En Mor_(0) free porn video

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"Vi kører ind nu" sagde Mette og vente sig om for at gå ud mod køkkenet. Jeg fulgte trop. Mette ville gerne kører derind, og det var mere hendes bil end det var min, så selvfølgelig skulle hun det, jeg var der jo bare til at kører den hjem igen. På vej ind mod Jema nævnte jeg at jeg havde det dårligt med at være der.

"Jeg føler ikke Birthe vil have mig her, og jeg har ikke lyst til at tage tilbage, for det kommer bare til at understrege at hun har ret i at jeg ikke har noget at lave". Sagde jeg.

"Hun vil jo godt have at du er her, men hun synes nok bare at det er lidt meningsløst, hvilket det måske også er" sagde Mette.

"Jeg vil gerne være her til når du skal sove" sagde jeg.

Jeg ved at hun har nemmere ved at sove hvis jeg er der, og hvis jeg kan hjælpe på den måde, er jeg mere end villig.

Mette kørte ind i indkørslen til Jema og bremsede. Hun lænede sig over for at kysse mig. Vi steg derefter begge ud og fik sagt farvel til hinanden. Jeg satte mig ind i bilen, ved førersædet og bakkede langsomt ud. Jeg kørte hjem på de veje, som nu er mig meget bekendt.

Jeg drejer ind mod indkørslen der hjemme og parkere bilen i gruset. Der var ingen andre biler i indkørslen da Lise og Rasmus havde lånt den store til en tur til Tyskland. Kim var ikke hjemme her i ferien. Jeg steg ud og gik indenfor. Jeg ønskede ikke at skulle gå forbi stuen hvor Birthe sad, for jeg ville ikke prøve at starte en samtale der ikke var passende. Jeg ville sådan set bare gerne op på Mettes værelse for at sove videre. Jeg fik hængt min jakke op og taget mine sko af. Jeg blev hilst af Ami, som nok havde forventet en anden. Jeg gik ind mod stuen. Jeg var kommet ind i stuen og hørte Birthe spørge efter mit navn. Jeg kom frem bag gangen og henvende mig til hende.

"Kom lige her og sæt dig, der er noget jeg gerne vil snakke om" sagde hun.

Jeg blev meget forbavset og en smule nervøs. Hun lød ret seriøs i stemmen. Jeg gjorde som hun sagde og prøvede at opfører mig så pænt som jeg havde lært.

"Jeg vil ikke have, at du tror du ikke er velkommen her, eller at jeg ikke vil have dig her!" Sagde hun troværdigt.

"Jeg er ikke interesseret i at du skal kede dig når du er her" tilføjede hun.

Det lød meget som noget hende og Mette havde sagt før og jeg tænkte bare at hun synes hun skulle sige det.

"Jeg ved godt, at jeg er velkommen her, og det er jeg rigtig glad for!" Insisterede jeg.

"Jeg forstår udemærket godt hvis det er fordi at jeg og så skal have mad, og at det derfor ikke er optimalt at jeg er her" tilføjede jeg. Jeg var helt sikker på at det var en pæn måde at fortælle mig at det nok ikke er så smart at jeg kommer her mens Mette er på arbejde på jema.

"Du er velkommen Morten, og det er skam ikke noget med mad!" Indvendte hun.

"Jeg synes måske bare at det er svært-" sagde hun og bremsede sig selv.

Jeg var ikke sikker på hvad der var så svært at sige, så jeg beredte mig på det værste trods det at hun lød positiv i hendes tale. Hun så ned på sine fødder og gemte sig lidt i sig selv. Hun holdte en lille pause for at samle mod til at sige det næste.

"-det er svært at se dig og Mette gå så glade rundt sammen" sluttede hun.

Jeg var meget forvirret og ledte efter mere forklaring på hvad hun mente. Jeg ville ikke antage noget. Jeg ville gerne vide hvad hun mente. Jeg vidste ikke om det var fordi hun savnede Kim eller hvad det var.

Hun virkede til at havde opdaget min søgenen i lidt mere information.

"Det piner mig at se jer sammen og vide at Mette får så meget kærlighed fra dig" sagde hun pinligt. Jeg var nu ret sikker på at hun bare savnede Kim. Jeg vidste ikke hvad jeg skulle stille op med denne information. Jeg prøvede at komme på noget at sige.

"Jeg kan altså godt tage hjem!" Sagde jeg for at prøve at hjælpe.

"Endelig ikke Morten!" Sagde hun.

Jeg var først nu meget forvirret. Jeg havde ingen ide om hvor hun ville hen med alt det her.

"Jeg kan forstå at du savner Kim, og det er jeg ked af at hører!" Sagde jeg. Det virkede underligt at tale om hendes kærlighedsliv, men der var ikke meget jeg kunne gøre lige nu. Jeg ville om noget ikke fremstå dårligt lige nu.

" Jeg savner Kim, men jeg kan bare ikke lade værre med at tænke på-" sagde hun og bremsede sig selv igen.

"- at tænke på hvordan du er. Hvor dejlig du er, og hvordan det må være, at være sammen med dig" sagde hun endnu mere generet end på noget tidspunkt. Jeg vidste ikke hvad jeg skulle stille op med informationen. Jeg var sikkert helt rød i ansigtet. Jeg var enormt smiret, men samtidig også virkelig splittet.

"Jeg er meget smiret Birthe" sagde jeg og kunne ikke rigtigt afslutte hvad jeg ville sige.

"Morten, jeg har været sammen med Kim i snart årtier, og jeg kan ikke lide tanken, men jeg kan alligevel ikke stoppe med at tænke på hvordan det dog ville være at have sex med dig" sagde hun og så alvorligt på mig. Jeg havde aldrig troet at jeg skulle hører sådan noget her. Jeg var enormt pinlig over mig selv og alt det her, men jeg blev samtidig også enormt liderlig. Jeg prøvede at finde nogle ord, men det kunne jeg simpelthen ikke.

“Jeg ved godt at det er en skør tanke, ja en helt forkert tanke, men jeg kan ikke stoppe den. Jeg bliver ved med at tænke på det. Jeg elsker jo selvfølgelig Kim, og du elsker Mette. Jeg har bare ikke kunne holde mig fra tanken om din pik glide ind i mig" sagde hun helt alvorligt.

"Jeg ville da også gerne prøve det, men det kan vi jo ikke!“ sagde jeg endelig.

"De ville ikke behøve at skulle vide noget. Hvis ikke nogen af os sagde noget og vi afladte ingen spor, ville det kunne være vores lille hemmelighed" sagde hun. Hun virkede til at prøve at overtale mig.

"Jeg elsker virkelig Mette" sagde jeg.

"Det ved jeg, og jeg elsker Kim, men vi kan stadig godt gøre det og elske dem. Jeg er og har været virkelig stresset på det sidste og har bare brug for noget godt sex, og har lige siden vi mødstes, gerne ville prøve det med dig" sagde hun.

" Du må forstå Morten, at når man har haft den samme pik så længe, så bliver det let lidt kedeligt" sagde hun trist. Hun var ude mærket godt selv klar over at det hun sagde ikke var det bedste.

"Bare et blowjob, jeg har bare brug for at mærke din pik inde i mig på en aller anden måde Morten" sagde hun tiggende. Jeg sagde ikke noget. Jeg ville rigtig gerne, men havde heller ikke lyst til at sige god for det, for jeg ville for alvor føle mig utro. Bare ved at sige det.

Hun kunne godt se min efterhånden meget stive pik, som pressede op imod bukserne. Hun lagde sin hånd på bulen.

"Men ligegyldigt hvad, så er Anne lige ovenpå" sagde jeg, og synes selv jeg havde et godt argument.

"Gør det, det ikke bare lidt mere interessant?" Spurgte hun mig.

"Vi kan gå ind på soveværelset" sagde hun og rejste sig. Jeg rejste mig også og fulgte med.

Det her havde jeg ville i så lang tid, og det ville hun åbenbart også gerne. Jeg gik lige bag hende og vi nåede nu ind på værelset. Hun lukkede og låste nu døren bag os. Jeg var for alvor liderlig. Det var første gang jeg var alene med Birthe inde i deres soveværelse. Det føltes så forkert, og dog så rigtigt. Hun gik nu hen til der hvor jeg stod og satte sig på hug lige foran mig. Hun begyndte at spænde mit bælte og, og jeg mærkede et ekstra sus i min mave. Hun åbnede langsomt mine bukser op og trak den ned. Hun trak nu endnu langsommere mine underbukser ned. Min pik hoppede ud efter at havde været stiv i et stykke tid nu. Hun så med det samme meget mere glad ud, end jeg længe havde set hende. Hun satte nu sine læber om min pik og begyndte at fører mere og mere af den ind i hendes mund. Hun massererde den intenst med sin tunge og læber. Jeg stod i sådan en nyelse. Jeg kunne ikke fatte mine øjne ved at kigge ned og se Mettes mor sutte min pik. Hun blev ved indtil hun havde gjort sig selv for liderlig til kun at gøre det. Hun begyndte at tage mere tøj af, og jeg tog også resten af mit af. Hun havde en virkelig pæn krop! Jeg havde aldrig set hende så let påklædt som hun var nu. Hun stod foran mig i kun BH og trusser. Hun satte sig i sengen og bød mig velkommen. Jeg gik om på den anden side af sengen og satte mig der.

"Jeg vil have din pik inde i mig, Morten" sagde hun insisterede. Vi lagde os tættere sammen, og jeg begyndte at røre ved hendes krop. Jeg tog hende på brysterne og ved hendes trussekant. Hun lå med et fast greb om min pik.

"Træk mine trusser af" befalede hun mig. Jeg gjorde som der blev sagt og trak den af hende. Jeg kunne se hendes fisse nu. Jeg fik endnu mere lyst til at få hende til at have det godt nu. Jeg lagde min pik klar op imod hendes fisse. Jeg så på hendes ansigt og så at hun allerede var i nydelse. Bare berøreringen af min pik imod hendes fisse, var nok til at få hende til at have det godt. Jeg hjalp min pik på vej mod hendes åbning, og fandt den snart. Jeg kunne mærke hvor jeg skulle ind, og nu skulle jeg bare ligge lidt vægt på. Snart gled min pik ind i hende, og vi havde nu sex. Jeg lå nu på mettes forældres soveværelse og havde sex med hendes mor. Jeg kunne mærke at det var anderledes end fra mette, og jeg kunne se og mærke at hun nød min pik. Jeg kørte min pik ind og ud hurtigere og hurtigere. Hun lå mere og mere uroligt på madrassen. Hun prøvede at være så stille som hun nu overhovedet kunne. Jeg satte flere krafter i. Jeg ville give hende det som hun ønskede. Hun tog hårdt fat i mig og så på mig. Hun begyndt at stønne så det kunne høres, men ikke af Anne i den helt anden ende af huset. Hun spættede nu rundt på madrassen og svøbte nu min pik i en slags væske. Hun squirtede ud over min pik. Jeg kunne ikke holde meget længere efter at vide at hun havde squirted på mig. Mit underliv lå badet i hendes tis og jeg kom i flere sekunder inde i hende. Efter jeg var færdig lagde jeg mig ned ovenpå hende. Jeg havde ikke lyst til at forlade hendes fisse, og hun havde ikke lyst til at jeg skulle forlade den.


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Funny thing about "MEMORIES". In my senior years, I can not remember the name of the movie I watched last weekend or the name of its lead actor but I recall perfectly the events of May 11, 2009. The washrooms at the mall were bereft of cock so I walked a couple of blocks to the library to see if there was any action there. When I entered the washroom, there were 2 guys in there. One was standing in front of the right urinal and the other guy was at the left one. The middle urinal was where I...

3 years ago
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I do not pretend to be a writer, but I just thought I`d scribble down some memories. This is`nt fiction, just a small part of my personal history.Some things happened in the dark ages, othersnot so long ago, but everyone of them is etched in my memory and I can still remember it like it happened yesterday. [/First Timesb]My first real open mouth kiss was when I was about f******n and not being real sex, I don`t suppose it is against the law to state that age here.We were...

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Kevin Reilly unlocked his front door, kicked off his shoes and walked down the hallway to the kitchen. He had just taken his wife Keri to the airport where she was going to be catching the 8 a.m. commuter flight to the state capital. It was her biweekly three day trip to perform secretarial duties for her boss, Bradley Knox III, or as Kevin always referred to him, Trey. Every time he used that nickname for her boss's pretentious official name Keri would remind him that her boss hated it....

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Special thanks to my Proof Reader The roar of the jet's engines is the only thing intruding on my grief. I still can't believe it. Nicci is gone. She and her husband Frank drowned off the Florida coast in a severe tropical storm; they and seventeen other passengers. She and Frank were to enjoy a relaxing two week sailing trip. It was intended to be sort of a second honeymoon, the first time they were away from home alone in years. Nicci was my sister and we were close ... very close. She...

3 years ago
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Funny how things looked bigger when I was eight than they do now at fifty. I was home for the first time in almost thirty-two years. I left home at eighteen to join the Air Force. Now I'm back for my mom and dad's funeral. They died in a fiery car crash on their way home from seeing my younger sister in Olean, New York. They lived in Jamestown almost all their lives and in the same house since I turned seven. It was a hundred year old house with two floors, an attic, and a basement. The...

4 years ago
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The Personalia noticed that they were becoming uncomfortable. They put this down to Governor Bob Kempe of the planet Rehome, and his enthusiastic support of their race. He kept telling everyone he met how kind and helpful the Personalia were. He made them out to be the ideal race to be partnered with - friends to be admired and praised; a defence force without parallel; a source of technical and financial wizardry; the perfect complement to human ingenuity and pushiness. That upsetting...

2 years ago
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Softness and hardnessA man bumps against a woman in a hotel lobby. During the collision the elbow mound against the chest thereof. They are both surprised. The man turns to her and say,"Ma'am, if your heart is as soft as your breast, I know you will forgive me."To which she replied:"If your cock is as hard as your elbow, I'm in room 221."Influantes StatsA businessman boarded a train and finds himself sitting next to a beautiful woman. He notices that she is reading a book about sexual...

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Last February, an external accounting team came to perform reviews within my company. A selected group of persons were chosen for the interview, I was one of the chosen ones to be interviewed. I began to suspect that the audits were just a cover-up. Working in the company's logistics I had nothing to do with corporate finances. I turned up for the audit, where I was welcomed by a team of four people. The interview went smoothly. They asked me innocent questions about life and work at the...

Mind Control
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Memory By Angel Hailee "Wake up." "Huh? Who said that? Its so bright... can't see." "Don't worry, just wake up." "Um... okay..." "You can leave your eyes closed for now... just wake up." "Okay... I'm up... I think." "Yes, you are. Can you open your eyes?" "I think so... yeah... its okay... can't see too well... everything's blurry." "Maybe you need glasses." "But I've never had them before." "People's eyes change." "True." "Do you remember your...

3 years ago
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You aren’t here anymore. For more than a year already. Maybe I should have started earlier with this, now my notes about you start today. I don’t know what this is going to be. Or what it is good for. Maybe for everything, maybe nothing. Maybe it should be therapy for me. I had thought that I was cured. I imagined it. To be healed of you. How ridiculous.Obviously, nobody can close the gap that you left behind. It is completely hopeless.Through you I have experienced what love is. Love is when...

Love Stories
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Like many men my age I’m a proud grandfather of six and I indeed love them all and my ex wife was a loving, beautiful woman and still is. We raised four great kids together, but there is a part of me none of them knows about and it goes back many years. I go back to high school when I was extremely shy around girls. I wasn’t, however shy around guys. I was a good athlete, tall and in great shape. I played ball, wrestled and ran track. I wasn’t attracted to other guys in the least and I was very...

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Just for fun, I though it might be nice to share some of the experiences I went through on my way to becoming the sexy slut I am. Before I had the confidence to fully dress and go out, and to go on the few dates I’ve been on, I was completely closeted. The only way I could express my girly side was through playing on the phone and all alone. I loved dressing up a few times a week. I collected sexy underwear from ex-girlfriends who left stuff behind, and from a few rare shopping trips where I...

3 years ago
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Just for fun, I though it might be nice to share some of the experiences I went through on my way to becoming the sexy slut I am. Before I had the confidence to fully dress and go out, and to go on the few dates I've been on, I was completely closeted. The only way I could express my girly side was through playing on the phone and all alone. I loved dressing up a few times a week. I collected sexy underwear from ex-girlfriends who left stuff behind, and from a few rare shopping trips where I...

2 years ago
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Funny I guess, the closer to graduation I got the random escapades I used to allow my self diminished. Yeah from time to time I would sit in my room and think back to the Apartments we lived in after dad's death. Think about sneaking up to Stephen/Stephanie's apartment and when he would have friends over. When I think about how straight laced "Stephen was I have to smile, when Stephanie was around, sex was always in the air. At first I was just the "errand boy,", I'd go to the store get...

2 years ago
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Like many men my age I'm a proud grandfather of six and I indeed love them all and my ex wife was a loving, beautiful woman and still is. We raised four great kids together, but there is a part of me none of them knows about and it goes back many years. I go back to high school when I was extremely shy around girls. I wasn't, however shy around guys. I was a good athlete, tall and in great shape. I played ball, wrestled and ran track. I wasn't attracted to other guys in the least and I was very...

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I was reading the paper the other day and saw this article about a Canadian Air force pilot who had murdered a couple of girls, but the best bit for me was the fact that this guy had an undie fetish and there he was in all his glory and a pair of stolen bras and pants!! The bulge in the pants looked interesting too, I would certainly have enjoyed investigating that!! He's going away for a minimum of twenty five years for the murders so I bet he'll be popular inside, plenty of opportunity to...

3 years ago
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Elena was a goddess among mortals. She was from Bermuda, six foot tall, 125 lbs, hazel eyes, and the skin tone of a caramel macchiato! She had not cut her hair since she was a small girl in St. George. To say the least, she was stunning!We met while I was working a second job at a local fast food place. I, a regular guy, she was one of the managers. At first, I was interested in her best friend, that is until I "saw" Elena.She was the utmost professional while at work, but loved to let her hair...

4 years ago
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My name is Richard Rogers and this is the story of the love of my life. I am single, 46 years old and an architect for a small but nice firm based in Santa Cruz, California. I was married early in my career, but it didn't work out so I have never taken the plunge again. Maybe someday I'll find the right woman and we'll live happily ever after, but I doubt it. Approximately Three Years Ago: Last Sunday my mother, Anne, had a fall at home and was admitted to the hospital. She had surgery on...

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Lanie was my next door neighbor. I was enamored of her since she moved in as a brand-new bride. I was 13, and she was 20 years old. Tall, blonde, with B cup breasts, and a beautiful set of blue eyes. I thought that she was the sexiest woman I had ever seen. Many nights were spent masturbating, and dreaming of her. Now she was 25 and I was 18 not much had changed. Then her husband left her. She came in to see my mother, and you could see that she had been crying. She told mom that she was...

1 year ago
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Sex, it seems it’s all I ever think about. From the time I wake up in the morning to the time I go to bed, sex is never far from my thoughts. From pub-erty, I found myself always fascinated by the male sex organ, and how sex could be an integral part of my life. My thoughts never wandered far from thinking about sex, even after I had my first sexual experience with a partner. Looking back at how my teenage years unfolded, I can see now how my parents were worried about me and my early...

4 years ago
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With tears streaming down her face, Adriana watched through the fog of loneliness and despair as her true love turned to leave. Pride and fear had kept her from telling him how much she desperately needed to feel his arms around her and and for him to nuzzle her hair and whisper "I love you, baby. It'll all work out." She wanted to call out his name and beg him to stay, but the little voice inside her head told her that she wasn't that weak and to let him walk away, forever if need be. With...

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Morning By Trainmaster Synopsis: What happens when a wife wakes up to discover her husband's face on another person's body? A young woman's body. And what if the young woman is pregnant? But ... is it really him at all? This morning, I wake up and find a pregnant woman in bed beside me. In my bed. There's no mistaking the swelling of her belly. This woman, she's a young thing. From the side, she appears too young to be so pregnant, maybe 16 or 17 at the most. She -- the young...

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She stays home alone most of the time, her husband does not want her to work, so she has time to take good care of herself and always look her best. She spends many hours in front of the mirror, and that gives her ideas. She has a very gorgeous body that she knows how to enhance by wearing many different outfits and very high heels. Her husband wakes up very early every day, and she always gets up earlier so she can give him a delicious breakfast in bed. She gets up, cleans herself from the...

2 years ago
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Rick slowly drifted into consciousness, blinking in an attempt to chase away the hallucinations of sleep. The room was illuminated in a soft golden light, as the first rays of sunlight penetrated the windows. He slowly exhaled, yawning peacefully, before carefully rolling onto his side. His gaze settled upon his mistress, who positively glowed under the current light, strands of hair draped across her face. A soft, relaxed moan escaped her throat as she raised an eyelid, focusing on her pet's...


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