Brave It indian porn

2 years ago
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LOST Kate Prisoner of the Others

[LOST] KATE AUSTEN - PRISONER OF THE OTHERSKate’s Re-Capture [synopsis] After running for such a long time through the jungle, Kate was eventually captured by some of The Others. Unfortunately for her, she had made the mistake of running right into their trap, they had many men positioned stealthily with guns and as she ran into their radar they encircled her. Knowing she was completely outnumbered and also very exhausted from the prolonged chase, Kate did the only sensible thing she could and...

2 years ago
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Summer had been hard; hard to forget her, hard to move on. But the first week of uni completely helped change that. I was over her. I had forgotten her. Now, at uni, surrounded by new normal people, I could look at all the new normal attractive girls. I was saved. My phone buzzed. She’d sent me a text: _“Wanna talk? Tomorrow 9pm ok with you? Z”_ Z was Zoe. You wouldn’t believe the crap you get as a girl online, so Zoe went by the sexless handle ‘Z’. I’d teased her about Zed the gay biker in...

2 years ago
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The Booths

This is a continuation of my first story, In the Beginning. Porn became the center of my life I think. VHS was my saviour. I rented and bought just about anything I could get my hands on. I used it to introduce my wife to new things and ideas I had. One featured a porn star named Vanessa. In it, several guys frantically took turns at her orfices before bathing her with cum. “That is what I want”, she said. I didn't tell her at the time, but I too wished I was the one being fucked and bathed....

3 years ago
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The Indian Maidens

But then,while each and every male in the trbe had gotten themselves caught up in the confussion,a few of those cowboys had gotten off of their horses,charged their way into the wigwams and started dragging each and every young female indian out of those teepees against their will. And then,after they were able to get all of the young female indians on to a horse-drawn cart,one of the cowboys had spotted a young male brave heading right towards the rough-riding invaders with a tomahawk in his...

1 year ago
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A Widow s Windows

“Mum showed us yer war medals an’ the Military Medal for ‘gallantry’, las’ week, Dad,” 11-year-old Art says as the pair walk to the next job, “next munf it’ll be twenty years since The Great War started in 1914.” “She should’ve asked me before she dug out my medals, Art. Although,” Roger Bird replies, “if I’m honest, I’d almost forgotten about them.” “Sorry, Dad, I never meant to upset yer.” “Art, you’re old enough now to know about that awful war, it could all happen with Germany again....

4 years ago
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Being Jim Ch 08 Lightning Strikes Twice

The old saying goes that “Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.” I’m not sure how scientific or even true by practical experience that may be but I for one know for certain that in matters of the heart… It’s not true. I’ve for the most part led a very fortunate and blessed life. I grew up in a warm and loving home surrounded by family that both kept me humble and taught me the value of kindness and sincerity. I have made very dear and lasting friendships with...

1 year ago
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The Snake Catcher s Daughter Chapter 6

Do not imagine for an instant, gentle reader, that I am brave or even particularly resourceful. I took this task upon myself as much out of the need to satisfy the promptings of my headstrong nature as out of regard for the duties of love.Once I had fully acquainted him with the facts of my situation, Montuhotep readilly agreed to assist me. Quietly and discreetly, he gathered a group of experienced and dependable soldiers from their barracks near the palace grounds; men known to him...

4 years ago
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Chooser Of The Souls

Standing on the hill looking down at the army, I was amazed at how far we had come in just a year. From a few thousand men to legions flying banners. We had fought hard and won. Men seemed to flock to the winners it seemed. Especially if the winning army was fighting for something they believed in. But tomorrow's battle would be the culmination of a dream for many of these men if Odin granted us victory. Yet it will not be easy. Just a few leagues away the scouts had reported 20 legions of...

3 years ago
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Doc Ch 27

I was totally pissed off! ‘To hell with them,’ I thought. I’d been doing a good job with the Marshal’s service but if this is the way that they wanted to treat me, my people, and my work, then they could take that star and stick it where the sun don’t shine! I stomped out. Tying my horse to the back of the medical wagon I told my wives climb on, as I’d had enough of this damn place. Climbing up into the seat, Moon and Dawn started fussing over me, trying to get me to calm down. Finally,...

2 years ago
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XXI. F laviushad been in Rome on business for the past ten days, closing a major deal: Amongstother fighting schools, his Ludus Flavianus would supply the Roman Games!Held in honour of Jupiter, the Games would start on the Kalends of September,and would last fifteen days, four of them comprising theatrical performances,the rest featuring chariot races, animal shows – and every sort of gladiatorialcombat. But due to the large number of fights which would be scheduled for sucha huge event,...

3 years ago
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Fianna s End

Fianna`s EndThey were a strangely matched couple. The first of the pair was Fianna, the Gladiatrix. Six foot of corded muscle, pride and confidence clear in her almond-brown eyes, her strong bronze-tanned body taut as a bowstring. Her fiery eyes were her best feature, many men said, although Fianna`s interest in male opinion was minimal.  The second was Fauna, a cuddlesome bundle of sexy fun. A foot shorter than Fianna, but just twenty pounds lighter. Most men would not debate for long before...

2 years ago
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Mat Sullivan 2 Chapter 16

New Mexico Territory, January, 1896 I headed east out of Goshen with no particular destination in mind, just my usual routine of stopping at every saloon I could find looking for useful information. As expected, things were kind of slow this time of year. I didn't find anything until my fifth or sixth town. One of the leading merchants in town was involved in a feud with a local, big wheel rancher. The merchant wanted a bodyguard and was willing to pay my usual fee, so I hired on. The...

2 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 41

YAVARA Elena was straddled across my hips. My buttocks conformed perfectly into the inner portions of her thighs, and her cock nestled comfortably between them, its underside running pleasantly across my pussy and anus, teasing the receptive nerves there. Her thumbs kneaded the knotted muscles of my back, turning them into gelatinous mush that flowed warmly beneath the flesh. Her hair tickled my face, as it was cast over one side of her head so that she could plant delicate kisses upon the...

3 years ago
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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 34 Called for the Program Redux

I woke up in the morning disoriented and confused—something felt way off kilter and I just couldn’t get my bearings. Slowly last night swam into my consciousness. I was in Denise’s bed. After our wild sex of the evening, we had awakened in the wee hours and made love again, a slow, leisurely, gentle love-fuck that ended with the two of us having huge cums and then falling back to sleep. We got up and sleepwalked through our morning routines and made our way to school, with me driving slowly;...

3 years ago
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Doc Ch 23

Soon after, we sent for reinforcements. We set out again, tracking the renegades and outlaws. We doubled our flank guards, to keep us fully warned in case of an ambush. We knew that it would be at least several hours before help could arrive. As we were following the tracks of the outlaws I dropped back to speak with Spotted Owl. ‘This seems to be a large party of mixed white men and Indians. How do you think we should handle this?’ ‘We need to follow and watch. See how ambushers act....

3 years ago
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Will to SurviveChapter 07

In the second week of spring the entire March family, plus Don, take all of the wagons to Arizona town to purchase building materials. The families staying behind start working on their cabins now the sites are ready for construction after being cleared and flat stones are laid down for a base to build on. There’s no hurry, so the travellers take their time and go via the river to pan for more gold to collect another twenty-five pounds or so in the half day they spend at the...

3 years ago
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The Journal of Samuel Samantha Waterman

Journal of Samuel (Samantha) Waterman January 1; I'm thirteen and thought I would start this journal. I ain't much at writing but I'll give it a try. I think it will be cool. I know boys don't keep a diary so I'm calling it a journal besides it sounds more grown up than a sissy diary. And this way when I tell my grandchildren my tales of youth, like grandpa does, I can say, "see its right here in my journal." Not much happened today, no school. So I thought I'd start this journal,...

3 years ago
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It s Always the Quiet Ones 1

Working night receptionist at the entryway of a ritzy building of apartments and penthouse suites was a dream job for a college student like me. It was stupidly unfair how easy it made my life because there were, like, two basic rules for the rich people who lived there and they all followed them to a t. After my shift started, no one got in without a key and there was no drama. Literally, whatever the laziest solution was on my part was the correct solution. For someone taking a full slate...

3 years ago
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Out WestChapter 1

I was trapping along a river in the western part of South Dakota near the Wyoming-Montana border. The silence was broken by a woman's scream. I moved toward the direction of the scream to see what was going on and saw three Indian Braves teasing a squaw they had caught swimming in the river. She was naked and she was also very beautiful. I could see that she was trying to get away from the Braves. One had roped her left wrist preventing her from swimming away across the river or down stream....

3 years ago
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Iliad Battles

********** There is no explicit sex in this ‘snapshot’ in time. I realize this is not my usual fare, but while reading the Iliad, I kept getting images of a potential story. Good or bad, this is the result. All I hope is that those of you who take the time to read, find something to enjoy. I wish to thank everyone who helped contribute to and edit this story, per their wishes, they remain anonymous. This story is totally fictitious, any resemblance the characters might have to persons living...

3 years ago
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Long RelieverChapter 10

Arlie slept on the issue and didn't write to Susan's mother until after breakfast the following morning: To: [email protected] From: "Arliss Stone" [email protected] Subject: Your Visit to Baltimore Dear Mrs. Munger: I'm here at home with Susan and my children for the remainder of this week and next, before the team is off on its next road trip. I imagine now that it's close to time for your trip to Ohio and to Baltimore, you must be getting excited about seeing your...

1 year ago
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My Un Fairy Tale

by Michael Richard on Wednesday, November 19, 2008.Once upon a time, (I think it might have been a Thursday), in a kingdom far away, (it might have been down the river just past the bend, you know the place), there lived a brave knight. Now this knight heard some tavern tales about an enchanted tower in which an evil wizard locked away some king's beautiful daughter. The story continues to say that the wizard died before he could lift the enchantments he placed on the surrounding forest, and...

1 year ago
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war of the sexes

WAR OF THE SEXESThis is a work of fiction. It is a humorous take on the age old rivalry between the sexes and to the debate as to which is the stronger sex. The male sex organ i.e. the penis or the FEMALE sex organ, that is the VAGINA. I have given life to the sexual organ of the male and the FEMALE and in this war of words, the genitals argue out amongst themselves as to who is the stronger of the two. It’s an all out war between the penis and the VAGINA. Although this is a work of fiction,...

4 years ago
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Pink Christmas

Pink Christmas ? by: Christopher Prim "Wakey, wakey, Neal, baby," my stepmother's honey dipped voice summoned me from dreamland, "It's time to get up and about on your big, big day." "Go 'way, Monica, 'm sleepy," I grumbled in reply. "No whining now, sleepyhead," Monica cheerfully countered, grabbing the coverings I had been attempting to pull over my head and yanking them down. "Okay, okay, I'll be down in a few minutes," I said, giving in to the inevitable. I feebly sat up...

3 years ago
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A Daemon Horn BladeChapter 3

The alarm was first raised by Juro, a local fisherman who had a small fishing hut on log poles in one of the shallow corners of the river near the edge of Lily Lake. He then nearly at once attracted the attention of Àcheram, the Dockmaster, who then began blowing the horn he always kept by his side, as if he were trying to rouse all of Tellismere itself. The Dockmaster had the keenest eyes in the village, and could smell trouble even further away, it was said. He was now blowing his horn with...

4 years ago
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Rite of Passage Ch 03

His fear of Caitlyn’s wrath, however, now twice experienced, spurred him on to quickly finish his shower and start toweling off, grateful for the steamed up mirrors, allowing him to avoid his own image, something he couldn’t bear to even glimpse right now as his mind was dark enough without adding the vision of himself, downtrodden and beaten. He stepped out onto the landing, the towel wrapped tight, almost guarded, around his waist. He shuffled as stealthily as he could towards his...

3 years ago
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My slut wife outwest 2

Alan pulled into a small State Police station on the Interstate, “Stay here,” he ordered. He went inside and it was a half hour till he came back. “Get inside,” he said. I did what he asked, walking into the station to the glares of five officers. “Remember what I told you at the “Bull Pen,” he said, I nodded yes. He pushed me to the desk where the sergeant was sitting. “What’s your name,” the sergeant asked me, “Little Cum...

2 years ago
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Punishment 2015

Punishment 2015 Stephen "It couldn't be… and yet for a brief moment I thought it was. Thegirl I had dreamed about…the girl that had figured in my every eroticfantasy. At school she had been head girl; three years above me and probably a millionlight years away from ever looking my way. Head girls don't talk to lowly 5 th .Graders, I wonder if in fact if they ever see them? Not that I am not worthy of a look. Even though I would never say it throughmodesty, I am good looking although only five...

4 years ago
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The Little Black Dress of Joy Part 4

The Little Black Dress of Joy. Part 4. By Tanya H. Even though I'd fallen happily in love with a soldier, my relationship with the British Army was, I thought, nicely at arm's length. Nina told me stories of the people she worked with, she shyly told me some more about life on tour, but knowing her regimental mates knew my history grew into a wall I couldn't climb over, meaning I hadn't actually met any of them. Nina may have been disappointed in that, after all they were her other...

4 years ago
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Naked girl day outside in severe winter

Marlene was a princess of the 9thB class in her school in little town of the northern country. She was an excellent student and also beauty – long blonde hair, pretty face and model-like legs. She was aware of her charm, but she wanted more. She tried to figure out, how to impress stronger. Marlene was ready to show up naked in front of the boys, but she wanted to find a good reason, which does not seem too easy. Suddenly she found a way – it must be an extreme nakedness like naked in...

2 years ago
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Pain and Glory

Pain and Glory by ShannonQ Synopsis -- It is the 14th Century. England had just beaten the French in the Battle of Portiers Edward the 2nd is King. A boy is born to bring trouble upon this King and his son. Only is it a boy? Where does the Wizard Milton come into all of this? Will he be King or she Queen? ONE At birth I was named Prince James. I was very small and sickly. The cold climate of the northern part of Scotland did not help my...

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The Girl From Soho Square

She wouldn't know, of course. No comprehension whatsoever of what was to come. Just a straightforward text message on her small red Nokia, as with all of her other instructions. 'Bloomsbury Crescent Hotel, Room 438. Full co-operation required. Overnight.'Had she shivered when she'd heard the phone's bleep? Looked up from the park bench, around the green London square in which Alexander made her wait for her orders, wondering if anyone realised? Or was she used to it, by now?Of course, the...

3 years ago
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In the Amazon Empire An Amazon Wife Speaks Part Five

In the Amazon Empire: An Amazon Wife & Mother Speaks of His Life~ Part Five by Ginny Wolf ********** Principal characters in this episode: Rylann Penthesilea, Nanette's First Wife Hemia and Uther, his parents Nanette Penthesilea, Rylann's husband Baroness Sylvia Penthesilea and Dame Oblea Penthesilea, her noble parents Alistair, Nanette's Second Wife Ira, maid to Rylann Hadrian, Rylann's new maid ********** Types of Amazon men: drones~men required to have at least two...

4 years ago
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Missing Congeniality

Dedicated to Mindy and all of the volunteers who make Fictionmania possible! Thanks, as always, to Steve Zink for his editing. No one does it better! (This story gently kids the great movie 'Miss Congeniality', and no copyright infringement is intended.) Missing Congeniality By Eric FBI District Supervisor Harrison looked over his team. They were going to bust up a big time Russian Mafia exchange with the homegrown New York Mafia. Nothing could go wrong, he was sure. He...

2 years ago
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I Was Promoted from CFO to Secretary

To our readers, I would like to introduce a new coauthor Cagivagurl. Do yourself a favor and check out her story page on FM. We were so impressed with her resume of stories we went out and actively recruited her to join our team. For our faithful readers you might be able to detect a more sensual leaning to this production. We hope you enjoy this tale. Marina and Monica Promoted from CFO to Secretary. Beth Johnson sat out on the patio relaxing with her morning...

4 years ago
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The Young Amazons Part 4

The Young Amazons Part 4The beautiful Young Amazons utterly humiliate their naked male captives as they lead them into the crowded citadel arenaRecap: Edward and James are soldiers. They found their colleagues dead, both had been savagely whipped and emasculated by two beautiful young Amazon warriors known only as Tight Skirt and Thong. The girls had beaten up and captured Edward and James, binding them and leading them naked to a forest clearing. En route they encountered a four man Albion...

3 years ago
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Cockatoo Part 7

Cockatoo Part 7 I live for feedback [email protected] "Shit," I thought as the water closed over my head, "this wasn't part of the plan." I had no idea how long I had spent under water but I could see a bright light above me and I thought it must be the sun shining through the water as I clawed myself towards the surface. But, I thought, "No, that can't be. It was dark when I fell in." The light grew brighter and brighter and I wondered "Maybe I'm dead." I tried to open...

2 years ago
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Wild FireChapter 4

While Ty helped Boothe load a packmule with their supplies, Willah and Mejesse closed the window shutters and fastened the door, to keep the varmints out. Within the hour after eating breakfast, they were on their way upstream on Willow Creek. When they came to the clearing where Wild Fire and his herd of horses had killed the wolves, they saw the horses through the trees. “I want to see if he will come to me again,” Willah told them, putting her fingers to her lips. Hearing her whistle,...

4 years ago
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Parting of the Ways Part 4 Away From Home

Chapter 11 Winnisimmet was a flutter of activity for the Finn Family compared with London. Michael Finn and his fiance Courtney Bollinger had the luxury of spending their summer alone, in a different country, among people who detested them for no reason other than they weren't British. It wasn't anything new to Michael, but for Courtney it was tiring and made her long for home after just three days there. They were lucky to have been given free reign over a historic townhouse owned...

3 years ago
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Hard Guys and HostagesChapter 5

When the thin, wiry man was through with her, he fell asleep, and she looked at the window at the other end of the room. It was a means of escape if she cared to try it. But that would leave her husband and baby here, and now she had the girls to worry about, too. No, this wasn't the time to try to escape. If the time was going to come, it would be later, when she had a good chance of making it, of getting help. Just to run off kind leave the others here would be desertion. Besides, she...

1 year ago
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Dirverted to Tumali

Diverted to Tumali Synopsis The plane carrying a group of students and their tutors on a project to Zambia is diverted to Tumali. Not having visas to enter the country and only the North Korean embassy to negotiate their release, they are held for some months and subjected to the country’s strict laws on dress and sexual behaviour. The story follows the ordeals and rewards of one student and two of her companions. Sequel to “Our Ordeal in Tumali”Diverted to Tumali by obohoboWarnings Please...

1 year ago
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The Omega PathChapter 20 Fighters and Healers

It was only the pain that kept her from screaming. Annie dug her fingernails tightly into her own palms as she squeezed the controls, cutting into her own flesh. She gripped the steering wheel and accelerator handle so tightly, her knuckles went white. She pushed her tongue hard into her teeth, intentionally poking directly into the sharp points, nearly piercing herself. The pain in her hands and mouth focused her, which was the thing that kept her from screaming in fury. "Bastard!" she...

2 years ago
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Fem Factor

Fem Factor By Jennifer White With the advent of "reality" TV shows, the networks scrambled to add show after show where real people are put into difficult situations, while being filmed. One of the popular ones was Fear Factor, where people had to face their fears, such as the fear of falling, wild animals, spiders, and more. However, some fears are even more extreme than what that show could offer. For that reason, an even new, more extreme show was introduced: Fem...

4 years ago
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First Time Disaster and Second Chances

I’m a really terrific liar. It’s a talent. I know it sounds awful. My mom totally grounded me like a billion times when I was in high school, for being a liar that is. My lying is problematic and I worry about it. Sometimes I can’t decide if I’m a “good girl” wrapped up in a “bad girl”, or if I’m a “bad girl” wrapped up in a “good girl”? You decide. But actually I’ve found my lying to be a very useful talent. But that’s another story. I don’t really know why I lie so much. Maybe it’s because...

First Time
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The Future Is No Longer Mine

The Future Is No Longer Mine - by Cabinessence Chaing Huang's eyes were red and wet as he stood on the doorstep of his family's poor dilapidated hut. The jeep's engine roared off in the distance beckoning him to his new destiny. He looked into the eyes of his father, as red and wet as his own, the tears escaping slowly from his graying beard. It would be the last time that he would ever look into those eyes that had guided him here to the threshold of manhood. But, alas, this was...

3 years ago
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Golden GuardChapter 13 A Surprise For Roberta

As the blindfold was taken off, Roberta was somewhat surprised to see herself back in the clearing where she had been twice whipped, firstly when Celestine and Amy had alternately attacked her back from both sides and secondly by Celestine alone. The shame of her reaction to that second whipping still haunted her. She had received seventy lashes and wept and screamed for mercy after each of them She, Roberta the bravest of the brave had grovelled and pleaded for mercy. Even seventy long...

2 years ago
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Author's Note: I'm a big fan of Kate's terrific forced fem stories featuring the "Sissy Mister" store, so this is my attempt at writing something along those lines. However--because it's me--it's different, so while some elements may seem familiar to readers of those stories, I've tried to treat them primarily as loose inspirations. The biggest difference is that while forced fem stories focus on the humiliation aspect--and this story has plenty of that!--I quickly realized that the...

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A Quiet Strength Chapters 8 21

Like a frightened creature, changed female attempts to survive on her own. The young warrior Etu, sets out to find his Aponi Spirit. This is Chapter Eight to Twenty One. (This story will be released in chapters because of its length. It could easily be a book - and yes, it is complete.) A Quiet Strength By Anon Allsop -Eight- Each day the young female spent in her sanctuary, high in the hills, brought new changes to her young life. She had managed to create traps, kill and...

3 years ago
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Journeys West Chapter 1 Prologue

Chapter 1 - Prologue Nebraska, summer 1897 Mitch Bridger, the wagon master and the son of the legendary Jim Bridger, finished his morning ride through the grouped wagons on the train and headed over to the chow wagon where his chief scout Bill Cody was waiting for him. They both sat on a make shift bench that had been put together for their extended stop. They had been forced to halt the wagon train's progress because many of the settlers had become sick. The quarantine wagons...

4 years ago
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Die Beste Valerie

Zusammenfassung: Er ist ein erfolgreicher Bundesligaspieler und hat zudem ein seltenes Hobby. Er verf?hrt und unterwirft Frauen, um zu sehen, wie weit er ohne Zwang mit ihnen kommt. Als er die hochbegabte Valerie kennen lernt, wei? er genau: Die will er haben. Egal ob er bereits eine Sklavin hat. Als sein Versuch seine alte Sklavin loszuwerden nicht von Erfolg gekr?nt wird, beh?lt er beide. Eine scharfe Konkurrenzsituation entsteht, welche beide Sklavinnen zu unvorstellbaren Leistungen an...

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Zum Vertragsabschluss nach Dubai Teil 1

Zum Vertragsabschluss nach Dubai Teil 1 Es war einen Monat nach meinem Ausbildungsende. Ich hatte B?rokaufmann gelernt, war 19 Jahre, hie? Manuel und dachte, jetzt liegt mir die Welt zu F?ssen. Ich habe wirklich gedacht, jetzt kann ich alles und bin der perfekte Verk?ufer und Gesch?ftsmann. Das lies ich auch gern raush?ngen. Ich war sehr gro?spurig, lies in jedem Moment mein "Wissen" raush?ngen und hatte auch gern mal macho-hafte Z?ge. Und das, obwohl mein ?u?eres nicht gerade dem gleich kam. B...

2 years ago
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Wagons Ho The Early YearsChapter 9

November 29, 1845 - December 19, 1845 I didn't know it at the time, but this started a very peaceful period in our lives. We now had eleven people living in a twelve by twenty-four foot cabin. There isn't much privacy when there are that many people living so close together. We had an area with blankets and tarps around it for us to sleep in. This took up about seven feet by eight feet. There was another area for Abby's bed that was five feet by six feet. All three girls slept in there....

4 years ago
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StonefingersChapter 2

The Gwinnett Braves were in the first series of an early-May homestand against the Durham Bulls, the triple-A affiliate of the Tampa Bay Rays of the American League East. Tampa Bay was known for its solid pitching, and their AAA club was loaded with exceptionally good young pitchers eager to move up to the majors. They threw hard, showed a lot of confidence, and the starter I’d seen the day before, from my position on the bench, seemed to have a mean streak to go with his wild, inconsistent...

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StonefingersChapter 9

It took me most of the day to get to Louisville, find the hotel where my new club, the Norfolk Tides, was staying, and report to my new manager, Rick Dawkins – a retired Orioles’ infielder who’d been manager at Norfolk for three years. “Game starts tonight at 7,” Dawkins told me. “You’ll probably start at DH.” “Okay. Listen, you mind if I ask a question?” “Shoot.” “You have any idea why Baltimore wants me? I hear they gave up a good prospect for me, and, shit, they’ve got the best DH in...

1 year ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 16

My alarm woke me at six am. It was too early to go to the hospital. I rolled over and wished that the last three weeks were a dream. Mom's knock at the door brought me back to reality. Doctor High was going to cut my knee open today. I limped to the bathroom and showered. I went back to my room and dressed. I checked my bag to make sure I had packed everything I wanted for my two day stay in the hospital. Mom yelled from downstairs, "Hurry up, Kyle. We need to be at the hospital by...

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Doc Ch 21

The following morning I awoke, still feeling tired and lazy, thinking I would just llay there and cuddle with my wives. Suddenly, I heard the front door slam open, and what seemed like a stampede to the front of the house awaking all of my wives. Immediately they all turned pale and rushed out of the house to be sick. I thought ‘Well, there go my idea of some early morning playtime.’ Getting dressed, I went out to see what all the racket was. Finding the boys out in the front room...

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Love s ShepherdChapter 24 Code of Conduct

Sunday afternoon, I said a tearful goodbye to everyone before leaving for the airport with only the twins going with me. Hanging around my neck was my mother’s quarter, Suzi’s heart necklace she had worn to school, and Joey’s new necklace with my coin. When Joey insisted I take it, I said, “No, Joey. You keep it.” Joey shook his head and said, “You’re going to need it more than me. I have Suz. You won’t have anybody. Just don’t let them take it away from you.” I had left a little earlier...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 28

Grayson rose with the first, silver streaks of morning sun blazing into his eyes. He squinted and rolled over, moving away from the beckoning call to awake. He felt the pounding effects of whisky and ale in his head and knew he had drank far too much for his own good. As nature started calling him, he rose and emptied himself into the chamber pot, then contemplated returning to bed, but thoughts of Heather found their way into his head and he relished them happily. One thing that sat foremost...

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The Petticoat Law

"How did you wind up with me and mummy, Mary?" I tied the drawstring of her petticoat around her waist with characteristic neatness while the question hung in the air. "I was assigned here after the war, Miss." "I know that," she said, "I mean more exactly. Do you like being me and Mummy's maid?" I was taken aback a little by Elizabeth's remarks. She wasn't usually lively enough before breakfast to ask questions like these. I made sure the silhouette of her chemise and petticoats...

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Elizabeth Grey The Lady is Waiting

Elizabeth Grey - The Lady is Waiting By Carmenica Diaz Part 01: No matter what it takes? The bus driver was arguing with an old lady in the front seat and I tried to make myself small, to hide while they yelled at each other in a language I had never heard before. How did the world change so much so quickly? It was almost like it changed while I wasn't watching. Here we were in the year George Orwell warned us...

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Second ChanceChapter 3

The rest of Meghan Kelley's special report started to depress me, so I changed the channel. Everything except the obscure channels that I never watch - no matter what - were covering the assassination twenty-four seven. CNN was airing a special on the "Life and Times of President John Gray," and speculating on how well or poorly Dryden would perform now that he was President. TNT was showing clips of my speeches, along with commentary from some people who claimed to be 'intimates' of...

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Goblin s Rise Ch1

I have never been prone to blackouts, and anyway the time on my phone was what I would have expected. I wasn't getting any signal though. Not even GPS. All there was, was the chirping of birds and the buzzing of insects. I started walking. I've read enough fantasy novels to know when I have been pulled into an alternate world. I'm probably the chosen one or some tripe. I'm likely to run across a wizened old man any moment. Either way I will die out in the wilderness. I have no survival...

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Sailor Moon The Rise of Demons

Sailor Moon - The Rise of the Demons By: Night Creeper and SethiteDisclaimer: All of the Naoko Takeuchi characters are owned and created by Naoko Takeuchi. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by Naoko Takeuchi, they are still owned by Naoko Takeuchi. Any resemblances to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS...

1 year ago
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WinnerChapter 5

The third-to-the-last pre-season game, before we got back to Washington, D.C., for a scheduled meeting with the Orioles at RFK and then another thirty miles north at Camden Yards, was against the Atlanta Braves in Richmond. We had still won more than we had lost, and Buzzy had trimmed the team down to the guys he wanted to keep plus the players he had to keep because Greeley Jepperson had paid them so much money and given them no-cut contracts. I stayed, I think, partly because I worked...

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RookiesChapter 16

I'd received special permission from the club to forego the hotel and stay at my parents' home while we were in Atlanta. I'd wanted to ask permission to have Shiggie and Amy stay over, too, but Amy suggested that all that would accomplish would be to have Japanese reporters invade the neighborhood. I did take both of them by the house for an afternoon get-acquainted get-together, proudly introducing Amy to my folks as the Main Squeeze I'd been incessantly telling them about over the...

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All Dressed Up

All Dressed Up Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I stood on the small terrace that ran across the back of the house, all dressed up and had everywhere to go, but no courage to do it. I watched as a small duck glided down to the water, settling on the calm surface making barely a ripple. I had spent hours in front of the mirror, primping and staring at the reflection there, the woman that looked back was young, no more than 16, with auburn hair and green eyes. I was dressed...

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WWAC The Un pleated Non dress

WWAC: The Un-pleated Non-dress by Ashley B. D. Zacharias?I hereby call this meeting of the Wicked Women’s Adventure Club to order.? Lydia looked at the four women sitting around the table and nodded. ?I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our newest member, Miss Amelia Cox.? The four other members nodded at the young woman with the short blond hair and muttered soft words of welcome. She nodded back, nervously. The introduction was needlessly formal because she had met three of...

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A Daemon Horn BladeChapter 16

Survivors of the Battle of Kenniford swore that as bad as this battle had been, the dreadful defense of the town of Ruromel had been worse, but Rowan was not at all sure. Only the deadly accurate missile fire of the goblin slingers had kept the sides of the battle-line clear enough to allow the flanking cavalry archers the freedom to sweep the opposing Eorfleode ranks with bow fire deadly enough to keep their center line from being massively overwhelmed, right from the very start of the...

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The Favour

The Favourby Honda  credits to CannibalCook aka ThomasRfor sharing his recipes.©Copyright 1999 Honda-Matic, AllRights Reserved. This story may be reproduced only in its full, original,unedited and unmodified posting where: 1) full credit is given to itsauthor and, 2) no commercial gain of any sort is realized as a resultof its reproduction. No permission is granted, actual or implied, toreproduce a modified version of this story, in whole or in part, withoutthe express consent of the...

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New Beginnings Part 3 New Eden

"We ain't here to cause trouble. We'll leave peaceable." "Too late, yer trespassin'", came the reply. "Honest, we're just picking up supplies. It looked empty." Another shot hit the counter above their heads. "We have you outnumbered. This is my town. We're defending ourselves and you're thieves." Another shot scattered glass over them. "We don't want a fight. We'll leave everything." Cam looked wistfully at the guitar laying by his feet. "Too late, you got a fight. My...

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The Pond of Pristine Spirit

The Pond of Pristine Spirit by Tegeli CHAPTER 1 "My patience is wearing thin," the sorceress Mesimiya growled. "Say, what you are." The agony from my crushed insides was too much to bear. "A g-girl. I'm a girl." "Finally!" The sorceress sighed and let the painful spell fade. "Looking at you, it is a wonder how that could be so hard to utter." The large mirror revealed my visage perfectly well. Mesimiya had kept me prisoner for months. Destroying my body body with poor...

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Captive Long Hair Soldier GirlChapter 4

The captive long hair soldier girl known as “Badger Girl” because of her long duration blackened eyes from serious training received at the hands of her captors knew that the last “auction” location for the sale of the female prisoners would be her best opportunity at escape if she could only find a fast horse to carry her to safety. Badger Girl’s real name was Margaret Hatcher and she was the widow of a cavalry captain slain at the burning of Fort McDonald down below the existing border....

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Becky s Surprise

It was a typical cold winter day, like so many other February days in the northern tier state of Montana. Anyone who braves life in these parts has to be ready for cold weather, snow, and lots of both! The weather here can range widely from 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer to -50 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter. This was not the coldest day of the year, but it was a cold one nonetheless. I pulled into my driveway after getting off of work at my usual time, around 6:25, and after shutting...

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Slaves of the Amethyst Part One

(This and the following parts under the same name represent a block of chapters from my novel "The Slaves of the Amethyst" which I am posting here as a mini-series in the hope that Xhamster readers will enjoy them. Although there is a strong erotic theme throughout I feel obliged to warn readers that not all of the series is erotic in content for which I apologise. Also one of the chapters has been previously posted on here and I apologise for the repetition. There will be I think about fifteen...

2 years ago
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A friend in need

A Friend in Need Kyorii The latest story starts with some unfinished Business and follows on directly from the end of the story JULIE. It is one of the several stories in the slowly expanding Stevenson universe. This story has been written to be stand-alone but If you are new to the Stevenson universe I suggest that you read at least The River and River2 (The birth of an Angel) to get an appreciation of some of the main characters within my stories. For those who know my stories...

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Monastery for Nuns

Monastery for Nuns ? Synopsis ? Orphaned at fifteen, Mary is sent to London to live with her aunt and uncle. Persecuted for her devout religious beliefs she is sent to live as a nun in a Mediterranean monastery, a monastery devoted to worshipping Satan. ? ? Monastery for Nuns ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended by such material, or if...

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Our Ordeal in Tumali

Our Ordeal in Tumali Our Ordeal in TumaliSynopsis?You really are a cunning, conniving and unscrupulous bastard Ted Sullivan, I?m glad that I?m a civil servant at the Foreign Office and not a reporter on your staff. How could you be so cruel as to send two innocent young people to a country in the middle of nowhere knowing they will be raped and tortured? Sacrificing them to the god of money. ? Our Ordeal in Tumaliby obohobo WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic...

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Unwanted Attention Part 3 The Game

Unwanted Attention - Part 3: The Game By MindlessPath Rajan sat down beside me, he was rubbing his hands excitedly. I looked his way and noticed that he was staring at my breasts. I gave him an angry glare and he stopped staring. Earl and Danny were seated across from us and Fred was seated on the side. We started to play the role-playing game. Apparently the others had already made their characters. They had a rule about making characters, though. You could not make your own...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 06

Glenn MacDonald stood at the prow of the black birlinn, his hand holding the figurehead of a grey dragon as they crossed the choppy waters of the inner sea on the way to the Isle of Skye, the thoughts of his kin slaughtered and burnt, still weighing heavy on him. As they approached the south shore, he yelled to the men in the other birlinn to make for Castle Camus and set up defences. He sadly saw the small fishing boat of Jacob Dornie, his arm draped lifeless over the side, the sail still...

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Jayti Singh Part 4

Jayti Singh Part 4 By Aardvark Jayti returns, but can Jim handle it? Return to Udaipur and the Maharana. Jayti takes a big chance. Stirrings of Jihad. Jihad! The Second battle of Haldighati Pass. Battle for Udaipur. Defeat! A new beginning for India. Jayti returns to the harem. Good-byes to old friends. A distant legacy. New adventures? Warning: Some subject matter and explicit language may offend. Don't read unless you are over 18. Chapter 23: Jayti Meets Jim ["Are we...

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T V s Brothers and Sisters A Revised Episode

       T.V.'s Brothers and Sisters:        A revised episode.        Introduction:        In a recent episode of the TV drama, 'Brothers and Sisters', Kitty (Calista Flockhart) and Nora (Sally Field) are attending a charity function to do with raising funds for a cancer cause. Kitty is hiding out in a washroom because her hair has just started to fall out because of chemotherapy she is receiving for her lymphoma.       Nora approaches the door and begs her daughter to come out.       I have...

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The Freeing of Spartacus

The Freeing of Spartacus.1 For two long years the slave war had shook Rome to the very core. Although in its all conquering peak, the Roman army had been pushed to the very edge by this huge group of renegade gladiators and slaves. At their head was the Thracian gladiator Spartacus who, though born into slavery had never bowed a knee to his enemy.Through thirty six years of slavery he had stood rebellious, ignoring the beatings and death threats which came his way. Even his masters had feared...

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ProeliatorChapter 9

The prince's unarmed men were all against the wall in a group but not shackled or even tied. They looked dispirited but I knew that this could change in a second. They were brave men and had a code of honour that made them do some stupid things. I walked through our line of defenders with Albrecht. I too had to show no fear but there were also a lot of armed Frisians very close. I said, "The Franks and the Frisians along with all the tribes that speak our language are of the German people....

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Shorts 19 Short Stories

Alex's heart was racing as she sat the quarters down on one of the washing machines. The laundromat was empty, and she prayed it stayed that way. She took a deep breath and opened the lid. The laundromat was in the basement of her apartment building. It was pretty busy during the day, but at night there was rarely anyone there. Alex hesitated a moment longer, looking toward the door, then pulled her shirt up over her head. She hesitated once more, knowing that the sooner she got it over...

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Shorts 19 Short Stories

Introduction: These short stories were written over the course of a few years. Figured Id do a quick editing job and post them. Most have exhibitionism, some have younger girls. Any comments or constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated! And keep in mind that youre not going to like all of them… 1 Alexs heart was racing as she sat the quarters down on one of the washing machines. The laundromat was empty, and she prayed it stayed that way. She took a deep breath and opened the lid. ...

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Lost at Sea book 2 Drifters chapter 12

The night was everything an evening on ship should be. Clear skies, calm seas, land distant flecks on the horizon close enough that they could faintly hear the cries of seabirds. The sunset had been long and gorgeous, full of oranges and pinks that gave way to darker reds and purples before disappearing into dusk. The western horizon was a glowing purple haze that slowly faded revealing more and more stars above.The Nivalese had a strong musical tradition full of drums and guitars, and many of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Robbie s Revelation part 11

I spent most of the day thinking about what had happened on my run that morning. I had gotten used to the lame come on lines and weak attempts to hit on me while I was on my runs. Paul hadn't attempted once to do or say anything like that, why did that bother me so? What was going on with me? I would never even think of going out with a guy so why did I enjoy and even look forward to the flirting. All this had started out as a game to me and I had fun playing the game. I was starting to...

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Lost at Sea Book 2 DriftersChapter 12

The night was everything an evening on ship should be. Clear skies, calm seas, land distant flecks on the horizon close enough that they could faintly hear the cries of seabirds. The sunset had been long and gorgeous, full of oranges and pinks that gave way to darker reds and purples before disappearing into dusk. The western horizon was a glowing purple haze that slowly faded revealing more and more stars above. The Nivalese had a strong musical tradition full of drums and guitars, and many...

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Changing Places

Changing Places by Caroline J. Bradley Chris Chris Markham closed the door having waved his wife goodbye. She was off on a two-week business trip to the USA and the taxi had called at their house in West London to take her to Heathrow Airport. Her work as an investment banker in the City of London was taking more and more of her time and meant that she was away from home often, a dedication to work that had grown exponentially after she had learned that her painful periods were...

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The Map To Matilda

Matilda nervously settled into her cramped plane seat. She nervously ran her fingers through her long, curly blonde hair. She glanced out the window, hardly believing she was here. Was she crazy? Meeting a man for the first time in person in a foreign country - Austria!Her mind flashed back to how she got here. Stomach tightening, she saw her fiance fucking her best friend in bed. She would never forget the looks on their faces when they looked up and saw her. She saw Vicki on all fours in a...

4 years ago
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Anything for You Ch 03

When I didn’t reply, Drew looked up at me, his eyes narrowing. ‘Well?’ ‘I don’t know,’ I mumbled, scared I’d make a fool of myself if I attempted a longer answer. ‘You can do better than that.’ ‘Drew—’ Tilting my head back, I stared in desperation at the hand still holding my wrists above my head. ‘Please…’ ‘Fuck.’ He let go at once. ‘Sam—’ ‘Please? Can’t you just leave it?’ I brought my hands down, swiping at my wet face with one and trying to bat his fingers away from my rucked-up...

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Hotwife l t die Katze aus dem Sack

Ich sitze in meinem Appartement hoch über den Dächern einer großen Stadt. Da ich öfter in dieser Stadt geschäftlich zu tun habe zahlt meine Firma mir die Miete. Ein idealer Ort für ein Liebesnest. Es ist bereits 18.30. Um 18.15 waren wir verabredet. Ich denke an das letzte Jahr. Brav warst du, ja sogar schüchtern. Aber dann kam die Zeit in der du dich mehr und mehr verwandelt hast. Immer wenn wir uns trafen hattest du ein neues Outfit dabei. Wir verstauten es danach meist Sperma besudelt in den...

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Hawk A Dove

(Special Thanks to Mystic_Arrival S~(editor) She has put her special touch in this story and taught me how to create a story that is readable. And Thank you Elizabetht (editor),if not for them this story would not be what it is today.) (The Joining) The horse’s nostrils were flaring open and closed as its head bobbed. The hooves thundered underneath him as he ran with the wind. Its white form and grey mane and tail whipped with its galloping strides. The earth released the clods beneath the...

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Evil Witch Harvest of Hate

The usual disclaimers: If for age, legal, or moral reasons you shouldn't read this story, don't. This is a work of fiction. None of this could ever happen. We wish. This story is fattening. Evil Witch: Harvest of Hate By shalimar I don't need Fictionmania the way I used to since becoming the Evil Witch. I usually help out as a volunteer and am usually a brash voice of reason on the Hyperboard. My happy duties as the wife of Norm and mother of seven girls take a lot of...

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Was darf es denn sein junge Frau

Was darf es denn sein junge Frau? 0Elli war auf einem Wanderurlaub mit ihrer Freundin, die draussen wartete, und beide hatte Appetit auf etwas Leckeres. aeh, eigentlich wollte ich nur ein paar Frikadellen haben. Aber sie haben so leckere Sachen hier. Elli deutete auf zwei Schweinehaelften die an einem Haken an der Wand hingen. Alles von Tieren aus der Umgebung hier? Der Metzger laechelte. Natuerlich. Alles was hier verkauft wird stammt aus der Gegend und wird selbstverstaendlich auch hier...

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The Sisters

I was sitting in the company box just to the third base side of the Braves dugout. Because of a conference that pulled most of the company's executives out of Atlanta, I had it all to myself. It was the fourth inning and the Braves had a comfortable 5 – 2 lead over the Diamondbacks when I spotted the two girls attempting to sneak into the adjacent box. I knew the usher would be on them as soon as he looked their way. It was obvious they didn't belong. For one, they looked about sixteen. Then...

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The year was 1876 the country was reeling in shock and horror over the Battle Of The Little Big Horn, there was talk of revenge but many were scared of what the Red Indians would do next which is why 17 year old Jake and his 16 year brother Joe were helping Sara and her sister home from town, both boys were good shots with the rifle and handgun and were much sort after for protecting ranches. At 18 Sara was hot headed and moaned about being treated like a kid by 2 gunslingers, as they rode...

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