakfast. Why don't you and Jeff go ahead and get your showers." I went back upstairs and...

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Hunter and the DancerChapter 13

“Are you sure it’s safe?” Callie whispered, peering around at the darkness. The rear entrance to her apartment was deserted. Distant streetlights were weak, casting a yellow glow in the alley, creating dark impenetrable shadows. I used the keys we still had to open the door. Avoiding the ancient elevator - it was too noisy and a trap if we were spotted - I led her up the stairs, pausing at every landing to check the corridors. Her front door opened silently. I paused, listening for anyone....

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Hot night. Loud music. Sea of movement. I am on the prowl! I'm in need, and the hunt has begun. Holding mydrink, I let current of bodies carry me slowly around the dance floor. Theair is thick with energy and body heat. One can easily get lost in sensoryoverload; bass drumming deep in the stomach, a kaleidoscope of lights almostpalpable on the exposed skin. Momentarily lightning-like flashes replacedby minute darkness ? ~ where do all these hands go at those times? ~ Couples moving in unison,...

4 years ago
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HunterChapter 3

The next day was more of the same as far as hogs went. I figured that I had enough rabbits with six to test the market. If Mr. Benson didn't want the rabbits, I would try to peddle them myself. Sam and I headed for another empty field where I expected to find some wild hogs. It was near the farm of my near neighbor, Jeb Hanson, and I had heard that he was troubled by wild hogs. I planned to drop by to see him about hunting on his property next week. Sam was as eager as I was to find hogs,...

2 years ago
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HunterChapter 36

There was a sudden coup in North Korea. Weapons supplied by China had found their way into the hands of a large number of people who were tired of being hungry and living without electricity. After the initial fighting between government forces and citizens had died down, the Chinese government stepped in and established an interim government. Even the Chinese soldiers were shocked by the conditions in North Korea. Three weeks had passed since the attempted missile attack on the United...

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Hunter Naked in SchoolChapter 3

Wednesday, August 24 My hopes that Reverend Neal wouldn't cause any more trouble were dashed as Mom pulled into the school parking lot to find the Reverend leading a protest, accompanied by three or four TV news cameras. Several of the protestors had signs with bible verses on them, including the one I was supposed to read in chapel this afternoon. "Reverend Tucker sure knows his stuff," I thought to myself. Mom backed the car up. "I don't think it's a good idea for us to get out...

1 year ago
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Hunter and the DancerChapter 6

The assignment became even more problematic for me over the next four days. On Monday, Callie spotted a friend when we arrived at the dance school and rushed over to chat. A couple of minutes later she approached me with her friend in tow; a young girl with short auburn hair and honey-brown eyes. “Ceci est mon garde du corps, Hunter Lightfoot,” she said, introducing me to her friend. To me she said, “This is Maria. She’s Italian but doesn’t speak English.” “Piacere di conoscerti,” I said...

4 years ago
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Hunter and the DancerChapter 7

CALLIE SAT ON THE couch, not concentrating on her textbook. Instead, she studied Hunter. He was absorbed in her textbook on François-Marie Arouet, better known under his nom de plume, Voltaire. Hunter was full of surprises. He was deeper than she’d believed, more knowledgeable, his interests broad. Despite being conversationally challenged, in the little he’d said he revealed a sharp mind. He was educated, articulate, and intelligent. He was a health nut, too, careful of what he ate, rarely...

2 years ago
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Hunter the Last MissionChapter 7

The port was in utter chaos. The accident the team leader had referred to had been every boat in the harbor suddenly racing towards the docks, crashing into the ones already tied up, snapping the long spars of the outriggers and making every slot on the pier an untenable tangle of splintered bamboo. Nothing bigger than a rowboat would be leaving for hours. I had to find a way to beat Collins to Manila, but Boracay didn't have an airstrip. It might be possible to land a plane on a stretch...

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