Harcèlement indian porn

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Paris Partie 1 sur 3

Ce jour-l?, Maxime Lamothe eu 17 ans pour la premi?re fois de sa vie. Bien s?r, il avait eu 16 ans, aussi, et 15 ans avant ?a. Mais ces ann?es-l? ?taient encore porteuses d'espoir. Il avait attendu, attendu, mais il s'?tait jur? que si ??a? ne changeait pas, il irait voir quelqu'un. Au cas o?. C'?tait maintenant. - Ecoutez, jeune homme...je ne vois rien d'anormal. Votre taille ne devrait...plus tellement changer. Vos parents ?taient d?j? petits eux aussi, apr?s tout. Mais c'est vrai, g?n?ralement...enfin....-...

4 years ago
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Le Retour partie 3 sur 3

Maxime resta tr?s longtemps dans un demi-coma. Ou, tout du moins, il le pensait. Des images allaient et venaient. Des personnages apparaissaient devant lui. Il ne pouvait pas voir leur visage, mais il les entendait parler. Parfois en fran?ais, parfois en anglais. Il se sentit avoir froid. Puis chaud. Puis froid ? nouveau. Et faim. Et chaud. Plusieurs fois il voulut ouvrir ses yeux, mais il n'y parvenait pas. Lorsqu'il ouvrit enfin ses yeux, il ?tait dans une chambre d'h?pital. Toute blanche, toute...

3 years ago
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Mes fr res et Mes s urs

Mes fr?res et... Mes s?urs! Pr?sentation Je m'appelle Margaux. J'ai seize ans. Je vis dans une famille recompos?e de quatre enfants. J'ai deux grands fr?res et deux petites s?urs. Avec moi, vous direz que cela fait cinq. Mais non. C'est cette ?tranget? que je vais vous raconter. Le r?cit qui suit est ?crit ? partir de mes souvenirs, du journal intime que j'ai tenu depuis mon enfance et des informations que j'ai collect?es aupr?s des diff?rents protagonistes que vous allez rencontrer. Peut-?tre que certains d...

2 years ago
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De haut en bas Part 1

Bonjour, Toute cette histoire est un pur travail de fiction. Toutes ressemblances avec certaines personnes ayant exist?es sont purement fortuites. Vous voulez nous faire un feedback : [email protected] ou [email protected] Vous voulez rejoindre la plus grande communaut? fran?aise de TG caption et TG story ? Envoyez- nous un mail avec une histoire (minimum 2 pages) ou une TG caption ? [email protected] ou [email protected] avec les noms des transform?s : Arnaud et Alex. -- La transfo...

2 years ago
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Eacute vangeline vierge d eacute flor eacute e

Les aventures d’Évangeline, vierge défloréeCette histoire fût créée par moi et un Français, avide de sexe et bien cochon. Pour ceux et celles qui désirent apprendre comment faire un bon texte érotique enligne, prenez la peine de lire ce fantasme. Je vous assure qu’il saura alimenter l’appétit sexuel. Bonne lecture,MoniqueSynapses :Ce beau Français se rend au Canada pour des aventures bien coloriées. Sa deuxième journée lui permet de faire rencontre avec Évangeline, une jeune fermière...

4 years ago
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

2 years ago
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Hugo Chapitre 2 5 Une larme sur la joue

Chapitre 2 : Une larme sur la joue ********* Plus tard. Une fine brume couvrait la terre dans la nuit. Hector dormait. Emma dormait. Fran?oise dormait. Bref, tout le monde dormait. Mais pas Hugo. Il r?p?tait avec lenteur et pr?cision les gestes qu'il n'avait pourtant fait que deux fois. La corde. Le pic. La cave. La porte. La clef. Afin de v?rifier ses constatations pr?c?dentes sur son corps, il essaya de se mettre ? plat ventre et ...

4 years ago
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Drug Wars 1 The Courier

DRUG WARS 1 – THE COURIERChapter I – Back to MiamiThe girl watched in silence as her plane descended over Miami and approached the airstrip. She had the privilege to travel on business class so the eight hour flight was really comfortable, but unfortunately not too relaxing. Not for her. She was excited, and with every minute the landing got closer, Tara felt her heartbeat quicken. During the rest of the long flight she could divert her thoughts by watching some silly movies about vampires and...

2 years ago
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D terminisme naturel 5

Marc ?tait dans un ?tat second en pr?parant le caf? r?clam? par Amandine. Il ?tait sous le choc de l'exp?rience qu'il venait de vivre. Etre autoris? par la femme de ses r?ves ? lui donner du plaisir en caressant et en l?chant sa douce intimit?, c'?tait mieux que ce qu'il s'?tait autoris? en imagination. La situation ?tait de plus terriblement excitante, lui dissimul? sous le bureau de sa d?esse, elle essayant de faire abstraction du plaisir pour essayer de travailler. Et mon dieu, c'?tait donc ?a un orgasme f?minin? Cette onde ?lectr...

3 years ago
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Across Eternity The Infinite Book 3 Chapter 8

Great Minds It was supposed to be a week like any other, at least, that’s what the cadets thought. Half a year had passed since enrollment, and now it was time for a shakeup. They entered the mess hall to find a large notice board covering the dueling scores, displaying the various weapon classes. However, the names had been changed. The school had been split in half, with all the cadets who had elemental magic removed from the weapon classes to focus solely on magic training, along with some...

3 years ago
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An Unseen World Story

An Unseen World Story The following events take place before the events of The Unseen World and as such Part one of this story can be read as a complete stand- alone story without first reading The Unseen world. Part two of this story is a direct sequel to The Unseen World... I hope that you enjoy it. Part One. The Return Of The Daisy Glade Witches The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but changes from one form to...

5 years ago
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My Bavarian Holiday Ch 02

Hanna Tells Her StoryThis summer I decided to cash a rain check given to me long time ago by my good friend Elsa Braun, who invited me to spend some time at her pension by Tegernsee Lake in the Bavarian Lake District. We used to be roommates during our university days in Munich during which period we had lots of naughty fun, many times together.After meeting Elsa and her husband Brent, I was given a single room, small but with a cozy double bed and as is quite common in small pensions in...

2 years ago
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Conte de f es diverses II

Chapitre II L'initiation Le bordel des fleurs ?tait bien moins frais que son nom pouvait le pr?sager, les fleurs en question ayant connu moult butinages. C'?tait toutefois une maison de passe correcte, bien au-dessus des sordides trous ? catins en bords de Seine, tout pr?s des ?gouts, ou de ceux des Portes : de vulgaires cabanes o? camelots, soldats et autres voyageurs d?penaill?s se vidaient les bourses en autant de temps qu'ils en mettaient a pisser. Myl?ne poussa devant elle Charles par une d...

4 years ago
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The Lifestyle Farmer an Awakening

Author’s Note: Before you read this story you should understand that it is a work of fiction and total fantasy. Its main themes are of non-consensuality and human degradation of an uncompromising sort. If this does not appeal then PLEASE DO NOT READ IT. I would also like to emphasise that the events described in the story would be completely abhorrent to me if carried out in reality. Nor is it my intention to offend any particular group, preference or orientation with what I have written. It is...

3 years ago
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The Lifestyle Farmer

Author’s Note: Before you read this story you should understand that it is a work of fiction and total fantasy. Its main themes are of non-consensuality and human degradation of an uncompromising sort. If this does not appeal then PLEASE DO NOT READ IT. I would also like to emphasise that the events described in the story would be completely abhorrent to me if carried out in reality. Nor is it my intention to offend any particular group, preference or orientation with what I have written. It is...

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Effet Papillon Part 5

Effet Papillon. 5e partie. 9. L'introduction de petites culottes toutes plus f?minines les unes que les autres ne fit qu'intensifier notre vie sexuelle. Maintenant que je portais des strings de ? salope ?, qualificatif qui revenait de plus en plus souvent au cours de nos d?bats sexuels, Franck n'h?sitait plus ? me traiter comme telle. Tout se fit progressivement, un ?l?ment ? la fois. Mais aux caresses, sodomies et fellations de nos premi?res semaines, vinrent s'ajouter de nouvelles...

3 years ago
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Tyler Comes to Visit his Little Sister Pt 1

"Your three weeks into online college which you assured me wasn't a phase. I'm still paying off that fucking camera, so you could do photography. Before that it was oils, then life-coaching. Dammit woman. There's no take backs with that one." "It was just an idea, Chris. For fuck's sake, I won't bring it up again." her arm stretched across her chest as she looked down at her toes. "Christ Anna! I'm already running late for my fucking flight and come up and dump this shit on me!...

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Resort Spectaculars

Resort Spectaculars By DolSade©2004 by DolSade Faraway, Exotic Places Joe was on his way to the Indies; a promising source of meat girls (dolcettes)had recently opened up. The meat girls were all prime, beautiful and young.Their meat was tender and juicy, well marbled with fat. The body shape wasmore lush and fuller than traditionally raised local meat girls but asidefrom a thicker waist there was no other apparent difference. The breastswere about the same size as domestic stock but given the...

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From the Bottom Rung A Sequel to Life at Ann Taylor

From the Bottom Rung: A Sequel to Life at Ann Taylor Belladonna Chapter 1 - Beginner's Luck In my last two years of college, I had completely given in to my female alter ego. I lived exclusively as a woman. I told everyone at school that I was undergoing a sex change. That was a lie, but it made life a little easier. People don't look highly upon transsexuals, but they really scorn transvestites. Neither conforms to the neat classifications that people expect men to adhere to,...

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Countess Waltrude

                                                                           ?ONE? The chill air of the dungeon chamber raised goosebumps on his nakedness as he knelt in the pitch darkness, bound and helpless, awaiting the arrival of the woman his mistress Elke had assigned him to service that evening. The silence was profound. As always before such an assignation Kurt felt fear and sweet anticipation in equal measure but on this occasion both were amplified. His mistress had told him this woman...

2 years ago
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The Secretary Experience

The Secretary Experience Chapter 1 I was a pudgy, straight A student all through high school and my good grades carried on into college where I was able to earn my four-year degree in less than three years. I thank my parents for my work ethic. Thanks to them I was able to put aside frivolity and focus on my studies. Thanks to them I was able to do what I wanted to do; thanks to Bonnie, I was able to be who I wanted to be. But I'll get to her. I graduated from Auburn University -...

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The Wicked Tower Chapters 1 to 9

By RawlyRawls This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain. If you want to read lots more stuff, vote on new stories, or support my writing, please visit my Subscribestar site (you can find the link in my profile). Also, all characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older. Chapter 1 Like most things, the echo of hooves died quickly out on the Hawk’s Road. Engineers had somehow suspended the cobbled path along the ridge. On one side, a declivity fell hundreds of feet down to...

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The King in Yellow 1

Dmitri sat with his legs manacled, facing an empty chair through a wall of steel bars. He had been brought in strait-jacket and cuffs from his secure cell by six silent warders who had manoeuvred him expertly from one set of restraints to another and left him alone again without a word of explanation. He stared straight ahead, expressionless, the yellow prison fatigues stretched taut on his broad frame. Katya had been watching him through the two-way mirror for many minutes before she called...

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Across Eternity The Infinite Book 3 Chapter 2

Ebony skin, silver hair, and pointed ears; she was a stunning beauty and drew both men's and women's gazes. Her outfit didn’t reveal much skin, but her leather pants accentuated her curves, and her white shirt was tight-fitting. Noah found himself bewitched as well, despite her attempt to kill him the first time they met. The sun had just risen on the first day at the academy, and he was gathered out in one of the training fields with about twenty others, ready to begin their first lesson in...

3 years ago
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If You Want It

“You okay, mister?” The girl regarded me as I lay in the empty parking lot.I was not okay. I had slipped on black ice, twisting my ankle and landing hard on my ass. It was embarrassing—I slipped because I turned to check out the girl’s ass when she walked by.The glare from the high light posts was as cold as the February wind and the ice I lay on.On my hands and knees, I crawled over to clear pavement and stood. The girl grabbed my arm to help.“Oww... oh dammit!” It hurt when I put weight on my...

Straight Sex
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A Disgrace To The School Miss Downey s Story Chapter Nine

Karen O’Donnell and Abbie Tainio sat silently in the Sixth Form assembly hall at St. Katherine’s Girls’ School. It had been over a fortnight since the incident on the senior school visit to Berlin during the Easter holidays but here they were, going to be punished for letting the school down in such an embarrassing way. Both girls looked straight ahead at the large table at the front of the hall and could see that Ms. Storey had already arranged the implements that each would be punished with...

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Across Eternity Book 1

. . . A rare find, that beautiful crimson hair. That color was usually the result of cheap dye and a childish personality, desperate to prove individuality by opposing normality. It was a rare gift from nature, every strand like melting rubies, when most so-called redheads possessed only a diluted orange hue. But hers was like blood, drawing the eyes of all those around her, including Noah’s. Of all the women he had seen, met, and knew, even intimately, hers was the most purely crimson. It...

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SAGN Chapter Fifteen The Lambs

SAGN: Chapter 15-The Lambs West Benson Avenue, Stafford: Day 441, 1410 hours Darcy LeFleur had barely taken half a dozen steps away from the door of her Johnnie's home when she heard the whoop whoop of a police siren being activated briefly from the street beside her. The red and blue lights were already flashing on the roof of the black and white before she had even completely turned her head to face them. Well this is just super. She mused as she set the case containing her work...

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The Girl With No NameChapter 10 The Messenger

Danka felt very restless and ill-at-ease after Kaloyankt departed Daguruckt-Tok with his new wife. It was strange to consider how different the girl’s life would be from that of Danka ... almost completely opposite. Her parents were keen on marrying her off as soon as her hair was braided, and her very first suitor became her husband. She would never find out what falling in love with more than one man would be like, nor would she ever experience the traveling, hardships, and various...

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Kendall Baxter was used to being passed over for a lot of things in life. Having always been the smallest boy in class and presenting few signs of masculinity in his facial features or physique he was often mistaken for a girl, and a young girl at that. At 17 he had finished high school graduating in the top 10 in his class and a college scholarship had provided him with the path to degrees in Music, Performing Arts and Literature. It was other parts of his life which had challenged and...

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The Girl With No NameChapter 24 The Surgeon s Wife

A heavy snowstorm swept over the central mountains on November 15, putting an end to travel, foraging, military drills, and just about anything else that involved extended activity outside. The Defenders congregated in the bathhouse and the kitchen, the only two buildings that were adequately heated. Isauria and Danka spent much of their free time sitting on their bed, wrapped in blankets while Isauria practiced writing or doing arithmetic problems. There were not many books in the...

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Breaking Point

6. ...And Procedures "The process is important, regardless of the outcome, just ask Schacter. (...)mental health... is not a destination but a process. It's about how you drive, not where you're going. The therapist is like a driving instructor, not a chauffeur," -- Noam Shpancer, The Good Psychologist ***** Ray didn't react to the second playing of the tape, although he wanted to, he was just a little too confused and disoriented. A sound told him he was being visited, but he...

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Dot s Island

DOT'S ISLAND By Sailor861 Dorothy (Dot) Cochrane, 42, of Glasgow, Scotland, got out of bed this morning,showered, dried herself then strapped and locked her lubricated,10-in.-long,3-in.-diameter stainless-steel dildo deep inside her pussy, slipped into herthree-piece business suit and rushed off to work – annoyed. As usual, the first, faint grey light of a cold March Monday morning felldimly on the Scottish industrial city skyline and Dot did not want to go toher dreary office job at...

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Sarah Naked In School Extended Version

Sarah stood in the doorway to Mr. Leighton’s office; a corner of the large main house where the warden conducted his business.He was diligently reading a file spread across the green-hued blotter, an antique lamp off to one side casting a dim light across the stack of papers pinned under one side of the brown cover.  She could see the name on the file.  It was her’s.?You wanted to see me, sir?? The man looked up.  ?Yes, hello, Sarah.  Please, come in and close the door behind you.?Sarah swung...

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Fallen Kingdom

The people of Pythria were a cultured people. They were, in their own words, an ‘advanced civilization,’ or so they liked to believe. Their upper classes lived like gods and goddesses. The ‘lesser’ folk, though, those not born of the right family or of noble blood, followed a very different path of existence. Theirs was a world of starvation with only one glimmer of hope; the Arena. There, in the Games, a man or woman might make their luck through tooth and claw, shield and sword. There,...

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The Summerland Path

The Summerland Path "Y caead llwybr, Na Sidhe, Na Dynol, Geni daear, Geni Tir na Nog Medru dro Cyd-rhwng" "The path is closed, no Sidhe or man born of Earth or Summerland will bear memory of the linking roads." -Eremon's curse I. The Gwaun Valley, Wales, Late evening, February. The old one rested her white wispy haired head in the crook of the overstuffed chair and closed her eyes. Kerrdia's cheeks were warmed rosy by the crackling fire in the hearth and...

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Consent Chapter Three

Consent By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Do You Love Me? Both Adele and Celia were wearing hold-up stockings and panties, nothing else. They had undressed this far before falling onto Adele's bed. Celia was on her back and Adele lay beside her, suckling one of Celia's nipples whilst stroking the other. Celia had her arms around Adele encouraging her. Then they kissed, lazily exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. Their lovemaking could be swift and torrid, or...

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His and Her Jobs Part 4

Chapter 25 I awoke to the music of the alarm again. I stretched and wiggled my toes, taking in all the softness that was my wonderful bed. I loved the feel of the bra still on me and the weight of my breasts. The softness of the nightie on my skin and the panties I knew I still wore. I closed my eyes and pretended to still be asleep, waiting for Lidia's arrival. Less than a minute went by and she quietly entered the room. I listened for her to rush the bed. A half second...

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For King and Country Part 1

King & Country (part 1) By Miss K Prologue: Tangier.. Heathrow.. Vauxhall I heard the sea breaking below my window just before dawn and woke. I knew I was to fly back to London that morning. My leave of absence was over and I was to return to work. I lay in bed, feeling the grumble in my belly and rubbing the stubble on my chin from three days' growth. The heat was rising now, inexorably moving the coolness of the night aside as the blinds rippled in the rising...

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The Artist s Muse

Chapter One Chateau Bertrand, Paris, 1795 From the shadows, Roland Bertrand watched the young woman paint onto a canvas with delicate strokes. His library was illuminated by tapers, and they cast a soft glow on the dark- skinned beauty who was immersed in her art. She was now focusing on the figures, but from the distance, Roland could not make out the exact nature of the scene. No doubt this painting will be a gift from my brother, thought Roland, drawing closer to the woman. The candle...

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My Passage to Womanhood

My Passage to WomanhoodVolume One?My Beginnings?ByClare PenneAn FDC PublicationContentsPreface........3My Beginnings........3Introduction........4Chapter One........8Initiation & Sexuality........8Chapter Two........15Giving Myself to Hannah........15Chapter Three........21Hannah Introduces Me to Dana........21Chapter Four........32Our Trip to the South of France........32Chapter Five........41My First BDSM Training Begins........41Chapter Six........52The French Sejour...

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My Aunt Chapter 3

True to her word, Aunt Helen allowed me to be alone for the rest of the afternoon. She had said that dinner would be served at six-thirty prompt, in the dining room but until then I was free to do as I pleased. I could rest or use the time to explore the house and grounds. She 'advised' most strongly, however, not to venture into the main part of the house. The soldiers there were very seriously wounded and she did not think it appropriate for me to be wandering about and getting in the way...

First Time
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A New PastChapter 59 Shadows

“What do you need, Paul?” Jyl asked over the video link. Her hair was lighter than usual, and it looked like she had just come in from the beach at Learmonth. “No chit-chat or catching up?” I asked with what I hoped was a sorrowful look. Jyl laughed. “It’s working hours for you. It’s Saturday for me. I don’t think it’s a social call.” I sighed. “Okay, you know me too well. Can modern medicine explain why we have deja vu’s?” I asked. “Wow, you don’t ask simple questions, do you?” She...

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A Lady s

A Lady's by Nefertari CHAPTER 1- ANNIVERSARY "The eternal feminine draws us onward" Goethe The cab headed downtown, then west, windshield wipers flapping, a cold rain falling. From my current prospective, it seems like another lifetime in another world. I was a young accounting clerk in my first real job on the way to an important company social function that Friday evening. The firm had always been involved in importing and exporting and was easily the oldest commercial...

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Chamonix Chalet Fun

John hadn’t used the chalet in Chamonix for over a year. Usually he left it with an agency and it was rented during the ski season. John received infrequent cheques from Agence Group de Chamonix to remind him of the chalet’s existence. The arrival of the cheques would often trigger memories from his childhood. John’s mind would wander as he gazed at the light blue paper of the now Euro denominated cheques. John would recall waking early to take the first run, skiing virgin untracked snow,...

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Chamonix Chalet Fun

John hadn’t used the chalet in Chamonix for over a year. Usually he left it with an agency and it was rented during the ski season. John received infrequent cheques from Agence Group de Chamonix to remind him of the chalet’s existence. The arrival of the cheques would often trigger memories from his childhood. John’s mind would wander as he gazed at the light blue paper of the now Euro denominated cheques. John would recall waking early to take the first run, skiing virgin untracked snow,...

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Lynsey s Game

LYNSEY'S GAME Lynsey was bored one night, which isn't the best reason for your life to changecompletely. But then, she didn't realize how far it would go or how much shewould lose. Lynsey was a pretty ordinary young woman, in her twenties. Her parents hadspent a lot of money educating her, so she'd gone to University, learned amarketable skill, and then, well lubricated by family money and family contacts,she'd slid right into a well paying career. Nothing too extraordinary, butcomfortable....

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Ten Years

Ten Years My best friend Billie and I were in deep shit. For past two years we worked as mules for a very notorious black Street gang. Up until last month it had gone well. We did minor courier work for this gangs bosses. We were considered perfect for the job. Two ten year old white kids, considered to be generally good kids, average students and to date, no discipline problems. Our contact was a fellow student at our school, a black kid whose dad was muckity muck in the gang. ...

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Training Rose

                                                       Training Rose by Angie FRose has become something of a living legend around Saddleworth so I persuaded her to tell me her story for a small, or actually not so small, fee. I had to edit some of it and change a couple of identities but I hope you enjoy it.    Angie.                                                            Training RoseI cowered in the corner protecting my face as best I could as the blows rained down, five, six, I counted,...

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Across Eternity The Infinite Book 3 Chapter 4

Noah knew it was going to be a hot day. The summer sun had risen and wasted no time in burning away the cushion of cool air from the previous night. The breeze had yet to kick up, leaving the air dead still and the rays of the sun frying the cadets like ants under a magnifying glass. Still, no complaints were allowed, as it was a distraction from training. At the moment, they needed to focus on getting their movements right. “This is known as the Dance of the Ivunara, performed by elf...

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A Dish Best Served Cold Chapter One

Author's Note: Transgender policewoman Penelope Bishop made her first appearance in my story 'Cop Town Girl' and then the sequel 'Sleeping Beauties'. Although not essential, readers might like to read those stories first to put this story into a better context although this story stands on its own. I hope you enjoy my latest offering and feel free to comment or critique my work. Michele Nylons May 2021 Chapter One - Eta Lambda Pi Felicity Benson ruled the stage as the Master...

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The Tale of Jet and Quartz Chapter Six Puzzle Box

THE TALE OF JET & QUARTZ By: Darian Deamos Chapter Six: Puzzle Box "Ten, Two! "Four, One! "Six, Four! "One, One!" The count rang in her ears, and Quartz moved with speed and vicious strength, striking at the numbered metal plates that ringed her, each blow bringing fourth a series of ringing chimes. Sometimes they matched the first call of the count, and sometimes they didn't. Each failure brought a surge of shame...

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95Chapter 3

So that's how I got to be an honorary Belevere – of the Fox Avenue Beleveres. I was still Chris Harcourt. And I was still hated or ignored or looked down on or whatever at school, 'cause I had gotten Morrisette pregnant. Only Lu didn't think so – I guess she was the only one – and I maybe didn't think so. The next day, Mr. B. and Mrs. B. had a long talk with me. Lu just sat and listened. "Chris," Mr. B. said, "it concerns me that you don't seem very upset about your parents." He...

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Being Gamma

BEING GAMMA PROLOGE: This is a work of fiction, describing a 'what if' world if after the Persians sacked and destroyed Athens following the battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC or BCE, if you prefer. The USA is not really all that different of a place, but there are some noticeable differences if Athens had never been rebuilt and Athenian philosophy had never materialized. This is not a war story, rather a social examination of a 'what if' society. ------------------- Randi Thomas...

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Availability for work auction part one

"Order, Order," The speaker of the House of Commons, the Palace of Westminster, the mother of Parliaments, the British Legislature spoke the words in the time honoured way as he gave the name of the next member of Parliament he would allow to speak. "The Prime Minister." The Prime Minister rose slowly from his seat and the whole chamber went quiet, more than six hundred elected members crammed into the chamber with barely room for half that number in comfort, it's timeless grandeur...

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I Fucked My Father Part 2

I Was 18 When I Fucked my Father Part 2My father had been on top of me, our bodies pressed together so his cock was crushed between us. We were kissing in a way no father no daughter should ever kiss; our tongues thrusting into each other's mouth; it was a kiss not of love, a kiss of passion and lust. My father shot a load of cum between our bodies, coating both our stomachs with lovely white jizz. When we finally sat up, I said, "Daddy, I knew incest would be exciting, but never as much as...

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I Was 18 When I Fucked My Father Part 2

I Was 18 When I Fucked my Father....Part 2My father had been on top of me, our bodies pressed together so his cock was crushed between us. We were kissing in a way no father no daughter should ever kiss; our tongues thrusting into each other's mouth; it was a kiss not of love, but of sex, a kiss of passion and lust. A forbidden kiss and my father and he shot a load of cum between our bodies, coating both our stomachs with lovely white jizz. When we finally sat up, I said, "Daddy, I knew incest...

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ProeliatorChapter 4

We talked for quite a while. Licinia wanted privacy and people stayed away. The two didn't have enough silver to swing much in the way of starting a business. I said, "Here is the way I see that we can make money. I mentioned that fish is expensive. Is this true here?" Licinia answered and said, "Yes, hunting is easy but catching enough fish is much more difficult." "You have made nets before but I can show a trick that will allow you to make nets much quicker. The longer it is a...

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Eden on the RailsChapter 6

John pursed his lips in thought, then said, "Why don't we make the railway system a company owned by the community, with each family issued a share on arrival, or two shares if they have been here more than a year. We could reward our committee members with an additional two shares for their work on the committee. That way, it is in their interest to see the colony expand successfully: the rail network will show that success, I believe." "Neat trick, Governor. I think they will go for...

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The Shaws

The Family Shaw.This wicked tale is set mostly in the North-West of England and starts in January 1820. This was not a good time to be poor in England, and a great, great many people were poor. Mad King George 111 died on the 29th of the month and his son became George 1V. The extent of civil unrest in the, newly, United Kingdom at that time was very much greater than is commonly realised and in the 12 months either side of January 1820 a total well in excess of 100 citizens would die and many...

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I tapped my fingers absently on the steering wheel as I maneuvered my car through the final sweeping turn, keeping my speed down to what I'd term 'moderately stupid' as opposed to 'suicidal'. Tall trees arched overhead at intervals, casting dappled sunlight over the interior of the Audi and the remains of my junk-food lunch in its crumpled waxpaper wrapping. I could smell the sea, and I desperately hoped it would still warm enough for a swim when I got there.It had been nearly a season since I...

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Drad An Elder Scrolls Saga

When the ship pulled into the harbor, Lord Drad came out of the cabin, and made his way to the deck. His first command was to lower sails, and make ready to dock. All of the crew began carrying out his orders with a haste. Lord Drad was a Nord, from Skyrim, and he had all the fine qualities of such a person. His hair was long, and flowing, with blond and black streaks. His eyes pierced with a gray gaze. His body was firm, and stalky, yet tall and fair. His face was strong, with a built...

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One Night at the Ballet

The following diary entry is 100% true...well, alright, 90% true. I've changed certain details to protect the innocent...as well as the guilty...and have purposely over embellished certain moments to try and explain what I was experiencing and feeling at the time. Also scattered throughout are assorted random ramblings on observations which may or may not be true. All I can promise is that each and every one of the following events did, indeed, happen to me and each and every one of...

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The Nude Calendar Shoot

I had just turned twenty-two when I first started working at the KAILOR EAST FOOTY CLUB. It was just bar work on a Thursday and Friday night and all day and night Saturday.It was a second job for me as I already had a full-time job working in ad min in a store that sold plumbing fittings. Neither job was particularly exciting, but my boyfriend and I were saving for a deposit for a house so we wanted all the money we could get.Unlike most of the other girls who worked at the footy club, I had no...

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Sanura s Tale A MORFS Universe Story

Sanura's Tale (A MORFS Universe Story) By: Britney McMaster Introduction As I sat in the passenger seat of Mom's car I felt sick to my stomach. I had felt that way for the past two days. Afraid that it was more than just stomach flu, Mom had taken me to the family doctor. I now had even more to worry about than just not feeling well. Dr. Perry's words continued to repeat over and over again in my head. "According to your test results, your body has entered the first stage of...

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New Horizons

New Horizon I parked across the street from the house I formally called home. The exterior appeared unchanged after eleven months away. There was a time when I would pull up in this driveway and be filled with joy at the prospect of just being home with my family. Sometimes happiness is an illusion, as I so painfully discovered. As I sat there staring at 2200 Sycamore Drive, memories flooded my mind, I’d tried so hard to block out for nearly a year. When I left, I was resolute that I would...

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And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None By Geneva Two slaves and a white petty criminal on the run in 1830's Louisiana are transformed by a treacherous landowner using a magic book. One of them eventually has to make a choice between two futures. This story is set between my earlier stories "Made Mademoiselle" and "Miss Spelled". A reviewer had a question about the last story and I hope this story tidies it up. Thanks, Kelly. As I remember now, it was a time of bewilderment, horror and...

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Minerva Ch 09 of 10

For the rest of that day, nothing happened, well nothing of significance anyway. Except maybe, that I had apparently become, Lady Tanya’s close companion. Or rather, being the only… non-professionals around, we seemed to spend all of our time together. Lady T insisted that I escorted her almost everywhere. Walking stick in one hand, she hung onto my arm like grim death with the other. Mind you, we were both worried about what had become of Minerva for personal, not professional reasons. I...

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Inviting the new neighbors to a BBQ 5 Repost

Morning finally came around and after making myself some coffee, I heard Dave’s car backing out of his driveway and heading off. About 15 minutes later the doorbell rang. I opened the door and Deni stepped in, throwing her arms around me and kissing me deeply. She was wearing a slightly longer skirt than normal that went to mid-calf, and she stood there with her legs pressed together. “I missed you so much” she said “I missed you too, honey… did everything work out?” “Yes” she said, her...

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Kerry The Perils of a pretty PA

This is the 3rd Story in Kerry's tale. It can be read as a stand alone story or as the sequel to Kerry and the Security Check and Kerry and Kate. I do hope you enjoy it and I apologise now for any grammatical errors as I have no proof-reader, just you, but all reviews bad and good are warmly welcomed. I stood up and pushed the office chair back from the desk. As I did so I smoothed the front of my charcoal grey just above the knee length skirt flat. I felt the outline of the front...

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Infelftration by Arcie Emm Chapter 1 Impossible to stop himself, every time the end of shift bells jingled, he looked out the window. Sometimes he would keep watching as the workers excitedly poured forth from the innumerable factories making up The Big S's Workshop. Watching and wanting to become one of them. Yet the longer Snorri stared, the greater grew the chance someone would look towards the N&N Building and...

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Oscar Night

"Oscar Night" by Jennifer Brock A flippant remark by a mild screenwriter to an obnoxious TV reporter snowballs into more than he had bargained for, at one of the most glamorous of events! This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to actual persons alive or dead are purely coincidental, mostly. *** David Fine was still reeling with the sudden fame of having a second novel on the Bestsellers' List, and now his adapted screenplay for his first novel, "Sublimation," had been...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 12

Chapter Twelve There was at first a sense of cheerful bravado accompanying Glade and her company as they paraded across the savannah with the Knights’ village receding ever further into the distance. They were sure that once they were back under the canopy of the great forest, their ordeal as slaves for the shaven-headed warriors would become nothing more than an unpleasant memory. However, as one day followed the last and there was still nothing on the horizon ahead that resembled the forest...

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Awakening Her Desires VII

Mondaymorning. The sun had risen hours ago. David had called the domestic staff and pleading flu had given them all the week off. He had cancelled every business appointment and social engagement he had made for the same time period. Damn feeding the gossip mill at work. Once he had begun to realise quite how voracious was Charlotte’s appetite for his own favourite type of sex play, he wasn’t leaving her for a moment when she might have time to reconsider. To recall her staid, respectable C of...

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Awakening Her Desires VII

Mondaymorning. The sun had risen hours ago. David had called the domestic staff and pleading flu had given them all the week off. He had cancelled every business appointment and social engagement he had made for the same time period. Damn feeding the gossip mill at work. Once he had begun to realise quite how voracious was Charlotte's appetite for his own favourite type of sex play, he wasn't leaving her for a moment when she might have time to reconsider. To recall her staid, respectable C of...

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SAGN Chapter Seventeen The Kiss of an Angry Girl

SAGN: Chapter 17- The Kiss of an Angry Girl Gatehouse of the Grove, Phar' Naqua: Day 445, 0056 hours Five words. They were only five words, but in those words were packed both her salvation and her damnation. Five words that she expected to hear at some point and yet when she did hear them they still seemed unreal to her. Singh's words exploded in Darcy's consciousness and hung in the air like a parachute flare blazing into incandescent light without warning. They were so heavy...

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Miss Prissy Paunceworth Chapter II Prissy s First School Day

This is a female authoritarian sissy boy story, although with a softer touch than most. There is sugar and spice and (mostly) everything sissy- nice! So, if lots of frilly outfits, swishy behavior and a little kinky sex are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking anyway. It is also a purely fictional fantasy work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is rated R, but future chapters will be rated...

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Music of Change 7 Mid Life Crisis

Music of Change #7: Mid-Life Crisis By Valerie Hope "We're in," Hope Wells announced triumphantly as the screen on her computer changed from the dark text-encrusted screen of her self-written intrusion software to the slick-looking company intranet of Global Ventures, Inc. Grace leapt up from her desk where she was going over the same file she'd been going over for the last week and ran to Hope's side. "Their anti-intrusion is pretty sophisticated," Stacey Walters, Hope's...

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Mud MagicChapter 13 The Heart Aches

Author’s Notes: I’m sorry it took so long but, between the pandemic and some personal issues, writing was difficult. That said, big thanks to my usual partners in crime; my lady love for inspiration and criticism, bikoukumori for a tight editing job and you, the readers and Patrons, for your patience and support. Without it, I would have given up long ago. All participants in sexual acts are adults. If you made it this far into my twisted fantasy, you should be well aware of the dark and...

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I Am The Thorn King The Lord of Brambles

I Am The Thorn King, The Lord Of Brambles CHAPTER ONE I like sunsets, but perhaps not in the traditional sense. If asked, I'll agreewholeheartedly that the oranges are spectacular, that the reds complement thepinks, that it is romantic. The beauty for me, however, lies to the East. Iturn from the sunset to watch the night-rise. The way the last rays of thesun strike the high, craggy mountains of my homeland to give them a pale bloodiness.The clouds, bruising from purple to a smoky blue,...

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INTRODUCTIONWhat happens when a frustrated, compliant, and accommodating housewife is manipulated by a powerful, dominant, and determined man used to getting what he wants in business and life?This is the story of Karen Samson. The 39 year old housewife married to her 43 year old husband with no c***dren who perhaps read a dozen too many romance books. Her frustration over her married life has evolved so slowly it wasn’t a conscious recognition for her. Gerald Samson is a good man, has always...

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The Short and Brutal Life of a Male thing

THE SHORT AND BRUTAL LIFE OF A MALE THINGTHE DECISION From early childhood, Timothy had a powerful attraction to women wearing red lipstick.  His mother’s women friends would kiss him leaving lipstick kisses on his cheeks.  He found it horribly embarrassing but he envied their power to humiliate him by the simple act of kissing him.  Through the psychological mechanism of identification, Timothy wanted to become a woman, but barring that possibility; he wanted to be associated with a woman who...

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Mieko A Catalogue

The Great Kings of Persia“A phrase keeps going through my mind: The Great Kings of Persia.”“What is it? Is it a story? A poem?”“It’s nothing,” she said. “Nothing at all. Just a phrase. A title.”“Storm drift. Something. It could be something,” said Dash. “That’s how ideas work. That’s how inspiration works, right? Something out of the blue. Unconnected, arbitrary. Unrooted.”“I get it,” she said.“Serendipitous.”“I said, I get it,” she whispered. Her head lay on his chest. From there she could see...

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Sally-Anne whistled quietly to herself, in a happy mood as she cleaned Room 517 on the top floor of the hotel. She knew that she had been very lucky to get this temporary job during the school summer holidays: there were not many such opportunities in her quiet medium-sized home town, and she was only a little over sixteen years old, which is the minimum legal age for employment in Britain. Sally-Anne wanted to save money towards paying for driving lessons when she turned seventeen next...

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Mud MagicChapter 3 The Tower

For a blissful moment, Rhys thought he was back in the village, back in Dara’s bed. The soft linen on his naked skin, the smell of apples- “Rise and shine, my boy!” The voice was most definitely not Dara’s. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, blinking furiously. Next to his bed, barely able to look at him over the tall frame and mattress, stood a blonde, beardless dwarf. His hair was neatly parted to one side and he didn’t bother with the student robes, instead wearing a simple shirt, an...

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The Motherly Dungeon

When he'd gotten away with the sword and armor of the Duke's son, Jake had thought he'd had it made. It was an easy escape, all things considered. He knew the castle like the back of his hand. Since his mother had left him there at the tender age of four, he'd learned the hard way about what paths in the castle were quickest, where to go to be alone, where to go to get out - and then come back just as unseen, because he'd had nowhere else to go. He'd also learned a lot of other painful...

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A Sorcerer in Downtown Atlanta Ch 5

Chapter 5 - Lewisburg The next day, Dave drove as he, Maddie, and Cindy made their way up to Tennessee to visit his parents. Their destination was Lewisburg, a tiny little town about an hour south of Nashville; it was about as different from Atlanta as one could find while staying in the southeast, being a rural farm community. Though he loved his parents, Dave always dreaded these trips, as he was forced to unplug from technology for the most part. Hell, his parents didn't even have...

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The Rehearsal

This is an old story of mine which was originally posted on the now defunct Storysite. I've updated it and edited it. The Rehearsal By Belle Gordon The moment Cristopher Pearson walked into my drama class I knew I'd found my Juliet. He moved with grace and poise without slouching, as most teenagers seem to do. He kept his shoulders back and his head erect. He was a little taller than average for his age. He had the classic good looks of a catwalk model; high cheekbones, wide set...

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Matrimony A Making Dreams Come True Companion Volume

Do not try this at home! And don't read it if you are under eighteen years old as it is a story written for adults and not kiddies and contains words of a sexual nature that you will misunderstand. Although this story is set in the same Universe as my 'Making Dreams Come True' stories and features some of the same characters and locations, you do not need to read them first as this one is "free-standing". Matrimony. A 'Making Dreams Come True' Companion Volume. by...

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Loyal Follower

Loyal Follower By: Lyrissa "Beware, Commander, one of your trusted followers is a traitor!" The whispered warning made Adric quirk an eyebrow and consider the words carefully. He had no reason to suspect any of his followers of any sort of treasonous activity, but still he always trusted Illyria's advice. Adric stood up from his planning table, eyeing the room as if he was prepared to see a Horde assassin or Iron Horde spy lunge at him from the shadows, but nothing happened. All...

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Boys Will Be GirlsChapter 2

In this chapter and any future chapters all transsexuals, transvestites, and shemales/lady-boys are referred to as she and her. So the Carmine name opened doors and instead of waiting for an opening I had an appointment with Dr Avram Fine that morning at 10 AM. I arrived 15 minutes early to scout out his practice and I found myself on Cameron Street the home of pretty much nothing but medical offices. They covered everything from cardiologists to sports injury specialists and on to gastro...

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No Way to Treat a Clit

No Way to Treat a ClitPage 1.        She stood before me straight-backed and proud. She wasn't about to slouch to lessen the ripeness of her breasts nor to hide the ampleness of her hips nor the contours of her crotch. She knew she was vulnerable but she wouldn't display it. She stood with her ankles two feet apart with her hip cocked and her hands on her hips like a vision of authority and resistance.        Her face was cheeky and her chin was held high.        Her eyes blazed with...

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This story is a fantasy I just had and like to share with you. I would love to hear your comments, advice and additions to the story. Please contact me at hepburn666 [at] googlemail [dot] com .If you've enjoyed this story, please write me too - then I might write more! [Synopsis] In the years after the German reunion a lot of West-German families claimed to get estates and property from East-German villages. They stated that the claimed property dis-seized from their (grand-)parents as...

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Um Negocio Lucrativo Portuguese

UM NEGÓCIO BEMLUCRATIVO Geraldo AntonioLelis de Freitas UM OSimca Chambord estacionou na Pracinha do Araçatuba Clube, aquela doColégio das Irmãs, vizinha da Praça 19 de fevereiro.Carro novo, cores tradicionais de vermelho e amarelo, linha impecável,conforto até exagerado. No radio tocava Neil Sedaka, "You mean everythingto me", sucesso romântico. Olocal estava deserto. Deserto era modo de se dizer: alguns carros passavampelas ruas Duque de Caxias e Carlos Gomes. Um "biribeiro" gritou um...

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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 8

We were ensconced in the quiet of the desert, outside the Soaring Eagle ranch. We only intruded on them to use the bathroom – and to have breakfast, of course ... and other meals ... and drinks after dinner. I tried to make myself useful, making cornbread under BlueBird's watchful eye. Of course, I wore my new clothes. I had a pair of white jeans, yellow jeans, light tan leather pants, and a whole set of t-shirts in various 'bright' colors. Some of them were nearly indecently cropped...

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Eiffel eacute pisode 1

Eiffel – Chapitre 1Cette histoire qui a changé ma vie se déroule à un moment où j’enchaîne des missions d’audit pour un grand éditeur de logiciel dans le coin du champ de Mars. Provincial et pas forcément très liant avec les employés de l’éditeur du fait de mon travail, j’ai pris l’habitude le midi de déjeuner en flânant vers la tour Eiffel et le Trocadéro.J’y observe avec amusement le jeu du chat et de la souris entre les policiers et les nombreux vendeurs à la sauvette africains qui tentent...

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Making Of a HuCow Jenny

The employment want-ad in Sundays Daily Mirror caught Jenny's eye:SALES REP. WANTEDMedical supply at S.F.L. in need of energetic, enthusiastic individual for immediate part time opening. Flexible hours, excellent salary. Will train, no experience necessary. Some travel required, company vehicle supplied. Please contact:555-123-4567She had been searching for a part-time position since quitting a full-time stint as a legal assistant three months ago. The experience had left a bad taste in her...

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