A Theatrical Affair free porn video

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Slowly Emily stroked and held Michael’s cheek as he smiled sweetly at her, and she slowly moved her face towards his and as their open mouths met, he slipped his tongue into her mouth and she returned the act and slipped her tongue into his mouth and closed the space between them. She deepened the kiss a bit and then a bit more as she hungrily flicked his tongue with hers.

Her eyes suddenly became as big as saucers as she pulled out of the kiss, and she looked up at Michael in surprise. ‘Was that you what just poked me?’ Emily asked. Michael blushed deep scarlet and then smiled cheekily. ‘I’m sorry!’ He replied. Then leaned in to whisper into Emily’s ear ‘I can’t control when he does that! He has a mind all his own.’ The audience applauded wildly as Michael and Emily left the stage.

Backstage, Michael fervently apologized to Emily. ‘I am terribly sorry that happened!’ Michael couldn’t look her in the eye and turned to walk away, his hands over his fly attempting to hide the obvious bulge. He stopped in his tracks when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Emily looked up at him ‘Please don’t go. Join me in my dressing room for some…. coffee?’ Michael looked down for a moment at his falling trouser tent and accepted her offer.

When they got to her dressing room, she opened the door and walked in, turning on a lamp. Michael slowly walked in and loosened his tie a little and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. Emily closed the door and turned around, clicking the lock on the door closed. Michael noted the click but pretended not to. He just stood by a chair and looked around Emily’s dressing room. Emily walked by Michael and kissed him square on the lips and playfully cupped his bulge, lingering for a moment and went off to get the coffee pot ready, leaving Michael standing there feeling his arousal growing again. He sat down on the chair behind him and tried to will himself to calm down again. He was almost fully settled when Emily came back with some crackers and jam. She set the plate down on a little table next to Michael’s chair and straddled his lap. She put a bit of jam on a cracker and fed it to Michael, she got a bit of jam on his lower lip and as he went to wipe it off she grabbed his hand and held onto it. Moving it slowly down her body over her clothes from her breast to the inside of her thigh. Emily could feel how much Michael was enjoying the situation he was in. Suddenly her lips were on his again and she was nibbling his lower lip, causing him to moan slightly as his arousal continued to grow. Emily’s arms rested on Michael shoulders as she kissed along his jawbone to his ear and started nibbling on his earlobe gently as he gasped and giggled in pleasure.

As she planted kisses down Michael’s neck, her hands worked at pushing his jacket off and taking his tie off and finally working on his shirt buttons. Each button she undid, she placed a kiss on his chest. She got his shirt open and kissed his stomach and back up his chest. She slowly kissed back up Michael’s chest and over to his left nipple. Michael tried to hold her but she pushed his hands away and looked at him as though to say ‘Not yet’. He felt, as though he was about to break his fly, he was so hard. He moaned loudly as she played with his chest hair and gently nipped at his nipple.

Emily was beginning to get very aroused by now and as she teased Michael’s nipples, she would grind against his throbbing erection. She moaned in pleasure as her hands traveled down Michael’s stomach and rested at his waistband.

Michael’s hands, in turn, went to Emily’s shoulders. As they did so, he looked questioningly at Emily, who replied with a smile. He worked his way down from her shoulders to her breasts and back up. He slipped his hands under her dress straps and slid her dress down enough to expose her bare breasts, which he gazed at appreciatively before cupping them both and teasing her nipples with his thumbs.

Slowly, Emily pulled her hands down over Michael’s hard, throbbing erection, caressing it through his pants, and unfastened the button. Slowly she slid the zipper down and gazed at his throbbing member.

As she gazed at him, he slid her dress down more so that it was almost off. She leaned over to the small table next to them and opened the drawer and pulled out a condom. Michael barely registered anything other than the fact that he had no shirt on, there was a half naked woman sitting on his lap, his pants were open and he could feel himself throbbing in the cool air.

Emily slowly got off of Michael’s lap and slid her dress off the rest of the way. She let it fall to the floor and stood before Michael for a moment and then carefully kneeled down. She unwrapped the condom and knelt down between his spread legs.

She placed it on the end and paused, smiled her most wicked smile and leaned her head towards him. Knowing what was to come he strived not to have his release. She parted her lips and wrapped her mouth around him, the very sensation sending shockwaves through his whole body.

Michael began to feel his legs shake, one of the first signs that he was about to come. ‘No. Please. Not yet.’ he thought to himself. He screwed his face up and strained to keep his resolve. Emily pushed him into her mouth as far as he would go, rolling the condom down his shaft and found that she would still need to use her hands to hold him all.

As she finished rolling it onto him she looked up to see Michael with a pained expression on his face. ‘It’s ok, baby. I know that feels a little too good. You’re doin’ great.’ She slowly stood up and stood beside him, lifted her leg over and straddled him. Just keeping herself apart from him, she found his hand and guided it to her.

His breath became shallow and quick as he found her and drove his middle finger inside her, then another. Then a third until he was satisfied that she would be ready for him. Suddenly he removed his fingers from her and grabbed her waist to guide her onto him. Emily gasped and grimaced slightly. It had been awhile since she had partaken in the throes of passion.

Gently, slowly, she eased herself down on him. Just as delicately she raised herself again. Using the back of the chair for support, she began to get more and more comfortable. Soon she was riding him with ease. Still slowly at first, Michael wrapped his arms around her and latched his mouth around one of her nipples, sucking and flicking it with his tongue.

Soon she was riding him so fast that he could do nothing but sit back and watch her. Every now and again she would fix him with an intense stare and he would raise his hands up into her hair to hold her head as he kissed her more deeply than ever. Suddenly, Emily’s breathing changed. Her breath now charged with groaning and Michael himself began to feel that he was about to have the same reaction that she was about to have and once again had to fight to keep himself until Emily had come to her release.

Emily grabbed Michael by the shoulders and began riding him harder and faster. Michael planted his legs firmly on the floor and tilted his pelvis further and began thrusting himself up to Emily as it looked like she was in danger of running out of energy before she finished.

Finally her voice grew louder and louder. And as it was obvious that she had had her release, Michael now let go and came just as Emily was quieting down. As they finished, she fell onto him, trying to regain her breath.

Both Michael and Emily sat, wrapped around each other, her sweat dripping onto his naked chest and with him still inside her. As they both started breathing normally, they suddenly started giggling. And Emily pushed herself up to look at him again. They smiled the biggest smiles at each other and then Emily looked around at her surroundings. ‘There’s a bed over there.’ she said. ‘I know,’ said Michael. ‘By the time I realized…well… we were already…’ and they both dissolved into giggles again. ‘C’mere’ said Michael. An
d held out his arms so that she was now almost lying on him. ‘Actually, you need to hop off so that I can get rid of this thing.’ Turning crimson, Emily stood up and flopped on the bed.

Michael went into the bathroom to remove the condom and came back out to see Emily lying on her back. He nudged her knees together with his leg so that this time he was straddling her and kissed her gently on the mouth before moving over to the wall side and wrapping his arms around her. ‘You do know we can’t stay here don’t you?’ He said. ‘I was just thinking that.’ Said Emily. ‘Come on. Let’s find our clothes.’

They got up off the bed, got dressed and tidied themselves up. Emily washed the stage makeup off her face and Michael washed up too. They looked at each other, decided they were ready to leave and opened the door to the dressing room. Michael and Emily glanced at each other. ‘You know’ Emily mused aloud ‘We actually could stay here…neither of us are on until the curtain call…’

Michael smiled playfully and softly pushed the door closed. He turned Emily around and pressed her against the door as he claimed her lips once again. He pressed himself against her and slowly kissed his way down her neck and onto her shoulder. He clicked the lock behind her and suddenly she grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him around and switched places with him so she could push him forcefully against the door and began to unbutton his shirt again.

Michael looked down at her ‘Didn’t we just do this?’ Michael enjoyed giving her the power over him. He realized that when, mere minutes ago, she had been looking down on him as she was giving him a time to rival the best of them.

Emily also enjoyed the fact that even though Michael was bigger than her she was being allowed to push him around and make him do as she wanted. He could have his own way another time. Right now she was going to be the one in charge. Emily looked at him as if to dare him to stop her, that of which he chose to ignore and continued to submit to her wiles.

He lifted her leg up round his hips and lifted her up carrying her to the bed where he put her down gently then hovered above her eating her face while his shirt wafted about. She reached down his torso and undid his pants, revealing his boxers with a broken button on the fly. He was becoming aroused but was not yet to the point of an erection.

Emily sat up and pushed Michael’s shirt off of his shoulders as he kneeled on the bed. She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him into a standing position. As she pushed him up his pants fell down to his knees and she slid her feet forward to push them down the rest of the way. Emily stood up suddenly and put her hands on Michael’s shoulders and, as she turned him around, she put her hands on his chest and pushed him down with a bit of authority but not too aggressive as not to turn him off. As he lay down, she kneeled and observed his slight bulge and slipped her hand into his boxers and tugged them down a bit revealing his limp member. Emily pouted playfully at Michael. ‘You look down’ Emily said, ‘You look like you could use a bit of encouragement…’ Emily smiled slyly and moved forward a bit and took him in her hand.

Michael looked at Emily as she moved toward him. His semi-limp member quivered as her hand got closer to him. Michael’s eyes never left Emily’s as she took his sac in her hand and gently played with it while her mouth planted kisses at the base of his arousal and kissed up the front of him and as she came to the sweet spot, she rolled her tongue around the head and caressed the sweet spot with her lips.

He moaned as his hips moved back and forth he brought his hands up to direct her to where he wanted her to go but she gently grasped them and pushed them away then moved up and held it up in position and let the shaft slide into her mouth all the way down and she adjusted the rhythm so that as he thrusted forward her mouth was going up. As she continued the insistent rhythm he rocked faster and moaned blissfully until he jerked forward and let loose and she felt the hot jets flowing into her mouth.

Eagerly, Emily swallowed Michael’s warm liquid as she released him and kissed his beautiful stomach and worked her kisses up and sat herself just in front of his still hard shaft. Emily, who was very aroused at this point, rolled her hips back and forth until she could she feel the sensation that started as a spark then swelled like a wave that crashed over her and engulfed her in pleasure that was like electric current coursing through her as she felt Michael jerk forward and heard his shudder. Michael jerked forward again as his abdomen tightened and that familiar wonderful sensation compelled him to flex himself as he came once more, spending himself on his own stomach and a bit on his chest. Emily leaned forward and licked his chest and stomach clean and held herself above him.

Emily looked down at her prize: this beautiful sexy man she adored, he stared up at her equally enamored albeit out of breath from his exertions. He spoke breathlessly to her ‘That was brilliant.’ Emily gently stroked his face as beads of sweat fell from his ears and cheeks.

Michael slowly eased Emily back onto the bed and rolled himself over so that he was on top of her once more. He started to kiss her on the cheek and slowly placed kisses on her neck and worked his way down farther, placing delicate kisses all over her chest. He continued to place delicate, soft kisses upon her stomach and paused at her navel. Slowly, and erotically, he ravished her navel as he slowly began to work his way down. Inevitably he moved slowly down until he found the patch of pleasure. He burrowed his tongue into her warm depths, tasting the juices that flowed from her center.

Her legs opened widely to receive all of his pleasure as she began to feel waves of excitement flowing through her veins as she moaned his name out headily. ‘Oh Michael don’t stop!’ Emily cried out in pleasure as Michael continued his exploration. His tongue lapped up her flowing juices and he surfaced for a well-deserved breath as she pulled him up to her mouth and captured his lips with her own, tasting her own juices on his tongue. He broke the kiss and trailed his tongue down her chest, taking time to swirl his tongue around her left nipple before taking it into his mouth and swirling his tongue on it as he nibbled and sucked on it, as if trying to nurse. By that time, there was a hard feeling between them that could only be his arousal, which was getting harder by the minute. He released her left nipple and trailed his tongue over to her right nipple and repeated the process.

She could feel the growing pressure of his manhood thrust against her body as she instinctively whimpered and spread her legs a little bit farther apart. She reached her hand down between the two of them and grasped his hard length in her hand, squeezing him gently as he left a wet trail down her body with his tongue. He moved his head and settled between her legs once again, thrusting his tongue into her once again. This time, how ever, he trailed his tongue up and gently suckled on her small nub, giving his utmost attention to her sweet spot while one of his hands drifted down as he stroked himself.

He could hardly take it anymore and felt as though he were about to burst. At that point they both knew what was about to happen. Emily pulled him back up once again and Michael put his lips upon hers and she then moved her hand slowly down between them and grasped his throbbing length. Carefully, so as not to send him over the edge just yet, she then guided him into her moist safety zone.

His eyes nearly rolled back into his head as he entered her and felt the warm part of her body. Emily spread her legs wider as Michael began to move within her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. As he continued to move within her, his grasp of reality slipping away more with each deep thrust, he felt the rough skin of her feet on the soft
skin of his rear as she pulled him even deeper into her. Michael began to move within her in a slow rhythmic motion, essentially torturing himself as he moved deeply within her.

Emily moaned loudly as Michael felt his body tensing as his legs began to shake and he began to moan incoherently. Encouraged by his moans of intense pleasure, Emily’s inner walls contracted and squeezed Michael’s hard inspiration as she climaxed, loudly moaning Michael’s name which, due to the squeezing, triggered Michael’s climax. Michael moaned loudly as he jerked forward and released his thick warm liquid deep into her depths as her walls milked his member and slowly they both collapsed onto the bed.

As Michael settled in to go to sleep, Emily looked at the clock and almost jumped out of the bed as she grabbed Michael’s pants off of the floor and threw them on top of his almost sleeping form as she scrambled for her panties. ‘We have to be onstage for the last 2 songs! Get up!’ Hopping out of the bed Michael tried to pull his pants but failed as he also tried to locate his shirt. A few minutes later they had both located their clothes and gotten them on. Michael and Emily rushed to the backstage area just as they were about to go on stage. Michael was walking in what appeared to be a rather uncomfortable manner because his member was still very sensitive and his erection threatened to come back. Everyone sang the song ‘One Day More’ and the audience went wild. Everyone took their bows and left the stage. Emily led Michael back to her dressing room and they both stripped and fell into bed. Michael and Emily fell into a peaceful slumber a short time later.

Several hours later, Emily woke up with her head burrowed into the crook of Michael’s neck. She thought Michael was awake at first, as he was talking about something. She lifted her head a bit and looked at him. ‘Michael?’ Emily spoke softly as she propped up on one elbow. ‘I swear I don’t know what happened to the plutonium solution.’ Michael spoke defensively. Emily leaned in and looked at his closed eyes thinking to herself ‘Thought he was awake…apparently not.’

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The Mutually Beneficial Affair

Misha just turned 31, had three kids, and a husband that works far more than he earns. She was telling me his boss was taking advantage of Bert’s work ethic, ‘do the job until it’s done’. I thought she was hinting for an influx of cash but I couldn’t help, not much anyway, “Ah, sorry Misha, I don’t have a lot of spare cash right now, with Connie furloughed.” My sister looked at me surprised, “Oh, no, Pat, I didn’t mean it like that. We are fine that way, I just don’t like how he is with...

2 years ago
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One Mans Affair

I received an Email from a lady name of Emily about one year ago. The note promoted a rush of memories of events long past but that seemed as fresh as if they had occurred days or weeks previous. I have had only one extra marital affair during a long marriage, and Emily was the ‘other woman’. Along with the romantic and erotic memories that returned, I also recalled my deep sense of guilt and the terror of being found out. I was very surprised to hear from her given the unpleasant parting...

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An Innocent Affair

An Innocent Affair By Elrod W. Tom Haskin was all smiles as he stepped off the elevator. And why not? His older son Bobby had done pretty well in T-ball last night, and his wife had helped celebrate - especially after the boys went to bed. Tom had every reason to feel good. The presence of Miranda Barajas in his office dampened his enthusiasm a bit. She was seated across the desk from his chair, her short skirt riding up her thighs seductively. Miranda smiled when Tom walked...

1 year ago
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The Affair

The Affair Myles phone gave a beep which announced an incoming ext. He hurriedly grabbed it and with growing excitement read the new message. 'Excelsior hotel 12.30, don't be late' He quickly cleared his desk and went out into the reception area. "Stephanie I'm just off to that meeting with Mr. Walters," said Myles Rogers as he headed towards the door, "I think I'll be at least 2 hours." "Okay Myles, hope it goes well," said Stephanie Morton. "He seems awfully jumpy, I hope...

2 years ago
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My One And Only Affair

I'm divorced now. My ex-wife had an affair which ended our marriage. She doesn't know that I had my own affair, seven years earlier. We were great fuck mates. I fucked her constantly and I fucked her one day before we split up. But after she had our baby, she changed in many ways, including sexually. She didn't want to fuck nearly as often as she used to and her pussy was dry almost every time we fucked, before she changed, her pussy got wet just from thinking about sex! I'm patient by nature...

Straight Sex
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Anatomy of an Affair

Week 1 I never set out to have an affair. Maybe if I write it all down, it will help me figure out what is going on. I am not one of those housewives who volunteered because they were bored and lonely, or just vaguely unsatisfied. He was just someone I had forged a friendship with at work and started flirting with. Yes, I enjoyed his attentions. It felt good and right, just different enough, and I felt powerless to resist. Oh, who am I kidding? When your hormones are raging and someone is...

1 year ago
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Yet another office affair

Introduction: Every office affair is the same… or is it? Yet another office affair… Its all about her cumming for me you know… Dont get me wrong, I love cumming, i love filling a girls pussy with my cock and feel her walls stretching as I enter her and fill her with my seed… But for me, its nothing unless I can feel her shake, writhe and moan uncontrollably until she explodes… Only then I know for a fact that I have made a woman mine. Now you all know about office affairs… When a marriage is...

2 years ago
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A Compounded Love Affair

I joined the company in the month of May year 2005. After a tumultuous time at a BPO – where we learnt that there are no nights to go home, only late evenings and then early morning. Food so pathetic that the taste buds went for a toss. Only thing that kept the eye open were the ladies on and off the floor (standard term for a place where calls are taken) or probably the supervisor shouting after just getting pummeled by an early riser in the States. Ma continuously pestering me to join...

2 years ago
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Charmaines Meaningful Affair

CHAPTER 1 Sitting on a stool at the bar in a rowdy group who’d been to dinner at the Comedy House restaurant-theatre, Charmaine Ross noticed the curly-haired guy about her age studying her, thankfully appearing very casual about it. The heart of the bored woman fluttered. She hadn’t committed adultery for a couple of years. Unless she did it soon she’d forget how good it was. Douglas was losing fitness and these days puffed and even dribbled over her and he performed his beloved bang. Like...

4 years ago
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Lust On The Beach The Start of the Affair

Introduction: Gaynor is a 49 year old mature married woman with two full grown daughters who has gone to the coast for a relaxing few days, a chance meeting with a familiar younger man leads to so much more……… Lust On The Beach (The Start of the Affair) Gaynor Day Out Gaynor Day was in her 40s and had blonde bronze like hair with a slim athletic body which for her age of 49 was impressive. At this present time the office secretary was laying down on the beach reading a book entitled...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates A Complicated Affair

Altered Fates: A Complicated Affair By Theunknownauthor Everything you are about to read is true! Every person, place or thing that is mentioned in this account is real, although I am changing the names and not giving any exact locations. I am doing this so that readers won't try to verify the validity of this story on their own. This isn't an easy story for me to tell, but I feel that I need to get it off my chest. For almost a year now I have been reading various accounts...

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The Affair

The Affair By Margaret Jeanette Tammy Scott was having lunch at a local spot when a handsome young man came over to her. He introduced himself as Dr. William Henderson and said he just had to tell her that she looked beautiful in the outfit she was wearing. When he asked her to join him for lunch she accepted. She didn't know why she had accepted but for some reason she was attracted to this man. They enjoyed a good lunch and she found herself laughing at many of the jokes he...

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An AFFair

Let me give you a background first of all. I’ve been married 12 years and for the past seven, sexual activity between me and my wife (Ritu oviously name changed) has stopped completely. I love her dearly, but she has lost all interest in sex and as time went by, I got tired of being alone. When we had sex, I would make sure she would always climax, most times multiples. She admitted that she enjoyed it, but I found out, if she never had sex again it would be all right with her. Since our...

3 years ago
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My extra marital affair

I am Amit, residing in Dubai for last 13 years along with my wife (Sujata) and parents. I am a businessman, having diversified company herein Dubai, dealing in some 150 items. We usually source material from Mumbai, which in turn sold to GCC countries and also exported to African countries. I have to travel a lot to Mumbai for this reason. Prior to my marriage, I used to stay with my mother’s relatives in Vasai when I was in Mumbai for purchasing. But. Now I always live with my sister-in-law...

2 years ago
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Sauna Affair

Copyright© 2004 There was a young gaucho named Bruno Who said, "Screwing is one thing I do know. A woman is fine, And a sheep is divine, But a llama is Numero Uno." If not for the way my son fucked me in the sauna once a week, the rock hard cock shoving enthusiastically back and forth into my persistently hungry hot wet cunt, I would say he hated me! These last few months my son David would not even look at me, give me hugs or even talk to me. His often absent father even...

2 years ago
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A Torrid Love Affair

Brain and Vickey has known each other since high school. Thirty-three years later, they were still friends but had chosen different life paths. Brian was married and Vickey was divorced but moved back into the area they grew up which was in Northern California. They both had their fiftieth birthdays in February of this year. Back in high school, Brain was a football player and captain of the wrestling team. His dreams were to go to law school and become an attorney one day like his father. ...

1 year ago
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The End of My Wifes Affair

I had agonized about it for weeks, should I open the envelope or not? Six months ago I discovered that my wife of 9 years Sara had been having a long term affair with a man named Steve. I had been able to determine that their relationship had been going on for at least five years and perhaps even longer. When I realized that my son and two daughters might not really be mine it broke my heart. I took the three children ages 5, 3, and 1 to a doctor out of town and after giving him $1,000 for...

2 years ago
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mother and daughter Affair

This story and contains lesbian taboo and everybody is over 18.How did this happen? I do not recall on when it happened, but all I know is that my baby girl, my own daughter Hanna, a nineteen year old beauty has her head between my legs, giving me the best orgasms I’ve ever had. “Mum, did you enjoy you Xmas gift from me?”“Oh baby, I love every time you go down on me. Let me return the gift with a gift of my love for you.” I then put my head between her legs showing my love for her.While eating...

1 year ago
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Hot affair

My name is Rakesh, age 26 and I want to share my experience with you all. My family consists of six members. Father, Mother, Brother, Bhabhis, my brother’s son and myself. We all live in a duplex house. On the ground floor our parents use to stay and on the first floor we have 2 bedrooms, of which one is occupied by me and the other by my brother. Brother, babhi and I are employees. I and Bhabhis are working in the same company and I got the job in that company with babhi’s reference. As a life...

3 years ago
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SeniorChapter 27 Planning an affair

Adeline's rules: 1. No questions about family 2. No public display of affection 3. No questions about past 4. No disrespect 5. Do not lie 6. No head games; I'll let you inside me, but not in my head 7. No mention of the difference in our ages 8. No expensive gifts 9. No cheating 10. No admission of love The telephone conversation with Adeline had gone on much longer than I realized. I opened the door to find the two folding tables vacant. Everyone had left, or so I...

2 years ago
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Yet another office affair

It's all about her cumming for me you know... Don't get me wrong, I love cumming, i love filling a girl's pussy with my cock and feel her walls stretching as I enter her and fill her with my seed... But for me, it's nothing unless I can feel her shake, writhe and moan uncontrollably until she explodes... Only then I know for a fact that I have made a woman mine. Now you all know about office affairs... When a marriage is weak, a pretty lady finally gives in to a guy she found attracted...

3 years ago
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The Country Affair

‘Mary, your hair is fine! The carriage is at the gate, now please stop stalling,’ Elizabeth Beauclerk called upstairs for her sister. The house had been buzzing all morning, preparing for the family’s long journey west from their home in London to the countryside of Worcestershire. With a quick twist of dark wavy hair she pinned the last curl in place and looked at herself in the mirror. She tied her straw bonnet over her hair and smoothed down the folds of her powder blue dress. The color...

3 years ago
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THE AFFAIR (The story takes place in the 1920s in London, England)Henry thought it was Nigel’s idea but he had finally found out, after some prodding, that it was Edith, Nigel’s wife, who had suggested the two wives witness their husbands’ meeting. Although Henry was against it at first, and his wife Barbara seemed quite indifferent, Nigel and Edith convinced them that it would be fun for all and that it could put some spark in a relationship which might need it soon.The two couples were rather...

3 years ago
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A Maternal Affair

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here…My lifelong attraction for her was ignited in one instant. I came home early from school and was going upstairs to change. I passed by my mother’s room and she was standing in front of the mirror in...

3 years ago
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An Early 21st Century Love Affair

An Early 21st Century Love Affair This story was written and dedicated to my firt www.xhamster.com friend, hope you enjoy it. The sound of rain hitting the window was the first thought in my mind as I woke in the dim predawn light. I had slept so soundly that it seemed that I had not moved a muscle, yet I felt as if I had run a race and needed to stretch to get my joints limbered up. As my mind began to clear from the deep sl**p the reality of the changes in my life began to come back to me. ...

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Surprise Affair

My Affair Begins Mostly backstory…but necessary to understand how unexpectedly my affair began. Based on actual events. I really wasn’t looking for an affair, it sort of just happened. All of this started when I met a long lost friend–and I mean really long lost. We knew each other in Junior High, he was in 7th and I was in 8th even though we were exactly the same age by a matter of weeks. We were just friends back then, sit at the same lunch table sort of friends. Now skip 20 or so years...

3 years ago
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BBC Affair

After saying goodbye to my friend Jessica I hung up the phone and finished getting ready for my trip. Little did I know it would be a visit that would change my life in more ways than one. Before I continue I should back up a little and explain a bit about myself. My name is rita. I’m a 25 year old, 5Ś’, pale skinned freckled redhead with blue eyes. I am what would be considered average, fitting between a size eight and ten. I love my legs, strong and well shaped from years of walking and...

1 year ago
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A family affair

This Story was not written by me.I do not know if there is any Copyright. If this is so than please inform me and I will delete it immediatelyA family affair John came in from soccer practice, threw his backpack in the den and went to the kitchen. He saw his mother standing at the sink and, with a large smile, said, “Hey, Mom, what’s shaking?” Anne didn’t look up, but she smiled nonetheless. It was their own private greeting – one which John had used for years every time he got home from ...

2 years ago
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The Oral Only Affair

“WTF??? Your boyfriend won’t give you oral sex? Why?”  The little black box popped up with a reply a few seconds later saying, “I tried to get him to without being pushy but it is not his thing,” she replied. “Get rid of him! Life is too short to waste on a guy that will not eat pussy,” I typed via IM. “I really like him. He is cute and so nice,” she answered. The IM’s continued over the next few weeks, both of us having fun talking dirty and both of us knowing it will not progress any further....

Oral Sex
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Affair by Vickie Tern Jessica introduced me to the new section manager. 'Meredith, this is Bruce' she said. Then glanced quickly at the bar to assure that the liquor was holding up, and moved on to chat with others. Another of her after-work cocktail parties -- she believed a sociable office was an efficient one, and I'd stopped by briefly as I always did out of courtesy. So I nodded at this 'Bruce,' smiled quickly, and was about to turn away when I...

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